Seeds 1112Proof1 - Lebanon County Historical Society


Seeds 1112Proof1 - Lebanon County Historical Society
Lebanon County Historical Society • 924 Cumberland Street • Lebanon, PA 17042-5139 • Phone: (717) 272-1473
The Front Parlor Gallery’s latest exhibition,
“Brides of Lebanon County”, now through September
Deborah Norris Coleman’s
wedding invitation.
An image of Deborah Norris
Coleman on her wedding day,
May 15th, 1878.
Wedding dress
from 1900’s.
Wedding dress and veil belonging to Sara-Ann Haak, Society
Blue wedding dress from the
A 1930’s bridal gown.
Bridal gowns from various periods of the county’s history.
Governing Body
Executive Committee Officers
President Barbara Gaffney
Vice President Donald L. Rhoads, Jr.
Secretary Nancy Behney
Treasurer Carol A. Christ
Executive Committee Chairs
Archives: Donald L. Rhoads, Jr.
Education: Colleen Kline
Friends UCTP:
W. James Schucker, Jr.
Museum: Barbara Gaffney
Co-Chair: Michael Sweeney
Bio & History: Michael Trump
Board of Trustees’ Officers
Interim Chair Barbara Gaffney
Vice Chair Bruce Kreider
Secretary Kathy Dannels
Treasurer Carol A. Christ
Members at Large
Arthur Clagett
Edward Dannels
Douglass C. Henry, Jr.
Timothy J. Huber
Kip Kelly
Dr. Kathleen Kramer
Bruce Kreider
William W. Smeltzer, Jr.
Gerald J. Stiver, Jr.
David Weigard
Society Staff
Tina Valgenti, Administrative
Brian Kissler, Archivist
Thursday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Friday 1:00 – 8:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Sunday 1:00 – 4:30 pm
Monday: 1:00 – 8:00 pm
Closed Tuesday and Wednesday
Visit our Web site at…
“Like” us on Facebook to
receive the latest news and
We also welcome e-mail at
[email protected]
Funding for continuing expenses such as
salaries, utilities and maintenance, school
and public programs, etc., is provided by
member contributions and bequests,
grants from the Lebanon County Commissioners and the Pennsylvania Historical
and Museum Commission, investment
income, and gift shop sales.
From the President…
Looking for an exciting and educational place to visit this summer? Discover the ways
Lebanon County has changed through the years at the Lebanon County Historical
Society. The Society houses Lebanon County artifacts and historical documents dating
from colonial time to present day. Take a ride on a reproduction canal boat at the
Union Canal Tunnel Park. The captain and crew will give you the history of the canal
and tunnel.
This Spring, Tina Valgenti, Office Coordinator, and Colleen Kline, Executive
Committee member of Education, hosted an open house for educators. The purpose
was to fulfill elementary education history standards from 3rd and 4th grade by learning
about Pennsylvania and Lebanon County history with a tour and hands-on activities.
The students had classes in the one room school house exhibit on the second floor of
the museum with reading, writing and spelling. Recess was held in the auditorium
where the students played with old-time children’s games. We hope more schools will
make this a field trip and learn about Lebanon County.
Come in and see our newest exhibit with wedding gowns from the mid-1800s to the
1960s. Visit the Union Canal Tunnel Park for a pleasant day of walking, have a picnic
or just sit on a bench and enjoy the beauty of the park.
Have a wonderful Summer!
Barbara Gaffney, President
First Meeting of Lebanon County Genealogy Club
Sunday, August 4th at 1:30PM at the Society
This is the very first meeting of the Lebanon County Genealogy Club, open to all
interested individuals. If you are planning on attending this meeting, please e-mail
Jim McAteer at [email protected] or phone the Society office at 717-272-1473
to sign-up.
A Night on the Town for a Great Cause!!!
On the evening of Saturday, July 13th, 2013, Lantern Lodge will be donating a
percentage of the dinner proceeds to the Lebanon County Historical Society.
Come out to support a local restaurant and benefit the Society along the way!
Volunteers Needed!
We are always in need of talented people to help us preserve and
promote Lebanon County history. Do
you like to do research? Are you good
with your hands? Do you love to tell
stories? If you answered yes to any or
all of these questions, the Lebanon
County Historical Society needs YOU!
The Society can work with your schedule to allow you to share your skills.
Please call the Historical Society at
717-272-1473 to let us know about
your interests. Help us create the
foundation for another 100 years!
Lantern Lodge
411 North College St.
Myerstown, PA 17067
For more info 717-866-6536
Lebanon County Civil War 150th Anniversary
Correspondence between Captain Washington Horn, Company A 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry and his wife Rebecca
in 1864. Horn had been wounded May 12 and would be wounded again in September 1864. Washington Horn
died in Jonestown October 16, 1871. Rebecca would live in Jonestown for 27 years afterwards and had some difficulty in collecting a widow’s pension.
May 16th, 1864
Camp near Spottsylvania Courthouse
Dear Wife,
I will endeavour to inform you by these few lines that I am well at present and I hope that these few lines may find you all in the same state of
good health. We have been fighting now for 10 days in succession and 2
got through safe so far without a scratch and we drove the Enemy as far
back as Spottsylvania Courthouse where they are well fortified and we
expect to have another hand fight with them. There was a heavy loss of life
on both sides. Further I am sorry to state that Charley Hasthine is wounded in the Left arm but I don’t think very dangerous and Ephraim Woomer
is wounded also. I am in a great hurry the mail is going out. I must close
with the intention of hearing from you soon if I should happen to live.
Give my best Love and wishes to all. From your ever true Husband
Wash. Horn
Direct as before
Jonestown June 14th, 1864
Dear Husband
I will inform you that I received your ever welcome letter and was
indeed very happy to hear how you were getting along and that you were
well we are all very well as this leaves us and hope that it may reach you
and find you all the same the health in general is very good at the present
time is very. The year soldiers are all at home now. I had been thinking
that you would be home long before this but there are no singes yet of you
coming some say still that you would soon be discharched and often say
not let me know what you think whether you will soon come or not and
even since they are home they are drunk and get [crass] and commence to
fight it is awfull I pitty there poor wives and children after they have been
from home for so long [ ] and come home to act this way it is a shame.
You wish that I should get 50 dollars and send them to you. I had been
away today for [wine]. I got twenty dollars but the money is [purtty]
scarce but John gave me that much and till I write again he will get some
more and bring it to me he lent it all away that he has none at home. Dan
was not at home perhaps he could have given it to me and Jake Miller said
if he had some at home he would lent to you right away. I have no money [eshten] and I must get all on [hek] now if
you do get paid try to save as once to get out of debt way thing is high you can buy very little and have a large bill. You
stated in your letter that you got your commision for captain you have not once left me. Know how you like your officers as Lieutenant and now that you are captain let me know how you like it. Enclosed you will find the twenty dollars
please and let me know if you get it. I forgot to tell you the children have the whooping cough otherwise they are well as
ever no more but they hope to hear from you soon again
From your true wife
Rebecca Horn
Historical Society Gift Shop
New from Arcadia Publishing’s Image of Rail series,
“Hershey Transit,” by Friends of the Hershey Trolley and the
Hershey Derry Township Historical Society, $21.99
When Milton S. Hershey broke ground to construct his new chocolate factory in
1903, many questioned the wisdom of building in the middle of a cornfield. With
his factory wedged between the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad tracks and the
Berks & Dauphin Turnpike, Hershey set out to create a first-rate street railway system. The Hershey Transit Company existed many years after the trolley industry
declined in most areas of the United States. It was the chief mode of travel for the
chocolate factory workers, vital to dairy farmers for transport of fresh milk to the
factory, and essential to students of the Hershey Industrial School housed in surrounding farms. On the weekends, the transit system brought people from outlying
areas into Hershey, Pennsylvania, to enjoy the theater or the famous Hershey Park for employee picnics, family outings, or special occasions. Hershey Transit documents one of the best-known and well-kept streetcar systems, started by Milton S. Hershey and operated from 1904 to 1946.
These historic images, which depict the transit system's connections from Hershey, Pennsylvania, to neighboring communities in Campbelltown, Elizabethtown, Hummelstown, Lebanon, and Palmyra, come from the
historical society's collection as well as the private collections of Stan Bowman, Neil Fasnacht, Don Rhoads
Jr., and Chick Siebert.
“Myerstown and Eastern Lebanon County”
by Donald R. Brown, $21.99
“Here Lies…Time to Eternity at Mount Lebanon
Cemetery, Lebanon Pennsylvania,”
by Gerald A. Collins and Michael A. Trump,
sponsored by the Mount Lebanon Cemetery Board
of Managers.
This is the booklet that was produced for the Walking
Tour of the Mt. Lebanon Cemetery, which took place
on June 9th, 2013. $5.00 each.
LCHS Members receive 10% off prices listed. PA
residents please include 6% sales tax. Mail/phone
orders available, please contact the Society
Office for cost of shipping.
A History of Lebanon County in 50 Objects
A History of Lebanon County in 50 Objects tells a
history of Lebanon County through the artifacts and
documents housed exclusively in the Society’s museum,
library, and archives. Inspired by the British Museum’s
“A History of the World in 100 Objects,” this special
virtual exhibition was created by recent graduates (class
of 2013) of the Digital Communications Department
at Lebanon Valley College: Sheila Betz, Danielle Biggs
and Kevin Greene. The goal of this project is to help
highlight and promote the history of the county, and
generate interest in the Society and its wonderful collections. The objects are arranged chronologically, ranging
from the earliest Native American arrowheads (some
possibly thousands of years old) to the most recent
donation, a stained glass window made by local artist
Franklin L. Weidman, celebrating the county’s 2013
bicentennial. The photographs are professionally taken
by Art Clagett, a member of the Board of Trustees. The
Society is extremely grateful for the numerous hours of
work that Art has donated for this project.
Park located at 25th & Union Canal Dr., Lebanon, PA (north of the Lebanon Valley Mall)
Come take a ride on the Union Canal this summer! Rides are
given each Sunday afternoon, 12:30 till 4:40 pm. Boarding is at
25th Street and Union Canal Dr., north of the Lebanon Valley
Mall. Riders not only receive a placid ride through the countryside
and through the Union Canal Tunnel, the oldest existing transportation tunnel in the United States, but they will also receive a
narrative history of the canal and its influence on the development
of the Lebanon Valley. If you have a group who would like a ride,
call 272-6949 to arrange a private ride which can be scheduled for
just about any time during the week.
There will be special boat rides on July 4th from 4:30 to 9:00 pm
prior to the fireworks in Coleman Park which can be seen from
the canal park. On this special day, riders will receive a dollar
discount off their fares and free ice cream to boot!
The Friends of the Union Canal Tunnel Park
are sponsoring a performance of
at the Lebanon Community Theatre, Stoever’s Dam Park,
E. Maple St. and Theatre Drive on
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 2013 at 7:30 pm
This is one of the most captivating musical shows of our time.
It is a satire done with the fondest affection, and tells the story
of a rock and roll singer who is about to be inducted into the
Do you remember some of these songs?
An English Teacher; What did I ever see in him?; Put on a Happy
Face; One Boy; A Lot of Livin’ To Do; Kids; Rosie; Spanish Rose.
Jamie Grey (center) signing autographs at Union
This is the tops in imagination and good old fashion fun.
Complimentary refreshments and door prizes are only part of a Canal Days, with Nancy Behney (left) and Barb
Gaffney (right).
good time for all and helps keep the Union Canal Tunnel one
Photo credit: Gerald Stiver
of the best attractions in Lebanon County.
Tickets are only $20.00 and can be ordered from Phil Feather
at 867-2652 or the Lebanon County Historical Society at 272-1473.
New Members
Debbie Baker
W. Lawrence Keller
Jerry Kreider
Ellen S. Miller
Alan and Cathy Olson
Memorial Donation
Sharon L. Southall
Patricia Welzenbach
Penelope Yingst
In Memory of:
June M. Ebling
Given by:
Carol & Pete Light
In Memoriam
Robert G. Parr
Robert G. Parr, 85, passed away at home surrounded
by his family on Friday, May 3, 2013. Born on
August 4, 1927 in Freeport, Long Island, N.Y., he was
the son of Donley J. and Marjorie Annis Parr. Bob
graduated from Penn State University and served his
country in the Navy during WWII. He returned to
Lebanon to operate the family business as President of
D. J. Parr, Inc. and Parr Equipment for 36 years.
Upon retiring, he continued to share his business
prowess with several national, regional, and local companies. He willingly offered his expertise with the
Lancaster chapter of SCORE, an organization offering
business advice and education to new small business
entrepreneurs. He was an avid golfer and consummate
sailor. He served the community on numerous boards
including the Lebanon County Trust Co., the Mt.
Gretna Borough and Authority, The Pennsylvania
Chatauqua Association as well as several national organizations in the energy field. Bob was also a former
Board of Trustees member of the Lebanon County
Historical Society. He is survived by his wife of 49
years, Barbara; daughters, Megan Petry and Amy Roak.
He was grandfather to Madeline, Olivia, and Robert
Roak of Ft. Washington; and brother of Eloise Brown
of Lebanon. He was preceded in death by two brothers, Donley J., and Malcolm G. Parr. Services will be
held privately at the convenience of the family. In lieu
of flowers, contributions in his name may be made to
Good Samaritan Hospice; the Salvation Army of
Lebanon; or the charity of your choice.
Mary Jane Stabley Tomlinson
Mary Jane Stabley Tomlinson, 82, passed away on
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 at the Cornwall Manor
Health Center, Cornwall. On June 20, 1953 she married Kendall S. Tomlinson who preceded her in death
on March 18, 2009. Mary Jane was a 1952 graduate of
the Pennsylvania State University earning a BS degree
in elementary education. She was a lifelong member of
the Kappa Kappa Gamma Women's Fraternity. She
taught school in both Wilmington, DE, and then
Lincoln, NE. Mary Jane is survived by two children,
her daughter, Dawn B. Yarrington of Richmond, VA;
and son, Drew M. Tomlinson and his wife Ann, of
State College, PA. Also surviving are her two granddaughters, Courtney Ann Tomlinson and Megan
Elizabeth Tomlinson both of Philadelphia, PA. Mary
Jane was a lifelong member of London Grove Meeting,
West Grove, PA. Mary Jane and Kendall were both
longtime supporters of the Lebanon County Historical
Society and had generously donated a Seltzer dower
chest to the Society. A Celebration of her life for family
and friends was held. In lieu of flowers, contributions
may be made in Mary Jane's memory to the future
fund for the new Health Center at Cornwall Manor,
P.O. Box 125, Cornwall, PA 17016.
Guided Walking Tour of Downtown Lebanon
Back this year by popular demand!
Upcoming tour dates:
Special Bicentennial Celebration Tour
Saturday, July 20th at 10am – Guided by Don Rhoads, Jr.
“On July 20, 2013, a City of Lebanon walking tour will be held in honor of the Bicentennial of
Lebanon County. Don Rhoads, Jr., Bicentennial Committee Chairman, will share with participants the locations important to the early formation of Lebanon County, including sites of the
first jail, second courthouse and home to the county’s first official. Also, he will share other interesting locations throughout the tour route, including some sites notable to the city and county’s
heritage. Please plan to attend”
Saturday, August 17th at 10am – Guided by Warren Parks
Lebanon County
Historical Society
924 Cumberland Street
Lebanon, PA 17042-5139
Sign Up A Friend!
Many of you have friends who
you feel would be interested in
becoming members of the
Lebanon County Historical
Society. Maybe you need a gift
for that hard-to-buy-for person.
Or maybe someone you know
has asked about becoming a
member. Here is some of the
information you’ll need to know.
Membership benefits include
free museum tours, free library
use, free programs, invitations to
special events such as our Annual
Membership Dinner, the Seeds of
History newsletter published six
times a year, a copy of the annual
Society publication, and the
knowledge that you are participating in the promotion and
preservation of local history.
Yearly Membership fees are
$35.00 for individuals, and
$60.00 for families. Just send us
the name and address of your
friend along with a check in the
appropriate amount and we will
be happy to add them to our
Don’t keep your Historical
Society the “Best Kept Secret in
Spread the word!
The Lebanon County Historical Society
is registered as a charitable organization with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be
obtained from the Pennsylvania
Department of State by calling toll free
within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.
Registration does not imply
Calendar of Events
July 4
July 4
July 5
July 13
July 15
July 19-21
July 20
July 26
Thur. 4:30-9:30pm
Fri. 5-8pm
Sat. 9am-3pm
Sun. 11am-3pm
Sat. 10am
Fri. 7:30pm
CLOSED–Society Building closed in observance of Independence Day
Special Rides at the Union Canal Tunnel Park
First Friday Art Walk “Brides of Lebanon County” Exhibit in the Front Parlor Gallery
Annual Garden Tour, featuring Myerstown area gardens
Motorcycle Show in Downtown Lebanon, sponsored by CLA
Living History at the Fort Indiantown Gap PA National Guard Military Museum
Walking Tour of Lebanon County History
“Mt. Gretna’s Special Place in Lebanon County’s History” at the Chautauqua
Community Bldg, Mt. Gretna, PA
July 27Aug 3
Aug 2
Aug 4
Aug 16
Aug 17
Aug 17
Aug 18
Sept 2
Sept 6
Sept 15
Sept 28
Sept 28
Fri. 5-8pm
Sun. 1:30pm
Fri. 6-9pm
Sat. 10am
Sat. 3-8pm
Sun. Noon-5pm
Fri. 5-8pm
Sun. 1:30pm
Sat. 9am-4pm
Lebanon Area Fair at the Expo Center – Come visit the Society’s booth!!!
First Friday Art Walk, “Brides of Lebanon County” Exhibit in the Front Parlor Gallery
Lebanon County Genealogy Club meeting
“Blast!” wine and beer tasting at the Historic Cornwall Iron Furnace
Walking Tour of Downtown Lebanon
Community Picnic at Fireman’s Park in Palmyra, PA
Classic Car Show in downtown Lebanon, sponsored by the CLA
CLOSED – Society Building CLOSED in observance of Labor Day
First Friday Art Walk, “Brides of Lebanon County” Exhibit in the Front Parlor Gallery
Sunday Society Program Presenter TBA
8th St. Jazz Festival & Fall Crafts Fair in downtown Lebanon, sponsored by the CLA
County Fair at the Isaac Meier Homestead
* Dates and meeting times may be subject to change. Please call 717-272-1473 to confirm programs.