2005_files/SLO VETTES Apr 05
2005_files/SLO VETTES Apr 05
SLO VETTES THE CORVETTE CLUB OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Front Page P.O. BOX 14134 SAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93406 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER © April 2005 EVENTS NOMINATIONS OFFICERS & ELECTIONS The members in attendance at the March 11th meeting in San Luis Obispo voted to have the nominations of officers for 2006 at the October 2005 meeting. The elections will be held at the following meeting in November. This will insure that the new officers will be in place and ready to take over in January 2006. Thus, the January meeting will be reserved for the traditional 2006 events planning. SLO VETTES is an exciting club and serving as an officer is an honor. I know we have a lot of talent within the club. I urge all of you to consider getting involved. LARGE MEETING ATTENDANCE I am pleased to report we had 50 people in attendance at our last meeting. This is great and your participation is appreciated. Jim & Carolyn Stone won $70.00 from the 50/50 drawing; it will help them pay for that new C6. A special thanks to Jill & Paula for selling the 50/50 tickets while Jan is in China. THE STONE’S ARE PROUD OWNERS OF A NEW C6 Congratulations to Jimmy & Carolyn Stone on the arrival of their new C6. This silver convertible is a beauty and a perfect addition to our SLO VETTE collection. Jimmy & Carolyn don’t just go to the meetings anymore, “They Arrive!” We are all very happy for you both. My hope is that some day I too, “Will Arrive !!!”. continued on pg 2 Brian Cyester February started our year off Four S.L.O. Vetters attended the Greg Walker Benefit Fundraiser on Sat. Feb. 26th. There was a large turn out of cars for the car show and even a larger turn out of people to support the family. I want to thank Carolyn and Jimmy for organizing our Basque dinner run. We caravaned from the outlets to San Miguel. We had 33 people for dinner and the owners of the restaurant was able to squeeze us all in one room. The only complaint I heard was, "I ate too much!" Our next event is the Gamblers Classic at Stateline, March 18th.-21st. April 16th is the run to the Blackhawk Museum hosted by Chris Petrush. If you were not at the March meeting, I have mailed you a flyer or look in this newsletter for a copy of one. The Circle Bar B event has been moved to May 15th. (flyer enclosed) Everyone should have an updated events list by now. If not, let me know. The Gamblers Classic Run to Primm, Nv. (Stateline) was a lot of fun. We had five cars from our club there. The rain held off with very little sprinkles. Gary did'nt know whither to put his top up or leave it down. Well, what ever he did worked because Gary and Chris won the award given from the Primm Hotel Management for their pick of best Corvette in show. Congratulations to Gary and Chris McPherson. Hope to see you at the next event. Brian PAGE 1 NEXT MEETING APRIL 8th AT PLAYERS Lets try to beat last month’s attendance number of 50. I know it’s tough to attend on a Friday night after a long week. Remember, it is a great continued from pg 1 HARMONY IS THE KEY One of the strengths of the SLO VETTES’ club is the camaraderie among our members. The great sense of humor our members have during the meetings and events contributes to a fun atmosphere. Let us all remember that meetings, events and other club activities are for everyone to enjoy each other’s friendship and the beautiful Corvettes we are so proud of. Remember, harmony and tolerance is the key to a strong, fun and successful club. BLACKHAWK MUSEUM On April 16th, plan to attend the trip to the Blackhawk Museum in Danville organized by Chris Petrush. It will be a great event. You will not forget this experience. If you like cars, and if you enjoy driving your Corvette, this one is for you. way to finish off your week and start the weekend. As most of you already know, Ron Rice will be going South to receive his transplant on Friday, March 25th. I spoke to him this morning at length. I reminded him that all of us are pulling for him and Anne. Anne will keep us informed on his progress. He is receiving a European transplant. He joked that when he returns he will be speaking French. He is in very good spirits. I take this opportunity to wish all of you a great spring season. Hopefully, the rain will stop and we can get the cars out. See you at the next meeting. Al Sauvadon PAGE 2 MEMBER OF THE MONTH Chris & Glenna Petrush My name is Chris Petrush and my wonderful, beautiful wife is Glenna. I was born in Pennsylvania, the third of seven children. My father was a conductor on the railroad and my mother was a stay at home mom. When I graduated from high school, I got a job in a machine shop and attended college at night. I subsequently dropped out of college to take a job as a brakeman with the railroad, planning on working for a few years than returning to college. This is when I purchased my first Corvette; a 1967 coupe. Unfortunately, I had lost my deferment when I dropped out of school and received my induction notice from Uncle Sam in 1972. I decided that the Army was not for me and enlisted in the Air Force. I went to San Antonio for basic then on to Biloxi, Mississippi for technical training. It was while I was in Biloxi that my brother was in an accident in my Corvette and it was totaled. I returned to San Antonio where I worked in H.Q. Recruiting until August 1974. I was fortunate enough to work next door to the commander of recruiting and requested an assignment to California. My wish was granted and I was transferred to Mather AFB in Sacramento where I worked in the 455th Flying Training Squadron consisting mostly of pilots who taught new navigators one-on-one in the T-37 jet trainer. I was discharged in 1976, returning to school prior to my discharge. I married my first wife in 1980 and have two children; my daughter Casey, who resides in Hanford and who recently married in January and my son Ben, who resides in Long Beach. In 1988, I moved to Atascadero from Sacramento and began working for the Dept. of Social Services, continuing what I had been doing in Sacramento County. I’m currently a criminal investigator, investigating crimes involving cash aid and food stamp fraud (and even once, a major employee theft case). Glenna is the youngest of three girls and would technically be called a Marine Corps Brat. She was born in Kentucky but soon moved to California, then Virginia, North Carolina and finally, when her dad retired, back to where her parents were from, California’s San Fernando Valley. Right out of high school, she went to work at Lockheed and got married like all good girls do. She has two sons; Jim, who resides in Grover Beach and Joe, who resides in Philadelphia. She also has two granddaughters; Aubrey, 11 and Katie, 2. Glenna worked at Poor Richard’s Press for over fourteen years and has been with the county for five years as an Employment Resource Specialist (Medi-Cal eligibility). Glenna’s first Corvette was a ‘79 that she bought from former SLO Vette President, Mark Wiley. The license plate was “HI STRESS”. She had to sell it when her son headed off to college at UC San Diego and she had to write those big tuition checks. In 1996, after returning with my children from visiting my father who was diagnosed with cancer, my wife told me that she was leaving me and the children. After putting my investigative skills to use, she admitted she was leaving me for (gasp!), Glenna’s husband who also worked with her at the telephone company. I had only met Glenna briefly twice before this (once at a Pac Bell function and the 2nd in passing at the county fair) and looking for answers to the breakup of my marriage, I had called her and asked if she wanted to get together to talk (oh, I also advised her the reason her husband of 25 years was leaving her was for my wife. Her husband had neglected to tell her). Well, Glenna shined me on and I continued on with my life as a single parent. My father passed away in 3/97 and in 5/97, my mother was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Again, I made a trip to the East coast. Upon my return in June, I had a message on my answering machine from Glenna. She had heard from a mutual friend that my father had passed away and had called to see how I was doing. Again, I asked if Glenna wanted to get together with me to decide if it was ours or our spouses fault that the marriages had failed. She PAGE 3 agreed to meet me and I invited her out on my boat to Nacimiento Lake. On the appointed day, Glenna met me at my house and we cruised on up to the lake. I launched the boat and had Glenna wait with it at the dock while I parked the truck and trailer. Upon my return to the dock, I noticed a lot of water in the boat. It dawned on me that I had neglected to put in the drain plugs. I immediately jumped in the water and managed to lose the first plug and finally got the 2nd in the boat. The boat actually started and we cruised over to the marina with the bilge pump on and got another plug for the cabin area. Things were quite wet in the engine compartment and it took a while for the boat to re-start, so we sat at the marina for a while until we were able to get under way again. We enjoyed the sun, water and EACH OTHER (there’s a lot to be said for day cruisers) and have been together ever since. We definitely decided that it was our spouses fault that the marriages had failed. In July 2001, I proposed to Glenna on her birthday at the lake where it all started. We were married in November 2001 at the Rio in Las Vegas with the reception at the Harley Davidson Cafe. Having had other sports cars over the years and missing my short time with my previous Corvette, we decided to start looking for another Corvette. I went back East in February 2002 and attempted to locate something while I was back there. I was unable to find anything while there and upon my return saw that the 1984 that I now own was still advertised for sale (and had been since approx. 11/01) in the Trade Express. The price was now a couple thousand lower than first advertised. I figured something had to be wrong as it was advertised as having only 31K miles. Well, the rest is history! We purchased the Corvette and are the 3rd owners, the 2nd owner having put only 5K miles on it in 5 years. We joined SLO Vettes in 2002 after meeting Don Kirkby at the DMV in Paso while registering our Corvette. Don told us about the club, we showed up and the rest is history. I’m now into my 3rd year as merchandise person and enjoy being a member and the camaraderie of the other members. 2004 was a big year for us. We sold our earthquake damaged home in Atascadero and moved to a new development in Paso Robles. I also had the Corvette painted as the clearcoat was starting to fade on the rear panel. We’re looking forward to many more years with the club and hopefully, a newer Corvette in the future. Chris & Glenna PAGE 4 PAGE 5 Sunday, May 15th THE FACE ON THE BAR ROOM FLOOR Lunch at 1:00 Show at 2:00 $32.00 per person Lunch will be tri-tip barbeque. Chicken is available but you have to let me know ahead of time if you want it. Many of you signed up at the last meeting. If you want to go and you have not signed up, I need a call from you NOW!!! as in immediately. 688–7192 Mary Nohr PAGE 6 MEMBERSHIP Chris McPherson I presented member packets to 4 new members at our last meeting. Jim & Susan Cole and Keith & Vicky Jeffcoach. Chuck Giles brought some prospective members, Harry & Nancy Batrum, and they have since joined the club. They will be out of town at the next meeting, so when you see them in their 2005 yellow coupe, give them a big welcome. If anyone wants their badge changed from pin to magnetic, please bring your badge to the next meeting. It costs $2 each and only takes a day for them to switch it out. Stateline See you at the next meeting. If you bring a prospective member, please introduce them to me so we can acknowledge them. Chris McPherson [email protected] Al Sauvadon is presented an award for his hard work as President of SLO VETTES for 2004. THANK YOU AL PAGE 7 SUNSHINE / HISTORIAN icki Davenport Meeting called to order by Al at 6:00 p.m. Al congratulated Jim and Carolyn Stone on their new silver C-6 conv. Guests were Harry & Betsy Batrum. Al proposed that the nominations for officers be held in Oct., and the elections be held in Nov. Motion made and passed. Vice President- Jerry talked about a weekly showing of cars in Pismo Beach at the Derelict Donuts on Sat. at 8:00 a.m. Treasurer report- Brian read the report for Jan, motion to accept was made and passed. Secretary report- Becky read minutes from last months meeting. Motion to accept was made and passed. Events- Brian thanked the Stones for putting on the run to San Miguel for dinner. He said that the next event was the Gamblers Classic. He let us know that the Circle Bar B has been changed to May 15th. Brian also passed out flyers for the Blackhawk Museum Run. Newsletter- Brian was filling in for Jon. He had hard copies of the newsletter for those who wanted one. Merchandise- Chris had a new list of what we have for sale. Corvette Museum- Chuck had a calendar of events and raffles from the museum. Membership- Chris McPherson said we are at 41 memberships and 81 members. She gave packets to Jim & Sue Cole and Keith & Vickie Jeffcoach. For the month of April Birthdays Bruce Lomath 1st, Bob Atkinson 13th, and Jay Atkinson 29th. Anniversaries Rocky and Lori Croom 8th, Chris and Gary McPherson 12th, Gary and Myra Sirkin 15th, Dan and Vivian Miroballi 19th. Ron Rice is now at the U.C.L.A. Medical Center. You can reach him at the following number. (310) 267-1678 Rm# 1030 Will see you soon. We’re leaving for the Cayman Islands and will return in a couple of weeks. Bon Voyage. Vicki NEXT MEETING APRIL 8th 6:00P.M. PLAYERS RESTAURANT ATASCADERO Club Historian- Vickie had nothing to report. 52 people at the meeting. 50/50 was $70.00 and was won by Carolyn Stone. Member of the month is Chris and Glenna Petrush. Becky. PAGE 8 SLO VETTES THE CORVETTE CLUB OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY 2005 EVENTS Feb. 26th Basque Dinner at the 10th St. Cafe in San Miguel Mar. 18th - 20th Gamblers Classic Primm, Nevada Apr. 16th Blackhawk Museum May 15th Circle Bar B with Santa Barbara Corvette Club May 21st Meguiar’s Detailing Event at the Nohr’s May 22nd Ragged Point Brunch Run June 10th - 12th Lake Tahoe Run, Lake Tahoe Corvette Club June 24th - 26th Big Bear Bash July 4th Templeton Parade and BBQ at the Cyester’s July 29th - 30th Arroyo Valley Car Show in Arroyo Grande Aug. 19th Hot El Camino Cruise Night in Atascadero Aug. 20th Atascadero Lake Car Show Aug. 27th - 28th Vapor Trails Auto Cross & Car Show Santa Maria Sept. 10th Otis Chandler Car Museum in Oxnard Oct. 1st Wine Run Nov. 13th Parkfield Brunch and Toy Run Dec. 10th S.L.O. Vettes Christmas Party at the Gardens of Avila PAGE 9 FOR SALE MACHINE SILVER / BLACK 2005 C6 CONVERTIBLE FULLY LOADED EXCEPT NAV. 6 SPEED, HEADS UP DISPLAY, ON STAR IN DASH 6 CD STACKER MSRP 57,515 CHUCK GILES 2387800 Gary shows off his award presented to him at the Gambler’s Classic from the hosting casino. PAGE 10 April 16th, 2005 The Blackhawk Museum is located at 3700 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, Danville, CA 94506. This is approximately 206 miles North of Atascadero. Our tour time is at 1:00 P.M. so we should plan on being there by 12:30 P.M. Plan on meeting at the Atascadero Factory Outlets at 7:00 A.M. Those residing North of Atascadero should plan on meeting at the 1st rest stop just North of San Miguel at 7:30 A.M. PLEASE RSVP TO CHRIS PETRUSH AT (805) 461-6177 OR AT [email protected] BY THURSDAY, APRIL 7TH, 2005 IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING. BELOW IS A LISTING OF HOTELS THAT ARE WITHIN 5 MILES OF THE MUSEUM IF YOU PLAN ON SPENDING THE NIGHT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BEST WESTERN - DANVILLE SYCAMORE INN. (877) 449-9999 803 Camino Ramon $99.00 and up Danville, CA 94526 [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOMESTEAD STUDIO SUITES (925) 277-0833 (888) STAY-HSD 18000 San Ramon Valley Blvd. $93.99 and up San Ramon, CA 94583 www.homesteadhotels.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SAN RAMON MARRIOTT at BISHOP RANCH (800) 228-9290 2600 Bishop Drive San Ramon, CA 94583 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURTYARD by MARRIOTT - SAN RAMON (925) 866-2900 18090 San Ramon Valley Blvd. $75.00 for queen San Ramon, CA 94583 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SIERRA SUITES (800) 4-SIERRA 2323 San Ramon Blvd. $84.00 for queen studio suite San Ramon, CA 94583 $89.00 for king studio suite $104.00 for one bedroom suite ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Blackhawk Museum is adjacent to The Shops at Blackhawk, a specialty shopping and entertainment center with more than 30 specialty ships, restaurants and cafes. PAGE 11 Stone’s new ride Brian & Becky’s ‘73 Gary drove and drove PAGE 12 Senior Citizen Driver Vice President Jerry Schlatter Hola Amigas Y Amigos of SLO VETTES What a great meeting and the turn out was nothing short of spectacular. Someone counted 50 attendees. Al & I can always count on the North County folks no matter how far the distance. A senior citizen in Florida bought a brand new Corvette convertible. He took off down the road, flooring it to 80 mph and enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left on his head. "This is great," he thought as he roared down I-95. CONGRATS Jim & Carolyn Stone on your new C6 roadster He pushed the pedal to the metal even more. Then he looked in his rear view mirror and saw a highway patrol trooper behind him, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. As you all know, Al is continually looking to increase my already heavy workload as VP. He has now added the 50/50 detail. I would like to thank my lovely secretary for assisting me with this additional task. "I can get away from him with no problem" thought the man and he tromped it some more and flew down the road at over 100mph. Then 110-mph, 120-mph. I hope to see you at the Cambria Car Show and Chili Cook Off. Don’t forget Pismo Derelicts at 8:00 A.M. every Saturday at the corner of Oakpark and James Way in Pismo Beach. Any year and model ride is OK. Until then, Wave” Corvette Jerry or there-a-bouts-,“Save the Then he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this kind of thing." He pulled over to the side of the road and waited for the trooper to catch up with him. The trooper pulled in behind the Corvette and walked up to the man. "Sir," he said, looking at his watch. "My shift ends in 30 minutes and today is Friday. If you can give me a reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The man looked at the trooper and said, "Years ago my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper, and I thought you were bringing her back." "Have a good day, Sir," said the Trooper. PAGE 13 PAGE 14 PAGE 15 PAGE 16 TOO MUCH BEER JUST TOO MUCH PAGE 17
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