ArA SAlvAje


ArA SAlvAje
Ara Salvaje
A film by
Ten years tempering a dream. Now you have us in your hands and now…
How do we convince you to go on reading?
Let me start at the beginning...
A film by
Or how to have a look and decide what to pay attention to.
(Assuming you’re missing a great story!!)
THE REASONS............................................................................................................................. pág 4
WHY A FILM? Because we “dream movies” and we want to participate in lots of film festivals with this Project.
AND WHY A MTB MOVIE? It’s what we do best and talking about Bikes… We have a huge audience to satisfy.
BUT ALSO: The scenery, being the first, talking about one of the hardest and most magical mtb routes of the Pyrenees…
AND ABOVE ALL: Because we want to tell our story and we do it in a different way.
SUPPOSE I JOIN THE ADVENTURE?.............................................................................................. pág 6
Return and example.
OK, YOU ARE THRILLED AND YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THIS PROJECT..................................... pág 8
How (and for how much) can I do it?
DON’T WORRY, YOU’RE NOT ALONE ........................................................................................... pág 9
Who else has joined us economically and technically?
WHO SAYS IT’S GOING TO WORK?............................................................................................ pág 10
Have a look if you want to know more about us..
MORE KEYS TO SUCCESS......................................................................................................... pág 11
If that were not enough…
CONTACT.................................................................................................................................. pág 12
BACK TO INDEX ............. .click on the icon
A film by
Ara River is the last wild river in the Pyrenees. Natural artery of the territory. This river’s water is part of
the DNA and the blood of these mountains. Kilometres of stories telling us about what the Pyrenees are
and about what they were.
The film will tell us about all this.
006. Martín, an Argentinian adventurer, rider
and film maker gets on his bike to a remote
place: San Nicolás de Bujaruelo. There he’ll get in
touch with river Ara for the first time and from
then on he will be tied to its waters, it mountains
and its people.
A film by
On the banks of river Ara Martín “draw” an unprecedented sporting challenge, made new friends that
changed his destiny, fell in love with the woman of
his life (another adventurer that today walks beside
him) and raised a family in Boltaña. On the banks of
this wild river, the last wild river of the Pyrenees.
1. Why a film?
When you have a strong dream you fight for it,
but if besides you turn everything you dream into
shots, frames, lights, stories, music and postproduction, what happens? You definitely want to
make a movie. Here it goes the first reason: We
dream movies.
There’s another detail. A film is the only product admissible in the film festivals we plan to participate
with this Project. From Torelló to Banff and countless international events that will give this dream
a great visibility during several years.
The more support we obtain, the better we’ll “play
the game”.
diversity, one of the most spectacular landscapes
of the world.
Because it’s the best we can do, it’s inside our We are talking about something that had never
DNA, tied to our way of life, our philosophy and been done before (until September 2014).
too many of the reasons why we’ve taken so many This will be one of the most difficult MTB routes
decisions. Oh God!! We even eat bike soup at of the Pyrenees.
Just a few itineraries have so much magic. It vindiAnd we can’t (and shouldn’t) forget that if there’s a cates the struggle for adaptation of its settlers.
sports activity growing nowadays, that’s biking: we
have a big audience to satisfy.
4. And above all:
2. And why an mtb film?
Because we want to tell a different story (ours) in
3. But also:
a different way, a story bound up, like life, with the
Because we know the course of this river is, with its flow of a river. The last wild river of the Pyrenees. A film by
Great idea! To that end we launch this message;
asking for your collaboration.
Your company can benefit from supporting economically this project in different ways:
Visibility of the action in the national and international scope:
· In digital and specialized media with national
and international import like (+26
mill visits/year), (+20 mill), (+1 mill), todomountainbike (+3 mill visits/year), mtbpro (+1 mill 200.000), mountainbike
(+1 mill 200.000), planetmtb (+70.000), bttpirineo
(+60.000), etc.
A film by
In general media:
· In non-institutional 2.0 broadcasting channels of great scope: foromtb (+6,5 mill visits/year),
thelazyrando (+300 thousand),,, etc.
· But above all in Video and Cinema Festivals from
Torelló or Bilbao till Sheffield, Grenoble or Banff.
as well as during the presentation of the film to
the media.
· Brand image associated to sport, cultural and environmental values.
· Presence in all audio-visual related contents;
during the realisation of the film we’ll create short
pieces for the net you could use in your social media and websites.
· Leading role for your brand in the final credits
And furthermore:
· The support to an alternative activity in a unique
· The potential of a future tourism product to take
advantage of the results.
And for example:
This video is the teaser of a web series of two
chapters done with a minor production. It is a
good example of the audio-visual language and
style that define us. (Click on the image).
This web series got (relying only on dissemination
through personal channels):
· 70.000 views in Vimeo and YouTube.
· More than 280.000 views and more than
1.700.000 uploads in total associated to all videos of the channel.
· Being watched in 150 countries.
· Different videos of the channel have been embedded in 300 different sites.
A film by
We understand. And we’re happy to announce you’re
very lucky: we love having company!!!
Being honest and aware of the present moment
we’ve decided to accomplish this project with just
40.000,00 € (+ VAT).
We are trying to co-produce the film with various
public and private organisations. It is essential for
us to count on the local institutions associated to
the Project.
The presence of sponsor brands in the video and during the filming process as well as during the preA film by
sentation will be proportional to their contribution.
Premium Sponsorship: Financial support (VAT NOT
INCLUDED) between 6.500 € - 40.000€€.
Principal Sponsorship: Financial support (VAT NOT
INCLUDED) between 4.500 € - 6.000 €.
Supporting Sponsorship: Financial support (VAT
NOT INCLUDED) between 2.000 € - 4.000 €.
Contributor: Financial support (VAT NOT INCLUDED)
between 1.000 € y 3.500 €.
Others have already taken a step forward and
have joined our Project: The Directorate General
for Tourism in Aragon, TUHUESCA (DPH) and, of
course, all councils naturally involved in the film:
Torla, Broto, Fiscal, Boltaña and Aínsa. Without
forgetting two of the most representative organisations here: Business Association Zona Zero
and Tourism Business Association of Sobrarbe.
If you want to, we can change the last “full stop”
into a comma and write your name!!!
A film by
Not to mention a creative crowdfunding campaign that will give lots of individuals the opportunity of participate giving great visibility and
character to the Project
And behind the scenes…
Osole visual also counts on a Group of some “allies”
in this fight:
Sergio de Uña (FILMSDU), Nacho Ferrando (Ábaco
Digital: vídeo360), Paco (Switchdrone), Jauja Estu-
dio (Design), Crowd Studio (Web), Hermanos Toch,
Titiriteros de Binéfar, Maxi Guiñazú (to provide our
story with sound).
Not to mention…
Trangoworld dressing us up, Julbo protecting our
beautiful eyes and some other brands we can’t still
Well, 100 % sure, no one but if you want we can
tell you a little bit more about us.
We started down the path as “Osole Visual” in
April 2014 although our experience goes back to
We are very good at all that stuff called branding, we “have a personality” and we’ve become
experts in adventure, travel and nature web videos. And even if it seems a little bit pretentious
we are leading the use of innovative techniques
in fields such as 360º video, 4K, etc. on the naA film by
tional and international scope.
Some of the people that have trusted us: Mondraker, Saint Lary, Gran Trail Aneto-Posets, BH
Bikes, Specialized Spain, Trangoworld, Trail to Heaven, Sandmanbikes, magazine BIKE, magazine MTBPRO, Centro BTT ZONA ZERO, Turismo de Aragón,
Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, PRAMES, Ábaco
Digital, Atelier de Ideas, Tele deporte, Aragón Televisión, TDA, Ayuntamiento de Aínsa, etc.
Recent track record:
· 1st award in Picos de Europa Fest, real time
mountain video making contest organized by Jesús Calleja.
· Skimetraje Ski and Snowboard Short Film Festival
of the Pyrenees 2014: award for the Best Short
Film and the Best Photography. With El Pintor
fuera de Pista.
· Only Spanish short film selected in Torelló Mountain Film Festival 2014
· Finalist en Ull-Nu Audio-visual Festival of Young
Pyrenean Artists.
· Best film of the Pyrenees. Ukerdi Mountain Film
Festival 2015
Just in case what you’ve seen is not enough…
Being the first
Nowadays there are not many opportunities of
“being the first”. In this globalized World, with so
much information that seemed almost impossible,
but with this Project we’ve done it!! We’ll be the
· Making a MTB film in Spain and where’s better
than our mountains? The Pyrenees, probably one of
the most beautiful mountain ranges in the World.
· Riding the course of the last Wild River of the
Pyrenees. One of the most spectacular and hard
routes of the World.
A film by
Unexplored mtb territory
It seems quite difficult to find a challenge without
crossing at least “one or two” oceans, we know. But
right here, ten years ago Martín started to figure
out one.
An MTB challenge no one had thought of before
that was an unprecedented activity.
He visualized the itinerary very clearly and step by
step he run through it, rode it, rowed it and even
climbed it and, of course, he found it in one of the
most spectacular places of the world:
The course of river Ara. The last wild river of
the Pyrenees.
The last wild
river in Pyrenees
Ara Salvaje
Telf: + 34 669 467 088