always the best profiles
always the best profiles
ALWAYS THE BEST PROFILES COLD ROOMS AND REFRIGERATED CABINETS PROFILES MAY 2016 2016 ALWAYS THE BEST PROFILES CONTENTS COLD ROOMS AND REFRIGERATED CABINETS PROFILES 2 01 PVC Panels 10 02 Hermetic System 12 03 Standard System 16 04 Speed System 20 05 Modular System 24 06Channels 28 07 32 Pillar System 08Kerb 34 09 Antishock System 38 10 Door Frame 40 11 Door Leaf 46 12 Accessories for panels 52 13Trims 56 14 T Suspension 58 15 Bumper 30 60 16 Bumper 50 62 17 Bumper 80 64 18 Bend 80 66 19 Bumper Superflex 80 68 20 Bumper Spongegum 70 21 Bumper Modular 72 22 Wall Protection 74 23 Bumper 150 78 24 Bumper Floor 80 25 Wheel System 82 26 Sliding System 84 3 THE COMPANY L’AZIENDA 4 TURNKEY PRODUCTS ON DEMAND Right from the customer’s request the company follows project development, production through to the final product. Our technical team deals with each stage of the project, mould production and testing aimed at offering the best solutions. PRODOTTI SU MISURA CHIAVI IN MANO L’azienda segue fin dal primo stadio la realizzazione del progetto, dalla richiesta del cliente al prodotto finito. Lo staff tecnico cura le diverse fasi di progettazione, la costruzione degli stampi e il collaudo, attento a proporre le soluzioni migliori. MPM A GROWING COMPANY The quality of M.P.M products is the result of combining the skills and motivation of a team with advanced materials and technologies. Dynamic, enterprising and flexible this company has been serving the plastics industry since 1985 offering extruded plastic profiles to order as well as a range of its own products. UN’AZIENDA IN CRESCITA La qualità dei prodotti M.P.M. deriva dalla riuscita combinazione tra le competenze e la motivazione dell’équipe di lavoro e l’alto livello delle tecnologie e dei materiali. Dinamica, intraprendente e flessibile, l’azienda lavora dal 1985 al servizio della più esigente imprenditoria nell’impegnativo settore dell’estrusione di materie plastiche, producendo profili per conto terzi e su proprio catalogo. 5 MANUFACTURING PROCESS IL PROCESSO PRODUTTIVO 1 360° GLOBAL SERVICE 5 UN SERVIZIO A 360° ALWAYS DYNAMIC, ALWAYS RELIABLE Young yet skilled in offering turnaround solutions to satisfy the various problems this market faces, the staff at M.P.M, a team of technicians and experts motivated and qualified in their fields, combine superior quality with fast product production. LOGISTICS We have a state-of-the-art goods handling system. Thanks to a careful study of pallet size, we have been able to optimise transport costs also for long and demanding hauls. Our warehouse is our winning strength offering fast and efficient dispatch of M.P.M products. 6 SEMPRE DINAMICA, SEMPRE AFFIDABILE Giovane ma adeguatamente preparato a risolvere con tempestività le diverse problematiche insite nel difficile settore, lo staff M.P.M. è composto da tecnici e professionisti motivati, efficienti e capaci di coniugare l’eccellenza qualitativa con la massima rapidità nell’esecuzione del prodotto. PROJECT PLAN STUDIO PROGETTO 2 MOULD MANUFACTURING PRODUZIONE STAMPO PRODUCTS RANGE GAMMA PRODOTTI 6 3 MOULD REALIZED STAMPO FINITO 4 PROFILES MANUFACTURING PRODUZIONE PROFILI EXPORT LOGISTICA Il servizio logistica è all’avanguardia nel sistema di movimentazione merce. Attraverso lo studio delle diverse dimensioni dei pallets, si è raggiunta un’ottimizzazione del costo del trasporto anche per tratte lunghe e impegnative. Il magazzino di stoccaggio merce è la punta di forza dell’azienda, garantendo velocità ed efficacia nella consegna dei prodotti M.P.M. 7 CUSTOMIZED PRODUCTS DETAILED SOLUTIONS PRODOTTI PERSONALIZZATI SOLUZIONI MIRATE HIGH QUALITY PROFILES AT MODERATE COSTS PRODOTTI D’ALTA QUALITÀ A COSTI CONTENUTI SOLUTIONS FOR DIFFERENT FIELDS SOLUZIONI PER OGNI SETTORE D DESIGN The company has invested substantially in design: advanced 3D software and product prototype development has led to a reduction in problems and errors in mould manufacturing. PROGETTAZIONE 3D L’azienda ha investito molto nel campo della progettazione: l’utilizzo di avanzati software 3D e la successiva prototipazione rapida hanno consentito la riduzione di inconvenienti ed errori nella fase di produzione dello stampo. Thanks to the close working partnership with specialist laboratories, M.P.M develops product mixes ideal for extruding rigid, expanded, co-extruded profiles and for producing soft seals of varying hardness. The products are available with polished or matt finishes for interior and exterior use, they can be anti-shock, self-extinguishing, acid resistant satisfying requirements of a number of industries spanning from furniture, refrigeration, door and window producers to the building trade. Grazie alla collaborazione di laboratori specializzati, M.P.M. progetta le miscele di materiale più adatte all’estrusione di profili rigidi, espansi, coestrusi e di guarnizioni morbide a diversa durezza. I prodotti possono essere con finiture lucide od opache, per interni o esterni, antiurto, autoestinguenti e resistenti agli acidi, soddisfacendo in particolare le esigenze delle industrie del mobile, del freddo, del serramento e dell’edilizia. MOULD WORKSHOP After an accurate design project M.P.M manufactures the mould utilising latest generation machinery and technology. 8 OFFICINA STAMPI Dopo l’attenta progettazione, l’officina M.P.M. giunge in tempi rapidi alla realizzazione dello stampo, tramite l’impiego di macchinari e tecnologie di ultima generazione. ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene PCpolycarbonate PEpolyethylene TPE thermoplastic rubber SEBS thermoplastic rubber PMMA polymethyl methacrylate PPpolypropylene PSpolystyrene PVC polyvinyl chloride PVCE expanded foam polyvinyl chloride PURpolyurethane ABSacrilonitrile-butadiene-stirolo PCpolicarbonato PEpolietilene TPE gomma termoplastica SEBS gomma termoplastica PMMApolimetilmetacrilato PPpolipropilene PSpolistirolo-polistirene PVC policloruro di vinile PVCE policloruro di vinile espanso PURpoliuretano 9 01 PVC PANELS PVC Panels PVC sheets to renovate fastly and cheaply the walls of cold rooms and cold store. Lastre in PVC per il rinnovo rapido ed economico delle pareti nelle celle e nei magazzini frigoriferi. Plaques en PVC pour renover rapidement et a bas prix les murs de chambres froides et de depots frigorifiques. NT DIFFERE N O S SIZE ST REQUE PF 300 Foamed inside Length FOAMED INSIDE PR 300 Packing Colour Length Packing Colour PJ To install with PR 300 and PF 300 PA PT To install with PR 300 and PF 300 10 Packing Colour Length Packing Colour Length Packing Colour E 333 3.000 / 4.000 mm 3 pz / bag E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 333 60 E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 40 To install with PR 300 and PF 300 Length 3.000 / 4.000 mm 3 pz / bag E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 35 E 11 02 HERMETIC SYSTEM Hermetic System New sanitary system, excellent water and dirty resistant, provided with a new plinth with a large flap to make the installation easier and bi material caps to grant hermetic closing. To be used with standard hygienic corners. Nuovo sistema profili sanitari con un battiscopa dotato di grande sportello per facilitare l’installazione. Completo di tappi in bimateriale per una chiusura ermetica. Ottima tenuta dell’acqua e dello sporco. Utilizzabile con angoli sanitari standard. Nouveau système sanitaire, résistant à l’eau et à l’impurité, doté d’une plinthe avec une grande porte pour faciliter l’installation et accessoires injéctées en bi matériel pour une fermeture hermétique. À utiliser avec les congés d’angle standards. COAF-COPF 100/65 COAF-COPF 40 CO3V100H CO2VE100 NEW BI MATERIAL CAPS CO100 TH PH3I 100 PHTDX 100 PH 100 - PL100 CH 60-70-80-100-120 PH2E 100 NEW CAPS ALSO TO BE USED WITH PL 100 NOUVEAUX EMBOUTS À UTILISER AUSSI AVEC PL 100 NUOVI TAPPI UTILIZZABILI ANCHE CON PL 100 12 13 Hermetic System Hermetic System CS 65 Length Packing E PH 100 65 BIG DOOR F Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 13 pz / box E F 100 Colour 4.000 mm 25 pz / box CO 65 Length Packing Colour CO 100 Length Packing B E Packing Colour 100 pz / box B E F F 65 4.000 mm 25 pz / box E CO3V 65 65 CO3V 100 H 100 To install with TH F BI MATERIAL CAP Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 100 Colour 4.000 mm 25 pz / box Material Length Packing COPF plastic COAF aluminium 4.000 mm COPF 100-65 25 pz / box COAF 100-65 25 pz / bundle Material Length Packing COPF plastic COAF aluminium 4.000 mm COPF 40 25 pz / box COAF 40 25 pz / bundle Length 4.000 mm 10 pz / box COPF 40 with holes COAF 40 CP 100 Packing E F COT 65 COT 100 Packing Colour Colour 100 pz / box E F 100 pz / box E F 30 PH2I 100 To install with TH BI MATERIAL CAP Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 40 PH3I 100 To install with TH M BI MATERIAL CAP Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 100 B Packing 85 Colour 2 CO2VE 65 CO2VE 100 100 COPF 100-65 with holes COAF 100-65 44 3 CSP plastic CSA aluminium 4000 mm CSP 25 pz / box CSA 25 pz / bundle 30 Material Length Packing 40 CSP with holes CSA Packing plastic 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag Packing 40 pz / box Material Length PH2E 100 To install with TH BI MATERIAL CAP Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 50 100 CPF 100 Colour B E F 60 60 PHTDX 100 PHTSX 100 To install with TH 14 BI MATERIAL CAP Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 100 CPT 100 15 03 STANDARD SYSTEM Standard System Basic hygienic corner with aluminium or pvc guide, with soft fins to fix it to the wall to assure hygiene. It can be used with plinth. Système d’angle standard hygiénique avec un support en aluminium ou en pvc. Dispose d’ailettes souples assurant une adhésion aux murs afin d’éviter le passage de la poussiére. Peut-être utilisé avec des plinthes. Angolo sanitario classico con supporto in alluminio o pvc. Provvisto di alette morbide per assicurare il fissaggio alle pareti ed evitare il passaggio dello sporco. Perfetta combinazione con il battiscopa a pavimento. CO3V100 COAF-COPF 100/65 COAF-COPF 40 CO2VE100 CO100 CO100 PLTDX100 PL3I100 PL100 CH 60-70-80-100-120 16 PL2E100 17 Standard System Standard System Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 50 pz / box E PL 100 R 45 Length Packing Colour F 1,5 4.000 mm 10 pz / box E F 100 CS 45 37 CO 65 Length Packing Colour CO 100 Length Packing Colour Length Packing B E To install with TM5 F 4.000 mm 25 pz / box E CO3V 45 65 100 F 4.000 mm 50 pz / box 1,2 Packing Colour CO3V 65 CO3V 100 Packing CO2VE 65 CO2VE 100 Packing COT 65 COT 100 Packing PL2I 100 Packing Colour Colour 100 pz / box 45 E 100 pz / box E F 100 pz / box E F 22 CSP 45 4.000 mm 25 pz / box 22 CP 100 Material Length Packing COPF plastic COAF aluminium 4.000 mm COPF 40 25 pz / box COAF 40 25 pz / bundle Length 4.000 mm 10 pz / box Packing B E F Colour 100 pz / box E F 30 Colour 80 50 pz / box E F 100 40 PL3I 100 M Packing Colour 80 50 pz / box E F 85 Colour 2 30 COPF plastic COAF aluminium 4.000 mm COPF 100-65 25 pz / box COAF 100-65 25 pz / bundle 3 COPF 40 with holes COAF 40 Length Packing Material 40 COPF 100-65 with holes COAF 100-65 100 CPF 100 Material Length Packing PL2E 100 plastic 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 100 50 62 CPT 100 Packing Colour 40 pz / box B E F 60 60 PLTDX 100 PLTSX 100 Packing Colour 62 100 pz / box E F 100 18 19 04 SPEED SYSTEM Speed System Hygienic corner system rapid and easy to install, available with fixing buttons on the ending caps which eliminate the need for the wall drilling. Linea d’angolo sanitario rapida e facile da installare che elimina la foratura alle pareti sostituita da bottoni di supporto ai terminali. CO3V65 Congé d’angle sanitaire facile à l’installation qui permet d’éviter la perforation de murs grâce à des embouts à pression insérés dans les espaces préforés. CSA - CSP CS65 CO2VE65 CS65 PL3I85 TS5 PLTDX85 PL85R CU 60--80--100 PL2E85 20 21 Speed System Speed System CS 65 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 25 pz / box E PLTDX 85 with holes PLTSX 85 with holes PLTDX 85 NH without holes PLTSX 85 NH without holes 65 F Packing Colour 100 pz / box E F 85 To install with TS5 CSP with holes CSA Material Length Packing CSP plastic CSA aluminium 4.000 mm CSP 25 pz / box CSA 25 pz / bundle CP 100 Length 4.000 mm 10 pz / box Packing CPF 100 B E F Packing plastic 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag Packing 40 pz / box Material Length M 85 Colour 44 50 CPT 100 PL 85 R Colour Length Packing E 60 F 60 4.000 mm 14 pz / box E F 85 Colour B PL2I 85 with holes PL2I 85 NH without holes Packing Colour 50 pz / box E 70 F To install with TS5 PL3I 85 with holes PL3I 85 NH without holes 85 Packing Colour 50 pz / box E 72 F To install with TS5 85 PL2E 85 with holes PL2E 85 NH without holes Packing Colour 50 pz / box E F 85 To install with TS5 62 22 23 05 MODULAR SYSTEM Modular System Complete system with the possibility to change the size of profiles and internal caps which suit all the solutions. Warranty and easy way to fix it. Hidden screws. Sistema completo con possibilità di allungamento modulare dei profili e raccordi interni che si adattano a tutte le combinazioni. Garanzia e facilità di fissaggio. Viti a scomparsa. Système modulable complet avec la possibilité de modifier la taille des profilés et des raccords internes, qui s’adapte alors à toutes les solutions. Solidité garantie et facile à fixer. Vis dissimulées. COM3V COM+TM COM3VE BUMT150 COMT BUEM+TM COM+TM BUM+TM TM5 PLM3I PLM+TM CH 60-70-80 100-120 24 PLMTDX PLM3E 25 Modular System Modular System TM Length Packing B To install with TM5 E Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 10 Colour COM3 V 4.000 mm 40 pz / box 110 50 EXM Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 20 pz / box B COM3 VE 83 To install with TM5 50 E Packing Colour 25 pz / box B E 10 80 PLM Length Packing B COMT To install with TM5 E Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 43 90 Colour 10 4.000 mm 10 pz / box 78 55 88 30 Packing B BUMT 150 To install with TM5 E Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 38 Colour 10 4.000 mm 10 pz / box 70 COM Length 155 63 BUEM Length Packing B BUMT 250 10 To install with TS7 E Packing Colour 25 pz / box E 62 Colour 4.000 mm 10 pz / box 30 250 Length Packing Colour PLN3I 100 4.000 mm 8 pz / box A B C E G H To install with TM5 50 10 BUM 58 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 110 112 98 PLM3I To install with TM5 Packing Colour PLN2E 100 50 pz / box B E To install with TM5 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 110 97 98 PLM3E To install with TM5 Packing Colour 115 50 pz / box B E 97 115 PLMT DX PLMT SX To install with TM5 26 Packing Colour 100 pz / box B E 110 27 06 Channels OUR CHANNELS FIT FOR ALL OUR PLINTHS CHANNELS 28 Different sizes available with rounded sides and soft fins for a good fit to the floor. Cheap models available, see CU. Ampia scelta tra canale grecate con bordi arrotondati e alette morbide per assicurare maggiore tenuta. Disponibili anche in versione più economica, vedi CU. Plusieures dimensions sont disponibles, nerveurées avec des bords arrondis et des aillettes souples pour permettre une meilleure adhésion au sol. Différents modèles économiques disponibles, voir CU. 29 Channels Channels Length Packing E 60 Length Packing Colour F 4.000 mm 8 pz / box E 80 F 39 Colour CL 80 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle 39 CH 60 CH 70 Length Packing E 70 F CHA 100 39 Colour CHA 80 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle CH 80 Length Packing E CHA 60 R 15 CHA 80 R 15 CHA 100 R 15 80 F Colour Packing Colour Packing Colour 24 pz / box E CORNER 90° F 48 pz / box E F 80 11 0 24 pz / box E RADIUS 15 F 39 Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle Packing 80 11 0 CH 100 Length Packing E CLA 80 R 13 100 To install with F Packing Colour 24 pz / box E RADIUS 13 F CL 80 39 Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle 10 80 0 CH 120 Length Packing E 120 F CHL 60 CHL 70 CHL 120 Packing CHT CHT CHT CHT CHT Packing Colour to be defined F 20 to be defined 20 E 0 20 0 39 Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle CU 40 Length Packing E 40 F 30 Colour 4.000 mm 8 pz / bag CU 60 Length Packing E Colour E 0 F 0 20 48 0 60 F 30 Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle 60 70 80 100 120 CU 80 Length Packing E 80 F 30 Colour 4.000 m 2 pz / bundle CU 100 Length Packing E F 100 30 Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle 30 31 PILLAR SYSTEM Sistema economico e funzionale ideato per la rapida progettazione e gestione delle celle frigorifere. Ottimo isolamento, accessoriato con angoli arrotondati all’interno per facilitare la pulizia. Système pratique et économique étudié pour la réalisation et la gestion de chambres froides. Isolation parfaite, équipé d’angles arrondis à l’intérieur pour faciliter le nettoyage. Pillar System Length Packing Colour 80 4.000 mm unpacked on pallet E 34 PIT 80 85 PIT 120 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm unpacked on pallet 120 34 07 Cheap and useful system studied for quick planning and installation of cold rooms. Perfect isolation, equipped with an internal rounded corner for easy cleaning. E 125 GE Length Packing 4.000 mm 25 pz / bundle 7 100 FAM Packing Colour 20 200 pz / box D PI80 KEY 75 175 FAM FAF Packing Colour 200 pz / box D 75 KEY Packing Colour 175 100 pz / box D 0 15 15 5 Packing Colour 8 pz / box E 80 PIC 80 80 Packing Colour 4 pz / box E 120 PIC 120 0 12 32 33 08 KERB To install with Channels CH and CU Monta con canale CH e CU À installer avec les U de sol CH et CU Kerb A large size protection system, ideal for walls and panels. Easy to install and clean. Fully equipped with corner caps and buttons. Sistema di protezione di grandi dimensioni, ideale per muri e pannelli. Facile da installare e pulire. Completo di angolari e tappi. Système de protection de grands dimensions, idéal pour les murs et les panneaux. Facile à installer et à nettoyer. Complété de bouchons d’angles et d’embouts. COAF-COPF 100/65 COAF-COPF 40 CPF 200 CO 100 CP 200 KS 200-300 CPT 200 KEPF 200-300 KSI 200-300 CH 60-70-80-100-120 34 KSTDX 200-300 KSTSX 200-300 KSE 200-300 35 Kerb Kerb Colour KEPF 200 E Length Packing Colour M KEPF 300 50 pz / box K To install with TB20 Packing Colour 4.000 mm 1 pz B E 45 M 40 pz / box K KSJ 300. 20 pz / box B E To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 Packing Colour 300 KSJ 200 40 40 255 170 To install with TB14 Packing Colour B KS 300 KSI 200 KSI 300 20 pz / box B E To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E KSE 300 20 pz / box B E To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 Packing Colour 300 KSE 200 300 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 Packing Colour Packing Colour KSTDX 300 KSTSX 300 20 pz / box B E 200 KSTDX 200 KSTSX 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 CP 200 Length Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E 4.000 mm 2 pz / bag E M Length Packing 4.000 mm 2 pz / bag CPT 200 Packing 20 pz / box 96 CPF 200 0 B 13 Colour To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing 300 Packing 30 4.000 mm 3 pz / box 300 Length 200 KS 200 36 Colour B E 12 0 0 12 37 Antishock System Nuova linea di paracolpi e battiscopa in materiale morbido per celle frigo, magazzini refrigerati, garage. Ottima proprietà anti-urto grazie all’elasticità del materiale utilizzato. Nouvelle gamme de lisses de protection et plinthes en matière souple pour les chambres froides, depots et garages. Excellente proprieté anti-choc grâce à l’élasticité du materiel utilisé. ASP 200 ASPT 200 ASK 200 Packing SOFT Colour 1 pz / box L = 8.000 mm B C 200 ASCO ANTISHOCK SYSTEM 20 ASK2I 200 ASA Packing SOFT Colour to be defined B 200 09 New bumper and plinth system produced in soft material, could be used in cold rooms, refrigerated storages and garages. Thanks to material elasticity, it features good anti-shock property. ASK 200 ASKTDX-SX 200 ASK2E 200 Packing to be defined B 200 SOFT Colour ASCO Packing SOFT Colour to be defined B ASP 200 Packing SOFT Colour 1 pz / box L = 8.000 mm B C 20 ASKTDX 200 ASKTSX 200 200 ASA 200 Packing SOFT ASA. Colour Material Length Packing 10 pz / box B D 20 0 aluminium 4.000 mm 8 pz / bundle 13,5 ASPT 200 18 ASCO Packing SOFT Colour 2 pz / box L = 32.000 mm A B C D G 25 38 39 10 DOOR FRAME Modular system which suits different sizes and thicknesses with the possibility to build corners welding or inserting fast connections. It’s equipped with spaces for resistance and for additional supports to add during the assembly. It can be covered with plates. Door Frame BIS VERSION DCF DCCF DFL 110X80/DFL 130X60 DPG 70/90 Sistema modulare adeguabile a differenti spessori con possibilità di effettuare angoli a saldatura o con innesti rapidi. Provvisto di passaggio per resistenza e di insenature per l’inserimento di rinforzi durante il montaggio degli accessori. Rivestibile con lamiere. Système modulable qui s’adapte à différentes épaisseurs et dimensions, avec la possibilité de réaliser des angles à soudre ou avec des connections rapides. Equipé d’espaces pour le passage de résistances et de renforcements additionels pour le montage des accessoires. Peut-être revêti des tôles. DL 70/90 TRIS VERSION DCF DFM 20 DFM 60 DCCF HEATER DFF DGP 70/90 DHC/DCP DF-A DL 70/90 DF 130 ROUNDED VERSION DCF DFM 20 DFM 60 DCCF HEATER DGP 70/90 DHC/DCP DFS130/DFSH130 40 ADL 60/80/100 41 Door Frame Door Frame Length Packing 110 E 80 Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag 47 DFL 110x80 127 How to assemble DF 130 DCF 45 Colour E 107 Packing 45 DCAS Packing Colour 2 DCCF Length 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E 47 DF 130 DCA 45 DFF 85 130 DF-A Material Length Packing aluminium 2.000 mm 2 pz / bundle 86 DCP/DHC A K1 3 Length MODEL FOR HEATER Packing Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E DC DX-SX 47 DFS H 130 DJF DX-SX 130 DFS 130 4 Length Packing Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E 47 DF 3,5 1 MODEL ALSO FOR HEATER 130 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag 60 DFM 60 Length 47 DFL 130x60 130 DFSA 130 How to assemble DFS 130 Packing Colour to be defined to be defined 0 13 Packing Colour 5.800 mm 4 pz / bag E 32 Length 20 DFM 20 45 DFS 130 DFM 60 Length Packing Colour DFSA 130 42 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E 60 72 DFS 130 45 43 Door Frame Door Frame Length Packing Colour DCAS 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E Packing Colour 20 pz / box 40 D 120 100 112 DFM 100 45 DCF Length To install with TK 100 and TM 12 Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag RD 88 Length Packing Colour E 4.000 mm 25 pz / box 60 20 K 40 32 27 Packing 40 8,5 Length Packing Colour DW 60 5.800 mm 25 pz / bag various Length Packing Colour 10 DCCF 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag E K 60 14 DFF Length Packing DW 70 20 Length Packing Colour E 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag E K 70 10 Colour 5.800 mm 25 pz / bag Material Length Packing DCP plastic Ral 9010 DHC aluminium 5.800 mm 25 pz / bag DJF DX Packing 10 pz / box DW 80 32 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag E K 80 7 DCP DHC DJF SX Material Packing DW 100 E Length Packing Colour 4.000 m m 10 pz / bag E K 100 galvanized steel 10 pz / bag 5 K1 Colour 60 18 DC DX Packing Colour 10 pz / box E DC SX DCA 44 Packing Colour 10 pz / box D 38 170 45 11 DOOR LEAF Door Leaf Door profiles for continuous panels and foamed panels. Available in aluminium and also in plastic to ensure thermal break Linea di profili porta per pannelli in continuo e schiumati. Disponibili in alluminio, ma anche in plastica per garantire l’isolamento termico Gamme de profilés pour portes frigorifiques à utiliser avec panneaux isolants réalisés par injection en continu de mousse polyuréthane. Ils sont disponibles en aluminium et aussi en matière plastique pour garantir l’isolation thermique. ADLC 60/80/100 DPG 90 ADL 60/80/100 46 47 Door Leaf Door Leaf Length Packing Colour E K Packing Colour to be defined E K 80 ADLA 80 7,5 To install with TM 12 - DPG 90 - DPGW 90 DPGH 90 - DFG 90 - ADPG 90 ADLA 80 60 / 80 / 100 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag 28 ADL 60 ADL 80 ADL 100 0 18 ADLC 60 ADLC 80 ADLC 100 Length SQ ADL 60 SQ ADL 80 SQ ADL 100 Material Packing E 60 / 80 / 100 K 28 Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag aluminium 20 pz / box 60 Packing 50 Packing E K 14 Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag 6 Length 37 DL 70 50 70 Packing Colour 5.800 mm 2 pz / bag E K 21,5 7,5 Length 46 DL 90 DLALU 70 Material Length Packing aluminium 5.700 mm to be defined 33,7 16 6 90 SQ ADL 70 DLALU 90 Material Length 7,5 23 44 Packing aluminium 5.700 mm to be defined 80 48 49 Door Leaf Door Leaf VELA 1pz / reel L 80.000mm D Length NOT FOR STANDARD GUIDES Packing Colour 3.700 mm 6 pz / box 3 D 22 Packing Colour 66 DPG 70 60 70 PLANE 1 pz / reel L 80.000mm D Length NOT FOR STANDARD GUIDES Packing Colour 4.000 mm 15 pz / box 34 Packing Colour D 6 DPG W 70 70 ADPG 70 To install with DPG 70 Packing Colour 35 50 pz / box D 21 DPG W 70 DFG 70 Length Packing Colour 3.800 mm 12 pz / box D 70 DPG 90 Packing Colour 1 pz / reel L 60.000 mm D 90 DPG W 90 Packing Colour 1 pz / reel L 60.000 mm D 90 DPG H 90 Packing Colour 1 pz / reel L 60.000 mm D 90 ADPG 90 To install with DPG 90 Packing Colour 40 pz / box D 26 DPG W 90 - DPGH90 DFG 90 Length Packing Colour 3.800 mm 6 pz / box D 90 50 51 12 ACCESSORIES FOR PANELS Accessories for panels Profiles and moulded accessories to complete the panel finish. Practical for cleaning assuring good hygiene for the food industry. Profilati e stampati per completare la finitura di pannelli. Pratici per la pulizia e l’igiene nel settore alimentare. Profilé et pièces injectés pour la finition des panneaux. Utiles pour assurer le nettoyage et l’hygiène dans le domaine alimentaire. NEW BREAKING RESISTANCE 2.099 KG 52 53 Accessories for panels Breaking resistance with 660 Kg self-tapping screw Ø 6,3 mm Length Packing Colour on request boxes R 90 15 Available with hole Ø 14/20 mm E Breaking resistance for meter 4970 Kg Breaking resistance for meter 5000 Kg Colour M 8 40 4.000 mm 4 pz / bundle M 10 E 40 M12 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle E * 4273 - MC50 Packing Medium breaking resistance 550 Kg Medium breaking resistance 520 Kg Medium breaking resistance 665 Kg Colour F Ø 20 300 pz / box E F 41 32 32 M8 Ø 16 M10 M 8H M 10H M 12H 70 Packing Colour 300 pz / box E 31 F 41 40 Ø16 32 M8 H Ø 16 Packing Colour 100 pz / box M 10 SI 70 E 100 Medium breaking resistance 2.099 Kg Length Packing Colour Packing STEEL INSERT Colour 300 pz / box E F * 40 MC 50 E Ø 90 * ACT 70 150 pz / box 5 Length Packing * AC 70 Colour 6 * AC40 Packing 4.000 mm 20 pz / box 32 BAR 15 Accessories for panels M10 M10 31 Ø 16 DAD 12 Packing BAR 12 Length Colour 1.000 pz / box White M12 E 100 Length Packing 120 Packing Colour E 500 mm 100 pz / box White 60 Colour 4.000 mm 4 pz / bag Length Packing Colour 500 RON 12 4.000 mm 32 pz / box E 1 Packing Colour 100 pz / box White 33 13 15 SH 40 M12 L 120x60 40 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 25 pz / box E 1 15 SH 60 60 R 60 Packing Colour 300 pz / box E F Ø 20 6 Ø 60 54 * Loading tests available on request 55 13 Trims Complete range of profiles and accessories used to fix and to finish panels. Gamma completa di profili e accessori per l’incastro e la finitura dei pannelli. Gamme complète de profilés et d’accessoires pour le joint et la finition de panneaux. TRIMS PCC Length Packing Colour PCB Length Packing Colour 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box 25 E 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box White 35 PCS Length Packing E 5 Colour 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box 19 PDB Length Packing 28 E 5,5 Colour 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box 17 Length Packing Colour 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box E 12 PCI 18 PCO Length Packing 19 E 16 Colour 2.500 / 3.000 mm 30 pz / box 56 57 ALUMINIUM PR OFILES CERTIFICATED BREAKING RESISTANCE Packing * Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle E F 68 Length 85 T 130 Length Packing * Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle E F 79 Profili a T e Omega per soffitto a sospensione. Realizzati in alluminio verniciato bianco, resistenti al fuoco e provvisti di dadi in acciaio ricoperti in plastica che fungono da taglio termico. Disponibili 2 soluzioni, una leggera e una pesante. 130 OME 110 Length Packing * T et Omega profilés pour la suspension de plafond. Blanc laqué profilés en aluminium, résistants au feu et équipés d’ecrous en acier inox recouverts de plastique pour garantir le pont thermique. Deux solutions disponibles, une légère et une lourde. Colour 4.000 mm 5 pz / bundle E F 110 OME 150 Length Packing * Colour 4.000 mm 2 pz / bundle E F 23 T SUSPENSION T 85 24 14 T Suspension T and Omega profiles for ceiling suspension. White painted aluminium profiles, fire resistance and equipped with stainless steel nuts covered in plastic to ensure thermal bridge. Two solutions available, one light and one heavy. 150 CEBES 100 Length Packing * E 100 F 22 Colour 4.000 mm 5 pz / bundle CEBES 130 Length Packing * E 130 F 24 Colour 4.000 mm 3 pz / bundle PLASTIC COATING Colour M6 50 pz / box E M12 Packing STEEL INSERT 60 OMES L 40 STEEL INSERT PLASTIC COATING Colour M6 75 pz / box E M10 Packing 60 OMES S 20 Material Packing galvanized steel 50 pz / box 40 SJ8 SJ10 SJ12 58 * Loading tests available on request 59 15 BUMPER 30 Bumper 30 Small bumper to be used on refrigerated cabinets and check-outs, easy set up for installing profiles on pvc guide, available in soft or rigid pvc. BUT30 Paracolpi di piccole dimensioni ideale per vetrine refrigerate e check outs, facile da installare con rapido fissaggio tramite incastro su guida in pvc, disponibile in materiale rigido o morbido. BUPF30 Profilé anti-choc de petits dimensions idéal pour les vitrines réfrigérées et les compteurs, facile à installer avec fixation rapide par le support en pvc disponible en materiel dur ou souple. BU30 BUA30 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 22 pz / box A B C E G H 25 BU 30 D 30 Minimum radius: 60 mm Packing Colour 2 pz / box L = 22.000 mm A B C D F G H I 25 BU 30 flex E 30 Length Packing 4.000 mm 22 pz / box BUT 30 Packing 100 pz / box 22 7 BUPF 30 A B C D F G H I E 25 Colour 30 30 Packing Colour 50 pz / box A B C D F G H I E 80 BUA 30 30 55 60 61 16 BUMPER 50 Bumper 50 BUT50 Highly resistant against impacts, linear but functional design, high resistant, easy to install and equipped with accessories. BUPF50 Profilo paracolpi dal design semplice e funzionale. Resistente, facile da installare e completo di accessori. Profilé anti-choc avec un design simple et fonctionel. Résistant, facile à installer et fourni entièrement équipé. BU50 BUA50 Packing Colour BU 50 flex Minimum radius: 250 mm Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 14 pz / box A B C E G H 50 D 26 Length 4.000 mm 14 pz / box A B C D F G H I E 26 BU 50 50 Length Packing 4.000 mm 14 pz / box BUT 50 Packing 100 pz / box 40 Colour A B C D F G H I 27 10 BUPF 50 E 45 50 Packing Colour 50 pz / box A B C D F G H I 58 E 50 BUA 50 62 58 63 17 BUMPER 80 Bumper 80 Without guides, this profile is directly fixed to the wall through hidden screws covered by a specific item available in various colours. BUT80 BU80 Articolo paracolpi a fissaggio diretto alla parete tramite viti nascoste da un apposito profilo disponibile in vari colori. Profilé anti-choc à fixation directe aux murs grâce à des vis cachées par un profilè disponible en plusieurs couleurs. BUC80 BUA80 BUR80 BU 80 Length Packing B 80 10 E 25 Colour 4.000 mm 6 pz / box 15 Length Packing Colour Packing Colour A B C E G H 20 D 50 pz / box B E 25 BUT 80 60 mt / reel cardboard reel 8 BUC 80 40 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 25 BUA 80 80 80 15 Packing Colour 25 pz / box B E 25 BUR 80 80 R60° 95 64 65 BEST80 BEC80 TM5 Articolo unico nel suo genere, compromesso tra praticità e design elegante. Si adatta alla parete senza l’ausilio di raccordi. PATENTE BREVETT D ATO BES 80 With double-sided tape Minimum radius: 40 mm Packing Colour 1 pz / box L= 25.000 mm I + colored strip A BED 80 with tape BE 80 with screws Minimum radius: 40 mm Packing Colour G I 80 1 pz / box L = 25.000 mm I To install with BEC 80 BER 80 To install with BERCO 80 80 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 12 pz / box B K 15 Article unique en son genre, parfait compromis entre la praticité et le design élégant. Il s’adapte au mur sans avoir besoin d’embouts supplémentaires. BE80 17 BEND 80 Unique in range and shape, a forceful choice between convenience and stylish design. Corner caps are not necessary. 15 18 Bend 80 80 Packing Colour BERCO 80 Length Packing Colour BEST 80 To install with TM5 Packing Colour 60 mt / reel cardboard reel A B C D F G H I 21 E 60 mt / reel cardboard reel 20,5 A B C D E F G H I K 10,8 Length 9 BEC 80 50 pz / box B I K 80 With double- sided tape Packing Colour 50 pz / box I 30 66 23 BEJ 80 1 76 67 19 Bumper Superflex 80 New flexible model of classic BU80, produced in coextruded material, features versatility and elegance, easy to install and schockproof. Nuovissima versione del classico BU 80, prodotto in materiale coestruso, coniuga versatilità ed eleganza alle immancabili doti tecniche quali facilità di montaggio e resistenza all’urto. SFBC SFBT80 TM5 Nouvelle version de classique BU80, produit en matériel co-extrudé, mélange polyvalence et élégance aux caractéristiques techniques tels que la facilité à l’assemblage et la résistance aux chocs. BUMPER SUPERFLEX 80 SFB80 Packing Colour 1 pz / box L = 10.000 mm 80 I 24 SFB 80 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 5 pz / box B 27 SFRB 80 80 SFBC Packing Colour 2 pz / box L = 40.000 mm A G I 40 SFBT80 To install with TM5 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B I 80 68 69 BUMPER SPONGEGUM PATENTE BREVETT D ATO New bumper system of high performance, produced with soft plastic and specific spongy material inside, which ensure good resistance to impacts, thermal and acustic insulation, water resistance and energy absorption Nuova linea di paracolpi morbido ad alta prestazione con all’interno un particolare materiale spugnoso che garantisce resistenza agli urti, buon isolamento termico e acustico, resistenza all’acqua, assorbimento energetico SPO 80 With double-sided tape Système complet pour les portes coulissantes en vitre de vitrines réfrigérées. Profilés en pvc antichoc équipés d’accessoires pour assurer une bonne isolation et donc une économie d’énergie considérable. A rail inférieur est installé pour permettre le coulissement pratique de l’ouverture et la fermeture des portes. Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined I 32 20 Bumper Spongegum 100 SPOT 80 Packing Colour 25 pz / box I 10 0 70 71 BUM+EXM+TM BUMT250 BUM+TM Nuovo profilo paracolpi modulare con viti a scomparsa. Possibilità di aumentare la superficie di protezione con l’aggiunta di semplici profili, economico e facile da pulire. TS7 250 BUMPER MODULAR New modular antischock profile with hidden screws. You can enlarge the protecting surface by adding simple profiles, economic and easy to clean. 150 21 Bumper Modular Nouveau profilé modulable anti-choc avec attaches cachées. Vous pouvez élargir le profilé et la surface protégée en ajoutant simplement des profilés, économique et facile à nettoyer. BUMT150 BUM TM5 Length Packing A B C E G 50 H 10 Colour 4.000 mm 8 pz / box TM Length Packing 4.000 mm 40 pz / box B E 10 Colour 112 50 EXM Length Packing B 83 E 50 10 Colour 4.000 mm 20 pz / box BUMT 150 To install with TM5 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 15 5 63 BUMT 250 To install with TS7 Packing Colour 25 pz / box E 25 0 58 72 73 22 WALL PROTECTION Wall Protection New bumper without guides. Thanks to its big size and resistance it is ideal for protection of industrial spaces. Fixed caps with hidden screws covered by specific buttons. Nuovo profilo antiurto senza guida. La sua ampiezza e resistenza lo rende ideale per la protezione di ambienti industriali. Terminali fissati con viti nascoste da appositi bottoni. 74 Nouveau profilé anti-choc sans besoin d’une base à fixer. Sa mesure large et sa résistance en font le profilé parfait pour la protection des espaces industriels. Embouts fixés avec des vis cachées grâce à des bouchons spécifiques. 75 Wall Protection Wall Protection WPT 100 To install with TM5 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E F 100 22 22 WP100 WPA100 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B 30 E 100 TS9 WPA 100 TM5 WPT 150 WPC To install with TM5 WPT100 WP150 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 150 22 TS9 52 WPAS150 WPA 150 To install with TS9 Colour 30 20 pz / box B E 150 WPTS150 Packing To install with WP 100 / WP 150 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 8 pz / box 62 A B C D F G H I E 22 WPCS WPCS TS9 WPTS 100 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 100 WP 100 Length Packing B E To install with TS9 100 F Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 21 Colour WPAS 100 4.000 mm 8 pz / box 35 100 WP 150 Length Packing B E To install with TS9 M Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 21 Colour WPTS 150 4.000 mm 4 pz / box 150 To install with WP 100 / WP 150 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 16 pz / box A B C F G H 27 D E WPAS 150 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 13 WPC 150 35 150 76 77 BUMPER 150 BUPF150 TH Soft but strong material. Innovative and simple design. Profilo antiurto in materiale morbido ma indistruttibile. Design semplice e versatile. BUT150 MU20 BUS150 TH BUA150 Profilé anti-choc réalisé avec un matériel souple et rigide indestructible. Design simple et innovant. BU 150 Packing Colour 1 pz / box L = 25.000 mm I 150 L 19 23 Bumper 150 4335 BUS150 BUS 150 Length Packing B 4334 4336- - MU20 BUPF150 19 Colour 4.000 mm 6 pz / box 150 MU 20 Packing 1 pz / box L = 48.000 mm 12 20 Packing 4.000 mm 6 pz / bag Packing 50 pz / box Length 140 13 BUPF 150 BUT 150 To install with TH Colour B I L 15 0 50 To install with TH 78 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B I 80 L 150 BUA 150 79 BUMPER FLOOR FB80 Length ANTISHOCK MATERIAL INSIDE Packing Colour 4.000 mm 6 pz / box 56 B 80 FB 80 FBT80 FBL80 FBAF 80 FBAF80 Material Length Packing aluminium 4.000 mm 6 pz / box 40 70 24 Bumper Floor FBA80 FBS80 FBT 80 Spacer floor bumper to protect refrigerated cabinets and walls, fully equipped with corners and accessories necessary to assemble it. Equipped with screws Sistema di protezione distanziale a terra di banchi frigo e pareti, completo di curve e provvisto di accessori. FBA 80 Equipped with screws Material Packing Material Packing aluminium 40 pz / box 12 FBT 80 aluminium 8 pz / box 40 Système de protection au sol, épaisseur pour les vitrines réfrigérées et murs, pleine de courbes et équipé d’accessoires. FBL 80 Packing stainless steel 20 pz / box M6 187 Equipped with screws Material 19 Packing stainless steel 20 pz / box 40 FBL 80 66 FBS 80 Material 21 FR. Material FBR Material chemical anchor 1 pz / box FBS 80 ANCHOR Packing Length Packing 80 steel 400 mm to be defined 81 Length Packing Colour 27,5 4.000 mm 5 pz / box B D 60 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 20 pz / box B 20 D 35 SDW 20 24,5 Length Packing Colour 20 4.000 mm 12 pz / box B D 47 SDH 20 24,5 SDHG RAIL Packing Colour Material Length Packing 60 mt reel B 23,5 D aluminium 3.000 mm 24 pz / bundle 11 Système complet pour les portes coulissantes en vitre de vitrines réfrigérées. Profilés en pvc antichoc équipés d’accessoires pour assurer une bonne isolation et donc une économie d’énergie considérable. A rail inférieur est installé pour permettre le coulissement pratique de l’ouverture et de la fermeture des portes. SDF 20 12 WHEEL SYSTEM Sistema completo per le porte scorrevoli a vetro degli armadi a muro. Profili realizzati in pvc antiurto completi di accessori che assicurano un buon isolamento e di conseguenza un notevole risparmio energetico. Dotato di sistema di scorrimento che rende agevole l’apertura e la chiusura delle porte. Wheel System 75 25 Complete system for sliding glass doors of refrigerated displays. Shockproof pvc profiles equipped with accessories to ensure a good insulation and consequently a considerable energy saving. A lower rail is installed to allow the easy sliding opening and closing of doors. 25,5 WHEEL Material Packing steel 100 pz / box Ø18 58 SQ SDF To install with SDF Materia Packing 5 aluminium 100 pz / box 25 SDW COP Colour 100 pz / box B 24 D 35 To install with SDW 20 and SDH 20 Packing 50 BR 4 BR 8.5 82 Length Packing Packing BR 4 BR 8.5 BR 4 1 pz / reel L 600 mt BR 8.5 1 pz / reel L 225 mt D 83 26 SLIDING SYSTEM Sliding System FLAT New profiles for covering refrigerated cabinets. With easy installation they can ensure hermetic closure and energy save. Nuova linea di profili per la copertura di banchi frigo. Di facile installazione garantisce ermeticità e risparmio energetico. Nouvelle gamme de profilés pour la couverture de meubles frigorifiques. Très facile à installer, elle garantit une fermeture hermétique et une économie d’énergie importantes. CUB Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B 70 FLC Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B 90 SSB Length Packing B 4 Colour 4.000 mm to be defined With double-sided tape UG Length Packing Colour Length Packing Colour DG Length Packing 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent 8 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent 10 Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent 7,7 SSE 84 85 Sliding System Sliding System CURVED UG Length Packing Colour DG Length Packing 8 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent 10 Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent RAIL CUB Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B 70 CUF Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B 70 CUS SX / DX Packing Colour RAP to be defined B Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined K 70 80 Packing Colour RAEP to be defined B Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm to be defined 25 CUH K 18 Length Packing Colour B 4.000 mm 35 pz / box K 4 Colour HGF 4.000 mm to be defined Ø4 2,6 3,8 Packing 10,2 Length 30,4 SSB 20 Colour 4.000 mm to be defined B transparent GF Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 35 pz / box K 3,8 Packing 10,2 With double-sided tape Length 7,7 SSE 20 86 87 Rack Protection Fixing accessories THE WORLD’S TOP LOGISTICS PROFESSIONALS CHOOSE OUR QUALITY MADE IN ITALY TH TM12 ABS. 100 Pcs./ bag. RAL 9010 / 9002 / 9006 / 7040 / 7024 / Transparent. Hole required Ø 20. PE, RAL 9010. 100 Pcs. / bag. TS5 TB14 Hole required Ø 5 White nylon. 250 Pcs. / bag. Hole required Ø 4. Steel / aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. TS7 TB20 Hole required Ø 5. White or grey nylon. 250 Pcs. / bag. Hole required Ø 5. Steel / aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. TS9 TF14 Hole required Ø 5. White or grey nylon. 250 Pcs. / bag. TO KNOW OUR NEW PROTECTION PROFILES CONTACT US Hole required Ø 5. Aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. TM5 TF20 Hole required Ø 8.5 Neutral polyethylene. 100/500 Pcs. / bag. Hole required Ø 6.5. Aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. TK100 T +39 049 9301773 [email protected] Hole required Ø 5 and 20. Steel screw. Packing on demand. Colours A B C D E F G H I K L M RED RAL 3002 GREY RAL 7040 YELLOW RAL 1023 BLACK RAL 9005 WHITE RAL 9010 WHITE RAL 9002 BLUE RAL 5005 GREEN RAL 6029 SILVER RAL 9006 LIGHT GREY RAL 7035 DARK GREY RAL 7024 LIGHT YELLOW RAL 1018 Cleaner resistant Long resistance Non toxic Quick assembly Good waterproof Class V0 self-extinguishing fire resistance Shockproof Easy to clean Cheap Good thermal insulation YES NO All pictures are for illustrations purposes only. The company reserves the right to make changes in dimensions, colours, material and packaging without prior notice. 89 MADE IN ITALY M.P.M. s.r.l. Via Europa 2 35010 Fratte di S. Giustina in Colle Padova · Italy T +39 049 9301773 F +39 049 9300427 [email protected]