SHEDULE 6 A BY THE COLLECTOR OF RAIGAD, DISTRICT RAIGAD No.Np/Election/Matheran/2016, date 29.06.2016 ln exercise of the powers conferred on me by Order No.RNA/NP-ZOI6/P.K.LllKa5/2015 dated 15/O6/20L6 of the State Electlon Commissioner, Maharashtra, the Collector of Raigad district, hereby proposes section 10 to make the following draft order under sub-section (1) of of the Maharashtra Municlpal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and lndustrial Townships Act, 1965 (Mah. XL of 1965) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) to fix for the Matheran Municipal Council, the number and the extent of the wards into which the said municipal area shall be divided and to specify the wards reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class of Citizens and Women (including women belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Backward Class of Citizens), as the case may be, as shown in the Schedule to this Order. The said draft order is hereby published as required by the provison to sub-section(1) of section 10 of the said Act for the information of all the residents of the Matheran Municipal Council and notice is hereby given that the said draft will be taken into consideration by the collector, Raigad after 05/07120L6 . All persons who desire to entertain any objections to the said draft, should submit the same to !Ig-]89!!CS!9ILEEa!L in writing with reasons therefor on or before 14lO7l2OL6. objections received thereafter will not be considered. (The place for submitting objectionMatheran Municipal Council ) DRAFT ORDER WHEREAS, the Regional Director of Municipal Administration Commissioner Kokan Division by his Order No. NP-2/KA-Vl-t7tl2OLG (Maharashtra Government Gazette) issued under sub-section (2) & Divisional dated LG|O'|20LG of section 9 of the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and lndustrial Townships Act, 1965 (Mah. Xl- of 1965) has fixed for the Matheran Municipal council, the number of councillors to be elected and the number of seats to be reserved for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class of Citizens and Women (including the number of seats reserved for women belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class of Citizens), as shown below. 1. - 1. 2. elected = 77 = = = The total number of seats to be reserved for Women = (including the number of seats reserved for women 2 The number of Councillors to be The number of seats to be reserved Castes b) for the Scheduled Tribes c) for the Backward Class of Citizens a) for the Scheduled 3. belonging to the 1 5 9 Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class of citizens) 4. Out of seats at serial number 3, the number of seats for women belonging to the reserved - Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Class of citizens from amongst the seats reserved for scheduled castes, scheduled Tribes and Backward Class of Citizens as shown in item at serial number 2(a),(b) and (c), respectively, are as under - Castes b) for the Scheduled Tribes c) for the Backward Class of Citizens = = = Number of seats reserved for women as General category = a) for the Scheduled 5. 1 0 3 5 (number of seats at serial number 3 minus number of seats at seria I number 4) 2. NOW THEREFORE, No. RNA/N P-2016 in exercise of the powers conferred on me by Order No. /P.K.7OlKa-6/20L6 dated 75/O6/2O76of the State Election commissioner, Maharashtra, read with sub-section (1) of section 10 of the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and lndustrial Townships Act, 1965 (Mah.XL of 1965), I Sheetal Teli Ugale. the collector of RaiBad District, hereby fix the number and extent of the wards into which the said Municipal area shall be divided and specify the wards in which seats shall be reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class of Citizens and Women (including women belonging to the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, and the Backward Class of Citizens), as the case may be, as shown in the Schedule. 3. This Order shall take effect for the purpose of the next general elections held immediately following the date of this Order. SCHEDULE lf the seat is reserved, for Name Ward No. of the whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Extent of the ward ward if any 2 L 1(A,B) Population Locations lndira North Gandhi Nagar & Total - 516 Walmik East Nagar sc- 4 3 lndira Gandhi Nagar & Walmik Nagar North -- Monkey Point along the point Boundry to Hart Point upto Panorama Point. East -- Panorama Point along the cliff to mount barry along garbat point upto Dhebe housel mayara point and dighe villa house near side drainage line. 0 South South -- Dighe vilaa sadan drainage line side of cliff to honeykumbha bunglow upto drainage line. Ramesh pandya house back side to M.G. Road. ST- 18 West West M.G. Road East side to mayra point gate to sakharam tukharam point and upper side way road to monkey point. tA- Backward Class of Citizen Women t B-OpenGeneral Name Ward No. of the Extent of the ward ward if any 2 1 2 (A,B) Population 3 Locations Partial North Part of Total - 539 Walmi k Nagar to Nehru Bhava n and Sunset point area Ea st sc- 99 South sT- 40 West whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women 4 Partial Part of Walmik Nagar to 2 A - Backward Class of Citizen Women Nehru Bhavan and Sunset point area Monkey point way side road to till sakharam tukharam point Sakharam tukharam point to west side of M,G. Road to mayara point gate from honeykumbha bunglow via dighe villa sadan. Nala to corner of big swipper chawl.front road of samaj mandir to Bridge Kishor Gupta house to Shafik Shaikh house to front road M.G. Road Junction, From M.G. road Junction springwood hotel, Kasturba road via vinayal ashram and ambedkar road to narmada khanawal. Via kotwal road back side of panorama hotel and towards upper side of Scotish Church till c. view bunglow gate to Maullana Azad Road Junction near Gujarat bhavan hotel ane towards to bar house to Celia point. From Lord, Celia point to Eco pont, honeymoon point cliff to towards Luiza point. From Luiza cliff towarda malang point to coronation point to sunset point. 2 B- OpenGeneral lf the seat is reserved, for whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Name Ward No. of the Extent of the ward ward if any 2 1 3 (A,B) 3 Locations Mount Bunglow, Kasturba Road Partial Part of Panchshil Nagar and Partial Part of Muslim Area, 3A- 4 Backward Class of Citizen Women Mohalla Population Mount North Bunglo W, Kastur ba Road Total - 515 Area, Partial Part of Panch shil Nagar and Partial Part of Muslim Mohall From Nehru bhavan gate , springwood hotel to slope of 3 B-OpenGeneral honeykumbha bunglow to M,G. road towards Bombe house via panchshil nagar road to [r/r. Anil Guptas house, Rajesh Ballal house, beside house of Ashok Khoda Waghela to east side of big sweeper chawl to dighe villa nalla towards cliff. East a sc- 84 South ST- 77 West of dighe villa sadan to Panchashil Nagar Nalla cliff towards from west side of khoda kara purbia house to upper side of Kailas Sonawale house towards south side of nalla then east side of Dattatray Shinde house to Bouddha Vihar to Guljar mahabale house via valge road , Panhalkar house to Raj Mohhamad house via valge road to Hunjar house towards lV.G. road junction. And tr/.G. road junction to Hope Hall Hotel. From Hope hall hotel to boundry of Regal hotel to back side of Gujarat bhavan towards Gulmohar hotel boundry via Aacharya Atre road to Roshan villas east boundry, West side of Roshan villa via boundry of Gulmohar Hotel towards Itrlaulana Azad Road Junction near Gujarat Bhavan to via Kotwal road to C. View Bunglow Gate to Scotish Church to back side boundry of Janta Happy Home to back side boundry of Panorama Hotel via kotwal road Krishna Villa Bunglow, Narmada Khanawal via Ambedkar Road to Kasturba Road junction and then back side of Shastri Hall towards Grain Godawn to Nehru Bhavan junction. From cliff lf the seat is reserved, for Name of the Ward No. whom i,e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Extent of the ward ward if any t 2 Locations Population Total - 476 4 3 4 (A,B) Panch North ashil Nagar and Partial Part of Rohida East s Nagar Panchashil Nagar and Partial Part of Rohidas Nagar From lower side of Jagnath Khochare house nala towards cliff of house of Khoda Karas nala to lower side of water space of chambhar pani middle nala. From middle side of water of chambhar pani nala vai cliff to Zpoadpatti of Sant Rohidas Nagar towards cliff of Ravindra Kadam +A- ScheduleCaste Women 4B-OpenGeneral house. sc- 176 South From South side of Ravindra Kadams house upper side to Sakharam Kadams house , Guravs house, Baban Shelar house, east side house of Maruti Sonawane to in front of Tambe house towards west upper side to , south side of Tanubai Salunkhes house. ST- West 24 From Ravkhande and Salunkhe house via south road towards nalla of house of Pandurang Kale. From nalla of house of Suresh Pandurang Kale via upper north side near public latrine to muslim mohalla nalla of north side, towards Vasant Naikade's house and nalla of Jagannath Khochare's house. lf the seat is reserved, for whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Name of Ward No. the ward if Extent of the ward any 5 (A,B) Population Partial part Locations of Sant Rohidas Nagar And Partial part of Muslim Mohalla North Partial part of Sant Rohidas Nagar s A-BackwardClass And Partial part of Muslim Mohalla General From cliff of house of Vijay Bhoir towards boundry of south side from near houses of Shri Patil , Vijay Sawant, Shivaji Salunkhe, Tambe, 5B-OpenWomen Vithal Dabhekar and Bhagat via Stage from boundry of Abnave's plot and towards cliff of road from boundry of lr/ohan Karande's house road to house of Suresh Pandurang Kale towards house of Chand lr/ujawar . Habiba Total - 559 East sc- South 275 From cliff of house of Vijay Bhoir to big Nalla's space of Chambhar Pani. From cliff of Chambhar Pani big nalla towards upper boundry of south side of Anil Kadam's house to upper side of nalla of Sakharam Bombe house to boundry of Bhohara's Smashan Bhoomi. Towards house of Jagannath ST- West 03 Salunkhe , and nallas boundry of Bohara's Smashan Bhoomi to upon Rajaram Salunkhe road, house of Shabbir lsmail Shaikh house side of south boundry towards rnunicipal public toilet, south side of bazaar plot no. 124 Ill Usman lmam Valage road , tr/uslim Mohalla. From bazar plot No. tz+ (Madarasa) road of Usman lmam Valage , [r/uslim ]r/ohalla towards nalla of south of bazar plot no 132 (Hbiba Chand Mujawar) house. lf the seat is reserved, for Name Ward No. of the Extent of the ward ward if any t 2 6 (A,B) Population North Total - 520 East SC- South 10 4 3 Locations Sant Gadge baba road and Panch vati Nagar whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Sant Gadgebaba road and Panchvati Nagar ln fron of Madu-Malti M.G. Road and valge Road Junction to lower side of Munir Mahapule house towards lower side of Bazar Plot No. 128 house / boundry of Shailesh Bapardekar Zopadpatti area house to Municipal Gen's Toilet to boundry of south side nalla's house of Khalil Mujawart in front of Vitthal Bapu Kale house to Rajaram Salunkhe Road. Boundry of Bhora Smashan Bhoomi to Rama janu akhade, Rakesh villas kokale, Guljar Mahapule, Sunil Birmane and lower side of nalla to cliff and house fo Prakash Purshottam Joshi. From upper side house of Prakash Joshi to Sunil Biramane house and lower side of near of Municipal Stable to Vitthal Mandir to M.S.E.B. office, Corner of Railway Station M.G. Road oA- ScheduleTribe General oB-OpenWomen to side of gard running rOom to cliff of house of Shankar Tambe towards south side of Bazar Plot No. 67, cliff of stage vai Gadge Baba Road, Varsha Ghag, Prakash B, Sutar's house towards cliff of Shrugarpure's house , Rajaram Salunkhe Road to M.S.E.B. junction. sT- West 55 From M.G. Road and Rajaram Salunkhe Road junction side of Railway compound in front of Madhu-Malti lr/.G. Road valge road junction. lf the seat is reserved, for Name Ward No. of the whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Extent of the ward ward if any Population Total - 524 sc- 13 Locations Chhatr apati Shivaji Nagar, Shimpi Ati, Hiraji Patil road and Partial part of Panch vati Nagar 4 3 2 7 7 (A,B) North Chhatrapati Shivaji Nagar, Shimpi 7 A - Backward Class of Citizen General Ali, Hiraji Patil road and Partial part of Panchvati Nagar From Bazar Plot No. 45 house of Dalavi to west side boundry of Sahadev D. Biramane house to boundry of B.P. No. 180 (Chandrkant It/ahamunkar house) lower side of Sandip Biramane house towards via Rajaram Salunkhe Road to way side of house of Sulbha Ramesh Shinde near Prabhakar Kadam house, via lVahamunkar house, Prashant Belose house, Bhilare house to Shailesh Dabhekar, lower Subhash Ranjanes house Vaman East South to side of Vandana Shinde house cliff of house of Dinesh Sutar. From Big nala of Chambar Pani to Bazar Plot No. 87 cliff of house of Shri. Devrai P. Nayak. ln front of boundry of south side of B,P. 87 (Devrai P. Nayak) towards plot of Shri ST- 04 West Khangate and Shri Gajanan Kadam Road Chowk and upper south boundry of house of Gajanan Kadam boundry of B,P. No. 79 (Gulmohamad Khan House) to Kazi house, Roshan Residency to Shop of Fakrudin Dhariwalla. From Shop of Fakrudin Dhariwalla towards Hiraji Patil Road beside Mirjakar house to B.P. 45 (Dalvi zB-OpenWomen house) towards Rajaram Salunkhe Road from Ramesh Dalvi house to Ramlal Khaires house boundry to house of Vaman lr/ahamunkar. lf the seat is reserved, for whom i.e. whether for SC, ST, BCC or for Women (including SC Women ST Women or BCC Women Name Ward No of the Extent of the ward ward if any 3 2 1 8 (A,B,C) Locations Kapadia Market, Alexzander Area aA - Backward Class of Citizen General and Police Station Area Population Kapadi North From N.C. Shah in front of Asha a Kadam house, Hiraji Patil Road to Market Ramkrishna Restaurant towards eB- OpenWomen boundry of Kapadia Market, Khan Road west boundry of house of 8C-OpenWomen Raghunath Jadhav towards side of house of Avdhut Yerfule house to boundry of house of lilojes Kedari Alexza nder Area and Police Station Area , back side of house of f olal - 744 East sc- 26 South ST- 22 West Kumar house of and boundry Choudhary cliff of Kamal D. Jadhav, From back side of cliff house of Kamal D. Jadhav towards Alexzander point, Rambag Point to Little Chowk Point, From Cliff of Little Chowk Point towards Big Chowk point. From Big Chowk point, One Tree Hill, Lord Point, Celila point towards behind of Bar house to Roshan Villa Bunglow upper side of Bar house, back side boundry of Roshan Villa , Anandritz, Police Station to Vakhari Naka and towards M.G. Road, Central Hotel, Laxmi Hotel to Chhatrpati Shivaji Garden towards Pramod Restaurant to N.C. Shah. Notes :(1) The reservations indicated in the Schedule for the Backward Class of Citizens and Women including seats reserved for women belonging to SC,ST or BCC is as per the lots drawn on Saturday, O2/O712076. (2) A map of the Municipal Council showing the limits of the wards is available during office hours for inspection in the office of the Raigad Municipa! Counci!, on all working days. (3) The place for submitting objections - i. offlce of The Matheran Municipal council, Raigad, during office hours on all working days. alrG. (Sheetal Teli Ugale) o. collector, Raigad. Place - Alibag Date - 04/07 /20t6 o t I qfifvrqF.s E twq:nq+rft ,rrqrrsfwer-{r+.r6qi+E-gr x.qwqasTqi-x/i'qT/tffsq-s'/q+{q'11.qqfu iq-oy/o\e/Rolq qL6q foasTs fui6 1 yq"7qq S x, ent{r qiffim sTrt{r m-qir qst$-loqvlqqxlqq3x srq+ {fi" m.{freilqq- 1o q,Vs.}F. o gffrr-o q,ik o \e/o WQo 3lg-.ffi,F6Tttg lq Ar+sr eftmnr+ ell.{ s'-fi c-drrg {rrqi{ssr,qrrqqTq-fr q sieltro Trrfr qFrHqq tsq\(tqqq sI qtmq orFrfrqq Hy') Ccrge s{r e#rfrqc EuJr {EiRrd +dD + 6-f,s lo (s)Erd {rflrs fq-€qrqT*rfr fire}m, srrAlrrqT q-iqfufr qqtiiffi qn|flqrrrqfttv{ctd fud-flT etrt,tr6 frqFTuqrd tle rqr sqmt* {Em s Ri* qTd frftqf, 6-{0qri enfur qr yrrrnqti e-iqEd qfr,or{qtqd qqTal errfrT {ril-silT qr1€ qqffi qrn {qr }eq6 q6- t yqrrr sTrfrT ffi qqrfr q +rrfrstqr qrrq ertqT ftrqi€-O srfi {rq{ terqrf, 1er-1qtdd sTdi,e-{qfud +frd + eqr frRs s{oqT+ d{kd erTt r !.qra s(t srfufr'qqrqr e-aq to,rfte*-eq Al qrE+r qqroi srqqq-s'orretT} 3ffi qfuq sTrfurqr +q<r ar<ri- qTrhn TrrqfrqE effim sd rtc*qqiqr +1,em 3Tr*rl-qr qqqi fr."q7o\e71olQ in-r orqra ta €rqr qT<t gu-+ toun fia-erftr+rt rr+rs fu-srrir t-fid qrkffi ti s*i ertflralr rrgfld qT fuqr srfr 6+-{-e ersdtd ei+ el rc+-fr rr+nur qK{ 6-{rqrf,.v*T fiqwfrr*fi {q{s frliq. 1v7o\eTqols t+ fs-dr f,-q-m dRdriar 3Trd-sr 6.s-fr ksmf, rR rTfr. C*o-e,q-q-+ <IE-m 6-ruqt ksruT qTttT{ qrRqR'qEqErX qiffi ffi t srfunqTFg{r qflrE arrqftu-{,rrrriqp-fr q oijujtTfi-Trfi srftrfrqq l3sq(l3qq qr ltnrq 3rftrHqq F.yo) qr m'oq q +.f,dq-r erqt qr.qrtRffi 1furm-r,TwqlksT ern3T enfur furTrfu qrgff,stsur frqFT,st-suT rrya,afr {qt qi#f, 3Tr+sr mqi*. {I{Il,/6r-?Errr-1/q.s. l\s l/Ro tq R. q,vowl"lq (q6r(I9 {IRFI {sc-d) diqi qt{Tr rrRqfis+ qwtr"d qrd E{ik€r qqro} frqErqqlqT ernssi+ .qqr qrerprT, qffi or-iqh( q+,sr1qkcr qqTfr enfrr rFRlsiET qTrn€-d,i {q"{ tqwqrqr qrrl q fis{qiqd 1er-gqHd qfr,sr{qfrfr q+ta1 q nrrt-*tqr qF6s qqfqT rrqa *qTsqTqr qm frfrqa a+frr 3rTld ffit : t.lT{sreqrqTslTlqsi+{qr t.er1qfud qrfr,erEqfud qqrfr q\e qnrt-sisr crrn€-qrt qr$A- e rrE{AqrqqTqrqmi+{qr : : : et-1qh-dq* E st-{qfuHqqT+ o qrri-siqTqTrrm-qrt a1 q ilRtsisr qrrnsqrri-qrfiuqisdrWiqrqqrqrq-rnqr-O i. fieqi{r& x. w-tm 1et-gqfrfr qqiqti eriqtsn s q qTfr,e-i$-d qrr* H *qto i 1 : s qi-m *.qi+. i(e!,C$ e 61 Qfr6- qrfr,eT-{qfrH fiwqiqr& ri.q{ qqtd &rscrqr q rFRt-siqr q.f* tsr qrd-msqroi ergqfudsrdl e1 o-lqkdsq+ O rrrfrsiqrqFTrsdrt = : : : eii q.fisqiar&{-+€tqrqqpTTEuJT{q{}qriqqrqrriq} {r*t f e-{sci+. I o I \ i qqti-e qT( ad-eT qrrTT q.rT sT.H..y qqti-o qT(Ad-frr sr,r) qL6q foaguJ'-s'3lTffi,qdmy qtffid BTr+yr mqi*. gsl$-qoqxnqx^qqx l(qts' ?l/to/133y, eTrt{r fi'fioTy +T-iolq/\er.F'r-oE, eretfi,3Trdr ulsltr*'.qrrfr srtrfr'qq 13qq { q-mc yhilm ffiiq-d, 1o q fres-flq (t) srqi HH Hr+er erftr+nrq qFR 65;T fuGrtrsrfr rrqrrs qr<rt Bffi ilRqftq-( qtd kd-flT qrrnil ElTrrr'qrd m qqTrri* {iqr e Ri+ erd cr oTrt{nqr sr-iqEqd frkqd +..t-f, srg{ qT eqTqTqd qpTrfurfr or-iqfu( sTfi,sr-iqfsd qqTfi BTrfrr inri-sisr qrrru-qri q fis*qisrd 1or{.qfu-d qfr,3r{.qkd qqfr e rrrrfrsiaTr qF6s qd-frm krsl,ll?"qq q q1rttE rrRcfrs-qr, +rrq*rfr, * E{tffi tio qffi kqtso qnn nqr i+-qra tfi-f, t qT 3Tr+flT-qr iiq-dTil+id ${FT frfrq o-i-d qlt" drd-qr fusz ;id-@r g-d-d {d.k*. Fq-suFtqT q+tr{rt A s{ri{r 3r{q.* usTm ar. 1 rft+{cqr ql{Fnt Tr{ {F+a <'n a er*o qrrr \wr \tq qrrn crrr'rlEitqrd rrfrs srgerrtT olonqr&q$ erqg*rcrrfr, sr1q.ftqffi/ qr.rft*tqr qr,rnr*qisr& E frrqiqr& 1er1.urft lq.qqrfr l<rq+fi iqr*.t ftrqiqr& wa) etr t er - qr.rfroiqrqFnsr+t qkar qriz qTW Err: {str +,sqr+ EIt m{u ffitqr qT-iu qd,-h. Ti : qqkqr qrfz t +'sqrqrt q qrs(-3z *fi, rnrqa qti{ vlh rQq t - qdrtr*mqrwr td qr, qrq{r qrt€ e fd kf,r wsddt-d qp61ffi. : ftd kf,r vfi ;tren-att sgqrqrg{ qt-fr ilefi T+Yr .tsqr fi qqTqr{ EfrEf,{ Eirr€r {fr EftTur ot.Ett o w.+. rigcda. qFqq : rft:$rl Eirr€r 3t.Et qa w.q}.Its er g{ {qter-m erq+ yA qzfiT te, {qrtrq gornq qrt{ ffi e arfr A Hris qr rH ri+i miu qi-t€ c?id. ? at*,ri@r \TT \i3 Enofrq. ;trtr qr 6rfi r+rrr tro rr+t E F{fu foTr.r e|* Err: q+1 q{2, d {Tts ltgi^ {TGIRTEI Es,'RTq oT - ilrrfrfiiqrqr.ngr+ti qkdT qTiZ qdf,. gd : uunm FT{rc qr{e A rts qr qFqq Ergi qrqrr qi-*z ,te, 6riSq Et'rmr cr,l frn m vfr crer vrq.{ qt& furt qT#qT stq-qr qdd sqre q+t sqttm {Fr t kq ffit {HI qr {qtfriT wtT t {mt'fi tlq qffi1-;1fr6 qc.qr. {rs =T fut {s Ei.oaT sqrqr rts t kttqs' e+r:rq qfa q {cfr qt+s+,{ risi qdEr silq{t e tgt gA etelerd tsi fi'{qr u}e qr qrftd dqt+ ErFncra Etdrr qd qr vrEf qrfr fu. q Etrrf,r qd"r ETge +lilqm lisi q\iaTil sIr$IK lts T{o?r ttEFt-EII ilHrq{d Hrge ctf,nT e{rflrq ts+ qR 6rsrs {qt0d lts + er€ fudq mieffi. ? ?d-qdrrdqrqrwr : Hig frdqr qtte qrg{ {st OT.EIT ERrq 9q frt€, Esi qrf,€, 6t{T{ qrt< mi. odd. cFqc : Eiw qrf€ qrg{ Rirr ddu, crmgrn qrie t s{fu mfu. m.'sqr+ 3T.ET Xo i Hts'{Eqr msqr qTSZ EIITFIT, uqror rie tarrrrr, {qfrra ;mr qr iF,,r& Er rnrr 5.R}c qtrffiT qT urfr rnrr q-fu et{ Err: ftro qaq fu t+irrrgs EraH crgr ffifr'r-3rr Edr{rqrgT qc. +. ts *.rq mw qid 615rT t riqfrffi,rt qi qrunqr rwr+ *. qfrm 1<r fi q{, 1Ti$ ffirr-a qt, srri-s' ctsr er+f,r fi qrrqr qEi *aqr fu{ qr*qr q{ qg+ fti' Am v+T ;fl-mr Q eT t - TrrrfrfiiqrrTrrnffrq{ qkdT q - qarwdmvrwr qda ge qTwr+ tF.gqrqTd. q* : k* kf,r sfiqt rrqrqt swTqrg{ ga tfrm ;Frrarr r{trFIT ;nefl-arT ssqr + ge trtsr s'RI \TT \t\ fi q-irr*r qFqq <r5qr il@d ei-e ergu Arf,rq $aTq* fi qrrqr qftrq qr{+ TrflTqrg{ ga (ir*+ ffi utA qtrqt T{ er5i +q lq6T{ t rFER Tflq} fi g{kqT tsi .r€r#F{ {mi rts i Eq{ trsrrql qq. fr. ffi rrc,i+t, fidfrs qr+'r t Etq ETm Ertf, q{H. ERrqr er5-+ ge {f,r} q{, 1rqc6{q qt e affr Eftrur Of..rtt : tlq rre Er+f, qrg{ ft'T€ dte qr$i T{ffd rsa 5Ps q1 ca qrffif, qrgi ge {erd6{ 6r}m-qT m*+ sTrqr{ sr} trd+ X} ttq(,ir kdT Td mqi c{d. qFqq : rtvrq kflqr qPqq qE+ et.Et q Te Tm*6rqT mqH qtmrT rts e ge r*ild Tqrrd rfi qrer t yA ftqTd risi q1 <1 qe oTTETK nz qqkid Ei-&r q{ q Xt w+tr afi etrq, qTqtf, ql+i e Xi t{m, Hlqqr qrffid mqt+ q {A *iilqrm rH r+Er qnr+a X} F*r R-mT Eiqdr t qi+ssr {wratt Eirrf,{rnTr qri sqwr {tsi YTR?1 Erf,-qT qTffif, dEti ,h ,ilgr$,.jTf,r U atfi{qr {qfvra =rtn Er +frfi{ qrrrqr q,Tfi errp teo qr{ q-fiH qdf,. qir u sf,{: s1. wrxrq ffi qti qrti qrd qr"n-q1 a;q-{ *. dsr orn or - sr1q-frqrfrqBmr qi-qr q{rqr sti Tr@ri qrdt qiqr qTufr qq-€qT qr@rfd. \E tr Er - gcr rdrrunur \ or - irff+dqr* g:i : mlrR q'ufr qq-Frr rr€Tqrg{ s-sqi {d trd.qTs rrrrurr T usq vftErsqElt )ft. er5 {Eq m-qq fi q{rmr srsd@r 3t.Ett qttryr lsq qT-g.+ : rt+q sEc qin qre qfqrur mfi fi gc+ fi tr{, EtrF[ ten fi qt-fr rrtrrrrr qr, w, {iileui qiqr qnqr $ q-I+ Te at+ fi qnsqirl- qFqq Hrf rTrFfr qiqr qtqt qR{'r qTTi {rdtig a nrqd fi EircIU{ {rrr sT-} fi ERratT qMm {ffii Skr qtWr +r* {.fr ilTEr€ urar-3d qiqr qrrqr rrrqrq{-d. qFfr : gtvr ctgtq *l*, fi q{ri Tr€rqrg{ qrfi em ffii qdqkfr 3T.GT ?x yil-q?rqk{r mrf+ \ +*,{qr {il +frffn ;lTr{ E TRtc dffirqrftd qrr& rnrt gdc ft@Tqr Ef,r ffiqr qr€rqrgr Te *. q{td Trffi fi qr t r<qr+ afr. qrr*rq trtqt qt+ w+ rrflrqdd. Et* fr--qq ,+i{ qin q{rqt svnTqrgr qcift qtrqt Ef,tm*m Erqti qi. qdm fr-w urEtd, ffi Err: rm5,-3d, di-d, fuSi{ q qrrfr <ntsr, {wri }ft. srq<rd fi wr@T d-$t q {Frrqr q.}} ,1i. qt6{ *.rG fi fi q{rs{€T r}wqr qnqr {wrarT mfiqr er{+ t} 5hT qtgt r m'r} fi wrqt qrsi gwr \\3 3t.Etr ?R\ $ E+qr ur< gwm fi qrrqdd. y{ : fqqq qi{ fi qrd sgqtqrg+ +.wr q-wri qi"TR qt"ft fr61a;s;q1+-sflq4d. EftTUr : qtr{R qTUfr rfdr ;tr6lra11 ss+tqrg{ qt-fr qr1fi sqc fi qnqr m-Si qt-fr ett. qqRFT qld fi q(ri rret+ erdt qffim +ffi Wm vrz8,,id fi H{trr gqt Tr€rqr rGrRFr qrc6',jd dtdll, EIraPr utr+ q *rn eTfr crg{ gd ts qfrf, sfr. rT-+{ ffiHtsfimqftildffi+n d-Si {q{qfist+ qrffiis {ilqteqraT trt=I qtutR wiz m'. ttx rrdmqnur \ Er - qmrqfoar qT qfride.d'n etgi Tdc qlriqr+frm Bsrrq tcrc rm,i twdd. cFqq : gd+ qffie ssFT tqrq ffii igqr qrEr TGis *. l?x (:r(wr; crgr qTGiR SGis m. ot.Et oQ qti (E+dr dtq qftil'ffi q {il atoicqr arar rrErffit 'rrst +s ffiTr{ Er Tsrfl) fi q{r+ q et* ts BT sdtm trs Gi+ert qr{-{ wrt rts t Err: qc. st ffit - sr{q-*ilqffi vdmqnur , rtlwrwfr urs Tft cilg* fi qrnT{r sildqtt qrcrr sJris m.. qRe qT q d - qdrqkar qrmt sfr. rYdvr qrqts+T sm fi ffii Mfrmwralffi ;rrR cfi1qfur gwiqr yil-sTffiqr ss{ r*riir srT. qirf, 5ur+< qiir q.A wWe ffi areqt *. iqro eTg +TJ fi q{+ wtfrm I.trtFI wra<-3d lts q{H. et6{r d$i nqr w1 enur3, Tr*{r fq-f,rs "FtF*, TtrER q6rgt, {kd M q apq4} rqrel r+'rqr ysutilq q)Tft fi qt q osqrqfd. gd : r+'wr =iqft qiqr Errqr qr$+ qnqrgt q qt-fr qfrrr qr*m stsl il+f,r AT{ a.,T{qfi:v*ar HTrJr l+g-m qwr ffi fi trft t \?o cda. : H evtr sr+t A .n€ r-il'r rqqr qg+ {ianr HiA ,ir+ s-{T-+ q-}i erqr wie *'. qrg qr qftilffif, Er{-+, *{q q-}+ lTrg.t Efl-,6tT l}g} sst qTrT, F5M Eftrur 3T.EIT lo qrdgur gdR fi q{rcdd qtrqr q,t+ fi trarid 1H Eirtrtgt e g} {FTRrrI r.!,.tfi'q. q-{-sfqq qdd. ffi : G. +. ts q {crruFr 3t.Et Trairiu \\ {rs EiwH ql{q tffifffi srgi, w.*. t@ {tsi cym-fr qr qet lts nqttm EiE{rq qd,:in. \9 ato{sr irertr ffi<'n, ffi oTr*, ffi &l{ EIT: wg{ '..9 ryiS m. xq gmit w, }ft. {E+q ,rtE futmoi EIGTR qnqr qffio d-S+ fi ge or - qr.rfiqiqr r&nqnur qr*f, rig E ffi <rrrqr qr* r{Ft 16ii6 E1'rR tcis F. (ti*fr',::ra urrg++r) ut+ ocA M \a" e E - qdTqkar +91 q{Mrgr qrd rific {l'rRFT Ura,-3d ltei ga gm.n {trT qt+ q{d qF+ffie er5+ qqrsl qqq fi q{rFfl?rafi rrdii qt+ ffi qrils {iqrui qt+ ER t EITEFI c-6rgurs{ q{tqrd, cflid Adt qt, ffi irrffiR qt n trevr qri+6{, dfir q{qd srfr tdrr g-frR q{rqrq{ ssqrqd-d. \?, Td : qtqr qTrfr qtd-r rriTr qrg{ g} qrsR 5ds m. z.\e *. t+rrq arlm qit qrrq 6sqrw{d. 3t.Ett Eftfur qwr t{ffi qa : Rrz =t. .\e EIIGIR t++') fi (*it. wreqr qftnffim m-fi ge wr@r qffie {Fflq{f, a g} wl&qT mgti at uirrt e *. rrqrfi qi+ ffi {wrarT ltfiTq{-d e arfr rlsrFr"rqqfiffiqftirffid eT$+ qrER wrz t. uq (rJm{6{E qH) fi qni sn {tsqT Eitrd +,rdr ffi{ fi qtrvrg{ qTfurdT fi cF{c : sffit+{ iJt.Et ye ffi t ihn tttrol fsT-{q4il qrtrerdT 5-frriTqrg{ lts+ futsfr{qr qrrmr Hrrf+ g-e qrER 5cis x'. xl <a+ fi qrr+ er5i ge {rErrq oY cTzla fi qld {is+ {fuT <aqt {rq?ild d-{ fi qtri q{rqT{r d-Si ge Erq{ rrdrTftF'{ q{rqdn'. c qlrdqr etd aiq.{qr q-te, ffir, ffis{ frlTttt, ci?fts *rt frrilT, Yrdte +*., T{ikm larTrrT. w gd ffi qdm tsi tref*t H€ a gt urq rtsqr srr$qT qrfu ergti 15{tq wre fi Errqr \9au fi q{t q{Ter5i gt ql+q *Erfr ddH, q-rfrf, Twr+ TcR q{i mvlt fi Efurfr e enr+t tliq {qT-qr ddi s-gqTqdd. Ad:+ro&qnrefiq{fqr qwr q-gqri qTffim swrqrg{ si-fusr t'rfu, {rq"rFl mi€ ffin lYs'qrtu. ot.Ett atr-qFTTqkf,T qFqq m-Si ge sr*5ir tr5d qrrq \TUT q{.R}. tT6I qrg{ 3ilvn sqc Z er - qr.rffqiqrrTrrnsrd{ wdqtqrtur Eftrur t : ffie stfr qrtrrqr cq - qmtkm rlrbLgle srrhr) stlER}3lg fpre-pgtlPgt) -7-*= T jrlk 't t-/ q #, ./t ,o d( T -: lblg+ UEQ+e -:letal !lot/6to/,r.o -1 - -,-/ p€e LFDlhrqc (E SF slthl)'E l-llBlh'\hUhll,l' l'llBlh -IDleE Flhnlqc D6rlb Pqo>g 'tlpgll heDhA lrlhlrlhltb bhUhll rl' l'l)[alh lhalhlqo P}t Srqop tttneJlls lh$ Fltdhh lEll$ 5hUh>lrp (I DfP l-Fnlhlqc UlbbJ l]-rrlhlqc PE Fr$lhnelh UibbJ (neU,:) 'pQIIe lnrhhursu] ee.lle Drhnlcb hE['J Sthh trl,:perqc u^u blol'6\o'lo:blt{ )lbl-JlA + Idhtr PPPe FBrl) Flhlhkt el-)!hku ll-allrbHlrrrh ti-alcbutril- t4lre prhr^ uqFfue+]}! pqFE}e u\rhl{blh) lrbt]rrrlh lhlqourlrll- BehE[tI€ (: -:h+ 'Df)hlnlA 'B P Plt2)! iph eL F?rrr Usrbru urhEc eh e E?tg {t[}t 'p?P Up ts+ '+a'hh $ u treu +PE D>uhltre tF-^p e Frle gu"u lt'relh,:lrF l,:UrlhFlh lIlE l-llP 'Eh FLrn tl"r,t+cstl 11p 'turtrF tt:pJ H{} eh FLrn PrgrH HLtu rrr,n"s'tg )lE eL rha2-llh rhu"u '2-llh ?^p, 'I!4 E tE zllh lbg Lq : hrrSh 'U.:>u 'DFhlhsqc !b{E 14 tt I!.'te lr/Ialh phtr'tr,sqo t lhsqo rrrs.u EL bt