Januari – April 2015 - Forest Research Institute Malaysia


Januari – April 2015 - Forest Research Institute Malaysia
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#Berita Perkhidmatan
#Statistik Perpustakaan
«Penerimaan Buku Baharu
#Senarai Buku Baharu - Koleksi BKI 2015
#Penerimaan Bahan Terbitan Bersiri Baharu
:tiviti Perpustakaan
& R ekabentuk
in ti Buang
•A ziz
Mdi Ismail
Sejak tahun 2004, Perpustakaan FRIM telah mengguna pakai sistem yang dinamakan
pustaka bagi menguruskan koleksi perpustakaan. Sistem ini juga merupakan katalog
awam atas talian atau lebih dikenali sebagai OPAC perpustakaan FRIM. Melaluinya
boleh menyemak koleksi perpustakaan FRIM melalui komputer masing-masing tanpa
perlu datang ke perpustakaan asalkan mempunyai sambungan internet.
Bagaimanapun penambahbaikan perlu dilakukan bersesuaian dengan keperluan semasa.
Perpustaakaan sekali lagi menaik taraf sistem perpustakaan dengan sistem yang berasaskan
web iaitu Myelib web-based library management system. Sistem ini boleh diakses melalui
http://www.frim.myelib.my/. Sistem akan digunakan sepenuhnya bermula Jun 2015 yang
meliputi pengurusan semua koleksi perpustakaan kecuali terbitan bersiri, proses sirkulasi
(pinjaman dan pemulangan buku) serta peringatan.
1. Environmental and sustainable developm ent/ edited by M.H. Fulekar, Bhawana Pathak, R.K. Kale, 2014.
2. Hydro-environmental analysis : freshwater environments / by James L. Martin, 2014.
3. Low carbon developm ent: key issues / edited by Frauke Urban, Johan Nordensvard, 2013.
4. Simulation of ecological and environmental models / by Miguel F. Acevedo, 2013.
1. Accounting for biodiversity / edited by Michael Jones, 2014.
2. Biodiversity : reflections from a Malaysian ecologist / by Mashhor Mansor, 2013.
3. The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management / edited by
Heidi Wittmer, Haripriya Gundimeda, 2012.
1. Biotechnolc y and sustainable developm ent: voices of the South and No
Persley, 2003. (Biotechnology in Agriculture Series No.26)
2. Plants, biotechnology and agriculture / by Denis J. Murphy, 2011.
3. Principles of proteomics. Second edition / by Richard M. Twyman, 2014.
4. Tree biotechnology / edited by K.G. Ramawat, Jean-Michel Merillon, M.R.
5. How proteins work / by Mike Williamson, 2012.
6. Introductory nanoscience : physical and chemical concepts / by Masaru Kuno,
1. Climate change adaption and mitigation management options : a guide for natural resources managers in
Southern forest ecosystems / edited by James M. Vose, Kier D. Klepzig, 2014.
2. Plant genetic resources and climate change / edited by Michael Jackson
[CABI Climate Change Series 4)
an Ford-Lloyd, Martin Parry, 20 4.
1. Biofuels : securing the planet's future energy needs / by Ayhan Demirbas, 2010.
2. The biomass assessment handbook : bioenergy for a sustainable environment / edited by Frank Rosillo-Calle,
Peter de Groot, Sarah L. Hemstock, Jeremy Woods, 2007.
1. Forest inventory : methodology and applications / edited by Annika Kangas, Matti Maltamo, 2006.
(Managing Forest Ecosystems Volume 10)
2. Forestry applications of airborne laser scanning : concepts and case studies / edited by Matti
Maltamo, Erik Naesset, Jari Vauhkonen , 2014. (Managing Forest Ecosystems Vol. 27)
3. Forestry economics : a managerial approach / by John E. Wagner, 2012.
1.Forest inventory : methodology and applications / edited by Annika Kangas, Matti Maltamo, 2006. (Managing
Forest Ecosystems Volume 10)
2.Forestry applications of airborne laser scanning : concepts and case studies / edited by Matti Maltamo, Erik Naesset,
Jari Vauhkonen, 2014. (Managing Forest Ecosystems Vol. 27)
3.Forestry economics : a managerial approach / by John E. Wagner, 2012.
4.Forestry in a global context. Second edition / edited by Roger Sands, 2013.
5.Global forest monitoring from earth observation / by Frederic Achard, Matthew C. Hansen, 2013.
6.lnsect pests in tropical forestry. Second edition / by F. Ross Wylie, Martin R. Speight, 2012.
7.lntroductory probability and statistics: applications for forestry and natural sciences / by Antal Kozak, Robert A. Kozak,
Christina L. Staudhammer, Susan B. Watts, 2008.
8.Participation of tree plantation farmers in sustainable forest management / edited by S. Appanah, K. Pragtong,
J.K. Sharma, R. Leslie, 2012. (Technical Cooperation Programme TCP/TH A/3203).
9.Proceedings of the Conference on Forestry and Forest Products Research 2013 : Forestry R&D : Meeting National and
Global Needs, 12-13 November 2013, Kuala Lumpur / edited by S. Rahim, H.F. Lim, M.M. Huda Farhana, S. Mahmudin.,
2014. [CD-ROM]. (FRIM Proceedings No.5)
Quantitative techniques in participatory forest management / edited by Eugenio Martinez-Falero, Susana
Martin-Fernandez, Antonio Garcia-Abril, 2014.
11. Research methods in the study of forest environment - primary source edition / by Carlos G. Bates, 2013.
12. Sustainable forestry : from monitoring and modelling to knowledge management and policy science / edited by
K.M. Reynolds, A.J. Thomson, M. Kohl, M.A. Shannon, D. Ray, K. Rennolls, 2007.
13. Sustainable forests - Vol. I : Forests, landscapes and conservation / edited by Jeffrey Sayer, Neil Byron,
Gillian Petrokofsky, 2014.
14. Sustainable forests - Vol. I I : Forests and the physical, chemical and biological environment / edited by Jeffrey Sayer,
Neil Byron, Gillian Petrokofsky, 2014.
15. Sustainable forests-Vol. Ill: Forests, people and livelihoods/ edited by Jeffrey Sayer, Neil Byron,
Gillian Petrokofsky, 2014.
16. Sustainable forests - Vol. IV : Forest policy, economics and governance / edited by Jeffrey Sayer, Neil Byron,
Gillian Petrokofsky, 2014.
17. The global forest sector: changes, practices, and prospects / edited by Eric Hansen, Rajat Panwar, Richard Vlosky,
18. The promising livelihood of the Central Forest Spine / by Tuan Marina Tuan Ibrahim, Zahari Ibrahim, 2013.
19. Timber production and biodiversity conservation in tropical rain forests / by Andrew Grieser Johns, 1997.
20. Tropical dry forests in the Americas: ecology, conservation, and management / edited by Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa,
I —^
1. Environmental and hydrological systems modelling / by A.W. Jayawardena, 2014
2.Hydrology and hydroclimatology : principles and applications / by M. Karamouz, S. Nazif, M. Falahi, 2013.
l.Sustainable landscaping: principles and practices / by Marietta Loehrlein, 2014.
l.Panduan pengecaman tiga varieti Kacip Fatimah melalui ciri morfologi luaran / oleh M.A. Farah Fazwa, S.
Syahida Emiza, 20
2.Medicinal plants : biodiversity and drugs / edited by Mahendra Rai, Geoffrey A. Cordell, Jose L. Martinez, Mariela
Marinoff, Luca Rastrelli, 2012.
3. Handbook of essential oils: science, technology and applications / edited by K. Husnu Can Baser, Gerhard Buchbauer,
4.Natural antioxidants and biocides from wild medicinal plants / edited by Carlos L. Cespedes, Diego A. Sampietro,
David S. Siegler, Mahendra Rai, 2013.
l.Land cover changes and their relationship with land surface temperature using remote sensing technique /
by Tan Kok Chooi, Lim Hwee San, Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri, 2013.
2.Scale issues in remote sensing / edited by Qihao Weng, 2014.
3. Hyperspectra I remote sensing of vegetation / edited by Prasad S. Thenkabail, John G. Lyon, Alfredo Huete, 2012.
4.Application of remote sensing in urban area : a study on urban heat island mapping / by Sakti
Ray, 2014.
1. Managing organic matter in tropical soils : scope and limitations : Proceedings of a Workshop organized
by the Center for Development Research at the University of Bonn (ZEF Bonn) - Germany, 7-10 June 1999 / edited by C. Martius,
H. Tiessen, P.L.G. Vlek, 2001.
2. Retaining structures : design and construction in tropical soils / by Bujang B.K. Huat, Han Khee Kwong, Loh Wooi Chuan, Faisal Ali,
Azlan A. Aziz, 2006.
3. Soils and human health / edited by Eric C. Brevik, Lynn C. Burgess, 2013.
4. Soil water and agronomic productivity / edited by Rattan Lai, B.A. Stewart, 2012. (Advances in Soil Science Vol. 19)
1. Lembaga Kenaf dan Tembakau Negara : perangkaan 2013, 201-.
2. Production and export statistics of forest products 2013, 2014.
3. Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. Third edition / by Peter J. Diggle, 2014. [Monographs on Statistics
and Applied Probability 128).
1. The formation of wood in tropical forest trees : a challenge from the perspective of functional wood anatomy /edited by
Tadashi Nobuchi, Mohd Hamami Sahri, 2008.
2. Direktori pengilang kayu-kayan pengeksport kayu diproses dan kayu balak di Sabah 2014 = Directory of timber manufactures
processed timber and log exporters in Sabah 2014, 2014.
3.Forest products annual market review 2013-2014, 2014. (Geneva Timber and Forest Study Paper ECE/TIM/SP 36)
4.Teak 2000 : a consortium support model for greatly increasing the contribution of quality tropical hardwood plantations to
sustainable development / by Raymond M. Keogh, 1996. (MED Forestry and Land Use Series No. 9)
1. Adventitious root formation in cuttings / edited by Tim D. Davis, Bruce E. Haissig, Narendra Sankhla, 1988. (Advances in Plant
Science Series Vol. 2)
2.The role of plant roots in crop production / by Nand Kumar Fageria, 2013.
3.Kenali 114 spesies buah-buahan liar / oleh M. Abd. Latif, N.M. Zanariah, N. Zawiah Ngah, H. Othaman, 2014. (FRIM Special
Publication No. 4)
4.Orchid seed diversity : a scanning electron microscopy survey / by Wilhem Barthlott, Bernadette Grob
2014. (ENGLERA 32)
ann, Nadja Korotkova,
5.Racun kulat: aspek kimia dan penggunaannya dalam pengawalan penyakit tumbuhan / oleh Baharuddin Salleh, 1988.
1. Asas terjemahan dan interpretasi / disunting oleh Haslina Haroon, Hasuria Che Omar, 2013.
2. Biology of butterflyfishes / edited by Morgan S. Pratchett, Michael L. Beruman, B.G. Kapoor, 2014
3. Warisan geologi Malaysia : kerangka teori dan penilaian geowarisan = Geological heritage of Malaysia :
theoretical framework and assessment of geoheritage / disunting oleh Mohd Shafeea, Ibrahim Komoo, 2004.
4. Geoheritage of East and Southeast Asia / edited by Mohd Shafeea Leman, Anthony Reedman, Chen Shick Pei, 2008.
5. Geological heritage of Malaysia : geoheritage conservation (1997-2009) / edited by Che Aziz Ali, Mohd Shafeea Leman,
6. Master plan of action : Malaysian National Medicines Policy. Second edition, 2012, 2014.
7. Natural and engineered solutions for drinking water supplies : lessons from the Northeastern United States and
directions for global watershed management / edited by Emily Alcott, Mark S. Ashton, Bradford S. Gentry, 2013.
8. Law and the question of the animal: a critical jurisprudence / edited by Yoriko Otomo, Ed Mussawir, 2013.
9. Rearing animal and plant pathogen vectors / edited by Karl Maramorosch, Farida Mahmood, 2014.
Nor Hayati Abdullah
Chemical constituents of Prismatomeris Malayana Ridley and
quantitative structure activity relationship study on
anti-inflammatory agents and their analogues.
[Thesis (Ph.D) - University of Malaya, 2014]
Sam Yen Yen
Taxonomic revision, phylogeny and conservation status
of Scaphochlamys (Zingiberaceae).
[Thesis (Ph.D) - University of Malaya, 2014]
Nurul Farhanah Zakaria
Population genetics study of Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin Melawis) using microsatellite
markers = Kajian populasi genetic Gonystylus bancanus (Ramin Melawis) menggunakan penanda mikrosatelit.
[Thesis (M.Sc)- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 2014]
Ong Su Ping
Host plants of Tachardina aurantiaca (Cockerell) (Hemiptera : Kerriidae) and its development,
reproduction and abundance in selected areas in Peninsular Malaysia = Tumbuhan perumah
Tachardina aurantiaca (Cockerell) (Hemiptera : Kerriidae) serta perkembangan, pembiakan dan
kelimpahannya di kawasan terpilih di Semenanjung Malaysia.
[Thesis (M.Sc) - Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2015]
1. 366 cerita dari Quran dan hadis : 1 hari 1 cerita, 2014. Nur Syafiqa Yusoff (
[No. Kelas : BKI A 0020]
2. Teladan bagi orang beriman : kisah-kisah dalam Al-quran, 2014. Al-lmam Al-Hafiz Ismail
Kathir A-Qursyi Al Dimasyqi. [No. Kelas : BKI A 0021]
3. Khinzir: penciptaan dan hukum-hukum, 20—. Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri. [No Kelas : BKI C 00
4. Munajat yang terangkat ke langit, 2014. Muhammad Nasir & Syarhan Safie. [No. Kelas : BKI D 0
5. Indahnya hidup bersyariat: modul fardu ain diri, keluarga dan masyarakat sepanjang hayat, 2
Ismail Kamus & Mohd Azrul Azlen Abd. Hamid. [No. Kelas : BKI D 0039]
6. Kekuatan dan dahsyatnya solat dhuha, 2014. Ahmad Farhan Chairullah & Arifal Firdaus.
[No Kelas :BKI E 0031]
7. Khutbah Jumaat sepanjang zaman, 201-. Abah Izuddin Nu'ad S. Ag. [No. Kelas : BKI E 0033]
8. Rahsia nikmat solat, 201-. Ibnul Qayyim al-Jauziyyah. [No. Kelas : BKI E 0032]
9. Solat, selawat, 2014. Don Daniyal Don Biyajid. [No. Kelas : BKI E 0030]
10. Mungkinkah ini solat terakhirmu?, 2014. Syed Alwi Alatas. [No. Kelas : BKI E 0029]
11. Poligami: penjelasan berdasarkan perspektif undang-undang keluarga Islam di Malaysia, 2014.
Raihanah Abdullah. [No. Kelas : BKI K 0053]
12. Buatmu wanita : sebagai isteri, anak - ketahui hakmu, 2009. Suzana Ghazali. [No Kelas BKI L 0016]
13. Dilema wanita bekerjaya, 2014. Suzana Ghazali. [No Kelas : BKI L 0017]
14. Memburu keberkatan ilmu, 2014. Mohammad Nidzam Abdul Kadir. [No. Kelas : BKI N 0021]
15. Didiklah dari hati, 2014. Pahrol Mohammad Juoi & Rasidah Mustaffa. [No Kelas : BKI N 0022]
16. Anakku hebat, anakku soleh, 2006. Zahazan Mohamed. [No. Kelas : BKI N 0023]
17. D
tnya taubat nasuha : koleksi kisah insan yang mendapat hidayah tuhan, 2012. Ibnu Qudamah
disy. [No. Kelas : BKI O 0032]
18. Untul^ kita pendosa : 30 hari mencari Tuhan, 2015. Hilal Asyraf. [No. Kelas : BKI P 0037]
an keajaiban Laa ilaaha illallah, 201-. Arifal Firdaus As-Sundy. [No. Kelas : BKI P 0036]
20. Atlas Rasulullah s.aw., 2014. Sami Abdullah Al-Maghluts. [No Kelas : BKI Q 0022]
b hudud : undang-undang Allah yang adil, 2014. Mohd Azhar Abdullah. [No. Kelas : BKI U 0017]
Penen^ian agama dan hak penjagaan kanak-kanak menurut undang-undang Islam, 2014.
ed Azam Mohamed Adil. [No. Kelas : BKI U 0018]
steri dajal, 201-. Wiyanto Suud. [No. Kelas : BKI X 0018]
Keajaiban haiwan yang mengubah dunia, 2014. Umi Kalthum Ngah & Zulkifli Zainal Abidin.
las : BKI X 0017]
mengejutkan manusia, 2014. Adil Alhyar LL.M [No. Kelas : BKI X 0016]
27. Yahudi: catatan
athir. [No. Kelas : BKI Y 0019]
201-. NoorH
usaini. [No. Kelas : BKI Z 0007]
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1. FRIM Technical Information 74,2014
2. FRIM in Focus Dec 2014
3. Warta Sektor Perhutanan Semenanjung Malaysia 30(1), 2014
4. Fungal Biology 118(4-12), 2014
5. The Journal of Diplomacy & Foreign Relations 14(2), 2014
6. Malaysian Rubber Review 17,2014
7. Sarawak Timber Association Review 254,2014
8. Sustainable Humansphere 10,2014
9. Smithsonian Contributions to Botany 101,2014
10. Apanews 42,2013
11. Tiger Paper 41 (1&2), 2014
12. MFP News 24(4), 2015
13. Apafri Brief 34,2014
14. Blumea 59(2), 2014
15. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 27(1), 2015
16. Tiger Paper 41(3), 2014
17. Journal of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University 27(2-4), 2013
18. Third World Resurgence 292, Dec 2014
19. Willdenowia 44(3), 2014
20. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 42(3), 2014
21. Journal of the National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka 42(4), 2014
22. The Garden's Bulletin Singapore 66(2), 2014
23. Journal of Tropical Biology & Conservation 11,2014
24. Journal of Rubber Research 17(4), 2014
25. Sains & Teknologi 13(2), 2014
26. Timber Malaysia 20(5), 2014
27. Sepilok Bulletin 19,2014
28. Sepilok Bulletin 20, 2014
29. Austrobaileya 19(2), 2014
30. The Planter 90(1063), 2014
31. Third World Economics 584,2015
32. Kasetsart Journal 48(4), 2014
33. Development & Cooperation 42(2), 2015
34. Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ehime University, 2014
35. Bulletin of the Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute 13(4), 2014
36. Environment & Development Economics 20(1), 2015
37. Palmoil Update 48(5), 2014
> - f
38. Palmoil Update 48(6), 2014
39. Botanical Review 80(4), 2014
40. Edinburgh Journal of Botany 72(1), 2015
41. Third World Economics 585,2015
42. Third World Economics 586,2015
43. Sarawak Timber Association Review 256,2015
44. Thai Forest Bulletin 42,2014
45. The Planter 90(1064), 2014
46. Timber Malaysia 20(6), 2014
47. Gardenwise 44,2015
48. UTAR: Agriculture Science Journal 1(1), 2015
49. UTAR: Agriculture Science Journal 1(2), 2015
50. Kajian Malaysia 31(1), 2013
51. Kajian Malaysia 31(2), 2013
52. Kajian Malaysia 32(1), 2014
53. Third World Economics 587,2015
54. Third World Resurgence 293,2015
55. Third World Resurgence 294,2015
56. Sarawak Timber Association Review 257,2015
57. MFP News 25(1), 2015
58. Development & Cooperation 42(3), 2015
59. Third World Economics 588,2015
60. Third World Economics 589,2015
61. Tropical Forest Update 23(4), 2014
62. Journal of the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University
1. Laporan Tahunan FI NAS 2013
2. Laporan Tahunan KETENGAH 2013
3. Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Mineral & Geosains 2013
4. Laporan Tahunan JUPEM 2013
5. Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Sembilan 2013
6. Laporan Tahunan JPSM 2013
7. Laporan Tahunan LGM 2013
8. Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perhutan Negeri Terangganu 2013
9. Laporan Tahunan Tourism Malaysia 2013
10. Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Muzium Malaysia 2013
11. Laporan Tahunan LPPKN 2013
12. Laporan Tahunan Jabatan Perhutan Negeri Pulau Pinang 2013
AUDIT ISO 9001 2015
Audit dalam telah diadakan pada 23 -24 Mac dan perpustakaan telah diaudit oleh
En Asmawee dan Pn Saiful Hazlin. Prestasi perpustakaan kali ini adalah lebih baik
daripada tahun 2014.
Foto Penutupan Audit Dalam Bahagian Perkhidmatan Teknikal
Pada 26/1/2015, kakitangan Perpustakaan FRIM telah diberi pendedahan dan tunjuk ajar
bagi sessi pengenalan dalam pengendalian sistem MyeLIB. Lati ha n telah diberikan oleh
En. Husaini.
Foto Latihan MyElib