J,uiJe - Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories


J,uiJe - Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Faculty, staff, students and friends
of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
breathed a collective sigh of relief, as
reco n struct ion of the la bs took a
tangible step forwa rd last September
with a ground breaking ceremony. The
event, held at the rebui lding site on
Water Tower Hill, represented the
begin ning of the end of an arduous
eight-year struggle to rebuild, following
the destruction of the labs' in the Lorna
Prieta Earthquake.
Representative Sam Farr gave the
keynote address, in which he lauded the
perseverance of MLML students,
faculty and staff, an~ praised the vision
of late-director, John Martin. "Studies
of marine science are in our nationa l
interest,'' said Farr. "David Packard
once said that man can benefit more
from researching the oceans than from
researching outer space. That's why this
institution is so essential ... This ground
breaking today is not just one small step
for Moss Landing Marine Labs, but one
giant step for marine science and marine
Rt·sign~ ................... ........ ...... !
Kt'nneth Coale i\ppount'd ... :....................... 1
.\idrtm & l'cpp,ud Sclwhn,htp Awards ....... 3
Endless Sumrncr 11 StK\:I!l.:> ............. .. .... ........ 4
l{cscarch V1!%d Oto nat~d ............................. 7
Gary Grrt·ne
,\temori:JI Do nations ................................... 7
Summer Ftcld Tnp~ ...................................... ~
McMalun Foundation Grant ...................... 8
R dy Cannon Memorial Scholarship ............. 8
MLML Researchers Recognized .................. 9
Open House in Fa ll ..................................... 9
Watsonville Srudents Suppon
Marine Mammal Rescue ........................ 9
New Fnends M embers .............................. 10
Friends Update ................... ....................... 1 I
Business Membership Program .................. H
New Business Members .................. ........... 11
In Memory ..... .......... ... ............ .... .... .. .... .. . 11
Communi ry Semina r Series ........................ 12
education , not just for Monterey Bay,
but for the world."
Rep l a~ement of o ur-dated water
s torage equipmen t on th e hill
overlooking Monterey Bay is nearly
complete, and construction of the new
facilities will follow. Construction is
expected to take between 14 and 18
months and cost 22 million dollars.
Although the last eight years have
had their share of hurdles for MLML,
the ground breaking ceremony focused
on the posime. "We're celebrating the
end of a long and Jifficult process, and
looking forward to returning to our
home in Moss Landing," commented
Dr. Kenneth Coa le . "Most of the
current students have been working in
Sa lin as, said then Student Body
President, Joe Bizzarro. "The move
back to the ocean is a moment we've
all been waiting for."
The ceremony began w ith a
Rumsen welcome by Linda Yamane of
the Concurring Native American
Parties, who have provided the labs
with cultural and archeological
consultation on the project.
Speeches were given by notable
supporrer5 of MlML: Robert L. Caret,
... continued on Page 6
Packard :foundation Awardd
$3.2 million :lor R econdtruction
The light at the en d of th e
reconstruction tunnel grew suddenly
brighter w hen MLML received word
that the D avid and Lucile Packard
Foundation had approved a $3.2
millio n proposal to help rebuild the
The gift reflected the shared vision
ot bo th the late La boratory director
John Martin and the late Silicon Valley
gian t , David Packard, w h o both
dream'e d that t he Monterey Bay area
wo uld become an international center
for excellence in marine research and
educat ion .
The labs had a lready raised $18.5
million for the rebuilding effort. These
fund s have co m e from Federal
Emergency Management Administration, and the Stare of California and
include a previous gift of $1.0 million
from David Packard. The new grant
represents a major milestone in the
... contiuued on Page 8
Tn February, Dr. Gary Greene
resigned as Director of MLML to
devote more time to his research and
teaching . Gary's efforts on behalf o f
MLML have been tireless, and the fact
that the rebuilding of the labs in Moss
Landing is finally underway is in no
small way a tribute to .his efforts. Gary
has also been a stalwm·t supporter of
the Friends of MLML since our
inception, o ften making per sonal
sacrifices to further the cause. On behalf
of the board and membership of the
Friends of MLML, thank you, Gary, for
all you 've done to further the goals of
MLML, and to assist the Friends in 'our
efforts to support the labs. We also want
to thank Gary's wife, Lynne, for her
steady behind-the -scenes supp o rt.
Happily, Gary and Lynne assure us they
will continue to be active in their
suppOtt o f th e Friends o f MLML.
Gary 's final Director's Column e11try
fo llow s:
W hen I was selected as Director of
M oss Landing Marine Labora tories
three-and -a-half years ago, my charge
was to get the Labs rebuilt in M oss
Landing. MLML was struggling to
rebuild, a lawsuit was pending, new
permits were required, and funding for
construction w as in question. Since
then , we have secured all the r equired
permits and have o btained funding for
the rebu ild from FEMA and the David
a n d Lucil e Packard Fo undation.
C onstruction of the new fa ciliti es is
finally underway. A contractor has been
selected, the installation of the new inground
w a ter
t ank s i s a lmost -.,...::_,.,.,,...
complete, and we
should see framing of
wa lls by this swnmer. In
the meantime, we obtained
a ddi t ional leased space in
Moss Landing through FEMA
to allow MLML to function
more efficiently in our temporary
facilities .
In addition to this
progress, MLML
h as m odernized
its fleet of small boats with th e
donations of two virtually new research
vessels. The RV John H. Marrin was
donated by Ed Meyer of San Francisco,
and the RV Bailey's Island came to us
thank s t o Josie Little and her late
husba nd, Bailey, of Capitola.
During this period, the Center for
Habitat Studies was established -to ·
develop multi-disciplinary approaches
to in vestigation and t haracterization of ·
habitats, enhancing our capability for
international cooperation. For example,
five students were able to attend and
present papers at an international
confe r ence on habitats in New
Caledonia with support ·from the
National Science Foundation. T hey did
a superb job.
Fina ll y, the Friends of MLML
(FOMLML) was started as a non-profit
support organization for the labs.
FOMLML established the prestigious
John H . Martin Scho lars hip fund,
supported t he labs with equipment and
financial support, and helped with _
community outreach.
MLML is poised to embark upon
the 21st century armed with new stateof-the-art faciliti es and eq uipment to
meet its goals in education and research.
The se a cc omplis hm e nt s o ccurred
because of the team spirit, dedication
and support of the faculty, students, and
sta ff at M LML, in a ddition to
community leaders, fri ends and
neighbors. The job has been difficult,
but inspiring. We have endured eight
years of traumatic conditions since the
Loma Prieta earthquake destroyed our
facilities, but have managed to uphold
and ad van ce MLML's
excellence In manne education a nd
resea rch.
Many peo ple s upp o rte d me
personally during my directorship. I
cannot thank all of you enough. J a lso
want to thank my wife, Lynne for all
her patient dedication a nd support. I
step do wn proud o f w ha t we have
accomplished, knowing we have paved
the wa y for a bright future.
I am convinced that 11LML wil l
move o n to do even more and better
things than before. I will continue to
support this effort in any way I can
while working on things tha t I reall y
enjoy doing - teaching and research. The
sn1dents at MLML are great, and I look
forward to being able to spend more
time with them. I will work diligently
to !·mild the geology program at M LML
and t o develop th e research and
education capabilities of the Center for
Habitat Studies. Perhap s there will even
be time to work on writing the book
on submarine canyons that f' ve been
putting off.
Pl ease join me in continuing to
support the Ia bs and new Acting
Director, Kenneth Coale.
Tht• Wljw e" pu hli~h¢d b~ l· rntJ·. ot ~1os~
L1ndmg \ Iarine l ahnrJtorie,, Inc.. w wturrn
111n·rcsted members of th~ M•Jilterey lhl}'
cu nmunit}, alumn i :md othc• rt:'><.:arch .\nd
edu.::~wm Ul~taturwns •\bOut ~·urrcnt MLMl
a en vitieqnd events oft he I-n end~ ol M1.\ lL. [·or
mnr" information p lea~(: cJII (4tll!) 633-:\ II .M I or
wrirc hitnds of MLML. 1'.0. Box 61 , Moss
Landing. CA 950 .~9 .
Bruce St"'l!wart
Rapid Prim ing Center - Sali11as
Kenneth Coale, Laird Henkel,
& Mike Prince
Kirsten Carlson, pp.l ; Stephanie Rosa, pp.2;
Bruce Stewart, pp. 5; Bmce Stewart, pp.8.
Kirsten Carlson , pp.9; Kirste11 Car/so11. pp. 11
Lynn McMasters
All materials in tlus publr caluw ure 1he property of the
Fnends of Moss Landiug Mariue La bora lones, Inc. unless
otherwise 1101ed i11 text 1111d credits. Reprodnction cmd
d istribntio11 of all or t111y part is expressly prohibited
without wriffeu permission of the Director, Friends of
MLML, In c.
SPRING l 99ll
7Jr. _}(e,;neth Coale
. A ppointed Acting
7Jirector o/
Dr. Kenneth
Coale was appointed
Acting Director
of MLML by
Dr Robert Caret,
President of San
Jose State University, on february 15. The
followed Dr.
Gary -Greene's
decision to step down as Dirccr.or to
devote more time to research and
Dr. Coa le, an Adjunct Professor of
Marine Biogeochemistry at MLML, is
an expert in , trace metals and
radionuclides in the marine environment, and has been active in teaching
and research over the past 10 years at
Dr. Coale recently returned from a
series of research cruises to the Southern
Ocean whe re he served as Chief
Scientist for the United States Global
Flux Study's Southern Ocean Program
aboard the 285 foot Research Vessel
Roger Revelle from Scripps Intitution
of Oceanography. The research mission
was to identify the processes which
control the flux of carbon from the
atmosphere into the deep waters of the
Antarctic Circumpolar Current, a
region thought to have a major
influence on global climate. This study
is a joint effort between the Division of
Ocean Sciences and the Office of Polar
Programs, branches of the National
Science Foundation.
Says Dr. Coale about his
appointment, "It's a lot like jumping
from cold water to hot water, but I'm
very excited about serving the
outstanding faculty and students of
MLML. Former Director Gary Greene
had a tough job and we are all thankful
for his accomplishments." Dr. Coale
will serve as acti ng director' until a
permanent director is selected.
Caren Braby, of Monterey, was the
1997 recipient of tw_o prestigious
scholarship awards. Each year, the John
H. Martin (J H M) Scholarship is
awarded in support of the MLML
student who most exemplifies
innovation, creativity, and community
service (traits displayed and valued by
our late director) . The JHM Scholarship
award (currently $1500) is made
possible by an endowment supported
by donations to Friends of MLML. The
award was presented at a small
ceremony in Moss Landing by Marlene
Martin, wife of the late John Martin,
and Chair of the Friends of MLML.
Caren also won the $500 Kim
Peppard Memorial Scholarship award.
This award was initia'ted by the family
of Kim Peppard, following her tragic
death in a diving accident, to honor
other outstanding female marine science
students. It is now funded by the Friends
Braby 's thesis in support of a
master's degree in Marine Science is
entitled "Smelling for a living: Do
mesopelagi c cepha lopods rely on
distance chemoreception?" More
simply stated: Do squid rely on a sense
of smell ? This topic shows exceptional
innovation both in the means oftesting
the hypothesis, and in the topic itself.
Squid have good eyes- no dou bt
about it, they have a well developed
sense of vision. It's been assumed by
most scientists that squid rely on their
excel lent eyesight to hunt for prey.
Bra by doesn't necessarily agree. Because
squid hunt primarily in da rk cold waters
well below the surface, she thinks they
may be using another sense-the sense
of smell.
To test her hypothesis, Braby will
capture squid from Monterey Bay, bold
them in aquaria, expose them to various
1997 Martin Scholai·ship recipient,
Caren Braby (left) is congratulated by
1996 winner forma Engel.
smells such as amino acids or squid ink,
and then observe their behavior. The
scholarship will help to defray the costs
of the experiments, as well as the costs
of electron-microscope investigation of
squid chemoreceptors (their "noses," so
to speak).
Between her many hours of research
and class time, Bra by has found time to
help coordinate several events,
including the 1996 MLML Open
House, and to act as Treasurer of the
MLML Student Body. Her hours of
volunteer time show her strong
commitment both to MLML and to the
community as a whole. Her commitment tO community education has also
led her to volunteer as a n ex hi bit
interpret er at t he Monterey Bay
Aq uarium, The Sea Center in Santa
Barbara, and the National Zoo, in
Washington, D.C.
Among the many faculty, staff, and
friends who agree that Bra by is an ideal
choice for both awards is Dr. James
Nybakken, he r major advisor at
MLML. " Caren is one of the best
students that I have had in my 32 years
of teaching and research at MLML,"
he emphasized. "She is going to be an
outstanding marine·scientist."
Marlene Martin
congratulates 1997
I ohn H. Martin
Scholarship finalists .
From left: Allen
Andrews, Susanne
Renselair, Caren Braby
(Recipient), Kyra
Schlining, and Eli
The theme was tropical, the exotic food delicious, and
the mood festive. Our second annual Endless Summer auction
held last August at the Pebble Beach Club was a great success
by all accounts. The Pebble Beach Company again sponsored
the event, and the expert management and staff at the Pebble
Endless Summer participants enjoy delicious tropical buffet
at the Pebble Beach Club. From left: Lois De Vogelaere,
Ann Schmidt, john Heine, and Wayne Kelly.
Beach Club pulled out all the stops in staging an elegant affaire.
Bidders enjoyed a live music by Tropical Muse as they
sampled fine wines and vied for their favorite items. There
was plenty tO choose from, considering the hundreds of
valuable donated offerings ranging from antiques to artwork,
fine dining to field trips, cruises to hand-crafted quilts, and
much, much more. With items as diverse as resort overnights,
diaper service, 49er season tickets, srudio portrait sessions, a
sea kayak, and a day with Congressman Sam Farr, there wa~
something for everyone.
The Endless Summer Opportunity Drawing proved an
exciting complement tO the silent and live auctions, with
renowned loca l sculptor Randy Puckett's donation of a
beautiful bronze sculpture of mother humpback whale and
cali as the coveted grande prize, along with hundreds of other
valuable prizes. The event raised over $20,000 in support of
the activities of Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories.
Special thank s to Pebble Beach Company's Mark
Verbonich, Lisa Bird, Reed Hellyer, Audra Cox, and all the
Pebble Beach Club staff for making the event not just possible,
but exquisite. Thanks also to co-sponsor Classical KBach for
their support.
Friends of MLML wish to express our sincere thanks to the following businesses and individuals for their generous
contributions to the second annual Endless Summer auction benefit.
The Pebble Beach Company
Classical KBach
Adobe Trading Company
Adventures By The Sea
Ahlgren Winery
Aladdin Charters
American Cetacean Society
Ames Research Center
Antiques Etc.
Antonelli Brothers
Begonia Gardens
Aptos Bike Trail
Aptos Coffee Roasting Company
Aptos Dog and Cat Grooming
Aptos Film Company
Aquarius Dive Shop
Art And Framing Center
Artistic Hang-Ups
Auntie Marne Antiques
Alan Baldridge
Bamboo Reef Dive Shop
Bargetto Winery
Baskin Robbin's
Bay Photo Lab
Bay View Hotel
Beauty Essential
Bernar.dus Winery
Best Of Times
The Bird Feeder
Betsy's Flowers
Bonny Doon Vineyards
Books, Inc.
Bookshop Santa Cruz
Boxwood Press
Margaret Bradbury
Brewster O'Brien's
Brookdale Lodge
Gregor Cailliet
California State University
Monterey Bay
Don Canestro
Kirsten Carlson
Carmel Beach Cafe
Castroville· Chiropractic
Car's Incredible Cafe
Central Texas Barbeque
Chalone Winery
Chardonnay Sailing Charters
C hateau Julien Winery
Chevy's Restaurant
Jim Christman
Cilantro's Mexican Restaurant
Cloninger Cellars
The Clothing Store
Kenneth Coale
Cora l Reef Aquarium
& Pet Center
T he Councry Store
Don Croll
Crow's Nest Restaurant
Curiosities Antiques
& Collectibles
Custom Marine Covers
The Darling House
Bed & Breakfast
Eldon Dedini
Deetjen's Big Sur Inn
Deja-Vu Hair Studio
Mike Delapa
Bruce Delgado
Lois Devogelaire
Devlin Cellars
Donie' Fashions
James Downing
Ed ward's Nursery
Christine Elder
Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery
Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Elkhorn Slough Safari
Equinox Winery
Erik's DeliCafe
Eva's Silver Service Picnic
Family Cycling Center
Far- West Nursery
The Farm Bakery
Congressman Sam Farr
Fast Frame
Firsr Awakenings Restaurant
Fish hopper Restaurant
Fishing Vessel 'Good News'
Fishwife Restaurant
Mike Foster
Friends Of MLML
Galante Vineyards
Garrone Financial
Gayle's Bakery
Giant Artichoke
Loren Githens
Gizdich Ranch
Granary Marker
Green's Camera And Video
Hall Crest Vineyards
Harvest Moon Markers
John Heine
Hog's Breath Inn
Larry Horan
Idea l Bar And Grill
lnteridal Aquafarms, Inc.
Isle Of Irhica Antiques
J. Lohr Estates Winery
Jason's Cafe & Grill
{:nJ£~~ Summer
Jeff Foort P,roductions
Jekel Vineyards
Jet Set Bohemian
Joni L. Janecki & Associates
Gail And Roy Johnston
Ken Johnson
Larry Jones
Joullian Vineyards
K & M Distributing
Kayak Connection
Kbach Radio Station
Kennan Ward Photography
Linda K roetch
Franz Lanting
Lawrence H all Of Science
Lirrle Baja
Little Red Barn Antiques
Lockwood Vineyards
Maloney's Harbor Inn
Manuel's Antiques
MARE Program,
Lawrence H all of Science
Martine Inn
Be!=~ & Breakfast
Senator Bruce McPherson
McWhorter's Station ers
Melanie Mayer Consu lting
Gordon Miller
Mo's Liquor & Beacon
Mockingbird Books
Modern Life Design Center
Monet'~ Garden
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Dive Center
Monterey Bay Kayaks
Monrerey Bay National Marine
Sanctuary Foundation
Monterey Book Works
Monterey Cypress
Stained Glass Studios
Monrercy Dunes Colony
Monterey Peninsula Winery
Monterey Sport Fishing
Moss Landing Cafe
Moss Land ing
Marine Laboratories
Moss Landing Marine Supply
Moss Landing Mercantile
Mr. E's Cyclery
Mucky Duck Restaurant
Mulberry Gallery
My Museum
Napa Valley Wine Train
NASA Space Camp
Native Revival Nursery
Natural Bridges State Park
Nepenthe Restaurant
New Davenport
Bed & Breakfast
Mary Yok lavich discusses her bidding strategy with
A/do DeRose at the Endless Summer II AuctiOn.
Nickelodeon Theatre
James Nybakken
O'Neill Yacht Charters
Oceanic Society Expeditions
Old Post Office Antiques
Once Upon A Child
The Orchid Zone, Ltd.
Orion Telescope & Binoculars
Pacific Cetacea n Group
Pacific Coffee
Roasting Compa ny
Pacific Edge
Pacific Firewood
Pacific Repertory Theaue
Palace Art Supply
Palapas Resrauranr
Panitas Resruarant
PC People
Peaceable Paws
Pebble Beach Club
Penny Farthing Tavern
Pepper's M exicale Cafe
Peter Wang Photography
Pezzini Farms
Phil's Fish Market & Eatery
Portola Cafe
Profiles Studio
Prophet Elias Church
Randy Pucketr
Pure Valley Water Of Aptos
Quality Stoneware
Rainbow Studios
Rapid Priming of Salinas
Rent- A- Roadster
Rich Ehrlich Photography
jarill Ristine
Roaring Camp & Big Trees
Narrow Gauge Railroad
Tim Robinson
Rocky Mounrain
Chocolate Factory
Roger's Flower Farm
Route One Farms
Nancy Russell
Sam's Fishing Fleet
Santa Cruz Golf Instruction
Santa C ruz Mountain Vineyards
Sea Challengers
Sea Harvest
Sea Scours
Mark Shelly
Sierra Azul Nursery
Skipper's Cafe
Skydive Monterey Bay
Snazzy Productions
Soar Hollister
Solis Winery
Sophia's Taqueria
Spado's Restaurant
Bruce Stewart
Succulent Gardens And Gifts
Surf City !=offee Company
Suzan]. Kelly Physica l Therapy
Sweer Elena's Bakery & Cafe
Terrific Cuts
Mary Titus Gallery & Studio
Toys Galore, Inc.
Trenr West Designer Jewelry
Troll Forest
U.S. Abalone Farms
Gil Van Dykhuizen
Vemana Country Inn
Ventana Vineyards
Victoria Rugg Photography
Village Hairdressers
Wave Lengths Hair Studio
Steve Webster
Well Within
Wharfside Resta urant
White Magnolia Resta urant
Who le Enchilada Resta urant
Wild Rose Artist's Supplies
Wilder Ranch State Park
Woodshed Antiques
Vern Yadon
Zyanya Collectibles
) l
' aj
. . . continued from page 1
President of SJSU; Torn Perkins and
Judy Pennycook, Monterey County
representing the California Coasta l
Commission and the Monterey
Planning _Commission; State senator
Bruce McPherson, and Friends of
MLML Chair, Marlene Martin.
Calcagno noted, "Since the marine lab
has been in Moss Landi,ng, it has been
a great gift to the community."
For the ceremonia l breaking of the
ground, four silver shovels and a golden
shovel were produced . The dirt flinging
was kicked off by Gary Greene, who
said, "With these shovels we turn the
restless sands of this coastal dune in
preparation of sowing seeds of w isdom
that will be used to help future
generations understand and appreciate
the marvelous coas tal and oceanic
environment that exists here in the
Monterey Bay region." Other shovelers
included Sheila Baldridge (MLML
Alumni), Melanie Mayer Gideon (CSU),
Marlene Martin (Friends of MLML) ,
and Student Body President Joe
The ceremony concl uded with a
Native American dance. Tony Cerda led
the H umaya Dancers in several dances
of prayer. Cerda's ancestors may have
been among Native Americans who
once used the site. "A dance for us is a
prayer," he commented, "today we are
praying for respect in the future use of
this site."
The event was attended by about
300 invited guests, and catered by Phil's
Fish Market. "It will be exciting to have
everyone under one roof again,"
commented Fish Market owner and
local celebrity, Phil DiGirolamo .
Les Strnad and Marlene Martin celebrate the
long awaited beginning of reconstruction.
From left: Gary Greene, Marlen e Martin, Melanie Mayer
Gideon, j oe Bizzarro and Sheila Baldridge get ready to
turn the first shove/loads.
Linda Yamane, of the Concurring
Native American Parties, ope11ed the
ceremonies with a Rumsen welcome.
Over 300 supporters gathered to celebrate the
MLML Alums, Pete Slattery and
Sheila Baldridge pose with golden
shovel "purchased " by Pete at the
Endless Summer ll Auction
Columnist Lillian Woodward
congratulates Greg Cailliet on the
long awaited groundbreaking.
E ft Landrau and James Smith dtsplay
one u( the souvemr shovels handed
out at the groundbreaking.
~eceiveJ in
Bailey's family had requested
that contributions in his memory
be sent to MLML. These
contributions wiU help outfit the
R/V Bailey's Island for oceanographic; research. Our thanks to
the following donors for helping
make Bailey's wish to support
marine research come true.
The Field Estate (Fran~is Field)
San Francisco, California
RIV Bailey_ 's Island is a significant addition to MLML 's research vessel fleet.
Thanks to the generosity of Bailey
and Josie Little of Aptos, Californ ia,
MLML was the recipient of a brand
new 32 foot vesse l named Bailey's
Island. Last August, the Littles donated
this outstanding boat to be· used to
sup port coasta l education and research
for M LML st udents and faculty. T he
Bailey's Island is similar in design and
size to th e research vessel (RJV) Ed
Ricketts which has been in service for
over twenty years. Bailey's Island was
bu ilt in Maine by the Ell is Boat
Company and is a c u~tom New
England-styled lobster boat. Mr. Little
referred to it as a "Lobster Yacht." It is
lightweight and fast, capab le of over 20
knots, yet it has a high bow and wide
beam w hich make exception ally
seaworthy for its size. Planning is under
way how best to use the boat, and to
determine what equipment should be
a dded to make it better suited fo r
marine science work.
We are sad to note that Bailey Little
passed away shortly after he donated
the boat. Bailey, Josie and many of their
friends were people who clearly loved
the sea and the boats that sail on her.
Baily was a good friend to a number of
people involved in marine science
research on Monterey Bay, and in the
last few months of his life, he became a
strong supporter of MLML. The
support to our programs provided by
the RN Bai)ey's Island will live on as a
legacy to Bailey's love of the ocean and
desire to promote understanding of it.
From left: Lee Bradford
(Captain of RIVEd
Ricketts and RIV
Bailey's Island), Bailey
Little and Mike Prince
(Superintendent of
Marine Operations) on
the stern of Bailey's
Stephen Field
Tuscon, Arizona
Karl Mertz
Aptos, California
Eleanor Noyes
Massach ussetts
Bob and Susie Tomseo
Moose, Wyoming
Gary Greene received this note nor Long
Ray Cannon memorial
A $5,000 grant from the Catherine
L. and Robert 0 . McMahan
Foundation was recei~ed late Last year
in support of public outreac:;h and
education programs . The funds will
allow FOMLML to provide stipends for
MLML graduate students who make
presentations at area schools and
community events . The McMahan
Fou ndation has been instrumental in
strengthening the Fr iends efforts to
support MLML. In 1996, they funded
a computer and printer for the
FOMLML office.
Congratulation s to Ichthyo logy
Graduate Student, Joe Bizzarro, winner
of the 1997 Ray Cannon Memorial
Scholarship Award. This scholarship is
awarded each year to a stellar student
who also demonstrates an outstanding
commitment to community service. Joe
served as Student Body President last
year, and coordinated a number of
MLML contributions at community
events like Squid Fest and the Sanctuary
Birthday Celebration. Tha nks, Joe, for
your part in keeping the flam es of
MLML spirit a live.
. . .continued from page 1
rebuilding process, and a jump-start to
a private fund raising campaign. Says
Acting MLML Director, Kenneth Coale,
"We are extreme ly fortunate that
private sector benefactors such as the
Packard. Fou ndat ion, who value
excellenc;e in education, can choose to
make a real difference in the quality of
our facilities and our programs. We are
extremely gratefu l for their vision a nd
their generosity."
The $3.2 mi llion includes $2.2
mi ll ion for comp letion of the
reconstruction, $0.5 million to be used
for specialty scientific instrumentation,
and $0 .5 mi llion for a multi-use
seawater facility to be shared with the
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Institute (MBARl) .
Joe r/Jizzarro Receive:j
Friend's ofMLML iB pteased to amto1:1Dte an e~ting offering Of su.nuner:.fietd trips to some ofMonterey Bay's renowned
coastal habitats.~ is limited and 4(lvall(:e reservations are ~uired. 'Please caD (408) 633·MLML for {eservations.
Saturday, june 6, 12:40 - 3:00 p.m.
Join one of the area's best known marine manUna.l and bird t'xpMS, Alan Baldridge, and Friends E.xccotive Director,
Bruce Stewart, for a cruise on ~m Slough. 4}an and Bruce have spent many "years observing and interpreting the
slough's natural history and are anxious to share it's wonders with you on this two-h6ur tour aboard a comfortable
pontoon boat operated by Elkhorn Slough Safari. Take advan~ of great photo opportunities with curious harbor
seals and sea otters.
Members .................................... $30 adults; $15 children tmder 12
Non-members ............................. $35 adults; $20 children under.12
Sunday, June 14, 8:00- 10:00 a.m.
Join marine educators Roberta Dean (from UCB's Lawrence Hall of S'cience) and Friends of MLML Director, Bruce
Stewart, for 'a tide pool jaunt especially for kids and their adult companions. Monterey Bay boasts the best and moststudied intertidal in the world. What better place to meet a hermit crab, listen to snapping shrimp, or search for the
most beautiful slugs on the planet? Adults without children are still welcome as long as they bring along a child's sense
of wonder. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Members .................................... $15 adults; $10 children under 12
Non-members .............·................ $20 adults; $15 children under 12
Sunday, July 12, 7:00- 9:00a.m.
Rise with the shorebir ds to explore the amazing hidden wonders of the mudflat with one of t he area's finest naturalists,
Mark Silberstein (Director of the Elkhorn Slough Foundation a nd Friends Board Member). Ad ults and kids alike will
be amazed at the bizarre adaptations that a llow creatures to survive the r igors of mudflat life . On this two-hour tour of
the mudflats, you can get "down and dirty" (for the most fun and the best view), or let others do the dirty work and
share in their d iscoveries.
Members ........................... ......... $15 adults; $10 children under 12
Non-m embers .......................... ... $20 adults; $15 chi ldren under 12
SP RING 1998
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories faculty, staff and students
(past and present) continue to garner
laurels at the annual Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary Currents
Sympo!. ium . This year, Mary
Yoklavich (MLML Alum., anJ
Fisheries Biologist for t he Pacific
Fisheries Environmental Group and
National Marine Fisheries Service)
received the Outstanding Researcher
MLMLers (past and present) and
affiliates also received recognition in the
Poster Session awards:
" De ca dal Patterns in a Sandy
Subtidal Community: Effects of
Decreased Oceanic Productivity"
Authors: Stacy Kim (MLML Alum.
and Research Associate), John Oliver
(MLML Alum and Adjunct
Professor) , and Pete Slarte_ry (MLML
"Pinniped Interactions with
Salmon Fisheries in Monterey Bay,
Authors: Mic hael Weise (MLML
Graduate Student) and jim H arvey
(MLML Assistant Professor)
"Investigation of the Social
Function of Underwater
Vocalization Displays"
Authors : Teri Nicholson ! MLML
Graduate Student), D. Mellinger
(Monterey Bay Aquarium Research
Institute), and Jim Harvey (MLML
Assistant Professor)
DeVogelaere (Researcher, Monterey
Bay National Marine Sanctuary and
Friends of MLML Board Member),
Michelle White (Elkhorn Slough
Thomasberg (Montere)' Cou nty
Water Resources Agency}.
Kudos also to the U.C. Sea Grant
Extension Program winner of the
Outstanding Organization Award .
Located in MLML's temporary
facilities in Moss Landing, the
program is led by Rick Starr, Area Sea
Grant Advisor, assisted by MLML
graduate students, Korie Johnson and
Kate Stanbury.
"Nutrient Inputs to Elkhorn
Slough, CA: Interpreting an 8Year Record of Volunteer Water
Quality Monitoring"
Authors: Jane Caffrey (Elkhorn
Slough National Estuarine Research
Reserve), Sue Shaw (Elkhorn Slough
Foundation, and Friend of MLML),
Mark Si lberstein (MLML Alum.,
Director of the E lkhorn Slough
Foundation, and Friends of MLML
Member ),
W atjonvi/£ J/igh S tuJenfj Support
marine m ammal R ejcue
MLML's ever-popular
annual Open House has been
postponed until next October
due to extendecl' inclement
wea ther bro ught on by El
Nino, according to Heather
Spa ld ing, MLML Student
Body President.
Members of Watsonville High
School's SAVE (Students Against A
Violated Earth) Club raised $100 which
they donated to the Friends of MLML
in support marine mammal rescue
work. According to faculty advisor
(a nd past MLML student) Dave
Grabost, in addition to raising money
for worthy environmental causes, the
c lub runs a recycling program,
participates in E lkhorn Slough
Cleanups, and enjoys kayaking and
rafting field trips. According to Dr. Jim
Harvey, MLML assistant professor and
marine mammal expert, their generous
contribution will help support MLML's
participation in the Marine Mammal
Stranding Network, a nation-wide
program monitoring marine mammal
srrandings . The labs ' Strand ing
Network efforts are coordinated --by
MLML graduate st udent, Terry Darcy.
Friends of MLML sincerely thanks the
dedicated students of SAVE. They
prove t hat a few dedicated individuals
can make a big difference.
, ------------,
:Be a Friend.:
: ] oin the Friends of MLML! :
Please fill out this form a nd send with your
chec k (made payable to Friends o f MLML,
Inc.; no cash please) to:
P.O. Box 61
Moss LANDING, CA 95039
Enroll me as a member o f the
Friends of MLML in the fo llowi ng
category (please c heck one):
•!• Memberships are a nnual •!•
500. 00
In additio n to membership, I
enclose $
as a donation.
Senior Citizen
__ Famil y
Benefa ctor
__ Phi lanthropist
~an1e: ---------------------Street Address or P.O.:
City: _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _
Zip: _ _ _ _ _ __
Phone: -------~--E-M ail Add ress: _ __ _ _ __
Please check all that apply:
0 You m ay ad d my name to a
publicly-dis played list of MLM L
supporters (information will not be
distributed to other organizations);
1 was/am an 0 MLML student,
0 staff, 0 faculty.
I • Support for MLML in furthering research,
I education, & conservation in marine &
I coastal enviro ~tments,
I • Subscription to The Wave newsletter,
I • Advance notices about Friends activities
I & programs, including Co mmunity
I Seminars, Open Houses, etc.,
I • Discounts to Friends events.
Other benefits as we create them!
- -- ----- ----
SUMMER 1997- WINTER 1998
D'Anne G. Albers
Susa n Alqander
G. L. Alexanderson
Fra nk Andrews
Ma rion C. Ar!l1strong
J ack D . & Ethel Arnold
.Jane Ashe
Sean Bechta
Bob&: To mi Benj amm
David Benne r
Bernade tte Bizzarro
Mic hael J. Bliss
Jo hn & O live Bo rgsreadt
M ark Brown
Jenny Ca rless
Bt:vc rly Chaney (H a nna)
Tho mas C h,tp in
Cynthia A. Coll ins
j udith Connor & M ichae l Vassar
Carlos Contra
K rista Cu ndiff
J onn Danelon
Elia C. Davila
Nora Dea ns & Peter Wi lkniss
Eric J. Del Piero
Ray & J oyce Denne
Bob &: Ann Doerr
Andres Dursrenfeld
Bill Elder
Donald E. Eliason
Chuck & Ruth Evans
Fra ncis Field
Stephen Field
D onald Fletcher
j o hn & Beverly Ford
C harles & Mary Gardiner
Caro lyn D . Gerlach & Ann Moreira
B.L. Gordo n
Sandy H ale
Kathryn Hann ay
S. Sue H a rper
Art Haseltine
Sa m H aski ns
Don Hendricks
Richard Horuk & Virgin ia Baly
Anne Hurley & Dave Lange
Pete & Sharon Irish
Ma tthew J. James
Larry Jones
Linda Jordan
Kim Kiest
Bill & Mary Alice Klein
Raphael Kudela
Ralph Larson
Laura Lee Lienk
Matthew Little
Josephine Little
Dick Littlefield
Evelyn C. Lundstrom
& Karen Marrin
T im McCray
j a mes J\!cFa(lane
Dave Me ll inger
Karl Mertz
Bob M iller
Chris ~!ill e r
Victor MoreJohn
Gmllermo Moreno
Steven Morga n & Skyli J\h:Afee
Richa rd Muller
Pa ula J. Nob le
l.:leanor Noyes
John O'Sullivan
Bruce &: Pam Orisek
joy B. Osborne
Ann Oswalt
Sherry Palacio~
Marilyn Pcra
Lee & Sa ndi Peterson
Bryn Phillips
La rs P ierce
Dave Potter
Dorothy Quinby
Bob &: Berna dette Ramer
Sa ma ntha Richman
Dan a R iley
Nancy Russe ll
Pat Scqnlon
Joel & Nancy Schaeffer
Brian & Kyra Schlining
Harvey Scudder
Keith Simmo ns
Pearl M. Sonoda
J ack & Geneva Sperou
Jody & Gregg Srebben
J ohn & M ary Srock
Ra ymond Sullivan
Ma ry Swi ft
Lucetta Swift
David Ta kacs
Anthony & Anna Tasco
La rry & JoAnn Taylor
Bo b and Susie Tomsen
David Tho rp
Bert Tribbey
Ilene Tuttle
Michael C.S. Walker
Mike & Ali Watson
Victoria Welbo rn
Marjorie Wells
Martha & Jim White
Ralph Widmar & Nancy Selfridge
Deb Wilson-Vandenberg
D ave Wright
Deborah Wyatt
Susan Wyc he
M ~t: h ael
WRING 1998
These are truly exciting rimes for
MLML and the Friends. The Endless
Summer auction was a great success,
and fall saw the first srep in M LML's
return ro Moss Landing. A $3.2 million
gn1nt from the Packard Foundation was
committed to the reconstruction, and
over 300 supporters attended last fa ll's
festive ground-breaking ceremony .
MLML's efforts to rebuild have
been and will in the future be greatly
supported by the ever-growing Friends
membe rship. Friends memberships
currently stand at over 350; counting
family and higher categories, this
probably represents over 500
Friends Communi ty Seminars
continue to draw record numbers; if
you've nor been to one, now's the time
to starr. We've got more great speakers
in store for you, but don 't be late (a
number of the tal_ks have been standing
room only).
The J ohn H. Martin Scholarship
endowment (now over $30,000) has
grown faster than anticipated, and we
were able to increase the awa rd to
$1500 last year. Our"goal is to surpass
$40,000 by the end of the year, and with
your help we can make it.
With the help of funding from the
McMahan Foundation, the ATT Pebble
Beach National Pro-Am Youth Fund
and th e Porter Sesnon Foun d a t ion,
Friends are ini t iating an Outreach
P r ogra m this year to p rov ide
presentations about marine research
and environment for area schools and
community groups.
We are cu~rently finalizing plans for
a number of Monterey Bay field trip
offerings for members this summer, and
our first £co-Tourism Expedition to
view the gray whales and wonders of
the Sea of Cortez next March. Watch
for details in the maiL
Finally, on a personal note, I am
very pleased to announce the arrival
early this year of two of our newest (and
smallest) Friends in the families of the
current and past D irectors of Friends
·of MLML My wife Roberta gave birth
to a son, Collin David Stewart, in early
Ja n uary, and Jo Guerrero and John
Oliver adopted a baby boy, Antonio
(AKA "Niko"), in February. It's nice to
know that MLML will soon be even
more effective
understanding and conservation of the
ocean rhcy'll
Executive Director,
Friends of MLML
friends of MLML now offers the following levels of Business Membership to
our corporate contributOrs. for information on benefits and how to join, please
call (408) 633-MLML.
•!• Memberships are annual •!•
$250 - $499
ssoo- $999
$1000 - $2499
$2500 - $4999
$5000 and up
In-kind donations of materials and services may qualify for business
membership, at the discretion of Friends of MLML.
Sadlr, Mosi I andi11g M:trinc
l<•sr sever.al great fnen.ds m
the p;:m few llltlll!b~ ' ' ho h.n e contnbuted
mu.:h to rhc ~ut:ces~ o( Ml.ML. llwv v.ill
be '>Mel~ nussc:J.
Dr. johnS. ij:ldc) Hensel, Friends Member
an!llknctanur. Pa.!>"t Dt>anof S<.:tence at San
FranuscC) St;Ut:' Umversiry. Dr. Bensd .,.. J~
one of rhe "riginal organizer~ uf the cttnrr
th estahlish \if,.\olL m rht- carl~ 1960\
Bcverl} ~ange, Friends Member .tud
lknefa,tor. ~crh Wu5, With her husband,
B•>arJ \lemhcr Les lln!.te, ~n at:denr
~uppnrrcr oi MLML and .1 true fru:nJ.
Business Patron - $5,000 and up
Pebble Beach Compa ny (Itt Ki11d)
Business Benefactor - $2500 - $4 999
T he Wh a les of R a ndy Puckett (ln Kind)
Business Affiliate - $250 - $499
J oni L. Janecki & Associa tes
Elkhorn Slo ugh Safari (In Kind)
Little, l n.:nds Ml·mhn B.ule) ' .
of his beloved hll,ll. Bailey\
bland, tu Ml.Ml. w1ll have a la.,ting 1m pact
nn marine research in Monterey Ba}.
Art Miueldorf, Fr1ends Member and
Bepebctur. Along with his wife, fUmer,
Art was a founding Botrd Member of
for the~
Nonprofit Org .
.Bulk Rate
U.S. Postage
Permit #13
Moss Landing, CA
Friends of Moss La nding
Marine Laboratories, lnc.
P.O. Box 61
Moss Landing, CA
5rienJ~ of mc£Wof Commullit"
Semina,. Slu•ie:J p,.eJenb
by Rick Starr, Marine Advisor, U.C. Se.l Grani Extms10n Progrc1n.1
Special Pnmmlalion •
\Ylhile friends of MLML Community Seminars are TlOrmally held every other month,
we are please to bring you a special addition showing how sea l:ons are being trained
to video great whales in nttture.
by Dr. jim Harvey, Asst. Professo r, Moss l.andMarine Laboratories
by Dr. Jim Bany, Benthic Ecologist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARJ)
Se1!'-ina rs are Free and Opett to the Public
They are held at the Moss Landing Chamber of Commerce Building
-8071 Moss Landing Road, Moss Landing
For more information, call (408) 633 -MLML
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