BASES PROVISUR versión word
BASES PROVISUR versión word
REPUBLIC OF PERU PRIVATE INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY PROINVERSIÓN COMMITTEE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AND PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, MINING, SANITATION, IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS – PRO DESARROLLO BIDDING TERMS PUBLIC BID FOR INTEGRAL PROJECTS FOR THE CONCESSION OF THE PROJECT “PROVISION OF SANITATION SERVICES FOR SOUTH LIMA DISTRICTS” December, 2012 page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. OBJECTIVE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUBLIC BID ........................................... 8 1.1. Introduction..........................................................................................................................8 1.2. Official Announcement and Purpose of the Public Bid ..........................................................8 1.3. Definitions ...........................................................................................................................9 1.4. Public Bid Legal Framework:..............................................................................................16 1.5. Functions of the Committee ...............................................................................................19 1.6. Contract.............................................................................................................................20 1.7. Schedule of the Public Bid .................................................................................................21 1.8. Interpretation and References ............................................................................................21 2. AUTHORIZED AGENTS AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE ............................................... 22 2.1. Authorized Agents .............................................................................................................22 2.1.1. Appointment of Authorized Agents .................................................................................22 2.1.2. Letter of Appointment .....................................................................................................22 2.1.3. Granted Powers .............................................................................................................22 2.1.4. Information.....................................................................................................................22 2.1.5. Notifications ...................................................................................................................23 2.1.6. 2.2. Replacement .................................................................................................................23 Legal Representative .........................................................................................................23 2.2.1. Appointment and Powers ...............................................................................................23 2.2.2. Submission of the Power of Attorney ..............................................................................24 2.2.3. Form of the Power of Attorney........................................................................................24 2.2.4. Registration in the Registry Office ..................................................................................25 3. INQUIRIES AND INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 26 3.1. Inquiries about the Bidding Terms and Suggestions about the Draft Contract .....................26 3.1.1. Period for inquiries and suggestions ...............................................................................26 3.1.2. Form of the Inquiries ......................................................................................................26 3.1.3. Circular Letters ..............................................................................................................26 3.2. Access to Information - Specialized Information Center ......................................................27 3.2.1 Access to the Specialized Information Center. ...................................................................27 3.2.2 Non-Disclosure Agreement ................................................................................................27 3.2.3 Contents of the Specialized Information Center..................................................................28 3.3. Request for Meetings with the Committee ..........................................................................28 3.4. Limitation of Liability ..........................................................................................................28 3.4.1 Independent Decision of the Bidders ..................................................................................28 3.4.2 Limitation of Government Liability ......................................................................................28 3.4.3 Scope of the Limitation of Liability ......................................................................................28 3.4.4 Bidder's Acceptance of the provisions of Section 3.4. .........................................................29 4. SELECTION PROCESS .................................................................................................... 30 page 2 4.1. Stages of the PUBLIC BID Short-listing, Technical Proposal and Economic Proposal .........30 4.2. Economic Proposal ............................................................................................................30 5. GENERAL ASPECTS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ENVELOPES NO. 1, NO. 2 AND NO. 332 5.1. General Requirements .......................................................................................................32 5.1.1. Submission of Envelopes by an Authorized Agent or Legal Representative ....................32 5.1.2. Language ......................................................................................................................32 5.2. Original Documents and Copies .........................................................................................32 5.3. Form of Submission of Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 ..................................................32 5.4. Preparation and Submission Costs ....................................................................................33 5.5. Accuracy of the Information ...............................................................................................33 6. STAGE 1 OF THE PUBLIC BID: REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT-LISTING AND CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE NO. 1 (CREDENTIALS) .................................................................. 34 6.1. General Requirements .......................................................................................................34 6.1.1. For Bidders ....................................................................................................................34 6.1.2. Payment of Rights to Participation..................................................................................34 6.2. 6.2.1. Bidder's Short-listing Requirements: ..................................................................................34 Contents of Envelope No. 1 – Short-listing Proposal.......................................................34 Document No. 1: Affidavit of Reliable Information (General Requirement)...............35 Document No. 2: Affidavit of Participation through any type of PPP (General Requirement) ............................................................................................................................35 Document No. 3: Affidavit of Fulfillment of the Technical Requirements for Shortlisting (Operating Technical Requirement) .................................................................................35 Document No. 4: Document of Creation of a Legal Person (Legal Requirement).....37 Document No. 5: Affidavit of Commitment to Incorporation (Legal Requirement).....37 Document No. 6: Affidavit of Incorporated Legal Person (Legal Requirement).........38 Document No. 7: Affidavit of Participation of partners or shareholders (Legal Requirement). ...........................................................................................................................38 Document No. 8: Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative (Legal Requirement). ...........................................................................................................................39 Document No. 9: Affidavit of No Impediments to enter into agreements with the Government (Legal Requirement)..............................................................................................39 Document No. 10: Affidavit of waiver to invoke or exercise privileges or claims (Legal Requirement). ...........................................................................................................................39 Document No. 11: Affidavit of No Conflicts of Interest (Legal Requirement) ............40 Document No. 12: Affidavit of Direct or Indirect participation in a Single Bidder (Legal Requirement). ...........................................................................................................................40 Document No. 13: Commitment to Create a Consortium, if applicable (Legal Requirement) ............................................................................................................................40 Document No. 14: Affidavit of Minimum Net Equity (Financial Requirement). ..........40 Document No. 15: Proof of Payment of Right to Participation..................................41 6.3. Authority of the Committee regarding the submitted information .........................................41 6.4. Validation of the Information submitted to the Committee ...................................................41 6.5. Validation of Legal Requirements.......................................................................................42 page 3 6.6. Simplification Mechanism...................................................................................................42 7. STAGE 1 OF THE PUBLIC BID: SUBMISSION OF THE CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE N° 1 SHORT-LISTING RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 44 7.1. Submission of Envelope N° 1....................... ......................................................................44 7.2. Announcement of Shortlisted Bidders ................................................................................45 8. STAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC BID: OPENING OF ENVELOPES NO. 2 AND NO. 3 ............... 46 8.1. Requirements of Envelope No. 2- Technical Proposal ........................................................46 Document No. 1: Affidavit of Validity of Information.................................................46 Document No. 2: Acceptance of the Bidding Terms and Contract ...........................46 Document No. 3: Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Proposal............46 Document No. 4: Technical Proposal ......................................................................47 Document No. 5: Concession Contract Final Version..............................................47 8.2. Requirements of Envelope No. 3 - Economic Proposal.......................................................47 9. STAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC BID: RECEPTION OF ENVELOPES NO. 2 AND NO. 3 AND OPENING OF ENVELOPE NO. 2................................................................................................. 49 9.1. Submission of envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 and Opening of Envelope No. 2 ........................49 9.2. Evaluation of Envelopes No. 2 ...........................................................................................50 10. STAGE 3 OF THE PUBLIC BID: OPENING OF ENVELOPE NO. 3 AND AWARD ............. 51 10.1. Opening of Envelope No. 3 And Award ..............................................................................51 10.1.1. Opening of Envelope N° 3.......................... ....................................................................51 10.1.2. Selection of the best proposal ........................................................................................51 10.1.3. Award ............................................................................................................................52 10.1.4. Tie of Economic Proposals.............................................................................................52 10.2. Challenge ..........................................................................................................................52 10.2.1. Challenge Procedure .....................................................................................................52 10.2.2. Guarantee of Challenge to the Award.............................................................................53 Provision for the Guarantee Conditions ......................................................................53 Forfeiture of the Guarantee ........................................................................................53 Return of the Guarantee.............................................................................................53 10.3. Public Bid null and void ......................................................................................................54 10.4. Suspension or Cancellation of the PUBLIC BID..................................................................54 11. STAGE 4 OF THE PUBLIC BID: CLOSURE PROCEDURES ............................................. 55 11.1. Closure Date .....................................................................................................................55 11.2. Actions for Closure ............................................................................................................55 11.2.1. List of actions to be taken as of the Closure Date. ..........................................................55 11.2.2. Documents to be submitted............................................................................................55 11.2.3. Obligations of the Government .......................................................................................56 11.3. Signing of the Contracts.....................................................................................................57 11.4. Forfeiture of the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal ........57 page 4 11.4.1. Non-fulfillment of obligations by the Bidder or the Successful Bidder ..............................57 11.4.2. Legal actions in the event of non-fulfillment ....................................................................57 11.4.3. Effective Date of the Contract.........................................................................................57 12. 12.1. GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY, EFFECT AND INTEGRITY OF THE ECONOMIC PROPOSAL59 Provision of the Guarantee - Conditions .............................................................................59 12.2. Return or Forfeiture of the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal ........................................................................................................................................59 13. PERFORMANCE BOND .................................................................................................... 61 13.1. Conditions .........................................................................................................................61 13.2. Form of Provision...............................................................................................................61 14. FINAL PROVISIONS ......................................................................................................... 62 14.1. Applicable Laws.................................................................................................................62 14.2. Jurisdiction and Competence .............................................................................................62 14.3. Reimbursement of Process Costs ......................................................................................62 14.4. Destination and use of the resources effectively generated for the Government .................62 ANNEX NO. 1: SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................... 64 ANNEX NO. 2: NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT ...................................................................... 65 ANNEX NO. 3: REFERENCE TERMS .......................................................................................... 67 ANNEX NO. 4 SAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE BOND .................................................................. 81 APPENDIX NO. 1: ....................................................................................................................... 84 APPENDIX NO. 2 ........................................................................................................................ 86 FORM NO. 1: SAMPLE OF LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF ECONOMIC PROPOSAL ENVELOPE NO. 3 ....................................................................................................................... 88 FORM NO. 2: AFFIDAVIT ON RELIABLE INFORMATION ........................................................... 90 FORM NO. 3: GENERAL SHORT-LISTING REQUIREMENTS..................................................... 92 FORM NO. 4: SHORT-LISTING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – OPERATION ......................... 94 FORM NO. 5: COMMITMENT TO HIRE THE OPERATOR........................................................... 97 FORM NO. 6: SHORT-LISTING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - CONSTRUCTION ................ 100 FORM NO. 7: COMMITMENT TO HIRE THE CONSTRUCTOR ................................................. 103 FORM NO. 8: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING (INCORPORATED LEGAL PERSON) .... 106 FORM NO. 9: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING OF A CONSORTIUM .............................. 108 FORM NO. 10: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - PARTICIPATION ................................ 111 FORM NO. 11: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING. NO IMPEDIMENTS ............................. 113 page 5 FORM NO. 12: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - WAIVER OF PRIVILEGES ................. 115 FORM NO. 13: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST ......... 117 FORM NO. 14: REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT-LISTING - PARTICIPATION IN A SINGLE BIDDER ..................................................................................................................................... 119 FORM NO. 15: COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION .............................................................. 121 FORM NO. 16: FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................... 124 FORM NO. 17: SAMPLE OF GUARANTEE LETTER OF VALIDITY, EFFECT AND SERIOUSNESS OF THE ECONOMIC PROPOSAL ................................................................... 127 FORM NO. 18: VALIDITY OF THE INFORMATION - ENVELOPE NO. 2.................................... 130 FORM NO. 19: SAMPLE OF GUARANTEE OF CHALLENGE TO THE AWARD ........................ 132 FORM NO. 20: AFFIDAVIT ON THE OPERATION CONTRACT ................................................ 135 FORM NO. 21: AFFIDAVIT ON THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ......................................... 138 FORM NO. 22: VALIDITY OF INFORMATION FOR INCORPORATION TO THE SHORTLISTED BIDDER ..................................................................................................................................... 141 FORM NO. 23: VALIDITY OF INFORMATION FOR INCORPORATION OF A NEW COMPANY TO BE HIRED.................................................................................................................................. 143 FORM NO. 24: SIMPLIFICATION MECHANISM FOR SUBMITTING INFORMATION ................ 145 FORM NO. 25: SWORN STATEMENT OF RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PERSON WHO PAID THE PARTICIPATION FEES IN THE SHORT-LISTING STAGE......................................................... 147 FORM NO. 26: SWORN STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE BIDDING TERMS AND THE CONTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 149 FORM NO. 27: AFFIDAVIT ON COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION ..................................... 151 FORM NO. 28: AFFIDAVIT ON COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION ..................................... 153 page 6 page 7 1. 1.1. OBJECTIVE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PUBLIC BID Introduction These Bidding Terms are provided to regulate the process of the Public Bid for Integral Projects for the award of a Concession for public infrastructure works and public services to the private sector, for the Project "Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts", hereinafter, the PROJECT. The objectives of these Bidding Terms are: • Conducting a transparent, simple and objective procedure on the basis of equality among all the participants in the process. • Ensuring the active involvement of the highest amount of Bidders possible, with experience in execution, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and sanitation works, and services of provision of water supply, sanitation systems, treatment and final disposal of wastewater, according to the requirements of the PROJECT. • Determining the basic rules according to which the Bidders shall prepare their proposals. 1.2. Official Announcement and Purpose of the Public Bid The Government of the Republic of Peru, by means of the Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN, calls for the Public Bid for Integral Projects, to engage the participation of the private sector in the concession of the Project “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts”, hereinafter, the PUBLIC BID. The PUBLIC BID shall have the following basic reference characteristics, according to these Bidding Terms and to the Contract: • The PUBLIC BID consists of the design, financing and building of the sanitation infrastructure to enlarge and improve the water supply, sanitation system, wastewater treatment and final disposal services under responsibility of SEDAPAL, in the districts of Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra, San Bartolo and Santa María del Mar, as well as the operation and maintenance of the components listed in Annex No. 3. • The Concession period shall vary between twenty (20) and thirty (30) years, counted from the date of signing of the Contract, according to the terms and conditions page 8 provided therein. The period shall be determined and informed in due time, during the PUBLIC BID process. The Bidders are entitled to use any existing studies, which are at their disposal in the Specialized Information Center. The Bidder is granted broad freedom to use such information; however, the Proposal submitted by the Bidder is under its exclusive responsibility, and cannot in the future, acting as Concessionaire or in any other instance, argue or claim for damages, indemnifications or compensations due to any possible errors, omissions, inaccuracies or defects of any nature existing in such documents. Any additional information that can be found in the Specialized Attention Center shall be informed in due time through a Circular Letter. 1.3. Definitions All the references made within this document to any "Section", "Form", "Annex" and “Appendix” should be interpreted as made respectively to the sections, forms, annexes and appendixes of and to these Bidding Terms, unless otherwise provided. The expressions in the singular include the plural, and vice versa. Any time references shall be interpreted as made to the Peru local time. The terms in uppercase characters included in these Bidding Terms and that are not expressly defined herein are referred to the Applicable Laws, or to the meaning given to them during the activities performed during the development of the PROJECT or, failing that, to terms that are usually written in uppercase characters. Within these Bidding Terms, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below; without prejudice to this, in case of conflict, the definition stated in the Contract shall prevail. 1.3.1 Non-Disclosure Agreement: It is agreement that the Bidder, through one of its Authorized Agents or Legal Representatives, shall sign before using the Specialized Information Center made available by PROINVERSIÓN. The Non-Disclosure Agreement can be found as Annex No. 2 to these Bidding Terms. 1.3.2 Award: The declaration to be made by the Committee of PROINVERSIÓN, after having determined the Shortlisted Bidder who submitted the best proposal within the terms and conditions established in the Bidding Terms and, thus, the one who wins the Public Bid. page 9 1.3.3 Successful Bidder: The Shortlisted Bidder that is granted the Award in the PUBLIC BID process. 1.3.4 Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN: A public entity of the Government of the Republic of Peru, referred to in Law No. 28660 and in the Ministerial Resolution No. 225-2011-EF-10, which is in charge of promoting private investments in public infrastructure works and public service projects that can be granted in concession to the private sector, according to the Applicable Laws. 1.3.5 Authorized Agents: The natural persons appointed as such by the Bidder of Shortlisted Bidder. 1.3.6 Advisors: The legal or natural persons who participate in the private investment promotion process, providing advisory or consultancy services to PROINVERSIÓN. 1.3.7 Competent Government Authority: Any national, regional, department, province or district government or authority, or any of their regulatory or administrative subsidiaries or agencies. In general, any entity or institution in Peru with executive, legislative or judiciary powers according to law, or an officer of any of the government, authorities or institutions mentioned above, with jurisdiction over the persons or matters in question. 1.3.8 Bidding Terms: This document, including any Annexes, Appendixes, Forms and Circular Letters issued by the Committee, which determine the terms under which the PUBLIC BID shall take place. 1.3.9 Local Banks: The Banks listed in APPENDIX No. 1: to these Bidding Terms. 1.3.10 Specialized Information Center: The physical space that contains the information related to the PROJECTS. Its location shall be communicated in due time through a Circular Letter. 1.3.11 Circular Letters: The provisions referred to in Section 3.1.3 of these Bidding Terms, which are issued by the Committee in order to complete, clarify, interpret or amend the contents of these Bidding Terms or another Circular Letter, or to address inquiries made by any authorized persons according to the provisions of these Bidding Terms. The Circular Letters issued shall form an integral part of these Bidding Terms. In case of discrepancy or incompatibility between their content and the provisions in the Bidding Terms, the Circular Letters shall prevail. page 10 1.3.12 Committee: The PROINVERSIÓN Committee for Infrastructure Projects and Public Social Services, Mining, Sanitation, Irrigation and Agricultural Affairs – PRO DESARROLLO, created by the Supreme Resolution Nº 010-2012-EF, as amended by the Errata published on February 9 and 21, 2012. 1.3.13 Evaluation Committee: The committee appointed by the Committee to evaluate the documents provided in Envelopes No. 1 and/or No. 2, according to the Bidding Terms. 1.3.14 Proof of Payment of Right to Participation: The document that PROINVERSIÓN shall give to the Bidder as a proof of having made the payment for Right to Participation. 1.3.15 Public Bid for Integral Projects or Public Bid: The process of selection conducted by PROINVERSION and regulated by the Bidding Terms, for the Award of the PROJECT and the signing of the Contract. 1.3.16 Consortium: The association of two or more legal persons that have no legal person status independently from that of its members, which has been created in order to participate as a Bidder in this public bid. 1.3.17 Concessionaire: The legal person created within the Republic of Peru by the Successful Bidder, who shall execute the Contract. 1.3.18 Grantor: The Government of the Republic of Peru, represented by the Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, by virtue of the Third Supplementary, Transitory and Final Provision of the Supreme Decree No. 016-2005-VIVIENDA. 1.3.19 Contract: The concession contract, the Annexes and Appendixes thereto and any other document that may become part thereof, signed by the Grantor and the Concessionaire, which incorporates the Bidding Terms as an integral part, as well as all the legal, technical and financial information that shall guide the relationship between the Parties during the effective period of the Contract. 1.3.20 Contract for Provision of Services: The contract that shall be entered into by the Concessionaire and SEDAPAL on the date of signing of the Concession Contract, which defines the obligations of the Concessionaire in connection with the supply of drinking water, the treatment of wastewater and the construction of water supply and sewage system infrastructure and other works, in return for a remuneration. page 11 1.3.21 Effective Control: A natural or legal person who exercises or is subject to the Effective Control of another natural or legal person, in the cases defined in the CONASEV Resolution Nº 090-2005-EF-94.10, as amended by the CONASEV Resolution Nº 0052006-EF/94.10 or by any substituting regulations. 1.3.22 Official Announcement: The announcement through which the interested parties are invited to participate in the PUBLIC BID, according to the provisions in these Bidding Terms. 1.3.23 Schedule: The time sequence of activities to be performed during the PUBLIC BID and are listed in Annex No. 1 to the Bidding Terms. 1.3.24 Affidavit: A written statement submitted by a Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder in which it declares or undertakes a commitment that is deemed true for the purposes of this Public Bid without prejudice to the provisions in Section 6.3 of the Bidding Terms. 1.3.25 Repairable Defect: An error, which is not deemed substantive at the discretion of the Committee or the Evaluation Committee, in which the Bidder may incur in any document provided in Envelopes No. 1 or No. 2, without affecting the validity of its proposal and the solution of which does not entail changes in the sense, conditions or contents of the submitted proposal or documentation. 1.3.26 Right to Participation: The single payment of One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$ 1.000) to be made by the Bidder into the Foreign Currency Savings Account with Banco Continental No. 0011-0661-66-0200035113 and Interbank Account (CCI) No. 011661-000200035113-66 in order to participate in the PUBLIC BID. 1.3.27 Day(s): Working days, i.e. days that are not Saturdays, Sundays or non-business days in the city of Lima. Also any days that are not workdays for the public sector and days in which the banks in the city of Lima are not obliged to serve the public, as per the provisions of the Government Authority shall also be considered as holidays. 1.3.28 Calendar Days: The working days, non-working days and non-working holidays. 1.3.29 Dollar, United States Dollar, US Dollar or US$: The currency of legal tender in the United States of America. 1.3.30 Affiliate Companies: A company shall be considered as affiliated to another company if the Effective Control of both companies is exercised by the same Parent Company. page 12 1.3.31 Parent Company: The company that has the Effective Control of one or more companies. This definition also includes the company that has the Effective Control of a Parent Company, and so forth. 1.3.32 Subsidiary Company: The company the Effective Control of which is exercised by another company. 1.3.33 Related Company: A company related to the Bidder, according to the definition provided in the regulations of the Superintendency of the Stock Market. On this basis, two related companies are those that have a relationship that entails a related behavior, because: i) they are part of the same economic group, ii) a legal person has a direct or indirect participation in the social capital of another company, which allows the former to have presence in the latter's board of directors, iii) one single guarantee supports obligations assumed by both companies, iv) more than 50% of one company's obligations are guaranteed by the other company, or v) more than 50% of the obligations of a legal person are claims receivable of the other. A Related Company is also any Affiliate Company or Subsidiary Company or Parent Company. 1.3.34 Domestic Banking Company: Those listed in Annex No. 1 to the Bidding Terms. 1.3.35 International Financial Entity: A financial company authorized to operate by the supervisory entity in its country or origin, other than Peru. These companies are listed in Appendix No. 2 to the bidding Terms of this Public Bid. 1.3.36 National Environmental Quality Standards for Water (EQS-Water): The level of concentration or ratio of elements, substances or physical, chemical or biological parameters in water, in its nature or receiving substance and basic component of water ecosystems, that does not represent any significant risk for human health or the environment. Such standards are defined in Supreme Decree No.002-2008-MINAM, approval of the National Environmental Quality Standards for Water, as published on July 31, 2008, and regulated by the Supreme Decree No. 023-2009-MINAM, approval of the provisions for the implementation of the National Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Water, as published in November 19, 2009, and by other specific regulations established by the Ministry of the Environment and the National Water Authority. 1.3.37 Competition Factor: The factor that determines the Successful Bidder in the PUBLIC BID. 1.3.38 Closure Date: The day, time and place to be communicated by the Committee through a Circular Letter, in which the activities described in Section x shall take place. page 13 1.3.39 FONCEPRI: The Private Investment Promotion Fund in public infrastructure works and public services, referred to in Article 11 of the Supreme Decree No. 059-96-PCM, approval of the Consolidated Text of the regulations with the force of Law that govern the concession to the private sector of public infrastructure works and public services. 1.3.40 Performance Guarantee: The guarantee to be provided by the Concessionaire through a bank guarantee letter or a stand-by credit letter, issued or endorsed by a Banking Company as provided in Section 13 of the Bidding Terms and to the sample letter attached hereto as Annex No. 4. 1.3.41 Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Proposal: The bank guarantee letter or stand-by credit letter to be provided by the Shortlisted Bidder to PROINVERSIÓN to guarantee the validity, effect and integrity of its Proposal and the fulfillment of the applicable obligations by the Closure Date, according to the sample attached to these Bidding Terms as Form No. 17. 1.3.42 Guarantee of Challenge to the Award: The guarantee to be provided by the Shortlisted Bidder through a bank guarantee letter issued or endorsed by a Banking Company, in the event the Shortlisted Bidder raises a challenge to the Award, according to Form No. 19. 1.3.43 Sanitation Infrastructure: The group of works and equipment that compose the water supply system, sanitation sewage system and wastewater treatment and final disposal systems required to provide these services. 1.3.44 IGV: The General Sales Tax (Impuesto General a las Ventas) applicable in Peru, according to the Supreme Decree No. 055-99-EF, Consolidated Text of the General Sales Tax and Excise Tax Law. 1.3.45 Consortium Members: Legal or natural persons who are part of a Consortium. 1.3.46 Investment(s): Investments include any expenses incurred in studies, projects, equipment and works that are considered necessary to achieve the service objectives that are established in the contract. 1.3.47 Applicable Laws and Provisions: The group of legal provisions that regulate the Contract. They include the Constitution of the Republic of Peru, the regulations with the force of Law, Supreme Decrees, regulations, ordinances and resolutions that may be issued by any page 14 Competent Government Authority –according to its creation law– and are legally binding for the Parties. 1.3.48 Notifications: The documents referred to in Section 2.1.5. 1.3.49 Nuevo Sol: The currency of legal tender in Peru. 1.3.50 Minimum Participation: The participation of at least 25% of the subscribed and paid social capital with voting rights, that the Strategic Partner shall hold and maintain in the Concessionaire, at least during the first ten (10) years of the Concession period. 1.3.51 Wastewater Treatment Plant (WTP): An infrastructure to be used in the treatment process for the treatment of wastewater generated in the area of influence of the Project. For the purposes of these Bidding Terms, the Wastewater Treatment Plants are: a) San Bartolo Norte; b) San Bartolo Sur; c) Wastewater Treatment Plants of Santa María del Mar and d) New Wastewater Treatment Plant to be built by the Concessionaire. 1.3.52 Bidder: A legal person or a Consortium that participates in this Public Bid, has acquired Rights of Participation and submits itself to the provisions of these Bidding Terms. 1.3.53 Shortlisted Bidder: The Bidder whose documents, duly provided in Envelope No. 1 (Shortlisting Proposal), have fulfilled the requirements provided in these Bidding Terms and thus have been accepted and announced by the Committee, and who is entitled to submit Envelope No. 2 (Technical Proposal) and Envelope No. 3 (Economic Proposal). 1.3.54 Proposal: The documentation to be submitted by the Shortlisted Bidders, both for the Technical Proposal of the Economic Proposal. 1.3.55 Economic Proposal or Envelope No. 3: The economic consideration, expressed in Nuevos Soles, proposed by the Shortlisted Bidder according to Section 8.2 and Form No. 1 of the Bidding Terms. 1.3.56 Shortlisting Proposal or Envelope No. 1: The group of documents to be submitted by the Bidder, according to Section 7.1 of the Bidding Terms. 1.3.57 Technical Proposal or Envelope No. 2: The group of documents to be submitted by the Bidder, according to Section 8.1 of and Annex No. 3 to the Bidding Terms. page 15 1.3.58 Project “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” or Project: A project consisting of the design, financing and building of the sanitation infrastructure to enlarge and improve the water supply, sanitation system, wastewater treatment and final disposal services under responsibility of SEDAPAL, in the districts of Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra, San Bartolo and Santa María del Mar, as well as the operation and maintenance of the components listed in Annex No. 3. 1.3.59 Draft Contract: The non-final draft Contract that shall be submitted in the versions defined in the Schedule to the Bidders, in order to receive their opinions, comments and/or suggestions. None of the terms and/or criteria in the Draft Contract shall be binding to PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee, the Grantor and/or SEDAPAL whatsoever. 1.3.60 Legal Representative: The natural person(s) appointed as such by a Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder, according to the provisions in these Bidding Terms. 1.3.61 SEDAPAL: Name of the public sanitation service provider under private law “Servicio de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado de Lima”. 1.3.62 Strategic Partner: The Bidder or one of its members (in case of Consortium) who demonstrates the fulfillment of the minimum operation or construction requirements established in the Bidding Terms, and who is owner of the Minimum Participation. 1.3.63 Supervisor: The Grantor, who shall perform supervisory activities on the obligations that the Concessionaire shall perform during the effective period of the Contract. For these purposes, the Grantor can choose and/or hire a specialized company. 1.4. Public Bid Legal Framework: The PUBLIC BID and any actions related to it shall be governed by the following legal framework: Legislative Decree No. 674, declaring the national - interest in the promotion of private investments in Government companies, which creates the Private Investment Promotion Commission (COPRI), now PROINVERSION, as the entity governing the private investment promotion process at the level of the companies that integrate the Government business activities. - Decree Law No. 25570, Article 2 –as amended by Article 6 of the Law No. 26438– establishes that the Government of the Republic of Peru, through a Supreme Decree, is entitled to grant assurances and guarantees page 16 through a contract to Peruvian and foreign natural and legal persons who make investments in Government companies and entities, which may be required to protect the investors' purchases and investments, according to the applicable laws in force. Law No. 26338, General Sanitation Services Law - and the Consolidated Text of its Regulations, as approved by Supreme Decree No. 023-2005-VIVIENDA, as well as any provisions in force from the Supreme Decree No. 008-2005-VIVIENDA and the Supreme Decree No. 016-2005-VIVIENDA, which regulate the provision of Sanitation Services and the granting of concessions to private entities for their operation. Supreme Decree N° 059-96-PCM, approval of the - Consolidated Text of the regulations with power of Law that regulate the transfer in concession to the private sector of public infrastructure works and public services. Supreme Decree N° 060-96-PCM, approval of the - Consolidated Text of the Regulations of the Laws that regulate the transfer in concession to the private sector of public infrastructure works and public services. Law No. 26885, approval of benefits to concessions - of public infrastructure works and services. Law - No. 27111, transfer to COPRI (now PROINVERSIÓN) of the functions, attributions and competences granted to PROMCEPRI. Emergency Decree No. 075-2000, establishment of - measures to ensure the effective and efficient provision of sanitation services and the strengthening of the providers of these services. Law No. 27701, establishing provisions to guarantee - the regulatory agreement between privatization processes and concessions with the applicable laws. - Supreme Decree No. 027-2002-PCM, merging COPRI, the National Foreign Investment and Technology Commission and the Economic Promotion Office of the Commission of Promotion of Peru into the Executive Office, FOPRI, which became the Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSION. page 17 Supreme Decree No. 095-2003-EF, changing the - name of the Investment Promotion Agency into Private Investment Promotion Agency – PROINVERSIÓN. Law No. 28059, Decentralized Investment Promotion - Framework Law, and its Regulations, as approved by the Supreme Decree No. 0152004-PCM and its amending provisions. Article 22L of the Law No. 27785, Law of the National - Control System and the Comptroller General's Office, provides that the Comptroller General's Office is responsible for communicating any transactions, pledges, guarantees and other securities that the Government may grant, including Draft Contracts, which may involve its credit or financial capacity, both for negotiations within or outside the country. Law - No. 28660, determining the legal nature of PROINVERSIÓN as a Decentralized Public Entity within the Economy and Finances sector, with legal capacity, technical, functional, administrative, economic and financial autonomy. - Legislative Decree No. 1012, approving of the Framework Law of Private-Public Partnerships for the Generation of productive employment and regulations to streamline private investment promotion processes. - Supreme Decree No. 146-2008-EF, approving the Regulations to Legislative Decree No. 1012, as amended. - Supreme Resolution No. 010-2012-EF, published on February 9, 2012, and Erratum published on February 21, 2012, creating the PROINVERSION Committee for Infrastructure Projects and Public Social Services, Mining, Sanitation, Irrigation and Agricultural Affairs – PRO DESARROLLO. - Agreement of the Directive Council of February 15, 2012, commissioning the PRO DESARROLLO committee the PROJECT “Provision of Sanitation services for South Lima Districts”. - - National Building Regulations, as amended. Laws and regulations in force in Peru and applicable to the Project. page 18 Every Bidder, Shortlisted Bidder, Successful Bidder or person who participates in this Public Bid shall be deemed aware, directly or indirectly, of the contents of these Bidding Terms and of the Applicable Laws. No evidence to the contrary shall be admitted. The PUBLIC BID shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions in these Bidding Terms and, in the aspects not expressly treated herein, with all the applicable Laws and provisions. By virtue of the First Technical Supplementary Provision of the Legislative Decree No. 1017, approving the Government Contracting Law, and the COPRI Agreement No. 355-42001, the provisions included in such Legislative Decree are not applicable to this Public Bid. 1.5. 1.5.1 Functions of the Committee The function of the Committee is to conduct the private investment promotion process that is the foundation of the PUBLIC BID, subject matter of these Bidding Terms. The Committee is entitled to promote, schedule, regulate, amend, guide, supervise, control and prepare all the provisions that may be relevant or deemed necessary for the execution of the process, to solve all the matters that are not included in the Bidding Terms or the Applicable Laws and, in general, to exercise all the other powers granted by the Applicable Laws. 1.5.2 Any amendments to these Bidding Terms shall be informed to the Bidders through Circular Letters. 1.5.3 The Committee may amend the time periods established in these Bidding Terms. This Public Bid may be postponed or cancelled if deemed convenient by the Committee, without the need to express a particular cause and without incurring in any liability as a consequence of such decision. 1.5.4 The mere submission of information described in these Bidding Terms and/or requested by the Committee for short-listing purposes by a Bidder does not obligate the committee to declare such Bidder a Shortlisted Bidder or a Qualified Bidder, nor the submission of a Proposal implies any acceptance by the Committee. 1.5.5 The mere submission of the documents required for short-listing by a Bidder implies the full awareness, acceptance of and submission to each one of the procedures, obligations, conditions and regulations -with no exception- that are established in the Bidding Terms and page 19 have binding effect, and irrevocably and unconditionally waives its right to file any action, claim, complain or request for compensation with any authority against the Government, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee, the Advisors, or against any other entity, institution or officer of the Government of Peru or the Grantor or SEDAPAL on the exercise of the powers described in these Bidding Terms. 1.5.6 Unless specifically established otherwise in the Bidding Terms, the decisions made by the Committee or PROINVERSIÓN –as applicable– with regard to this Public Bid are final, shall not result in a compensation of any kind and shall not be subject to challenge in any administrative, judicial or arbitration proceedings. In consequence, by participating in the PUBLIC BID, the natural or legal persons included within the scope of the Bidding Terms waive their rights to initiate a challenge process against any such decisions, with the exception of the challenge cases described in Section 10.2 of the Bidding Terms. 1.6. 1.6.1 Contract Draft Contract The Draft Contract, which includes the conditions, rights and obligations of the parties during the duration of the Contract, shall be prepared and made available to the Bidders and Shortlisted Bidders in the time established in Annex No. 1 to these Bidding Terms. The Bidders and Shortlisted Bidders shall receive the Contract Draft versions before the submission of Envelope No. 2, and shall be entitled to provide their opinions, comments and suggestions in this regard. The Committee shall receive and evaluate the suggestions of the Bidders and Shortlisted Bidders about the Contract Drafts, and shall consider those that it may deem relevant for the following version. The final Contract version, without the Economic Proposal, shall be signed and put into Envelope No. 2 by every Shortlisted Bidder. 1.6.2 The Draft Contract shall be made available to the Bidders according to the provisions of the Schedule. 1.6.3 The Bidders shall be entitled to submit their comments to the Contract Draft within the period established in the Schedule, under the same formalities provided ion Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 of the Bidding Terms. The Committee shall not be obligated to collect the comments made by the Bidders about the Contract Draft. page 20 1.7. Schedule of the Public Bid The dates for the activities in the Schedule are provided in ANNEX No. 1: SCHEDULE to the Bidding Terms. The Committee shall be entitled to amend the dates in the Schedule at any moment; such amendments shall be informed to the interested parties in a Circular Letter. Unless otherwise established, any term for Bidders to submit any documents related to the Public Bid shall expire at 17:00 hours, Lima, Peru time. 1.8. 1.8.1. Interpretation and References Any terms and expressions used in the Bidding Terms shall be interpreted in their natural, literal sense, unless they have specifically been assigned another meaning within this document or its annexes, or such meaning may be inferred from their context; in any case, the interpretation shall be made in accordance with the regulations in force in the Republic of Peru. It shall be deemed, without admitting proof to the contrary, that any participant in this process is aware of the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Peru that are applicable to this case. 1.8.2. The titles of the chapters, sections, annexes, forms and appendixes of the Bidding Terms are exclusively used with illustrative purposes, and shall not have any impact on the interpretation of their contents. 1.8.3. In case of contradiction between the provisions in the Bidding Terms and those in any of the forms, annexes or appendixes hereto, the provisions in the main document shall prevail unless the attached documents include a clear and unambiguous indication that their contents are an amendment of the provisions in the Bidding Terms. In any case, the contents of the Circular Letters referred to in the Bidding Terms shall prevail over the provisions in the Bidding Terms, although this indication may not be expressly stated. page 21 2. AUTHORIZED AGENTS AND LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE 2.1. Authorized Agents 2.1.1. Appointment of Authorized Agents Every Bidder may appoint up to two (02) natural persons with a common address in the city of Lima or in Callao as its Authorized Agents, for the purposes of this Public Bid. 2.1.2. Letter of Appointment The appointment of the authorized agents shall be made by a simple letter signed by the Bidder, expressly stating their powers and including ay relevant information, as provided in Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. 2.1.3. Granted Powers The duly appointed Authorized Agents shall be entitled to act individually from each other, and not necessarily jointly. They shall be the only individuals empowered by the Bidder to: i) Represent the Bidder before PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee and the advisors regarding all the matters that do not fall under the exclusive competence of the Legal Representative, as provided in Section 2.2.1; ii) Answer, in the name of and with binding effect for the Bidder, all the questions made by the Committee or the Evaluation Committee; iii) Receive judicial and non-judicial notices; and iv) Sign, with binding effect upon the Bidder, the Non-Disclosure Agreement mentioned in Section 3.2.2 v) Submit Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, without prejudice to the requirements of form that they shall comply with. 2.1.4. Information The information to be provided by the Bidder with regard to each one of the Authorized Agents shall be: a) name, b) identity document, c) common address in the city of Lima or in Callao, d) telephone numbers, e) fax numbers and f) email address. page 22 2.1.5. Notifications Any non-judicial notifications to the Bidder could be forwarded to any of the Authorized Agents by fax and/or email, with a confirmation of complete transmission issued by the receiver through another fax letter and/or email, in which case the notification shall be deemed received on the date on which the transmission from the sender is complete; or by a letter delivered by courier service or through a notary's office, in which case the notification shall be deemed received on the delivery date. Any notification shall be deemed correctly made and effective if it is received at the common address designated by the Authorized Agents described in Section 2.1.4. 2.1.6. Replacement The Bidder, after notifying the Committee in writing in the form described in Section 2.1.2, shall be able to replace any of its Authorized Agents at any time, or to change their common address, telephone or fax numbers or email address designated for the Authorized Agents, taking into account that the new common address and the telephone and fax numbers and email address shall be within the city of Lima or Callao. The appointment of the Authorized Agents or any change to their address, telephone, fax or email address, as applicable, shall become effective on the date of receipt of the Bidder's notification by the Committee. 2.2. Legal Representative 2.2.1. Appointment and Powers The documents submitted in Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 and, in general, any documents that a Bidder may file with regard to the Public Bid, shall be signed by the Legal Representative of the person submitting the documents, who shall be duly authorized for such purposes as provided under this section. The Bidder shall be entitled to appoint up to two (2) Legal Representatives, individual or joint representation powers, as provided under this Section. The address, fax number, telephone number and email address of the Legal Representatives, as well as their replacement, shall be submitted to the provisions in Sections 2.1.4, 2.1.5 and 2.1.6 The powers granted to the Legal Representatives shall include, but not be limited to, the powers defined in Section 2.1.3, and shall be broad enough to entitle them to sign in the name and behalf of the Bidder, individually or jointly, all the documents required in the page 23 Bidding Terms, including any powers to initiate the challenge procedures defined in the Bidding Terms, to sign presentation documents for the proposals and to execute the Contract. If the Bidder is a Consortium, the appointment of a Legal Representative shall be made through the legal representatives and/or agents of the members of the Consortium who have the powers to make this appointment, on a jointly basis. Such powers shall be proven by submitting a copy of the power of attorney or other similar document, certified by a notary public. However, should the member or members of the Consortium come from a signatory of the “Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization for Foreign Public Documents” adopted on October 5, 1961 in the City of La Hague, The Netherlands, as approved by Resolution No. 29445 and ratified by the Supreme Decree Nº 086-2009-RE, it shall be sufficient that these documents fulfill the conditions established in the convention above, provided that the corresponding country has not made an objection to the accession of Peru to such Convention. 2.2.2. Submission of the Power of Attorney The Power of Attorney by which the Legal Representatives are appointed shall include the relevant powers of representation, as well as the information mentioned in Section 2.1.4 of the Bidding Terms. It shall be submitted in Envelope N° 1, together with the credentials. The appointment of a new Legal Representative shall be effective only after the date on which the Committee received the documents that prove such appointment. 2.2.3. Form of the Power of Attorney The granting of powers in Peru shall be executed as a public deed or be stated in the legalized copy of the document of incorporation of the company that grants such powers, if applicable. Any Powers of Attorney granted outside Peru appointing one or more Legal Representatives, shall be: (i) Duly authenticated or legalized by a competent Peruvian consulate; a translation into Spanish shall be attached if the document is in any other language; (ii) Certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru. page 24 Should the Bidder come from a signatory of the “Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization for Foreign Public Documents” adopted on October 5, 1961 in the City of La Hague, The Netherlands, as approved by Resolution Nº 29445 and ratified by the Supreme Decree Nº 086-2009-RE, such document shall not require the legalization mentioned in the paragraph above; it shall be sufficient that the document fulfill the conditions established in the convention above, provided that the corresponding country has not made an objection to the accession of Peru to such Convention. In the case of the legal representative of a Strategic Partner, the powers of attorney, with the formalities described in the paragraphs above, shall be submitted by the Closure Date. 2.2.4. Registration in the Registry Office Under no circumstance shall it be required that the Powers of Attorney of the Legal Representative be registered in the Public Registry Office. However, they shall be registered in the corresponding Registry Office before the Closure Date if the Bidder is granted the Award. page 25 3. INQUIRIES AND INFORMATION 3.1. Inquiries about the Bidding Terms and Suggestions about the Draft Contract 3.1.1. Period for inquiries and suggestions Starting and ending on the dates indicated in the Schedule, the Bidders and Shortlisted Bidders, as applicable, shall be entitled to make inquiries on the Bidding Terms and suggestions about the Contract Draft through their Authorized Agents and/or Legal Representatives. 3.1.2. Form of the Inquiries The inquiries and suggestions shall be made, in writing and in the Spanish language, to: PROINVERSIÓN Committee for Infrastructure Projects and Public Social Services, Mining, Sanitation, Irrigation and Agricultural Affairs – PRO DESARROLLO Sirs PROINVERSIÓN COMMITTEE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS AND PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES, MINING, SANITATION, IRRIGATION AND AGRICULTURAL AFFAIRS – PRO DESARROLLO Attention: Sanitation Projects Office PROINVERSIÓN Av. Enrique Canaval Moreyra N° 150, Piso 8, San Isi dro – Lima, Peru Telephone: 200-1200 Ext.: 1327 Fax: (+51-1) 221-2935 email: [email protected] The documents containing the inquiries and suggestions on the Bidding Terms and Contract Drafts shall be received at the intake desk of PROINVERSIÓN. 3.1.3. Circular Letters The responses to the inquiries on the Bidding Terms shall be issued by the Committee through Circular Letters to all the Bidders or Shortlisted Bidders, as applicable, without mentioning the name of the inquirer. page 26 If, at any time, the Committee deems necessary to clarify, amend or complement the Bidding Terms, it shall issue a Circular Letter for this purpose. Such Circular Letter shall be addressed to the Authorized Agents and sent to the common address, according to Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.4 of these Bidding Terms. All the Circular Letters shall be published in the PROINVERSIÓN website After the short-listing stage, the Circular Letters shall only be forwarded to the Shortlisted Bidders and, after the submission of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3, only to the Shortlisted Bidders who submitted proposals. The Circular Letters issued by the Committee shall be deemed integral part of these Bidding Terms, and shall be legally binding for all the Bidders and Shortlisted Bidders. 3.2. Access to Information - Specialized Information Center 3.2.1 Access to the Specialized Information Center. The Bidders who have paid the Rights to Participation and signed the Non-Disclosure Agreement shall have access to the information related to the Project, which shall be available for them in the Specialized Information Center until the date established in the Schedule. The use of the Specialized Information Center shall be subject to the access and use regulations, to be communicated in due time through a Circular Letter. The Bidders, through a written letter to the Head of Sanitation Projects of PROINVERSION, signed by any of their Authorized Agents or Legal Representatives, shall indicate the name of the individuals who shall have access to the Specialized Information Center. 3.2.2 Non-Disclosure Agreement The Authorized Agent(s) shall sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, according to the sample provided as Annex No. 2, and shall submit a signed specimen to the committee before using the Specialized Information Center. page 27 3.2.3 Contents of the Specialized Information Center The list of documents related to the PROJECT, to be made available to the Bidders, shall be communicated in due time through a Circular Letter. Any additional document that may be incorporated to the Specialized Information Center shall also be informed to the Bidders in due time. 3.3. Request for Meetings with the Committee Any Bidder, through its Authorized Agents and/or Legal Representatives, as applicable, shall be entitled to hold meetings with members of the Committee no later than the day prior to the submission of Envelope No. 1, which, for Shortlisted Bidders, shall be applicable until no later than the day prior to the submission of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3. The meetings shall be arranged in coordination with the Head of Sanitation Projects of PROINVERSION. 3.4. 3.4.1 Limitation of Liability Independent Decision of the Bidders All Bidders or Shortlisted Bidders shall support their decision of whether submitting a Shortlisting Proposal, Technical Proposal and Economic Proposal or not on their own research, examinations, inspections, visits, discussions, analysis and conclusions derived from the information made available and from the results of their research, at its sole discretion. 3.4.2 Limitation of Government Liability The Government of the Republic of Peru, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee or the Advisors do not assume responsibility for nor guarantee (expressly of implicitly) the completeness, integrity, reliability or truth of the verbal or written information that is provided in connection with or during the PUBLIC BID. In consequence, none of the persons participating in the PUBLIC BID can attribute any responsibility to any of the parties mentioned above or to their representatives, agents or servants, for the use that may be given to such information or for any inaccuracy, insufficiency, defect, and lack of updating or for any other cause not expressly indicated in this Section. 3.4.3 Scope of the Limitation of Liability page 28 The limitation stated in Section 3.4.2 includes, to the broadest extent possible, all the information related to the Public Bid that is effectively known, any unknown information and the information that should have been known at a given time –including any errors and omissions in it– by the Government of the Republic of Peru or by any of its departments, entities or officers, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee or the Advisors. In the same way, this limitation of liability includes any information that is whether directly or indirectly provided and prepared by any of the parties above, or not. The limitation of liability also includes any information available in the Specialized Information center, as well as any information provided through Circular Letters or any other means of communication, the information acquired during the visits to the facilities related to the Public Bid and the information in these Bidding Terms, including any annexes, appendixes and forms attached hereto. 3.4.4 Bidder's Acceptance of the provisions of Section 3.4. The submission of Envelope No. 1 shall constitute, without the need for any additional action, the acceptance of all the provisions in Section 3.4 of the Bidding Terms by the Bidder and, if applicable, by the Concessionaire, as well as an irrevocable and unconditional waiver, to the broadest extent allowed by the Applicable Laws and Provisions, to its rights to initiate any action, counterclaim, exception, complaint, claim or request for compensation against the Government of the Republic of Peru or any of its departments, entities or officers, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee or the Advisors. page 29 4. SELECTION PROCESS 4.1. Stages of the PUBLIC BID Short-listing, Technical Proposal and Economic Proposal This Public Bid shall be developed in three (3) stages, through a system of three (3) envelopes. During the Short-listing stage, to take place during the time period established in the Schedule attached to these Bidding Terms, the formal aspects, capacity and background of the Bidders shall be evaluated through the documents contained in Envelope No. 1, to ensure that they meet the requirements stated in these Bidding Terms to be shortlisted and enter the second selection stage. After the Short-listing stage, the Shortlisted Bidders shall be invited to submit Envelope No. 2 and Envelope No. 3 at the required time and date, as well as to the opening of Envelope No. 2, which shall contain the information required to guarantee the validity and integrity of the information submitted, the acceptance of the general Contract conditions, guarantees of the validity and effect of the Economic Proposal and Technical Proposal, if any. The documents contained in Envelope No. 2 shall be evaluated during the period established in the Schedule of the Bidding Terms. Only the Shortlisted Bidder whose Technical Proposals –submitted in Envelope No. 2– have been declared acceptable by the Committee shall pass to the third stage of the selection process. After finishing the technical evaluation, the Shortlisted Bidders shall be invited to the announcement of the Technical Proposals that were accepted, and to the opening of Envelope No. 3 containing the Economic Proposal. 4.2. Economic Proposal The Economic Proposal that shall determine the Award shall be submitted in Envelope No. 3, according to Form No. 1 of the Bidding Terms. The preparation of the Economic Proposal by a Shortlisted Bidder shall take into account, among other factors, the reference PROJECT costs. The discount rate, along with the Competition Factor, shall be communicated in due time through a Circular Letter. page 30 The project shall be awarded to the Shortlisted Bidder with the highest score, according to its Economic Proposal. The methodology to assign a score to an Economic Proposal shall be defined in due time and communicated through a Circular Letter. page 31 5. GENERAL ASPECTS FOR THE SUBMISSION OF ENVELOPES No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 5.1. General Requirements 5.1.1. Submission of Envelopes by an Authorized Agent or Legal Representative Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 can only be submitted personally by one of the Authorized Agents of a Bidder, or by a Legal Representative of a Bidder. No documents received by mail, fax or any other means of communication shall be received nor accepted. 5.1.2. Language Unless otherwise stated in these Bidding Terms, all the submitted documents shall be written in Spanish language, or accompanied by a simple translation into the Spanish language. If any discrepancy between a text in two languages is identifies, the Spanish version shall prevail. 5.2. Original Documents and Copies The affidavits and forms contained in Envelope No. 1 and the documents contained in envelope No. 2 (Technical Proposal), shall be submitted in one (1) original version or copy certified by a Notary Public, and two copies, respectively marked “Original”, “Copy No. 1” and “Copy No. 2”. The documents marked “Copy No. 1” and “Copy No. 2” shall not need to be certified by a Notary Public or legalized by a consulate. Any other documents contained in Envelope No. 1 may be submitted as simple copies and marked as “Original”, “Copy No. 1” and “Copy No. 2”. Envelope No. 3 (Economic Proposal) shall only contain one (1) original document. 5.3. Form of Submission of Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 On any date of submission the documents shall be submitted in properly closed envelopes, marked Envelope No. 1, Envelope No. 2 and Envelope No. 3, respectively. The envelope shall also show the name of the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder, as applicable. page 32 All the documents contained in the envelopes shall be legible; all the pages shall be consecutively numbered and initialed by the legal representative. The envelope shall include a table of contents, indicating the page number of all the documents included in each envelope. If any discrepancy between a number written in digits and in words is identified, the amount expressed in words shall prevail. 5.4. Preparation and Submission Costs The Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder shall cover all the direct or indirect expenses which it may incur, related to the preparation of Envelopes No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3, as applicable. The Government of the Republic of Peru or any involved official department or officer, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSION, the Committee or the Advisors shall not be responsible in any case for these expenses, regardless of the mode applied to conduct the PUBLIC BID or its results. 5.5. Accuracy of the Information The Bidder shall demonstrate its commitment to provide reliable information through Form no. 2, which shall have the effect of an affidavit. Such Affidavit shall be submitted in Envelope No. 1, as a simple document signed by the Bidder's Legal Representative. The Committee reserves the right to verify the accuracy of all the documents submitted by the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder during the different stages of the PUBLIC BID, without this involving any limitation to the liability of the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder for the possible incompleteness or inaccuracy of such information. The lack of accuracy or completeness of the data and information submitted by the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder in the PUBLIC BID process may cause its disqualification in any of the stages. page 33 6. STAGE 1 OF THE PUBLIC BID: REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT-LISTING AND CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE NO. 1 (CREDENTIALS) 6.1. General Requirements 6.1.1. For Bidders Only legal persons or consortia shall be able to participate in this PUBLIC BID. A legal person, including its related companies, can only participate directly or indirectly in one Proposal. The Bidders and/or Shortlisted Bidders, as applicable, shall be able to form Consortia once, until the date established in the Schedule for this purpose. Bidders and/or Successful Bidders grouped in a Consortium shall be able to change their members for one single time, until the date established in the Schedule. 6.1.2. Payment of Rights to Participation To participate in the PUBLIC BID, gain access to the Specialized Information Center and submit Envelope No. 1, the Bidder must have paid for the Rights to Participation, which amount to one thousand United States Dollars (US$ 1,000.00). This amount is not reimbursable. After this payment, PROINVERSIÓN shall provide the Bidder with a proof of payment. Optionally the Bidder may request a printed copy of the Bidding Terms, which shall also be made available in the PROINVERSIÓN website. The payment for the Rights to Participation shall be made through a deposit into the Banco Continental US$ Savings Account Nº 0011-0661-66-0200035113, in the name of PROINVERSIÓN. A copy of the proof of deposit shall be sent to the email address [email protected], including the details of the legal person who made the deposit, in order to issue a Proof of Payment for Rights to Participation. The purchaser of the Rights to Participation in the Short-listing stage who decides not to participate in the Public Bid can transfer the rights to a third party. For this purpose, the purchaser shall submit Form No. 25, signed by the legal representative of the transferor and legalized, in Envelope No. 1. 6.2. Bidder's Short-listing Requirements: 6.2.1. Contents of Envelope No. 1 – Short-listing Proposal page 34 Envelope No. 1 - Short-listing Proposal, shall contain the credentials and documents required to evaluate the capacity and conditions required for the Short-listing of the Bidders. The forms entitled with the word “Affidavit” shall have such effect, and must be duly signed by the Bidder's Legal Representative(s). In Envelope No. 1, the Bidder shall include the following documents: Document No. 1: Affidavit of Reliable Information (General Requirement) Submission of Form No. 2, in which the Bidder commits to submit only reliable information. Document No. 2: Affidavit of Participation through any type of PPP (General Requirement) Submission of Form No. 3, in which the Bidder –or at least one of the members, in case of a consortium– demonstrates the ownership of a participation of no less than 25% in any project –preferably in sanitation– through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in a company or consortium. Document No. 3: Affidavit of Fulfillment of the Technical Requirements for Short-listing (Operating Technical Requirement) a) Operation: The Bidder shall demonstrate its experience within the last fifteen (15) years as operator of: One or more desalination plants (sea water) for the treatment of water for human consumption, with an individual or joint capacity of treatment of at least seventy-five thousand m3/day (75,000 m3/day). One of these plants must have an operating capacity of at least fifteen thousand m3/day (15,000 m3/day), and have been in continuous operation for at least three (3) years. A wastewater treatment plant or plants with a total capacity of treatment of at least sixty thousand m3/day (60,000 m3/day). The treatment process applied in these plants shall be at least of the secondary treatment type. One of these plants must have a treatment capacity of at least ten thousand m3/day (10,000 m3/day), and have been in continuous operation for at least three (3) years. This experience may be demonstrated through the Bidder, through one or more members of the Bidder –in case of consortium–, through a related company or through one or more page 35 specialized operators that shall be hired by the Concessionaire during the entire Concession period. The Operator shall be jointly liable with the Concessionaire for the provision of the services under the latter's responsibility, according to the terms established in the Contract. For this purpose, the Bidder shall use its participation in previous projects provided that such participation in the company or consortium created to operate the project, or in the company hired to operate the project, has been at least twenty-five percent (25%). The experience of companies related to the specialized operator shall also be considered, if demonstrated, under the same conditions as those mentioned in the paragraph above. To prove this point, the bidder shall submit the Affidavit attached hereto as Annex No. 4. If the Bidder decides to hire a company for the operation of the project, the Commitment to Hire an Operator –according to the sample in Form No. 5– shall also be submitted. b) Construction: The Bidder shall demonstrate its experience within the last fifteen (15) years in the construction of: One or more desalination plants (sea water) for the treatment of water for human consumption, with an individual or joint capacity of treatment of at least seventy-five thousand m3/day (75,000 m3/day). The bidder shall hold a certificate of acceptance of works from the client, or any equivalent document in the country where the project was executed. One of these plants must have a treatment capacity of at least ten thousand m3/day (15,000 m3/day). One or more automated wastewater treatment plants, with a joint capacity of treatment of at least sixty thousand m3/day (60,000 m3/day). The bidder shall hold a certificate of acceptance of works, or any equivalent document in the country where the project was executed. The treatment process applied in these plants shall be the secondary treatment type. One of these plants must have a treatment capacity of at least ten thousand m3/day (10,000 m3/day). This experience may be demonstrated through the Bidder, through one or more members of the Bidder –in case of consortium–, through a related company or through one or more constructors that shall be hired by the Concessionaire. The Constructor shall be jointly liable with the Concessionaire for the provision of the services under the latter's responsibility, according to the terms established in the Contract. page 36 For this purpose, the Bidder shall use its participation in previous projects, provided that such participation in the company or consortium created to operate the project, or in the company hired to operate the project, has been at least twenty-five percent (25%). The experience of companies related to the specialized operator shall also be considered, if demonstrated, under the same conditions as those mentioned in the paragraph above. To prove this point, the bidder shall submit the Affidavit attached hereto as Annex No. 6. If the Bidder decides to hire a constructing company, the Commitment to Hire a Contractor– according to the sample in Form No. 7– shall also be submitted. Document No. 4: Document of Creation of a Legal Person (Legal Requirement). The Bidder shall submit a Copy of the deed of incorporation of the Bidder or of the deeds of incorporation of each one of the Consortium members, as applicable. In addition to the deeds of incorporation of the Bidder or the Consortium Members, the Committee shall also accept the Articles of Incorporation (or an equivalent document) issued by the Government Competent Authority in the Bidder's country of origin –whether for the Bidder or the Consortium Members. Document No. 5: Affidavit of Commitment to Incorporation (Legal Requirement) The Bidder shall submit an Affidavit of its intentions to create a concessionaire company in Peru, which shall have the single purpose of and be exclusively dedicated to the operation and maintenance of the project. This company shall use any of the legal forms regulated by the General Companies Law. In the case of a Consortium, the concessionaire shall be created at least with the same shareholders, partners or members that the Bidder encompasses as of the date of submission of Envelope No. 2. The Affidavit form to be used, according to the case, is Form No. 27 or Form No. 28 of the Bidding Terms. The Concessionaire shall be created in consideration to the following aspects, without limitation. a) The minimum social capital of the Concessionaire shall be established in due time through a Circular Letter, which shall be fully subscribed and paid-in as provided in the Concession Contract. b) The structure of the Concessionaire's shareholders shall not include any legal person that has directly or indirectly –through a Related Company– been involved with an economic proposal in the Public Bid and has not been granted the Award. page 37 c) The shareholders shall include a Strategic Partner, who should independently own and maintain a Minimum Participation of 25%. d) The Strategic Partner shall own and maintain such Minimum Participation until ten (10) years after the Closure Date, according to the terms and conditions established in the Concession Contract. After this period, the Strategic Partner may assign or transfer its participation totally or partially, after having been authorized by the Grantor, to a new Strategic Partner, who shall fulfill the requirements and conditions established in these Bidding Terms. Document No. 6: Affidavit of Incorporated Legal Person (Legal Requirement) The Bidder shall submit a sworn statement according to the sample attached hereto as Form No. 8, if the bidder is a legal person, to confirm its incorporation according to the applicable legal principles according to the laws of its country of origin. If the Bidder is a Consortium, and in addition to the requirement above (applicable to each one of its members), the Bidder shall submit Form No. 9, confirming its existence and the joint liability of their Members for any taken obligations and submitted Affidavits. Document No. 7: Affidavit of Participation of partners or shareholders (Legal Requirement). An Affidavit, according to the sample attached hereto as Form No. 10, showing the percentage of participation in the Bidder for each one of its shareholders or partners. In the case of a Consortium, information about the percentage of participation in the bidder for each one of its members shall be required. If the Bidder is a Consortium that is composed by one or more natural persons, they shall submit a copy of their identity document (as applicable), their annual statement of income for the last three (3) tax years or periods, as filed with the competent tax authority, and a certificate of their credit history, issued by a credit risk agency or any equivalent entity. In this case, the Bidder shall also provide any applicable annexes and forms, duly adapted to its status of natural person, according to the samples approved by the Committee in due time. The Constructors and Operators hired by the Concessionaire shall provide copies of their deeds of incorporation, Form No. 8 and Form No. 10. page 38 Document No. 8: Power of Attorney of the Legal Representative (Legal Requirement). The documents demonstrating that the Bidder has appointed a Legal Representative, according to the requirements established in Section 2.2 of the Bidding Terms, which shall be proven with the submission of a legalized copy of the corresponding Power of Attorney. Document No. 9: Affidavit of No Impediments to enter into agreements with the Government (Legal Requirement) The Bidder shall submit an Affidavit, attached hereto as Form No. 11, indicating that the Bidder and any of its Members (in case of a Consortium): Are not subject to administrative sanctions involving a • temporary or permanent impediment to participating in selection processes called for by the Government of the Republic of Peru, nor to entering into an agreement with the Government of the Republic of Peru. Have not committed a material breach that has • caused the termination of a contract with the Peruvian Government, entered within the framework of Legislative Decree No. 1012 or an investment promotion process, as defined in the Consolidated Text of the Concessions Law, as approved by Supreme Decree No. 059-96-PCM, or the Law No. 28059, Decentralized Investment Promotion Law. After granting the Award, the requirements shall also be fulfilled by the company that signs the Contract. Finally, the natural or legal persons that fall within the scope of Article No.1366 of the Civil Code cannot become Bidders. Document No. 10: Affidavit of waiver to invoke or exercise privileges or claims (Legal Requirement). Submission of an affidavit according to the sample in Form No. 12, signed by the Legal Representative of the Bidder, indicating that the Bidder, its shareholders or partners and its members, and their shareholders and partners (if the Bidder is a Consortium) waive their rights to invoke or exercise any privilege or diplomatic immunity or other immunity, or to file a claim through diplomatic channels or in any other way against the Government and its institutions, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee, its Members and Advisors, under Peruvian laws or page 39 under any other laws with regard to their obligation related to these Bidding Terms, the Short-listing Proposal, the Economic Proposal and the Contract. Document No. 11: Affidavit of No Conflicts of Interest (Legal Requirement) Submission of the affidavit according to the sample in Form No. 13, signed by the Legal Representative of the Bidder, stating that the legal and technical advisors of the Bidder have not directly provided any type of services in favor of the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN or the Committee during the course of this process, whether on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, related to the Private Investment Promotion Process referred to. Document No. 12: Affidavit of Direct or Indirect participation in a Single Bidder (Legal Requirement). Submission of the affidavit according to the sample in Form No. 14, signed by the Legal Representative of the Bidder, stating that the Bidder, its shareholders, partners or Members, as well as the partners or members of the latter (in case of a Consortium) have not direct or indirect participation in any other Bidder. For companies listed on stock exchanges, the participation requirement mentioned above shall be limited if such company has the control of the management of another Bidder, or of any of its members in case of a Consortium, according to the provisions in the Regulations on Indirect Ownership, Relationship and Economic Groups, as approved by Resolution CONASEV No. 090-2005-EF/94.10 and amended by Resolution CONASEV No. 005-2006-EF/94.10 or by any other amending or substituting regulations. Document No. 13: Commitment to Create a Consortium, if applicable (Legal Requirement) Submission of an affidavit according to the sample in Form No. 15, signed by the legal representatives of the Bidder Consortium, stating their intention to create a Special Purpose Company in Peru according to the applicable laws in force, with a company purpose framed within the objective of this Public Bid. The minimum initial capital contribution, as well as the modes of subscription and payment, shall be defined in due time through a Circular Letter. Document No. 14: Affidavit of Minimum Net Equity (Financial Requirement). The Bidder shall submit Form No. 16, by which the Bidder claims to have a minimum Net equity for US$ 50,000,000.00 (Fifty Million and 00/100 United States Dollars) or page 40 an equivalent amount in Nuevos Soles. This requirement may be fulfilled by adding the net equity of each member of the Bidder, in the case of a Consortium. The Bidder shall provide whether its own financial figures or those of its Members –in the case of a Consortium– its shareholders or partners, or of the shareholders or members of their Related Companies. Additionally, the Bidder shall submit, at least, audited financial statements for the years 2010 and 2011, or equivalent documents1 from the Bidder, if it is a legal person, or from the Members of the Bidder, in case of a Consortium, or from the respective Related Company of the Bidder. For this purpose, the Legal Representative of the Bidder shall submit an affidavit explaining its relationship with the Bidder. The financial information referred to in this section can be filed in the original language, provided that it is accompanied by a simple Spanish translation. Document No. 15: Proof of Payment of Right to Participation This payment may be proven by submitting a simple copy of the Proof of Payment of the Right to Participation in the name of the Bidder or, if applicable, in the name of any of the Consortium members. Additionally, an Affidavit explaining the relationship between the Bidder and this legal person shall be submitted, according to Form No. 25. 6.3. Authority of the Committee regarding the submitted information The Committee reserves the right to verify the accuracy of all the documents submitted by the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder during the different stages of the PUBLIC BID, without this involving any limitation to the liability of the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder for the possible incompleteness or inaccuracy of the submitted data or information. The lack of accuracy or completeness of the data and information submitted by the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder in this Public Bid may cause its disqualification in any of the stages. 6.4. Validation of the Information submitted to the Committee Starting from the submission of the short-listing documents and until the Closure Date, the Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder agrees to make available to the Committee all the documents that the Committee may require in order to confirm the validity of the information submitted. 1 An “equivalent” document is a document that demonstrates the company's economic and financial information for a given time period. page 41 6.5. Validation of Legal Requirements By the Closure Date, the Successful Bidder and each one of its members, in case of a Consortium, shall submit to the Committee an Informative Document stating that it is not prohibited from participating in selection processes nor from entering into contracts with the Government of the Republic of Peru; the document shall be issued by the Government Contracting Supervisory Body (OSCE). If the information is determined to be false, the Award shall be revoked, according to the procedure established in Section 11.4 6.6. Simplification Mechanism A mechanism through which Bidders who have been short-listed and/or have submitted documents and/or affidavits in the short-listing stage of another public bid process conducted by PROINVERSION can, in the last two (2) years after the date of submission of Envelope No. 1 of such public bid, request the Committee to acknowledge the validity of the documents submitted for short-listing (in Envelope No. 1) and/or any additional document submitted to demonstrate technical experience in any public bid process. The Bidder who wishes to make use of the Simplification Mechanism shall: a. Request from the Committee a Certificate of Validity of Short-listing Documents, indicating the name of the process for which they were submitted, as well as the documents or credentials provided for short-listing purposes. The Bidder shall also indicate the date of submission of these documents. This certificate shall not be issued for documents that are more than two years old. The request shall be submitted no later than twelve (12) Days before submitting the communication referred to in Section 7.1 of the Bidding Terms. PROINVERSION shall validate the applicability of the documents to the Short-listing process of this Public Bid, according to the provisions in these Bidding Terms. If the applicability above is verified, PROINVERSION shall issue to the Bidder a Certificate of Validity of Short-listing Documents within no more than ten (10) Days after the submission of the request for such certificate. page 42 b. On the date and time set by the Committee for the compliance with Section 7.1 of the Bidding Terms, the Bidder shall submit the following documents, that shall be contained in Envelope No. 1: 1. 2. Certificate of Validity of Short-listing Documents. An Affidavit stating that the documents referred to in the Certificate of Validity of Short-listing Documents are still valid, according to the sample attached hereto as Form No. 24. 3. Any new or additional documents required for Short-listing purposes in these Bidding Terms, and 4. A copy of the proof of payment of the Right to Participation. page 43 7. STAGE 1 OF THE PUBLIC BID: SUBMISSION OF THE CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE N° 1 SHORT-LISTING RESULTS 7.1. Submission of Envelope N° 1 The Bidder shall request the Evaluation Committee to set the date and time for formally filing Envelope No. 1, within the time period established in the Schedule. Envelope No. 1 shall be received by the Evaluation Committee and opened in the presence of a Notary. Minutes shall be taken to leave a written record of the submission of the documents in Envelope No. 1, as well as of the number of pages of the documents included in such Envelope. The minutes referred to above shall include a statement of the admission or refusal of Envelope No. 1, as applicable. Envelope No. 1 shall only be refused if one of the required documents is not included. During the evaluation after the submission of Envelope No. 1, if the Evaluation Committee identifies the existence of Repairable Defects in the documents included in Envelope No. 1, the Bidder shall be required to solve or repair the objections within the time period determined in ANNEX No. 1: SCHEDULE, under penalty of being excluded from the rating process. Additionally, and in order to facilitate the evaluation, verification and comparison of information and requirements, the Evaluation Committee may require a Bidder to clarify the information contained in Envelope No. 1, in writing, without this involving any amendments to its contents. The request for clarification and the response thereto shall be made in writing, according to the provisions in the paragraph above. After the Opening of Envelope No. 1, the Bidder or any legal or natural person directly related with the process shall not be provided any information about the short-listing stage, until such Bidder is served notice of its short-listing by the Evaluation Committee. The Committee shall, within the maximum time period established in the Schedule, issue a statement naming the Shortlisted Bidders able to participate in the following PUBLIC BID stages, at the proposal of the Evaluation Committee. page 44 7.2. Announcement of Shortlisted Bidders The Committee shall announce the results of the Short-listing process by the date established in the Schedule. For this purpose, a special communication shall be forwarded to each one of the Shortlisted Bidders. page 45 8. STAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC BID: OPENING OF ENVELOPES No. 2 AND No. 3 8.1. Requirements of Envelope No. 2- Technical Proposal On the date defined in the Schedule, and if one or more Bidders are shortlisted, Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 shall be received, and the Envelopes No. 2 containing the Technical Proposal shall be opened. If no Bidders are shortlisted, the PUBLIC BID shall be declared null and void. Envelope No. 2 shall include: Document No. 1: Affidavit of Validity of Information An Affidavit, according to the sample attached hereto as Form No. 18, by which the Bidder declares under oath that the information, statements, certifications and in general all the other documents submitted by the shortlisted Bidder remain in effect as of the date of opening of Envelope No. 2, and shall remain effective for up to sixty (60) calendar days after the Award, without prejudice to any extension of this term that the Committee may provide for. Document No. 2: Acceptance of the Bidding Terms and Contract The Bidder shall submit an Affidavit stating its awareness and acceptance of the Bidding Terms and the final version of the Concession Contract, and agreeing that, if the Bidder s granted the Award, the Concession Contract shall be signed by a Concessionaire incorporated according to Section6.2.1.5. This document shall be submitted according to the sample attached hereto as Form No. 26. Document No. 3: Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Proposal The Bidder shall guarantee the validity, effect and integrity of the Economic Proposal, and provide a guarantee according to the sample in Form No. 17, which is deemed integral part of these Bidding Terms. The guarantee amount shall be defined and announced through a Circular Letter. The guarantee of Validity, effect and Integrity of the Proposal consists of a guarantee letter that shall be issued by a Local Bank, as provided in APPENDIX No. 1: to these Bidding Terms. The guarantee shall be joint, unconditional, irrevocable and page 46 automatically enforceable, without the benefit of excussion or division. Alternatively, the Committee may accept a guarantee letter or a stand-by credit letter, issued by a First-Class International Financial Entity as described in APPENDIX No. 2 and endorsed by a Local Bank, which may include the formalities applied by the creditor Bank. This guarantee shall be valid for one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after its date of issue. The Committee shall provide for the extension of this guarantee period, for which the Bidder shall be obligated to renew the guarantee for the time period established for this purpose. It should be noted that the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Proposal may be formed by more than one guarantee letter, each one of them with the requirements mentioned in the paragraphs above and issued by a Local Bank or a First-Class International Financial Entity and endorsed by a Local Bank. In this case, the guarantee shall be the Shortlisted Bidder and the sum of the amounts on the guarantee letters shall be equal to the amount mentioned above. The guarantee provided by a Shortlisted Bidder that is not granted the Award shall be returned within fifteen (15) days after the Closure Date. Document No. 4: Technical Proposal The technical proposal shall include the best strategy that makes possible to optimize the investments by stages during the concession period, particularly in the activities related to the desalination plant for drinking water and the wastewater treatment plant. This proposal shall be prepared according to the provisions in Annex No. 3. Document No. 5: Concession Contract Final Version In addition to the documents mentioned above, a Shortlisted Bidder shall submit one (01) copy of the final version of the Concession Contract, including all the Annexes thereto. Each page of this document shall be initialed by the Legal Representative of the Shortlisted Bidder. The amounts to be incorporated the Contract shall not appear in the contract's wording, since they shall be written on the Closure Date according to the successful Economic Proposal. 8.2. Requirements of Envelope No. 3 - Economic Proposal page 47 On the date established in the Schedule, and if there are one or more Shortlisted Bidders who have submitted acceptable Technical Proposals, the Committee shall proceed with the opening of Envelopes No. 3 that contain the Economic Proposal. If there is not at least one Shortlisted Bidder that has submitted an acceptable Economic Proposal, the Public Bid shall be declared null and void. Envelope No. 3 shall be prepared according to Form No. 1 attached to these Bidding Terms. Additionally, the provisions in Section 4.2 of these Bidding Terms shall apply. Any economic proposal that does not comply with the requirements above shall be invalid. The Economic Proposals shall remain in force for at least sixty (60) calendar days after the granting of the Award, even though they were not successful. Any Economic Proposal with an effective period smaller than the one indicated above shall become invalid. The Committee may extend the time period to submit Economic Proposals. For this purposes of this Public Bid, the submission of Envelope No. 3 by a Shortlisted Bidder constitutes an irrevocable offer. An Economic Proposal implies that the Shortlisted Bidder subjects itself to all the terms and conditions in the Bidding Terms, with no exceptions. page 48 9. STAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC BID: RECEPTION OF ENVELOPES No. 2 AND No. 3 AND OPENING OF ENVELOPE No. 2. 9.1. Submission of envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 and Opening of Envelope No. 2 The submission of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 and the opening of Envelope No. 2 shall take place before the Committee and in presence of a Notary Public, at a place and time to be determined and communicated through a Circular Letter on the date established in Annex No. 1. The delay tolerance for the beginning of the public session of reception and opening of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 shall be of thirty (30) minutes after the time set for the beginning of the public session. No more Shortlisted Bidders or documents shall be admitted after this deadline. If all the Shortlisted Bidders are present before the end of the delay tolerance, the Committee may proceed with the reception of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3. The President of the Committee or any member replacing him or her shall begin the reception of Proposals, and shall invite the Shortlisted Bidders to hand out the corresponding envelopes. After receiving the proposals, the Envelopes No. 2 shall be opened and the documents in them shall be verified, in the same order in which they were received. The Committee shall verify the contents of the envelopes in the presence of a Notary Public. The Notary Public shall initial the margin of the submitted documents. The Public Bid shall be declared null and void if there is not at least one (1) Proposal. The submission of other Proposals, the delivery of additional documents and/or the amendment of submitted proposals shall not be accepted after having started the opening of the envelopes. Any Envelopes No. 2 that may be deemed non-conforming, i.e. not containing the documents listed in Section 8.1 of the Bidding Terms, shall invalidate the Technical Proposal and be returned to the Shortlisted Bidder together with Envelope No. 3. The latter shall remain unopened. The session minutes shall include a statement of the cause of the non-conformity. page 49 After verifying the conformity of Envelopes No. 2, Envelopes No. 3 shall be signed, sealed and deposited in custody of the Notary Public until the date of the opening of Envelopes No. 3 an Award. If any of the Shortlisted Bidders in the reception of Proposals makes a comment, it shall be recorded in the session minutes. In addition, the comments made by a Shortlisted Bidder shall not be recorded it such Shortlisted Bidder refuses to sign the minutes. 9.2. Evaluation of Envelopes No. 2 For the evaluation of technical proposals contained in Envelope No. 2, the Committee shall appoint a Technical Evaluation Committee, which shall be composed by one or more representatives from SEDAPAL and the National Sanitation Office of the Ministry of housing, Construction and Sanitation, among others. Additionally, and in order to facilitate the evaluation, verification and comparison of information and requirements, the Technical Evaluation Committee may require a Shortlisted Bidder to clarify the information contained in the Technical Proposal. The request for clarification and the response thereto shall be made in writing, within a term to be set and communicated, under penalty of being excluded from the evaluation. The Technical Evaluation Committee shall evaluate the technical proposals contained in Envelopes No. 2 and shall prepare an evaluation report, which shall be forwarded to the Committee for consideration. The Shortlisted Bidders with acceptable Technical Proposals, i.e. proposals that fulfill the minimum requirements listed in Section 8.1 of the Bidding Terms, shall be announced within the maximum term established in the Schedule. The decision of the Committee on the results of the evaluation of Envelopes No. 2 is final and cannot be the subject of a claim or challenge by any of the Shortlisted Bidders. page 50 10. STAGE 3 OF THE PUBLIC BID: OPENING OF ENVELOPE No. 3 AND AWARD 10.1. Opening of Envelope No. 3 and Award 10.1.1. Opening of Envelope N° 3 After the period of evaluation of Envelopes No. 2, another public session shall take place on the date established in the Schedule, in presence of the Notary Public who safeguarded Envelopes No. 3, in order to reveal to the Shortlisted Bidders the results of the evaluation of Envelope No. 2 and the list of Shortlisted Bidders who shall continue to the third selection stage. During the session mentioned in the paragraph above, the Public Notary shall invite the Shortlisted Bidders to verify the integrity and inviolability of the Envelopes No. 3 that he or she safeguarded, The Technical Proposals that are not deemed acceptable shall be returned in their unopened envelopes to their respective Shortlisted Bidders by the Notary Public. Immediately after, the Notary Public shall open the Envelopes No. 3 of the Shortlisted Bidders whose Technical Proposals are acceptable, one by one and in the same order in which they were received. The Committee, in presence of the Notary Public, shall read the contents of the envelopes, and verify that the Economic Proposals agree with the provisions in the Bidding Terms. The Notary Public shall initial the margin of the submitted documents. The PUBLIC BID shall be declared null and void if there is not at least one (1) valid Economic Proposal. If any of the Economic Proposals in Envelope No. 3 does not comply with the requirements provided in these Bidding Terms, such Economic Proposal shall not be considered a valid Economic Proposal by the Committee. 10.1.2. Selection of the best proposal After having received the proposals and having opened Envelopes No. 3, verifying their origin, the President of the Committee or any member replacing him or her shall announce the valid Economic Proposals that were provided according to the sample in Form No. 1, as well as the Bidder who submitted each one of such Economic Proposals. page 51 The President of the Committee or any member replacing him or her shall determine the proposal with the highest score, by applying the formula to be communicated in due time through a Circular Letter. The Public Bid shall be declared null and void if there is not at least one (1) valid Economic Proposal. 10.1.3. Award The Award shall be granted to the Shortlisted Bidder who obtains the highest score, according to Section 4.2 10.1.4. Tie of Economic Proposals In case of a tie in the highest rating, the Committee, in presence of the notary Public, shall give an extension of thirty (30) minutes to the two top Shortlisted Bidders to provide a new Economic Proposal without leaving the room. This new proposal shall be for a smaller amount than the one in the previous proposal, signed by the Legal Representatives of the Shortlisted Bidders and submitted in a new closed Envelope No. 3. If the tie remains, the Committee, in presence of the Notary Public, shall determine the Successful Bidder by drawing lots. This drawing of lots shall include the Bidders whose Economic Proposals had the same rating. The Award shall be granted to the Bidder whose lot was drawn. 10.2. Challenge 10.2.1. Challenge Procedure The Shortlisted Bidders who believe to have been affected and, during the opening of Envelope No. 3, have put on the record their intention to file a claim against the granting of the Award, shall be entitled to file such challenge within a term of eight (8) working days counted from the day after the Award. The Committee shall issue a decision within ten (10) Days after the Date of filing of the Challenge. The Shortlisted Bidder shall be able to file an appeal with the Governing Council of PROINVERSIÓN within three (3) Days after the date on the proof of delivery of the Committee's decision. page 52 The appeal may also be filed against the resolution of denial of the challenge by default, if the Committee fails to issue a resolution on the challenge within the term of ten (10) Days. In this case, the term to file the appeal shall be counted from the Day after the expiration date of such term of ten (10) Days. The appeal against the Committee's express resolution or resolution by default shall be decided by the Governing Council of PROINVERSIÓN within thirty (30) Days after the date of filing. The resolution in this second instance shall be final and not open to appeal. 10.2.2. Guarantee of Challenge to the Award Provision for the Guarantee Conditions No challenge shall be deemed effectively filed and shall remain with no effect unless that, together with the writ of challenge, the challenging Shortlisted Bidder provides the Committee with a joint, irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee letter, automatically enforceable and without benefit of excussion, according to Form No. 19, in favor of PROINVERSIÓN. This bank guarantee letter shall be issued by a Banking Company listed in Appendixes No. 1 or No. 2 to the Bidding Terms, and shall be for an amount of one percent (1%) of the Reference Investment in Works. Alternatively, a guarantee letter or stand-by letter issued by an International Financial Entity may be accepted, provided that it covers the amount above and is endorsed by a Banking Company. Forfeiture of the Guarantee The Guarantee of Challenge may be forfeited by PROINVERSIÓN if the appeal filed by the Shortlisted Bidder is dismissed or deemed groundless, or if such appeal is not filed within the term established in Section 10.2.1 of these Bidding Terms and, therefore, the Committee's express resolution or resolution by default is agreed. Return of the Guarantee If the challenge or appeal are accepted, the guarantee of challenge shall be returned to the respective Shortlisted Bidder, without carrying any interest. page 53 The guarantee of challenge referred to in this Section shall be effective for sixty (60) Days after the date of the Award. 10.3. Public Bid null and void If at least one (1) acceptable Proposal or one (1) acceptable Technical Proposal are not submitted, this Public Bid shall be declared null and void. Likewise, if at least one (1) valid Economic Proposal that complies with the provisions in these Bidding Terms is not submitted, the PUBLIC BID shall be declared null and void by the Committee. 10.4. Suspension or Cancellation of the PUBLIC BID The PUBLIC BID may be suspended or canceled or declared null and void at any time, and without the need to express any reason thereto, at the discretion of the Committee, that shall not incur in any liability. This decision is not open to challenge. page 54 11. STAGE 4 OF THE PUBLIC BID: CLOSURE PROCEDURES 11.1. Closure Date The Closure of the PUBLIC BID shall take place at a time and place to be communicated through a Circular Letter, in the presence of a Notary public who shall certify the actions mentioned in the following Section 11.2 . The expenses incurred for the participation of the Notary Public shall be borne by the Successful Bidder. 11.2. Actions for Closure 11.2.1. List of actions to be taken as of the Closure Date. The following actions must have taken place by the Closure Date: i) The promulgation of the Supreme Decree granting, under a contract, the Government guarantee in support of the statements, securities and obligations assumed by the Grantor, as well as the signing of the contract for securities and guarantees, as provided in the Contract. ii) The Grantor and/or SEDAPAL shall have performed the actions required for the delivery of the goods within the PROJECT scope, as provided in the Contract. iii) The provision, by the Successful Bidder who signs the Contract (company or Members of the Consortium, as applicable), of a certificate stating that it is not prohibited from participating in selection processes nor from entering into contracts with the Government, issued by the Government Contracting Supervisory Body (OSCE). If the information is determined to be false, the Award shall be revoked. 11.2.2. Documents to be submitted. The Successful Bidder shall submit the following documents: i) As provided in Section 6.2.1 , subsection 0, the Successful Bidder shall submit the documents that demonstrate the registration with the Registry Office of the articles of incorporation of the legal person who shall sign the Contract. Such legal person shall have been incorporated in Peru with the same partners, shareholders or Members and in the same participation percentages that they had as of the date of the Award, with the minimum subscribed social capital defined in the aforementioned section. page 55 As evidence of the minimum subscribed and paid-in capital, indicated in Section 6.2.1 , subsection 0) the Successful Bidder shall provide a simple copy of the certificate of registration or certificate of recordal in the Public Registry of the notary records of the public deed of incorporation of the legal person, which shall show a subscribed and paid-in capital for the amount indicated above. For this requirement, the Concessionaire shall provide the Grantor with the registration certificate, within 45 Days after the Closure Date. ii) Power of attorney of the individual who shall sign the contract on behalf of the Concessionaire, with the certificate of registration of such document in the Registry Office, according to Section 2.2.4. • The Concessionaire shall provide copies of the documents that demonstrate that its competent internal bodies have approved the Contract. • The Concessionaire shall submit an insurance policy proposal and a list of insurance companies that may provide the insurance, according to the provisions of the Contract. iii) Performance Bond, according to Section 13 of the Bidding Terms. iv) Proof of deposit in the account indicated by PROINVERSIÓN, for reimbursement of process expenses; the amount of the deposit shall be communicated in due time through a circular letter. v) Proof of deposit in the account indicated by PROINVERSIÓN, for contributions to FONCEPRI; the amount of the deposit shall be communicated in due time through a circular letter. vi) Four (4) copies of the Contract final version, in the printed pages that PROINVERSIÓN shall provide the Concessionaire for this purpose. vii) PROINVERSIÓN shall return to the Successful Bidder the guarantee mentioned in Section 12 11.2.3. Obligations of the Government PROINVERSIÓN shall return to the Successful Bidder the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Proposal. page 56 11.3. Signing of the Contracts On the closure date, the following contracts shall be signed: i) Signing of the Contract between the Grantor and the Concessionaire. ii) Signing of the Contract for Provision of Services between the Concessionaire and SEDAPAL. 11.4. Forfeiture of the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal 11.4.1. Non-fulfillment of obligations by the Bidder or the Successful Bidder If the Bidder fails to fulfill any of its obligations by the Closure Date, which are described in Section 11.2 of the Bidding Terms, due to causes attributable to the Bidder, PROINVERSIÓN shall be entitled to forfeit the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Bidder's Proposal immediately, without the need of prior notice. The forfeiture of this guarantee does not restrict any other rights that PROINVERSIÓN may have against the Successful Bidder who failed to fulfill the obligations related to its proposal. If the non-fulfillment by the Successful Bidder is confirmed, the Committee shall grant the Award to the Shortlisted Bidder whose economic proposal took the second place, according to the provisions in Section 10.1. In such case, the Committee shall inform of this decision to the Shortlisted Bidder who submitted the second best proposal, as well as the procedure of closure and the date, time and place when it shall take place. 11.4.2. Legal actions in the event of non-fulfillment Without prejudice to the provisions in the paragraph above, PROINVERSIÓN and/or the Committee may initiate any legal actions allowed by the Applicable Laws that may be directly or indirectly derived from the failure to comply by the original Successful Bidder, or may be applicable against a Bidder who provided false information during any stage of the PUBLIC BID. 11.4.3. Effective Date of the Contract The Contract shall enter into force, with full legal effect, on the Closure Date, after having been signed by the legal representatives of the Grantor and the Concessionaire. For all purposes, the Closure Date shall be the date on which the Contract is signed. page 57 page 58 12. GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY, EFFECT AND INTEGRITY OF THE ECONOMIC PROPOSAL 12.1. Provision of the Guarantee - Conditions The Shortlisted bidder shall guarantee the validity, effect and integrity of the Economic Proposal, and the fulfillment of the obligations to be performed by the Closure Date, through the provision of a joint, irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee letter, automatically enforceable and without benefit of excussion, in favor of PROINVERSIÓN. The Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal shall comply with the following requirements: • It shall be provided in the form of a bank guarantee letter, according to the wording of the sample attached hereto as Form No. 17. It shall be issued by a Banking Company. The guarantee shall remain in force from the date of submission of the Economic Proposal until sixty (60) calendar days after the Award. • For the Successful Bidder, the guarantee shall remain in force until the Closure Date or be extended as many times as necessary for the period determined by the Committee. • Alternatively, the Committee may accept a guarantee letter or a stand-by letter, issued by an International Financial Entity, which may include the formalities applied by the creditor Bank, provided that: (i) it complies with the conditions established in the sample attached hereto as Form No. 17, (ii) it is effective for the time period established in the paragraph above, and (iii) it is endorsed by a Local or International Financial Entity, according to the provisions in Appendixes No. 1 and No. 2., respectively. • 12.2. The guarantee amount shall be determined in due time through a Circular Letter. Return or Forfeiture of the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal The return of the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal, submitted by the Successful Bidder, shall be performed when the Successful Bidder submits the Performance Bond. The Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal submitted by a Shortlisted Bidder that is not granted the Award shall be returned within fifteen (15) Days after the approval of the Award. page 59 If the Successful Bidder fails to fulfill any of its obligations by the Closure Date, which are described in Section 11.2 of the Bidding Terms, due to causes attributable to the Successful Bidder, PROINVERSIÓN shall be entitled to forfeit the Guarantee of Validity, Effect and Integrity of the Successful Bidder's Economic Proposal immediately, without the need of prior notice. The forfeiture of this guarantee does not restrict any other rights that PROINVERSIÓN may have against the Successful Bidder who failed to fulfill the obligations related to its Proposal. Without prejudice to the provisions in Section 6.3, PROINVERSIÓN and/or the Committee may initiate any legal actions allowed by the Applicable Laws that may be directly or indirectly derived from the failure to comply by the Successful Bidder. page 60 13. PERFORMANCE BOND 13.1. Conditions Until the Closure Date, the Successful Bidder shall submit the Performance Bond that guarantees the timely and proper compliance with all and each one of the obligations derived from the Contract. The time of submission, as well as the amounts and validity of the Performance Bond shall be those established in the Contract. 13.2. Form of Provision The Performance Bond shall be composed by one or more bank guarantee letters, issued by a Financial Entity, and shall be joint, irrevocable, unconditional, automatically enforceable and without benefit of excussion. The guarantee letters shall be annually renewed, to be kept in force, according to the provisions of the Section above and in the Performance Bond sample attached hereto as Annex No. 4. Alternatively, the Committee may accept a guarantee letter or stand-by letter, issued by an International Financial Entity, which may include the formalities applied by the creditor Bank, provided that: (i) it complies with the conditions established in the sample attached hereto as Annex No. 4, (ii) it is effective for the time period established in the paragraph above, and (iii) it is endorsed by a Financial Entity, according to the provisions in Appendixes No. 1 and No. 2. page 61 14. FINAL PROVISIONS 14.1. Applicable Laws These Bidding Terms, the documents that are part thereof and the Contract shall be regulated and construed according to the Applicable Laws and Provisions listed in Section 1.4. 14.2. Jurisdiction and Competence The Bidders, Shortlisted Bidder and Third Parties that are members of a Consortium, the Successful Bidder and the Concessionaire hereby agree to subject themselves to and accept the jurisdiction and competence of the judges and courts of the city of Lima, Peru, to resolve any dispute that may arise among them with regard to these Bidding Terms. The parties above hereby waive any rights to file a diplomatic claim, as well as to initiate actions of any nature before any other venue or jurisdiction. Any provision amending, modifying or limiting the rights of the Government, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN or the Committee to initiate a legal action or execute a sentence granted in Peru before the judges and courts in other jurisdictions shall be applicable. The Bidders, Shortlisted Bidders and any Third Parties who are members of a Consortium, the Successful Bidder and the Concessionaire hereby waive their rights to invoke or exercise any immunity or privilege that they may have in these jurisdictions, without reserves or limitations, and accept, and merely on the grounds of their participation in the PUBLIC BID, the alternative jurisdiction or jurisdictions that the Government, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, and the Committee may eventually determine. 14.3. Reimbursement of Process Costs The Successful Bidder or the Concessionaire shall reimburse to PROINVERSIÓN, on the Closure Date, an amount –including IGV– to be communicated through a Circular Letter, for the expenses incurred in the preparation of the process. 14.4. Destination and use of the resources effectively generated for the Government If necessary, the distribution of the funds earned by the Government due to the Contract shall be performed according to the third supplementary provision of the Decentralization Law (Ley de Bases de la Descentralización). page 62 Additionally, the FONCEPRI resources shall be determined according to the Supreme Decree No. 021-98-PCM. page 63 ANNEX No. 1: SCHEDULE The dates of the project activities are the following: Activity Announcement and publication of Bidding Terms Submission of First Contract Draft First round of consultations on the Bidding Terms Suggestions on the First Contract Draft Answers to first round of consultations on the Bidding Terms Submission of Second Contract Draft Second round of consultations on the Bidding Terms Suggestions on the Second Contract Draft Answers to second round of consultations on the Bidding Terms Day D D+90 Up to D+60 Up to D+120 D+105 D+135 Up to D+120 Up to D+155 D+180 D+180 Submission of Contract Final Version Draft Contract Final Version Submission of Envelope No. 1 Communication to Shortlisted Bidders Confirmation or change of members of Consortia Communication confirming the members or change of members of Consortia Access to the Specialized Information Center. Proposals: Submission of Envelope No. 2 and No. 3 (Technical and Economic Proposals) Announcement of results of the evaluation of Technical Proposals 30 Days after receiving the comments of SUNASS on the Contract Final Version Draft Up to 5 Days after the publication of the Contract Final Version Up to 2 Days after the deadline for submission of Envelope No. 1 Up to 3 Days after the deadline for submission of Envelope No. 1 Up to 4 Days after the deadline for submission of Envelope No. 1 Up to 1 Day before the submission of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 10 Days after the deadline for submission of Envelope No. 1 15 Days after the date of submission of Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 15 Days after the date of submission of Opening of Envelope No. 3 And Award Closure Date Envelopes No. 2 and No. 3 To be announced through a Circular Letter The Committee shall be entitled to amend the dates in the Schedule at any moment; such amendments shall be informed to the interested parties in a Circular Letter. Unless otherwise specified, any term shall expire at 17:00 h on the deadline Day (Lima, Peru time). page 64 ANNEX No. 2: NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT Lima, ............................, 201.... Sirs, PROINVERSIÓN Committee for Infrastructure Projects and Public Social Services, Mining, Sanitation, Irrigation and Agricultural Affairs – PRO DESARROLLO Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN: Bidder: ......................... ........................................................................ (name .................................................... (position ............................................................................................ ..................., No. of Bidder), duly represented of (name .............................. of by signatory), signatory), identified with addressed at .............................................................................................................................., hereby express our interest to be granted access to the Specialized Information Center, according to the Bidding Terms of the PUBLIC BID for Integral Projects of the PROJECT “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts”. In this regard, we hereby agree to maintain all the information obtained in the Specialized Information Center under confidentiality, not to disclose any material or information to third parties without the prior authorization of the Committee, not to use this information for any purpose that is not related to the PUBLIC BID and not to use such information in any way that may be in conflict with the interest of the Government, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, its officers or dependencies, PROINVERSIÓN and the Committee. The materials obtained in the Specialized Information Center shall be only made available to our personnel, officers and consultants, due to reasons related to the PUBLIC BID. This personnel shall become aware of the agreement and is also obligated to keep the information mentioned above under confidentiality. We shall take all the reasonable measures to prevent the disclosure of any information to any person without the prior approval of the Committee. No licenses or rights have been or shall been granted to our advisors with regard to the disposal of any information included in this agreement. page 65 We agree that no part of the information provided, nor any material, discussion, negotiation or other related matters, constitute an offer made by the Committee or in its name, and that they will not be used as basis or taken into consideration with regard to any agreement, except if such use has been expressly approved in writing by the Committee. At the request of the Committee, we agree to return all the copies of all the documents that were made available to us or to our representatives or advisors. We also agree that the Committee does not agree to or is responsible for providing access to additional information or for updating the information and the materials available or for correcting any inconsistency that may be identified. The agreement shall not be applied to the information that: (i) as of the date on which it was disclosed to us or to our advisors was publicly known, or that becomes publicly known at any time after such occasion (except due to breach of this agreement by us or our advisors) or (ii) is legally in our possession to date and, therefore, is not subject to the non-disclosure agreement. The rights and obligation established in this document shall be controlled and interpreted according to the provisions of the Peruvian laws, and the parties agree to subject themselves to the jurisdiction and competence of the judges and courts of Lima, Peru. In witness whereof and in conformity with all the terms and conditions of this non-disclosure agreement, we sign and submit this document to, on the ….... day of the month of.......................... of …. Signature ..................................... Name ................................................... Entity ................................. (Bidder) page 66 ANNEX No. 3: REFERENCE TERMS 1. BACKGROUND The PUBLIC BID covers the urban areas of the districts to the extreme south of the Province of Lima, Department of Lima, between kilometers 42 and 60 of the Panamericana Sur highway: Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra, San Bartolo and Santa María del Mar. Due to their coastal location, sand beaches and relative distance to the city of Lima, these districts have become summer resorts for the population of Lima during the summer months (January to March), which is why the residing population, currently estimated in 24,000 inhabitants, may increase to more than 40,000 people during the summer. Historically, the drinking water and sewage services in Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra and San Bartolo were provided by their respective district governments. Independently, Santa María del Mar began its urban development as a private project, and the provision of water supply and sewage services is under the management of the Landowners' Association of Santa María del Mar (APSMM) since 1973. In 2008 the water supply and sewage services for Punta Negra, Punta Hermosa and San Bartolo were transferred to SEDAPAL2. Until that time, these districts had a water supply system composed by networks and connections supplied from brackish water wells, unfit for human consumption, with low continuity and poor frequency. For this reason, the inhabitants would hire and use water tankers to obtain drinking water. Only Punta Hermosa and San Bartolo had a 3 sewage system, and only Punta Hermosa had facilities for wastewater treatment by means of stabilization ponds that were eventually discharged to the sea or used to irrigate green areas without any type of control. During 2008, SEDAPAL executed the project “Water Supply through Fountains for South Summer Resorts - District of Lurín”, financed by SEDAPAL, the District Governments and the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, in order to replace the drinking water supply system through water tankers that collected water from private fountains located 30 Km to the north of the districts, in Lurín, with the controlled supply using water tankers and three (03) fountains managed by SEDAPAL, in the districts of Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra and San Bartolo, respectively. The works included 22.7 km laying of discharge pipeline from seven (07) wells in the district of Lurín, to supply 3 fountains. The result was the implementation of a provision water supply service of good quality, with controlled prices. 2 3 Watter Supply and Sewage Services of Lim a (SEDAPAL) Houses in Punta Negra have in-situ sanitation facilities: cesspits, septic tanks and percolation wells. page 67 In 2009, SEDAPAL executed the project “Installation of secondary drinking water networks and tanks in Human Settlements in the Districts of Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra and San Bartolo”, that covered the installation of 9.6 Km of secondary 4” y 6” PVC piping networks and 81 water tanks4, in order to connect the existing networks to the drinking water pressure line and hold the brackish water wells in reserve. This project would extend the water supply service by networks, connections and water tanks to 5000 houses that before used water from brackish water wells and water tankers. Under these conditions, the water supply service is provided 5 hours/day, every other day during the summer months and 9 hours/day on a daily basis for the rest of the year. In 2010, SEDAPAL constructed two (02) Bach wastewater sludge treatment plants in the district of San Bartolo: Balneario San Bartolo Sur and Balneario San Bartolo Norte, for a design flow rate of 38.6 l/s and 20.5 l/s respectively, which covered the total amount of wastewater collected by the sewage system in the district. Additionally, the Landowners' Association of Santa María del Mar (APDSMM) provides water supply services to 820 connections through four (04) reservoirs that are fed from a well located at 15 Km from the district, in the Chilca valley. Although it is currently possible to provide users with 24-hour water supply services during the entire year, due to indoor water storage measures, the district does not have a water source able to cover for its future growth. The district has a sewage system that collects and transports wastewater to an activated sludge treatment plant of 5 15 l/s . All the effluents from this plant are used for the irrigation of green areas in the district. 2. OBJECTIVE, SCOPE AND FIELD OF THE PROJECT The objective of the Project is the design, financing and building of the sanitation infrastructure intended to enlarge and improve the water supply, sanitation system, wastewater treatment and final disposal services under responsibility of SEDAPAL, in the districts of Punta Hermosa, Punta Negra, San Bartolo and Santa María del Mar. It also includes the operation and maintenance of collection infrastructure, Sea Water Desalination Plant, until the point of delivery defined in the Contract for Provision of Services, the infrastructure for the final disposal of the subproducts generated by this plant and the operation and maintenance of infrastructure for wastewater deviation, Wastewater Treatment Plants and infrastructure for the final disposal of the effluents and subproducts generated in this plant. 4 5 Public Fountains A new 9 l/s plant is currently under construction. page 68 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The description of the Project with the reference components and capacities is provided in Charts No. 2 and No. 3, which are part of these reference terms. The obligations for the maintenance and operation are the same as those indicated in Section 2 of this Annex. 4. PROJECT BENEFITS The main benefits expected are: • Sustainable use of water resources to supply drinking water to the Project influence zone. • Improvement of the management of water supply and sewage services in the summer resorts to the south of Lima. • Extension of the water supply and sewage coverage. • Treatment and final disposal of wastewater, compliant with the environmental regulations in force. • Reduction of water-borne diseases. 5. QUALITY OF THE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED The Concessionaire shall have the main obligation of complying, at least, with the quality and quantity parameters established by SEDAPAL for both services during the period of the Project. The Shortlisted Bidders shall be fully entitled to propose the most appropriate technical solutions, provided that such solutions: (i) allow the Concessionaire to reach the Project parameters or goals in an efficient way; (ii) are compliant with the regulations in force; (iii) comply with these Reference Terms and with the applicable laws and provisions; (iv) allow the Project to be self-sustainable. The Concessionaire shall prepare all the required studies (Technical file, Environmental Impact Study, Evaluation of Archaeological remains, authorizations, etc.) that may be necessary to reach the parameters or goals set for the PROJECT. The water supply shall comply with the Maximum Allowable Limits established in the Regulation on Quality of Water for Human Consumption, as approved by the S.D. 031-2010-SA. The discharge of wastewater into a natural water body shall be regulated by the Maximum Allowable Limits for effluents from Wastewater Treatment Plant, as approved by the S.D. N° 0232009-MINAM and the Environmental Quality Standards for Water (EQS-Water) in the receiving body, as approved by S.D. N° 002-2008-MINAM, and it s Regulations for Implementation, as approved by S.D. N° 023-2009-MINAM, as well as by a ny particular regulations issued by the National Water Authority. In case of re-usage, the WHO guides shall be applied, as provided in page 69 Article 150 of the Regulations to the Law of Water Resources, Law No. 29338, as approved by S.D. No. 001-2010-AG. If, during the operation stage, the applicable regulations are amended, the Concessionaire shall comply with all the new applicable requirements. This may involve the application of the compensation mechanisms described in the Contract. 6. AREAS AND GOODS FOR THE PROJECT The project area of influence is shown in Figures No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, attached to these reference terms. The Grantor shall provide the Concessionaire with the plots of land and goods associated to the Project components, which shall be established in a Circular Letter. The proposals shall be in line with the availability of land, as provided in the paragraph above. The project goods shall include those to be provided by the Grantor and the works to be used, constructed and/or operated by the Concessionaire, according to the Contract. 7. AUTHORIZATIONS, PERMITS AND EASEMENTS The Concessionaire shall obtain, at its own expense, any authorizations, permits, licenses, easements and other similar rights that may be necessary to fulfill its contractual obligations. 8. TECHNICAL FILES The Concessionaire shall prepare the technical files that may be necessary for the implementation of the PROJECT. The contents of the technical files shall include the provisions issued by SEDAPAL, through the Quality Management System ISO 9001. 9. ESTIMATED INVESTMENT, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS The estimated value of the investment is US$ 110 million, including IGV. The estimated value for operation and maintenance shall be communicated through a circular letter. 10. SUPERVISION OF THE CONTRACT The Grantor shall monitor the fulfillment of the Contract obligations. page 70 11. REFERENCES TO EXISTING STUDIES ON THE CONTRACT WORKS The Specialized Information Center shall be used to provide basic and descriptive information on the Project, which is included in the Contract scheme and in these Reference Terms. Each Shortlisted Bidder shall prepare a Technical Proposal, derived from its own evaluation and experience, which shall comply with the specifications established in these Reference Terms. The information in the Specialized Information Center shall not be considered as a recommendation, promise or statement about future facts made by SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee or by any entity related to them. SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee, or any of the entities related to them shall not accept any obligation or liability for the accuracy or reliability of the information, nor do they accept to make an explicit or implicit statement or contractual specification about such information. page 71 page 72 page 73 page 74 MAP No. 1 page 75 page 76 MAP No. 2 page 77 MAP No. 3 page 78 MAP No. 4 DISTRICT OF SANTA MARIA DEL MAR page 79 page 80 ANNEX No. 4 SAMPLE OF PERFORMANCE BOND Lima, ............................, 20.... Sirs, MINISTRY OF HOUSING, CONSTRUCTION AND SANITATION Re.: Guarantee Bank Account No. ………….. Expiration date:...................... Contract for the PROJECT “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” Dear Sirs, Upon request of our clients, ……………………. (name of the legal person) (hereinafter, the “Concessionaire”) we hereby provide this joint, irrevocable and unconditional bank guarantee letter, automatically enforceable and without benefit of excussion, for an amount of up to ……………….. (…………… ………….and 00/100 United States Dollars) in favor of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, to guarantee the timely and correct fulfillment of all and each one of the obligations assumed by the Concessionaire that are derived from the execution of the Contract for the PROJECT “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts”, hereinafter, the “Contract”. The payment of this performance bond shall be automatically enforceable and without need of any action on your part, upon the receipt of a written request issued by the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, which shall be signed by the Deputy Minister of Housing and Sanitation or by any other officer duly authorized by this institution. The request shall state that our clients, ………………………………… (name of Concessionaire) have not fulfilled one or more of the obligations guaranteed by this document. The request shall be delivered through a Notary's office. page 81 This performance bond shall also guarantee the timely and correct fulfillment of obligations by the Concessionaire, which are derived from the provisions included in the Applicable Laws and Provisions. Our obligations under this performance bond shall not be affected by any dispute between the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, SEDAPAL, or any entity of the Government of Peru and our clients. The guarantee letter may be renewed for consecutive annual periods, to remain in force from the Closure Date to two (2) years after the end of the Contract. Any delay on our part to honor this agreement shall generate interest equal to the maximum LIBOR rate at one year, plus a spread of 3%. The LIBOR rate shall be the one established by the daily Reuters Cable that is received in the city of Lima at 11:00 a.m. of the date on which the request for payment through a Notary's office; the interest shall be calculated from the date on which the execution of this guarantee letter is requested until the payment date. This guarantee letter shall be effective from ......................, 20...., through ......................, 20....... Sincerely, Signature ……………………….. Name ………………………. Banking Entity ………………………. page 82 page 83 APPENDIX No. 1: LOCAL BANKS AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE GUARANTEES ESTABLISHED IN THE BIDDING TERMS The Private Investment Promotion Agency (PROINVERSIÓN) shall accept guarantee letters or reference letters from the Local Banks listed below: LOCAL BANKS BBVA BANCO CONTINENTAL BANCO DE CRÉDITO DEL PERÚ BANCO INTERAMERICANO DE FINANZAS – BIF BANCO INTERNACIONAL DEL PERÚ P.A.– INTERBANK CITIBANK, N.A., LIMA OFFICE BANCO SCOTIABANK BANCO FINANCIERO DEL PERÚ BANCO HSBC BANCO SANTANDER PERÚ S.A DEUTSCHE BANK PERU S.A. MIBANCO – BANCO DE LA MICROEMPRESA S.A. page 84 page 85 APPENDIX No. 2 LIST OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL ENTITIES AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE GUARANTEES ESTABLISHED IN THE BIDDING TERMS 1. International Financial Entities and Multinational Organizations The foreign first-class banks included in the list approved by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru by the Circular Letter N° 023-2012-BCRP, dated August 1, 2012, and by any replacing regulations, shall be considered for this purpose. The branches and/or subsidiary companies of the foreign banks above shall also be considered. 2. Any multilateral credit entity that has the Government of the Republic of Peru as a member. 3. Any other international financial entity with a risk rating that is not below the investment grade (in the long term) and has been evaluated by a prestigious entity recognized by the Superintendency of the Stock Market. page 86 page 87 FORM No. 1: SAMPLE OF LETTER OF SUBMISSION OF ECONOMIC PROPOSAL - ENVELOPE No. 3 (To be provided in due time through a Circular Letter) page 88 page 89 FORM No. 2: AFFIDAVIT ON RELIABLE INFORMATION We hereby state under oath that: All the information that we have provided on the submitted documents is true and reliable. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ (Bidder) Name ………………………. (Bidder's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Bidder's Legal Representative) page 90 page 91 FORM No. 3: GENERAL SHORT-LISTING REQUIREMENTS AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that ……………….… (the Bidder or at least one of the Consortium Members) have had a participation of at least 25% in at least one (1) public-private partnership for the development and/or operation and maintenance of public sanitation infrastructure, as detailed below: Bidder / Consortium Member Project Percentage (%) of Participation Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity: .......................................................... Bidder Name: ........................................................... Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 92 page 93 FORM No. 4: SHORT-LISTING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS – OPERATION AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that the Bidder, the company or group of companies that are members of the bidder, or the company, to be contracted to act as Operator have acquired experience during the last fifteen (15) years in the operation of the water treatment plants (wastewater treatment plants) mentioned below: A. Name of Operator (a/): …………………………………………. (In the case of companies that are members of the Bidder, the information shall be provided individually) Component specifications Name and location Type and Technology Capacity 3 (m /s) Period of Operation (d/) Age (in years) From To (month – year) (month – year) Participation (%) (b/) 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Notes: (a/) If the information refers to a Related Company, Section B shall be completed. (b/) Please attach documents that demonstrate the percentage of participation (Contract, Certifications or other equivalent documents in the country where the PROJECT was executed). (c/ and d/) Please attach a Certificate or an equivalent document, issued by the client in the country where the component is located, that states that such component has been operative or is operating and includes a description of the technical specifications of the plant or plants. (e/) In the case of wastewater treatment plants, at least two (2) of the plants shall be biological and apply secondary treatment. B. Explanation of the connection between the Operator and the Related Company. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ (If the information of a shareholder or member refers to another legal person, describe the relationship what causes the company to be a Subsidiary Company or Parent Company of the Bidder, or a shareholder or member of the Bidder. page 94 Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity: .......................................................... Operator Name: ........................................................... Operator's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Operator's Legal Representative Entity: .......................................................... Bidder Name: ........................................................... Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 95 page 96 FORM No. 5: COMMITMENT TO HIRE THE OPERATOR AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath that: We have signed a commitment to hire ................................ (operator that demonstrated its experience in plant operation, hereinafter, the Operator), by which we, in the event of being granted the Award according to the provisions in the Bidding Terms, commit ourselves to enter, through the Concessionaire and in the time established in the Contract, into a contract for operation, which shall include at least the terms provided in Form No. 20 attached to the Bidding Terms. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 1) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Signature ……………………….. page 97 Legal Representative of (Member 1) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 2) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member n) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member n) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member n) Entity …........................................................ Operator Name ………………………. Operator's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Operator's Legal Representative page 98 page 99 FORM No. 6: SHORT-LISTING TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS - CONSTRUCTION AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that the Bidder, the company or group of companies that are members of the Bidder, or the company, to be contracted to act as Constructor, have acquired experience during the last fifteen (15) years in the construction of the water treatment plants (wastewater treatment plants), as detailed below: A) Name of Constructor (a/): …………………………………………. (In the case of companies that are members of the Bidder, the information shall be provided individually) Period of Construction (d/) Component specifications Name and location Type and Technology Capacity 3 (m /s) Age (in years) From To (month – year) (month – year) Participation (%) (b/) 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL Notes: (a/) If the information refers to a Related Company, Section B shall be completed. (b/) Please attach documents that demonstrate the percentage of participation (Contract, Certifications or other equivalent documents in the country where the PROJECT was executed). (c/ and d/) Please attach the Certificate of Acceptance of the Works or an equivalent document in the country where the PROJECT was executed, issued by the Client, which includes the technical specifications of the water treatment plant(s) (wastewater treatment plant(s)). B) Explanation of the connection between the Constructor and the Related Company. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ (If the information of a shareholder or member refers to another legal person, describe the relationship what causes the company to be a Subsidiary Company or Parent Company of the Bidder, or a shareholder or member of the Bidder. page 100 Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity: .......................................................... Constructor Name: ........................................................... Constructor's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Constructor's Legal Representative Entity: .......................................................... Bidder Name: ........................................................... Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 101 page 102 FORM No. 7: COMMITMENT TO HIRE THE CONSTRUCTOR AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath that: We have signed a commitment to hire ................................ (constructor that demonstrated its experience in construction, hereinafter, the Constructor), by which we, in the event of being granted the Award according to the provisions in the Bidding Terms, commit ourselves to enter, through the Concessionaire and in the time established in the Contract, into a contract for construction by which the Constructor becomes jointly responsible with the Concessionaire for the execution of the works for up to two (2) years counted from the delivery of the Certificate of Beginning of works, which shall include at least the terms provided in Form No. 21 attached to the Bidding Terms. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 1) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 1) page 103 Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 2) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member n) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member n) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member n) Entity …........................................................ Constructor Name ………………………. Constructor's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Constructor's Legal Representative page 104 page 105 FORM No. 8: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING (INCORPORATED LEGAL PERSON) AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath that ..(Bidder's name) s a legal person duly created under the laws of ................................., which remains in force in accordance with the legal principles applicable in the country of origin. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ........................................................... Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 106 page 107 FORM No. 9: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING OF A CONSORTIUM AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath: That ........................... (name of each one of the Members of the Consortium) have associated in a Consortium with the purpose of participating in the PUBLIC BID for Integral Projects for the PROJECT “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” That ........................... (name of each one of the Members of the Consortium) are companies incorporated in accordance with the laws of their countries of origin, and currently existing. That ....................... shall act as Operator of the services, fulfilling the requirements established in these Bidding Terms. That ....................... shall act as Constructor of the Works, fulfilling the requirements established in these Bidding Terms. That ........................... (name of each one of the Members of the Consortium) are jointly and indivisibly liable to the Government of the Republic of Peru, PROINVERSIÓN and to the Committee for all and each one of the obligations assumed and sworn statements submitted by the Bidder with regard to this Public Bid. Place and date: ........ Entity …..........., ….....….................., 20… …........................................................ Bidder Name ............................................................ Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 1) Name ................................................. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Entity …........................................................ page 108 Legal Representative of (Member 2) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative (Operator) Name ………………………. Legal Representative (Operator) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative (Operator) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative (Constructor) Name ………………………. Legal Representative (Constructor) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative (Constructor) page 109 page 110 FORM No. 10: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - PARTICIPATION AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that the shareholding percentage of each one of our stockholders or partners or Members is as follows: Shareholder or partner Percentage of participation in the Bidder (only participations above 5%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL For Bidders who are Consortia: Members Percentage of participation in the Bidder 1. 2. 3 4 5. 6. TOTAL Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Shortlisted Bidder: Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 111 page 112 FORM No. 11: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING. NO IMPEDIMENTS AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that [............................................. (Bidder's name)], [members of the Consortium)]: 1. Is (are) not subject to administrative sanctions involving a temporary or permanent impediment to participating in selection processes called for by Government entities, nor to entering into an agreement with the Government of the Republic of Peru. 2. Its (their) status of concessionaire has not ever been revoked due to breach of a concession agreement entered into with the Government of the Republic of Peru under the framework of Legislative Decree No. 1012 or a private investment promotion process, as defined in the Consolidated Text of the Concessions Law, as approved by Supreme Decree N° 059-96-PCM, or the Law N° 28059, Decentralized Investment Promo tion Law. Place and date: ........ Entity …..........., ….....….................., 20… …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 113 page 114 FORM No. 12: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - WAIVER OF PRIVILEGES AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that (Bidder's name), as well as its shareholders, partners or members, or the latter's shareholders or partners, if applicable, waive the following rights: 1. To invoke and use any privilege or immunity, diplomatic or of any other type. 2. To file any complaint by diplomatic means, and to any compensation rights or other rights related to any claim that may be filed by or against the Government, the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN, the Committee, its members and Advisors, under the laws of Peru or under any other laws with regard to the Bidding Terms, the Economic Proposal, the Technical Proposal and the Contract. Place and date: ....... Entity …..........., ….....….................., 20… …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 115 page 116 FORM No. 13: CREDENTIALS FOR SHORT-LISTING - NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that our legal and technical advisors have not directly provided any type of services in favor of the Grantor, SEDAPAL, PROINVERSIÓN or the Committee during the course of this process, whether on a full-time, part-time or temporary basis, that are related to Private Investment Promotion Process referred to. Place and date: ........ Entity …..........., ….....….................., 20… …........................................................ Bidder Name ........................................................... Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 117 page 118 FORM No. 14: REQUIREMENTS FOR SHORT-LISTING - PARTICIPATION IN A SINGLE BIDDER AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that (Bidder's name), as well as its shareholders, partners or members, or the latter's shareholders or partners, if applicable, have any direct or indirect participation in any other Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder. (For companies listed on stock exchanges) We hereby declare under oath that ............................................. (Bidder's name), its shareholders, partners or Members, if applicable, have no direct or indirect participation in any other Bidder or Shortlisted Bidder in which they have control of the management or of any of its members –in case of a Consortium– according to the provisions in the Regulations on Indirect Ownership, Relationship and Economic Groups, as approved by Resolution CONASEV No. 090-2005-EF/94.10 and amended by Resolution CONASEV No. 005-2006-EF/94.10 or by any other amending or substituting regulations. Place and date: ....... Entity …..........., ….....….................., 201… …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 119 page 120 FORM No. 15: COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath: (For a Consortium): • That ........................... (name of each one of the Members of the Consortium), have associated in a consortium for the purpose of participating in this Public Bid. • That we, ........................................., (the entities mentioned in the paragraph above) have signed a commitment to incorporate a legal person with address in the Republic of Peru, and a social capital according to the provisions in the Bidding Terms and in the Contract. (For simple companies): • That we, ........................................., commit hereby to incorporate a legal person with address in the Republic of Peru, and a social capital according to the provisions in the Bidding Terms and in the Contract. (The following paragraphs are valid for both cases): • The incorporated legal person shall sign the Contract. • That, if we are granted the Award, we hereby agree to provide the public deed of incorporation of the Special Purpose Company, along with the certificate of its registration in the corresponding Registry Office, by the Closure Date established in the Schedule of the Bidding Terms. • In this regard, we declare that we are aware of and agree that a failure to fulfill this obligation may be taken into consideration for a possible decision to leave the Award granted in our favor without effect. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Bidder page 121 Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature of the Members (in case of a Consortium): Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 1) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 2) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 3) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 3) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 3) page 122 page 123 FORM No. 16: FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS SAMPLE LETTER FOR SUBMISSION OF SHORT-LISTING FINANCIAL INFORMATION AFFIDAVIT Lima, ............................, 20.... Sirs, PROINVERSIÓN Committee for Infrastructure Projects and Public Social Services, Mining, Sanitation, Irrigation and Agricultural Affairs – PRO DESARROLLO Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN: Bidder : ......................................... ..................................... Re.: Public Bid for integral projects - Project “Provision of Sanitation services for South Lima Districts” According to the provisions in the Bidding Terms of the Public Bid, we hereby provide evidence of the financial requirements for short-listing in the Public Bid referred to above. A. Bidder's Net Equity NET EQUITY US$ [ ]* (*) The total amount written in this table shall be the same as in Table B. B. Net Equity and percentage of participation in the Bidder of the bidder's shareholders or Members Shareholder, Related Company or Member Note 1 Net Equity in US$ (Note 2) Participation % page 124 TOTAL 100% (Copy in Section A) Note 1: Mark with an “X” if the Net Equity amount belongs to a Related Company and fill in Section D. Note 2: For equity owned by Shareholders, Related Companies or Members in a currency other than US$, use Table C. C. Conversion of values expressed in a currency other than then US Dollars, if required. Bidder, shareholder, Member Value or Related Company (Original Currency) Exchange Rate Amount Information (US$) source Note: The applicable exchange rate shall be: a) Exchange rate determined by the Superintendency of Banking and Insurances, as of the closing date of the Financial Statements. b) Exchange rate published by Bloomberg or Reuters as of the closing date of the Financial Statements, only if the currency used in the foreign Bidder's Financial Statements (other page 125 than US Dollar) is not included in the list of the Superintendency of Banking and Insurances. D. Explanation of the relationship between the Bidder, the Bidder's shareholder or member, and its respective Related Company. If the amount of the Bidder, shareholder or member corresponds to another person, describe the relationship that makes that the company is a Related Company of the Bidder, or a shareholder or member of the Bidder. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Sincerely, Signature ……………………….. Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Bidder page 126 FORM No. 17: SAMPLE OF GUARANTEE LETTER OF VALIDITY, EFFECT AND SERIOUSNESS OF THE ECONOMIC PROPOSAL Lima, ............................, 20.... Sirs, Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN: Re.: Bank Guarantee Letter No. .............................. Expiration date: ................................. Dear Sirs, At the request of our clients, ..............................................., we hereby provide this joint, irrevocable, unconditional and automatically enforceable guarantee, without the benefit of excussion, for an amount of up to ........................... United States Dollars (US$ …………) in favor of PROINVERSIÓN, to guarantee the validity, Effect and Integrity of the Economic Proposal provided by our client under the terms and conditions established in the Bidding Terms of the PUBLIC BID for Integral Projects of the Project “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts”. In addition, we hereby state that this guarantee shall be made effective if our client is declared Successful Bidder by the Committee and fails to comply with its obligations at the End Date of the PUBLIC BID mentioned above. The payment shall be made upon request from the Executive Director of PROINVERSIÓN, or an equivalent officer, delivered through a Notary's office. Any delay by us in this respect shall accrue an interest equal to the maximum LIBOR rate at one year, plus a spread of 3%. The LIBOR rate shall be the one established by the daily Reuters Cable that is received in the city of Lima at 11:00 a.m. of the date on which the request for payment through a Notary's office; the interest shall be calculated from the date on which the execution of this guarantee letter is requested until the payment date. Our obligations under this guarantee letter shall not be affected by any dispute between you and our clients. This guarantee shall be effective from …….. (date of submission of the Economic Proposal) to ..........................., ........ page 127 The terms established in this guarantee letter have the same meaning as the terms defined in the BIDDING TERMS. Sincerely, Signature Name ……………………….. ................................................... Banking Entity ………………………. page 128 page 129 FORM No. 18: VALIDITY OF THE INFORMATION - ENVELOPE No. 2 AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that the information, statements, certification and, in general, all the documents provided by (Bidder's name) are valid and in force to date and shall remain in force for up to sixty (60) days after the Award. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 130 page 131 FORM No. 19: SAMPLE OF GUARANTEE OF CHALLENGE TO THE AWARD Lima, ........................................... Sirs, Private Investment Promotion Agency - PROINVERSIÓN: .Re.: Public Bid for integral projects - Project “Provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” Bank Guarantee Letter No. .............................. Expiration date: .................................... Dear Sirs, At the request of our clients, ..............................................., we hereby provide this joint, irrevocable, unconditional and automatically enforceable guarantee, without the benefit of excussion, for an amount of up to ........................... and 00/100 United States Dollars (US$ ..............) in favor of PROINVERSIÓN, which is guaranteed the payment of this amount in any of the scenarios described in paragraph four of this guarantee letter. The guarantee shall remain in force from the date of submission of the Economic Proposal until sixty (60) calendar days after the Award of the PUBLIC BID, and shall be forfeited if the challenge is dismissed or deemed groundless by the Governing Council of PROINVERSIÓN, or if a resolution by the Committee with such a decision has been issued and not appealed. It is expressly understood by us that this guarantee may be forfeited by PROINVERSIÓN in accordance with Article No. 1898 of the Civil Code of Peru. We hereby agree that a simple letter of request delivered by notarial means in our office (address below) will be sufficient for us to proceed with the payment established in this guarantee letter. The letter of request should indicate that the challenge lodged has been dismissed or not admitted by the Directive Council of PROINVERSIÓN; or that a resolution by the Committee with such a decision has been issued and not appealed. We agree to make the payment of the entire guarantee within a period of no more than 24 hours after the date of reception of the corresponding letter of request, certified by Notary Public. page 132 Any delay on our part to honor this agreement will generate the payment of compensatory interest in your favor, which will be calculated based on the maximum LIBOR rate at one year, plus a spread of 3%. The LIBOR rate shall be the one established by the daily Reuters Cable that is received in the city of Lima at 11:00 a.m. of the date on which the request for payment through a Notary's office; the interest shall be calculated from the date on which the payment for the guarantee is requested. Sincerely, _______________ SIGNATURE AND STAMP Name of the bank issuing the guarantee: Address of the Bank: page 133 page 134 FORM No. 20: AFFIDAVIT ON THE OPERATION CONTRACT In respect of the operation contract, the Concessionaire and the Operator hereby declare under oath that such contract states the following: 1. Organization and Powers of Attorney The Operator is a company or trade entity duly incorporated, existing and registered in the corresponding trade registry, according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was incorporated or organized, and able to sign the operation contract and fulfill the obligations established therein. 2. Capacity The Operator is duly qualified and competent to perform any business, daily operations and any other operations that may be described in the operation contract. 3. Authorization The Operator has full capacity and representation to sign and perform the operation contract. The signing and performance of the operation contract has been duly authorized in accordance with the Operator's internal rules or company regulations, through any social action that may be necessary. None of the actions required for this purpose has been amended or canceled, and they have full effect. 4. No Disputes The signing, delivery and fulfillment of the operation contract by the Operator and the performance of actions described in it do not infringe any provision in the Applicable Laws and Provisions, nor any company agreement, fiduciary agreement, or provision in the Operator's bylaws. 5. Joint liability The Operator is jointly responsible with the Concessionaire for the Operation and Maintenance of the Works, from the beginning of the operation until two (2) years after the end of the Contract period. In this regard, we hereby state that we are aware of and accept the consequences of failing to comply with this commitment and/or of the lack of accuracy of the statements provided above. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… page 135 Entity …........................................................ Operator Name ………………………. Operator's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Operator's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 136 page 137 FORM No. 21: AFFIDAVIT ON THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT In respect of the construction contract, the Concessionaire and the Constructor hereby declare under oath that such contract states the following: 1. Organization and Powers of Attorney The Constructor is a company or trade entity duly incorporated, existing and registered in the corresponding trade registry, according to the laws of the jurisdiction in which it was incorporated or organized, and able to sign the construction contract and fulfill the obligations established therein. 2. Capacity The Constructor is duly qualified and competent to perform any business, daily operations and any other operations that may be described in the construction contract. 3. Authorization The Constructor has full capacity and representation to sign and perform the construction contract. The signing and performance of the construction contract has been duly authorized in accordance with the Operator's internal rules or company regulations, through any social action that may be necessary. None of the actions required for this purpose has been amended or canceled, and they have full effect. 4. No Disputes The signing, delivery and fulfillment of the construction contract by the Constructor and the performance of actions described in it do not infringe any provision in the Applicable Laws and Provisions, nor any company agreement, fiduciary agreement, or provision in the Constructor's bylaws. 5. Joint liability The Constructor hereby becomes jointly responsible with the Concessionaire for the execution of the Works, until two (2) years after the delivery of the certificate of Commissioning, according to the provisions in the Contract. page 138 In this regard, we hereby state that we are aware of and accept the consequences of failing to comply with this commitment and/or of the lack of accuracy of the statements provided above. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Constructor Name ………………………. Constructor's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Constructor's Legal Representative Entity …........................................................ Bidder Name ………………………. Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Bidder's Legal Representative page 139 page 140 FORM No. 22: VALIDITY OF INFORMATION FOR INCORPORATION TO THE SHORTLISTED BIDDER AFFIDAVIT We hereby declare under oath that the information, statements and, in general, all the documents submitted in Envelope No. 1 by the Shortlisted Bidder ……………………….. (name of the Shortlisted Bidder) extends to the new Member of the Consortium ……………………. (name of the new Member). This information remains valid to date and shall remain valid for up to sixty (60) calendar days after the Award. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 20… Entity …........................................................ Shortlisted Bidder: Name ………………………. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative page 141 page 142 FORM No. 23: VALIDITY OF INFORMATION FOR INCORPORATION OF A NEW COMPANY TO BE HIRED AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath that: The information, statements and, in general, all the documents submitted in Envelope No. 1 by the Shortlisted Bidder ……………………….. (name of the Shortlisted Bidder) extends to the new operator/constructor to be hired, ……………………. (name of the company). This information remains valid to date and shall remain valid for up to sixty (60) calendar days after the Award. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ Shortlisted Bidder: Name ………………………. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative page 143 page 144 FORM No. 24: SIMPLIFICATION MECHANISM FOR SUBMITTING INFORMATION AFFIDAVIT We hereby state under oath that: The documents submitted in ________________________________(name of the process in which the Bidder participates)*, in order to _______________________ (Bidder's name) to be shortlisted, is, as of the date of the signing of this document, in full force and effect, without any variations. The documents referred to above are the following: 1. (document list) 2. 3. … Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ Shortlisted Bidder: Name ………………………. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative Signature ……………………….. Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative Note (*): Name the process in charge of PROINVERSION during the two years (2) before the date of submission of the documents for short-listing in this Public Bid. page 145 page 146 FORM No. 25: SWORN STATEMENT OF RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PERSON WHO PAID THE PARTICIPATION FEES IN THE SHORT-LISTING STAGE We hereby state under oath that: _______________________________ (Bidder's name), acquired the Rights to Participation through ________________________________ (name of the legal person who made the payment), who is ___________________________________________ (write: one of our shareholders or partners or members, or a Company Related to us or to one of our shareholders or partners or members, or a person who transferred its rights to participate during the Short-listing Stage, by an assignment of rights, as applicable). Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ (Bidder) Name ………………………. (Bidder's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Bidder's Legal Representative) If there is an assignment of the Rights to Participate, the assignor must also sign this affidavit: Entity …........................................................ (Assignor) Name ………………………. (Assignor's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Assignor's Legal Representative) (NOTE: PLEASE ATTACH A SIMPLE COPY OF THE PROOF OF PAYMENT OF RIGHTS TO PARTICIPATION) page 147 page 148 FORM No. 26: SWORN STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE OF THE BIDDING TERMS AND THE CONTRACT (Ref.: Section of the Bidding Terms) We, .............................................................................. (name of the Shortlisted Bidder), its shareholders, partners or members, and their respective shareholders and partners, hereby declare under oath that: 1. We know and shall abide with all the provisions related to the Public Bid, the regulations provided in the Supreme Decree No. 059–96–PCM, Consolidated Text of the Regulations with the status of Law that Regulate the Concession to the Private Sector of Public Infrastructure and Public Services Works, and its Regulations, Supreme Decree Nº 060–96–PCM, the Bidding Terms, the Circular Letters and the final version of the Concession Contract. 2. We have examined and agree with the Bidding Terms, the Agreement and any other background information and documents, that we hereby expressly agree with the obligations imposed by the compliance of such Bidding Terms and other regulations applicable to the Concession Agreement, and that we do not have any comments or objections to make. Consequently, we hereby exempt PROINVERSIÓN and its advisors from any liability for eventual errors or omissions that the background information and documents mentioned above may have. 3. Should we be granted the Award, we agree to enter into the respective Concession Agreement through the Concessionaire entity to be incorporated. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ (Shortlisted Bidder) Name ………………………. (Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Shortlisted Bidder's Legal Representative) page 149 page 150 FORM No. 27: AFFIDAVIT ON COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION (Applicable for a Natural Person) (Reference: Section of the Bidding Terms) We hereby state under oath that: 1.- …...........................................................................................(Bidder's name) intends to form a legal person with address in the Republic of Peru and a social capital in accordance with the provisions in the Concession Contract, if such person is granted the Award. 2.- The incorporated legal person shall sign the Concession Contract for the Project “provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” 3.- If the Award is granted to us, we agree to submit the Deed of Incorporation of the Concessionaire and the corresponding certificate of registration in the Registry Office, by the Closure Date. In this regard, we declare that we are aware of and agree that a failure to fulfill this obligation may be taken into consideration for a possible decision to leave the Award granted in our favor without effect. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ (Bidder) Name ………………………. (Bidder's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Bidder's Legal Representative) page 151 page 152 FORM No. 28: AFFIDAVIT ON COMMITMENT TO INCORPORATION (Applicable for a Consortium) (Reference: Section of the Bidding Terms) We hereby state under oath that: 1.- .............................................................................................. (name of each one of the members of the Consortium), have associated in a consortium for the purpose of participating in this Public Bid. 2.- We, …........................................................................................... (name of each one of the members of the Consortium) intend to form a legal person with address in the Republic of Peru and a social capital in accordance with the provisions in the Concession Contract, if such Consortium is granted the Award. 3.- The incorporated legal person shall sign the Concession Contract for the Project “provision of Sanitation Services for South Lima Districts” 4.- If the Award is granted to us, we agree to submit the Deed of Incorporation of the Concessionaire and the corresponding certificate of registration in the Registry Office, by the Closure Date. In this regard, we declare that we are aware of and agree that a failure to fulfill this obligation may be taken into consideration for a possible decision to leave the Award granted in our favor without effect. Place and date: …..........., ….....….................., 201… Entity …........................................................ (Bidder) Name ………………………. (Bidder's Legal Representative) Signature ……………………….. (Bidder's Legal Representative) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 1) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 1) Entity (Member 1) …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member 2) page 153 Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member 2) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member 2) (…) Entity …........................................................ Legal Representative of (Member n) Name ………………………. Legal Representative of (Member n) Signature ……………………….. Legal Representative of (Member n) page 154