April 2005 - Northshore Corvette Club
April 2005 - Northshore Corvette Club
Northshore Corvette Club Officers President Sal Marino (985) 792-4799 [email protected] Vice-President Bill Bloecher (985) 893-2831 [email protected] SECRETARY Melissa Jacob (985) 969-7175 [email protected] TREASURER Kim Avery (985) 645-0163 [email protected] Board of Directors JoAnn Landry 985-645-9484 [email protected] Robin Berteau (225) 294-5693 [email protected] Barbara Franks (985)-845-8022 [email protected] Jim Boudreaux (985)-626-0533 [email protected] Webmaster/Newsletter Greg Peterman (985) 649-2025 [email protected] THIS MONTHS MEETING Thursday, April 21 2005 Catfish Charlie's Hammond, LA Presidents Column Hello everyone and welcome to Spring!!! Its that time of year when we all need to be thinking of how we are going to manage to cut our grass with all the Corvette activities planned. I recommend a concrete lawn; a little expensive at the onset, but low maintenance, it doesn’t grow, and you don’t need the lawn mower anymore. Well I know its just a dream, but you should set aside some time to do Corvette things. Last month was a busy one, and the next couple of months won’t be much slower. The activities just keep popping up. Check the calendar and the website for the latest. My sincere thanks to everyone that braved the threatening weather and joined us at our display at Hood Chevrolet. Our Thanks to Hood for hosting such a gala event. We want to do it again soon. Remember, if you are in the market for a new or pre-owned vehicle, check out the vast inventory Hood Chevy has to offer. I think two members found something to their liking the day of the display. I’ll make this short, but I do want to mention a few upcoming activities. Don’t forget to respond if you plan to attend the crawfish boil on April 23rd. at Rick & Collette’s. And soon I’ll be sending out information about our Club visit to Cars of Yesteryear on May 15th. We will provide the food & drinks for you. All you have to do is show up and enjoy this wonderful collection of cars, memorabilia, games, toys and whatever else Henry has on hand. Now I know I’m stretching it a bit, but NSCC will celebrate its second Birthday, with another grand Bar-B-Que on June 18th. So mark these dates on your calendar as “Must Be There”. I know I left some things out, but I don’t want to bore you with a bunch of details. Read the newsletter, check the Club website, (cont on page 4) Ray & Karen Monk Folsom, LA 2005 Red Coupe Wayne & Paula Comeaux Folsom, LA 2001 Black Coupe Joe & Denise Mesa Kenner, LA 2002 Electron Blue Z06 Rene & Jessica Rapalo Mandeville, LA 2005 Black Coupe Louis & Lynn Pendarvis Slidell, LA 1995 White C4 Jerry & Jo Alexander Slidell, LA 1992 Metallic Red Coupe Allan & Barbara Maxwell Slidell, LA 2003 Red Z06 Vic & Sondra Johnson Covington, LA 2005 Victory Red Coupe Birthdays!!! Allan Maxwell Philip Sevin Lynne Dominique Lisa Pitre Pat Altentaler Earl Mendoza Joe Toranto Marie Edwards Ken Klein Ray Monk Ursula Guillory Paul Bodi Collette Weaver Bobby Tallo Karen Schmidt Jerry Alexander Julie Brannon Linda LaPorte Debra Ryall Charlene Volz Greg Blake 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/2 4/3 4/3 4/4 4/6 4/7 4/7 4/8 4/8 4/11 4/11 4/13 4/14 4/16 4/20 4/20 4/29 4/29 STRAWBERRY STROLL On a beautiful spring evening of March 18, 2005 members of the Northshore Corvette Club met at the old railway station in Ponchatoula to do the “Strawberry Stroll”. Each of the antique shops had delicious desserts available to their guests as they walked and shopped along the quaint main street of Ponchatoula. Among the delicious desserts offered by the shops were strawberry tarts from the Speakeasy Bar and Grill and strawberry cupcakes, strawberry tea, warm brownies, chocolate covered strawberries and cinnamon cake in the shape of , you guessed it… a giant strawberry. The shop owners were very gracious to us and made us feel most welcome. The beautiful Vettes were parked in a protected area across the street from the Speakeasy Restaurant, so we could stroll around knowing that our “babies” were safe and secure. Following the stroll, many of us ate a nice dinner at the Speakeasy where we listened to karaoke singing on the stage. I want to thank Sal for planning such a fun and leisurely event for us to enjoy. Sal always covers every detail to make sure that the outing is pleasant and memorable. Happy Spring! Kathy Culbertson Darren Blanchard (Service Manager Sewell Cadillac Chevrolet) is looking for a 1967 Big Block Corvette to be used in a Commercial sometime in next two months. Please contact Darren Blanchard at his email Darren Blanchard [email protected] or contact him at 504-569-1304 if you have a 1967 Big Block Convertible or Hardtop and are interested in having it used in a Commercial. High Speed Driver's Education - May 22nd & 23rd The Mardi Gras Region of the Porsche Club of America (PCA) conducts several High Speed Driver Education (DE) courses out at No Problem Raceway in Belle Rose on the 1.8 mile road course. Chris Wilken with the PCA has offered to conduct the May 21st & 22nd DE for Corvette & Viper Owners. They charge for the two day event will be $215 (the same as PCA members). This is an excellent Driver' s Education school. There is classroom time & 2 to 3 hours of track time. An Instructor rides with you in the car or you can ride with the instructor in their car. The fee also covers a Saturday night social. We have several of our Corvette Club members who are instructors. Here' s Information on the DE and contacts. I have links at the bottom of page for you to Print the Entry Forms & Tech Forms. If you have a convertible, it must have a roll bar or sports bar like the new Viper Convertible to participate. I' ve spoken to several Vette Club members from South Louisiana and there seems to be enough interest. So, please spread the word....Laddie High Speed Driver Education - A primer (copied from Mardi Gras Region PCA site) High speed driver education was created by the national PCA as a way to teach it' s members valuable high speed car control skills in a safe setting. All of the events are held on closed courses. Most of them are on real race tracks. There are a few that are held at naval air bases which are also used for autocross or solo I type venues (for those familiar with SCCA). The original purpose of these events was to teach owners of these fantastic sports cars how to fully enjoy their potential. An added benefit has come by the participants being much better street drivers as well. The event is open to Porsche owners first and other car owners second. During a Driver Education weekend, the participants can expect the following: 1. Classroom sessions that teach the basics of high speed car control 2. On track sessions with an instructor in your car, providing help as you drive. The most effective time for critiquing. 3. Discussions of on track specifics for a particular course. 4. Discussions on the mental aspects that have helped develop top high performance drivers. 5. The opportunity to ride with an instructor in the instructor' s car. 6. Somewhere between 2 and 3 hours of actual seat time on the track. The beauty of this type of event, as opposed to racing, is that passing is limited to straights, only with proper signaling. The chances for on track incidences are extremely small. Strict guidelines are maintained to preserve the beauty of everyone' s vehicles. Strict guidelines are also in effect for reckless drivers or unsafe practices and the individual club has the right to remove any participant it wishes. Many participants who do events frequently, buy specialized tires and an extra set of wheels. It is not necessary to do so. It is even preferred to learn car control in a car that doesn' t "stick" as good as it could. It is much safer to learn car control at a slower speed than it is at a higher speed. While it is suggested that people have some experience autocrossing, it is not necessary. There will be information posted on the Mardi Gras Region web site www.pca.org/mg/ as the dates get closer. If you are interested at all in helping put this fabulous event on, please contact Lane Sutton at [email protected] or Chris Wilken at [email protected] For our events, if there are multiple applications for the last remaining spots in a run group, we will take the person who is bringing a confirmed F&C official. As the Porsche ad says, this is "The most fun you can have and still run for office some day!" Sal, Thank you and your organization for visiting Ponchatoula and displaying your Corvette’s. I hope your visit was pleasant and look forward to hosting ya’ll whenever you want to come back to our town. I apologize if we couldn’t easily seat everyone at the Speakeasy, but Friday nights are our biggest night for dinner. If the NSCC ever wants to meet in town again, especially on a Tues-Thurs I could easily accommodate any arrangements that you may desire. Thanks again and I look forward to hosting your organization in the future. Regards, Clay Nepveux Ponchatoula Chamber of Commerce (President message cont) & take a look at the online calendar as well as the list of upcoming events in the newsletter. I’m sure there is something that will strike your interest. Until next time, Keep it shining, Sal PS---Don’t forget about our April meeting, Thursday April 21st. at Catfish Charlie’s in Hammond. Be there to get the latest updates on what has happened and what we have on the plate for the next few months. Don’t forget to visit the NSCC Web site http://www.northshorecor vetteclub.com/ It is updated daily/weekly with event additions etc. ATTENDED AN EVENT RECENTLY? Write an article about your adventure and submit it to editor! VINTAGE CAR DISPLAY AT DORRS...On Saturday, March 19, many Vette owners and enthusiasts met at Keith Dorr’s business on Gause Blvd. in Slidell to celebrate Keith’s 5th Anniversary at that location. There were beautiful Corvettes of every make, model, and color on display in the parking lot adjacent to Keith’s business. The car show planners even tried to keep some of the C-3’s together in the front to truly make a “vintage” statement. The weather was warm and sunny and the Vettes truly shined for many guests who stopped by to gander at them. There were prizes and t-shirts and a 50-50 drawing, along with a D J to play our favorite songs. It was a very nice event for all who attended and we all wish Keith many more years of success at that location. Kathy Culbertson 2nd. Annual Spring CORVETTE Display Hood Northlake Chevrolet CORVETTES & CLOUDS (sometimes do go together) In spite of the threatening weather and being Easter weekend, we had an excellent turnout for our second annual spring display at Hood Chevrolet. Over 65 Vettes were there. My sincere THANKS to everyone. When I woke up that morning, I was a little concerned, but remained optimistic that it wasn’t going to rain on our parade. And sure enough, only a few drops fell as many of you were leaving, but not enough to even wet the pavement. All in all, it turned out to be a joyous event. Hopefully by the Fall, Hood will have a delivery date of a Z06 and we can schedule another display/unveiling. Our sincere thanks also to the fine folks at Hood for providing us with all the wonderful eats, treats and prizes, and for allowing us to spend the day together at the dealership, and also thanks to the LA Search & Rescue Team for coming out with several canines to host a demonstration of what their dogs are trained to do. And most of all, thanks to all of you for your support to help Mike Leeds. Through your generosity, we collected over $1600 to assist Mike with his medical bills. Without your generosity and support, this would not have been possible. Words can' t say enough about the way I feel about all of our Club Members and Friends. Your support towards the club is outstanding. I know Mike will be very appreciative of your support and will enjoy reading the card you signed and the notes you wrote. At the display, we signed up four new members. A big welcome to these newest members that came out to the display and joined the Club. Again, my sincere THANKS to everyone for another successful event. Your President (at least for a few more months) ! Greater New Orleans, North Shore and Crescent City Corvette Clubs Presents 2nd Annual "Corvettes and Crawfish" $ %&' ( )) * , ) ! . !" # + ,)) . /$ 0 RSVP is a must. We need a head count by April 17th RSVP to [email protected] or [email protected] or call: Weaver home at 985-781-3639 Ample Corvette parking is available on the green space directly across from our home and can also be parked on the street around the green space as well as the vacant lot 3 doors down. Directions from South Shore From Metairie take I-10 east to I-610 back to I-10 Get off at the Eden Isles/Oak Harbor Exit - 261. Turn left at the stop sign at the end of the exit. Cross over I-10 Turn left at the stop sign - 2 far left lanes turn left - (Exxon gas station on your right/ Waffle House on left) You will now be facing town homes Turn right at the stop sign. - Marina Drive Turn Left at the stop sign (guard shack) Eden Isles Drive Continue down Eden Isles Blvd. until you get to the stop sign - (Windward Passage) Turn left on Windward Passage. Continue almost until the end until you get to 410 - yellow Acadiana style house on right. Directions from Mandeville Area Take I-12 east to I-10 west Take I-10 west to Oak Harbor/Eden Isle exit, # 261 Exit to your right onto Oak Harbor Dr. Turn left at stop sign. 2 far left lanes turn left (Exxon gas station on your right/ Waffle House on left) Turn right onto Marina Dr. Turn left onto Eden Isles Blvd. (by guard shack). Continue down Eden Isles Blvd. until you get to the stop sign - (Windward Passage) Turn left on Windward Passage. Continue almost until the end until you get to 410 - yellow Acadiana style house on right. " GREATER NEW ORLEANS CORVETTE CLUB Proudly Presents Our 14th Annual ALL-CORVETTE SHOW ! " # % ! & ) / 0 ' & & $ '( * 1 23 +, +1 -' . 4 4 1 , 2 3- Sponsored By: Go to gnocc.com for Show Contacts and Information. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Name:___________________________________ Address:_________________________ City: ______________ State:_________ Zip:_____________ Phone:______________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________ Vehicle Info – Year:___________________________ Color:________________________ Coupe Convertible Hardtop Club Affiliation:___________________________________ Return To: Ralph Adams 168 Woodruff Dr. Slidell, LA 70461 Make Checks Payable To: Greater New Orleans Corvette Club Dash Plaques & Free 2 for 1 Buffet Tickets to Entrants - 50/50 & Door Prizes # Upcoming Events More Upcoming Events March 31st thru April 2nd - NCRS Swap Meet, Cruise In, and Open Car Show. Lamar-Dixon EXPO Center Gonzales, La. For more information. www.ncrs-louisiana.com May 13th - GNOCC - ExtraVETTEganza Pre-registration Reception Treasure Chest Casino, Kenner LA For More Information contact Malcolm at [email protected] April 2nd - CCC Hosted Open Cruise Night Acadia Truck Plaza 103 East Bayou Rd. Thibodaux, La For additional information contact Richard Hebert [email protected] May 14th - GNOCC - ExtraVETTEganza all Corvette Car Show For More Information contact Malcolm at [email protected] April 9th and 10th - CCCL hosted Dead Sea Scrolls and the Mobile Greyhound Track. Email :[email protected] for more information. April 10th - Grand Bayou Race Series - Event #3 No Problem Raceway Park, Belle Rose, LA Contact: Mike or Patty Poupart at 504-469-8388 (day), 504-4678910 (night), or [email protected] for more information on April 16th - Capital City Confederation Car Clubs of Louisiana. Cruise Night on the third Saturday of each month from 5 till 9 PM at Tanger Outlet Mall in Gonzalest. http:// www.brcorvetteclub.com/news/tanger_cruise.htm April 21st thru 23rd - Central Arkansas Corvette Club - Hot Springs Corvette Weekend. Central Arkansas Corvette Club Corvette Club Hotline (501) 851-8550 April 23rd - GNOCC, NSCC, and CCCC Hosted "CORVETTES and Crawfish". Rick and Collette Weaver are hosting a Crawfish Boil at their home 1pm until dusk. RSVP 985-781-3639 . This outing is open to GNOCC, NSCC, and CCCC Members. May 7th - CCC Hosted Open Cruise Night Acadia Truck Plaza 103 East Bayou Rd. Thibodaux, La information contact Richard Hebert [email protected] For Sale Vara-Ram Air Intake for a C5 Brand new still in the box Never opened. $350 Call Allan at 985-645-9066 1998 Harley-Davidson Dyna Wide Glide FXDWG 95th Anniversary Edition - # 0276/1998 made – Over $23,000 invested, asking $14,000.00 with 17,500 miles - Champagne & burgundy color All chrome including swing arm and brakes. Garage kept, excellent condition. Call Greg 985-649-2025 May 15th - NSCC visit to Cars of Yesteryear in Metairie (this will probably take the place of our May meeting) (NSCC is providing food & drinks) (no-alcoholic beverages) June 10 thru 12th - MGCCC - Vettes by the Shore For more Information contact Carl Hamilton at [email protected] September 10th Cardi Gras Open Car Show—St. Clement of Rome Parking Lot 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. For more info contact Dave Mulnick [email protected] November 6th "Save The Hooters" Car Show Pep Boys, Gause Blvd Slidell. This is an annual open car show to benefit the Louisiana Breast Cancer Task Force. The show is from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For more information contact Genie Gibbs at [email protected] or (985) 641-3038 - home (985) 643-9800 - work November 12th- CCC Hosted THIBODEAUXVILLE FALL FESTIVAL CLEAN WHEELS CAR/TRUCK/BIKE SHOW Downtown Thibodaux, LA Information contact Richard Hebert [email protected] 1 . 0 $2 #3 4 0&5)5) Next Meeting THIS MONTHS MEETING Thursday, April 21 2005 Catfish Charlie's Hammond, LA
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or 5 for $20. The winner will be drawn at the May
meeting. You do not have to be present at the meeting
to win. Members interested should contact Felix.
The Tri-Club Crawfish Boil is scheduled for