God never made a promise that was too good to be


God never made a promise that was too good to be
“God never made a promise that was too good to be
Dwight L. Moody
Dear Safe Television® Friends,
Safe Television for All Ages®
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A beautiful story has emerged from our broadcast ministry. Joyce is a friend today, but
we didn’t know her until she telephoned our office one day. . .
Ensuing circumstances go like this:
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See page 4.
Joyce’s Story
Deeply troubled already,
Joyce went from encountering a dying person to being
treated with wrong medication. God led her to Safe TV®
and out of the grips of Satan.
See main story.
Gift Giving:
DVDs & CDs:
Native New Day
Happy Family Bible Seminar
Herb Desjarlais
Joe Pearles
“God’s Three
Greatest Gifts”
See page 3.
Gifts for You
Lighted caps
See response card
on page 3
Joyce was raised in an Adventist church, but she says, “I just didn’t really know Jesus”.
As she was approaching adulthood, she found rebellion lurking in her heart! She ran
the risk of leaving home, away from the control of others. That’s what she wanted, that
would be fulfilling!
But, does that ever work well, whether it be a young person or older? Doing that, we
run out of the arms of Jesus, the only protection and fulfillment we humans have available to us.
Years she would like to reclaim followed. Two sons were born to her before she returned to her Illinois home. Once back home, she met a good man. Chris loved Joyce
and her two sons, and soon became her husband. He was a loving father to her two
cute, little boys.
In 1996, they moved from Granite City, Illinois, to Northwest Arkansas. There, they
each found jobs at Campbell Soup Company. Joyce says, “I worked on a fast moving
line where, one day, I injured my elbow. At this time, I was struggling with anxiety. I
knew from my scanty religious past that I was missing something in my life, so I tried
going to different Seventh-day Adventist churches around the area, but I didn’t connect with anyone that seemed to really care.” So life continued on.
Her injured elbow required surgery, but before surgery an X-ray must be taken. She
was called and told that possible spots were seen on her lungs so surgery was cancelled until more X-rays were taken. She says: “I was really frightened and stressed
now! I started praying. Soon, I was cleared for surgery, praise the Lord!” But, the outpatient clinic mistakenly gave her medication to which she was allergic. This, of course,
added to her frightening condition.
At home her elbow was healing nicely, but spiritually and emotionally she was not.
Then one night, Chris and Joyce were on their way into town when they came upon a
car that had just careened off the road. Their headlights showed a young woman hanging out the open window on the driver’s side. Chris tried, but found no pulse. They
went to a neighboring house trying to arouse someone to call the police.
Joyce recalls, “It was hard to get her face and the car out of my mind! For days, I could not function or cope. So Chris took
me to the doctor: I was fine, but emotionally, I was a wreck! I just wanted to be able to relax and sleep”. The medication
given didn’t do anything for her, and by 2 a.m. they were in the emergency room. “Here, this medication should have her
‘out’ before you get home”, the doctor told her husband. Well, it didn’t work—she was still wide awake and stressed out
when they reached home!
What was she to do! “I began to cry out to God, ‘please help me, I have nowhere else to turn’! I lay on my couch clutching a
Bible and cried for four hours. I could repeat the 23rd Psalm so I did—over and over. By this time, my husband thought I
was crazy. I continued to pray and cry. I turned on my television. Surfing through channels, there came up ‘Safe TV®’. It
caught my eye. As I was watching, across the bottom of the screen scrolled 479-361-2900. Well, that was a local number! I
tried to memorize the number before it was gone. I knew I needed help and someone to pray with me. I called the number
and asked if there was an Adventist person there I could speak with.”
Yes, there was an Adventist person. Joyce asked them if there was, maybe, prayer meeting or something at the church that
night. She was told that prayer meeting was last night, and there wasn’t anything that night. After a little time of exchange
they offered to visit her and she accepted, much to their surprise! Joyce tried to share her story with them that night, “but
as I think back, it is a wonder they didn’t think I was a lunatic” she says. “All I know is that Safe TV® giving their phone number on the television screen (they told me they seldom put their number on the air quite like that, I guess God put it there)
was God beginning to bring me around to what I needed, to know my Jesus.”
Yes, Satan brings us into dire conditions, but God knows when we are ready to accept His love and care! Joyce says, “The
couple who came 30 miles out on an unfamiliar country road after dark were ANGELS sent to me in my time of desperation.
If Safe TV® doesn’t usually scroll their phone number across their screen, I am assured it was God, and He was using Safe
TV® to save me. And He did that night.
“I was 38 years old at that time, was raised in the Adventist church, but I really did not know Jesus. However, I did know
who to call out to! And He answered me with Safe TV® being on the air!” Joyce shares. Since that night, Joyce began attending church every time the doors were open. She helped her new friend lead out in Vacation Bible School, then became Sabbath School Superintendent and helped in many other ways. Joyce and Chris moved some time after her encounter with
“Satan, then with God”. She is currently involved in her local church and leading two Bible Study groups each week. Her
prayer is that Safe TV® will minister to all who are led to search, and will find them until the day Jesus comes.
Yes, Safe TV® wants to be there for Joyce and every man, woman and child who needs to FIND JESUS. We hope you long to
reach lost souls! God will use your tax deductable gift that you send today to empower Safe TV® to continue to touch minds
in need of Jesus. We are currently raising enough funds to broadcast over Glorystar satellite, Galaxy 19. Please keep our
fund growing and watch for it to happen. (Some have seen programming that is not Safe TV®’s on a channel of Galaxy 19,
yet our name shows on the screen as if it were ours. Sorry, but we can’t get that changed as yet.)
We are going forward as Christ leads, always praying and producing new materials to air. We are on Internet constantly and
wish to be on satellite also.
Always forward,
Carlos Pardeiro
President/CEO of Safe TV®
CDs and DVDs worth your having and giving!
(All include S/H)
Native New Day
Monte Church
Gives clear Bible Studies
through Native People’s
lives. All filmed in outdoor
Native locations.
Go online
21 Episodes/DVDs
$220.00 Donation
Happy Family Bible Seminar
Pastor & Mrs. Gordon
Martinborough share components for enjoying happy
families and stable lifestyles.
24 part/8 DVDs
$120.00 Donation
Safe TV®
P.O. Box
Joe Pearles Collection
The Best of Joe Pearles
features songs from his
albums over the years.
$35.00 Donation
Carlos Pardeiro performs his
own compositions on his classical guitar as inspired by his
travels around the world.
$15.00 Donation
Wine to Water
Herb Desjarlais gives his testimony in song accompanied by
Not available online.
$20.00 Donation
God’s Three Greatest Gifts
Creation, Salvation &
Second Coming of Christ
Monte Church
Dwight Nelson
Lonnie Melashenko
3 DVD set
$35.00 Donation
Reaching the Secular World for Christ
Cap for
of $25+
“Hand Made” by
Carlos Pardeiro
DVD for
donation of $75+
“Modern Health
Science” by Dr.
Dysinger MD,
set for donation
of $150+
Please accept my one-time contribution of $__________________________________
Circle your choice of one of these three gifts.
Begin my monthly contribution of $_________________________________________
Name _____________________________________
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Address ___________________________________
Safe TV®
P.O. Box 6968
Springdale, AR 72766
_____________________ _____________________
All donations are tax deductable.
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