Bronx Dance Magazine/BDT
Bronx Dance Magazine/BDT
BRONX/DANCE MAGAZINE 0anuar5/6ebruar5 200; BDT= 2> ?ears Strong Issue E !ut !f La Botanica Meeting 0t Lo1inger The !nl6 Comprehensi1e Bronx Dance Director6 The Bronx=s !wn Prima Ballerina@ 0n Anter1iew with Barbara Klein !e##er &ro( #he *+,#or !appy &e( )ear! ,e-re brin1in1 in the &e( )ear in a 1reat (ay by once a1ain di11in1 into the Bronx dance 9andscape (ith an inter;ie( of Barbara =9ein, Artistic Director and AoBnder of the Bronx Dance TheatreD EsD =9ein (as 1eneroBs enoB1h to spend some GBa9ity time (ith me and share her thoB1hts aboBt (hat it means to brin1 Bp a cB9tBra9 institBtion that has sBr;i;ed 2I years (ith the sBpport of her hBsband and JxecBti;e Director, &ei9 Ko9dstein, friends, fami9y and stBdentsD !er reco99ections are a 9esson to anyone tryin1 to keep the dance f9ame a9i;e in this 1reat boroB1hD A9so inside this issBe yoB (i99 find some ref9ections from Mhe9ia Ea9donado on the Out of 'a Botanica concert presented by Nepatian this past &o;ember at BAAD!D Thank yoB to Oane Kabrie9s for pro;idin1 the artic9eD This artic9e reminds me of the need of a Bronx responsi;e critica9 eye to he9p the process of bBi9din1 a stron1 dance commBnityD OBr 9ast coa9ition meetin1 (as hosted by Dante A9berti and the cre( of the Qo;in1er TheaterD The dance coa9ition (as treated (ith 1reat respect and 1enerosity and (as 1i;en a toBr of the (onderfB9 faci9itiesD ,e are 9ookin1 for(ard to continBin1 to de;e9op a re9ationship bet(een the Qo;in1er and the coa9ition and are fi99ed (ith 1reat hopes aboBt the possibi9itiesD !a;e a 1reat coBp9e of months as (e a99 9eap into the next time aroBndD -ArthBr A;i9es, Jditor-in-Shief -re+,#s ArthBr A;i9es Jditor-in-Shief, Director of the Bronx Dance Soa9ition Shar9es Tice-KonUa9eU Assistant to the Jditor A9ethea Nace On9ine Jditor, Ea1aUine Desi1ner Mpecia9 thanks to Barbara =9ein and the Bronx Dance Theatre for their contribBtion to this issBeD Thanks to the Association of !ispanic Arts VA!AW, Ee9issa &1irai9emesan1 and The Bronx SoBnci9 on the Arts for pro;idin1 the posta1eD ,e (oB9d a9so 9ike to thank the ;o9Bnteers for their sBpportD ,e appreciate feedback andXor additions to the ma1aUineD Yf yoB (oB9d 9ike to Zoin the ;o9Bnteer staff, p9ease contact Bs at I18-8]2-5223D Bronx Dance Ea1aUine and Bronx Dance Soa9ition are proZects of ArthBr A;i9es Typica9 Theatre and operate from the Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance VBAAD!W, 8]1 Barretto Mtreet, Bronx, &) 10]I]D BAAD! (as foBnded by dancerXchoreo1rapher ArthBr A;i9es (ith assistance from the Noint SDSD 2 !oi$es' )ro+, -.+$e Co.0itio+ 2eeti+3 2i+4tes December 1), 2003 at Lehman College Attending: Kathy Adely (Assistant Director- Lovinger), Dante Alberti (Director of the Lovinger), Arthur Aviles (AATT), Marsi Burns, Laurie Degen (Lighting Designer-Lovinger), Buster Grant (Opus Dance Theater), Patricio Lerzundi (Director of the Theater and Dance Program at Lehman) Bess Pruitt (Artist Manager), Sita Mredrick (Pepatian), Sherisa Jarvis (Danze Divas), Henry Ovalles (Supervising Stage Manager- The Dance Lab), Ken Ross (Technical DirectorLovinger) We thank Marsi Burns for taking notes. The notes which appear below are a summary of the last and very auspicious meeting held by our generous host Dante Alberti and the eUually generous crew at the Lovinger Theater. There were four major topics of discussion: 1. Organizing a dance concert at the Lovinger to raise money for the coalition and to celebrate Bronx dance pioneers. 2. Xsing facilities of the Lovinger Theater in order to video document dance pieces of Bronx dance companies. 3. Developing ideas and strategies to revamp the dance program at Lehman College. 4. Arranging rehearsal space for coalition members. At the end of the meeting, Dante and his crew were kind enough to show us the amazing dance facilities. If you missed this meeting, you missed a very important event. Dante and his crew treated us with great respect and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts! Arthur: Welcome. Coalition and magazine are one year old. The last magazine was about a new dance art form, the shake, and featured Eric Wilson. The Bronx dance coalition brings together Bronx dance related citizens in order to discuss issues and create actions around those issues. Dante: Spoke to the group about Lehman stages, consolidating the stages (Studio Theater Lab, Theater, Experimental Theater) into one entity and future possible programs. Ken: Technical director of theater Buster: Director of Opus, 1) year old dance company. Sita: Representing Pepatian. ]ery grateful to be supported by the Bronx. Bess: Runs artist management company in Bronx, Co-founder of Bronx council on the Arts Arthur: Suggests a discussion of issues and action regarding dance hosted by Lovinger Theater. What could we do for each other^ What are the possibilities of using the space^ Dante: Dance coalition could use a night at Lovinger for a benefit with minimal staff cost from box office and the rest benefiting the coalition. Lehman can offer rehearsal times at competitive rates, open to Coalition members. Not looking to take advantage of Bronx organizations but that we work together as non profits. Looking to engage, revamp and rebuild cultural programs and the dance program. Need to bring back dance. Arthur: What does it mean to possibly revamp the dance program from outside the institution^ What kind of small step can be made to move closer to a coalition connection^ Dante: Looking future teachers for September, a consultant to build, gather names of groups. Arthur: Coalition comes together to consider serious recommendations for a curriculum-What would the criteria be^ Bess: The coalition would put together one show a year- have a huge presentation gala recognizing past Bronx pioneers. Project would take 2 years`2005 Group: Names suggested included: Tina Ramirez, Chuck Davis, Joan Miller, Abdel Salam, Marshall Romaine, Rosemary Jurist, Barbara Klien. Bess: Go to the Bronx Council on the Arts for assistance. Coalition members work on the construction of gala. Dante: We can check Lehman College own archives. Arthur: Coalition- volunteer to help with the organizationbBronx and tourism. Buster: Need to put together a financial committee. Need funding. Dante: Bronxnet can bring in video eUuipment Arthur: Mund raising party a smaller event in 2004 benefit for pioneers, event held at BAAD! Bess: We can gather footage from the past. This can be a way of giving thanks to pioneers and finding out some vital information about Bronx dance. NEcT MEETING: JANXARY 20, 2004, )PM AT BAAD! 3 Bronx Dance Theatre !or 2& year* Bron- Dan/e Theatre 3BDT4 ha* 5een in/or7orating the Art form of Dan/e into the fa5ri/ of Bron- <ife= Our *tu@ent* <earn @i*/i7<ine Ahi<e e-7erien/ing the Boy of @an/e= Ce 7re7are Bron- youth to 5e/ome in@e7en@ent an@ 7ro@u/tive /itiEen*= Our *trong em7ha*i* on /<a**i/a< @an/e te/hniFue* @i*tingui*he* BDT from a<< the other @an/e 7rogram* in the Bron-= A<< of our *tu@ent* have the o77ortunity to 7arti/i7ate in 7rofe**iona<<y *tage@ *hoA*, an e-7erien/e that inform* their <ife 3an@ @e<ight* their fami<ie*4= The BDT offer* Fua<ity 7rofe**iona< training in C<a**i/a< Ba<<et 3Ru**ian te/hniFue4, Lyri/a< an@ Broa@Aay KaEE, Latin KaEE, Ta7, Mo@ern 3Morton N Graham te/hniFue*4, Ce*t Afri/an, Mi7PMo7, Sa<*a, !<amen/o an@ Be<<y Dan/e= The 7rogram* are @ivi@e@ into <eve<* a//or@ing to age, arti*ti/ an@ 7hy*i/a< @eve<o7ment= A<< 7<a/ement i* at the @i*/retion of our 7rofe**iona< tea/hing *taff= BDT offer* a /om7rehen*ive Art*PInPE@u/ation Dan/e Program to 7u5<i/ an@ 7rivate */hoo<* gra@e* UP12= The*e 7rogram* are *7e/ifi/a<<y @e*igne@ for ea/h */hoo< an@ /an 5e in/or7orate@ into the */hoo<W* /urri/u<um= !ren/h termino<ogy= !"E$DA'CE !"*+"AM i* @e*igne@ a* an intro@u/tion to @an/e for the very young /hi<@ age* 3PY= The*e /<a**e* in/<u@e the @eve<o7ment of mu*i/a<ity, rhythm, 7hy*i/a< /oor@ination, 5a*i/ @an/e *tru/ture, an@ BE+.''E" !"*+"AM offer* /hi<@ren age* 6 an@ over /<a**e* in a<< the /<a**i/a<<y 5a*e@ te/hniFue*, a* Ae<< a*, the @an/e e<e/tive*, Mi7P Mo7, Sa<*a, Ce*t Afri/an, an@ Be<<y Dan/e= .'/E"MED.A/E0ADVA'CED !"*+"AM offer* /<a**e* for *tu@ent* age* 10 an@ over, Aho have a minimum of 3 to Y year* *eFuentia< training= Chi<@ren Ai<< 5e 7<a/e@ at thi* <eve< at the @i*/retion of Arti*ti/ Dire/tor, Bar5ara U<ein= .'/E'2.VE !E"3*"MA'CE 4*"526*! !"*+"AM i* a *e<e/tive, 7reP7rofe**iona< 7rogram for interme@iate an@ a@van/e@ *tu@ent*, Ahi/h in/<u@e* Ma*ter C<a**e*, Gue*t* Arti*t*, Choreogra7hy, an@ Performan/e Cor\*ho7*= The*e Aor\*ho7* are a<*o @e*igne@ to he<7 7re7are Aho Aant to au@ition for *7e/ia<iEe@ @an/e */hoo<*= /EE'0AD7L/ !"*+"AM offer* teen* an@ a@u<t* 5eginner /<a**e* in Ba<<et, Mo@ern, KaEE, Latin KaEE, Mi7P Mo7, Ce*t Afri/an, Ta7, Sa<*a, an@ Be<<y Dan/e= ! Bronx Dance /heatre Y&Y Ea*t 1&]th Street Bron-, N_ 10`Y& ]1&P36`P2]2Y AAA=5ron-@an/etheatre=/om 5@t1a]6bao<=/om Bronx Dance /heatre 2taBB Bar5ara U<ein, Arti*ti/ Dire/tor Nei< Go<@*tein, E-e/utive Dire/tor Ly@ia PereE, A**o/iate Dire/tor !"on% Dance Di"ecto"- ./T12T2 .3ethea 5ace 678 9"an: ;onco<"=e >?@ !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGHI7FH886G .nthon- Me-e"= ?DG8 !"on% 5a"K @a=t > IK !"on%A BC D8EM? FDGHG??HG8ED .nthon-Na"tingene"a3Po"g .ntonio /amo= DG6 2tP Ma"K= .Ren<e >DD !"ooK3-nA BC DD?7G ;3ai"e !a""at ;i33a See Motion 2c<3Tt<"e 5"oUect Van: V 5"o:<ction= 5PWP !o% DME? !"on%A BC D8EID ci33aXReeNea"th3inKPnet ;hant3e" ToYn=en: DM6 Mont"o=e .Ren<eA >7/ !"ooK3-nA BC DD?8M FDGHEGMHF8EI chant3e"oneN-ahooPcom Da""en ;ha=e ?F78 !"on% 5a"K @a=t !"on%A BC D8EMF FDGHMI7HE?DG cha=eMDNiYonPcom Z<3e Zo /ami"e[ D?FG D=t .Ren<e >DI BeY Co"KA BC D88?D ?D?HF7FH7E7G Kimbe"3- Sa=]<e[ ?8I ;it- 1=3an: .Ren<e >E !"on%A BC D8EME Kimbe"3-Nb"on%a"t=Po"g K"-=ta3 Va33H93a== ?668 Ma"ion .Ren<e >I@ !"on%A BC D8EIG FDGHIGEHIDFG L<c- .Tonte ME? /o=e:a3e .Ren<e !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EF7 FDGHIG6H8EII 3iRing3ea"ningb-a"t=NU<noPcom Ma"ia an: @::ie To""e= D6ME MattheY= .Re !"on%A BC D8EM? FDGH7D6H67DF Ma"K .nthonD7EI 53imTton .Ren<e >?! !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EI? Ma"=i !<"n= 768D 1n:eTen:ence .Re >M. !"on%A BC D8EM7 Ma"=i?DNao3Pcom Ma=aKo Koga 7DM _P 6Ith 2t"eet >D?D BeY Co"KA BeY Co"K D88?I ?D?HFE6HG?M? Monica `ig<e"oa F?8 Mani:a 2t"eet >? !"on%A BC D8EFE MEMHIDIHMGIM TaTDiRaDNao3Pcom Bo"ma Zean !a"ne= E?88 V<tchin=on /iRe" 5KY>D7. !"on%A BC D8EFI FDGH7?8HDEF? 5at"icia Mab"DI _e=t D76th 2tP >DEZ BeY Co"KA BC D887F ?D?HM6EHEDDG 5e:"o Zimene[ DEE 2Tence" 2t"eet >7DG !"ooK3-nA BC DD?8I 6DFHI7?HEG?M c<bane==N-ahooPcom /hema 2te"3ing G?I !o-nton .Ren<e !"on%A BC D8EF7 FDGHGE?HDDG7 /icha": ;o3on aKa ;"a[- Leg= 7?G `i"=t 2t"eet Ze"=e- ;it-A BZ 8F78? YYYP"ocK=tea:-c"eYPcom 2amantha VeYitt G7M Ti3:en 2t"eet !"on%A BC D8EMF FDGH?7DH8767 _en:- Bico33= 5PWP !o% M87 !"on%A BC D8EI7 aan Ca==in MIE Mani:a 2t"eet !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGH66DH67GD D.B;@ ;WM5.B1@2 ."th<" .Ri3e= T-Tica3 Theat"e ."th<" .Ri3e=H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" !..Db GED !a""etto 2t"eet !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGHGE?HI??7 ;ontemTo"a"- !a33et Theat"e 5eTTe" H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" 5PWP !o% FE88DI !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGHGM8HME88 ?D?HME?HG7FE TeTTe"cbtNao3Pcom Dan[e DiRa= ;hi=e3 Sa3:e[ H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" 6DEHIG6HDFG8 @3o]<ence 5e"fo"mance ;omTan!"-an DaRi=H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" D??F /o=e:a3e .Ren<e >?/ !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EF? FDGH7?GH8EMI !"-onLDaRi=Nao3Pcom @%T"e==ion= Dance .33iance `o":ham dniRe"=itEED @P `o":ham /:P !"on%A BC D8EIG FDGHGDFHD888 Z<=t d= Dance ;omTan5ete" 9on[a3e[ H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" D6EM _eb=te" .Ren<e !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EIF IDMHEG7HG8G6 ?D?HIE7HMD6D Kanata BatiRe Dance Theat"e !e== 5"<itt H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" GD6 @P DMGth 2t"eet !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EI6 FDGHIG6H8E88 Wne _o"3: ."t= H /et<mba CRette Ma"tine[ H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" 5PWP !o% F !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EME FDGHGGIH?IFE "et<mbaNao3Pcom WT<= Dance Theat"e Zame= !<=te" 9"ant H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" 6?G 9e"a": .Ren<e !"on%A BC D8EID W5d2DT;Nao3Pcom FDGH?67H7777 WY3 /e: Moon Da"Keem Denni= GG6 DaY=on 2t"eet !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EI6 7EFHI?EHF878 5eTatian Zane 9ab"ie3= Me"ian 2oto H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" D88D 9"an: ;onco<"=e >D8` !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EI? FDGHIGGHD67M 5eTatianNao3Pcom 5h-=<a3 /icha": /iRe"a H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" MEMHMGIHM?7I "?n3<RN-ahooPcom Te: Thoma= Dance ;omTan78M Mo=ho3< 5a"KYa- >?F !"on%A BC D8EIG ?D?H6E?H78F7 D.B;@ 2;VWWL2 .n:"ea!= Dance 2t<:io 688 Mo""i= 5a"K .Re !"on%A BC D8EM? FDGHI6FH6GM6 !a"ba"a !3acKYoo: Dance !a"ba"a 2Kinne" 7IID Laconia .Ren<e !"on%A BC D8EM6 FDGH66EH6?7? !o=ton /oa: !a33"oom DEM? !o=ton /: !"on%A BC D8EM8 F?GH7?GH?IM? !"on% Dance Theat"e !a"ba"a K3ein ."tP Di"ecto" L-:ia 5e"e[H.==ocPDi"ecto" IGI @a=t DGFth 2t"eet !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EIG FDGH7MEH?F?I YYYPb"on%:ancetheat"ePcom b:tD6FMNao3Pcom ;ontemTo"a"- !a33et Theat"e 5eTTe" H ."ti=tic Di"ecto" D?7D Lafa-ette .Ren<eA Eth f3 !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGHGM8HME88 @3 9"ito Dance 2choo3 Ke33- Te""ie 6E8 9a""i=on .ReP !"on%A BC D8EFE FDGHIE?HED76eID =aThi"eb3<??DNao3Pcom `anc- `eet Dance 2t<:io DM?G ;"o=b- .ReP !"on%A BC D8EMD FDGHE8IHID7M `anc- `eet Dance 2t<:io D?6I .33e"ton .ReP !"on%A BC D8EM6 FDGHE8IHID7M 93o"ia _i=e !o-=f9i"3= ;3<b @ge"ia !ennett H Di"ecto" 6I8 !a-che=te" .ReP !"on%A BC D8EFI FDGH7?8H8II7 Z<=t The 53ace 1ncP ;"eatiRe ."t= ;ente" DM?7 dnionTo"t /:P !"on%A BeY Co"K D8EM? FDGHF6EHIGFG FDGH?76HDDDG gfa%h :anceUtTNao3Pcom Lo3a L<i= ;"eatiRe f 5e"fo"ming ."t= 2t<:io FII @a=t ?7Ith 2t"eet !"on%A BC D8EMM FDGHMIIHDM8F 3o<o3afaNao3Pcom Ma"ia!= D-namic Dance BC 7E7? @P T"emont .ReP !"on%A BC D8EIF FDGHE86H8GG6 Miche3e ;omTa Dance f @%e"ci=e 7I68 Bethe"3an: .Re !"on%A BC D8EM7 FDGHIE6H6M7I comTa:ance"Nea"th3inKPnet Min:H!<i3:e"= ;"eatiRe ."t= ;ente" Ma:aha Kin=e- LambHDi"ecto" 7EDI W3inRi33e .ReP !"on%A BC D8EMF FDGHMI?HM?IM 5a3omba .ca:em- of M<=ic ;ha"3ie 2a3ina= 6FE @P 9<n Vi33 /:P !"on%A BC D8EM6 FDGHGG?H7F88 2i:e 2t"eet Ki:= Toni Men:o[aH Di"ecto" D7D8 dnionTo"t /:P !"on%A BC D8EM? FDGHG?6HF?88 2ta"3ite Dance 2t<:io DM7D 2t 5ete"i= .Ren<e !"on%A BC D8EM? 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BCCD !" $e& class !+ ,o& .e./e&s 3/anilu 7llen8e9 :uis ;<e/o= >e?es ,&o. ?e&/a /uena 0l 1aest&o 700 Elton Ave. - 1/4th St, Bronx, 7Y 718-/8/-67/< !ongrat(lations to Ali.e 0eirstein and the 3o(ng Dan.ema6ers for being listed in 0he and Dan.ers of the 3ear by :ennifer D(nning ;rote <A larger dan.e a(dien.e got a .han.e this year, in a Dan.eno;>N3! festi@al Arogram in SeAtember at the :oy.e SoCo to sa@or the ;or6 of Ali.e 0eirstein and her 3o(ng Dan.ema6ers !omAany, a gro(A of teenagers .hosen ea.h year from .ity s.hools o sAend a s(mmer and .horeograAhingD <Str(ggle,E a solo by :ohn Fasten, stood o(t for its simAli.ity and integrityD GH2>2J>03M "#$%%&'&()% !a# C&# '#t& )#*+ ,ac. C&+ / 0a1e 3#ll S#$%&'#() *+,++ #-.- B012330&) **,++ #-.- I3$0&.0'2#$0) 56 70.80&)9 5*+ 3:3;70.80&) <N: >?#)) @#3%#&( AB Call *56 Dance6s THINE FOUR BAADLM N0 #&0 ?::O231 P:& '#3>0&) $: )%8.2$ Q:&O P:& >:3)2'0&#$2:3 P:& #3( :P :%& %R>:.231 P0)$2S#?)BAADL ASS NO7EN; '0#'?230 @#3- *U BOOVIE DONN DANCE SERIES;'0#'?230 F08- *A OUT LIEE THAT Z'0#'?230 7#&>[ \+ THE BLAETINO ]EFOR7ANCE SERIES <F#?? ^++AB Z '0#'?230 @%30 *UT: P23' :%$ .:&0 #8:%$ )%8.2$$231 # R&:_0>$ $: BAADL >:3$#>$ C[#&?0) #$ 718-842-5223 or email at rice-gonzalez6usa9net9 Bronx Dance Directory (from pg. 5) Bronx River Arts Center ; Gallery Gail Nathan- Director 1087 East Tremont Ave Bronx, NH 10460 [email protected] Camino de Paz Harry Bobbins P.O. Box 801 Bronx, NH 10454 718-742-7832 [email protected] Center Stage Community Playhouse 2474 Westchester Ave. Bronx, NH 10461 718-823-6434 Hostos Center for Arts and Culture Wallace Edgecombe 450 Grand Concourse RC141 Bronx, NH 10451 718-518-6700 718-518-4455 Box Office Yehman Center for the Performing Arts Andrea J. Rockower \ 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West Bronx, New Hork 10468 718-960-8281, 8232 [email protected] Yive From the Edge Theater Chantler Townsend 940 Garrison Avenue Bronx, NH 10474 718-542-4139 Yovinger Theater Dante Alberti 250 Bedford Park Blvd. West Bronx, NH 10468 718-960-7830 [email protected] Vamos A Ya Pena Del Bronx Joe Perez - Artistic Director 226 E. 144th Street 3rd Fl. Bronx, New Hork 10451 718-742-2523 Wave Hill Dance Department 675 W. 252nd Street Bronx, NH 10471 718-549-3200 [email protected] OTHER ENTITIES Archie Broady 1912 Osborne Place Bronx, NH 10463 Benita Brooks 2720 Grand Concourse a516 Bronx, NH 10458 718-561-5480 609-877-5723 Beth Abraham Hospital Attn: Dance Program 612 Allerton Avenue Bronx, NH 10467 718-519-4125 Bronx Tourism Council Yyssette Rivera - Director 198 E. 161st Street, Suite 201 Bronx, NH 10451 [email protected] Bronx Council on the Arts Bill Aguado, Ed Friedman, Ellen Pollen 1738 Hone Avenue Bronx, NH 10461-1486 718-931-9500 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Dance NHC Robert Hesselman, Director c/o The JEHT Foundation 120 Wooster Street 2nd Fl. New Hork, NH 10012 212-966-1638 [email protected] Darlene Carr ; Anthony Carr 2710 Sedgewick Avenue a3A Bronx, NH 10468 718-601-0824 [email protected] DRA Denise Roberts Hurlin 165 W. 46th Street Ste. 1300 New Hork, NH 10036 New Image Comfort Shoe and Dance Supplies 43 Westchester Sduare Bronx, NH 10461 718-319-0829 Rice-Gonzalez Public Relations Charles Rice-Gonzalez 841 Barretto Street Bronx, NH 10474 718-542-0267 " Urban Renewal: Pepatian’s Out of La Botanica A ( at BAAD! city native gets bored easily, needs constant renewal, not unlike an artist. It helps to look at things from different angles. In the Bronx a few Saturday nights ago, there was plenty of stimuli, lots of folks who seemed like family moving in ways familiar and new in a show called Out of La Botanica produced by Pepatian. Like many city natives, this dance concert and most of its performers have Latino roots. That understood, they imagined themselves in kaleidoscopic shapes and images, located themselves in contexts both homegrown and abstract. It could have been a night on the town - catching a drag king in a smooth guayabera lip-synching to her salsa jam and her woman (Elizabeth Marrero), making a circle around kids on a street corner popping and locking (Keep Rising to the Top), sitting on the sidelines at a club hypnotized by the moves of party people (Vissi Dance Theater). It could have doubled as sites of ritual and experimentation - the poetic improvisation of an offering to an altar installation (Noemi Segarra and Marion Ramirez), the representation of floating, drifting nature (Richard Rivera). It could have been a place for new tradition and beauty - ballets to classically informed house music November 7&8, 2003 !""# R&'&() *+ *," T+# Anthony Rodriguez) and the newly discovered sound of old balladeers (Jessie Flores and Pablo Amores). It could have also unfolded as a blank page animated with color and caricature - a critique of an oversized dictator and the people he exploited (Sita Frederick), or a send-up of a beloved, but equally traumatizing, showgirl superstar (Rhina Valentin). Placed next to each other, these dances brought together "the speculative and the liberatory" as one poet calls it, the innovation of avant-garde work and the yearning of oppressed people. They have something to learn from each other, something to urge the other on, not unlike a city native getting something from the kind of inspiration an artist requires. - Sheila Maldonado Sheila Maldonado is a poet and freelance writer. Her family hails from Honduras and she was born and raised in New York. She divides her time between Washington Heights and Coney Island. OUTSIDE THE *RON- .//0 !illa%&ee )otion -culpture 2ro3ect Fridays at noon at the 92 Street 1 February 6, 12pm Dixon 2lace presents !ovin& !en (Curated by Arthur Aviles and performed by Alberto Denis, Pedro Jimenez, Pedro Osorio and Richard Rivera) Gniversity Settlement February 23, 8pm 2epatian presents Bronx Dance /arty 2 A/A/ (Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre, Sita FredericK, Full Circle, Pene McCourty, Physual, Merian Soto Dance and Performance, Awilda SterlingODuprey Antonio Ramos and Anthony Rodriguez) 10 City Center Studios 2hysual Tribeca Performing Arts Center January 10, 10pm January 7, 7pm Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat January 2004 To list your event call us at 718-842-5223 or email us at [email protected]. Deadline for submission is February 17, 2004. 1 2 3 For groups performing outside the Bronx see page 10. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Fieldston Dance Company( w/work by Robert Battle ) @Fieldston, 7:30pm (718)329-7300x3358 16 Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre’s History Dances (video screening) @BAAD!, 8pm 17 18 Children of Uganda@ Lehman Center for the Performing Arts, 2pm 19 20 Bronx Dance Coalition Meeting@ BAAD!, 6pm 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Arthur Aviles Typical Theatre: Embarking on the Disco Project @ BAAD!, 3pm Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat February 2004 1 2 3 4 Forces of Nature Dance Theater@ Hostos Center for Arts and Culture 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Bronx Dance Coalition Meeting @BAAD!, 6pm 18 19 Black Dance on Film @The Point CDC 718-542-4139 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 To list your event call us at 718-842-5223 or email us at [email protected]. Deadline for submission is February 17, 2004. For groups performing outside the Bronx see page 10.