Georgia ESI Map Intro


Georgia ESI Map Intro
Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) maps have been
developed for the coastal zone of Georgia. The ESI maps include
information for three main components: shoreline and wetland
habitats; sensitive biological resources; and human-use resources.
Background information, as well as the methods of data collection
and presentation, are summarized in the following sections.
Spatial distribution of the species on the maps is represented by
polygons and points, as appropriate. Associated with each of these
representations is an icon depicting the types of species or habitat
types that are present. Species have been divided into groups and
subgroups, based on their behavior, morphology, taxonomic
classification, and spill vulnerability and sensitivity. The icons
reflect this grouping scheme. The groups are color coded, and the
subgroups are represented by different icons:
The intertidal habitats of Georgia were originally mapped
during overflights conducted in the fall of 1984. They were updated
onto 1:24,000 U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps by an
experienced coastal geologist in January 1997 using recent vertical
aerial photographs from 1993-96 at various scales. Where appropriate, multiple habitats were delineated for each shoreline
segment. Portions of the coast were flown in February 1997 to verify
the photointerpretation. The aerial surveys were carried out using a
fixed-wing aircraft, flying at elevations of 500-1,000 feet and slow
air speed.
Prediction of the behavior and persistence of oil on intertidal
habitats is based on an understanding of the dynamics of the coastal
environments, not just the substrate type and grain size. The
sensitivity of a particular intertidal habitat is an integration of the
following factors:
1) Shoreline type (substrate, grain size, tidal elevation, origin)
4) Ease of cleanup
All of these factors are used to determine the relative sensitivity
of intertidal habitats. Key to the sensitivity ranking is an
understanding of the relationships between: physical processes,
substrate, shoreline type, product type, fate and effect, and sediment
transport patterns. The intensity of energy expended upon a shoreline
by wave action, tidal currents, and river currents directly affects the
persistence of stranded oil. The need for shoreline cleanup activities
is determined, in part, by the slowness of natural processes in removal
of oil stranded on the shoreline.
These concepts have been used in the development of the ESI,
which ranks shoreline environments as to their relative sensitivity
to oil spills, potential biological injury, and ease of cleanup.
Generally speaking, areas exposed to high levels of physical energy,
such as wave action and tidal currents, and low biological activity
rank low on the scale, whereas sheltered areas with associated high
biological activity have the highest ranking. A comprehensive
shoreline habitat ranking system has been developed for the entire
United States. The shoreline habitats delineated in Georgia are
listed below in order of increasing sensitivity to spilled oil.
1B) Exposed, Solid Man-made Structures
3A) Fine-to Medium-grained Sand Beaches
3B) Scarps and Steep Slopes in Sand
6A) Gravel Beaches
6B) Riprap
7) Exposed Tidal Flats
8A) Sheltered Scarps in Mud
8B) Sheltered, Solid Man-made Structures
8C) Sheltered Riprap
9A) Sheltered Tidal Flats
9B) Vegetated Low Riverine Banks
10A) Salt- and Brackish-water Marshes
10B) Freshwater Marshes
10C) Swamps
10D) Scrub-Shrub Wetlands
Each of the shoreline habitats are described on pages 10-16, in
terms of their physical description, predicted oil behavior, and
response considerations.
Biological information presented in this atlas was collected and
compiled with the assistance of biologists and resource managers from
the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GA DNR) and other
agencies and groups. Information collected and depicted on the maps
denotes the key biological resources that are most likely at risk in
the event of an oil spill. Seven major categories of biological
resources are included in this atlas: marine mammals, terrestrial
mammals, birds, reptiles/amphibians, fish, invertebrates, and
habitats/rare plants.
Other Reptiles/Amphibians
Small Mammals
Diving Birds
Gulls and Terns
Passerine Birds
ELMR Shellfish
2) Exposure to wave and tidal energy
3) Biological productivity and sensitivity
Wading Birds
Rare Plants and Communities
Reef Communities
The polygon or point color and pattern are generally the same for
all the species in each major group (e.g., birds are green), and match
the icon colors. The exception is habitat/rare plants which have
several different colors in the Georgia atlas (purple for plants, hot
pink and blue for different hardbottom reef communities). Also
associated with each biological polygon or point feature on the map
is a resources at risk identification number (RAR#), located under
each icon or group of icons. The RAR# references a table on the
reverse side of the map with a complete list of species found in the
polygon or at the point, as well as the state and federal protected
status (T&E), concentration or abundance, seasonality, and lifehistory information for each species.
Location-sensitive data provided by the GA DNR Natural
Heritage Program (NHP) are not shown on the maps as polygons or
points. Instead, only marker icons are shown in the vicinity of
resource occurrence sites. In these instances, the RAR#s under the
icons are shaded yellow in order to identify NHP data that are not
associated with specific polygons or point features. In addition, the
tabular data for species from NHP records does not list the common
name of the species in question. In place of the common name, a
general “subelement-level” name is listed which also indicates
whether the species is rare, threatened, or endangered (e.g., endangered wading bird; rare turtle). “Rare” refers to species without T&E
status, but which are still considered to be at risk of extirpation or
extinction. The “rare” descriptor was used for species with global or
state conservation status ranks of vulnerable, imperiled, or critically
imperiled (see Master, 1991). In addition to the difference in species
name, “occurrence” is listed in the concentration column, identifying
the site as an element occurrence record from the NHP program. In all
other regards, the NHP data included in this atlas are depicted on
the maps and tables as described in the paragraph above. However,
the NHP data are not included in the digital ESI database.
There are some species that are found throughout specific
geographical areas or habitat types. Displaying the polygons for
these species would cover large areas, making the maps very difficult
to read. Thus, species which occur over the majority of certain
geographic areas or habitats are often identified in a small box on
the maps which states that they are “Present in ...” (e.g., “Present in
Atlantic Ocean” or “Present in Wetlands”). This approach informs
the user of the presence of these species, while maintaining
readability of the map. In all instances, data for species listed as
“Present in ....” exist as polygons in the digital coverages. The use of
this strategy is implemented on a map per map basis, depending on
the location, size, and number of polygons present on each map.
Marine mammals depicted in the Georgia atlas include manatees
and whales. Bottlenose dolphins are not included due to widespread
abundance and an assumed low-sensitivity to spills. Bottlenose
dolphins are likely to be present throughout nearly all estuarine and
nearshore waters of the study area. Though not threatened or
endangered, bottlenose dolphins are protected under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act, as are all marine mammals.
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Manatees areas depicted in the atlas are limited to known highuse areas which may be occupied in warmer months. In general,
seasonal manatee high-use areas may include estuaries, rivers, and
tidal creeks. Manatees in Georgia may feed on Spartina and algae
growing in shallow areas or on floating objects. In addition to direct
spill impacts, spill response personnel should be aware of manatee
concentration areas including locations where slow or idle boat speeds
are posted for manatee protection.
Whale locations depicted in the atlas are largely restricted to a
seasonal calving and juvenile area for the endangered Northern right
whale. The area mapped has been listed as Designated Critical
Habitat by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) under the
Endangered Species Act (NMFS, 1994). This area roughly extends
from the mouth of the Altamaha River, Georgia to Jacksonville,
Florida (from the Atlantic shoreline to 15 nautical miles offshore),
and from Jacksonville to Sebastian Inlet, Florida (from the Atlantic
shoreline to 5 nautical miles offshore). Additional whale data for
several species are also included for the offshore area encompassed
by Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. Though not included on
the maps, offshore whale distributions are generally described as
follows: Northern right whale, 0-30 miles offshore; humpback
whale, 0-30 miles offshore; pygmy sperm whale, 5-200 miles
offshore; and fin whale, 5-200 miles offshore.
Marine mammal distributions are displayed on the maps as a
brown hatch polygon. A brown icon with a manatee or whale
silhouette is used to indicate the presence of marine mammals. The
RAR# under the icon references a table on the reverse side of the map.
In this table, the first column gives the species name. The second
column denotes whether the species has been designated endangered
(E) or threatened (T) on either the state (S) and/or federal (F) lists.
The next column provides an estimate of the concentration of the
species at the site. Concentration is usually indicated as “HIGH”,
“MED”, or “LOW”. The species seasonality is shown in the next
twelve columns, representing the months of the year. If the species is
present at that location in a particular month, an “X” is placed in the
month column. The final columns list the time periods for sensitive
life-history stages or activities, such as calving for Northern right
Terrestrial mammals were only mapped where NHP records
indicated the presence of protected or rare species. Note that small
semi-aquatic fur-bearing mammals such as river otter, beaver,
muskrat, and mink were not mapped as a part of this atlas, due to
lack of information. However, these resources are likely to occur
throughout much of the study area. Depending on the species, semiaquatic fur-bearing mammals may occur where rivers, streams,
estuaries, impoundments, and especially wetlands are present. Semiaquatic fur-bearing mammals can be severely impacted by swimming
through oil slicks or coming into contact with oiled vegetation.
Protected and rare terrestrial mammals are displayed on the
maps as brown marker icons with a small mammal silhouette. The
RAR# under the icon (with the yellow NHP box) references a table on
the reverse side of the map. In this table, the first column gives a
general subelement-level name for the species. The second column
indicates whether the species is listed as threatened (T) or
endangered (E) on either the state (S) and/or federal (F) lists. The
next column provides the concentration of each species at the site,
which is “OCCURRENCE” for NHP-derived data. The species
seasonality is shown in the next twelve columns representing the
months of the year. If the species is present at that location in a
particular month, an “X” is placed in the month column.
Birds are divided into several species subgroups based on
taxonomy, morphology, behavior, and oil spill vulnerability and
sensitivity. The species table lists all the birds included on the
maps, sorted by subgroup. These species were included either because
of their likelihood of impact by an oil spill, or their special
protection status as threatened or endangered. Birds are a major
component of the Georgia ESI atlas; however, large wide-spread
distributions of offshore birds are not included since particular
concentration areas can vary greatly, both spatially and temporally.
Offshore birds not included in this project include Northern gannet
(diving pelagic bird), which may be widespread and locally
abundant from 0-20 miles offshore from December through March.
Likewise, Lesser scaup (waterfowl) may occur in large rafts offshore
(and in the open sounds) from November through March. Other
species with similar distributions include common loon, mergansers,
and other diving ducks.
Waterfowl and diving birds (pelicans, cormorants, etc.) are
usually at greatest risk during oil spills, because they spend nearly
all of their time on the water surface, and/or because they become
partially or entirely immersed while feeding. Waterfowl can also be
contaminated through contact with oiled wetland vegetation.
Wading birds are usually at slightly lesser risk, primarily because
they become oiled mainly on the legs and bill while wading for prey.
Wading bird feathers and upper body parts can be more extensively
contaminated, however, by contact with oiled vegetation.
Shorebirds may avoid oiling in many cases, but may be impacted by
loss of feeding areas or intertidal prey, particularly during important
migration periods. Gulls may be at risk because they are often
attracted to and will feed on sick or injured prey. This behavior may
result in oiling of feathers and the ingestion of oil. Terns are
primarily at risk when they dive for prey. Raptors may also prey on
oiled or injured species and thus may be contaminated themselves or
ingest oil. Osprey may also be oiled while diving for fish. Passerine
birds are typically not at great risk during spills; however, response
activities can disturb nesting or damage coastal habitat for these
species. Passerine birds of concern during spills include threatened,
endangered and rare species, especially if they nest near the
shoreline or in wetland habitats such as marshes.
Oiling of birds reduces the buoyancy, water repellency, and
insulation provided by feathers, and may result in death by drowning
or hypothermia. Preening of oiled feathers may also result in
ingestion of oil resulting in irritation, sickness, or death. Bird oiling,
particularly waterfowl and wading birds, may continue even after
floating oil has been removed, depending on the extent of oiled
vegetation and debris. Oiling can severely impact breeding and
nesting success, especially if oiled adults contaminate the nest, eggs,
or young. Disturbance during response activities can also reduce
nesting success.
Bird concentration areas are shown on the maps as polygons with
a green hatch pattern. Certain nesting sites and similar areas such as
wood stork roosts are displayed as point locations using a green dot.
Data from NHP records are displayed as marker icons and a yellow
RAR# box. A green icon with the appropriate bird silhouette
(wading bird, raptor, etc.) is associated with the polygons, points, or
markers. The RAR# under the icon references a table on the reverse
side of the map. In this table, the first column gives the species
name. The second column indicates whether the species is listed as
threatened (T) or endangered (E) on either the state (S) and/or
federal (F) lists. The next column provides an estimate of the
concentration of each species at the site. For the bird data,
concentration is indicated as “VERY HIGH”, “HIGH”, “MED”, or
“LOW”, or as a numerical value representing the number of nests in a
point or polygon, or the number of individuals occurring in a polygon.
For data from NHP element occurrence records, concentration is listed
as an “OCCURRENCE”. The descriptive concentration estimates are
subjective, based on local expert opinion on relative concentrations in
the area. The numerical concentration values are based on survey
data. Numerical concentrations at any particular site may fluctuate
seasonally and annually based on local or regional conditions, or
other factors. The species seasonality is shown in the next twelve
columns representing the months of the year. If the species is present
at that location in a particular month, an “X” is placed in the month
column. The last columns denote the nesting time-period for each
species, if nesting occurs in the particular area or site in question.
Nesting refers to the entire nesting period, while laying, hatching,
and fledging are discrete subsets of the nesting time period. For many
species there is a temporal shift in seasonality and reproduction
along with spatial changes in location. Temporal information
included in the tables is specific to the one polygon or point that it
Reptiles and amphibians depicted in the Georgia atlas include
sea turtles, other turtles and tortoises, lizards, frogs, and
salamanders. American alligators are not depicted in the atlas due
to widespread abundance and an assumed low sensitivity to spills.
Alligators can occur throughout freshwater and estuarine habitats in
Georgia, particularly in wetlands, coastal rivers, ponds, and
impoundments. Diamondback terrapins were not mapped, though
they may occur in estuarine habitats such as salt and brackish
marshes and tidal creeks.
Sea turtle areas displayed on the maps are limited to nesting
beaches and several well known in-water concentration areas.
However, loggerhead, green, Kemp’s ridley, and leatherback sea
turtles can occur throughout the coastal, estuarine, and marine waters
of Georgia. Though not included on the maps, offshore sea turtle
distributions are generally described as follows: loggerhead, green,
and Kemp’s ridley turtles, highest concentrations from 0-5 miles
offshore, and further offshore in the vicinity of reef areas such as
Gray’s Reef; and leatherback turtles, 0-200 miles offshore. All sea
turtles are protected as threatened or endangered species.
In addition to sea turtles, the threatened gopher tortoise was
mapped in only a few locations. Significant coastal populations of
gopher tortoises are known for Crooked River State Park, Cumberland
Island, and St. Catherines Island. Additional reptiles and
amphibians were mapped from NHP records.
Sea turtle and gopher tortoise concentrations are depicted as
polygons with a red hatch pattern. Other reptiles and amphibians
are indicated using a marker icon only. A red icon with a turtle or
other reptile/amphibian silhouette is used to indicate the presence
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of reptiles. The number under the icon references a table on the
reverse side of the map. In the tables, the first column gives the
species name. The second column denotes whether the species has
been designated as endangered (E) or threatened (T) on either the
state (S) and/or federal (F) lists. The next column provides an
estimate of the concentration of the species at a site. Concentration is
generally indicated as “HIGH”, “MED”, or “LOW”, except for NHP
element occurrence records, where concentration is listed as an
“OCCURRENCE”. The species seasonality is shown in the next
twelve columns, representing the months of the year. If the species is
present at that location in a particular month, an “X” is placed in the
month column. For sea turtles, the last two columns indicate nesting
and hatching time periods. Nesting refers to the time when adults
construct nests and deposit eggs. Hatching refers to the time when
young are hatching and emerging from the nests. For many species
there is a temporal shift in seasonality and reproduction along with
spatial changes in location. Temporal information included in the
tables is specific to the one polygon that it references.
The fish and invertebrate species depicted in the Georgia ESI
atlas include selected estuarine-dependent, anadromous, and marine
species. Species of commercial, recreational, ecological, or conservation interest were chosen. The ESI maps and tables show the
general distribution of fish and invertebrates by seasonal salinity
zones in the estuaries and for the 0-10 meter depth zone in the
nearshore marine environment. The data for fish and invertebrate
distribution were collected and compiled by NOAA’s Strategic
Environmental Assessments Division with the assistance of GA DNR,
under the Estuarine Living Marine Resources (ELMR) program. Fish
and invertebrate distributions by salinity or depth zone are referred
to below and in the legend as “ELMR data”.
In addition to the ELMR distribution data, special concentration
areas for selected species were also mapped, based on expert source
information, maps, and other data provided by GA DNR. Special
concentration areas include known high concentration areas, spawning
sites, important juvenile nursery areas, sessile shellfish beds, etc.
Special fish concentration areas were mapped for shortnose sturgeon,
Atlantic sturgeon, red drum, spotted seatrout, tarpon, and
sheepshead. For invertebrates, American oyster and quahog (hard
clam) sites were mapped within recreational and commercial harvest
areas only. In addition to the ELMR distribution data and special
concentration areas, fish species were mapped by bottom habitat type
for Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (map number 38), based on
data and expert knowledge provided by sanctuary staff. A variety of
reef-associated and other offshore fish were linked with three major
habitats within the sanctuary: hardbottom reef; hardbottom reef
ledges; and sand bottoms. In a few cases, data from NHP records are
displayed on the maps for rare and endangered fish species. These
data include records for some fish of conservation interest which were
not included in the ELMR data or special concentration areas.
The general ELMR distributions of fish and invertebrates by
salinity zone or depth are depicted on the maps as polygons, bounded
by black lines. Shading or hatch patterns were NOT used since the
ELMR data fills nearly all water bodies on the maps. The black
ELMR boundaries represent seasonal isohalines (in the estuaries), the
break between the estuarine and marine environment (at the inlet
mouths), or the 10 meter depth contour (offshore). ELMR polygon
boundaries are not visible in most other instances since they follow
the shoreline (except at state borders which mark the limit of the
study area). For non-ELMR data, special concentration polygons are
depicted as polygons with a blue hatch pattern for fish, and an
orange hatch pattern for sessile shellfish. For Gray’s Reef, fish are
associated with the bottom habitat polygons differentiated by solid
fill colors (see legend associated with the Gray’s Reef map). For
NHP records, only a marker icon was used. In all cases, a blue icon
with a fish silhouette, and/or an orange icon with either a bivalve or
general ELMR invertebrate (crab) silhouette, are associated with the
fish and invertebrate data.
The RAR# under the icon or icon group references a table on the
reverse side of the map. In this table, the first column gives the
species name. The second column denotes whether the species has
been designated endangered (E) or threatened (T) on either the state
(S) and/or federal (F) lists. For non-ELMR data, concentration may be
listed as HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW, or as “OCCURRENCE” for NHP
element occurrence records. The concentration column is left blank for
the ELMR data because relative abundances are listed by month in
the seasonality columns. Under each month where an ELMR species
is present, a number code indicates the species abundance (1 = no
information, 2 = rare, 3 = common, 4 = abundant, 5 = highly abundant).
The ELMR abundance codes usually refer to juvenile life stages, even
though other life stages may be present. If juveniles are not present,
the abundances refer to adults, or larvae if adults and juveniles are
not present. For non-ELMR data, seasonality is also listed by month
with an “X” indicating the species presence in any particular month.
The last columns indicate time periods for various life-history stages
or activities (fish = spawning [parturition for sharks], outmigration,
larvae, juveniles, and adults; invertebrate = spawning, larvae,
mating, juveniles, and adults). For many species there is a temporal
shift in seasonality and life-history along with spatial changes in
location. Temporal information included in the tables is specific to
the one polygon or site that it references.
A thorough understanding of the maps and tables would not be
possible without a summary description of the ELMR program.
Detailed information about ELMR methods and the fisheries and
salinity data in Georgia are provided below.
Through NOAA’s ELMR program, a set of regional, consistent
databases have been developed describing the distribution, relative
abundance, and life-history characteristics of selected fish and
invertebrates in U.S. estuaries. The spatial and temporal distribution of ELMR’s categorical relative abundance data were assigned to
Georgia’s estuarine systems, based on information from the original
ELMR data set (Nelson et al., 1991), regional and local fisheries
experts, survey reports, peer-reviewed literature, and existing
quantitative data. The relative abundance categories are intended to
emulate the categories often used by fisheries biologists. These
abundance estimates are then verified through an extensive peerreview process utilizing the knowledge and field experience of
fisheries biologists and managers. The data summaries represent the
best available source of information about the current distribution and
abundance of the selected species. In addition to 31 species from the
original ELMR database, 14 other fish and invertebrate species were
included for the Georgia ESI. They are: knobbed whelk, Atlantic
sharpnose shark, hickory shad, hardhead catfish, shortnose
sturgeon, striped anchovy, tarpon, star drum, king mackerel,
hogchoker, black sea bass, gag, silver perch, and Atlantic spadefish.
A primary factor affecting the distribution of estuarinedependent fish and invertebrates is salinity. Seasonal estuarine
salinity zones are used in this atlas to organize and geographically
depict the distribution and relative abundance of fish and invertebrates in estuaries. The three estuarine salinity zones (depthaveraged and seasonal) used for the Georgia ESI atlas are: tidal
fresh (0 - 0.5 parts per thousand [ppt]), mixing (0.5 - 25 ppt), and
seawater (>25.0 ppt). Three salinity zones were used due to the high
variability of Georgia’s estuaries. Salinity variability in Georgia
estuaries is largely the result of their geomorphology (they are
generally shallow) and tidal ranges (which are large, 2-3 meters).
The estuarine salinity zones used were adapted and updated from
those developed in Orlando et al. (1994). These salinity zones were
reviewed and revised in 1996 by GA DNR personnel.
Salinity analysis for Georgia’s estuarine systems focused on two
periods: the high salinity period (~ late summer-fall) and the low
salinity period (~late winter-spring). The two transitional salinity
periods, roughly representing summer (transitional, increasing salinity) and winter (transitional, decreasing salinity periods) were also
addressed. These periods represent the typical high-, transitional-,
and low-salinity conditions experienced under average seasonal
freshwater inflow conditions. The isohalines that define the
salinity zones shift seasonally due to environmental factors such as
freshwater inflow, evaporation, and wind. The monthly designation
of high (H), transitional (T), and low (L) salinity time periods are
specified in the tables on the reverse side of each map, in the legend,
in Table 1, and on the seasonal salinity zone map shown on page 5.
ELMR data and expert review were used to develop maps of
distribution and relative abundance for 45 fish and invertebrate
species in Georgia’s estuaries and marine environment. For species in
the marine environment, the distributions are mapped into four,
depth-defined polygons: 0-10 meters (m), 10-20m, 20-50m, and 50200m. Note that only the 0-10m zone is included in the hardcopy
atlas, representing the nearshore marine environment. For the
marine data, it is also important to note that some species (e.g., gag
grouper, Atlantic spadefish, etc.) are structure- or reef-oriented and
do not occur throughout the depth range in which they are depicted.
For species information in the estuaries, species distribution information are organized into the aforementioned seasonal salinity
zones; however, it is important to note that most species and life
stages do not occur everywhere throughout an assigned zone at all
times. For example, a map might show juveniles for one species in the
estuarine mixing zone in May. However, these juveniles may only
occur at the bottom, near structure, in waters less than 3m, and only in
late May.
The salinity patterns for each Georgia estuary were analyzed to
determine the locations of seasonal isohalines. The salinity
characteristics for each estuary are described below and illustrated
on page 5. Salinity distributions in most Georgia estuaries are
dominated by changes in seasonal freshwater inflows. For estuarine
systems with larger rivers (e.g., Savannah, Ossabaw, Altamaha, St.
Andrew Sound, and St. Marys), freshwater input is typically highest
from January-April and lowest during August-November. Accordingly, salinity is typically 5-15 ppt lower during February-April
than during September-December. Freshwater also tends to set-up
localized areas of vertical salinity stratification, especially during
high inflow periods.
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Other estuaries (i.e., St. Catherines, Sapelo, Wassaw, St. Simon,
and Cumberland Sounds) are supported by small watersheds that
provide little direct freshwater inflow. However, many of these
systems are influenced by the major river systems in adjacent estuaries
and still experience appreciable (though much reduced) seasonal
salinity changes. Consequently, salinity typically remains closer to
full seawater strength throughout much of the year and vertical
stratification is less likely to occur or persist.
In all Georgia estuaries, the prevailing seasonal salinity
patterns and the degree of vertical stratification are affected by
tides, shelf circulation, local precipitation, and wind. Of these, the
effect of tide is most apparent. Tides (and wind) are important
mechanisms for water column mixing and, therefore, typically reduce
vertical salinity stratification. In addition, tides can shift the
location of isohalines, particularly in estuaries with large river
inputs. In these cases, salinity may occasionally span brackish to
near-ocean concentrations over a tidal cycle.
Seasonal salinity time-periods for Georgia estuaries.
Savannah River
Wassaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
St. Catherines,
Sapelo, and
Doboy Sounds
Altamaha River
St. Andrew and St.
Simons Sounds
St. Marys River
and Cumberland
Savannah River
This estuary includes the New River, Wright River, and several
distributaries of the Savannah River (i.e., Front, Back, and Middle
Rivers and South Channel). The average depth of the estuary is
approximately 5m at mid-tide level, although deeper navigation
channels (9-12m mean low water [MLW]) exist. The estuary receives
most of its freshwater from the Savannah River; the head of tide is
located about 5 km upstream of the Highway 17 bridge. During the
1970s and 1980s, a tide gate located in the Back River affected
circulation and salinity in the upper estuary. The tide gate has not
been operational since March 1989. Thus, salinity zones defined for
this ESI map reflect conditions after March 1989.
Salinity variability is dominated by seasonal fluctuations and
controlled releases of freshwater from impoundments on the
Savannah River and its tributaries. Throughout much of the estuary,
salinity is about 5 ppt lower during February-April than during
September-November, although these seasonal differences are less
apparent upstream of Hutchinson Island. Salinities are often
vertically homogeneous, except for moderate stratification in the
lower Savannah River. Tides are semi-diurnal and range from 2.0m
at the entrance to the estuary to 2.5m in the Savannah River above
Elba Island.
Wassaw Sound
This estuary includes Wassaw Sound and its major tributaries:
the Wilmington, Bull, and Half Moon rivers. The average depth of
the estuary is approximately 8m at mid-tide level in the river
channels, and averages 2m elsewhere. Due to its small watershed,
this estuary receives limited freshwater inflow, primarily from the
Wilmington River. However, a connection to the Savannah River
(South Channel) periodically supplements freshwater derived
locally from the Wilmington River watershed during freshets. No
head of tide can be identified, as tidal influence extends throughout
the estuary.
Limited data available for this estuary suggests that Wassaw
Sound experiences very little seasonal salinity changes. In the
absence of significant freshwater inflow, salinities tend to be vertically homogeneous and near full seawater strength. Tides are semidiurnal and average about 2.1m in the Sound and Wilmington River.
Ossabaw Sound
This estuary includes Ossabaw Sound and the Ogeechee, Little
Ogeechee, Burnside, and Vernon Rivers. The average depth is about
4m at mid-tide level, although naturally deep areas and shoals are
interspersed throughout the estuary. The Ogeechee River is the
dominant freshwater source to the estuary; head of tide is located 52
km upstream of the entrance to Ossabaw Sound.
Salinity variability is dominated by seasonal fluctuations from
the Ogeechee River and its tributaries. Throughout much of the
estuary, salinity is 5-10 ppt lower during February-April than during
October-December. The greatest seasonal salinity changes are
apparent in the lower Ogeechee River, below Shad Island. Salinity
is generally unstratified, but may be moderately stratified in
Ossabaw Sound and the lower Ogeechee River during the low salinity period. Tides are semi-diurnal and range about 2.1m throughout
Ossabaw Sound and the lower regions of the major tributaries.
St. Catherines, Sapelo, and Doboy Sounds
This group of estuaries includes three sounds (St. Catherines,
Sapelo, and Doboy) and numerous tidal creeks, including Bear,
Medway, North and South Newport, and Sapelo. The average depth
is about 4m at mid-tide level, although naturally deep areas and
shoals are interspersed throughout the estuary. Due to their small
watersheds, St. Catherines and Sapelo Sounds systems receive
limited freshwater inflow. However, freshwater input from the
Altamaha River has a major influence on Doboy Sound, and the
Ogeechee River contributes some fresh water to St. Catherines
system, via the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The head of tide
for St. Catherines Sound is located on the Medway and North
Newport Rivers, about 40 km upstream of the entrance to the sound.
Although these estuaries experience seasonal salinity variations, they are not as pronounced as in other estuaries with larger
freshwater sources (i.e., Savannah and Altamaha rivers). However,
the Doboy Sound system does exhibit more seasonal salinity
variation than do St. Catherines and Sapelo systems, mostly due to
inputs from the Altamaha River. Except for weak vertical stratification in Doboy Sound and its tributaries, salinities throughout the
estuary are often vertically homogeneous. Tides are semi-diurnal and
average about 2-3m.
Altamaha River
This estuary includes the Altamaha River, Altamaha Sound,
and several tidal creeks. The average depth of the estuary is
approximately 3m at mid-tide level, although naturally deep areas
and shoals are interspersed throughout the estuary. The estuary
receives most of its freshwater from the Altamaha River, formed by
the confluence of the Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers; the head of tide is
located about 39 km upstream of the entrance to Altamaha Sound.
Freshwater from the Altamaha River also has a dominant influence
on the Hampton River.
Salinity variability is dominated by seasonal fluctuations of the
Altamaha River and its tributaries. Dams that form reservoirs on
the Ocmulgee and Oconee Rivers have little impact on estuarine
salinities. Throughout much of the estuary, salinity is about 10 ppt
lower during February-April than during September-November.
Moderate-to-high vertical stratification is common in the lower
Altamaha River (below Threemile Cut) and in the lower portion of
the South Altamaha River. Tides are semi-diurnal and range 2.0m at
the entrance to the estuary.
St. Andrew and St. Simons Sounds
These estuaries include St. Andrew and St. Simons Sounds, as well
as the Satilla River, Little Satilla River, and several small tidal
creeks. The average depth of the estuaries is approximately 4m at
mid-tide level. The Brunswick Harbor Channel (10m at MLW)
extends from the entrance of St. Simons Sound to the city of
Brunswick; a smaller channel exists in the East River. The estuary
receives most of its freshwater from the Satilla River; the head of
tide is located about 80 km upstream of the entrance to St. Andrew
Sound. Limited additional freshwater is conveyed through the
Mackay River from the Altamaha River. Little water exchange
occurs between the St. Simons and St. Andrews Sounds, although
these systems are adjacent.
Salinity variability is dominated by seasonal fluctuations of the
Satilla River. Although St. Simons Sound lacks any comparable
direct freshwater inflow, exchanges with the Altamaha River via
the Frederica River appear to have periodic influence on salinity
during major freshets. Limited data available for Mackay River, St.
Simons Sound, and Brunswick River suggest that salinities are highly
variable and weakly stratified, particularly during the low salinity
period (February-April). Tides are semi-diurnal and range 2.0m at
the entrances to the sounds, 2.2m near Brunswick, and 2.4m at
Hermitage Point.
St. Marys River and Cumberland Sound
This estuarine system includes the St. Marys, Crooked, and
Amelia Rivers as well as Kings Bay, Cumberland Sound, and
numerous small tidal creeks. The average depth of the estuary is
approximately 6m at mid-tide level. Navigation channels (14m at
MLW) extends from the entrance of St. Mary Sound to the Kings Bay
Naval Submarine Base. Smaller channels exists in Cumberland
Sound (9m at MLW), North River (9m at MLW), and through St.
Marys River (5m at MLW). The estuary receives most of its
freshwater from the St. Marys River, which originates in the
GA - Page 4
Georgia’s Estuarine
Salinity Zones
Salinity Zones
Tidal Fresh (0
Mixing (0.5
- 25
0.5 ppt.)
Seawater (>25 ppt.)
Transitional - Increasing
Salinity Period
Low Salinity
Feb. - Apr.
May - Aug.
Savannah River
All estuary systems
Savannah River
Altamaha River
Savannah River
St. Marys River/Cumberland Sound
May - Sep.
Wassaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
St. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds
St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds
Wassaw Sound
Wassaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
St. Catherines &
Sapelo Sounds
St. Catherines &
Sapelo Sounds
Altamaha River
Altamaha River
St. Andrew &
St. Simons Sounds
St. Andrew &
St. Simons Sounds
St. Marys River &
Cumberland Sound
St. Marys River &
Cumberland Sound
Transitional - Decreasing
Salinity Period
High Salinity Period
Sep. - Nov.
Altamaha River
Savannah River
St. Marys River/Cumberland Sound
Savannah River
Oct. - Dec.
Ossabaw Sound
St. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds
St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds
Wassaw Sound
Dec. - Jan.
Savannah River
Altamaha River
Savannah River
St. Marys River/Cumberland Sound
Wassaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
St. Catherines &
Sapelo Sounds
Altamaha River
Ossabaw Sound
St. Andrew/St. Simons Sounds
St. Catherines/Sapelo Sounds
Wassaw Sound
Wassaw Sound
Ossabaw Sound
St. Catherines &
Sapelo Sounds
Altamaha River
St. Andrew &
St. Simons Sounds
St. Andrew &
St. Simons Sounds
St. Marys River &
Cumberland Sound
St. Marys River &
Cumberland Sound
Okefenoke Swamp; head of tide is located about 64 km upstream of
the entrance to St. Marys Sound.
Boat Ramp—Location of boat ramps. This information was gathered
from overflight observations, aerial photographs, and expert sources.
Salinity variability is dominated by seasonal fluctuations of the
St. Marys River and its tributaries. The largest seasonal salinity
differences are apparent in the upper regions of the St. Marys and
Crooked Rivers. Salinity in Cumberland Sound and lower St. Marys
River is generally polyhaline to euhaline and tends to be vertically
homogeneous. Tides are semi-diurnal and average about 1.8m at the
entrance to St. Marys Sound.
Coast Guard—Location of Coast Guard facilities. This information
was obtained from topographical maps.
Diving—Location of recreational dive sites.
Habitats and plants depicted in the Georgia atlas include
protected or rare plants, and hardbottom reef habitats associated
with the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary. The majority of
rare plant data came from NHP records. Plant records were
identified as terrestrial plants, wetland/aquatic plants, or unique
plant communities. Submerged habitats for Gray’s Reef were mapped
based on side-scan sonar data and expert knowledge provided by
sanctuary staff.
Hazardous Waste Site—Location of hazardous waste sites in the
coastal zone. GA DNR Environmental Protection Division contacts
concerning these sites are provided on the data tables for each map.
Plants are mainly depicted using marker icons (for NHP records).
In a few cases, plants may be mapped as small polygons with a purple
hatch pattern. Purple icons with a plant silhouette indicate rare or
protected plant species or communities. Habitats for Gray’s Reef are
depicted as polygons with a hot pink (high relief, hardbottom reef
ledges) or light blue (low relief, hardbottom reef) solid fill pattern.
In the tables, the first column gives the name of the plant or habitat
type. The second column denotes whether the plant species has been
designated as endangered (E) or threatened (T) on either the state (S)
and/or federal (F) lists. The final columns provide monthly
seasonality data. The plants and habitats mapped are all present
year round.
The human-use features depicted on the maps are those that
could be impacted by an oil spill or could provide access for response
operations. All the features are represented by icons indicating the
type of human-use resource.
Historical Site
Commercial Fishing—General areas where commercial fishing
activities take place. Commercial fishing types include shrimp,
oyster, and hard clam harvest. Other commercial fishing activities
such as blue crab harvest, shad fishing, etc. may take place throughout the study area.
Historical Site—Location of historic sites in the coastal zone. This
information was provided by the GA DNR HPD. These areas may
contain single sites or several sites, and may encompass larger
historic districts. The exact location and extent of these sites are not
represented on the maps due to their sensitivity to disturbance.
Instead, generalized locations are depicted to indicate site presence
in the vicinity. For more specific locations, detailed information on
the site(s) present, and guidance during response operations, please
refer to the same contacts listed for Archaeological Sites. In most
cases, historical site and district names are indicated on the data
tables for each map.
Marina—Location of marinas. This information was gathered from
overflight observations, aerial photographs, and expert sources.
Marine Sanctuary—Locations of areas managed by the NOAA
Sanctuary and Reserves Division as National Marine Sanctuaries, or
by NOAA and the state as National Estuarine Research Reserves.
National Park—Locations of areas managed by the National Park
Service, including national parks, national seashores, and national
NOAA Data Buoy—Location of central buoy for Gray’s Reef
National Marine Sanctuary. This buoy, maintained by the National
Data Buoy Center, provides real time wind speed and direction, sea
state, and water temperature data.
Recreational Fishing—Location of recreational fishing sites.
Marine Sanctuary
Archaeological S i t e
National Park
NOAA Data Buoy
Boat Ramp
State Park
Coast Guard
Commercial Fishing
Recreational Fishing
Water Intake
Hazardous Waste Site
Wildlife Refuge
State Park—Locations of areas managed by GA DNR as state parks
and related properties.
Water Intake—Location of water intakes maintained by municipalities, power plants, industrial facilities, aquaculture sites, natural
resource agencies, etc. For most water intakes, the site name, owner/
manager, contact person, and telephone number are provided on the
data table for each map.
Wildlife Refuge—Location of areas managed by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS) as National Wildlife Refuges or GA
DNR as State Wildlife Management Areas.
The names of the various management areas include:
Access—Location where it is possible to gain vehicular access to the
shoreline or isolated coastal sites and islands. For some areas, such
as islands, vehicles and equipment would need to be transported to
access sites on barges.
Airport—Location of airports, airfields, landing strips, etc., whether
they are manned or unmanned. The locations were obtained from
USGS topographic maps.
Aquaculture—Location of aquaculture sites and facilities. Aquaculture locations were obtained from expert sources. When known, the
site name, owner/manager, emergency contact name, and telephone
number are provided on the data tables for each map.
Archaeological Site—Location of known archaeological sites in the
coastal zone. This information was provided by the GA DNR
Historic Preservation Division (HPD). The exact location and extent
of these sites are not represented on the maps due to their sensitivity
to disturbance. Instead, generalized locations are depicted to indicate single or multiple site presence in the vicinity. For more specific
locational information, information on the type of site(s) present, and
guidance during response operations, please contact: Mark Edwards,
State Historic Preservation Officer, 404/651-5061 (office) and 404/
993-2807 (home); Richard Clouse, Deputy State Historic Preservation
Officer, 404/651-5983 (office) and 770/469-4884 (home); W. Ray Luce,
Supervisor, HPD Planning and Local Assistance Unit, 404/656-6461
(office) and 770/998-6935 (home); Richard Alan Warner, 404/6516775 (office) and 404/299-8565 (home); Ronnie Rogers, 404/657-1042
(office) and 706/216-1077 (home); or Chip Morgan, 404/651-6433
(office) and 770/475-7915 (home).
Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve
Cumberland National Seashore
Fort Frederica National Monument
Fort Pulaski National Monument
Blackbeard Island National Wildlife Refuge
Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge
Savannah National Wildlife Refuge
Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge
Wolf Island National Wildlife Refuge
Crooked River State Park
Fort King George State Historic Site
Fort McAllister State Historic Park
Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation State Historic Site
Skidaway Island State Park
Wormsloe Plantation State Historic Site
Altamaha State Waterfowl Management Area
Ossabaw Island State Wildlife Management Area
Richard J. Reynolds State Wildlife Refuge
Richmond Hill State Wildlife Management Area
Beach—Location of recreational beaches used for activities such as
swimming, sun-bathing, fishing, etc.
GA - Page 6
The entire atlas product is stored in digital form in a Geographic
Information System (GIS). The information is stored as geographic
layers and associated databases. The format for the data varies
depending on the type of information or features for which the data
are being stored. The three major formats are shoreline habitat
classification, biological resources, and human-use features.
Under separate cover is a metadata document which details the
data dictionary, processing techniques, and descriptive information
for the digital data sets and maps that were used to create this atlas.
Below is a brief synopsis of the information contained in the digital
version. Refer to the metadata file for a full explanation of the data
and its structure.
The shoreline habitat classification is stored as lines and
polygons with associated attributes. In many cases, a shoreline may
have two or three different classifications. These multiple classifications are represented on the maps by double and triple line patterns
and in the database by ESI#1/ESI#2, where ESI#1 is the landwardmost classification and ESI#2 is the seaward-most classification. In
addition to the line features, tidal flats (ESI = 7, ESI = 9A) and the
various wetland types (ESI = 10A, 10B, 10C, and 10D) are also stored
as polygons.
Biological resources are stored as polygons or points. Associated
with each feature is a unique identification number which is linked
to a series of databases that further identify the resources. The first
data set consists of a list of the species and the concentration of each
species. This dataset is then linked to datasets that describe the life
history of each species (temporal presence and reproductive/lifehistory time periods at month resolution) for the specified map
feature. Other databases linked to the first data set are: the species
identification database, which includes common and scientific names
and NHP Global Conservation Status Ranks for all species; the
species status database, which gives information for state and/or
federal threatened or endangered listings; and the sources database,
which provides source metadata for each biological feature. Note
that element occurrence records for rare and endangered species
provided by the GA NHP are included only on the hardcopy maps,
not in the digital data set.
Human-use features are represented as lines, points, or polygons.
The resource name, the owner/manager, a contact person, and an
emergency phone number are included in the database for aquaculture
sites, water intakes, and other features, when available. All
metadata sources are documented at the feature level. Note that
archaeological site data provided by the GA DNR Historic Preservation Division are included only on the hardcopy maps, not in the
digital data set.
Listed below are the major hardcopy reference materials used
during this project. In some instances, reference materials were not
directly used as source materials, but were instead used or interpreted
by scientists or resource managers who provided expert knowledge or
personal communication concerning resources depicted in the atlas.
Bryan, A.L., 1994, Wood stork roost sites in the coastal zone of
Georgia and South Carolina in 1994. Savannah River Ecology
Laboratory, Aiken, S.C.
NOS Strategic Environmental Assessment Division, Rockville, MD,
167 pp.
Orlando, S.P., Jr., P.H. Wendt, C.J. Klein, M.E. Patillo, K.C. Dennis.
and G.H. Ward, 1994, Salinity characteristics of South Atlantic
estuaries. NOAA/ORCA, Silver Spring, MD, 117 pp.
Parker, R., 1994, Video transect estimate of reef fish abundance.
Fishery Bulletin 92:787-799.
Ruckdeschel, C., C.R. Shoop, and B. Winn, 1990, Brown pelican
nesting in Georgia. The Oriole 55(4):65-68.
Southeast Monitoring Assessment Program (SEAMAP), 1986-1996,
Survey and trawl data for fish and invertebrates off the southeast
U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries
Center, Stennis Space Center, MS.
The Georgia Conservancy, 1993, Guide to the Georgia coast. The
Georgia Conservancy and the Junior League of Savannah, GA. 201
Wenner, C.A. and G.R. Sedberry, 1989, Species composition, distribution, and relative abundance of fishes in the coastal habitat off
the Southeastern United States. NOAA Technical Report NMFS
79, 49 pp.
Whitted, J., 1980-1982, Guides to coastal fishing in Georgia (by
county). University of Georgia, Marine Extension Service.
Wilkinson, P.M., S.A. Nesbitt, and J.F. Parnell, 1994, Recent history
and status of the eastern brown pelican. Wildlife Society Bulletin
This project was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coastal Services Center (CSC) in
Charleston, South Carolina and NOAA’s Hazardous Materials
Response and Assessment Division (HMRAD) in Seattle,
Washington. The U.S. Coast Guard provided aircraft support and
the Georgia Department of Transportation provided access to aerial
photographs for the shoreline habitat mapping. Catherine Main
with NOAA’s CSC and Brad Benggio with NOAA HMRAD (Miami,
Florida) assisted greatly with project coordination and planning.
The biological and human-use data included on the maps were
provided by many individuals within several divisions of GA DNR,
as well as other agencies and groups including the Gray’s Reef
National Marine Sanctuary, NMFS, National Park Service, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, USFWS, University of Georgia, and the
Skidaway Institute of Oceanography. Catherine Main with
NOAA’s CSC collected the biological and human-use data from
resource experts and assisted with compiling this data onto the maps.
Tracy Gill, Ken Buja, Tony Lowery, and other contributors with
NOAA’s SEA Division provided the salinity information and
collected and compiled the ELMR fish and invertebrate data with
the assistance of GA DNR fisheries experts.
Research Planning, Inc. (RPI), Columbia, South Carolina,
produced the Georgia ESI atlas. At RPI, Scott Zengel was the project
manager and ecologist. Shoreline habitat mapping was conducted by
Todd Montello, coastal geologist. The biological and human-use data
were compiled onto basemaps and edited by Scott Zengel with the
assistance of Kara Hastings and Christopher Locke. Kara Hastings
(GIS coordinator), Christopher Locke, Zachary Nixon, Mark White,
and William Holton entered the data and produced the final maps
under the supervision of Joanne Halls. Systems administration was
conducted by William Holton. Graphics were provided by Joe
Holmes. Dot Zaino prepared the final text and data tables.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 1981-1994, Numerous
fishery assessment documents and reports. Complete citations for
references used during the ELMR fisheries database development
are available from NOAA’s SEA Division, Silver Spring, MD.
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 1995, Georgia offshore
fishing guide. GA DNR, Coastal Resources Division, Brunswick,
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, 1996, Angler’s guide to
Georgia saltwater fishing access sites. GA DNR, Coastal Resources
Division, Brunswick, GA.
Georgia Natural Heritage Program, 1996, Special concern animals of
Georgia. GA DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, Social Circle, GA.
Georgia Natural Heritage Program, 1996, Special concern plants of
Georgia. GA DNR, Wildlife Resources Division, Social Circle, GA.
National Marine Fisheries Service, 1994, Designated critical habitat
for the Northern Right Whale. Federal Register 59(106):2879328808.
Nelson, D.M., E.A. Irlandi, L.R. Settle, M.E. Monaco, and L. CostonClements, 1991, Distribution and abundance of fishes and
invertebrates in Southeast estuaries. ELMR Report No. 9, NOAA/
GA - Page 7
Common Name
Species Name
Fin whale
Humpback whale
Northern right whale
Pygmy sperm whale
West Indian manatee
Balaenoptera physalus
Megaptera novaeangliae
Eubalaena glacialis
Kogia breviceps
Trichechus manatus
Anhinga anhinga
Pelecanus occidentalis
Phalacrocorax auritus
Podilymbus podiceps
Rynchops niger
Chlidonias niger
Larus philadelphia
Sterna caspia
Sterna fosteri
Sterna nilotica
Larus argentatus
Larus atricilla
Sterna antillarum
Larus delawarensis
Sterna maxima
Sterna sandvicensis
Endangered passerine bird
Rare passerine bird
American kestrel
American swallow-tailed kite
Bald eagle
Coopers hawk
Endangered raptor
Northern harrier
Peregrine falcon
Red-shouldered hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Sharp-shinned hawk
American oystercatcher
Black-bellied plover
Buff-breasted sandpiper
Common snipe
Greater yellowlegs
Least sandpiper
Lesser yellowlegs
Marbled godwit
Pectoral sandpiper
Piping plover
Rare shorebird
Red knot
Ruddy turnstone
Semipalmated plover
Semipalmated sandpiper
Solitary sandpiper
Spotted sandpiper
Stilt sandpiper
Upland sandpiper
SHOREBIRDS (continued)
Western sandpiper
White-rumped sandpiper
Wilson’s phalarope
Wilson’s plover
Black skimmer
Black tern
Bonaparte’s gull
Caspian tern
Forster’s tern
Gull-billed tern
Herring gull
Laughing gull
Least tern
Rare tern
Ring-billed gull
Royal tern
Sandwich tern
Threatened tern
Common Name
Species Name
BIRDS (continued)
Rare rodent
Threatened rodent
Brown pelican
Double-crested cormorant
Pied-billed grebe
Flaco sparverius
Elanoides forficatus
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Accipiter cooperii
Falco columbarius
Circus cyaneus
Pandion haliaetus
Falco peregrinus
Buteo lineatus
Buteo jamaicensis
Accipiter striatus
Haematopus palliatus
Pluvialis squatarola
Tryngites subruficollis
Gallinago gallinago
Limnodromus spp.
Calidris alpina
Tringa melanaleuca
Charadrius vociferus
Calidris minutilla
Tringa flavipes
Limosa fedoa
Calidris melanotos
Calidris spp.
Charadrius melodus
Calidris canutus
Arenaria interpres
Calidris alba
Charadrius semipalmatus
Calidris pusilla
Tringa solitaria
Actitis macularia
Calidris himantopus
Bartramia longicauda
American avocet
Black-crowned night heron
Black-necked stilt
Cattle egret
Endangered wading bird
Glossy ibis
Great blue heron
Great egret
Green-backed heron
Little blue heron
Rare wading bird
Snowy egret
Tricolored heron
White ibis
Wood stork
Yellow-crowned night heron
American coot
American wigeon
Black duck
Blue-winged teal
Common moorhen
Greater scaup
Green-winged teal
Hooded merganser
Lesser scaup
Mottled duck
Northern pintail
Northern shoveler
Purple gallinule
Ring-necked duck
Ruddy duck
Wood duck
Calidris mauri
Numenius phaeopus
Calidris fusciollis
Steganopus tricolor
Charadrius wilsonia
Tringa spp.
Recurvirostra americana
Nycticorax nycticorax
Himantopus mexicanus
Bubulcus ibis
Plegadis falcinellus
Ardea herodias
Casmerodius albus
Butorides striatus
Egretta caerulea
Egretta thula
Egretta tricolor
Eudocimus albus
Mycteria americana
Nyctanassa violacea
Fulica americana
Anas americana
Anas rubripes
Anas discors
Bucephala albeola
Aythya valisineria
Gallinula chloropus
Anas strepera
Aythya marila
Anas crecca
Lophodytes cucullatus
Aythya affinis
Anas platyrhynchos
Anas fulrigula
Anas acuta
Anas clypeata
Porphyrula martinica
Aythya americana
Aythya collaris
Oxyura jamaicensis
Aix sponsa
Rare frog
Rare salamander
Rare lizard
Gopher tortoise
Green sea turtle
Kemp’s ridley sea turtle
Leatherback sea turtle
Loggerhead sea turtle
Threatened turtle
Gopherus polyphemus
Chelonia mydas
Lepidochelys kempii
Dermochelys coriacea
Caretta caretta
American shad
Atlantic sturgeon
Blueback herring
Endangered anadromous fish
Hickory shad
Shortnose sturgeon
Striped bass
Alosa sapidissima
Acipenser oxyrhynchus
Alosa aestivalis
Alosa mediocris
Acipenser brevirostrum
Morone saxatilis
* Threatened and endangered species are designated by underlining.
GA - Page 8
Common Name
Species Name
FISH (continued)
American eel
Atlantic croaker
Atlantic menhaden
Atlantic sharpnose shark
Atlantic spadefish
Bar jack
Bay anchovy
Black drum
Black seabass
Blue angelfish
Cocoa damselfish
Gag grouper
Gray snapper
Great barracuda
Greater amberjack
Hardhead catfish
Inshore lizardfish
King mackerel
Longspine porgy
Mackerel scad
Pearly razorfish
Rare fish
Red drum
Red porgy
Round scad
Sand perch
Scamp grouper
Seatrout (weakfish)
Silver perch
Slippery dick
Southern flounder
Southern kingfish (whiting)
Southern stringray
Spanish mackerel
Spotfin butterflyfish
Spottail pinfish
Spotted seatrout
Star drum
Striped anchovy
Striped mullet
Summer flounder
Yellow jack
Common Name
Species Name
Anguilla rostrata
Micropogonias undulatus
Brevoortia tyrannus
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae
Chaetodipterus faber
Caranx ruber
Anchoa mitchilli
Pogonias cromis
Centropristis striata
Holacanthus bermudensis
Pomatomus saltatrix
Rachycentron canadum
Pomacentrus variabilis
Equetus umbrosus
Mycteroperca microlepis
Lutjanus griseus
Sphyraena barracuda
Seriola dumerili
Arius felis
Trinectes maculatus
Synodus foetens
Scomberomorus cavalla
Elops saurus
Stenotomus caprinus
Decapterus macarellus
Fundulus heteroclitus
Hemipteronotus novacula
Lagodon rhomboides
Dense-flowered groundsel-tree
Rare community
Rare terrestrial plant
Rare wetland/aquatic plant
Threatened terrestrial plant
Threatened wetland/aquatic plant
Baccharis glomeruliflora
Hardbottom reef
Hardbottom reef ledge
* Threatened and endangered species are designated by underlining.
Sciaenops ocellatus
Pagrus pagrus
Decapterus punctatus
Diplectrum formosum
Mycteroperca phenax
Cynoscion regalis
Archosargus probatocephalus
Bairdiella chrysoura
Halichoeres bivittatus
Paralichthys lethostigma
Menticirrhus americanus
Dasyatis americana
Scomberomorus maculatus
Leiostomus xanthurus
Chaetodon ocellatus
Diplodus holbrooki
Cynoscion nebulosus
Stellifer lanceolatus
Anchoa hepsetus
Mugil cephalus
Paralichthys dentatus
Megalops atlanticus
Haemulon aurolineatum
Caranx bartholomaei
American oyster (eastern)
Quahog spp. (hard clam)
Crassostrea virginica
Mercenaria spp.
Blue crab
Callinectes sapidus
Knobbed whelk
Busycon carica
Brown shrimp
Grass shrimp
Pink shrimp
White shrimp
Penaeus aztecus
Palaemonetes sp.
Penaeus duorarum
Penaeus setiferus
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Shoreline Descriptions
ESI = 1B
These structures are solid, man-made structures such as
seawalls, groins, revetments, piers, and port facilities.
Many structures are constructed of concrete, wood, or
Often there is no exposed substrate at low tide, but
multiple habitats are indicated if present.
They are built to protect the shore from erosion by waves,
boat wakes, and currents, and thus are exposed to rapid
natural removal processes.
Attached animals and plants are sparse to moderate.
• Oil is held offshore by waves reflecting off the steep,
hard surface in exposed settings.
• Oil readily adheres to the dry, rough surfaces above high
water, but it does not adhere to wet substrates.
• The most resistant oil would remain as a patchy band at
or above the high-tide line.
• Cleanup is usually not required.
• High-pressure water spraying may be conducted to:
- remove persistent oil in crevices;
- improve aesthetics; or
- prevent leaching of oil.
ESI = 3A
These beaches are flat to moderately sloping and
relatively hard packed.
They are composed of quartz sand and shell fragments and
are common along the outer barrier island coastline.
There can be heavy accumulations of wrack present.
They are utilized by birds for nesting, foraging, and
loafing and turtles for nesting.
Upper beach fauna include ghost crabs and amphipods;
lower beach fauna can be moderate, but highly variable.
• Light oil accumulations will be deposited as oily swashes
or bands along the upper intertidal zone.
• Heavy oil accumulations will cover the entire beach
surface; oil will be lifted off the lower beach with the
rising tide.
• Maximum penetration of oil into fine- to medium-grained
sand is about 10-15 cm.
• Burial of oiled layers by clean sand within the first week
after a spill typically will be less than 30 cm along the
upper beach face.
• Organisms living in the beach sediment may be killed by
smothering or lethal oil concentrations in the interstitial
• Biological impacts include temporary declines in infauna,
which can affect important shorebird foraging areas.
• These beaches are among the easiest shoreline types to
• Cleanup should concentrate on removing oil and oily
debris once oil has come ashore.
• Traffic through both oiled and dune areas should be
limited, to prevent contamination of clean areas.
• Manual cleanup, rather than road graders and front-end
loaders, is advised to minimize the volume of sand
removed from the shore and requiring disposal.
• All efforts should focus on preventing the mixture of oil
deeper into the sediments by vehicular and foot traffic.
• Mechanical reworking of lightly oiled sediments from the
high-tide line to the upper intertidal zone can be
effective along outer beaches.
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ESI = 3B
This shoreline type occurs where sandy bluffs are undercut
by waves or currents.
• They normally form along embankments of sandy dredgespoil material and at cutbanks in rivers; they also form
where tidal creeks intercept old sandy beach ridge
• Some scarps are fronted by narrow beaches, if the erosion
rates are moderate and episodic.
• Trees growing at the top of these slopes are eventually
undercut and the logs can accumulate at the base of the
• Biological utilization by birds and infauna is low.
Any stranded oil will concentrate at the high-water line
and may penetrate sandy sediments if a beach is present.
• Oil will also adhere to the dry surfaces of any logs that
have accumulated at the base of the scarp.
• There is little potential for burial except when major
slumping of the bluff occurs.
• Active erosion of the scarp will remove the oil.
In most cases, cleanup is not necessary because of the short
residence time of the oil.
The need for removal of oiled sediments and debris should
be carefully evaluated because of the potential for
increased erosion.
Closely supervised manual labor should be used so that
the minimal amount of material is removed during
ESI = 6A
Gravel beaches in Georgia are composed almost entirely
of shell.
• They can be very steep, with multiple wave-built berms
forming the upper beach.
• Shell beaches are common near oyster reefs and along the
intracoastal waterway where spoil mounds have been
reworked by boat wakes into steep shell berms.
• There are low densities of infauna because the coarse
sediments dry out during low tide.
• They are important roosting areas for shorebirds,
especially when high tide floods the marshes.
Deep penetration of stranded oil is likely on shell
beaches because of their high permeability.
• Long-term persistence will be controlled by the depth of
routine reworking by the waves.
• Along sheltered portions of the shorelines, chronic
sheening and the formation of asphalt pavements is
likely where accumulations are heavy.
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil should be removed
quickly from the upper beach.
All oiled debris should be removed.
Sediment removal should be limited as much as possible.
Low- to high-pressure flushing can be effective for fresh
liquid, making sure to recover all released oil with
skimmers or sorbents.
Mechanical reworking of oiled sediments from the hightide line to the lower beachface can be effective in areas
regularly exposed to wave activity; the presence of
multiple storm berms is evidence of wave activity.
In-place tilling may be used to reach deeply buried oil
layers along the mid-intertidal zone on exposed beaches.
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ESI = 6B
Riprap structures are composed of cobble- to boulder-sized
blocks of granite or limestone.
• Riprap structures are common along shorelines exposed to
wave action (outer coasts, large bays and harbors,
navigable channels) and are used for shoreline protection
and tidal- inlet stabilization (jetties).
• Attached biota are sparse to moderate on exposed riprap.
Deep penetration of oil between the blocks is likely.
Oil adheres readily to the rough surfaces of the blocks.
Uncleaned oil can cause chronic leaching until the oil
When the oil is fresh and liquid, high pressure spraying
and/or water flooding may be effective, making sure to
recover all liberated oil.
Heavy and weathered oils are more difficult to remove,
requiring scrapping and/or hot-water spraying.
It may be necessary to remove heavily oiled blocks and
replace them in high-use areas.
ESI = 7
Exposed tidal flats are broad intertidal areas composed
primarily of sand and minor amounts of shell and mud.
• The presence of sand indicates that tidal currents and
waves are strong enough to mobilize the sediments.
• They are usually associated with another shoreline type
on the landward side of the flat, though they can occur as
separate shoals; they are commonly associated with
tidal inlets and are found at meander bends in large tidal
creeks/river channels.
• Biological utilization can be very high, with large
numbers of infauna, heavy use by birds for roosting and
foraging, and use by foraging fish.
Oil does not usually adhere to the surface of exposed tidal
flats, but rather moves across the flat and accumulates at
the high-tide line.
• Deposition of oil on the flat may occur on a falling tide if
concentrations are heavy.
• Oil does not penetrate water-saturated sediments, though
it can penetrate drained burrows.
• Biological damage may be severe, primarily to infauna,
thereby reducing food sources for birds and other
Currents and waves can be very effective in natural
removal of the oil.
Cleanup is very difficult (and possible only during low
The use of heavy machinery should be restricted to
prevent mixing of oil into the sediments.
ESI = 8A
Sheltered scarps form by boat wake erosion of marsh
fronts or muddy substrates along navigable channels.
There may be some fringing marsh at the base of the scarp
along the edge of the water; it is not significant enough to
• Oil will not adhere to the wet sediment surface but could
penetrate burrows if present and drained.
• Stranded oil will persist because of low energy setting.
• Where the high-tide area is accessible, it may be
feasible to remove heavy oil accumulations and oiled
• The muddy substrate cannot support heavy equipment,
and even foot traffic could disrupt the sediments and mix
oil deeper.
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ESI = 8B
These structures are solid man-made structures such as
seawalls, groins, revetments, piers, and port facilities.
• Most structures are constructed of concrete, wood, or metal.
• These structures are found inside harbors and bays in
highly developed areas, sheltered from direct exposure to
• Often there is no exposed beach at low tide, but multiple
habitats are indicated if present.
• Most of the structures are designed to protect a single lot,
thus their composition, design, and condition are highly
• Attached animal and plant life can be high.
Oil will adhere readily to the rough surface, particularly
along the high-tide line, forming a distinct oil band.
• The lower intertidal zone usually stays wet (particularly
if algae covered), preventing oil from adhering to the
Cleanup of seawalls is usually conducted for aesthetic
reasons or to prevent leaching of oil.
Low- to high-pressure spraying at ambient water
temperatures is most effective when the oil is fresh.
ESI = 8C
Riprap structures are composed of cobble- to boulder-sized
blocks of granite or limestone.
• These structures are found inside harbors and bays in
highly developed areas, sheltered from direct exposure to
• Attached animal and plant life can be highly variable.
Deep penetration of oil between the boulders is likely.
Oil adheres readily to the rough surfaces.
If oil is left uncleaned, it may cause chronic leaching until
the oil hardens.
High-pressure spraying may be required to remove oil for
aesthetic reasons and to prevent leaching of oil from the
Cleanup crews should make sure to recover all released
ESI = 9A
Sheltered tidal flats are composed primarily of mud with
minor amounts of sand and shell.
• They are present in calm-water habitats, sheltered from
waves, and are frequently backed by marshes.
• The sediments are very soft and cannot support even light
foot traffic in many areas.
• They can have heavy wrack deposits along the upper
• There can be large concentrations of invertebrates on and
in the sediments.
• They are heavily utilized by birds for feeding.
Oil does not usually adhere to the surface of sheltered
tidal flats, but rather moves across the flat and
accumulates at the high-tide line.
• Deposition of oil on the flat may occur on a falling tide if
concentrations are heavy.
• Oil will not penetrate the water-saturated sediments, but
could penetrate burrows and desiccation cracks or other
crevices in muddy sediments.
• In areas of high suspended sediments, sorption of oil can
result in deposition of contaminated sediments on the
• Biological damage may be severe.
These are high-priority areas for protection because of
limited cleanup options.
Cleanup of the flat surface is very difficult because of the
soft substrate; many methods may be restricted.
Low-pressure flushing and deployment of sorbents from
shallow-draft boats may be helpful.
GA - Page 13
ESI = 9B
These are either low banks with grasses or low eroding
banks with trees and tree roots exposed to the water.
• The are flooded occasionally by high water.
• These shorelines are generally found in fresh or brackish
water habitats.
During low water stages there is little impact, with the
oil coating a narrow band of sediment at the water level.
• During high water, the oil can cover and coat the grasses
and base of trees.
• Oiling may cause loss of the grasses, but the trees should
survive unless oil penetrates and persists in the substrate.
Low-pressure flushing of oiled areas is effective in
removing moderate to heavy accumulations of oil from
along the banks.
Sorbent and containment boom should be placed on the
water side of the cleanup operations to contain and collect
oil outflow.
Low- to high-pressure flushing can be used to remove oil
from tree roots and trunks, if deemed necessary in high-use
ESI = 10A
These are intertidal wetlands containing emergent,
herbaceous vegetation.
• Width of the marsh can vary widely, from a narrow
fringe to extensive areas.
• Sediments are composed of organic muds except on the
margins of barrier islands where sand is abundant.
• Exposed areas are located along bays with wide fetches
and along heavily trafficked waterways.
• Sheltered areas are not exposed to significant waves or
boat wakes.
• Resident flora and fauna are abundant with numerous
species with high utilization by birds, fish, and
Oil adheres readily to intertidal vegetation.
The band of coating will vary widely, depending upon the
water level at the time oil slicks are in the vegetation.
There may be multiple bands.
• Large slicks will persist through multiple tidal cycles
and coat the entire stem from the high-tide line to the
• If the vegetation is thick, heavy oil coating will be
restricted to the outer fringe, although lighter oils can
penetrate deeper, to the limit of tidal influence.
• Medium to heavy oils do not readily adhere to or
penetrate the fine sediments, but can pool on the surface or
in burrows.
• Light oils can penetrate the top few centimeters of
sediment and deeply into burrows and cracks (up to one
Under light oiling, the best practice is to let the area
recover naturally.
Natural removal processes and rates should be evaluated
prior to conducting cleanup.
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil can be removed by
vacuum, sorbents, or low-pressure flushing. During
flushing, care must be taken to prevent transporting oil to
sensitive areas down slope or along shore.
Cleanup activities should be carefully supervised to
avoid vegetation damage.
Any cleanup activity must not mix the oil deeper into the
sediments. Trampling of the roots must be minimized.
Cutting of oiled vegetation should only be considered
when other resources present are at great risk from
leaving the oiled vegetation in place.
GA - Page 14
ESI = 10B
These are grassy wetlands composed of emergent
herbaceous vegetation.
• They occur upstream of brackish vegetation along major
• Those along major channels are exposed to strong currents
and boat wakes; inland areas are highly sheltered.
• The substrate is seldom exposed since daily water-level
changes are low; greater changes occur during floods.
• Resident flora and fauna are abundant with numerous
Oil adheres readily to the vegetation.
The band of coating will vary widely, depending upon the
water level at the time oil slicks are in the vegetation.
There may be multiple bands.
• If the vegetation is thick, heavy oil coating will be
restricted to the outer fringe, although lighter oils can
penetrate deeper.
Under light oiling, the best practice is to let the area
recover naturally.
Natural removal processes and rates should be evaluated
prior to conducting cleanup.
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil can be removed by
vacuum, sorbents, or low-pressure flushing. During
flushing, care must be taken to prevent transporting oil to
sensitive areas down slope or along shore.
Cleanup activities should be carefully supervised to
avoid vegetation damage.
Any cleanup activity must not mix the oil deeper into the
sediments. Trampling of the roots must be minimized.
Cutting of oiled vegetation should only be considered
when other resources present are at great risk from
leaving the oiled vegetation in place.
ESI = 10C
Swamps consist of shrubs and hardwood forested
wetlands, essentially flooded forests.
• The sediment tends to be silty clay with large amounts of
organic debris.
• They are seasonally flooded, though there are many low,
permanently flooded areas.
• Resident flora and fauna are abundant with numerous
Oil behavior depends on whether the swamp is flooded or
• During floods, most of the oil passes through the forest,
coating the vegetation above the waterline, which
changes levels throughout the flood event.
• Oiled woody vegetation is less sensitive than grasses to
oil coating.
• Some oil can be trapped and pooled on the swamp flood
plain as water levels drop.
• Penetration into the floodplain soils is usually limited
because of high water levels, muddy composition, surface
organic debris, and vegetation cover.
• Large amounts of oily debris can remain.
• During dry periods, terrestrial spills flow downhill and
accumulate in depressions or reach waterbodies.
Under light oiling, the best practice is to let the area
recover naturally.
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil can be removed by
vacuum, sorbents, or low-pressure flushing. During
flushing, care must be taken to prevent transporting oil to
sensitive areas down slope or along shore.
Under stagnant water conditions, herding of oil with
water spray may be needed to push oil to collection areas.
Oily debris can be removed where there is access.
Any cleanup activity must not mix the oil deeper into the
sediments. Trampling of the roots must be minimized.
Cutting of oiled vegetation should only be considered
when other resources present are at great risk from
leaving the oiled vegetation in place.
GA - Page 15
ESI = 10D
Scrub-shrub wetlands consist of woody vegetation less
than 6m tall including true shrubs, small trees, and trees
and shrubs that are stunted because of environmental
• They are common in disturbed/modified areas such as
dredge spoil mounds and along the edges of right-of-ways
(utilities, pipelines, etc.) that cross channels.
• The sediment tends to be silty clay with large amounts of
organic debris.
• They are seasonally flooded, though there are many low,
permanently flooded areas.
• Resident flora and fauna are abundant with numerous
Oil behavior depends on whether the wetland is flooded
or not.
• During floods, most of the oil passes through the wetland,
coating the vegetation above the waterline, which
changes levels throughout the flood event.
• Oiled woody vegetation is less sensitive than grasses to
oil coating.
• Some oil can be trapped and pooled on the wetland
floodplain as water levels drop.
• Penetration into the floodplain soils is usually limited
because of high water levels, muddy composition, surface
organic debris, and vegetation cover.
• Large amounts of oily debris can remain.
• During dry periods, terrestrial spills flow downhill and
accumulate in depressions or reach waterbodies.
Under light oiling, the best practice is to let the area
recover naturally.
Heavy accumulations of pooled oil can be removed by
vacuum, sorbents, or low-pressure flushing. During
flushing, care must be taken to prevent transporting oil to
sensitive areas down slope or along shore.
Under stagnant water conditions, herding of oil with
water spray may be needed to push oil to collection areas.
Oily debris can be removed where there is access.
Any cleanup activity must not mix the oil deeper into the
sediments. Trampling of the roots must be minimized.
Cutting of oiled vegetation should only be considered
when other resources present are at great risk from
leaving the oiled vegetation in place.
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