April 17, 2016 - Church of St. Timothy


April 17, 2016 - Church of St. Timothy
April 17, 2016
4th Sunday of Easter
Good Shepherd Sunday
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
Today the Church throughout the world prays for vocations. Will you make a special effort to ask the Lord for
more vocations to the priesthood and religious life?
Sunday Pew Collection
3/27 E
$ 1,546
$ 8,682
$ 9,248
$ 502
$ 771
$ 827
Total Collection
$ 2048
$ 9,453
(Approximately $15,000 a week is needed to cover
operating expenses for the parish.)
Sunday Visa Charges Jan $10,415
Pray for the priest who have ministered to you
throughout your life, both living and dead.
Keep our parish priests in your prayers throughout
the week.
Encourage your children, grandchildren, or other
young people to consider a vocation as a priest or
religious brother or sister.
Pray a rosary for more young men and women in our
diocese to respond to God’s call.
Join an “Invisible Monastery”
Pledge to pray for vocation at the international website,
invisiblemonastery.com. It was inspired by a call from
Rome urging Catholics to “organize and ‘invisible
monastery’ in which many persons, day and night, are
committed to continuous prayer for priestly vocations.”
Funds on deposit (Building Fund) $546,536
Building Fund: 2nd Collection, 1st full weekend of every month.
Future Building expansion & repairs
Flower Envelopes: Flowers and special holy day decorations
Outreach: enables us to help the needy
YM Fund: For our Youth Ministry Program
Sunday Envelopes: Operating Fund (pays the bills)
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS are needs mandated by the US
Bishops. These collections are sent directly to the Diocese. These
funds do not go to our parish. They need to be turned in no later than 2
weeks after the collection is taken up.
Thank you for using your envelopes, writing separate checks for the
different funds, not taping your envelope shut or wadding up your bills.
It makes counting the collection so much easier.
To remember St Timothy’s in your will or trust
Simply put our full legal name and address: The Church of St Timothy,
2960 Canyon Rd, Esc 92025, 760-489-1200.
Magnificat Subscription Renewal is now due.
All High School Seniors SAVE THE DATE!
June 5th. Baccalaureate Mass followed by
Brunch downstairs for you and your family. Contact Cathy
Kennedy at [email protected] for more details and to
Please join us for the St. Timothy's Family Night!
Sponsored by: St. Timothy's Knights of Columbus
When: April 23rd after 5pm Mass
Where: St. Timothy's Parish Hall
What: DJ, Dancing, Activities, Pizza, Drinks, Desert
Who: All are welcome, bring your children, make it a family
Date! Use this time to cut loose, meet the other families of St.
Tim's and socialize.
Cost: FREE!!!
Sam Handy, 760-504-9209, [email protected]
Bulletin articles for 5/8,15,22 need to be by 5/2.
Elizabeth will be on vacation 5/11-22 and setting up bulletins
Our flowers are courtesy of…
101 W. Second Ave, Escondido, CA 92025
(760) 743-2902 or (760) 745-1191
Cost is $29.95 for August 2016 through July 2017. Make checks
payable to St Timothy Magnificat. You may also charge your
subscription. Drop payment in collection or office. Any questions [email protected].
“Mankind will not have peace until it turns with
trust to My mercy. Adore in the Blessed Sacrament,
My Heart, which is full of mercy.” “I want Adoration to take place...for the intentions of imploring
Mercy for the world.” Jesus told St Maria Faustina of
the Blessed Sacrament,. (Divine Mercy Diary, 300, 1372 & 1070)
Oh come let us adore!
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St Timothy’s from 7am Thursday till
5:20pm Friday. Come pray for your family and
friends, your parish, your city, the United States
and the world. . More information Lettie (760)
480-2378. We will always have problems and worries in
life, but if we sit awhile with Jesus, we find our burdens
are much lighter.
The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Many special graces are available to us during this year. The
Pope has attached indulgences to making a pilgrimage to the
Major Basilicas of Rome and other churches
throughout the world including 7 in our
Diocese. Each of these 7 churches have designated Jubilee Year Holy Doors. MAKE A
PILGRIMAGE” In the Diocese of San Diego
the special churches are: St Joseph Cathedral, Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala,
the Shrine of St Jude of the West, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Calexico, St Thomas
More, Mission San Luis Rey and La Capella Cristo Rey at Our Lady of Guadalupe in El Centro.
Pray for our Military Around the World
'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them
as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the
selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen’
Spencer D Beaulieu, Michael John G. Beltejar, Lt. Gene
Benito, Sgt Mark Burleston, Cody, Robert Lee Churchill,
Sgt. Jacob N. Dean, Jose Dominguez, USMC, Sgt. Scott M.
Drew, Ben & Josh Gorczynski, Jacob, Maj. Justin Knox, Sgt.
Lon Lo, Ian Nartker, Gabriel Neill, Airborne, Josh Ramey,
Kevin Sandoval, Sgt Donavan Saucedo, Gy Sgt Kevin Shepherd, Jrl, Philip Singleton, Jacob David Vance, Navy Sp
Force Jake Windle, Pfc Thomas Zornes. Drop names in the
collection basket or email to church. Please let us know when
they return.
Military prayer square 4x4 available. This squar e is
prayed over by multiple people asking for their safety. Call
Ruth for details 760-738-1869.
Want to learn to make rosaries? 2nd/4th
Tue 11:30am in St Dominic’s. Come join us for a fulfilling
ministry. Laura Kubota (760) 741-1291, Ann Loynd (760) 743-
4889 or Ellen Gallego (760) 489-8909.
Beautiful custom made Rosaries, Rosary
Bracelets & more available from our Rosary
Ministry. Taking orders for Easter, Confirmation, First Communion, Mother’s Day & Father’s Day. What a beautiful gift
idea. For mor e infor mation and or der s call Ellen (760) 4898909.
Divine Mercy Stations of the Cross
every Thursday 3:00pm.
Phaneuf from Canada will celebrate a Healing Mass at St. James
Church in Solana Beach on April 27. Music and witness talks
start at 6:30 PM. Mass at 7 PM followed by healing prayers. For information, call (888) 590-5095.
Were you a Lector or Eucharistic Ministers
in a previous parish? We would love to have you join
in serving in our parish. For more details, please call the office
and ask for Elizabeth. It is such a joy to serve the Lord, Just
think how wonderful it will be when we meet Him face to face
and he says, “I know you.”
Would you like to be a Minister of the Eucharist or a Minister of the Word?
Diocesan Workshops for Ministers of the Word & Eucharist are held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Dr,
SD 92117. Qualifications to be a Minister are: Received sacraments of Baptism/Confirmation/Communion and if married in a Catholic Marriage.
Need to return form with payment to parish office 13 days prior to the workshop. Do not send in, must be signed by Pastor. .. No
registration at the door.
Eucharist: (7/16; 10/29; St Gabriel, Poway 4/30). More info Jane Fontes 760-743-4698.
Word: Sat 9am-2:30pm & Thu 6:30-9pm: (6/18,6/23; 10/22,10/27; & at St James, Solana Beach 8/20,
8/25). Two sessions required $35.00. More info Jerry Meyer 760 480 4661.
Forms available on Usher tables.
More Communion to the Sick Ministers needed. Could you commit to a few hours of the month to help St Timothy’s
ministers take communion to Life Care Facility, Oakmont or to people in their homes in Esc? Substitutes are always needed &
welcome to help us in this important ministry. For details call JoAnne Ewan-Kroeger 760-739-0393.
Are you doing Corporal
Works of Mercy during
this Jubilee Year? The
and your parish to let us
know about particular
works of corporal and
spiritual mercy undertaken during this Jubilee
Year. Drafts of possible
[email protected].
Adult Faith Formation
Bible Study: Tue 7pm
& Wed 9:30am. Join us
Got Hearing Aides, Glucose testers, BP machines you don’t use? Can be used by poor in other
countries who can’t afford them. Drop off in office or Sacristy,
attn Elizabeth. God bless you.
for “An Introduc on to the Old
Testament (Hebrew Bible),” a
lecture series given by Prof. Chrisne Hayes, Yale University. Learn
about the Old Testament from
the perspec ve of recent scripture scholarship. No registra on
needed. Info: kevin@s/mothychurch.com.
It’s important to register in the parish &
keep you information
current. If we need to contact
you or your family it is hard to do
if your phone number is disconnected. Please help us with up to
date information. Send an email
or give us a call.
Don’t get our emails or the parish bulletin?
If you did before and just stopped, we had a computer crash
and lost a lot of people. If you would like parish updates and
the bulletin, please send us an email and we will add you to our
Registering in Parish & getting Envelopes
When you fill out a white registration card you are entered
in our computer and assigned an envelope number under
2000. If you donate but don’t register, we enter you with a
number 5000+. At the end of the year we send you a statement for taxes. We like it when you use the envelopes because it is so much easier when we count the collection and
post the donations. Your support is much appreciated and vital
to keeping our office, programs and ministries functioning.
“Do not be afraid of what God asks of
you! It is worth saying yes to God!
In Him we find our Joy!”
Pope Francis
Consider Priesthood or Consecrated Life.
Armenian Mass, 3rd Sunday, 3:30pm here at
St Timothy’s. All are welcome to St Anthony Armenian
Catholic Mission. Find us on Facebook..
Parenthood Videos. May 12th 7-9pm. at St
Meet the man behind the
Religious Education for Children
Michael’s Holy Family Center, 15546 Pomerado Rd, Poway
92064. The rampart dehumanization of pre-born children and
the barbaric selling of “fetal remains for scientific research” has
shocked and sickened the nation…
Tickets: lifechoicespoway.org.
Grades K-8, RCIC, RCIA & Adult Education
Sunday morning 9:30-10:20
Mondays 4:00-5:15 Fridays 4-5pm
Small Church Communities
Our Lady’s Tea, May 22nd 11am-2pm. Cul-
Director of Catechetical Ministry
Kevin Kennedy (760) 489-0482
[email protected]
Please remember that religious education of children (and
adults) is ongoing and not simply a preparation for receiving Sacraments.
ture of Life Family Services cordially invites you to the 6th
Annual Tea at The Prado at Balboa Park. 1549 El Pr ado,
SD 92101. Guest Speaker Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor.
Tickets $50, register online or RSVP by May 6th .
www.colfs.org, Erica 619-564-3307.
The Catholic Widows and Widowers of NC
See Activity Sheet with pink flower on back Usher table.
Potluck/general meeting 2nd Sunday each month. Our purpose
is support by fostering friendships through religious & social
activities. You are invited to attend our various social activities
as a widow or widower. More info, our parish rep: Ruth Waldsmith, 760-489-0579. May 22nd CWWNC Corporate Communion here at St Timothy's.
Women of St Timothy Events Calendar
Officers: Pr JoAnne Ewan-Kroeger 760-739-0393, 2vp Programs Lettie Nagle 760-480-2378, Sec Linda Zullinger (760)
741-6809, Trea Linda Steiner(760) 743-1500.
Upcoming 7pm Meetings and Speakers
5/9, Mon, Rosary and Elections
6/13, Mon, Installation Dinner at Fasia Buffet.
Food needed at Interfaith. Please bring more
canned, boxed foods, (jams, jellies, & peanut butter) LARGE
jars, to help feed those in need. Fresh fruits, vegetables, foods,
HAMS, turkeys needing refrigeration deliver directly to
Interfaith at the corner of Washington and Quince Sts, Esc.
It’s cold and there are a lot of hungry people. “For I was
hungry, and you fed me …. Matt. 25:35. Lists available in wagon
in back of church on the left.
Temecula Wine & Antique Tour June 1st 9am4:30pm with Fr Scott. Fliers available on the back Usher
tables. Deadline to register is May 1st. More info Martha
McCarthy 760-294-0887 or [email protected].
Children’s Nursery available Sunday mornings
Your Challenge, Their Freedom. Help in the fight
against Human Trafficking. On May 7th Run Walk or Hike.
San Dieguito River Park, Escondido. For more information and
registration please visit thefreedomchallenge.com/localevents
or contact Lorraine Houser (760) 586-8817. To learn more stop
at table outside Mass April 16-17.
during 8:30 am and 10:30 am Masses, in lower level
Room St. Genevieve in back hallway. Enter at door saying office, go left then right down back hallway to last room on
right. Infants and children to age 3. Bring diapers and sippy
cups. Please NO sick children 760-489-1200.
Mass Intentions & Feast Days
4/16-17 Fourth Sunday of Easter
Sat 5:00pm Lori Lynch † FF
Sun 8:30am John McGinnis † FR
10:30am Parish Intentions FR
Mon 6:30am SI Lettie Nagle
Tue 6:30am Si Fr Bob Clark
Wed 6:30AM Caroline Stranc †
4/21 St Anselm, Bishop/Doctor of Church
Thu 6:30am Caroline Stranc † FG
5:30pm Si Doyal Holmon
4/23/2424 Fifth Sunday of Lent
Sat 5:00pm Parish Intentions FF
Sun 8:30am Magdalene Weiler † FR
10:30am Nicholas Maletich † FR
4/25 St Mark, Evangelist
Mon 6:30am SI Lettie Nagle
Tue 6:30am Isabella Rose Asaro †
Wed 6:30am Laura Gschwend †
4/28 St Peter Chanel, Priest/Martyr; St Louis Grignion
de Montfort, Priest
Thu 6:30am Joseph Masnica † FG
4/29 St Catherine of Siena, Virgin/Doctor of Church
5:30pm Irene Bevacqua †
4/30/5/1 Sixth Sunday of Easter
Sat 5:00pm James P. McDonough † FR
Sun 8:30am Parish Intentions FF
10:30am Irene Bevacqua † FR
5/2 St Athanasius, Bishop/Doctor of Church
Mon 6:30am Alice Naour †
5/3 Sts Philip & James, Apostles
Tue 6:30am John DeMartine †
Wed 6:30am Joe Fiacco †
Thu 6:30am Caroline Stranc † FG
5:30pm Sp Int Doyal/Sumiko Holmon
5/7-8 Seventh Sunday of Easter
5/7 Sat 5:00pm First Holy Communion
Sat 5:00pm Helen Lynch † FR
Sun 8:30am Sp Int Julie Axlund FF
10:30am Parish Intentions & FR
Mother’s Day Novena 1
Mon 6:30am Jules DeNeve † &
Mother’s Day Novena 2
5/10 St Damien de Veuster, Priest
Tue 6:30am Sp Int Carol Moore &
Mother’s Day Novena 3
Wed 6:30am Frank Semelsberger † &
Mother’s Day Novena 4
5/12 Sts Nereus & Achilleus, Martyrs; St Pancras, Martyr
Thu 6:30am James Judge Gallagher † FG
Mother’s Day Novena 5
5/13 Our Lady of Fatima
Sat 5:00 pm
Sun 8:30 am
Sun 10:30 am
Adult Choir
Adult Choir
Like to know about…
Adult or Children’s Choir? Call Mimi 760-638-1900.
Contemporary Ensemble? Call Dr J oe 760-630-6693
Date Sat 5:00 pm
S Piland
B Peishel
M/L Tate
M/T Dempsey
J Ruder
S Heidemann
I/J Saba
C/G Aeling
E/S Scheer
B Gonzales
B Arnold
K Conant-Guy
G Shute
J Pojunis
J Ruder
F/J Cabalbag
M/N Cabalbag
Usher Information Laura Hooks (760) 745-4660.
New Usher coordinator needed, call Laura for details.
Altar Server Schedule
prayers in the bulletin. However, we have had trouble in keeping the list up-todate. Many people forget to let us know when to take a name off the list and, as
a result, our list becomes HUGE and outdated. Please inform us when to remove someone.
Sat 5:00 pm
A/T Hildalgo
G/J Warner
A Gomez
T Elmer
An/Al Covarubbis
Sun 8:30 am
Sun10:30 am
D/S Lynne
An/Al Walsh
K/S Lawrence
Au/Ad Soberon
S Freitas
A Kalpakgian
A Rautenberg
M Kellerman
N/T Nguyen
J Ibarra
P Brice
Altar Servers Coordinator Mike Meziere 760-739-1801.
Prayers are requested for: Albert, George/
Marlene Buzzelli, Dan Chelebowski, Rudy dela Torre Family, Edwin Depner, Gail DiNatale, Pat Early,
Joan Erck, Lori Grammier, Doyal & Sumiko Holman, Cathy Lammers’ family, Priscilla Lancour, Joe
Lawton,’s family. George/Peggy Lewis, Barbara
McCoy, Robert McLoughlin, Ann MeisenZahl,,
Margaret O’Milley, Frances Pitrone, Ruth, Adam
Soberon, Bob Steiner, Andy Tritschler, Anita Vena, Vince Ventrella, Chuck Williams, Paul & Pat Yancey.
Please note: We are happy to list parishioners’ names who request our
Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30 am
Minister of Word Schedule
Sat 5:00 pm
Sun 8:30 am
Sun 10:30 am
R Neocochea
E Gallego
M Fontes
M Montijo
J Gilbert
R Thompson
C Weiler
C Ibarra
M Kalpakgian
L profetya
D Zautcke
E Gallego
If interested in this Ministry call Jerry Meyer (760) 480-4661.
Youth Ministry/Confirmation
Coordinator of Youth Ministry (HS/JH)
Pia Kayo (760) 489-0025
Email: [email protected]
Deadline for Bulletin Articles is Monday
9am. Send to [email protected].
The Sacristy Ministry needs your help. Men/
women, would you be willing to give a couple of hours one day
a month to do light cleaning in the church? We also need help
washing/ironing the altar linens one weekend per month. If we
get more volunteers it would be less often. Contact Merlo at
[email protected].
Fishers of Men middle school youth group Sunday, Apr il 17,
1:00-3:00pm in the social hall. All youth in grades 6, 7, and 8
are welcome! Bring something yummy to share for the potluck
lunch and wear your tennis shoes for the games!
Minister of Hospitality Help greet and seat people,
Confirmation Prep classes and Newly Confirmed small
groups 4:00-6:00pm April 17, 24, and May 1 in the social hall.
See you there!
and take up the collection as a Minister of Hospitality. Couples
can serve together and confirmed young adults are most welcome. Call Laura Hooks for more details 760-745-4660.
VBS Teen Training begins this month! Sessions will be
Thursdays, 6:00-7:30pm in the social hall: April 28, May 12 &
26, and June 9.
Steubenville San Diego 2016 signups will begin later this
month. Watch the bulletin, youth website, and your email for
more information.
Baccalaureate Mass and Brunch for all graduating high
school seniors Sunday, June 5. Mark your calendars -- details
coming soon!
Mass honoring Rev. Toufic Nasr, April
23rd, 10am. Held at Ascension Parish, 11292 Clairemont
Mesa Blvd, SD 92124. Experience the Mass in the Syrian Language (spoken Aramaic) the language of the Apostles. The
readings will be in English. Fr Toufic is originally from Lebanon and has been the Pastor at St Ephrem Maronite Catholic
Church in El Cajon for the past 4 years. Mass followed by a
informal potluck luncheon. Bring a friend & a dish to share.
and save the worry. Take
a slip from the Usher
Tables & r etur n in collection or to parish office.
Helps you get those points
on your credit cards.
Interfaith Vehicle
Donation Program.
Your tax deductible donation will support Interfaith’s programs that help
people in crisis regain their
stability, return to the
workforce and live selfsufficient, productive lives.
Donate today! 1-877-4483123.
Timothy’s Charismatic
prayer group meets
every Tuesday 7-8:30
p.m. Please join us as we
gather together to praise and
worship our God and give
glory and honor to him in
song, scripture sharing, using our spiritual gifts and
teachings, in community
and love. Info Bob and
Rosemary 760-741-0866 or
Cindy 858-354-1791
available in printed copies,
) or by email. To request
inclusions on our weekly
email, just send a request to:
[email protected].
To register in our parish, ask an Usher for a
card, stop by the parish office or email us &
we’ll send you one. Please complete your registrations
on a card, giving complete information, i.e. birth dates and sacraments. When you register we send you contribution envelopes
and put you on our parish email list including receiving the
weekly bulletin and other parish updates.
Not on our email list? Keep updated, get the latest parish updates. Just email the parish and say add
me. [email protected].
Baptisms: (Infant to 6 yrs) Baptisms scheduled after
Enrich your faith every single day!
Tune your radio to AM 1000 all day, every day to learn more
about your Catholic faith.
Every hour brings something new. Pray, learn, laugh, cry, ask,
discern, rejoice,
meditate, call-in, listen, seek, find!
Try it . . . we think you’ll like it!
Listen at 1000 AM
What is a Prayer Quilt? Who are they for?
How can I get one? Do you know a person
in need i.e. serious illness) that you would like to wrap in
prayer? Prayer Quilts combine the gift of prayer with the
gift of a hand-tied lap quilt. As each knot is tied, a prayer is said
for the recipient. Quilts are displayed at Adoration on Thu/Fri
and in the chapel to the left of Our Lady’s statue during weekend Masses. Please stop and tie a knot, say a prayer and sign the
card. To get a quilt stop in the parish office or call Angie 760
-233-3910 or Carol 760-317-9941 for help.
Many hands are needed in this ministry. Anyone
can participate, not just quilters. Call Ruth 760-738-1869
for more information on how you can help.
St. Timothy Outreach Ministry, helping those
in need, in our parish and communities. Through your generous support we provide financial assistance, counseling, medical
recommendations, distribution of food and clothing and help for
people who are experiencing a catastrophe. More information
call Ardie Burrows 760-745-3542 or Ken Kerins 760-737-7191.
Financial donations are always needed to replenish our monthly
expenses which exceed $3000. Please use the yellow Outreach
envelopes for your donations to our Ministr y.
following completed. (1) Registered & active parishioners for
at least 3 months. (2) Attend Sunday Mass & live exemplary
Christian lives as a model for the child to be baptized. (3) Parents attend a Baptism Preparation Seminar, held last Wednesday of month, call parish to schedule. (4) Sponsors need to attend a Baptism class & have a letter from their parish stating
they are active members, attended a Baptism class and qualified
to be godparents.
Sponsors for Baptism & Confirmation need to be at
least 16 yrs old, have received the sacraments of Baptism/
Confirmation/First Communion, and if married in a Catholic marriage. If you do not r egister in a par ish & contr ibute
regularly (no matter how small), they will not have a record of
your attendance & cannot provide a letter. This is your responsibility.
Old Mission San Luis Rey
4050 Mission Ave, Ocn 92057, 760-757-3651,
Retreats & Lectures. For more information go to
Twilight Retreats, Cooking, Commuter Retreats, plus
much more.
Mission San Luis Rey Cemetery has openings in the cemetery and columbarium. See br ochur e on Usher tables.
Bulletin Advertisements available
$7.00 a week per 1x2 inch box, $91.00 for 13 weeks. Multiple
boxes available. Ready for insert, no charge, if design/setup
needed $40. Call for costs. BACK of bulletin, and inside
back cover. For your business or to remember special people
and occasions. i.e. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Congratulations,
In Memory of…. Just email your info and date to be published to [email protected] or drop note in collection or office. Give
dates to run. Payments: cash, credit cards, checks. For more information call 760-489-1200.
Remember to support our bulletin advertisers. Call them
first when you need a service. Be sure to thank them for
their support of our parish.
Help Serve at Interfaith 2nd Tuesday of
the month 5:30am. For more information call
Mike, 760- 739-1801 or email [email protected].
Funeral planning & pre-planning St Timothy’s Bereavement Ministry sits with our families and
helps them plan the Mass liturgy & gives options for funeral services here at St Timothy. To pre-plan your funeral call Bev Meyer 760-480-4661 or Katie Mitchell
Be sure to have in writing your wishes for your funeral and inform your family. It is sad to see occasions
where there is no Mass or Catholic service.