Project ARA
Project ARA
Project ARA Exploration of modular phones Diana Naranjo Pomalaya MAC0463/5743 - Computação Móvel Introduction Project ARA’s concept became popular because of Phonebloks Source: (jun 2014) Goal Reduce production of electronic waste and expand lifespan of components Source: (jun 2014) Phonebloks Problem: If a component of a mobile phone brakes, in order to replace it, the user has to replace the whole phone. Same thing if the user wants to upgrade it. Electronic waste is composed mainly by elements that are still functional Solution? MODULARITY Evolution of the idea Google acquired modular mobile phone patents. 2012 2011 Partnership between Phonebloks and Motorola was announced, Project ARA. “MAKEwithMOTO” tour took off Initial exploration started by Google. Phonebloks initiative began on December 2013 2014 Motorola was sold to Lenovo. ATAP team conducting Project ARA was integrated into Google. First Project ARA Developers Conference took place. Advanced Technology And Projects “Generally, time is not your friend,” says Eremenko. “Innovation under time pressure is generally higherquality innovation” Other Modular Phones ● ECO-MOBIUS: ZTE ● Magic Cube: Xiaomi ● Blocks ECO-MOBIUS ● Four big modules: LCD, core, camera and battery ● A platform was created to maintain a high control over the phones and its modules Source: (jun 2014) Magic Cube ● Will be a sum of 4 to 5 exchangeable modules ● The screen may be completely attached to the base, making it unchangeable Source: (jun 2014) Blocks ● Modules would be small blocks that connected create the band for the smartwatch ● Open Platform Source: (jun 2014) Project ARA’s Platform ● Endoskeleton (Endo) ● Modules Source: (jun 2014) Endoskeleton (Endo) ● Backbone of the platform ● Front: Latches ● Back: EPMs ● Life-span: 5 to 6 years Source: (jun 2014) Endoskeleton Issues ● Universal Electrical Bus ● Modules cannot jump ribs or spine of endo Source: (jun 2014) Modules ● Building blocks ● Hot swappable ● Module ecosystem Fonte: (jun 2014) Modules Issues ● 40% of PCB for component developers’ own HW ● Cost of production ● Can only expand on the yaxis (top/bottom) or z-axis Fonte: (jun 2014) Aplication Processor Module ● Will hold the CPU, memory, SD card slot, and other core operational hardware ● Problem? Cannot be separated Source: (jun 2014) Main Issues / Possible Solutions ● User ○ Paradox of choice ○ Overhead (size/weight) ○ Module cost ○ Security of data ● Developer ○ Regulatory certification ○ Module market ● User ○ Phone makers ○ Value of customization ○ Module ecosystem ○ TBD ● Developer ○ Initial support ○ MDK ○ Feedback welcomed Main Issues / Possible Solutions Connectors ● P2P module communication ● Device driver requirements (new drivers, different kernels, security) ● ● EPMs, Capacitive MPHY ● UniPro ● Generic class drivers New Technologies in ARA ● UniPro ● Capacitive M-PHY ● Electro permanent magnets Source: (jun 2014) UniPro 1.6 ● High speed interface protocol ● Aims: ○ ○ ○ High-speed data communication (gigabits/second) Data reliability Robustness Source: (jun 2014) Capacitive M-PHY ● High-speed physical layer spec ● Aims: ○ ○ ○ Connection points with longer life-spans High bandwidth capabilities Good power efficiency Source: (jun 2014) ElectroPermanent magnet ● The magnetic effect can be maintained without requiring a continuous supply of energy ● Only needed to turn the magnetization on and off Source: (jun 2014) 1st Functional Prototype Source: (jun 2014) 1st Functional Prototype Source: (jun 2014) 3D Printing (3D Systems) Source: (jun 2014) ARA Configurator App (SoSo Limited) Source: (jun 2014) Conclusions: Development ● One field that is benefitting from this project is 3D printing ● Specialized technology (UniPro and M-PHY) has made the development of this device efficient ● Technology used in Project ARA can be re-used in other items Conclusions: Modular market ● Modular market might not settle so quickly ● With the prototype’s receive in the market, new companies or individuals might get interested in the development of modules ● The success is tightly connected to the variety of modules and brands that the user might be able to acquire Conclusions: Configuration App ● The platform that allows the user to manage all its modules should be intuitive enough for new smartphone users Questions? References ● ● ● ● ● ● PHONEBLOKS. Phonebloks, a phone worth keeping. 2014. REISINGER, Don. Report: Google acquires Modu's mobile patents. 20/05/2011. http://www.cnet. com/news/report-google-acquires-modus-mobilepatents/ THUNDERCLAP.INC. Thundeclap. 2012 https://www. MCCRACKEN, Harry. Project Ara: Inside Google’s Bold Gambit to Make Smartphones Modular. 26/02/2014. YUE, Yu. Two Futuristic ZTE Phones. 29/10/2013 cn/endata/magazine/mobileworld/2013/5/articles/2013 10/t20131029_411072.html PÉREZ, Alex. Smartphone modular Xiaomi Magic Cube. 10/10/2013. http://www.movileschinos. eu/noticias/xiaomi-magic-cube/ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● BLOCKS. Choosebloks. 2014. http://www.chooseblocks. com/ CHAN, Norman. Tested Explains: How Google's Project Ara Smartphone Works. 15/04/2014 http://www.tested. com/tech/smartphones/460765-tested-explains-howgoogles-project-ara-smartphone-works/ GOOGLE ATAP. Project Ara Developers Conference Day 1. 15/04/2014. v=v2OEKL1w__4 GOOGLE ATAP. Project Ara Developers Conference Day 2. 15/04/2014. v=cP8yzJhe-BA MIPI ALLIANCE. UniPro(SM) Specifications. 2014. http: // MIPI ALLIANCE. Physical Layer Specifications. 2014. http: // DEYLE, Travis. Electropermanent Magnets. 7/12/2010
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