2014 Sept - Oct Newsletter - Chapter GA-J


2014 Sept - Oct Newsletter - Chapter GA-J
Chapter Directors
Ride Coordinator
Bob & Kathy Hill
Dennis Bible
Susie Beach
706 896-6611
706 781-7400
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Asst Chap Directors
Dave & Judy Hurd
Steve Beach
Kathy Hill
828 369-5918
813 417-2253
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Newsletter Editors
Jill McDaris
Bob & Kathy Hill
Dennis & Sue Bible
734 755-4662
706 781-7400
[email protected]
Co-Activity Coordinator’s
[email protected]
Sept/Oct 2014
Chapters Directors
Bob & Kathy Hill
It can’t be fall already! Where did summer go? I do believe I missed it and
you can’t convince me it wasn’t an abbreviated period of time!
Our Progressive Dinner ride was awesome! Thanks SO MUCH to our host couples
for supplying us with fabulous food and drinks and then turning the money over to our
Backpacks for Kids Charity. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. This was the
second year in a row Jan Upchurch has put this together and it appears will be an
ANNUAL event since it is so well received.
Our annual picnic was also a huge success, despite the weather Mother Nature
threw at us. The food was fabulous as always. We had over 30 in attendance and
everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. The corn hole game was really fun. Most
everyone ended up taking a turn and even if you didn’t play, watching was hilarious.
Terry and Annie ended up the winners and taking home a prize. Ron and Bev walked
away with second place. The picnic is a great time to just mingle around and get to
chat with others. It is a great social event that everyone seems to love.
Dennis, as always, is keeping us supplied with riding opportunities. There was the
ride to the Tennessee rally. There was a ride to Dillard for lunch. Many of our group
went to the National sponsored event held at the Opry Hotel in Nashville. Many also
helped out as ride assistants at the annual MS Charity event in Callaway Gardens. It
seems there is always something to ride to or for. A Cades Code ride is coming up
soon. As Nestor just proved with his ride – you don’t have to be ride coordinator to
organize a ride. If you have a favorite place you want to go, just send me an email and
I will get it out to the members. You don’t have to ride alone!!
October is proving to be a very busy month for Chapter J. Picnic last week,
garage sale this coming week and then the regular meeting at Daniel’s the following
week. Soon after we will be bidding goodbye to our snow birds that leave us for
warmer weather in the winter. Is it me or did they just get back???!!
Ride Safe, Ride Often & Have FUN!
Bob & Kathy Hill
by Roger LeRoy
(bring your check-book)
On Friday, August 29 we had 5 bikes heading for
Nashville, TN to attend GWRRA’s Weekend at
the Opry rally. Riders were: Nestor & Iris Morin,
Nick &
Darrell &
Susan Rich,
Gordon &
Sandy Tomb
and Roger &
LeRoy. After
Blairsville at
8 AM we
rode through
the morning
fog along the
Ocoee River
stopping for
just short of Chattanooga. Following breakfast
the weather was clear and warming nicely. The
ride through Chattanooga went without traffic
problems and we stopped for fuel at S. Pittsburg
exit on I-24. Continuing on, we arrived at the
Gaylord Opryland Hotel about 2 PM. Checking in
went slowly as the lobby was a very busy place
this time of day. Our room assignments
scattered us through-out the hotel, even on
different floors. By 4 PM we had registered for
the rally and received our armbands and attendee
schedule. This is when we learned that the
closing ceremony, door prizes, 50/25/25 drawing
would be at 5:30 PM Sunday evening. We had
anticipated that these events would be Saturday
evening at the Dinner/Dance and we were making
plans to depart Nashville early Sunday morning.
This revelation required some rethinking of our
We had booked tickets and transportation to the
Grand Ole Opry later that evening. For that
reason, we planned an early dinner and most of us
had not eaten lunch since we had a full breakfast
earlier in the day. After checking on the prices
at the 14 different restaurants in the hotel, we
decided on an early dinner at the Pizzaria. The
average price for two shared dinners including
pizza, salad and drinks was about $40. The fine
dining Italian restaurant in the lower level of the
hotel showed a menu with the least cost entre of
spaghetti and meatballs costing $25.
Getting to the Grand Ole Opry, located about a
half mile from the hotel, turned out to be a
hassle. The tickets for the evening performance
showed that we were to pick up our bus at the
Delta Portico, while the attendee schedule
showed bus pick-up at the Presidential Portico.
These exits are on opposite sides of the hotel.
Those that went to the Presidential Portico
exchanged their tickets for seating tickets at
the Opry, rode to the Opry by bus and went to
their seats. Those that went to the Delta Portico
rode a bus to the Grand Ole Opry and were
promptly told they had to return to the hotel and
exchange their tickets for seating tickets. This
fiasco added over a half hour to the process of
getting into the Grand Ole Opry Theater. This is
about the time we learned that the GWRRA
purchased Theater tickets were more expensive
than tickets sold at the door. We chalked this
difference up to the probability they were
covering the bus ride. The evening performance
was enjoyed by all from the GWRRA seating
area which was located as far from the stage
and as extremely high as possible. We were
entertained by 12 acts that included, Bill
Anderson, Kathy Mattea, Connie Smith, Riders
in the Sky and Alison Krauss. The attendance of
the GWRRA membership was not acknowledged
from the stage, to our amazement.
Saturday started off with predictions of rain
storms coming our way. Undeterred, Nick &
Sandy went out to a nearby restaurant for
breakfast. The rest of us went to inquire from
the 3 cafes serving breakfast. The only one
serving a full breakfast was getting $21 per
person for their meal. The others were serving
coffee and pastries. We had two coffees, two
pastries and a banana and the cost was $21.
Nick & Sandy would not let us forget how little
they paid for their hot breakfast across the
Since the rain had not started, we decided to
ride into Nashville and visit the full-size replica
of the Greek Temple Parthenon. About half
way to the Parthenon it started to
sprinkle. We continued into the city and
found the Parthenon with the rain
stopping to let us take some pictures.
From there we rode to a nearby Greek
restaurant for lunch. While there it
rained pretty hard. The trip back to the
hotel was in a light sprinkle again. Later
that evening it rained real hard and on
into the morning. At 5:30 PM the GWRRA
held their ‘Meet & Greet’ session with a
hotel supplied bar. A glass of wine was
$8, a beer $4.50, a 4 oz. bottle of tonic
water $6.50, etc. We used this occasion
to meet with Scooter Davis, the Master
of Ceremonies for the evening
Dinner/Dance. Scooter is from Bowling
Green, KY and had conversations with
Dennis Bible about helping us plan events
if we were to have our next Hairy Leg
Ride to include Bowling Green. Scooter
was very genial and offered to lay out
some rides, escort us through the
Corvette Museum, schedule the Corvette
Factory Tour and visit Bowling Green’s
Cave. He totally controlled the
Dinner/Dance that followed. He was the
M.C., disk jockey, comedian, instructor,
etc. One event was determining the
couple that had been married the longest
and Dottie & Roger won that one.
Incidentally, the $28 dinner consisted of
pizza and salad. Following the dancing we
stopped for an ice cream and found a
place serving gelato for 2 scoops for $8.
Sunday, with rain still hitting the glass
ceiling, we again partook of the coffee
and pastry café. Throughout the three
days, tours were offered to downtown
Nashville, the General Jackson stern
wheel riverboat and the Jack Daniel’s
amounted to two drawings of $330 each. None
of our group won anything.
All of the Officers, co-founders, Wing World
editor, Directors, Asst. Directors and staff were
introduced and made comments during the
closing. They all expressed the success of the
Weekend at the Opry and said there will be more
of these conferences in the future. There were
600 registered with approximately 500
We can only hope that if they select a major
resort facility in the future that it be an ‘all
inclusive resort’.
Nestor & Iris and Darrell & Susan left for home
about 11:00 AM Sunday arriving about 5:30 PM.
Nick & Sandy and Roger & Dottie left about 6:30
PM and rode to Monteagle, TN for a night stay
at a motel there. Leaving about 6:45 AM on
Monday they arrived home about 10:30 AM.
Gordon & Sandy stayed at the hotel Sunday night
and returned home Monday afternoon.
Ride to Brevard NC
Wednesday October 1, 2014
We left the restaurant with time to spare so we
decided to check out the “Pisgah Astronomical
Research Institute,” and then explore some of the
back country around the area. I led the group with
the help of Dennis coaching me from the rear with
directions on how to get to the research facility,
but as Dirty Harry said: “A man’s got to know his
limitations.” Dennis took the lead and got out us
out of there, but not before seeing some beautiful
scenery while riding long and windy roads that at
least Iris and I had never been before. We ended
up in Highlands at one of our many favorite ice
cream parlors.
We were in Haysville about 5:30 pm. To me it was
an almost a perfect day with excellent weather,
about two hundred miles of riding, good food, ice
cream, and to top it all off margaritas at the
“Anejo Grill” with some of my friends. Yeah, I blew
my diet that’s why I said almost perfect.
Many, thanks to all of you who rode with us, and a
special thanks to Jill who was our tail gunner,
Dennis who led the second group, and Roger who
was his tail gunner.
By Nestor Morin
We left the CITGO station around 9:10 am. The
group consisted of five trikes and four bikes with
one more biker joining us as we left making it 5
bikes and five trikes for a total of fourteen riders.
We rode east towards Clayton and continued east
on Warwoman Road to Hwy 28 on the way to
Highlands. Once in Highlands, we took 64 east to
Cashiers then followed 64 all the way to Brevard.
We had lunch at Mayberry’s Soups and Sandwiches
which is located on W. Main Street a short
distance from 64. Everybody was hungry since it
took us almost three hours to get there. The food
was excellent and reasonably priced. I had a pulled
pork sandwich which I thought was very good, but
Iris’ portabella sandwich took first place.
We’ll be back,
Lunch Ride to Carolina Smokehouse
Cashiers, NC
By Dennis Bible
Friday, August 16, 2014
We met at the Young Harris Citgo station for a 9
AM departure. We had 11 bikes/trikes and 18
riders. After a short safety meeting, we rolled out
in two groups with Dennis & Bill Rutledge leading
a run to the Walmart in Sylva for a battery and we
were able to limp the trike into Sylva where it was
left at the residence of a helpful local bike and
GWRRA member (Gold Book saves the day) to be
picked up at a later date.
After that we headed home via Franklin, Hayesville
and Blairsville.
9 1/2 hours, 225 miles.
Dennis Bible
Chapter GA-J Ride Coordinator
group #1 and Roger & Gordy leading group #2.
Taking the long way to Cashiers, we wound our way
around the Georgia/s. Carolina mountains before
crossing into N. Carolina on Hwy 107. We stopped
for an early lunch at the Carolina Smokehouse in
Cashiers and the rib platter was great as usual.
Good thing we got there when they opened at 11 AM
as they ran out of ribs & beef at noon! Somebody
dropped the ball!
After lunch we headed east on Hwy 64 to Lake
Toxaway where we picked up Hwy 281 North. Wow,
what a great 2 lane twisty road! up one mountain
and down another, valley after valley. Hwy 281
eventually joins up with Hwy 107 about 10 miles
south of Sylva. Just short of that junction one of
our trikes quit with a totally dead battery. I made
Ride Report
Saturday, 9/13/14, Lunch Ride
by Dennis Bible
Ride Report
Dillard House Lunch Ride
9/24/14, by Dennis Bible
We met at the Young Harris Citgo under foggy,
overcast skies and 75 degrees. We rolled out with
6 bikes/trikes and 9 riders headed for lunch in
Franklin, N.C., taking the back roads. Heading
east on Hwy 76, we picked up Hwy 75/175 north
to "Old Hwy 64", then continued east up "Chunky
Gal" mountain.
We met at the Young Harris Citgo station
for a 10 AM departure. We rolled out with
2 bikes, 1 trike and 4 riders. We took the
shortcut through the enchanting
Persimmon Valley which brought us out at
the Nacootchie School, directly across the
Just north of the Nantahala River we turned east Hwy from the Dillard House.
on Wallace Gap and followed the twisty's down
As we rolled into the parking lot, Dave &
the mountain to Jones Creek then rejoined Hwy
Judy Hurd were already there. Several
64 east. We turned off at Wayah Road and took a
members from Chapter FL1-X rolled in
short break before continuing into Franklin.
The restaurant we were looking for is the Asian
King Buffet in the Walmart parking lot. Once in
Franklin my GPS took us to the old, abandoned
Walmart. Iris saved the day by pointing out that
Walmart had moved to a new location a couple of
miles south. Then Dave Hurd came up on the CB
and said he and Judy were in the parking lot at
the Asian King waiting for us. With both of them
giving me directions, we got there. Lunch at the
Asian King was great! Fresh dishes, good
selection, clean, modern and $8 bucks.
After lunch we headed south on Hwy 441 to Rabun
right behind us led by Chapter Directors
Gap where we turned west through the beautiful
Persimmon Valley, then picked up Hwy 76 west for Gino & Kathie Jette. This was no surprise
as one of their members, a Mike Bible, and
home under partly sunny skies.
4 1/2 hours, 100 miles.
I had been corresponding for several
months and had agreed to meet there as
they were in the area for "Wings Over The
Smokey's" in Cherokee.
After introductions and handshakes we all
sat at a large table and dug into the fine
family style meal. Roast pork, fried
chicken, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy,
corn on the cob, various vegetable dishes,
salad, rolls & dessert. Too much!
Everyone got on like we'd all been riding
together for years. GWRRA folks are like
After dinner, we staggered out to the
bikes, took group photos, hugged, shook
hands, patted backs, promised to visit and
go live with each other in the near future
and parted ways. Sue & I and Ron & Beth
Freeman took some country roads thru
Otto to Wallace Gap then followed Hwy 64
west to Hayesville and home.
We headed east on Hwy 64 in two groups with
Dennis & Nestor leading group #1 and Terry &
Bart leading group #2. Bart developed alternator
trouble about 10 miles short of Franklin and had to
call for a tow truck. Roger filled in for Bart.
We took a comfort stop at the Burger King in
Franklin, then continued up Hwy 441 to the Rally in
Cherokee, NC., where we joined up with Dave &
Judy Hurd. Dave and Judy were pulling duty on the
"Ride Desk" for the Rally. The Rally was held at a
school in Cherokee alongside the Oconaluftee
River. There seemed to be a good turnout for the
event and the vendor area was well attended.
5 hours, 100 miles.
Dennis Bible
Chapter GA-J Ride Coordinator
Ride Report for
"Wings Over The Smokey's"
9/26/14 by Dennis Bible
We met at the Young Harris Citgo for a 9:00 AM
departure, There were 5 trikes and 4 bikes with
14 riders.
We had a snack wagon lunch on the grounds and
then split up to shop and sight see with an
agreement to be back at the bikes for a 3 PM
departure for home. After a couple of hours I
found everyone sitting in the "Hospitality Room"
ready to go home early. We left about 2 PM and
followed Hwy 19 down the Tuckasegee River to
Bryson City for an ice cream stop at "Soda Pops".
Then a comfort stop at the local Ingle's store.
After that it was a pleasant ride down the
Nantahala Gorge under sunny skies for home. We
got back about 5 PM.
150 miles, 8 hours.
Dennis Bible
Chapter GA-J Ride Coordinator
Ride Report
Dennis Bible
Road to Nowwhere
We met at the Young Harris CITGO
station Saturday, September 6th,
2014, for a 09:00 departure.
We rolled out with 3 bikes, 8 trikes
and 18 riders under a foggy overcast
and 65 degrees. Our first stop was a
comfort/refreshment break at the
Burger King in Franklin, N.C. Then we
headed up the wonderful twisty's
north on Hwy 28 to Luada, then east
on Hwy 19 to Bryson City. Lunch was
at Jimmy Mac's in Bryson City and
everyone I talked to had good things
to say about the food.
After lunch, the skies cleared, the
temperatures rose, and we saddled
up for the 7 mile ride on "The Road
To Nowhere" in The Great Smokey
Mountains National Park outside of
Bryson City. It's interesting that our
Federal Government, in 1943, built 7
miles of a proposed 35 mile road
including a bridge and a 1,200'
tunnel, then stopped! We parked
below the tunnel, then armed with
flash lights, hiked through the tunnel
to see where the road builders quit
at the other end! Really makes you
Heading back into Bryson City we
stopped at Soda Pop's for ice cream.
Then headed home via the amazing
Nantahala Gorge. The skies looked
threatening and actually did hit us
with a little light rain but no one
wanted to stop and don rain gear, so
we just kept rolling (the rain actually
felt good). The skies cleared at
Andrews, N.C., and we enjoyed a dry
run home.
150 miles and 7 hours.
Dennis Bible
Sept 2014 Picnic at Meek’s Park
Chapter Member’s Bio’s
We want to get to know you!
Jack & June Gottlieb
We met in 1975 in Minnesota while involved with a group called Parents Without
Partners. As its name implies, this organization makes it possible for single parents,
whether divorced or widowed, to meet others in the same circumstance. After a year
of getting to know each other, we were married in 1976.
June is originally from Centuria Wisconsin, a small town a short distance from
the Minnesota/Wisconsin line. She has three sons, two living in Minnesota and one in
Wisconsin. I was raised in St. Paul, Minnesota. I have four children, Three boys and a
girl, one living in Colorado, one in Georgia, and two in Minnesota. There are twentythree grand-children and four great grand-children scattered amongst the kids.
June worked twenty years for Schanno Transportation, a large refrigerated
trucking company, based in West St. Paul, where she attained the title of Director of
Claims and Insurance. I was a painter, the last 31 years spent at the University of
Minnesota. I didn’t attain any titles at all.
We got started motorcycling in ’79
or ’80, (at my age the memory isn’t good)
on a Honda 750 K model. After seeing an
ad for a brand new ’83 Yamaha Venture
Royal we ordered one before the dealers
had them. That and a little trailer I can’t
remember the name of was the start of
our travels around this great country. We
started a chapter of the Venture Touring
Society in 1983, spending several years
riding with that group. Over time, we
managed to put about 200,000 miles on
three different Yamaha Ventures as we
visited 46 of the lower 48 states. We
somehow missed Delaware and skipped
Kansas purposely.
After experiencing the roads of the
GA, NC, TN area on a couple of trips,
Hiawassee was bound to be the place
where would retire, which occurred in
1999. Our riding a Yamaha was no problem
for the members of an organization called
GWRRA and we were welcomed into
Chapter J in that same year, shortly after
we settled in Hiawassee. It was the
beginning of many great friendships which
made moving to this wonderful area much
Chapter J has been a major part of
our lives in the ensuing years. Twice, June
was Chapter Director, then spent a few
years as newsletter editor, while I was
Chapter J Educator and contributor to the
newsletter. We were also honored to be
Couple of the Year in 2004.
Of course, it wasn’t long after
joining GWRRA it was inevitable that we
would buy a Gold Wing, which turned out
to be a 1998 1500. Taking a test ride on
the new 1800 at Wing Ding in 2001
“forced” me to buy a 2002 the following
year. We spent many great years riding
with our friends of Chapter J until 2012
when after having knee replacement
surgery, June decided she didn’t want to
ride anymore. So ten years and 87,000
miles later, we sold the Wing and I bought
a Yamaha TMAX maxi scooter. For those
of you who don’t know me, I’m the guy on
the funny looking blue bike with the big
black tour box on the back.
Our lives did begin to encompass
other things as we moved along. June
works in the office of William Holland
School of Lapidary Arts in Young Harris,
GA. Many call the school a summer camp
for adults. She is involved in a number of
“crafty” hobbies such as quilting, basket
making, scrapbooking, taking classes in
other mediums and she is a consultant for
Close to My Heart and teaches card
making each month to quite a large cliental
(in her spare time).
I enjoy riding as much as ever (when
I can overcome things like broken hips). I
love to read and also to write, (I have a
book available online entitled Revenge On
Tom’s Mountain, if anyone is interested,
and I’m working on another at the
moment.) Sports on TV is another relaxing
outlet. I have been unable to complete one
of my bucket list numbers, that being able
to ride a sport bike thirty laps at Road
All things considered, it’s been a
wonderful journey.
For Sale!
We have 2 3/4 black Nolan wireless helmets for sale size small and medium.
$300. Each
Also some kuryakin floor pegs $50.
Sylvia Barineau
2006 Goldwing trike
25,500 miles. Front tire and brake less than 2,000 miles.
Heated seat and grips.
Seat covers
Stereo, CB and intercom.
Aux input jack
California side car trike kit.
Running lights.
Bob Hewitt
2 Attachments
Dutch & Kathy Kryder……9/11
Bill & Jane Monchunski…….9/15
Art & Gloria Lecours……….10/13
Nick & Sandy George………10/14
Peg Jones……………10/28
Dot Pallicer……………9/03
Judy Sternisa…………..9/03
Darrell Rich……………9/20
Sandy Smith……………9/26
Gordon Tomb…………10/12
Gloria Lecours…………10/15
Bill Tribble…………….10/20
Elizabeth Dickey………..10/25
Mo Rodgers…………….10/25
Ted Hart……………..…10/30
Art Upchurch……………10/30