Thank you for another great year! Your generos
Thank you for another great year! Your generos
St. John Neumann Parish is a gathered people, acting in word, sacrament, witness and service toward all, with gratitude to God our Father, through Jesus Christ our Brother with the Holy Spirit our Guide. A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust Dec. 20, 2015 Thank you for another great year! Your generosity is greatly appreciated! 4th Sunday of Advent THE WEEK AHEAD CALENDAR Sunday, Dec. 20 10:30 AM Children’s Choir 12:30 PM High School Encounter 12:30 PM Church Decorating Monday, Dec. 21 12:00 PM Over 50’s 7:00 PM St. Alphonsus Penance Service Tues. Dec. 22 9:45 AM Scripture Study Weds. Dec. 23 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Christmas Caroling SJN Prayer Ministry - Holy Hour Adult Choir Caroling & Pot Luck MOMS Thurs, Dec. 24 Friday, Dec. 25 Sat. Dec. 26 Reverend Albin C. McGinnis, Ext. 20 Pastor & Trust Adm. [email protected] Richard Caruso, Ext. 23, Permanent Deacon Parish Office 412-366-2020, Joan Kiliany, Parish Secretary, ext. 10 Religious Education Office 412-366-5885 Lisa Rind, Rel. Ed. Secretary, ext 12 Barbara Stokes, Ext.13 Director for Rel. Education, Family & Sac. Ministries Kelly Reed, Ext. 16 Dir. For Rel. Ed, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Barbara Matera, Ext. 18 Dir. for Rel. Ed, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Julie Amatangelo, Ext. 15 Director of Youth Ministry Jessica Bucci, Ext. 10, Director of Music Ministry Andrew James, Ext. 11, Facilities Manager Larry Badaczewski, Ext. 56, Pastoral Counselor Sue Bodziach, Ext. 14, Protecting God’s Children READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56 Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79 Friday: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28; Ps 128:1-5 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, Dec. 19 9:00 AM Sylvia Schiberl (Full Family) 2:30 PM Caruso/Mittal Wedding 5:30 PM For the People of SJN Parish Sunday, Dec. 20, 4th Sunday of Advent 8:00 AM Fr. Phil Fink (John & Iris Parks) 9:30 AM Joanne Wall (Sarah & Charlie Schneider) 11:30 AM Deceased members of the Anthony Dentici Family (Family) Monday, Dec. 21 9:00 AM Nicholas Mance (Ross & Jeanette Crosby) Tuesday, Dec. 22 9:00 AM Agnes Chasler (Salt Family) Wednesday, Dec. 23 6:30 PM John Julian (Charlie & Sarah Schneider) Thursday, Dec. 24 4:00 PM For the People of SJN Parish 8:00 PM For the People of SJN Parish 11:00 PM For the People of SJN Parish Friday, Dec. 25, The Nativity of the Lord 9:00 AM For the People of SJN Parish 11:00 AM For the People of SJN Parish Saturday, Dec. 26, St. Stephen, The 1st Martyr 9:00 AM Cora & Jack Rice (Ruth Craig & Family) 5:30 PM Edward Dye (Daryl Hagen) Sunday, Dec. 27 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM Rosemary Wainwright (Iris & John Parks) Myrna Olszewski (Vicki & Jim Vanpelt) For the People of SJN Parish WELCOME Whether you come from near or far, we are honored that you have chosen to join us. As your presence here is a blessing to us, may God’s presence here be a blessing to you. LIGHT All the darkness of the world cannot put out the light of one small candle. Operating Camp. Alive Parish Share Holy Day Fundraising Youth Ministry Misc. Dec. 20 $ 9,179.00 9,347.00 5,271.00 1,651.00 1,992.11 530.00 581.00 $28,551.11 PARISH NEWS SJN CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S MASS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE, THURSDAY, DEC. 24 4:00, 8:00 & 11:00 PM CHRISTMAS DAY, FRIDAY, DEC. 25 9:00 & 11:00 AM MARY, MOTHER OF GOD THURSDAY, DEC. 31 AT 5:30 PM FRIDAY, JAN. 1 AT 10 AM CHURCH DECORATING TODAY For it to look like Christmas at SJN we need some help. Help us out after the 11:30 Mass TODAY, Sunday, Dec. 20 to get our church ready for Christmas. Many hands make light work! CAROLING SJN choir members will be leading two (or possibly more) groups that will carol with residents at the Calais and Stonebrook Apts., Vincentian and Manor Care nursing homes on Weds., December 23 from 5-7pm followed by a potluck chili dinner. Contact Victoria Sheridan: [email protected] FINAL ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE ST. ALPHONSUS - DECEMBER 22 @ 7 PM FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT In proclaiming the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis proclaimed his desire that this Holy Year be “steeped in mercy,” as we disciples “go out to every man and woman,” bringing the “balm of mercy” to “believers and those far away, as a sign that the Kingdom of God is already present in our midst!” (Misericordiae Vultus, 5). In her visitation of Elizabeth, Mary beautifully presents just such an image. Despite the perils of her pregnancy, not to mention her preoccupations as a young unwed mother, Mary instantly, unselfishly, “goes out” of herself, hastening far and over dangerous terrain, to “bring the balm of God’s tender mercy” in assistance rendered to her older relative. Since baptism and the Eucharist have made us, in a way, bearers of the living Christ within as Mary was, such selfless “going out” of ourselves to be of loving service to others in mercy should especially mark our Christmas season this Jubilee Year. Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION,WEDS., DEC. 23 Please join us as we lift up all those names on the SJN prayer list. Adoration will begin immediately following the 6:30 pm Mass. Prepare your hearts for Christmas celebration by experiencing a Silent & Holy Night. SJN CHRISTMAS COLLECTION If you would like your Christmas Offering directed to either Church Alive or Parish Share, please note such on your envelope or check, and we will direct your contribution that way. On Christmas, a second diocesan collection will be taken for the annual Christmas Charities for Children and Youth. Contributions to the Children/ Youth Christmas are credited against our diocesan Parish Share obligation. We thank you for your continued generosity to St. John Neumann Parish. OPLATKA These special Christmas wafers are now available at the Advent display. They are a wonderful Christmas tradition no matter what nationality you claim. Take a look at them and read the story and maybe make this part of your Christmas meal this year. Donation is $3. MASS CHANGES With the upcoming Holidays, there will be no 9 am Morning Mass on: Thursday, Dec. 24 Thursday, Dec. 31 Friday Jan. 1 CONCERT AT SJN On Monday, December 28 @ 7:00 PM, join us for a special evening of music with Daniel Ficarri at the organ! Danny is excited to present this concert to the St. John Neumann community while he is home from his studies at The Juilliard School in New York City. Invite your family and friends to make this concert a special part of the holiday season. Admission is free. CHRISTMAS EVE Join us prior to the Christmas Eve Masses to enjoy some Christmas favorites! We will be starting prior to Mass to sing carols and hear some of St John Neumann’s own vocalists and instrumentalists sing and play music worshipping our newborn Christ. The Children’s Choir will be singing the 4pm Mass in the church, and the Adult Choir will be singing the 8pm Mass. At 7:30pm, the Adult Choir, our instrumentalists, and soloists will start with music; music will begin 15 minutes prior to 4pm and 11pm Masses. KEEP ADVENT & CHRISTMAS Just a little time left to keep the season of Advent. Use it well in your family and in your heart to prepare for the Feast of Christmas this week. Take a look at ALL the resources in the lobby. Find something for yourself, your family, grandkids, etc. Just keep the season holy! Come Lord Jesus come! Also, we have added Oplatki, Christmas pens and bracelets for you. SAVE THE DATE Please mark your calendar to attend the Respect Life Committee’s annual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, January 10th, after all Masses. The free-will donations will support Genesis House and the Women’s Choice Network. Donations will support the needs of pregnant women at Genesis House and the ultrasound scans performed by Women’s Choice Network. We’ll also be collecting baby items (diapers, clothes, baby wipes, etc.) during the pancake breakfast after all Masses on January 10th. The collected items will be donated to Catholic Charities. Come celebrate Life with pancakes, sausage and more! Thank you for your support. RCIA Our candidates Matt, Diana and Sophie felt your welcome and prayer as they celebrated the Rite of Acceptance. Now they journey toward the Easter sacraments through this period of the catechumenate. During this time, we’ll study and learn more about the Mass and sacraments. Especially now they need our prayers and support. Weekly Thursday classes will resume on January 7, 2016. We are blessed! THANKS Our 1st semester of Monday school came to a close with an awesome reflection and performance by Cindy DeAlmeida. We are so blessed at SJN - all of our speakers have been wonderful and so gracious to us. Look ahead to our January Monday School on January 11 and January 18. More info in next week’s bulletin. Just mark the date now on your new calendar. We want you to come! HOUSE BLESSINGS If you would like to have your house blessed during the Christmas season by Deacon Rick, please contact him at [email protected] or 412-366-2020, ext. 23. He’ll work with you to schedule a time to come to your home to share scripture and prayers of blessings of Christmas. HOAGIES, BREAD, CHOCOLATE - OH MY! Thanks to all who helped with any or all of these works to help SJN and Catholic Relief Services to help others. SACRAMENTAL BAPTISM PREP We are encouraged to prepare for every sacrament we receive. Super important when we participate in Baptism - especially as we bring a child to baptism. To help you at this special time, we offer our next Baptism Prep class for anyone anticipating the celebration of baptism in their family. Our next class is January 10, 2016. No sessions are scheduled for December. Call the Religious Ed. Office (ext. 12) to register. MARRIAGE PREP Are you or do you know somebody planning a wedding in 2016? Consider SJN for one of the best marriage prep programs. Register now for Sat, Feb. 20, 2016. Size is limited and registration (on line) is necessary FIRST SACRAMENTS All of our young people preparing for First Communion in the spring have now received the Sacrament of Penance. This first time experience of reconciliation can be repeated as often as we need the grace of this sacrament. It is not a once for all, but rather a life long habit of trying to live closer and closer to the Lord. So don’t hesitate to come again on Saturday morning at 9:30 to celebrate reconciliation. Also, now we concentrate more on preparing for 1st Communion so make sure you are signed up for 1st Communion Family Activity on January 31. Call the Rel. Ed. Office (ext. 12). YOUTH MINISTRY Encounter: High School Youth Ministry December 20: Ugly Sweater Christmas Party & gift exchange 2016 : January: 3, 17 & 31. February 14 & 28 Do Something Great This Summer Join your friends to serve the people of Logan, WV July 17-23, 2016. Please contact Julie ([email protected]) to let her know that you are interested in learning about the trip and she will send you info on our next meeting. Ignite Schedule Ignite (faith formation for 7th & 8th graders) is held every other Wednesday from 6:308:30pm, We’ll resume after Christmas on January 6 & 20, February 3 & 17, March 2, 16 & 30, April 13 & 27. Please mark your calendars now. We’ve had a record turnout this semester and want to keep that going! Thank you for making the effort to get your middle schooler to Ignite! SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Middle School Service Opportunity: WORLD VISION Who: When: 7th & 8th grade middle schoolers & friends Saturday, January, 23, 2016 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Where: World Vision, 210 Overlook Dr, Sewickley, PA 15143 Sign -up: By January 16, 2016 to Anne Mlecko at [email protected] Volunteers will participate in sorting and packing clothing for distribution to domestic and international communities in need. World Vision’s Pittsburgh Global Distribution Center is conveniently located just off the Sewickley exit of I-79. · Parents are asked to drop off their students at the World Vision location at 9:00 am and pick up at the same location by 12:00 pm. SPIRITUAL SCRIPTURE STUDY ….during the Christmas Season will be held on Tuesday instead of Thursday. Please come on Dec. 22 and/or Dec. 29 to read and pray the coming Sunday Scripture. All are welcome! FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE… This week, Dec. 20, the quote from Pope Francis is: May we stop before the Child of Bethlehem and allow the tenderness of God to warm our hearts. A LAST MINUTE GIFT IDEA FOR HIM Still looking for a gift for that important man in your life? How about a gift certificate for the Men’s Retreat at St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center? March 11-13, 2016 is the designated weekend for St. John Neumann’s annual Lenten Retreat. Show that you care about his spirit, too. Contact Andrew James (412 -366-5885, [email protected]) or Paul Crnkovic (412367-7481) for more information about our retreat weekend. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN All church volunteers (age 18 and over) must participate in this child sex abuse awareness seminar. The workshop is being offered at the following location: St. John Neumann Sunday, January 24 1:30 pm This requirement can also be completed on-line. Contact Sue Bodziach, SJN’s new Safe Environment Coordinator (412-366-5885 x14) for more information about Protecting God’s Children and completing all volunteer clearances mandated by the Catholic Church. CHILDREN’S CHOIR Any former children’s choir member is asked to join the choir during the Holiday Season. Please sit behind them in church & join them in celebrating Mass. Please call Annie Snyder at 412-526-0077 for the mass schedule when they will be singing. This is their 35th year of making beautiful music for our parish! MISC. GIFT CARDS Great for Christmas, Great for Youth Ministry. Pick up a Giant Eagle gift card and earn fuel perks, grab a Chick-fil-A gift card for your favorite youth minister :) get a Target gift card for your Christmas shopping and support SJN Youth Ministry. Each gift card you purchase earns a percentage profit for great opportunities for teens like: retreats, our summer mission trip, and the teen leadership conference. Go to then ENCOUNTER and click on the GIFT CARDS square for an order form & info. CALENDARS Please pick up a Catholic calendar for your home. It is a good way to remember the special saints and feasts that the church celebrates throughout the year. OPPORTUNITY TO HELP THE POOR Pope Francis has energized the world to focus more in serving the poor. Our St. John Neumann Appalachia group have been serving the poor in Preston County, West Virginia for 30 years. Over 70 adults and teens travel to Preston County every June to work on home improvement projects. The spirit of service is a true blessing for our parish and especially for our young people. We host several fund raising events during the year to raise money for home improvement supplies, transportation and lodging. If spending a week at the Appalachia work camp doesn’t suit you, but you would like to support the commitment St. John Neumann has to this worthy endeavor, please seriously consider a monetary donation. Make checks payable to SJN Appalachia and deposit in the collection basket or drop off at the church office. We are most grateful for your support. RECENT DEATHS Please pray for the souls of.. Matthew Harrold, grandson of Diana Harrold Jim Lochner, brother of Cathy Weaver Suzanne McClelland, sister of Geralyn Smith Parishioner Jack Wassell, husband of Patricia May the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace.