ZONE III GCA - Rye Garden Club
ZONE III GCA - Rye Garden Club
From the Zone III Director Dear Friends, Thank you Mary Clarke, Marcia Gowen, Sandy Taylor and all the members of the Garden Club of East Hampton for hosting our Zone III meeting with style and grace. The directors met on June 8 and I have highlighted some of the important decisions that were made. GCA COMMITTEE REPORTS Admissions Committee: Letters were sent to Foreign Courtesy Clubs. The GC of Bermuda responded with enthusiasm about reconnecting with GCA. Archives: Please send hard copies of your historic photos to Edie Loening, Archives Chair, @ HQ ZONE III GCA twent y-two garden clubs in n ys Zone III Director Kathy Metz, [email protected] Zone III Chairman Marilyn Donahue, [email protected] Zone III Vice Chairman Lisa Gerard, [email protected] Admissions Committee Margy Richardson, [email protected] Awards Committee Linda Fraser, [email protected] Bulletin Committee Carolyn Fadden, [email protected] Conservation/NAL Committee Linda James, [email protected] Flower Show Committee Laura Haley, [email protected] Founders Fund Committee Suzanne Kingsley, [email protected] Garden History & Design Committee Anne Unger, [email protected] Horticulture Committee Chris Murray, [email protected] Judging Committee Susan Detjens, [email protected] New York Committee Cindy Mullin, [email protected] Nominating Committee Sue Bullock, [email protected] Program Committee Nan Berger, [email protected] Public Relations Committee Cindy Willis, [email protected] Scholarship Committee Donna Ganson, [email protected] Visiting Gardens Committee Carol Large, [email protected] july 2010 Board of Associates: Betsy Bliss reported that the trip to Carmel, CA. - May 13-16, 2011 is in good order. The group will stay at Carmel Valley Ranch. Interest post cards were mailed the week of June 6. Bulletin Committee: Note: The GCA directory will not be in the Bulletin this year. Please remember to download the directory in August. As more in-depth reporting is taking place within the four online GCA journals, the Bulletin has requested highlights from each to enrich the content and to stay inter-connected to these other communicative arms of GCA. Centennial Committee: 131 clubs have contributed to the 2013 Founders Fund project. The $500,000.00 minimum required by Central Park for named projects has been met. My thanks to all clubs who supported the 2013 Founders Fund project. The hope is that those clubs who have not contributed will reconsider. GCA Website AD Hoc Committee: The committee has a design concept and is working on the public and private sections of the website. GCA publications are a major consideration in the revamping process since most of them are online. The three target audiences are the club members, the GCA leadership and staff. The entire process is still in development and the new website will not be presented until it is complete. CLUB ADMINISTRATOR: Please make sure that your club has assigned a Club Administrator. E-News: There were 1100 “bounce backs” from the last E-news. Munro will be contacting the club administrators to help identify incorrect email addresses. New Business: It was noted that the GCA should urgently consider how it might help in addressing the challenges of the oil spill in the Gulf. An article will appear in Conwatch in the fall. This issue completes the first year of the Zone III Newsletter. I am proud and grateful to Nan, our editor, and Marilyn, our Zone Chair for bringing this great idea to fruition. I thank all of you for continuing to make this newsletter a reality. Happy summer! With warm regards, Kathy Metz table of contents page 3 page 1 FROM THE ZONE III CHAIRMAN The members of the Garden Club of East Hampton treated 95 lucky participants to our Annual Zone Meeting from June 16 -17th in the lovely village of East Hampton, NY. Focusing on the theme, “Harvesting the Land and the Sea”, they celebrated their fine heritage while focusing on the kind of careful stewardship that will insure cause for celebration in years to come. Highlights include the Flower Show, Plant Exchange, Conservation Exhibit, superb speakers, garden tours that were out of this world, an awards banquet, and a myriad of culinary delights and beautiful sunsets. Nancy Kelly and Mac Griswold were inspiring in their presentations and the award winners at the flower show and the awards banquet made us all proud. We give our thanks to the members of the GC of East Hampton for their gracious hospitality and hard work in hosting such a wonderful meeting, Everyone took away with them a sense of shared goals and accomplishments, made new friends and had a wonderful time. Marilyn Donahue Above: Marcia Gowen, GCEH President, Photo on Left: Cindy Mullin, Elizabeth Peterson and Anne Myers Photo on Right: Angel Morris, Ann Almy, and Marilyn Donahue Harvesting the Land and Sea Hosting the 2010 Zone lll Annual Meeting and a GCA Flower Show, the Garden Club of East Hampton chose a natural theme to define a community of farmers and fishermen on the eastern end of Long Island. In her opening message, Marcia Gowen, GCEH President, Nancy Kelley, Linda James stressed the club commitment to “protecting, preserving and restoring the fragile ecosystems that surround us and the flora and fauna that inhabit them”. Nancy Kelley, Executive Director of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) on Long Island, was the Conservation Speaker at the opening meeting Wednesday morning. Active on Long Island since the 1950‟s, the TNC agenda includes land protection and habitat restoration of forests, wetlands, bays and harbors. Nancy highlighted current TNC projects with a visual history of East End natural resources beginning with Long Island‟s first inhabitants, the Montauk Indians to the early English farmers, from the early whaling, fishing and farming industries to the evolution of the organic farm and local markets. It was a comprehensive introduction to East End harvesting of the land and the sea, and, a statement of commitment to the preservation of these natural resources. Following her remarks, Linda James, Zone lll Conservation Representative presented Nancy with the GCA Zone lll Conservation Award for a non-member. In collaboration, the Garden Club of East Hampton and The Nature Conservancy were awarded the Marion Thompson Fuller Brown Conservation Award for their outstanding july 2010 exhibit at the GCA Flower Show, Harvesting The Land and Sea. Using visual and written material, the exhibit examined current efforts to restore shellfish reproduction in two key Long Island seascapes: the Great South Bay and Peconic Bays Estuary. Susie Wilmerding, Chairman, GCA Conservation Committee presented the Zone Conservation Award to Pat Keesee, Rusticus GC and the Zone Civic Improvement Award to Meredith Prime, Essex County Adirondack GC, on Wednesday evening at the Awards Dinner. At the Thursday Breakfast meeting, Bob DeLuca, President and CEO of the Group for the East End, gave a power point presentation titled Advocacy 101. The Group is an environmental organization dedicated to protecting the natural and rural resources of Long Island‟s East End, through public advocacy and education, and community and environmental planning for multi-town issues. Addressing the social, political and practical considerations of developing and implementing a community-based campaign for change Bob outlined the beliefs that shape our culture, to the media messages that drive our debates. His discussion explored the specific process of running an advocacy campaign in the wider context of the overarching social conditions that shape many final outcomes. Laced with a good dose of humor and first hand experience, Bob gave us a true insiders view into the complex world of the professional advocate and a set of instructions to help us actually get things done. Congratulations to the Garden Club of East Hampton for providing an introduction to East Hampton, it‟s unique natural resources, the land and the sea, beautiful landscapes and gardens, and the clubs participation in the community‟s concentrated efforts to preserve it. Linda James Zone III Conservation & NAL Rep page 2 Zone III Calendar September 14-17, 2010 Rochester Garden Club Ready, Set, Play!, GCA Flower Show Strong National Museum of Play, Rochester, NY September 23-24, 2010 South Side Garden Club Cirque des Fleurs, GCA Flower Show Seatuck Nature Center, Islip, NY September 29, 2010 North Suffolk Garden Club GCA Flower Show October 4, 2010 Fort Orange Garden Club presents Dr. Douglas W. Tallamy, 7:00 PM Huxley Auditorium at the New York State Museum, 225 Madison Avenue, Albany Admission: $12.00 in advance, $15.00 at the door. For more information see page 10 of this newsletter. October 5, 2010 Terrarium Workshop presented by Zone III Horticulture Rep Rye Nature Center, Rye, NY For more information contact Chris Murray, [email protected] October 18, 2010 The Garden Clubs of Long Island present a Symposium, Trees For Life, Selecting and Maintaining Healthy Trees in a Changing Environment, presented by Todd Forrest, For more information see page 9 of this newsletter. October 19, 2010 Zone III Judging Workshop November 10, 2010 New York Committee presents Contemporary Design Styles & Techniques with Tomas De Bruyne, Lecture and Demonstration , Holiday Inn, 440 West 57th Street, New York, New York. For more information page of 8 of this newsletter. November 17, 2010 Zone III Presidents Council and Luncheon GCA Headquarters Details to follow January 12, 2011 Meeting and Luncheon for Zone III Flower Show Club Chairmen February 28-March 3, 2011 NAL Meeting Washington, DC April 28-30, 2011 GCA Annual Meeting Indianapolis, IN June 15-19, 2011 World Association of Flower Arrangers (WAFA) 10th World Flower Show, This Glorious Earth Seaport World Trade Center Boston, MA June 21-23, 2011 Zone III Meeting and Flower Show, Country Life Hosted by Millbrook Garden Club Table of contents Report from Zone III Director Page 1 Flower Show & Judging Committees Page 5 Report from Zone III Chairman Page 2 Awards, Flower Show & PR Committees Page 6 Conservation/NAL Report Page 2 Flower Show & Centennial Committees Page 7 Calendar & Table of Contents Page 3 New York Committee Page 8 Admissions, Bulletin & Hort Committees Page 4 Program Announcements Pg 9 - 10 july 2010 page 3 Banner Year for Honorary Members FROM YOUR BULLETIN REPRESENTATIVE It is hard to believe that a year has passed since I assumed my duties as your Bulletin Representative. Throughout the past year, I have had the opportunity to work with a terrific group of ladies, from all of the twelve zones and to learn what goes into producing our wonderful GCA Bulletin. I certainly have gained an appreciation for the skills and organization required to provide our members with this incredible publication. Photo: Starting 2nd from left is Lynden Miller, Bernard Sweeney, Spencer Crews, and Harold Pellett. Standing in front is Tovah Martin. Ladies in yellow jackets are Connie Oliver, Admission Chair, on the right and Hope Wood, Vice Chair, on the left. Earlier this year I introduced you to Lynden Miller, Zone III‟s newest Honorary Member. At the Annual Meeting in May, Connie Oliver, Admissions Committee Chair, introduced the additional 2010 Honorary Members, see photo. They are: Spencer Crews, Executive Director of Lauritzen Gardens, Omaha, NE Tovah Martin¸ Distinquished horticultural Journalist, Speaker and Gardener, CT Dr. Harold Pellett, Landscape Plant Development Center, Mound, MN, Develops superior plants that are environmentally tolerant. Dr. Bernard Sweeney, Director Stroud Water Research Center A leading authority on aquatic ecosystems. It‟s well worth your time to visit to the GCA website (click Committee and then Admissions Committee) to learn more about these individuals. You‟ll be impressed! GCA is fortunate to have these distinguished individuals as members. I am confident we will hear their names often as they contribute to GCA…and we benefit from their generosity. The Admissions Committee has an exciting year ahead, but more on that in a future newsletter. If you are looking for a suggestion for summer reading I highly recommend Lynden Miller‟s Parks, Plants and People: Beautifying the Urban Landscape. Enjoy your summer and gardens, Margy Richardson Zone III Admissions Committee Representative It has been a very busy year, with many challenges on the national level. In December of 2009, our beloved editor, Sally Squire resigned, due to health concerns. She had been the editor of the GCA Bulletin since 1998 and in that time, she literally transformed our Bulletin into the amazing full color professional publication it is today. Fortunately, Brenda B. Smith, the assistant editor, was able to step in and keep everything working smoothly during this transition. Her dedication and determination led us through these uncertain times with confidence and grace. On the Zone level, I have only great things to report. The clubs of Zone III are simply fantastic. They are very active and more than willing to share their experiences and accomplishments. In the past year, 13 articles from Zone III and 2 from GCA Committees have appeared in the GCA Bulletin. It is such a great pleasure to work with all of you and I am looking forward to serving you for another year. Keep those articles coming !!! In closing, I would be remiss if I didn‟t remind you once again, just how important it is that you use the proper protocol when submitting your articles to the GCA Bulletin. Please remember to go through your Club Bulletin Chairmen, who will send your articles to me and I will then submit them to the Bulletin. GCA Chairmen and Zone Reps. should send your articles directly to me. It all runs so smoothly when we all work together as a team. Thank you all for your support and cooperation. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Fadden Zone III Bulletin Representative . . . Save the Date . . . Save the Date . . . Save the Date . . . Save the Date . . . Terrarium Workshop on Tuesday October 5th at the Rye Nature Center, Rye, NY. If you are interested in the workshop, or an online version of “Tree of the Month”, or both, email Chris Murray, Zone III Horticulture Representative at [email protected] july 2010 page 4 Photo on the left: Debby Oliver , GCA Flower Arrangement Chairman, presents the Zone III Flower Arrangement Award to Susan Detjens. Photo below: Susan Detjens, Zone III Judging Representative, presents the Zone III Judging Award to Joanne Lenden. Zone Judging Award “The Zone Judging Award is presented for special achievement in the field of judging to one who gives equal attention and consideration to every entry and person, is a teacher and mentor, exhibits consistently, and travels tirelessly.” GCA Flower Show and Judging Guide, 2009 Zone Flower Arrangement Award There are times when it is as special to give an award as it is to receive one and at the Zone Meeting in East Hampton, one of those instances arose with the Zone III Flower Arrangement Award. There are times when the recipient is so obvious it seems she must have received this citation an eon ago. As surely as there is a time to paint and a time to draw, there is a time to dream about the art of flower arranging and the time to dazzle us with results. The recipient of this award has had a career as an artist, painting landscapes, but over the last 10 years she has made a „career‟ of creating art with flowers. She can always see the flowers through the trees. In Susan Detjens‟ life there is always time to arrange flowers, simply for her table or entertainingly for her lectures but most importantly, spectacularly for our flower shows. Popular among Zone III clubs on the lecture circuit for introducing new design styles and challenging individuals to create art with flowers, Susan‟s entries into flower shows in Zone III, around the country and even in Canada, are beautiful designs often winning special awards in the process. Her resume includes the Fenwick and Margaret Clover Symonds Medals in GCA Major Flower Shows, as well as the Harriet DeWaele Puckett Creativity Award and the Dorothy Vietor Munger Award in GCA Flower Shows; she has received numerous Best in Show commendations in GCA Flower Shows and Best of the Day citations at the Philadelphia Flower Show as well as the Texas Florist Association selection of Best Entry in Houston and a silver bowl in Canada. Arranging flowers is a delightful gift she shares with all. How proud we were to be able to honor Susan Detjens with The Zone III Flower Arrangement Award for her outstanding contribution to our world of Flower Shows and her remarkable commitment to expressing her creativity with the art of flowers. Laura Haley Zone III Flower Show Rep july 2010 At the recent Zone Meeting in East Hampton, Joanne Lenden, Fort Orange GC, was honored with this prestigious award. Joanne has been a member of FOGC for over 25 years and a judge since 1990. She has had a long career with the GCA at every level, receiving the Club Medal of Merit, Zone Horticulture Award, Zone Photography Award and GCA Zone Creative Leadership Award. A judge in both horticulture and photography, she speaks at Club programs and judges‟ workshops all over the country. In the words of one proposer: “ She has done it all in the flower show world, and has brought many of us along for the ride. We learn from her, follow where she leads, and thoroughly enjoy her vast knowledge, great sense of humor and terrific passion for flower shows……..she is a national treasure.” At the Awards dinner, it was my privilege to give the Zone Judging Award to a woman with “the bottomless gift bag of propagated plants”, GCA advocate and talented judge……..Joanne Lenden! Susan Detjens Zone III Judging Rep page 5 2010 Medal of Merit Recipients in Zone III The Zone III Clubs were proud to announce that we had five Medal of Merit recipients in our Zone this year. The GCA Club Medal of Merit is awarded to a member of a GCA Club upon the Club's application and the approval of the National Awards Committee Chairman, in recognition of contributions of exceptional merit in the field of horticulture, conservation or civic achievement, or dedication and inspirational leadership within the area of a member's respective club. Congratulations to Medal of Merit winners: Pamela Rhoda, Rochester GC; Ellen Ruse Conrad, Bedford GC; Sally Cummins, Millbrook GC; Nancy Stoer, GC of Irvington-on-Hudson; and Phyllis Heerwagen, Fort Orange GC. Linda Fraser Zone III Awards Rep For more information about the 2010 Zone Meeting award recipients please read the article written by Linda James, Zone III Conservation and NAL Rep on page 2, and the articles written by Laura Haley, Zone III Flower Arrangement Rep, and Susan Detjens, Zone III Judging Rep, on page 5. PR Ready for the New GCA Year Your Public Relations Committee is delighted to report that the new PR Handbook, 2010 edition, has been distributed to Zone Reps for their final review. It will be available for downloading from the GCA website at the end of July. It has been streamlined quite a bit and new material has been added. I encourage both Club Presidents and their PR chairs to read this manual as it offers GCA PR policy guidelines, helpful hints on PR procedures and information on the annual GCA PR Award. One of my goals this year will be to help our Zone get familiar with the new GCA website which should be up sometime this fall. Expect to hear more about this new venture as we begin to roll it out in September. And, we will continue to alert our membership to timely news and information through our bimonthly electronic newsletter, GCA eNews. I look forward to speaking with the PR chairmen of each of your clubs later on this year. Please let them know that I will be calling on them for club updates and to offer my help and support for their individual club public relations efforts. Cindy Willis Zone III PR Rep Dear Cherished Flower Show Chairman, I apologize in advance if you have received this email directly from WAFA but in case you haven't, please sign up and become a member of WAFA. Also share this email with those in your club who might be interested. It's all for a good cause. The show next June will be a 'must see,' once in our life time event. Flower Power takes on new meaning with all of us involved. Enjoy your summer flowers in the garden. Laura Haley Zone III Flower Show Rep The world association of flower arrangers (WAFA) is kicking off a viral campaign featuring prizes and other great incentives for WAFA members and our extended family of flower lovers around the world. Sign-up and become eligible for a chance to win a trip to the 2011 World Flower Show, and to stay informed of new offers and incentives leading up to the 10th World Flower Show, in Boston June 15-19, 2011! Once you‟ve signed up by visiting, please forward this information to your friends and fellow lovers of floral art, avid gardeners or anyone else you know who appreciates artist endeavors. Help us get the word out about WAFA and the great people, events and communities that celebrate floral design around the world. july 2010 page 6 Inspirations for a Wedding, Southampton Garden Club GCA Flower Show Inspirations for a Wedding was the theme of Southampton Garden Club's annual GCA Flower Show. The romance of the schedule invited all to exhibit the love blooming in their hearts and gardens with a few results as follows: Flower Arrangement Division Class 5: The Honeymoon Roberta DuBeshter, Rochester GC Blue Ribbon, Best in Show, Dorothy Vietor Munger Award Photography Division Class 2: Something Blue, Monochrome Sharon Giese, Southampton GC Blue Ribbon, GCA Novice Award Flower Arrangement Division Class 4: The Wedding Cake Cindy Willis, Southampton GC Tri-Color Cup and Lees Lisman Award for Creativity Flower Arrangement Division Class 3: The Aisle, Novice Class Sharon Giese, Southampton GC Blue Ribbon, Sandra Baylor Novice Award Jewelry Division Something New, a hair ornament worn by the Bride Huequette Hersh, Southampton GC Blue Ribbon, Best In Show Notable results in the Horticulture Division included the following: Class 15: Enduring Love, Barbara Lord, Southampton GC, Blue Ribbon, Best in Show; Class 15: Enduring Love, Lydia Wallis Southampton GC, Blue Ribbon and Southampton GC Abbott Reserve Cup for most Blue Ribbons; and Class 31: The Ideal Husband - Par Class, Jane Cary, Sasqua GC, Blue Ribbon, Clarissa Willemsen Award. Laura Haley Zone III Flower Show Rep Centennial Founders Fund Project at Central Park The 69th Street Entrance and the Dene Summer House Landscape I hope that you‟ve all read the highlights from the GCA Directors meeting which Kathy has included in her Zone III Director‟s report on the front page of this newsletter. Under Committee reports you‟ll see that the Centennial Committee proudly reports that 131 GCA clubs have contributed to the 2013 Founders Fund project as of June 8. We are very pleased with the participation in Zone III and hoping for 100% participation at whatever level your clubs feel comfortable with contributing. Katherine Martucci Centennial Committee july 2010 page 8 july 2010 page 9
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