May, - Grand Valley Corvette Association
May, - Grand Valley Corvette Association
President’s Letter May, 2016 Spring is here & the plastic cars are back on the road! The Corvette “physical day” at Ty Mason’s shop went well with many cars serviced, checked out & ready to cruise. Thanks goes out to TY, Curt & Denny. Speaking of cruising, I regret to inform the membership that there will NOT be a Spring Trip this year due to a lack of advance planning & membership involvement. I only had 1 person sign up to help plan a trip. Next Fall, we’ll start planning for a Spring 17’ trip & hopefully more members will be willing to help out. Our Banquet is May 7th, if you haven’t sent me your reservation & votes for M.V.M please do so soon. For the members who were not at the last meeting, Tom Baker, manager @ Kool Chevy informed me that there will NOT be a car show at Kool or the other Dealers along Plainfield Ave. this year. The Club is a sponsor of the Creston Car Show on June 18th from 2:00pm {registration} to 6:30pm {awards} with to beer tent & live music until 9:30pm. We will have a “Corvette” parking area for all Corvette’s at the show. Let’s have a big turn-out for this event. At the May meeting Lori P. will have some samples of shirts & jackets to look at for our new Club clothes. The next meeting is on May 12th, 7;00pm@ Kool Chevy. E-Board members to meet @ 6:30pm Yours, Marc Amante BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Marc Amante 9580 Oriole Dr Coopersville, MI 49404| 616-837-0565 [email protected] Treasurer Jill Host 2965 Castle Rock Dr. NE Grand Rapids MI 49525 (616) 361-7990 [email protected] Newsletter Editor & Webmaster Paula Down 8502 Carriage Lane Portland, MI 48875 (616) 780-0815 VP of Competition To be announced Secretary Gail Schuiling 1330 Webster NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504-2954 (616) 446-6569 [email protected] Governor Jeff Janus 6650 Twin Springs Ct. Rockford, MI 49341 (616) 560-5200 [email protected] VP of Membership: Todd Tamminga 2625 Cedar Grove South Jenison, MI 49428 (616) 669-8718 [email protected] [email protected] Kool Chevrolet Club Sponsor David Bailey 3770 Plainfield NE Grand Rapids, MI 49525 Phone 616-364-9431 Grand Valley Corvette Association General Membership Meeting Thursday, April 14, 2016 Held at Kool Chevrolet Board Members Present: Marc Amante, Jill Host, Todd Tamminga and Denny Link sitting in as Secretary for Gail Schuiling. Jeff Janus is still in Florida. President’s Report: Mar c called the meeting to or der at 7:00 p.m. He r ead this month’s mail. We r eceived a thank you card from Helen Smith for everyone’s thoughts and prayers for Kevin and for the get-together in Kevin’s honor. We also received a thank you card from Dick Young on behalf of his mother. Secretary’s Report: Denny Link is filling in for Gail tonight. He asked for a motion to appr ove the Mar ch 2016 Minutes as published in the newsletter. Treasurer’s Report: J ill gave the Mar ch 2016 Financial Repor t which was appr oved and seconded. Membership Report: Todd gave the Member ship Repor t. Cur r ent member ship stands at 105. He intr oduced guests, Howard and Terri Hansen, who have a ’03 Black Coupe, and will be joining soon. Competition Report: VP of Comp. position still open. Inter ested in ser ving?? Governor’s Report: No r epor t. OLD BUSINESS Date Event April 2 Party to honor Kevin Smith. He had requested Curt and Dar Craven to host a party in Curt’s shop. A large group gathered to reminisce with personal stories and pictures of Kevin’s nearly 40 years with Grand Valley. We also honored Helen with a cake and cards on her birthday. April 16 Ty reported on our Corvette Physical Day to be held at his shop on Saturday, April 16, starting about 10:00 a.m. He has oil & filters and will be checking our cars over for this year’s trips and cruises. Discussion regarding our charitable contributions has been tabled until our snow birds return from points south. National Corvette Museum “Bricks” will be ordered soon for Paul Kissel and Kevin Smith. GVCA’s thoughts and prayers go out for Kevin Smith, Paul Kissel, and Lisa Segard’s father. A $50 club donation [in lieu of flowers] will be made in accordance with the families’ wishes. Our condolences also go out to Karen Young on the death of her sister. Future Event Schedule/Calendar: Date Event April 16 Corvette Physical Day at Ty Mason’s shop. May 7 GVCA Annual Awards Banquet at the Highlands. Details to follow. 2 . May 12 GVCA General Meeting at Kool Chevy. May 21 GVCA “Women Only” Follow the Leader – Day trip. [Note Date Change] May 29 Royal Corvette of West MI Car Show in Fruitport. June 8 Test and Tune at Martin/U.S. 131 Dragway. June 9 GVCA General Meeting/location to be determined -- Summer Park Meeting? June 18 Creston Car Show/GVCA is partial sponsor. June XX July 16 NOTE: No Kool Chevy and/or Plainfield Ave. Car Show this summer ! . GVCA Low Country Boil at the Wilcox cottage. More info to follow. August 20 GVCA Beach Party at Westerhuis’ on Lake Michigan. More info to follow. NEW BUSINESS May 7 GVCA Annual Awards Banquet at the Highlands CC, 2715 Leonard St., NW. Reserve parking for Corvettes. Cocktails at 6:00 p.m. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. with awards following. Details in Newsletter. May 13-15 A possible Spring Trip was discussed. Indy was mentioned, BUT, this is Time Trial Weekend. Lori Pearce is working on ordering new GVCA logo apparel. She has some catalogs and info tonight and will have additional information next month. The Creston Car Show has been rescheduled for Saturday, June 18. After discussion, a motion was made and seconded to have GVCA sponsor an award. There will be Corvette parking. Times TBA. Please keep Char and Roger Gabbert in your prayers as they battle serious medical issues. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Submitted by, Denny Link For Gail Schuiling, Secretary 3 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY 7 12 21 29 GVCA Annual Banquet—Highlands Golf & Banquet Facility. General Membership Meeting -Kool Chevrolet GVCA “Women Only” Follow the Leader – Day trip. [Note Date Change] Royal Corvette of West MI Car Show in Fruitport.—See attached flyer 8 9 18 Test and Tune at Martin/US 131 Dragway General Membership Meeting - Location to be announced—Summer Park Meeting Creston Car Show 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. [r escheduled fr om Sept.]. JUNE JULY 14 16 General Membership Meeting -Meeting place to be announced Low Country Boil - Wilcox cottage— more info as it comes available AUGUST 11 18-19 20 27 General Membership Meeting -Meeting place to be announced Motor City Round up—see attached flyer Beach Party—Westerhuis—more information as it becomes available. Corvette Crossroads—Mackinaw City SEPTEMBER 8 General Membership Meeting -Kool Chevrolet OCTOBER 13 General Membership Meeting -Kool Chevrolet NOVEMBER 10 General Membership Meeting -Kool Chevrolet DECEMBER 8 General Membership Meeting -Kool Chevrolet All bold items are GVCA sponsored events Michigan Region of NCCC Corvette Clubs Home Page and Link to Calendar 4 BIRTHDAYS FEBRUARY & MARCH 5 The GVCA Banquet will be held on May 7th. We will have "Reserved Corvette Parking" in the upper East parking lot. Where: The Highlands Golf & Banquet Facility, 2715 Leonard St. N.W., Grand Rapids, Mi., Agenda: Cocktails/Social Hour 6-7pm, Dinner @ 7pm, Awards after dinner. Bring those deserving awards you have gathered in the past year. Dress: Business Attire (This is the time for the women to show off their Sunday best and men to wear pants other than jeans). RSVP: by April 29th with number of attendees to Marc Amante at [email protected] or call him or Pam @ 615 837 0565. Menu: Dinner will be buffet style with Chicken Allouette or Stuffed London Broil, Roasted Redskins, Broccoli, Cauliflower & Carrots in Herb Butter Sauce, with a Garden Salad. There will be a $20 cost for non-members. Please send non-members money by April 27th to: Marc Amante 9580 Oriole Drive Coopersville MI 49404 6 Thanks to the guys in the club for " Corvette Physical Day" Great day for it too! 7 8 9 10 Your Club is Invited to the 2016 Motor City Roundup! I’m reaching out to you, as a leader of your car club, to invite you and your club members to participate in an exciting high performance driving event (HPDE), the Motor City Roundup! Grattan Raceway Belding, Michigan Thursday Aug 18 Motor City Roundup is operating its 3rd annual event, this year at Grattan Raceway in Belding, Michigan on Thursday August 18, 2016. This event is just before the Woodward Dream Cruise weekend. This is an opportunity to generate excitement and participation for the members of your club. Register Early for Significant Savings Drivers save money with early registration. Register before May 18 for $139. When early registration ends, the standard cost is $179. Register today at Special Offer for Event Organizers When 5 or more club members register, car club event organizers receive two registrations with a 50% discount off the standard cost (for more info or to redeem this offer, email [email protected]). All Drivers and Vehicles Are Welcome The Motor City Roundup event is appropriate for everyone who wants to have fun driving their car fast in a safe and controlled manner. Any licensed driver is welcome, from experienced racers to drivers who’ve never been on a road racing course, and everyone in between. All makes and models are welcome. Organized and Safe with Driver Instruction The Motor City Roundup event is safely and professionally run by car enthusiasts that are experienced race track drivers. Learn from experienced driving instructors who provide both classroom instruction and incar coaching, all included in the registration cost. Drivers learn to drive their car safely at a level of performance with which they are comfortable. Other Driver Benefits Event t-shirt Barbeque lunch Raffles Sponsor car hot laps Spectator rides Sponsor tech talks Sponsor Opportunities Available If your club or other businesses with whom you have relationships are interested in being a sponsor for this event, Motor City Roundup provides several great promotional opportunities at low cost. For more information, please email [email protected]. Promotional Assistance is Available For more event details, see Attached find the event flyer. We are happy to help you promote the Motor City Roundup as a club event to your members. Let us know your ideas and how we can help. Stay Informed We would like to keep you up to date with current information. To subscribe to the Motor City Roundup email list, click here. 11 CORVETTE STORIES My Daughter Waits Patiently My love for Corvettes started when my father was a General Manager at a Chevrolet Dealership in Tennessee. I was 11 years old. We had two brand new 1960 Corvettes hidden in our basement garages before they were ready for the new car reveal. I was home alone and noticed the keys were in the cars. Yes, I did the unthinkable; I started up the one with automatic transmission and drove it around the block. I never told anyone about it, but knew from that day forward I would own a Corvette someday. (Many years later I admitted the story to my father.) July 1974 I was having my 1972 Impala serviced at the same dealership where my Dad and I had both worked and two Corvettes were on the showroom floor, both demos the dealer needed to sell before Chevrolet would let the dealer order any 1975 Corvettes. The choices were a white 1974 small block, automatic T-Top base car or a Metallic Yellow 1973 454 T-Top automatic with every option except the tilt wheel. I didn’t like the two piece urethane rear bumper of the 1974. Also the deal was better on the 454. Remember the pending 1973 Oil Embargo? I still own the 1973 Corvette today. Three months after I bought the car they had to put a new short block engine in it. The dealer’s daughter who drove the car abused it more than he admitted. Other than the engine block, it is all original. In Nov. 1988, I drove my 2 year old son to the hospital to meet his new little sister. This was the last time I drove the Corvette. When I put the battery in and took it off the jack stands the spring of 1989 it would not start. I was in the Air Force Reserve working long hours, flying late nights, going on deployments and with a new house and two small children, the car was low on my priority list. It stayed in the garage back up on the jack stands until the fall of 2015. My wife said I should get the Corvette running again! You don’t have to tell me twice! Through a friend of a friend, I found a guy who has been working on Corvettes for 40 years. He and I are waking it up and are about 80% mechanically done. Almost 27 years to the day I last drove the car, we had it running again. It’s an original, one owner survivor. Not a show car, but it is my first and only Corvette. My goal is to have it home for my daughter’s wedding in May. She reminded me she has never had a ride in it and 12 I only let her sit in it once. I told her she could have the car for the wedding. Now I need to finish up the other 20% to make it mechanically sound for the big day!
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June, - Grand Valley Corvette Association
Marc Amante
9580 Oriole Dr
Coopersville, MI 49404|