class of 1985


class of 1985
Back, Back...
. . . t o C u lv e r D a ys
April 2015
Greetings to all!
Start your reunion countdown! In just a couple months we will be together again. Are you attending? If so…make sure you get registered. We have a fantastic weekend planned and are looking
forward to reconnecting once again. Here is a list of classmates who are either planning to attend
reunion OR are working on making it happen. See someone on the list you’d love to see? Reach
out….tip the scale toward a “yes” for reunion.
Cherie Monsees
Jim Biggs
Deborah Bonner
Jennifer Conforti
John Goeth
Brenda Hartman
Eugene Imm
Chris Letterman
Elizabeth Nagler
Olaf Rasch
Jesus Saenz
Courtlandt Smith
Mark Weglarz
Roz Anderson
Jeff Bohne
David Brewer
Steve Davis
Eric Gordon
Bethann Hassell
Lee Jacobs
John Lewis
Wes Pence
David Reese
Laura Dawson
Tyler Storm
Kara Madigan
John Augenstein
David Boling
Noreen Cagle
David Dennen
Tom Schmitz
Rich Holdeman
Dan Jones
Malinda Carlen Little
Elizabeth Pruett
Leigh Roessler
Scott Scheid
Amy Thompson
Karen Reed
Jeff Bernacki
Paula Bonetsky
Elizabeth Clement
John P. Divito
Haley Gresham Stanish
Amy Holdeman
Chris Harris Kranske
Juan Lobeira
Miguel Quintanilla
Steve Ropka
Jeff Simpson
Gavin McFarland
If you are not on this list…..GET ON IT! It’s going to be a great time spent with your
Culver family.
Let us know if you have any questions or suggestions for our upcoming reunion weekend.
Communication Chair
Left: Eugene Imm awarded Best New Cadet
in Infantry from Dean Mars. Above: Enjoying time at the shack.
What does this mean? Throw Back Thursday Have some old pics from back in the day that
have not been shared on social media? Stop being selfish and SHARE! Please send your picture
in jpeg form to [email protected] and your blast from the past picture will be posted!
Dear Vintage Grapes:
At long last, after another five years, the chance to see each other is just two months
away! The entire committee has been working hard to plan an event filled weekend which
I am sure will prove to help us all create even more memories together.
Some of the highlights about our reunion weekend in addition to the activities planned by
Culver include:
 Early arrivers gathering at Papa's on Thursday night, May 14.
 Party following the all class dinner on Friday night, May 15th graciously hosted by
Miguel, Juan and Lobo. We will also have a band!
 Farewell brunch on Sunday hosted by Haley and Elizabeth!
In addition, this reunion, we will have a big turn out from our overseas classmates, especially from Latin America! This reunion will be a special opportunity to reconnect! For
those of you who will not be able to attend but still want to make your presence felt, we will
set up Skype for calling into the class meeting. If you're interested, feel free to email myself
or Noreen with your Skype ID and we will make sure you get connected.
Also, for our class dinner on Saturday night May 16, please relax and dress casual! But
also note that our uniform for the alumni parade will be white button shirts and khaki
I hope that you have all been able to make your arrangements for travel and housing and
that we will see you in May. If you have not yet had a chance, please do be sure to get
online and register for the reunion. And while you're at it, why not click the link and make
a small donation of $19.85 to Culver. Our very modest goal is to increase participation and
a challenge which you will read about from Haley.
As ever, the committee stands ready to assist however we can, so if you have any concerns
or questions, please do feel free to contact any of us. And until May, wishing you all the
best and warmer weather!
The “ONE Culver”
Reception and Dinner is an all-class
reunion event on Friday night.
It is also a great opportunity to mingle and network with other generations of Culver grads.
This is the IDEAL time and place to visit with
active and retired
faculty who come to catch up with alums like
Mark Your Calendars
Make Your Reservations
And Book Your Travel
Our 30th Reunion Weekend is
May 15-17th, 2015
Tentative Schedule of Key Activities
Thursday, May 14th
7pm Informal No Host at Papa’s Restaurant
Friday, May 15th
4:00—5:00 Join John Buxton, Head of Schools, and current students to learn
more about Culver today
7pm ONE Culver all Class Reception & Dinner
Party following the all class dinner graciously hosted by fellow grapes.
We will have a band!
Saturday, May 16th
Morning 5K Run/Walk
10:00 - Culver Summer Schools and Camps Informational Presentation
12:30 Class Photo
1:30—2:15 1985 Class Meeting
5:45 Alumni Parade
7pm Class of 1985 Reception and Dinner Roos/Academies Guest House 17401
18th Road
Sunday, May 17th
Farewell brunch on Sunday hosted by Haley and Elizabeth
12:15 Military and Riding Exhibitions
Audrey L. Ford
James McDiarmid
Suvicharn Musikul
Lloyd T. Geiger
Michelle L. Red
Raymond H. Dugan
Stephen W. Bauer
Beth A. Hodgman Talken
Edward J. Fasula
Joseph M. Nowell Jr.
Lauren Mairs
Mahtab Hanjani
Peter Wong
Robert R. Worden II
Thomas D. Taubken
Lee C. Jones
Mei C. Ng
R. Sprague Marvin IV
Shirley J. Burdine
If your name appears above, the Alumni Office needs your updated mailing
address and/or other contact information. Please provide a quick update by emailing your info to [email protected] or by calling the Alumni
Office at 574-842-7200.
Reunion Weekend May 15-17
Join us on Culver’s beautiful campus
Reconnect at an upcoming Culver Club Event
Culver Club of Colorado- Thursday, April 16, 2015- Happy Hour
Culver Clubs of the South & Nashville – Saturday, April 18, 2015
NYC Culver Club-Sunday, April 26, 2015-“Culver Pipe and Drums”
US Military Academy at West Point
2015 ONE Culver: Detroit - April 28, 2015 Event with Speaker James Brooks ’66
Culver Club of Chicago- Saturday, May 2, 2015-Derby Day at Arlington Park w/ Culver Color Guard
Culver Clubs of Indiana: Friday, June 19
South Bend Cubs “Friday Night Fireworks” Game
Culver Club of Chicago- Sunday, June 28, 2015 – Chicago Botanic Garden
For more information on any of these events,
please visit our website or contact:
Maria Benner, Culver Clubs Coordinator
[email protected] 574-842-8321