ascension church bulletin


ascension church bulletin
Church of the Ascension
Little Mountain Manor
Licensed Care Facility
A Christian home with a beautiful perspective. We are here for you.
Specialists in dementia and complex care. Respite care on emergency
basis is available. Tax deductible. Rates start at $135/day.
Pastor: Rev. Karam Alraban
Parish Coordinator: Rosemary Blank
Call for your free consult today: 250-248-4591
Theresa Antolick
Soft Tissue Therapy
250-752-SOLD (7653)
TF 800-224-5906
[email protected]
Spinal Manipulations
Professional Custom
Foot Orthotics
679 Memorial Avenue
Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1T4
235 W 1st Ave. Qualicum Beach
(250) 752-2212
Sunday: 8:30am & 10:30am
Tuesday: 7:00pm
Wednesday to Friday: 9:00am
Saturday: 9:00am & 5:00pm
Are you new to our parish?
Please complete the New Member
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Web Page:
Independent Consultants & Fundraising
866 Temple Street, Parksville
Your Home or Ours
Make a joyful
noise to God,
all the earth!
This space
available for
PO Box 1840 #2-139 Hirst Ave., Parksville V9P 2H6
[email protected]
Ph 250-248-1010 Fax 250-951-0166
This space
available for
Holy Hour, Tuesdays to 7:00pm; Cenacle Rosary: 6:30pm
BAPTISM INQUIRIES: Please contact the Baptism Team or the parish office
All submissions should be in writing no later than noon on Wednesday
Please contact the Pastor or Funeral Coordinator
You can make a difference–
a lasting difference!
By appointment with the pastor; Contact parish office six months before the intended marriage date
By appointment or Saturday, 4:15-4:45pm
Catholic Foundation
of Vancouver Island
Please notify the parish office when hospitalized
or call 250-752-0498
Mobile Service Available
Franco & Camela Bavaro
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 2:30pm
(Closed 12:30 to 1:00pm)
Telephone: 250-248-3747
887 Wembley Road, Parksville B.C. V9P 2E6
[email protected]
This space
available for
Office Hours:
Lord, make haste
- to help me!
Adoration... Judy Patience-Ethier, 250-752-2030
Adult Faith Education... Rose Marie Hague, 250-752-1415
Baptism Team… Noreen Morrison, 250-752-1120
Basic Communities... Tess Cormack, 250-752-8576
Bible Study… Terry Nishimura, 250-468-9202
Bldg & Maintenance Com… 250-248-3747
C. W. L… Nancy Horsfield, 250-248-8869
Children’s Liturgy… Amanda Sapieha, 250-586-7480
Children’s Rel Ed… Laura Gaetz, 250-954-0618
Extraordinary Minister... Julia Murrell, 250-738-0614
Finance Council Vice-Chair… Jorge Triay, 250-248-3747
Flowers... Mary Sheil, 250-951-2154
Funerals... V. Cyr, 250-468-5529, S. Doucette, 250-752-9535
Greeters & Ushers... Ray Marsh, 250-752-9228
Knights of Columbus… Wayne Sapieha, 250-586-7480
Lectors… Vida Cunniffe, 250-954-3816
Library Committee... Duane Quily, 250-752-6660
Liturgy Committee... Beverley Belliveau, 250-951-2010
Ministry to Nursing Homes... Penny Cowan, 250-594-7497
Ministry for the Sick… Pat Chypak, 250-752-5273
New Comers… Cecilia Cody, 250-752-5899
Pastoral Council Chair… Ron Boag, 250-927-1584
Pro Life… Liam Richardson, 250-586-5248
R.C.I.A... Terry Nishimura 250-468-9202
Social Justice… Malcolm Goff, 250-752-2437
Youth Coordinator…Trisha Morrison, 250-248-3747
1 3 t h & 1 4 t h S u n d a y s i n O r d i n a r y Ti me
June 26th & July 3rd, 2016
Saturday, June 25th, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of Yvonne Hebert †
Requested by Bernadette Smith
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm Choir ~ Parish Hall
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm Reconciliation / Confession
5:00 pm Mass — Soul of Phil Weetman †
Requested by Gary & Nora Williams
Sunday, June 26th, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
8:30 am Mass — Intentions of the Parishioners
10:30 am Mass — Soul of Caternia Carelli †
Requested by Tony Carelli
Monday, June 27th, Weekday:
No Events Scheduled
Tuesday, June 28th, St. Irenaeus, Bishop, Martyr:
10:00 am to 7:00 pm — Adoration
6:30 pm Cenacle Rosary
7:00 pm Mass — Soul of Dr. Roy Heatcoat †
Requested by Francia & Jayde Heatcoat
Wednesday, June 29th, Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles:
9:00 am Mass — Soul of Daniel Foley †
Requested by Dianne Sisonenko
Thursday, June 30th, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Intentions of Fr. Mel Bayron’s Ordination Anniversary
Requested by Kathleen Haverty
Friday, July 1st, Weekday:
Office Closed / Canada Day
Fr. Karam Alraban Vacation July 1st through July 15th
9:00 am Liturgy of the Word, Sandi Digras
Saturday, July 2nd, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Cancelled
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm Choir ~ Parish Hall
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm Reconciliation / Confession
5:00 pm Mass — Intention of the Parishioners
...Clergy Replacement, Fr. Peter Switzer
Sunday, July 3rd, Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
8:30 am Mass — Intentions of Eloise & Russel Morrison
Requested by Bob & Gloria Miller
10:30 am Mass — Intentions of the Gutierrez Family
Requested by the Youth Ministry
...Clergy Replacement, Fr. Peter Switzer
Monday, July 4th, Weekday:
No Events Scheduled
Tuesday, July 5th, Weekday:
10:00 am to 7:00 pm — Adoration
6:30 pm Cenacle Rosary
7:00 pm Liturgy of the Word, Judy & Len Ethier
Wednesday, July 6th, Weekday:
9:00 am Liturgy of the Word, Sandi Digras
Thursday, July 7th, Weekday:
9:00 am Liturgy of the Word, Beverley Belliveau
7:30 pm Knights of Columbus General Meeting ~ Parish Hall
Friday, July 8th, Weekday:
9:00 am Liturgy of the Word, Sandi Digras
Saturday, July 9th, Weekday:
9:00 am Mass — Cancelled
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm Choir ~ Parish Hall
4:15 pm to 4:45 pm Reconciliation / Confession
5:00 pm Mass — Pro Life
...Clergy Replacement, Fr. Peter Switzer
Sunday, July 10th, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time:
8:30 am Mass — Intentions of the Parishioners
10:30 am Mass — Soul of Caternia Carelli †
Requested by Tony Carelli
...Clergy Replacement, Fr. Peter Switzer
Parishioners wishing an appointment with Fr. Karam are to contact
him directly by email at [email protected] or by phone at 250951-2187 as Fr. Karam will keep his own schedule.
…Welcome: Fr. Karam Alraban will be away on vacation from July
1st through July 15th, in his absence Fr. Peter Switzer will provide clergy
replacement for our weekend Masses, July 2, 3, 9, & 10. On behalf of all
parishioners, we welcome him to our parish.
…Job Postings: St. Andrew’s Regional High School has the fol-
lowing positions available — Two Part-time Certified Educational Assistants, School Counsellor / Academic Advisor position available. Application forms and details are posted on
...Mary Carmichael, Executive Assistant, Island Catholic Schools
…B. C. Cancer Agency: Mobile Digital Mammography is coming
to Qualicum Beach, June 22 –23 & June 27-30, and to Parksville, July 47 & July 12-14. Call 1-800-663-9203 to book an appointment. Screening
Saves Lives. ...Mary McClelland
…Notice of Mass Change: St. Louis de Montfort — For the
weekend of June 25 / 26 Only...Due to the power outage scheduled for
June 26 in Lake Cowichan and the surrounding areas, St. Louis de Montfort will be change the Mass date and time to Saturday, June 25, 2016,
…Extraordinary Ministers: Weekend schedules for Extraordinary Ministers are ready at the back of the church.
...Julia Murell, Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist Coordinator
…Singers Needed: The 5 pm choir would love to hear your voice! If
you are interested, please attend next Saturday’s choir practice, 4:15 pm,
or feel free to come and join us at the 5:pm Mass. Thank you.
...Gayle Natland
…...Ushers & Greeters Needed: If you are able to assist at the
Sunday 10:30 am Mass please contact Ray Marsh, 250.752.9228.
…W. C. A. C. Y. M. — Western Canadian Association of Catholic
Youth Ministry will be offering a summer seminar in Youth Ministry. Three
courses will be offered in the week of July 15—21, 2016 in Saskatoon.
Bursaries are available. For more information, contact the Diocesan
Youth Office at 250-479-1331 or email: [email protected]
...Kelly Bourke, Director, Office of Youth Ministry
Knights of Columbus
Next General Meeting: Thursday, July 7th, 7:30pm in
the Parish Hall.
Next Executive Meeting: Thursday, July 21st, 7:00pm, in St. Luke’s
The Knight’s Choir: is scheduled to sing on the first Saturday,
5:00PM Mass and first Sunday, 8:30AM Mass of each month.
The 2016 Lifestyle Books: are now available — a great value at
$19.00. Please contact Tony Antoniuk (250-752-9152) or Ray
Misanchuk (250-752-8950).
Find Out How You Can Serve: in the spirit of fellowship and charity.
For those interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact
Wayne Sapieha (250-586-7480) or Al Walsh (250-738-0319).
“O Jesus, my Love, may my heart be consumed in loving Thee;
make me humble and holy; give me childlike simplicity; transform me into thy holy love. O Jesus, life of my life, joy of my
soul, God of my heart, accept my heart as an altar, on which I
will sacrifice to Thee the gold of ardent charity, the incense of
continual, humble and fervent prayer, and the myrrh of constant sacrifices! Amen.” (St. Paul of the Cross)
...Jack Chambers, Knight in the 3rd Degree
…Catholic Women’s League: Bursary Awards — This year we
are pleased to announce our two winners, awarded $1,000 each, to Matthew Dobinson, of Kwalicum Secondary School and Ella Roger, of Ballenas
Secondary School. Congratulations! ...Maureen Dawson, C.W.L.
…Job Posting: Coordinator of Youth Faith Formation — Trisha Morrison will commence maternity leave effective September 2016. On behalf of
Fr. Alraban, the Youth Ministry Team and all parishioners we thank her for
her dedication and work in this ministry and we look forward to her return to
active employment in September 2018. The parish is seeking a temporary,
two year replacement for this paid position. A full diocesan job description is
available in the parish office. Interested candidates are invited to submit a
covering letter, three reference letters, and a resume no later than June
30th, 2016, to the parish office, Attention: Personnel Committee.
…Lectors: The schedule for July—September has been sent out by
email. Those who need a print copy will find it in the lector box at the back of
the church. Thank you always....Vida Cunniffe, Lector Coordinator
…St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Nanoose: Dear Oceanside
Christian Ladies — We invite you to join us, Monday, June 27th,
10:00am, for Coffee and Muffins and a great time to get acquainted from all
our churches! We’ll sing, visit, and pray. Our host will be: Rev. Selinder
Krayenhoff and Terry, Admin. Assist.; St. Mary’s Anglican Church, 1900
Powder Point Road, Nanoose Bay. Telephone: 250-468-5684. Please
RSVP to [email protected] We are looking forward to our gathering
together and building relationship and having fun and sharing!
June 20th, 2016: Year To Date Sunday Donations
Average Weekly Envelope Donation: $4,753.67
Average Weekly Loose Donation: $547.14
Average Number of Weekly Envelope Users: 215
June 20th, 2016 Year To Date Income & Expense:
Sunday Donations: 137,602.54
Other Income:
Total Income:
Average Monthly Income: 24,582.71
Average Monthly Expense: 23,556.20
Catholic Women’s League
A weak spot anywhere in the structure can ruin the
whole. That which you can not change, accept.
...Carol Low-Hykaway, CWL Spiritual Chair
…Pilgrimage to Guadalupe: October 17-23, 2016 — Join
us as we visit the places where evil was conquered under the mantle
of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Experience the gorgeous colonial city of
Puebla. Visit the largest pyramid in the world in Cholula. Visit the
amazing St. Michael’s Miracle and Our Lady of Ocotlan. Experience all the beautiful and cultural place of the new world’s largest
city, Mexico City, including the home of St. Juan Diego, the remains
of Blessed Miguel Pro, ancient Teotihuacan, the canals of Xochimilco, the churches of Coyoacan, and of course, visit twice the
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. All travel, accommodation, and
most meals provided. Price: $3100. Chaplain: Fr. John Laszczyk,
Rector, St. Andrew’s Cathedral & Vicar General, Diocese of Victoria.
Tour Leader & Contact for Itinerary & Details: Denise Buckley @ 250339-1807 or [email protected] And if you wish, extend your stay in
Mexico to Puerto Vallarta staying at the all inclusive Royal Decameron Resort until Saturday October 29. The price of $695.00 per person
includes airfare from Mexico City to Puerto Vallarta, airport transfers,
accommodations, all meals, all drinks, nightly entertainment and
return flights to either Victoria or Comox. ...Fr. John Laszczyk
…St. Columba Presbyterian Church: Drama Camp —
July 25th—29th; Volunteers are also needed. If you are able to assist, please call Catherine Held, 250-752-7023, or Helen Hill-Tout,
…St. Andrew’s Catholic Community: Once again prep-
arations are underway for the annual Rose Prince Pilgrimage which
will be held July 8th, 9th, and 10th, at the Lejac Site (Fraser Lake, B.
C.). Annual Pilgrimage Tse– yaz bun k’ut — Guest Speaker, Deacon
Rennie Nahanee, Squamish First Nation Elder. Please see the poster
on the parish hall bulletin board for more information. ...Fr. Vincent
rayer List:
...Please pray for Benita, Stu Berry, Lou
Biggeman, John & Lisa Boag, Kay
Boag, Bernadette Boisvert, Dorothy Brassard, Geri
Burke, Beverley Carpenter, Mate Colak, Al Deamer,
Florence Doyle, Jacqueline Drozkerr, Menanteau
Dullisear, Gloria Enright-Arnouse, Terry Evans, Brenda
Fougere, Denise Gervais, Hasper Hamel, Tina
Holzwarth, Jackie Hrebicek, Andrea Koelewyn, Laura
Dawn Kuramoto, Bonita Moeller, Raymonde Lortie,
Caleb McIntyre, Fran Mills, Russel Morrison, Marlen
Pineda, Susan Serafini, Jacky Stumke, Robin Stumke,
Amanda Taylor, Bill Van Horne, Paula Zilkie, and a
Special Prayer Intention for the Reverence for
Life. May we defend it and promote it from conception to its natural end.