SJ GrassrootS Upcoming events From the Principal Friday 29 July 2016 T3-W2 Firstly, a warm welcome back to the start of semester two! Monday 1 August Year 8/9 Eagles School Boys Cup AFL Final Year 7 Canberra Camp parent information evening 6:30pm Tuesday 2 August School Tour 9am Year 6/7 Docker’s Cup AFL Senior School Subject Selection Night Monday 8 August Year 6/7 Boys AFL Tuesday 9 August School Photos Wednesday 10 August School Photos Year 9/10 RKAS Sport Friday 12 August Interschool Cross Country (Year 4 - 6) Tuesday 16 August Athletics Carnival ( Year 7 - 12) Friday 19 August - Friday 26 August Year 7 Canberra Trip Uniform Shop Opening Hours Monday 2.00pm - 3.30pm Wednesday 8.00am - 11.00am Tel: 9526 5000 Fax: 9525 9130 Email: [email protected] 1 Bishop Road Mundijong, WA 6123 New Staff This term we welcome three new staff members. Mr Kevin Bennett is replacing Ms Keavy Diggins in the Mathematics department, Ms Holly Peck has joined us from the UK to take over Verona Wauchope’s Biology position and Ms Tanya Van Den Dries replacing Ms Leeanne Pozzebon doing DOTT relief for the Junior School. Timetable Changes Students have now experienced two weeks with our new timetable times, where PCG is during the first 15 minutes of the school day. This is working well especially with our PCA’s having the opportunity to ensure everyone is dressed correctly to start the school day. Three week break This year was the first year of SJGS trialling a three week mid year break and teaching for a further week at the end of the year when many parents complained the students finished too early and had too long a summer break. We will be reviewing the success or otherwise of this and will let parents know what will happen next year. From all reports so far, it was well received. Student Reports We also sent out a completely different set of student reports which were more in touch with recent changes. I hope you found it informative. Building Progress Junior School Playground Work commenced this week on the new Nature Play playground for year one to six students. This exciting new play area is estimated to be ready for our junior school students to explore from week 5 of this term. Science Lab The new senior school science lab is now in the final stages of planning and is set to commence works in Term 4. This will provide our students with state of the art science laboratories and a wider range of teaching possibilities for science staff. Administration and staff room Many of you may now have seen the update to the front administration building with new carpet and a fresh coat of paint. The old senior staff room has also had a facelift being converted into a new staff room for all our staff to enjoy. This is the first staff room we have had at SJGS! Executive Staff Offices Mr Brad Krokosz and Ms Ann Chew are now located in the old uniform shop which contains two offices and a meeting room. Cont. Cont. Foundation Square Many students have visited the new look ‘Foundation Square’ garden which grounds man Mr Scott Mildwaters worked on during the holiday period. It is an expectation that students respect this area and do not walk through the garden beds. New Junior School Captains Congratulations to two of our year 6 students on their new leadership positions for semester 2 2016. Junior school Head Girl: Mel Wachekwa Yarrabah Captain: Jade Whiting Ms Patricia Rodrigues Principal School Photos The schedule for school photos is on Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th August. Students will be given their photo envelope next week and must bring the envelope with them to their PCG photo shoot. Please note: Blazers will be worn for photos. Jumpers will not be worn during the photo shoot. Girls: No socks should be worn over or under the tights; no makeup is allowed. Hair should be tied/clipped back away from the face. Boys: Hair is to be clear of the ears and should not fall over the collar. Facial hair is not permitted – must be clean shaven. Class photos will be taken first and then individual photos. Sibling photos will be taken during recess/lunch on either day. Sibling photo envelopes are available from reception. They are a separate order. Ann Chew Head of Pastoral Care 2017 Subject Selection Information Evening When: Tuesday 2 August, 7:00 pm Where: SJGS Wellstrand Centre Event outline: The evening will outline the subjects on offer for our 2017 Year 10 & 11 students and study opportunities in our Senior Secondary School, through to Year 12 and onto university, TAFE, other training providers and the workplace. Students and parents will also have an opportunity to speak to each of the Learning Area Coordinators. Students will receive a subject selection booklet which will outline all the options available to them. The booklet also outlines the subject selection timeline and cut-off dates for applications. Copies of the subject selection booklet will be available after this event for those that are unable to attend. Students are asked to attend in School uniform with their parents. Brad Krokosz Head of Curriculum Report Success Congratulations to the following students for receiving all A’s on their Semester 1 Report for accepting and supporting the RESPECT ETHOS. These students were presented with Merit Certificates during the whole school assembly on Tuesday 19 July. Year 11: Year 7: Jake Cooke Year 8: Rebecca Jarrold Year 10: Kurtis Brown Courtnie Chambers Meg Gallager Kate Inglis-Hodge Cade Owen Kaila Turner Alicia Warner Cassandra Booker Meg Chamberlain Kristin Day Abbey Gallager Lauren Hazelgrave Bree McAloon Cara Powner Baeley Godfrey Briana Lambert Year 12: Congratulations to the following students who received Merit Certificates for achievement in their academic course(s). The certificates were presented to the students during the whole school assembly on Tuesday 19 July. Careers & Enterprise General: Year 12 - Madison Pratt English: Year 7 – Jake Cooke Year 8 – Rebecca Jarrold Year 9 – Joel Braovich Year 10 – Cade Owen Year 11 English ATAR: Elana Berger Leia Stupple Year 11 English General: Taylor Nielson Year 12 English ATAR: Baeley Godfrey Year 12 English General: Paige Regan Humanities: Year 10 – Bethany Martini Kaila Turner Cade Owen Kate Inglis-Hodge Information & Communication Tech.: Year 12 Information Technology ATAR: Rhianne Seyman Sarah Avila Year 11 Maths Methods: Year 11 Maths Essentials: Year 12 Maths Applications: Year 12 Maths Essentials: Outdoor Education ATAR: Year 7 – Hayden Van Lieshout Year 8 – Evan Browne Year 9 – Maxwell Denholm Year 10 – Connor Davidson Cara Powner Taylor Neilson Bryce Van Uden Luke Smith Year 11 – Kielyn Wheeler Year 11 PE Studies ATAR: Cara Powner James Sturrock Brianna Jordon Matthew Branch Kielyn Wheeler Year 12 PE Studies ATAR: Eryn Kemp Year 7 – Dylan Davies-Payne Hayden Van Lieshout Bridget de Lacy Jake Cooke Geneva Borg Max Foreman Year 8 - Sarah Branch Year 9 – Josh Elphick Joel Braovich Maxwell Denholm Johann Lotter Year 10 – Connor Davidson Year 11 Biology ATAR: Year 11 Chemistry ATAR: Year 12 Biology ATAR: Year 7 – Toby Davey Year 8 – Emma Borrett Year 9 – Eliza Lewis Year 10 – Riley Leske Year 11 Information Technology ATAR: Elana Berger Mathematics: Science: Elana Berger Cara Powner Cara Powner Lachlan Bett Baeley Godfrey Police Rangers Camp During the first week of the winter break 45 students from years 6 to 12 ventured to the PCYC Camp in Harvey. Even though it was very wet and windy, the students immersed themselves into 3 days of activities including: bush biking, abseiling, orienteering, and a ropes course. Pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone and challenging each other, students developed in the following experiences: · · · · A sense of competency and can do attitude in meaningful participation A feeling of connectedness and positive social interaction A belief in their ability to make decisions, self-definition and self-expression A stable identity in providing and receiving positive feedback I would also like to commend our Senior Sergeant (Nikita Daly) and our three Sergeants (Ronin Flynn, Jaidyn Bridges and Peter Boyd), who after a yearlong leadership program demonstrated clear direction and responsibility in many facets of running a camp. These students were provided with the opportunity to influence major decisions about camp roles and responsibilities which required the listening, valuing and leading of others. Lastly, all students attending represented the School in a manner for which they are to be congratulated, upholding to the School ethos of Respect for Self, Others, Learning, Environment and God. Mr Pete Brown Canberra Information Evening There will be a Sydney/Canberra Parent Information night on 1 August 2016 from 6.30pm to 7.30pm for all parents of year 7 students attending this camp. This will be held in the Wellstrand Centre. The aim of this evening will be to discuss the outline of the camp, expectations and answer any questions you may have. It is important that you attend with your child. Please RSVP. I would like to thank all parents who have returned the insurance paperwork. If this is still outstanding, please complete and return this as an urgent priority. If you have not already purchased a snowpack and would still like to, you can still do so this week. Mr Pete Brown Year 7 Coordinator Dragon Cup Congratulations to all students who took part in the 2016 Dragon Cup which was held at Baldivis Pony Club on Sunday July 24. It was a great day out where students had a fantastic time earning points for Whibty and Yarrabah. Thank you to all parents and students who helped on the day and a special thank you must go to Sarah Pateman, Joanne King and Jill Wood-Ainslie for all of their help and effort in making this event such a success! Thanks also to the SJGS P&F for running the canteen on the day. Mr James Bristow Learning Area Coordinator Physical Education Comealongandtastesomefoodfromdifferentcultures: Aboriginal French Australian Japanese SouthAfrican Spanish Canadian NewZealand Italian Multicultural lunch happening next Wednesday August 3 for Year 9s, 10s, 12s studying Italian. Ms Elena Del Bianco Italian Teacher Exchange Students Saturday July 23 the Italian exchange students had a barbecue with all the hosting families. This was a wonderful night! Tuesday 26 July Ms Del Bianca had her Italian friend Luca Mattia and all the exchange students come into her year 12 class and helped them with their Italian speech for their exam. A busy week for the exchange students! Let’sembracethebeautyofdiversitystartingfromthe culinarysideofeachculture Ms Elena Del Bianca - Italian Teacher St Georges Art Exhibition Over the past week 54 schools in Western Australia participated in the annual St Georges Art exhibit. Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar had three students work on display in this exhibit; Akshay Bishnulall’s, Rhianne Seyman’s and Brianne Carter’s. The awards evening was on 21 July and both Ms Parry and Mrs Riseley attended the evening. It was great to see such quality in all the work on display and interesting perspectives on current topics of today. Mrs Skye Riseley Art Teacher ATAR English Excursion A dedicated and enthusiastic group of ATAR English students spent the first Friday of the holidays attending the 2016 English and Literature Conference at Curtin University. Accompanied by Mrs Southwell, Ms Tolhurst and Mrs Pugliese, these students attended lectures focusing on key areas of the ATAR English course and exam. This conference occurs annually and is designed in collaboration with ATAR markers in order to better prepare students for the ATAR exam. Students attended a range of lectures including ‘Close Analysis and Short Answers’, ‘What is Voice?’, ‘Understanding Genre’ and ‘Dystopian Narratives’. This provided students with the opportunity to both expand their learning and experience university life, including finding their way around a large campus and attending lectures. The students are to be congratulated on their mature and responsible behaviour and attitude during the day. We were also impressed with their dedication to their learning, which led them to give up a day of their holidays. We look forward to next year’s visit. Ms Leonie Southwell English Teacher Junior School Pavers Removal and Play Area A big thank you to all of the families who assisted in the removal of the pavers in the junior school in preparation for the new junior school play area which is well underway! The school has been fortunate in recieveing an ‘Alcoa Action Grant’ to assist in funding the project. The students are all very excited about their new play area which is set to be completed by week 5 this term. Ms Lisa McLean Head of Junior School Robotics Athletics Carnival Training Students from Year 5 to 10 who are interested in Athletics training commences this Thursday 28 July joining Robotics this term, please see Ms Tupicoff 3.05pm-4pm and every Thursday afternoon leading up to the ACC athletics carnival on Monday 5 September. in the Maths/Science office if interested. There are some spaces available but they are limited. Ms KathrynTupicoff Learning Area Coordinator Mathematics All students are welcome! Mr James Bristow Learning Area Coordinator Physical Education and Sport SAVE THE DATE Interested in holding a stall at the 2016 Spring Arts Festival? Contact Lena Motu : [email protected] Olivia Sherlock: [email protected] Phone: 9526 5000 Parents & Friends Association Thank you Thank you to the following wonderful parents for all your help at the Junior School Disco and Dragon Cup: Trish Whiting, Wendy Clifton, Natalie and Cat Hendry, Charlotte Parnell, Leigh Hales, Michelle Chatfield, Kirsty Thompson and Stan Motu. Tea & Coffee The P & F provide complementary tea and coffee before and after the assemblies in the Wellstrand Centre. Our Term 3 coffee mornings will be held on the following dates. July 29, August 28, September 16 Thank you to all the parents who attended this term. It was great to see you all get together for a cuppa and a chat. P&F Help We are looking for some helpers for the following Events: Senior School Athletic Carnival – Tuesday 16th August Junior School Athletic Carnival – Monday 22nd August If you can spare 30mins – 1 hr and would like to help us could you please email [email protected], with the event and time that you will be available to assist. Any help that you can give would be greatly appreciated and will count towards your Parent Participation Hours. P & F Events – Save the Date Athletic Carnival Sausage Sizzles Date: Thursday 16th August and Monday 22nd August NEXT P&F MEETING Monday 29 August at 2pm in the board room. It would be great to see you there! Lena Motu P&F President [email protected] STUDENT ABSENCE REMINDER Parents - All Students Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K) to Year 12 inclusive - if your child/children will be absent from school, you must inform the school before 9.00am on the date of the absence. This can be done via email to [email protected] or alternatively phone: 9526 5001. If your child has an appointment and will be into school late, could you please also advise in the same manner. Just a quick phone call or email by parents/guardians frees up considerable staff resources that can then be allocated back into assisting students rather than chasing up absences! Thank you in advance for helping us to help your children. CHANGED ADDRESS OR ANY OTHER CONTACT DETAILS? Please let the school know in writing of any changes to contact telephone numbers, addresses , medical or any other necessary information, which can be done via [email protected] Camp Australia host before and after school care from SJGS! The Outside School Hours Care program at Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School provides time for homework, time to relax, educational activities and a healthy snack. Best of all, our program makes time for kids to be kids to play and explore, share with friends and enjoy these precious school years. This is an affordable choice for before and after school care as the Child Care Rebate is NOT income tested. It pays up to 50% of your out of pocket costs. Up to $7,500 per child, per year! For more information see: WASerpentineJarrahdale/42C1 Mulberry Trees Mrs McLean is in need off some mulberry leaves for some hungry silk worms! If anyone has any leaves on their mulberry trees can they please drop them in to reception or down to the Junior school! Book Club issue 5 orders are due in by Friday 5 August. Community Health Nurse Reminder The Community Health Nurse will be at SJGS on Wednesday 17, 24 and 31 August to conduct screening for the Kindergarten students. Can parents please return the relevant paperwork as soon as possible. Mrs Lisa McLean Head of Junior School