Classroom Activities


Classroom Activities
Classroom Activities
Classroom activities- Year 5-6 / Year 7-8 (Intermediate)
The following are a list of activities which can be developed by the language teacher at the
beginning of the unit to engage and explore the themes within the education kit:
The following activities have been chosen from Orizzonti April 2012- Una ricetta per ogni
stagione and could be included as pre or post classroom activities.
These activities have been reproduced with permission from Co.As.It. Resource Centre. The full
publication can be accessed via the Co.As.It. website or through the Co.As.It Resource Library.
Contact: 93499022.
1) Che frutta è? Che verdura è?
2) La passata di pomodoro
3) Una ricetta: Come si fa il sugo di pomodoro per la pasta?
4) Le melanzane sott’olio
5) Granita al limone
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività: Che frutta è? Che verdura è?
Write the names of the fruit and vegetables illustrated in Italian (select the words from the lists
provided). In pairs, say which fruit/vegetables you eat in each season.
La frutta
la banana
la ciliegia
la fragola
il limone
la mela
la pera
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Le verdure
i broccoli
la carota
il cetriolo
la cipolla
il fungo
il granturco
la patata
il pisello
il pomodoro
il sedano
la zucca
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Italians preserve many vegetables and fruits, for example: la conserva di
frutta; la passata di pomodoro. Other vegetables are pickled, which
means that they are preserved in olive oil (olio d’oliva) or vinegar (aceto).
These preserved vegetables called ‘sottaceti’ & ‘sott’olio’, are used for
Italian ‘antipasto’ dishes. Some of the more common pickled vegetables
include: melanzane e olive sott’olio; peperoni e cipolle sottaceto e la
giardiniera (mixed pickles in oil & vinegar).
Ciao ragazzi. Io sono un pomodoro.
Sono usato per fare la passata di
e il sugo per la pasta.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm …. che buono!
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
La passata di pomodoro è una delle conserve più preparate in Italia e anche in
Attività: Come si fa la passata di pomodoro?
Read, cut and match the sentences to the pictures of how Italian tomato sauce is prepared and
preserved. Read the sequenced steps in Italian to your partner.
Fate bollire i pomodori per pochi
Scolate i pomodori.
(scolare - to drain)
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Tagliate a metà ogni pomodoro.
Passate i pomodori con il
passaverdura o con la macchina
(passare - to pass through)
Mettete alcune foglie di basilico
in ogni bottiglia.
Usate un imbuto per riempire le
bottiglie con la passata di
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Asciugate bene i pomodori.
Mettete le bottiglie in un
pentolone con l’acqua e fate
bollire per un’ora.
Tappate le bottiglie e chiudetele
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Mettete i pomodori in un
La passata di pomodoro
è pronta per essere usata.
Lavate bene i pomodori.
Versate la passata di pomodoro
in una vaschetta.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Usate pomodori maturi.
Reference: Pictures adapted from websites:
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività: Una ricetta: Come si fa il sugo di pomodoro per la pasta?
Read the recipe below for Italian tomato sauce for pasta dishes and fill in the missing words. Un-jumble
the pictures and match with the sentences in the recipe.
olio d’oliva
una cipolla
uno spicchio d’aglio
un gambo di sedano
carote (2)
sale e pepe
basilico fresco
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Cut and put the pictures in the right order to show how to prepare the Italian tomato sauce .
Il sugo è pronto.
Buon Appetito!
1. Tagliate la c........., l’aglio, le c......... e il sedano in pezzi piccoli.
2. Versate un po’ di o....... d’oliva in una p...........
3. Mettete prima la cipolla e l’a..... nella padella e fate soffriggere (fry).
4. Poi aggiungete le carote e il s.......... e mescolate bene.
5. Dopo aggiungete la passata di p.......... ed un po’ di sale e pepe.
6. Fate c........... a fuoco lento per 30 minuti.
7. Quando il s.......... è cotto, mettete un po’ di b.......... fresco
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività: Scriviamo una ricetta per le conserve
In small groups, research and find a recipe for Italian preserved vegetables or fruit to present to the
class. As a class, write the ingredients and the recipe steps in Italian.
Here is an example you can use:
As a class use the pictures to write the procedure for
making preserved eggplants in oil with your teacher.
La ricetta per fare le melanzane ‘sott’olio’
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Discuss students’ experiences of eating pasta, making Italian sauce or preserving tomatoes.
Show real objects for example: bottle of preserved sauce, cans of Italian tomatoes, pickled
vegetables; and list vocabulary related to the topic through the discussion.
Select visual stimulus demonstrating making tomato sauce and/or pickled vegetables for example:
DVD~ ‘Preserving for the taste of it- the Italians’; a selection of You-tube videos such as ~
Use the picture cards and sentences provided to sequence the procedure of making Italian sauce.
Play games and provide written tasks to learn the vocabulary and verbs related to cooking.
Explain how procedural texts are written by modelling and using the texts provided for example~ list
of ingredients, steps, use of imperatives (e.g. tagliate, mettete…)
Demonstrate & make Italian sauce in the classroom and organise a pasta lunch. Record or take
photos to write about the experience in Italian with the students.
Refer to websites:
Answers to task ~ Come si fa la passata di pomodoro?: 1=Q; 2=N; 3=L; 4=A; 5=B; 6=G; 7=C; 8=D;
9=0; 10=E; 11=F; 12=I; 13=H & 14=M
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività: Una ricetta per l’estate ~ ‘La granita al limone’
Read the recipe for lemon granita and use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words in
bold. In pairs, use flashcards of the steps to retell how to make ‘la granita’ in Italian.
Ø acqua 500ml (millilitri)
Ø 6 limoni grossi
Ø zucchero 400 grammi (4 etti)
1. Mettete a bollire l’acqua in una
2. Quando l’acqua comincia a bollire,
aggiungete lo zucchero.
Fate bollire per circa 10 minuti.
Lasciate raffreddare.
3. Tagliate i limoni a metà.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
4. Togliete i semi.
5. Spremete i limoni.
6. Versate il succo dei limoni nell’acqua
con lo zucchero e mescolate bene.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
7. Mettete tutto in un
contenitore e lasciatelo nel
congelatore per 24 ore.
Adesso il liquido è ghiacciato.
8. Rompete il ghiaccio e
frullate per alcuni minuti
per fare la granita.
9. La granita è pronta! Versate la granita
in un bicchiere o nella buccia del
Mmmm……che buona granita !
Pictures from website:
Tanti verbi da imparare! Write the meaning of the verbs.
E.g: Aggiungere- add
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Slideshow: L’orto degli italiani
After viewing the Slideshow the following questions could be used for discussion.
1. Why is the backyard garden important to Italian families? What kinds of things does it supply?
2. What does the Slideshow tell you about the backyard activities of Italian families and their
need of preserving foods?
3. List ways in which Italian migrants have preserved their culture in their everyday events.
Make your own digital story
Make your own digital story
The following are guidelines that students can follow when developing a digital story, or if they
want to further explore the themes of L’orto degli italiani. Students who have migrant parents or
grandparents should be encouraged to make a digital story of their families’ backyard activities.
1. Point of the story
2. Dramatic question
3. Emotional content
4. Script development - 300 words for a three minute digital story
5. Storyboards and Images - matching image to text
6. Using voiceovers - Audacity
7. Choosing a soundtrack to accompany story
8. Pulling it all together using Movie Maker
A starting point for digital story telling is to observe other digital stories. One location
where students can do this is at ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image) located at Federation Square, Melbourne.
Other digital stories can be viewed online at
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività per la classe: Dall’ortolana
What you need:
Image L’ortolana by Vincenzo Campi c. 1580 oil on canvas, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan from
the kit ‘The Italians’ which can be obtained from Co.As.It Resource Centre.
To introduce new vocabulary about typical fruits and vegetables that has been grown and present in Italy
since the 1500’s. Students will learn the names of these fruits and vegetables which will be recycled in
sequential activities.
Vincenzo Campi
L’Ortolana (the fruit seller)
c. 1580
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano
Copyright – The Italians education kit.
The following activities have been
adapted from the education kit: The
Italians- Three Centuries of Italian ArtMelbourne Museum.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Immagina di essere davanti a questa bancarella. Descrivi quello che vedi, i suoni e gli odori che
i sensi
Scrivi i cibi che ti piaccono e quelli che non ti piaccono.
Mi piace_______________________________ mi piace_________________________
Mi piacciono ___________________________ mi piacciono ______________________
Non mi piace ________________________
Non mi piace ______________________
Non mi piacciono _____________________
Non mi piacciono ___________________
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Cerchia i cibi che vedi nei dipinti.
Crea un menù per una festa vegeteriana. Poi crea la lista della spesa per preparare il tuo menù.
La lista della spesa
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività per la classe: il memory degli odori
What you need:
A series of containers, not transparent with a lid. Some possible choices are black film
canisters or you can cut up a cardboard tube sealing it on each end with foil.
Various herbs and items from the garden which have a distinct smell, like (cipolla, aglio,
pepe, mela , lavanda, rosmarino, origano ecc.)
Two scarves to blindfold students
Students need to use their sense of smell to match up various containers with the same smells. Some
questions that teachers can ask are: Quali sono gli alimenti più aromatici? Quali odori vi piaccono?
Perchè certi odori sono proprio appetitosi?
What to do:
The teacher prepares a table with the various containers at least 10 containers with 5 different smells.
The idea is that two students are blind folded and they go up to the table and they pick up two containers
and smell them. If they think they are the same they hand the containers to the teacher and explain by
using language like: sono uguali or if not they can use the expression- sono diversi.
If the student matches them correctly they get another turn, if they don’t match them then they return the
containers to the table, and the next student has a turn.
The game ends when all the containers have been matched. At the end the teacher can choose other
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività per la classe: Mi piace, non mi piace
What you need:
Some textas
Some A4 paper cut into strips
2 pieces of coloured A3 paper
A window or blank wall
An activity to discuss the likes and dislikes of the class connected to food. To discuss the emotions
connected to likes and dislikes.
What to do:
The teacher prepares on the coloured paper two tree trunks in which on one is written “Mi piace” and on
the other “ Non mi piace” and they are placed on the wall or window. The teacher divides the class into
6 groups and each group is given 4 strips of paper.
The teacher asks ‘Che cosa ti piace mangiare? Che cosa non ti piace mangiare?” Each group writes
two answers for each tree. And they attach it to the trunk to form the branches of the trees.
After this activity has been completed then the teachers could give students images of fruits and can be
asked, ‘Come si chiama questo frutto?’ ‘Vi piace o non vi piace?’
The discussion that follows could be about which foods could be considered ‘essenziali per la salute’ and
‘non sono essenziali per la salute’.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Attività per la classe: Carote e lattughe
What you need:
Paper and pens
A3 paper to present information
Students make up a list of significant differences in vegetables. This activity requires observation and the
use of Italian language that students are familiar with and that they can recycle. The teacher may
introduce a new structure from the examples below.
What to do:
Students work in pairs or small groups and the teacher asks the students to find as many differences as
possible between a ‘carota’ and ‘lattuga’. Other combinations can also be suggested also.
Students try and write their differences in Italian looking at things like colour, texture, how it is used,
where it is grown. Some examples of modelled language could be:
La carota è arancione. (colour)
La lattuga è verde.
La carota è dura.
La lattuga è soffice. (texture)
La carota si può bollire, arrostire, soffrigere.
La lattuga non si può bollire nè arrostire nè
(how it can be used in cooking)
(how it can be used in cooking)
La carota cresce sottoterra.
(where it grows)
La lattuga cresce sopra la terra.
(where it grows)
La carota va sbucciata. (what part is used)
La lattuga non va sbucciata.
(what part is used)
La carota è una radice. (classification)
La lattuga è una foglia. (classification)
The students share their answers and then the teacher can ask:
1. Quante altre ‘radici’ conosciamo?
Students make a list in Italian.
2. Quante altre ‘foglie’ conosciamo?
Students make a list in Italian.
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Cosa c’è fuori e cosa c’è dentro?
Descrivi la parte del frutto o della vedura, dall’interno e dall’esterno. Indica la parte che viene
mangiata. Completa la tabella. Segui l’esempio.
Describe the parts of the fruit or vegetable both outside and inside and indicate which part is
eaten. Follow the example in the table.
Vocabolario: i semi- seeds la buccia- peel le radici-root il gambo-stalk il fiore- flower
le foglie- leaves
il tutto- all
la polpa-flesh la parte esterna- the outside
la parte interna -the inside
La parte interna
La parte esterna Cosa si mangia? La parte
interna, la parte esterna o
il tutto.
Eg: l’arancio
semi, polpa
la parte interna
Eg: il sedano
il tutto
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD
Web quest - La regione Campania
Regions of Italy produce different products that are exported around Italy.
Check out the PDF at this link and then list below all the types of food grown in this region. Read the
Italian word for the foods and then write the translation in English. Also indicate where in Campania the
foods come from.
Ortaggi e frutti della Campania
Nome in italiano
Nome in inglese
Education kit L’Orto del Nonno- a partnership project between RBGM, Co.As.It, CEO and supported by MLTAV & DEECD