Next Meeting - March 15th - Aquia Creek Corvette Club


Next Meeting - March 15th - Aquia Creek Corvette Club
Pete Rutledge’s 1957 Corvette, See Pages 8-9
According to the President …….……….2
ACCC Board…..………….…………….….....2
ACCC Info & Sponsor .…….....…………..3
For the Record/VP Article…………..…..4
VP Article/Events……………..….……...…5
Nat’l Corvette Museum Amb….……….6
Editors Page/1986 Nostalgia …...…….7
Rutledge’s 57 Article ….....….…....…8-9
Nags Head Update ……………...……….10
Capt Billy’s Cruise ………………………...11
Buddy Holly Event…………………………12
Daytona Corvettes …………………….. 13
March Calendar. ..……………….………..14
ACCC Store ....….……………………………15
Next Meeting - March 15th
Start Time is 7:30 pm
Aquai Harbor Inn
1415 Washington Dr,
Stafford, VA 22554
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
ACCCording to the President
Skip Sizemore
Hello ACCC,
As I write this column, Marie, Joan Yaros and I have just returned from
the Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona. The event was in a word great. The Corvette Corral, National Corvette Museum, Daytona Speedway all did a
great job. The Corral served both a continental breakfast and lunch, had
closed circuit TV of the race, and had the Corvette teams (both prototype
and GTLM) in the tent for autographs. Corvette team manager Doug Fehan also gave a talk and answered questions. If you have never had the
opportunity to hear Doug, he is very knowledgeable and is entertaining
with a story. One of the highlights of the event for me was the opportunity
to drive the race course in our Corvette. Though I have seen this course
on TV through an in-car-camera and our top speed was only 70 mph it
was a thrill and made the race more relatable. This is a 24 hour race
meaning a good portion is run throughout the night. This allows you to
see the flaming exhaust, glowing brake disc and flashing headlights
which adds to the appeal. Another observation, after watching and listening to these cars for a while you can close your eyes and tell what make
of car is passing simply from the sound. A Corvette sounds different from
a Ford and a Ford different from a Porsche and a Porsche different from
a Ferrari, etc. I could even tell a Corvette engine mounted in a prototype
Skip Sizemore
[email protected]
Vice President
David Benton
[email protected]
Dottie Shadbar
[email protected]
Lee Morton
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Al McCloud
Before moving on, I would like to make a couple of observations from our [email protected]
trip. Thursday it rained so much I think I heard a duck say “Ha man
what’s’ going on here”. Second there is so much trash/litter along our
highways we should be ashamed. Atrocious!
Marie Sizemore
As some of you know we will have a club tent at Carlisle for 2016. We are
[email protected]
going to need some help decorating and manning the tent. Please let me
or any of the other club officers if you would like to help. The idea is to get
greater club attendance/participation at this event. Carlisle is all things Past President
Corvette. Having the tent will allow us to promote the Aquia Creek Cor- David Shadbar
vette Club, provide a focal point for club members and provide a place to [email protected]
take a load off, get out of the sun and/or rain as the case may be.
Last months’ trivia question was answered by Pete Rutledge. Pete noted
that the Molded Fiber Glass Company was the supplier of the fiber glass
body parts for the 1953 Corvette. I would like to apologize for calling it the
Molded Fiber Class Co. in the question. Pete, don’t forget your free 50/50
ticket at next months’ meeting.
Other Club Duties
NCM Ambassador
This month’s trivia question: This months’ trivia question comes Bud Donner
from one of my favorite Corvette eras, the C4s. In 1992, the revised small
block pushrod engine had an unusual feature. Was it?
Sunshine Person
a) Alloy block; b) Eaton supercharger; c) Throttle body d) Reverse Bettie Shepherd
flow cooling; or e) Fred Flintstone brakes
Remember to send your responses to [email protected]. As usual the
first in with the correct answer will be the winner and will receive a free
50/50 ticket at our next business meeting.
Keep the revs up and the rubber side down!
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Aquia Creek Corvette Club
P.O. Box 986
Stafford, VA 22553
The purpose of this organization shall be to provide educational needs for those with Corvettes, and for the
preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of all Corvettes.
Aquia Creek Corvette Club (ACCC) was formed in September 1987 by a group of die-hard Corvette enthusiasts from Aquia Harbor in Stafford, VA. The name was selected reflecting the Club's geographic and historical origins in Old Dominion. Through hard work and commitment, ACCC has enjoyed constant growth and
now boasts 50 members representing nearly 70 Corvettes, from a 1953 to 2016. ACCC membership consists
primarily of Stafford County residents, but has members from Prince William, Fairfax, Fauquier, Spotsylvania, Orange, Culpeper, Loudon, Louisa counties, one member in California, and two in Florida. Since September 8th, 2014, the ACCC Facebook Group has been limited to ACCC members only, except for a few that
were already group members.
Also Find Us On
Aquia Creek Corvette Club is sponsored by
3670 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Fredericksburg, VA 22408
Cars: 888-686-1096
Service: 888-720-6236
Page 3
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Lee Morton, Secretary
events on the weekend following the Kelly’s Parade.
They were unable to get the middle school lot until
the following weekend, and there was no other site
President Skip Sizemore called the meeting to order large enough to host the Parade. However, both the
Parade and the trip are still on. (See update in this
at 7:30PM.
newsletter on Page 10.)
Members in attendance were: Skip Sizemore, Dave
Benton, Lee Morton, Marie Sizemore, Al McCloud, Nan Wehmeyer and other members reported on the
Dave Greer, Bud Donner, Pete Rutledge, Margaret Buddy Holly event. Many commented that it was the
best dinner show they had attended. (See Page 11)
McCloud, Joan Yaros, and Nan Wehmeyer.
Bud made a motion to accept the minutes. Seconded Skip Sizemore gave a report on their trip to Daytona.
The hotel was great and the event overall was imby Dave Greer. The Minutes were accepted.
pressive. The stadium was remolded and much more
comfortable. The best corral they had been too,
Treasury. Dottie Shadbar was away on vacation.
which included the opportunity to drive their cars on
Bud Donner reported that the audit of the treasury
the track, as well as getting to meet the Corvette
went well.
Team’s drivers. Joan Yaros added that the Museum
did a great job of putting together a package of
Membership. Marie Sizemore reported that we
have 50 members.
Newsletter. Al McCloud reported the newsletter will New Business. Pete Rutledge suggested we start
be out by the first of the month. He appreciates the providing nametags again. As a new member, it
makes it easier to recall people’s names. Lee Morton
articles and photos.
agreed to look into it.
Vice President. Dave Benton the March Breakfast
Skip announced the birthdays and anniversaries.
will be at Bob Evans on 610 in Stafford.
Margaret McCloud won the 50/50.
Sunshine. Al McCloud reported that he saw John
Horvath last week and he appeared to be doing well.
The Meeting adjourned at 7:55PM.
NCM Ambassador. Bud Donner reported that on
March 3 the TV program “Americarna” will have a
segment dealing with the Museum sinkhole. Bud
also brought schedules for the upcoming Bash. More
details on the Museum web page.
Lee Morton
Old Business.
Skip received a thank you letter from the Wounded
Warrior Foundation.
Lee Morton provided an update on the Outer Banks
trip. The First Flight Cruisers had to schedule their
Page 44
Aquia- Creek
Club Newsletter
- November- March
2015 2016
The ACCCelerator
Creek Corvette
Club Newsletter
ACCCording to the VP
David Benton
The March breakfast is scheduled for Bob Evans on
RT 610 in Stafford. We need a restaurant that has a
private or semi-private room for the April breakfast.
Please send me suggestions if you know a place we
can use.
ACCC attended The Riverside Dinner Theater to see
The Buddy Holly Story. We had 12 people who all said
the food was good and the show was great. We may
try this again in the winter, after driving season ends
and the cars are put away.
March expects to be the start of cruise nights at
various venues around the area. I would like to get
some interest in attending some of these as a club.
With a little communication, we could meet and arrive
at the venue as a group. This will give us a better
chance of being able to park together. There are several different cruise nights in the area besides Burger
King in Manassas.
Last year we had three successful Garage nights.
Thanks to Pete and Scott for hosting these events. We
need some new folks to volunteer to host garage
nights this year. The host makes the rules, sets the
date and time, and determines the program and the
number of people they can host.
NVCC and Battlefield Corvette Club have events
planned for later in the year. These are multi-day trips
that will require pre-planning if you want to attend.
Details are listed below. See info attached.
Event: The Indy Speedway Cruise
Event Date: August 12 - 17, 2016
Hosted By: Northern Virginia Corvette Club
RSVP BY: June 3, 2016 to Shawn Waddell at [email protected] or Michael Gilliland at [email protected]
Event: Battlefield CC RT 66 Corvette Cruise
Event Date: April 22 - 30, 2016
Hosted By: Battlefield Corvette Club
RSVP Point-of-Contact: Jack Whitis, BCC POC at
[email protected] as soon as possible.
Dave Benton
Vice President
Page 5
David Benton
Vice President
March 2016
9:00 am, Monthly Breakfast, Bob Evans, Rt 610,
Trip to Nags Head for the St Patrick’s Day Parade
7:30 pm, ACCC Membership Meeting, Aquai Harbor
April 2016
9:00 am, Monthly Breakfast, TBD
7:30 pm, ACCC Membership Meeting, Aquai Harbor
Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick is
a cultural and religious celebration held on March 17,
the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. AD 385–
461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.
On St Patrick's Day it is customary to wear shamrocks and/or green clothing or accessories (the
"wearing of the green"). St Patrick is said to have
used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain
the Holy Trinity to the pagan Irish.
St Patrick's Day, while not a legal holiday in the
United States, is nonetheless widely recognized and
observed throughout the country as a celebration of
Irish and Irish American culture. Celebrations include
prominent displays of the color green, eating and
drinking, religious observances, and numerous parades. The holiday has been celebrated on the North
American continent since the late eighteenth century. (See ACCC’s annual St Patrick’s Day cruise flyer)
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
planned to write about the services offered by the
Library and Archives section of the Museum, but
when I started reading about the origins of the Museum itself, I discovered that the Archives were the
original reason for building it. The idea began in
1984 at a National Corvette Restorers Society (NCRS)
meeting, where a member suggested establishing a
facility to archive Corvette related literature. In order to raise donations it was suggested to make the
new archive a non-profit educational foundation rather than a hobby organization like the NCRS. NCRS
pondered the idea and adopted it in 1988, when an
NCRS member offered o donate a 1953 Corvette if
the proposed foundation obtained tax exemption
in and a ground breaking ceremony featuring Zora
Arkus-Duntov driving a bulldozer, took place at what
is now a Wendy’s restaurant near the Museum. A
$6.6 million bank loan and a bond guarantee by the
city and county followed, construction started, and
the museum opened its doors in September 1994.
he current Library and Archives contains
over 4500 Party
magazines, 350
2014 ACCC
books, and much more. They offer replica build
sheets and window stickers for any Corvette built at
Bowling Green since 1981 and provide research, either in-person or by the Museum staff for a modest
y the way, there’s an extensive library of Corvette videos at
n July 1988 the NCRS Foundation was formed with corvettemuseum - check it out!
$2,000 start up funding, and in 1990 a small temporary “Annex” opened in Bowling Green. Attempts
to raise the millions needed to build a real museum
foundered at first but by 1992 funds started trickling
Page 6
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
News Events
The U.S. officially observes Martin Luther King Day as a national holiday for the first time; The space shuttle Challenger explodes moments after lift-off killing 6 astronauts and Christa
McAuliffe, a New Hampshire teacher; A major nuclear disaster
occurs at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union; Japanese video game maker Nintendo introduces its
games to America; U.S. warplanes bomb Libyan headquarters
in retaliation for terrorist attacks; Cost of a first-class stamp 22 cents; and George Jones releases “The One I Loved Back
Then” aka (The Corvette Song), reaches #3 on the country
Oscar Winners
Best Picture - “PLATOON”
Actor - Paul Newman, “THE COLOR OF MONEY”
Actress—Marlee Matlin, “CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD”
Director - Oliver Stone, “PLATOON”
Top 5 Songs
1. THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR - Dionne and Friends
3. ON MY OWN - Patti LaBelle and Michael McDonald
4. THE WAY IT IS - Bruce Hornsby & the Range
#1 Country Song - BOP - Dan Seals
Record of the Year: "We Are the World," USA for Africa
World Series Champion: N.Y. Mets 4, Boston 3
NFL Champ: Chicago Bears def New England 46-10 in SB XX.
NBA Champ: 1985-86 Boston Celtics def Houston Rockets
NHL Champ: Montreal Canadiens
Heavyweight Champion: Mike Tyson def Trevor Berbick
President/Vice President: Republican, 1981-1989, Ronald
Reagan/George H. W. Bush
Quotes from 1986:
“We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them,
this morning, as they prepared for the journey and waved
goodbye and “slipped the surly bonds of earth” to “touch the
face of God.”” - President Ronald Reagan, thirty years ago
speaking about the space shuttle Challenger disaster.
1986 Corvette
Convertibles were back after a ten-year absence -- 7,315
of them, in addition to the 27,794 coupes produced that
To celebrate the ragtop's return, the Corvette was again
chosen to set the pace at the Indy 500 and all convertibles were considered Pace Car replicas with special decal
packages, but without special paint schemes or options.
Anti-lock brake systems (ABS) became standard on the
'86s. Sensors in each wheel sent signals to an electronic
central processing unit (computer) and brake pressure
was automatically adjusted or distributed to each wheel
to prevent the wheels from locking thereby maintaining
steering control.
Aluminum cylinder heads were introduced on all convertibles and eventually to coupes later in the production cycle. The new head added five more horses to the
350ci displacement block for 235 horsepower.
Little exterior style modification took place over the '84
and '85 models except that center, high-mount stoplights were added to conform to government safety regulations. The new brake lights were located above the
rear window in coupes and in the rear fascia in convertibles.
An improved anti-theft system required a special key
with an electronic chip (pellet) embedded in it. Cylinder
contacts in the lock measured electrical resistance before allowing the vehicle to be started. The system was
standard equipment on all models.
Inside, the digital instrument display was modified to cut
down on glare, thereby improving daytime observation,
and "low coolant" and "anti-lock" displays were added.
Despite the reintroduction of the popular convertible,
total production fell to 35,109 units. Basic coupes sold
for $27,027 and the base convertible retailed for
PLATOON - [King is writing a letter to his girlfriend]
Francis: It ain't D-E-R-E, it's D-E-A-R. And "Sarah" ain't got no
two R's, King. Damn, you dumb!
King: It don't make no difference. She know what I mean. She
don't read too good nohow.
Page 7
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
looked great in person. A copy of the book was on the passenger seat, along with three other books, including another that
had this car on its cover. To my surprise, the car was on or in all
By Pete Rutledge
four books! I asked about taking a test drive. The owner was
For those of you who were not able to attend a Garage Night at agreeable, but he would drive. That was fine with me.
my garage last year, this is the ironic story of my ’57 Corvette,
whose known history goes back to the early ‘70s.
He started the car and, with me in the passenger seat, we drove
out to the street and proceeded to drive around the block.
About five years ago I had been searching the internet for a new Well, when he went to shift from first gear to second, the stick
hobby car. At first I was looking for a Shelby Cobra replica, moved but the transmission didn’t shift! So around the block
found a number, test drove a few, and almost bought a really we went—in first gear the whole time. It sounded great, as you
nice one. But that didn’t work out and I started to think about might imagine, with the 1957 straight-through mufflers. After
getting a really old Corvette—one reminiscent of my teen years circuiting the block, we pulled back to his garage, raised the car
when I had passed on a nearby ’57 that was too expensive -- up on his lift and could not fix either the hood or the transmis$1,000, and then purchased a ’58 for $750. So the search was sion shift mechanism. So I said to the owner, “The hood is stuck
on, again. I started scouring the internet for an old Corvette. I shut, the transmission is stuck in first gear, but I still like the car.
found a number, went to see a few, including one in southern If you’ll accept $XX,XXX, I’ll buy the car.” Well, we had a deal.
New Jersey, but the search went on, looking for just the right
A few days later, the car was delivered to my house. That
weekend, it took about five minutes to get the hood opened—
In the interest of being a smart buyer, one Friday night I went no surprises. In the next week or so, I removed the shift mechadown to my Corvette library in the basement to retrieve a few nism and rebuilt it using a short piece of the hardened steel
books to further my education. One book in particular, I had shank of a Craftsman Phillips screwdriver. All was good; it shiftbought at the local used book store about five years earlier. It ed like new again.
was the Complete Book of Corvettes, published in 1987 by the
Auto Editors of Consumer Guide. It has a beautiful Venetian Along with the car and the books, the seller gave me the name
Red and Beige fuel injected ’57 on the cover, with more great and phone number of the fellow he had bought the car from. I
pictures inside. In fact the cover car looked just like a ’57 I had called the earlier owner, Pete Bogard, to ask about the car. I
seen in New Jersey a couple of weeks earlier. I actively won- told him about the four books I got with the car; he said “Oh, it’s
dered if it could be the same car, but decided it was not.
been in a lot of books.” My search of the internet was on again
and to date I have collected 41 books, all by the Auto Editors of
The next morning, a Saturday, I got up early to do more internet Consumer Guide, that have pictures of this car in them; nine of
shopping for old Corvettes. I had already seen a lot of them, but those have the car on the cover.
that morning I spotted a new one. I pulled up the ad and was
surprised to notice that the first photo in the listing was the cov- Pete had purchased it in the early ‘70s near Chicago; it was meer of the book I had wondered about the night before. Could it tallic blue at the time and had its fuel injection unit in the trunk
be? Upon reading the description, low and behold, this car, for (it didn’t work very well from the trunk). In the ‘80s, he resale in New Jersey, was the car on the cover of the book!! I stored the car twice, the first time as a base four-barrel car, and
wasted no time to call and set up an appointment to go there to the second time in its original fuel injected form. While at a car
see the car on Monday.
show around 1983 or 1984, he was approached by a fellow who
said, “I’d like to take pictures of your car for an upcoming book.”
Bright and early Monday morning, I excitedly set out on I-95 Pete was thrilled and photographs of the car were taken in a
North for New Jersey. That was a fun trip! It turned out that remote corner of the car show parking lot. The fellow who
the car was actually across the Delaware River in Pennsylvania. asked for the opportunity to photograph the car was from the
Upon arriving at the garage where the car was, I was greeted by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide. Those first pictures appeared
two people—the owner and his selling agent. They had some in a number of their Corvette books in the 1984 time frame.
bad news for me. They had been taking more pictures of the
car for the internet listing and when they closed the hood, the Later, after the car was restored again to its fuel injected form,
right rear corner of the hood pushed down too low and now the more photos were taken at a local country club. Those photos
hood was stuck shut. That was disappointing, but I had seen were used in Corvette books by the Auto Editors of Consumer
pictures of the engine compartment in the listing, so it was not a Guide beginning with the 1987 book that started it all for me.
deal breaker.
The Auto Editors continued to use pictures of the car (both the
earlier four-barrel, as well as the later fuel-injected version) in
The owner didn’t actually live at the car’s location anymore. He their numerous Corvette books from 1987 until as recently as
had moved to Delaware, but continued to rent the large garage 2010.
there for his small, but significant Corvette collection. The ’57
More than just a pretty picture…
Continued on Page 9
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Shortly after I got the car, I was shopping the internet for ’57
Corvette memorabilia. On eBay I saw a nice mug with a ’57 on
it. I thought it would be a nice way to drink my morning coffee,
so I bought the mug. Subsequently, I found some collector
plates that had the same Corvette image on them. I put one of
those plates on my mantle in the family room. Early one morning, looking at the plate on the mantle, it occurred to me that
the image on it looked a lot like the photos of my car in the various books. I took the plate down, found a similar photo in one
of the books and proceeded to analyze the two. I noticed that
the car was seen from the exact same vantage point in both
images, the reflections of light off the body were the same in
both images, but the clincher was when I noticed that the spinners on the right front and rear wheel covers were in the exact
same positions in both images! I was convinced that the artistpainted image on the plate was of my car. I looked up the
artist’s name, Mark Lacourciere, on the internet and was able to
contact him by email and confirmed that he had indeed made a
painting of my car from a photo of it. That image was used by
the Hamilton Mint in 1994 on the 8” collector plate that I had on
my mantle. Mark also slightly changed the image (for copyright
reasons) by putting a “Fuel Injection” emblem on the nose
(which was considered but not implemented by Chevrolet) and
sold it to Enesco who used it on my coffee mug (!!), as well as on
8” and 4” collector plates, a music box (that plays “Runaway”),
and a wall plaque. The artist also sells the image as a 32” x 32”
artist print on canvas (one is hanging on the wall of my den now)
and he also included a smaller version of the image on another
painting that has a number of Corvettes illustrating the Corvette’s evolution (but I can’t afford another artist print).
the Past: Car Guys Hang Out at the Frosted Mug,” a popular Chicago-area root beer joint.
I also enjoy watching car shows on the Velocity Channel on cable. One day I was watching an episode of “Overhaulin’” called
“Roadies Stole My Vette,” about the resurrection of a ’57 Corvette. About 12 minutes into the episode, the show’s star, Chip
Foose, is sitting at his drafting board consulting with the wife of
the owner of the ’57 Corvette they are working on; he’s getting
ideas on what her husband would like to be done on the car.
Open on his drafting board is a book showing photos of a Venetian Red and Beige ’57 Corvette. I paused the show and closely
inspected the photos in Chip’s book. I compared the photo to
photos of my car in the books I had. The photo Chip was looking
at was one of my car, but I didn’t have the book. I later found
the same book at Carlisle – “Chevrolet Chronicle-A Pictorial History from 1904” by, you guessed it, the Auto Editors of Consumer Guide.
Also at a recent Carlisle meet, while perusing Corvette collectables, I noticed one vendor had a wooden crate of spec sheets on
various years of Corvette. One was for the ’57. It had pictures
of my car on both sides of the sheet. I bought the sheet,
pointing to one of the pictures and telling the vender, “That’s
actually my car.” I later found that the sheet was one entry in a
collection of 30 such commemorative spec sheets sold by subscription by Willabee & Ward to be inserted in a special 3-ring
binder. Each of the sheets also bears a lengthy narrative about
the car and an appropriate embroidered patch in a clear plastic
envelope. Waiting for almost 2-1/2 years after writing it, in late
2014 an article about the car was published in the Corvette ReOn another occasion when searching for more ’57 Corvette storer, the magazine of the NCRS.
memorabilia, I noticed on eBay (yes, I’m an eBay addict) a 1991
issues of Collectible Automobile magazine that had a feature Oh, and because this ’57 is more than just a pretty picture, here
article on 1957 Corvettes. It was cheap and I bought it. Upon are some notable facts:
receiving the magazine in the mail, I was overjoyed to find a
photo of my car on the Table of Contents page of the magazine, • Manufactured Monday, Nov. 5, 1956—likely to be one
with more pictures of it in the feature article. Sometime later, I of the first 6 to 9 Regular Production fuel-injected 1957 Corwas reviewing a listing of back issues of Collectible Automobile vettes (Regular Production of fuel-injected Corvettes began on
and noticed that in 1996, the magazine had devoted a whole Thursday, Nov. 1, 1956).
issue to Corvettes. Again, I found that issue on eBay and bought
• Original numbers-matching 250 hp fuel-injected 283 cubic inch
it. Again, more pictures of my car were in it.
engine and close-ratio 3-speed manual transmission (1 of 182
Former owner Pete Bogard also sent me a 1995 copy of the Chi- built with this combination in 1957).
cago edition of the Wall Street Journal. On the cover page is a • Still has its original, working, early “4360” Rochester mechanipicture of him with the car as part of article entitled “Flash from cal fuel injection unit.
Page 9
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Aquia Creek Corvette Club
Annual Road Trip to the Outer Banks, March 11-14, 2016
Updated Basic Information
Lodging: The Baymont Inn & Suites in Kitty Hawk (formerly the Holiday Inn Express), 3919 N Croatan
Hwy, Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
- The ACCC has a block of 10 rooms set aside from 11-14, leaving on the 14th.
- The rate is $79.99 per night plus tax during those dates.
- For reservations call (252) 261-4888. Please tell them you’re with the Aquia Creek Corvette Club.
- Note: the Baymont has changed the off-season breakfast menu to more of a light continental
breakfast. (Coffee, Juice, fruit, cereal, and muffins.)
Rain or shine, Friday, March 11, members will meet at the Cracker Barrel in Central Park
in Fredericksburg for breakfast at 8:30 AM and depart at approximately 0945.
- The group will head South on I-95 with the following scheduled rest stops.
- Approx 60 minutes, New Kent Welcome Center on I-64 East. Mile marker 213.
- Approx 90 minutes. Southland Restaurant in Moyock, NC (commence the Poker Run)
- Various Poker Run stops along the route between Southland and the Baymont Inn. Those wishing to participate in the Poker run can proceed on their own to the hotel.
Scheduled Events:
Members are free to tour the Outer Banks, shop, play golf, enjoy the beach and
dine as they choose. However, the following scheduled events are planned for those who wish to participate.
- Sat, Mar 12, Members are on their own most of the day to shop, golf, or tour the Outer Banks.
- Sat, March 12 @ 1:00 pm. Running of the Leprechauns 5K and 10K race.
- Sun, March 13 @ 1:00 pm. Annual Outer Banks St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Return Home:
Members are on their own to return home to Virginia. Some members may choose to
leave after the parade on Sunday afternoon, while others may choose to stay an extra day and depart on
Monday the 14th. The hotel will work to accommodate your wishes.
*ACCC Point of Contact is Lee Morton at 540-287-6686 or [email protected].
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Come join your fellow club members on April 24, 2016 for a Corvette cruise to Captain Billy's Crab
House located in Popes Creek, Maryland on the Potomac River. Back in the days of mail boats and loco
-motives, when electricity was new to Popes Creek and work was just beginning on the Potomac River
Bridge, nine-year-old Billy Robertson sold his first crabs on this very shore. He spent his entire life
here, working on the water he loved, and opening two successful seafood restaurants, Robertson's
Crab House and later, Captain Billy's, where his greatest joy was to mingle with and talk to his customers. He would greet his friends, colleagues and customers in the same fashion all the time, and to carry
on his legacy, we say to you . . .”And How Are You Today?”
Cruise Info:
The Northern staging area for this cruise is the commuter lot on Route 630, Stafford, just west of the
exit, at 11:45 am. We will leave at noon. Mike Shepherd will lead us to the restaurant and maps will be
provided, “just in case”.
Mike Shepherd is the POC for this event: Phone: 540-840-2099; email: [email protected].
The southern staging area is the Walmart on Route 3 east. The caravan will do a “drive by” but will not
stop, so please be ready to join us at approximately 12:30 pm.
The final staging area is at the Tech Center in Dahlgren, just before the 301 bridge, at approximately
1:10 pm. We leave when the police arrive. They will escort us over the bridge into Maryland.
ETA at Captain Billy’s is 2 pm. Generous parking is available.
If interested in the menu, you can check it out at: .
8th - Terry Hunter
17th - James Turlington
19th - Gail Hunter
23rd - Jan Rutledge
On February 13th, members of the ACCC attended a
dinner show with a live stage production of The Buddy
Holly Story at the Riverside Center in Fredericksburg.
Members in attendance were Mike and Bettie Shepherd,
Dave and Gloria Greer, Dave and Ginnelle Benton, Al &
Margaret McCloud, Nan Wehmeyer, and three guests.
The production told the true story of Holly’s life, his rise
to fame from the moment of his 1957 hit “That’ll Be the
Day” until his tragic death on “The day the music died.”
Buddy died with fellow rock-n-rollers The Big Bopper and
Richie Valens. The show has become “The World’s Most
Successful Rock-n-Roll Musical.
The show was enjoyed by all and if you did not attend,
you missed an electrifying tribute to the man, his music,
and his life. Looking forward to returning to this venue.
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Jimmie Johnson’s restored 71 LT1 Stingray, C7 Engine
C7 Underside Display
2007 Daytona 500 Corvette
Page 13
C7 Display
C7 Daytona Rising Corvette
2006 Daytona 500 Corvette Pace
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
March 2016
ACCC Monthly
Mtg, 7:30 pm
BDay - James
Page 14
BDay - Gail Hunter
BDay - Jan Rutledge
BDay - Terry Hunter
The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016
Items For Sale at all Club Events
Car Flags, US Flag & ACCC Flags
Club Decal & Patch
Club 25th Anniversary Coin
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The ACCCelerator - Aquia Creek Corvette Club Newsletter - March 2016