facts _ forms a - Corpo Forestale dello Stato
facts _ forms a - Corpo Forestale dello Stato
LIFE + Environment Policy and Governance TECHNICAL APPLICATION FORMS Part A – Administrative information NOTES: There are 5 sets of LIFE+ "Environment Policy and Governance" application forms: A, B and C (technical forms), F (financial forms) and output indicator forms. The financial forms and output indicator forms are in separate Excel files. While filling in the technical forms A – C, please respect the standard A4 format. Whenever several copies of one form 2008-XY needs to be produced, please use the following naming convention per page: 2008-XY/1; 2008-XY/2 etc. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008- A1 LIFE+ 2008 FOR ADMINISTRATION USE ONLY LIFE+ 08 ENV/ PROJECT Project title (max. 120 characters): Forest biodiversity assessment across Europe: towards an integrated system for biodiversity monitoring Project acronym (max. 25 characters): FACTS The project will be implemented in the following: Countries Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia Administrative regions of Germany: Bavaria, Hessen, L. Saxony, Saxony A. Expected start date: 01/01/2010 Expected end date: 31/12/2012 BENEFICIARIES Name of the coordinating beneficiary (1): Consiglio per la Ricerca e la sperimentazione in Agricoltura Italy (CRA) Name of the associated beneficiary (2): Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, Corpo Forestale dello Stato (National Forest Service), Servizio CONECOFOR - Italy (CONECOFOR) Name of the associated beneficiary (3): Forestry and Game Management Research Institute Vyzkumny ustav lesniho hospodarstvi a myslivosti - Czech Republic (VULHM) Name of the associated beneficiary (4): Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen (Forest & Landscape Denmark) - Denmark Name of the associated beneficiary (5): Estonian Centre of Forest Protection and Silviculture (Estonian CFPS) - Estonia Name of the associated beneficiary (6): Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metsäntutkimuslaitos) (Metla) - Finland Name of the associated beneficiary (7): Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF) Germany Name of the associated beneficiary (8): Northwest German Forest Research Station (NW-FVA) Germany Name of the associated beneficiary (9): Central Agricultural Office, Forestry Directorate (CAO) – Hungary Name of the associated beneficiary (10): State Forest Service (SFS) - Latvia Name of the associated beneficiary (11): Forest Research and Management Institute (FRMI) - Romania Name of the associated beneficiary (12): National Forest Centre (NFC) - Slovakia Name of the associated beneficiary (13): Slovenian Forestry Institute (GIS/SFI) – Slovenia PROJECT BUDGET AND REQUESTED EC FUNDING Total project budget: 8.031.509 € Total eligible project budget: 7.758.379 € EC financial contribution requested: 3.872.692 € ( = 48,2 % of total eligible budget) PROJECT POLICY AREA You can only tick one of the following options: □ Climate Change □ Urban environment □ Waste and natural resources □ Water □ Noise X Forests □ Air □ Chemicals □ Innovation □ Soil □ Environment and Health □ Strategic approaches LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A2 Coordinating Beneficiary Profile Information CRA Short Name Legal information on the Coordinating Beneficiary Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Legal Name sperimentazione in Agricoltura 08183101008 VAT No Legal Status Public body Legal Registration No X Private commercial Private non- commercial Registration Date Legal address of the Coordinating Beneficiary via Nazionale 82 Street Name and No Post Code 1 Beneficiary n° 00184 PO Box Roma Town/City IT Italy Country Code Country Name Coordinating Beneficiary contact person information Title Dr. Surname Costantini E-mail address [email protected] Department / Service C.R.A. - Research Centre for Plant-Soil Ecological Interactions (CRA-RPS) Street Name and No via della Navicella, 2 Post Code 00184 Country Italy Senior scientist Function +39 06 77202805 Telephone No Coordinating Beneficiary details 2007 Year Annual turnover 50 Number of employees 1270 First Name Andrea PO Box Roma Town/City Fax No +39 06 7005711 Annual Balance Sheet Total € 117.320.412,82 Website Brief description of the Coordinating Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal The Agriculture Research Council (CRA) has competence of scientific research in agriculture and forestry. It works linked with Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policies. The Council is formed by 47 research Institutes distributed on whole of national territory, with an overall staff about 1300 people. CRA is a Research Public Body established by Legislative Act no. 454 dated 29 October 1999, under surveillance of the Ministry for Agriculture and Forestry Policies. Project management will be conducted in close cooperation with Ass. Beneficiary CONECOFOR, through a joint management team with Corpo Forestale dello Stato - CONECOFOR (belonging to the same Ministry), during the full duration of the project. Decisions will be taken by the project manager (Bruno Petriccione CONECOFOR), in agreement with the co-manager (Andrea Costantini – CRA), after discussion within the whole team. The Agriculture Research Council, deals with different aspects of forest analysis and management at national level. It has been developing a well-grounded applied research activity and expertise on forest monitoring by permanent plots throughout the forest types from the Alpine up to the Mediterranean forests. The main research issues include the different patterns of silvicultural management into natural and artificial forests, the dynamics of forests under natural evolution, the tree species auto-ecology, the ecological functioning of forest ecosystems, tree and stand growth and stand structure, tree species composition and arrangement as a function of management, stand origin, age, biotic and abiotic disturbances. A special expertise has been developed on tree species biodiversity monitoring expressed in terms of species richness, tree size/age diversity, spatial diversity, patterns of species arrangement into stand structure. YOU MAY NOT DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name CONECOFOR Beneficiary n° 2 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Legal Name Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali, Corpo Forestale dello Stato – Ufficio CONECOFOR VAT No 80202870582 Legal Registration No not applicable Private commercial Registration Date not applicable Private non-commercial Legal Status Public body Legal address of the Coordinating Beneficiary Via G. Carducci 5 Street Name and No Post Code 00187 Country Code IT X PO Box Town/City Country Name Roma Italy Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Corpo Forestale dello Stato (National Forest Service) is a technical police body depending from the Italian Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Forestry, involved in environmental issues and control, research and forest fire preventions. CONECOFOR Board is part of National Forest Service and is involved since 1985 in specific activities regarding monitoring of forest ecosystems. This commitment started under the umbrella of the United Nations/Economic Commission for Europe – Convention on Long Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (UN/ECECLRTAP), within the International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP-IM) and the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP-Forests). Monitoring activities have been implemented on Level I and Level II forest monitoring Networks, respectively made up in Italy of 250 monitoring points and 31 permanent plots at national scale. From the very beginning, all activities were managed for the implementation of the EC Regulations of forest conditions (no. 3528/86, no. 2157/92, no. 1091/94 and following). From 2003 until 2006 monitoring activities continued under Regulation (EC) no. 2152/2003 “Forest Focus”. Since 2004, CONECOFOR has been involved widely in new international initiatives; in particular, CONECOFOR covered the Italian partnership within the Network of Excellence “ALTER-Net, A Long Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network” (funded by the EC Sixth Framework Programme) and started to enrich long term monitoring features with research activities on European environmental priorities as biodiversity loss and impacts of climate change. In 2005, CONECOFOR started leading the establishment of the Italian Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER Italy), based on 9 Level II CONECOFOR permanent plots and 27 other research stations managed by 8 excellent National research Institutes. In 2006, LTER-Italy entered the International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER); in 2007, the national Network was admitted as a member of the European LTER Network. Nowadays, LTER-Italy Secretariat is managed under the responsibility of CONECOFOR. CONECOFOR is the Italian partner of the EU Forest Focus Pilot Projects “ForestBIOTA” and “BioSoil” for the assessment of selected biodiversity parameters in the Level II and Level I Networks. CONECOFOR also collaborated in the SEBI2010 Process (Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators by 2010) for the harmonization of biodiversity indicators at European level: in this framework, CONECOFOR has been contracted by European Environment Agency, for the development of a synthetic indicator of European forests biodiversity status. The final Report was approved and published in October 2007. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name VULHM 3 Beneficiary n° Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Legal Name Vyzkumny ustav lesniho hospodarstvi a myslivosti v.v.i./ Forestry and Game management Research Institute VAT No CZ00020702 Legal Registration No 22974/2006-11000 Registration Date 1.1. 2007 Legal Status Public body X Private commercial Private non-commercial Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Street Name and No Post Code Country Code Strnady 136 252 02 CZ PO Box Town/City Country Name Jiloviste Czech Republic Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal The Forestry and Game Management Research Institute is a state research institute . It serves as a centre for research activities in forestry and provides expert services for state organizations and forest owners. Review of activities: solution of scientific and research projects in forestry, expert consultancy, work on the National Forestry programme-conception of the state forest policy, evaluation of forest and forest damage, work on legislative and preparatory work towards EU, branch centre of technical standards, management and inventory of reproductive sources and their quality control, inventory and production of fast growing clones, genetic monitoring of forest tree species, long-term breeding programmes, bio-technologies and their use in forest practice, complex monitoring of the forest ecosystems, analyses of the impact of air pollution and other stressors on forests, analyses of the soil, plant and water materials, Forest protection Service, testing of pesticides, and other bio-preparations, analyses of the state of forest game, etc. The Institute has involved in monitoring of forests within the ICP Forests Programme since the year 1986. Special measuring are done in regular intervals within the network of level I (306 plots) and II monitoring (15 plots): crown condition assessment (defoliation, colour changes etc.), social position of the tree, dendrometric parameters, phytocenology, soil analyses, leaf analyses, treering analyses, deposition and air qualities. Information on these monitoring plots gave a detailed and representative picture of the situation in given forest regions, and possibility to compare the state of soil and nutrient supply. YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name Forest & Landscape Denmark Legal Name Beneficiary n° 4 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Danish Centre for Forest, Legal Status Landscape and Planning 29979812 VAT No Public body Legal Registration No X Private commercial Registration Date Private non-commercial 01/01/2006 Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Street Name and No Hørsholm Kongevej 11 Post Code 2970 Country Code DK PO Box Town/City Country Name Hørsholm Denmark Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Forest and Landscape Denmark is a non-profit entity, financed by the state and public and private research funds, and research forms a vital part of our core business, along education, extension and monitoring. YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name Estonian CFPS Legal Name Beneficiary n° 5 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Estonian Centre of Forest Legal Status Protection and Silviculture VAT No EE100690271 Legal Registration No 70001254 Registration Date 05.11.1998 Public body Private commercial Private non-commercial Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Rõõmu tee 2 Street Name and No Post Code 51013 Country Code EE X PO Box Town/City Country Name Tartu Estonia Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal The Centre of Forest Protection and Silviculture is a government office under the jurisdiction of the Estonian Ministry of Environment. Activities are connected with Estonian forests of all the forms of ownership and forest categories: – Participates in the drafting of legislation on the sustainable and multifunctional management of forests, forest protection, forest seed management, forest tree breeding, game management and management of protection forests, analyses and monitors law-abidance; – Collects and prepares information on the fulfilment of international agreements about the protection and sustainable management of forests ratified by the Republic of Estonia; – Organises applied research, consulting services and PR activities in the field of silviculture and forest protection; – Collects and analyses forestry-related information. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name Metla Legal Name VAT No 6 Beneficiary n° Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Finnish Forest Research Institute Legal Status (Metsäntutkimuslaitos) FI01245771 Legal Registration No 0124577-1 Public body X Private commercial Private non-commercial Registration Date Legal address of the Coordinating Beneficiary Jokiniemenkuja 1 Street Name and No Post Code FI-01301 Country Code FI PO Box Town/City Country Name 18 Vantaa Finland Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Metla is a governmental research institute, subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Metla’s duty is to promote, through research, the economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable management and use of forests. The mission of Metla is to build the future of the forest sector of Finland by producing and disseminating information and know-how for the well-being of society. Metla has four research priorities: forest-based enterprise and business activities; societal impacts of forests; structure and functioning of forest ecosystems; and information data bank on forestry and the forest environment. The current network of research units (9) covers the whole country. The number of permanent staff is 700, of which about 300 are researchers. Approximately 150 projects are usually underway annually. In recent years, the overall budget of Metla has been approximately 40 million €, of which 75% has been direct government funding from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name NW-FVA Legal Name VAT No Beneficiary n° Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Northwest German Forest Legal Status Research Station (NW-FVA) DE 812813104 Legal Registration No 20/290/26535 Registration Date 01.02.2006 37079 Country Code DE x Private commercial Private non-commercial Legal address of the Coordinating Beneficiary Grätzelstr. 2 Street Name and No Post Code Public body 8 PO Box Town/City Country Name Göttingen Germany Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal NW-FVA is responsible for practically relevant forestal research, as well as expert advisory service for private and public forest owners. It is directed by a Steering Committee with equal representation from the participating States (Hesse, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt), comprising one representative from each of the State Ministries and State Forest Management Services. The NW-FVA has 125 permanent employees and is separated in four main research sections: - Forest Growth - Forest Protection - Forest Genetic Resources - Environmental Control In the area of the CEFES proposal, the NW-FVA with the responsible dpt. Environmental Control has large expertise from forest monitoring and several research projects. NW-FVA coordinates forest monitoring for Hesse, Lower Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt within the framework of Forest Focus and ICP forests (Level I + II), is associated beneficiary in FUTMON and coordinator of Demonstration action D1 in FUTMON. Staff of dpt. Environmental Control is active in several bodies of ICP Forests e.g. Expert Panel Crown Condition, Expert Panel on Soil, Quality Control group. CEFES related research projects: - - LIFE98ENV/S/478 “Demonstration of Methods to Monitor Sustainable Forestry“; Subproject: “Solling and Lüneburger Heide – Cultural Landscapes in Lower Saxony – An Example for Biodiversity and Sustainable Use in German Forests” Inklim 2012 II+ “Forests in the Rhein-Main area – risks and adaptation strategies for forestry with regard to climate change in Hesse” KLIMZUG, Subproject: “AnFor – Climate change in North Hesse - Effect analysis and evaluation of adaptation strategies for forestry in the Fulda catchment DSS-WuK “Decision Support System Forest and climate change” SILVAQUA “Silvicultural impacts on quality and quantity of soil water and surface waters in forested catchments” “Estimation of effective rooting depth in forest soils“ YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name CAO Beneficiary n° 9 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Legal Name Central Agricultural Office (CAO), Forestry Directorate VAT No HU 15598347-2-41 Legal Status Public body Legal Registration No Private commercial Private non-commercial Registration Date Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Street Name and No Post Code Country Code Széchenyi u. 14 H-1054 PO Box Town/City Country Name Budapest Hungary Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Governmental body with main activities: Forest management planning Forest inventory Forest monitoring Forest authority YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE x LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name SFS Beneficiary n° 10 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Legal Name State Forest Service VAT No 90000057795 Legal Status Public body Legal Registration No x Private commercial Registration Date Private non-commercial 14.03.1996 Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Street Name and No 13.janvara iela 15 Town/City Post Code Country Code PO Box LV Country Name Riga Latvia Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal The State Forest Service (SFS) with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia is a state institution that is responsible for pursuing the Forest Policy in all the nation’s forests. Its mission is to implement the control and support functions in line with the basic Forest Policy principles. The SFS comprises the Head Office and territorial units – the state regional forest districts, the Forest Research Station and Consultancy services centre. The significant SFS functions : controlling on both the public and private land the observance of forest management and utilisation laws and regulations; issuing permits, certificates, licences, statements and other documents; certification of the forest reproductive material and attestation of its sources; watching over the forest health; implementing the forest monitoring programmes; keeping the State Register of Forests; testing by an examination the hunter’s proficiency and issuing the hunter’s certificates; managing the scientific forests in the interests of long-term research; administering the state and internationally financed support programmes in forestry YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name FRMI Legal Name VAT No 11 Beneficiary n° Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Forest Research and Legal Status Management Institute - Romania /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) RO 2607964 Legal Registration No J40/450/1991 Registration Date 03.11.2003 077190 Country Code ROU X Private commercial Private non-commercial Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary 128 Eroilor Blv. Street Name and No Post Code Public body PO Box Town/City Country Name 11-04 Voluntari Romania Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Forest Research and Management Institute (FRMI) is a public institution of national importance specialized in scientific research, planning in forestry and implementation of new technologies for a sustainable forest management. Founded in 1933 under the name of „Institutul de Cercetări şi ExperimentaŃie Forestieră” (ICEF), in its 75 years of activity ICAS has evolved towards the diversification of the topics approached, the development o new subunits at the territorial level, and has come to maturity. FRMI carries on its activity in domains of high importance for the Romanian forestry sector: i). forestry research; ii). forest management and investment planning; iii). national forest inventory; iv). forest administration and production; v). specialised services and consulting. FRMI is the main manager for scientific and technical information in the forestry sector in Romania, it masters a national network of research and experimental bases, modern equipments, laboratories and specialized staff. It has attestation for the elaboration of environmental impact assessment and environment balance studies for the activities with impact on forest ecosystems, for cadastral, geodesic and photogrammetric works. From 2000 ICAS is a centre of excellence in the field of silvobiology and forest management. ICAS is also certified for quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 standard for the activity of forest management and investment planning. The Institute is a full member or collaborates with prestigious international organisations like IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations), EFI (European Forest Institute, ISTA (International Seed Testing Association), ICP Forests, EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories). The research activity occurs in the fields of forest ecology (botany, dendrology, forest ecophysiology, pedology, forest sites, ecosystems, climate change), forest genetics and tree amelioration (forest genetics, amelioration of trees, biotechnologies, genetics engineering), silvotechnics (natural regeneration, nurseries, afforestation, mechanization of forestry, ecotechnologies for wood explotation), forest protection (entomology, combating forecast, mycology, phytopathology), biometry, management and forest economics, GIS, monitoring, mapping, wildlife conservation and management and mountain fisheries (cynegetics, trout breeding, mountain fisheries). Research dissemination works is of great concern for FRMI. It consists in wide spreading of practical side of research results as technical guidelines for private and state forests, handbooks, articles in reviews. YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name NFC Beneficiary n° 12 Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary National Forest Centre Legal Status Legal Name VAT No 2022091027 Legal Registration No 6481/2005-250 Public body X Private commercial Private non-commercial Registration Date Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary T.G. Masaryka 22 Street Name and No Post Code 960 92 Country Code SK PO Box Town/City Country Name Zvolen Slovakia Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal National Forest Centre (NFC) is a scientific-research and professional organization under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic dealing with research, training, information and planning in the field of forestry. Main tasks of NFC are: forestry research, education and consulting for the needs of forest management, research and monitoring of forest ecosystems, forest inventory, information for forestry and for forest management planning. tasks following from legislation and assignment of the Ministry of Agriculture of SR (control of forest reproductive material, forest protection service), complex professional service for the needs of forest practice. NFC is a Slovak representative in international cooperation in forestry (FAO, UNECE, IUFRO, EFI and others. National Forest Centre was established in accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Agriculture of SR by merging three contributory organizations namely Forest Research Institute Zvolen, Lesoprojekt Zvolen and the Institute for Training and Education of Forestry and Water Management Staff of the Slovak Republic Zvolen with the effect since 1 January 2006. The integration of these institutions has created a precondition for ensuring the performance of all tasks, in a complex and effective way. NFC at present consists of: • Forest Research Institute Zvolen • Institute of Forest Consultancy and Education Zvolen • Institute of Forest Resources and Information Zvolen • Forest Management Institute Zvolen NFC - Forest Research Institute Zvolen (NFC – FRI), though it is not a legal subject at present, is a the dominant component of NFC. The history of institutional forest research dates to the end of 19th sentury (first research station was established in 1897). In last decades research has been targeting the anthropic and anthropogenic effects on forest ecosystems (air pollution, climate change), functions of forests, biodiversity and structure of forests, integrated forest protection and game management, management of forest resources, forest economics and forest policy, genetics, silviculture and forestry technologies. Many experts experienced and skilled in ecosystem research and monitoring of forest ecosystems work mainly in the Department of forest ecology and biodeiversity of forest ecosystems (one of four research departments). YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS PAGE LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A5 ASSOCIATED BENEFICIARY PROFILE (Complete for each Associated Beneficiary) Associated Beneficiary profile information Short name Gozdarski institut Slovenije/Slovenian Forestry Institute Legal Name VAT No Beneficiary n° Legal information on the Associated Beneficiary Gozdarski institut Legal Status Slovenije/Slovenian Forestry Institute SI 37808052 Legal Registration No 13 Public body X Private commercial Registration Date Private non-commercial 10/03/1975 Legal address of the Associated Beneficiary Street Name and No Vecna pot 2 Post Code 1000 Country Code SI PO Box Town/City Country Name Ljubljana Slovenija Brief description of the Associated Beneficiary's activities and experience in the area of the proposal Slovenian Forestry Institute is a public institution, competent for research in the fields of forest, forest environment, forestry, wildlife and game management. It was founded by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and it operates under the auspices of the Ministries of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Agriculture, Forestry and Food and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2008 – A7 OTHER PROPOSALS SUBMITTED FOR COMMUNITY FUNDING Please answer each of the following questions : • Have you or any of your associated beneficiaries already benefited from previous LIFE cofinancing? (please cite LIFE project reference number, title, year, amount of the cofinancing, duration, name(s) of coordinating beneficiary and/or partners involved): ITALY CONECOFOR (Coordinating Beneficiary: Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentari e Forestali - Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Italy, CONECOFOR): LIFE92NAT/IT/013000 Azioni urgenti per la conservazione dei mammiferi delle Alpi e degli Appennini - period 9/1992-8/1997 – EU co-financing 451.000 ECU LIFE93NAT/IT/010500 Progetto di conservazione per l’area del Delta Po – Prima fase - period 1/1994-1/1997 – EU co-financing 750.000 ECU LIFE99NAT/IT/006244 Conservazione dell’orso bruno nell’Appennino centrale - period 8/1999-12/2003 – EU co-financing 527.000 € LIFE99NAT/IT/006245 Bosco Fontana: azioni urgenti di conservazione habitat relitto - period 10/1999-5/2003 – EU co-financing 341.000 € LIFE00NAT/IT/007147 Conservazione degli habitat e delle specie del SIC Bosco della Mesola - period 9/2001-8/2005 – EU co-financing 205.000 € Partner: Agenzia Regionale Ambiente Emilia-Romagna and Consorzio di Gestione del Parco regionale del Delta del Po LIFE04NAT/IT/000190 Tutela di siti Natura2000 gestiti dal Corpo forestale dello Stato - period 10/2004-6/2009 – EU co-financing 1.252.648,5 € CONECOFOR (Coordinating Holzwirtschaft, Germany): Beneficiary: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Forst- und LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 549.905,00 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 UE Member States CZECH REPUBLIC Forestry and Game Management Research Institute (VULHM) (Coordinating Beneficiary: Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Germany): LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 342.279,00 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 EU Member States DENMARK (Coordinating Beneficiary: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Germany) LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 433 381 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 UE Member States ESTONIA CFPS (Coordinating Beneficiary: Holzwirtschaft, Germany): Bundesforschungsanstalt für Forst- und LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 205.855,00 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 EU Member States FINLAND EU LIFE and LIFE+ Projects 1998-2008 LIFE03 NAT/FIN/000035 LIFE to Koli – Restoration of the Forests and Meadows in the Nature Park Duration: 01/11/2002–30/10/2006 Beneficiary: Finnish Forest Research Institute / Metsäntutkimuslaitos Partners: University of Joensuu, Finland; North Karelia Regional Environment Centre Co-financing: 332 064,00 € LIFE04 NAT/FI/000078 Natural Forests and mires in the "Green Belt" of Koillismaa and Kainuu (GreenBelt) Duration: 2004-2008 Beneficiary: Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services Ostrobothnia-Kainuu Partners: Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joint Authority of the Kainuu Region, Metsähallitus Forestry Western Lapland Co-financing: 587 174 € LIFE98 NAT/S/005371 Preservation of the Arctic Fox, Alopex lagopus, in Sweden and Finland Duration: 1998-2002 Beneficiary: Stockholm University Partners: Finnish Ministry of Environment, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Metsähallitus, Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län, Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, Länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län, WWF-Sweden, Naturvårdsverket, Svenska Jägareförbundet, National Sami Court Sametinget, Swedish Society for Nature Conservation Co-financing: 250 040 € LIFE03 NAT/00073 Saving the endangered Fennoscandian Alopex lagopus (SEFALO+) Duration: 2003-2008 Beneficiary: Stockholm University Partners: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Finnish Ministry of the Environment, Direktoratet for Naturforvaltning, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, WWF-Sweden, Sametinget-Sámediggi, Prosjekt Fjellreven (NJFF, WWF Norge, NNV, DNT), Metsähallitus/Finnish Park and Forest Service, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Länsstyrelsen i Norrbottens län, Länsstyrelsen i Västerbottens län, Länsstyrelsen i Jämtlands län, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish National Veterinary Institute, University of Iceland, Fjällräven AB, Lapplandsafari AB, Fjällhästen, Ramundberget Alpina AB, Dogman AB Co-financing: 1 252 997 € LIFE99 ENV/FIN/000213 Integration of environmental priorities with agricultural policies in order to minimise the nutrient load on inland waters and the Baltic Sea (LIFE FOR LAKES) Duration: 1999-2002 Beneficiary: MTT Agrifood Research Finland Partners: Häme Regional Environment Centre, Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre, Regional Council of Häme, Regional Council of Pirkanmaa, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Häme Polytechnic, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Agropolis Ltd, Municipality of Tammela, Municipality of Lempäälä, Municipality of Vesilahti, Municipality of Viiala, Municipality of Mouhijärvi, Town of Vammala, Water Protection Association of the River Kokemäenjoki, Town of Forssa Co-financing: 518 118,62 € LIFE00 ENV/FIN/000668 Integrated river basin management - a network for optimized water management, rehabilitation and protection of aquatic ecosystems in Karjaanjoki area Duration: 2001-2005 Beneficiary: Lohja Partners: Municipality of Karkkila, Municipality of Karjaa, Municipality of Karjalohja, Municipality of Loppi, Municipality of Nummi-Pusula, Municipality of Pohja, Municipality of Sammatti, Municipality of Somero, Municipality of Tammisaari, Municipality of Vihti, The Forestry Development Center Tapio, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, The Pro Agria Group of Rural Advisory Centres, The Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, SYKE The Finnish Environmental Institute with 2 separate units, The Uusimaa Group for Nature Conservation, The Society for Uusimaa Recreational Areas, The Creek and River Management Association, WWF-Finland, Helsinki Water, The Häme-Uusimaa Forestry Centre, The Coastal Area Forestry Centre, The Pohja Fishing District, The Häme Region, The Employment and Economic Development Centre for Uusimaa, The Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre Co-financing: 896 900 € LIFE02 ENV/FIN/000324 Ecologically sound tourism in Rokua area Duration: 2002-2005 Beneficiary: Utajärven kunta (The Municipality of Utajärvi) Partners: University of Oulu/Dept. of Architecture, Rokuan kuntokeskus, Utajärven yrityspuisto Oy, Oulu polytechnic school of renewable natural resources, Forest and Park Service, Eko Center ry, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Osuuskunta Utajärven metsientekijät, Showhow Oy Ltd, Ekopine Oy, Vaalan kunta, University of Oulu/Dept. of Geography, Muhoksen kunta Co-financing: 698 498 € LIFE04 ENV/FI/000308 Tourist Destinations as Landscape Laboratories - Tools for Sustainable Tourism Duration: 2004-2007 Beneficiary: University of Lapland Partners: 9 partners Co-financing: 896 900 € LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2007-C1 Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System (FutMon) Duration: 2009-2013 Coordinating Beneficiary: von Thünen Institute, Germany 38 Associated Beneficiaries from 24 EU-Member States: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom Co-financing: 40 500 000 € GERMANY Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft (LWF) LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing: 568.850,- € Partners: 39 bodies in 24 EU Member States GERMANY Northwest German Forest Research Station (NW-FVA) Reference number (project): LIFE98ENV/S/478 “Demonstration of Methods to Monitor Sustainable Forestry“; Subproject: “Solling and Lüneburger Heide – Cultural Landscapes in Lower Saxony – An Example for Biodiversity and Sustainable Use in German Forests” Year of application: 1997 amount of the co-financing: 8 441 611 SEK (913 791,61 €) subproject: 1 522 350 SEK (164 820,96 €) duration: 01.07.1998 – 28.02.2002 Coordinating beneficiary: Skogstyrelsen (National Board of Forestry), S-55183 Jönköping, Sweden Partner: - Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, Denmark - Forestry Development Centre TAPIO, Finland - Institut pour le Développement Forestier, France - CEMAGREF, France - Niedersächsische Forstliche Versuchsanstalt, Germany - Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Sweden FutMon: EU co-financing 891.904€ HUNGARY CAO (Coordinating Beneficiary: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Germany): LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 279.049 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 UE Member States ROMANIA 1). LIFE03NAT/RO/000027 Restoration forest habitats from Pietrosul Rodnei biosphere reserve Duration: 2003 - 2007 Beneficiary: Forest Research and Management Institute /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) Partners: Romsilva, Baia Mare Forest Directorate EU co-financing: 106 735 € 2). LIFE04NAT/RO/000225 Black pine forests from Banat – part of natura 2000 network Duration: 2004 - 2007 Beneficiary: Resita Environmental Protection Agency Partners: Forest Research and Management Institute /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) , University of Bucharest, Romsilva, Resita Forest Directorate EU co-financing: 236 690 € 3). LIFE99NAT/RO/006435 Enhancement of Piatra Craiului National Park Duration: 1999 - 2004 Beneficiary: Forest Research and Management Institute /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) Partners: Romsilva, Brasov Forest Directorate EU co-financing: 205 836 € 4). LIFE2002NAT/RO/8571 Restoration of Comana Wetland Duration: 2002 - 2004 Beneficiary: Forest Research and Management Institute /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) Partners: Romsilva, Giurgiu Forest Directorate, DACROM EU co-financing: 203 300 € 5). LIFE06NAT/RO/000177 Conservation and integrated management of Danube Islands Duration: 2006 - 2009 Beneficiary: Calarasi Environmental Protection Agency Partners: Forest Research and Management Institute /Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice (ICAS) Romsilva, Calarasi Forest Directorate, WWF, Romanian Ornithological Society EU co-financing: 32 700 € 6). LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System Duration: 01/2009-12/2010 Beneficiary: Federal Forest Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Germany Partners: 39 bodies in 26 UE Member States EU co-financing: 549.905,00 € SLOVAKIA LIFE04NAT/SK/000244 – Ochrana diverzity biotopov v Národnom parku Slovenský raj (Biotop diversity protection in National Park Slovensky raj, EC co-financing 44,000 Euro Duration: 2005-2008 Coordinator: State nature protection service (Štátna ochrana prírody) National forest centre – one of partners LIFE07ENV/D/000218 - FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System, EC co-financing 450,200 € Duration: 2009-2010 Cordinator: vTI Hamburg 36 partner in 26 countries SLOVENIA (Coordinating Beneficiary: Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, Germany): LIFE07ENV/D/000218 FutMon – Further Development and Implementation of an EU-level Forest Monitoring System - period 01/2009-12/2010 – EU co-financing 406.785,00 € Partners:39 bodies in 26 UE Member States • Have you or any of the associated beneficiaries submitted any actions related directly or indirectly to this project to other Community financial instruments? To whom? When and with what results, and how are these related to the present proposal? NO • For those actions which fall within the eligibility criteria for financing through other Community financial instruments, please explain in detail why you consider that those actions nevertheless do not fall within the main scope of the instrument(s) in question and are therefore included in the current project. NOT APPLICABLE
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