The Campaign for a New Century


The Campaign for a New Century
The Campaign for a New Century
830 Westview Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30314-3773
“It is my vision that Morehouse
College will be among the very
finest private, undergraduate liberal
arts colleges in the nation—period.
Not just one of the finest historically
black institutions, not just one of
the finest Southern institutions, but
one of the finest colleges and
universities of any kind, anywhere in
the country.”
E. Massey '58
President, Morehouse College
Opening Convocation Address
August 14, 1995
Herman Cain ‘97
Founder and CEO
T.H.E., Inc.
Jeffrey T. Dunn
President and CEO
Ubiquity Brands
Kenneth D. Lewis
Chairman, President and CEO
Bank of America
Lerone Bennett, Jr. ‘49
Hazel O’Leary
John A. Wallace
John H. Bryan
Susan A. Buffet
Joel Z. Hyatt
Ann D. Jordan
Walter E. Massey ‘58
ex-officio member
Otis Moss, Jr. ‘56
ex-officio member
Leo F. Mullin
William I. Rau
B. Franklin Skinner
Samme L. Thompson
John L. Thornton
Gary L. Tooker
John A. Wallace
The Campaign for a New Century
Chester C. Davenport ‘63
Robert C. Davidson ‘67
Curley Dossman ‘73
Jim Moss ‘70
Shaka Rasheed ‘93
Dennis F. Hightower
John C. Whitehead
With the overwhelming success of The Campaign for a New Century, we’ve earned the
right to use words that carry weight — like ambition, success and, most of all, impact.
A VISION—bold, clear and relevant—is often a catalyst
lion-dollar donations. At a time when philanthropic
for change. Nowhere is this more true than the vision
dollars were carefully meted, Morehouse was still a
that Walter E. Massey ’58 had for Morehouse College:
“good investment,” said Campaign co-chair Jeffrey T.
“to be one of the finest liberal arts colleges in the nation—
Dunn, a well-respected business consultant.
period.” President Massey envisioned an academic vil-
While it’s expected that alumni and long-time corporate
lage, a place that reflects the intellectual, spiritual and
donors will continue to support Morehouse, new friends
moral character of its inhabitants. Its creation is key to
gave added credence to the value of the Morehouse
the College’s ability to provide our students with an
experience. Kenneth I. Chenault, chairman and CEO of
education that makes them viable in the new century.
American Express and one of the handful of African
The Campaign for a New Century is the juncture
Americans who sit at the helm of a Fortune 500 company,
where the College’s mission intersects with the cost of
knew about the Morehouse experience from a very credible
building the academic village.
source—his father, Hortenius Chenault ’34. And Julius
The Campaign’s $105.7-million goal was the most
Price, a self-educated man who because of his admiration
ambitious in the history of Morehouse. Not only was the
for his Morehouse-educated pastor, DeQuincey Hentz ’96,
goal twice the amount of the College’s last campaign, but
left the College $356,000—the bulk of his life savings. Mr.
the Campaign occurred at a time when a weak economy
Price once told a family friend that he was impressed that
forecasted a drop in philanthropic giving.
many of the successful black men he read about in news
But a clear vision and strong leadership made the
Campaign the most successful fundraising venture in
the College’s history.
stories were Morehouse graduates.
Because of the generosity of our friends—old and
new—President Massey’s vision of the academic village is
Led by the Morehouse College Board of Trustees,
closer than ever to realization. The Campaign for a New
the Campaign for a New Century, which began July 1,
Century allows Morehouse to be steadfast in our mission,
1997, and met and exceeded the goal a full year before
its official end on June 30, 2006, proved to be a lesson in
yet evolutionary in providing a liberal arts education that is
21st-century relevant. New and renovated facilities, an
mastering possibilities. As Phillip D. Howard ’87, vice
updated curriculum, the capacity to recruit and retain gift-
president for Institutional Advancement, said at the
ed scholars and professors, the technology and tools essen-
onset of the Campaign, the challenge would not be in
tial for new-millennium learning and the inculcation of
generating opportunity—but in seizing it.
spiritual and moral development in the academic experi-
Of all the Campaign’s constituencies, Morehouse
ence are fueling the evolution.
alumni are the most vested. Morehouse is not only an
All of our supporters, from those who gave by the mil-
important part of their past and a large contributor to who
lion to those who gave in increments of time and talent, val-
they are today, but, for many, the College also will be a part
idate our mission to continue to supply Morehouse Men to
of their future as they encourage sons and grandsons,
our community, our nation and our world. In the end, The
nephews and neighbors to attend the institution they love.
Campaign for a New Century allows Morehouse College to
It’s not surprising, then, that Morehouse alumni con-
continue to give to the world well-educated men who have
tributed to the Campaign in record-shattering numbers.
been inspired to lead a complicated world with a balanced
Many of the country’s largest corporations, like the
blend of heart and head, skill and guts, boldness and humility.
The Coca-Cola Co., Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase
and Motorola, continued to endorse the College’s mis-
sion of educating future world leaders with multi-mil-
Willie “Flash” Davis ’56
Morehouse College Board of Trustees
announce that we successfully completed The Campaign for a New Century, surpassing the
$105.7-million goal and raising $118.3 million. This is a noteworthy accomplishment for an
institution known worldwide for excellence and outstanding achievement. Efforts like these are
what keep Morehouse in a category all its own.
The Campaign owes its phenomenal success to the support of many friends of the College,
whose contributions included visionary leadership, extended volunteer hours, sacrifices from family members, and of course financial gifts of all sizes. Combined, these acts of generosity expressed
a resounding vote of confidence in our shared vision of a great American institution not resting on
its laurels, but pursuing ever-higher levels of distinction and service.
The impact of the Campaign is extensive. New and improved academic buildings with electronic classrooms and wireless technology labs; expanded opportunities for faculty to pursue professional renewal; more merit- and need-based scholarships to help students pay for college,
improvements to the College’s technological infrastructure—all have brought Morehouse closer to
achieving the vibrant living and learning environment that characterizes President Walter E.
Massey’s vision of an academic village that reflects the spirit and intelligence of its inhabitants.
Your generous support is shaping the way we educate some of America’s most promising
young men and, in turn, shaping the future of America and the world.
Thank you for ushering Morehouse into this new era of excellence.
Walter E. Massey ’58
Morehouse College
WHEN I RETURNED TO MY ALMA MATER as president in August 1995, Morehouse enjoyed a
worldwide reputation for academic excellence and for producing influential African American
male leaders. Thanks to the stewardship of the College’s previous eight presidents—and the generous contributions of its many supporters—I inherited a solid foundation upon which to build
an even stronger institution for the challenging world of the 21st century.
I returned with a vision for Morehouse.
I saw a college—already one of the best by many standards—poised to move into a new realm of
institutions of higher learning. I saw an institution ready to become one of the very finest private, undergraduate liberal arts colleges in the nation—period. My vision became the College’s shared vision.
It was also crystal-clear that the dawning new century would place incredible demands on
Morehouse. The College would need greater resources with which to recruit Morehouse-caliber
students and faculty; significant enhancements to academic programs; and vast improvements to
facilities and technology.
The Campaign for a New Century was launched in 1997 to garner the resources needed to take
Morehouse to the next level of excellence.
Today, I take great pleasure in saluting the Morehouse College Board of Trustees for leadership
that made the Campaign a watershed in Morehouse history. The enthusiasm, commitment of
resources, and ownership of the Campaign by trustees made all the difference. Friends of
Morehouse responded with unprecedented generosity, helping a great institution advance its
unique mission in ways that meet the demands for a quality, 21st century education. This is—to
say the least—an exhilarating way to begin a century that is sure to stretch our imaginations and
test our resolve to rise continually to new challenges and opportunities.
The true winners of our momentous Campaign are the promising young men of Morehouse.
Generations of students will enjoy the rich and enriching Morehouse experience and discover the
power of their own possibilities.
On behalf of the College, I extend my sincerest appreciation for your contribution to the historic Campaign for a New Century. Thank you for embracing our aspirations of excellence. Thank
you for helping us groom young men of intellect and character into competent, confident graduates eager to take their place and make their mark in a new century—a century that surely will
need the leadership of Morehouse Men.
Herman Cain ’67
Campaign Co-Chair
Jeffrey T. Dunn
Campaign Co-Chair
Ken Lewis
Campaign Co-Chair
AS CO-CHAIRS FOR The Campaign for a New Century, we extend our sincere thanks to all of
you, the volunteers, for your outstanding work in this historic endeavor. This effort would not have
been successful had it not been for your willingness to help share the unique vision and compelling
case for investing in Morehouse.
We saw close up the visionary leadership, dedication and hard work that produced these historic results. In all, more than 100 of you from all across the country helped to reach prospects and
donors as never before, thereby serving a critical role in expanding the College's ability to reach
such lofty targets for garnering support. Notably, your efforts helped to generate giving at historic
levels for leadership, major and annual giving.
Through your dedication and commitment, the Campaign was able to create such momentum
that our $105.7-million goal was reached one full year ahead of schedule, and, ultimately, led us to
raise more than $118 million.
All of you have helped set the standard for the campaigns of the future. Thank you, again, for
helping to build a foundation of support that will propel the College forward for years to come.
Power to Empower
Morehouse College graduates more than
500 African American men each year.
— Oprah Winfrey
Campaign’s Top Donor
Entertainer, Educator and Philanthropist
COLLEGES ACROSS the country flooded
Anthony Roberts with recruitment material
and solicitations. Only a handful of the institutions, however, made Roberts’ A-list:
Morehouse College, Emory University,
Princeton University, Wake Forest University,
University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel
Hill. All of them accepted the Richmond, VA,
son of lawyers whose application for admission profiled a gifted, well-rounded student.
At Richmond’s prestigious Maggie
Walker Governor’s School, a magnet school for
government and international studies, Roberts
excelled in advanced placement courses, participated in the Spanish Club and National
Honor Society, played in the jazz band, sang in
the choir. He made his mark in basketball, golf
and track and field, and volunteered with
Habitat for Humanity and the Salvation Army.
The summer before his senior year, Roberts
participated in Cornell University’s three-week
Leadership Education And Development
(LEAD) Summer Institute for academically
gifted high school students, which included
chats with high-level executives at Pepsi and
JPMorgan Chase in New York. His crowning
achievements: a 1420 SAT score (out of a possible 1600) and 4.0 grade point average.
Roberts visited college campuses and pondered the intangibles. His mother had attended
law school at Emory. Morehouse had a solid
reputation for producing black leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr. Princeton had Ivy
League cachet. His dad had earned an undergraduate degree at Wake Forest. Family members lived near the Chapel Hill campus of UNC.
A Presidential Scholarship
“Following a campus visit my junior year, my
mom encouraged me to take a closer look at
Morehouse,” Roberts recalled. “I think she
believed that Morehouse would provide a
nurturing environment and offer more
opportunities for me to develop leadership
skills.” Roberts was still undecided, however,
— B. Franklin Skinner
Member, Morehouse Board of Trustees
Anthony Roberts
when Sterling Hudson, Morehouse dean of
Admissions and Records, came calling in late
fall of Roberts’ senior year.
“I didn’t really know what to expect,”
Roberts recalled.“We had a good conversation
about my academics and school activities, my
family and my career aspirations. He really
represented Morehouse well. But more than
anything, I was impressed that the dean of
admissions for the entire college would come
interview me personally, at my school.”
The favorable impressions did not stop
there. Morehouse later informed Roberts of
his selection to compete for a full-tuition
Presidential Scholarship, which he eventually
earned.“It was very influential in my selection
process,” Roberts said. “Having the opportunity to attend such a great school for free was
very difficult to turn down. I’ll also admit
there was a prestige factor that attracted me.”
Morehouse also met requirements that his
school of choice be “a place where I could
develop socially, mentally and physically.”
Extending the Morehouse Legacy
Predictably, as a Morehouse student, Roberts is
pursuing an active, achievement-oriented
lifestyle. He is parliamentarian of the
Morehouse Business Association and editor-in-chief of the bi-monthly MBA Today.
A sprinter on the track team, he was voted
by teammates as Newcomer of the Year as a
freshman. That summer, he attended campus set up by New York banks and discovered that Morehouse was well represented,
along with students from Harvard,
—Anthony Roberts
Princeton, Yale and elsewhere—proof that
Morehouse “offers many opportunities for
students who seek them.”
An economics major, Roberts is attracted to a career in the financial services industry.
Wall Street appeals to him, yet he’s entrepreneurial minded. “I also want to have an
impact on other people’s lives, so I am definitely considering being a college professor
later in my career.”
Students like Roberts highlight the
potential that is unleashed when adequate
resources unite Morehouse and Morehouse-caliber prospects. Said Roberts:“I accept that what I
achieve and how I carry myself are not just a
reflection on me, but on my family, my community and Morehouse. I can reflect that
Morehouse continues to produce great leaders
and great people.” ▲
— Sterling Hudson
Dean of Admissions and
EMBARKING ON HIS SENIOR year with a 3.3 grade point average and
advancing toward a degree in political science, Joshua Crawford was, nonetheless, gripped with anxiety. College
financial aid and a part-time job
simply were not generating enough
money to keep up with his tuition
and school fees.
“I had come too far to drop
out, so I was prepared to work
three or four jobs if necessary,” said
the Montrose, Alabama, native.
James Stotts, the College’s
director of financial aid, introduced Crawford to a more desirable option: the Opportunity
Fund. Established by the
Morehouse College Board of Joshua Crawford
Trustees, the endowment offers
assistance to third- and fourth-year students in danger of not completing their
education due to lack of financial resources. For students who find themselves
in that situation, the average shortfall is $5,000 to $7,000. In its first two years,
the Opportunity Fund provided scholarships totalling $504,000 to more than
120 students.
“It’s been a tremendous help for students trying to close the gap in meeting the direct costs of college,” said Stotts. “These students are on that last mile
to graduation. It means so much that the College is able to help. It makes a
statement to the students that ‘we are here to assist you.’”
Because financial difficulty is a primary reason students drop out of
Morehouse, “the Opportunity Fund has the potential to improve the College’s
graduation rate,” Stotts said.
Crawford was awarded a $6,000 scholarship. “It definitely helped me in
terms of having the financial ability to stay at Morehouse, but also in not having to take on even more debt,” said Crawford, who plans to attend law school.
“This was really a golden opportunity for me, and I feel blessed. I will still have
to work some, but not as much, which allows me to concentrate more on my
studies. It’s lifted huge pressure off me.” ▲
1 3
in the Best
Morehouse College
is a sanctuary in the
dearth that is the
current black male education landscape. Everybody feels it.
The visiting executive who fields tough questions about his
company from our business students. The Commencement
speaker who invariably comments on the endless queue of
black male graduates. And even our freshmen, who, upon
their arrival, find it refreshing to find there are many who
are just like them.
Joining the Morehouse brotherhood can be a potent
attraction all its own. Many prospective students yearn to join
a membership that includes Martin Luther King Jr., Shelton
“Spike” Lee, Maynard Jackson, David Satcher, Samuel L.
Jackson, Louis Sullivan, Edwin Moses, and many more.
But, the truth is, when it comes down to making the
final decision about which college to attend, for most
students, the bottom line is finances. Our legacy may attract
them, but scholarship funds seal the deal. In order for
Morehouse to continue to recruit the best students,
especially in these challenging economic times, the College
must offer competitive financial incentives.
Nearly a third of The Campaign for a New Century‘s
goal was allotted to attracting and investing in the best students, a strong indication of how vital it is to support student
scholarship. Further evidence is a new scholarship, the
Opportunity Fund, established by the Morehouse College
Board of Trustees as a stopgap resource for upperclassmen
who need financial assistance to finish college.
The Campaign for a New Century allows the College to
stand with some of the top learning institutions in the nation
in the fierce competition to attract some of the best minds of
the 21st century.
Developing Great Minds
Vivian Brown,
associate professor of modern foreign languages
—Calvin H. Harris Jr.
Class of ’92
WALTER EARL FLUKER has yet to fulfill his
longtime ambition to pastor a church, but
that has not stopped him from preaching. A
preferred topic: ethical leadership as antidote
to complex issues of the 21st century.
The troubles of the world, Fluker warns,
are increasingly linked to growing conflict
between systemworlds, those vast impersonal
systems dictated by power and money (politics and economics), and lifeworlds, the commonplace, everyday traffic of life where citizens meet and greet one another, where common values and beliefs about order and the
world are held.
According to Fluker, “this is where the
real battle will be waged for the soul of
America and the world.”
Fluker’s pulpit, for now, is the 12-yearold Leadership Center at Morehouse College
(LCMC), where he has served as executive
director since 1998. In 2003, during The
Campaign for a New Century, the Coca-Cola
Foundation donated $3 million to the Center,
$1.5 million of which endowed Fluker as the
Coca-Cola Professor of Leadership Studies.
“The endowed chair anchors the leadership studies program,” Fluker said. “It takes
care of my salary and frees up other resources
for the College. It also allows me to teach and
gives me a certain mobility.”
Hope and Possibility
Under Fluker’s direction, the Center has
developed into a preeminent academic center for the study and practice of ethical leadership in national and global venues. With
an array of educational, research and training programs, the Center’s focus is developing a new generation of leaders who are spiritually disciplined, intellectually astute and
morally anchored—leaders who engender
hope and possibility.
Contributions from civic and philanthropic organizations have been critical to
the Center’s stability and rise to promi-
KENNETH I. CHENAULT, chairman and CEO of American Express, pledged $1 million
to the Campaign to establish an endowed chair in the Division of Science and
Mathematics. The chair will be named in honor of his father, Hortenius Chenault, who
graduated from Morehouse with honors in 1934 and from Howard University’s College
of Dentistry in 1939. He then passed the New York state dental licensing exam with the highest score recorded to date,
and went on to practice dentistry until 1987 in Hampstead, N.Y. Hortenius Chenault died in 1990 at the age of 80.
Ken Chenault, who is one of the first African American CEOs of a Fortune 500 company, admired his father’s determination. During World War II, the elder Chenault enlisted in the Army, but segregation blocked his path into the multinational Allied Dental Corps. Undaunted, he befriended a group of foreign officers and entered the corps through an
international arm. ‘’He overcame every possible type of obstacle,’’ Ken Chenault said in a Newsday article. ▲
Walter E. Fluker, executive director of the Morehouse College Leadership Center
nence, Fluker said. “Their support has
been wonderful, and it says a lot about
how they value education and about how
they value ethical leadership. We honor
them by being good stewards, by managing the resources in ways that maximize
their impact on students.”
The endowed chair comes with teaching
responsibilities. And Fluker, a speaker, lecturer and consultant to organizations worldwide, delights in spreading the gospel of ethical leadership to a new generation of emerging leaders at Morehouse. The Center offers a
minor in leadership studies, an interdisciplinary exploration of leadership history and
theory. With unbridled enthusiasm, Fluker
teaches the capstone course, which examines
ethical leadership and African American
moral traditions.
“I want students to better understand the
traditions that shaped many of the great leaders
who are part of the Morehouse leadership tradition,” he said.“We identify the moral vocabulary that was part of leaders like W.E.B. DuBois,
Henry McNeal Turner, Mordecai Wyatt
Johnson, Benjamin E. Mays, Howard
Thurman, E. Franklin Frazier and others. We
identify the specific habits and practices—such
as industry, thrift, self-regulation and, most
importantly,lifting as you climb—that fund the
morally anchored character, transformative acts
of civility; and a sense of community of ethical
WHEN HERMAN “SKIP” MASON JR. was named director of the Morehouse Learning Resource Center (LRC)
in late 2003, he discovered “a great facility that was understated and underused. There were lots of empty bookshelves and the building’s walls were bare.” But to Mason, a barren wall was like an artist’s canvas. “I saw an
opportunity to create,” he said.
Mason had transformed the LRC’s sterile environment into an engaging exhibit space—
“an atmosphere of inspiration.” Hanging on the walls and displayed throughout the landmark rotunda
were more than 100 pictures and artifacts of the College’s rich history.
Storytelling is Mason’s forte. A noted historian who also serves as College archivist, Mason discovered in
his new position a unique opportunity. “As archivist, I could merge the history of the College with the goals
and mission of the Learning Resource Center. What may have appeared to be an unnatural fit actually turned
out to be just right in terms of creating the atmosphere I wanted.”
A gift from Morehouse alumnus Edward J. Roberts ’38 and his wife, Hermese, endowed Mason’s
position. An $825,000 bequest from the estate of the Morehouse graduate enabled the College to
complete a $1-million match from
the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,
establishing the Edward and Hermese
Roberts Learning Resource Center
Endowed Directorship.
Mason takes special pride in the center’s culturally stimulating programs,
believing “you can’t overdo programming
that will encourage students to reach
beyond their current horizons.”
As for the center’s ambiance, “I
sometimes catch students sitting there
gazing at the pictures. To me, that says I
am accomplishing what I had hoped—
to have students come here and be
inspired to learn.” ▲
Appetite for Learning
Fluker became enamored of ethical leadership in the 1990s while researching a book on
ethical leadership from the black church tradition. The more he learned, the more his
fascination grew. He encourages students to
develop a similar appetite for reading,
research, travel—learning. “Some of them
take me on,” he said. “Students are normally
hungry or else they don’t come and see me.”
Fluker holds a doctorate in social ethics
from Boston University, a master of divinity
degree from Garrett-Evangelical Seminary
and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and
biblical studies from Trinity College. His prior
academic experience includes professorial
and administrative positions at Vanderbilt
University, Harvard College, Dillard
University and Colgate-Rochester Divinity
However, he reminds his students that
intellectual brilliance is not enough.
“We want students to be smart,” he said,
“but we also want good human beings who
are leaders. Our society needs that, and our
world needs that.” ▲
Herman “Skip” Mason Jr., director of the Learning Resource Center
and Retaining
Ask a Morehouse
graduate about the
people who influenced him, and no doubt he will name several Morehouse
professors. Filmmaker Shelton “Spike” Lee recalls how the red
pen of English professor Delores Stephens bled on many of his
papers, but credits her with making him a better writer. Keith
Hollingsworth, associate economics professor, spent a summer in an African bungalow with no electricity and plumbing
so that he could work side by side with six of his students to
build a fence around a school—and teach his students the
virtue of self-sacrifice for common good.
The hallmark of any great institution is the quality of
instruction and level of commitment from its faculty. If
Morehouse College is to become one of the finest liberal
arts colleges in the nation, then it must continue to attract
and keep professors like Drs. Stephens and Hollingsworth.
The Campaign for a New Century rewards the faculty’s
scholarly ambition and achievement by boosting development resources that support scholarly research, publication
and participation in educational conferences, as well as by
providing tools for 21st-century teaching such as “smart”
classrooms and wireless access. Campaign dollars also created three prestigious endowed faculty chairs for the
Morehouse College Leadership Center, the Learning
Resource Center and the Division of Humanities.
The Campaign for a New Century helps support the professors who will teach the young men who will change the world.
Space to Soar
The Leadership Center building
functions as a global laboratory
that addresses the increasing need
for ethnically diverse leadership in
a broad range of academic,
community, governmental and
business environments.
—Walter E. Massey '58
President, Morehouse College
Division of Business Administration and
Economics about the impact of the division’s location in the College’s new
Leadership Center building and they all talk
about the amazing space.
Development (LPD) seminars, which help
students develop everything from presentation skills to business etiquette, now take
place in the state-of-the-art confines of the
Leadership Center building’s GeorgiaPacific Auditorium, a contemporary, 311plus-seat lecture hall with advanced
audio/visual equipment that includes a
ceiling-mounted projection screen and a
“smart” podium. In fact, technology features throughout the facility make the
70,000-square-foot building a 21st century
“The impact on us is monumental,”
said John E. Williams, division dean and
Mills Lane professor of finance. “Given the
quality of business school this is perceived
to be, the quality of faculty we want to
attract, and the level of firms that come
here to recruit, there is a required business
culture and environment. We now have a
facility that reflects that culture, which
begins with having a ‘smart’ building.”
The Leadership Center building officially opened at the beginning of the 200506 academic year. In addition to the
Division of Business Administration and
Economics, the four-story campus landmark houses The Leadership Center at
Morehouse College, functioning as a global laboratory that addresses the increasing
need for ethical leadership in a broad range
of academic, community, governmental
and business environments.
Also headquartered in the facility are
the Bonner Office of Community Service,
the Emma and Joe Adams Public Service
Institute, and the Andrew Young Center for
International Affairs.
WHEN THE REV. DR. OTIS MOSS JR. ’56 WAS A STUDENT at Morehouse, finances were tight. In
his sophomore year, he recalls receiving two letters one day. The first was from the Morehouse Business
Office asking him to move off campus because he had failed to pay his room and board fees.
The second letter was from a church in Detroit where he had earlier served as a summer volunteer. It contained the seeds of his faith.
“It had a check sufficient enough to take care of my bills for the rest of the school year,” said Moss.
“The pastor of the church had written: ‘I don’t want you to ever stop your education for lack of money.’
“I learned in literal fashion that God does move in mysterious ways.”
A half century later on May 12,
2006, Moss became one of a handful
of people to have a building named in
his honor on the Morehouse campus.
The Otis Moss Jr. Residential
Suites is a sprawling residential
complex consisting of two buildings, 375 beds, and units of oneroom studios, and two- and threebedroom suites and apartments
(which include living areas and full
kitchens). With its computer labs,
convenient laundry facilities, and
meditation and study rooms, Moss
said that, if he were a 21st century
student, it would be where he
would want to reside on campus. Otis Moss Jr. '56, who served for nearly 25 years on the Board of
The fact that Moss’s name will Trustees and recently stepped down as its chairman, is the namesake
of the renamed Morehouse Residential Suites.
reside permanently on the residential complex speaks volumes about a
legacy of service that is already set in stone.
“There are only so many buildings on campus, so you can only imagine that naming this
building after him tells of his significant contributions,” said Willie “Flash” Davis ’56, who succeeded Moss as chairman of the Board of Trustees and is one of his classmates. (Moss continues to
serve as a member of the Board.)
“Moss is a salutary influence of example, of vision, of faith,” said President Walter E.
Massey’58. “He embraces a grand vision—not an ordinary vision—for the College in making
it one of the best colleges in the nation, period.
“Generations of young men will dream, learn, study and pray in this hall they will call home.” ▲
Leadership Center building
and corporate representatives not at a
The building’s computer and informa- downtown hotel, but on campus—in the
tion technology promote collaboration Conference Center of the Leadership
among students, faculty, administration Center building.
and staff, as well as creates classrooms
without borders. Students can sit in a Competitive Edge
lecture room in Atlanta and have discus- “We are very fortunate,” said Williams.
sions with a world leader thousands of “Our students compete with students
miles away. Users can access information from some of the best schools in the
in a wireless Internet lab then manipu- country, and they have to be trained comlate it from a networked computer parably. Smart classrooms, for example,
make a difference to us. It is necessary to
“I like that the business school has an go online and find out what the market is
Internet lab that allows us to do our doing right now, real-time. With access to
research projects among other business this kind of contemporary technology,
students, and that faculty have more pri- our students can leave here and go to
vate space for consultation with students,” Wall Street—as so many of them do—
said Kyles Giles, a junior.
and not be intimidated by that environInstructors using multimedia boards, ment.” Of the 150 to 175 students the
or “smart” boards, in the lecture rooms division graduates annually, a large permay digitally capture, recall and project centage end up at financial institutions
their written notes. The facility also has a such as JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup,
Conference Center capable of accommo- Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch.
dating up to 500 guests in a formal banLikewise, Williams said, “when corquet setting.
porate representatives from multi-nation“We are light years into the future— al corporations come here as our guests,
it’s phenomenal,” said Benjamin P. they shouldn’t have to feel they are out of
McLaurin, the division’s director of career their element. We should be able to match
services. He noted that in spring 2006, for their business culture, at least to the extent
the first time in many years, the business that higher education is able to do so. In
school’s annual E.B. Williams Awards this facility, we can comfortably accomBanquet accommodated students, faculty modate our visitors.” ▲
Global Collaborations
—Andre E. Bertrand ‘76
Vice President for Campus Operations
Creating the
Every third Thursday
in August, the parents of nearly 800
Morehouse freshmen entrust their sons to Morehouse, a school
that many of them eagerly endorsed as perhaps the only institution in this nation that will guide their sons’ transformation into
a scholar who is also a doer, a leader who is also a servant.
Parents aren’t the only ones who carefully select
Morehouse. Many of the young scholars themselves, as well
as professors, administrators and staff, choose Morehouse
over many of the nation’s most prestigious institutions.
President Walter E. Massey ’58 shared his vision for the
ideal environment for this community of selective academicians: the academic village—a place that reflects the intellectual, emotional and moral development of its inhabitants.
Everything from teaching to technology, from facilities to
even the flowerbeds should reflect the College’s mission of
The Campaign’s most physically towering success, the
Leadership Center facility, best exemplifies the inherent synergy between space and pursuit. The building is home to the
Division of Business Administration and Economics, whose
mission is to produce astute businessmen who lead with their
heads and their hearts, as well as several programs that focus
on community involvement and ethical leadership training.
The Campaign for a New Century built the academic village.
Accountable, Outcome-Based Education
The Wall Street Journal listed
Morehouse as a top feeder
school for the nation’s most
elite professional and graduate
— David V. Taylor
Provost and Senior Vice President
for Academic Affairs
A SELECT 150 FRESHMEN entering
Morehouse in fall 2006 embarked on a
path that was new even to Morehouse: the
trial of a revised core curriculum for the
The pilot is the first extensive evaluation of the College’s core curriculum, or
general education program, since the
1970s, said Hazel Arnett Ervin, director of
the General Education Program. Core curriculum generally refers to coursework not
related to a student’s major that all newly
admitted students must take. Supported by
The Campaign for a New Century,
Morehouse’s three-year pilot (2006-2009)
is helping the College assess and strengthen student learning.
“This was something the College
needed,” said Ervin. “It also comes at a
time when there is a national push for Julian Wilson
greater accountability in higher education. The pilot allows us to address the ents were favorably impressed with the
issue of accountability and bring the makeover concept. “I think just the fact
College into the 21st century.”
that Morehouse was making changes to
improve its curriculum was what made us
Age of Accountability
agree to my participation in the pilot,”
A 2002 report of the Association of said Wilson, an Atlanta native who is
American Colleges and Universities working toward a dual degree in applied
(AACU), of which Morehouse is a member, physics and mechanical engineering. “My
declared that students must be prepared to parents wanted me to get the best educathrive in a “knowledge-intensive economy,” tion possible.”
“globally engaged democracy” and “technological society where innovation is key to Measuring Up
progress and success.”
Both the pilot and current curriculum
“It is not enough,” Ervin said, “to share the same goals and student learnpoint to a few, or even many, student suc- ing outcomes of the General Education,
cess stories and say, ‘see, success is happen- or core, curriculum apply to the pilot
ing at our school.’ The questions are: Is suc- and to the College’s current core curcess happening consistently among our riculum. However, the pilot introduces
students? How do we know that each stu- a new model of student development,
dent has mastered each particular skill that depending largely on student-centered,
we want out students to master? Do we outcome-based learning with quantitaunderstand how we are achieving these tive and qualitative measures of
achievement. Before advancing to their
Freshman Julian Wilson and his par- majors, students in the pilot are required
SCIENTISTS AND PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS who study community health issues often take a detached,
scientific approach that fails to engage community residents. Using this method, the investigators sometimes
overlook social factors influencing community wellness. A $4-million grant by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is
helping Morehouse College researchers develop a radically different research model.
The grant funds a five-year health disparities project by the Morehouse College Research Center on Health
Disparities, in partnership with other educational institutions, called “Health Disparities, Ethics, and
Participation: New Tools and New Visions.” Diane Rowley, the center’s director, and Bill Jenkins, the center’s associate director and research associate professor of science and mathematics, lead Morehouse in developing a
community-centered model for eliminating
disparities in health status by targeting the
major social factors that cause disease and
by offering community residents a stronger
voice in determining what will be studied in
the project.
“I think one of the problems is we
assume healthcare is about access,” Rowley
said. “We need to look at the social determinants of health—racism, socioeconomic
status, education, cultural difference—that
are not looked at by the medical community. If those root causes are addressed, we can
develop healthy communities.”
The project also hopes to capitalize on
the relationship that Historically Black Diane Rowley, director of the Research Center on Health
Disparities, with Douglas Taylor, director of the Southeast
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have
Community Research Center, Terri Wright, program officer with
with the community.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation, and President Walter E. Massey '58
“We see HBCUs as part of the community,” Rowley said. “We have always been
there to solve problems. The key is that the new approach is using students and faculties from HBCUs to capitalize on the relationship. ”
The Healthcare Georgia Foundation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provided some
funding for the pilot phase of the project. ▲
to demonstrate proficiencies in English,
math and critical thinking.
“The labs and co-curricular activities”
said Wilson, “basically reaffirm what we
learn in class, but they also give us an
opportunity to clarify material that was
covered.” Wilson, who is strong in math,
welcomes the English lab. “It’s definitely
straight forward in telling you where you
are and where you need help.”
On the flip side of the coin is Melvin
Colbert, a marketing major from Fort
Washington, Md., who appreciates how the
math lab has strengthened his skills.
“The student knows at all times how
he is progressing,” said Ervin. Systematic
and ongoing assessment and evaluations
point out difficulties and the necessary
corrective measures.
“I feel very comfortable with it,”
Michael Rawlings of Dallas said of his
participation in the pilot. “Morehouse
wants to stay up with the times and find
the best ways to educate us.” ▲
IN APRIL 2005, the Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation awarded the College a $4.5-million endowment, which will support 60 Bonner scholars annually. The program provides monetary support to students
who have demonstrated both financial need and a commitment to community service. The program greatly enhances the culture of service at Morehouse—where nearly two-thirds of students participate in community service programs.
By August 2007, the College is expected to match the Bonner Foundation grant with a $2-million completion grant, creating the Bonner Scholar Endowment. Donors to this program would extend financial support
to students and perpetuate the philosophy that anyone can be great, because anyone can serve. ▲
Enriching the
Students today live
in a world dramatically different from
the one their fathers and grandfathers encountered.
Information from anywhere on the globe can be accessed
instantaneously; issues that originate overseas often land in
our own backyards; trends in everything from finances to
fashion blaze worldwide trails.
Still,the founding mission of Morehouse College is just as relevant today as it was 140 years ago: to produce African American
leaders for their communities,the nation and the world.The ageless wisdom of a mission conceived in the 19th century keeps us
focused on our commitment to develop intellectually, socially
and morally centered citizens for the 21st century.
The Campaign for a New Century allowed the College
to revise its core curriculum. The process, which began
with a three-year pilot that will help the College assess
and strengthen student learning, ensures that our 21st
century scholars will be able to successfully negotiate a
more global, knowledge-intensive, technological society.
The Campaign for a New Century enhances the academic experience Morehouse provides so that it will
stand the test of time in a new world and a new millennium.
TECHNOLOGY IS NOT THE WAVE of the future. It is the reality of today and
the opportunity of tomorrow.
Technology has astonishing capabilities to open pathways to vast worlds of
information and ideas, to help students learn and practice 21st century skills, to
provide administrators with data analysis and assessment tools that lead to
more informed decision-making, and to connect the College to educational
partners at other universities and in the business community. These are just a
few of the applications that inform the College’s commitment to achieving
excellence in technology.
Donor support for the technology initiative of The Campaign for a New
Century and the generous investments of corporations and foundations have
funded significant improvements to the College’s technological infrastructure
in recent years—including, for example, construction of the John H. Hopps Jr.
Technology Tower, wiring of the campus and outfitting for wireless capabilities at several campus locations.
Our vision—in fact, our responsibility—is to do much more. An explosion of possibilities for technology-based teaching and learning, as well as our
increasingly technologically sophisticated students, demand that we aggressively invest in and continually expand the College’s technological infrastructure. Among other things, we seek to create universal electronic classrooms, to
enhance the video and network server for distance learning, and to develop
faculty for teaching in technology. Support for this initiative would strengthen Morehouse’s ability to keep pace with rapid global changes in technology,
as well as advance the College’s emergence as an innovator in educational
technology. ▲
Joan Sawyer (standing), associate professor of computer science, and Nedra M.
Mahone, an instructor in the Division of Business and Economics, receive TTP
EACH YEAR WITHOUT FAIL, scores of multi-national corporations visit Morehouse to recruit students in the Division
of Business Administration and Economics. The persistent
interest in Morehouse students by the corporate community and the division’s 90-percent graduate placement rate
reflect the division’s well-earned reputation for preparing
students, through an outstanding curriculum and innovative co-curricula activities, for corporate success.
Stiff competition from other institutions for top faculty
makes it imperative for the College to demonstrate its commitment to retaining well-respected, high-achieving scholars
for critical leadership positions.
To that end, a major priority for
Morehouse is to fund an
endowed chair for the dean of
the Division of Business
Administration and Economics.
Sponsorship of the endowed
chair would give Morehouse a competitive edge, offering recognition for persons of exceptional academic distinction and providing stable funding for a position that is key to the division’s
continued success. ▲
The Journey
ON JUNE 23, 2006, Morehouse College became the owner of
one of the greatest American archives of the 20th century. This
monumental collection is noteworthy because it contains
10,000 items dating from 1946 to 1968, and includes handwritten drafts of Dr. King’s famous speeches and writings, including his “I Have a Dream” speech and his Nobel Peace Prize
acceptance speech.
With the honor of bringing the King Collection “home” to
Morehouse comes the responsibilities of stewardship of this
national treasure. The College is seeking $1.5 million to ensure
that the Collection is professionally archived and appropriately
exhibited—a process that includes sorting, arranging and
describing pieces, repairing and conserving items and digitizing
material. Benefactors of the project would support the College
in promoting insight into the thoughts of one of America’s
greatest leaders and in offering Morehouse students new
avenues of inquiry and discovery about a man who once sat
where they sit today. ▲
THE PROPOSED Morehouse College Center for the Arts, which
includes the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center and Morehouse
Music Education Building, is further evidence of the College’s commitment to enhance the study of the arts in its world-class liberal arts
education. The completion of the $20-million, 76,000-square-foot
facility is a top priority for the College. Creating an attractive gateway
to the campus’s south entrance, the Center will provide a much-needed cultural venue in the historic West End community and augment
College initiatives in community revitalization and arts programming.
To date, a total of $10 million in gifts and pledges has been
raised for the project’s Ray Charles Performing Arts Center, a 575seat concert hall that also will accommodate musical and theatrical performances. Significant contributions include a $2-million
donation by Ray Charles; a $1-million gift from Joe Adams, longtime manager of Ray Charles Enterprises and a major supporter
of Morehouse; a donation of $500,000 by David Geffen, cofounder of DreamWorks, to fund a digital music library; and a
fundraiser in Charles’ honor that raised $670,000. Support for the
Center would materially enhance Morehouse College’s legacy of
leadership in the arts. ▲
CONSISTENT WITH THE VISION of creating a multidimensional academic village is
the College’s commitment to providing the kind of state-of-the-art physical facilities
that are part and parcel of a 21st century educational experience. Such facilities should
include a modern learning resource center specifically designed and equipped for
today’s students and faculty and the resources they require.
The current Learning Resource Center—which serves as the College’s principal
on-campus study facility and as the electronic link to the Robert W. Woodruff Library
of the Atlanta University Center—is undersized and under-equipped to handle the
growing demands placed on it by our young scholars. The College seeks funding for
construction of a learning resource center that would sustain the highest standards of
quality in instructional support, including computer labs, media technology, listening/viewing stations, multimedia production equipment, and enhanced learning and
information services. Donors to this initiative would assist the College in providing
an environment that helps the modern student tap his full potential. ▲
The Campaign for a New Century
Phillip D. Howard ’87
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
FROM ITS FOUNDING, Morehouse has been a place built upon great expectations. The
Campaign for a New Century was no different. We had all of the essential ingredients for a successful campaign: a clear vision for the institution, committed leadership, and alumni, friends and
partners who believed in the great promise Morehouse presents to our global community.
The Campaign’s success is a victory won by the people and institutions who saw the need to
invest in the glorious enterprise known as Morehouse as never before: you, our donors. It is your
commitment that fueled record-setting giving in such areas as million-dollar gifts, major gifts and
overall alumni participation. These historic achievements will not only benefit the community of
faculty, staff and students who live, work and learn at Morehouse, but our global neighbors, as
well—because the world still values and needs the transformative leadership of Morehouse men.
The faculty, staff and the Office of Institutional Advancement team worked tirelessly to help
achieve major Campaign initiatives, which now form a solid foundation for future fundraising
Thank you to all of our donors for investing in the future of one of the nation’s most important learning institutions. The success of the Campaign validates Morehouse as a national treasure
and creates a great platform for the College’s continued growth.
Thank you, again, to each of you for investing in Morehouse College.
June 30, 2006
$118.3 Million
($ millions)
Goal: $105.7M
Faculty Development
Special Projects
As of 10/24/06
Source: OIA
As of 10/24/06
Source: OIA
Lead = $100,000+
Major = $25,000 - 99,999
Supporting = $1 - 24,999
Source: OIA
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Capital Campaign
Source: OIA, Office of Business and Finance
Federal Data as of Nov. 2006
— Phillip D. Howard ’87
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Report on Giving
Legend: Donors are listed in
descending gift order.
$1,000,000 and above
Oprah Winfrey
Artis White **
Eugene Mitchell
Charles D. Moody Jr. ’78
Robert C. Davidson Jr. ’67
Chester C. Davenport ’63
Herman J. Russell
Kenneth and Kathryn Chenault
$500,000 - $999,999
Shirley E. and Walter E. Massey ’58
Shelton “Spike” Lee ’79
John Thornton
$250,000 - $499,999
Benjamin A. Blackburn II ’61
Dwight C. Minton
Charles H. James III ’81
Maynard H. Jackson Jr. ’56 *
Joel Z. Hyatt
$100,000 – $249,999
Catherine B. and Wayne Reynolds
Lorna and Michael K. Lindsay ’75
Clinton E. Warner Jr. ’44
Hazel R. O’Leary
Aieline L. Hall
Marlene and Jim Moss ’70
Curley M. Dossman Jr. ’73
Arthur J. McClung Jr. ’66
Jean and Robert E. Steele ’65
Butler A. Jones ’37*
Reginald E. Davis ’84
Diane and Gary L. Tooker
Jeffrey T. Dunn
Rufus H. Rivers ’86
Charles G. Adams
Neville and John H. Bryan
Donald R. Hopkins ’62
Harold A. Dawson Sr. ’63
Albert J. Price Sr. ’50
Charles W. Cherry Sr. ’49 *
Gerald L. Truesdale ’71
Laura and John A. Wallace
Louis W. Sullivan ’54
Herman Cain ’67
J. Douglas Holladay
Susan A. Buffett
David M. Franklin ’64
Cecil P. Brown ’66
Jesse Hill Jr.
Dale E. Jones ’82
Robert L. Mallett ’79
George B. Brown ’67
Edward H. Saunders ’49 *
F. Euclid Walker ’94
Julius S. Abdur-Rahim
Charles E. Allen ’70
William G. Bowen
George Wallerstein
Company, Inc.
Wal-Mart, Inc.
Allen & Company, Inc.
Synovus Financial Corporation
* Deceased
** Recognized for bequest gift
$1,000,000 and above
Legend: Donors are listed in
descending gift order.
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Bank of America Foundation
Motorola, Inc.
Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
The Corella & Bertram F. Bonner
Foundation Inc.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
The Emma and Joe Adams
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Robinson Foundation for Hearing
Disorders, Inc.
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
The Pew Charitable Trusts
The RockSprings Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
$500,000 - $999,999
Legend: Donors are listed in
descending gift order.
$1,000,000 and above
Goldman, Sachs & Company
UPS Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Catholic Healthcare West
BP Foundation, Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
GE Fund
Forty Acres & A Mule Filmworks,Inc.
Georgia Power
General Motors Corporation
SunTrust Bank, Inc.
Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
Corning Incorporated
American Honda Motor
Company, Inc.
FannieMae Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
$100,000 – $249,999
Georgia-Pacific Corporation
Lucent Technologies
Credit Suisse First Boston
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Alcoa Foundation
Procter & Gamble Corporation
Texaco, Inc.
C. D. Moody Construction
The David and Lucile Packard
Zeist Foundation Inc.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Southern Education Foundation
David Geffen Foundation
The Goizueta Foundation
The Thornton Foundation
$250,000 - $499,999
Health 1st Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation
The Starr Foundation
The Bush Foundation
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
Susan and Joel Hyatt Family
$100,000 - $249,999
The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
George H. & Jane A. Mifflin
Catherine B. Reynolds Foundation
Greater Boston Morehouse Alumni
The Arthur Vining Davis
Tom Joyner Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight
Tull Charitable Foundation
ARCS/Achievement Rewards for
College Scientists Foundation, Inc.
The David, Helen and Marian
Woodward Fund
American Baptist Churches USA
Hartford Memorial Baptist Church
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
The Susan A. Buffett Foundation
John and Mary Franklin
Foundation, Inc.
William Randolph Hearst
James M. Cox Foundation
Katherine John Murphy Foundation
Special Gifts
Darlene and Herbert L. Charles ’64
Estate of Charles B. Bailey Sr. ’32
Estate of Jessie M. Battle
Estate of Julia W. Bower
Estate of Terry M. Brookins ’47
Estate of Beryl O. Brooks
Estate of Winfred O. Bryson Jr. ’36
Estate of Mary Louise Burnham
Estate of Earlene B. Christopher
Estate of Leon Clark ’40
Estate of Jesse Cook ’50
Estate of Myrtle B. Crawford
Estate of Grace H. Delorme
Estate of Emily S. Dickerson
Estate of Leon M. Elam ’42
Estate of Barnabas W. Glenn ’54
Estate of Roy Hunter Jr. ’50
Estate of Francisco Iberra
Estate of Marion G. Ivory
Estate of Cornelius Jackson ’21
Estate of Elijah Jackson ’39
Estate of Johnny C. Johnson ’50
Estate of Butler A. Jones ’37
Estate of Andrew Z. Keller ’49
Estate of Robert LaPrince ’68
Estate of William J. Massey
Estate of Isabel Mathey
Estate of Edward C. Miller
Estate of Lonnie B. Moore ’38
Estate of Thelma G. Mumford
Estate of Samuel M. Nabrit ’25
Estate of Julius Price
Estate of Edward J. Roberts ’38
Estate of Irving Tredwell
Estate of Albert Wells ’42
Estate of William M. Wesley ’43
Estate of Janet Wesson
Bequest of Artis A. White ’51
Report on Giving
Legend: Donors are listed in
alphabetical gift order.
$50,000 - $99,999
Billye S. Aaron
James S. Alexander Jr. ’83
Theodore M. Alexander III ’84
Herbert A. Allen
Clarence Avant
Porter Bingham ’83
Angela R. Carter
Timothy C. Collins
James W. Compton ’61
William H. Cosby Jr.
Willie J. Davis ’56
Denise M. H. Day
Robbie J. Dix III ’67
Jeffrey A. Dugas Sr. ’76
James D. Henry ’61
Jesse J. Ingram ’69
M. Douglas Ivester
Calvin W. Jackson Jr. ’52
Leroy R. Johnson ’49
N. Judge King ’57
Hazel Kirkpatrick
Robert Levin
J. Bruce Llewellyn
Lamell McMorris ’95
Dorsey C. Miller Jr. ’65
Oscar J. Moore Jr. ’55
Otis Moss Jr. ’56
Avery A. Munnings ’86
Earl J. Nero Jr. ’72
Roderic I. Pettigrew ’72
Robert A. Pritzker
Joe S. Ratliff ’72
Victor L. Reid ’78
Charles M. Reynolds Jr. ’58
B. Franklin Skinner
Lawrence M. Small
R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr. ’66
W. Kelvin Walker ’84
John C. Whitehead
Keith D. Wright ’87
Andrew J. Young
Samuel A. Young Jr. ’70
$25,000 - $49,999
Leroy W. Aiken ’55
Waldo R. Banks Jr. ’86
Dorothy Bearden
Lerone Bennett Jr. ’49
Charles A. Bibbs
Robert H. Bolton Jr. ’86
Amos C. Brown ’64
Joy San W. Brown
Michael A. Bryant ’87
Brian K. Buchanan ’83
Gregory T. Burrell ’90
Alfred M. Byrd ’66
Richard C. Caesar ’40
BeBe Moore Campbell*
Reuben Cannon
Howard H. Carey ’57 *
Floyd G. Carroll II ’83
William A. Clement Jr. ’64
Hamp Coley ’57
Samuel DuBois Cook ’48
Deborah and Robert B. Crews Jr.
Monet and Clarence A. Daniels Jr.
Jimmie L. Davis Jr. ’90
Griffin F. Day Jr. ’63
Luther W. Dennis ’50
William P. Diggs Jr. ’49
Roderick E. Edmond ’83
David H. Ferguson ’81
Duane Ferrell
Emile Fisher
Dennis C. Francis Jr. ’89
Tony D. Francis
J. Leon Gilchrist ’56
Hugh M. Gloster Sr. ’31 *
Yvonne K. Gloster
Randolph O. Grant Jr. ’59
Arnold T. Grisham
James R. Hall ’57
Alvin E. Harris ’73
James Hawes III ’69
Archibald B. Hill III ’84
Clemmon H. Hodges II ’82
Julius H. Hollis ’72
Richard O. Hope ’61
Pamela L. Jackson
Reggie M. Jackson
Rollin F. Jackson ’92
William M. Jenkins Jr. ’53
Michael S. Johnson
Gordon L. Joyner ’72
Lonnie C. King Jr. ’69
Ronald T. Lemezis
Michael L. Lomax ’68
Donald E. Long ’64
C. Linden Longino Jr.
Kevin D. Mason ’79
Philip H. McCall Jr. ’69
Charles E. Merrill Jr.
Terence A. Merritt ’89
Carlton Molette ’59
Ira L. Moreland ’83
Steve Newsum
Adlai L. Pappy ’81
Ernest L. Peeples ’87
Donald D. Pollock ’59
C. Clayton Powell Jr. ’76
Joseph L. Press III ’84
Shaka Rasheed ’93
DeWayne H. Reed ’84
Fred B. Renwick ’50
Wilhelmina C. Rhetta
Christopher J. Richardson ’84 *
Samuel L. Richardson ’49
Thomas N. Scott ’84
Willis B. Sheftall Jr. ’64
James H. Shelton ’89
Chad D. Simmons ’88
Lee B. Stephens III ’81
Mac A. Stewart ’63
James O. Suber Sr. ’64
Juan R. Thomas ’92
Henry M. Thompson ’66
Darryl J. Tookes ’82
Philip S. Tyus ’59
Horace T. Ward ’49
Stanley E. Washington ’85
Charles V. Willie ’48
Brent L. Wilson ’73
Terry L. Woodard ’81
Ronald A. Wright ’81
$10,000 - $24,999
Earl Andrews ’67
Teresa C. Artis
Lorenzo T. Bailey ’70
Rahn K. Bailey ’86
Grover W. Barnes
Richard L. Bass ’53
Malcolm Bernard Jr. *
Aubrey Blue
A. Scott Bolden ’84
Herman F. Bostick ’49
Edward W. Bowen ’72
Rufus Bowling Jr. ’59
Wesley O. Boyd ’61
Cecil H. Brim ’72
Cedric T. Britt ’87
Calvin A. Brown Jr. ’52 *
Clarence R. Brown ’40
Moses Brown Jr. ’75
Wade Bryant
Russell I. Buchanan ’84
Willie H. Burks ’70
Melvin D. Caldwell Jr. ’75
Calvin L. Calhoun Sr. ’48 *
W. Byron Calhoun ’90
Kendra Campbell
J. Robert Carr ’72
Robert D. Carroll Sr. ’51
George L. Cato ’75
Norris A. Charles ’67
Glenn W. Cherry ’80
Jonathan M. Chirunga ’89
Charles E. Clark ’52
Walter H. Clements ’49
William H. Cleveland ’70
Henry A. Coleman ’71
Cleo P. Coles Jr. ’58
Julius E. Coles ’63
Andrew J. Collins ’01
Brinston B. Collins ’57
Ernest B. Collins
Jarrod K. Collins ’90
Thomas J. Conage ’64
Eric D. Cunningham ’80
Ezra C. Davidson Jr. ’54
Drew S. Days III
Charlie R. Dean Jr. ’82
Morris J. Dillard Sr. ’60
James E. Dopson ’73
Joseph Draper ’57
Eugene Duffy ’76
Royal B. Dunham Jr. ’62
George Estudillo
Joseph J. Farris ’51
William E. Finlayson ’48
Henry W. Foster Jr. ’54
Robert V. Franklin ’47
John B. Fuqua
Albert E. Gaston Jr. ’50
Melvin D. Gerald Sr. ’64
Maxwell L. Gilliam ’81
William C. Goings II ’79
Henry M. Goodgame Jr. ’84
Henry J. Goodman ’49
Berry Gordy Jr.
Katharine Graham
Earl G. Graves Jr.
T. Herman Graves ’43
Kelvin C. Gray ’86
Frank C. Greene ’58
Gordon D. Greenwood ’85
Jefferson E. Grigsby Jr. ’38
Marshall C. Grigsby ’68
Paul T. Groves ’52
Barbara B. Hall
Peter Han
Roderick A. Hardamon ’98
Calvin H. Harris Jr. ’92
Earle G. Harris ’62
Henry M. Harris III ’49
Maurice L. Haywood ’87
Thomas J. Hendricks ’48 *
Walter B. Hewlett
Dennis F. Hightower
Earl F. Hilliard ’64
Robert W. Holmes ’58
John H. Hopps Jr. ’58 *
Alton Hornsby Jr. ’61
Harley W. Hughey ’62
Laurence A. Humphries ’93
William D. Hutchinson ’55
Charles C. Ingram ’88
Clifford F. Jackson ’53
John B. Jackson Jr. ’42 *
Keith H. Jackson ’75
Samuel L. Jackson ’72
William M. Jackson ’56
Darius T. Jefferson ’96
Theodore J. Jemison
Terrance L. Jeter ’84
Report on Giving
Alice W. Johnson
Farris T. Johnson Jr. ’73
George T. Johnson ’54
Jeh C. Johnson ’79
Walton R. Johnson Jr.
LaMarr R. Jones ’98
Quincy Jones
Theodore B. Jones ’78
Dorian M. Joyner Sr. ’88
Donald R. Keough
Brian A. King ’80
Calvin E. King ’49
William P. King Jr. ’52
Mattie and Michael Lawson
Kenneth R. Lay
Wilbur T. Leaphart ’58
Debra L. Lee
Terry Lee
Harvey B. Leslie ’76
Butch Lewis
Kenneth D. Lewis
Perry A. Little ’66
Robert B. Little ’77
Fred C. Lofton ’53
Benjamin F. Logan Sr. ’60
Jean B. Lones
Charles D. Lusby ’61
Marvin C. Mangham Jr. ’69
Charles E. Mapson ’79
Elton F. Massey II ’93
Edwin B. McGhee ’83
William A. McGill ’47
Samuel B. McKinney ’49
Millard H. McWhorter III ’76
Arlin G. Meadows Jr. ’80
Jerome M. Menifee ’80
Mary G. Miles
Dave J. Miller Sr. ’72
William E. Mims Jr. ’41
Velma Monteiro-Tribble
James Montgomery Jr. ’72
Charlie J. Moreland ’51
Gregory K. Morris ’76
John Moss ’97
Leo F. Mullin
Rogers J. Newman ’48
Michael E. O’Neill
Edgar Parker ’60
Judson M. Parker Jr. ’60
Kenneth W. Parker ’85
Marvin Patterson
Emma B. and Huey L. Perry
Jonathan C. Phillips ’84
Franklin T. Porter ’55
C. Clayton Powell Sr. ’49
Ted L. Price ’67
Julius Pryor III ’79
Shirley Reams
Morris E. Reese ’85
Walter W. Reid III ’81
Stephen M. Rice ’97
Anthony R. Richardson ’93
David N. Richardson ’89
Guy B. Richardson ’79
Jeffrey L. Riddle ’90
Ronald L. Roberts ’95
Michael H. Ross ’81
Charlie C. Rouse ’84
Robert J. Rumley III ’98
James M. Sanders ’51
David Satcher ’63
James E. Schell II ’49
Murray A. Schmoke Sr. ’49
Herman H. Scott III ’60
Lynne and Osborne E. Scott Jr.
Dennis Scurry Jr. ’65
Raymond G. Sewell
Oscar Sheppard II
James H. Sills ’55
James H. Sills III ’80
Maceo K. Sloan ’71
Dwight T. Smith ’82
James W. Snider Jr.
Hughes Spalding Jr. *
Kenneth O. Sparks ’74
Derrick Stafford ’79
James O. Stallings ’68
Charles R. Stephens ’60
E. Delores B. Stephens
Clinton L. Stevenson
Herbert A. Stone Jr. ’65
Roger W. Stone
Larry J. Strawn Jr. ’84
Sharif T. Street ’96
Edwin A. Thompson Sr. ’49
Paul F. Thompson ’56
Yolanda and Raphael Tisdale
Paul H. Toomer ’68
Cyril J. Turner ’85
Lyndon A. Wade ’56
Ernest C. Wagner ’48
Jerome Walker ’81
Paul H. Ware ’48
Pauletta and Denzel Washington
Myron H. Watkins Sr. ’53
Christopher D. Weathers ’88
Gregory W. Wendt
John F. Wieland
Edward M. Williams ’54
John M. Williams ’87
Frank F. Wilson IV ’84
John S. Wilson Jr. ’79
Timothy D. Wilson ’63
Roger C. Wood ’90
Brian S. Yeldell ’84
$5,000 - $9,999
Edward L. Abrams ’63
Alfonso L. Adderly ’60
John A. Aldridge ’51
Ronald W. Allen
James E. Allsop ’72
Sherman L. Anderson ’74
William W. Arterberry ’80
Albertha Austin
William L. Bacon ’56
Samuel W. Bacote III ’84
Bobby C. Baines ’64
Anthony L. Baisden ’83
Taylor L. Baker Jr. ’57
Alfred L. Ball ’71
Ernest Banks
James R. Barker Sr. ’64
Otto Beatty Jr. ’91
Charles A. Beckett ’33
Karl I. Bell ’81
Lee V. Bethel ’78
Sanford D. Bishop Jr. ’68
Edward L. Blacksheare ’47
William H. Borders Jr. ’53
Amos Bradford ’71
Ernest M. Bradford ’52
Thomas E. Brewington ’65
Louis H. Bronson ’51
Alton C. Brothers ’69
James P. Brown ’66
Jonel L. Brown II ’57
Ronald D. Brown ’75
Uzee Brown Jr. ’72
Douglas P. Burch ’54
Calvin O. Butts III ’71
John A. Calhoun ’90
Maia C. Campbell
Lyris B. Canton
Allen C. Carter ’66
Peter R. N. Chatard Jr. ’56
Robert G. Chatman Sr. ’59
Randal V. Childs ’87
Arthur L. Clark ’48 *
Willie L. Clark Jr. ’63
Charles F. Cohen ’52
Jackie J. Collins ’71
Richard A. Collins ’61
Fletcher Coombs ’50
Christopher B. Cowan ’87
John W. Cox ’52 *
George I. Crawford Sr. ’62
Howard W. Creecy ’75
Kyle L. Cruel ’96
Michael H. Darragh
Clyde B. Davis Jr. ’97
Francis D. Davis ’47
Rosa M. Davis
Harold A. Dawson Jr.
Theodore R. Debro Jr. ’63
Judson Dinkins Jr. ’52
Larry E. Dixon ’69
Robert Dixon Jr. ’73
Robert G. Drummer ’87
Bernee Dunson ’87
John F. Easton ’95
Daniel Edelman
Donald P. Edwards ’69
Lonnie C. Edwards ’45
John R. Everett ’60
Andrew K. Fenniman
George W. Forney Jr. ’52 *
James G. Franklin ’86
G. Newton Funderburg ’46
Brian A. Gaffney ’96
Floyd Gallegos
Machion S. Garrison Jr. ’54 *
Lawrence L. Gellerstedt Jr. *
Peter Georgescu
Jon E. Gibson ’57
Reginald Goins ’90
Fernando Gordon ’86
William I. Gore ’54
Edwin A. Green ’54
Gregory P. Green ’72
Jeanne Greggs
Richard G. Griffin ’49
Kenneth M. Grimes ’90
Clarence J. Grisham Sr. ’69
Carl O. Gullette ’86
Heather S. and Paul Haaga
Toussaint L. Hale ’55 *
George W. Haley ’49
F. Jerrod Hall ’99
Fred D. Hammonds ’52
John T. Harper ’67
Adrienne S. Harris
Charles W. Harris ’49
Michael D. Harris ’80
William J. Harvey III
Benny F. Hawkins Sr. ’52
Darryl L. Haysbert ’89
Gregory P. Head ’79
Simon Heard Jr. ’69
Howard M. Henderson ’65
Wilson Henderson ’57
Irwin Hightower ’64
Dorsey M. Hilliard ’74
James C. Hogan Jr. ’59
Clifton C. Holliday ’62
Albert Z. Holloway ’48
Evander Holyfield
Nashon Hornsby ’93
Arthur Howell
Christopher D. Hunter ’89
Willie C. Hunter ’53
James E. Jackson Sr. ’50
Roswell F. Jackson Jr. ’67
Tami E. Jackson
Herbert A. Jacobs ’72
Jay Jamerson ’50
Bill C. Jenkins ’67
Ronnie S. Jenkins ’66
Robert R. Jennings ’72
Arthur L. Johnson ’48
Henry Johnson ’58
James E. Johnson Sr. ’52
John Johnson Jr. ’57
Tobe Johnson Jr. ’54
Report on Giving
Edward D. Jonas Jr. ’68
Archie L. Jones ’93
David A. Jones ’83
Jimmy J. Jones ’73
Larry C. Jones ’73
Reginald L. Jones ’52 *
Ulysses W. Jones ’50 *
Edd M. Jordan ’64
Cedric L. Joubert ’70
Robert Keene
William H. Killian III ’72
James King Jr. ’53
Raymond B. King
Roger S. Kintzel
Daniel Klenbort
Steven E. LaBroi ’87
Richard Lafshoft
James F. Lamar ’60
Raymond C. Lambert ’83
Curtis T. Langley ’63
Edward D. Lawson ’61
Christopher M. Lee ’85
Nigel G. Lewis ’89
Harold Ligon Jr. ’69
Pat Lottier
R. Charles Loudermilk
Houston L. Lumpkin III ’66
Ray O. Lundy ’63
Calvin Mackie ’90
Paxton N. Marks Sr. ’51
Joseph D. Marshall Jr. ’69
Benjamin J. Martin ’63
Kenneth B. Martin ’70
Leon J. Martin ’46
Anastasia Mathis-Belay
Thomas McBryde Jr. ’00
Louie A. McClure ’73
McClure P. McCombs ’49
William L. McCoy ’65
Virgil C. McDonald ’63
Calvin W. McLarin ’68
Aaron J. McLeod ’73
Rameek McNair ’97
Tyrone C. Means ’74
Michael Meyer
Karen Miller
Herman Mixon ’65
Homer E. Nash ’45
Charles H. Neal ’64
Leroy C. Newman ’49
William Osborne ’79
Dwight A. Owens ’89
Johnny E. Parham Jr. ’58
Gregg Parker ’63
William C. Patton Sr. ’65
David O. Peart ’49
Alex J. Percival ’76
Curtis W. Perkins ’80
Oliver L. Perkins ’47
Margaret Petty
William H. Pillow ’64
Arthur McClung Jr. ’66 Honored as a Morehouse
Major Donor by Kresge Foundation HBCU Initiative
sk Arthur J. McClung Jr. ’66 why he would
give $187,500 to Morehouse College and he
can’t stop telling the reasons.
The dorm room where he met Al Byrd ’66,
his best friend. The chapel where he was inspired by
then-president Benjamin E. Mays. The decision he made
to join the civil rights movement.
But, more than anything, Morehouse is the place
where McClung, director of the city of Atlanta operations for
Georgia Power, learned to think with both his head and
heart——qualities that have brought success in both his
career and personal life.
Those qualities are also what compelled President
Walter E. Massey ‘58 to recommend McClung to the
Kresge Foundation HBCU Initiative, which works with
Historically Black Colleges and Universities to strengthen
their development offices and increase giving from alumni and other donors.
McClung and 29 other HBCU alumni donors from
various institutions were honored in May 2004 for giving
to Historically Black Colleges and Universities during
Kresge’s fourth annual Donor’s Reception. Combined,
they gave $11.7 million to their alma maters.
“We were taught to give back with our time, with our
talents and our resources, and I’m being an obedient son of
Morehouse,” said McClung. “This is something I’ve given
out of my heart and I’m not sure what should really be
expected. It’s very difficult for me to talk about being recognized for doing what’s right, and this is the right thing to do.”
McClung, an alumni committee member for The
Campaign for a New Century, also gave the College
invaluable inroads into untapped resources that reached
into well-heeled circles.
McClung created a book scholarship in honor of his
mother, Helen C. McClung, to go to the King Chapel
assistant who, like his mother, demonstrates the “greatest degree of kindness and gentleness.”
McClung says he is practicing what he remembers Mays telling him and other students, citing a
quote from Martin Luther King Jr. ’48: “All men are
caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in
a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one
directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I
Lynn Huntley, Southern Education Foundation president,
and Art McClung ’66 during the presentation of the honor to
McClung for his consistent giving — of time and money —
to Morehouse College.
ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you
can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be.”
According to school records, McClung began giving
in February 1990, starting with a $86.42 check he gave
to the school’s athletic programs. Since then, he’s given
thousands of dollars to scholarships, the Annual Fund,
special projects and the Campaign. He also helped in
building the Howard Thurman Carillon Tower and the
Benjamin E. Mays Memorial.
Kresge spokeswoman TaRessa Stovall notes that
McClung’s level in giving is one indicator of an
upswing in the number and amount of donations being
given to HBCUs by their alumni. African American
graduates are becoming more affluent and, as a result,
have deeper pockets—and the investment savvy—to
give money to their schools in ways white alumni have
done for some time: through wills, stock market investments, monthly deductions and estate planning.
McClung has donated a total of $100,000 to The
Campaign for a New Century. That dedication and adherence to the belief that making a difference is the most
important legacy that he can leave is what has made
McClung, who calls his support the work of an “obedient son,” a no-brainer for the Kresge honor.
“Art has been one of our most committed alumni,
both in the spirit of his commitment and his support,”
said Phillip Howard ’87, vice president for Institutional
Advancement at Morehouse. “He’s been willing to be a
great advocate for the College.” ■
Report on Giving
Willie A. Pindle ’74
Fulton L. Porter III ’89
Berve M. Power ’95
Edward L. Pratt Sr. ’58 *
Haynes Pressley Jr. ’51
Carr T. Preston ’84
Albenny Price Jr. ’78
Emmett L. Proctor Jr. ’48
Vanester Pugh ’49
Oliver B. Quinn
George Rachel Jr. ’63
Jasper C. Register ’59
Dennis G. Reinhardt
Edward B. Richardson ’85
Raymond L. Richardson Jr. ’74
Mack Roach III ’75
N. Clay Robbins
James S. Roberts ’51
Elbert O. Robinson Jr. ’98
Reginald L. Robinson ’90
Kevin D. Rome ’89
Warren N. Romine ’93
Robert T. Ross ’81
Frank S. Royal Jr. ’90
Charles Rullo
S. Edward Rutland ’66
Kenneth W. Saffold ’99
Thomas G. Sampson ’68
George L. Sanders ’65
Jacquelyn Days Serwer
Lance W. Shipman ’95
Arnold J. Simmons ’74
John W. Simmons ’55
Chester A. Sims II ’64
Adam L. Smith ’86
Henry W. B. Smith III ’74
John B. Smith ’58
Otis W. Smith ’47
Lolita Snipes
Vincent O. Spencer ’95
Bruce E. Stangle
Delano S. Stewart ’58
Oscar Strothers ’55 *
Myra Stublefield
David Sutton ’73
Robert Tennant ’75
Roy D. Terry ’66
Jack D. Thomas ’53
Johnny F. Thomas ’63
Norman H. Thomas Sr. ’65
Samme L. Thompson
Otha E. Thornton ’89
James A. Towns ’84
Murray L. Townsend Jr. ’42
George W. Trammell ’64
Charles J. Trotman ’62
Adam K. Troy ’82
Samuel J. Tucker ’52
Roland L. Turpin ’63
George D. Tutt ’79
Solomon W. Walker II ’58
Edward R. Ward ’80
Albert N. Wardlaw ’48 *
Charlotte W. Warren
Elijah Washington ’63
Lord Waters
Ben C. Watson ’67
Kenneth J. Weatherspoon ’82
James O. Webb ’53
Ozro T. Wells Sr. ’53
Charles A. West ’66
Edward L. Wheeler ’69
Dezra White ’63
Melvin White ’84
Richard T. White ’67
Alphonso Whitfield Jr. ’53
Peter R. Wilborn ’89
Milton P. Wilkins Jr. ’69
Ernest P. Williams ’50
John E. Williams ’69
Richard E. Williams ’64
Richard P. Williams ’94
Reginald A. Willingham ’75
Joseph L. Wingfield Sr. ’83
Ruth W. and Henry C. Woods
Harry S. Wright Sr. ’53
Robert J. Yancy ’64
Legend: Donors are listed in
alphabetical order.
* Deceased
Legend: Donors are listed in
alphabetical order.
$50,000 - $99,999
Amgen Inc.
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
Bank of New York
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc.
The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A.
Cigna Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Conoco, Inc.
Deutsche Bank
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fleetguard, Inc.
General Motors Higher Education
Genuine Parts Co.
Gourmet Services, Inc.
The Huntington National Bank
IBM Corporation
J. Paul Getty Trust
Major League Baseball Charity, Inc.
McDonald’s Corporation
National Distillers Distributors
Pfizer, Inc.
Phoenix Communications, Inc
Russell Corporation
Stein Communications
TAP Pharmaceuticals Products, Inc.
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
Wachovia Corporation
$25,000 - $49,999
AGL Resources Inc.
AMC American Multi-Cinema, Inc.
Ariel Capital Management, Inc.
AT&T Corporation
BellSouth Corporation
ChoicePoint, Inc.
Costco Wholesale
Cummins South, Inc.
DaimlerChrysler Corp.
Du Pont Central Research &
Edmond and Jones, LLP
Engineer’s Bookstore
Ernst & Young, LLP
Fletcher Asset Management
Ford Motor Company
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
Heidrick & Struggles Inc.
Hughes Supply, Inc.
ING Americas
Lehman Brothers Inc.
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
L’Oréal USA Inc.
Morgan Stanley
New Era Cap Company
PRM Consulting, Inc.
R. H. Bolton, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
The Sallie Mae Fund
Smith Barney Citigroup
SmithKline Beecham Foundation
Union Bank of California
United Airlines
Wells Fargo Bank
Worldspan L.P.
$10,000 - $24,999
The Advisory Board Company
AIG/American International
Group, Inc.
Altria Group, Inc.
Asbury Automotive Group LLC
Atlanta International RMI, Inc.
Atlanta Life Insurance Company
BellSouth Telecommunications Inc.
Bernard C. Harris Publishing
Company, Inc.
Best Buy Company, Inc.
BET Holdings, Inc.
Blaylock & Partners, L.P.
The Boeing Company
Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
The Caleris Companies
Cardinal Health
Cingular Wireless Corporation
Citigroup, Inc.
Citizens Trust Bank
The Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
Compaq Computer Corporation
Concord Record Studios
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Earl G. Graves Publishing Co., Inc.
Eddie Bauer, Inc.
Enron Corp.
Enterprise Leasing Foundation
ESPN, Inc.
Exxon Company, U.S.A.
Fidelity Investments
First Union Corporation
Ford Motor Company Fund
Freddie Mac
General Mills Foundation
Georgia Legislative Black Caucas
Hewitt Associates, LLC
Hewlett-Packard Company
Initial Contract Services
International Paper Company
Jackmont Hospitality, Inc.
Jackson and Tull Chartered Engineers
Jefferson Smurfit Corporation
John Wieland Homes Inc.
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Johnson Publishing Company
Krispy Kreme Doughnut
LJM Enterprises, LLC
Marsh USA, Inc.
Mastech Enterprises, Inc.
MHR International
Mortgage Bankers Association of
The Mr. October for Kids Foundation
Northern Trust Bank
Northrop Grumman Corporation
NYTCO Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
Rare Hospitality International Inc.
Salomon Smith Barney/Citibank
Sara Lee Hosiery
Science Applications International
SEIU - Service Employees
International Union
Sloan Financial Group, Inc.
Starbucks Corporation
State Farm Insurance Company
UBS Warburg, LLC
Universal Studios
USA Funds
Report on Giving
Robert W. Woodruff Arts Center
$5,000 - $9,999
ACE American Insurance Company
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Alliant Energy Corporation
Allstate Foundation
American Urban Radio Networks
Atlanta Business Journal
The Atlanta Coca-Cola Bottling
Audiotek Corporation
Bank One
Chicago Tribune Foundation
Chubb & Son Inc.
Delphi Automotive Systems - DIS
Digital Theater Systems, Inc.
Dr. Pepper/Seven Up, Inc.
Dynegy Administration Shared
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Entergy Corporation
Fleetguard Nelson
Genworth Foundation
Great Place to Work Institute, Inc.
Halftime Live, LLC
Hollis & Company LLC
Honeywell, Inc.
Invesco MIM
Jackson Securities, Inc.
Johnson and Murphy Productions,
KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation
The Kroger Company
Market Street Mortgage Corp.
Marriott International, Inc.
May Department Stores Company
The Medtronic Foundation
The Men’s Wearhouse
National Fluid Milk Processors
Promotion Board
Neighborhood House Association
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
Phillips Petroleum Company
PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Public Service Electric & Gas
R. Thomas Consulting & Training
Rehabilitation Services, Inc.
Robbins-Gioia LLC
Russell Contract Furnishings LTD
Sara Lee Foundation
SBC Communications Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Sprint PCS
Terry Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Thesco Benefits, LLC
Towers Perrin
Tribune Company
Trinity Brookwood Group
TRW Foundation
UNISYS Corporation
Verizon Foundation
Washington Mutual Foundation
Young & Rubicam Inc.
Legend: Gifts are listed in alphabetical
$50,000 - $99,999
The Francis Abreu Charitable Trust
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra
The Black College Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation for
Greater Atlanta
D. C. Metro Alumni Chapter
Eleven Eighty-Three Fund
The Ford Foundation
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Helen M. Galvin Charitable Trust,
Harold A. Dawson Family
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur
Manhattan Alumni Chapter, Inc.
Morehouse National Alumni
Orly Anderson Productions, Inc.
The Pritzker Foundation
TBWA Chait/Day,Inc.
Walton Family Foundation, Inc.
$25,000 - $49,999
The Arnold and Jane Grisham
Charitable Foundation
The Barre Seid Foundation
Bessie Johnson & George Blanton
Allen Memorial Foundation
Chicago Morehouse Auxiliary
Elma Stuckey Poetry Fund
The Exposition Foundation, Inc.
The Sherman Fairchild
Foundation, Inc.
Frances Emily Hunt Trust
John & Wilhelmina Harland
Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund
Last Mile Foundation Fund at the
East Bay Community Foundation
The Louisville Institute
Morehouse Homecoming Tent
The National Collegiate Athletic
Nuveen Benevolent Trust
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Payne Family Foundation
Research & Educational Trust Fund
of the Mortgage Bankers
The Rich Foundation, Inc.
Ripplewood Foundation, Inc.
Thomas H. Maren Foundation
Thurgood Marshall Scholarship
$10,000 - $24,999
The AD Club Foundation, Inc.
Alliance for Minority Participation
American Cancer Society South
Division, Inc.
Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation
Bethel Baptist Institutional
Church, Inc.
The Arthur M. Blank Family
Brentwood Baptist Church
Christian Fellowship Baptist
Church, Inc.
The Commonwealth Fund/Harkness
Donald & Marilyn Keough
Emmanuel Baptist Church in
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Friendship West Baptist Church
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Honda Campus All-Stars
Hope United Methodist Church
The Kealy Family Foundation
M. L. King Birthday Breakfast
Morehouse College Alumni Maryland
Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Olivet Institutional Baptist Church
The Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth
Lee Foundation
Soka Gakkai International-USA
Spelman College
Morehouse Student Government
Student Services - Morehouse
The Simmons Family Foundation
The Tom and Edwina Chastain
Johnson Family Foundation
The Upper Deck Company, LLC
Total Grace Christian Center
Trinity Baptist Church
Zion Hill Baptist Church
$5,000 - $9,999
Associated Colleges of the South
Atlanta Foundation
Atlanta Morehouse Chapter
Baltimore Morehouse Alumni Chapter
Billboard Magazine
Black Leadership Commission on
AIDS, Inc.
The California Wellness
The Church of St. Mark, Inc.
Cincinnati Morehouse Alumni
The Columbus Foundation
The Council of Independent Colleges
Donors Capital Fund
Ebenezer Baptist Church
Georgescu Family Foundation
The JK Group, Inc.
Johnson Family Charitable Lead Trust
Kazan, McClain, Edises, Simon &
Abrams Foundation, Inc.
The Leadership Center - Morehouse
Los Angeles Morehouse Alumni
Love Our Children
The Martin Luther King Center for
Nonviolent Social Change
The Morehouse Maroon Tiger
Minneapolis Foundation
Morehouse College Alumni
Association - DFW Chapter
Morehouse School of Medicine
Morehouse Torchbearers
Mt. Teman A.M.E. Church
Mt. Zion First Baptist Church
New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
North Jersey Chapter of Jack and Jill
of America, Inc.
Pastor’s Education Ministry
Renaissance Charitable Foundation,Inc.
Roger and Susan Stone Family
St. Peter Baptist Church
St. Rest Baptist Church
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Tampa-St. Petersburg Morehouse
Alumni Club
Third Baptist Church of San Francisco
VF Services, Inc.
Below $5,000
100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc.
1890 Library Directors Association
1st Source Bank
21st Church of Christ Scientist
3M Company
4 Life Inc.
“A Mind Is” Giving Society
A & R Development Corporation
A & T Mortgage Credit Services Inc.
Report on Giving
A. H. Riley Insurance Agency
Steven A. Aaron ’88
Katherine A. Abba
W. James Abbington Jr. ’83
Janice Abbott
Kathy M. Abbott
Abbott Laboratories Foundation
Ishmael K. Abdul-Samad ’04
Qasim Abdul-Tawwab ’71
Harun I. S. Abdur-Rahman ’02
Muhammad I. A. Abdurrahman ’03
Abe & Frances Lastfogel Foundation
P. Zita Abenir
Claire S. Abernathy
James Abernathy
Jeremy J. Abernathy ’02
M. Hosein Abghari
ABN AMRO North America Inc.
Terrence B. Abney ’97
Thomas Abraham Jr. ’02
Martin A. Abrams ’91
Eladio Abreu
Peter Abreu
Abyssinian Baptist Church
Phillip W. Ackerman ’97
Joppa F. Acree ’82
Action Sports International
Andrew A. Adair ’54
Claudia Adair
Anthony L. Adams ’83
Branden Adams
Devoncy Adams ’94
Dominic D. Adams ’97
Earl S. Adams Jr. ’97
Eddie Adams
Elaine P. Adams
Everett T. Adams ’94
Frank Adams III ’76
Hall Adams
Harold K. Adams ’83
James B. Adams ’52
Jann Adams
Jerry Adams ’50
Michael E. Adams ’83
Michael L. Adams II ’05
Richard Adams
Roderick A. Adams ’02
Sterlin N. Adams ’59
James M. Adamson ’94
Nelson L. Adamson
Adamsville Swingers
Adam N. Adebisi ’03
Olatunde A. Adepoju ’84
Razikiwe Adisa ’75
Michael T. Adjovu ’06
Roger Adjovu
William K. Adjovu ’04
Kwabena A. Adu ’01
The Adult Fellowship of Friendship
Baptist Church
AEE Sound & Lighting
The AES Corporation
AEsteem Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
Inc. PS
Maqsood A. Afaq ’98
Agape Church of Religious Science
Omar S. Agard ’01
Anne H. Agee
Robert E. Agee ’90
Ronald E. Agee ’95
Richmond N. Aggrey
Agilent Technologies
Mary L. Aguillard
Christopher A. Aiken ’99
Aiken Global Environmental
Services, LLC
Horace Aikens
Fabrice M. Aime ’03
AirTran Airlines
Michael Akiboh Sr.
Muhammad S. Alam ’99
Mohamed Alawady
Jon H. Albanesius
James H. Albert Jr. ’75
Charmaine T. Albritton ’98
Derrick J. Albritton ’86
Robert Albritton
Evelyn Aldred
Amin S. Aleem ’00
Alonzo Alexander ’99
Claude R. Alexander ’85
Cornelius Alexander ’03
Diane G. Alexander
Emory Alexander
Eva Alexander
George G. Alexander ’85
George W. Alexander ’67
James R. Alexander Jr. ’99
Jeffrey M. Alexander Jr. ’97
Jesse L. Alexander
Julius J. Alexander Jr. ’59
Michael A. Alexander ’93
Michael K. Alexander ’78
Ruben A. Alexander ’82
Sarah B. Alexander
T. M. Alexander Sr. ’31 *
Tony D. Alexander ’94
Willie M. Alexander
Yvette M. Alexander
Alfonso Dawson Mortuary, Inc.
Julian L. Alfonso ’96
Aaron M. Alford ’96
Alisha Alford
Larry P. Alford
Stephen J. Alford ’93
Thomas E. Alford
Yvonne L. Alford
Lawrence M. Algee ’90
William B. Algee ’68
Hassan M. Alhassan ’03
Hassan R. Ali
Camila A. Alire
Stephen Alkins
Gloria G. Allain
Noreen S. Alldredge
A. Lea Allen
Adrian Allen ’02
Benjamin Allen ’74
Carol Allen
Cecil Allen ’03
Cheryl L. Allen
Dallas G. Allen ’82
Ebbon A. Allen ’04
Freddy D. Allen
Gregory L. Allen ’91
Herman Allen ’61
James L. Allen ’77
Jason E. Allen ’04
Jeremy K. Allen ’94
John E. Allen Jr. ’73
Jonathan E. Allen
Keith R. Allen ’86
Kenneth R. Allen II ’02
Lennie Allen ’77
Lucien K. Allen ’99
Mark A. Allen ’90
Marvin W. Allen ’84
Omar R. Allen ’02
Patricia A. Allen
Preston J. Allen ’80
Quentin B. Allen ’91
Robert J. Allen Jr. ’02
Robert J. Allen Sr.
Robert J. Allen ’56
Robert L. Allen ’63
Robert W. Allen ’53
Sheryl D. Allen
Theodore B. Allen Jr. ’57
Travis M. Allen ’91
Valerie S. Allen
Walter R. Allen
Sandra Allen-Brewer
Brian A. Alleyne ’01
George J. Alleyne ’04
Ferdinand V. Allison III ’83
Richard W. Allison II ’93
Steven V. Allwood ’96
Chuck Almand
Mary Beth Almeda
Christopher A. Almond ’90
Mihyar Alnifaidy
Alpha Services
Derek M. Alphran ’75
Richard Alridge ’73
Isaac G. Alston ’96
Robert L. Alston ’87
Blanche Alter
Joel Alvarado ’95
Johnathan E. Alvarado ’90
Arthur Amaker ’94
Yaokawa J. Ambush ’98
A.M.E. Sixth Episcipal District
Amelior Charitable Fund
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College Student
American Council on Education
American Home Products
American Security Insurance
Ameritech Foundation
Ishmael R. Amin
Anthony R. Ammons ’84
Lila Ammons
Richard Ammons ’53
Richard A. Ammons
Evelyn S. Amoroso
Samuel D. Amoroso
Patrick K. Amos ’88
Preston E. Amos ’50
Bryan Ampey
AmSouth Bancorporation
AmSouth Education Lending
Jose Ananias Sr. ’51
Cleo Anders
Eric R. Anders ’95
Alan J. Anderson ’75
Albert H. Anderson Jr. ’64
Annette M. Anderson
Bobby J. Anderson Sr. ’69
Curtis E. Anderson ’68
Damian R. Anderson ’97
David R. Anderson ’88
Donald A. Anderson ’73
Dorothy Anderson
Edwin Anderson ’51
Elijah Anderson III ’75
Geoffrey T. Anderson ’88
Henry H. Anderson IV ’84
Howard D. Anderson ’68
James Anderson ’56
James L. Anderson ’49
Janet Anderson
Jay D. Anderson
Jayson K. Anderson ’04
Jeanette Anderson
Jeffrey L. Anderson ’97
John W. R. Anderson ’55
Jonathan M. Anderson ’02
Jule C. Anderson
Kendrick A. Anderson ’86
Kevin A. Anderson ’95
Kevin B. Anderson ’97
Leland J. Anderson ’95
Leroy Anderson ’82
Mark J. Anderson ’93
Report on Giving
Marvin R. Anderson ’62
Max G. Anderson ’83
Michael S. A. Anderson ’95
Pauline Anderson
Robert L. Anderson ’58
Ronny C. Anderson ’99
Steve R. Anderson
Sylvia M. Anderson
Thurman Anderson ’65
Wendell Anderson ’63
William G. Anderson II ’71
William H. Anderson ’97
William J. Anderson
Rafael Andrades ’87
Dianne Andrews
Donald Andrews
Fred D. Andrews ’64
George G. Andrews ’74
Glenn D. Andrews ’95
Gregory Andrews ’73
Kwane G. Andrews ’98
Pamela Andrews
Raymond C. Andrews ’89
Robert Andrews ’38
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc.
Emmanuel N. Aninakwa ’02
Jason A. Anthony ’00
Kathy Anthony-Manning
Antioch Baptist Church - North
Miriam G. Antoine
Tamlin L. Antoine ’87
Ernest O. Anwuri ’03
Vladimir A. Appeaning
Kwadwo A. Appiah ’94
Milton C. Appling ’93
May Arakaki
Clementina Arala
Aramark Corporation
Brent P. Arceneaux ’93
Ernest E. Arceneaux
Jason R. Archambeau
Anthony V. Archer ’88
James G. Archibald ’04
Reginald L. Ardrey ’74
Argentum Consulting, LLC
James H. Argrett Sr. ’30 *
Anthony L. Armistead ’85
Dwight R. Armstead ’90
Malik A. Armstead ’93
Ralph Armstead ’66
Gabriel Armsted
Darren W. Armstrong
Armstrong Foundation
John E. Armstrong Jr. ’94
Rodney L. Armstrong ’97
Rosemary B. Armstrong
Willie C. Armstrong
Alan O. Arnold ’04
Alice M. Arnold
Edward A. Arnold
Glenn S. Arnold ’82
Henry F. Arnold
J. B. Arnold III ’66
Shannon C. Arnold ’92
Thomas Arnold ’87
Thomas Arnold Sr. ’63 *
Willie G. Arnold ’64
Theodore R. Aronson
Cleon C. Arrington ’58
Joseph Arrington ’58
Aaron M. Arter ’91
Geneva F. Arterberry
George F. Arterberry ’78
James Arterberry ’55
Melvin Arterberry ’50
Arthur Andersen & Company
Arthur D. Little
Rudolph D. Artis
Kwame Aryeh ’00
ASA Foundation
Donald B. Ash ’03
Joseph Ash Jr. ’51
Ahmad M. Ashanti ’97
Malik E. Ashe ’97
Asheville School
Brian K. Ashford ’87
Ashford Dental, Inc.
Robin D. Ashford ’79
Wilson Ashmore ’63
Claudine R. Ashton
Earl A. Ashton ’47 *
Eric D. Ashton ’83
David D. Asiamah ’04
Freddie Asinor ’85
Althea B. Askerneese
Darryl V. Askew ’78
Timothy Askew ’83
Katey Assem
A. B. and Yvette Assensoh
Association of Black Judges of
Patricia I. Astwood
Athens Masonic District
Floyd L. Atkins ’75
Ronnie C. Atkins ’02
Samuel O. Atkins ’57 *
Beatrice W. Atkinson
Denise Atkinson
Atlanta Black McDonald’s Operators
Atlanta Chapter GA Society of CPA
Atlanta Consistory No. 24
Atlanta Dermatologic Surgery
Atlanta Drifters, Inc.
Atlanta Good Life Magazine
Atlanta Inquirer
Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam
Atlanta Mennonite Fellowship
Robert B. Atmore
John D. Attaway
Stanley Atwater ’74
Wendell L. Atwater ’70
Terrell W. Aubert ’95
Fannie J. Aubespin
Auburn Avenue Research Library on
African Americans
The AUC Digest
Leo Auerbach
Augusta Lincoln League
Augusta Morehouse Alumni
Jean Augustin
Rita A. Augustine
Brian D. Austin ’84
Julius V. Austin ’03
Nicholas K. Austin
Richard C. Austin
Tony Autmon
Automated Cable Service, Inc.
John E. Autrey ’95
Beatrice P. Auty
Avaya Communications
Avery Dennison Foundation
Douglas Avery II ’98
Quinn M. Avery ’81
Reginald E. Avery ’97
Ross J. Avina III ’86
AXA Advisor, LLC
Abrem Ayana ’08
Stacy Ayers
Bawo Ayomike
B. T. Washington High School
Burt F. Bacharach
Jonathan Backers ’82
Donald J. Bacoat ’01
Fred Bacon ’66
Paul L. Badger Jr. ’90
Rahman Bagby ’94
William A. Bagby
Edward L. Baggett ’94
Stanley B. Bagley ’58
Stanley B. Bagley II ’82
Adam S. Bailey ’98
Claude E. Bailey ’77
Daisy Bailey
David Bailey ’84
Edmund Bailey
George M. Bailey ’76
Henry Bailey
John W. Bailey
Joseph A. Bailey II ’57
Julius B. Bailey ’51
Kenneth E. Bailey ’71
Marcia Bailey
Omari F. Bailey ’03
Omari L. Bailey ’02
Sean Bailey
Shirley J. Bailey
Wilber D. Bailey Jr. ’03
Bain & Company, Inc.
Caleb J. Baity ’02
John O. Baiyewu ’01
James A. Bakare ’77
The Baker Group
Brian D. Baker ’06
Clarence N. Baker ’58
Donald L. Baker Jr. ’97
Eric D. Baker ’90
Ken Baker
Marlin R. Baker
Natalie A. Baker
Shirley K. Baker
Ted Baker
W. DeVonne Baker ’91
Wade S. Baker ’79 *
Webster B. Baker ’48
Daniel Baldwin Jr. ’78
Ivan C. Baldwin ’57
John C. Baldwin
Lorenzo G. Baldwin ’89
Stephen E. Baldwin
Wallace Baldwin Jr. ’55
Antionette L. Ball
Drexel Ball ’72
Hue V. Ball ’74
Mario R. Ball
Mary K. Ball
Walter R. Ball ’95
Wesley J. Ball ’52
Winston A. Ball ’88
Elkhair M. Balla ’01
Amir M. Ballard ’96
Brent R. Ballard ’93
Elizabeth Ballard
Emerson D. Ballard II ’77
Joy W. Ballard
Robert M. Ballard ’58
Rochelle Ballard
Ruby R. Ballard
Thomas J. Ballentine ’49
Aaron E. Baloney ’94
Richard L. Baltimore ’04
Roslyn L. Baltimore
Janis M. Bandelin
Bank of America United Way
Bank of Montreal
Bank One, Michigan
Bankers Trust Company
Aaron Banks ’99
Athelyne C. Banks
Aurelia H. Banks
Barron A. Banks ’04
David E. Banks ’91
Kevin D. Banks ’99
LeRoy W. Banks ’49
Manley E. Banks II ’75
Michael Banks ’61
Paul W. Banks II ’02
Paul W. Banks Sr. ’73
Ralph A. Banks Jr. ’63
Report on Giving
Russell Banks
Scott C. Banks ’98
Tony G. Banks ’84
Henry H. Bankston ’60
Jesse O. Bankston ’49 *
Yvonne E. Bankston
Peggy Bannister-Scurry
Baptist Minister’s Conference of
Washington & Vicinity
John D. Barabin ’91
Sababu C. Barashango ’95
Byron A. Barber ’76
Quentin R. Barber ’04
Willie Mae Barber
Zedrick D. Barber ’81
Brendon L. Barclay ’92
Barclays Capital
J. C. Bardell
Joe Barden
Joseph Barden
Tim Barfield
James E. Barker ’91
Juanita Barker
Lucius J. Barker
Adrian Barkley
Eric J. Barkley ’92
Charles Barksdale
Marcellus C. Barksdale ’65
Terance R. Barkus ’00
Quinten T. Barlow ’03
Jafari L. Barnard ’98
Anita L. Barner
Brian C. Barnes ’02
George F. Barnes Jr.
Gerald Barnes ’79
Jesse B. Barnes ’97
Kenneth R. Barnes ’79
Lamont F. Barnes Jr. ’97
Michael E. Barnes ’02
Nathaniel G. Barnes ’50
Stanley Barnes ’79
Willard A. Barnes ’02
William T. Barnes Jr. ’57
Barnett Banks, Inc.
Dorothy P. Barnett
Foster M. Barnett
Gregory A. Barnett ’77
Hampton Barnett
Marcus D. Barnett ’79
Rex A. Barnett ’78
Tyrone M. Barnett ’64
Phanes L. Barno III ’77
Keith W. A. Barnwell ’91
Kenneth W. Barnwell ’88
Patrick H. Barnwell ’88
Brian S. Baron Jr. ’97
Arlene P. Barr
Christopher B. Barr ’91
DuWayne B. Barrett ’03
Galen R. Barrett ’02
Jason E. Barrett ’99
Robert Barrett Jr. ’02
Tarik A. Barrett ’01
Warrick L. Barrett
Lionel C. Barrow ’48
Ray Barrow ’82
Bill Bartholomay Foundation
Sidney Barthwell Jr. ’69
Marquis Bartlett
Pamela S. Bartlett
Rebecca Bartlett
Nicholas L. Bartley ’04
Barton Associates, Inc.
Ken Barun
Duwaine T. Bascoe ’03
Kenneth C. Bascomb ’90
Charles Basham
Charles S. Basham
Basic Diversity
BasiCyC, Inc.
Nathan A. Baskerville ’03
Clarence L. Baskin Jr. ’79
Billy J. Bass Jr.
Jeffrey D. Bass ’05
Kevin L. Bass ’87
Thomas A. Bass ’80
Nicholas M. Bassey ’98
Adrian A. Bastien ’96
Ronald R. Batchelor
Ernest A. Bates
Loretta J. Bates
Marques A. Bates ’03
Lionel R. Batiste ’99
Baton Rouge Magnet High School
Christopher R. Battle Sr. ’83
Clinton C. Battle ’74
Fernando G. Battle ’98
Gordon J. Battle ’83
Gregory Battle ’77
Lynn R. Battle ’65
Marvin Battle Jr. ’89
Richard H. Battle ’96
Ronald G. Battle Jr. ’96
Yusef L. Battle ’96
James A. Batts Jr. ’54
Maurice J. Baudy Jr. ’95
Atha E. Baugh ’87
Joyce B. Baughn
Ronald G. Baulding ’70
Rahmad D. Bauldrick ’99
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Baxter World Trade Corporation
The Baxter Allegiance Foundation
Bayer Corporation
Christopher O. Bayne ’03
Gloria Bayne
Edward B. Baynes ’93
Rebecca A. Bays
Dominic D. P. Bazile ’02
BBA Fiberweb
Thomas Beadle
Ray A. Beale ’80
Hansler A. Bealyer ’77
Lafayette Beamon
Bear Stearns Charitable Gift Fund
Gerald B. Beard ’71
Gwendolyn E. Beard
Benjamin Beasley
Byron T. Beasley
Charles M. Beasley
Darryl K. Beasley ’83
Kevin M. Beasley ’81
Robert C. Beasley ’95
Victor M. Beasley ’79
Chris A. Beatty Jr. ’95
Lou R. Beatty III ’94
Moses Beauford
L. J. Beauregard
Jason C. Beazer ’00
Jerome E. Beazer III ’97
Richard H. Beck Sr. ’55
Richard M. Beck ’96
Clifford E. Becker ’77
Pearline E. Beckford
Preston Beckley IV ’97
Renee Beckley
Adam D. Beckner ’99
Harvey E. Beech ’45
Malcolm E. Beech ’69
Margaret Beecham
Joshua W. Beeks ’97
Aaron Beener
Beers Construction Company
Lamont A. Belk ’93
Antoy J. Bell ’00
Bell Atlantic
Charles E. Bell ’80
Charles M. Bell ’49
Danny Bell
Demarco J. Bell ’96
Derrick A. Bell Jr.
Derrick W. Bell ’99
Donnie L. Bell Sr.
Donnie L. Bell ’03
Eric J. Bell
Fred W. Bell ’59
Geronald D. Bell ’04
Gloria M. Bell
Iverson C. Bell ’73
James A. Bell
Janice B. Bell
Karl I. Bell ’81
Katoiya Bell
Keith A. Bell ’90
Leonard T. Bell II ’01
Marcus H. Bell ’05
Michael H. Bell
Peter D. Bell
Renzer Bell II ’85
Robbye O. Bell ’88
Roger L. Bell ’72
Theresa J. Bell
Walter J. Bell ’99
William D. Bell ’49
Willie E. Bell ’63
Brian O. Bellamy ’02
Jeffrey E. Bellamy ’86
Spencer G. Bellamy ’93
Danny M. Bellinger ’92
M. A. Bellinger
Jason C. Benain
Tarence L. Benefield ’84
Christopher A. Benjamin ’97
Harry Benjamin
Jamaal L. Benjamin
Leonard A. Benjamin
Nathan Benjamin
Rosemary S. Benjamin
Thomas G. Benjamin ’91
Walter R. Benjamin
Yvette Benjamin
Anthony L. Bennett ’88
Chet A. Bennett ’93
Christopher A. Bennett Jr. ’97
Christopher L. Bennett
Davis Bennett
Dorothy S. Bennett
Gary G. Bennett Jr. ’97
Geoffrey R. Bennett ’02
Harold V. Bennett III ’99
John N. Bennett ’72
Julian A. G. Bennett ’95
Leona F. Bennett
Lerone Bennett III ’82
Michael L. Bennett II ’91
Reginald Bennett ’97
Reginald E. Bennett ’99
Robert A. Bennett III ’04
William H. Benson Jr. ’92
Lester J. Bentley ’76
Stella A. Bentley
Anthony D. Benton ’85
Troy M. Benton ’92
Harry F. Benz
Samuel J. Beresford ’04
Daniel Bergeron ’74
Betty L. Bergman
Lindy Bergman
Jaysen S. Berkley ’03
Henry A. Bernard ’95
Frederick M. Bernthal
Benjamin D. Berry ’61
Charles E. Berry Jr. ’97
Daryl R. Berry ’75
James Berry
John R. Berry ’90
John W. Berry
Michael S. T. Berry ’03
Randy C. Berry ’97
Troy A. Berry ’94
Troy P. Berry ’90
William E. Berry ’71
Andre E. Bertrand ’76
Beta Gamma Sigma
Report on Giving
Beta Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc.
Bethany Missionary Baptist Church
Alan M. Bethea ’79
Chensse Bethea
Bethel Baptist Church
Vincent Bethel Jr. ’72
Bethlehem Baptist Church of Atlanta,
Anders Bettum
Beulah Baptist Church
George S. Beveridge ’92
Creigs C. Beverly ’63
Dorothy Beverly
W. R. Beverly ’71
Paula L. Bevington
Neeki Bey ’01
Larry H. Beyah ’95
Guy L. Bibbs III ’02
Guy L. Bibbs Jr.
Wallace A. Bibbs ’61
Mary Biblo
Benjamin Bickers ’61
Grace M. Bickers
Joseph Bickers ’49
Sekou J. Biddle ’93
Ulrick J. Bien-Aime ’85
K. J. Bierman
Hillary K. Bii
Norbert M. Bikales
Grady L. Billingslea Jr. ’83
Rosario B. Billingsley
John W. Billingsly Jr. ’00
Vernon Billington ’87
Anthony B. Billue ’83
Courtney M. Billups ’90
Mathis E. Billy
Gary Binford ’96
James Binion Jr.
Jerome Binns ’84
George C. Birchette ’35
Abdullah B. Birdsong ’99
Filmon T. Birhane ’03
Warren O. Birkett Jr.
William Birt ’75
Michael Bivens
Willie Bivings ’76
Archie C. Black Sr. ’64
Brandon J. Black
Charles A. Black ’62
Black Collegiate Services, Inc.
James C. Black ’94
Black Lifestyles
Kellye Blackburn
Macy G. Blackburn
James E. Blackledge ’91
Kenneth M. Blackledge II ’98
Ameer J. Blackmon ’04
James E. Blackmon ’71
Ronald L. Blackmon
Royal B. Blackmon ’88
Frank A. Blackshear Jr. ’51
Jeffrey W. Blackshear ’91
Julian W. Blackshear Jr. ’63
Annie A. Blackwell
Mable L. Blackwell
Marcus Blackwell ’86
Nona C. Blades
Kent V. Blake ’92
Linda Blake
Melvin Blalock
Malcolm D. Blanchard
Roycee A. Bland ’80
Sean Bland
John Blanton
Quentin D. Blanton ’05
Willie Blash
John T. Blasingame III ’81
Lisbon B. Blaylock ’35
Isaiah S. Blocker ’40
Jonathan M. Blocker ’06
Thomas Blocker ’73 *
Barbara Bloom
Courtney R. Bloom ’03
Dave Blount
Latimer Blount ’62
Robert Blount Jr. ’61
Blue Sky Petroleum LLC
BlueLinx Corporation
Edward L. Blunt Jr. ’92
Sheldon H. Blunt ’84
Gershon Blyden
Gershwin Blyden
Michael Boakye-Danquah ’86
Ellis Boal
Shelby B. Board II ’86
Dowin H. Boatright ’03
Ester J. Boatwright ’50
Tom L. Bobbitt
Bobby Phills Educational
Awareness Foundation
Dennis C. Bobo ’90
Lewis F. Boddie Sr. ’33
Timothy T. Boddie ’81
Troy E. Boddy ’90
Boeing Computer Services
Linzie F. Bogan ’88
Lowery M. Bogee ’03
Jerome L. Boger ’77
Thomas A. Boger III ’70
Roy E. Boggs ’43
Harold Boglin ’52
Gessan R. Bohanon ’99
Chariss Boisseau
Arthur H. Bolden ’59
Clarence Bolden ’67
Jai-Sun C. Bolden ’00
James E. Bolden ’66
Joy S. Bolden
Mark E. Bolden ’90
Ronald B. Bolden ’90
Travis K. Bolden ’04
Wiley S. Bolden
My Brother’s Keeper
hen Rufus Rivers
came of age, he considered serving his
country in the military. Due to poor vision, that goal was
unfulfilled. With only average high
school grades, Rivers did not seriously consider college, although he took
the SAT. However, fate was weaving
another tapestry for the serviceminded New York native.
“I received a letter from Morehouse
that said, based on my SAT scores, Rufus Rivers ’86
if I came and participated in the Premed Summer Program and did well, I would be admitted to the
College,” said Rivers, who received a $500 stipend to attend the program. “As they say, the rest is history.”
Achieving his unexpected dream of a college education, Rivers
graduated from Morehouse in 1986 with a degree in business. He
went on to earn an MBA from the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of
Management at Northwestern University. Today, he is a managing director with The Carlyle Group in New York City.
Rivers shares his personal success. In the past year, he has given
more than $20,000 to his alma mater and has committed an additional $100,000 to The Campaign for a New Century. At age 38, he was
one of the youngest donors to make a commitment at this level.
“I don’t view what I have committed to the College as giving anything,” said Rivers, who credits Morehouse with helping him
strengthen his self-confidence. “All I am trying to do is repay the
debt I owe, knowing that debt can never really be fully repaid. I just
have to continue to give of my time and resources and hope that others do the same.”
The New Jersey resident says he feels blessed to have the financial
resources to make such a contribution. In addition, he is glad he understands how important it is to make financial contributions to institutions of higher education.
Rivers recalls his freshman year at Morehouse when he met others
whom he describes as more intelligent and with better grades than his,
but who did not come back for their sophomore year.
“Some of those fellow students probably never had the opportunity
to finish college, largely due to a lack of money,” Rivers said. “So,
whatever I can do to give someone an opportunity to get a college education is something I feel obligated to do.” ■
Report on Giving
James Bolner Sr.
Antonio Bolton ’79
David R. Bolton ’67
Gregory J. Bolton ’78
Jarrett M. Bolton ’00
Melvin Bolton ’75
Robert R. Bolton ’02
Verna Bolton
Hashim M. Bomani ’95
Stephan O. Bonaparte ’94
Melissa M. Boncelet
C. C. Bond *
H. Julian Bond ’71
Jenise Bond
Julian Bond
Michael J. Bond
Nelson K. Bond II ’84
Patricia Bond-Hutto
Koury L. Bonds ’92
Andrea J. Bonitto
Catherine M. Bonk
Sharon C. Bonk
Carlos R. Bonner ’94
Evelyn K. Bonner
Leslie E. Bonner ’92
Tyrone W. Bonner ’97
Vincenzo Bono
James G. Bonton ’97
Cliff C. Booker ’90
Harvey P. Booker Jr. ’01
Jamal R. Booker ’01
Kevin R. Booker ’92
Leon Booker ’73
Lewis C. Booker Jr. ’97
Randolph Booker
Ronald K. Booker ’96
William I. Booker ’60
A. I. Boone ’84
Darryl W. A. Boone ’85
David Boone Jr. ’92
Dollicia K. Boone
Falando R. Boone ’96
JaSuan L. Boone ’01
John O. Boone ’50
Christopher G. Booth ’80
L. Venchael Booth ’67
Thomas Booth
Keith K. Borden ’93
Kevin V. Borden ’79
Homer T. Borders ’80
Thomas L. Borders ’66
Lynn Borovick
Anthony T. Bostic ’94
Harris C. Bostic II ’85
Clarence V. Bostick ’56
Gerri F. Bostick
Maurice G. Bostick ’01
Sharletta V. Bostick
Ernest W. Boston Sr. ’49
Juan E. Bostwick ’97
Zelmer H. Bothic III ’80
Marilyn Bottrell
Samuel Y. Botts ’96
Ralph G. Boulware ’85
Francis A. Bourgeois II ’06
Jason E. Bovell ’03
Elliott I. Bovelle
Harry J. Bowden ’82
Bowen Agency Ltd.
Michael D. Bowen ’94
Michael L. Bowen ’95
Thomas L. Bowen ’90
Charles H. Bowers ’95
Margaret L. Bowers
Patricia A. Bowers
Jomare Bowers-Mizzell
Julius R. Bowie ’79
Julius R. Bowie ’51
Corey T. Bowles ’95
Henry Bowles
Henry W. Bowles Jr. ’95
Charles A. Bowman ’96
David G. Bowman ’89
J. Carl E. Bowman Sr. ’68
Nelson Bowman III ’84
Paul I. Bowser ’96
Bert R. Boyce
Charles S. Boyce ’94
Terry Boyce
Wayne Boyce
Antonio D. Boyd ’94
Claude S. Boyd ’66
David R. Boyd ’81
Boyd H. Anderson High School
Harold L. Boyd III ’89
Horace Boyd ’51
Justine Boyd
Keith W. Boyd ’94
Marletta Boyd
Marvin Boyd ’74
Michael Boyd ’86
Robert A. Boyd ’68
Roscoe Boyd II ’02
Terry P. Boyd ’84
Thelma Boyd
Thomas J. Boyd ’49
William Boyd
Juanita Boyd-Cooper
J. A. Boyer
Barbara Boykin
James M. Boykin II ’81
Joel S. Boykin Jr. ’79
Joel S. Boykin Sr. ’48
Keto M. Boykin ’96
Michael J. Boykin ’83
Raymond B. Boykin ’84
Reginald J. Boykins ’03
William L. Boynes Jr. ’88
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Christopher T. Bozek
Robert E. Bozeman
Deandre Brabram ’81
Isaac C. Bracey Jr. *
Richard Bradberry
Oligon B. Bradbury
Robert Braddicks
Robert G. Braddock ’90
H. M. Bradford Jr.
Henry Bradford Jr.
Lillian C. Bradford
Bennett Bradley Jr. ’73
Charles S. Bradley
Donald R. Bradley ’01
Doris S. Bradley
James A. Bradley ’01
Sandra Bradley
Stanley R. Bradley ’99
Terrence R. Bradshaw ’94
Ben Brady
Garron W. Bragg ’01
Yvonne Bragg
Braithwaite Enterprises, LLC
Harold O. Braithwaite ’77
Reginald L. Braithwaite ’97
Don Brancaccio
Andre N. Branch ’03
Matthew D. Branche ’81
Michael Brand ’86
Bertha L. Brandon
Clayton T. Brandon ’04
Donald G. Brandon
Joe Brandon Jr.
Henry M. Bransford ’75
Jesse M. Branson Sr.
Charles T. Brant ’84
Carice J. Brantley ’03
Damon W. Brantley ’88
Wiley A. Branton Jr. ’73
Jerry Braswell ’74
Mark J. Brathwaite ’03
Richard F. Braunlich Jr.
Karrye Y. Braxton
Agis R. Bray III ’00
Cecil E. Bray ’58
Stanley S. Brayboy Jr. ’04
Orella Brazile
Michael Bressman
Brian N. Brewer ’00
Byron C. Brewer ’03
Grady L. Brewer ’80
John W. Brewer Jr. ’84
Luther G. Brewster Jr. ’93
Matthew J. Brewster ’92
David L. Brice
Edward T. Brice ’03
Mildred Brickler
Justin L. Bridgeman ’02
Clive Bridges ’73
Hubert Bridges Jr.
Khari H. Bridges ’98
Lloyd L. Bridges ’89
Marvin L. Bridges ’92
Reuben E. Brigety ’65
Harold E. Briggs ’77
Rahshon M. Briggs ’96
Ronald C. Briggs Jr. ’98
Storm B. Briggs ’03
Teron N. Briggs ’01
Bright Mansion Inc
Virginia Bright
Walter A. Brill
Albert P. Brinson ’61
Arletta T. Brinson
Bakari M. Brinson ’96
Merle Brinson
Curtis Briscoe Sr. ’75
William T. Briscoe ’38
Henry M. S. Bristol
Bristol Hotels & Resorts
Wendell S. Bristol ’78
Carrington G. Britt ’06
George E. Britt ’88
Derrick Britton ’95
James A. Britton ’03
Ethel Broadnax
Brian E. Broadwater ’02
Ernest Broadwater ’70
Robert L. Broadwater Jr. ’96
Benjamin E. Brock ’98
Monroe Brock ’71
George V. Bromley
Oswald P. Bronson Sr.
Robert L. Bronson ’66
Brookhaven Service Center
David T. Brooking ’92
Jackson A. Brookins ’61
Reid A. Brookins III ’68
Reid A. Brookins II ’46 *
Brooklyn Queens Long Island
Alumni Chapter
A. Russell Brooks ’31 *
Anthony R. Brooks ’87
Byron Brooks ’76
C. C. Brooks
Cherrie Joyce F. Brooks
Cowan H. Brooks ’61
Eric D. Brooks ’02
Garland A. Brooks ’75
Helen J. Brooks
Ian D. Brooks ’98
Lorenzo D. Brooks Jr. ’03
Max A. Brooks ’01
Michael W. Brooks ’96
Muriel E. Brooks
Oliver T. Brooks ’78
Oliver W. Brooks ’50
Rico A. Brooks ’95
Edward M. Broom Jr. ’85
George B. Brother
Wes H. Brothers ’84
David Broughton II ’03
Patricia W. Broussard
Broward County Morehouse
Report on Giving
Alex N. Brown ’03
Alexander C. Brown ’61
Annie A. Brown
Anthony B. Brown ’80
Anthony L. Brown ’82
Anthony W. Brown ’73
Archibald W. Brown ’67
Artimus Brown ’73
Brian B. Brown ’98
Calvin C. Brown Jr. ’90
Carlton Brown ’66
Charles H. Brown
Charles S. Brown ’73
Charles S. Brown ’56
Charles W. Brown ’72
Christopher C. Brown ’99
Corey Brown ’91
Corey L. Brown ’03
David W. Brown ’53
Debra Brown
Derek J. Brown ’92
DeWalt Brown
Edward G. Brown ’92
Eldee L. Brown Jr. ’64
Elton E. Brown ’01
Eric D. Brown ’94
Gabriel Brown ’97
Geoffrey W. Brown ’01
Gerald A. D. Brown ’81
Gregg Brown ’83
Harvey A. Brown ’00
Heather R. Brown
Howard B. Brown ’70
Hugh L. Brown
Hulett W. Brown
Isiah D. Brown III ’73
Jacqueline F. Brown
James S. Brown Sr.
Jason A. Brown
Jason E. Brown ’01
Jason R. Brown ’97
Jeffrey L. Brown ’04
Jeremy L. Brown
Jerome K. Brown ’02
John H. Brown III ’63
John P. Brown Jr. ’72
John T. Brown
Jonathan N. Brown ’91
Jonathan W. Brown
Jonel L. Brown III ’86
Kalik S. Brown ’97
Kanitra Brown
Kenneth A. Brown ’91
Kevin A. Brown ’88
Kevin T. Brown ’04
Kimmy R. Brown ’99
Leslie E. Brown
Lola Brown
Margaret Brown
Mark A. Brown ’96
Mark B. Brown ’81
Marvin J. Brown ’94
Melvin Brown
Michael D. Brown ’91
Nathaniel F. Brown ’88
Nathaniel L. Brown ’03
Ollie J. Brown
Patrick D. Brown ’82
Pervis L. Brown ’95
Raeford Brown ’73
Ralph P. Brown ’92
Raymond S. Brown ’83
Reuben T. Brown ’99
Ricardo L. Brown ’93
Richard L. Brown Jr. ’03
Richard O. Brown III ’96
Robert and Jill Brown
Robert A. Brown ’96
Robert E. Brown ’66
Robert M. Brown ’00
Robert T. Brown ’79
Roger C. Brown
Rose Brown
Rudolph V. Brown
Samuel Brown ’59
Samuel J. Brown ’44
Stephen G. Brown ’91
Sylvester Brown ’38 *
Tara A. Brown
Terrence R. Brown ’83
Troy Brown
Verlie M. Brown
Vivian A. Brown
Walter M. Brown ’47
Wayne A. Brown ’95
William H. Brown ’70
William J. Brown ’65
Franz J. Browne Jr. ’77
Jon A. Browne ’69
Okeke Y. Browne ’03
Clementine Browning
Quentin Broxton ’72
Charles Bruce ’49
Roger Bruce ’75
Barry Brumfield
Joseph E. Brummell ’55
William C. Brummell Jr. ’67
Anthony L. Brundage ’84
Edward L. Brundidge Jr. ’74
Sean M. Bruno ’93
Albert Brunson
Jordan A. Brunson ’02
Elgin Bruton ’04
Vincent C. Bruton ’76
Clifford A. Bryan ’94
Derrick M. Bryan ’04
Anthony E. Bryant ’88
Barry C. Bryant ’00
Billy Bryant
Carle M. Bryant ’78
Chantel M. Bryant
Charles E. Bryant ’73
Charlotte K. Bryant
Elizabeth C. Bryant
Gloria M. Bryant
Jamal H. Bryant ’94
Karl D. Bryant ’95
Kevin J. Bryant ’86
Marva W. Bryant
Michael D. Bryant ’92
Michael D. Bryant ’89
Michael G. Bryant ’85
Owen Bryant III ’97
Raleigh A. Bryant Jr. ’49
Samara A. Bryant
Wendell A. Bryant ’86
William F. Bryant ’03
Calvin Bryson ’64
Henry H. Bryson Sr. ’56
Henry H. Bryson Jr. ’81
Kevin G. Bryson ’03
Flora M. Buchanan
Isham Buchanan ’51 *
Peyton Buchanan ’93
Gregory W. Buck ’81
Stanley W. Buck
Kevin Buckles ’05
Kensheilia Buckley
Miles V. Buckner ’03
Wendolyne C. Buckner ’94
John M. Budd
Kristin T. Bueno
Gary M. Buff
Robert L. Buffalo Jr. ’75
Susan T. Buffett
De’rone Buffington ’96
Lamont E. Buffington ’72
Reginald C. Buford ’76
Nicholas D. Buford-Crews ’05
Bernard F. Bugg ’76
Michael T. Bugg ’91
Jessie Buggs-Henderson
Dahniel B. Buie ’00
Harry Bullard
James E. Bullard ’65
Felecia Y. Bulliner
Allyce P. Bullock
Benjamin F. Bullock ’41
Charles E. Bullock ’89
David A. Bullock ’98
Willie Bullock ’58
Marie H. Buncombe
Leroy Bundrage
Nicholas C. Burckel
Jerry J. Burden
Ken A. Burden ’71
Ebony R. Burden-Ross
Corneil M. Burgess ’96
Alban C. Burke ’89
Logan T. Burke ’83
Burks & Associates
James W. Burks Jr.
Jesse J. Burks ’55
Keith O. Burks ’91
Kentrell L. Burks ’06
Leonard J. Burks ’99
Tony L. Burks II ’93
Floyd S. Burleigh Jr. ’93
Ulysses W. Burley III
Burlington Northern Santa Fe
Blaine A. Burnett ’93
Collie Burnett Jr. ’72
John Burnett
Daarel E. Burnette ’78
Myron G. Burney ’98
Carney R. Burns ’89
Christopher A. Burns ’92
Christopher M. Burns
Dargan J. Burns III ’80
David Burns ’85
Edmond B. Burns
Phillip O. Burns ’80
Walter M. Burns ’66
Burrell Communications Group
Duane Burrell ’89
K. Charles Burris ’71
Anthony T. Burroughs ’84
Gaylynn A. Burroughs
James C. Burroughs ’89
Joy Burroughs
Melanie Burroughs
Presley W. Burroughs III ’78
Aiden Burrows ’97
Elvis Burrows
Luther Burse ’86
Torey W. Burse ’96
Virlyn W. Burse ’62
Vincent M. Bursey ’82
John A. Burton ’87
Kelvin B. Burton ’84
Laura J. Burton Odem
Lawrence Burwell ’48
Mydell S. Burwell
Clarence E. Bush ’74
Emma H. Bush
Lee R. Bush II ’02
Reosha Bush
Walter R. Bush ’50
William J. Bush ’59
Gary T. M. Bussey ’72
James A. Bussey ’48
Derrick L. Butler ’90
Edward Butler
Gregory Butler
Horace N. Butler ’68
Jabari N. Butler ’97
Jim Butler
Kwasi H. Butler ’03
Robert L. Butler ’45
Gerald L. Buttelwreth
Cassius Butts ’94
Kyle A. Butts ’94
L. W. Butts
Report on Giving
Denise A. Byars
Michael G. Byas-Smith ’83
Hilbert Byers III ’86
Shawn L. Byers ’00
Bernard N. Bynum ’83
Kenneth D. Bynum
Mark J. Bynum ’93
Sheldon C. Bynum ’85
Tommy L. Bynum
Alfred M. Byrd ’00
Avery F. Byrd Sr. ’86
Christopher G. Byrd ’03
Johnnie Byrd ’98
Kahlil J. Byrd ’91
Richard A. Byrd Jr. ’90
Richard H. Byrd ’68
Rubye J. Byrd
Rupert A. Byrdsong ’91
BZW Foundation
Ron Cade
Anthony Caesar
Randell A. Cain ’91
Rogers C. Cain Jr. ’57
William H. Cain III ’68
Albert E. Cal Jr. ’01
Robert A. Caldwell
Shaun L. Caldwell ’01
Alzay F. Calhoun ’01
Bessie Calhoun
Calvin L. Calhoun Jr. ’71
Deandre’ W. Calhoun ’94
John H. Calhoun
William J. Calhoun ’96
Jamal Caliste ’98
Bernice E. Callaway
Brandon Callaway
Dwight W. Callaway ’53
Bruce Callender
Sharon Callender
James T. Callier Sr.
Anthony M. Calloway ’82
Charles F. Calloway ’41
Clinton K. Calloway ’41
Curtis A. Calloway
Curtis S. Calloway ’94
David A. Calloway ’04
George F. Calloway ’48
Jonell Y. Calloway
Michael S. Calloway ’90
Robert L. Calloway ’47
Calpine Foundation
Calvary Baptist Church
Callie L. Calvin
Mae E. Calvin
Arthur J. H. P. Camara ’95
Trae P. Camble ’04
Bryan N. Cambrice ’98
James A. Cameron Sr.
Julian A. Cameron ’96
Camilla & Zack Herbert
Foundation, Inc.
Charlotte H. Cammon
Daryl F. Camp ’91
Earl W. Camp ’92
Gregory Camp
Alfonso L. Campbell ’68
Anthony C. Campbell ’82
Bertha M. Campbell
Bryant G. Campbell ’83
Carlyle A. Campbell ’04
Charles C. Campbell ’94
Charles F. Campbell ’63
Everett W. Campbell ’88
Finley Campbell ’56
G. G. Campbell
Gregory C. Campbell ’90
Harvey R. Campbell ’60
Jamie M. Campbell ’95
Richard C. Campbell ’93
Rosalind B. Campbell
Russell C. Campbell Sr. ’65
Russell C. Campbell Jr. ’87
Sharon I. Campbell
Todd L. Campbell ’95
Verlin E. Campbell ’04
Wendell W. Campbell III ’93
Wilburn A. Campbell Sr. ’29
Wilburn A. Campbell Jr. ’66
William R. Campbell ’81
Darryl T. Canady ’87
Mae Canady
Linda Cannon
James R. Cantalupo *
David A. Canton ’92
David O. Cantrell ’74
Everett A. Cantrell ’64
Garry L. Capers ’98
Kenneth D. Capers
Reginald S. Capers ’79
Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.
The Capital Group Companies, Inc.
Capital Real Estate and Mortgages
Capital View Baptist Church
Capitol City Bank & Trust Company
Shawn D. Card ’99
Cardinal West, Inc.
Charles C. Carey ’52
Courtney D. Carey ’02
Kenneth E. Carey
Kent E. Carey ’88
Marvin A. Carey ’81
Richard H. Carey ’86
Jennifer Cargill
Winston K. Carhee Jr. ’98
Charles A. Carithers
Wilson Z. Carley ’72
James L. Carlisle Jr. ’96
Joseph Carlos Sr.
Joseph S. Carlos III ’04
Edith Carlson
Christopher V. Carlton
Roberta A. Carmichael
Barbara W. Carpenter
Charles A. Carpenter ’86
Shirley A. Carpenter
Sule’ O. Carpenter ’98
Jo Ann Carr
Kevin T. Carr ’96
Kwame A. Carr ’92
Patricia M. Carr
Tyree Carr II ’99
Cedric Carrigan
Arthur Carrington
Darin S. Carrington ’90
Doice A. Carrington ’91
Gary E. Carrington ’92
Devin E. Carroll ’03
Terrance D. Carroll ’92
Patricia C. Carrolle
Kirk A. Carruthers ’02
Rick A. Carruthers ’05
Alfred C. Carson ’57
Barrett H. Carson
Betty W. Carson
Emmett D. Carson Sr. ’81
Gaylane Carson
Marcus R. Carson ’91
Thomas W. Carswell ’72
Alexander Carter ’83
B. Carter
Brian Carter
Brian S. Carter ’00
Christopher A. Carter ’98
Duane I. Carter ’97
Effie W. Carter
Gideon T. Carter
Hernando D. Carter ’01
John A. Carter ’03
John E. Carter
John L. Carter ’37
Lance Carter ’74
Larry L. Carter Sr. ’64
Larry L. Carter Jr. ’87
Lawrence C. Carter II ’94
Lawrence E. Carter Sr.
Michael D. Carter ’86
Michael L. Carter ’84
Raines F. Carter ’77
Raymond D. Carter ’83
Rodney G. Carter ’91
Roy Carter
Shiekgo D. Carter
Steven E. Carter ’98
Tor T. Carter ’88
Turner Carter III ’77
Wendell Carter ’84
William H. Carter ’52
G. K. Carthen ’83
Christopher J. Carthern
Mia Caruth
William S. Cary Jr. ’49
Watson Carzo
Alden B. Casanave ’78
Angela B. Case
Charles G. Case ’01
Barbara D. Casey
Billy Casey
Earnest C. Cash ’59
Rodney J. Cash ’65
Yvonne S. Caskey
James C. Caslin ’56
Kevin A. Cassells ’03
Richard A. Cassells ’95
William A. Cassidy
William H. Castle Jr. ’92
Philip A. Castleberry ’78
Yvonne Catchings
Corey M. Cates ’92
James E. Cates
D. S. Cathcart
Ben Cathey
Bralyn E. Cathey ’02
Walter G. Cathey Jr. ’92
Kevin C. Catlin ’01
Audrey R. Caulfield
Seedia A. Ceesay ’86
Centura Bank
Garland K. Chadwell ’76
Challengers Boys & Girls Club
Herschelle S. Challenor
Crandall M. Chambers
Julius L. Chambers
Rashad V. Chambers ’01
Tyrone W. Chambers II
Victor B. Chambers II
Victor B. Chambers
Wesley Chambers
Cleveland R. Chambliss ’82 *
Marque Chambliss
Will T. Chambliss
Maurice B. Champagne ’03
Michael L. Champion ’00
Darlene Chan
Cleveland H. Chandler Sr. ’54
Clifford Chandler
Gene P. Chandler ’58
Kevin L. Chandler ’04
Cleveland Chandlers Sr. ’55
Betty N. Chaney
Craig L. Chaney ’96
Victor J. Chaney ’91
Wilbur V. Chaney ’67
Rhoda K. Channing
Chapel Hill Harvester Church, Inc.
Edward T. Chaplin ’51
Mark L. Chapman ’84
Vincent C. Chapman Jr. ’85
Walter M. Chapman ’91
Roderick D. Chappell ’91
Nolan Charbonnet Sr.
Elvire S. Charlemagne
Brent J. Charles
Jean Charles
Report on Giving
Keita K. Charles ’01
Charles Schwab
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc.
Suzan Chastain
Michael R. Chatman ’80
Robert G. Chatman Jr. ’81
Robert L. Chatman Jr.
Thomas C. Chatmon Sr. ’52 *
Chattanooga Morehouse Alumni
Ella J. Chavers
Henry W. Chavers ’59
Edward H. Chavis III ’95
Joanie D. Chavis
Patrick E. Chavis IV ’87
Alicia J. Cheatham Croker
King V. Cheek III ’95
Lee B. Cheese Jr. ’86
Welton C. Cheeseborough ’51
Alexander J. Chenault ’03
Brandon Chenier
Otis Chennault ’57
Charles W. Cherry II ’78
Maurice C. Cherry Jr. ’03
Frank L. Chester ’83
Kelsey J. Chester ’01
Stephen P. Chester ’01
Chevron Corporation
Chick-fil-A Inc.
James Chien
Kenneth C. Childs Sr. ’53
Bennie W. Chiles
Chillicoathe Education Foundation
Aaron M. Chilton ’99
Eugene Chilton
Zandrick M. Chin
David L. Chisholm ’64 *
Gyasi C. Chisley ’98
Brandon R. Chism ’04
Jesse D. Chism ’03
Tommy M. Chism ’03
Randy R. Chisolm ’03
Razab Q. Chowdhury ’96
Robbie E. Chrishon
Philip W. Christian II ’02
Robert G. Christie ’70
Worth R. Christler ’52
Howard D. Chubbs ’95
Ed B. Chung
Charles D. Churchwell ’52
Samuel Churikian
Cincinnati Bell Inc.
Cintas Corporation
Cisco Systems Inc.
Citizens Bank
Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation
of America
The City of Daytona Beach
City of Houston Combined Federal
Jomo A. K. Claiborne ’01
William Claiborne ’46 *
Clara Toombs Campaign Fund
Felicitia S. Clare
Andre B. Clark ’93
Arthur R. Clark ’72
Ben Clark III ’95
Betty J. Clark
Carol G. Clark
Chaz C. Clark
Clarence J. Clark ’91
Curtis Clark ’70
Darryl J. Clark ’02
Eric Clark ’97
Faye A. Clark
Garian D. Clark ’99
Gerald A. Clark ’93
Hubert Clark
James E. Clark ’87
Joseph W. Clark ’94
Karl B. Clark ’82
Kenneth L. Clark ’92
Koury D. Clark ’98
Laron J. Clark Jr. ’61
Larry J. Clark ’75
Lee W. Clark ’88
Leonard C. Clark Jr. ’79
Lois C. Clark
Luther T. Clark
Melba B. Clark
Nehemiah Clark ’63
Sherwin D. Clark ’94
Steven A. Clark ’00
Terry Clark ’74
Valeria D. Clark
Vincent S. Clark ’85
Alan Clarke
Darrell D. Clarke ’90
Donald L. Clarke ’60
Miles R. Clarke ’87
Richard C. Clarke ’99
Wanda Clarke
Wilbur Clarke
Andrew V. Clarkson Jr. ’88
Morehouse College Class of 1994
Benjamin F. Clawson ’61
Henry M. Claxton
Henry M. S. Claxton Jr. ’03
Craig L. Clay ’95
David Clay ’97
Henrietta C. Clay
Ponce D. Clay ’95
Ruby H. Clay
William Clay
Kishon A. Clayborne ’03
Mark A. Clayborne ’85
Stephen A. Clayborne ’96
Gary L. Clayton ’88
Obie Clayton Jr.
Taijuan M. Clayton ’02
M. Betty W. Clegg
Wesley D. Clement Sr. ’67
Austin L. Clements
Christina Clements
James T. Clements ’73
Kevin M. Clements ’78
Robert L. Clements ’50
John B. Clemmons ’36
Bertina Clemons
Brian K. Clemons ’96
Carolyn M. Clemons
Edward J. Clemons ’82
Sterling B. Clemons ’92
George F. Cleveland ’92
Isaac V. Cleveland II ’97
Cleveland Morehouse Alumni
Reginald T. Cleveland ’79
Kavan T. Clifford ’03
Kevin Clifford
Stanley M. Clifford Jr. ’94
Marvin Clifton
Steven A. Clincy ’99
Anthony D. Clinkscales ’99
Gregory W. Clinton Sr. ’82
Willie Closs Jr. ’77
Louis S. Clotman ’97
Carl L. Cloud III ’89
Douglas D. Cloud ’68
Eric V. N. Clowers ’77
Myron E. Cloyd ’83
Club Crescendo NW
Bobby F. Coates ’58
Daron F. Coates ’88
Delman L. Coates ’95
Isiah Coats ’63
Roger Coats
James Coaxum III ’93
Alvin Cobb ’51
Bernyece D. Cobb
Carroll V. Cobb ’87
Charles W. Cobb ’77
Henry Cobb Jr.
James W. Cobb ’83
Juan A. Cobb ’84
Kevin L. Cobb ’88
Rodney L. Cobb ’81
Hwesu C. Cobb-Phillips ’99
Lisa W. Cobbs
William Coble ’80
Franklin B. Cochran ’99
John O. Cochran Jr. ’68
Myrtis Cochran
Jarrett P. Coger ’04
Linda C. Coger
Tamera Coggins
Turner R. Coggins Jr. ’81
Anthony L. Cogswell ’81
Aaron Cohen
Inez E. Cohen
Leon P. Cohen ’95
Louis G. Colbert ’74
Theodore Colbert III ’96
Alphonso Cole
Earl L. Cole Jr.
Eric D. Cole ’83
Cole Holdings, Inc.
Johnnetta B. Cole
Juanita Cole
Leonard E. Cole Sr. ’72
Allen R. Coleman ’65
Althea G. Coleman
Baker J. Coleman ’74
Cardenal Coleman ’88
Delisa N. Coleman
Grant L. Coleman ’99
Gwendolyn C. Coleman
Herman H. Coleman Jr. ’76
Jeffrey Coleman ’98
Jennings Coleman III ’61
John Coleman
John W. Coleman Jr. ’75
Joseph C. Coleman ’48
Juanita V. Coleman
Keith D. Coleman ’95
Nadine Coleman
Nathaniel A. Coleman ’91
Phyllis W. Coleman
Raphael L. Coleman ’95
Stephen W. Coleman ’91
William C. Coleman Jr. ’73
William F. Coleman
Berry Coles Jr. ’90
Christopher D. Coles ’92
Anthony D. Coley ’00
Te-Ali G. Coley ’96
Tracy L. Coley ’86
College Television Network, Inc.
Kristopher M. Colley ’78
Audrey D. Collier
Fannie J. Collier
Jamison A. Collier
Lewis B. Collier ’71
Millard J. Collier ’79
Ronald D. Collier ’95
Thomas L. Collier ’51
Catherine Collins
Charles E. Collins Sr. ’75
H. E. Collins
Leon F. Collins ’68
Louis W. Collins
M. Sterling Collins ’41
Robert L. Collins ’53
Robert L. Collins ’99
Stephen W. Collins ’69
Timothy Collins ’78
Todd J. Collins ’95
The Colonial Pipeline Company
Freddie C. Colston ’59
Warren Z. Colter ’82
Jawanza K. Colvin ’98
Chris C. Combs ’03
Frederick Combs ’66
Report on Giving
Leroy Combs ’58
Rudolph J. Comeaux
James P. Comer
Vernon B. Comer ’85
Comerica, Incorporated
Commanders of The Right, 33°
Communities in Schools
Community Foundation of the
Chattahoochee Valley
Comprehensive Women’s
Healthcare, LLC
Joseph Emerett Compton IV ’03
Mattie Peterson Compton
Henry C. Conerway Jr.
Ronnie L. Coney ’93
Congressional Information
Service, Inc.
Beverly Conish
Binford H. Conley ’53
Gloria L. Conley
Stan C. Conley ’90
Calvin Connally
Edward P. Connally Jr. ’88
Norris L. Connally ’48
Connecticut General Life
Raymond A. Connell
Raymond K. Connell ’99
LeRoy Conner ’69
Sylvester Conner Jr. ’74
Robert J. Connor ’88
Robert L. Connor II ’96
Consolidated Edison Company of
New York, Inc.
Constantinou Constanina
David L. Constant ’02
Darian L. Conston ’03
Mauro A. Contrastano
Craig D. Conyers ’83
James E. Conyers ’54
C. C. Cook
Clifton Cook ’87
Frank J. Cook ’69
Gary T. Cook
Glen Cook II ’66
Henry L. Cook Sr. ’94
John F. Cook Jr. ’48
Myron B. Cook ’69
Ralph D. Cook Jr. ’98
Robert Cook ’47 *
Travis S. Cook ’01
Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson
Benson G. Cooke ’75
Bernard M. Cooke Jr. ’68
David B. Cooke III
Kevin L. Cooke ’86
Devlon M. Cooley
Wallace J. Coombs ’48
Cooper & Associates
Deryk D. Cooper
Duane A. Cooper ’82
Erin M. Cooper
Ettamaria E. Cooper
Evans B. Cooper III ’96
James D. Cooper Jr. ’86
Jefferey Cooper ’80
Jerry Cooper ’69
John A. Cooper ’43 *
Maurice Cooper II ’01
Oliver Cooper IV ’03
Tiffany Cooper
Virgie J. Cooper
Coopers & Lybrand LLP
Charles L. Cope
Bobby Copeland
Curtiss E. Copeland ’57
Garris A. Copeland ’80
Schyler W. Copeland ’04
Michael B. Coppock Jr. ’98
Johnson S. Coprich ’66
Everett D. Cordy ’77
Harold D. Cordy ’68
Thomas O. Cordy ’63
Daimon S. Corgile ’00
Yusuf S. Corker ’96
Andrew Cornelious Jr. ’98
John W. Cornelius ’67
Corporate Communications
George Corrin Jr.
Malcolm L. Corrin ’50 *
Willard H. Coryell
John O. Cosby ’01
Cosmetic Dentistry of Texas
Christopher R. Cotton ’03
Emilie H. Cotton
Kenneth A. Cotton ’85
William L. Cottrell ’55
Patricia A. Coulter
Ernest R. Council Jr. ’76
Marlon D. Cousin ’87
Marcia Cousins
Cousins Properties, Inc
Jason G. Cowan ’70
Joel H. Cowan
Rodney D. Cowan ’89
Brandon T. Coward
E. Wendell Coward ’63
Godfrey Coward Sr.
Kyle A. Coward ’00
Damien M. Cox ’97
E. L. Cox ’83
George W. Cox III ’71
Kimberly R. Cox
Marcus S. Cox
Michael J. Cox ’79
Rubin O. Cox ’76
Sterling A. Cox ’03
Thomas A. Cox Jr. ’84
Coxe Curry & Associates
Carlton C. Coy Jr. ’99
Jay C. Craft ’98
Amziah W. Craig ’64
Cornelius Craig III ’96
Curt B. Craig ’94
Drake J. Craig ’89
Quiester Craig ’57
David N. Cramer
Andrea C. Cranch
Millard F. Cranch
Beverley A. Crane
Marjorie I. Cranford
Darrell L. Crapps ’89
Barbara M. Cravin
Calvin C. Crawford ’51
Christen S. Crawford ’04
Christopher A. Crawford ’95
Darrin S. Crawford
Florence M. Crawford
Floyd Crawford ’74
George I. Crawford Jr. ’96
George W. Crawford II ’72
Howard Crawford ’64 *
Johnny O. Crawford ’85
Joshua Crawford
Mamie W. Crawford
Michael C. Crawford Sr. ’78
Nahesi Crawford ’04
Neil M. Crawford ’99
Robert T. Crawford ’91
Ruth M. Crawford
St. Elmo W. Crawford Jr.
William T. Crawley III ’89
Shelley L. Crayon III ’97
Cornell R. Crayton ’93
Kevin E. Crayton ’89
Wanda L. Crayton
Erwin C. Crenchaw ’71
Reginald A. Crenshaw ’78
Mary S. Crew
Jason J. Crichlow ’04
L. Tyrone Crider ’81
Timothy A. Crim ’81
David R. Cripps
Roy H. Crispin
Demond L. Criss
Margaret L. Crist
James A. Crittenden ’86
William J. Crittenden ’86
William A. Crittendon ’89
Charles Crittenton ’85
Curtis Crocker Jr. ’84
Steven Crocker ’83
Teresa Crocker
Cecelia Crockett
James H. Crockett ’53
Lois Crockett
Jon D. Croel ’98
Rodney L. Crook ’84
Terrell W. Crook ’98
Antoine L. Crosby
Brian C. Crosby ’03
Melvin Crosby ’80
Daniel H. Cross Jr. ’88
Rufus Cross Jr. ’78
Zachary C. Cross ’96
Earl J. Crosswright ’82
Felix M. Crowder
Frances S. Crowder
John W. Crowder ’92
Roland H. Crowder ’71
Roland H. Crowder Sr.
William J. Crowe
Curtis R. Crowell
Jerome Croxton
Justin Q. Croxton
Carlos J. Crudup ’91
Keith E. Crudup-Ross ’91
Melvin L. Crum ’92
Cleveland D. Crumbley ’86
Cecil L. Crump ’91
Donald Crump
Jason C. Crump ’95
Sondra R. Crump
Carlton B. Crutchfield ’87
Carlton G. Crutchfield ’73
Christopher H. Crutchfield ’03
Michael J. Cruz ’89
CSX Corporation
Robert L. Cudger ’67
Warren E. Cuff ’83
Thomas F. Cuffie Sr. ’72
David L. Cummings ’89
Duane R. Cummings ’99
Joseph E. Cummings ’92
Luel Cummings-Sutton
Dennis F. Cummins ’97
Ira B. Cundiff
Titus Cunigan II ’04
Michael Cunningham ’89
Phyllis Cunningham
Timothy J. Cunningham ’04
Wiletha J. Cunningham
Damian M. Cupid ’02
Wesley L. Curl ’82
August O. Curley ’50
Ulysses M. Currie ’88
Ann Q. Curry
Augustus T. Curry ’87
Darian S. Curry ’93
Jason R. Curry ’92
Levy H. Curry ’72
Richard J. Curry Jr. ’85
Charles W. Curtis II ’03
Coltraine M. Curtis ’98
Elroyce Curtis ’50
Tashana Curtis
Tyrone F. Curtis ’93
Susan C. Curzon
William R. Cutforth
Arthur L. Cutler II ’96
Keith A. Cutler ’86
Trent S. Cutler
Patricia J. Cutright
Ruth Cyrus
Report on Giving
D.H.R. Foundation
John O. Dabney ’54 *
Jon F. Dabney ’91
Louis R. Dabney ’95
Landon C. Dais ’03
Larik D. Dais ’95
Larry Dais
Benjamin Daise ’64
Grady Dale Jr.
Kareem O. Dale ’03
Walter Dallas ’68
George A. Dalley
Belinda A. Dalton
Waller Dalton
John G. Dameron ’76
Deborah B. Dancik
Leslie L. Dancy ’03
William K. Dancy ’94
Frank A. D’Andraia
Wallace T. Dandridge
Edward L. Daniel ’79
Mack C. Daniel Jr. ’85
Michael C. Daniel ’99
O’Hara D. Daniel ’03
Todd A. Daniel ’89
Apter Daniels
Glenn M. Daniels ’85
Gregory C. Daniels
Keith A. Daniels ’77
Vincent J. Daniels ’87
Bobby H. Dansby Jr. ’92
Jared D. Dansby ’97
Danya International, Inc.
Everett V. B. Darby ’84
R. Ephin Darby ’61
Alvin H. Darden III ’72
David F. Darden III
George Darden
William T. Dargan ’70
Darien Funeral Home
Cedric K. Dark ’01
Jewel Darkins
A. Penny Dash
Hugh M. H. Dash ’69
William C. Dash ’96
Jacob S. Daughtry II ’83
Sean K. Daughtry ’93
George I. Davenport Jr. ’92
Honor J. Davenport
Keith R. Davenport ’83
Michael Davenport
Samuel R. Davenport ’63
Thomas L. Davenport ’02
Victoria M. Davenport
Walter C. Davenport ’70
Marc C. David ’87
Dovetta Y. Davidson
Earl A. Davidson ’70
Ezra K. Davidson ’85
Julian Davidson
Kerry Davidson ’55
Marc A. Davidson ’87
Robert C. Davidson III ’01
James J. Davies
Abraham L. Davis ’61
Ahmed J. Davis ’94
Albert M. Davis ’38 *
Alfonso J. Davis ’96
Andrew Davis
Anthony Davis
Anthony L. Davis ’01
Anthony O. Davis ’93
Arthur C. Davis Jr. ’65
Bennett Davis ’51
Brian R. Davis ’96
Burnis A. Davis ’92
Candra M. Davis
Charles D. Davis ’71
Charles L. Davis Jr. ’74
Curley Davis
Cynthia D. Davis
Darrell A. Davis ’83
Delbert A. Davis ’87
Doris Davis
Duane L. Davis ’79
Dwight F. Davis
Edgar H. Davis
Edward L. Davis ’01
Elmer E. Davis ’87
Eric Davis
G. J. Davis
Gerald B. Davis
Gregory W. Davis ’80
Howlie R. Davis ’79
Ida J. Davis
Illya E. Davis ’89
James A. Davis ’61
James E. Davis ’83
Jefferey L. Davis
Jimmy L. Davis ’02
Jinnie Y. Davis
John D. Davis
John T. Davis ’73
Jonathan C. Davis ’03
Josh-Shua Davis ’00
Juanita H. Davis
Kevin A. Davis ’92
L. Duane Davis ’81
Lamar Davis Jr. ’82
Larry B. Davis ’79
Larry P. Davis
Len L. Davis ’71
Leo Davis
Leroy Davis
Marilyn A. Davis
Marlon E. Davis ’98
Michael A. Davis ’97
Michael D. Davis ’63 *
Michael M. Davis ’97
Milton O. Davis ’53 *
Nathaniel G. Davis ’70
Oscar Davis ’56
Ossie Davis *
Pamela J. Davis
Perry L. Davis ’59
Phillip N. Davis Sr. ’57
Randy L. Davis ’81
Robert Davis
Robert H. Davis ’65
Robert K. Davis ’61
Robert L. Davis III ’74
Rodney E. Davis ’92
Roesandra J. Davis
Ronald A. Davis ’71
Ruth Davis
Ryan A. Davis ’03
Sean D. Davis ’90
Sharon A. Davis
Silas W. Davis ’50 *
Stacey Davis
Steven J. Davis
Tarence J. Davis ’94
Theodore A. Davis ’91
Tigwa H. Davis ’99
Trevont L. Davis ’95
Wayne R. Davis ’77
Willie L. Davis Jr. ’03
Gregory A. Davson ’99
Christopher L. Dawkins ’04
Hugh A. Dawkins
Jamal M. Dawkins ’93
Odis T. Dawkins ’79
Ramon M. Dawkins ’80
Roland G. Dawkins ’90
Russell D. Dawkins ’93
Alfonso L. Dawson ’79
Alma Dawson
Angela Y. Dawson
Arthur Dawson
Emory Dawson ’73
Michael T. Dawson ’90
Troy A. Dawson ’86
Williard L. Dawson ’50
Cheryl D. Day
Delphine Day
Hugh L. Day ’88 *
Paralee Day
Sallie Day
Chemistry Department Receives $400,000
Gift From W.M. Keck Foundation
ehind a nondescript door on the third floor of Merrill Hall is
a goldmine of hi-tech equipment: microscopes, spectrometers, a centrifuge and a refrigerator; machines that purify
water and sense acidity levels; computers for molecular modeling and simulations; sensors to perform experiments and detect
compounds; and other instruments of various sizes, shapes and uses.
In 2005, W.M. Keck Foundation gave the chemistry department
a $400,000 gift, which was used in part to finance the new
$218,000 biochemistry lab. The remaining money has enabled the
department to hire additional faculty and to update the general
chemistry and organic chemistry laboratories.
The gift will help gain national accreditation for the College’s
Chemistry Department. ■
Report on Giving
Thomas B. Day
Thomas N. Day ’03
Whitman Day ’30 *
Denice Daye
Everett A. Days ’59 *
John W. Days Sr. ’67
Kenneth D. Days ’61
Kenneth D. Days III ’92
Gail Dayson
D’Bo’s Buffalo Wings and Things
Myra C. De Leston
Shayla Deal
Anthony D. Dean ’98
Bertram H. Dean Jr. ’76
Stephen J. Dean Jr. ’99
Stephen J. Dean Sr. ’72
Victor C. Dean ’97
Dwight K. Deans ’75
Daino D. Deas ’92
William K. Dease Sr. ’54
William K. Dease II ’93
Dan D. DeBardelaben ’79
Akili DeBrady ’97
Rafique N. DeCastro ’99
Beautine H. Decosta-Lee
Deep Rivers Ministry
Learned H. Dees ’82
Michael A. Dees ’86
Guy DeFazio
Louis Defense ’00
Ahuacan D. J. S. DeGruy ’00
Robert L. Deitsch
James D. Delahoussaye ’93
Doyle O. Delaney ’75
Yvette deLaubanque
Daniel K. Delk Jr. ’02
Daniel K. Delk Sr.
Juanzen K. Deloney Sr. ’73
Channing S. Delph ’00
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Jean A. Demas *
Mack Demas
Richard W. Demas ’58 *
Michael R. Demby ’02
Alford J. Dempsey ’72
Dempsey and Associates Inc.
Fredrick E. Denham ’88
David C. Dennard
Darryl E. Dennis ’83
James E. Dennis ’71
Larry L. Dennis
Luther J. Dennis
Mel Dennis
James F. Densler
David J. Dent ’81
Gloria D. Dent
Kevin Dent ’86
Stanley E. Denton ’75
Robert H. Derden ’68
Dennis M. DeShields ’82
Angela K. Deskins
Logan K. Deskins
Dioles D. Destin
Anthony DeSue Sr. ’68
Detroit Edison Foundation
Detroit Morehouse Alumni
Detroit-Macomb Hospital
Richard A. Detweiler
Irwin Deutch
Laura W. Deutsch
Stanley M. Devan ’93
James M. DeVane Jr.
James S. Devins Jr. ’97
Malcom W. Devoe ’04
Willis C. Devore ’95
James W. Dewberry Jr. ’72
Fred Deweaver ’45 *
William J. Dewey
Derek C. DeWitt ’89
Bryan M. Dewsberry ’03
G. Adesina A. Deyounge ’99
DGB Enterprises
Fassou Dialamou
Dianum Entertainment Corporation
Raymond A. Dick ’78
Bernard Dickens ’81
Jarvis F. Dickerson ’83
Sherri E. T. Dickerson
Benjamin F. Dickerson Jr. ’63
Augustus Dickinson Jr. ’68
Jonathan C. Dickson ’95
Elaine Didier
Adrew Diggs
William P. Diggs Jr. ’83
David Dill ’58
Earlston T. Dill Jr. ’95
Annmarie Dillard
Bernard L. Dillard ’94
Oscar G. Dillard ’80
Randolph Dillard ’75
Robert L. Dillard Jr. ’00
Vincence F. Dillon Jr. ’98
Lewis Dinkins ’58
Brandon J. Dirden ’00
Directions in Research, Inc.
Spencer C. Disher III
Otis W. Dismuke ’79
Robbie J. Dix Jr. ’49 *
Alan K. Dixon ’81
Archie L. Dixon ’95
Barbara B. Dixon
Christopher L. Dixon ’01
Damon C. Dixon ’89
Daryl Dixon ’81
Harrison A. Dixon
James L. Dixon ’04
Julius W. Dixon
Otis M. Dixon
Robert A. Dixon ’81
Robert L. Dixon Sr. ’51
Robert M. Dixon ’64
Spencer D. Dixon ’01
Terrance L. Dixon ’88
Brian R. Dobbins ’91
Garvey T. Dobbins ’95
Mary A. Dobbins
Tobars A. Dobbs ’92
Jerome Dobson
William T. Dobson
Bryan K. Doby ’87
Michael E. Doctor ’87
Darryl L. Dodson ’86
Kevin C. Dodson ’93
Richard K. Dodson ’86
Walter R. Dogan ’75
Alvin Dollar ’70
Brian A. Dollar ’97
Margaret R. Dollbaum
Clarence Dollison ’71
Danique A. Dolly ’95
Tony Dolphus ’76
Harold Domineck ’70
Keith Domineck
Byron Donald ’97
Keith D. Donaldson ’98
Kevin E. Donalson ’94
Derek K. Donkoh ’00
Kwame Donkoh
Jeffrey P. Dooley
Edward E. Doomes ’93
Anthony O. Dore ’94
Freddie T. Dore ’65 *
Louis O. Dore ’67
Chad J. Dorsey ’95
Christopher Dorsey ’84
David F. Dorsey
Dorothy Dorsey
James E. Dorsey ’97
Joseph R. Dorsey Jr.
Alvin L. Doss ’95 Jr.
Lawrence Doss
Donald M. Dotson ’71
Carl E. Douglas
James A. Douglas ’67
Larry B. Douglas ’74 *
Louis F. Douglas ’87
Ronald W. Douglas ’94
Sheryl H. Douglas
Steven S. Douglas ’94
Sylvester Douglas ’63
Curtis W. Douglass ’92
Sidney E. Douse III ’97
Ross S. Douthard Jr. ’35
Kevin D. Dow ’91
Lawrence Dowler
Henry S. Dowling III ’95
Ezra N. Downer ’39
Downey Family Trust
John W. Downing ’57
Kevin R. Downing ’84
Augustus Doyle ’99
Richard D. Doyle
Eddie Drake ’83
Jamil W. Drake ’04
Pauline E. Drake
Donna Drakeford
Jackie Drakford
Bettye Draughan
Jerry Drayton Sr. ’43
Thomas B. Drayton Jr. ’02
Carol F. Dressler
Denise Drew
Drew Eckl & Farnham, LLP
Jefferson J. Drew ’73
Barbara Driggins
Dorothy Driskell
Edwin F. Driskell ’32
John T. Driskell III ’02
Quardricos B. Driskell ’05
Drummer & Associates, LLC
June A. Drummer
Khalfani Drummer
Frank E. Drumwright Jr. ’79 *
Charles Dryden
Ronald A. Dubberly
Stuart Dubin
Carrick M. DuBose ’91
Freddie L. Dubose ’88
Quinton L. Dubose
Ted DuBose
Evander Duck Jr. ’82
Allegra L. Dudley
Jonathan H. Dudley ’01
The Dudley L. Moore Family
Edmond J. Dugas
Dwayne Dugger Sr.
Dwayne R. Dugger
Blaise L. Duhe III ’83
James A. Duke ’90
Michael T. Duke
William E. Dukes ’64
Phyllis T. Dulan-Tees
Kyle E. Dumas ’94
Willard L. Dumas Jr.
Herbert L. Dunaway
Amenia Duncan
David D. Duncan ’81
Dustin T. Duncan ’05
Jason C. Duncan ’00
Jeffrey S. Duncan ’04
Kenneth Dunkin ’90
Juan Dunlap ’81
Ronald L. Dunlap ’83
Lawrence A. Dunmore III ’88
Alfred C. Dunn ’01
Charles A. Dunn ’03
Grady D. Dunn ’90
Guy T. Dunn ’82
Charles K. Dunson ’50 *
Ellious W. Dunson ’58 *
Diane E. Dunston
Report on Giving
Gwendolyn Duplantier
A. Hunter Dupree
Edward J. Dupree III ’82
Sandra D. Dupree
Bené L. Durant
Thomas J. Durant Jr.
William H. Durant ’70
Torarie N. Durden ’99
Sean Duren ’95
Elise M. Durham
William E. Durham Jr. ’92
Michael Q. Durry ’89
Obinna P. Duru ’05
Harold V. Dutton III ’00
Jamal Duval ’97
Kevin P. Dwyer
Barbara C. Dye
Clinton E. Dye Jr. ’65
Grover C. Dye ’41
Joe Dyer III ’95
Marc A. Dyer ’94
Dynamic Functions Consulting
Group, Inc.
DynMcDermott Petroleum
Operations Company
Jones E. Dyson ’03
Linda A. Dyson
Andre C. Eaddy ’04
Robin A. Eaddy
John V. Eagan
Fulton C. Eaglin ’04
Philip Earhart
Charles C. Earl Jr. ’84
Nathan T. Earl ’04
Shelly W. Earl ’75
William J. Earl ’69
Aaron D. Earley ’88
Khary O. Earley ’01
Larry Eason ’78
Robert L. Eason ’73
Ronald Eason
Derek East ’77
East Friendship Baptist Church
Timothy R. East ’85
Torian J. Easterling ’03
Warren B. Easton ’52
Clint Eastwood
Eaton Corporation
Robert G. Eaton ’76
Roy V. Eaton ’88
Victor L. Eaton ’99
A. Reginald Eaves ’56
Floyd E. Eaves ’51
John H. Eaves ’84
Samuel J. Eaves Sr. ’62
Samuel J. Eaves II ’94
Kenneth J. Echols ’55
Ronald E. Echols ’95
Jay A. Eckert
Jeanette S. Eckert
Ecnorrot, LLC
Khayyam M. Eddings ’97
Kenneth C. Edelin ’90
Colin N. Edey ’93
Edison International
Byron K. Edmond ’86
Delvin T. Edmond ’99
Edwin R. Edmonds ’38
John L. Edmonds ’91
Lynne Edmonds
Edward O. Edmondson ’94
James R. Edmondson ’92
Claude J. Edney
William A. Edson ’97
edVenture Partners
Edward D. Jones & Co.
Almond Edwards
Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP
Arthur L. Edwards ’63
Christopher R. Edwards ’82
Dennis R. Edwards
Elijah B. Edwards ’04
Gwen Edwards
Homer T. Edwards ’65
Jason K. Edwards ’99
Jesse Edwards III ’91
Jessica Edwards
Jonathan A. Edwards ’86
Jonathan T. Edwards ’04
Julie Edwards
L. Thornon Edwards
Lindsay T. Edwards ’00
Lloyd J. Edwards ’80
M. Delmar Edwards ’48 *
Marcus Edwards
Mark A. Edwards ’84
Preston J. Edwards Jr. ’89
Randolph Edwards ’98
Tracy C. Edwards ’96
Travis B. Edwards ’91
William Edwards ’72
Carolyn Egas
Chjioke Egwuekwe ’96
Nnaemeka Egwuekwe ’94
Walter Ehmer
Leon X. Eichelberger II ’01
Eula Eikerenkoeher
Damien Ejigiri
Zawdie A. Ekundayo ’86
Maurice T. El-Amin ’92
Elanni Publishing
Weldon E. Elbert ’48
Lionel M. Elder ’87
Christopher C. Elders ’02
Jonathan K. Eldridge ’96
Maurice G. Eldridge
Wayne A. Eley ’92
Walter Elias ’55
Ricky Elion ’81
William Elkins IV ’02
Steven Ellingen
Charles G. Elliott ’91
Michael D. Elliott ’99
Dane A. Elliott-Lewis ’96
Dale Q. Ellis
Edward L. Ellis III ’92
Ettamaria Ellis
Frederic Ellis ’38 *
Harold C. Ellis ’92
Malik O. K. Ellis ’94
Rodney O. Ellis ’04
Spencer T. Ellis ’88
Tellis B. Ellis Jr. ’35 *
Thomas S. Ellis ’85
Zebulon John D. Ellis Sr. ’69
Gordon F. Ellison ’80
James B. Ellison Sr. ’38
James B. Ellison ’78
Scott R. Ellison ’89
Clinton R. Elmore ’63
Qian W. Elmore ’95
Stephen A. Elmore Sr. ’73
Lemuel J. Elzy ’65
Raymond G. Emanuel ’88
Lynn Dimino Emme
Christine Emmons
Joseph D. English ’40
Dariaus G. Enlow ’99
George W. Enlow
Cleveland J. Enmon ’00
Mario F. Ephriam ’94
Charles H. Epps
Charles T. Epps ’42
Harding Epps Jr. ’73
Justin N. Epps ’94
Electric Power Research Institute
Epsilon Boule’
Equifax Inc.
Equiva Services LLC
Christine N. Erih
Lula Ervin
Otis Ervin
Ervin, Cohen & Jessup, LLP
Escuela Elementary Center, Inc.
Angelo P. Espinosa ’93
Bobbie J. Espy
Frederick L. Espy ’65
George Espy ’56
Thomas H. Espy ’93
Walter S. Espy ’64
Donald R. Essex ’96
Willie B. Estaras
Todd V. Ester ’90
Delores W. Estes
Joy C. Estess
Eldridge Etienne
Harley F. Etienne ’96
Addie J. Euba
Miles D. Euell ’92
Alfreda B. Evans
Arthur L. Evans ’53
Billy J. Evans ’63
Carolyn Evans
Cathy Evans
Christopher D. Evans ’98
Clinton L. Evans ’74
Demetrius Evans
Derrick J. Evans ’89
Douglas W. Evans III ’99
Eric G. Evans ’86
Isaiah S. Evans Jr. ’79
Jamahl K. Evans ’95
Kenneth I. Evans ’79
Kimberly M. Evans
Robert L. Evans ’63
Gerald K. Evelyn
Clark H. Everett ’62
Ralph B. Everett ’73
Zandra E. Everett
Emory B. Everette ’58
Isaac L. Ewell ’94
Randy L. Ewing
Russell C. B. Ewing II ’91
Executive Leadership Council
Maria Eyre
Anthony D. Ezzard ’90
Robert Fahl
Bartley A. Fain ’86
Christopher J. Fain ’92
Gretchen K. Fairbanks
William T. Fairley III ’01
Faith Tabernacle Missionary Baptist
Falik & Karim
Wilson Fallin Jr. ’64
Isaac M. Falls ’57
Ronald C. Falls ’00
Nicholas B. Fannings ’04
Samuel N. Fanroy ’55
Milton W. Fant
Grady Farley ’29 *
Alvin D. Farmer ’93
Robert L. Farmer ’88
Timothy B. Farmer ’02
Bradley S. Farrar ’91
Darryle M. Farrar ’03
William J. Farrar ’48
Mary Farrell
Raymond Farrington ’59
William R. Farris Jr. ’80
Donzellar L. Farrow
Arthur M. Faulk ’77
Christopher J. Faulk
George L. Faulk III ’93
Julius Faulk ’94
Roosevelt Faulkner
Roosevelt T. Faulkner
Oladapo Fawibe
Daniel W. Fay
The FBR Foundation, Inc.
Joseph Feagan ’63
Vanderbilt Fears Jr. ’84
M’bike’ M. K. Featherstone ’99
Report on Giving
Federated Department Stores
FedEx Corporation
Elaine H. Fehr
Grady L. Felder Sr.
Grady L. Felder Jr. ’97
Ishmell Felder ’72
Joseph Felder
Darryl B. Felker ’92
Brandon M. Felton ’03
Brandon R. Felton ’99
Eugene Felton Jr. ’92
Melvin A. Felton ’00
Paula Y. Fendall
Adriene J. Fennell ’00
Hensey A. Fenton Jr. ’92
Ahmad E. Ferguson ’89
Alan E. Ferguson ’93
Chris D. Ferguson
David S. Ferguson
Floyd O. Ferguson ’81
Harold Ferguson ’55
John T. Ferguson
Kenneth W. Ferguson ’03
LaShaundrea Ferguson
Lizzie B. Ferguson
Phillip D. Ferguson
Vincent Ferguson ’04
Harold E. Ferrel ’69
Tyron A. Fevrier ’03
Arthur I. Few
David Few Jr. ’07
Moses C. Few ’48
Theodore Few Jr. ’79
Walter L. Few III ’93
Gerry L. Fielding ’01
Anthony L. Fields ’84
Antonio R. Fields ’03
David M. Fields
Kevin G. Fields ’84
Mathew M. S. Fields ’97
Timothy L. Fields ’98
Antoinette Fierro
Fifth Third Bank
Alvin Finch ’69
Ali Finely
David Fingal
Heidi D. Finger
Paul Finkler
Cameron L. Finley ’03
Craig W. Finley Jr. ’93
Craig W. Finley Sr. ’67
Rita B. Finley
Willie D. Finley ’65
Marilyn Finn
Ramon T. Finner ’92
First Chicago
First Corinthian Baptist Church –
New York
First Friendship Institutional
Baptist Church
First Parish in Bedford
First Presbyterian Church
Andrew J. Fischer
Charles L. Fischer III ’97
Marc I. Fischer ’01
Calvin D. Fisher ’95
Eric J. Fisher ’94
Winder E. D. Fisher ’56
Richard Fishman
John G. Fitzgerald
Mary L. Fitzgerald
Donald C. Fitzroy ’72
Merle J. Flakes ’87
Damon S. Flamer ’00
Margaret Flamer
Robert B. Flanagan Jr. ’83
Marvin D. Flanigan ’77
FleetBoston Financial
Warren A. Fleet
Fleishman-Hillard Inc.
Joseph Fleming
William J. Fleming Jr. ’84
Stuart J. Flemister ’89
Rochelle Flemister-Reardon
Albert Fletcher ’65
Donnie Fletcher
Edward B. Fletcher ’71
James A. Fletcher
Kenyatta M. Fletcher ’99
Nicholas B. Fletcher ’00
William E. Fletcher Jr. ’80
Clifford Flint ’57
Joseph C. T. Flippin ’03
Frank P. Flores ’83
Mark E. Flores ’84
James M. Flournoy
Adolph V. Flowers
Adolph W. Flowers ’05
Andre’ M. Flowers ’91
Jamal R. Flowers ’97
Lula Flowers
Alfonso Floyd ’92
Arthur Floyd Jr. ’57
Darryl B. Floyd ’84
Dean A. Floyd ’03
Ernest E. Floyd II ’01
Evan E. Floyd ’03
James C. Floyd
Johnie M. Floyd ’50
Joseph B. Floyd
Michael D. Floyd ’72
Rodney T. Floyd ’91
Walter J. Floyd Sr. ’41
Clara F. Floyd-Gaymon
Darryl L. Fluker ’93
John E. Fluker ’57
Walter E. Fluker
FMC Corporation
Cynthia Fobbs-Morton
Thomas Fogarty
Oluwabusayo T. Folarin ’04
James C. Foley
George I. Folkes III ’78
Helen Fontenot
Susan H. Fontenot
Conrad L. Forbes ’72
Glenn Forbes ’81
J’Vonn C. Forbes
Alfred L. Ford ’77
Barbara J. Ford
Barron J. Ford ’95
Carol Ford
Ian P. Ford ’03
James D. Ford ’01
James E. Ford III ’03
Kimberly C. Ford
Lonnie D. Ford
Louis A. Ford
Nathaniel B. Ford Jr.
Robert L. Ford
Sylverna Ford
William H. Ford ’64
William L. Ford III ’91
Garth M. Forde ’95
Derek A. Fordjour ’01
Richard P. Fordjour ’00
Gerald F. Foree ’98 *
Kevin A. Foreman ’90
Rebecca S. Forgay
Yves J. Forges
Kenyon M. Fort
Mark L. Forte ’01
Mary Forte
Dewitt C. Fortenberry ’86
James D. Fortenberry
Carver J. Fortson ’58 *
Charles H. Fortson
Darryl L. Fortson ’84
Douglas A. Fortson ’67
Jeffery B. Fortson ’91
Reginald B. Fortson ’86
Roscoe E. Fortson ’53 *
Aaron M. Foster ’95
Anthony L. Foster
Arthur J. Foster Jr. ’77
Dalton A. Foster ’90
Drew Foster
Ernest C. Foster
Jean L. Foster
Jerome E. Foster ’85
John Foster
Kendal I. Foster ’03
Lonnie G. Foster ’49
M. Y. Foster
Oswald L. Foster ’81
Rufus C. Foster
Danielle Foster-Smith
Robert A. Foulkes ’94
Cheryl G. Fountain
Stanley Foushee
Duane L. Fowler ’75
Gregory W. Fowler ’91
Kenneth E. Fowler ’65
Judith A. Fox
Pierrel M. Foxworth ’95
Jesse Foy ’79
FPA Medical Management, Inc.
Theodore R. France IV ’86 *
Yvonne Z. France
Frances L. & Edwin L. Cummings
Memorial Fund
Anthony O. Francis ’03
Kerry Francis
Sean L. Francis ’90
Stephen S. Francis ’80
Theodore S. Francis II ’03
W. B. Francis ’77
Evelyn S. Francois
Alfred L. Frank ’49
David W. Frank
Donna S. Frank
Trent T. Frank ’83
Franklin & Wilson Airport
Brian L. Franklin ’97
Brinley R. Franklin
Charlotte L. Franklin
Gary R. Franklin ’80
George C. Franklin
Hardy R. Franklin Sr. ’50 *
Harold H. Franklin Jr. ’81
Janice R. Franklin
Jeffery M. Franklin ’80
Lillie M. Franklin
Myrtle C. Franklin
Oliver W. Franklin ’68
R. Gregory Franklin ’80
Renty B. Franklin ’66
Robert M. Franklin ’75
Wendell B. Franklin ’94
Beverly W. Franks
Elliott E. Franks III ’56
J. Kevin K. Franks ’93
John T. Franks ’72
Keddrick J. Franks ’03
Ralph K. Frasier
Robert S. Frasier ’95
Andrew M. Frazer
Myron A. Frazer ’07
Emma Frazier
Henry J. Frazier ’93
Jeffie R. Frazier
Mark A. Frazier ’84
Reginald W. Frazier ’94
Ronald D. Frazier ’99
Stacey L. Frazier ’99
Vernon B. Frazier ’94
William A. Frazier II ’00
Earle Frederick
Jason E. Frederick ’03
Jerome Frederick Jr.
Terence Frederick
Gary E. Freed
Cora L. Freeman
Report on Giving
Freeman Decorating
Eugene Freeman ’81
James C. Freeman ’67
Jermaine E. Freeman ’01
Jerry Freeman ’93
Kenneth A. Freeman ’76
Michael Freeman ’77
Michael W. Freeman ’81
Ronald J. Freeman ’82
Stephen Freeman
Susan H. Freeman
Venita Freeman
Karen Freeman-Wilson
Julia Fregia
Samuel J. Fregia Jr. ’04
Omar F. Freilla ’95
Willie French ’93
William E. Frenzel
Johnny R. Freshley ’95
Robert L. Fribley ’59 *
Curtis N. Friends ’02
Friends of the East Point Library, Inc.
Friendship Baptist Church –
Atlanta, GA
Friendship Baptist Church –
Columbus, OH
Friendship Missionary Baptist
Jeffrey W. Frierson ’86
Daniel M. Frisby ’88
Vincent J. Fry ’92
George B. Frye ’73
Jonathan M. Frye ’98
Jonathan S. Frye ’83
Russell Frye
Russell M. Frye II
Shyle Fudge
Jean S. Fugett
Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P.
Tommy J. Fulcher III ’04
Stephanie Fulford
Chauncey Fuller
John E. Fuller ’74
Johnny F. Fuller ’65
Keith F. Fuller ’88
Lois K. Fuller
Nicholas C. Fuller ’97
Nicholas G. Fuller ’94
Patrick J. Fuller ’97
Walter E. Fuller Jr. ’86
Valerie J. Fullilove
Christopher Funderburg ’98
Kristi Fuqua
Susan J. Fusilier
John Fussell
John L. Fussell ’51
Edward M. Fye ’69
Marion F. Fye ’67
Dameon Gabriel ’04
Rodney Gabriel ’98
Christopher J. Gaddis ’03
Lois M. Gaddis
Edward N. Gadsden
Richard G. Gadson
Wesaline Gadson
Robert C. Gaede
Eddie D. Gaffney ’70
James B. Gaffney ’94
Jerimaiah C. Gaffney III ’76
R. Larry Gaffney ’72
Vandy T. Gaffney
Jerald E. Gaines ’02
Carla B. and Robert W. Gaines
Robert W. Gaines II ’06
Leonard D. Gainey II ’49
Bettye M. Gaiter
David E. Gaither ’99
Edmund B. Gaither ’66
Michael Gaither
Quintin Gallemore
Lee A. Gallo
William Galloway
Christopher L. Galmore ’96
Alonza Gamble
Corey Gamble
Patrick W. Gamble ’92
Queen Gamble
Stephen M. Gamble ’79
David C. Gandy ’43
Stephen M. Gant ’87
Alan Gantt ’79
Gerald Gantt
Karen G. Gantt
Gap Inc.
Robert Garcia Christie ’70
Everett H. Garden ’87
Alaric R. Gardine ’92
John E. Gardner ’68
Timothy J. Gardner ’97
Alvin L. Garibaldi
James L. Garland ’75
Reginald P. Garmon ’91
Rod Garner
Stephen E. Garner
William Garner ’97
William L. Garner
Edward Garnes ’71
Clayton T. Garrett ’78
David L. Garrett Jr. ’66
Derek L. Garrett ’05
Jason T. Garrett ’06
Michael A. Garrett ’95
Phillip W. Garrett
Ryan W. Garrus ’02
Arlyce J. Garth ’53
Michael L. Gartrell ’00
Emery I. Gary ’58
Mark S. Gary ’99
William H. Gary Sr. ’67
William M. Gary ’50 *
Logan Gaskill ’02
James C. Gaskin III ’97
George R. Gaskins ’93
Joe E. Gaskins
Johnnie V. Gaskins
Kirk N. Gaskins
James W. Gasque ’83
James D. Gaston III ’94
Joseph S. Gaston ’71
Gate City Chapter #48, OES, PHA
Gate City Chapter No. 9, Royal Arch
Eddie J. Gates ’72
James S. Gates ’51 *
John F. Gates ’93
Leonard Gates ’75
Darlan R. Gathings ’81
Audrey S. Gatling
Anne Marie Gatson
Freddie Mae H. Gautier *
Billy F. Gay ’62
Maureico L. Gay
Joyce Gayle
Joseph Gayles Jr.
Nicholas E. Gaymon ’56 *
Carver Gayton
Gary D. Gayton
GE Power Systems
Keita D. Geer ’97
Arthur G. Geeter ’78
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
General Dynamics Corporation
William O. Generett Sr. ’69
Judi K. Gentry
Darryl A. Genus ’87
Lisa D. Geoghegan
Delesha N. George
James R. George ’90
Lloyd G. George ’52
Murine George
Susan George
Sutalia George
Wilbert George
Ethel Georges
Stanley Georges
The Georgia Foundation for
Independent Colleges, Inc.
Melvin D. Gerald Jr. ’93
Michael A. Gerber
Marc H. Germain ’98
Keon A. Gerow ’03
Robert F. Gervin ’41 *
Menyahil Getachew ’89
J. Nelson Geter
Maurice M. Geurin Jr. ’98
Paul M. Gherman
Brian C. E. Gibbs ’93
Charles Gibbs
James O. Gibbs ’60
Spencer C. Gibbs ’69
Thomas H. Gibbs ’56
Alvin N. Gibson ’78
Booker T. Gibson
Brock Gibson ’97
Byron W. Gibson ’91
Christopher P. Gibson ’99
Elwood T. Gibson II ’73
Frank W. Gibson ’55
Gregory S. Gibson ’85
John C. Gibson ’92
Kevin R. Gibson ’89
Leon C. Gibson
Catherine Giddiens
Richard A. Giesberg
Joan R. Giesecke
Alfred Gilbert ’59 *
Billy R. Gilbert II ’01
Doretha Gilbert
James E. Gilbert Sr. ’50 *
Leonard Gilbert ’85
Margaret G. Gilbert
Martin M. Gilbert ’90
Maurice B. Gilbert ’82
Michael D. Gilbert
William Gilbert ’40 *
Gilbert-Eddie Hall Family Trust
Jai L. Gilchrist ’84
Leon V. Gilchrist ’84
Lynn Gildersleeve
Joseph T. Giles ’92
Sheila Giles
Eric M. Gilkesson ’92
Harry E. Gillespie ’84
Estella H. Gillette
Charles Gilliam ’66
Kenneth P. Gilliam
Richard L. Gilman
Eugene M. Gilmer
Andre A. Gilmore ’95
Carrie Gilmore
Christopher A. Gilmore ’97
Eric J. Gilmore ’94
Iantha Y. Gilmore
Keith O. Gilmore ’03
Lena W. Gilmore
Lonnie L. Gilmore Jr. ’03
Michael L. Gilmore ’01
Uriah Gilmore ’02
Gilmour Academy
Vincent K. Gilreath ’85
Otha Gilyard
Guy E. Ginn ’80
James E. Ginn ’93
Jay P. Ginther
Bernard F. Gipson Sr. ’44
Clarise M. Gipson
Emerson Girardeau
Gary Giscombe
Angela D. Givens
Grant G. Givens ’95
Leon G. Givens
Marcus D. Givens ’84
Orlondo Givens ’87
John C. Gladman ’69
Report on Giving
Sage R. Glanton ’03
Randy S. Glapion ’94
Allen V. Glasco ’96
Michael S. Glasco ’90
Argentina Glasgow
Dianne Glass
Joseph W. Glass Jr. ’72
Stephen R. D. Glass ’94
William Glass ’59
Alfred Gleason Jr. ’97
Dorothy C. Gleicher
Jason S. Glenn ’99
Quinton Glenn ’75
William G. Glenn ’82
Frank L. Glien Jr. ’69
Carl L. Glisson ’85
Global Grounded, LLC
Hewlett-Packard Company
Donna Gloudon
Abraham L. Glover ’40
Dennis F. Glover II ’86
Donald M. Glover ’87
Hamilton Glover ’57
Marcus G. Glover ’97
GM R* Works
Courtney C. Gober ’00
Mark O. Godbold
Brace B. Godfrey Jr.
Cleve Godfrey ’75
Gregory Godfrey ’79
Ronnie Godfrey ’84
Alegro J. Godley
Emerson C. Godwin ’70
Gerald F. Godwin ’72
Kenneth L. Goethe ’01
Marva I. Goff
Michael Goff
Nicholas S. Goff
Dangnane S. Gogue ’01
James C. Goins
Kevin V. Goins ’90
Patrick D. Goins ’95
Jacob M. Goldbas ’95
Cecilia G. Golden
Clarence Golden Jr. ’92
Golden Key National Honor Society
Kraig L. Golden ’87
Alan Goldenberg
George M. Goldman
Starr Goldsmith
Elliott Goldstein
Larry L. Goldston
Paula G. Gomes
Hazel Gomillion
Robert K. Gooch ’81
Randy L. Goode
Travis Goode
John A. Goodlett
James A. Goodman Jr. ’77
Cornelius Goodwin
J. Bernard Goolsby ’61
James W. Goolsby ’ Jr. 80
Jerry Goolsby ’78
Charles Goosby ’46
Brian J. Gordine ’02
Ben A. Gordon ’03
Carl Gordon
Ellis Gordon III ’93
Franklin Gordon ’61
Jason F. Gordon ’01
Juanita T. Gordon
Keith L. Gordon ’97
Loretta A. Gordon
Michael D. Gordon ’95
Robert W. Gordon ’93
Taurean L. Gordon
Walter C. Gordon III ’87
Robert J. Gore III ’98
Gortho, Ltd.
Mark A. Goshorn
Gospel Tabernacle
Michael Goss
Melva Gough-Adams
Linda Gould
Herman Gourdine ’75
W. Bruce Gow
Grace Foundation, Inc.
Christopher D. Graddick ’04
The Graduate Bridge Club
Charles Grady ’61
Jendayo Grady
Walter E. Grady ’61
Barney Graham
Cynthia-Turner Graham
Evelyn S. Graham
Glennon Graham ’72
Leroy M. Graham
Ralph S. Graham ’52 *
Russell R. Graham ’94
Frank L. Grandberry Jr. ’00
Addison B. Grant Sr.
Darryl E. Grant ’75
George C. Grant ’61
Jason I. Grant ’01
John K. Grant Sr. ’72
John K. Grant Jr. ’03
Jordan C. Grant ’93
Marques J. Grant ’04
Robert Grant ’98
Robert L. Grant ’02
Deborah Gravely
Calvin S. Graves ’73
Jeffrey Graves
Lamont Graves
Mark A. Graves ’03
Sheila Graves
Taurean T. Graves ’06
Allan S. Gray II ’76
Charles Gray ’78
Charles F. Gray II ’95
Darius M. Gray ’97
Darrell Gray
Darrell M. Gray III ’03
Derek M. Gray ’03
Derwin L. Gray ’94
Douglas M. Gray ’03
Edward Gray
Eric D. Gray ’00
Fred D. Gray Jr. ’83
Gary T. Gray ’86
George W. Gray ’92
Gregory S. Gray
James Gray
James A. Gray II ’67
Jolean Gray
Lawton Gray III ’97
Michael Gray ’71
Nathalio D. Gray ’01
Niles L. Gray ’03
Paul L. Gray ’49
Phineas Y. Gray III ’63
Phineas Y. Gray Jr. ’39 *
Ralph C. Gray ’67
Robert C. Gray Sr. ’71
Steven Gray
Timothy C. Gray ’90
Victoria Gray
Victoria M. Gray
Willie A. Gray ’85
John S. Grayson ’83
Great Lakes Baptist Association, Inc.
Greater Philadelphia Alumni Chapter
Angell L. Green ’80
Ann T. Green
Bettye L. Green
Christopher K. Green ’01
Darrell C. Green ’87
Demetris A. Green ’88
Derrick L. Green ’96
Eddie L. Green ’80
Eric L. Green ’83
Forrest E. Green ’62
Forrest F. Green ’37
Forrest F. Green ’68
Frederick D. Green ’83
Gerald S. Green ’78
Henry Green ’71
Jared Green
Jason T. Green ’98
John E. Green ’49
Julius Green ’03
Kevin L. Green ’85
Khalid D. A. Green ’96
Kwami J. Green ’90
Leonard Green
Nancy M. Green
Olujimi S. Green ’04
Perry Green
Reynaldo P. Green ’97
Robert C. Green ’51
Robert L. Green ’02
Ron Green
Stanley L. Green ’98
Wajibu O. T. Green
Walter M. Green Jr. ’02
Patrick C. J. Greenaway Sr. ’92
Abraham J. Greene ’92
Alton R. Greene ’90
Byron S. Greene ’90
Cornelius N. Greene ’01
Deidra C. Greene
George W. Greene Jr. ’83
Glenn L. Greene ’85
Herbert W. Greene ’91
Herbert W. Greene Sr. ’52
Howard C. Greene ’90
Jessie L. Greene
Johnny L. Greene Jr. ’80
Joseph A. Greene ’93
Kentae Greene
Lambert W. Greene Jr. ’88
Lapercelle P. Greene ’62
Marion O. Greene ’61
Milford W. Greene ’62
Orie Greene
Ralph E. Greene
Rhonney A. Greene ’01
Terrance C. Greene ’96
William B. Greene III
William C. Greene Jr. ’91
Carol Greenfield,
Helga A. Greenfield
George R. Greenidge Jr. ’93
George M. Greenlee ’73
Greenwave Limousine
Courtland M. Greer ’94
Dennis M. Greer
Francine Greer
Trevoir D. Gregg ’95
Frederick D. Gregory ’99
Herman E. Gregory ’49
Russell L. Gregory III ’87
Sophfronia S. Gregory
Lloyd Greig
Kenneth L. Gresham ’84
Kimberlyn D. Gresham
Steven L. Grevious ’90
Daine Grey
Eric A. Grey ’93
Jonathan J. C. Grey ’04
Edwond A. Grier ’89
Randy E. Grier ’79
N. Renee’ Grier-Calhoun
Claire D. Griffin
Damon K. Griffin ’98
Donald Griffin
Gregory O. Griffin Sr. ’80
Horace Griffin ’83
Janet Griffin
Kenneth L. Griffin Sr.
Linda S. Griffin
Wesley A. Griffin ’94
Willene P. Griffin
William L. Griffin Jr. ’71
Report on Giving
Willie J. Griffin ’99
Johnny Griffith ’77
Marcus F. Griffith
Patrick E. Griffith ’89
Tracy L. Griffith ’95
Bertram S. Griggs Jr. ’42
Calvin B. Grimes ’62
Cornelius C. Grimes ’03
Edward Grimes ’72
Herbert L. Grimes
Roderick Griner
Nevin E. Grinnell ’86
Eunice P. Grisby
Frank P. Grisham
Jonathan F. Grisham ’01
Joe N. Grissom ’68
Nathaniel Grissom ’71
Betty J. Gross
Evelyn M. Gross
Khalid F. Gross ’02
Glenn H. Gude ’84
Corey N. Guess ’01
Guggenheim Brothers
Josh Guggenheim
Guidant Corporation
Clarence D. Guidry ’78
Matthew Guidry
Theodore Guidry III
Samuel E. Guilford ’72
Bobby O. Guillory ’01
Ivan K. Guillory ’93
N. Johnette Guillory
Robleh A. Gulaid ’02
Samuel T. Gulley
Tony Gumina
Jake D. Gunn ’82 *
William F. Gunn ’62
Ailue O. Gunther Sr. ’49
Charles R. Gurley
Christopher D. Gurley
Murray Guterson
Eric L. Guthrie ’88
Justin E. Gutzmer ’93
William V. Guy ’57
Edsel J. Guydon ’81
Andrew S. Guyton ’90
Willie Gwyn ’50
Sue Ha
Anne K. Haack
Linda L. Haas
Benjamin T. Hacker
Forrest C. Hackney ’77
Henry Hackney Jr. ’75
Richard C. Hackney ’68
Wendell O. Hackney ’72
Hadden Development
Eric D. Hagan ’91
Elbert L. Hagwood ’97
James B. Haile ’66
Tegeane Haile ’79
Ra’Shaud M. Haines ’03
$4.5-Million Bonner Gift Helps College Enhance its Culture of Service
hen the Corella &
Bertram F. Bonner
Foundation donated $4.5
million to the Morehouse
College Bonner Scholarship Program in
2005, the affect was more than the
improvement of programming and
operations—it was an enhancement to
the College’s very culture.
President Walter E. Massey ’58,
who’s vision for the College embraces
the ideal of community service in building an academic village, has been the
visionary behind building leadership
through civic responsibility—which sits
squarely on the College’s foundation of
producing academically prepared, ethical leaders.
But the credit for providing the
College with a how-to blueprint for
“institutionalizing community service” goes directly to the Bonner
Foundation, said Jacqueline MilesAshley Stewart '02 (far left in white) and two other Bonner Scholars help
Johnson, director of the Morehouse Sam James '03 as they complete a ropes course during a retreat at the
Outdoor Activity Center in Atlanta.
Bonner Program.
To reflect the enhanced emphasis
management system that tracks student communiin community service, the program was renamed the
ty service hours with the 50-plus non-profit organBonner Office of Community Service, which shows the
izations the Office of Community Service partners
Bonner Foundation that Morehouse is “very much
with throughout the year.
concerned with having a culture of service,” said
The office also is working on a grant proposal
Hasan Crockett, director of the Office of Community
that will allow students to conduct research on how
service-learning and community service can combat
Additionally, the Office of Community Service
depression and ensure good mental health for colwas moved from under Campus Operations and
lege-age black men.
Administrative Services to its current home under the
But Crockett, for one, wants students to go
Office of Academic Affairs, headed by provost and
beyond community service and deal with the polisenior vice president David V. Taylor. The move gives
cies that have an impact on their communities.
it a direct line to the administration, which plugs into
“Students should not only [perform] commuthe College’s mission to create servant-leaders.
nity service, they should also develop skills that
“The College committed itself to a campus-wide
allow them to have an impact on public policy,” he
office of community service, and [has made] a serious
said. “We work in soup kitchens, we work in
commitment toward service learning and civic engageschools, but the primary reason [the indigent] are
ment,” said Crockett.
in the condition they’re in is because of public
The office also launched a website
policy [decisions].” ■
( alongside an online
Report on Giving
James T. Hale ’62
Jan J. Hale
Maurice J. Hale ’86
Phale D. Hale ’40
David B. Haley ’80
Sean A. Haley ’88
Alexander A. Hall Jr. ’76
Alexander A. Hall II ’45
Arthur L. Hall ’62
Basil B. Hall ’71
Bert S. Hall ’79
Carolyn J. Hall
Charles H. Hall ’55
Charles L. Hall ’62
Clarence Hall
Clover Hall
Darin C. Hall ’90
Darius D. Hall ’94
Darryl C. Hall ’02
Darryl T. Hall ’90
David A. Hall III ’97
David A. Hall Jr.
David E. Hall
David H. Hall Sr. ’67
Doris B. Hall
Earle R. Hall ’97
Ernest Hall ’80
Glendon P. Hall ’88
James M. Hall ’91
Jimmy O. Hall III ’02
John W. Hall
Jonathan C. Hall ’05
Kareem A. Hall ’05
Lillian B. Hall
Mark O. Hall
Robert H. Hall ’63
Solomon O. Hall ’98
Sonya E. Hall
Steven D. Hall ’94
Victor T. Hall ’82
Wauzina Hall
The Hall Law Firm
Kenneth L. Hallman ’80
Edward R. Hambrick
Alexander Hamer Jr.
Alexander Hamer III ’99
Joye Hamer
Charles S. Hamilton ’50 *
Chioke D. Hamilton ’03
Courtney H. Hamilton ’90
Delante T. Hamilton ’00
George G. Hamilton III ’01
Gregory E. Hamilton ’90
Gwendolyn P. Hamilton
Jerome D. Hamilton ’91
John A. Hamilton III ’01
Kevin L. Hamilton ’95
Leo C. Hamilton
Ovell Hamilton ’93
Robert Hamilton ’59
Robert H. Hamilton ’48
Stevie B. Hamilton ’00
Wendell Hamilton ’55
Jerome A. Hamler ’99
Kevin E. Hamlett ’94
Christopher M. Hamlin ’81
John B. Hamlin ’97
Kevin L. Hamm ’84
Cedric E. Hammond ’84
Cordy Hammond ’50
Ellen Hammond
Jason W. Hammond ’97
Spencer Hammond
Thomas A. Hammond Jr. ’58
William T. Hammond Jr.
Andre D. Hammonds ’59
Charles A. Hammonds ’66
Wendell L. Hammons ’47
Jim Hampton
Torrance L. Hampton ’98
Vickie G. Hampton
Victoria Hanawalt
Howard Hancock ’54
Nadine L. Hancock
Harry A. Hand ’91
Roderick J. Hand ’02
Daryl E. Handcock ’00
John W. Handy
Onnie L. Handy
Richard D. Handy Jr. ’49
Linda Hanes
Alton D. Haney ’87
Leonard P. Hango ’88
Roland S. Hankerson ’98
Sidney H. Hankerson Jr. ’71
Eileen M. Hankins
Lynn Hankinson-Nelson
Lawrence J. Hanks ’76
Robert Hanks
William J. Hanna ’90
Kevin D. Hannahs ’99
Antoinette Hannibal
Virginia R. Hannon
David L. Hannsberry ’81
Harold R. Hansen
Larry Hanshaw
Okera S. Hanshaw ’00
Albert T. Hanwell
Qarib M. Haqq
Harcourt General Inc.
Mtube Harcum ’95
Gabriel S. Hardaway ’99
Phillip L. Hardaway
Arthur L. Hardeman ’65
Ernest L. Harden ’41
Evelyn G. Harden
Glynn M. Harden ’96
Seth M. Hardieway ’01
Christopher R. Hardiman ’97
Willie Hardin
William J. Harding ’63
Michael D. Hardney ’79
Antonio J. Hardy ’04
Bradley Hardy ’02
Florent Hardy Jr.
Gary L. Hardy ’89
Golden J. Hardy ’97
Jerome T. Hardy ’03
Marc W. Hardy ’93
Yiron K. Hardy ’95
Kevin R. Harewood
William F. Hargraves II ’61
James T. Hargrett ’64
Darel C. Hargrove ’89
Darrell M. Hargrove ’80
Ernest C. Hargrove ’50
Robert S. Harkey
James M. Harkless
Richard J. Harleaux ’81
Clayton L. Harleston ’68
Dorian M. Harley ’90
James E. Harmon Jr. ’81
Keefer M. Harness ’95
Tarell L. Harp ’03
Archibald L. Harper ’38 *
Arthur F. Harper ’65
Bradley G. Harper ’99
Clifton S. Harper Sr. ’50
Dezmond A. Harper ’01
Edward C. Harper IV ’04
Gayle W. Harper
Geoffrey J. Harper ’92
Jeffrey E. Harper ’91
Jermaine D. Harper ’94
Jerome Harper Jr. ’03
Keita Harper ’00
Theodore R. Harper ’03
Walter F. Harper ’50
William N. Harper
Derius E. Harrell ’99
L. David Harrell II ’93
Sean Harrell ’97
Wayne D. Harrell ’79
Willie Harrington III ’03
Abraham Harris
Alexander L. Harris ’42
Alfred L. Harris ’94
Andrew Harris Jr.
Annie M. Harris
Audrey M. Harris
Brandon G. Harris ’03
Brent Harris ’05
Bruce T. Harris
Byron L. Harris ’02
C. Harris
Cedric L. Harris ’98
Curtis Harris ’71
Daniel T. Harris
Darryl R. Harris ’83
Diane M. Harris
Donald K. Harris Sr. ’62
Edward B. Harris ’83
Elizabeth Harris
Eon N. Harris
Hassel B. Harris ’55
J. Stan Harris
James A. Harris ’52
James G. Harris
Jason L. Harris ’03
Jerome P. Harris ’46 *
John B. Harris ’85
Jordan Harris
Keith R. Harris ’82
Kenneth R. Harris ’88
Kenneth W. Harris ’61
Kirby D. Harris ’97
Lee A. Harris ’00
LeVonne M. Harris
Lottie B. Harris ’31
Michael C. Harris ’99
Michael E. Harris ’90
Michael N. Harris ’68
Monte O. Harris ’88
Nelson J. Harris III ’02
Ollie B. Harris III ’88
Qadry A. Harris
Ramon Harris
Raynal S. Harris ’91
Richard Harris
Richard R. Harris
Robert E. P. Harris ’63
Robert L. Harris
Rubin W. Harris ’79
Sicily Da Costa Harris
Sidney Harris ’71
Stanley O. Harris ’94
Sterling L. Harris ’78
Steven D. Harris ’02
Susie Harris
Terrence N. Harris ’86
Theodore Harris
Thomas C. Harris ’88
Thomas E. Harris Sr. ’57
Timothy J. Harris ’00
Vincent P. Harris ’74
William Harris
William T. Harris ’41
Willie S. Harris ’52
Yusef Harris ’77
Virginia Harris-Johnson
Calvin Harrison
Harrison County Teachers
Emerson E. Harrison ’82
Fred L. Harrison Jr. ’82
Ira E. Harrison ’55
John R. Harrison
Joseph S. Harrison ’83
L. J. Harrison ’62
Lynn P. Harrison III ’79
Naomi Harrison
Rayfield Harrison ’75
Samuel B. Harrison III ’92
Jeffery D. Harrold II ’04
Jeffrey Harrold
Report on Giving
Jeffrey Harrold II
Khaleel Harry
Andre K. Hart ’87
Earl Hart
Herbert Hart II ’81
John B. Hart
Michael E. Hart ’71
Michael W. Hart ’68 *
Roland Hart ’64
Willard W. Hart ’53
Freddie D. Hartfield ’70
Adonicio H. Hartley ’93
Bradley Hartney
Eric J. Harton ’91
Linda A. Hartunian
David Hartwell III ’95
Brent Harvey
Brian C. Harvey ’03
Cardia Harvey
Cheryl Harvey
Guyton P. Harvey ’89
Kevin P. Harvey ’93
Perry C. Harvey ’51
Richard A. Harvey ’00
Steven A. Harvey ’03
Torrance R. Harvey ’97
Torrino R. Harvey ’97
Adger Harvin Jr. ’57
Kenneth E. Harwell
Harold J. Haskins
Amin T. T. Hassan ’78
Terence M. Hassan ’79
Mickey R. Hassler ’64
Robert Hassler ’53
Lillian Hasty
Michael A. Hatch ’96
James F. Hatcher ’64
Kevin L. Hatcher ’96
Michael B. Hatcher ’98
Geson E. Hatchett ’05
Maurice Hatton ’61
Alphonso B. Hawkins ’96
Ceaso R. Hawkins Jr. ’97
Charles J. Hawkins II ’85
Christopher Hawkins
Davis A. Hawkins
Ellice Hawkins
Erskine D. Hawkins Jr. ’79
James B. Hawkins II ’71
Kory C. Hawkins ’00
Maurice Hawkins
Melvin G. Hawkins ’59
Mikhel E. Hawkins ’96
Mikhia E. Hawkins ’99
Okera A. Hawkins ’02
Omar R. Hawkins ’98
Robert C. Hawkins ’50
Robert D. Hawkins ’76
Ronnie Hawkins
William A. Hawkins
William P. Hawkins ’66
Charles H. Hawkins-Bursey ’03
Floyd Hayden
William M. Hayden ’38
Alice H. Hayes
Avery M. Hayes ’94
Harold C. Hayes ’83
Mary Hayes
Mattie Hayes
Richard N. Hayes ’96
Seth Hayes ’97
William L. Hayes ’94
LaMarian Hayes-Wallace
Marceline A. Hayles
A. M. Haynes
Archie L. Haynes ’45
Darnell W. Haynes ’79
Derrick V. Haynes ’04
Eric R. Haynes ’83
Gemayel L. Haynes ’03
James H. Haynes ’75
John K. Haynes ’64
John R. Haynes ’74
Leonard L. Haynes III
Moses Haynes ’92
William L. Haynes ’82
Janice J. Haynie
Julius C. Haynie ’65
Arthur L. Haywood ’79
Haywood LLC Attorneys at Law
Fleeks B. Hazel ’87
George J. Hazel ’96
Santa Hazel
Derek Q. Hazelton ’04
Emma Head
Harold L. Head ’65
Roderick T. Head ’93
Headfirst Market Research
Alexander A. Heard ’62
Bernice Heard
Bradley E. Heard ’92
Dwayne E. Heard ’76
Nelson M. Heard ’62
Robert M. Heard ’83
Xavier B. Heard
Joseph E. Heastie ’89
Patricia Heaston
Christopher Heath
Daniel A. Heath ’03
Donald Heath ’72
Edward Heath ’78
John W. Heath III ’88
Phillip W. Heath ’87
William C. Heath ’66
Zachary Heath
Taft Q. Heatley ’98
Corey J. Hebert ’92
Catherine M. Hecker
Robert K. Hedrick Jr.
George Heery
David N. Hefner ’93
Robert L. Height II ’00
David W. Helem ’04
Darren J. Helms ’90
Gerald Helton ’69
Glenn A. Hemphill
Alexa B. Henderson
Anna P. Henderson
Arthur R. Henderson ’44 *
Carl A. Henderson ’83
Carl E. Henderson ’55
Charlie Henderson
Charlotte Henderson
Cleo D. Henderson
Corky L. Henderson ’00
Dawney E. Henderson ’60
Derwin B. Henderson ’99
Donald M. Henderson
Duane I. Henderson ’95
Effenus Henderson
James Henderson ’65
Jeremious Z. Henderson ’95
Kenneth S. Henderson
Kevin E. Henderson ’97
Leroy Henderson Jr. ’62
Mary W. Henderson
Nicko Henderson
Otis J. Henderson ’48
Paul L. Henderson ’95
Perry A. Henderson ’54
Richard A. Henderson ’04
Ronald L. Henderson ’94
Shirley A. Henderson
William A. Henderson ’57
William M. Henderson
Marilyn Henderson-Hobbs
Keith Hendricks ’94
Janie L. Hendrix
Kimberley A. Hendrix
Shannon G. Hendrix
Kenneth W. Henley ’81
Philip J. Henley ’00
Brian T. Henry ’04
Curnell Henry ’70
Danielle P. Henry
Stacey and Harold M. Henry
Harold Henry
Leroy Henry
Nelson A. Henry ’01
Patricia A. Henry
Ronald G. Henry ’82
Samuel D. Henry
Walter R. Henry ’95
Kingsley O. Henry-Chow ’03
Hensel Phelps Construction
Stanley J. Henson ’72
Ike A. Hentrel II ’98
DeQuincy M. Hentz ’96
George E. Hepburn Jr. ’52
Jeffery B. Hepburn ’74
Evva Hepner
Beth Hepner-Coyle
Darrell L. Herbert ’80
Ellsworth Hercules II ’83
Rodney B. Herenton ’88
The Heritage School, Inc.
Kenneth L. Hermon Jr. ’95
Mario R. Hernandez
Guillermina Hernandez-Gallegos
James Herndon ’48
Philbert L. Herndon ’96
Milton S. Herring Sr. ’76
Otis D. Herring ’71
Avalon A. Herron ’02
Robert W. Herte ’76
Rolando D. Herts ’95
Dawn L. Hertz
Michael J. Hervey Jr. ’99
Stan Hervey
Ida M. Hester
Hewlett Packard
Andrew N. Hey
John G. Heyliger ’97
Henry L. Heyward ’59
Suzanne Hickey
Walter L. Hickling ’64
Alexander L. Hickman ’97
Aaron S. Hicks ’02
Charles G. Hicks ’84 *
Darren T. Hicks ’04
Darryl W. Hicks ’90
Everette A. Hicks
H. B. Hicks III
Henry B. Hicks III ’89
Ivan D. Hicks ’91
James L. Hicks ’95
James L. Hicks Sr. ’50 *
Liz Hicks
Sammy Hicks III ’93
William J. Hicks II ’02
William J. Hicks ’70
Denise Hickson
Robert M. Higginbotham II ’77
Walter R. Higgs III
Wendell T. Higgs ’85
Highgrove Partners, LLC
Donna K. Hightower
The Hightower Family
Foundation, Inc.
Zenobia L. Hikes
Anderson S. Hill Jr.
Anthony J. Hill ’03
Cason L. Hill ’53
Charles Hill IV ’97
Charles S. Hill
Clarence P. Hill ’84
David K. Hill ’03
Doris T. Hill
Duncan K. Hill ’99
Edward Hill III ’90
Edward L. Hill Jr. ’95
Emil T. Hill ’92
Report on Giving
Eric D. Hill ’95
Etta Hill
George I. Hill ’56
C. W. Hill Group
Heager L. Hill ’56
Henry L. Hill ’77
James Hill ’57
James E. Hill ’76
James H. Hill ’04
Joey Hill
Johnny R. Hill ’96
Jonathan L. Hill ’01
Joseph E. Hill
Joshua Hill Jr. ’97
Juanita P. Hill
Leonard K. Hill ’91
Nathaniel Hill ’98
Norman V. Hill ’88
Rommell D. Hill ’94
Rosa M. Hill
Rufus L. Hill ’50
Stanton Hill
Stephen D. Hill ’94
Toussaint K. Hill Jr. ’81
Ural H. Hill
Van E. Hill ’83
Vernita Hill
Walter W. Hill ’48
Wanda Hill
Willie J. Hill
Willie J. Hill III ’04
Brian Hilliard ’00
Edrick S. Hilliard ’01
George D. Hilliard II ’95
Hillside Chapel & Truth Church
Hillside Presbyterian Church, Inc.
Adriel A. Hilton ’03
Javaryl L. Hilton ’00
John S. Himes
Vincent P. Hinds ’83
William H. Hinds ’83
Betsy N. Hine
Bernard A. Hines ’76
Darryl L. Hines ’73
Derrick S. Hines ’94
Elbert L. Hines
Glover L. Hines ’42
Larry O. Hines ’72
Russell J. Hines ’92
Willie Hines ’58
Michael Hinton
Solomon C. Hinton III ’96
Sara E. Hinzman
Beverly A. Hixon
Clarence R. Hixon Jr. ’81
Edward E. Hoadley
Joseph W. Hoard Jr. ’79
Charles E. Hobbs II ’94
Rodrick S. Hobbs ’03
Constance T. Hobson
Demetrius Hobson ’02
Chad M. Hodge ’03
Damon C. Hodge ’94
Daniel Hodge
Donald Hodge ’84
Michael E. Hodge
Oliver L. Hodge ’84
Harlan D. Hodges ’92
James D. Hodges ’69
John O. Hodges ’68
Keith L. Hodges ’90
L. B. Hodges III ’80
Laris B. Hodges ’06
Melvin S. Hodges II ’01
Melvin S. Hodges ’60
Ruth A. Hodges
Floyd D. Hodoh ’88
Lorraine Hoffman
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
Andre Hogan
Jonathan H. Hogan ’93
Richard A. Hogg Jr. ’78
Norman I. Holcomb Jr. ’81
John C. Holcombe
Matthew Holden
Quinson J. Holderness ’02
Jeremy C. Holiday ’04
Holidays of Winston Salem
Anita P. Holland
Herman J. Holland III ’02
Lawrence E. Holland
Charlotte B. Holley
John C. Holley
Nathaniel Holley
William E. Holliday Jr. ’92
Robert O. Holliman ’63
Hollingsworth Mazda
Clarence O. Hollis Jr.
Michael Hollis
Ulysses Hollis Jr. ’83
Monty Hollman ’98
Aaron D. Holloway ’96
Darryl Holloway ’83
Melinda Holloway
Sean D. Holloway ’02
William J. Holloway
Miekel L. Hollowell Sr. ’68
Powell W. Holly Jr. ’46 *
Calvin D. Holman
Janette E. Holman
Corey D. Holmes ’03
Danny A. Holmes ’88
Eric T. Holmes ’01
Ernest A. Holmes
Fred E. Holmes ’50
Geoffrey D. Holmes ’92
Glenn E. Holmes ’99
Herbert A. Holmes ’66
John H. Holmes III ’94
John W. Holmes
Marc H. Holmes ’84
Marion R. Holmes ’87
Sidney P. Holmes ’82
Thomas S. Holmes ’78
Tony A. Holmes ’84
Alvin Holsey ’88
Carl L. Holsey ’64
Aaron D. Holt ’95
Alfred B. Holt ’88
Edward E. Holt ’38
Essie W. Holt
Marco T. Holt
Stephen Holt
William A. Holt ’68
Paul H. Holub
The Home Depot
Xavier Honablue ’97
James V. Honegan ’83
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
John C. Honor III ’97
Jeffrey A. Hood ’92
Leon D. Hood ’80
Lonnie Hood Jr. ’97
Shirley D. Hood
Rory C. Hooks ’83
Aubrey C. Hooper ’05
Gregory S. Hooper ’03
Clarence C. Hoover ’01
Edward S. Hope Jr. ’71
Frank L. Hope
Rhoda L. Hope
Dianne M. Hopkins
Jeffrey C. Hopkins
June Hopps
Mark C. Horn ’89
Scott D. Hornbuckle ’91
Lamar Horne
Thomas E. Horne ’03
Joshua Hornick
Walter S. Hornsby III ’61
Alexander R. Horton ’50 *
Arthur R. Horton ’92
Carl T. Horton ’69
Evie L. Horton
Justin R. Horton ’97
Odell Horton Sr. ’51 *
Odell Horton ’83
Oscar Horton ’67
Rudolph A. Horton
Vernon O. Hosannah ’84
Walter Hosey Jr. ’97
Eddie T. Hoskins ’94
Colin A. Hosten ’04
Hotel Grisham
Charles R. Houk
Alvin G. House ’00
Gracie S. House
Michael V. House ’83
Household International
Philantrhopic Services
Arthur Houser ’80
John W. Houser III ’69
Kevin C. Houser ’96
W. L. Houser
Charles Houston
Charles E. Houston ’39
Houston Independent School
Johnny L. Houston ’64
Ramona Houston
Robert S. Houston ’87
Walter Houston ’72
Willie W. Houston ’73
David Houze ’86
Alfonzie L. Howard III ’85
Bernard Howard ’95
Davaun L. Howard ’01
Derek J. Howard II ’04
Donn Howard II ’02
Henry J. Howard Jr. ’72
Jackie Howard ’74
Lee M. Howard III ’86
Leonard M. Howard ’77
Moses W. Howard Jr. ’68
Patrick G. Howard ’82
Paul L. Howard ’72
Phillip D. Howard ’87
Pierre R. Howard ’03
Regina D. Howard
Robert L. Howard Jr. ’95
Rodney L. Howard Sr. ’76
Samuel H. Howard II ’90
Selwynn B. Howard ’87
Thomas M. Howard ’03
Howard University Hospital
Wellington C. Howard Jr. ’88
William V. Howard ’79
Clifton O. Howell ’79
Cynthia W. Howell
Gerald Howell
Susan R. Howell
Valencia M. Howell
Walter L. Howell Jr. ’92
Whitaker L. Howell Sr. ’47 *
Whitaker L. Howell Jr. ’77
William C. Howell ’99
Virginia A. Howley
Michael S. Hoyt ’95
David C. Hoytt ’63
Curtis L. Hubbard Jr. ’86
Darius J. Hubbard ’03
Drew E. Hubbard ’00
Frazier O. Hubbard II ’93
Gadus J. Hubert ’36
James W. Hubert ’39 *
Willis J. Hubert
Alvin C. Hudgins ’52
Charles J. Hudson ’71
Doris G. Hudson
Edward B. Hudson
Felton L. Hudson ’58
James L. Hudson ’61
Joseph C. Hudson ’47
LaKetha Hudson
Report on Giving
Paul Hudson
Sean A. Hudson ’90
Sterling H. Hudson III
Terrence F. Hudson ’91
William B. Hudson ’75
Jarrod D. Huey ’93
Toki W. Huff
Willie Y. Huff ’58
Craig K. Huffman ’92
Michael W. Huffman ’82
Scott Huffmon
Samuel Huger ’53
Richard A. Huggins ’96
Damien E. Hughes ’01
Jason O. Hughes ’91
Joseph A. Hughes
Joyce R. Hughes
Mark Hughes
Preston Hughes ’75
Samuel P. Hughes ’81
Thomas Hughes
Toney Hughes
Stephanie Hughley
Young T. Hughley ’69
NiaKesha Huguinea
Leighton Hull
Peggy B. Hull
Truman J. Hull Jr. ’95
Virgil Humes ’84
Eric Humphrey
Herbert Humphrey ’83
Hubert Humphrey ’82
Jamarr A. Humphrey ’04
Karl T. Humphrey ’85
William M. Humphrey Jr. ’63
Frederick S. Humphries Jr. ’83
David R. Humsey
Jerry Hunnicutt ’75
Claudette Hunt
Shawn A. Hunt ’99
Tommy L. Hunt Jr. ’98
Virginia Hunt
Christopher N. Hunte Sr.
Arthella L. Hunter
Barbara Hunter
Bryant S. Hunter ’67
Bryant S. Hunter II ’96
Clay M. Hunter ’93
David Hunter Jr. ’63
Jonas L. Hunter ’78
Julie V. Hunter
Julius H. Hunter Jr. ’74
Kay F. Hunter
Leslie Hunter
Margaret M. Hunter
Mark L. Hunter ’85
Scott H. Hunter ’02
Clifford M. Hurd ’86
Clinton Hurde ’88
Diane Hurd-Muirhead
Anthony M. Hurley ’56
Thomas B. Hutch Sr. ’78
Christopher M. Hutcherson ’95
Dimitrius M. Hutcherson ’82
Matthew Hutcherson III ’99
Imar L. Hutchins ’92
Albert L. Hutchinson ’89
Damien Hutchinson ’97
Frank D. Hutchinson Jr. ’71
LaJuan A. Hutchinson ’88
Pam D. Hutchinson
Claude P. Hutto ’94
Li-Shyung Hwang
Hyatt Legal Plans, Inc.
Patricia A. Hylander
Samuel W. Hylton ’49
Lester Hyman
Kenneth D. Hymes ’86
Robert A. Hymes ’89
I. P. Research, Inc.
James W. Ijames Jr. ’03
Robert W. Ike ’83
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Anne M. Ingram
Charles D. Ingram ’72
Charles D. Ingram III ’95
Clarence A. Ingram Jr. ’88
Darius C. Ingram ’04
Demetrius J. Ingram ’00
Harold B. Ingram ’65
Karen Ingram
Marvin A. Ingram ’82
Nathaniel B. Ingram ’62
Ozzie Ingram ’67
Charles T. Inniss ’90
Innovative Marketing Group, Inc.
International Diagnostic Institute, Inc.
Ernest N. Irby II ’94
Risha Irby
Amelia S. Irons
Ocie J. Irons ’57 *
Adrian R. G. Ironside ’98
Ethel Irvin
Irvine Company
Jonathan B. Irving ’93
Ralph W. Irwin Jr.
Carl Isaac ’88
Dwight H. Isaacs ’96
Harold W. Isadore
Jack Iskin
Joel T. Isom ’98
Patrick Isom ’90
I-Squared, Inc.
Marcus Iszard ’81
Callixtus E. Ita ’64
ITT Industries
Anna Ivery
Karen Y. Ivery
Daniel E. Ivey ’69
Garry B. Ivey ’88
Moraima A. Ivory
Keith Ivy
Lemuel E. Ivy ’04
Octavius D. Ivy ’99
Ivy Planning Group
Adisa Iwa ’91
J. C. Penney
J.E.F.F. Enterprises, Inc.
Christopher B. Jack ’01
Aaron G. Jackson Sr. ’56
Aaron G. Jackson Jr. ’92
Allen Jackson ’68
Alvin Jackson
Anna L. Jackson
Anthony B. Jackson ’05
Anthony H. Jackson III ’93
Arthur L. Jackson Jr. ’01
Bernard L. Jackson
Bonnie S. Jackson
Bradley E. Jackson ’94
Brandon Jackson ’07
Brenton K. Jackson ’94
Carlton A. Jackson ’58
Charles E. Jackson ’33
Charles L. Jackson
Christina Jackson
Clinton A. Jackson ’78
Cula W. Jackson ’71
Curtis J. Jackson ’49 *
Daniel W. Jackson ’94
Darrell L. Jackson ’75
Duane M. Jackson ’74
Edward Jackson Jr. ’02
Elmer C. Jackson ’73
Emory N. Jackson ’61
Eric T. Jackson ’93
Ernest L. Jackson
Eugene Jackson ’63
Fannie V. Jackson
Franklin G. Jackson ’93
Frederick Jackson Jr.
Gregory A. Jackson ’80
Greling Jackson
Gwen Jackson
Haniff M. Jackson ’99
Harold O. Jackson ’90
Howard J. Jackson Jr. ’72
Jabari A. Jackson ’94
Jacquelyne J. Jackson
James C. Jackson ’48
James E. Jackson ’85
James O. Jackson III
James T. Jackson ’82
James W. Jackson
Jay R. Jackson ’47
Jeffrey B. Jackson ’89
Jelani Jackson
Jibril H. Jackson ’03
Joanne B. Jackson
Jocelyn W. Jackson
Jonn A. Jackson
Julian Jackson
Karen Jackson
Kevan J. Jackson ’81
Marcus J. Jackson
Margaret R. Jackson
Mark Jackson
Marshall D. Jackson ’87
Marvin A. Jackson ’47 *
Matthew A. Jackson ’96
McClinton C. Jackson III ’96
Melvin Jackson
Melvin D. Jackson ’98
Michael B. Jackson ’75
Michael D. Jackson
Michael G. Jackson ’98
Miles M. Jackson
Minnie F. Jackson
Okanta B. Jackson ’93
Orlando C. Jackson ’87
Peter Jackson
Rafel J. Jackson ’93
Raymond T. Jackson ’98
Richard A. Jackson Jr. ’95
Rodger B. Jackson Jr. ’95
Ronald E. Jackson ’85
Ross I. Jackson
Rudolph E. Jackson ’57
Terence A. Jackson ’90
Terral C. Jackson
Terrence R. Jackson ’97
Thomas L. Jackson ’76
Tyrone Jackson ’65
Urbane Jackson
Velma H. Jackson
Weldon Jackson ’72
William A. Jackson ’54
William J. Jackson ’61
The Jackson Group, LLC
Darrion T. Jacobs ’91
Paul C. Jacobson
Frantz Jacques ’99
Avon James
Clyde E. James ’62 *
DeNorris F. James ’00
Derrick E. James ’03
Donny R. James ’95
Dwight L. James ’96
Gloria H. James
Gregory B. James
Jesse J. James ’96
Leroy James ’55
Marshall E. James Jr. ’78
Michael F. James ’93
Micheal S. James ’84
Primis T. James
Richard T. James ’90
Robert B. James Sr. ’48 *
Ronald R. James ’77
Shelia James
Thomas L. James
Vincent A. James ’94
William James ’67
William K. James ’92
Report on Giving
Sharon Jamison-McCullers
Anabelle M. Jarrett
Steve A. Jarrett ’94
Bernard K. Jarvis ’74
Ernest D. Jarvis
Jay Silverman Productions
Byron Jeans ’00
Ronald L. Jeans ’91
Clarence A. Jeffers IV ’04
Alex W. Jefferson III ’92
Antwan D. Jefferson ’99
Corey T. Jefferson ’94
Derek L. Jefferson ’01
Donald D. Jefferson ’78
Donald D. Jefferson ’78
Donald E. Jefferson Sr. ’48
Erma F. Jefferson
Jonathan K. Jefferson ’82
Malcolm Jefferson ’93
Mark C. Jefferson ’91
Philippe E. Jefferson ’86
Terrell Jefferson ’04
Hasan K. Jeffries ’94
Juan Jeffries ’81
Prince M. Jeffy ’96
Lo Jelks
Alfred Q. Jemison ’51
Robert Jemison III ’79
Hensley B. Jemmott ’95
Annie P. Jenkins
Bertram Jenkins ’70
Bryan P. Jenkins ’90
Cory C. Jenkins ’03
David Jenkins
David B. Jenkins ’88
Evelyn Jenkins
Frederick G. Jenkins ’72
George A. Jenkins ’92
Greta L. Jenkins
Harriett Jenkins
Henrene A. Jenkins
Hyacinth N. Jenkins
Jacqueline M. Jenkins
Jerome C. Jenkins ’53
Lincoln Jenkins III ’71
Michael C. Jenkins ’98
Robert A. Jenkins ’45 *
Roderick C. Jenkins ’86
Terrence J. Jenkins ’96
Alan Jenks
Lucius F. Jennett ’92
Bethew B. Jennings III ’91
Carol H. Jennings
James Jennings Jr.
Joe D. Jennings ’01
Keelan B. Jennings ’95
Issac Jenrette ’66
Andrew Jerald ’57
Percy E. Jernigan ’01
Adrian C. Jessie ’81
Torre J. Jessup ’94
Howard Jeter ’70
A. Victor Jett Jr. ’58 *
Anthony D. Jewett ’03
Andrew Jimerson II ’96
Raymond J. Jirran
JLW Development, LLC
Andre P. Jobson ’99
Isaac Joe ’68
John and Voncile Wilbert
Richard E. John ’56
Byron A. Johns ’78
Kent W. Johns ’79
Richard F. Johns ’94
Wendell L. Johns
Aaron J. Johnson ’54
Abram E. Johnson ’51
Adair T. Johnson ’90
Albert Johnson
Albertine C. Johnson
Alex M. Johnson ’02
Alfred Johnson ’82
Amil C. Johnson ’00
Amos Y. Johnson Sr.
Amri B. Johnson ’93
Andre M. Johnson ’93
Anne L. Johnson
Arthur E. Johnson ’68
Author J. Johnson ’02
Benjamin J. Johnson Jr. ’54
Benjamin J. Johnson III ’91
Bob Johnson II ’98
Booker T. Johnson Jr. ’97
Brian D. Johnson ’95
C. E. Johnson
Johnson C. Smith University
Calvin B. Johnson ’88
Calvin G. Johnson ’99
Carl E. Johnson Jr. ’83
Carlos T. Johnson ’01
Carter K. Johnson ’96
Cedric Johnson ’86
Cedric J. Johnson ’80
Chad G. Johnson ’96
Charles D. Johnson ’90
Charles E. Johnson Jr. ’49
Charles F. Johnson ’61
Charles F. Johnson ’90
Charles F. Johnson ’03
Charles J. Johnson ’82
Charles R. Johnson Jr.
Sylvia and Charles R. Johnson
Charles S. Johnson Jr. ’50 *
Charlie J. Johnson ’56 *
Charlotte M. Johnson
Christian R. Johnson ’98
Christopher T. Johnson ’03
Chrystal T. Johnson
Clara Johnson
Clifton Johnson
Clifton C. Johnson II ’97
Clinton Johnson
Clinton L. Johnson
Clydell Johnson ’64
Cornelius V. Johnson Jr. ’59
Cornelius V. Johnson III ’94
Craig J. Johnson ’02
Curtis K. Johnson ’88
Dana L. Johnson ’97
Darron M. Johnson ’03
David G. Johnson ’98
David L. Johnson ’69
David R. Johnson
Deborah C. Johnson
Don J. Johnson II ’00
Don J. Johnson Sr. ’74
Earl H. Johnson
Earl L. Johnson
Edward Johnson ’73
Edward Johnson ’56
Edward C. Johnson ’76
Edward C. Johnson II
Elmore W. Johnson ’95
Eloise McKinney V. Johnson
Ernest M. Johnson ’86
Ethel W. Johnson
Farris T. Johnson Sr. ’43
Felton Johnson
Frances Johnson
Frank E. Johnson ’81
Frederich L. Johnson II ’88
Frederick A. Johnson II ’90
Garrett L. Johnson Jr. ’95
Geoffrey D. Johnson ’78
Gloria S. Johnson
Gregory H. Johnson ’85
Gregory L. Johnson II ’97
Gregory M. Johnson ’01
Howard R. D. Johnson ’71
Ira J. Johnson ’73
Ivon Johnson ’04
Jacquelyne Johnson Jackson
Jacqueline Johnson
Jamces C. Johnson
James E. Johnson
James E. Johnson ’85
James K. Johnson ’59
James R. Johnson ’56 *
Janamon L. Johnson ’98
Javier Johnson
Jeffery M. Johnson II ’03
Jeffrey W. Johnson ’74
Jesse J. Johnson
John Johnson
John A. Johnson ’74
John W. Johnson ’55
Joseph B. Johnson ’91
Juan C. Johnson ’94
Junius K. Johnson ’94
Kamauru Johnson ’04
Kathleen L. Johnson
Keith A. Johnson ’03
Kendrick D. Johnson
Kenneth W. Johnson
Kevin R. M. Johnson ’96
Komichel Johnson ’97
Laurence M. Johnson ’61
Lawrence D. Johnson ’72
Lawrence J. Johnson
Lewis L. Johnson II ’04
Lloyd H. Johnson II ’04
Lonnie C. Johnson ’58
Malcolm L. Johnson ’70
Marc A. Johnson ’98
Marc D. Johnson ’92
Marcus D. Johnson ’05
Michael C. Johnson ’94
Michael D. Johnson ’90
Michael E. Johnson ’87
Michael J. Johnson ’85
Michael J. Johnson ’94
Michael P. Johnson ’87
Michele D. Johnson
Miller Johnson ’62
Miller Johnson III ’86
Myron H. Johnson ’76
Naomi C. Johnson
Nathaniel B. Johnson ’05
Nikki H. Johnson
Nina M. Johnson
Okorie Johnson ’97
Oliver Johnson
Paul T. Johnson ’97
Paul W. Johnson ’91
Peronneau W. Johnson ’76
Pierre B. Johnson ’92
Quentin L. Johnson ’02
Ralph L. Johnson
Ramon M. Johnson ’96
Randall S. Johnson ’90
Rasheed J. Johnson ’03
Rayshun D. Johnson
Reese A. Johnson ’58
Reuben D. Johnson ’94
Richard A. Johnson ’90
Richard E. Johnson
Richard S. Johnson ’66
Robert C. Johnson Jr.
Robert J. V. Johnson ’48 *
Ronald K. Johnson ’80
Ronald M. Johnson ’73
Ronnie H. Johnson II ’98
Roosevelt Johnson ’61
Rory M. Johnson ’96
Rosby G. Johnson ’99
Rose H. Johnson
Roy C. Johnson
Roy M. Johnson Sr. ’71
Ruth E. Johnson
Samuel R. Johnson ’88
Sean K. Johnson ’94
Semaj A. Johnson ’03
Sheridan M. Johnson ’76
Report on Giving
Stephen R. Johnson ’70
Steven D. Johnson ’03
Terrence L. Johnson ’93
Terry D. Johnson ’90
Terry V. Johnson Jr. ’92
Thomas E. Johnson ’59
Tobe Johnson III ’87
Tommie S. Johnson ’81
Torrey O. Johnson ’97
Troy E. Johnson ’86
Van C. Johnson ’72
Victor Johnson
Vincent L. Johnson Sr. ’78
Walter Johnson
Walton R. Johnson Sr. ’34
Wayne Johnson
Wilbur Johnson Jr. ’78
Wilbur R. Johnson Jr. ’91
William E. Johnson ’79
Hezikiah B. Johnson, III ’87
Marian C. Johnson-Thompson
Bruce Johnston ’84
Jan Johnston
James E. Joiner
Orlando R. Joiner ’97
Samuel D. Jolley Jr.
Aaron Jones
Abraham H. Jones ’83
Agai B. Jones ’95
Alan L. Jones ’83
Angela R. Jones
Arthur M. Jones ’60
Benjamin H. Jones
Brennon A. Jones ’99
Brian K. Jones ’01
Brian S. Jones ’04
Calvin W. Jones ’95
Carl G. Jones
Carlton Jones Jr. ’97
Carol Jones
Carolyn Jones
Charles E. Jones ’94
Charles E. Jones ’72
Chrisopher M. Jones ’97
Christopher M. Jones ’99
Clark L. Jones ’05
Claude J. Jones II ’76
Colin A. Jones ’03
Dan E. Jones ’82
David C. Jones ’85
David S. Jones ’77
Derek W. Jones ’89
Derrick F. Jones ’84
DeVerges B. Jones ’72
DeVetus M. Jones ’95
Douglas E. Jones ’90
Drevon M. Jones ’99
Edward A. Jones Jr. ’49
Edward R. Jones ’79
Edwin L. Jones ’85
Effie Lee M. Jones
Eric Jones
Eric J. Jones ’03
Ernest L. Jones
Ethelene C. Jones
Eugene Jones ’47 *
Frances Jones
Frank K. Jones ’84
Frank K. Jones ’86
Frank S. Jones
Gertie R. Jones
Gregory L. Jones ’79
Guinevere S. Jones
Gwendolyn Jones
Gwendolyn W. Jones
Harlan K. Jones ’93
Herchel M. Jones ’66
Howard Jones
Isaac J. Jones ’87
Jabriel T. Jones ’91
James C. Jones ’65
James E. Jones ’88
Jason G. Jones ’01
Jason P. Jones ’92
Jeffrey B. Jones ’00
Jefrey E. Jones ’92
Jeremy C. Jones
Jessie H. Jones
JoAnne Jones
Jocelyn Jones
John A. Jones ’73
John A. Jones ’79
Johnetta D. Jones
Johnnie A. Jones Jr.
Joycelyn Jones
Justin L. Jones ’96
Keenen D. Jones ’82
Keith W. C. Jones ’93
Kenneth P. Jones ’03
Kevin Jones ’82
Khari M. R. Jones ’04
Kimber A. Jones
Korin K. Jones ’03
Kwende B. Jones ’95
Kyle J. Jones ’04
Larry Jones
Leonard V. Jones
Lillian Jones
Lloyd O. Jones ’64
Louis E. Jones ’83
Melvin M. Jones ’01
Miata Jones
Michael C. Jones ’95
Michael L. Jones ’84
Milton D. Jones ’76
Paul E. Jones ’67
Prentiss J. Jones ’56
Qiana C. Jones
Quillie Jones
R. L. Jones
Ratio C. Jones ’41 *
Raymond Jones ’04
Unique Mission, Timeless Gift
or Diane Tooker’s 60th birthday, Gary L. Tooker purchased something unique for
his wife of 40 years. He set
up an endowed scholarship in her
name at a Boys & Girls Club in
Scottsdale, Ariz.
That special gift is just one
small example of how contributing
to educational causes is a part of
this couple’s mission in life.
$100,000 to The Campaign for a
Gary Tooker
New Century. A member of the
Morehouse Board of Trustees since 1998, Tooker considers it both an honor and
obligation for his family to contribute to the Morehouse legacy.
“We are very much aware of the examples of fine young men that
Morehouse is growing into leaders for tomorrow’s society, a society that
will have an ongoing need for great leadership,” said Tooker. “I just think all
of us who have been fortunate in our lives need to do all we can to help
young people.”
Tooker, a retired vice chairman and former chief executive officer of
Motorola, also gives his time by serving on several other boards. His commitment to help young people, coupled with his desire to diversify Motorola,
caught the eye and interest of one of the company’s board members,
Morehouse President Walter E. Massey, who convinced him to join the
Morehouse College board.
“I’m constantly gratified to see what Morehouse is doing in the development of young people,” said Tooker.
In 1999, under Tooker’s leadership, the Motorola Foundation announced a
$1-million gift to help construct the state-of-the-art Leadership Center at
Morehouse. The gift was the Foundation’s largest contribution ever to a
Historically Black College or University.
Consummate contributors to educational institutions, the Tookers previously funded endowed scholarships at a preschool for at-risk children in the
Phoenix area and established a Medallion of Merit scholarship at their alma
mater, North Phoenix High School. They also established scholarships at their
other alma mater, the colleges of engineering and education at Arizona State
University, where they first met.
“The focus of our giving throughout our married life has been on education
and young people,” said Gary Tooker about the couple’s philanthropy. “Giving
toward education has just been part of our lives.” ■
Report on Giving
Renda G. Jones
Richard A. Jones ’81
Richard K. Jones ’60
Ricky L. Jones ’92
Robert Jones ’80
Robert A. Jones III ’96
Robert F. Jones ’30
Rodney Jones
Roy L. Jones ’51
Rudolph B. Jones ’64
Shawn Jones ’97
Shedrick D. Jones
Terrence L. Jones ’98
Thomas L. Jones ’44 *
Thomas L. Jones II ’00
Tyrone L. Jones ’83
W. O. Jones
Walter Jones ’75
Wayne A. Jones ’79
Wendell E. H. Jones ’80
Wilbur A. Jones ’44
William C. Jones
William E. Jones Jr. ’80
Yergan C. Jones ’85
ZaJuan R. Jones ’03
Roberta Jones-Booker
Jo Ann Jones-Mussenden
Jesse J. Joplin III ’74
Adetokunbo E. Jordan ’97
Alison M. Jordan
Augustus W. Jordan
Cary A. Jordan ’04
Gary A. Jordan ’81
George W. Jordan ’43
Gregory V. Jordan ’83
H. R. Jordan
Harold W. Jordan ’58
James L. Jordan ’54
Kathryn N. Jordan
Kenneth U. Jordan II ’90
Linda J. Jordan
Marcus K. Jordan ’00
Robert A. Jordan
Robert L. Jordan Jr.
Theodore Jordan
Theodore D. Jordan ’95
Thomas E. Jordan ’66
Vernon Jordan
Yevette R. Jordan
Andre Joseph
David E. Joseph ’92
Joshua J. Joseph ’03
Linda A. Joseph
Sheldon Joseph ’97
Tyrone Joubert ’69
M. Gibran Jourdain-Earl
Peter A. Joyce
Joyce Rennolds Ministries Worldwide
Adrian Joyner ’97
Deric A. Joyner
Jeffrey K. Joyner ’99
Richard J. Jucks ’03
Paul Q. Judge ’98
Percy L. Julien
Junior Achievement of Greater
Atlanta, Inc.
Adam Junior
Alfred R. Junior ’60
Cary M. Junior ’84
Ester J. Junior ’52
Keith E. Junior ’84
Victor E. Junior ’87
Just Friends, Inc.
Omar L. Justice ’98
Ken D. Kadish
Darnell Kaigler ’97
Frederick T. Kalibala ’95
Khalid Kamal
Langa Kambi-Shamba ’03
Karim K. Kameka
Douglas M. Kanaya
Kansas City Alumni Chapter of
Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc.
Kappa Conclave ’99
Karol and Eric J. Barkley Foundation
Paula Kaufman
Stephanie Kavourias
Theodore O. Kay
Paul D. Kearney ’86
William Kearney
A.T. Kearney, Inc.
Curtis A. Kearns III ’94
Jesse L. Kearse III ’86
Mario J. Keaton ’03
Floyd A. Keels ’96
Mike Keen
Jason S. Keene ’03
Manuel Keepler ’65 *
Alvin Keith ’97
Idris S. Keith ’97
Keithl’s Since 1851
Jeffrey E. Kellar ’84
Mark S. Kellar ’86
Joe Keller
Steven Keller
Aaron Kelley
Charles J. Kelley ’70
Fletcher H. Kelley
Jerry Kelley
John N. Kelley ’03
Phyllis B. Kelley
Pleas Kelley ’75
David A. Kelly
David J. Kelly Jr. ’96
Gilbert L. Kelly Jr. ’78
Herman O. Kelly Jr. ’75
Jonathan L. Kelly ’74
Vincent T. Kelly ’92
Richard C. Kelsey II ’91
C. Robert Kemp
Darius R. Kemp ’92
Edmond T. Kemp ’58 *
Nicolas L. Kemp ’02
Zachary T. Kemp ’01
James Kendrick ’54
Kevin M. Kendrick ’84
Leon A. Kendrick
William J. Kendrick Sr.
William J. Kendrick Jr. ’04
Bryce H. Kennard ’01
John S. Kennebrew ’03
Benjamin S. Kennedy ’99
Calvin R. Kennedy ’96
Demond A. Kennedy ’00
Ezekiel L. Kennedy ’54
Haskell O. Kennedy
James C. Kennedy ’46
Lena L. Kennedy
Robert Kennedy ’71
Ronald B. Kennedy ’73
William J. Kennedy IV ’73
Marion C. J. Kennon
Robert S. Kennon ’47
Joseph E. Kent ’04
Geraldine D. Kenton
Deborah J. Kerai
Steven A. Kern ’96
Richard Kerr ’91
Wardell F. Kerson ’02
Key Bonding Company
Charles F. Key ’84
Elgin R. Key ’00
George A. Key ’31
William J. Key ’73
Rodney M. Keys ’86
Ed Khoury
Jermaine L. Kidd ’03
Zachary A. Kidd ’00
Willlie F. Kidd-Jackson
Dawn V. Kight
David W. Kilgore ’80
James A. Kilgore ’56
Jeannetta S. Kilgore
Thomas Kilgore Jr. ’35 *
Harold V. Kilgour ’81
Killer Killins Pest Control Services, Inc.
Darlyne A. Killian
Darnita R. Killian
William H. Killian Jr. ’48 *
Martin F. Killingham ’71
Curtis H. Kilpatrick II ’69
Robert P. Kilpatrick ’67
Alexis M. Kimball
Thomas Kimball ’65
Freddie Kimble ’50
Frederick Kimble ’81
Eleanor T. Kimbrough
Justin B. Kimpson ’03
Marlon E. Kimpson ’91
Dwayne E. Kincade ’86
Alan L. King Jr. ’97
Arteria King ’42
Barbara King
Carl V. King ’70
Catherine King
Charles E. King ’02
Chevene B. King II ’03
Coretta S. King *
Damani E. King
E. D. King
Gary King
Jamahl L. King ’93
James King
Jiles R. King ’03
John R. King ’97
Joseph W. King III
Kelvin F. King ’88
Kenneth E. King ’94
Kieron B. King ’03
Kyle M. King ’88
LaShawn M. King ’95
Louis J. King II ’82
Lynne King
Marlon D. King ’99
Max C. King Jr. ’52
Preston T. King
Robert King
Robert E. King
Robert L. King Jr. ’95
Ryan B. King ’03
Samario E. King ’98
Stephen B. King ’03
Thornell L. King ’84
Toni S. King
Viola D. King
Virginia King
Wesley E. King ’83
William J. King
Masao H. Kingi Jr. ’92
Corttrell M. Kinney ’01
Eva T. Kinsey
James E. Kinsey ’70
Julius Kinsey
Thomas E. Kinsey ’63
Elvie L. Kirby ’60
Kevin K. Kirchner
Draper S. Kirke ’03
Avon Kirkland
Charles A. Kirkland ’97
Deborah H. Kirkland
Josef Kirkland ’97
Levi S. Kirkland Sr. ’48
Michael D. Kirkwood ’95
Walter E. Kisner
Anderson Kizzie ’51
Jack A. Klasky
Kenneth A. Klatt
Leslie Klemperer
Randy B. Klipstein
Elgin L. Klugh ’95
Don Knauss
Donna Knepper
Report on Giving
Bobby W. Knight
Frederick C. Knight ’92
Gail M. Knight
Gale M. Knight
James A. Knight ’73
Jefferson L. Knight
Perry D. Knight *
Woodrow M. Knight II ’96
Kathy Knighten
Regina M. Knight-Mason
Verna Knorr
Courtney J. Knowles Jr. ’57
Harun L. Knowles ’83
Jo Emily G. Knox
Michael H. Knox ’82
Tracey T. Knox ’97
Nancy Knutsen
Mengistu M. Koilor ’03
Koldyke Family Foundation
Aleron Kong
Richard K. Korley ’05
Hobert Kornegay ’45 *
Wilson K. Koros ’01
Jean Koulack-Young
Christine Kowal
KPS Holdings, Inc.
James M. Kraft
Glenna G. Kramer
Charles E. Kratz
Kip M. Kriigel
Donald Krogstad
Chyuau and Hsui Mei Ku
Kelly L. Kubes
Joan L. Kuklinski
Walter Kuklinski
Olajide Kuye ’97
Olatunde Kuye
Christopher K. Kwabi ’86
Terrance J. Kyle ’68
Amy LaBan
Emet L. LaBoone ’94
Anthony H. Lacey ’90
Henry C. Lacey
Laclede Gas
Michael J. LaCroix
Leslie L. Lacy
Pamela Ladd
Anna M. Ladson
Josiah Lagat
LaGrange College
Paul V. Laguerre Jr. ’02
Shaun I. Lain ’91
Henry L. Lake ’97
Alexander Lakes ’86
Brian W. Lamar ’03
Emory E. Lamar ’66
Keith A. Lamar ’83
Benjamin J. Lambert IV ’89
Chinua A. Lambie ’02
Pablio Lambinicio
Geraldine J. LaMotte
Ken Lamour
Marvin E. Lampkin ’61
Nicholas Lampley ’03
Adrienne Lance Lucas
Charles A. Land ’64
George C. Land ’85
C. Victor Lander ’75
Landmark Publishing Corporation
Joe Landrum
Carl H. Lane II ’81
Carolyn M. Lane
William G. Lane Sr. ’74
Burnell G. Langie ’85
Willie L. Langley ’59
Robert J. LaPorta
Aaron Large ’01
Gerald C. Large ’58
James W. Larkins ’88
Linda S. Larson
Malcolm X. Larvadain ’94
LaSalle Partners, Inc.
Richard K. Lashof
Duane L. Lassiter ’94
LaMar F. Laster III ’02
David Lastie
William U. Latham ’90
Dennis J. Lathan Jr. ’96
Robert M. Lathan ’92
Ronald A. Lathan Jr. ’97
Carol Latney-Solomon
Cody E. Lattimore
Mark Laughner
Anthony G. Laurent ’90
Ronald P. Laurent Jr. ’83
Simmie Lavender ’65
Kenneth C. Lavergne ’04
DeWayne Law ’04
Leonard D. Law ’58
Law Librarians’ Society of Washington,
D.C., Inc.
The Law Offices of Richard F.
Johns, PLL
Jermaine A. Lawrence ’01
Kimberly L. Lawrence
Larry C. Lawrence ’98
Mel Lawrence
Patricia R. Lawrence
Kristia S. Laws
William H. Laws IV
A. Peter Lawson
Annie R. Lawson
Darroll D. Lawson ’96
Joanne T. Lawson
Myron Lawson
Owen M. Lawson IV ’91
William E. Lawson
Zeola E. Lawson
Joyce E. Leahy
Derrick C. Leak ’95
John F. Leak ’72
Ray E. Leaphart ’70
Cheryl Lebeouf
Marcus A. Lebeouf ’03
Eppie Lederer
Robert E. Ledman
Alfred J. Lee
Aubrey W. Lee ’55
Barry E. Lee ’79
Brian K. Lee
Brian N. Lee ’82
Carol F. Lee
Charles H. Lee Sr. ’50
Christopher E. Lee ’05
Eric Lee
Esaias Lee ’74
Garrett W. Lee ’03
Henry H. Lee ’66
Hilliard M. Lee Jr.
James C. Lee ’91
Kaijer Lee ’68
Kenyatta K. Lee ’91
Leonard W. Lee ’56
Linda T. Lee
Malik S. Lee ’03
Matthew Lee ’96
Melvin P. Lee
Miyoung Lee
Shaun J. Lee ’00
Shelton R. Lee ’04
Stephanie G. Lee
Susan A. Lee
Torrey E. Lee ’99
Verlena J. Lee
Vincent E. Lee ’87
William H. Lee IV ’93
William J. E. Lee III ’51
Yong J. Lee
Renee LeGaux
William H. Leggett ’57
Mary Leiphart
Ava V. Leland
James E. Lemle II ’01
Alton T. Lemon ’50
Herman F. Leonard ’84
Jonathan E. Leonard ’87
Oscar Leonard ’68
Raymond D. Leonard ’06
Susan R. Leonard
Theodis R. Leonard Jr. ’93
Michael Lerner
Rudolph J. LeRoy III ’01
Les Girls Bridge Club
Laurence S. Lese
Carl W. Lesesne ’57
Darryl Lesesne
Craig R. Lester ’04
George L. Lester Jr. ’84
George L. Lester Sr. ’62
Mark J. Lester ’97
Velma R. Lester
William H. Lester
Justin C. Letts ’01
Ann R. Leven
Junius A. Leverett
Michael Levesque ’89
Kate S. Levi
Vince Levine Sr. ’80
Christopher O. Levy ’98
Stephen L. Levy
Cornett L. Lewers ’05
Alexus D. Lewis ’04
Arlan D. Lewis
Clarence Lewis
Clinton E. Lewis ’57
Eulysses Lewis
Floretta Lewis
Gayle V. Lewis
George A. Lewis ’62
Imani E. Lewis ’03
J. D. Lewis Jr. ’40
Jasmine Lewis
Jerome A. Lewis ’03
John Lewis ’87
John A. Lewis
John E. Lewis Sr. ’65
John G. Lewis
Joseph R. Lewis ’82
Lawrence C. Lewis ’94
Lee Lewis Jr.
Leia A. Lewis
LeSean D. Lewis ’03
Lonzy Lewis ’71
Marc D. Lewis ’94
Mark B. Lewis ’83
Michael A. Lewis ’95
Michael A. Lewis ’93
Michael H. Lewis ’97
Miles M. Lewis ’93
Milton K. Lewis ’75
Myron J. Lewis ’88
Nathan L. Lewis
Paul O. Lewis ’87
Reginald Lewis ’90
Robert A. Lewis II ’03
Rodney X. Lewis ’91
Rogers L. Lewis Sr.
Shawn L. Lewis ’04
Shawn M. Lewis ’05
Sherwood C. Lewis
Shirley A. Lewis
Stacy D. Lewis ’93
Stephen M. Lewis ’80
Willard C. Lewis ’83
William B. Lewis ’88
Liberty Tree, LLC
Mark J. Liddell ’95
Terrance T. Liddell ’92
Edward L. Life III
Harold M. Light ’61
John O. Lightfoot ’52
Samuel Lightfoot ’63 *
Report on Giving
Stephen Lightfoot ’03
Elroid N. Lights ’95
James H. Lilly ’31
Joel R. Limerick ’95
Linc Mechanical Services
Vivian E. Lincoln
Reginald C. Lindsay ’67
Shuna Lindsay
Dereck J. Lindsey
Michael A. Lindsey ’94
Sylvester Lindsey ’73
Lewis Linsey ’74
Kenneth P. Linton ’80
Douglas Lipton
Little Associates, Inc.
Christopher T. Little ’97
George M. Little ’77
Hiram E. Little ’47
Morris Little
Vincent D. Little ’88
Walter K. Little Jr. ’82
Michael E. Littlejohn ’79
Rodney Littles
Cecelia D. Livingston
Livingston Family Ltd, Partnership
James L. Llorens
Jacqueline Lloyd
Benedict W. Loadholt ’82
Frank Loadholt
Jarrod F. Loadholt ’05
Demetrius Lockett ’90
James D. Lockett ’55
Julius A. Lockett ’39 *
Kenderick L. Lockett ’95
Lenora C. Lockett
Valerie Lockett
Cecil Lockhart
Rufus C. Lockridge ’56
Lee W. Loder ’92
David H. Loebl
Aaron L. Logan ’03
Joshua A. Logan ’97
Michael R. Logan ’97
Sammie L. Logan III ’98
Briten Lollie
Michael R. Lomax ’94
Edward C. London
Thomas N. Lonergan
Annie T. Long
Chaka A. Long ’96
Cleon M. Long ’04
Clinton E. Long ’80
Dennis A. Long
Edward G. Long ’70
Emmett S. Long III ’89
Herman F. Long ’65 *
Lawrence V. Long Jr. ’75
Leonard L. Long Jr. ’78
Merritt Long ’68
Rebecca H. Long
Richard L. Long ’66
Samuel P. Long Jr. ’48
Sandra Long
Sean L. Long ’04
Sheri Long
William E. Long III
Kevin M. Longshaw ’90
Francesca Lopez
Sharon Lopez
David J. Lord ’93
Edward A. Lord III ’87
James P. Lord
Steven T. Lorick ’95
Marshall Lott IV ’95
Agnes A. Louard
Rodrick E. Loud ’94
Rondul Louder ’96
Louis and Beverly King Family Fund
of the Minneapolis Foundation
Dave A. Louis ’95
Louisiana Bank
Brandon A. Love ’02
Dewitt A. Love ’92
Gregory A. R. Love ’04
Hugh T. Love Jr.
J. C. Love III ’01
Josephine H. Love *
Michael E. Love ’89
Ivenue Love-Stanley
Eric Loving
Andre T. Lowe ’83
Douglas L. Lowe II ’95
Edward Lowe ’94
Eugene T. Lowe ’69
Harolyn Lowe
John W. Lowe ’63 *
Lewis M. Lowe ’50
Scott M. Lowe ’99
Bunnestine R. Lowery
Lowes Theater Management
Jean E. Lowrie
Jamie R. Lowther ’97
LRD Management Group
C. Payne Lucas
Maurice Lucas
Peter D. Lucas ’63
David Luckens
Derrick Luckett ’91
Marvin C. Lue Jr. ’96
Jerome A. Luke ’79
Harvey Lum
Diamond D. Lumpkin Jr. ’81
Olvinn J. Lumpkins III ’03
Lutheran Social Ministries of New
Luxus Enterprises LLC
Lydia Chapter 40. E. S.
Charles F. Lyles ’61
Kenyatte Lyles ’95
Tommie T. Lymon
Duane A. Lynch ’77
Isaac Lynch Jr.
Mas O. Lynch
Quentin B. Lynch ’99
Lynn Valley Community Club
Ivory L. Lyons Jr. ’82
Samuel O. Lyons III ’04
Monica L. Lypson
Andrew D. Lypson-Campbell ’91
M & N Augustine Foundation
Marilyn Mabbett
Brian M. Mabry ’02
Ottie L. Mabry
Martin B. Mace ’04
Marjorie MacFarlane
Machita & Co., Inc.
Anthony B. Mack ’83
Carl A. Mack ’93
Charles S. Mack ’66
Edward C. Mack ’73
James W. Mack ’79
James W. Mack Sr. ’48
Justin C. Mack ’03
Khari Mack ’97
Leroy G. Mack III ’87
Phyllis G. Mack
Richard Mack Jr.
Audley M. Mackel III ’77
Mackenzie Associates
James L. Mackey
Robert E. Mackey ’91
John H. Macklin
Miranda Mack-McKinsey
Anne Maclay
Larry Maclin
Tony B. Maclin ’93
Macon Central Morehouse Club
Macon District #5 OES
Dominique L. Maddox ’04
Donald J. Maddox ’86
Justin F. Maddox ’04
Michele Maddox
Michael J. Madere
Wesley Madhere II ’03
Geraldine F. Madison
John Madison
Kayadti A. Madison ’97
Richard Madison ’53
William J. Madison IV ’95
Mildred Madry
Ben C. Maffit III
Magnetic Imaging Medical Group,
Benjamin F. Magwood ’91
Jelani K. Mahiri ’96
Mahogany Spin Tips
Lloyd Mahone ’71
Alyson Mahoney
Walter C. Mainor ’97
Mario L. Majette ’89
Robert L. Major
Stephanie Major
John A. Majors ’95
Richard Makerson III ’03
Charles Malcolm
Rubina Malik
Tennyson M. Maliro ’99
Daren J. Mallard ’93
Clinton D. Malone Jr. ’94
Susan M. Maltese
Judy Mandel
Maurice R. Mander ’91
Pamela K. Manela
Lester Manigault
Audrey F. Manley
Judie A. Manley
Kwame J. Manley ’96
The Manley Agency/Allstate
Insurance Company
Antonio Mann ’87
Debra D. Mann
John A. Mann Jr. ’88
Morris C. Mann ’94
Seith R. Mann ’95
Dion T. Manna ’90
Daniel B. Manning ’04
Gwen Manning
Eric M. Mannings ’81
Herman Mannings III ’99
Daryl E. Manns ’03
Jon Manns
Errol L. Manor ’94
Glyn D. Manor ’92
Brent Manson
Ramaiz Mansoor ’99
Brennan Manuel
Janice R. Manuel
Bernice Maple
Betty L. Mapp
Frederick E. Mapp ’32 *
Jesse W. Mapson ’67
Tyler M. Mapson ’98
Reginald H. Marable ’95
Michele March
Gregory A. Marchand Jr. ’97
Walter M. Marcus ’71
Winston L. Mardis ’75
Judith P. Marine
William M. Marine
Godfrey J. Mark ’01
Larry Mark
Stanley Mark
Bryant T. Marks ’94
Derek N. Marks ’90
Korby C. Marks ’94
Paxton N. Marks ’90
James L. Marr ’76
Otoniel Marrero ’91
Belinda Marsaw-Smith
Esther L. Marsh
William F. Marsh ’66
Abraham Marshall ’70
Andrew Marshall
Report on Giving
Calvin T. Marshall ’70
Connie O. Marshall
Eric C. Marshall ’94
General G. Marshall ’57
Harry P. Marshall Jr. ’80
Henry T. Marshall ’62
Jerome I. Marshall ’91
Justin M. Marshall ’66
Lewis W. Marshall ’79
Marcus S. Marshall ’04
Mary C. Marshall
Paul Marshall
Robert L. Marshall ’52
Samuel T. Marshall ’77
Sarran D. Marshall ’97
Tony D. Marshall ’01
Aldwin T. Martin
Alfonso R. Martin ’60 *
Arnold L. Martin III ’89
Barbara Martin
Brian C. Martin ’81
Calvin R. Martin ’92
Christopher Martin
Christopher T. Martin ’97
David L. Martin ’75
DeWayne N. Martin ’89
Donovan Martin ’89
Elizabeth Martin
Gregory Martin ’93
Harold L. Martin Jr. ’02
Harold L. Martin Sr.
Hinton Martin Jr. ’62
Keith L. Martin ’78
Kenneth W. Martin ’71
Larry Martin ’69
Michael R. Martin ’82
Reginald C. Martin ’96
Rita R. Martin
Robert D. Martin
Russell K. Martin ’96
Samuel R. Martin Jr. ’68
Shannon A. Martin ’04
Wayne Martin II
Darren K. Martinez ’74
Mary G. Walker Realty Company
Micah Maryland
Brandon F. Marzo ’95
Frank L. Marzo ’69
Noreen B. Mashaw
Ada L. Mason
Brandon L. Mason ’03
Chaka L. Mason ’97
Herman Mason Jr.
Jonathan E. Mason ’93
Kevin J. Mason ’91
Walter Mason ’68
Hans J. Massaquoi ’83
Joseph G. M. Massaquoi ’95
Donald D. Masse
Edward J. Massenberg III
Albert J. Massey ’85
Kristopher E. Massey ’03
Samuel M. Matchett ’81
Barbara Jean Matesa
Walter Mathews
Fred B. Mathis ’57
Jerrold W. Mathis ’76
Teresa Mathis
William Mathis ’85
Kent Matlock ’82
Anton L. Matthews ’03
Careton R. Matthews ’90
Carol A. Matthews
David Matthews ’50
Jean C. Matthews
Johnell Matthews
Mabel J. Matthews
Tremain C. Mattress ’03
David E. Maultsby ’73
Virgil J. Maupin ’97 *
Emma Maxey
Ernest L. Maxey Jr. ’93
Eugene Maxey ’80
Lorna Jean Maxey
Eric F. Maxie ’89
Leon T. Maxie ’99
Elbert L. Maxwell ’64
Dennis J. May ’77
John M. May ’67
The May Department Stores
Robert J. Mayberry
Beatrice C. Mayer
Paul R. Mayer
Nathan J. Mayes ’06
Gerald K. Mayfield ’82
Melissa D. Mayfield
Mayfield Memorial Baptist Church
Angelo R. Maynard ’85
Broderick A. Mayo ’05
Dennis D. Mayo
James W. Mayo ’51
Marcus Mayo
Suzanne Mayo-Theus
Deven K. Mays
Harold E. Mays ’60
Wallace D. Mays
Shawn A. Mazyck ’99
Stevie H. Mazyck ’96
MB Mailing Service
MBEC, Inc.
MBNA America
Candace McAdams
Arthur J. McAfee III ’83
DeWitt T. McAfee
Micah P. McAfee ’01
Armella and Calvin T. McAllister Sr.
Calvin T. McAllister ’04
Shawn D. McAllister ’95
Quinton L. McArthur ’01
Harry McBride ’79
Lance A. McBride ’99
Erika M. McCaffrey
Adelric R. McCain ’00
Homer L. McCall Sr. ’62
Carl McCalla ’75
Jonathan D. McCamey ’88
Robert L. McCann III ’98
Donald McCarthy ’89
McCarthy Wilson
Andrew M. McCaskill ’99
William C. McCaskill ’00
Chelson R. McCathen ’75
J. Scott McClain
Justin W. McClain ’03
Patrick D. McClain ’93
Patrick H. McClain ’54
Virginia W. McClain
Michael L. McClam ’92
Inez McClary
Julius R. McClaskey Sr. ’75 *
Frances H. McClay
Lydia McClendon
Rodney P. McClendon ’90
Rubye D. McClendon
Shederick A. McClendon ’92
Emory C. McClinton ’62
Nathaniel J. McClinton ’94
Derrick L. McCloud ’94
Willard McCloud III ’97
Willard McCloud
Willard L. McCloud Jr.
Arthur J. McClung III ’98
Kenneth M. McClure ’83
Randy O. McClure ’84
Timothy M. McClure ’96
Ricardo T. McCollin ’99
Barry McCollum ’00 *
Brian K. McCollum ’99
Clarence B. McCollum ’92
Rathuel L. McCollum ’49
Geraldyne McConico
William C. McConico ’96
Bill McCook
Cedric F. McCord ’88
Joan McCord
Marion McCord ’71
Mica McCord
Lester A. McCorn ’88
Rod McCowan
Sharron L. McCoy
Terrance P. McCoy ’92
Wayne McCoy
Dwight D. McCrary ’75
Eugene McCrary ’76
Vincent D. McCraw ’80
Eugene McCray ’72
James McCray ’73
Valeria L. McCray
William G. McCray III ’97
Elizabeth McCree-Webber
Gerald McCrory
Frederick D. McCuiston III ’90
Jeffrey R. McCullen ’04
Kyle Mccullers
Elliot B. McDaniel ’02
Morris S. McDaniel ’89
Paul A. McDaniel Sr. ’51
Paul A. McDaniel Jr. ’76
Robert McDaniel Jr. ’81
Tracy McDaniel ’85
William T. McDaniel ’67
Bryan C. McDaniels ’94
Catherine McDonald
Charles G. McDonald ’03
Edison McDonald Sr. ’58
Eric L. McDonald ’87
Frederick L. McDonald II ’88
Harry P. McDonald ’44
Jason K. McDonald ’96
Newt I. McDonald
Ralph S. McDonald ’52
Rhesa O. McDonald
Robert R. McDonald ’95
Todd O. McDonald ’03
Virgil C. McDonald ’90
Edward R. McDonnell Sr. ’50
McDonnell-Douglas Corporation
Terry McDougal ’76
Ealton McDuffie ’76
Alenka O. McElhaney ’96
Dellice McElroy
Kevin J. McElroy
James D. McElveen
Andre R. McEwing ’83
Charles E. McFail
Larry G. McFarland ’59
Walter R. McFarland ’87
William E. McFarland
Alvin McFarlane
William C. McFarlin Jr. ’72
Nathaniel McGaughy
Eric A. McGeachy Sr. ’70
Leo McGee
Ryan C. McGee ’96
Darrel G. McGhee ’72
Derek L. McGhee ’96
Marcus G. McGhee ’92
Michael C. McGhee ’87
Robin L. McGhee
Travis M. McGhee ’87
William M. McGhee Jr. ’59
Marion K. McGhee-Rozier
Craig L. McGill ’84
Donald McGill
Michael M. McGilvery ’93
John M. McGinnis
Sean M. McGinnis ’99
Isabel McGinty
Emanuel D. McGirt ’88
Anthony P. McGlaun ’02
Delores McGlory
Report on Giving
Preston J. McGlory II ’96
Corey S. McGlothan ’95
Eric K. McGlothen ’94
Eugene McGowan ’37
Jason E. McGowan ’05
Odell E. McGowan
Rose M. McGowan
Ruth McGowan
Meaghan McGrath
McGraw-Hill Foundation, Inc.
Russell O. McGriff ’94
Mark G. McGruder ’95
Hasani D. McHoney ’03
Myrtle E. McInnis
Edward M. McIntyre Sr. ’56 *
Ernest C. McIntyre
Juanita McIntyre
Rosalind A. McIntyre
Sandra M. McIntyre
Todd P. McIntyre ’96
Bill McIver
Dorothy J. McIver
Harrison D. McIver III ’74
Jerome McIver ’61
William J. McIver ’85
Rudolph V. McKamey *
Montrel M. McKay ’05
Norma I. McKechnie
Samuel L. McKelton ’86
Cheryl McKendell
Warren P. McKenna ’90
Anne W. McKenzie
Charles E. McKenzie
Jeffrey McKenzie ’88
Mary M. McKenzie
Nichol McKenzie
Rodney E. McKenzie ’89
Winston McKesson
Freeman McKindra Sr.
Freeman McKindra II ’03
Tanya M. McKinley
Antonio McKinney ’82
Carl E. McKinney II ’93
Charles W. McKinney Jr. ’89
Cleveland McKinney Jr. ’99
Edward A. McKinney ’62
Ernest R. McKinney ’64
Gerald McKinney ’85
Gordon A. McKinney ’91
Gregory E. McKinney ’74
Louise J. McKinney
Reginald McKinney ’62
Richard I. McKinney ’31 *
Wade H. McKinney IV ’84
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
John W. McKissic ’74
Helen S. McKnight
Marjorie McKnight
Terrance T. McKnight ’86
Timothy P. McKone
Roseland Y. McLarin
Eurphan McLaughlin Sr.
Harry E. McLaughlin ’94
John P. McLaughlin
David S. McLean
O. Norfleet McLellan
Andrew J. McLemore ’55
James E. McLeod ’66
Ricky L. McLeod Jr. ’99
Charles W. McLien III ’97
Dwayne R. McLin ’86
Henry J. McManus ’61
Alexander S. McMath ’68
Walter J. McMath ’40
Robert H. McMichael Sr. ’64
Willa A. McMichael
B. Wayne McMillan
Ian A. McMillan
John F. McMillan
Lemmon McMillan
Ross McMillan
Sheila McMillan
Thomasina McMillan
David L. McMillian ’03
Reynard R. McMillian ’89
James McMurray III ’73
Ronald McNabb
Joshua H. McNair
Jessie M. McNary
Erik McNeal
Ernest McNealey
Ashley McNeil
Brian K. McNeil ’97
Matthew McNeil
Randy McNeil
Braxton E. McNeill ’00
Byron McNeill Jr. ’71
Ernest A. McNeill ’65
Louise A. McNulty
Paul H. McPhail ’56
Derek L. McPhatter ’01
Jule McReynolds Jr. ’02
Leonard C. A. McReynolds ’94
Roderick L. McSwain ’04
Rasheed M. McWilliams ’99
Sean D. Meade ’99
George W. Meaders ’60
Charles L. Meadows ’66
Peter Meadows ’87
Vaughn E. Meadows ’84
Warner E. Meadows ’52
Winston R. Meadows ’72
Will Mebane Jr.
Medical Center Health Care
Providers, P.C.
Meharry Medical College
Meharry National Alumni Association
Celia Mellad
David L. Mells ’40 *
Langston J. Melton ’02
Quintin Meminger ’87
Ernest J. Mencer ’66
Paul E. Meneese Sr.
Michael R. Mensch
Lovelle V. Menzie ’00
Mercantile-Safe Deposit and Trust
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International
James V. Mercer
Merck & Company Inc.
Eddie Meredith Jr. ’57
Eileen N. Meredith
Jarrow Merenivitch Sr.
Charles W. Merideth ’61
Trenton D. Merideth ’94
Michael C. Meritt
Lonnie R. Merriett
Lorne J. Merriett ’02
Gordon A. Merritt ’52
Karl W. Merritt ’70
Lorenzo C. Merritt ’66
Vera P. Merritt
Aaron R. Merriweather ’01
Anthony D. Merriweather ’76
Nicholas P. Merriweather
Todd M. Merriweather ’99
Jarred D. Meteau ’02
Joyce D. Metevia
MetLife Foundation
The Metro Bay Business &
Professional Women’s Club
Metro Medical Associates, Inc.
Metropolitan Atlanta Coalition of
100 Black Women
Archie B. Meyer Jr. ’83
Archie B. Meyer Sr. ’57 *
Andrea Meyer-Ilse
Miami Valley Baptist District
Association of Dayton, Ohio
Kyriakos M. Michaelides
Prenard R. Mickens ’96
Arthur J. Micklebury Jr.
Microsoft Corporation
Edwin E. Middlebrook ’88
Frederick R. Middlebrooks ’87
Stewart Middleton ’74
Lillian Midgette
Midwest Regional Neonatology
Midwest Security Agency Inc.
Mile Hi Church
Kevin M. Miles ’91
Mark D. Miles ’01
Morenike K. Miles
Rodney Miles
Walter L. Miles Jr. ’01
Jacqueline Miles-Johnson
Debra A. Millenson
Benjamin F. Miller ’54
Byron E. Miller ’79
Calvin M. Miller ’50
Carolyn P. Miller
Cedric B. Miller
Cornell R. Miller ’03
Courtney R. Miller ’89
Danny R. Miller ’93
Dave J. Miller ’99
David A. Miller ’64
David W. Miller
Edith G. Miller
Eugene C. Miller ’68
Fred D. Miller ’37
Gregory C. Miller Sr.
Houser A. Miller ’31 *
Isaac H. Miller III ’77
Isaac J. Miller ’64
J. T. Miller ’49
John E. Miller ’02
Marvin Miller ’76
Melissa Miller
Murray Miller
Robert E. H. Miller ’77
Schanal L. Miller ’99
Shirley B. Miller
Stephen R. Miller ’99
Timothy B. Miller ’03
Verna Miller
Vohnterrell R. Miller
Walt Miller
William H. Miller ’78
Woodrow Miller Jr.
Naomi C. Millet
Sundiata Millett-Jones ’96
Jimmy L. Millhouse ’69
Marlon Millner ’95
Joyce W. Mills
Latham L. Mills
Cynthia and Leroy Mills Jr.
Nahshon D. Mills ’02
Roy Mills ’61
Michael E. Milner ’74
Ronald A. Milner ’77
Timothy P. Milner ’93
W. P. Milner Sr. ’57
Jay O. Milone
Boynton A. Milton ’74
James Milton ’77
Lillie M. Milton
Marilyn Milton
Ossie Y. Milton
William J. Milton ’86
Ronald L. Mimms ’56
Creflo R. Mims ’92
James R. Mims ’66
James T. Mims ’83
John W. Mims ’82
Larry J. Mims ’62
Sherbert Mims
Brandon Mincey
Don Mincey
Howard G. Mingo Sr. ’75
Minnesota Morehouse Chapter
Minnesota Mutual Foundation
Bradley L. Minniefield Jr. ’00
Report on Giving
Julius Minnifield
Minolta Buisness Solutions
Daryl J. Minor
William J. Minor
Virginia Minter
Christina Mintner
Matthew Mirones
Terrance Mishoe
Accie Mitchell
Addie S. Mitchell
Brian C. Mitchell ’93
Bruce Mitchell ’83
Caesar C. Mitchell III ’91
Carey B. Mitchell ’50
Cassandra Mitchell
Charles E. Mitchell ’47
Christine L. Mitchell
Clarence D. Mitchell Sr. ’77
David Mitchell III ’04
Erin G. Mitchell
Frank L. Mitchell Jr. ’40
George L. Mitchell ’69
Grayson Mitchell ’69
Harold E. Mitchell Jr. ’91
Henry Mitchell
Howard C. Mitchell ’65
Irving Mitchell ’70
Jamar Mitchell
Jerome Mitchell ’58
John F. Mitchell
Joseph C. Mitchell ’69
Joseph R. Mitchell ’59
Keith Mitchell ’96
Kevin B. Mitchell ’05
Kevin E. Mitchell ’97
Kevin L. Mitchell ’95
Lena Mitchell
Leroy Mitchell ’82
Mark A. Mitchell ’82
Mary Lu Mitchell
Maurice T. Mitchell ’98
Millard Mitchell
Steven P. Mitchell ’98
Travian D. Mitchell ’04
Tyson T. Mitchell ’93
William “Billy” Mitchell
William B. Mitchell ’34
William N. Mitchell ’84
Stephen J. Mitchum ’03
Stephen J. Mitchun
Patrick L. Mixon ’97
Taft H. Mizell ’48
Clarence L. Mizzelle
Lukata E. Mjumbe ’00
Festo G. Mlela ’64
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Kenneth H. Moales Jr. ’95
Charles L. Mobley ’57
Ernest A. Mobley ’71
Tony L. Mobley ’86
Aliska Moffett
James L. Moffett III ’04
Abshir Mohamed
Hamish Mohammed ’00
Kevin D. Mohammed ’03
Rosemary N. Mokia
Kathryn G. Moland
Richard R. Mole ’90
Richard L. Momon ’78
Willie C. Momon ’78
Monarch Enterprises
Carl H. Moncrieff ’62
Lemuel R. Moncur ’04
William E. Monden ’95
John H. Monds ’87
Danielle Monlezun
Reynard L. Monmouth ’03
Lester Monroe
Michael Monroe
Samuel B. Monroe ’66
Tiffany Monroe
Jose Montalvo III ’75
Michael Montanez
Misael Montanez ’04
Elliott L. Montford ’96
Benjamin W. Montgomery ’61
DeLarse Montgomery III ’91
Derrick A. Montgomery ’98
Gary L. Montgomery
James T. Montgomery ’47
James T. Montgomery ’77
Margaret D. Montgomery
Thomas V. Montgomery III ’94
Tonie D. Montgomery
Tony A. Montgomery Sr. ’89
Cameron Moody ’84
Corey Moody ’83
Debra Moody
Ernest W. Moody ’77
Imani D. Moody ’94
John A. Moody
Kasimu S. Moody ’94
William F. Moody ’93 *
Moody’s Foundation
James F. Moon
Micah Moon
Abran A. Moore ’02
Alfred Moore
Brian F. Moore ’00
C. P. Abdul-Latif Moore ’71
Christopher A. Moore ’03
David C. Moore ’02
Denise D. Moore
Edward H. Moore ’78
Eulus S. Moore ’01
Evelyn H. Moore
Harold E. Moore ’79
Howard Moore ’54
James H. Moore III ’03
James W. Moore ’73
Jerrod R. Moore ’06
Jerry A. Moore ’40
Building on a Solid Foundation
t is understandable that Atlanta
contractor C. David Moody Jr., the
man behind the construction of several
Morehouse buildings, including the
Leadership Center facility and the upcoming
Ray Charles Performing Arts Center, would
use building metaphors when talking about
why he pledged $1 million to The Campaign
for a New Century.
"Morehouse gave me the foundation-the basics, the courage and leadership
skills I needed to succeed," says Moody,
C. D. Moody Jr. ’78
owner of the hugely successful C.D. Moody
Construction Company.
Moody graduated from Morehouse in 1978 with a degree in psychology, and
later earned the bachelor's of architecture, a five-year professional degree, from
Howard University. After graduating from Howard in 1981, he worked as an
architect in the nuclear power department at Bechtel, Inc., in its Ann Harbor,
Michigan, office for two and a half years before returning to Atlanta, where he
worked as a project manager for several small companies.
He founded C.D. Moody Construction Company in 1987, finding work initially
as a joint venture/general contractor in the City of Atlanta's minority business
program. Contracting projects grew exponentially, as did his reputation for good
work, in and out of government. Some of the company's notable projects include
Philips Arena, the Federal Reserve Bank, Turner Field, Big Bethel Baptist Church
and even Disney World in Orlando, Fla. The new residence hall, parking deck,
Merrill Hall/Hopps Technology Tower are among the other facilities his company
has completed on the Morehouse campus.
Moody first contributed to the Campaign for a New Century with a $100,000
cash donation, which earned him the prestigious "Captain's Chair"
during a Key Supporters Reception. Shoring up his commitment to his alma mater,
he also endowed the College's Diamond in the Rough Scholarship with $15,000.
"It's for students who might be mid-C students with a lot of potential," Moody
said. "They're like I was."
He readily admits that his munificence was influenced by the tradition of
alumni from predominately white colleges donating generously to their institutions.
He witnessed this practice up close while growing up in Michigan, where his
now retired father was a vice provost at the University of Michigan. But he also
wants to get the message out that there are other ways to give. Many alumni, for
example, left wills and others donated parts of life insurance policies and estates.
"We can-and should--do the same. Think about it--you can't take it with you," he
said. "We need to get more serious about helping our schools grow. There is no
greater honor than to help your alma mater." ■
Report on Giving
Joseph L. Moore ’84
Joseph R. Moore ’06
Keith F. Moore ’93
Kojo H. Moore ’94
Lester J. Moore
Marcellus H. Moore Jr. ’94
Marcellus H. Moore Sr. ’59
Marius A. Moore ’94
Michael J. Moore ’90
Myrtle L. Moore
Omega Moore
Ravaris L. Moore ’04
Reginald G. Moore ’88
Reuben A. Moore ’91
Richard J. Moore ’84
Robert F. Moore
Robert L. Moore ’72
Terry L. Moore ’97
Theodore E. Moore ’57
William E. Moore
Wilmer Moore ’67
Regenia Moore-Lee
David L. Moorer ’70
Jakob A. Moppin ’92
Ernest Moppins ’00
Roger L. Morales ’92
Barbara B. Moran
Morehouse College Alumni Club
of Broward County
Morehouse College - Biology
Morehouse College Business
Morehouse College - English
Morehouse College Research
Morehouse College Student Dollar
Jason R. Moreland ’88
John Y. Moreland Sr. ’48 *
Bakari Z. Morgan ’95
Diana Morgan
Herman L. Morgan ’65
Jason Morgan
Kevin J. Morgan ’92
Mae T. Morgan
Quentin D. Morgan ’03
Robert B. Morgan ’64
David Moromisato
Morris Brandon PTA
Morris Brown College
Darius T. Morris Jr.
Everton E. Morris ’04
James Morris
Jeremy D. Morris
Joyce W. Morris
Karen A. Morris
Patrick Morris ’89
Ray Morris ’66
Robert J. Morris ’03
Thelma C. Morris
Charlie R. Morrison ’62
Harold E. Morrison
Hilda Morrison
Kelvin R. Morrison ’86
Martelle Morrison
Robert Morrison
Samuel F. Morrison
Vivian J. Morrison
Sharon K. Morrison-Utley
David E. Morrow ’80
Emily D. Morrow
Larry G. Morrow Sr. ’65
Lisa Morrow
Michael L. Morrow ’85
R. R. Morrow
Richard M. Morrow
Jocelyn Mortesen
Charles E. Morton ’46
Charles K. K. Morton ’91
Justin A. Morton ’01
Vernell M. Morton
Vincent K. Morton ’84
Kevin A. Mosby ’78
Nathaniel Mosby ’51 *
Leslie O. Moseley
Ronald Moseley ’65
Tash S. Moseley ’00
Daisy W. Moses
Edwin C. Moses ’78
Kelvin A. Moses ’96
Camille Mosley
Joshua A. Mosley ’04
Kyle Mosley
Kyle T. Mosley ’89
Toni O’Neal Mosley
Carlton J. Moss Jr. ’95
Jeffery Moss
Michael M. Moss ’01
Otis Moss III ’92
Sean M. Moss ’83
Most Worshipful Prince Hall, Grand
Chad E. Moten ’03
John Moten ’62
Richard S. Moultrie Jr. ’88
Anthony L. Moultry II ’97
Phyllis Mouton
Terry A. Mouton ’93
Mt. Aery Baptist Church
Mt. Ennon Baptist Church
Mt. Moriah Baptist Church
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church
Mt. Zion Baptist Church –
Indianapolis, IN
Mt. Zion Baptist Church – Seattle, WA
Mu Boule
Dedrick A. Muhammad ’95
Kato A. Mukuru ’98
Donald A. Mullane
Maureen A. Mullen
Christopher S. Mullin
Harold Mullins Sr. ’54
Isaac L. Mullins Sr. ’57
Alonza B. Mumford ’94
Claude E. Mundy ’71
Johnathan Mungo
Nirvana Muni ’79
Jason E. Murchison ’04
Trinity P. Murdock ’98
Richard J. Murnane
Murphy Batten & Co.
Ernest L. Murphy ’65
Gail J. Murphy
James Murphy
Jason C. Murphy ’04
Kevin B. Murphy
Murphy Management Co., LLC
Mary Edith Murphy
William E. Murphy Jr. ’63
James H. Murray III ’62
Leonard Murray II ’92
Lodriguez V. Murray ’04
Mickki D. Murray ’96
Vincent D. Murray ’69
Wanda L. Murray
Winfield W. Murray II ’98
Yohance F. Murray ’96
Justin T. Murry ’04
Music Theatre International
Philip L. Mussenden
Ayanna Mustata
Rahmaan H. Mwongozi ’99
Albert L. Myers ’37
Harvey N. Myers ’68
Josef K. Myers ’72
Sere S. Myers ’50
Shirley G. Myers
Stewart S. Myers ’89
Tracy G. Myers ’88
David E. Myles ’02
Dennis E. Myles ’87
Gwendolyn Myles
Homer K. Myles ’43
Terrence R. Myles ’91
Roy B. Nabors ’63
Henry C. Nabrit Jr. ’56
Aman Y. Nadhiri ’98
Muhammad A. Nadhiri ’99
Claire L. Nails
Ahmed Najee-Ullah ’76
Benford O. Nance Jr. ’89
Earl E. Nance ’47
Robert M. Nance ’83
James S. Napier II ’01
Percy Napier Jr. ’03
Churchman L. Napper ’79
Imogene D. Napper
Athi Narayan
Narras Consulting Services, LLC
Bruce Nash ’84
Harold Nash ’49 *
Laurie Nash
Melvin Nash
National Academy of Recording Arts
& Sciences, Inc.
National Association for Equal
Opportunity in Higher Education
National Association of University
National City Bank
National Cooperative Bank
National Council of Negro Women Pittsburgh Section
National Philanthropic Trust
National Public Radio, Inc.
National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa
National Wildlife Federation
Andrew M. Neal ’03
Anthony S. Neal ’01
Christopher Neal
Harriette H. Neal
James D. Neal ’88
James P. Neal III ’88
Rubye D. Neal
Terrell D. Neal ’00
Huerta C. Neals ’36 *
Julien X. Neals ’86
Earl C. Neamo Jr. ’92
Antwan V. Nedd ’06
George Needham
Edward M. Neely ’95
Jesse E. Neely II ’87
Lucile W. Neely
Samuel H. Neff
Neighborhood National Bank
Michael W. Neighbors ’88
Nellie Mae
Abraham Nelson ’65
Allen Nelson
Bryan K. Nelson ’93
Elbert J. Nelson ’63
James Nelson
James A. Nelson
John D. Nelson Jr. ’92
Judy Nelson
Kelvin W. Nelson ’92
Linda Nelson
Loyce Nelson
Nekosi J. Nelson Sr.
Nekosi J. Nelson Jr. ’00
LaVell R. Nero ’96
Marcus Nesbit ’94
Nesbitt and Simmons - Attorneys at
Charles Nesbitt ’77
Deborah A. Nesbitt
Kevin D. Nesbitt ’90
Kimblin E. Nesmith ’85
Network For Good
Ranajit Nevatia ’94
Report on Giving
David C. Neverson ’03
Patricia T. Neverson
Ian J. Neville ’03
Catherine Nevins
New Hope Baptist Church
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
New Orleans Chapter of CircleLets, Inc.
New Orleans Public Library
New York Life Insurance Company
New York Stock Exchange
The New York Times Company
Anthony J. Newbold ’99
Christopher Newborn ’83
Julius D. Newborn ’48
Leon Newborn ’50
Bruce C. Newby ’88
Otis L. Newby Jr. ’77
Jose K. Newell ’89
Brian D. Newman ’05
Ellen M. Newman
Jarahn M. Newman ’99
Marcus C. Newman
Ronald L. Newman Jr. ’01
Charles D. Newsom ’96
Garmon Newsom II ’89
Chauncey R. Newsome ’89
Olin E. Newsome ’40
Gerald F. Nicely
Jerome A. Nicholas Jr. ’75
Claudette Nichols
Rudolph V. Nichols ’49
Morris V. Nichols-Gearring ’85
Anthony L. Nicks ’76
Loida Nicolas-Lewis
Nike, Inc.
Norman N. A. Niles ’03
Charles H. Nilon Jr. ’78
Gonzelous Nimmons Jr. ’78
Julius Nimmons Jr. ’62
Charles G. Nitsche
Davy L. Nix ’03
Deborah T. Nix
Echol L. Nix Sr.
Echol L. Nix ’95
Florence Nix
William M. Nix ’68
Kenneth M. Nixon ’62
Sebenza D. Nkomo ’99
Louis Noble
Louis Noble III ’04
Eric B. Nobles ’93
Fredrick T. Nolan ’92
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Baimba C. Norman ’99
Roy E. Norman ’63
Sean C. Norman ’92
Tal J. Norman ’85
Sondra Norrell-Thomas
James E. Norris
Lee A. Norris ’72
Nortel Networks
North Carolina Mutual
North Perimeter OB GYN, LLC
North United Methodist Church
Northern Telecom, Inc.
The Northern Trust Company
Kenneth W. Norton ’68
Larry V. Norton ’87
Alvin E. Norwood ’92
Colandra J. Norwood
David O. Norwood ’96
Edwin F. Norwood III ’91
Matthew Norwood ’57
Harrison C. Nunley ’01
L. C. Nunley
Marcellus A. Nunley ’93
William G. Nunn III ’76
Martin R. Nunnally ’99
Douglas J. Nurse ’93
Joanne R. Nurss
Kenneth E. Nutt ’01
Maurice Nutt
Christian C. Nwachukwu Jr. ’04
Sylvester C. Nwosu ’05
Rose A. Nyman-Collins
David Nypaver
Oak Hills Periodontics, LLC
Dorshanze K. Obaseki
Ifuero A. Obaseki ’03
Corey C. O’Brien ’93
Loretta O’Brien-Parham
OCLC Online Computer Library
Center, Inc.
Mylouis S. O’Dell
Thomas W. Oden III ’04
Earl T. Odom ’87
Sylvia E. Odom
William D. Odom Jr. ’87
Clement Odonoghue
Adebola Odukoya ’73
William H. Odum ’90
William H. Odum Sr. ’58
Oladiran Oeungbemile
Blake O’Farrow III ’02
Office Depot, Inc.
Chinenye O. Ofodile ’04
Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar ’91
Chima I. Ogbuokiri ’99
Steven B. Oglesby ’91
Carl G. Ogletree Jr. ’84
Charles J. Ogletree
Ophelia Ogletree
Frank C. Ognelodh
Oluwaseun Ogunsanya ’03
John M. Ohrnberger
Olatunde Okediji
Arthur L. O’Keefe ’71
Claire J. O’Keefe
Chinedu V. Okobi ’03
Chudy N. Okoye ’67
Michael Okrah ’02
Phillip O. Okwo ’03
Alawode Oladele ’83
Michael B. Olatunji ’54
Stephen B. Oldham ’85
Mark V. Oliphant ’91
Andre R. Oliver ’04
Dorothy T. Oliver
James E. Oliver Jr. ’92
Jimmy E. Oliver II ’88
John M. Oliver ’94
Kevin A. Oliver ’95
Raynard Oliver ’80
Tracy E. Oliver ’89
Olivet Fellowship Baptist Church
Albert F. Olivier
J. E. Neil Ollivierra
Anne C. Olson
Masud Olufani ’94
Dadisi J. Olutosin ’88
James O’Meara
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity - 87 Psi
Kwame I. Omijeolukore ’03
Joe Olu Omolayole
Franklin F. O’Neal ’92
James L. S. O’Neal ’93
Robert A. O’Neal ’78
Robin O’Neil
Eyitayo O. Onifade ’02
Ono Bridge Club
Berlin A. Onumonu ’00
David K. Oppenheim
Joel D. Oppenheim
Vincent B. Orange Jr.
Orchard Knob Missionary Baptist
Order of Eastern Star Chapter
Carlos Ordonez
Herbert K. Orise ’72
Allen Orr Jr. ’95
Christopher R. Orr ’01
Jamaal Orr ’06
Merle Orr ’94
Emilio G. Ortega ’01
Clayton H. Osborne
Sheldon R. Osborne ’00
Frantz Y. Osse
Ossipe Temple No. 65
Lance D. Ostricker-Mixon ’03
Omoruyi O. Osula ’04
Erin S. Oswalt
Inman E. Otey ’89
Brenda Otis
Noel B. Otis
Brian M. Oubre
Kandy D. Outlaw
Herbert S. Outler ’54
Cedric C. Overstreet ’80
Othel S. Owen ’81
Arthur R. Owens ’48 *
Brian Owens ’97
Clarence E. Owens ’72
Frederick J. Owens ’04
Harold P. Owens Jr. ’91
Jessie J. Owens ’98
Major R. Owens ’56
Odell Owens Jr. ’48 *
Ronald C. Owens
Timothy R. Owens ’75
Tracy C. Owens ’94
Sheila Y. Owens-Collins
Raymond Owes ’76
Joseph K. Owusu ’04
Mobolaji A. Oyejide ’97
Orhan K. Oz ’81
Emmanuel N. Ozimba ’90
John W. Pace ’72
Richard W. Pace Jr. ’03
Pace University
Thomas H. Pacer
John H. Packman
Lorena Padilla
Legendre L. Padmore ’77
Allen Page ’86
Bryan B. Page ’99
Henry N. Page ’38
Jeffrey E. Page ’78
Robert L. Page Sr. ’75
Palmer Enterprises
James W. Palmer Jr. ’77
Johnny B. Palmer ’72
Jonathan H. Palmer ’94
Michael K. Palmer ’82
Omari S. Palmer ’04
Rose M. Palmer
Sue I. Palmer
Derrick A. Palmore ’98
Eugene Palmore ’76
Daniel S. Pambi
Makoye S. Pambi ’03
Stephen R. Pamon ’91
Jason K. Panda ’02
Su-Seng Pang
Aaron M. D. Pankratz ’96
Pansy Chapter 119 O.E.S.
Thomas W. Parent
Julius C. Parham ’75
Loretta Parham
Mary B. Parham
Leland M. Park
Aaron L. Parker ’75
Ansel N. Parker ’04
Dorothy C. Parker
Eric A. Parker ’88
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Ian D. Parker ’04
Jeffrey A. Parker ’95
Joseph C. Parker ’73
Midgett S. Parker Jr. ’76
Phillip Parker ’59 *
Phillip T. Parker ’93
Report on Giving
Samuel C. Parker ’47
Sarquis A. Parker ’98
Steven F. Parker
Thomas Parker
John E. Parkerson
Arlene Parker-Thompson
Wesley L. Parkmond ’99
Alfred L. Parks
Alvin L. Parks ’83
Clarence J. Parks ’86
Clinton R. Parks III ’98
John T. Parks ’49
Londa S. Parks
Ronald N. Parris ’83
Walter L. Parrish III ’81
Zack S. Parrish Jr.
James W. Parrott ’02
Rufus U. Parson ’75
Adolph H. Parsons ’40
Darrell Parsons ’81
Sharon Parsons
Taft Parsons III ’97
James V. Paschal
William S. Paschal ’86
Willie L. Paschal ’49
Paul F. Paskoff
Past Potentat Council
Robert E. Paster Jr. ’96
Kevin Patillo
Carla K. Patin
Arnie B. Patrick ’90
Dennis G. Patrick ’87
James A. Patrick ’47
Kenneth E. Patridge ’85
Bernard N. Patterson
Cora L. Patterson
Daniel D. Patterson ’04
Darvin O. Patterson ’95
Demetrius J. Patterson ’96
Joseph E. Patterson
Keven R. Patterson ’89
Kinzy A. Patterson ’76
Malcolm A. Patterson ’99
Mattie P. Patterson
Rodney Patterson ’82
Ronald F. Patterson Jr. ’97
Tyree Patterson ’02
Yvette Patterson
Andre Pattillo ’79
H. G. Pattillo
Marcus D. Patton ’95
Travis Patton
Tristan Paulk
Dan Paxton
Robert P. Payne ’51
Tammie O. Payne
Thomas A. Payne ’63
Derrick A. Payton ’96
Emanuel Payton ’85
Jason Payton ’00
Peace Chapter
The Peachtree Corners Library
Val Peacock
Arriyan L. Peagler ’03
Pearson Education
J. R. Pearson ’55
John M. Pearson ’50 *
Louis Pearson
Clifton L. Peay
Jabari Peddie
Pediatric Pulmonary Associates, Inc.
Teresa M. Pedras
Francisco Pedraza
Joel T. Pelz
Dennis E. Pemberton Jr. ’90
Duane J. Pena ’03
Mary-Ann Pena
William M. Pender ’47
James L. Pendleton ’02
Anthony D. Penn
Marcus L. Penn ’99
Michael L. Penn ’94
Richard Penn
Ryan A. Penn ’99
Shelton C. Penn ’48
Robert Pennamon
Pennzoil-Quaker State Company
Arthur J. Penson ’50 *
Gozie E. Penson ’47
Merryll S. Penson
Thomas E. Peoples ’05
John E. Pepper Jr.
Pepsi-Cola Company
Robert E. Perdue ’61
Wiley A. Perdue ’57
Jerome K. Perdum ’99
Albert T. Perkins ’59
Paul C. Perkins Jr. ’88
Robert L. Perkins ’52
Theodore J. Perkins ’04
Pernel Jones & Sons Funeral Home
Alex M. Perry ’05
Alfonse Perry
Angela D. Perry
Debra L. Perry
Earl Perry
James P. Perry ’74
Jason C. Perry ’00
Jonathan D. Perry ’98
Joseph A. Perry
Keith A. Perry ’85
Kevin S. Perry ’93
Robert R. Perry
Susan L. Perry
Thomas Perry
Verdun Perry ’94
Wayne E. Perry ’81
Gordon L. Person ’03
Maceo E. Person ’85
Arvon J. Perteet ’91
Ericka I. Pertierra
George C. Petagrew ’87
Robert J. Petagrew ’92
Benjamin A. Pete
Horace L. Pete
Marilyn Pete-Mills
Julius Peterkin Jr. ’59
Frank W. Peterman Sr. ’58
Frank W. Peterman Jr. ’85
Alfred B. Peters ’79
Jill M. Peters
Katie C. Peters
Maude Peters
Andrew A. Petersen ’96
Abraham F. Peterson ’48
Alan C. Peterson ’78
Carl M. Peterson ’37
Christopher C. Peterson ’96
Christopher D. Peterson Sr.
Laura D. Peterson
Robert B. Peterson ’05
Walter Peterson Sr. ’36
William H. Petry ’62
Brandon E. Pettagrue ’93
Isaiah Pettaway ’01
Ronald Pettaway ’84
Brian L. Pettiford ’92
Gene Pettignano
Robert Pettignano
Girard Pettigrew ’80
Kenneth Petty
Michael Petty ’80
Minda Petty
Robert Petty Jr.
Robert C. Petty ’50
William E. Petty
Yancey D. Peyton ’02
Greg Phares
Pharmacia & Upjohn Foundation
Brian Phifer
Charles Phifer
Andrew G. Phillips ’60
Damon J. Phillips ’90
Darnell Phillips
Derrick D. Phillips ’76
Edward B. Phillips ’52 *
J. Todd Phillips ’97
John C. Phillips ’97
Laurie P. Phillips
Marion Phillips
Mark A. Phillips ’74
Neil F. Phillips II ’87
Robert L. Phillips ’94
Sean J. Phillips ’92
Virginia L. Phillips
Herbert E. Phipps ’64
Alex Pickens
Ernestine W. Pickens
Judith J. Pickens
Leslie R. Pickens
P. Todd Pickens
Ricardo B. Pickens ’80
Seth W. Pickens ’00
William G. Pickens ’48 *
Rodney Pickney ’81
Walter J. Pierce III ’96
Herman Pierre Jr. ’69
Damani A. Piggott ’97
James J. Pilgrim III ’95
Marlon D. Pilgrim ’94
Pilgrim Way Baptist Church
Lauren Pina
Alan E. Pinado
Anthony M. Pinado ’85
Warner Pinchback
Warner L. Pinchback III ’01
Ademian Pinder ’06
Glen T. Pinder ’88
Alice C. Pinderhughes
Dianne M. Pinderhughes
Richard B. Pinderhughes
Pine Bluff Chapter of Links, Inc.
Elfred A. Pinkard ’74
Leo Pinkett ’72
Jonathan D. Pinkney ’96
Brandon D. Pinkston
Frank G. Pinkston ’83
Garland Pinkston Jr.
Vicki D. Pinkston
Alberta Pinson
Kenneth Pinson ’72
Freddie Pitcher Jr.
Arlo C. Pittman ’03
Danny Pittman
Jamaal D. Pittman ’03
Frederick D. Pitts
Marvin Pitts
Robert L. Pitts ’49
Thelmore L. Pitts ’58
Pittsburgh Civic League
Plank Road Cleaners
Jarvaris A. Platt ’02
Lewis E. Platt
Manu O. Platt ’01
Matthew B. Platt ’03
Terrance A. Platt
Geron A. Pleasant ’02
Karl W. Pleasant
Wendy S. Plottel
Raymond G. Plowden ’73
Bruce Plummer ’94
Derrick L. Plummer Jr.
Matthew W. Plummer ’65
Tamara Plummer
Adolphus W. Plump ’58
Plymouth Congregational UCC
Ernest Poag III ’91
Martha J. Poehler
Kevin T. Poindexter ’83
Richard H. Pointer ’68
Joseph Poitier ’76
Rodney J. Poitier ’81
Sidney Poitier
Thomas R. Poitier ’71
Report on Giving
Darren W. Polite ’89
Brandon Polk
Don Polk
Evelyn D. Polk
Samuel C. Polk ’95
Alton B. Pollard IV ’03
Donald E. Pollard ’95
James A. Pollard ’94
Mark A. Pollard ’89
Russell M. Pollard ’95
Thelma C. Pollins
Ronald G. Pollock ’88
Millery Polyne’ ’96
Dave L. Ponder ’80
Ellen E. Ponder
Eva D. Poole
Monte L. Poole ’85
Terrence S. Poole ’80
Christopher L. Pope ’04
Renay Q. Pope
Webster Pope ’62
Johnny Popwell ’62
Gwendolyn Porchea
Albert W. Porter
Alvin G. Porter ’89
Alvin S. Porter ’90
Andrew D. Porter ’82
Archie L. Porter ’00
Darius R. Porter ’94
Henry J. Porter II ’04
Kevin R. Porter ’80
Laurestine E. Porter
Myrtis D. Porter
Porter Novelli Convergence Group
Willie P. Porter
Dion R. Portis ’89
George E. Portis ’72
Thomas Portis ’68
Jonathan G. Potts ’04
Kimberly Potts
Regina Potts
Rosa Pough
Mitchell L. Pouncy
Lester Pourciau
Archie L. Powell ’52
Gerald D. Powell ’95
Gregory Powell ’87
John F. Powell ’52
John H. Powell Jr. ’70
Kelvin B. Powell ’94
Mozell Powell
Oliver Powell ’68
Richard J. Powell ’75
William Powell Jr. ’52
Zack H. Powell ’47
Robert C. Power ’43 *
Donald H. Powers
Jonathan G. Powers
Kervin M. Powers ’86
David A. Poyer
Praise 97 FM
Carl A. Prather Jr. ’01
Arlene Pratt
Kenneth D. Pratt ’95
Reginald J. Prepetit ’99
Andru J. A. Prescod ’94
Miles D. Presha ’95
Edward Presley ’76
Rita E. Presley
Elaine E. Press
Jason A. Press ’03
Calvin O. Pressley
Kenneth B. Pressley ’87
James J. Prestage
Jay W. Prestage
Edwin H. Preston ’94
Eric H. Preston ’88
Matthew J. Preston ’02
Michael B. Preston
James O. Prewitt Jr. ’00
JoAnne H. Prewitt
Corbett A. Price
Depris Price
Depris M. Price
Farley T. Price ’91
Helen S. Price
James O. Price Jr. ’70
Jason J. Price ’95
Jaye Price
Kelley O. Price II ’70
Madison Price Sr.
Marie-Lourdes Price
Ron Price
Roosevelt J. Price ’95
Sherman C. Price ’86
William D. Price ’68
Frederick Pride
Harold S. Pride ’50 *
Donald G. Prier
Jerry K. Prince ’87
Steve Prince
Thomas J. Prince ’74
Willie G. Prince
Richard E. Pringle ’90
Sarah M. Pritchard
Arthur Pritchett
Karen L. Pritzker
Angela Proctor
Cornelia H. Proctor
Eartha Proctor
Leonard L. Proctor
Project ACCESS - Project PASSUpward Bound
Orlando C. Protho ’71
Michelle Provenzano
Providence Baptist Church
James N. Pruden Jr. ’96
The Prudential Foundation
James E. Pruitt ’87
Howard B. Prunty ’02
Prymetyme Sports Shop
Alton N. Pryor ’83
Jonathan A. Pryor ’86
T. M. Pryor
Lloyd Prysock ’69
Fredrick D. Pugh
Karl E. Pulley ’84
James C. Pulliam Jr.
James H. Pullin ’57
Susan Pullins
Christopher G. Pumphrey ’04
Harream S. Purdie
Paul W. Purdy Jr. ’95
Garrett M. Purnell ’03
Stephen C. Purnell ’92
Drew A. Putt
Edward J. Pyatt ’70
William L. Pyatt ’72
Ernest S. Qadim`Asil ’74
Jacob E. Qualls III ’99
Ernest W. Quarles ’83
Kregg D. Quarles ’04
Rudolph V. Quarterman Jr.
Thomas Quash
Ebenezer A. Quaye ’02
David Quiett
Milton D. Quigless ’70
Michael K. Quildon ’94
Joseph M. Quinlan
Brian B. Quinn ’04
Nelson T. Quinones Jr. ’02
Eric S. Quivers ’79
William W. Quivers ’69
R. C. Johnson Architects, Inc.
R. L. Brown & Associates, Inc.
Yaron Rabinowitz
James L. Rachel ’65
William Rackley II
Radcliffe Presbyterian Church
Sean M. Radford ’96
Micah A. Ragland ’00
Phillip S. Ragland ’92
Gregory J. Ragsdale ’78
Ali A. Rahman ’80
Rashad A. Rahman ’00
Aljuan Raiford ’94
Joshua D. Raiford ’03
Lydia R. Rainer
Alice Raines
Brandon Raines ’97
Colden D. Raines Jr. ’77
James R. Raines ’83
Marvin D. Raines ’67
Mary E. Raines
Melvin Raines II ’99
Roland W. J. Raines ’61
Alfred L. Rainey ’88
George E. Rainey ’79
Adrienne Raleigh
Fred L. Ralston Jr. ’78
Rynalder D. Rambeau Sr. ’34
Michael A. Rambert ’80
Sherryle B. Rambo
Brett A. Ramsey ’97
Christine Ramsey
Eric C. Ramsey ’88
Theodore R. Ramsey ’51
Bryan A. Rand ’01
Keith Rand
Tigner J. Rand Jr. ’86
Glenn M. Randall ’60
James A. Randall ’98
Richard J. Randall III ’88
Richard Randell III
Craig S. Randolph ’84
Jason A. Randolph ’92
Jonah B. Randolph ’00
Milton L. Randolph Jr.
Norman P. Range ’60
Jason L. Rankin ’99
Ruben C. Ransaw ’61
Frank S. Ransburg
Cobbie L. Ransom ’82
Frederic G. Ransom ’68
Joel A. Ransom ’97
William Ransom
Josie C. Ransome
Marc C. Rasbury ’87
Haroon F. Rashed ’00
Emile J. Ravennah
Maurice D. Ravennah ’06
Mel J. Ravitz
Isaac C. Ravizee ’68
Cynthia J. Rawles
Curtis Rawlings
Elijah D. Rawls ’50 *
Leslie Rawls
Renard A. Rawls ’92
Rickey P. Rawls ’81
Byron J. Ray ’87
Carla M. Ray
Steven Ray ’93
Wallace Ray
Claudia Rayford
Freddie R. Rayford ’63
Harrison Rayford II ’98
Aaron A. Raymond ’96
William R. Raymond ’81
Ray’s Package Store
Venita Readu
Real Estate Strategies, LLC
Danita Reaves
Michael Reaves
Sean T. Reaves ’91
Martin R. Reavis ’03
Maria C. Recio
Alfred E. Record ’02
Ernest R. Rector II ’86
Red Bull North America, Inc.
Harry H. Redd III ’92
Hayward Redd III ’79
Reginald L. Redd ’81
Ronald V. Redd ’88
David J. Reddick ’80
Report on Giving
King D. Reddick Jr. ’39
Lewis B. Reddick Jr. ’02
Nsilo K. Reddick ’97
Chateubriand Redding ’96
Allen B. Redmon ’83
Kelvin D. Redmond ’04
Kevin Redmond
Vicki L. Redmond
Phillip L. Redrick ’93
Carl T. Reed ’84
Daniel Reed ’76
Everett Reed ’72
F. Gail Reed
James A. Reed Jr. ’67
Jean G. Reed
Joe M. Reed ’92
Justin M. Reed ’03
Lawrence A. Reed ’53
Linda M. Reed
Robert Reed
Sarah A. Reed
Steven L. Reed ’96
William B. Reeder ’75
Tyrone Reedy ’94
Charles W. Reese ’85
Delphine Reese
Dorothy Reese
Gregory L. Reese ’75
James E. Reese ’90
Justin A. Reese ’04
Mark C. Reese ’93
Maurice A. Reese ’88
Richard E. Reese
Cinque Reeves ’97
David L. Reeves ’68
Jason A. Reeves ’01
Jeffrey A. Reeves ’03
Ladell B. Reeves
Travis T. Reeves ’02
William H. Reeves ’80
Eric L. Register ’93
Mark D. Register ’94
Carla D. Reid
Geoffrey D. Reid ’04
Johnny T. Reid ’90
K. Brooks Reid
Landon Reid ’94
Malcolm D. Reid
Menelik T. Reid ’01
Michelle G. Reid
Newton Reid
Sandra M. Reid
John A. Reidy
Stephen E. Reives ’79
Charles C. Releford Jr. ’81
Charles C. Releford ’49
Eugene Releford ’65
Robert E. Renaud
Clarence Render ’50
Everett T. Render ’54
George R. Render ’86
Gerald L. Render ’86
John E. Renwick ’63 *
Christopher J. Respass ’93
Joel L. Respress ’83
Jack Revel
Roger P. Reyburn
Calvin Reynolds ’78
Eddie H. Reynolds II ’93
Kim Reynolds
St. Elmo Reynolds Jr. ’51
Gwendolyn B. Rhenwrick
Eugene L. Rhoden Jr. ’55
Chad K. Rhodes ’95
Christopher S. Rhodes ’02
John B. Rhodes ’69
Michael S. Rhodes ’95
Julia Rholes
James O. Rhone ’03
David W. Rice ’95
Deris L. Rice ’01
Emmett L. Rice ’39 *
Eric D. Rice ’95
George E. Rice III ’95
Jacqueline Rice
John G. Rice
Melvin T. Rice ’83
Norice R. Rice
Walter H. Rice Jr. ’55
Wilson L. Rice Jr. ’88
Orlando Richard
Quentin M. Richard Sr.
Rakeem H. Richard ’03
Freddie L. Richards Jr. ’93
Gregory S. Richards ’90
Hugh O. Richards
Joe Richards II ’01
John Richards
John C. Richards Jr. ’01
Rohaven Richards ’90
Sharon Richards
Richardson & Klein Enterprises
Annie J. Richardson
Arthur H. Richardson
Byron K. Richardson ’01
David S. Richardson
James J. Richardson ’03
James M. Richardson ’53
James W. Richardson Jr.
John T. Richardson Jr. ’88
Jonathan E. Richardson ’94
Lee W. Richardson
Lisa Richardson
Reginald A. Richardson ’98
Ricky M. Richardson ’85
James I. Richey ’52
Brian K. Richmond ’87
Cedric L. Richmond ’95
Judith A. Richmond
Richmond Pediatric Medical Group
Sidney L. Richmond ’94
Stephen E. Rickman II ’02
Edward L. Rickmond ’00
Ecleamus L. Ricks Sr. ’69
J. E. Ricks
Joseph E. Ricks II ’04
Leonard C. Ricks III ’92
William O. Riddick Jr. ’98
Sterling J. Rideout ’87
Stephen M. Rider ’01
Dasal H. N. Ridgley ’04
Marcus A. Ridley ’05
Nancy K. Rigby
Charles E. Riggins ’72
Murray J. Riggins Jr. ’77
Gregory L. Riggs
Creola Rigsby
Delbert K. Rigsby ’80
Kevin V. Riles ’95
Barbara P. Riley
Edward E. Riley ’83
Bernice Rimmer
Thomas Ringer Jr. ’67
John Ripoll
Byron L. Risdon ’03
William M. Rivera
Audrey M. Rivers
Levi Rivers
Levi W. Rivers ’04
RMT Construction
Marian E. Roach
Alexander Robbins
Alexander Robbins II ’99
Sidney A. Robbins ’00
Stacy Robbins
Bevans L. Robbs ’83
Gregory A. Roberson ’85
LeAndre Roberson
Leandre M. Roberson ’00
Roy Roberson
Virgil E. Roberson ’65
Rosalind Robert
Robert Woodruff Library
The Robert Wood Johnson
Albert M. Roberts ’90
Anthony W. Roberts ’63
Clemie Roberts
Denise H. Roberts
Elisha E. Roberts ’49 *
Fleetwood Roberts Jr. ’59
George W. Roberts ’78
Hubert H. Roberts ’01
James I. Roberts ’70
Jerry R. Roberts ’77
LaChanze H. Roberts
Lenwood Roberts
Leon C. Roberts ’72
Louanna Roberts
Mark S. Roberts ’81
Michael V. Roberts Sr. ’70
Patrice L. Roberts ’03
Roscoe C. Roberts
Scott A. Roberts ’03
Vincent Roberts
Walter A. Roberts III ’97
Alonzo M. Robertson ’90
Jonathan C. Robertson ’01
Joseph M. Robertson ’96
Kevin D. Robertson ’02
Maxime Robertson
Nathaniel Robertson Jr. ’92
Derrick M. Robicheaux ’01
A. Jackie Robinson III
Alana W. Robinson
Barrett Robinson
Barrett K. Robinson ’99
Beverly C. Robinson
Brant F. Robinson ’88
Juanita Robinson Carter
Cecil A. Robinson ’86
Charles A. Robinson ’04
Chester K. Robinson
Christopher J. Robinson ’97
David E. Robinson III ’78
Delois Robinson
Dominick R. Robinson ’03
Earl J. Robinson ’47 *
Elbert O. Robinson
Elliott F. Robinson
Ernest Robinson ’48
Evelyn D. Robinson
Francene H. Robinson
Gerald H. Robinson ’78
Gregory D. Robinson Jr. ’97
Harvey T. Robinson
Haywood Robinson
Herman E. Robinson Jr. ’58
Horace C. Robinson
Hugh D. Robinson ’62
Jackie Robinson ’78
James C. Robinson ’67
James R. Robinson ’03
Jane W. Robinson
Jerry L. Robinson ’04
Jesse L. Robinson
John E. Robinson II ’77
Joseph Robinson
Joseph C. Robinson ’92
Karl J. Robinson ’81
Kenneth P. Robinson ’95
Kenneth T. Robinson ’65
Kevin Robinson
Kevin R. Robinson ’78
Kevin W. Robinson ’84
Kyle W. Robinson
Lamar E. Robinson ’00
Louella M. Robinson
Louie M. Robinson ’50
Lynell Robinson Jr.
Maurice N. Robinson ’01
Michael A. Robinson Sr.
Michael A. Robinson II ’01
Michael W. Robinson ’98
Report on Giving
Nathaniel Robinson ’95
Press L. Robinson ’59
Reuben A. Robinson
Robert J. Robinson
Saundra M. Robinson
Scott A. Robinson ’92
Shirley A. Robinson
Thomas N. Robinson ’67
Torian J. Robinson ’04
William C. Robinson ’78
William P. Robinson Jr. ’64
William R. Robinson
Willie L. Robinson
Marvin A. Robinson-Gaither ’76
Clarence E. Robinzine II ’72
George W. Robnett ’79
Joan Roca
Keir X. Rocha ’02
Richard S. Rochelle ’02
Kenneth P. Rochester
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and
The Rockefeller Foundation
Dwight E. Rockers
Mark A. Rockeymoore ’89
Rockwell International
Rocky Mountain Eye & Ear Center,
Dedrick L. Rodgers ’96
Kenneth S. Rodgers ’03
Neil Rodriguez
Diane Rodriguez-Burton
Fred Roer
Joanne L. Rogers
Michael D. Rogers ’02
Perron Rogers ’94
Pia W. Rogers
Ruth R. Rogers
Sharon J. Rogers
Vincent L. Rogers ’87
William R. Rogers
Rohm and Hass Company
Hazel V. Rolston
Sophia P. Romano
Richard Romeo ’85
Kathleen Rommel
Patricia Romney
Nathan M. Rones ’92
Suzanne F. Rony
Gregory K. Rooks ’81
Jan Rooks
Nancy M. Rooney
The Roosevelt House
Jonathan L. Roper ’94
Derek R. Roqumore ’00
Jeremiah Rose ’03
Sanja S. Roseberry
Martin F. Rosenman
Winfred C. Roshell ’92
Alveno Ross ’75
Anthony J. Ross ’77
Benjamin S. Ross ’90
Charles L. Ross ’97
Gary N. Ross
George M. Ross
Gerrit D. Ross ’92
Glenwood Ross II ’71
Janice T. Ross
Jason D. Ross ’96
Jeffrey C. Ross ’87
Joan B. Ross
Kevin A. Ross ’85
Kevin K. Ross ’99
Marc B. Ross ’99
Mark J. Ross ’90
Michael P. Ross
Norman H. Ross Jr. ’98
Samuel H. Ross ’48
Susan J. Ross
Charles B. Rosser ’86
Samuel Rosser ’82
Samuel B. Rosser
Samuel T. Ross-Lee ’88
Tai K. Rotan ’03
Rotary Club of Atlanta Foundation
Roto-Rooter Services Company
Natalie Rouland
Kenneth U. Roundtree ’83
Gwendolyn Roundtree-Evans
Thomas Rountree
Robert W. Rouse Jr.
Thomas E. Rouse
The Rouse Company
J. G. Rousseve
James C. Rowan ’94
Anton L. Rowe ’92
James A. Rowe Jr. ’81
Jesse Rowe ’71
Larry Rowe ’94
Brandon A. Rowell ’02
Derek A. Rowell ’98
Darius M. Rowland ’85
Nathan C. Rowland ’98
Bennie J. Roy
Patricia L. Royal
Ramon H. Royster ’98
Herman Rozier ’47
Ricardo D. Rozier ’86
R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company
Alvin M. Rucker ’99
Carlton Rucker III ’97
Douglas A. Rucker ’61
Lonnie A. Rucker
Catherine E. Rudder
Paul Rue Sr.
Michael J. Ruff ’79
Rodney B. Ruff
Charles R. Ruffin ’83
Edward W. Ruffin Jr. ’81
John Ruffin ’57
Willie F. Ruffin Jr. ’57
John L. Ruffins ’46
Making the Connection
lthough it has been 31
years since Julius
Hollis ‘72 walked the
Morehouse campus as
an aspiring business major, his
connection to the College is perhaps stronger now than at any
other point in his life.
Like so many of his fellow
graduates, Hollis is forever in debt
to Morehouse for helping him fulfill
his dreams. This is the driving force
behind his persistence in seeing his
Julius Hollis ’72
alma mater continue to flourish in
the 21st century.
“Morehouse gave me the greatest foundation to dream, soar and
achieve,” said Hollis. “It gave me the confidence to apply the principles of Dr. Mays and Dr. King and become a global entrepreneur.”
Since 1984, Hollis has served as CEO of Hollis & Company, an
investment-counseling firm headquartered in Atlanta and with an
office in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company has provided
financial services for a variety of clients, including Cabot LNG, The
Cheesecake Factory Restaurants, Inc., The Coca-Cola Company,
Georgia-Pacific Corporation, JPMorgan Chase and Mirant, Inc. In
addition to these companies, the firm works closely with the governments of Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad.
Through his wide range of business contacts, Hollis has been
able to promote the College to various potential donors both in the
United States and overseas. To help create an awareness of the
College and its mission, Hollis and his wife, Jeanne, sponsored a dinner at the Four Seasons Hotel in celebration of Hollis’ long-time friend
Clarence Avant, who received an honorary doctoral degree from
Morehouse in 2003.
The gala affair became a springboard for funding. Hollis presented President Walter E. Massey ’58 with a $20,000 check in support
of The Campaign for a New Century—matching his previous gift of
$20,000 from 2001.
“I want to help Morehouse find strategic contributors and
corporate contributors to provide capital for the endowment,”
said Hollis. ■
Report on Giving
Gearlyn Rufus
Elsie R. Rumford
Gerald E. Rush
Gerald E. Rush ’01
Marius L. Rush ’94
Robert J. Rush Jr. ’99
Garry D. Rushin ’88
Corey J. Russ
Brian Russel ’88
Arthur L. Russell ’90
Byron K. Russell ’96
Courtney E. Russell ’04
Demetriouse L. Russell ’88
Elliott Russell
Faye S. Russell
George A. Russell
James Russell IV ’99
Jason Russell ’98
Larry H. Russell Jr. ’03
Martin B. Russell ’01
Kathryn K. Rusyniak
Joseph Y. Ruth
Cheryl J. Rutherford
William H. Rutherford ’63
Samuel P. Rutland
William G. Rutland ’39
Deborah A. Ryan
Robert F. Ryan ’91
Darrel D. Ryland
S. H. Cowell Foundation
Quadir T. Saafir
Phillip R. Saddler ’83
Stephen C. Saddler
W. McNeil Saddler
Keno D. Sadler ’95
Safeco Insurance Companies
Boyce Safford III ’82
William Sager
Saint Raymonds Church
Aaliyah N. Salaam
Ian H. Salandy ’04
George R. Salem
Salem Middle School
Malcolm C. Sales ’98
Dewayne Salisbury
Glendola Salisbury
Laura Salisbury
Warren R. Salisbury
Kareem L. Salley ’02
Sallie Mae Student Loans
Clive E. Salmon ’00
Kevin J. Salter ’90
Thomas C. Salter ’84
Albert D. Sam II ’89
Hagar S. Sam
Ajit J. Samarasinghe ’85
Masilamani Sambandham
Irwin Sameth
Julian R. Sample ’96
Kevin Sample ’83
Alex Sampson
Calvin C. Sampson
Garcia Sampson ’73
James Sampson
Samuel F. Sampson ’43
Thomas G. Sampson II ’91
Alvin R. Sams ’76
Darryl W. Sams ’84
Gregory B. Sams ’93
Antonio L. Samuel ’84
Cheryl M. Samuel
Fregia Samuel
Kegan G. Samuel ’03
Sheldon R. Samuel ’01
Stephen P. Samuel ’99
Adrian C. Samuels ’99
Don L. Samuels ’83
Donovan M. Samuels ’03
Marlon M. Sanchez ’94
Albert L. Sanders Jr. ’01
C. Marcellus Sanders ’95
Charles L. Sanders ’45
D. B. Sanders
Deryl N. Sanders ’89
Eric P. Sanders ’89
George E. Sanders ’93
Hobart C. Sanders
James W. Sanders Jr. ’77
John E. Sanders Sr.
Justin H. Sanders ’97
Mark L. Sanders ’96
Toby D. Sanders ’99
William E. Sanders Sr. ’71
Kathleen M. Sanders-Ballard
George R. Sandidge ’05
Tommy L. Sands Jr. ’84
Shamba Sandy
Brandon K. Sanford ’93
Delacy W. Sanford ’04
Jarvis T. Sanford ’91
Nicholas B. Sanford ’02
Kevin M. Sangudi ’01
William W. Sannwald
Joseph M. Sansom ’65
Carol Santiago
Sonia Santiago
Marcella S. Sanvidge
Maurice Sargent ’03
Michael Sartisky
Daraka E. Satcher ’96
Joseph G. Saulsbury II ’87
J. Tony Saunders ’49
Lorin G. Saunders ’04
Nathan A. Saunders ’86
Alphonso D. Savage ’98
SaveRite Grocery Warehouse
George M. Sawyer ’69
Thompson H. Sawyer Jr. ’83
Jeffery R. Saxby ’95
Eric M. Saxon Sr. ’72
Jane O. Sayles
Jeffrey N. Sayles ’82
SBC Telecommunications, Inc.
Jeffrey W. Scales ’83
William S. Scales
Samuel G. Scalise
Richard Scandura
Douglas G. Scarboro ’97
B. Maynard Scarborough ’82
Linda B. Schakel
Alvin J. Schexnider Sr.
Alvin J. Schexnider Jr. ’05
Schieffelin & Somerset Co.
Gerald T. Schley
Sharon F. Schoen
Steven D. Schukei ’98
J. L. Schulman
Constance Schultz
Alan M. Schwartz
Warren C. Schwartz ’96
Rick J. Schwieterman
Benjamin Schwimmer
Scientific-Atlanta Inc.
Alex Scott
Alphonso Scott ’57
Anna A. Scott
Anthony D. Scott Jr. ’98
Charles W. Scott
Cheveron T. Scott ’94
Daryl Scott ’97
George E. Scott Jr. ’94
Gloria J. Scott
Grady M. Scott ’72
Herman Scott ’71
Hubert R. Scott III ’02
Jamaal P. Scott ’03
James C. Scott ’90
Jeremy W. Scott ’00
Jerry L. Scott Jr. ’70
Joe L. Scott
John E. Scott ’48
Julius Scott
Julius S. Scott
Laurie Scott
Lewis C. Scott ’51
Marlon D. Scott ’88
Merwyn L. Scott ’92
Michael D. Scott ’81
Parker Scott
Patrick A. Scott ’96
Portia A. Scott
Robert M. Scott ’02
Roslyn Scott
Samuel C. Scott III
Shaka A. Scott ’96
Steven Scott ’79
Tamisha N. Scott
Thomas Scott ’91
Thomas H. Scott ’67
Thomas R. Scott ’91
Walter S. Scott III ’82
Wendal R. Scott ’74
Wynelle W. Scott
The Scott Partnership Architecture, Inc.
Keatley Scroggins
Dennis Scurry III ’02
Cheryl Seaborn-Rambert
Robert A. Seal
Louie C. Seals ’73
Willie J. Seals Jr. ’93
Terrence Searcy ’77
Bertram E. Sears ’86
Onnye J. Sears
Seattle Morehouse Alumni Chapter
Quinton S. Seay ’85
Second Baptist Mission and
Benevolent Fund
Second Church of Christ Scientist
Joel D. Secundy ’93
Taylor Segue
Marilyn A. Seibert
Michael Sejour
Ralph E. Selby ’75
Ramogi A. Self ’98
Brenda A. Sellers
Robert L. Sellers
William Sellers IV ’98
Barry B. Sello ’01
Jake Sello
Clovis E. Semmes
Kristin Senecal
Willie C. Sennette III ’86
Christopher J. Settle Jr. ’04
Julian E. Settles ’04
Thomas C. Settles III ’03
The Setzer Group, LLC
Raymond K. Sewell ’60
Said L. Sewell III ’92
Jacques L. Sexton ’99
George H. Shade
Faheem T. Shahid ’01
Adib A. Shakir ’75
Antoinette F. Shannon
Carlos S. Shannon ’03
Xavier J. Shannon ’98
Kenneth Shareef
Curtis S. Sharif ’97
Curtis S. Sharif Sr. ’68
Alfred D. Sharp ’90
Frederick B. Sharp Jr. ’00
William J. Sharp ’00
Brian F. Sharpe ’99
James C. Sharpe IV ’87
Willie M. Sharpe ’59
Sabreen F. Sharrief
Reginald R. Shaver ’96
Antoine C. Shaw ’88
Brian A. Shaw ’02
Christa L. Shaw
Christopher Shaw
Eric C. Shaw ’03
James E. Shaw ’87
Marcus K. Shaw ’99
Randall R. Shaw ’95
Report on Giving
Steven E. Shaw ’96
Zanny R. Shealey ’80 *
Anthony J. Shearer ’00
Kenneth E. Shearer
Bradley T. Sheares
Jimmy B. Sheats II ’93
Joyce Sheats
Tommy Sheats ’63
Ronald J. Sheehy ’65
Darwin R. Sheffield ’94
Jackson B. Sheftall ’54
Michael Sheftall ’68
Don R. Shegog II ’90
Owens J. Shelby ’04
William H. Shell ’33 *
Christopher B. Shella ’93
Cornell J. Shelton ’84
John A. Shelton ’00
Lapaul E. Shelton ’94
Marc E. Shelton ’91
R. J. Shelton
Sojourn Shelton
Shenandoah Life Insurance
Doris Shepard *
Patti Shepard
Samuel A. Shepard ’80
Stephen C. Shepard
Anne M. Shepherd
Dolores Shepherd
Henry F. Shepherd ’02
Karl L. Shepherd ’88
Tchaka B. Shepherd ’94
Gale Shepherd-Smith
Jeffrey Sheppard
Major J. Sherard Jr. ’40
Sylvia A. Sheridan
Kamel Sherrod
Nicholas W. Sherwood ’00
Rosemary Shih
Shiloh Baptist Church
Ronald Shipman ’83
Daniel A. Shipp
Jacob L. Shirley Jr. ’38
Charlie Shoates Jr. ’71
Aaron T. Short ’94
Gregory R. Shorte ’83
Boysie Shorter ’02
Percy L. Shorter II ’97
Dennis O. Shortt ’76
Jeromie L. Shoulders ’99
Lerman Shoulders
Courtney S. W. Showell ’00
Showtime Networks, Inc.
Corwin J. Shropshire ’95
Jennifer Shropshire
Leroy Shropshire ’48
Nathaniel R. Shropshire ’92
William T. Shropshire ’48
Tommy T. Shubrick Jr. ’91
Eve Shulak
Donna F. Shuler
Valentino R. Shumate ’86
Trenton D. Shy ’86
Derrick L. Sibert ’06
Sibley Heart Center Cardiology
Suzy M. Sicard
Wasi M. Siddiqui
Alvin P. Siegel
Jack A. Siggins
Marquelon D. Sigler ’01
Benjamin S. Silas ’57
Jeffrey Silesky
Kasumu M. Sillah ’04
Scott E. Sillers ’82
Felix F. Silundika ’93
Joel H. Silver III ’04
Bernard H. Simelton ’03
Mark J. Simeon ’79
Alric V. Simmonds Jr. ’91
Alan R. Simmons ’93
Alexis-Faye Simmons
Arthur R. Simmons
Charles H. Simmons ’54
Clarence M. Simmons Sr. ’50 *
DeRoyce D. Simmons ’03
James S. Simmons Jr.
John E. Simmons ’57
Marty K. Simmons ’86
Roosevelt Simmons ’60
Sidney M. Simmons ’78
Timothy A. Simmons ’02
V. Joy Simmons
Simmona E. Simmons-Hodo
Brian Simon ’98
Jonathan B. Simon ’93
Ronnie E. Simon ’95
James E. Simples ’86
Clay E. Simpson ’55
Craig A. Simpson ’97
Gregory M. Simpson
LaJuan E. Simpson
Lula G. Simpson
Nathaniel A. Simpson
Primas Simpson ’91
Aaron T. Sims ’92
Sims Avenue Baptist Church
Clifford Sims
Dudley O. Sims ’59
Frank Sims
Iris K. Sims
James S. Sims
John P. Sims ’87
King M. Sims ’00
Phillip C. Sims ’01
Roberta W. Sims
Robyn Sims
Sharon C. Sims
Wardell Sims ’60
Herbert J. Sinclair
Jeffrey A. Sine
Anthony O. Singletary ’01
Albert R. Singleton ’57
Gerald T. Singleton ’92
Peter T. Singleton Jr. ’64 *
William C. Singleton ’58
Tanya Singleton-Moore
Margaret Singleton-Smith
Lynn F. Sipe
Nancy M. Sires
Andrew T. Siwo ’02
Sixth Avenue Baptist Church
Coleman Skeeter ’03
Robert E. Skinner
Benjamin A. Skyles Jr. ’87
SLA, Inc.
Jalal A. Slade ’99
Lemar R. Slater ’00
Leroy Slater
Richard S. Slaton ’95
Fred N. Slaughter ’99
Vickie Slaughter
Boyce W. Slayman Jr. ’96
Leonard L. Sledge ’96
Elaine Sloan
Maceo S. Sloan ’97
Reginald A. Sloan ’75
Kendal J. Slocum ’01
Jason P. Small ’00
Leonard J. Small ’98
Sharon Small
Dwight D. Smalls ’96
Joseph L. Smalls Jr. ’74
Mary L. Smalls
Pamela D. Smalls
Ronald B. Smalls ’03
Otis L. Smart ’01
Stanley S. Smartt ’78
Stephen F. Smartt ’97
M. J. Smiley
Agnew E. Smith ’81
Alfred E. Smith Jr. ’88
Almuhtada Smith
Alphonso Smith ’75
Andrew B. Smith ’03
Angela Smith
Anita L. Smith
Anthony R. Smith ’81
Arthur F. Smith ’39 *
Ashley B. Smith ’97
Audrey E. Smith
Barnett F. Smith Jr. ’60
Beatrice L. Smith
Bernard S. Smith ’57 *
Bernard W. Smith ’71
Billie D. Smith
Blair H. Smith ’96
Blanche P. Smith
Brandon M. Smith
Brandon S. Smith ’99
Brian S. Smith Sr. ’84
Byron Smith ’97
Calvert H. Smith ’90
Calvin M. Smith III ’01
Carl A. Smith ’79
Carl D. Smith Jr. ’38 *
Carol J. Smith
Cedric L. Smith ’97
Charles A. Smith Jr. ’95
Charles C. Smith ’82
Charles E. Smith ’61
Claiborne Smith
Cleveland J. Smith ’86
Clinton W. Smith ’82
Corey M. Smith ’93
Cornelius J. Smith ’97
Courtney J. Smith ’51
Damon A. Smith ’99
Danielle Smith
Darryl O. Smith ’85
David C. Smith ’01
Derek L. Smith ’99
Donnie Smith
Douglas M. Smith
Edgar L. Smith Jr. ’83
Edgar L. Smith ’52
Edna C. Smith
Edward N. Smith ’76
Edwin M. Smith ’48
Emmitt J. Smith III
Eric E. Smith ’70
Errol R. Smith
Eugene Smith Jr.
Eula V. Smith
Finis E. Smith ’70
Frank Smith Jr. ’65
Frederick E. Smith ’99
G. W. Smith ’75
Gary E. Smith ’92
Geary Smith ’85
Greg M. Smith ’84
Gregory U. Smith ’76
Harold A. Smith ’76
Harry B. Smith ’51
Harvey B. Smith ’43
Henry L. Smith ’73
Homer C. Smith ’86
Hudson L. Smith Jr.
Ingrid L. Smith
Jackson M. Smith II ’69
James L. Smith
Jamil R. Smith ’03
Jeffrey D. Smith ’96
Jessie Smith
Jimmie M. Smith ’81
John H. Smith III ’90
John J. Smith ’61
John M. Smith ’04
Joseph Smith
Joseph L. Smith ’59
Julius J. Smith ’73
Julius L. Smith Jr. ’78
Keith A. Smith ’88
Report on Giving
Kelly M. Smith ’76
Kevin P. Smith ’91
Kim Y. Smith
Leo G. Smith ’62
Leonard S. Smith III ’03
Lonnie L. Smith ’62
Louis M. Smith Jr. ’65
Louis M. Smith Sr. ’40 *
Louise T. Smith
Lucien M. Smith ’03
Lucille Smith
Malone D. Smith ’95
Manuel L. Smith Jr. ’92
Mary C. Smith
Maurice A. Smith ’03
Maurice L. Smith ’04
Melvin D. Smith ’61
Melvin P. Smith ’72
Michael A. Smith ’74
Michael D. Smith ’77
Michael J. Smith ’98
Mitchell M. Smith ’86
Nathaniel Q. Smith Sr. ’62
Ozzie E. Smith III ’01
Patrick D. Smith ’02
Paul B. Smith ’76
Philip E. Smith ’02
Phillip K. Smith ’95
Phyllis J. Smith
Rafeael Smith
Ralph H. Smith II ’85
Randal L. Smith ’88
Rashell R. Smith
Rebecca A. Smith
Renee G. Smith
Richard L. Smith ’96
Robert J. Smith Sr. ’37 *
Roger L. Smith Jr. ’69
Roulette W. Smith ’61
Rudolph W. Smith ’67
Saddie L. Smith
Sandra Smith
Stanford M. Smith ’46
Susan L. Smith
Thomas O. Smith ’99
Tony Smith ’81
Tony R. Smith ’89
Torrey D. Smith ’93
Tracy J. Smith Jr. ’41
Virginia R. Smith
Wesley T. Smith ’79
Willard Smith
William A. Smith Jr. ’57
William B. Smith ’93
William D. Smith ’75
William E. Smith
Wyvonnia Smith-Gorden
Jason C. Smoot ’00
Smooth Jazz 107.5
Robert L. Smothers ’54
Paul Snead III ’98
Barbara F. Sneed
Gwynnetta J. Sneed
Nicholas L. Sneed
Christopher Snell ’81
Pamela Snelson
Anita A. Snoddy
John H. Snoddy ’03
John O. Snoddy
Sociology Department Morehouse College
Olaseni O. Sode
Solinet Southeastern Library
Network, Inc.
Bobbie R. Solomon ’99
Ricardo A. Solomon ’77
Rodney V. Solomon Jr. ’03
Shirlie Solomon
Wesley J. Solomon ’04
William Solomon
David E. Solsberry ’88
Nile E. Somerville ’03
Joseph C. Sommerville ’49
Sons of King Solomon Lodge
Sony Music – Nashville, TN
Jude T. Sorapuru
Anthony W. Sorrells ’82
Abdul S. Soudan ’96
Shantay Souter
South Central Conference of
Seventh-Day Adventists
South Shore National Bank
John W. Southall ’81
Russell W. Southall ’74
Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools, Inc.
Southern California Primacare
Southern Company Services
Southern Echoes Communications
Southern Intercollegiate Athletic
Michael Southern
Southern Nuclear Operating Company
Thomas S. Southern ’63
Southside High School
Irma Southward
Southwest Atlanta Nephrology, Inc.
Southwest Paint & Decorating Center
Jon-Christopher Sowell
Myzell Sowell Jr.
Helen H. Spalding
James E. Span ’96
Betty J. Spann
Stacy L. Spann ’95
Ato H. Sparkman ’98
Ted R. Sparks Jr. ’88
Ted R. Sparks Sr. ’56
Rory Sparrow
Asa Spaulding ’56
Samuel T. Spaulding Jr. ’86
Roy Y. Spearman Jr. ’96
Shaun A. Spearmon ’01
Ike Spears ’83
Margarette A. Spears
Ronald G. Spears ’92
Vance M. Spears ’94
Walter L. Spears ’93
Gracie B. Specks
Gracie M. Specks
Terry L. Speight ’82
Keith E. Spelmon ’96
Adam B. Spencer ’96
Dennis J. Spencer ’05
John M. Spencer ’48
Michael J. Spencer ’97
Russell Spencer
Sheila Spencer *
Aki L. Spicer ’93
Bettye R. Spicer
Osker Spicer ’72
John W. Spies
Henry Spil
André L. Spivey ’96
T. Michael Spradlin
Vivian Spraggins
Kevin A. Springle ’96
George S. Springsteen
Sylvia Sprinkle-Hamlin
Sprint Corporation
Kendell R. Sprott Jr. ’00
Kendell R. Sprott Jr. ’73
Oliver W. Sprott ’73
Glorianna St. Clair
Zeno W. St. Cyr II ’76
Gregory M. St. Etienne
Jacqueline M. St. John
St. Johns Commandery No. 4
Genia I. St. Victor
Bill W. Stacy
William M. Stader
Amanda L. Stafford
David Stafford Jr. ’98
Earl Stafford
J. W. Stafford ’60
M. Patrick Stagg
Frank H. Staley ’80
Geraldine R. Stallworth
Ivan P. Stanback ’87
Calvin S. Stancil
Raymond Stancil
Standard Chair of Gardner, Inc.
John H. Stanfield II
Patricia Stanford
Archie M. Stanley ’73
Nathaniel T. Stanley ’87
William J. Stanley III
Gregory B. Stanton
Andrew B. Starke ’85
George H. Starkes Jr. ’58
Cedric L. Starks ’03
Chester Starks Jr. ’98
Leonard J. Starks ’84
Martha Starks
Corby L. Starr ’93
Joseph A. Starratt
The State Street Corporation
Scott D. Staton ’91
Brenda J. Steele
Horace R. Steele ’02
R. Demetrius Steele ’94
Terrence M. Steele
Kevin D. Stennis ’01
Zelma R. Stennis
Raymond Stephen
Alan C. Stephens
Augustus T. Stephens ’86
David L. Stephens ’99
Erwin M. Stephens ’94
Harry M. Stephens ’99
Herbert M. Stephens ’38 *
Horace W. Stephens ’64
Jerry W. Stephens
John L. Stephens ’51
Joyce B. Stephens
Kentha K. Stephens ’00
Lee B. Stephens Jr. ’47 *
Michael A. Stephens ’96
Sarah Stephens *
Nancy V. Stephens Saunders
Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton
Brook Stephenson ’97
Mandy Stephenson
Milton L. Stephenson Jr. ’02
Torrence J. Stepteau ’88
Howard W. Sterling ’93
Louis E. Sterling
Voltaire R. Sterling ’02
Reva R. Sternbach
Dion D. Stevens ’95
Floraline I. Stevens
Freddie N. Stevens III ’93
James Q. Stevens ’54
Justin Stevens
Stevens Law Office
Olu A. Stevens ’92
Aaron Stevenson
Enola L. Stevenson
Stanley V. Stevenson
Terence J. Stevenson ’97
Damon C. Steward ’03
Reginal B. Steward II ’97
Tyran Steward ’00
Adrian M. Stewart ’98
Ashley B. Stewart ’03
Barry J. Stewart ’90
Bruce K. Stewart ’94
Carle Stewart
Christopher C. Stewart ’03
Daniel Stewart ’97
Drew Stewart
Edward C. Stewart Jr. ’69
G. M. Stewart
Gloria B. Stewart
Henry A. Stewart ’99
Report on Giving
Jeffrey G. Stewart
Jeffrey S. Stewart ’89
John P. Stewart
Justin C. Stewart ’02
Louis B. Stewart
Michael Stewart ’80
Stacey D. Stewart
Stephen L. Stewart ’00
Talmadge R. Stewart ’72
Alexander R. Stickney ’80
Darrell Stinchcomb ’97
Charles S. Stinson IV ’97
Olden E. Stinson Jr. ’49
Sydney Stinson
Michael R. Stodden
Carla J. Stoffle
Alfred A. Stokes
Everett S. Stokes ’99
Louis Stokes ’75
Priscilla Stokes
Racheal A. Stokes
Roderick D. Stokes ’93
S. Andre Stokes ’92
William Stokes ’70
Brenda Y. Stone
Donald P. Stone ’57
George E. Stone Jr.
Jarvis Stone
Kwesi R. D. Stone ’00
Richard S. Stone ’81
Robert B. Stone ’61 *
Benny H. Story Jr.
Hugh P. Story
Troy L. Story ’62
Lucien Stoutt
Vincent Stovall ’78
Charles L. Stover ’83
Clifton E. Strain ’85
Dianne Stramler
Raymond N. Stratton ’94
Gregory R. Strauther ’91
Geoffrey A. Streat ’96
Geordon W. Streat ’03
Jeffrey C. Street ’90
Oscar Streeter Jr.
Mark A. Strong ’87
Michael Strong ’79
Richard Strong ’72
Rodney K. Strong ’76
Edward J. Strougal Jr.
Van I. Stuart ’77
Jaris S. Stubbs ’04
Michael A. Stubbs ’85
Miguel E. Stubbs ’83
James B. Stukes ’82
Grace H. Suber
Malcolm H. Suber ’73
Josette D. Suffren
Maxine Sugarman
Anthony C. Suggs
Murle J. Suggs
Wilbur G. Suggs
Bin H. Sulaiman ’98
Fred L. Sullivan II ’93
James H. Sullivan ’95
Kenneth A. Sullivan ’97
Leron Sullivan ’97
Marc C. Sullivan ’95
Marlon J. Sullivan ’95
Perry Sullivan ’53
Ronald S. Sullivan ’89
Walter W. Sullivan III ’87
Francis A. Sulton ’78
Kenzil F. Summey ’69
The Summit Charitable Foundation
Summit Enterprises
Erik J. Sumner ’93
Herbert L. Sumrall
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Supervalu, Inc.
Surgical Health Collective, P.C.
Kevin D. Surratt ’95
Judith Suter
Akil K. Sutton ’03
Ashley Sutton
Elvin J. Sutton Jr. ’97
Eva A. Sutton
Henry J. Sutton
Roswell O. Sutton ’41
Joshua D. Swackhamer
Aaron N. Swain ’86
Ernest A. Swain ’38
Keith H. Swan ’76
Kevin L. Swan ’01
Krirtina M. Swann
Joe Swanson Jr. ’72
O’Neil D. Swanson II ’84
Ralph E. Swanson
William F. Swanson ’72
Paul M. Sweatte ’00
Kevin M. Sweeney ’81
Mark Sweeney
Jonnelle Sweetner-Stephens
Donald Swift ’74
Christopher A. Swinney ’05
Vernus C. Swisher ’88
Albert G. Sye Jr. ’01
The Systems Group, Inc.
Ellis E. Sykes Jr. ’68
T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation,
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
Reginald R. Tabor ’87
Eric S. Tait ’98
Calvin Takagi
Ernest Talbert ’43
Chad D. Talbott ’93
Martena B. Taliaferro
Tallahassee Morehouse Alumni
Jaquelin M. Talley
William J. Talley ’93
Alexander Z. Talmadge Jr. ’83
George A. Tanksley Jr. ’94
Rahsaan M. Tann ’99
Eugene C. Tanner III ’03
Robert T. Tanner
A Taranatine
Tyrone A. Tarber
Sara A. Tarlow
James T. Tarpeh II ’92
James E. Tarver Jr. ’97
Leon Tarver
Tedrick L. Tarver ’04
Derrick J. Tate ’89
Ernest M. Tate Jr. ’77
Jeffrey D. Tate ’04
Jermaine C. Tate ’96
Priscilla Tate
Ronald L. Tate Jr. ’92
Terry T. Tate ’72
Beverly D. Tatum
Stanley Tatum ’92
Eugene Tawiah ’03
Taylor & Francis Books Ltd.
Aaron T. Taylor ’90
Alvetta G. Taylor
Amanda T. Taylor
Brian Taylor ’98
Brian R. Taylor ’87
Carole R. Taylor
Cedric L. Taylor II ’92
Charles E. Taylor
Charles L. Taylor ’49 *
Charlie W. Taylor
Christopher D. Taylor
Christopher D. Taylor ’02
Dante R. Taylor
David V. Taylor
Dervin E. Taylor ’00
Don Taylor
Edward F. Taylor ’65
Eric J. Taylor ’96
Eric L. Taylor ’86
Eugenia Taylor
Franklin M. Taylor Jr. ’47 *
Frederick J. Taylor ’82
Gregory L. Taylor II ’96
Harold L. Taylor ’68 *
Harry E. Taylor ’95
Ian C. Taylor ’98
Irving B. Taylor
J. W. Taylor
Jerome D. Taylor ’96
Julia C. Taylor
Justin R. Taylor
Kelvin J. Taylor ’89
Kevin L. Taylor
Leonard J. Taylor Jr. ’93
Madeline S. Taylor
Marguerite H. Taylor
Michael P. Taylor ’93
Nedra L. Taylor
Nelson D. Taylor ’68
Oliver Taylor ’54
Peggy A. Taylor
Richard L. Taylor
Ronald Taylor ’70
Ryan J. Taylor ’99
Scott M. Taylor ’80
Stephan Taylor
Wayne R. Taylor
William M. Taylor ’71
Yvonne W. Taylor
Joseph L. Tazewell ’83
Team Edition Apparel
Constance P. Tejeda
Michael K. Temba ’03
Carole Temple
Riley K. Temple
Claude W. Terrell Jr. ’54
E’Alafio S. Terrell ’03
Joyce L. Terrell
Keith Terrell ’76
Octavius R. Terrell ’97
Render O. Terrell Jr. ’92
Alexander N. Terry
Brenda L. Terry
Terry Enterprises
Terry Funeral Home, Inc.
Linston W. Terry ’03
Rudolphus Terry ’69
Tommy Terry
Anthony V. Tetro
Mumbi Thairu
Linda S. Thais
Renel S. Thelamour ’02
Ronald Thigpen ’69
Adrian M. Thomas ’03
Ali M. Thomas ’97
Arthur P. Thomas III ’74
Barbara J. Thomas
Bernard R. Thomas ’69
Bertram Thomas
Brandon M. Thomas ’03
Brian Thomas
Bryan A. Thomas ’94
Carolyn B. Thomas
Charles E. Thomas ’63
Charles Y. Thomas ’80
Charlie Thomas ’01
Christin Thomas
Clifford Thomas ’51
Clyde S. Thomas ’87
Corey E. Thomas ’93
Curtis A. Thomas ’04
Daniel R. Thomas ’62
Darryl D. Thomas ’75
Demond K. Thomas ’95
Edward C. Thomas ’93
Gaylord M. Thomas
Gerald L. Thomas ’94
Henry Thomas ’37 *
Heyward M. Thomas ’51
Report on Giving
Hosea M. Thomas ’72
Jacqueline Thomas
James D. Thomas II ’79
James D. Thomas ’51
James E. Thomas ’94
Jason J. Thomas ’02
Jean A. Thomas II ’03
Jeffery A. Thomas ’81
Jeffery B. Thomas
Jeffrey Thomas
John Thomas III ’04
John W. Thomas ’00
Joseph O. Thomas
Julius L. Thomas Jr. ’04
Karen Thomas
Kevin A. Thomas
Lucille C. Thomas
Lydell P. Thomas ’95
Mark E. Thomas ’87
Marshall B. Thomas ’70
Mary J. Thomas
Matthew Thomas Jr. ’66
Maude Thomas
McKenzie Thomas
Norman H. Thomas Jr. ’96
Phyllis Thomas
Richard L. Thomas ’99
Robert L. Thomas ’49 *
Robert P. Thomas
Roderick G. Thomas Jr. ’83
Rose M. Thomas
Shaun W. Thomas ’91
Stephen W. Thomas ’92
Theo W. Thomas ’84
Timothy Thomas ’93
Valerie B. Thomas
Walter S. Thomas Jr. ’03
William E. Thomas
William E. Thomas ’48
William M. Thomas ’57
William W. Thomas II ’95
Willie R. Thomas ’03
Eric D. Thomas-Chism ’87
Tonya L. Thomas-McMillan
Joel G. Thompkins ’95
Kurtis J. Thompkins ’86
Leon Thompkins ’61
Albert L. Thompson ’69
Angus B. Thompson II ’74
Anthony L. Thompson ’91
Billy Thompson ’92
Charles E. Thompson III ’03
Courtney Thompson
Deirdre M. Thompson
Derrick C. Thompson ’92
Dwight E. Thompson ’93
Edward S. Thompson ’94
Edwin A. Thompson Jr. ’73
Emile Thompson
George W. Thompson Jr. ’66
Gregory B. Thompson ’82
H. Wendell Thompson ’66
Henry A. Thompson ’03
Henry M. Thompson
Henry M. Thompson Jr. ’00
Herman A. Thompson
Jacqueline M. Thompson
James L. Thompson Jr. ’74
Jason M. Thompson
John E. Thompson ’90
John E. Thompson Jr.
Joseph E. Thompson ’94
Kenneth J. Thompson ’82
Kimani M. Thompson ’93
Kip V. Thompson ’04
Larry B. Thompson ’60
Larry D. Thompson
Leroy Thompson ’52 *
Mary H. Thompson
Matthew K. Thompson ’96
Michael A. Thompson ’98
Michael J. Thompson ’87
Nnamdi I. Thompson ’95
Paul L. Thompson ’57
Reggie Thompson ’75
Robert L. Thompson ’63
Robert R. Thompson
Robert W. Thompson ’51
Ryan R. Thompson ’98
Samuel L. Thompson
Sandra Thompson
Shirley W. Thompson
Starling M. Thompson Jr. ’89
Tanya A. Thompson
Todd Thompson
Victor B. Thompson ’80
Walker T. Thompson ’65
Wallace R. Thompson III ’73
William H. Thompson ’80
Linda Thompson-Lee
Scott Thomson
Herbert L. Thornhill
Clarence H. Thornton Jr.
David B. Thornton ’80
Frank J. Thornton ’91
Fredrick L. Thornton ’80
Joseph P. Thornton
Kelly J. Thornton ’96
Phillip B. Thornton ’83
Ruth Thornton
Timothy Thornton ’79
Travis M. Thornton ’02
Victor H. Thornton ’58
Willie M. Thornton Jr.
Mildred W. Thorpe
Alhadji D. Thrash ’97
Larry T. Threadgill ’78
Lori Threatt
Willis R. Threlkeld
William L. Thrower ’60
Bwana A. Thurman ’95
Michael F. Thurman ’84
Charles B. Thurston
Floyd E. Thurston ’81
Henry V. Thurston Jr. ’86
Henry V. Thurston Sr. ’63
Kenneth R. Thurston ’72
Perry E. Thurston ’82
Charles G. Tildon Jr. ’50
Kathy Q. Tilghman
Darrell C. Tiller ’85
Alvin B. Tillery Jr. ’93
Franklin B. Tilley ’96
Alex S. Tillman Jr. ’67
Brian A. Tillman ’03
Talmadge C. Tillman Jr.
Time Warner, Inc.
Michael R. Times ’87
Jacqueline I. Timmons
Vivian Timmons
Dolores M. Tinker
George W. Tinsley II ’02
William N. Tita ’03
Fulton L. Toaston
Isabella M. Tobin
Forrest M. Toca ’95
David Todd Jr. ’83
Frazier B. Todd Sr. ’61
Kevin R. Todd ’82
Carol D. Tolbert
DeWayne H. Tolbert ’82
Jesse C. Tolbert
John E. Tolbert ’91
Shelia A. Tolbert
Steven D. Tolbert ’83
Valerie Tolbert
Victor D. Tolbert ’87
Burl A. Toler
John Toliver ’00
Darryl C. Tolliver ’92
Kenneth S. Tolson ’88
Josef B. Tomichek
Christopher S. Tomlinson ’94
Jeffrey E. Tompkins ’84
Ben Toney Jr. ’80
Ronald Toney ’85
Julie P. Tongue
Quintin R. Tookes ’85
Dwayne C. Toomer ’85
Isiah Toomer Jr. ’84
Jordan E. Toomer ’92
Morehouse Torch Yearbook
The Toronto-Dominion Bank
Jason P. Torrey ’04
Horace A. Tory ’71
Brian R. Tot ’84
Total Grace Christian Center South
Total Health Clinic, Corporation
Total Health Medical Center
Jill Toth
Walter R. Totten Sr. ’69
Randall L. Toussaint ’03
Blanch Toussant
Devereaux X. Towner ’99
Kwame L. Townes ’96
Frank L. Townsend ’82
Frederick J. Townsend ’84
John W. Townsend Jr. ’70
Sharon M. Townsend
William M. Townsend ’57
Theresa A. Townsend-Ross
Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A, Inc.
Mark S. Tracy ’96
Charles Trammell Sr.
Garrick C. Trammell ’92
Gus L. Trammell ’65
Helen Travis
Jacqueline M. Travis
Jonathan G. Travis ’03
Cynthia Trawick
Kevin Trawick
Amanda Traylor
Amater Z. Traylor ’53
Lois Traylor
Margaret H. Traylor
Jane B. Treadwell
Reginald V. Treadwell ’89
Loryn M. Triagle
Rodney N. Trice ’98
William I. Trice ’01
Walter J. Triche Jr. ’76
Jaron A. Trimble ’99
Darryl M. Trimiew
James C. Trimmer II ’74
Leroy J. Tripette ’95
Patrick R. Triplett ’84
Tony Tripodi
Thane C. J. Trotman ’95
Howard F. Trotter ’98
Jennie C. Trotter
Michael H. Trotter
W. D. Troutman ’75
Eric J. Troy ’84
Keith A. Troy ’76
Milton W. Troy III ’95
Carlton M. Truesdale ’75
Robert H. Truesdale ’72
Anthony L. Trufant ’84
Charles Truitt
Rennie Truitt
Harold D. Trulear ’75
Trust Company Bank
TRW Space & Defense
T-Shirt International, Inc.
Dennis C. Tucker
Gardiner L. Tucker
Joel Tucker ’03
Marlene J. Tucker
Nikki Tucker
Phillip W. Tucker ’90
Robert L. Tucker ’66
Stephan D. Tucker ’84
Wallace A. Tucker ’77
Report on Giving
William P. Tucker ’62
Shelly Tudor
Redmond F. Tudos ’99
Ulysses Tuff ’71
Ossie S. Tuggle
Badan R. Tuladhar ’00
Kimathi N. Tull ’01
Knox W. Tull
Mossi K. Tull ’95
Donald W. Tunnage ’90
Marian Tunstall
Abdul M. Turay ’72
Marcus Turk ’92
Angel A. Turnbull ’95
Andrew J. Turner *
Anthony J. Turner ’82
Artis K. Turner ’95
Bettye A. Turner
Bryan O. Turner ’95
Carl Turner
Charles E. Turner ’59
Christopher Turner ’06
Dennis Turner Jr. ’68
Diane Y. Turner
Dorothy Turner
George W. Turner
James M. Turner ’51
Jeffery A. Turner ’96
John B. Turner ’43
Jonathan D. Turner ’98
Josette M. Turner
Joyce Turner
Lawliss Turner
Lee H. Turner ’72
Leo Turner II ’94
Lincoln O. Turner Jr. ’99
Martin J. Turner ’95
Morris E. Turner ’93
Nicholas S. Turner ’00
Robert M. Turner Jr. ’95
Stuart T. Turner ’86
Thaddeus Turner ’75
Tinese Turner
Travis M. Turner ’92
Van D. Turner Jr. ’97
Wallace B. Turner Jr. ’76
Wallace B. Turner Sr. ’58
William B. Turner Jr.
William C. Turner IV ’04
William L. Turner Jr. ’75
Aaron M. Turpeau Jr. ’87
Turpeau Enterprises, Inc.
Michel M. Turpeau ’90
Bruce E. Turpin ’72
Bryan Turpin ’98
Gregory V. Tutt
Lewis H. Twigg ’58
Donald C. Tyler ’81
Marcus W. Tyler ’04
Michael W. Tyler ’77
Ralph C. Tyler
Terry Tyler
Dwaign A. Tyndal ’95
Christopher J. Tyson
Diallo S. Tyson ’98
James L. Tyson Jr. ’86
Jason Tyson
Kenya D. Tyson ’02
Patricia J. Tyson
William P. Tyson
U.S. Department of Justice
UCLA Senior Fellows Class of 1993
Andrew W. Udofia
David E. Ulmer Jr. ’70
Paul L. Underwood ’80
Troy C. Underwood ’89
Willie Underwood III ’88
Union High School
United Christian Evangelistic
United Consulting Group, Inc.
United States Department of
Education/Office of Civil Rights
United Way
United Way Greater Twin Cities
United Way of Metro Chicago
United Way of Northeast Florida
United Way of The National Capital
United Way of the Virginia Peninsula
United Way Sacramento Area
Unity Christ Center
Unity Church of Christianity
Universal Travel Advisors
Fitzpatrick Upshaw ’68
Urban Homestead Development, LLC
Richard Urban
US Bank
USG Foundation, Inc.
Gwendolyn W. Ushry
Rush T. Utley ’90
VA Capital, LLC
Valassis Communications, Inc.
Curtis C. Valentine ’00
Keith M. Valentine ’82
Reginald L. Valentine Sr. ’64
Stephen J. Valentine ’95
Preston Valien
Andrew Valls
C. J. Van Zomeren
Frederick A. Van-Catledge ’57 *
John E. Vance Jr. ’96
Jeff Vancollins
Alfred A. Vann II ’95
Edgar L. Vann Jr.
Vanattia W. Vann
Willie F. Vann ’68
Eric C. VanNoy ’89
Dalan M. Vanterpool
John J. Varley
Willie Varnado ’72
Lejuano P. Varnell ’95
A Shiny, New Pledge
ou hear it all the time from recent
college grads. After they land
that “good job” (you know, the
one on Wall Street or Corporate
Lane), one of their first purchases will be a
shiny, new car. Some opt for a speedy,
sporty deal. Others go for the sleek, luxurious type.
F. Euclid Walker ’94 chose neither. F. Euclid Walker ’94
Walker reasoned that the large outlay of
cash dumped into an investment that loses value the moment you pull out
of the lot could be much better spent on driving up the number of young men
who successfully complete their education at Morehouse. So, instead of buying a sporty new car, Walker pledged $100,000, to The Campaign for a New
Century. The pledge has him cruising into the annals of alumni giving as the
youngest major donor in the College’s history.
Walker is hoping his pledge will rev up alumni support for the
College. “I’m trying to be an example to other young alums,” he said.
“Black colleges are often at a disadvantage in terms of endowments, so
we need to change the perception that you need to make it before you can
give. There’s a lot you can do right now.”
By most standards, Walker has indeed made it. After graduating from
Morehouse with a degree in business administration, he joined Morgan
Stanley in the firm’s New York office, where he was involved with executing a variety of transactions, including capital raisings. Two years later he
moved to South Africa to assist in building the firm’s corporate finance and
business development efforts in that country. In 2001, he moved again, this
time to London to serve as the operations officer of the firm’s banking
department for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
These days, Walker is based in Chicago and is managing director
and founder of Renascent Capital Group. Without the slightest hesitation,
he attributes his success to his alma mater: “Outside of my family,
Morehouse has done more for me than anyone else. While at Morehouse
I developed bonds of brotherhood, and I had a group of peer mentors who
pushed me to be all that I can be.”
Walker said the decision to become a major donor was made during
a spiritual journey to the cradle of civilization. While traveling through
Israel, Jordan and Egypt, he realized that he wanted to do something
important for his “home away from home.”
Although his donation has historical significance, Walker wants to
make it clear that the amount that you give is not nearly as important as
the fact that you give.
“At this time, everyone may not be able to give $10,000 or
$20,000,” he said. “But if we merely increase the amount of people giving a little bit, we can change not only Morehouse, but the world.” ■
Report on Giving
Alphonso Varner
Cleveland Varner
John L. Varner
Paul Vassallo
Vance A. Vaucresson ’92
Memphis Vaughan ’79
Alfred A. Vaughn ’46
Anthony W. Vaughn ’96
Benjamin E. Vaughn ’88
Eugene Vaughn Jr. ’49
James C. Vaughn Jr. ’81
John W. Vaughn ’58
Lowell Vaughn ’66
Ruth E. Vaughn
Juanita Vaughns
Pierre A. Vauthy
Alana T. Veal
Donald Veale ’74
Nathaniel C. Veale Jr. ’63
Malcolm O. Veazie
Mesheba A. Veeder
Christopher G. Vendryes
Christopher L. Vendryes ’02
Virginia H. Ventress
Vereen & Associates
Vernon S. Vereen ’68
Verizon Communications
Vertner J. White Dental Corporation
Donald S. Vest Jr. ’77
Christopher L. Vick ’03
Lonnie Vick Jr.
Mical P. Vick ’70
Maxim E. Vickerie ’02
Eugene C. Vickerson ’73
Kevan A. S. Victor ’04
Victory Baptist Church, Inc.
Deon W. Vigilance ’94
Kamala K. Vijai
Charles Vincent
Endas W. Vincent
Rudolph M. Vincent ’03
Derrick D. Vines ’92
Alvin B. Vinson ’93
Bennie L. Vinson
Calvin F. Vismale ’78
Albert L. Vivian ’83
Ronald Vogel
Seymour Vogel
Hassan Voyeau ’02
W. A. Gaines, Inc.
W. C. Thomas Lodge No. 112 F.
and A. M.
Emanuel A. Waddell ’91
Gregory S. Waddy ’90
Andre’ P. Wade ’89
Barry A. Wade ’83
Duane E. Wade ’90
Ellis C. Wade ’68
Eugene V. Wade Jr. ’92
Gwendolyn B. Wade
Jannard Wade ’76
Johnnie T. Wade
Kim Wade ’79
Luqman R. Wade ’97
Thyra K. Wade
Wallace R. Wade II ’01
Warren E. Wade ’98
Delores T. Wainwright
Ernest C. Waites ’51
Heidi A. Waldorf
Alfred Walker ’88
Aljoeson Walker ’81
Alton L. Walker ’83
Annie L. Walker
Bailey Walker ’75
Bernard W. Walker ’95
Bryon M. Walker ’04
Carolyn S. Walker
Charles C. Walker ’46
Charles J. Walker ’92
Charlie Walker Jr.
Charlotte R. Walker
Clarence C. Walker ’31
Curtis R. Walker ’95
David Walker ’65
Elvin Walker
Eric A. Walker ’93
Eric F. Walker ’95
Eric L. Walker ’93
George B. Walker Jr. ’91
George S. Walker ’66
Gerald H. Walker ’81
Gertrude Walker
Guillermo M. Walker
Harkles Walker ’50
Harry E. Walker ’80
Helios C. Walker ’97
Henry Walker ’69
Jerome Walker ’75
Jewell M. Walker
John Walker ’97
John W. Walker ’58
Johnson Walker
Kevin L. Walker ’89
Larry N. Walker Jr. ’04
Larry N. Walker Sr. ’73
Lester E. Walker ’56
Lydia Walker
Marchel Walker Jr.
McKinley Walker ’60
Paul T. Walker Sr. ’64
Peggy Walker
Renardo A. Walker ’79
Rosetta Walker
Ryan P. Walker ’97
Tarik D. Walker ’92
Terence B. Walker ’78
Terry F. Walker ’89
Travelyan M. Walker ’03
Wilmer D. Walker Jr. ’61
Bonnie Walker-Armstrong
Terry Wall
Gladys Wallace
Ignatius Wallace ’81
James A. Wallace ’58
Kevin W. Wallace ’96
Lester B. Wallace Jr.
Lorenzo A. Wallace ’41
Medora F. Wallace
Robert Wallace
Tommy L. Wallace II ’03
Waller Family Trust
Paul A. Waller ’83
Donald Wallerson
Bette I. Walls
Darien C. Walls ’94
Michael A. Walrond ’93
Ellen T. Walsh
Gery R. Walston ’92
Charles A. Walton ’86
Costell Walton ’70
Hanes Walton Jr. ’63
Harriett J. Walton
John A. Walton
Jonathan L. Walton ’96
Marcus A. Walton ’03
Spencer Walton ’90
William H. Walton III ’97
Andre M. Ward ’92
Brandon D. Ward ’03
Cassius Ward ’41
Christopher E. Ward ’93
Christopher L. Ward
David Ward
Felker W. Ward
Frank Ward ’82
Harlan L. Ward
James C. Ward III ’91
Jean M. Ward ’03
Joseph N. Ward ’58 *
Joycelyn L. Ward
Kendell G. Ward
Marcia Ward
Orie Ward
Rogers H. Ward ’56
Sterling A. Ward ’78
Steven Ward
Tillman Ward
Alvin H. Wardlaw ’48
Barbara A. Wardlaw
Delma D. Ware
Gregory J. Ware ’03
Ware Health Care Services, Inc.
Jonathan S. Ware
Luther D. Ware ’49
Richard E. Ware Jr. ’97
Theodis Ware ’67
Nima A. Warfield ’94
Elizabeth Waring
Beulow W. Warmsley ’40
Isiah Warner
Jesse Warner
Neari F. Warner
Ruth M. Warner
Sandra J. Warner
Warner/Chappell Music, Inc.
Warner-Lambert Company
Raphael G. Warnock ’91
Antoinette C. Warren
Barry T. Warren ’94
Brian K. Warren ’93
Christian E. Warren ’92
Deborah A. Warren
Warren Easton Fundamental Senior
High School
Edwin A. Warren ’04
Gareth J. W. Warren ’00
Kobby T. Warren ’97
Warren Memorial United Methodist
Rashad M. Warren ’03
Richard A. Warren ’52
Jarred C. Warrick ’01
James E. Washburn ’94
Washington & Lee University
A. M. Washington ’71
Ahmad S. Washington ’97
Alex E. Washington III ’96
Alice H. Washington
Anthony K. Washington ’96
Antonio B. Washington ’97
Ava F. Washington
Bradford C. Washington ’04
Calvin E. Washington ’90
Corey A. Washington ’01
Craig E. Washington ’75
Darryl Washington ’89
Ellis I. Washington ’81
Eric T. Washington ’86
Gilbert Washington ’84
Gwendolyn Washington
James A. Washington Sr. ’49
James C. Washington ’52 *
Joyce Washington
June R. Washington
Kareem N. Washington ’95
Kevin Washington ’94
Kevin L. Washington ’94
Korey M. Washington ’92
Mark Washington
Mary P. Washington
Michael Washington
Patrick B. Washington ’03
The Washington Post
Randall D. Washington ’91
Renee’ E. Washington ’96
Robert Washington Jr. ’95
Robert Washington ’49
Robert A. Washington ’40 *
Thomas J. Washington ’37
Thomas J. Washington III ’63
Walter Washington ’48
Welton C. Washington Jr. ’98
Report on Giving
Wilbert Washington ’54
William H. Washington
Waste Management, Inc.
Christopher J. Waters ’00
James W. Waters ’51
Alfred R. Watkins ’85
Che Watkins
Christopher B. Watkins ’91
Clyde Watkins ’85
Dion J. Watkins ’00
Donald V. Watkins Jr. ’94
Emmitt F. Watkins ’69
Eric D. Watkins ’90
Frances D. Watkins
Hollis Watkins Jr. ’97
Isaiah Watkins
Jerry M. Watkins ’95
Keith W. Watkins ’03
Linda D. Watkins
Michael L. Watkins ’98
Myron H. Watkins Jr. ’88
Rae H. Watkins
Richard D. Watkins ’97
Malik G. Watler ’92
Daniel D. Watson ’03
Edward G. Watson ’96
Gregory Watson
Harold Watson ’75
John M. Watson ’87
Joseph D. Watson ’89
Kenneth V. Watson ’01
Kevin C. Watson Jr. ’03
Larry E. Watson ’71
Mark E. Watson ’92
Melvin H. Watson ’30 *
Sanford E. Watson II ’85
Shofaetiyah D. Watson ’97
Stephen C. Watson ’87
Talik N. Watson ’01
Timotheus G. Watson ’02
Warren D. A. Watson ’02
Kevin J. Watt ’86
Hubert Watters ’63 *
Albert H. Watts
Anne W. Watts
Charles D. Watts Sr. ’38 *
Christopher N. Watts ’96
Juanita P. Watts
Michael K. Watts ’92
Russell A. Watts ’85
John W. Waxman
Wayne County Circuit Judges
Wayne County Prosecuting
Attorney’s Office
Jason C. Weakley ’94
Pete Weakly
Alonzo C. Weatherby ’03
Elsie S. Weatherington
Thomas E. Weatherly Jr. ’62
Shauna Weathersby
Annette Weathington
Gwendolyn N. Weaver
John T. Weaver ’86
Karl K. Weaver Jr. ’83
Michael T. Weaver Jr. ’04
Michael T. Weaver Sr.
Mike F. Weaver ’91
Reginald V. Weaver ’88
Ronald A. Weaver ’53 *
Wrex A. Weaver III ’79
Andrew Webb ’65
Aubury R. Webb Jr. ’00
Aubury R. Webb Sr. ’75
Christopher P. Webb ’91
Darryl Webb
Enoch A. Webb ’86
James D. Webb ’84
Jim Webb
Margo H. Webb
Richard Webb
Schuyler C. Webb ’74
William J. Webb ’91
Willie J. Webb ’61
Willie L. Webb ’75
Adrienne C. Webber
Margaret L. Weber-Levine
Cedric E. Webster ’90
Donald E. Webster ’81
Donald G. Webster ’51
Duane E. Webster
Hattie P. Webster
Norma J. Webster
Will K. Webster ’61
James H. Weddington ’60 *
Travis C. Weddington ’88
Wilburn H. Weddington ’45
Weddingtons One Hour Martinizing
Hildegard Weems
Jerome A. Weems ’79
Adam C. Weers ’99
Edward Weissman
Pamela A. Weisz
Andrew Welburn
Craig Welburn
Babu G. Welch ’93
George T. Welch
James A. Welch ’67
Sule K. Welch ’94
Hawthorne Welcher Jr. ’98
Joseph Welcome ’48
Dexter J. Weldon ’96
Herbert H. Weldon ’53
Louis B. Weldon
Timothy Wellbeck ’04
Leonard E. Wellington III ’86
Wellpoint Foundation
Casandra D. Wells,
Claudia Wells
Jason J. Wells ’05
Joseph Wells III ’86
Kelvin D. Wells ’98
Lamont A. Wells ’95
Marion A. Wells
Markovist Q. Wells Sr.
Norman D. Wells ’74
T. J. Wells ’74
Theodore C. Wells ’04
Wendell P. Whalum Community
Howard G. Wendland
Ian K. Wenger ’95
Carol C. Wesley
Donna Wesley
Hooper C. Wesley
B. Kenneth West
Bruce E. West ’76
Gerald I. West ’95
James E. West ’70
William E. West ’65
Arnold A. Westbrook Jr. ’98
John O. Westbrook
Columbus T. Wester Jr. ’51
Ellis F. Wester ’89
Westminister Presbyterian Church
Howard Westmoreland Jr. ’93
Lennox S. Westney
Alfred L. Weston II ’02
Luther Weston
Maggalean W. Weston
Miriam Weston
Paul D. Weston ’43
Westport Corporation
Westwin Business, LLC
Darren E. Wethers ’84
Lawrence H. Wexler
Harold L. Whack Jr.
Kenneth T. Whalum Jr. ’78
Kevin H. Whalum ’91
Christopher Wharton
Clifton R. Wharton
Deborah A. Wharton
Gwendolyn E. Wharton
Frank P. Whatley
Wheat Street Baptist Church
Cory N. Wheaton ’03
Obed A. Wheaton ’86
Herbert E. Wheeler ’68
Troy E. Wheeler ’97
Graylind R. Wherry ’99
Joseph A. Whiley ’03
Jasiri Whipper ’06
Beryl M. Whipple ’04
Andre C. Whisenton ’65
Jason T. Whitaker ’99
Alex J. White ’03
Anthony J. White ’66
Augustus White Jr. ’51 *
Bertrand L. White ’90
Bettie L. White
Bonita White
Brenda F. White
Charles R. White Jr. ’87
Clark E. White ’71
Darren W. White ’01
Darwin R. White ’73
Dave White
Delrick O. White ’77
Edward C. White
Emmett M. White ’44 *
Eric J. White ’03
George White ’55
Gregory W. White ’79
Gretta White
Henry L. White
James S. White ’93
Janeanna White
Julius S. White ’03
Keith A. White ’97
Keith L. White ’72
Kelvin D. White ’82
Larry White
Lewis A. White Jr. ’81
Mark A. White ’94
Milton J. White ’34
Nathaniel B. White Jr.
Nathaniel T. White ’59
Ramey T. White ’02
Renell White
Richard H. White II ’96
Richard W. White ’64
Robert G. White ’83
Rodney D. White ’90
Terence B. White ’94
Terence L. White ’03
Thurman White
Trudy M. White
Wendell F. White ’62
Wesley White
Whitney V. White ’99
William C. White ’47 *
William D. White ’91
Dawn White-Bell
Edwina A. Whitehead
James W. Whitehead ’57
Rene’ K. Whitehead ’03
Patricia A. Whiteley
Alphonso Whitfield III ’77
Hiley C. Whitfield
Jordan P. Whitfield ’81
Albert N. Whiting
Brooke E. Whiting
Henry Whitlow
Damanion D. Whitmire ’03
Edward Whitmoore
Cecil C. Whitmore ’90
David L. Whitney
Wilbur M. Whitney
Stephanie Whittaker
John P. Whitted ’72
Evelyn Whitted-Hill
Wichita Falls Independent School
Report on Giving
Marsha R. Wickliffe
Paul Wiebe
Switzon S. Wigfall
Earl L. Wiggins ’82
Jay E. Wiggins ’00
Mychelle R. Wiggins
Jacqueline B. Wiggs
Corey Wilborn
James A. Wilborn Jr. ’70
Reginald H. Wilborn Jr. ’05
Whitney Wilborn
Gary Wilcots
Margaret R. Wilcox
Virginia L. Wilder
The Wilderness Society
Dennis W. Wilds Jr. ’88
Jetie B. Wilds ’62
Todd V. Wiley ’91
Elva C. Wilkerson
Franklin H. Wilkerson ’92
Sherrod D. Wilkerson ’03
Robert Wilkes Jr. ’91
Dorothy L. Wilkes-Kinnebrew
Darius J. Wilkins ’03
Jonathan Thomas G. Wilkins ’01
Nathan L. Wilkins ’91
Robert A. Wilkins
Robert D. Wilkins Jr. ’91
Brent A. Wilkinson
Leonard Wilkinson
Robert S. Wilkinson Jr.
Shervah E. Wilkinson ’98
Winston Wilkinson
Franklin Wilks
Mary Kay Will
William Limmer Scholarship
William Morris Agency, Inc.
Aaron M. Williams ’97
Aaron S. Williams ’91
Ajene S. Williams ’98
Albert L. Williams ’58
Albert R. Williams ’47
Alex Williams
Alexander Williams III ’99
Allan R. Williams ’92
Alton Williams ’57
Alvin Williams
Anderson C. Williams
Andrew Williams ’64
Andrew R. Williams ’73
Angelo D. Williams ’79
Anthony D. Williams ’94
Arnold L. Williams ’65
Audrey Williams
Avery Q. Williams ’86
Basil J. Williams ’81
Beverly A. Williams
Bismarck Williams ’47
Bobby D. Williams Jr. ’83
Brandon R. Williams ’99
Byron K. Williams ’86
Calvin Williams ’90
Calvin X. Williams ’58 *
Williams Chapel A.M.E. Church
Charles C. Williams ’69
Charles E. Williams III
Christopher Williams ’94
Christopher D. Williams ’94
Christopher O. Williams ’95
Christopher S. Williams ’01
Clarence E. Williams ’79
Clifford Williams Jr. ’49
Clyde R. Williams ’87
Curtis L. Williams ’61
Daniel A. Williams Jr. ’49
Daryl L. Williams ’97
David E. Williams ’00
David F. Williams
Delroy L. Williams ’02
Dennis O. Williams ’83
Derrick D. Williams ’95
Donald W. Williams III ’03
Dwayne C. Williams ’89
Earnest Williams
Earnest Williams
Edward Williams
Edward E. Williams Jr. ’86
Elynor A. Williams
Et’Chane J. Williams ’99
Ethel H. Williams
Eulis H. Williams ’58 *
Florence H. Williams
Frank E. Williams ’49
Freddie E. Williams
Frederick B. Williams ’59 *
Frederick D. Williams Jr.
George Williams Jr. ’66
George C. Williams III ’97
George E. Williams
George F. Williams ’62
George S. Williams ’88
Gertiana Williams
Glenn L. Williams ’82
Gregory A. Williams ’81
Gregory D. Williams
Guy A. Williams ’79
Hassan A. Williams ’95
Hendley R. Williams ’85
Herbert L. Williams
Husie A. Williams
Iotis Williams
J. Herbert Williams II ’59
J. H. Williams III ’93
Jacob A. Williams ’47
James F. Williams II ’66
James R. Williams II ’96
Jason C. Williams ’05
Jason L. Williams ’97
Jeffrey J. Williams ’97
Joel H. Williams ’93
John C. Williams
John C. Williams ’49
John S. Williams Jr. ’00
John T. Williams ’79
Johnny A. Williams ’91
Joseph W. Williams ’65
Josie M. Williams
Julia Williams
Karen R. Williams
Keith L. Williams ’79
Kendrick I. Williams ’99
Kenneth C. Williams ’89
Kent Williams ’74
Kentay A. Williams ’01
Kevin Williams
Kevin D. Williams ’93
Kevin J. Williams ’98
Kevin T. Williams ’85
Kevin T. Williams ’88
Lafayette W. Williams ’61
Lena H. Williams
Leon R. Williams ’70
Leroy S. Williams
Linda C. Williams
Linda M. Williams
Louise J. Williams
Macon Williams ’79
Malcolm B. Williams
Malinda N. Williams
Mallory Williams ’93
Margaret Williams
Marietta Williams
Mark T. Williams ’91
Marques V. Williams ’03
Marquiez D. Williams ’03
Marquise L. Williams ’03
Matthew A. Williams ’50
Maureen Higgins Williams
Maurice M. Williams
Michael D. Williams ’78
Michael J. Williams ’81
Michael N. Williams ’74
Michael P. Williams II ’95
Michael S. Williams ’01
Michael T. Williams
Morris S. Williams
Nathaniel P. Williams ’90
Neicko C. Williams ’89
Norbert C. Williams ’55
Otto H. Williams ’79
Pamela Williams
Paul D. Williams ’03
Pelham Williams ’82
Peter Williams ’97
Philip C. Williams ’37
Pierre R. Williams ’04
R. J. Williams Sr. ’45
Raashid S. Williams ’99
Radames Williams ’97
Raifael W. Williams ’92
Rashaun L. Williams ’01
Rawn N. Williams ’88
Reginald Williams ’98
Reginald L. Williams ’84
Richard Williams ’03
Robert A. Williams
Robert E. Williams
Robert E. Williams ’02
Robert J. Williams ’48
Robert L. Williams Sr.
Robert L. Williams ’70
Robert M. Williams ’62
Robert P. Williams ’00
Roderick M. Williams II ’01
Roger Williams ’65
Roger C. Williams
Ronnie Williams ’82
Rosolyn Williams
Ruby M. Williams
Sammie L. Williams ’73
Samuel G. Williams ’68
Samuel K. Williams III ’03
Scott S. Williams ’95
Shedron D. Williams ’92
Shirley L. Williams
Sondra Williams
Stacy D. Williams
Stanley E. Williams
Stephen J. Williams ’87
Stephen M. Williams ’97
Sterling S. Williams
Steven Williams
Tarik L. Williams ’96 *
Theodore J. Williams ’98
Thornell Williams Jr. ’92
Timothy A. Williams ’87
Todd V. Williams
Travis D. Williams ’98
Wallace A. Williams Jr. ’98
Walter F. Williams ’74
Walter H. Williams III ’85
Warren T. Williams ’97
Wendell P. Williams ’83
Wendell X. Williams ’78
Wilfred Williams
William H. Williams
William H. Williams ’57
Willie M. Williams Jr. ’94
Richard S. Williamson ’78
Terrence Williamson Jr.
Denise Willingham
John M. Willingham Sr. ’70
Reginald A. Willingham ’03
Ryan Willingham
Angela Willis
Derek I. Willis ’89
Eric Willis
Gregory A. Willis ’95
Henry L. Willis ’93
Howard C. Willis ’76
Isaac Willis ’61
Jesse F. Willis ’61
John W. Willis
Ken D. Willis ’95
Report on Giving
Melvin L. Willis ’87
Theresa J. Willis
Vincent D. Willis ’03
William J. Willis Sr. ’57
James C. Wills ’90
James W. Wills
John H. Wills Jr. ’87
Maury L. Wills ’93
Noah E. Wills III ’83
Reginald D. Wills ’70
Albert T. Wilson III ’66
Alger L. Wilson ’58
August Wilson *
Aurelius C. Wilson ’79
Bobby Wilson
Cedric A. Wilson ’01
Charles E. Wilson ’59
Charlie Mae Wilson
Clyde Wilson Jr. ’93
Corey K. Wilson ’96
David L. Wilson ’95
DeJuan V. Wilson ’97
Delon R. Wilson ’03
Dwight A. Wilson ’96
Earl W. Wilson ’83
Earnest B. Wilson ’52
Eric D. Wilson ’95
Ernest J. Wilson III
Fred B. Wilson ’93
Gail E. Wilson
Gerald Wilson
Gerren K. Wilson ’03
Jackie Wilson
Jay T. Wilson ’00
Jerry D. Wilson ’79
John Wilson
John C. Wilson ’81
Jonathan W. Wilson ’95
Lamar T. Wilson ’75
Leroy Wilson ’62
Lizabeth A. Wilson
Mae F. Wilson
Marilyn I. Wilson
Marion B. Wilson
Marvin Wilson
Michael D. Wilson ’03
Michael F. Wilson ’01
Michael J. Wilson
The Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation
Phillip J. Wilson ’82
Rachel R. Wilson
Rashad O. Wilson ’00
Robert Wilson III
Roger Wilson ’73
Ronald W. Wilson ’65
Samuel E. Wilson III ’55
Stella Wilson
Terrance D. Wilson ’03
Walter L. Wilson
William G. Wilson
William T. Wilson ’70
Dean Wiltshire
Rahmaan Wiltshire
Vincent L. Wimbush ’75
Eric D. Winchester ’90
Dejoun D. Windless ’96
Franklin J. Windom ’04
Eric R. Winfield ’96
Christopher S. Winfrey ’04
Clayton E. Winfrey
Robert Winfrey ’55
Calvin E. Wingfield ’03
James A. Wingfield Jr. ’64
William T. Winrow III ’98
Richard D. Winslow ’93
Gregory B. Winstead ’89
Vernon A. Winstead Jr. ’88
Eric V. A. Winston ’64
James R. Winston III ’97
Randall O. Winston ’95
R. E. Wirth
Wisconsin Power & Light
Arthur J. Wise ’86
David L. Wise
Handy Withers ’65
Marcia Withers
Clashous Witherspoon ’81
David J. Witherspoon ’78
Billy Witt
Karin Wittenborg
Beth Wolchock
Wolfpack Enterprises, LLC
Lisa M. Wolmart
Ann J. Wolpert
Chad A. Womack ’88
Charles D. Wood
Christopher L. Wood *
Roger L. Wood ’66
Carl L. Woodard II ’94
Donald M. Woodard ’89
Jamell Woodard
Leroy A. Woodard ’61
Veronica D. Woodard
Randall L. Woodfin ’03
Gary J. Woodford ’00
Melissa Woodforlk
Thomas M. Woodhouse Sr. ’48
Thomas M. Woodhouse Jr. ’71
Woodlawn Heights Community
Margaret Woodman
Bronson K. Woodroffe ’92
Donald C. Woodruff II ’91
Willie J. Woodruff ’76
Benjamin E. Woods ’71
Courtney J. Woods ’02
Daemon S. Woods ’88
Irvin Woods ’61
Jordan M. Woods ’02
Kelvin M. Woods ’03
Kenneth F. Woods ’73
Kevin R. Woods ’94
Simeon N. Woods ’02
Willie E. Woods ’85
Robert C. Woodson
S. H. Woodson III ’74
Richard W. Woodward ’39
Michael W. Woody ’85
Ralph Woolfolk ’81
Craig A. Woolridge ’84
Stephen T. Woolridge
James H. Wooten Jr.
McKinley Wooten Jr. ’88
The Works/GM Mediaworks
World Reach, Inc.
World Without End, Inc.
Dante L. Wormley ’99
Frederick L. Worrell ’92
Janice L. Worth
Christiana D. Worthams
Artmus Worthy ’71
F. Durant Worthy ’64 *
Shelia C. Worthy
Adam Q. Wright ’01
Ahmad K. Wright ’92
Brandon A. Wright ’01
Charles E. Wright Jr. ’92
Corbett Wright
Courtney Wright ’98
Deborah A. Wright
Duane E. Wright ’89
Fenton Wright ’93
Gerald E. Wright ’65
Gregg S. Wright ’99
Harry S. Wright Jr. ’82
Irene M. Wright
James Wright ’55
Jeffrey W. Wright ’84
John C. Wright
Kalefe Wright
Lamar Wright ’70
Maurice Wright
Michael L. Wright ’74 *
Milton J. Wright ’90
Milton L. Wright Jr. ’66
Robert E. Wright ’94
Roger C. Wright ’75
Thomas A. Wright Jr. ’98
Troy A. Wright ’99
Victor Wright ’69
William Wright ’70
William F. Wright ’86
Bobby A. Wrights ’95
WSB TV Channel 2
De T. Wu
WXIA TV Channel 11
Gary R. Wyatt ’79
James O. Wyatt Jr. ’65
John H. Wyatt
Barbara J. Wyche
Lawrence Wyche
Mark N. Wyche ’97
Carey H. Wynn II ’70
Victor M. Wynn ’96
Wynnefield Primary School
Valerie A. Wynne-Hall
The Xerox Foundation
Yamaha Corporation of America
Yosuichika Yamashita
Asa G. Yancey ’75
Eddie L. Yancey ’50
James A. Yancey Jr. ’73
Lawrence D. Yancey ’96
Earl Yancy
Preston M. Yancy ’59
Elaine H. Yarborough
Donald D. Yarbrough ’03
George Yarbrough
Murvan Yarbrough ’51
Ella G. Yates
Grady A. Yeargin Jr. ’70
David A. Yearwood ’88
D. J. Yee
Kent Yee ’98
Gerald A. Yerby ’75
Ashagre Yigletu
Jason O. York ’91
Alan C. Young
Alberta E. Young
Anwar S. Young ’96
Billy E. Young ’94
Clinton I. Young Jr. ’72
Doran Young
Edwin I. Young
Elsenia Young
Harold L. Young ’74
Helen A. Young
Jabari L. Young ’96
James K. Young ’88
Janice H. Young
Johnson A. Young ’94
Josiah U. Young III ’75
Kirby D. Young ’96
Lee M. Young ’48 *
Lisa Young
Lola M. Young
Marcus T. Young ’96
Margaret Young
Marquis S. Young
Young Men’s Club
Michael Young Sr.
Michael C. Young Jr.
Michael E. Young ’94
Michael L. Young ’98
Omari T. Young ’78
Robert E. Young Jr. ’81
Robert P. Young ’61
Roger Young Sr. ’64
Scott A. Young ’86
Terence B. Young
Thomas J. Young ’82
Report on Giving
Richard G. Younge
Brandon E. Young-Fountain ’01
Jill Young-Franklin
Yum! Brands Foundation, Inc.
John D. Zachary ’79
Nathaniel S. Zackery Jr. ’03
Deborah B. Zak
W. Paul Zampol
Emanuel Zanders Jr. ’03
Marvin C. Zanders II ’87
Joseph P. Zang III
Doug Zartman
Howard J. Zehr Jr. ’66
Demetrius M. Zeigler ’03
Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Inc.
Legend: Donors are listed in
Alphabetical order.
* Deceased
Facts at a Glance
Founded in 1867 as the Augusta Institute in Augusta, Georgia, Morehouse College is the nation’s largest
liberal arts college for men. Morehouse graduates approximately 500 students each year, historically
conferring bachelor’s degrees on more African American men than any other college or university in
the United States. The 61-acre campus is located just three miles southwest of downtown Atlanta.
The mission of Morehouse College is to provide a comprehensive academic, social and spiritual experience that prepares its students for leadership and success in the larger society.
Dr. Walter E. Massey, class of ’58, is the ninth president of Morehouse College. A noted physicist and
former director of the National Science Foundation and former provost of the University of
California, Dr. Massey is a member of the President’s Council on Science and Technology and the
Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents.
With an enrollment of approximately 2,800, the student body represents more than 40 states and 12
foreign countries.
Academic Programs:
Morehouse operates under the semester system, offering the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science
degrees. The College offers 26 majors in three academic divisions: Humanities and Social Sciences,
Science and Mathematics, and Business Administration and Economics, and a dual-degree program
in engineering with the Georgia Institute of Technology.
Special Programs:
Special Programs include Phi Beta Kappa, Honors, Study Abroad, The Andrew Young Center for
International Affairs, and Research Careers. The College also houses the Morehouse Research Institute,
the Morehouse Leadership Center, and the Journal of Negro History.
172 full-time
62 part-time
100% of tenured-track faculty holds terminal degrees
Morehouse is a member of the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (SIAC) and the National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division II. Varsity letter sports include football, basketball,
tennis, cross country and track and field.
Among the organizations in which Morehouse College holds memberships: Atlanta University
Consortium, Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education, Georgia Research Alliance, Associated
Colleges of the South, UNCF/The College Fund, American Association of Higher Education,
American Council of Education, Association of Private Colleges & Universities in Georgia; National
Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education, and National Association of Independent
Colleges & Universities.
Morehouse is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (SACS) to award baccalaureate degrees. Morehouse is one of five Historically Black Colleges and
Universities, and one of four undergraduate institutions in Georgia, with a Phi Beta Kappa National Honor
Society chapter. The College also is one of only four liberal arts colleges in the nation with accreditation
from both the International Association for Management Education and a Phi Beta Kappa chapter.
The Campaign for a New Century
830 Westview Dr. SW
Atlanta, GA 30314-3773