savory crêpe class


savory crêpe class
Savory Crêpe Batter Recipe: (Serving approx 12 crêpes)
Put all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl in this order:
1 cup of Flour (1/4 cup Buckwheat +1/4 cup whole wheat+1/2 cup white flour)
1/3 tsp of salt
mix all solids with a wisk; dig a well and add:
1 large egg
2 tbsp of oil/butter
Add 1.5 cup of fresh water in 2 stages:
First, Add 1 cup of water in mixing bowl and start mixing slowly till you
obtain a homogenous, smooth/ lump free dough.
Then, Add 1/2 cup of the water slowly and wisk well.
We also recommend that you add 2tbsp of melted butter at the end.
Mix again, and let rest at room temperature or in refrigerator for 1-2
You can keep crêpe batter for up to 5 days depending on freshness of
the eggs and milk used. Mix well before using and store in refrigerator
in air tight container or bottle.
Tips: You may adjust this recipe to your liking by increasing the
proportion of the following:
Water vs. Milk
Whole Milk
Thicker crêpe
Richer taste and more colorful Crêpe
More Golden, crispy
Lighter, more crispy
Richer, tastier
More marbled
Richer taste & marbling
Thank you for purchasing our The Couple’s Savory Crêpe Class Workshop,
a unique, fun and hands-on way to learn all about making crêpes from
This class program is approximately 2:15 hour long, and divided in 3
First stage: Together, we will built savory crêpe mix, adding one ingredient at a time, while reviewing the different theories in the making
process. We will also talk about the techniques to make a great crêpe
batter every time.
Second Stage: Once the batter is ready, we will start making crêpes and
recognize all the important stages while cooking the crêpe. We will also
practice flipping in the pan, before piling the crêpes in the plate. While
you cook your crêpes, we invite you to add your favorite fillings on it and
eat them while they are fresh.
Third Stage: We'll save three crêpes for the last stage to elaborate the
Crêpes au Jambon & Fromage Gratinées; one of French’ favorite comfort
food dish. While you’ll get a chance to try the instructor’s Crêpe au
gratin, you will take home your ready-to-bake dish, with instruction for
baking. The end of the third stage will be the conclusion of our class. We
invite you to find a table & linger as long as you want.
Please, read this document to learn about history of crêpes, and how
they came about in France. You can also download this document on
our website at www.FIiPcrē
We hope you enjoy yourself!
Questions? visit us at www.FIiPcrē or call us at 1.888.808.3547.
crêpe (English pronunciation: /'krep/; Breton: krampouezhenn) is a type of very thin pancake,
usually made from wheat flour. The word is of French origin, deriving from the Latin crispa,
meaning "curled." While crêpes became a specialty from Brittany, a region in the northwest of
France, their consumption is nowadays widespread in France and they are considered a
national dish, and they are also increasingly popular in North America and South America. In
Brittany, crêpes are traditionally served with cider. Crêpes are served with a variety of fillings,
from the most simple with only sugar to flambéed crêpes Suzette or elaborate savory fillings.
reference: Wikipedia
Origin of Crêpes:
While the origin of crêpes remains a mystery, the story goes that
Galettes appeared around 7 000 B.C. They were made from water
and various flours. Nowadays, the concept is found in every world
In Roman Times:
During the Lupercales, the Romans were already baking pancakes
of flour and water, sweetened with honey. Their golden color
served as a symbol of the warm sun. The return of the sun was also
highly anticipated by the people of Northern Europe and the Celts.
Pope Gelase would feed the pilgrims with pancakes when they
reached Rome. Crêpes were made with the flour from the previous
wheat crop, and that flour could be used somewhat liberally since
the new crop was not that far away anymore.
Crêpes introduced to Brittany:
Crêpes/pancakes were made all over Europe long before bread
was baked; they were not necessarily specific to the Brittany
The Bretons became famous for the galette, which is a crêpe made
with buckwheat flour (sarrasin) instead of wheat flour (froment).
The buckwheat plant, originally from Asia, is introduced in Europe
during the 15th century and makes its way into Brittany where it is
well-suited to the poor, acidic soil of the region. Because the seeds
are black and yield gray flour, buckwheat is also referred to as "blê
noir" (black wheat).
Originally, galettes and crêpes were made on a "Billig", a disk of cast
iron set on a tripod directly into the fireplace; later on, the Billig was
placed on a gas stove; nowadays, electric Billigs are more prevalent.
One thing that has not changed, though, is the "rozell", the toothless
rake used to spread the batter uniformly on the cooking surface.
The crêpe is flipped over with a long-bladed spatula but, when using a
regular frying pan, it brings good luck and prosperity to flip it one
handed, while holding a coin in the other hand.
The Tradition in France:
In France, crêpes are traditionally served on Candlemas (La Chandeleur), February 2. This day was originally Virgin Mary's Blessing Day but
became known as "Crêpe Day", referring to the tradition of offering
crêpes. The belief was that if you could catch the crêpe with a frying
pan after tossing it in the air with your left hand and holding a gold
coin in your right hand, you would become rich that year.
There are all kinds of French proverbs and sayings for Chandeleur; here
are just a few. Note the similarities to the Groundhog Day predictions
made in the US and Canada:
À la Chandeleur, l'hiver cesse ou reprend vigueur/ On Candlemas, winter’s over or strengthens
À la Chandeleur, le jour croît de deux heures/On Candlemas, the day is longer by two hours
Chandeleur couverte, quarante jours de perte/Candlemas covered (in snow), forty days of losses
Rosée à la Chandeleur, hiver à sa dernière heure/Dew on Candlemas, winter at its final hour
In Other Countries:
Crêpes can be compared to the African injera, the Indian Dosa and
Kuzhalappam and the Mexican sope. In Norwegian, it's called
Pannekake, and in Dutch it's pannenkoeken. In Italy, crêpes are called
crespella. In the Spanish regions of Galicia and Asturias they are traditionally served at carnivals. In Galicia they're called filloas, and may also
be made with pork blood instead of milk. In Asturias they're called
fayueles or frixuelos. In Turkey they are called "Akitma". In Argentina
they are called "panqueques" and are often eaten with dulce de leche.