Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News - Houghton Bossington
Houghton News Barry Diaper This month’s editor - Lucy Gosse Here is your professionally printed magazine….in colour! This excellent improvement is thanks to the PCC which decided to use a professional print company when the lease on its printer ran out last month. Apart from the improved paper quality and the brilliance of having photographs and advertisement in all their colourful glory, it saves the Editors photocopying and manually stapling 150 magazines each month! Please note: because of additional ‘lead’ days now needed to get the magazine printed and delivered to you as early as possible each month, the monthly deadline for articles is 18th of the month. And more changes: we are sad to see Gloria and Trevor leave the village. They have faithfully looked after our Village Hall including handling bookings for 15 years and Trevor has also kept a beady eye on the cleanliness and safety of the playground equipment. We wish them happiness in their new home and thank them for all they have contributed to the village over the years. The main event in the village this month is of course the Houghton Trail - Sunday 19 April, with Dickie Davis once again sounding the Starter horn. It’s not too late to volunteer to help with this popular event ….or to register to run or cycle...just contact Bob (388617) or Fiona (389237). The briefing for marshals/helpers will be on Saturday 18 April at the Village Hall from 10 am. At least there will be coffee and bacon butties available, as it’s also the Village Coffee Morning! This month in and around Houghton... Sat 11 Apr Mon 13 Apr Wed 15 Apr Sat 18 Apr Sun 19 Apr Mon 20 Apr Fri 24 Apr Sun 26 Apr Churchyard Working Party (p4) Parish Council, Parish Assembly (p7) Village Hall Cttee AGM 7.00 pm (p5) Village Coffee Morning (p6) HOUGHTON TRAIL (p3) WI Meeting (p9) Ladies Pamper/Shopping Evening (p12) Skate Park Fest, Broughton (p15) Spring flowers in the churchyard Keep up, keep up! Deadline for articles and ads: 18 April 2015 ‘STOP PRESS’ Following Bev Barker’s decision to step down from her role as Clerk to Houghton Parish Council, there is an advertisement for the post on page 8 of this magazine. Email: [email protected] Village Website www.houghton-bossington.org.uk Church News Easter is one of the most wonderful times of the year, not only is it a time when nature is renewing itself with new life bursting forth everywhere but it is also a time when God brings us the promise of new life through his love and resurrection. Barry Diaper In the Gospel of St John, Mary Magdalene's life is turned inside out at meeting the risen Lord and the only thing she can proclaim to the disciples is 'I have seen the Lord', and so the woman whose expectation of sitting with death at the tomb is filled with resurrection knowledge after speaking to the risen Jesus who calls her by name.... Mary! This has profound consequences for all of us as it shows that God is the God of the resurrection and that our eternal life is with a Heavenly Father who cares for us and calls us to life after this life is done. Please join us across the Benefice churches for fellowship as we meet to worship and praise the Risen Lord this Easter. With Easter Blessings. Ron Maundy Thursday - April 2 7.30 pm Eucharist & Foot Washing at St Mary’s, Broughton Good Friday - April 3 10.00 am Family Service at All Saints, Houghton 2.00 pm Music & Meditation at St Mary’s Parish Register Deaths Jon Trowsdale Rona Cant 13 March 22 March Tributes will follow in the May magazine. 2 HOUGHTON TRAIL SUNDAY 19 APRIL All proceeds to All Saints Church Houghton * 32K Cycle* *11K Trail Run* *14K Cycle* *5K Cycle* *4K Fun Run* Adults £10 Under 16 £6 Village Hall, Stevens Drove 10.15 am Registration from 9.00 am Not suitable for Wheelchairs or pushchairs THANKS as ALWAYS t o our sponsors and VOLUNTEERS! For details on HOW TO ENTER Please visit www.houghton-trail-event.org.uk or email [email protected] Would you like to HELP OR BE INVOLVED? PLEASE CALL! Fiona/Rod - 01794 389237 or Bob/Lucy - 01794 388617 3 Churchyard working party Saturday 11 April 10 am - Noon. We will be raking, excavating around the shed, building compost bins, moving snowdrops and exposing old graves… ...so plenty to do for all ages and abilities!!! All help very much appreciated. Please bring some garden tools if you can…..and remember to wear gardening gloves! If you can’t make this date but would be happy to go to the churchyard and carry out work in your own time please let us know - we would be delighted to hear from you. Thank you. Clare, Michael & Iona Broughton Bright Hour Thursdays at 2.30 pm in the Meeting Room St. Mary’s Church, Broughton. Speakers for April 2 Mrs. Gina Livermore 9 Mr. Malcolm Green 16 Mrs. Linda Rowe (Gideons) 23 Mr. Desmond Graves 30 Miss Barbara Hillier Everyone welcome Please come and join us. For more information, contact Barbara Perry, Booking Secretary 01794 301466 CHURCH CLEANING ROTA - April 5 12 19 26 Sharon Morgan Fiona Evans Helen King Jan Gregory Julie Moldon Sheila Coulton Diane Haslam Lucy Gosse Would you share your thoughts about the village with us…...or your memories of times gone by…..? If you would prefer us to come and talk to you to collect your thoughts, we’d be very happy to do so. The editors of Houghton News would love to hear from anyone about their life in the village—either now or about past memories of the village. We’re very grateful to those who already contribute items to the magazine, either words or photographs. Please don’t wait to be asked! 4 Village Hall News Village Hall AGM Wednesday 15 April: 7pm All welcome! TWO JOBS ON OFFER at THE VILLAGE HALL! . Cleaner required 2 hours Wednesday mornings before the yoga class 7.30-9.30 am £10 per hour. Caretaker/Cleaner/Maintenance Person for approximately 4 hours per month. This will include taking care of any additional cleaning, looking after the telephone box, checking guttering, bleeding radiators, sweeping the car park, watering plants etc. The job-holder, should ideally, live within quick and easy access to the Village Hall and be available to attend to short-notice and unexpected events. £10 per hour. Although this has been advertised as two different jobs, one person could do both. If you or anyone you know are interested in helping maintain this community facility for the village, please contact: Rosie Cardoe 07794 902467 or Clare Stephens 07814 094029 A big ‘THANK YOU’ from the Village Hall Committee to Julie Moldon who measured, sourced, made and hung the smart new curtains at the back of the Village Hall stage. “How most kind of you, Julie, to give your time and skill to make the stage area look so much better.” The Village Hall Committee is looking for any photographs (they will copy and return) pictures, memorabilia of anything to do with Houghton. We want to make a permanent display in the Village Hall to jolly up the walls. If you have an anything you’d like to share, please let someone on the Village Hall Committee know - thank you! February Village Hall £30 V Dougall £20 Lindsay Parker £10 Mark Kemp £5 Christine Smith An annual Village Hall Draw ticket is £12 a year (Jan-Dec) or pro rata if you join during the year. The draw takes place at The Boot Inn on the last Friday of the month, so it’s a lovely excuse to drop in and hopefully win some money to pay for your drinks! If you’d like to buy a Draw ticket contact Nick Harding or James Allport 5 Village Coffee Morning Lucy and Clare look forward to seeing you on Saturday 18 April - 10.30 am - Noon For a cuppa and a cake and/or a bacon buttie! April’s Coffee Morning will also be a briefing for marshals/helpers at this year’s Houghton Trail - so should be even busier than usual! Many thanks to everyone for their generous support …and to Maureen for her ever delicious bacon butties! Thank you to those who kindly donated to the Andover Food Bank box at the March coffee morning. The Village Coffee Morning will always be a collection point for much appreciated donations of non-perishable food (with a future ‘use by’ date!). If you can’t make a Coffee Morning but would like to donate, please contact Lucy (01794 388617) or leave your donation by her back door. Thank you! Lucy and Clare are always open to new ideas for village coffee mornings…. do let us know your thoughts! The Village Coffee Mornings donate profits either to the Village Hall (we made a £40 donation following the March Coffee Morning) and/or another local or national charity. If you or someone you know, would like to have a Table Top Sale to raise money for their own charity, please let Lucy or Clare know so that it can be booked into a Coffee Morning; there is no charge. Businesses who bring their stall make a donation/percentage of sales. Singing for Fun If you’d like to join, you’d be welcome for our Summer Term - we are expertly and sympathetically led by Helen King. Thursdays 7.45 pm to 8.45 pm in the church. You don’t have to be able to read music - you don’t have to have sung before or for a very long time - you might just want to ‘have a go’ and see how you feel about singing! If you would like more information please let one of us know . Iona Priestley Lucy Gosse Helen King 6 01794 388015 01794 388617 07917 161585 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Informal notes from Houghton Parish Council: March 2015 Finance: Parish Council funds stand at £10,419.36 potential affordable housing development at this stage. Planning TVBC has notified Houghton Parish Council (HPC) of the following applications: North Houghton Manor: various works—permitted Four Winds: outline permission for 4 dwellings HPC objected to revised application for Solar Farm at Eveley. (Broughton PC supports the application). HPC supports the following applications: Lavender Cottage: pollard willow and acer The Old Rectory: pollard/crown lift 2 trees. Houghton Lodge: convert calf pens to tourist accommodation. Kents Orchards: fell 4 ash and remove conifer hedge Willow House: cut back ash tree Grass Cutting and Playground Inspections: because both current contractors are leaving the area shortly; Cllr Alan Young is keen to hear from anyone interested in applying for these (paid) positions, which required regular and reliable provision. In response to a request from Lucy Gosse, Alan Young said he would arrange for the playing field be cut not less than 5 days before this year’s Houghton Trail which on 19 April. Neighbourhood Watch: Llyn Adams has confirmed she is still a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator and will be obtaining up to date information for publicity throughout the village. Bossington: fallen horse-chestnut trees have now been removed from the river, thanks to HCC Cllr Andrew Gibson’s procurement of funding; HCC will be asked to carry out a 'safety' survey of the remaining chestnut trees. Village Welcome pack: Gina Livermore has advised the PC that the PCC will organisie an updating of the existing pack and will liaise with Houghton News editors and distributor to help ensure all newcomers to the village are given a copy, as well as a copy of Houghton News. Street lights: following consultation with villagers at the top of Stevens Drove, the PC will ask HCC to arrange a dimming of both village street lights by 50% from dusk to midnight by 75% midnight to 5am; and to request shields to the lights to ensure downlighting only, to enable the night sky to be visible during hours of darkness. Broken fencing alongside Daniel Busk’s field behind the playing field will be removed by the Parish Lengthsman Village Agent : Claire Hodge has been appointed (as publicised in the March Houghton News) to support the aged in Houghton; a ‘partner’ Village Agent is still required, to share duties with Claire. Affordable housing: there appears to be conflicting information received by the PC from various agencies about the actual requirements in the village for such housing. Cllr Peter Boulton advised that TVBC’s Development Officer, Jackie Evans, would have the definitive information. The PC decided not to pursue 7 Village Hall: the AGM is on 16 April and Rosie Cardoe, Chairman, said there will be a number of changes on the Committee. Both Trevor and Gloria Smith are standing down—a Caretaker is still sought. A defibrillator is now installed and someone is required to be trained to used the equipment . Rosie confirmed that there are no imminent plans to pursue the major extension developments on the Hall. All Saints Church: Michael Woodhall gave a good update on church developments: funding for 6 new bells and renovation of the Bernard Memorial has now been received and the bell foundry is currently manufacturing the new bells. A grant of £5,000 has been received for roof and window repairs; £2,000 is still needed to fund necessary work to a number of large trees. The clearing and planting work (including bulbs now in flower) in the churchyard continues with a number of successful village working parties, kindly organised by Iona Priestley and Clare Stephens. Thanks to Sue Marshall and others were expressed for cleaning the frame holding the copy of the Albani painting. Next Parish Council meeting Parish Assembly Monday 13 April 2015 at 7.30 pm Come along and find out what the Parish Council is doing for the village - and have your say about matters that are important to you in the village! LG Houghton Parish Council - Vacancy for Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer To carry out the necessary functions and duties to support the parish council The job holder is responsible for setting agendas for the bi-monthly meetings, attending the meetings and preparing the formal Minutes for approval. Responsibilities include handling the Council’s correspondence, maintaining accurate financial records and preparing accounts for audit and VAT purposes. Applicants should possess sound IT and administration skills and ideally some financial accounting experience. Previous parish council experience is desirable but not essential. The role may be suitable for an existing Parish Clerk who wishes to take on additional work. The post is part-time, working from home for between 15 and 18 hours per month. Conditions of employment and remuneration are based on the National Association of Local Council’s salary recommendations and are dependent on the candidate’s experience and qualifications. For a full job description or for more information please contact the current Clerk, Mrs B Barker at [email protected] or call 01794 389131 To apply please send an up to date CV to: Cllr Philip Page - Chairman, Houghton Parish Council C/o Mrs B Barker, 7 Stevens Drove, Houghton, Stockbridge, SO20 6LP Closing date for receipt of applications: 24 April 2015 8 Houghton WI At our March meeting Rosina Brandham gave us an excellent illustrated talk about the gardener Joseph Paxton. Paxton worked his way up from being a garden boy to becoming the head gardener at Chatsworth in 1826, under the patronage of the Duke of Devonshire. At Chatsworth he redesigned the gardens, built enormous fountains, planted a Pinetum and constructed a huge glass and wood framed conservatory covering an acre of land. This was to house some of the specimen plants gathered from all around the world - this was a time when plant hunting was at its peak and is the foundation of many of the plants we have in our gardens today. Congratulations go to Sandra Harper who has won the ballot to represent Houghton WI at the Royal Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in June. Julie Moldon has organised a varied speaker programme for 2015-2016 plus outings to Longstock Water Gardens and Athelhampton House and gardens. We are very grateful for all her hard work. Although our WI is small we have something to interest everyone. The Book Club and the Lunch Club meet monthly. The skittles, darts and walking group will soon begin again. We are supporting two local car events this spring by providing our renowned refreshments. It's time to start baking! The next meeting is on Monday 20 April at 7.30, when Patricia Laws will give us a ‘Light hearted look at Astrology’ Visitors are always welcome, so do please contact our secretary, Julie Harwood on 01264810314 for further details. The WI is also running the ever popular Refreshments Tent at this year’s Houghton Trail. Terrific! There is now a Defibrillator fitted to the outside of the Village Hall, for emergency medical use. We need people to be trained to operate it . Rosie Cardoe is arranging for training to be given within the next month and will publicise dates as soon as they are available. If you would like to volunteer for this valuable community service, please contact Rosie. No medical training is required. 9 Letter from Mollie Hello everyone! Well, I can see that it is going to be a right miserable time here this Easter! I have been to the dreaded vet about my poorly leg, and he said I needed to loose even more weight! That man is obsessed with the scales, every time I go in there it’s “sit on the scales Mollie like a good girl” well I’m not a good girl, and I have been sulking for three weeks. No games, no ball, and reduced rations, and I still have a poorly leg! I spend a lot of evenings chasing my tail round the lounge and up and down the bedroom passage; Mum says that is certainly not going to help! But what is a border collie to do? I am not the sort of doggie who spends long periods of time in my basket! I absolutely hate the vet, in the surgery there is a 2 inch crack below the door, and I dug frantically with my paws to try and make it a bit bigger so that I might escape! But Mum soon put a stop to that! And as for Easter eggs… don’t even think about it! I am lucky if a few morsels of doggy dins are on my plate, let alone anything as exotic as an Easter egg! Actually, Mum did relent a bit and throw the ball one day last week. We went to see a friend of Mum’s who lives in a fairly built up place, but there is a nice playing field not far away, when we went in there I begged for my ball, and eventually she went to the car and came back, throwing it for me, I was in doggy heaven, my leg didn’t hurt a bit and I ran faster and faster, Mum looked worried but I really did enjoy myself, and showed off to lots of other doggies who were being kept on leads! That is what a border collie ought to be doing! Anyway, Mum is taking me to a physiotherapist on Thursday, at great expense, she said! Mum said that she took Billy to the same lady some years ago and he bit her! Well, I shan’t do that, but I might have to hide under something! I am also having lots of additives in my food, Mum says it is to help my joints, I said to her, “just throw the ball and see how my joints can operate!! I take every opportunity to run when I get the chance, chasing the coal bucket is quite a good game but it doesn’t last long, there is only so much coal to be fetched in an evening! Mum has got a new mower, the type you sit on and I have to chase that around a bit, and round it up, Mum says there is no hope for me, and I shall have to be shut in! but she has got to catch me first! Happy Easter to you all! Love, Mollie. PS: there will be an up to date colour photograph of me in the next magazine! HAHA—Houghton Allotment Holders Association An allotment with a shed is unexpectedly available! £25 per year, including a contribution to overall site maintenance. HAHA is having an AGM on Wednesday 22 April 8 pm at The Boot Inn All welcome….to find out what we’re doing….. or planning to do! Please contact Lucy Gosse (HAHA Secretary) for more information or if you’d like an allotment! [email protected] 388617 10 This month’s recipe ……..sounds particularly delicious - thank you Rosie for letting us in on this secret! With the current fickle weather it sounds quite yummy. If you’d like to share a favourite recipe, please let [email protected] know! LAMB SHANKS WITH FIGS AND HONEY - Serves 6 You can use red lentils to thicken the stew instead of flour, therefore, gluten free. 3 tbsp mild olive oil 6 lamb shanks 300g onions 2 garlic cloves 2 sprigs fresh rosemary/1 level dessertspoon dried rosemary 2 tablespoons of split red lentils 250g dried figs, halved 1 tsp ground allspice 2 cinnamon sticks, crumbled 2 tablespoons runny honey 500ml red wine Preheat oven 150C. Heat the oil in a casserole dish and brown the lamb shanks, in batches if necessary. Transfer to a bowl. Chop the onions and garlic finely and fry with the rosemary in the casserole dish until the onion is soft. Add the lentils, figs, allspice, cinnamon, honey and wine and 250ml water to the pan. Stir well and bring to the boil. Return shanks to the pan and place in the oven for 1½ hours. It is best to make the dish the day before, allowing it the cool and then you can remove any excess fat that has appeared on top of the dish before reheating. Reheat in the oven at 150C for approx 20 minutes or until the meat is piping hot. Weddings at Houghton Lodge 18 July 25 July 1 August 8 August 22 August 5 Sept 12 Sept 11 12 COULD YOU BECOME A STEWARD AT ROMSEY ABBEY? Romsey Abbey stewards come from all walks of life. They are not guides, but are there to welcome all visitors to the Abbey, whether for a wedding or a funeral, as a tourist from the UK or overseas, for a service or a lunchtime concert or a rehearsal, to light a candle, or have a quiet time. Stewards also answer questions where they can, and point visitors in the direction of further information. They are there every day, and play a vital role in creating an open and welcoming atmosphere for all those visiting the Abbey. We need over forty stewards every week. Most attend for two hours every week or fortnight, others are prepared to step in for absences. There are currently gaps in the rota, and always a need for more stewards to fill those gaps and to stand in for absences. Full training and support is given, stewards normally work as a team of two, and it can be a thoroughly enjoyable, stimulating experience. Most stewarding vacancies occur at weekends, Saturday afternoons between 12.30pm and 4.30pm particularly, and Sunday between 1pm and 5pm. During the week, Wednesday 11am – 1pm and Friday 10.30am to 2.30pm are presently vacant. Stewards welcomed over 41,500 day time visitors to the Abbey during 2014 (7500 more than in 2013) including over 5000 during the 2 weeks of Romsey Festival. If you would like to talk over the possibility of joining them, please contact Sheila Latimer by phone or email - Romsey Abbey Stewards, 01794 523120, [email protected] Free Range Pork - Preserves Home Grown Produce - Cakes & Eggs Plants - Crafts Refreshments Every Thursday 10:00 – 11:45 Stockbridge Town Hall 13 PUZZLE CORNER Across 1. Come into existence (9) 7. Desert plants (5) 9. Entice (5) 10. Paddles (4) 11. Pugilist (5) 14. Brass instrument (5) 15. Wood file (4) 18. Magical incantation (5) 19. Last letter of the Greek alphabet (5) 20. The history of a word (9) Down 2. Profit (4) 3. Country (6) 4. Moderate (9) 5. Performer (5) 6. Pig pen (3) 8. Rotund (9) 12. Downhill ski race (6) 13. Lance (5) 16. Make a request (3) 17. Hard work (4) 14 Solutions page 23 Chicken and Egg Can you match the position of each hen (A, B, C) with its name and the number of eggs it laid? 1. Scratchy laid twice as many eggs as the hen at C. 2. The hen at B laid three more eggs than Chooky. 3. One of the hens is called Pecky. 4. One hen laid 2 eggs, one laid 4 eggs and one laid 5 eggs. Action for Village Youth NOON Sunday 26th April at the Broughton Skate Park (next to cemetery off Salisbury Rd) SKATE PARK FEST BMXing Rollerblading SKATEboarding STUNT scooter riding Demos by TEAM EXTREME® professional skaters and free coaching. Competitions and jams. (www.teamextreme.co.uk) !! FREE ENTRY !! Why not come along and have a go? Participation on ramps suitable for age 8 and up; anyone can come and watch and enjoy the fun. All bikes, boards and roller blades provided, plus safety equipment. Participants under the age of 16 will need written parental permission. BBQ run by the Broughton Boys Big Battlefield Bike Ride team in aid of Help The Heroes. Forms available in Westview Stores, Broughton and at the park on the day. Event sponsored by Action For Broughton Youth, Test Valley BC, Broughton PC, Broughton Fireworks Club and Hildon Water. 15 To advertise in this magazine... email: [email protected] or Telephone Fiona Evans - 01794 389237 Annual rates (10 editions) with effect from January 2014: Size Annual (10 editions) One-off insertion A4 Half page Quarter page £133 £66 £34 £13.30 £6.60 £3.40 www.kingssombornephysio.com Home Visits available 01794 389 251 07966 927 439 Fully registered with all the medical insurance companies Kings Somborne Physiotherapy And Acupuncture Clinic Do you suffer from any of the following? Lower Back Pain • Neck Pain • Nerve pain • Headaches Sciatica • Postural Problems • Frozen Shoulder Muscular Aches and Pains • Tennis / Golfer's Elbow Soft Tissue Injuries • Repetitive Strain Injuries • Sports Injuries Pregnancy Related Pain • Pelvic Floor Problems i.e. bladder weakness Signs of Ageing, Blemishes and Poor Skin Tone We fully understand and appreciate how irritating it can be to be out of action or struggling with an injury or pain. So whether it's your back or neck that's giving you grief, a sports injury, problems with your pelvic floor, a work related/postural problem or simply an aching limb or joint, we can help. Types of treatment we can offer: Manual therapy Ultrasound • Mobilisations • Massage and Trigger Point Acupuncture • Acupressure • Sports Injury Rehabilitation • Dry Needling Taping • Cupping • Myofascial Release • Pelvic Floor Assessment and Treatment Exercise Prescription • Ergonomic Advice • Education and Advice on Prevention Facial Enhancement/Rejuvenation Acupuncture (the natural alternative to Botox) 01794 389251 [email protected] Moorcourt, Palace Close, Kings Somborne, Stockbridge. SO20 6PS Please note: Views expressed in contributors’ articles published in this magazine are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Team. 16 17 Village Hall Available to hire for private functions, children’s parties, charitable events, etc. Oil-fired central heating Stage Kitchen with all amenities COMPETITIVE RATES EQUIPMENT HIRE FROM THE VILLAGE HALL Equipment may be hired from the Village Hall at the hire rates listed below. The new grey chairs are not for hire as we are keen to keep them in good condition. Equipment Hire Rates If you would like to use any of the hall facilities and/or equipment please contact: PLASTIC CHAIRS £1 TABLE small £2 TABLE large £3 URN £10 CUP/SAUCER 20p each SMALL PLATE 20p each BOWL 20p each £1 TEAPOT 20p each MUGS CUTLERY LARGE PLATE 50p for 10 pieces Maureen Stephens on 01794 389696 [email protected] Glass hire now available! £1 for 10 glasses (48hr period) - and convenientstored in crates! Breakages : £1/glass. 20p each Pick up and return time and date to be arranged with Maureen Breakages are at 10 times the cost of the hire per item. Hire payment required when you pick up the equipment, please! 18 ly Our local care team has been providing award winning quality homecare since 1989. A family run company we offer you a one-to-one 24 hour live in care service that enables you or your loved one to remain at home with compassion and dignity by assisting with: personal care, companionships, errands and housekeeping. So if you are looking for an alternative to residential care or as a short term answer whilst recovering from illness or operation—then we’re here to help. OCKENDEN TREE SERVICES Fully Qualified Arboricultural Contractors based in Old Sarum tel: 01722 321183 19 Tree Surgery Felling Hedge Cutting Site Clearance Stump Removal Free Quotes & Advice mob: 07947 380819 email: [email protected] www.ockendentrees.com Visit Feathers Restaurant for a refreshment stop, to meet up with friends for coffee, or for a leisurely meal as part of your day visit Breakfast Lunch Afternoon Tea Evening Events special menus * meal deals * children’s birthday parties * private functions * dining events * Fully licensed restaurant using locally produced, locally sourced produce Open every day 9.00 am—5.30 pm (except Christmas and Boxing Day) Breakfast Special – Full English Breakfast for £5.50 Served with tea, filter coffee or orange juice Available every day from 9.00am-11.00am Fish Friday Freshly battered fish served with chips and mush peas Available Fridays from 12.00pm-3.00pm Two courses for £7.50 (starter and main or main and dessert) Available Mon - Thurs from 12.00pm-2.30pm Toasted Teacake and Tea or Coffee - £2.50 Available every day from 3.00pm - 4.30pm (Above offers not available during weekends of school holidays). Free Wi-Fi to patrons. Ample parking. To take advantage of these special offers simply bring this advert with you when you visit Sarson Lane, Weyhill, Andover Hampshire, SP11 8DY t: 01264 773 850 e: [email protected] www.hawkconservancy.org 20 Special offer to Houghton News readers! Bring this cutting to admit TWO adults for the price of ONE to the Garden Normal price £6.50 Please put you name, address and date on the back of this cutting www.houghtonlodge.co.uk Hatha Yoga with Ruth Michael Saunders at Houghton Village Hall Beginners & Improvers welcome Wednesdays 10.00 - 11.30 Information/Booking Tel: 01722 349830 MPTA Pianos tuned, repaired and reconditioned www.hampshirepianotuner.co.uk Email: [email protected] 24 Stevens Drove Houghton Stockbridge Hampshire SO20 6LP Tel: 01794 389 585 / 07789 382057 FRENCHMOOR COUNTRY STOVES WOOD BURNING/ MULTIFUEL STOVES. FULL INSTALLATION. Cut back on oil and gas! CHIMNEY LINING. SERVICING. For friendly, professional advice please call and make an appointment to see our showroom. Frenchmoor, West Tytherley: 01794 340246 21 ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ● STOCKBRIDGE OSTEOPATHIC PRACTICE EMMA WIGHTMAN BSc(Hons)Ost. Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy A gentle hands on approach for newborns through to adulthood Sports Massage Injury prevention, relaxation and muscular health Pilates Courses tailored for 1 to 1 or small groups. Homeopathy Homeopathy can be used to complement conventional medical treatment, or be used as an alternative choice for many medical conditions. Naturopathy A natural therapy that uses nutrition and advises on lifestyle, to stimulate the healing process. www.stockbridgeosteopathicpractice.com [email protected] 01264 810028 M D PAINTING & DECORATING Private and commercial Specialists in all aspects of the trade Quality interior and exterior decorating service References available from satisfied customers Mark Davis Tel: 01264 393674 Mobile: 07773 221561 STEVE’S PIANO TUNING & REPAIR Does your piano need attention? Happy to offer help and advice when buying new pianos. Simple repairs carried out on site. Mobile 07905 451131 Land 02381 843927 email [email protected] web site https://sites.google.com/site/stevespianotuning/ Competitive rates to all readers! A local family run business covering all aspects of building work Call Lewis or Paul now for a free ‘no obligation’ quote 07799 664 308 / 07798 566 424 Email [email protected] www.brookbuildingservices.co.uk Lower Brook · Kings Somborne · Stockbridge · Hampshire DOMESTICAIR Appliance repair All leading makes Hotpoint/Creda Specialist Washing machines Tumble Driers Dishwashers Electric cookers, fridges etc Guaranteed work Qualified electrician Tel: 01794 390055 C. Cairns Moorlands Oakleigh Drive Landford Wiltshire SP5 1AT 23 MOBILE HAIR ST YLIST 7 years professional experience | NVQ Level 2 & 3 J Pascoe t/a Chilbolton Chair Company Makers & Upholsterers of fine quality furniture LAUREN GREGORY Local, reliable & friendly PRICE LIST Cut and blowdry Gents cut Blowdry Half head highlights Full head highlights T-section highlights Root colour Full head colour Perms E [email protected] M 07775 636647 £20 £10 £10 £40 £55 £25 £25 £30 £40 Unit 12B, Stonefield Park, Chilbolton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6BL Tel: 01264 861117 : Mobile 07582 850810 www.chilboltonchaircompany.co.uk We offer a wide range of services: Bespoke hand made furniture Complete re-upholstery of antique or modern furniture Supply of a wide range of fabrics Curtains, blinds, soft furnishings Stock items available for sale Please call, email or visit us at our workshop email: [email protected] Yoga ~ Pilates ~ Meditation ~ Mindfulness Daytime, evening and weekend classes for all abilities Private tuition available Beginners welcome New: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Pilates for Seniors Children’s holiday classes Tel: 01264 811158, Mob: 07764 949317 www.studioyoga.co.uk Tiebridge Farm, North Houghton, Stockbridge SO20 6LQ 24 A local, independent Company delivering fuel to homes and businesses across Hampshire Small enough to care, big enough to cope KEROSENE CENTRAL HEATING OIL GAS OIL BULK LPG GAS BOTTLE DELIVERY SPEEDY DELIVERY AT LOW COST SERVICING & MAINTENANCE BOILER BREAKDOWNS & REPAIRS NEW BOILER INSTALLATIONS AGA & RAYBURN SERVICING FREE SURVEYS & ESTIMATES Please call 01264 860263 or visit our website www.hbsfuels.com Thirt Way, Martins Lane, Chilbolton, Stockbridge, Hants SO20 6BL Broughton Joinery & Fitted Furniture Handmade Bespoke Kitchens Handmade Bespoke Kitchens Built-in Cupboards, Built-in Cupboards, Bookshelves & Wardrobes Bookshelves & Wardrobes Individual pieces of Furniture Individual pieces of Furniture Replacement Windows and Doors Replacement Windows and Doors Grandad’s Farm Grandad’s Farm Salisbury Road Salisbury Road Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8BX Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8BX Howard Howard Fletcher—01794 Fletcher—01794 301517 301517 www.broughtonjoineryandfittedfurniture.co.uk www.broughtonjoineryandfittedfurniture.co.uk Scratchy laid 4 eggs and hen C laid 2 eggs (clues 1 and 4). Hen B laid 5 eggs and Chooky laid 2 eggs (clues 2 and 4). By elimination, hen A laid 4 eggs and Pecky (clue 3), is hen B. 25 We are ‘Outstanding’... Ofsted 2012 Providing education through play. Offering flexible childcare sessions from 2 years of age We provide high quality childcare and education within our purpose built ’Home Lodge’ style building where children have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of interesting activities which promote all areas of learning. There is free flow access to our outside space which has a covered area for all weather use. Our dedicated staff team are very experienced, well qualified and provide a high adult:child ratio. Funding for 15 hours free is available for all children from the term following their 3rd birthday and for eligible children following their 2nd birthday We offer flexible hours Monday to Friday with 5 start & 4 finish times available. Healthy lifestyles are actively promoted and hot lunches are available. For further information or to arrange a visit please contact us: 01794 301286 [email protected] Conker Lodge, School Lane, Broughton, Stockbridge, Hampshire, SO20 8AN www.broughtonpreschool.com ENROLLING NOW! 26 ALASDAIR JOHN COX Carpentry Specialist & Building/Garden Maintenance Free Quotations/No Call Out Charge No Job Too Small Internal & External Work Undertaken Fully Insured with References Available JUST CALL No 2 Manor Farm Cottage, North Houghton Stockbridge, Hants, SO20 6LF 01264 810311 or 07900 621842 S J P INDEPENDENT GARAGE SPECIALIST PROVIDING GARAGE SERVICING REPAIRS& MOTs FOR PETROL & DIESEL CARS PLUS LIGHT COMMERCIALS Attentive service Free collection & delivery from Home or Work TYRES & WHEEL ALIGNMENT AIR CON SERVICING & REPAIRS Free Retests All makes welcome and courtesy vehicle available Terms and conditions apply 133—145 BOTLEY RD., NORTH BADDESLEY, SOUTHAMPTON, SO52 9EB 02380 733944 FORMERLY HOUGHTON GARAGE OPEN: 8.30—6.00 MONDAY—FRIDAY 9.00—1.00 SATURDAY 27 Funeral Directors Romsey Independent Family Owned Funeral Directors Serving Romsey and district for over 100 years, and through three generations of the Peace family 122 The Hundred, Romsey Tel: 01794 513393 ● www.ahcheater.co.uk Personal attention from Simon & Michael Peace and Giles Sadd Private Chapel of Rest 24 Hour Service Monumental Masonry Service Pre-payment plans available Introduction to Music for the Under 5’s Also available as an Accompanist All ages and abilities welcome! Helen King GBSM, ABSM, PgDipMTPP, MA Professionally Registered Member of ISM and EPTA Tel: (01794) 388685 Mob: 07917 161585 Meadowsweet Chapel Close, Houghton Nr. Stockbridge SO20 6LT Email: [email protected] 28 OFFICE: 01264 400074 MOBILE: 07887 556 559 17th Edition Electrician FOR A GREENER FUTURE Fault Finding Maintenance Building Projects Energy Efficient Lighting & Installations Commercial & Domestic CCTV EMAIL: [email protected] www.electricianandover.com BOOKKEEPING, SMALL BUSINESS ACCOUNTS & TAX RETURNS Private clients Sole traders/partnerships Limited companies GRACE ACCOUNTING, CHALKDOWN, COWDROVE HILL, KINGS SOMBORNE, HAMPSHIRE, SO20 6PJ Practice Licence 11760 T: 07852 634685 E: [email protected] www.grace-accounting.com 29 Alexandra Heating Services Ltd Your local heating specialist For all your Oil, Gas, LPG & Renewable energy needs. Domestic & commercial central heating systems, installed & repaired. We also offer emergency breakdown cover, repairs, servicing, plumbing, under-floor heating & system design. Call us on 01722 417873 or email us at [email protected] to book your appointment today! www.ahs-heating.co.uk 30 It’s cool to stay warm for less money...reduce your heating oil costs! If you order via Houghton Oil Syndicate your can increase your ‘buying power’ with local oil companies; together, we can achieve savings of up to 10p/litre - it’s a ‘no brainer’! How it works Join the Oil Syndicate (it’s free!) by contacting Bob Gosse [email protected] or call 01794 388617. When you need oil, email Bob who then e-mails all the Syndicate Members, seeking more orders. Almost every month, Bob sources the best deal from local oil companies and orders your oil requirements. You pay the oil company direct, usually after delivery, on invoice. There are currently 54 households in the syndicate: the more members there are the potentially cheaper the oil!. Are you part of the Houghton Village e-mail Group? There are now 120 subscribers! The Village email group helps us all keep up-to-date with what’s on in the village – apart from reading Houghton News, of course! You can hear about things going on in the village more frequently than once a month! It’s so easy to join….just email [email protected] and ask to join! If you don’t have email, you could ask a friend in the village who does, to send a message on your behalf! GOOD NEIGHBOURS Getting to a doctor’s, hospital, dental, optician or other medical appointment need not be a problem. 0845 094 3713 and a friendly voice will come to your aid and organise transport for you to and from your appointment, courtesy of one of the Volunteer Drivers There is no charge if you are over 60 or have a Bus Pass. If you don't have a Bus Pass but you qualify for one, ring TVBC (01264 368000) to order one. Good Neighbour volunteers can also help with non-medical appointments - eg visiting someone in hospital, help with day-to-day errands such as collecting prescriptions, small shopping commissions, dog walking, so it’s always worth asking if you need help with anything. Do make a note of the number….it could be very useful one day! There are 4 volunteers from Houghton: we support Stockbridge and Stockbridge supports Houghton. 31 Public Transport Services for Houghton: wef January 2015 Service 15: Stockbridge/Andover Mon/Sat only Service 16: Salisbury to Winchester via Stockbridge and Kings Somborne - Mon/Sat only NB: if you wish to travel to Houghton or Broughton on the 13.20 service from Winchester: make sure you request the driver when you get on; otherwise the bus will terminate at Stockbridge. Public bus services contracted by: 32 Houghton Parish Council Parish Council meetings are held every other month, usually the first Monday, in Houghton Village Hall at 7.30 pm. The Chairman is Philip Page These are public meetings to which all are welcome. Please come along and hear what the Parish Council is doing for you and have your say! Future Parish Council meetings : Parish Assembly 13 April Annual General Meeting 11 May (at which the 2015/2016 meetings will be set) Broughton & Mottisfont Village Bus Services and Fares as at April 2013 Concessionary Bus Passes can be used on this service NO SERVICE ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS All services depart from and return to Broughton (*) Day Destination Departs Broughton (*earliest pickup *) Departs Destination Fares (subject to alteration) Under 5s Free Tuesday SALISBURY (opposite Marks & Spencer) 9.30 am 12.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.15 £2.05 Wednesday 1st in the month SOUTHAMPTON (John Lewis) 9.15 am 2.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £5.25 £2.60 WINCHESTER (Bus Station) 1.00 pm 3.45 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.90 £2.45 9.40 am 12.15 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £4.05 £2.00 9.30 am 12 noon Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 1.00 pm 3.30 pm Age 16 and over Age 6–15 £3.75 £1.85 Wednesday 2nd in the month Wednesday 4th in the month Thursday Friday ANDOVER (Bus Station) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) ROMSEY (Bus Station, via Waitrose) (*) Stops: The Hollow, South Road, Village Hall, The Square, Chapel Lane, North End, School Lane, The Pound 33 Houghton Groups & Activities If you would like to add/amend information to this list, please contact the Editors at [email protected] If you are a neighbour of a newcomer it maybe worthwhile lending this magazine to highlight some of the things available in our village. All Saints Church, Houghton: Monthly services in the Benefice and other church news is published in Houghton News. See Village Directory for contacts for further information. Houghton News: our monthly parish magazine provides information on village events, church services and other local area news plus a wide range of local advertisers. If you would like to receive a copy (10 editions annually, for £7), please contact Maureen Stephens (see Village Directory).. .Profits go to All Saints PCC. Houghton Parish Council: public meetings held every other month, usually on the 1st Monday of the month in the Village Hall. Councillors are listed in the Village Directory; future meeting dates (p 33) and informal notes of meetings are usually included in this magazine.. Formal Minutes are circulated via the e-mail group and on the village noticeboard. HAHA - Houghton Allotment Holders Association:: there are 10 allotments in the village, currently one is free to ‘let’. Please contact either Philip Page (HAHA Chair) or Lucy Gosse (Secretary) for more information. [email protected] Good Neighbours: Houghton is part of the Stockbridge Good Neighbours scheme, offering free transport to doctor/hospital and other important appointments to those unable to drive. See p 31 of this magazine for details . Oil Syndicate: members of this village syndicate, run by Bob Gosse, use their bulk purchasing power to get the lowest price per litre. Details on p 34 of this magazine or contact Bob [email protected] 34 Postal Deliveries: Steve is our regular Postie and his ‘relief’ is Nick. There are 3 post boxes: by Village Hall, almost opposite Bossington Estate offices & on the road into Stockbridge, just beyond Dairy Barn. Singing for Fun: a small, informal singing group, for which no previous singing experience is required. It meets about 6 times a term on Thursday evenings, using the church for sessions. It is led by Helen King a professional music teacher.. Contact Lucy Gosse for more details: [email protected] Village Coffee Mornings: run by Lucy and Clare, usually on the 3rd Saturday of the month from 10.30 to 12 noon, in the Village Hall . A relaxed and friendly way to meet up and catch up over a coffee and cake or bacon buttie! Details sent out via village email group and in Houghton News each month. Village Directory: a list of useful names, phone numbers, email, for organisations relevant to Houghton; published each month on the last but one page of Houghton News. Village e-mail group: a quick ,simple way to send messages and reminders to others in the village about events or if you are looking for an item/household service, etc., Contact [email protected] to have your email added to the group Village Hall: Lots of village events happen here! Available to hire (p18 of this magazine) and more contacts in the Village Directory. WI: meets monthly in the Village Hall; see contacts in Village Directory for more information . Village Directory Rector Reader Curate Church Wardens Organist Parochial Church Secretary Council Treasurer Cleaning Rota Flower Rota Chairman Friends of All Saints Secretary Treasurer Hampshire County Councillor Council Test Valley District Councillor Council Councillor MP Chairman Houghton Parish Council Clerk Vice Chairman Councillors All Saints Church Rev. Ron Corne Gina Livermore Gill Nobes Richard James Richard Burnett-Hall Dawn Williams Dawn Williams James Allport Anna Allport Jill Harding Mike Moldon Julie Moldon Julie Moldon Andrew Gibson 01794 301287 01794 388433 01794 341010 01794 388534 01794 388152 01264 810724 01264 810724 01794 388328 01794 388328 01794 388325 01794 388204 01794 388204 01794 388204 01264 861138 01264 861087 01794 388389 01794 301212 01794 512132 01794 388512 01794 389131 01794 388070 01794 388831 01794 388305 01794 301013 01264 811618 01794 388612 01264 810928 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] WI President Daniel Busk Peter Boulton Caroline Nokes MP Philip Page Bev Barker Ingrid Burt Geoff Butler Claudia Bradby Peter Kennesion Tara Scougall Alan Young Mrs JaneAnderton Village Hall Secretary Treasurer Bookings Mrs Julie Harwood Mrs Julie Moldon Maureen Stephens 01264 810314 [email protected] 01794 388204 [email protected] 01794 389696 [email protected] Chairman Secretary Rosie Cardoe Clare Stephens 01794 388771 01794 388617 [email protected] [email protected] Treasurer James Allport 01794 388070 [email protected] Peter Kennesion Llyn Adams 01794 301013 01794 389690 - Neighbourhood Watch Doctor’s Surgery Police Reception URGENT 999 Parish Magazine 35 01264 810524 Non-urgent 101 [email protected] 0845 094 3713 0800 0280880 01264 365534 - Stockbridge Neighbour Care Hampshire County Council Citizens Advice Bureau Transport [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Salisbury-Winchester buses Broughton/Mottisfont Village Bus Lucy Gosse Fiona Evans Editors Rosie Cardoe Advertising Fiona Evans 01722 336855 01794 301045 01794 388617 01794 389237 01794 388771 01794 389237 [email protected] Distribution 01794 389696 [email protected] Maureen Stephens [email protected] Church Services - April 2015 TIME 5 APRIL EASTER DAY 12 APRIL EASTER 2 19 APRIL EASTER 3 26 APRIL EASTER 4 6.30 am SUNRISE SERVICE at NUTLEY FARM Holy Communion CW - - - 8.00 am 9.30 am - - BROUGHTON Holy Communion BCP BOSSINGTON Holy Communion BCP HOUGHTON Holy Communion CW BROUGHTON Family Service BROUGHTON Family Communion CW with for the MOTTISFONT Holy Communion BCP Benefice BROUGHTON Family Communion CW & Sunday Club Easter Egg Hunt HOUGHTON HOUGHTON Holy Communion CW 11.00 am MOTTISFONT No Service MOTTISFONT Family Communion CW - Family Communion CW 6.00 pm - - - HOUGHTON Evensong Every Wednesday 9.30 am St. Mary’s Church, Broughton Holy Communion BCP CW = Common Worship. BCP = Book of Common Prayer Maundy Thursday - April 2 7.30 pm Eucharist & Foot Washing at St Mary’s, Broughton Good Friday - April 3 10.00 am Family Service at All Saints, Houghton 2.00 pm Music & Meditation at St Mary’s 36
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