Blizzard - Mawson`s Huts Foundation
Blizzard - Mawson`s Huts Foundation
The Blizzard CA eCyrB NiTNeuq SM yCNeLLeCxe reh NOrTAP A iL A r TSuA FO h TL Ae W NOM MOC e hT FO L A re NeG -rON re vOG THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE MAWSON’S HUTS FOUNDATION issue 2 • JUNE 2012 top artist helps hut project Award winning artist Wendy Sharpe has joined forces with the Foundation to help conserve Mawson’s Huts with a major exhibition of her work to be shown at the Australian Maritime Museum in Sydney in July. Students build scale model Guest artist on board the Australian Antarctic Division’s (AAD) flagship Aurora Australis during the six week Centennial voyage which included two days at Cape Denison, Wendy worked tirelessly to produce over 100 paintings during her time at sea. Architectural and design students at the University of Tasmania’s Launceston campus have constructed for the Foundation a one 12th scale model of Mawson’s Huts which will be used for fund raising and promotional work. Sponsored by the Foundation and strongly supported by the AAD which provided a “studio” on the bridge, Wendy was exhilarated by her first Antarctic visit. It will be fitted out by members of the Australian Miniature Enthusiasts Association (AMEA) whose members will make all the items by hand. Winner of the prestigious Archibald Prize, Sulman, Portia Geach (twice), numerous other awards and official war artist in East Timor, Wendy’s Antarctic work will also be reproduced in a book. “We were privileged to have Wendy as the Foundation’s guest artist on board and she spent a day at Cape Denison visiting Mawson’s Huts after being flown in by helicopter,” said Foundation Chairman David Jensen AM. “The Foundation is very grateful to have the support of the Australian Antarctic Division which facilitated Wendy’s voyage and provided a “studio” in the meteorology room on the bridge where she painted daily. “Her work is just outstanding and Wendy has captured Mawson’s Huts, its interior and the Antarctic in a way I have never seen. The exhibition is assured of being a great success.” Wendy is enthusiastic about her experience and the work she produced. “It was a fantastic experience! It was incredible to have the opportunity to draw and paint icebergs, penguins, auroras and the unique light and colour. “I was lucky that the sea was not too rough, I might have been seasick but as it was I could work from breakfast to .946 696 770 NCA dtbedtime,” L noitadnuoF stshe uH s’nsaid oswaM on her return. 10 02 WSN ,yendyS 0583 xoB OPG All her work is for sale and can be bought toamthe ua.gro.sprior tuh-snosw .www exhibition which can now be viewed online through the Foundation’s website at Some has already been bought by scientists on board the Aurora and buyers will be given a copy of a book being produced of Wendy’s Antarctic work which will be published in time for the July exhibition. 3428 1239 )2(16 + :x aF 2428 1239 )2(16 + :leT 0 0 02 ailartsuA WSN ,yendyS ,teertS ter agr aM 06 ,01 leveL See the story on Wendy’s painted fridge on page 7. (Above) Wendy’s Archibald Prize finalist painting. (Left) Mawson’s Room 1. Gouache 42cm by 46cm, $4200 The students made the model from Hoop Pine plywood during their semester. The work was overseen by LARC (Launceston Assistant Research Centre) which is also helping to co-ordinate the building of the full scale replica. “This was a wonderful gesture by the students who have taken a great interest in Mawson since the decision by the Foundation to build the full scale replica of the hut on the campus before transporting it to Hobart,” said Foundation Chairman and CEO David Jensen. “Members of AMEA have also volunteered to hand make all the fittings for the interior so the Foundation will have a fully donated beautiful model of Mawson’s Huts for display at selected sites. The Foundation is extremely grateful to have their support.” The Foundations expresses its sincere thanks to the following: UTAS students Eloise Coyle, Ben Cripps, Jeremiah Dwyer, Rachel Englund, Xin Yi Koh, Jonathan Ong, Chivonne Prouse, Sam Roberts, Isaac Williams and Tomass Young; Launceston Church Grammar School student Sheph Shaeedy; and LARC staff Christie Denman, Louise Goodsall and Dave Jordaan. hut replica for Hobart waterfront The Australian Geographic Society has joined forces with the Foundation to construct a full-scale replica of Mawson’s Huts in Hobart. It will be constructed in four sections at the Launceston campus of the University of Tasmania’s Architecture and Design School and transported by road to Hobart to the site generously provided by the Hobart City Council. Foundation heritage carpenters who have worked on the actual huts at Cape Denison will construct the replica assisted where possible by students at Launceston campus. Leading the construction will be Peter McCabe who has his own construction business on the NSW Central Coast. The Foundation and AG Society have begun seeking sponsors to fund the construction cost of just over $600,000. “We’ll be approaching companies and organisations which currently have an interest in the Antarctic and also companies still operating which sponsored Sir Douglas Mawson’s 1911–14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE),” explained the Foundation’s Chairman and CEO David Jensen. “There are about 30 of these companies still very active in Australia. They include Telstra (then Australasian Wireless Association), Nestle, Schweppes, Cadburys, CSR, Horlicks, ANZ (when it began as the Bank of Australasia) and the National Mutual Life Association of Australia which provided a special insurance policy for each of Mawson’s expeditioners.” Sponsors will be recognised in many ways, including promotional space in a special publication about Mawson, the work of his expedition and the conservation project which will be given to all replica visitors. The replica will be constructed of Baltic Pine – from exactly the same source in Finland as the original timber used by Mawson – and Oregon pine. All the timber used will be exactly the same dimensions as that used on the hut at Cape Denison. It will operate as a museum and be fitted out to replicate the interior as it was when occupied by the AAE during 1912–13. PAGE 2 » The Blizzard “As a pre-eminent adventurer/scientist, Douglas Mawson is one of the AG Society’s touchstone heroes, and we’re thrilled to be joining the Foundation on this fabulous project,” said AG Society treasurer and Australian Geographic editor Ian Connellan. Mawson’s Hut Replica pRospectus pRospectus Mawson’s Hut Replica a sHowplace of austRalian antaRctica, adventuRe & science HobaRt, tasMania “We think that the replica will be one of Australia’s finest specialist museums and we’re working overtime to see this dream realised.” Sponsors will be recognised in many ways, including promotional space in a special publication about Mawson, the work of his expedition and the conservation project which will be given to all replica visitors. As we went to press, AG Society patron Dick Smith and the Society itself made the first cash donations – of $10,000 each – to the replica fund. a joint venture between 1 The prospectus for the Marson’s Hut Replica project. It is planned for work to begin in July. AAE Commemorative Medallions The Limited Edition set of the AAE medallion. Just 150 have been produced – cost $215. Limited commemorative numbers of Medallions produced by the Royal Australian Mint specially for the Foundation to mark the Centenary of the 1911–14 Australasian Antarctic Expedition (AAE) led by Sir Douglas Mawson are now available. They are a .999 per cent fine silver proof medallion weighing half an ounce ($105) of which only 250 will be produced and a proof like cupro/nickel ($44.50) of which only 250 will be produced. Numbered certificates of authenticity from the Mint are provided with all medallions. A limited edition set of just 150 of both medallions are available, framed with the personal signatures of Mawson’s two daughters (Jessica and Patricia, both deceased) and the late Sir Edmund Hillary. These were signed for the Foundation when it was launched in 1997. The edition has almost sold out but a few remain at $215 and those interested are urged to place an order quickly. These are a wonderful collector’s item with all proceeds going to the conservation of Mawson’s Huts. AAE Centenary Celebration Voyage It was a truly marvellous experience and incredible privilege to be part of the very small group invited ashore to take part in the celebrations. There was an added bonus however, as no sooner had Marty, Ian and Christian ‘Psycho’ Gallagher been dropped ashore, than a fog descended on the Aurora Australis, stopping helicopter operations for the next two days. This window gave the small team the time to undertake essential conservation work at the site, most importantly the replacement of two skylight covers that were missing from the workshop roof. In addition, the external and internal condition of the huts was documented, minor snow ingress recorded and environmental and vibration data loggers were downloaded and reprogrammed to log for another year. ‘Stay’ the unofficial Antarctic Division mascot, travelling ambassador and caretaker was also settled into the Sorensen field hut where he will spend the 2012 winter, patiently waiting for the next MHF relief party. The official centenary celebrations commenced early on Monday, 16 January with speeches from the Australian Antarctic Division Director, Tony Fleming and eminent historian, Professor Tom Griffiths (ANU). Tony rightly acknowledged the marvellous contributions from the AAE teams at all 3 bases, allowing reflection on the somewhat overlooked contributions and sacrifices made by the AAE teams on Macquarie Island and in the Western Party, so well-led by Frank Wild. The Australian flag was then raised by Deborah Bourke (AAD) and Dr David Ellyard (ANARE President) with the assorted throng cheering and waving their hats and gloves! After the speeches in the lee of the Main Hut, the centenary party AAP The wonderfully smooth trip south gave former Mawson’s Huts Foundation expeditioners Marty Passingham and Ian Godfrey the opportunity to put the Aurora Australis and MHF cachets on the backs of approximately 700 commemoration envelopes, in readiness for stamping on first arrival at Cape Denison. Ian Godfrey Unfortunately the fast ice prevented all but one of the tourist ships from actually reaching their intended destination. Only one tourist ship helicopters and the Aurora Australis, also with long range helicopters, were able to deliver passengers ashore. Ian Godfrey The expedition to Cape Denison to celebrate the centenary of the landing of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition on the 8th of January 1912 departed Hobart on the 5th of January 2012 aboard the Aurora Australis, arriving at the fast ice edge 20 kilometres out from Cape Denison on the 10th of January. trekked up to Proclamation Hill, where Tony Fleming unveiled a plaque to commemorate the centenary. A time capsule was then placed amongst the rocks. The time capsule will be opened in 100 years when a new group of enthusiasts will visit Cape Denison to once again reflect on the achievements of Mawson and his men and to feel something of the sense of history associated with this place, the beauty, the isolation but most of all the wonder and unforgiving nature of the pristine Antarctic environment. Dr Ian Godfrey is head of materials conservation at the Western Australian Museum’s Maritime Museum in Fremantle and a Field Leader of the Foundation’s expeditions to Cape Denison. He and Marty Passingham, also a Foundation expeditioner, were engaged by the Australian Antarctic Division for this year’s centenary visit. Check out Karen Barlow’s informative web diary at < au/news/in-mawsons-footsteps/> 2011–12 expedition postponed but another planned The Foundation’s planned 2011–12 expedition to Cape Denison was cancelled last summer due to heavy sea ice blanketing Commonwealth Bay and preventing all ships getting within sight of Mawson’s Huts at Cape Denison. that will be used to continue the conservation work in 2012–13” Plans for an eight person team were abandoned just a week prior to the scheduled departure from Hobart on the French Government supply vessel L’Astrolabe. A total of six visits to Mawson’s Huts were planned last summer by the two Sydney-based Antarctic tour operators, Orion Expedition Cruises and Aurora Expeditions and the NZ based Heritage Expeditions. None were able to land their passengers or get closer than 10 kms from Cape Denison. Only Quark Expedition’s Kapitan Khlebnikov with long-range helicopters “It was obviously the right call but a difficult one being the Centenary year,“ explained the Foundation Chairman David Jensen. “The decision saved precious funding The ice cover, caused by a large ice berg at the entrance to Commonwealth Bay, also prevented several hundred passengers on board cruise ships reaching the huts this summer. on board managed to get some of its passengers ashore from over 20 kms out; they were there for just a few hours before blizzard conditions forced a quick retreat. The Australian Antarctic Division’s supply and research vessel Aurora Australis with Director Tony Fleming on board and invited guests, also reached Cape Denison by helicopter and spent two days ashore (see above). Despite not being able to land this summer Orion Expeditions plan two voyage to Mawson’s Huts during 2012–13 and bookings for these are already strong. The Blizzard » PAGE 3 AAE RELATIVES gather for Centenary PAGE 4 » The Blizzard David London Of the 31 land-based members of the AAE over 20 were represented at the celebrations along with three families of ship’s crew. Organised by the Mawson’s Huts Foundation the families were given at a reception at Government House by the Governor of Tasmania the Hon. Peter Underwood, followed by a dinner for 680 guests attended by the Governor General of Australia and Patron of the Foundation Ms Quentin Bryce AC and the Minister for the Environment Tony Burke. The dinner was generously sponsored by Kordia Solutions, the Foundation’s major sponsor while two of the AAE’s sponsors, Yalumba Wines and Cascade Breweries generously provided refreshments. On December 2, exactly 100 years to the day that the Aurora sailed, the families participated in a flotilla of vessels in a replay of the fleet that surrounded the Aurora as it sailed out of the harbour. To complete the celebration programme all relatives attended a lunch co-hosted by the Foundation and the AAD who also gave families a tour of their facilities. AAD Director, Tony Fleming, himself a descendant of the youngest member of Captain Robert Falcon Scott’s British expedition in 1911, addressed the lunch. David London Nearly 100 relatives of members of the 1911–14 AAE gathered in Hobart in December last year to celebrate the departure of the men who sailed into the unknown on the former whaling ship the SS Aurora 100 years ago and helped shape Australia’s Antarctic history. The Blizzard » PAGE 5 David London David London David London AAE covers attract world’s attention Philatelic collectors and Antarctic enthusiasts worldwide are benefitting from the efforts of the Foundation to conserve Mawson’s ’s Huts. It produced its first specialised covers during the summer of 1997–98 with the support of Australia Post and during the last few years has begun producing series of covers leading up to the Centenary of the AAE’s departure from Hobart on 2 December 1911 and their arrival at Cape Denison on 8 January 1912. Melbourne based Polar philatelist specialist Peter Cranwell has become the Foundation’s philatelic consultant and has produced an attractive range of limited edition numbered covers to help the Foundation raise funds for the conservation of Mawson’s Huts. Peter has become an important member of the Foundation’s small team and fully donates his time and considerable skills. Two postmarkers, a first day of arrival for the expedition and a general one for use during the stay, are proving popular with the Post Agent being asked to cancel an increasing number of covers. The Foundation has also produced its own cachets. AAP Image/Dean Lewins The covers are attracting world-wide attention, particularly since Australia Post designated Cape Denison as an official Post Office in 2010–11. Australia Post now appoints a Postal Agent each summer who is a member of the Foundation’s expedition. Foundation expeditioner and Postal Agent Marty Passingham franks Mawson’s Huts’ covers at Cape Denison. On board the Aurora Australis carrying VIPs for the centenary celebrations were two members of the Foundation Website Revamped The Foundation’s new website has been launched to make it more friendly and informative to browse. It also allows visitors to purchase items or make donations. The design work has been done by Tom Synnott (www., a young but very experienced designer based in Surry Hills, Sydney who has become an enthusiastic follower of the Foundation’s work. Mawson and the AAE are such an integral part of Australia’s Antarctic history that its important school children understand their contribution. Rob Easther, the Foundation’s Hobart Expedition Manager has rewritten the History and Conservation sections, giving more concise information with photographs. “Mawson was the pioneer of Australia’s present day operation undertaken by the Australian Antarctic Division and the Foundation wants its viewers to understand that and learn more about the important research work being undertaken by the AAD’s research and scientific staff based on Macquarie island and its three bases at Mawson (not to be confused with Mawson’s Huts), Casey and Davis,” explained Rob. “We particularly want to attract students to the site and to get their views. Visit our new-look website at PAGE 6 » The Blizzard engaged as special advisors, one of whom was nominated as Postal Agent. Marty Passingham, a heritage carpenter and a veteran Foundation expeditioner, was ashore for just two days and assisted by Dr Ian Godfrey, a Foundation materials conservator, they cancelled over 1000 covers. “It was an exacting but very rewarding task which I took very seriously knowing that collectors from all over the world must have good strikes,” said Marty (see photograph). “The Foundation’s covers also generate some revenue for the conservation work. While time consuming I really did enjoy the job.” The Cape Denison covers will be offered for sale through the Foundation ( and Peter Cranwell ( in the next two months but currently being offered are a series of items produced to mark the AAE’s departure from Hobart and the arrival at Macquarie Island. Antarctic fridge now for sale Electrolux Australia has generously donated one of its top range 520L stainless steel Westinghouse fridges for artist Wendy Sharp to paint and this is now for sale for $8500. Books for sale Available through the Foundation are the published diaries of three members of the 1911–14 expedition. Rise and Shine is the diary of John George Hunter, chief biologist for the expedition at Cape Denison. It is beautifully written and was published by his son William (Bill) to mark the centenary of the AAE. It was a family effort with Bill’s daughter Jenny Hunter editing the diaries for publication and his wife Cynthia also playing a major role. It is available exclusively through the Foundation with a $10 donation from each sale going toward the conservation of the hut John Hunter once lived in. Only 500 copies were printed with 224 pages and over 80 images. Cost: $44.95 plus postage of $16.50 within Australia. “It’s the first time I painted a fridge and thoroughly enjoyed it as it’s in keeping with my Antarctic work,” said Wendy. Both sides feature Adélie penguins which breed at Cape Denison with 12 down one side and 10 down the other. It will be on display at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney July 23-–30. Wendy has also produced a beautiful etching titled “Mawson’s Penguins” for the exhibition. Twenty limited, signed and numbered copies are for sale at $450. Macquarie Island documentary Antarctic Diary is the “illegal” records of Stanley Gordon Taylor as a fireman on board the AAE’s ship “Aurora”. All crew were banned by the Captain ( J K Davis) from keeping a diary or taking photographs. Stan did both and the result is entertaining. It has been published by his descendants. Cost: $35 plus postage of $16.50 within Australia. Mawson’s Forgotten Men is the diary of Charles Turnbull Harrisson, an artist with the AAE’s eight person Western Party which spent 12 months on the Shackleton Iceshelf. Edited by Heather Rossiter, it is an engaging narrative complemented by Harrisson’s sketches and watercolours. Cost: $49.99 plus postage of $16.50 within Australia. The history of the AAE’s Macquarie Island wireless relay station is told in a 15 minute video now available exclusively through the Foundation. Filmed by Frederique Olivier in April 2010, one of a three person party which recovered the remains of the wireless masts in a joint operation by the Foundation and Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, it was co-produced by Frederique and Hark Attack, a Sydney based production company head by Jon Harker. Peter Maxwell, Field Leader and materials conservator, and Marty Passingham, heritage carpenter, were the other members of the party who recovered the fragments, an important part of Australia’s Antarctic history, for conserving and eventual display in the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. The recovery operation which took only a few days, was assisted by the French Government supply vessel L’Astrolabe and the Australian Antarctic Division which has a base on the island. Cost: $35 including postage within Australia. Thanks to Ricoh The Foundation wishes to express its sincere thanks to Judith and Jim Andrews, Joint Managing Directors of the Ricoh Business Centre in Hobart who very generously printed the 32 page programme for the December 1 Centenary dinner marking the departure of the AAE from Hobart. Judith and Jim also printed the menu for the AAE relatives’ lunch on 2 December and earlier last year the catalogue for the Foundation’s photographic exhibition of work by Foundation expeditioners since 1997–98. The Foundation remains eternally grateful to them both and their staff. The Blizzard » PAGE 7 GEOFF HARRISSON GIFT TO FOUNDATION The grandson of Charles Turnbull Harrisson, artist and member of the AAE isolated Western Party, has generously donated to the Foundation one of his grandfather’s oil paintings and sheet of music printed on AAE official letterhead. Geoff Harrisson who lives in Hobart with his partner Regina, made the offer to the Foundation’s Chairman David Jensen at a special lunch for AAE descendants during the Centenary celebrations for the AAE’s departure. “These are rare and valuable items which will help the Foundation’s fund raising efforts,” said David. “This is a very generous gesture by Geoff and Regina for which we are extremely grateful.” The oil painting is signed but untitled Above: The splendid oil painting by Harrisson. Left: The sheet of music on Aurora letterhead. and shows four men and dogs hauling a sledge. The words for “Rolling Home” are typed in red on the A4 sheet of music with two choruses at the bottom. They will be kept and offered for sale by the Foundation at a suitable event. Membership drive Both items are for sale through the Foundation and anyone interested should contact the Foundation through [email protected] ORION CRUISE The Foundation has launched a campaign to attract new members with four attractive levels of sponsorship paid annually. These are bronze ($300), silver ($600), gold ($1250) and Platinum ($5000). Orion Expedition Cruises has generously donated a two berth cabin valued at $50,000 to help raise funds for the replica of Mawson’s Huts in Hobart. All levels offer membership of the Australian Geographic Society and these can be viewed through the Foundation’s website www. This is for a luxury cruise to Cape Denison this summer and all readers of “The Blizzard” are encouraged to consider this fabulous offer. The Blizzard Published by the Mawson’s Huts Foundation Ltd Level 10 60 Margaret Street Sydney NSW 2000 ACN 077 696 649 www. Written by David Jensen AM email: [email protected] telephone: 61 2 9321 8242 mobile: 0414 333381 Design by Elizbeth Haywood PAGE 8 » The Blizzard
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