Section - Aristospray
Section - Aristospray
Section 12:Section 12 29/08/2007 15:40 Page 123 General Pump Spares Section 12 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 124 Section 12 AIRLESSCO PUMP SPARES LP SERIES PUMP SPARES PACKING KITS Genuine Airlessco “Triple-life” packing kit. Includes complete instructions and tool for easy removal of old packings Code: L-331-210 PISTON ROD Supplied with or without ball and seat retainer. Code: L-331-708 L-331-093 Piston rod only w/o ball & retainer Piston rod assy c/w ball & retainer PRESSURE SENSOR Fitting to all “LP” & “SL” series pumps. Code: L-331-294-99 RECIRC / PRIME VALVE Fitting to all “LP” & “SL” series pumps. Code: L-100-180 Page 124 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 125 Section 12 “LP” CARRY & LOBOY SUCTION ASSEMBLIES Fitting to all LP series in carry and LoBoy frame assemblies Code: L-331-238 L-331-231 L-331-217 L-106-020 Suction assembly complete Return / bypass hose assembly Suction filter / strainer O-Ring-Teflon General Pump Spares Section 12:Section 12 “LP” HIBOY SUCTION ASSEMBLIES Fitting to all LP series in HiBoy frame assemblies Code: L-331-284 L-111-051R L-141-008 Suction assembly complete Return / Bypass hose assembly Suction filter / strainer PRESSURE CONTROL ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY Code: L-331-396-99 L-331-315-99 Fitting to LP400 Fitting to LP460, LP540, LP690 For full range of suction assemblies please see Section 6, page numbers 78-80 Page 125 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 126 Section 12 AIRLESSCO PUMP SPARES SL SERIES PUMP SPARES PACKING KITS Genuine Airlessco “Triple-life” packing kit. Includes complete instructions. Code: L-187-040 PISTON ROD Supplied with or without seat retainer and plug. Code: L-187-330-99 Piston rod only w/o ball & retainer L-187-331-99 Piston rod assy c/w retainer & plug PRESSURE SENSOR Fitting to all “LP” & “SL” series pumps. Code: L-331-294-99 RECIRC / PRIME VALUE Fitting to all “LP” & “SL” series pumps (except SL 1500) Code: L-100-180 Fitting to SL 1500 & HSS 9000 Code: L-119-083 Page 126 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 127 Section 12 “SL” STANDARD SUCTION ASSEMBLY Fitting to all “SL” series except SL1500 Code: L-301-094 L-187-018 L-187-017 L-331-424 L-141-010 L-106-011 Suction Tube Suction Nut Suction Fitting Return / bypass hose assembly Suction filter / strainer O-Ring-Teflon “SL” SUCTION ASSEMBLY TO SUIT DRUMS Fitting to all “SL” series. Code: L-301-090-99 To suit 20L (5 Gal) Drum Code: L-301-543-99 To suit 205L (50 Gal) Drum Page 127 General Pump Spares Section 12:Section 12 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 128 Section 12 AIRLESSCO PUMP SPARES MANIFOLD FILTER ASSEMBLY Fitting to all “SL” series pumps. Code: L-111-200-99 E-QF0556002 E-QF0556004 E-QF0507060 Filter Assembly Filter Support Filter Spring Filter 60 Mesh PRESSURE CONTROL ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLY Code: L-301-318-99 Fitting to SL810, SL1100 & SL1500 L-301-282-99 Fitting to LP800G & SL6200G Page 128 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:23 Page 129 ® Section 12 ASTURO PUMP SPARES DOUBLE DIAPHRAGM PUMP SPARES DIAPHRAGMS K24 Complete Asturo K24 repair kits. L-212423R Kit of two complete diaphragms (teflon and rubber) for K24 4 piece kit Complete repair kit, includes diaphragms (teflon and rubber), seals and O’ rings General Pump Spares Code: L-040224 SLIDE VALVE K24 Code: L-212460R Slide valve complete WALL MOUNT BRACKET Code: L-018001 Wall mounted bracket for all Asturo pumps Page 129 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:24 Page 130 Section 12 ASTURO PUMP SPARES ELECTRIC DIAPHRAGM PUMP SPARES DIAPHRAGMS AND SHIMS Code: L-040300 L-050353 L-040500 L-041001 L-050017 K300 diaphragm K300 diaphragm shim K500 diaphragm K1000 diaphragm K500, K1000, K2000 diaphragm shim SUCTION VALVES Code: L-400080 L-400100 Page 130 Suction valve 80mm Suction valve 100mm 28/08/2007 12:24 Page 131 ® Section 12 Code: L-400005 Code: L-400300 L-026050R Code: L-400004 L-400013 Pressure regulator valve General Pump Spares Section 12:Section 12 Relief valve for Asturo old K300, Wagner, etc. Relief valve for Asturo new K300 Compression valve for Asturo K500 - K1000 Compression Valve for Asturo K300 Page 131 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:24 Page 132 ® Section 12 ASTURO PUMP SPARES PNEUMATIC PISTON PUMP SPARES PACKING KITS Code: L-143081 L-143080 L-142571R L-142570R L-142033R Lower packing kit for Asturo K15 Mix, K15 Pail, K30, K30 Mix Upper packing kit for Asturo K15 Mix, K15 Pail, K30, K30 Mix Lower packing kit for K25, K25 Mix, K45, K45 Mix Upper packing kit for K25, K25 Mix, K45, K45 Mix Pumping system spare gaskets set for Asturo K20 ELECTRIC PISTON PUMP SPARES PACKING KITS Code: L-771928R L-771927R L-773806R L-773600R Upper packing kit for Asturo K190 Lower packing kit for Asturo K190 Upper packing kit for Asturo K350 Lower packing kit for Asturo K350 RELIEF VALVE Code: L-771990R Page 132 Relief Value for Asturo K190 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:24 Page 133 Section 12 BINKS PUMP SPARES 4:32 PUMP SPARES MATERIAL PUMP PACKINGS & REPAIR SEAL KITS Seal kit Repair kit (mixed packing) Repair kit (PTFE packings) General Pump Spares Code: L-0114-018597 L-0114-013448 L-0114-016006 AIR MOTOR SEALS REPAIR KITS Code: L-0114-014530 L-0114-014734 Seal kit Repair kit 6:34 PUMP SPARES MATERIAL PUMP PACKINGS & REPAIR SEAL KITS Code: L-0114-014648 L-0114-014754 L-0114-016007 Seal kit Repair kit (mixed packings) Repair kit (PTFE packings) AIR MOTOR SEALS REPAIR KITS Code: L-0114-018697 L-0114-018698 Seal kit Repair kit Page 133 Section 12:Section 12 28/08/2007 12:24 Page 134 Section 12 BINKS PUMP SPARES 20:66 PUMP SPARES MATERIAL PUMP PACKINGS & REPAIR SEAL KITS Code: L-0114-013570 L-0114-013575 L-0114-016010 Seal kit Repair kit (mixed packing) Repair kit (PTFE packings) AIR MOTOR SEALS REPAIR KITS Code: L-0114-013569 L-0114-013574 Seal kit Repair kit 25:48 PUMP SPARES MATERIAL PUMP PACKINGS & REPAIR SEAL KITS Code: L-0114-013577 L-0114-018335 L-0114-016013 Seal kit Repair kit (mixed packings) Repair kit (PTFE packings) AIR MOTOR SEALS REPAIR KITS Code: L-0114-013569 L-0114-013574 Page 134 Seal kit Repair kit