always the best protection profiles
always the best protection profiles
ALWAYS THE BEST PROTECTION PROFILES OCTOBER 2016 CONTENTS ALWAYS THE BEST PROTECTION PROFILES page 02 05 Corner Protection page 28 02Bollard page 04 06 Wall Protection page 30 03 page 08 07 Antishock System page 34 page 24 08 PVC Panel page 36 01 Rack Protector Guard Rail 04Kerb RACK PROTECTOR EASY TO INSTAL L HIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION Full range of pvc profiles for protection of warehouse racks. Gamma completa di profili in pvc per la protezioni di scaffali. Complète gamme de profilés en PVC pour la protection de d’étagères de depôts. OUR PROFILES FIT ALL RACKS RPS 600 60 80 Packing ANTISHOCK MATERIAL INSIDE Colour 6 pz / box M 600 01 Rack Protector Available size 400 RPM 600 100 Colour 4 pz / box M 600 80 Packing ANTISHOCK MATERIAL INSIDE Available size 400 100 120 Packing ANTISHOCK MATERIAL INSIDE Colour 2 pz / box M 600 RPL 600 Available size 400 Packing 1 pz / box Packing 2 pz / bag 350 RP CLICK Equipped with accessories 60 2 130 FLEXIBLE Colour C Axle spacing 25 - 50 - 75 mm 600 RPF 600 3 02 BOLLARD In addition to guard rail system, please check page 8 A completamento della linea guard rail, vedi pag. 8 Pour compléter la gamme guard rail, voir la page 8 4 Bollard Designed to protect access to gates or big doors from huge traffic or simply to mark restricted areas for pedestrians. Fully equipped with fixing accessories. Ideato per proteggere l’accesso a cancelli o portoni dalla movimentazione di mezzi pesanti o semplicemente per impedire l’ingresso di pedoni. Provvisto di accessori di fissaggio. Etudié pour proteger l’acces aux portes ou entrées de grand trafic ou simplement pour marquer les zones de passage piétons. Equipé avec les accessoires d’installation. 5 Bollard Bollard RE ROD FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL GRD EASY REMOV TO E TO REPL AND ACE M12 GALVANISED STEEL GALVANISED STEEL Fixing accessory available also in stainless steel Equipped with accessories Packing Colour 6 pz / box C 70 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour unpacked on pallet M 90 250 Drill Ø 38 GRD 90 250 266 ROD PE 70 266 RE Drill Ø 56 6 Colour 1 pz / bag C 120 GRD 150 500 800 1100 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour unpacked on pallet 150 M 500 - 800 1100 Equipped with accessories Packing 433 - 560 ROD PE 120 433 RE 560 RE 7 03 GUARD RAIL 8 A new bumper system specific for the protection of the walls resistant against trolleys movements. Designed by following an innovative technical design that combines speed and simplicity in the steps of installation and cleaning. Available in different lengths. Sistema profili antiurto specifico per la protezione delle pareti dai carrelli in movimento. Progettato seguendo un innovativo disegno tecnico che coniuga rapidità e semplicità nelle fasi di installazione e pulizia. Disponibile in diverse lunghezze. Nouveau système bumper, spécifique pour protéger les murs contre les mouvements des charriots. Etudié avec un modern dessin qui regroupe la rapidité et la facilité pendant l’installation et le nettoyage. Disponible en différents longueurs. 9 Guard Rail Guard Rail GUARD RAIL 90 GUARD RAIL 150 HIG RESISTAH NC WITH E RESIN Black Red HIG RESISTAH NC WITH E RESIN Black Red M20 STAINLESS STEEL QU INSTALLICK ATION WIT EXPANSH IO SCREW N 200 140 M16 STAINLESS STEEL Colour GR 90 2000 3000 4000 Equipped with accessories 10 Length Packing Colour 90 750 / 1000 / 1500 mm 2 pz / box 5 10 00 70 00 75 -1 0 50 0 M 2.000 / 3.000 / 4.000 mm 2 pz / box M 20 00 -3 00 0 -4 00 0 70 Length Equipped with accessories Colour GR 150 2000 3000 4000 Length Equipped with accessories Packing Packing Colour 500 / 750 / 1000 / 1500 mm unpacked on pallet M 150 GR 150 500 750 1000 1500 5 10 00 120 00 - 7 - 1 50 50 0 2.000 / 3.000 / 4.000 mm unpacked on pallet M 20 00 -3 00 0 -4 200 Packing 140 Length 500 mm 4 pz / box 150 Equipped with accessories Length Packing 90 140 GR 90 500 750 1000 1500 200 M16 GALVANISED STEEL 120 00 0 11 Guard Rail Guard Rail GRIN 150 200 140 GRIN 90 1500 2000 175 175 M12 GALVANISED STEEL GRIN 90 1500 Length Packing Colour M12 GALVANISED STEEL GRIN 150 2000 1500 mm to be defined Length Packing Colour M 2000 mm to be defined M 90 Colour GRINCO 150 to be defined M Equipped with accessories Packing Colour to be defined M 140 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour to be defined GRINT 150 M Equipped with accessories 90 Equipped with accessories Packing 12 Packing Colour to be defined M 150 GRINT 90 200 GRINCO 90 88 19 150 90 14 13 Guard Rail DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL 420 LM 350 SM Guard Rail 0 150 SM 1500x400 MODULAR Equipped with accessories M12 GALVANISED STEEL Packing Colour 0 150 LM 1500x500 MODULAR unpacked on pallet M Equipped with accessories M12 GALVANISED STEEL Packing Colour unpacked on pallet M 00 00 15 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour 1.100 / 2.400 mm unpacked on pallet M Equipped with accessories 0 10 1 14 LM 1100x500 2400x500 Length Packing Colour 1.100 / 2.400 mm unpacked on pallet 500 Length 400 SM 1100x400 2400x400 500 400 15 M 0 40 -2 0 10 0 40 -2 1 15 Guard Rail Guard Rail DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL HAND RAIL 90 350 FENCE 90 FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL / 24 00 Equipped with accessories Length Packing Colour 1100 FE 1100x350 M12 GALVANISED STEEL 1.100 mm unpacked on pallet 350 1100 M 00 11 Equipped with accessories Length Packing Colour 2.400 mm unpacked on pallet 350 FE 2400x350 M 0 150 M12 GALVANISED STEEL 00 24 GRA 90 Packing Colour HR 90 1500x1150 MODULAR 8 pz / box B D Packing Colour unpacked on pallet M 1150 90 Equipped with accessories 16 00 15 17 Guard Guard Rail Rail FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL FAST AND E A TO INS SY TALL 1100 PEDESTRIAN 150 1100 PEDESTRIAN 90 Guard Rail Guard Rail 0 150 0 150 M12 GALVANISED STEEL Packing Colour PED 150 1500x1150 MODULAR unpacked on pallet M Equipped with accessories Colour unpacked on pallet M Equipped with accessories 1150 18 Packing 00 15 1150 PED 90 1500x1150 MODULAR M12 GALVANISED STEEL 00 15 19 Guard Rail Guard Rail DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST DOOR PEDESTRIAN 90 DP 90 600 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST DOOR PEDESTRIAN 150 DP 150 600 to be defined M Equipped with accessories Packing Colour to be defined M 0 60 DP 90 800 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour 0 60 DP 150 800 to be defined M Equipped with accessories Packing Colour to be defined M 0 0 80 DP 90 1000 Equipped with accessories Packing Colour DP 150 1000 to be defined M Equipped with accessories 00 10 20 80 Packing Colour to be defined M 00 10 21 Guard Rail Guard Rail COLUMN PROTECTION 90 TOWER PROTECTION DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST DIFFER SIZES ENT REQU ON EST 140 1100 Black Red M12 GALVANISED STEEL M16 STAINLESS STEEL Colour unpacked on pallet TOWER 500x500 600x600 700x700 M 50 070 600 0 22 0 60 050 700 Packing Colour to be defined M 1150 Equipped with accessories Packing 90 COPRO 500x500 600x600 700x700 Equipped with accessories 50 070 600 0 0 60 050 700 23 04 KERB To install with Channels CH and CU Monta con canale CH e CU À installer avec les U de sol CH et CU Kerb A large size protection system, ideal for walls and panels. Easy to install and clean. Fully equipped with corner caps and buttons. Sistema di protezione di grandi dimensioni, ideale per muri e pannelli. Facile da installare e pulire. Completo di angolari e tappi. Système de protection de grands dimensions, idéal pour les murs et les panneaux. Facile à installer et à nettoyer. Complété de bouchons d’angles et d’embouts. COAF-COPF 100/65 COAF-COPF 40 CPF 200 CO 100 CP 200 KS 200-300 CPT 200 KEPF 200-300 KSI 200-300 CH 60-70-80-100-120 24 KSTDX 200-300 KSTSX 200-300 KSE 200-300 25 Kerb Kerb Colour KEPF 200 Packing Colour B M E KSJ 300. To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E KSI 300 50 pz / box K To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E 40 170 To install with TB14 30 4.000 mm 3 pz / box 300 Packing 300 Length 200 KS 200 KSJ 200 Packing Colour B E To install with TB20 / TF20 Packing Colour 10 pz / box B E KSI 200 Packing Colour KSTDX/SX 300 20 pz / box B E To install with TB20 / TF20 KSE 200 Packing Colour Colour 10 pz / box B E 20 pz / box B E 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 Packing 300 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 300 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 KSE 300 20 pz / box KSTD/SX 200 Packing Colour B E 200 To install with TB14 / TF14 20 pz / box Packing THERMAL BREAK RESISTANT Colour to be defined K 200 KSJ 200 LT FLEXIBLE JOINT Length Packing Colour KEPF 300 Packing 4.000 mm 1 pz B M 45 E 300 KS 300 40 pz / box 40 255 To install with TB20 26 27 Packing Colour CPF 100 4.000 mm 10 pz / box B M E Packing 4.000 mm 10 pz / bag Packing 40 pz / box Length F CPT 100 CP 200 Colour Length Packing E F 60 60 4.000 mm 2 pz / bag B M E 0 Colour B 13 Designed to protect pillars and columns or external corners of walls and panels. Length 50 CORNER PROTECTION CP 100 65 05 Corner Protection Realizzato per proteggere pilastri e colonne o angoli esterni di muri e pannelli. Etudié pour protéger les poteaux et les colonnes ou les angles extérieurs de murs et de panneaux. Length Packing 4.000 mm 2 pz / bag CPT 200 Packing 20 pz box 96 CPF 200 28 Colour B E 12 0 0 12 29 06 WALL PROTECTION Wall Protection New bumper without guides. Thanks to its big size and resistance it is ideal for protection of industrial spaces. Fixed caps with hidden screws covered by specific buttons. Nuovo profilo antiurto senza guida. La sua ampiezza e resistenza lo rende ideale per la protezione di ambienti industriali. Terminali fissati con viti nascoste da appositi bottoni. 30 Nouveau profilé anti-choc sans besoin d’une base à fixer. Sa mesure large et sa résistance en font le profilé parfait pour la protection des espaces industriels. Embouts fixés avec des vis cachées grâce à des bouchons spécifiques. 31 Wall Protection Wall Protection WPT 100 To install with TM5 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E F 100 22 22 WP100 WPA100 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B 30 E 100 TS9 WPA 100 TM5 WPT 150 WPC To install with TM5 WPT100 WP150 Packing Colour 50 pz / box B E 150 22 TS9 52 WPAS150 WPA 150 To install with TS9 Colour 30 20 pz / box B E 150 WPTS150 Packing WPCS WPCS Packing Colour 4.000 mm 8 pz / box 62 A B C D F G H I E 22 To install with WP 100 / WP 150 Length TS9 WPTS 100 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 100 WP 100 Length Packing B E To install with TS9 100 F Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 21 Colour WPAS 100 4.000 mm 8 pz / box 35 100 WP 150 Length Packing B M To install with TS9 E Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 21 Colour WPTS 150 4.000 mm 4 pz / box 150 To install with WP 100 / WP 150 Length Packing Colour 4.000 mm 16 pz / box A B M F G H 27 D E WPAS 150 To install with TS9 Packing Colour 20 pz / box B E 13 WPC 150 35 150 32 33 Antishock System Nuova linea di paracolpi e battiscopa in materiale morbido per celle frigo, magazzini refrigerati, garage. Ottima proprietà anti-urto grazie all’elasticità del materiale utilizzato. Nouvelle gamme de lisses de protection et plinthes en matière souple pour les chambres froides, depots et garages. Excellente proprieté anti-choc grâce à l’élasticité du materiel utilisé. ASP 200 ASPT 200 ASK 200 Packing SOFT Colour 1 pz / box L = 8.000 mm B C 200 ASCO ANTISHOCK SYSTEM 20 ASK2I200 ASA Packing SOFT Colour to be defined B 200 07 New bumper and plinth system produced in soft material, could be used in cold rooms, refrigerated storages and garages. Thanks to material elasticity, it features good anti-shock property. ASK 200 ASKTDX-SX 200 ASK2E 200 Packing to be defined B 200 SOFT Colour ASCO ASKTDX-SX 200 Packing SOFT Colour to be defined B 200 ASA Packing SOFT Colour 1 pz / box L = 8.000 mm B C 20 ASP 200 200 Packing SOFT ASA. Colour Material Length Packing 10 pz / box B D 20 0 aluminium 4.000 mm 8 pz / bundle 13,5 ASPT 200 18 ASCO 2 pz / box L = 32.000 mm Colour A B C D Packing SOFT G 25 34 35 08 PVC PANEL PVC Panel PVC sheets to renovate fastly and cheaply the walls of cold rooms and cold store. Lastre in PVC per il rinnovo rapido ed economico delle pareti nelle celle e nei magazzini frigoriferi. Plaques en PVC pour renover rapidement et a bas prix les murs de chambres froides et de depots frigorifiques. NT DIFFERE N O S SIZE ST REQUE PF 300 Foamed inside Length FOAMED INSIDE PR 300 Packing Colour Length Packing Colour PJ To install with PR 300 and PF 300 PA PT To install with PR 300 and PF 300 36 Packing Colour Length Packing Colour Length Packing Colour E 333 3.000/4.000 mm 3 pz / bag E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 333 60 E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 40 To install with PR 300 and PF 300 Length 3.000/4.000 mm 3 pz / bag E 3.000 mm 10 pz / box 35 E 37 NEWS Fixing accessories TM5 TB20 Hole required Ø 8.5 Neutral polyethylene. 100/500 Pcs. / bag. Hole required Ø 5 Steel / aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. Soon ready new versions of PEDESTRIAN 90 and 150 TS9 NEW TF14 Hole required Ø 5 White or grey nylon. 250 Pcs. / bag. ADDITIONAL RAIL Hole required Ø 5. Aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. TF20 TB14 Hole required Ø 6.5. Aluminium. 500 Pcs. / box. Hole required Ø 4 Steel / aluminium, white. 500 Pcs. / box. Colours PEDESTRIAN 90 4PE 90 PEDESTRIAN 150 4PE 150 Now available RACK SUPER, new version of rack protector processed upon request! VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE TO DISCOVER MORE ABOUT MPM FLEXIBLE PROTECTIONS RACK SUPER A B C D E F G H I K L M RED RAL 3002 GREY RAL 7040 YELLOW RAL 1023 BLACK RAL 9005 WHITE RAL 9010 WHITE RAL 9002 BLUE RAL 5005 GREEN RAL 6029 SILVER RAL 9006 LIGHT GREY RAL 7035 DARK GREY RAL 7024 LIGHT YELLOW RAL 1018 Cleaner resistant Good waterproof Quick assembly Easy to clean Shockproof Good thermal insulation Cheap Non toxic Long resistance Class V0 self-extinguishing fire resistance YES NO MPM srl reserves the right, at any time, to introduce the necessary changes and improvements to its products. Any small imperfection in the products and in the materials used are due to the processing method. Any reproduction of this brochure, even in part, is forbidden. 39 THE WORLD’S TOP LOGISTICS PROFESSIONALS CHOOSE OUR QUALITY MADE IN ITALY E L B I X E L T F C A P M E L O B C A L C Y E C F E I L R G N LO OUR REFERENCES 40 41 MADE IN ITALY M.P.M. s.r.l. Via Europa 2 35010 Fratte di S. Giustina in Colle Padova · Italy T +39 049 9301773 F +39 049 9300427 [email protected]
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