Fall 2013 Issue


Fall 2013 Issue
Bethlehem University News - Volume 21
Issue No. 1
in the
Part 1
Bethlehem University
Holy Land
Reasons to
A Message from the
Vice Chancellor
Forty Years of Education and
Service to the Palestinian People
Dear Alumni and Friends of Bethlehem University,
Forty years ago, in October 1973, Bethlehem University opened its doors with 112
students. Celebrated as the first registered university in Palestine and the only Catholic
university in the Holy Land, Bethlehem University has exhibited a strong resilience since
its inception – first by opening during the October 1973 war, known as the Ramadan
or the Yom Kippur War, and later by surviving and thriving during the First and Second
Intifadas and through the ongoing Occupation.
During his historic visit to Palestine in 1964, Pope Paul VI became aware of the need for
higher education in Palestine. From that awareness emerged a desire to do something
that would address that need. In 1972, the Vatican, in partnership with the De La Salle
Brothers, answered that call. Under the leadership of the Apostolic Delegate to Jerusalem
and Palestine, Archbishop Pio Laghi (later Cardinal), practical steps were taken to
establish a Catholic university committed to serving the immediate Christian community
and the larger Palestinian society.
This year we celebrate forty years: of steadfast commitment of our faculty and staff to
educate the students of Palestine; of creativity and fortitude of our graduates; of zeal and
intellect displayed daily by our students; and of the generous support of people like you
from nearly every corner of the world.
In 1973 no one could have imagined what Bethlehem University has become – what
began with three classrooms in De La Salle Hall has become a bustling campus of over
3,000 students with state-of-the-art facilities and an expanded campus on a new property.
What began with 17 faculty members has become a university educating top leaders
in Palestine; an internationally celebrated research institution; and a leading example
internationally of inter-religious understanding and cooperation.
In this magazine, you will read about these and many other milestones from the
forty years Bethlehem University has existed. You will also read about more recent
developments – an exciting new Master’s program, alumni making a difference on the
world stage, and truly unprecedented capital developments at Bethlehem University.
As we celebrate these accomplishments, we also look forward to the next forty years,
and we renew our commitment to build upon the successes of the past. As always, we
continue to evolve in direct response to the needs of the people of Palestine – enhancing
our existing curriculum and developing new programs; building and maximizing facilities
to foster learning and collaboration; and injecting an entrepreneurial spirit into all
faculties and academic endeavors.
Bethlehem University has a rich history of success these past forty years, certainly with
more than forty reasons to be proud! In this spirit, I invite you to join us in celebrating
this year, whether you visit us on campus, attend one of our Jubilee events, or stay in
touch online. Your support has shaped what Bethlehem University is all about – serving
the people of Palestine and creating educated, resourceful, and creative young leaders.
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and generosity!
Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD
Vice Chancellor
Published by the Development and
Communications Office
Ms. Patti Riippa
Editorial Committee
Mr. George Rishmawi
Mr. Larry Rzepka
Brother Stephen Tuohy, FSC
Sr. Rosalinda Amacarin
Mr. Demitri Awwad
Brother Peter Bray, FSC
Dr. Mellie Brodeth
Mr. Mike Hazboun
Ms. Rania Hazboun ‘96
Fr. Jamal Khader
Ms. Amira LaMarca
Ms. Jamie Monk
Mr. Nabil Mufdi ‘75
Ms. Haneen Musleh ‘07
Mr. Jehad Najajreh
Ms. Shahinda Nassar ‘05
Dr. Micheal Sansur
Mr. Francis Sleibi
Brother Dominic Smith, FSC
Mr. Wasim Zoghbi
Special Thanks
Student Ambassadors
Design and Printing
Nour Design & Print Co.
[email protected]
Selina Tabash Nour ’98
David Nour ’95
Electronic address
[email protected]
Temporary mailing address
Communications Office
PO Box 11407
92248 Jerusalem
Location address
Frères Street
Bethlehem, Palestine
North American Office
Bethlehem University
Hecker Center
3025 Fourth St, NE, Suite 330
Washington, DC 20017-1102
Tel. 202-526-6097
On Page 12 of the Bethlehem
University News Volume 20, Issue
No. 2, 2011-2012, Ms. Hanan SacaHazboun was incorrectly identified
as a Doctor; she is a PhD Candidate,
Villanova University.
Table of Contents
40 Reasons to Celebrate
Summer in the USA: 10 Bethlehem University
Interns Working Coast-to-Coast
Bethlehem University “Quietly” Passes Yet
Another Milestone and Looks Toward an
Expanding Future
Worldwide Support for the New Education
Building: Improving the Quality of
Education in Palestine
Bethlehem University Alumna Elected First
Female Mayor of Bethlehem
New Master’s Program in Tourism the First
of its Kind in Palestine
Laila Asfoura: Ambassador, Shepherd, and
Good Community Steward to the Elderly
Women of Bethlehem
Bethlehem University Receives Prestigious
International Award for Academic
Excellence and Inter-Religious Dialogue
Bethlehem University Shapes Dialogue on
Inter-Faith Relations
In Memory
Bethlehem University Comings and Goings
Thank You
Bethlehem University 2012-2013 Revenues
How You Can Help
Bethlehem University
in Figures 2012 - 2013
Student Enrollment:
Master’s Degree: 105
Higher Educational Diploma: 209
Professional Diploma: 64
Baccalaureate: 2,774
Diploma: 95
Religious Studies in Jordan: 35
Total Student Enrollment: 3,282
Faculty & Staff: 395
Academic: 187; Adm./Support: 123;
Service: 58; Sub-Contracted: 27
Female: 170; Male: 225
Student Demographics
Student Home Locations
Graduates in the
Class of 2013
Total Graduates
through 2013
2013 by
Field of
2.8% 1.8%
Education: 2,772
Business Administration:
Nursing & Health Sciences:
Hotel Management & Tourism: 1,076
Continuing Education:
40 Reasons to Celebrate
Part 1
To commemorate the 40th Jubilee of Bethlehem University, we are celebrating our rich history, memorable
people, unwavering resilience, and impact around the world. We have selected, in no particular order, 40
Reasons to Celebrate Bethlehem University this year, beginning with the first 20 in this issue. Look for
Part 2 of our Reasons to Celebrate in the Spring 2014 issue of Bethlehem University News.
Bethlehem University students,
learning firsthand about their daily
lives and hopes for the future.
Opening its doors in October 1973
with 112 students, Bethlehem
University becomes the first registered
university and only Catholic university
in Palestine. All classes were held in
De La Salle Hall, the only building on
campus, which was previously L’École
des Frères primary and secondary
Bethlehem University students
have unique opportunities to learn
from the best. In 2011, Bethlehem
University welcomed Pulitzer Prizewinning author Ms. Alice Walker
(The Color Purple) to campus as part
of the Palestine Festival of Literature
(PalFest). The annual festival travels
to various locations around Palestine,
enabling students to participate in
workshops with critically acclaimed
international writers, and showcasing
the literary and cultural diversity
within Palestine, as well as the strong
ties among Palestinian and American
and European writers.
Bethlehem University graduates
work on all levels of society, effecting
change on a national level. Ms.
Rima Canawati (‘86) is a pioneer
who has dedicated her life to
supporting the disabled community
and advocating for their rights in
Palestine. Visually impaired at the
age of 25 from a rare disease, Ms.
Canawati’s national lobbying efforts
have affected countless children with
disabilities, enabling them to attend
integrated educational institutions.
Employed at the Bethlehem Arab
Society for Rehabilitation, she is
also associated with a myriad of
local and international disabilities
rights organizations. In 2009, Ms.
Canawati received the International
Service Human Rights award for her
years of professional and academic
contributions to the field of human
rights for people with disabilities.
Though a campus with only 3,000
students, Bethlehem University draws
more than 5,000 visitors each year,
many of them pilgrims from around
the world. Visitors have the unique
opportunity to interact with
The De La Salle Brothers have
administered Bethlehem University
since its inception, beginning in 1973
with Brother Brendan Fitzgerald,
Brother Joseph Neary, and Brother
Anthony O’Connor. In the past 40
years, 60 Brothers have served at
Bethlehem University, including all
eight Vice Chancellors.
Can the cure for breast cancer be
found at Bethlehem University?
Professor Moien Kanaan, PhD, is a
leading Palestinian geneticist who has
been investigating genetic diseases for
more than 15 years.
As Director of the Hereditary
Research Laboratory at Bethlehem
University, he leads internationally
celebrated research in breast cancer,
hearing loss, and other genetic
conditions. Dr. Kanaan is the 20122013 recipient of The Roz and Les
Goldstein Award from the Breast
Cancer Research Foundation.
Bethlehem University graduates
around the world return to their
roots. After Mr. Hani Imam (’77)
enrolled in the first class of students
at Bethlehem University in October
1973, he rose to the top of his class,
becoming Valedictorian of the first
full graduating class in 1977. He
subsequently developed a successful
career in technology and business
– including an executive role at
Microsoft in Seattle, Washington–and
continues to be a tireless supporter
of Bethlehem University, supporting
students through several scholarships
and serving on the Bethlehem
University Foundation Board of
Directors in North America.
Bethlehem University
Bethlehem University News - Volume 17
Issue No. 1
“I wish to make special mention of the outstanding
achievements of Bethlehem University .”
Pope Benedict XVI, Holy Land Visit, May 2009
Pope Benedict XVI
visits Bethlehem
Despite unemployment rates as high
as 25 percent in parts of Palestine,
graduates of Bethlehem University
are immensely successful in their
chosen careers, with a 100 percent
employment among some programs,
such as within the Faculty of Nursing.
His Holiness Pope Benedict
XVI visited Bethlehem in 2009,
acknowledging the valuable
contributions of many institutions
and groups engaged in interreligious dialogue. “I wish to make
special mention of the outstanding
achievements of Bethlehem
University,” His Holiness said during
his visit. “You daily demonstrate your
belief that our duty before God is
expressed not only in our worship,
but also in our love and concern for
society, for culture, for our world, and
for all who live in this land.”
Christians from around the world
flock to the “Little Town of Bethlehem”
every Christmas, and at Bethlehem
University, celebrations are the
centerpiece of the season. In the weeks
leading up to Christmas, the Dean of
Students Office hosts a campus-wide
Christmas party, including a musical
performance by Wajd, Bethlehem
University’s student music group,
and Christian and Muslim students
alike join together for the singing of
traditional carols. Every Christmas
Eve, hundreds of worshippers celebrate
Midnight Mass on campus at the
Chapel of the Divine Child.
Blessed are the peacemakers; blessed is
Mr. Daoud Nassar (‘96), a Bethlehem
University graduate and internationally
lauded champion for reconciliation
and peace under the Occupation.
His family, including nephew Mr.
Bshara Nassar (‘10), has tirelessly
defended their 100-acre farm for
generations – in an area completely
controlled by Israel and surrounded
by settlements. On their farm, the
Nassar family established the Tent of
Nations in 2000, which seeks to bring
people of various cultures together
to build bridges of understanding,
reconciliation, and peace.
An international institution in spirit,
Bethlehem University has received
support from people around the world
– in more than 35 countries on 6
Originally from Queens, New York,
Brother Joe Loewenstein has been
a permanent fixture at Bethlehem
University almost since its inception.
The first Vice Chancellor at Bethlehem
University, Brother Joe has also
served as President and in a variety
of administrative and educational
roles over four decades. He actively
advocates for many alumni and
students, and assists in hosting
thousands of pilgrims to campus each
year. He is a brother, mentor, and
friend to thousands of Palestinians and
ex-patriots alike.
University faculty members defied
military orders and continued to
teach students in secret – in churches,
private homes, and hotels – risking
arrest and imprisonment.
Much like other college students
around the world, Bethlehem
University students enjoy social
activities and sporting events in their
free time. In 2013, the Bethlehem
University men’s basketball team
won first place in the Palestinian
Universities Basketball Championship.
Over the years, 65 percent of
Bethlehem University graduates have
been women, some of them becoming
nationally and internationally
renowned leaders of women’s rights
issues, such as Ms. Vera Baboun (‘85),
first female Mayor of Bethlehem, and
Ms. Rabiha Thiab (‘99), Minister of
Women’s Affairs in Palestine.
During the First Intifada, Bethlehem
University was forced by Israeli
military to close for several years.
Faced with the decision to either obey
orders or face severe consequences,
during the closures many Bethlehem
In 2010, Bethlehem University was
honored with the Living Stones
Solidarity Award by unanimous vote
of the Board of Directors for the
Holy Land Christian Ecumenical
Foundation (HCEF). The award
honors Bethlehem University for its
commitment to improving the lives of
Christians in the Holy Land through
education, advocacy and solidarity,
particularly its emphasis on excellence
in academic programs and the
development of students.
The vast majority of Bethlehem
University faculty, staff and students
face daily barriers to freedom of
movement, greatly restricting their
access to education. In order to meet
the educational needs of students
in remote and inaccessible areas,
Bethlehem University has been
committed to bringing education to
the places where students need it –
such as through the Gaza Student
Initiative, the Nursing program in rural
Emmaus Qubeibeh, and the Catechists
training program in Jerusalem,
Ramallah, and Amman, Jordan.
In a world often at odds and at war
over religious differences, Bethlehem
University is praised for its interreligious dialogue and understanding
– an integral component of education
at Bethlehem University. All students,
Christian and Muslim alike, share the
same Religious Studies classes, taught
from the perspectives of the Christian
and Muslim faiths.
Bethlehem University works
nationwide to revamp the educational
system on all levels. The Faculty
of Education is spearheading the
national “Improving the Quality of
Primary and Secondary Education in
Palestine Project,” which shapes the
core educational systems throughout
Palestine, and aims to promote
education for gender equity, human
rights, democracy, cultural identity
and diversity, and environmental
protection. From 2010-2014, the
project involves 118 schools in the
middle and southern West Bank.
Beneficiaries of the program include
upward of 22,000 students, 1,100
teachers, 5,000 parents, and 180
Bethlehem University students in
training to be teachers.
only Catholic Christian university in
the Holy Land, opens its doors on 1
October with 112 students and 17
faculty members. Archbishop Pio
Laghi serves as the first Chancellor of
Bethlehem University.
The building that will eventually house
Bethlehem University is constructed
for the De La Salle Brothers. From 1893
until 1973, it will serve the Brothers
in the Middle East as a novitiate, a
retirement home for elderly Brothers,
and a primary and secondary school
before it is finally used for the University.
The first full graduating class includes
73 students.
Mar Andrea Sisters Convent opens.
The Brothers’ House is built on campus.
Bethlehem University is officially
closed for three years by decree of
Israeli Military Order.
The Social and Cultural Center opens.
During his historic visit to Palestine in
1964, the first visit of a Pope to the Holy
Land, Pope Paul VI became aware of the
need for higher education in Palestine.
The Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop
Pio Laghi, forms a committee of
local community leaders and heads
of schools in the West Bank and East
Jerusalem to establish an institution of
higher learning.
The Library Building opens.
Bethlehem University is one of the
founding members of the Palestinian
Council for Higher Education.
The Bethlehem University Board
of Trustees is established. The Mar
Andrea Women’s Hostel opens.
The Institute for Community Partnership
is founded. Through 2013, it has more
than 6,700 graduates and has awarded
nearly 350 professional diplomas.
The Science Building opens.
Brother Joe Loewenstein begins his
tenure as the first Vice Chancellor of
Bethlehem University.
Bethlehem University, the first
university in the West Bank and the
The enrollment of Bethlehem
University increases steadily, reaching
1,000. Bethlehem University becomes
a member of the Association of Arab
Bethlehem Hall was purchased
and renovated for the Nursing and
Education faculties.
Bethlehem University initiates an
ongoing Strategic Planning Process
to serve a new Palestine in the new
Bethlehem University reaches an
agreement to purchase the Mount
David Property, which will expand the
current campus size by one-third.
Bethlehem University celebrates its
30th Anniversary.
Student enrollment exceeds 2,200.
Turathuna Palestinian Cultural
Heritage Center opens. (photo: The
Second Intifada begins, lasting until
The expanded Nursing program begins
in the village of Qubeibeh.
De La Salle Hall is renovated and rededicated to better serve current and
future generations.
With more than 10,000 graduates,
an enrollment of some 2,800
students, and the generous support
of international friends, Bethlehem
University inaugurates new Master’s
degree programs.
The new Education Building is
Dr. Irene Hazou is promoted to the
Vice President for Academic Affairs,
making her the first female Vice
President at Bethlehem University.
Bethlehem University governing
boards meet with Pope Francis.
Brother Peter Bray invites the Pope to
visit Bethlehem University for the 40th
Jubilee during his visit to Palestine.
Millennium Hall opens for the Arts
and Business Administration faculty.
The Second Intifada continues, and
Bethlehem University loses 126 days
of class due to house arrest imposed
by the Israeli military. Four anti-tank
missiles, rifle launched grenades, and
machine gun fire do serious damage;
three anti-take missiles hit Millennium
Hall, and one hits the Library. The
Basilica of the Nativity is under siege
for 39 days.
Student enrollment reaches a record
high and surpasses 3,000 for the first
time, with a total enrollment of 3,054.
Pope Benedict XVI visits Bethlehem.
The Brother Vincent Malham Center
opens. Enrollment in the last decade
increases by 40 percent.
With nearly $30 million raised,
Bethlehem University successfully
concludes its first ever comprehensive
campaign, exceeding its four-year goal
of $25 million.
Bethlehem University inaugurates its
40th Jubilee year.
The Shucri Ibrahim Dabdoub
Faculty of Business Administration is
More than 3,200 students are enrolled
as Bethlehem University celebrates its
40th Jubilee year. To date, Bethlehem
University has nearly 14,000 graduates
around the world.
Summer in the USA
10 Bethlehem University Interns Working
Bethlehem University interns receive certificates from Catholic Charities USA following the
completion of the 2013 internship program
A record-high 10 Bethlehem
University students had the
unique opportunity to spend
summer 2013 in the United
States, interning at organizations
around the country through the
Sir John McGuckin Mentoring
and Internship Program.
Eight of the students interned
at various Catholic Charities
agencies in the Western and
Midwestern US, as well as an
intern at Georgetown University’s
Center for Contemporary
Arab Studies in Washington,
D.C., and an intern at Coastal
Environmental Systems in Seattle,
Catholic Charities USA
and Georgetown University
generously and graciously made
arrangements for both the work
placement sites as well as for
the housing accommodations
for these 10 students. Catholic
Charities USA hosted the initial
orientation for the students in
Washington, D.C. and New
York City, followed by a wrapup debriefing in Washington,
D.C. after the completion of the
Throughout the summer, the
McGuckin interns were able to
connect locally with parishes,
agency colleagues, schools,
nonprofits, and friends of
Bethlehem University. They
shared their impressions and
enthusiasm through their
collaborative blog, found at
Following the successful
completion at their internship
sites in the US, the students
have returned to Bethlehem,
where they are working with Ms.
Haneen Musleh (‘07), Alumni
Relations Officer, and Mr. Elias
Mukarker (’07), of the Shucri
Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of
Business Administration at
Bethlehem University, to update
their CVs to reflect their recent
experiences and determine next
steps for their careers.
Established in 2010 in honor
of a former Lieutenant of the
USA Northwestern Lieutenancy
of the Equestrian Order of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
(EOHSJ), this year’s program
was supported by gifts from
the Grand Magesterium in the
Vatican, USA Northwestern
Lieutenancy, the Canadian
Atlantic Lieutenancy, CNEWAUSA, CNEWA-Canada,
Pontifical Mission for Palestine,
the Italian Ministry for Youth,
and a number of private donors.
Visit our website to read
about the McGuckin student
internship program and previous
“Being in the States has given me
a chance to experience new things
that aren’t available, that aren’t
options for youth in Palestine... It
opened up my eyes and gave me
a taste of freedom that I’m taking
back home.”
Ms. Christina Juejaat (’13),
Catholic Community Services of
Southern Arizona
“I had the chance to apply what
I learned in my four years at
Bethlehem University in my daily
work at Catholic Charities of
Mr. Nagib Kasbary (’13), Catholic
Charities of California
“I have been able to learn from
different types of meetings,
through which I gained a lot of
information and ideas about how
non-profit organizations develop
themselves and how they raise
funds to support their charities.”
Ms. Mirna Nassar (’14), Catholic
Charities of Des Moines, Iowa
Bethlehem University is
pleased to announce that it
has just completed its very
first comprehensive capital
campaign, raising close to $30
million dollars in four years – 20
percent more than the targeted
$25 million goal set when
the campaign was originally
conceived. And with little fanfare!
Funds raised have been allocated
in a variety of areas to best
support Bethlehem University:
$5,200,000 was added to the
University’s endowment, enabling
us to provide seed money for
establishing endowed chairs;
support faculty/staff development
to attract and retain the best
professionals in their field;
provide additional financial
support for other University
program areas; and increase
scholarship support for our
An additional $5,800,000 in
unrestricted funds was also
raised to support the necessary
administrative and operational
expenses allocated to operating a
four-year university.
n e
A r
Working closely with CCS
(Community Counseling
e tu
Service Co., LLC), a fundraising
consulting firm, Bethlehem
e g
University was able to achieve
its goal without launching a
s in
$3,000,000 was raised to increase
public phase of the campaign;
something most universities have Bethlehem University’s program
” pa
support for such areas as:
to contend with.
l x
alumni relations; internship and
career training; leadership and
“We are very humbled by the
e E
community service;
generosity of the many donors
u an
and other co-curricular
who have stepped-up to respond
Q d
to our call for these much-needed activities.
funds,” said Brother Peter Bray,
FSC, EdD, and Vice Chancellor of
it w
Bethlehem University.
r To
v ks
“A huge thank you also goes
to our University’s Board of
n o
Regents, Board of Trustees, and
Foundation Board of Directors
m &
for their volunteer efforts in
leading us to surpass our goal.”
h e
l on
t st
B ile
with an additional 12,457 square
meters of land and 6,170 square
meters of buildings.
Finally, $14,800,000 was raised for
capital improvements to facilities
(i.e. expansion of the education
building) and seed funds toward
the purchase of the Mount David
Onward to Mount David
The acquisition of the Mount
David Property will expand
Bethlehem University’s current
campus size by nearly one-third,
Thus far Bethlehem University
has raised more than $9.5 million
of the $13.8 million needed to
complete the purchase of the
Mount David property. Once
the project is fully funded, this
acquisition will enable Bethlehem
University to provide expanded
research and community service
initiatives, new undergraduate
entrepreneurial programs,
and additional master’s
and professional degrees
in Governance and Public
Administration, International
Diplomacy and Foreign Service,
and Social Work, among
others. Through this expansion,
Bethlehem University will
continue to inspire and empower
students to be successful
scholars, leaders, professionals,
and engaged citizens in building a
free and vibrant Palestine. Rebirth of a Campus Landmark
Bethlehem University recently
launched a $2 million fundraising
effort to transform one of the
oldest buildings on campus,
the Library, into the intellectual
hub of campus life for students,
faculty, and alumni.
In addition to housing more
than 80,000 titles and enhancing
its digital and online academic
learning resources, the re-
engineered Library, measuring
3,357 m2 (11,105 ft2), will feature
study lounges for individuals
and groups, meeting spaces, a
cafe, theater, recording studio,
and an outdoor courtyard. This
truly inviting space will be wired
with state-of-the-art technology
available and accessible to all
students, including students with
disabilities and special learning
To take a virtual tour of the renovated Library, go to
Worldwide Support
for the New Education Building
Improving the Quality of Education in Palestine
With appreciation to the
donors whose generosity
enabled the Education
Building to be constructed
and furnished:
Fundación Promoción Social
de la Cultura
With gifts of more than $4.5
million, Bethlehem University
celebrated the dedication of the
new Education Building, which
houses educational and outreach
programs that serve thousands
of teachers and students in
the Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and
Hebron region.
Donors from various countries,
churches, and organizations
around the world supported the
construction of the Education
Building, which houses eight
classrooms equipped with stateof-the art teaching technologies,
a specialized Teacher Resource
Center, and office space for
18 faculty members. The new
facility is also host to the multimillion dollar Education Project,
which involves 118 schools in
the middle and southern West
Bank, upwards of 22,000 primary
and secondary students, 1,100
teachers, 5,000 parents, and 180
Bethlehem University students.
“We are most appreciative of
the vision and commitment of a
number of generous benefactors
from the Catholic Church,
international governments,
NGOs, and private donors in
Germany, Spain, Switzerland,
United Arab Emirates, the
United Kingdom and the United
States of America who have
been led by Madame Pilar Lara
Alen, President of the Spanish
Foundation for the Social
Promotion of Culture, to make
this day possible,” said Brother
Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of
Bethlehem University.
“We are determined to support
Bethlehem University’s initiative
to train teachers to improve
the quality of education in the
Palestinian Territories, because I
am convinced that education is the
lever of development,” Madame
Pilar Lara Alen responded.
More than 500 school principals,
guests, and members of the faculty
and staff of Bethlehem University
attended the ceremony.
Agencia Española de
Cooperación International
Para El Desarrollo,
Miniesterio De Asuntos
Exteriores Y De Cooperación
Autonomous Community of
Madrid, Spain
United States Agency for
International Development
Equestrian Order of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem,
Grand Magisterium, Vatican
Equestrian Order of the
Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem,
The People of the Catholic
Archdiocese of Cologne,
Pax Christi im Bistum Essen,
Georges Wick Foundation,
Bethlehem University Alumna
Bethlehem University
Vice Chancellor Brother
Peter Bray with Bethlehem
Mayor Ms. Vera Baboun
Ms. Vera
remarks at
the 2013
“I found hope at the heart of where
my educational journey had begun
at Bethlehem University, the
beginning of my career and what
would become a great stepping
stone for my future,” she said.
In the 1990s, Ms. Baboun returned
to Bethlehem University, this time
as an English lecturer. In addition
to teaching the standard course
material for English, Ms. Vera
recognized the importance of
integrating relevant and related
topics, such as gender equality and
human rights, and her lectures
were described as inspiring
and memorable for her former
If you want to create change,
you have to start with yourself
from within in order to create the
change in others,
Ms. Baboun said.
More than 27 years before being
elected the first female Mayor
of Bethlehem, it was here at
Bethlehem University, in the
summer of 1985, when a young,
ambitious Ms. Vera Baboun
marched with confidence across
the auditorium to collect her
hard-earned degree in English
Elected First Female
Mayor of Bethlehem
Today, Ms. Baboun is working
hand-in-hand with other
Bethlehem University graduates
in running the Municipality of
Bethlehem and serving the people
of Bethlehem. Ms. Randa Handal
(’07), Mr. Rami Kando (’00), Ms.
Karmen Ghattas (’11), Mr. Wasim
Juha (’10), and Ms. Ekram Juha
(’11) are part of the new generation
of Bethlehem University graduates
who are proud to serve Bethlehem
and Palestine.
Ms. Baboun spoke at the 37th
Graduation Ceremony at
Bethlehem University this June
2013. In her remarks, she thanked
Bethlehem University and its
Administration for being the entity
that produces loyal and efficient
builders of Palestine. She considers
herself a proud graduate of
Bethlehem University – a unique
place that gave her the internal
power to serve this Holy city.
New Master’s Program
in Tourism the First of its Kind in Palestine
Bethlehem University
During the
40thJubilee Year!
Where else can you share a meal
and conversation with eager young
students; take in stunning views
atop one of the highest points in
Bethlehem; and learn first-hand
about the rich history of the “Little
Town of Bethlehem”?
Mr. Nabil Mufdi,
Director of the
Institute of Hotel
at Bethlehem
This fall, Bethlehem University
officially began its new Master’s
program in Tourism Studies
(MRTS), the first of its kind in
Palestine. A significant pilgrimage
destination for the three
monotheistic religions, Palestine
has a rich cultural and historical
heritage and natural attractions.
The tourism industry has been
a significant contributor to the
Palestinian economy and will
undoubtedly form the backbone
of a thriving economy in a
Palestinian state.
This two-year, advanced-degree
program aims to contribute
to capacity-building in the
Palestinian tourism office and
tourism industry in general, and
to improve the quality of tourism
services in Palestine. The program
is comprised of 33 modules,
taught part-time to accommodate
the schedules of the students, who
are experienced and employed in
the field of Tourism. It builds on
the students’ existing expertise
in the field, focusing on the
analysis of complex scenarios;
the design and implementation
of tourism development projects;
and the research around tourism
development, particularly in the
Palestinian environment.
‘The program is taught by local
and international professors,”
said Mr. Nabil Mufdi (’75),
Director of the Institute of
Hotel Management, who cited
academic cooperation with Breda
University in the Netherlands;
University of London in the UK;
University of Bologna in Italy;
and the University of Houston in
Texas, US. “We are planning to
build more partnerships with the
organizations working in the field
of tourism and the active bodies in
tourism, to give a more practical
dimension to the program,” he
The MRTS program was
developed in collaboration with
Bethlehem University’s Shucri
Ibrahim Dabdoub Faculty of
Business Administration, which
already offers the highly successful
accredited Master in International
Cooperation and Development
(MICAD), the first Master’s
program offered at Bethlehem
University. Additional support
in running this program came
from the Tempus program of
the European Union, which
supports the modernization of
higher education in the Partner
Countries of Eastern Europe,
Central Asia, the Western Balkans
and the Mediterranean region.
In this 40th Jubilee year, we would
love for you to join us in celebrating
the rich tradition of Bethlehem
University. We proudly welcome
5,000 visitors to campus every year,
many of them pilgrims from every
corner of the world. When you visit,
you will be welcomed upon arrival by
Brothers and students, eager to share
their stories with you. You will hear
about the impressive commitment to
education; the awe-inspiring stories
of resilience; and the heart-warming
tales of friendship.
Our students in the Institute of Hotel
Management will gladly serve you
lunch, where culinary students and
experienced chefs prepare for you a
lovely meal, and you can break bread
with Bethlehem University
students and
Administrators alike.
Please contact Mr. Demitri Awwad,
Guest Relations Officer, at
[email protected]
for more information
on arranging your visit!
Laila Asfoura
Ambassador, Shepherd, & Good Community
Steward to the Elderly Women of Bethlehem
safe and fulfilling pilgrimages.
Ms. Laila Asfoura (’02) coordinates Holy Land
pilgrimages in her office at Laila Tours and Travel
“I can do more,” is the motto of
Bethlehem University alumna
Laila Asfoura (‘02), Owner of
Laila Tours and Travel. She has
committed her life to serving as an
ambassador for Bethlehem, and
more broadly, for Palestine: as a
shepherd of Palestinian hospitality
and heritage, and as a good
community steward to elderly
women residing in Bethlehem.
A graduate of Bethlehem
University’s Hotel Management
Program in Travel Agency
Management, Ms. Asfoura is now
enrolled in the first class of the
new Master’s program in Tourism
Studies at Bethlehem University.
Throughout her career, she has
melded her desire to know more
about her country with a career
as a travel agent. Opening Laila
Tours alone in 2006, the year of
the Lebanese War, meant certain
struggle, but Laila Tours has
grown consistently and gained
success. “I put my focus on how to
show people the best of Palestine,”
Ms. Asfoura said. “We have been
blessed to be able to support
ourselves and our families through
bringing Christians to the Holy
Land and providing them with
“Bethlehem University was the
foundation of where I started;
Bethlehem University was the
pavement toward my successes,”
she said. “The Knights of the Holy
Sepulchre supported my studies
at the University, and this made it
possible for me to take advantage
of everything available to me in
the learning environment.”
Bethlehem University helped Ms.
Asfoura gain the confidence to
build a solid business with a good
reputation, but she felt that she
“could still do more” to contribute
to her community. In 2010, she
opened Saint Martha’s House, an
elderly day center for Christian
women in Bethlehem that serves
35 women, four days a week.
It provides a place to socialize
with peers, enjoy activities and
crafts, obtain medical checkups and physical exercise,
and visit with volunteers who
provide specialized skills such as
hairstyling and manicures.
Ms. Asfoura’s natural inclination
is toward community service,
a value she said she took from
Bethlehem University. “There is
always more we can do to serve
others,” she said. “There are
many who talk about doing, but
Bethlehem University gave me the
confidence to act and do, not just
talk about it. For this I am very
What the
Alumni Relations
Office has to Offer!
Bethlehem University is proud of
each and every graduate, and seeks
to foster an even greater ongoing
relationship with you and all our
graduates. Remember, Bethlehem
University is your university!
The Alumni Relations Office has
many benefits to offer to students
and graduates.
• We promote the success stories of
our graduates, both in Palestine and
around the world;
• We connect current students with
graduates for information-sharing
and mentoring;
• We offer a job placement program,
job postings with local employers,
and career counseling sessions for
students and graduates;
• We conduct workshops in Social
and Business Plan Development;
• We host field visits to various
locations for students and
graduates to learn more about the
real market;
• We coordinate an international
internship program, enabling
current students to experience and
learn more about work and systems
• We host social events and reunions
for our graduates to
connect with
each other.
Please contact
Ms. Haneen Musleh (’07),
Alumni Relations Officer,
for more information:
[email protected].
Ms. Laila Asfoura (’02), back row center, with Archbishop Theodosios Atallah Hanna
and the women of Saint Martha’s House
Bethlehem University Receives
Prestigious International Award
for Academic Excellence &
Inter-Religious Dialogue
Selected from among 200
Catholic universities, Bethlehem
University was honored by the
International Federation of
Catholic Universities (IFCU)
with the Sciat vt Serviat Award,
which is designed to reward
creative initiatives that represent
a significant and inspiring
contribution to Catholic
university culture. Bethlehem
University is the third institution
to receive the prestigious award.
IFCU President Prof. Anthony J.
Cernera exalted “the academic
and social contribution of
Bethlehem University” and
highlighted “the remarkable
commitment of Bethlehem
University in building a
sustainable society in the Holy
“It is an honor for the Bethlehem
University academic community
to be selected,” responded
Brother Peter Bray, Vice
Chancellor of Bethlehem
University. “I am proud of the
faculty and staff of Bethlehem
University whose dedication
provides a quality education
and whose graduates contribute
significantly to building the
Palestinian state.”
The award was presented at the
IFCU General Assembly in São
Paulo, Brazil on 26 July 2012.
Dr. Yousef Zaknoun, Director of
The Cardinal Martini Leadership
Institute at Bethlehem University,
was among the 300 participants
at the Assembly and accepted the
award on behalf of the University.
Bethlehem University
graduates Mr. Nagib
Kasbary (’13) and
Ms. Lubna Alzaroo
(’12) share student
perspectives during
a panel discussion
at the “Religious
Freedom & Human
Rights: Path to Peace
in the Holy Land”
Bethlehem University hosted the Fourth International Conference on Christian-Muslim Relations, “Religion and
State: From Theocracy to Secularism, and In-Between,” drawing students, faculty, and practitioners from around
the world to campus from 2-4 October 2013. Presentations from scholars provided insight and inspiration to
prompt renewed efforts and actions toward peace and justice.
Brother Peter Bray, Vice
Chancellor of Bethlehem
University, addressed
attendees of a conference in
Washington, D.C., entitled
“Religious Freedom &
Human Rights: Path to
Peace in the Holy Land,”
hosted by the United States
Conference of Catholic
Bishops, The Catholic
University of America, and
Catholic Relief Services.
es D niversity
Relat e on
In Memory...
Brother Edward Everett, FSC
21 August 2013
Teacher Development 1997-1998
A De La Salle Christian Brother for
66 years, Brother Edward taught
at Cotter High School in Winona,
St. Mel High School, De La Salle
Institute, St. Patrick High School
in Chicago, and St. Joseph High
School in Westchester, Ill. He was a
professor and Assistant Dean of men
at Christian Brothers University in
Memphis, Tenn., and was an adjunct
faculty member and admissions
counselor at Lewis University
in Romeoville, Ill. In addition to
teaching in Bethlehem, he also
taught in Stevens Point, Wis.; Harper
Woods, Mich.; Waterloo, Belgium;
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; and Nairobi,
Dr. Michael Francis Whelan KSG,
31 July 2013
Benefactor and Friend 2002-2013
Michael Whelan was a man who
gave unstintingly to the Church,
particularly in serving the Christians
of the Holy Land through his
work with the Knights of the Holy
Sepulchre. Michael was one of the
Founder Trustees and the inspiration
behind the Friends of the Holy Land
during the last four years. It was his
commitment and leadership that has
encouraged so many to support the
Christians in the Holy Land. Since
2002 he has always ensured that
Bethlehem University was included
as a stop for his Holy Land pilgrim
Brother Thomas McPhillips, FSC
6 June 2013
Professor 1994-1995
Brother Thomas joined the Brothers
of the Christian Schools in 1967 at
the age of 17. He earned his B.A. in
Biology from La Salle University;
his M.S. in Biology from Villanova
University; and his Ph.D. in Virology
and Epidemiology from the Baylor
College of Medicine Houston, Texas.
In addition to his time at Bethlehem
University, Brother Thomas taught
in Pennsylvania at: La Salle College
H S in Wyndmoor, South Hills
Catholic H S in Pittsburgh, and La
Salle University in Philadelphia,
where he received both the
Provost’s Distinguished Educator
Award and the Lindback Award for
Distinguished Teaching.
Brother Bernard Knezich, FSC
8 July 2013
Vice President for Development
Brother Bernard loved to be in the
classroom and saw it as his “stage”
where he performed his teaching. In
addition to Bethlehem University,
Brother Bernard performed at:
La Salle Academy, Second Street,
NY; La Salle Institute, Troy, NY;
St. Joseph School; Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia; and Christian Brothers
Academy, Albany, NY.
Dr. Jacqueline Sfeir (’77)
5 April 2013
Faculty Member 1984-2005,
Dean of the Faculty of Education
Dr. Sfeir was a Palestinian expert
in early childhood education. She
worked for 21 years at Bethlehem
University and with many local and
international non-governmental
organizations. In 2001, she was
appointed to a five-year term as a
member of the Pontifical Council
for the Laity. In 2005, she founded
MaDad, an independent company
that uses and develops the Holistic
Integrated Approach, also referred to
as holistic education, in its work with
both local and regional actors who
deal and interact daily with children.
Brother Austin Bernabei, FSC
5 February 2013
Professor 1987-1989
Brother Austin graduated from
Manhattan College, received a
Master of Science Degree from
Catholic University of America,
and Master and Doctorate Degrees
in Nuclear Physics from New York
University. In addition to teaching
at Bethlehem University, his
assignments included St. Raphael’s
School, Rhode Island; Manhattan
College, Novitiate; Scholasticate
and Rongai Agriculture/Technical
School in Kenya; St. Martin’s
Secondary School in St. VincentWest Indies; Cathedral High School
in El Paso, Texas; and La Salle
College in Ansfrere, South Africa.
Brother Anthony O’Connor, FSC
24 January 2013
Executive Vice President 19731978
Brother Anthony was one of the three
founding Brothers at Bethlehem
University in 1973. He taught in
many high schools in the New York
Metropolitan area: Bishop Loughlin,
St Bernard’s, St Augustine’s, and
in Troy and Buffalo. He taught in
colleges and universities in the
Philippines, where he earned an MA
and Doctorate in English; Cambridge,
England; as well as in the States
at the College of Santa Fe in New
Mexico; Christian Brothers University
in Memphis, Tennessee; Lewis
University in Romeoville, Illinois; and
at The Catholic University of America
in Washington, DC. His final 18 years
in ministry were at Salve Regina
University in Newport, Rhode Island.
Dr. Raja’i Dajani
9 February 2013
Member of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Dajani made great contributions
to the Palestinian health sector.
He was the Director of the Dajani
Hospital for Women in Jerusalem,
set up by his father, who was also an
eminent Palestinian doctor and one
of the co-founders of the Palestinian
Red-Crescent Society. He established
two scholarships for the Nursing
students of Bethlehem University in
honor of his parents, Dr. Mahmoud
and Dr. Naheel Dajani.
Sister Catherine Litecky, CSJ
20 May 2013
Summer Teacher 1996
Sister Catherine taught chemistry
and theology and served as Registrar
at the College of St. Catherine in St.
Paul, Minnesota for many years. For
two years she was the assistant in
the Juniorate program for the Sisters
of St. Joseph. Her last ministry was
Women at the Wall, a Spiritual
Center she established with Eleanor
Lincoln. Her brother, Brother Cyril
Litecky, is Assistant to the Vice
Chancellor of Bethlehem University,
where Sister Catherine taught in the
Summer of 1996.
Brother Robert Smith, FSC
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dr. Irene Hazou (’77)
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Brother Robert served as Vice Chancellor in 2008
while continuing as Vice President for Academic
Dr. Hazou is a graduate of Bethlehem University
and a faculty member since 1980. She was the
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
from 2001 to 2012.
Brother Robert is now Vice President of the Schools
of Graduate and Professional Programs at Saint
Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Brother Jack Curran, FSC
Vice President for Development
With his colleagues in Bethlehem and the newly
established Washington, DC office, during his
10 years at Bethlehem University Brother Jack
helped welcome more than 35,000 campus
visitors, establish the Alumni Office and Student
Ambassador Program, and upgrade the website.
Brother Jack is now Vice President for Mission at
Manhattan College in New York City.
Father Jamal Daibes
Dean of Faculty of Arts
Since 2003, Father Jamal has been the
Chairperson of the Religious Studies Department.
The Department’s Fourth International
Conference on Christian-Muslim Relations was
held this October in Bethlehem.
Father Jamal has been named Rector of the Latin
Patriarchate Seminary, Beit Jala, but will continue
teaching in the Bethlehem University Religious
Studies Department.
Dr. Hazou is Bethlehem University’s first female
Vice President, and the first Palestinian to hold the
position of Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Brother Stephen Tuohy, FSC
Vice President for Development
Brother Stephen was most recently the Director
of SECOLI, the fundraising office of the Brothers’
Rome Generalate for nine years.
While in Rome, Brother Stephen was Vice
President of the International Catholic Bureau
for Children (BICE) and a board member of the
International Catholic Center for Cooperation
Professor Mo’in Halloun
Dean of Faculty of Arts
Professor Halloun earned his PhD in Ancient
Semitic Languages from the Hebrew University in
Professor Halloun joined the University’s
Department of Arabic Studies in 1985, and he
will continue to serve as Chairperson of the
Department of Arabic Studies.
Thank You
for your generosity
1 September 2012 – 31 August 2013
Signum Fidei: $150,000 +
Anonymous (3)
Bethlehem University Foundation
Custody of the Holy Land
Erzbischöfliches Generalvikariat
Friends of Bethlehem University
in England and UK, In memory
of Mrs. Samira Al-Araj Hassassian
Founders Club: $50,000 +
Mr. Elias Aburdene and Ms.
Annette Aburdene
Association en faveur de la
Bethlehem University
EOHSJ - Grand Magisterium
Friends of Bethlehem University in
the United Arab Emirates
German Association of the Holy Land
Mr. Frank Jungers
Murex S.A.
Pontifical Mission for Palestine
The Breast Cancer Research
Trustees Club: $25,000 +
Mr. and Mrs. Bassam Aburdene
Belgian Technical Cooperation
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand
Eadeh Family, In loving memory of
Musallam and Oafa Eadeh
through the love of Jesus
EOHSJ - Canada, Toronto
EOHSJ - USA Eastern Lieutenancy
EOHSJ - USA Northwestern
Mrs. Suad Juffali
Saint Paul Foundation
Schmidt Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Steger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe
Chairman’s Club: $10,000 +
The Asfari Foundation
Assumptionist Fathers
Sir Roland Bertin
Bethlehem Association Scholarship
Mr. Robert Brass
Caritas Veritatis Foundation
Catholic Charities USA
Christian Brothers St. John’s
EOHSJ - Germany Lieutenancy
EOHSJ - USA North Central
EOHSJ - USA Western Lieutenancy
Sir and Lady Michael J. Hall
International Federation of
Catholic Universities
The John C. & Carolyn Noonan
Parmer Private Foundation
Sheikh Khaled Ahmed Al Juffali
L’Oeuvre D’Orient
Sir and Mrs. Hugh L. MacKinnon
Sister Mary Kay Milne, OSU
Munib R. Masri Development
Foundation, In memory of Mrs.
Samira Al-Araj Hassassian
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shaw
Ms. Nicole Sidoti, In memory of
Helen Sidoti
United Holy Land Fund
Chancellor’s Club: $5,000 +
Dr. and Mrs. Samir Abu-Ghazaleh,
In honor of the people of
Anonymous (2)
Bank of America Matching Gifts
Bank of Palestine - Bethlehem
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Charles
De La Salle Brothers of the
Christian Schools, DENA
De La Salle Provincialate
William J. Ginivan and Nancy A.
Mr. Fuad Kattan and Mrs.
Micheline Kattan
Karen J. Linder
Mann Family Trust
Mary P. Dolciani Halloran
Middle East Children’s Alliance
Ms. Jeanne Marie Neilson, LCSW
Her Excellency Lady Mary C.
O’Brien, LGCHS
Sister Anne Phibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Imad Qasim
Saint Brigid’s Parish
Mrs. Mary A. Simon
Mr. Wafa I. Soufan
Sovereign Military Order of the
Temple of Jerusalem
United Palestinian Appeal
Mr. Harry Wallace
Brother Hilary Walsh, FSC
Vice Chancellor’s Club: $1,000 +
Mrs. Elaine Jeires Abu Rumman,
In memory of Mrs. Samira AlAraj Hassassian
John Albina
Mr. Sa-ed J. Al-Budeiri
Mr. Bashir Anastas and Mrs.
Heather Haxo Phillips
Eng. Dimitri Araj
Dr. George F. Araj, In memory of
Mrs. Samira Al-Araj Hassassian
Dr. Jacob S. Araj
Eng. Jamal Araj, In memory of
Mrs. Samira Al-Araj Hassassian
Archdiocese of New York, In
honor of His Eminence
Cardinal Edwin F. O’Brien
Mrs. Aurora Arias
Association for Higher Education
Access and Disability
Jim Bartmettler
Dr. Kathleen Batato Egan
Bethlehem Arab Society for
Bethlehem Association
Jim and Ginger Biedron
Dr. Marc-Antonio Bisotti
Dr. and Mrs. Marcello Bisotti
Linda and David Bohan
Ms. Barbara Boigegrain
Mrs. Jane A. Borst, In memory of
Lawrence B. Borst
Helen and Frank Brady
J. Henry Butta
Paul Byrnes
Bishop Colin Campbell
Brother Kenneth Cardwell, FSC
Christian Brothers Community
Christian Brothers of the Midwest
Christian Brothers Roncalli
Christians Aware
Father Richard D. Clark
Commissie Caritas
Congregation of Our Lady of
Sion/Notre Dame de Sion
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. Creamer
Mrs. Tamara Dabdoub
Mrs. Fadwa Dajani
De La Salle College
Deeds Foundation Inc
Ms. Anne Dockery
His Eminence Cardinal Timothy
M. Dolan, In honor of His
Eminence Cardinal Edwin F.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Donnelly
Mr. Peter Doris
Dr. and Mrs. Jared H. Dorn
Elizabeth Glidden-Boyle
EOHSJ - England and Wales
EOHSJ - Netherlands Lieutenancy
Margild and Alexander Ercklentz
William Guy Evans, Jr., KC*HS
Msgr. Martin E. Feild
Lady Anita M. Finie
Five Brothers Investment
Col. Richard Flahavan, KC*HS
Mr. and Mrs. Denis Frechtling
Friends of Bethlehem University
in Ireland
Ms. Gail Conder Gibson
Ms. Erica Hahn
Mrs. Paula Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazboun
Mr. Ghassan Hazboun
Mrs. May Hazboun-Theodory
Mrs. Rita Hazboun
Mr. and Mrs. Tony R. Hazbun
Holy Land Olive Oil
Prof. Nicholas S. Hopkins
Prof. Markus Höyng
Lindsey Humes, In honor of Dr.
Irene Hazou’s appointment as
Academic Vice President
Judge G. Humphries
Lee and Ginnie Huntsman
Jawhar Family Scholarship
Andrew and Diana Jezycki
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Johnson
Mr. Nils and Mrs. Josephine
Father John Keenan
Mr. Eugen Keller
Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith
Walter & Judith A. Kimbrough, Jr.
Mrs. Geraldine E. King
Elias and Carolyn Khoury
Munir Jamil Khoury
Kongregation D. Christi Schulen
Father Robert Kurvers
Geraldine Lawhon
Mary L. Levin
Archbishop George J. Lucas
§ Barbara and Patrick Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. Nadim N. Mansour
Matthews-Sullivan Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Marshal McMahon
Famiglia Meoli
Don and Ione Minore
Mr. Klaus Mogge
Ms. Ann K. Morales
Rev. John Joseph Murray
Mr. George Nasra
Diane Allen Nixon
Notre Dame de Sion Ecce Homo
His Eminence Edwin F. O’Brien
John Bosco O’Hagan, In memory
of Baby Mary O’Hagan
§ Order Sons of Italy in America National Headquarters
§ OSIA NYS Grand Lodge
Foundation Inc.
Pilgrim Center of Hope
Richmond James River Lions
Ms. Patti Riippa and Mr. Vernon
Mr. Isaac Sahhar
Saint Agnes Church
Saint Mary’s University of
Saint Simon’s Parish
Yasuhiko “Mike” Sata
Father Peter Sharrocks
Mrs. Elizabeth Sheridan
Mr. Hisham Shtayyeh
Brian and Betty Singer-Towns
Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres
Mr. and Mrs. Sandor Straus
John Viste and Elaine Strite
Sunnybank | Acacia Ridge
Parishes Australia
Teresian Association
Thomas E. and Mary J. Eyerman
Mr. Brian Thompson
Thor Group Inc.
Mario Gustav H. Toumayan, In
honor of Brother Jean T.
Manuel, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. William Voss
Westmoreland Congregational
United Church of Christ
Patrick White and Pauline Smetka
1 September 2012 – 31 August 2013
Sister Stephanie Wilson, OSU, In
memory of John M. Wilson, Jr.
Special Friends: $500 +
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Abraham
Anonymous, Thanksgiving for the
support of Br. Peter Bray
Mr. Bernd Asbeck
Ascension Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Bandak
Mr. Robert L. Berner, Jr.
Bethlehem Icon School
Mr. and Mrs. Elias Botto
Br. James Miller Social Justice
John and Christine Brown
Rev. Joseph P. Callipare
Claire and George Carey
Ms. Susan M. Castellan
Catholic Chaplaincy of the
University of Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Caton
Centre for Biblical Formation Ecce Homo
Christian Brothers Community at
Manhattan College
Christian Brothers High School
Alumni Association, In honor
of Brother Neil Kieffe
Drs. Stephen and Cheryl Colecchi
Msgr. Charles Cooper
Robert F. Crawford, M.M.
Comm. Frank I. Deiters
Dr. Guy J. and Mrs. Gisela R.
Ms. Noreen Dunn
Mr. and Ms. David Egee
Dr. and Mrs. Erwin H. Engert, Jr.
Episcopal Diocese of Northern
Evie and Victor York
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Faherty
Mrs. Donna H. Finch
Marjane and Jim Frane
Father David A. Gamble
H. E. Francis Cardinal George,
Mr. Mike Giacaman
Mr. Christian Gil
Mr. Garrett Kenneath Glynn
Dr. Karl-Heinz Grass
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Hazbun
Father Nicholas Joseph Hoogeveen
T. E. and Huda Jackson, In
memory of Hadiya Bitar
Michelle Jezycki
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Kruitwagen
Mr. Francois Kunc, SC
Mr. and Mr. Peter Martens
Mr. and Mrs. George F. McGuire, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Memo
Ms. Marie Mitchell
Mr. Benjamin Monastero III
Mrs. Margaret Mooney
Mr. Nassar Nassar
Father Kevin Neal
Sir Anthony Ordona
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart The Retreat
Parish of Corpus Christi
Mr. and Mrs. William Z. Plachy
Sir Richard L. Purdon, KGCHS
and Lady Susan A. Purdon,
Mr. and Mrs. Makram Qumsieh
Sister Marianne Race
Barbara Reynolds, In memory of
Joseph Reynolds
Saint Margaret’s Catholic Church
Saint Perpetua Church
Mr. Jamal A. Sa’d
Mr. Anthony M. Salameh
Mr. and Mrs. Marwan A.
§ Sons of Italy Lodge #321 Inc
Young and Eunice Stewart
Tantur Ecumenical Institute
Mrs. Gill Tebbs
Terra Sancta Pilgrimages
Shibley Telhami and Kathryn
Ms. Constance van Wesemael
Mr. and Mrs. Burhan Yanes
Mrs. May Young
Century Club: $100 +
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Abboud
Sam Abukittah
Dr. and Mrs. Raphael Addiego
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Adolph
D. Lee Alekel and Charles T.
§ Mr. and Mrs. Enrico L.
Anonymous (11)
§ Anonymous
Anonymous, In memory of Mrs.
Samira Al-Araj Hassassian
Anonymous, In memory of my
sister Nadia Salman
Victoria and Michael Armstrong
Raul and Yolanda Atler
Kathleen and George Austin
Sir Ross and Lady Janet Bacica
Jim and Lee Ann Badum, EOHSJ
Alma R. Ball, LGCHS
Mary H. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Nader Barakat
Gerald R. Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel John
Mr. and Mrs. William Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Becquet
§ Barbara K. Bennett
§ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bennett, Jr.
Mr. Frits and Margaret Bergman
§ Mr. Patrick Bergmann
Mr. and Mrs. James Boozer
Dr. John W. Borelli, Jr.
Ms. Sharyn K. Bozied
Tony and Marie Brear
Ms. Elisabeth Bremekamp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennan
Dr. Louis C. Breschi
Broeders van De La Salle
Brothers of the Christian Schools
Saint Peter’s High School
Rev. Msgr. Hans A.L. Brouwers
Joanne and Charles Brown
Mrs. Marie-Luise Buchwald
Fr. John R. Burke
Most Rev. Raymond L. Burke,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chester Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Butler
Mrs. Moira Butler
Mr. and Mrs. John Butterfield
Mr. Guy A. Butterworth, In honor
of Brother Joe Loewenstein, a
friend and champion of
Palestinian education
Ms. Carole A. Cannon
Mrs. and Mr. Catherine Carey
Brother Robert Carnaghi, FSC
Eugene J. Caruso
Jack and Gerry Casey
Catholic Theological Union
Dr. Frank Cave
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Ceasar
Mrs. Rose Celis
Mr. and Mrs. Cherrington
§ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R.
Rev. Msgr. Joseph A. Ciampaglio
Sr. Consuelo Celis
Mr. and Mrs. Roy T. Chen
§ Mr. Michael P. Childrose
Suzanne Ching
Christian Brothers Community Bethlehem
Christian Brothers of the
Midwest, Inc.
Christian Brothers Saint Patrick
Church of St. Pius X
Charles F. Clifford, KHS
Mr. and Mrs. James Coady, Ph.D.
Archbishop Paul Coakley
§ Mr. and Mrs. Franco A. Cocola
Anthony F. Colao
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Connell
§ Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin A. Cool
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
Mr. Raymond Corby
Donald F. and Mary K. Costello,
In honor of the Lasallian
bravery and steadfastness
stands against every enemy; In
memory of Richard, Sophie and
Michael Costello
Peter and Deirdri Costello
Mr. Alan Cram and Rev. Pamela
M. Cram
Mr. Adrian Crook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crossey
Brother Matthew Cunningham,
§ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D’Acquisto
Msgr. John R. Dale
Mr. Paul Darbyshire
Mrs. Deborah Darnes
Jim and Marilyn Day
Joseph T. and Judith E.
De La Salle Collegiate High
M. Dentinger and C. Trantow
David J. Depew
Dr. and Mrs. George DiDonna
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Di
Mrs. and Mr. Mary Dillon
Sister Joan Dombrowski, PBVM
Dominican Sisters of Springfield, IL
Dr. Charles W. Dorman
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorward
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dorsey
Mr. Albert Doumar
Tom and Karen Dowd
§ Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L.
Drs. Brian and Gloria Duffy
Sister William Eileen Dunn, D.C.
Mr. Lynn Durham, Jr.
Alicia Dwyer and Derek Ryder,
Kathleen, Michael, James and
Lisette Dwyer
Emanuel and Barbara Eads
Bob and Donna Earley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Eder, In
memory of Archbishop
Giovanni De Andrea; In honor
of Reverend Robert J. Post
A. M. Edwards
Mr. John Carroll Egan
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Elser
Mr. Joseph Elwood
Brother Chris Englert, FSC
M. et Mme. Abel Erondel
Mr. Barry and Mrs. Angela
Rev. Joseph P. Fallon
Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Farage
Ms. Mary D. Farrell
Mr. Anthony J. Fasano
Frank and Joan Fielding
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Finnegan, Jr.
§ Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Mary K. Fitzgerald
Rev. Martin Flatman on behalf
of St. Peter’s Catholic Church,
Eynsham, Oxford, UK
Drs. PR and CM Fletcher
Gerald F. Flood
Mary Folsom
Charles H. Foos
§ Mr. Douglas C. Franke
Mr. Paul and Mrs. Margaret
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fregeau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Friel
Brother Michael Fugger, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gaffey
§ Ms. Lynn Ganance
Mr. John Joseph Garvey
Ms. Margaret Garza
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gattineau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Geraghty
Ray A. Gerritzen, Esq.
Mr. Mark Gibbons
Brother Columba Gleeson, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Glenski
§ Ms. Joan A. Gochee
Marie-Hélène Gold
Dennis and Monica Golden
§ Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon
Christa M. Gorman
§ Grand Lodge, State of Illinois
Order Sons of Italy in America
Brother Paul Grass, FSC
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Grayson
Prof. Henry A. Green
Ms. Meghan Green
Msgr. Edmund Griesedieck
Mr. and Mrs. Lorren D. Griffin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Guimont
Mr. Piet Haarmans, To celebrate
Pete Haarman’s 80th birthday
Najib Habesch, In loving memory
of Dr. Octave N. Habesch
Alice Hajjara-Hazboun
Dr. and Mrs. James Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hammerly
Michael Hanifin
Rev. Lawrence and Ms. Mary
Mr. John Hardman, KCSG
§ Mr. Raul Haro
Ms. Madeleine A. Hazboun
Judith Koll Healey
Brother Eric Henderson, FSC
Brother Peter Henderson, FSC
Frank and Cecilia Herrera
Mr. John Anthony Hilton
Rev. Rudolf Hinz
Pat and Zaida Hoggard
Rev. Harry Holden
§ Hopeck Family
Bill and Mary Hopfinger
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Hosack, Jr.
Tom and Peggy Howen, In
memory of Sally Howen and
Joe Kupish
Bishop Howard Hubbard
Mrs. Esme Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes
Mr. Kent H. Hughes
1 September 2012 – 31 August 2013
Mr. and Mrs. Hani Imam ‘77
Mr. Joseph E. Imbriaco
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ingram
Ms. Nancy Iredale
Dr. Arland and Wilhelmine
Deacon Sir and Lady Henry
Mr. Jais James and Mrs. Jessy
Tess and Dan Jarquio
Ms. China Jessup
Dr. L. P. Jiminez
Lady Etty H. Joham
Brother Thomas Johnson, FSC
Mr. Alan R. Jones
Tony Hanna Jouzy
Dr. and Mrs. Albert G. Karam
Mr. Nagib N. N. Kasbary ‘13
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Katz
Mr. Larry Keany, KCHS
James Keefe, KHS
His Eminence William H. Keeler
Dr. David H. Kelly
Brother Dominic Kennedy, FSC
Dr. George H. Khoury
Rev. James C. Kidder
§ Mr. Albert N. Kirchner
§ Mr. George Kirsch
Brother Charles Kitson, FSC
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Klocke, M.D.
George M. Kloster
Ann Kohl
§ Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R.
Rev. Owen W. Korte
Mrs. Rosemarie Kosik
Sister Pat Kozak
Dr. Andrew and Rev. Janice
Rev. Raymond J. Kupke, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Lagan,
Rev. Marshall Larriviere
Ms. Patricia M. Latteri
mw Loes Laurent-Dijker
Mr. and Mrs. James Leahy
John Leddy
Mr. Louis le Mahieu
Dennis Lester
§ Ms. Kelly A. Lewandowski
Brother Joseph J. Loewenstein,
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus
§ Mr. Francois Louis
Barbara Marie Lubinski
Mr. Ron Lucas, In memory of Ken
Mr. and Mrs. Les and Jan.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mahon
Mr. Tony Mahon, KCHS
Mrs. Betty Majaj
Fr. John Malone
Bishop Vincent Malone
§ Marco Polo Building Corp.
Ms. Robin R. Markle, In honor of
Brother Jack Curran, in grateful
thanks for his service
§ Ms. Judith Marquardt
§ Mr. Francis J. Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Martin
John P. Martin, M.M.
Issa, Laila, Mona, and Ramsey
Ms. Areej M. R. Masoud ‘13
§ Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F.
Mastrianni, M.D.
§ Dr. and Mrs. David Mastrianni,
§ Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Matteucci
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Mattock
Mr. and Mrs. Richard May
Gerald P. McAfee
Ms. Lorraine McArthur
§ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard P.
Joe McDonald and Madeleine
Jim and Ann McGill
Brother Joel William McGraw,
FSC, In honor of Brother Neil
Kieffe; In memory of Brother
Vincent Malham, FSC
John and Vera McMahon
Daniel Medinger, KHS
Mr. David H. Memo
Alice T. Meyer, In memory of
Sister Catherine Litecky
Mr. Christian J Michener
Msgr. Dennis L. Mikulanis, KCHS
Rev. Thomas Millane
Mrs. Cheryl Minvielle
M. and Mme. André Miquel
§ Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mooney
Ms. Alice S. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris
§ Mr. Joseph Mosca
Mr. and Mrs. Glennon D. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. David Muirhead, In
memory of Helene Graczyk’s
love of the Holy Land
Dan and Elizabeth Mullen
Mr. and Mrs. Farid A. Muna
Maha and Mitri Muna
Mitri and Silvia Muna
Mr. Donald W. Muncy
Mr. and Mrs. David Murphy
Joyce Murphy, In honor of Father
Don Willette
Daniel R. Murray
Dr. Walid S. Mustafa
Carolyn and Jim Neff
Charlotte Nesseth
Ms. Daisy G. Neves
Nicholson & Olson, CPAS
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Nilson
Mr. Joseph T. Nix
John and Alison Noble
Mrs. Anthea Norman-Taylor
Rev. Peter Nuesser
Sir John H. Nutley, KCG*HS
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D.
Dr. Titus Odedun M.D. MRCS,
Fr. Thomas M. O’Donnell
Rev. Robert H. Oldershaw
Bill O’Keefe
Timothy and Julia O’Keefe
Jack and Honey O’Leary, In honor
of Brother Joseph Loewenstein’s
good work and generosity
Mr. Joe Oram
Carolyn Osiek, RSCJ
Father John Ossola
Our Lady of Victory Missionary
Mr. W. Dennis Owen, AFSC
Mr. Webster J. Owen, Jr.
§ Mr. and Mrs. Giacomo J. Parisi
Mrs. Fely Parker
Mr. and Mrs. V. Robert Payant
Mrs. Eileen Pearce
John and Joyce Petro
Rev. Alison Phillipson
Mr. Matthew R. Pico
Nancy and John Pielemeier
Father Mark Pierce
John Carmen Piunno
Sir Richard and Lady Katherine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Player
§ Mr. James F. Poole
Brother Patrick F. Power, FSC
Ra’ed Qawasmeh
Catherine A. Quigley
Ms. Frances E. Radencic
Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Rathbone
Mr. Jean Raucent
Nancy Reichel
Brother Joseph P. Reilly, FSC
§ Ms. Carolyn J. Reres
Mrs. Anne Richards
Curt and Marybeth Ries
John Ring
Dr. Patrick Ring
Msgr. Mark Rivituso
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Robinson
Sister Consilio Rock, RSM
Richard and Jane Rodeheffer
Mr. and Mrs. Grant T. Roderer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers
Brother James J. Roszak, FSC, In
memory of Brother Vincent
Malham, FSC
Beth and Paul Royer
Rev. Edgar Ruddock
Ms. Gayle L. Ruedi
Mr. Oscar Ruiz
Rev. Patrick J. Rush
Ms. Anne Russell, In honor of
PAX CHRISTI, meeting at St.
Francis of Assisi Parish in
Derwood, MD, USA
Miss Jane Russell
Mary Catherine Ryan
Sacramento Bethlehem
Sacred Heart College
Ms. Grace H. Said
St. James Cathedral
§ Saint John and Saint Joseph
Rosary Altar Society
Saint Joseph’s Collegiate Institute
Saint La Salle Community
St. Paul University Dumaguete
Saint Peter’s Boys High School
Louis A. Santalesa
Alex and Lisa Santiago
Most Rev. Joseph M. Sartoris
Father Henry C. Schmidt
Ms. Jenny Schrauder
Mr. David R. Schultze II
Anne Schweitzer
Richard Schweitzer
Rev. Donald Senior C.P.
Ms. Kathy Sheehan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Shepherd
Mrs. Betty L. Sherbs
Ms. Denise Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Sufian A. Shtayyeh
Graeme and Frances Siddle
Mr. Robert Sime and Mrs. Anne
Marie Sime
Sisters of St. Francis of Sylvania
Brother Dominic Smith, FSC
John and Kathy Smith
Rev. Father Richard Smith, In
honor of the Equestrian Order
of the Holy Sepulchre of
Sir Patrick and Lady Filomena
Mr. Kenneth Solak
Mr. Romell F. Soudah
§ Ms. Barbara Spiak
Ana M. Spitzmesser
§ Mr. Luigi Squillante
§ The Honorable Michael E.
§ Mr. Geoffrey N. Stein
Nadia and Stepho Stephan, In
memory of Albert Hazbun
Linda Stine
Dr. Jerald W. Strickland, Associate
Vice Chancellor, University of
Reinhard and Mary Suchsland
Susan S. Sullivan
Rt. Rev. and Mrs. William Swing
Mark E. Syjut
Dr. Khalil and Mrs. Samar Khoury
Ms. Hoong Tang
§ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.
§ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Tenzyk
Fr. Richard Tero
Dr. Paul E. Teschan, M.D.,
§ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tobin
§ Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tobin
Mr. Kamel Totah
Ms. Margaret M. Trepal
Benigno and Teresita Trigo
Ms. Ruby Triplett
Rev. Msgr. Charles F. Troncale
§ Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Vallee
Mrs. Cornelia van Bunnik
Sonia Vandama
Herr Geert van Dartel
Mr. Maarten Van den Oord
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vasut
Dr. Julian and Cheryl Verde
Mrs. Marilyn K. Vierra
Ken and Pat Vincent
Kristin Walker, LHS, In memory
of Linda Walker
Deacon Robert A. Walker, M.D.,
KCHS, To my loving wife Linda
§ Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wainman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wall
John R. Walsh
Agnes and Frank Ward
Patrice M. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. John Warta and
Mr. Anthony Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Watkins III
Brother Robert Werle, FSC
J. Michael Whitaker MD
Father Josef Wick
§ Mr. Thomas R. Wilkey
§ Mr. Keith R. Wilson
Christy Wise
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Woodward
Mrs. Elisabeth Wrobel
Mrs. Lorraine C. Ybarra
Dr. Kathleen C. Yosko
Robert and Dianne Younkin
§ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W.
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Zelaya
Mr. George T. Zirnhelt and Mrs.
Susan Zirnhelt
Silver Anniversary: $25 +
Dianne Aaronson, In honor of
Father Peter Morgan’s 50 years
of priesthood
Mrs. Christie Abegesah
Mrs. Donna I. Abramov
Rev. Michael P. Ahlstrom
§ Ms. Joan T. Ambrose
§ Diane and Michael Allen
Mrs. A. J. Allison
Anonymous (7)
Anonymous, In honor of Dianne
Anonymous, In honor of Dianne
Aaronson’s birthday
Mr. Gregory J. Appleton
Lawrence and Carolyn Arena
1 September 2012 – 31 August 2013
Ms. Gloria S. Ash
Dr. Abe W. Ata
Rev. John S. Baggley
§ Ms. Geraldine V. Baird
Anna, Robert, Peter, Monica
Barber, for hope and light
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Barran
William Bault
Dr. Daniel Beauchamp
Brother Dominic Berardelli, FSC
JoAnn Bergesen
Boria Berna
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M.
Rev. and Mrs. Canon Timothy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boyer
Eleanor Shaheen Braddock, M.D.
Rev. Allen J. Bratkowski
Brother Christopher Buck, FSC
§ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buono
§ Ms. Luella Buono
§ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Buono
Rev. John Burger, SSC
Rev. Martin J. Burnham
Mrs. Bernice Burton
Mrs. Pauline Burton
§ Ms. Vida M. Bushey
Mr. Matthew Butler
§ Mr. and Mrs. David M. Cairns
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Canning
§ Ms. America Cardazzi
§ Mr. John Cardazzi
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Carlton
Miss Maureen Carroll
Mrs. Elizabeth Carruthers
Bernadine Castagnola-Carpenter
Ms. Joan M. Castellan
Dr. and Mrs. John Castle
Juan C. Catapang
§ Ms. Frances T. Cerone
§ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chillemi
Ms. Patricia Clock
§ Ms. Walda W. Cobain
Mr. Tony Commissaris
Brother James Connolly, FSC
The Honorable Geoffrey S.
Connor, Esq.
Father John Conrad
§ Mary Corvino and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Coulon
Mrs. Rita Courthold
Mr. William L Crozier
Pedro L. Cuellar and Eva R. Cuellar
Sheila Curran
§ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Curro
§ Ms. Irene Daoust-Coyne and
Mr. Bill Coyne
§ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Darrigo, Jr.
Andrew and Emily Davis
§ Ms. Carol Davitt
§ Ms. Marge M. Davitt
§ Ms. Kathleen DeFelice
§ Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. DeJulio
Rev. Charles E. Des Ruisseaux
§ Ms. Patricia Desimone
Rev. Daniel B. Devore
Mr. G. and Mrs. Elaine Dewhurst
Gunter und Inge Dierschke
Miss Tohfe Dihmes
§ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Distell
§ Ms. Sharon G. Dixon
§ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dlugolecki
Rev. Joseph M. Doyle, SSJ
§ Ms. Catherine Duffy
Denise Dunne
§ Ms. Mary S. Dwyer
§ Ms. Kathryn B. Edick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Eichler
Father Gregg Elliott, In memory
of Janette Elliott, with love
§ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ennis
Brother Edward Everett, FSC
§ Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Fagan,
Mr. Ralph Fallone
§ Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Federico
Ms. Sheila M. Ferguson
Mr. Robert Fernandes
§ Ms. Flora Fiacco
Ms. Serry Fitzpatrick
Mrs. Sharon Laurine Flowers
§ Ms. Ann Forno
§ Ms. Judith Forno
Mr. and Mrs. Athol Forrest
§ Ms. Jean Francois
§ Ms. Mary C. Frazier
§ Mr. Tom Fremgen
§ Mr. Frederick M. Fusco
Father Cyrus Gallagher
§ Geneva Lodge 2397 Order Sons
of Italy in America
Mrs. Kathie Gerdes
Sister Barbara Gfeller, SNJM
Pat and Shirl Giacomi
Ms. Susan Gibbs
Dr. Georgia L. Gill
§ Ms. Emma J. Godell
Mr. Donald J. Gotschall
Dr. John C. Greenwood
Gail M. Gresser
§ Mr. Joseph A. Grimaldi
Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Grun
J. Hammand
Sister Mary Hanrahan
Rev. Lynn B. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. David Hart
Mr. Richard Hayden
Mary Ann F. Hayward
Mrs. Margaret K. Healy
§ Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mrs. Veronica A. Hertel, In honor
of Rev. Ron Lewinski
Mrs. Patricia Hoare
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hooey
Rev. Stephen E. Hook
Ed Horvat
Mr. James L. Howell
§ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Innella
Khelood Jarjis
Denise Jezycki and Maria
Ms. Kathy Jones
§ Ms. Emily M. Jordan
Nader Jouzy
Rev. James J. Kane
§ Ms. Eileen C. Kappes
Rev. John Kasper, OSFS
Dr. Kenneth Nicholas Kast
Steve and Jennifer Keep
Mary Jo Kelly
Rev. James P. Kiesel
Fr. Richard R. Kramer, KCHS
Amira and Timothy La Marca, In
honor of Faustina Solis
Dr. Marcella La Spina
§ Ms. Bridget LaBrie
§ Ms. Carmela J. LaCivita
§ Ms. Marie A. Ladouceur
§ Rae Lanzilotta
§ Ms. Phyllis Lasher
Aurora H. Lazo
Rina Leming on behalf of Rona K.
Obert and Pat Cramton, In
honor of Christmas 2012
§ Ms. Patricia B. Mackey
Fr. Stan Mader
§ Tim and Jean Mahar
§ Mr. and Mrs. William K. Mahar
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahoney
Mrs. Johanna Mannes
§ Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Mantica
Mr. Edward M. Marks, Jr.
Brother William Martin, FSC
Mrs. Venancia Mashiane
Ms. Vera Masrieh-Homsi
§ Ms. Joan McCabe
Rebecca McCabe, To celebrate
Trish Healy’s birthday
Mr. David McCarthy
§ Mr. William K. McLoughlin
Des and Marjorie McMahon
Mrs. Rosemary Mellor, OBE, JP,
§ Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Ment
Jamie A. Merrill
§ Ms. Helen Mertz
§ Ms. Margaret M. Mink
Julie Moentk
Colin and Jamie Monk
Mrs. Phyllis Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Morici
Ms. Aida Mouchabeck
Brother Frederick Mueller, FSC
§ Ms. Margaret Nania
§ Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J.
§ Ms. Geraldine T. Nardacci
§ Ms. Maureen G. Nardacci
Dr. Frank Neal
Dr. Yvonne A. Nelson
§ Mr. Gerald R. Nicklas
Mr. and Mrs. Jose M. Niembro
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Norris
Mr. Ruben Nunez
§ Ms. Jean M. O’Donnell
Ms. Bernadette O’Leary
Rev. Jeremy Oliver
Mrs. Irenea Openano
§ Mr. Michael P. Oropallo
§ Ms. Josephine Giagu Palawsky
§ Mr. Walter Palawsky
§ Ms. Theresa Parese
§ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Parry
Ms. Mary Patania
Linda Pelayo
§ Mr. and Mrs. Biagio Pellegrino
§ Ms. Barbara J. Pettit
Professor Alain Pique
§ Ms. Jean A. Plume
§ Ms. Diane M. Poirier
Mr. Gus Porteners
Joan Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. D W. Pryor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Quaintance, Jr.
§ Ms. Maria Quattrocchi
Dr. Sir and Lady Collin Quock
Mrs. Karen Rachal
§ Ms. Marylyn T. Raleigh
§ Tom and Lisa Raus
§ Religious Venerini Sisters
Mattie Renn
Mrs. Ann Ross
Maryanne Rusinak
§ Ms. Mary Alice Russo
§ Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Ryan
§ Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ryan
§ Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Salvagni
§ Mr. and Mrs. Everett W. Sargent
§ Tom and Lynda Savrine
Margaret Sberna
Mr. P Scahill
§ Ms. Michele A. Scambelluri
§ Ms. Margaret Scattareggia
§ Ms. Theresa Schillinger
Rev. Francis X. Schmidt
Sister Eileen Schuller
§ Ms. Gretchen C. Schulz
§ Mr. and Mrs. Harry W.
Mr. Duel Scroggins
§ Ms. Yvonne D. Scully
§ Mary Lou and Angelo Serafino
Khalid M. M. Shadeed
Mrs. Marilyn Shakespeare
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Sheridan
§ Ms. Molly Shook
Dr. and Mrs. Adnan A. Shqirat
‘77, In memory of Mrs. Samira
Al-Araj Hassassian
§ Ms. Cornelia J. Siligato
Sisters of Mercy
Sister Marie Skidmore
Dr. Emmett J. Slingsby
Mrs. Heather Sangster Smith
Ms. Angela Smith-Aumen
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Snell
Margaret Snowden, In memory of
all my family members who
have died
A. Francis Soucy, OFM
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sovel
Rev. Adam Sowa
Ms. Anne Stapleton
Sister Florence Steichen, CSJ
§ Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stenard
Ms. Laura J. Sterling
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stevens
§ Ms. Ursula M. Sturn
§ Ms. Sylvia J. Summa
§ Ms. Candida R. Suraci
Mr. Mike Suttill
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Tabash
§ Ms. Dorothy A. Tagliento
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thielen
Mr. Jack W. Tleel
Trinie Tolentino
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Toso
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Turner
§ Mr. Mark A. Ventimiglia
§ Ms. Agatha Verrelli
Christine Wahl
§ Mr. John F. Waldron
Carol Ann Walton, LC*HS
Ms. Sharon B. Ward
§ Ms. Margaret J. Waterbury
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Watts
§ Ms. Frances A. White
§ Patricia and David Whitford
§ Ms. Rose M. Yonkers
Michael Yoshii
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Younes,
Mrs. Joyce Zien
§ Ms. Constance M. Zobie
§ Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Zuzolo
§ In honor of Father Adam
Forno’s Silver Jubliee
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ears ars40 Y 40 Year ars40 Y s40 Yea ears40
40 Y 40 Yea ears40 s40 Yea Years40 rs40 Ye
40 Y
40 Y 0 Years ears40 0 Year Years40
s40 0 Year Years40
40 Y 02YOctober
ears ear2013
Conference on
Bethlehem University
2012-2013 Revenues*
Tuition and Fees
Tuition and Fees Paid by Students
Tuition and Fees Through Scholarships
Tuition and Fees from Loans
Staff Waiver, Workstudy, and Early Payment
Total Tuition and Fees
$ 5,170,209.00
Other Student-Related Income
Educational Enterprises
Auxiliary Enterprises
Institute for Community Partnership
Total Other Student-Related Income
Subsidy and Donations
Annual Subsidy from Institutions
Other Donations and Gifts
Total Subsidy and Donations
Projects and Research Grants
Administrative Revenue from Grants
Restricted Income Released - Grants
Restricted Assets Released - Grants
Total Projects and Research Grants
Other Sources
Total Operating Income
* Fiscal year 1 September 2012-31 August 2013, with unaudited figures.
Other Student Related Income
Projects & Research Grants
Subsidy & Donations
Tuition & Fees
6 October 2013
Opening Ceremony of the Jubilee
7 October 2013
Painting/Picture Exhibition: 40 Years
of Service
11 October 2013
Conference on Palestinian Literature
23 October 2013
Conference - Social Sciences 1 November 2013
Celebration Gala in Chicago, IL
3 November 2013
2013 Legacy Dinner in Washington,
DC to celebrate the 40th anniversary
of Bethlehem University
6 December 2013
Special Christmas Tree Lighting
24 December 2013
Christmas Midnight Mass
6 February 2014
Commemorative Tree Planting
24 - 28 March 2014
Health Awarness Activities
April 2014 Business Market
15 May 2014
De La Salle Day Celebration
12 June 2014
Special Graduation Ceremony 28 September 2014
Closing Ceremony of the Jubilee
ears ears40
Year Years40 s40 Yea
Year Years40 s40 Yea Years4
Year Years40 s40 Yea Years4 rs40 Ye
rs40 40 Yea Year
40 Y 40 Yea ears40 s40 Y29eaBethlehem
rs40 40
Year YNews
40 Y 0 Years ears40 0 Year Years40 40 Yea Y
1. Bethlehem University students gather
with a group from KSHG Münster
2. Brother Joe Loewenstein with visitors
from St. Mary’s Hospital in Schwerte,
3. Brother Álvaro Rodríquez Echeverría
(second from left), Superior General
of the De La Salle Brothers, visits
Bethlehem University.
4. Catenian Association (U.K.), led by
the late Dr. Michael Whelan (far left),
founder and national U.K. Chairman of
Friends of the Holy Land.
5. Visitors from EOHSJ-Germany gather
with Brother Jack Curran, former Vice
President for Development, and Brother
Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor.
6. Mr. Taha Macpherson, Ambassador of
New Zealand in Turkey, explores the
technology at Bethlehem University.
7. A delegate from Catholic Relief Services
with Brother Peter Iorlano, Coordinator
of Institutional Values.
8. Combined visiting groups from St. Philip
Evans Church (U.K.) and St. Mary’s
Parish (Michigan, U.S.).
9. A group of students from Manhattan
College (U.S.) joins Brother Jack Curran,
former Vice President for Development
at Bethlehem University and alumnus of
Manhattan College.
10. EOHSJ-North Central Lieutenancy, led
by Fr. Richard Kramer.
11. Brother Jack Curran (left), Dr. Richard
Gray (center), and Fr. David Heney
(right), during a visit from St. Paschal
Baylon Parish (California, U.S.).
12. Bethlehem University students join
visitors from St. Paul’s Parish (Boston,
U.S.), led by Rev. M Riley (front center)
and Fr. Paul Maddison (back center).
13. Visitors from Phoenix, Arizona (U.S.)
enjoy lunch in Hotel Management with
Bethlehem University student Lina AlTamimi.
14. Prof. Dr. Konrad Schmidt, leader
from the Archdiocese of Paderborn,
stands next to Bethlehem University
German Volunteer Franz and Student
Ambassadors for a group discussion in
Furno Hall.
15. Mr. Joris Van Voorst (far right), national
director of the Netherlands branch of
Aid to the Church in Need, is joined by
Bethlehem University students.
16. Bishop Theodore F. Schneider (middle)
listens to a discussion with Bethlehem
University students.
17. Knights and Ladies of the Sovereign
Military Order of the Temple of
Jerusalem, who support the Faculty
of Nursing, are joined for lunch with
Bethlehem University Dean of Nursing,
Ms. Mariam Awad; a Nursing student
who benefited from their contribution;
and Ms. Shahinda Nassar, Development
18. Prof. Daniel van Steenberghe of the
EOHSJ-Belgium brings the Belgian flag
to Bethlehem University.
19. Lady Mary O’Brien, Lieutenant of the
EOHSJ-Northwestern Lieutenancy (U.S.)
enjoys the artwork of the Chapel of the
Divine Child at Bethlehem University.
20. Ms. Mary Van Teeffelen talks to a group
lead by Rev. Godric Timney about the
history of the Turathuna Palestinian
Cultural Center.
joined by students during a visit to
Bethlehem University.
32. A guest visitor to Bethlehem University,
Mr. Joseph Tawil, plays the bagpipes for
a group from the Middlesbrough Diocese
of the U.K., led by Fr. Paul Maddison.
33. Visitors from the EOHSJ-Vancouver
Lieutenancy, Mr. Patrick O’Neill and
wife Ms. Lorna O’Neill, share lunch
with Brother Peter Bray and Hanan, a
Bethlehem University student.
34. Visitors from the Catholic Academy
of the Archdiocese of Cologne enjoy
learning about Palestinian culture from
students, who are in traditional wedding
attire for the annual Palestinian
Wedding Day cultural event on campus.
35. Student Nour Qudeimat wears a hat
from the Tree of Life visitor group.
21. A women’s retreat group from the Sisters
of St. Joseph, led by Sister Marianne
Race, is joined by Bethlehem University
student Ikhlas Dar Thwaib.
36. Fr. Alex Kratz (front, right) of Michigan,
U.S., a frequent visitor to campus,
brings a pilgrimage group to Bethleham
22. Brother Joe Loewenstein joins a group
from St. Mel’s Catholic Church in Norco,
California (U.S.), led by Rev. Emmanuel
Ukaegbu-Onuoha, in the Chapel of the
Divine Child.
37. Sr. D. José Manuel García-Margallo
y Marfil, Spanish Foreign Minister,
receives roses from Bethlehem University
students Dana Sallam and Hanan
23. A group from the EOHSJ-England
gathers behind De La Salle Hall.
38. A group from Canada, led by Fr. James
Mallon, learn about the paintings in the
Chapel of the Divine Child.
24. Dr. Abe Ata (left) of Australian Catholic
University talks with Brother Peter Bray,
Bethlehem University Vice Chancellor.
25. A group from Catholic News Church
of Australia was on campus while
Bethlehem University students passed
out candy treats for Christmas.
26. The Holy Land Coordination group
celebrates Mass in the Chapel of the
Divine Child.
27. A group from Catholic Charities USA
(CCUSA), including Father Larry
Snyder, President of CCUSA, enjoys
a meal at a local restaurant with
Bethlehem University students and staff.
28. Sir Vincent Fean, British Consul General
to Jerusalem, discusses politics and
student life at Bethlehem University.
29. A German group led by Fr. Haas gathers
for a scenic photo on the rooftop of
Bethlehem Hall.
30. Bishop Paul Loverde (Diocese of
Arlington, Virginia, U.S.) leads a
pilgrimage group from the EOHSJMiddle Atlantic Lieutenancy (U.S.) and
joins Brother Peter Bray for lunch in the
Institute of Hotel Management.
31. Mr. John Gatt-Rutter and other
European Union representatives are
39. Led by Rev. Canon Biles, a group enjoys
a beautiful day and beautiful sight from
the top of Bethlehem Hall.
40. Fr. Robert Kurvers and his group
from the Netherlands are led on a
tour by Brother Jack Curran, former
Vice President for Development for
Bethlehem University.
41. Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor and
native New Zealander, leads a group
from New Zealand in a religious song
with Bethlehem University students.
42. Visitors from the Catholic Near East
Welfare Association (CNEWA) enjoy a
discussion with students at Bethlehem
43. Ms. Anna Gunilla Carlsson, Minister for
International Development Cooperation
of Sweden, visits with Brother Peter
Bray, Vice Chancellor; students from the
Master’s in International Cooperation
and Development (MICAD)
program; and undergraduate Student
44. Representatives from the Palestinian
Islamic Bank, including CEO Dr.
Mohammed Zakarneh (third from left),
visit Bethlehem University.
How you
can help
Gifts from the local and international communities can
be made via check to “Bethlehem University” or by bank
transfer. For more information, please contact:
Campus Development Office
Bethlehem University
PO Box 11407 – 92248 Jerusalem
Tel: +972 2 274 1241 - Fax: +972 2 274 4400
[email protected]
In the United States, Bethlehem University is a tax deductible
non-profit eligible for employer matching grants (Tax ID
22-2997011). Checks can be made payable to: “Bethlehem
University.” For more information, please contact:
North American Development Office
Bethlehem University
Hecker Center, Suite 330
3025 4th St., NE
Washington DC 20017-1102
Tel: 202 526 6097 - Fax: 202 526 6096
[email protected]
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simply look for the “Support” button on our website.
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