Basic Guide to selling Private Label in Germany
Basic Guide to selling Private Label in Germany
The Private Label Proposition Dublin, April 22nd 2009 Basic Guide to selling Private Label in Germany Hermann Sievers, smk-consulting, D-Hamburg 1 Germans shop around – smart shopper! 2 German FMCG-Retail: Private Label + 15 %-points in 8 years! FMCG Brands Private Label (incl. Aldi) Brands Private Label 3 Development of PL-share 2004 – 2008 in Germany total Food Retail Hypermk Discount Supermk Drugstore Brands PL 4 Aldi´s PL-dominance: 40% of all PL in Germany sold through Aldi! 5 Share of Private Label within categories examples (01 – 06 2008) Dairy (white) Non-perishables Staple foods Frozen/icecream non alc beverage cereals sweets 6 Development of Private Label share per discount retailer (Germany) 7 Pioneered by Aldi, discounters are the dominant retail format in Germany. 50s-70s • Aldi as discount pioneer • Market entry of other discounters • Limited assortment with focus on food 80s-90s • New format and assortment strategies (e.g., non-food) • Strong focus on internationalization 2008 • Expansion into new assortments and services (e.g., travel, M-Commerce, fresh products, bio) • Beginning consolidation < 2,000 stores ≈ 12,000 stores >15,000 15,000 stores < 5 % market share ≈ 30% market share > 44% market share 8 Key success drivers discount in Germany Assortment • Limited, but covering all essential needs • Enriched by seasonal items Quality • High standards, confirmed e.g. by Stiftung Warentest Image Efficiency •Low complexity, high continuity and convenience • 98% penetration • Accepted by all consumer segments • Each household can reach three different discounters within 10 minutes • High degree of standardization • Attention to details 9 Half of German consumers can almost exclusively be reached through discounters 98,0% of all German households bought at discounters in 2006 51,0% 47,0% regular purchase at discounters “sporadic” purchase at discounters 97 trips p.a. 37 trips p.a. 65% demand coverage at discounters 24% demand coverage at discounters Today: Distribution at discounters in Germany is a success factor for brands 10 source: GfK ConsumerScan, Nov.2005–Oct.2006 German Discount Retailers 11 Germany: Discount Retailers Ranking 2008 Company outlets Aldi Süd Turnover in bn. € 13.3 remarks Aldi Nord 11.2 2,500 Lidl 14.8 3,000 Netto/Plus 11.0 4,000 Merger in 2008 7.0 2,300 300 outlets from Plus (2008) Norma 3.3 1,250 Focus on South/ Southwest Germany Netto North 1.0 300 1,700 (EDEKA) Penny (Rewe) (Dansk Supermarket) Focus on Eastern Germany source: Trade Dimensions, Lebensmittelzeitung, own estimations 12 Two Aldis in Germany: Division Aldi Nord/ Aldi Süd n Nord: 35 subsidiaries incl. n n n n n distribution centers 2.500 stores Simple store- and poduct design Limited assortment < 850 sku Turnover/store: 4,3 Mio € Turnover/sku: 6 Mio € n Süd: 31 Subsidiaries incl. n n n n n distribution centers 1.700 stores More sophisticated product- and store design Broader assortment <1.000 sku Turnover/store: 7 Mio € Turnover/ sku: 7 Mio € Some identical products can have different pricing in Aldi Nord/Süd 13 TOP 6 german retailers (in bn. €) (total Market: 151 bn. € in 2008) EDEKA Group (incl. Netto) 37.606 90 % food Metro Group (incl. real.-) 31.575 42 % food REWE Group (incl. Penny) 29.580 83 % food Schwarz Group (Lidl + Kaufland) 26.500 82 % food Aldi Group (Aldi Nord+Süd) 24.500 81 % food Tengelmann Group (incl.Plus) 13.990 61 % food 14 The relative price increases in 2008 accelerated the growth of discounters – Aldi back on a growth path share of sales (in %) change value (%) ** drugstores 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 7,8 8,0 8,2 7,9 8,5 8,7 8,6 23,6 hypermarkets total (> 1500 sq m) supermarkets (< 1499 sq m) discounters Aldi Lidl bn. € ** 2008:2007 +2,4 23,6 23,6 24,6 24,4 24,7 24,1 +2,7 31,8 30,1 28,7 26,3 24,6 23,6 23,3 +4,0 38,4 40,9 42,5 43,0 44,0 +7,6 36,8 39,7 18,3 6,4 18,8 7,1 19,1 7,1 18,9 7,9 19,6 8,6 18,7 9,2 18,9 9,7 +6,5 +11,2 134,7 136,7 136,6 136,6 140,2 144,2 151,6 +1,5 +0,0 -0,1 +2,7 +2,8 +5,1 share of retail chains* in retail food trade source: IRI universe, always at end of year * according to retail panel system ** own calculations based on GfK ConsumerScan, total till roll fmcg 15 Retail formats cost comparison Total costs as % of grossprice VAT Profit Advert Headq Logistic POS 16 Growing consciousness of German retailers to become retail brands n Pricing is not the right means to differentiate from competition. German shoppers differentiate only 3 types of food retail outlets: supermarkets, big supermarkets (hypermarket) and cheap supermarkets (discounters). But only discounters are synonymous for cheap prices. n Therefore, during the last 2-4- years food retailers have started developing positionings and concepts to differentiate from competition. There is a trend of becoming a retail brand like Tesco, M&S or Sainsbury in the UK 17 German food retail (full assortment): consciousness to become a Retail Brand 18 Some Touch-points of a Retail Brand (EDEKA): overall performance of brand is most important! 19 Key success factor Private Label – focus on Retail Brand n EDEKA: since 2005 n REWE: since 2007 n Globus: since 5/2008 n real.- (Metro): since 8/2008 Privat Label is not only another „Touch Point“ , but it is an ultimate expression of the Retail Brand, because customer takes it home and taste it! 20 EDEKA frozen Pizza >old <new 21 Original Positioning of Private Label (2007): cheap me-too brand 22 Key economy brands: benchmark Aldi for quality & price Aldi movements in price & product are carefully observed and instantaniously copied („GUT&GÜNSTIG“=EDEKA, „ja“ = Rewe, „Tip“ = real.-) 23 2009: Discounters start again Price War as Means against recession & new challenger 24 Germany: The Hard Discount Price War Q 1/2009: Aldi leads the gang! 25 Food Retailers (full assortment) with reasonable Private Label Business (>10% share) EDEKA > 2 bn. € (75% GUT&GÜNSTIG) REWE >1,5 bn. € Kaufland > 1,2 bn. € real.- (Metro-Group) > 1,0 bn. € Tegut > 0,2 bn. € (focus organic) Globus (St. Wendel) > 0,3bn. € There are more chances for innovative product concepts than with commodity products for economy brands 26 EDEKA Private Label structure: cover all price tiers n Premium n Wellness/Organic n Convenience n Standard n Economy 27 PL-structure EDEKA. Meaning for supplier Top-quality in product and packaging, better/different than brand, innovative, create trends, create value mostly me-too, low grade of innovation, sophisticated packaging, Low-cost, added value Me-too of 400 – 600 Top-Aldi products, low cost producer, hard price negotiations, small revenuel, not innovative 28 New Launches EDEKA (2007-2009) Even for standard Private Label, retailers look for new product concepts, they try product and packaging innovations 29 EDEKA GUT & GÜNSTIG n Philosophy: Benchmark Aldi in - assortment of core-products (ca. 500-700 sku) - Identical in quality (packaging & product & taste) and price! n Umbrella-brand design, „cheap“-looking n Placing: medium to low n No innovations, only me-too Aldi n Suppliers: usual 1-year contract n Supermarkets: 7 regional wholesalers, 40 distribution centers n General PL Framework-Contract: responsibilities design, law, cost, licensing, quality assurance/management (acc. IFS), audits, test results („Stiftung Warentest“, „Ökotest“), liability, quality of deliveries (Logistics), penalties, recall of defective products etc. Multi-tier-retailers like EDEKA and Rewe have more than one decision maker, that adds complexity to the buying process 30 Real.-: new Private Label structure (2008) Potentials on all tiers - problems to find „selection“-products 31 REWE Privat Label structure (2008): n Processed Meat/Meat (net-margin: 35-45%) n Wellness/Organic (net-margin >35%) n Standard (net-margin >30% or rather beyond category-average) n Economy (net-margin >20%, but depending on Aldi-price) 32 Kaufland Private Label (Hypermarket Schwarz-Group, 11.8 bn. €/2008) n K-Classic Label: Economy Brand, introduced 2004 n Share: ca. 10% n K-Classic „WellYou“ WellnessRange, introduced 2008 n Centralized and efficient decision making n 5 distribution centers Successful Hypermarket-concept in Germany: „Discount-Hypermarket“ 33 Which part do private label products play in Discount stores? n Besides price, discount retailers seek a differentiation through special products, esp. within fresh/chilled products n Aldi and Lidl – try to distinguish themselves through private label n Private label products in discounters are no longer only me-too, but besides the basic assortment (still me-too) there are additional assortments to deliver profit and competence. n Typically, there is no distribution of new product launches ofbrands (fmcg) in discount stores. Therefore discounters have to launch new concepts/products via private label. n In some areas, discounters like Aldi & Lidl made markets resp. create new categories. 34 Aldi & Lidl create categories! Fast adoption of trends: smoothies 35 Aldi: keeping up with trends wellness & organic 36 Aldi Süd: Co-Branding with Brand! Brand manufacturers can avoid confrontation by coco-branding. branding. CoCo-branding as a result from coco-operation with manufacturer brands to tailor their offers to their target groups. groups. Aldi PLPL-brand French brand + = 37 Products you wouldn´t expect in Hard Discounters 38 Hard Discount: new Luxury Private Label „Luxury for everyone“ 39 Aldi: strict quality standards 40 Country-Promotions at Aldi, Lidl, Penny What about an Irish Week?! 41 Many ways to do business with Aldi (Nord + Süd) n National Listing = become part of the normal assortment; oneyear contract n Local Listing = become part of the normal assortment of one or more warehouses (>local products and for testing) n Promotional Listing: Listing for one – usually weekly - promotion incl. national advertising in the particular week n Seasonal Listing: Listing for a special period, f.e. a barbequeproduct will be listed from April – September n Thematical Promotion: become part of a special advertising („America“, „Italian Week“, „Wellness“, etc) n Usually, you don´t need a contract n Centralized distribution n Net/net-prices (incl. your delivery cost to depot/warehouse) Promotional listings could lead to normal national ones! But it is always a matter of low price and high quality! 42 Aldi´s internal listing process: Trial & error example cheese Best customer is the one who shops regularly and buys much n n n n n n n n Which varieties of cheese are really needed? Strong demanded, easy to handle-products for every day Best quality Internal consideration, talks with some potential suppliers* Check the suppliers offer Test in some outlets or one region for some months Analysis of test results, perhaps check another variety Decision, to introduce into all stores or refrain from it *suppliers too can suggest a new product If necessary (big category/avoid risk), Aldi takes more than one supplier per product 43 The other ones (Lidl, Netto, Penny, Norma) act similar to Aldi n National Listing = become part of the normal assortment; oneyear contract or no time limit n Promotional Listing: Listing for one – usually weekly - promotion incl. national advertising in the particular week n Seasonal Listing: Listing for a special period, e.g. a barbequeproduct will be listed from April – September n Themed Promotion becomes part of a special advertising („America“, „Italian Week“, „Wellness“, etc) n At Lidl, you have to sign a PL-contract. In general, not much paperwork with discount headquarter n Centralised distribution Promotional listings could lead to a standard national listing! But it is always a matter of low price and high quality! 44 Private Label Suppliers have to be innovative n As neither German discount retailers nor full assortment retailers have NPD-departments at their disposal, they need innovative and creative suppliers who deliver more than just me-too. In most cases, responsible person is the buyer/ category manager = decision maker. There is no Marketing/Product Management at Aldi, Lidl etc! n Retailers expect ideas and suggestions for category development by private label suppliers n UK PL food retail is still seen as leading in Europe. Therefore suppliers with experience to UK Private Label have an asset against competition from continental Europe. n (compared to the U.K. and Ireland, German food retail is not so sophisticated. Price is still the key means to do the business) Don´t consider commodities, think of innovations! 45 Whom to start with? (Details depend on particular retailer) n Discount: high turnover/sku, good structure and organization of decision & supply chain, fast, only centralized distribution+assured distribution into each outlet, not much paperwork, quickly follow and sometimes (Aldi) create trends, introduction of „luxury“brands, no Marketing, spectrum from single local promotion to long lasting national listing, sometimes individual packaging/content/size required (mixed tray etc.) n Supermarkets: low turnover/sku, complicated structure (strategic, national, local buying), slow decision, mostly centralised distribution but no assurance for distribution in each outlet, expect innovations from brands+ but also open for PL-innovations, listing at Aldi is advantage (positive argument!), much paperwork In „discount country“ Germany try Discount Retailers first! 46 Thank you very much! Hermann Sievers, smk consulting, D-Hamburg [email protected] 47