InViTo - Politecnico di Torino


InViTo - Politecnico di Torino
Stefano PENSA
GeoVisualizzazione Interattiva a
Supporto dei Processi di
Pianificazione e Decisione
Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca in
Architettura e Progettazione Edilizia,
Facoltà di Architettura, Politecnico di Torino
XIV ciclo, 2012
Liliana Bazzanella
DAD – Politecnico di Torino
Isabella M. Lami
DIST – Politecnico di Torino
Oggetto della ricerca descritta in questa tesi è l’utilizzo dell’immagine georiferita ed
interattiva di dati spaziali per supportare i processi decisionali e di pianificazione di
scala vasta. Il progetto, in particolare, si inserisce all’interno di un filone della
letteratura cartografica che fa della Geovisualizzazione un metodo, ma anche uno
strumento, per l’analisi, la valutazione e la conoscenza sistematica delle questioni
Tramite mappe dinamiche ed interattive, decisori e pianificatori possono ricevere una
guida visiva nella comprensione e conoscenza delle relazioni di causa ed effetto che
regolano le trasformazioni del territorio. L’immagine del territorio che ne deriva viene
utilizzata per mostrare sia i problemi, che caratterizzano uno spazio, sia la
localizzazione simbolica degli effetti che le decisioni possono avere.
Questo sistema è stato strutturato in un metodo denominato InViTo, acronimo per
Interactive Visualization Tool. Esso è stato applicato in diversi casi reali e con diverse
tecniche di valutazione territoriale che hanno dimostrato la sua flessibilità e dinamicità
nell’essere utilizzato in molteplici casi studio. Il suo utilizzo durante workshop con
professionisti di diversa provenienza, ha evidenziato la sua efficacia e versatilità nel
valutare le differenze tra differenti aree e migliorare la discussione tra gli esperti
durante incontri e focus group.
Il sistema si basa sull’utilizzo integrato di tecnologie GIS (Geographic Information
System), di gestione di database (Microsoft Excel) e di modellazione parametrica
(mcNeel’sRhinoceros e il suo plug-in gratuito Grasshopper) e fornisce un metodo per
l’analisi, la valutazione e la simulazione di possibili scenari, in tutti i campi e discipline
che riguardano l’utilizzo del territorio.
La ricerca applicata ai processi decisionali e pianificatori.
La struttura del processo pianificatorio.
Temi emergenti da risolvere nella pianificazione e nel decisionmaking applicato a decisioni territoriali.
Il contesto della ricerca.
1.4.1. PSS e SDSS: definizioni, stato dell’arte, problematiche.
1.4.2. Data management.
1.4.3. I modelli spaziali: un metodo per valutare e simulare le
trasformazioni territoriali.
1.4.4. Metodi di valutazione di sistemi spaziali complessi.
1.4.5. Visual
1.4.6. Modellazione 3D e il Generative modeling.
1.4.7. La geovisualizzazione: visualizzazione interattiva dei
dati spaziali
1.4.8. Data mining
1.4.9. Info-graphics
Stato dell’arte e nuovi approcci allo studio di temi territoriali.
1.5.1. Visualization in spatial analysis
1.5.2. Visualization in accessibility tools (part of sdss)
Requisiti per soddisfare le necessità del processo pianificatorio
Scelta del metodo: InViTo
2.2.1. Interactive visualization: a methodology in planning
2.2.2. Grasshopper: A new approach to modelling
2.2.3. Open data e Google Earth
2.2.4. InViTo
Funzionamento del metodo
Innovazioni date dal metodo
Validazione del metodo
3.1.1. Betuwe Line (NL – D)
3.1.2. Bellinzona (CH)
3.1.3. Frankfurt am Mein – Mannheim (D)
3.1.4. Il corridoio Genova – Rotterdam (NL, D, CH, IT)
3.2.1. Asti (IT)
COST action TU1002
3.3.1. L’accessibilità ai trasporti pubblici di Torino (IT)
COST action TU0801
3.4.1. Crescita della domanda residenziale in Skopje (MK)
Comune di Torino
3.5.1. Torino Nord (IT)
Discussioni e risultati
Research agenda
Keywords: Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS), Planning Support Systems (PSS),
Visualization, Geo-visualization, Assessment Techniques, Dynamic Maps, Interaction,
Knowledge Building, Geographic Information, Spatial Planning, Parametric and
Generative Modelling, Grasshopper, Rhinoceros, 3D, Data Processing, Data Selection,
Data Spatialization, Geo-spatial Data, GIS, Land-Use and Transport Simulation (LUTI).
Interdisciplinarietà dei processi decisionali e pianificatori. La questione della
condivisione dei dati e delle informazioni. La conoscenza a base di una
decisione “informata” dei rischi e dei possibili effetti.
I processi di pianificazione e di decision-making su questioni spaziali sono riconosciuti
come procedure complesse che devono affrontare un gran numero di variabili,
interessi e attori (Andrienko et al, 2007; 2011). Le questioni affrontate da questi
processi agiscono su larga scala e con un orizzonte temporale a lungo termine, per cui
hanno un profondo impatto sulla vita individuale e collettiva, tanto che la loro
discussione genera una enorme mole di elementi da esaminare. Per questi motivi, la
definizione degli obiettivi e delle strategie da perseguire richiede un alto livello di
consapevolezza da parte dei decisori.
Per consentire la costruzione della conoscenza, altrimenti nota come knowledge
building (Mac Eachren, 1994; 2003), e raggiungere così una decisione informata
(informed decision), la letteratura propone un ampio spettro di strumenti e metodi. In
particolare, molti benefici si possono ottenere attraverso la visualizzazione dei dati
spaziali (Bertin, 1981; MacEachren e Taylor, 1994; Thomas e Cook, 2005), disciplina
nota anche come Geovisualization, che utilizza la rappresentazione dei dati geo-riferiti
per supportare i processi decisionali e di pianificazione.
La ricerca qui descritta si focalizza sullo studio del territorio di scala vasta, ponendo
come tema centrale la definizione di strategie a lungo termine, in modo da individuare
all’interno del processo di pianificazione, i metodi per alimentare la conoscenza e
stimolare la comunicazione e la discussione tra gli attori coinvolti. Come detto
precedentemente, attraverso la visualizzazione è possibile innescare un tipo di
comunicazione che va oltre all’uso di parole e che attraverso l'uso di un linguaggio
intuitivo può essere compresa da persone con competenze diverse. Pertanto, gli
obiettivi di questa ricerca sono la costruzione di un metodo per l'utilizzo di un
linguaggio visivo che potrebbe consentire una comunicazione migliore e più efficace
tra i diversi tipi di decisori sia pubblici che privati. Seguendo il concetto di Klosterman
(1997), per cui un supporto alla pianificazione deve essere inteso come “information
framework”, lo scopo di questo studio è quello di generare una metodologia per
l'organizzazione, la gestione, la creazione di relazioni e comunicazione dei dati al fine
di informare gli attori e renderli consapevoli delle scelte che devono attuare.
La ricerca presentata in queste pagine ripercorre i fondamenti del processo
pianificatorio, analizzando gli strumenti oggi adottati per supportarlo, al fine di
avanzare delle ipotesi per una sua implementazione. Per questo obiettivo, è stato
studiato un metodo di gestione dei dati spaziali che prende il nome di Interactive
Visualization Tool (InViTo). InViTo è basato sull’interazione e integrazione di diverse
discipline che vanno dalla scienza cognitiva alla geovisualizzazione, dalla modellazione
tri-dimensionale alla generazione parametrica, dalla gestione dei dati attraverso fogli
di calcolo fino ai metodi di data mining. InViTo vuole pertanto proporre un metodo
unico per la gestione e comunicazione di dati provenienti da diverse fonti, così come
accade nei processi pianificatori e decisionali reali. Attraverso la visualizzazione di
temi complessi contenuti in database di grandi dimensioni, lo strumento mira alla
costruzione di un linguaggio comune e condiviso che possa migliorare e agevolare la
comunicazione tra i partecipanti ai diversi processi di decisione spaziale.
La ricerca è stata strutturata in diverse fasi, qui riportate come singoli capitoli. Nella
prima parte viene affrontato lo stato dell’arte del processo pianificatorio e degli
strumenti ad esso correlati. Vengono analizzati i concetti strutturali e le questioni che
ostacolano lo sviluppo dei supporti tecnologici, mettendo in evidenza i temi emergenti
e le ultime novità proposte dalla gestione e comunicazione dei dati spaziali nel campo
informatico. Il secondo capitolo descrive InViTo, ovvero la metodologia scelta per
affrontare il tema del supporto ai processi pianificatori e decisionali, il suo sviluppo, il
suo funzionamento, le innovazioni da essa apportate e la sua validazione. Il terzo
capitolo descrive uno per uno i diversi casi studio che sono stati esaminati attraverso
l’utilizzo di InViTo, offrendo un’ampia panoramica delle molteplici applicazioni
possibili e mettendo in evidenza la sua flessibilità ed adattabilità a temi divergenti e
scale molto differenti. In ultimo sono riportate le conclusioni, in cui vengono discussi i
risultati e stabiliti i possibili sviluppi del metodo.
La ricerca applicata ai processi decisionali e pianificatori
interdiciplinarietà della ricerca A ricerca mette assieme diverse discipline: pss, sdss,
geoviz, visual analiytics, data management, 3d modeling, info-graphics, in un unici
pss/SDSS. SDSS: Modeling / Simulation / Visualization, ovvero il connubio di tre
discipline per supportare I processi spaziali
La struttura del processo pianificatorio
In quali fasi si divide il planning (Batty)
Spatial decision processes have to face several questions as the number of tasks and
interests, the uncertainties on scenarios and alternative options, and the large variety
of actors involved. This wide range of elements makes spatial decision process a
complex procedure which results very difficult to manage and lead to build a common
knowledge among all participants. This multifaceted framework goes against its own
purpose, that is clearness and shared agreement. Then, spatial decision processes
have to use a mixed and confused income for generating a clear, fair and aware
Temi emergenti da risolvere nella pianificazione e nel
decision-making applicato a decisioni territoriali
Tanti dati da gestire
Tante persone: interessi, background expertise
Una soluzione da prendere tanti anni prima che si possano vedere i suoi
Situazione di grande incertezza
Long-medium term
Tuttavia, l'unione tra le ultime tecnologie e la pratica di pianificazione non sembra così
frizzante. Tra i professionisti, una profonda sfiducia resta ancora verso strumenti.
Come riportato da Te Brömmelstroet (2010), il principale problema di attuazione del
PSS PSS è la mancanza di trasparenza, troppo spesso questi sono percepiti come
"sofisticati scatole nere". Ulteriori strozzature forti sono legati alla possibilità di
comunicazione tra il modello e gli utenti a causa del basso valore della comunicazione
non, facile da usare e non interattiva.
La pianificazione è un processo in cui le persone hanno di interagire, comunicare,
scambiare idee, condividere informazioni, ma anche di difendere i loro interessi e
trasmettere ragionamento. La comunicazione è la base per le attività all'interno di una
pratica di pianificazione. Strumenti che sono vicino a complesse formule matematiche
e non mostrare immagini significative non può aiutare questo processo, ma solo
aumentare la sfiducia nel supporto tecnologico. PSS Molti si propone di riprodurre
tutto il sistema spaziale, con le sue inter-relazioni e le connessioni alle diverse scale in
diverse macro-scenari, fornendo in tal modo la previsione per un sacco di opzioni di
pianificazione. In questo modo, questi strumenti posizionare il trattamento automatico
di fronte a tutto l'insieme di competenze, idee e opinioni che animano il dibattito sulla
programmazione. Gli attori, in particolare quelli più esperti, percepiscono di essere
tergiversato dagli strumenti invece di essere aiutati a costruire il loro proprio
ragionamento. Questa priorità alle menti umane e le abilità viene confermato dal
campo di ricerca di analisi geovisual (Andrienko, 2007, 2011), che intende sostenere
problemi territoriali attraverso l'integrazione del "potere di metodi di calcolo, con
conoscenze di base umano, pensiero flessibile, l'immaginazione, e la capacità di
comprensione "Per raggiungere questo abilitazione delle capacità umane per costruire
la conoscenza, l'interazione con i dati e le interfacce interattive sono riconosciuti come
il mezzo più efficace, in quanto consentono l'esplorazione dei dati e, quindi, la loro
scoperta (MacEachren e Taylor, 1994;. MacEachren et al., 2004).
Per questo motivo, la ricerca qui descritta riguarda l'interazione con i dati in un
ambiente visivo come supporto tecnologico per discussioni che e dibattiti all'interno di
un processo di pianificazione in modo da produrre una PSS che possono essere
comunicativo, flessibile e utile nella costruzione ragionamento. Il risultato di questa
ricerca è lo strumento di visualizzazione interattiva (Invito), uno strumento per la
gestione di dati spaziali in tempo reale sulla base tridimensionale software di
As arisen from the survey carried out by TeBrömmelstroet (2010) among several Dutch
planning practitioners, PSS are perceived to be “not transparent”, “not user friendly”,
“not interactive” and to have a “low communication value”. This diffuse mistrust on
technology generates a lack of interest in investigating new methods for dealing with
spatial problems, highlighting the different directions between the
modellers’ and
stakeholders. Thus, the usability of these tools is really undermined by a combination
of elements and many practitioners do not trust in their use for four main reasons.
First, a rapid overview on SDSS shows that tools which support the interaction between
data and actors involved in planning processes are very few. The most part do not
work on real-time, but need a lapse of time for calculation that can vary from minutes
to days so that, for any changes occurring in any data or setting of simulation, it is
necessary to wait for a new complete calculation.
Second, settings are managed by technicians so that the model appears like a black
box, and transparency in communication is missed.
Third, spatial decision processes have to find solutions for problems that have an
undefined, complex and confused nature and are difficult to evaluate. Moreover, they
have to deal with the uncertainties of the system in which they act, thus, despite the
high performances of the existing tools, many spatial questions can not be reproduced
by an automatic processing (Andrienko et al., 2007). This is a reason why technology
available today is far more advanced than the methods currently used by professionals.
Finally, PSS, as well as other SDSS, are technology oriented rather than planning
oriented. Their own structure is more oriented on solving complex technical questions
instead of satisfying the practical needs of users, who ask for enhancing the reasoning
on spatial issues rather than showing eye-candy technologies. Even though the most
known SDSS as WhatIf ?, UrbanSim, CommunityViz and INDEX improved their user
interface, still need to develop their structures in taking advantage of users’ analytical
capabilities (Hopkins, 2011). The resulting consequence is that practitioners find a
deep gap between tools and real practice (teBrömmelstroet, 2009).
Il contesto della ricerca
Sistemi di supporto per l'integrazione di Pianificazione chiedere diversi attori, per
effettuare queste attori di mettere in relazione tra loro e per essere applicata in una
grande quantità di casi, tutti con le loro particolarità e le esigenze.
Negli ultimi due decenni, molti studi sono stati condotti su di integrare i sistemi di
supporto con i Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS), multiple-criteri di analisi
decisionale (MCDA), di uso del territorio e modelli di trasporto (LUTM) o con
geovisualization, al fine di aumentare la loro efficacia in casi di studio reali. Più di
recente, l'uso diffuso di globi virtuali come Google Earth o Microsoft Virtual Earth ha
aumentato l'interesse pubblico verso la posizione spaziale dei dati, generando una
quantità enorme di applicazioni Web, ma anche un approccio diffuso e semplicistico
alla geografia, oltre i professionisti troppo.
PSS e SDSS: definizioni, stato dell’arte, problematiche.
Strumenti per la pianificazione e il sostegno dei processi decisionali, più generalmente
noto come Planning Support Systems (PSS), Sistemi di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) e
spaziali Sistemi di Supporto alle Decisioni (SDSS), cercare di affrontare con una
moltitudine di attori, opinioni, interessi, criteri di valutazione e dei dati . Questo
elevato numero di elementi corrisponde anche ad un gran numero di tentativi di
risolvere questo argomento, da caccia nuovi campi di ricerca e tecnologie. Di
conseguenza, PSS, DSS e SDSS rappresentano una larga parte degli studi scientifici
nelle questioni spaziali.
Numerose definizioni, nonché numerosi concetti e nomenclature, sono stati prodotti,
fornendo diverso punto di vista confusa, soprattutto tra la distinzione tra PSS, DSS e
SDSS. Come riportato da Geertman e Stillwell (2003) citando Clarke (1990), PSS sono
concepiti per "a lungo raggio dei problemi e delle questioni strategiche", mentre SDSS
"sono generalmente progettati per supportare a breve termine delle politiche da
individui isolati e delle organizzazioni imprenditoriali ". Anche Lima et al. (2003)
evidenzia che PSS hanno lo scopo di includere questioni strategiche, mentre DSS e
SDSS "sono in genere progettati per supportare più specifiche o di politica a breve
termine-processi. Questa prima distinzione permette di disegnare i due rami principali
di un albero genealogico di definizioni che è stata chiaramente assemblati da un sacco
di autori. In particolare, per PSS due classificazioni principali può essere trovato. Da un
lato, e Gertman Stillwell (2003) secondo Harris (1989) e Batty (1995) si riferisce a PSS
come "un sottoinsieme di geotecnica connessi strumenti che incorporano una serie di
componenti (teorie, dati, informazioni, conoscenze, me -thods e strumenti) che
collettivamente supportano tutti o di alcune parti di un compito di pianificazione unico
". D'altra parte, Klosterman (1997) interpreta PSS come un "quadro informativo", in cui
la tecnologia non è la prima scelta da prendere, ma piuttosto un mezzo per
raggiungere scopi di pianificazione. La nostra esperienza conferma l'opinione
Klosterman, mostrando come questa ricerca persistente nel costruire il modello più
complesso e realistico sta portando alla costruzione di bassa assioma comprensibile
scientifico in cui i responsabili politici e il pubblico non si fida (Klosterman, 2008;
2012; te Brömmelstroet, 2010) . Da un lato, questo approccio porta a modelli che non
sono più un'astrazione della realtà ma un 1-1 mappa in scala (Borges, 1960). D'altra
parte, il mal-definizione dei problemi inerenti alle questioni spaziali mette in evidenza
come la pianificazione non è del tutto adatto ad essere convertito in un processo
automatico (Andrienko et al., 2007), ma l'esperienza individuale e la competenza degli
attori coinvolti è essenziale per la costruzione e la valutazione dei piani.
In questa continua lotta tra tecnologia approccio centrato e umano-cervello
competenze, l'applicazione di PSS in caso di studio reale incontra molte difficoltà
(Couclelis, 2005; Vonk et al, 2005;. Geertman e Stillwell, 2009; te Brömmelstroet 2010
) soprattutto per una mancanza di comunicazione tra sviluppatori e utenti finali, come
decisori politici, attori e pubblico. Inoltre, ogni caso di studio presenta richieste
specifiche che difficilmente corrispondono alla offerta di un unico strumento in modo
che gran parte della risorsa tempo è speso nelle indagini strumenti esistenti e di
trovare la più appropriata in grado di adattarsi al meglio gli obiettivi di caso di studio.
Accade spesso che la scelta tecnologica richiede un'ulteriore personalizzazione,
aumentando lo spreco di fornitura temporale. Per questo motivo un PSS dovrebbe
permettere una grande flessibilità nello studio di un problema, che permette il
cambiamento di scala, la personalizzazione, l'analisi e la valutazione di obiettivi diversi
e semplice interfaccia per lo scambio di informazioni.
SDSS – Spatial Decision Support System
A Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) is a tool, able to manage complex
information, aiming at supporting planning processes, giving the final decision maker
an integrated and comprehensive vision of the problems, thus not giving ready-made
solutions but helping him to decide.
Multicriteria Decision Support Systems are specific SDSS for wide area planning: they
are based on GIS technology combined with Multicriteria Analysis. They are used to
boost analysis efficiency, increasing the number of comparable options and the
quantity of information to be processed, but overall taking into account a larger
number of stakeholders’ opinions. The application of new technologies to territorial
planning allows to enlarge the number of indicators considered and to open the debate
also to non-expert stakeholders.
In the framework of the planning process, which is mainly a political process, the
primary role of these tools is to make participants aware and conscious of choices’
effects, according to a – as far as possible – scientific and objective approach.
Data management.
GIS Databases matrix
I modelli spaziali: un metodo per valutare e simulare le
trasformazioni territoriali.
Metodi di valutazione di sistemi spaziali complessi.
MCDA, ANP/AHP, Discrete Choice
Visual analytics: la visualizzazione non è rappresentazione.
i concetti + filosofici
Modellazione 3D e il Generative modeling.
Latest innovations on software, appositely created for analysing and design spatial
solutions, combine GIS technology with parametric modelling to provide semantic
three-dimensional representations of cities. This kind of tools are growing up from
different realities and no standard definition already exists for them. Literature refers
to these instruments in different ways such as city information modelling (CIM), urban
informational model, digital city, city information model, smart 3D city, procedural city
(Stavric et al., 2012) and promotes their development as the next future in urban
(, an application created by ETH
Zürich, which proposes a large amount of application fields, from architectural
morphology to large areas 3D mapping. By the use of bi-dimensional shapefiles, it
generates 3D procedural models on the basis of predefined library and rules. On the
same topic also Autodesk, with Digital City, and Bentley, with 3D City GIS, propose new
tools for the combined study of analysis, simulation and visualization of cities.
La geovisualizzazione: visualizzazione interattiva dei dati
In urban and regional planning, many professionals, politicians and citizens
representatives are called to take part in the planning process (Van den Brink, 2007;
MacEachren, 2004), thus involving different kinds of actors, usually coming from
different disciplines, speaking different languages and holding different interests.
The personal background and technical skills of each actor engaged in planning
process can limit the comprehension of data proposed during the discussion. Due to
the complexity of the issue and the technical gap between technicians in charge of
planning and actors involved in decision making processes, some information could be
lost and ignored during the debate.
Experience demonstrates that visualization increases the assessment capability and the
comprehension of urban dynamics during the decision process (Simao et al, 2009).
Visualization can enable forms of intuitive knowledge and can be a fruitful method to
make decision makers aware of the elements under discussion.
Within the field of visualization, there is a specific branch dedicated to spatial data
visualization, known as geovisualization. It finds its deepest roots in cartography, but
has developed together with computer science as a field of research and application
since the eighties. In 1995 the International Cartographic Association (ICA) stated a
Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environments, after renamed Commission on
Geovisualization, establishing geovisualization as a science which studies, by
definition, the exploration and analysis of spatial information through interactive visual
interfaces (
Geovisualization, and more generally visualization, is indeed considered a scientific
discipline because it is not just a means of communication, but an instrument to build
a path for arrive to knowledge (Van den Brink et al., 2007). Experience demonstrates
that visualization increases the assessment capability and the comprehension of urban
dynamics during the decision process (Simao et al., 2009). It can enable forms of
intuitive knowledge and can be a fruitful method to engage citizens and decision
makers and make them aware of the elements under discussion (Kwartler& Longo,
Recently the concept of Visual Analytics (Thomas & Cook, 2005) and, even lately, the
notion of Geospatial Visual Analytics (Andrienko et al., 2007, 2011) strengthened this
conversation between human and computers conceiving the analytical reasoning as
product of a multi-disciplinary research. Scientists from different disciplines as statics,
geography, modelling, data mining or visualization convey their efforts in increasing
the role of tools’ users so that spatial problem solving could be facilitated by different
techniques and technologies.
Due to this cross-disciplinary research, geo-visual studies can expand user’s gaze
within highly complex systems, and be applied in various real-world situations such as
urban and regional planning, which has to generate spatial solutions for a large
amount of activities providing a better and more effective use of urban areas.
geovisualization, can provide a very useful support in such decision problems.
Geovisualization is used to create a common grammar among involved actors and a
shared basis for generating discussions (Batty, Steadman &Xie, 2004).
Through the use of visual communication, it enables intuitive human skills, so that it
proves to be a valid tool for supporting the spatial decision-making processes in
showing information and, in particular, evaluating alternative options and improving
the information sharing among professionals (Van den Brink et al., 2007; MacEachren
et al., 2004).
Geovisualization can be used to support planning and decision making processes, but
the sharing of information can often be limited by two main factors. Firstly many users
have difficulties in reading data, especially if explained by tables, matrixes or
databases, but also if
represented by maps, diagrams and charts. Secondly, many
actors means also different discipline, knowledge, interests and, overall, different
This chapter is intended to investigate the contribution and use of geovisualization in
supporting planning and decision-making processes as methodology for information
sharing and data knowledge.
According to prof. Michael Batty (2004), visualization must be organized in two
different levels. As the first one defines the purposes of visualization, the second
concerns the key techniques used to implement visualization. However, a third level is
recognized, which relates to the media or hardware instruments used to communicate
the visualization, but it is not analyzed. In the case visualization is referred to spatial
problems and aims at being an effective support to spatial decision processes, as in
geovisual analytics field, this three-levels framework might be reviewed and modified
to deal with the specifics of spatial issues. In particular, the third level will be tackle as
the whole systems of tools and devices which can contribute to defining and
supporting spatial decision processes.
First level: purpose of geovisualization in spatial decision processes
In the first level, Batty identifies four purposes for visualization: education,
exploration, explanation and engagement. These purposes are not mutually exclusive
of each other, generally each visualization tend to stress these four purposes in
different ways, often with one purpose dominating. However, it is common among
authors to define as the most significant purpose the exploration. Intended as the
highpoint previous to knowledge (Dodge, 2005), exploration is more geared to
investigate how inputs are translated into outputs (Batty et al., 2004). Also MacEachren
(2004) stresses the importance of exploration in visualization, highlighting how only
through the data exploration, users can build their knowledge. Data exploration acts
as a maieutic for all actors who take part in decision-making processes. This Socratic
approach to knowledge exploits the intuitive and visual skills of human mind, using
them as a bridge between the object and its knowledge. Then, exploration becomes
the basic principle for the construction of a knowledge which is at first individual and
then increasingly shared. The means to reach this kind of knowledge is identified in
the interaction between user and data. This knowledge makes the interaction between
user and data an essential moment for information analysis and understanding.
Second level: techniques of representation
The second level of organization of visualization concerns the techniques by which
visualizations are built. Since the purpose, as stated above, is the knowledge building,
the techniques adopted to represent spatial-related problems must focus on
communication, intended as exchange of information between data and users and
among users. A wide literature exists on theme, crossing different approaches to
representation such as scientific visualization, info-graphics or cartography (Tufte,
1990). Each of these disciplines has an own language with a specific grammar, but
over all these forms for displaying data, one primary concept dominates the
methodology for building visualizations. This concerns the ability of pictures to relate
the micro elements to the macro ones, meaningfully conveying a large amount of
information in a limited space, thus providing “a sense of the whole” (Dodge, 2005).
Relations among sets, subsets and parts, between global and local, macro and micro
are some of the elements that make understandable how a spatial system works. In
particular, these relations are fundamental for structuring a hierarchy among the
parties, a passage that constitutes the basis of the cognitive process.
To this end, geovisualization and geovisual analytics are increasingly using threedimensional digital models, which can comprehend huge and large datasets over wide
spatial scales and are compatible with interactive systems. Through zoom controls,
users can increase or decrease the detail of representation maintaining a complete
overview of the area to study. In addition, the use of GIS data implements also the
possibilities in formulating queries, allowing to differentiate visualizations in relation
to specific problems but also to personal curiosity. These opportunities in selecting
particular typologies of data also implement functions of visual data mining,
generating wide numbers of possible actions for exploring information. The use of GIS
data offers the possibilities to build also interactive maps, where each user can
dynamically choose several elements to visualize. For instance, users can set which
layers are to be visualized or hidden, they can change the appearance of maps by
changing colours and styles of representation, or in particular, they can change the
values of some parameters and visualize the effect of changes.
In front of this wide landscape of possible actions, it is important that the techniques
of visualization are adopted considering two main elements. The first one concerns the
target of the audience to which the visualization is addressed. Each particular audience
means a specific language to use for communication, but, in the meanwhile, the
language is strongly influenced also by the particular means provided by the tool in
use. Therefore, a balance between audience target and technical capabilities should be
found in order to guarantee communication among the parties. The second concerns
the typology of input data. Each map can contain at the same time different kind of
data, which can be spatially defined so that size, shapes and dimension of an element
are known, but can also not have a proper physical image as abstract ones. In this
case, data can describe different properties of a geo-referenced element such as its
behaviour, its function or its relations with other elements. Thus, a spatial location is
assigned to all these data which by their nature have not a physical form and position.
This combination generates a deeper understanding of the association between
geometries and attributes, communicating not just quantities, but the behaviour of
elements in relation to their specific place. In this way, the resulting images provide a
high level of information and allow users to create connections which can enable their
analytical reasoning.
The techniques of visualization comprehends different choices for displaying data, but
literature still does not agree on the modalities of their use. Effectiveness and usability
of 3D models instead of 2D maps are still ones of the main topics discussed in the
visualization and communication fields, as well as the choice between photorealistic
and symbolic representations.
Systems and tools for the construction of virtual cities are growing up very quickly and
new technological opportunities are constantly available. But the main question goes
beyond the technological opportunities given by computer science. It brings back to
philosophical question on the real effectiveness of reproducing the real world (Borges,
1960) instead of synthetize information in order to conveying the knowledge. On the
one hand, photorealistic models with high level of contents are appreciated because
people like to recognize, within the virtual reproductions, the places they know in the
real world. This increases the abilities in orienting the audience in virtual environment,
making users to relate pre-known places with three-dimensional spatial models. On
the other hand, the analysis of a spatial system requires to extrapolate information
from complex structures of data. In this case, the symbolic visualization can bring
substantial support in highlighting the key concepts and driving forces which define
the behaviour of a spatial system. But this implies a predetermined choice of
information to show, going against the concept of transparency in communication. In
front of these questions, it results that the usability of a visualization deeply depends
on its inner structure. Data visualization is not merely an aesthetical composition of
colours and shapes, but the results of a studied combination of several factors which
not always agree each others. Therefore, the most effective visualizations compose a
well-designed balance among the purposes, the supposed expertise of audience and
the technical possibilities given by the tool in use.
Third level: overview on tools and devices
The third level of data visualization for spatial decision process concerns the tools and
technological device. This level is constantly evolving, because it depends heavily on
technology developments.
Despite the continuous innovations, the level of media includes a transversal element
that relates the type of technological devices with the expertise of audience and the
visualization purpose. Literature recognizes that visualization can enable intuitive
perception, but it must be calibrated on the different capabilities of the involved users.
In this case, the typology of audience can be considered as mostly expert, allowing a
medium-high level of complexity in images.
In the meanwhile, the visualization purpose should be considered as the most dealing
with the creation of awareness and knowledge in expert users. As stated above, data
exploration is the higher purpose for knowledge building. Since users are allowed to
enter inside information as much as the interface enables the level of interaction, the
visualization of the outputs should be supported by a fully interactive device. Only a
real-time interaction between user and data may improve the awareness on the causeeffect relationships that connect the user action and the reaction of data model.
Furthermore, the media should also allow users and groups of users to share data and
information, providing a common basis for enhancing the discussion and reasoning on
represented themes.
In recent years, the improvement in capacities and power of common-use computers
made available many tools for both modellers and practitioners. A large amount of
instruments known as Planning Support Systems (PSS) and Decision Support Systems
(DSS), or more generally as Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS), have been
developed and applied to solve space-related decision problems. Therefore, spatial
analytic tools and multi-criteria assessment techniques have widely increased in
number and methods, providing several procedures in approaching spatial problems.
These tools are available in a large number with many variations in indicators, scale of
use and methodologies by the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), spatial
analysis, forecasting and simulation tools. Although this large assortment, SDSS
present many difficulties in being applied in daily spatial decision practice. On the one
hand, information technology promotes new sophisticated tools that can easily handle
huge data sets, multiple levels of information with different reading options, and
ensure adequate knowledge to a large and heterogeneous audience through the
properties of "visual thinking". On the other, multiple actors are looking for a place as
neutral as possible to compare their own interests, and find an agreement among
different goals. In the middle of these two points of view are the planners, who need a
technological support to their daily work but, for different reasons, often do not make
use of SDSS.
As arisen from the survey carried out by TeBrömmelstroet (2010) among several Dutch
planning practitioners, PSS are perceived to be “not transparent”, “not user friendly”,
“not interactive” and to have a “low communication value”. This diffuse mistrust on
technology generates a lack of interest in investigating new methods for dealing with
spatial problems, highlighting the different directions between the
modellers’ and
stakeholders. Thus, the usability of these tools is really undermined by a combination
of elements and many practitioners do not trust in their use for four main reasons.
First, a rapid overview on SDSS shows that tools which support the interaction between
data and actors involved in planning processes are very few. The most part do not
work on real-time, but need a lapse of time for calculation that can vary from minutes
to days so that, for any changes occurring in any data or setting of simulation, it is
necessary to wait for a new complete calculation.
Second, settings are managed by technicians so that the model appears like a black
box, and transparency in communication is missed.
Third, spatial decision processes have to find solutions for problems that have an
undefined, complex and confused nature and are difficult to evaluate. Moreover, they
have to deal with the uncertainties of the system in which they act, thus, despite the
high performances of the existing tools, many spatial questions can not be reproduced
by an automatic processing (Andrienko et al., 2007). This is a reason why technology
available today is far more advanced than the methods currently used by professionals.
Finally, PSS, as well as other SDSS, are technology oriented rather than planning
oriented. Their own structure is more oriented on solving complex technical questions
instead of satisfying the practical needs of users, who ask for enhancing the reasoning
on spatial issues rather than showing eye-candy technologies. Even though the most
known SDSS as WhatIf ?, UrbanSim, CommunityViz and INDEX improved their user
interface, still need to develop their structures in taking advantage of users’ analytical
capabilities (Hopkins, 2011). The resulting consequence is that practitioners find a
deep gap between tools and real practice (teBrömmelstroet, 2009).
Besides these tools designed to face spatial analysis and planning, constant
technological innovations show that many efforts are spent to improve the usability of
tools and technological devices, in particular to improve the interaction with users. As
stated above, data exploration is the higher instrument for knowledge building, but
users should be allowed to enter inside this space of information. Tools, devices and
visual interfaces should be able to support a full interaction between user and data so
that users might improve their awareness on the cause-effect relationships that
connect the user action with the reaction of data model.
As a consequence of these questions, technological development and planning
processes might meet each other in order to build new methodologies able to support
decision-making and public participation. The research described in the following
section aims to use existing software and technologies for dealing with specific
requirements of spatial planning an decision-making. It will propose a new approach
to modelling spatial questions and show the results of an investigation among existing
tools which aim at supporting the reasoning on spatial topics.
Data mining
Stato dell’arte e nuovi approcci allo studio di temi
Dati di Geo-di cui sono ampiamente utilizzati per trovare le informazioni, ma
difficilmente sfruttato per studiare una materia e di definire gli obiettivi e le strategie
per esso. Qualche tentativo in questa direzione arriva dal MIT di Boston (SENSEable City
Laboratory, 2012) per analizzare visivamente il comportamento spaziale all'interno e al
di fuori delle aree urbane. Anche se la visualizzazione può essere molto accattivante,
lo scopo finale di tale applicazione non entrare nel vero e proprio processo di
pianificazione, rimanendo uno studio bellissimo, che non interagisce con la definizione
urbana politiche e strategiche. Più orientata alla esplorazione dei dati è il progetto
tubo mappa (Centro per Advanced Spatial Analysis, 2011), una risorsa online gratuita
per la sovrapposizione e meshing diverse mappe inerenti la città di Londra. L'iniziativa
del Centro UCL for Advanced Spatial Analysis è una sfida basata su mappe di Google
per esplorare i cluster urbani in un'interfaccia pubblico gratuito. Oltre a questi due
esempi famosi, vi è una attività vivace in tutto il mondo circa l'uso combinato di dati di
visualizzazione e geo-based, specialmente in ambienti interattivi e interfacce
As a consequence of these questions, this section aims to point out how visualization
can enhance the usability of PSS tools. Since main task of accessibility tools should be
informing spatial planners on the capabilities of an area to access another one or to be
accessed, an overview on their output could benefit to understand the limits of these
tools in addressing practitioners requirements and their opportunities in knowledge
As described above, to allow knowledge building, visualization should respect some
parameters, which are here resumed in the following list:
The purpose should be the exploration;
The images should be able to provide a sense of the whole;
The media should deal with an expert audience;
The media should allow information sharing and communication;
The media should be interactive.
These parameters will be related to:
Spatial Scale;
Typology of shape: point, line or area.
To analyze how the output of accessibility tool can contribute to building knowledge in
practitioners, next section will provide an overview on the tools presented in this
report (BATTY 2007: overview on PSS tools)
Visualization in spatial analysis
MIT, CASA, maptube.
Many recent experiments provide new opportunities for improving connections and
communication among people also in other fields of research and propose new uses
for existing devices which mostly derive from gaming and entertainment. For instance,
Nintendo and Kinect remote control devices, as well as Sony PlayStation3 set of
cameras, are actually used for exploring urban areas and interact with real
environments as showed at Smart Geometry 2011 Conference in Copenhagen
( Tangible screens and tables have nowadays different
uses in approaching spatial studies: people can move buildings, change scale size
wind speed, visualize the energy performances of a project or even design an area. At
the same time, many examples are on the use of information data and their
visualization. For example, real time information is used by the SENSEable City
Laboratory, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (,
for mapping people actions and movements in different cities across the world and by
various devices: in Singapore and in the U.S.A. by the use of mobile connections or in
Copenhagen by bicycles.
These examples show that existing technology already allows to explore urban data in
different and meaningful ways. Applications are just left to imagination, needs and
resources and no specific new tools are required to build a helpful and useful
instrument for supporting planning processes.
Visualization in accessibility tools (sdss)
In recent years, a large amount of accessibility instruments have been developed and
applied in spatial planning processes.The improvement in capacities and power of
made available
many tools for
practitioners. Therefore, accessibilitytechnologiesand analysis techniques have widely
increased in number and approaches, providing several methodologies in approaching
accessibility in spatial planning.
Prior sections of this thesis provided a detailed overview on accessibility instruments
and their use in planning practice, confirming the great number of available tools and
variations in indicators, scale of use and modes. Although this large assortment,
accessibility instruments, as well as other tools created for supporting planning
processes, presents many difficulties in being applied in daily planning practice.
Questions on usability of accessibility tools in planning practice have been theoretically
approached in section 2, highlighting the major obstacles for planners in generally
applying Planning Support Systems (PSS). As arisen from the survey carried out by
TeBrömmelstroet (2010)among several Dutch planning practitioners, PSS are perceived
to be “not transparent”, “not user friendly”, “not interactive” and to have a “low
communication value”.
In this sense, a brief overview on the outcomestypologies of accessibility instruments
could provide some issues for enhancing the reasoning on the causes of this lack in
applications.This section aims to investigate the outputs of accessibility instruments
communicating results and increasing knowledge. To achieve this task, an overview on
the output visualizations of the case studies presented in this COST report, will be the
basis for taking outa number of assumptions and conclusions that may be uses for
further future improvements.
Sometimes the output of accessibility tools can be numerical and listed in tables,
matrix or datasheets, without offering any kind of visual outcome. Nevertheless, the
most of accessibility tools generates a visual product, generally represented by bidimensional maps. In order to analyze the different tools presented in this COST
report, an overview will be shown, including only on the instruments which generate a
visual output.
Furthermore, since many case studies have very similar output, their analysis will be
conducted aggregating tool on the basis of typology of output as follows:
The accessibility instruments described in thissection show a variety of visualization
forms. Sometimes the output of accessibility tools can be numerical and listed in
tables, matrix or datasheets, without offering any kind of visual outcome (tools 2, 13,
14, 17, 20). But this kind of outcome can be needed for some users to make sense of
accessibility which can otherwise be treated as a slipper concept and not trusted by
decision makers. Nevertheless, the most of accessibility tools generates a visual
product, generally represented by bi-dimensional maps. In order to analyse these
different approaches to visualization, an overview will be shown, including only the
instruments which generate a visual output.
Furthermore, since many case studies have very similar output, their analysis will be
conducted aggregating the tools on the basis of the technique of visualization. Main
categories are:
2D areal aggregation: data are grouped in macro-zones and classified on the
basis of a colour scale;
2D axis-based maps: data are defined by the road network
(space syntax
cases) or by lines connecting points. The colour of shapes define the intensity
of values;
2D point-based maps: data are represented by points on 2D maps. Size and
colour of shapes define the intensity of values;
3D images: maps with a z-value;
no visual output: tools with no visual output described.
The accessibility instruments has been ordered as shown in the table on next page.
Tabella 1. Tools aggregation according to their type of output visualization
2D arealaggregation
Joint-accessibility Design
ErreichbarkeitsatlasderEuropäische 16
nMetropolregionMünchen (EMM)
Cellular automata modeling for 22
accessibility appraisal in spatial
2D axis-basedmaps
Spatial Integration Accessibility
Measures of Street Connectivity 8
2D point-basedmaps
3D images
Activity basedindicators
No visual output
Retail Cluster Accessibility
13 Method for determining the max. size of shops
17 Land Development Potential
20 Social spatialanalysis
Only 5 of 22 tools do not report a visual output, highlighting the importance of visual
communication for the most of the studies. Nevertheless, communication is mostly
intended to provide knowledge rather than simply present data. In fact, except in one
case (4/Activity Based Indicators), all the accessibility instruments which has a visual
output make use of bi-dimensional maps, preferring traditional methods of
communication which are commonly used in spatial studies. This can be due to several
factors. Firstly, 2D maps are generally perceived as more easy to understand for a
wider range of people with different level of expertise. Secondly, accessibility studies
involve the use of spatial indicators which perfectly deal with geo-referenced
representations. Thirdly, input data are bi-dimensional. Finally, the different
approaches to the study of accessibility do not cover the z-dimension, projecting all
the connections to the ground level.
The half of tools represents data by the use of areal aggregation, generally based on
the political boundaries of studied areas. This technique provides results highly
depending on the scale of aggregation, which is generally a balance between the
dimension of the area and the amount of data to consider.
Space syntax based tools (3/Spatial Integration Accessibility and 9/Measures of Street
Connectivity: Spatialist_Lines) use the road network to visualize the value associated to
their indicators. This allow to define the behaviour of each axis in relation to the whole
area, creating a well performing visualization for describing the relations among the
parts. Nevertheless, they seem more suitable in testing alternative project options
rather than generate useful information for project design. Also 8/RIM shows its
output by the use of coloured axes, but the overlapping of axes creates a confused
The point-based maps are used by just two tools and in a similar way but at different
scales. The 6/Contactibility tool uses elements of info-graphic to implement the
readability of very large scale map, generating a picture which well highlights the size
and location value clusters. On the other side 10/InViTo proposes a point output at
urban scale where points vary in colour and size according to indicator values.
The overview on tool shows that the techniques of visualization are not affected by the
scale of representation, but rather by the type of data aggregation.
Furthermore, in determining the required visualization approach it is first necessary to
understand the intended audience and what the planner hoped they will do when they
see the visualization. Among the accessibility tools presented in this report,
purposes of visualizations mostly focus on data explanation to high and medium
experts, with map-based knowledge. All the visual outputs, both concerning policy
support and scientific enquiry, provide representations which distil complex concepts
into simple maps and graphs helping people to understand spatial dimensions of key
accessibility statistics. Some visualizations use more artful techniques, which can be
helpful in facilitating engagement, but still remain knowledge-focused.
Most of the tools needs calculation times within the range of hours to days. Only one
tool (10/InViTo), allows data exploration, generally considered as the highest form of
data knowledge, by the use of interactive dynamic maps which work in real-time.
The majority of tools shows its outcomes with colours that refer to three common
techniques: the first is the traditional green-yellow-red scale, the second affords to
the different gradients of the same colour while the third uses the opposition between
red and blue to highlight the contrasts. This traditional approach to the use of colour
shows once again the purpose of these tools to provide results that can be understood
by the most of people and, in particular, to inform spatial planners on the capabilities
of an area to access another one or to be accessed.
Literature commonly agree in recognizing as a matter of fact that since spatial decision
processes have to deal with large number of actors, tasks and interests, the data
sharing and communication are essential in achieving decisional tasks (Van den Brink,
van Lammeren, van de Velde& Däne, 2007; MacEachren et al., 2004). The following
chapter describes a methodological instrument for managing data which aims at
supporting spatial decision-making processes by proposing a framework for data
knowledge. Principally based on Grasshopper, a free plug-in for McNeel’s Rhinoceros,
the Interactive Visualization Tool (InViTo) combines GIS data with CAD drawings and
raster images for generating interactive spatial visualizations. Since it is designed to
display in real time the relationships between the territory and planning choices, it is
particularly indicated for stimulating discussions and sharing information in
collaborative processes. Its high flexibility allows to use it in different case studies with
a variety of purposes and scales. Innovative elements in approaching spatial decision
processes are discussed.
In this context, a new methodology is presented for supporting the reasoning and
enhancing the awareness in spatial decision processes. Based on the interactive
visualization of spatial data such as GIS ones, the method will propose a system for
relating the questions to be solved with their spatial effect on land, thus allowing
discussions and sharing information among participants to decision processes.
Requisiti per soddisfare le necessità del processo
Scelta del metodo: InViTo
Interactive visualization: a methodology in planning studies
This modelling system allows many functions and uses. It correlates numerical and
qualitative values with their effects on spatial form providing a three-dimensional
spatial localization of planning choices so that it can be used to support multi-actor
processes. Since it relates each data to a spatial behaviour, it is used to investigate
alternative scenarios in wide areas planning processes. Furthermore, it visualizes
results in real time, providing a very useful tool for interact with the model during
workshops and focus groups.
The model can simulate functions and forms of a place in specific scenarios through
the application of complex mathematical formulas. It can also visually select data on
the basis of specific values and interact with them, highlighting the areas which
respond to particular requirements, thus improving the cognitive processes related to
cause-effect relationships. It can be set to produce relations, frameworks and
hierarchies among the elements of drawing, so each object can vary dependently on
the transformation of other ones.
This study focuses on the creation of a modelling system [5] to be used during focus
groups, workshops and meetings which works with McNeel’s “Rhinoceros” software, its
free plug-in “Grasshopper” and other scripts in Visual Basic language [6]. To use
shapefiles, or generally databases, this tool works together with Microsoft Excel and
support large sized databases.
The here proposed modeling system wants to improve the cognitive process through
an interactive framework, which combines different data in a complex structure of
relations and connections. Each data has assigned a spatial behaviour, which can be
described by mathematical formulas of different nature. Furthermore, each element of
drawing can be connected to others and produce an attractive or repulsive influence on
them. In order to provide awareness on the spatial effect of planning choices, all
functions among data within the model can be modified and set by users as decision
infrastructures, services and functions on different scales, as well as the suitability of a
specific feature or the weights of each connections among data.
Since this tool is based on parametric and generative features [7], the spatial behaviour
of data is represented by volumes and shapes that changes their form in a threedimensional environment. This tool can produce 3D shapes directly from databases
maintaining all their properties. Users can modify the values of specific issues and see
in real time the effects on urban shapes. The system can provide different kinds of
output as 3D models, 3D diagrams or dynamic maps, but it can also be used to
represent a large amount of thematic views, both spatial and non-spatial as suitability,
density or real estate values through different visualization techniques.
Planners and, more generally, decision makers can directly evaluate their large scale
choices as effects on small scale areas, improving their perception and knowledge on
urban dynamics.
This tool can be used to simulate and pre-figure “What if?” questions but, at the
moment, it does not support time dimension. While simulation models generally
provides a spatial output for each temporal step, it offers a vision of future outcomes
but not their temporal sequence. However, this lack showed to be an opportunity for
limiting misunderstanding because users do not use it as a “crystal ball” but, as it
might be, as an instrument for work and evaluate choices. Then, the temporal horizon
depends on the area and projects in which future is just the end state of a common
shared perspective.
Differently from typical land use simulator, this system can work directly on the real
land or urban shape, thus eliminating the questions concerning the sub-division of
areas in parcels, the approximation of distances and the orthogonalization of shapes.
L’integrazione fra i sistemi di valutazione multicriteria e le tecnologie GIS (Geographic
Information System) è un tema di ricerca in discussione oramai da più di venti anni
(Malczewski, 2006). Già nel 1988 Diamond e Wright affrontano l’argomento aprendo le
porte ad un filone che attualmente rientra nel panorama internazionale di diverse
discipline. Difatti, sia la valutazione multicriteria che le tecnologie GIS hanno avuto in
questi anni un grande sviluppo, generando al loro interno diversi ambiti di ricerca
relativi a specifiche metodologie di approccio ai fenomeni reali.
L’integrazione fra GIS e MCDA non viene solo dalla opportunità di basare le valutazioni
su dati largamente utilizzati nella descrizione del territorio come i dati GIS, ma anche
dalla necessità di visualizzare questi dati (Rinner, 2006; Lidouh et al,, 2009). Infatti,
molti dati sono di tipo spaziale o possono essere ricondotti ad una localizzazione
spaziale e pertanto distribuiti su una mappa.
Tra i numerosi esempi di applicazione che la letteratura tematica ci propone, la
visualizzazione dei dati provenienti da elaborazioni GIS ed affini si basa per lo più su
sistemi di modellazione generativa (Lammerenet al, 2008), ovvero strumenti che
producono automaticamente dei modelli 3D a partire da database e librerie di modelli
o tipologie di estrusione, attraverso l’assegnazione di attributi morfologici a specifici
elementi contenuti dei database di partenza. Tra questi strumenti, si possono ricordare
alcuni strumenti di pianificazione territoriale come “Community Viz” (Orton Family
Foundation and Placeways, LLC), e “Metroquest” (Envision Sustainability Tools Inc.).
Guardando alle tecnologie che lavorano alla scala territoriale, si trovano diversi sistemi
di visualizzazione a supporto della pianificazione, ma non con le caratteristiche
proprie della modellazione parametrica. Molti strumenti sono orientati a fornire una
pre-figurazione di forma (Masala et al,, 2005), accentuando il lato più estetico della
simulazione territoriale e, di fatto, tralasciando l’aspetto più tecnico-scientifico che
relaziona i dati di input con un determinato tipo di output. Pertanto in questi software,
la generazione delle forme produce immagini che poco contribuiscono alla lettura dei
dati, mantenendo il sistema di simulazione racchiuso all’interno di una scatola nera
(Latour, 1987). I modelli spaziali che ne derivano risultano un patchwork creato sulla
base di librerie di modelli (assegnazione di icone 3D a una maglia di punti in base ad 1
o 2 parametri specifici) o all’estrusione di shapefiles o a modelli generati direttamente
in ambienti GIS, come ESRI ArcMAp.
La vastità della scala di applicazione è tale per cui molti di questi software non
gestiscono le quantità di dati da processare. Inoltre i parametri attribuibili sono discreti
e molto spesso non possono essere modificati direttamente dall’utente finale; ci sono
sistemi che permettono all’utente finale di modificare i parametri interattivamente, ma
sempre all’interno di modelli generati da scatole nere che non permettono di valutare
effettivamente le relazioni di causa ed effetto che regolano le trasformazioni di un
Nel panorama internazionale si possono trovare numerose applicazioni di sistemi
generativi, che relazionano i modelli spaziali tridimensionali con database di diversa
entità; anche perché le ultime versioni di ArcMap della ESRI permettono attraverso
semplici comandi di generare questo tipo di prodotti. Pertanto la presentazione degli
esiti derivati dalle analisi territoriali risulta di facile accessibilità anche per coloro che
non si occupano di visualizzazione. Cosa diversa risulta l’esplorazione dei dati. Solo
attraverso un sistema interattivo, che permetta al singolo utente di gestire e di
analizzare contemporaneamente i dati e la loro visualizzazione, è possibile ottenere un
innalzamento del livello conoscitivo delle informazioni (MacEachren et al,, 2004).
Proprio attraverso un continuo scambio fra il modello e l’utente si ottiene ciò che può
essere definito come sistema di supporto al processo decisionale.
Al momento, nel panorama internazionale, pochi studi si avvicinano all’ottenimento di
un sistema realmente interattivo. Tra questi “Metroquest” permette all’utente di
selezionare dei range specifici per lo sviluppo di scenari progettuali all’interno di
ambiti già pre-calcolati, fornendo un tentativo di personalizzazione della simulazione.
Parallelamente, in un ambiente puramente bidimensionale, “Geovista” offre un sistema
per analizzare i dati in relazione alla loro posizione geografica attraverso il sistema
delle coordinate parallele. Mancano al momento sistemi che integrino la generazione
di forme con sistemi di simulazione o con funzioni parametriche che permettano agli
utenti di muoversi all’interno di scale di valori continui.
Grasshopper: A new approach to modelling
Nowadays, the process of decision making related to spatial topics can take advantage
of many software and hardware solutions during its different stages. A huge number of
products offer the possibility to visualize data and their attributes by the use of
different kind of technologies as for instance the Geographical Information Systems
(GIS), which are commonly used in managing geo-referenced data at urban and
regional scales, as well as Building Information Model (BIM) which are largely used to
investigate the whole lifecycle of smaller objects as single buildings or blocks.
Furthermore, technological development has brought out many different instruments
to analyse data by the use of tools as simulation or procedural models and to allow
easier applications of research methodologies as assessment techniques or data
mining. Many of these tools are easily available, often even freely accessible,
throughout the Web.
For these reasons, the study here presented assumed as first statement to not create a
new software, but to investigate existing ones to find the best fitting to specific
planning requirements. This research has been developed over a very wide range of
opportunities, without considering the boundaries given by sectorial studies neither
limiting the investigation to the tools appositely designed to support planning actions.
The task to achieve was to find a methodology or instrument which could allow to
manage and display a large number of data, variables and outputs with the possibility
to customize the entire process of analysis and representation in order to support
spatial decision processes. In particular, the list of requirements to satisfy included two
main components. The first concerns the user-data interaction as the path for
knowledge building (MacEachren et al., 2004) and it is expressed as the necessity to
have a tool able to work in real-time, creating immediate visual outputs in order to
allow a full interaction between users and data. The second regards the overcoming of
sectorial models towards a tool with a high flexibility that allows to adapt its
framework and goals to specific case studies. Then, it should be able to be set and
calibrated depending on the specificities of each case study in order to relate the area
of interest with the particular local dynamics, the specifies of the tasks to achieve and
the different expertise of audience.
After an overview on SDSS and some experiences in urban and regional planning by the
use of land-use and land-use transport interaction (LUTI) models, a general lack in
data visualization and interaction has emerged among the majority of these tools. The
continuous efforts of developers and technicians in building models able to reproduce
the complexity of urban systems have brought to the creation of instruments that only
partially solve the planning and decision making requirements. As a matter of fact, all
those elements, which concern the communication with users and among users too,
seem to be underestimated as mere representation of outcomes. A dichotomy between
model complexity and model usability rose up. While indexes and indicators can be
mathematically expressed by formulas also very complex, human minds need a linear
explanation of the cause-effect relationships. Therefore, surely models can include
mathematical equations but they also should explain in a
clear and easy way how
these calculations affect the model outcomes. This also is a common request by
planners, who still ask for more transparent and communicative models. Then, the
research of a tool for support spatial decision processes was more oriented in finding
an instrument which could allow data management and work by the interactive use of
spatial data visualization (i.e. geovisualization). In addition to these elements, this tool
should consent the simple explanation of steps which bring an input to become an
output, allowing users to enter in the model and understand its working framework as
well as become aware of the modality by which results are produced.
The choice has been to combine and integrate some specificities of few existing tools.
The first tool is Microsoft Excel, chosen for generally managing datasheets coming
from different sources. The second is McNeel Rhinoceros, which is a three-dimensional
modelling software commonly used in architecture and industrial design, while the
third instrument is Grasshopper, a free plug-in of Rhinoceros. This last tool is a visual
data manager that allows user to create shapes using generative algorithms. It can
include different kind of input such as numeric, textual and audio-visual, but it can
also read from different formats and sources as CAD drawings, GIS data, raster images
and datasheets.
At a first sight, this preference could seem not so suitable to dealing with planning and
decision-making questions because of the scale of application. Rhinoceros and
Grasshopper are commonly used at smaller scales as well as the building, furniture and
even jewellery scales, while this research makes use of them in large scale studies.
However, this challenge is justified by many reasons.
First of all, the choice of use Rhinoceros with Grasshopper instead of other tools
derives from a particular feature, that is their combined use produces a generative
instrument. The consequence is that shapes are not drawn as in traditional CAD
modelling, but automatically created by a sequence of pre-defined steps. This means
that data are related to a visual shape through a series of actions to complete. These
actions can be expressed by a mathematical equation or a geometrical transformation
which define how each data raw must be represented. At the same time, the
integration of Rhinoceros with Grasshopper can provide each drawn item with
parametric features, so that each component of the file can be modified by changing
the values of parameters that generate its shape. A sequence of functions and links
among all the input objects provides a data framework similar to a flowchart which can
be modified at any time. Each link among all the elements is filtered by a mathematical
function that defines how the singular component acts in the space dimension and
determines its influence on each other elements.
Then, two main elements are defined: firstly, a spatial interaction among the parts of
the drawing and secondly, the specific spatial behaviour of each element.
A further element to consider is that each 2D or 3D model built in Grasshopper is easy
to customize using common scripting languages like C#, Python or VB.
Furthermore, the decision of developing this method stems from the need of analysing
large amount of spatial data through visual forms, in order to use a language which
overcomes a great number of barriers as these related to the nationality of actors
involved, or these due to individual backgrounds and expertise. In this sense, the
geometrical approach of 3D modelling tool results very suitable for managing data
through visual forms. Other benefits are related to the possibility of dealing the work
with data coming from different sources and formats. This remarks the importance of
using software as Rhinoceros and Grasshopper which are able to work with different
inputs and, overall, provide the possibility to work on maps, thus facilitating the
addiction and overlapping of data.
As consequence of all these features, the framework of the combined use of
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper results dynamic and interactive. The choices of users
modify outputs in real time according to rules described with algorithms. This shows
to be one of the key component which allows the tool to be used in context of
discussions and debates, where the quick response to specific queries is essential to
feed human minds with higher level of awareness. Settings can be managed in real
time, but overall, they can be displayed and showed to actors involved in planning
process in order to modify the values of indicators, parameter indexes or size/curve of
influence on the basis of experts’ evaluations and choices.
Because of these particularities, the resulting model shows to be fully transparent.
Each connections among the elements can be visually explained and analysed, allowing
constant and rapid modifications and corrections. Furthermore, due to its framework,
the phase of calibration and validation of models can be realized in real time during
meetings, focus groups or workshop which are part of spatial decision processes.
Appositely programmed meetings can be organized involving different experts in order
to decide the working of the model in a collaborative approach. In this way, two tasks
are achieved. As first result, the model becomes more appropriate to reproduce real
local phenomena because fruit of a knowledge gathered among the expertise of actors
As second effect, actors who take part to the construction of the model have a higher
level of awareness on both possibilities and limitations given by the tool. On the basis
of level of participation, other two consequences might follow to this second effect. On
the one hand, the experts’ knowledge, achieved along several years and in a qualitative
way, can be used to implement the model. On the other, the awareness of actors
makes the model outcomes be trusted, but also refused, for their effective meaning,
preventing misunderstandings in indexes and measures.
Open data e Google Earth
The methodological system built by these software is named Interactive Visualization
Tool (InViTo).
The system works directly on a visual interface, providing interactive views which
visualize in real time the effects of decision making on urban form and can be used to
support large scale planning processes. InViTo make use of parametric and generative
features of Grasshopper for studying large areas and support their planning through
interactive visualizations. InViTo aims to make the user able to expand his / her
knowledge through a continuous visual communication, which links actors to 2D or3D
models. This methodological instrument can be set to provide different kind of
representations, from the symbolic and abstract exemplifications to the photo-realistic
and more intuitive pictures. Outputs are geovisualization which can be built depending
on the basis of audience expertise, tasks of the study and specific preferences related
to purposes and tasks to be achieved. They can be as simple as bi-dimensional maps,
or more complex as symbolic three-dimensional diagrams which cover large areas.
Outputs can be visualized in Rhinoceros viewports as well as in the virtual globe of
Google Earth, where an interactive interface allows to customize not only layers and
colours, but also contents, indexes and parameters. At the same time real time
visualization can be freezed on generic raster images (as *.jpg or *.png), in threedimensional models as much as Rhinoceros export options (for instance *.3ds, *.dxf
orb*.stl.), but also in geo-referenced database as shapefiles. This high compatibility
allows to use each generated volumes to create any kind of spatial file, providing a
large amount of possible applications.
At the moment, the workflow that allows the model to run is not easy to build, and an
expert in Grasshopper and GIS is required. Also the reading of this workflow is not
immediate to understand, however, if shortly explained, it can be simply understood,
so that the model framework can be made explicit in a clearly and transparent manner.
The interface by which users can set the model is included in the workflow, so the
interaction with input data and settings is generally managed by a technician, but new
solutions are in study, which can made possible the individual use of communication
devices for interacting with the model. In particular, InViTo intends to open the “black
boxes” (Latour, 1987) of simulation to the actors involved in decisional processes,
making them really interact with the model and its settings, by the use of interactive
devices as tangible screens and remote control devices as smartphones or laptops.
However, the direct linear connection between input data and output images is very
helpful in allowing the comprehension of the model. The visual changes that occur in
real time when input data are modified by actors involved, strengthens this intuition in
understanding the model working, making evident the relations between individual
choices and effects on space.
Due to its characteristics of flexibility, the tool can be adapted to different spatial
models and applied to several applications and in different fields of research. InViTo
does not pretend to provide spatial forecasting neither the optimal solutions to
problems as results of complex formulas in which a large amount of parameters are
called to interact as happens in the real world. On the contrary, InViTo aims to support
the reasoning in spatial decision-making processes through the breaking up of
problems into simple elements. Each aspect of reality can be analysed and discussed
as part of a whole as well as separately from other questions, depending on the
formulation of case study. The same happens for its visualization, its spatial effect can
be visualized as distinct component acting independently in a tabula rasa, as well as it
can be displayed in its context and mediated with its surrounding.
InViTo is based on Grasshopper, a free plug-in working on McNeel’s “Rhinoceros”,
which is a 3D modeling software generally used in architecture design. Grasshopper
generates parametric shapes through the use of different kind of inputs such as GIS
data, databases, raster and vector files allowing high compatibility with the largest
number of software generally used by technicians involved in planning processes.
InViTo makes use of scripts in Visual Basic language to customize Grasshopper
components. The structure of Grasshopper allows to create a complex structure of
links among different shapes, which InViTo uses to build specific models for each case
study. InViTo organizes information in order to provide in real time a visual outcome of
relationships among spatial objects. It provides both 2D and 3D outputs as dynamic
maps or volumetric diagrams, which can show the spatial whole ensemble as well as
highlight the behaviour of single elements or clusters of elements at both micro and
macro scale. Data can be presented as an abstract visualization offering a conceptual
view of spatial dynamics, thus allowing users to analyse spatial information in a
symbolic way, but also with photo-realistic features. Moreover, visualizations can be
set choosing among a wide range of visual outputs in order to better meet the level of
expertise of the actors involved in the debate. Visualizations can be displayed not only
in Rhino environment, but also in a virtual globe such as Google Earth.
Thanks to this visual interactive framework, by which users can work in real time with
information, InViTo is a tool conceived as Planning Support System for aiding actors
involved in strategy definition to share information and be aware on spatial questions.
In particular, InViTo aims to provide some innovations in approaching planning
First of all, InViTo uses visualization as the basis for structuring problems in order to
exploit the properties of visual languages for creating a common grammar among the
participants to the planning processes.
Second, InViTo focuses on the possibility to interact with data, thus generating
different advantages. In fact, on the one hand the opportunity to change input data in
a model increases knowledge and awareness on spatial topics and project tasks,
allowing actors to fully go into the problem. On the other, it enhances discussions and
debates, supporting theme with a shared picture of the main elements to consider.
Third, InViTo looks for models simple and transparent. It avoids black box approach as
well as complicated relationships among the elements. These characteristics of many
land use and transport simulation models produce mistrust on them by planners and
policy-makers. On the contrary, InViTo is based on linear connections among spatial
elements as defined by the flowchart structure of Grasshopper. It allows users to enter
the model and evaluate its behaviour, validate, change and customize it.
One further feaure of InViTo is flexibility. Common land-use and transport model are
based on a specific framework which difficultly can be adapted to single case study.
These can often be used only for specific applications, as only land-use optimization
or accessibility analysis and at specific scales (Batty, 2007). Since InViTo is a method
for managing data, a model is built for each specific case allowing a full customization
in order to deal with the purpose of application, its scale and planning requests. Its
flexibility concerns also the compatibility with different file formats so that it can use
database, GIS data, raster and vector files as input.
Finally InViTo can be applied respecting the morphological feature of spatial elements.
Many models use gridcells to calculate the values on an area. InViTo too can work with
discrete values of space, but it can also use the real shape of urban spaces, allowing an
easier comprehension of localization of displayed data.
Funzionamento del metodo
Innovazioni date dal metodo
The research described in this paper investigates a three-dimensional modelling
system intended to combine visualization tools with GIS technologies, in order to
create a shared common language which could be able to support wide area planning
processes. The outcome of the ongoing research is InViTo (Interactive Visualization
Tool), a modelling system able of displayingin real time the relationships between the
territory and planning choices. It is designed to stimulate discussion and communicate
information through the management of a great variety of data (describing the status
quo as well as the status futurus) and the visualization of the results of different
Nowadays, in urban and regional planning, decisions must consider a large amount of
variables such as economic sustainability, citizens’ needs, market requirements,
environmental aspects, development opportunities or city plan rules. Furthermore,
many professionals, politicians and citizens representatives are called to take part in
the planning process (Van den Brink, 2007; MacEachren, 2004), which involves
different kinds of actors, usually coming from different disciplines, speaking different
languages and holding different interests.
The personal background and technical skills of each actor engaged in planning
process can limit the comprehension of data proposed during the discussion. Due to
the complexity of the issue and the technical gap between technicians in charge of
planning and actors involved in decision making processes, some information could be
lost and ignored during the debate.
Experience demonstrates that visualization increases the assessment capability and the
comprehension of urban dynamics during the decision process (Simao et al, 2009).
Andrienko, 2007) provide many tools based on visual communication for enabling
intuitive perception capabilities and improving information sharing among many users.
Visualization enables intuitive knowledge and can be a fruitful method to make
decision makers aware of the elements under discussion, but it must be calibrated on
different capabilities of the involved actors in reading maps and diagrams.
The outcome of the ongoing research is InViTo (Interactive Visualization Tool), a
modelling system usable both to manage and visualize data, created to promote
awareness and discussion. Real time interaction and high customizability are key
elements for the usability and efficiency of the instrument.
Literature on Planning Support System (PSS) and Decision Support System (DSS) shows
that several factors hamper their use in daily planning practice (TeBrömmelstroet,
2010; Couclelis 2005). In this sense InViTo has been designed to overcome many
questions emerged from the use of different land-use simulation tools, mostly based
on Cellular Automata (CA) and Agent-Based simulators (ABS). In particular, InViTo aims
to provide some innovation in specific aspects described hereafter.
Interactivity. The introduction of interactive features generates a lot ofadvantages. First
of all, users can define the behaviour of model in a fully transparent way. Secondly, it
increases awareness on spatial topics and project tasks. Thirdly, it enhances
discussions on themes and support debates, achieving the main purpose of PSS and
DSS. As a result, planners can act on the model and use it for their purposes.
Flexibility. Land use models as CA or ABS ones are based on general models which do
not respect the particularity of places and purposes of each project. InViTo aims to
allow users to customize the model on the basis of their land characters and their
project requirements. Flexibility is one of the main purpose of this tool which provides
a new model for each specific case. Different use can be made of it, as well as
economic and environmental assessments (Lami et al., 2011), accessibility evaluations,
land use configurations and allocations. Moreover, the scale of application can vary
dependently on spatial size. Furthermore, this tool is compatible with many software
extensions and can use as input database, GIS data, raster and vector files.
Avoiding black boxes. Land use and transport simulation models are based on rules
previously determined by technicians and modellers. Inputs are transformed in outputs
by following a set of different steps completely unknown to planners, who must trust
on these models. This “black box” approach (Latour, 1987) makes simulation tools very
difficult to understand for non-technical users so that planners prefer other solutions.
For these reasons, InViTo aims to build models together with users, allowing them to
set parameters, weights and rules for determining the functioning of each model. It
explains its working system and asks users to manage it.
Respect of land form. Generally, to improve calculations, land use models simplifies
land morphology through the splitting of workspace in regular gridcells. Dependently
on project area size, these cells vary their dimension. Recent updating introduced
irregular-form cells but maintained discrete values of space. This practice caused a
high abstraction of real spatial form, bringing planners to complain about the
definitive loss of Genius Loci in spatial design. InViTo can work with discrete values of
space, but it does not need it. Shapes and areas can be evaluated on continuous scale,
fully respecting their real form. This opportunity eliminates a level of abstraction in
reasoning, allowing planners to elaborate spatial issues on punctual data. Differently
from other simulators, it can works on attractive and repulsive influence also with
items that has no spatial proximity. Through mathematical formulas, also very
complex, items can interact and be related with specific rules.
InViTo is based on McNeel’s “Rhinoceros” software integrated by its free plug-in
“Grasshopper” and other scripts in Visual Basic language. It generates parametric
shapes through the use of different kind of inputs such as GIS data, databases, raster
and vector files allowing high compatibility with the largest number of software
generally used by technicians involved in planning processes. Through a complex
structure of links among different shapes, InViTo organizes information in order to
provide in real time a visual outcome of relationships among choices and spatial
effects. In this way, planners and, more generally, decision makers can directly
evaluate their large scale choices as effects on small scale areas, improving their
perception and knowledge on urban dynamics.
Thanks to this visual interactive framework, by which users can work in real time with
information, InViTo is well suited to be used during focus groups, workshops,
meetings and public debates. For this purpose, it offers a wide range of visual outputs
which can be previously decided in order to better meet the level of expertise of the
actors involved in the debate. The tool provides both 2D and 3D outputs as dynamic
maps or volumetric diagrams, which can show the spatial whole ensemble as well as
highlight the behaviour of single elements or clusters of elements at both micro and
macro scale. Data can be presented as an abstract visualization offering a conceptual
view of spatial dynamics, thus allowing users to analyze spatial information in a
symbolic way.
Since data can be geo-referenced, output can be displayed not only in Rhino
environment, but also in a virtual globe such as Google Earth.
Validazione del metodo
A survey about visualization and its use, distributed among the participants to one of
the workshop at *** of ***, provided important feedback for the improvement of the
system. Despite most of the comments were positive and satisfied, someone of the
participants asked for more explanation of the language used by the visualization.
Dynamic maps resulted a good way to communicate spatial information, but the high
level of abstraction has introduced a new grammar in reading maps. This showed to be
a difficult step to overpass especially for people with technical expertise in GIS
management. In fact, this kind of background which makes use of maps in a
deterministic way, results as the stronger to lead to a conceptual representation. For
this reason, some actors requested a more detailed explanation of visualization
In general, InViTo has been recognized by the most of participants as very useful in
real planning process while all participants evaluated it as an useful tool for sharing
information, knowledge building and supporting the discussion.
Data visualization survey zurigo dic 2011: test di utilizzo di invito
What do you think about this kind of visualization? Any suggestions?
Visualized comparison / difference between scenarios
More detailed description of scenarios
Lots of explanation needed in order to guarantaee that decisions are really supported
As long as the input is scientifically sufficient, the output use of the tool is useful.
Good ideas? Explained in an adequate manner. Depends on attendants.
What do you think about visualizing ANP or other assessment techniques? Is this
approach useful? Can it improve the planning process?
Yes, it can. But it is a very demanding approach in terms of expert time for preparation.
Criteria have it clear, idem for scenario. Suggestion: develop with some stakeholder before had
Approach is ?; improvement at planning processes
Yes, need practice
Lots of explanation needed in order to guarantaee that decisions are really supported
Yes, especially for discussions and understanding
Visualization in general helps to understand spatial effect
Could improve planning processes, depends on kind of auditorium (planners, politicians or normal
If you think that visualization can improve planning process, do you think that these
dynamic maps are useful or other ways of visualization are needed?
dynamic maps
other visualization by dynamic maps
other visualizations
L’applicazione a differenti casi studio e a diverse scale – Diverse applicazioni
per studiare il Corridoio 24 Genova-Rotterdam – Il caso studio di Asti nel
progetto CircUse (Circular Flow Land Use Management) - COST Action TU1002
sull’accessibilità - COST Action TU0801sulla modellazione 3D –Lo studio sulla
zona nord dell’area metropolitana di Torino.
Fino a questo momento, InViTo è stato utilizzato per studiare differenti casi studio con
differenti modalità di utilizzo e a diverse scale. L’ampiezza dello spettro delle sue
possibilità di applicazione mostra la sua flessibilità ed elasticità a diversi usi.
Nel progetto europeo CoDe24, InViTo è stato utilizzato per visualizzare attraverso
delle mappe dinamiche le questioni poste dalla Analytic Network Process (ANP) durante
eventi collaborativi come workshop e focus group di esperti, in stretta collaborazione
con l’Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione(SiTI) e l’ETH di Zurigo,
presso il quale sono stati fisicamente attuati gli incontri con esperti internazionali.
Tramite una localizzazione simbolica degli effetti a lungo termine delle decisioni prese
dai decisori partecipanti agli eventi, le mappe sono state utilizzate come base per
intavolare la discussione sui costi e benefici delle operazioni oggetto della discussione.
Il progetto ha interessato diverse aree lungo il corridoio Genova – Rotterdam,
individuate come aree critiche per lo sviluppo del corridoio. Ciascun caso studio ha
coinvolto attori locali con diverse professionalità ed expertise, ed ha avuto lo scopo di
condurre la discussione su ragionamenti condivisi al fine di ottenere una conoscenza
comune sulle questioni da affrontare. I diversi casi hanno preso in considerazione non
solo aree geografiche diverse, ma anche scale molto differenti, dalla metropolitana,
alla regionale fino a quella internazionale che ha coinvolto tutte le nazioni attraversate
dal corridoio 24.
Nel progetto europeo CircUse (Circular Flow Land Use Management), InViTo è stato
utilizzato per analizzare e valutare diversi possibili usi per le aree dismesse nella città
di Asti. Lo strumento è stato impostato per esaminare l’appetibilità di queste aree
industriali dismesse verso nuove funzioni ed usi sulla base dei costi di bonifica, delle
questioni legate all’ambiente ma anche al paesaggio, alla localizzazione delle aree
verdi, all’accessibilità, ai trasporti ed ai servizi commerciali.
Un’altra applicazione di InViTo è stata utilizzata per valutare l’accessibilità ai trasporti
pubblici in aree urbane. Questo caso studio è parte di una ricerca tuttora in corso che
prende parte all’azione COST TU1002 sugli strumenti per lo studio dell’accessibilità. Il
primo test, descritto in questo capitolo, è stato realizzato sulla città di Torino per
valutare il livello di accessibilità pedonale ai trasporti pubblici ed ai servizi pubblici
urbani come scuole e parchi sulla base delle maglia stradale.
Sempre all’interno del circuito COST, InViTo è stato utilizzato all’interno di un’altra
sustainableurbandevelopment.In collaborazione con la Faculty of Architecture della
UniversitySts. Cyril and Methodius di Skopje, Macedonia e l’Institute of Architecture
and new Media della Graz University of Technology, Austria, si è sviluppata
un’applicazione per studiare la localizzazione delle aree con maggiore appetibilità
all’interno del quartiere Taftalidze di Skopje. Lo studio ha generato una base per lo
sviluppo di uno studio più approfondito della città di Skopje, una realtà in cui diverse
culture convivono e, con esse, differenti approcci al disegno del territorio.
Per ultimo, InViTo è stato utilizzato come strumento di studio dell’area metropolitana
nord di Torino per valutarne le progettualità in corso. In particolare, è stato preso in
esame il rapporto tra funzione residenziale ed accessibilità al trasporto pubblico
(ferrovia, metropolitana, bus) e privato (autostrade e corsi urbani) sulla scala urbana.
CODE24 è l’acronimo per Corridor 24 Development e identifica un progetto europeo
parte di un Interreg IVB NEW Project, nel quale è coinvolto come partner l’Istituto
Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione (SiTI) di Torino. Scopo del progetto è
lo studio su prospettive di medio lungo termine dello sviluppo del corridoio 24, ovvero
del corridoio appartenente alla rete TEN-T che collega il porto di Rotterdam sul mare
del Nord col mediterraneo portodi Genova, attraverso diverse modalità di traffico via
terra (rete autostradale e ferroviaria) e via acqua (rete fluviale). Il progetto è incentrato
sull’interconnessione dello sviluppo economico con la pianificazione territoriale,
trasportistica ed ecologica di tutte le maggiori aree economiche europee che vengono
attraversate da questo asse nord-sud, coinvolgendo diverse nazioni quali i Paesi Bassi,
la Germania, la Confederazione Svizzera e l’Italia.Una scala internazionale il cui bacino
d’utenza comprende 70 milioni di abitanti.
L’obiettivo del progetto CODE24 è quello di coordinare una strategia transnazionale
per rafforzare lo sviluppo del corridoio e la sua capacità di trasporto garantendone
contemporaneamente benefici economici, integrazione territoriale e riducendone gli
impatti ambientali negativi sia sulla scala locale che quella regionale. Il progetto si
propone di operare sul traffico merci ferroviario, che al giorno d’oggi equivale a 700
milionitons/year, ovveroal 50% del traffico merci nord-sud, e sui bottleneck che ne
ostacolano la circolazione e di promuovere la partecipazione e cooperazione tra i
maggiori stakeholder, in modo tale da rafforzare le potenzialità dell’asse.
Numerose sono le progettualità che coinvolgono quest’asse. Alcune di queste sono già
concluse, come il tunnel del Lötschberg, aperto nel 2007, altre in conclusione quello
del Gottardo, la cui apertura è prevista per il 2017, ma tante devono ancora essere
definite e progettate.
Il progetto è suddiviso in quattro Work Package (WP) che contengono un totale di
quindici azioni. I casi studio riportati in questo capitolo sono stati realizzati all’interno
di tre delle quattro azioni di cui è composto il primo WP, il cui obiettivo è realizzare la
cooperazione internazionale sul tema dello sviluppo ferroviario e degli insediamenti
attraverso la costruzione di un pensiero e di una strategia comune per lo sviluppo del
“Railway and settlement development: Elaboration of a joint concept for
the corridor development. Definition of an action programme identifying
the most relevant projects and investments needed in order to achieve a
jointly carried functional and operational scenario for the corridor.
Identification of crucial spatial development areas which could be
influenced by activities within the Corridor, including the interregional
dependencies arising from different possible development perspectives.”
(ERDF EuropeanTerritorialCooperation 2007-2013, 2010)
Il WP1 del progetto richiede pertanto di studiare ed esaminare differenti opzioni di
sviluppo per le aree di maggiore interesse lungoil corridoio, definendo le priorità per
ottenere un piano di azioni utili a raggiungere un determinato scenario. I casi studio
riportati nei paragrafi successivi descrivono parte del lavoro svolto da SiTI, l’Istituto
Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione costituito nel 2002 dal Politecnico di
Torino insieme alla Compagnia di San Paolo. Coinvolto nel progetto come partner
principale di numerose azioni e come Action Leader dell’Azione 2 del WP1, SiTI è stato
incaricato di sviluppare uno strumento di visualizzazione dinamico ed interattivo di
dati spaziali. Per rispondere alle specifiche di questo bando, SiTI ha promosso l’utilizzo
di InViTo, ovvero dello strumento di visualizzazione oggetto di questa tesi di ricerca,
permettendone contemporaneamente lo sviluppo ed il perfezionamento. InViTo è stato
utilizzato nella realizzazione del lavoro richiesto dalle azioni 2, 3 e 4 del WP1 del
bando, di cui vengono qui di seguito, descritte le specifiche.
La richiesta specifica del bando per la realizzazione dell’azione 2 è la seguente:
Development of a visualisation tool, for interactive and dynamic
scenarios simulations as a complementary application of theCorridor
Information System (see Action 1). Aim of the tool is to supply an
effective communication instrument between the planningcommunity
and non-expert stakeholders, enabling simultaneous visualisation of the
different impacts of choices regarding railway andspatial development
on the regions along the corridor and make evident the benefits of their
coordination. The tool will focus on thecombination of the different
aspects influencing the decision-making concerning spatial and
infrastructure development […].(idem)
Inoltre, viene richiesto che lo studio sia portato avanti attraverso lo studio di scenari
rappresentativi di:
“important planning decisions on operational concepts,logistics and
spatial development.”(idem)
I temi da considerare per l’analisi e la valutazione dei diversi scenari comprendono
diverse discipline e richiedono lo studio di:
an integrated assessment of needed investments and expected costs;
impacts in terms of generated mobility demand;
impacts on spatial development possibilities;
effects on the efficiency of the freight transport system;
environmental compatibility.
Per l’attuazione dell’azione 2, il bando richiede la realizzazione di tre workshop con
pianificatori esperti provenienti dalle autorità locali per testare e verificare l’usabilità
dello strumento in differenti contesti locali, ambienti di lavoro e con diverse
prescrizioni normative / legislative. Il bando prevede anche che l’oggetto della
visualizzazione sia utilizzato interattivamente durante i workshop come base per la
discussione tra i partner di progetto e gli stakeholder.
La realizzazione delle richieste dell’azione 2 è stata permessa dallo sviluppo ed
utilizzo di InViTo, che è stato in grado di supportare l’adattamento a diverse scale e a
differenti studi disciplinari.
Inoltre, la strutturazione di InViTo sulla base del sistema della paircomparisontipica dei
questionari ANP, ha permesso di fornire gli strumenti adatti alla realizzazione delle
azioni 3 e 4. In particolare, per l’azione 3, il bando richiede di valutare differenti
scenari ed alternative di progetto tramite l’utilizzo di strumenti e risultati forniti dal
completamento delle altre azioni al fine di creare un punto di vista comune su tutto il
partenariato partecipante al progetto.
“Aim of the action is to assume a shared position by the project
futurecorridor development. The assessment will be based on the
application of a set of tools and focus on the evaluation of the outputs
ofdifferent Actions. It will produce a rating of the different scenarios
produced according
involvedstakeholders and therefore enable to define the key elements of
a common strategy.”(idem)
Ulteriore richiesta del bando è che venga realizzato un ranking di scenari attraverso
l’uso della tecnica di valutazione nota come ANP (Analytic Network Process)(Saaty,
2001; 2005; 2006), in modo tale strutturare un ragionamento sulla valutazione di
diversi scenari e permetterne l’utilizzo da parte dei decisori pubblici e privati coinvolti
nel processo valutativo.
Per questo motivo, InViTo è stato strutturato per integrare l’ANP con un sistema di
visualizzazione dinamico ed interattivo che permettesse di visualizzare le questioni
sollevate dai questionari ANP ed aiutasse i decisori a collocare spazialmente gli effetti
delle proprie decisioni.
In this case, geo-visualization is used as a technique to support MCDA, through the
creation of a more intuitive language which can really improve the cognitive process of
involved actors. Data knowledge process is then improved by two main factors: the
localization of information, which defines the spatial position of data; and the relation
cause-effect that occurs between actors' decisions and spatial forms which change
their shapes in real time together with the variation of DMs' wills [Masala, 2009].
Seguendo il metodo ANP e riproducendo tutto il suo processo valutativo, InViTo è stato
impostato per localizzare simbolicamente gli effetti delle risposte date dai partecipanti
ai workshop o focus group secondo la struttura BOCR, ovvero Benefici, Opportunità,
Costi e Rischi, relativa a temi economici, ambientali, sociali, trasportistici e territoriali.
Con questa struttura, InViTo è stato utilizzato per effettuare la visualizzazione e
valutazione di dati, nonché per approfondire il ragionamento e la condivisione delle
conoscenze in diverse situazioni concernenti aree attraversate dal corridoio 24 e
individuate dalla Action 1 come cruciali.
La prima applicazione, quella sulla Betuwe Line, è stata fatta come caso pilota
all’interno dell’azione 4 del WP1, dove un Test-Planning è stato richiesto per
collaborazione con un gruppo internazionale formato da studenti delle scuole di
dottorato partecipanti al progetto, si è partecipato con InViTo alla costruzione della
proposta fatta da uno dei tre planning team partecipanti al test, rispondendo appieno
alle richieste del bando:
“Preparation of Pilot Actions. Definition of tasks for the implementation
of informal planning procedure (Test Planning). A Testplanningprocess
is an innovative and participative planning procedure, which allows in a
short time to come to sustainable solutions tocomplex spatial conflicts.
The procedure will involve local planning authorities, experts and 3
planning teams. The teams will be invitedthrough a competitive setting
to produce innovative solutions to a spatial problem along the corridor
where investments are needed. Theprocedure creates the conditions to
proceed with direct investments. A Pilot application is planned in the city
of Wesel (DE), selected bythe project partners as a significant example of
EuropeanTerritorialCooperation 2007-2013, 2010)
Nei prossimi paragrafi verranno descritte le applicazioni svolte tra il 2010 e il 2012
relative ai casi studiodella Betuwe Line, di Bellinzona, dell’area Francoforte sul Meno –
Mannheim, e dello studio svolto sull’intero corridoio Genova-Rotterdam.
Il progetto CODE24 si pone quindi su una scala internazionale con una prospettiva
temporale di medio e lungo termine.
Betuwe Line (NL – D)
Informal planning procedure (Test Planning): Wesel The project is strategic for the
corridor development providing the missingcapacity between the recently implemented
BetuweLinie in Holland and the German network.
In order to activate the needed consensus around a proposal, a Test Planning
procedure will be applied. Goal of the procedure is to testproject alternatives able to
increase the capacity of the line, solving the technical feasibility and embedding the
line in the settlementarea. Therefore the following topics are central:
chances and risks for freight traffic on the line section between Oberhausen
and Wesel
options and effects of retrofitting the rail-network for the forecasted freight
in-depth assessment of future impacts along the line Oberhausen-Emmerich
The procedure will involve local planning authorities, experts and stakeholders that
will be asked to join the Accompanying group that willassess the proposals. Outcome
of the procedure, together with the projects developed by the 4 teams, will be the
recommendationsproduced by the Accompanying group that will outline the strategic
guidelines for the coordination of the infrastructure and spatialdevelopment.
In depth survey document and task definition.
• “Test planning” procedure with sample of different solutions: The procedure will be
implemented in about four to six months; in this time 4 to 5 workshops will be carried
on, where the teams will present their proposals to the accompanying group. Each
planning team will produce a project solution at different scales; material outcomes
will be the projects‘ posters and presentations and a written report.
Further studies on problems/themes arisen during the pilot process: if needed in order
to support the procedure, the Accompanying Group could ask for specific studies or
up-dated information to external experts or research institutes. The produced
outcomes will be made available to the project partners.
Recommendations to political authorities on priorities and criteria for further
infrastructure investments. The recommendations developed by the Accompanying
group will be communicated and discussed with the political representatives and to the
citizens during public meetings. A communication strategy will be developed in order
to spread and consolidate the consensus around the needed investments. Components
of the strategy will be brochures, handouts and multi-media information supports.
Special local events will be organised, like e.g. an Info-point container on site.
This framework have been used in different workshops and focus groups (fig.3) for the
assessment of a few bottlenecks and critical areas along the Corridor 24
The resulting outcome is an interactive visual comparison among the elements
affecting each scenario (fig.2), which change their shape and volume in real time
according to the weights given by the involved actors to each question posed by the
ANP structure. In this case, both 2D and 3D views have been used in order to provide
two sorts of information for each different scenario. The top view has been used to
locate on a map the expected effects of actors’ choices, while the perspective has been
fundamental to show the intensity of these effects depending on the weights given by
ANP and Geo-visualization tools are here applied to study a German section of
Corridor 24, Genoa-Rotterdam.
The German railway system in the Ruhr Region needs to be implemented to upgrade
the connectivity between the German city of Oberhausen and the Dutch borders.
Nowadays freight transports coming from the port of Rotterdam pass by Venlo in the
Netherlands, cutting out the areas along Rhine river and making BetuweLijne railway
In the framework of Corridor 24 development, the changes in the transport system
across the borders between Netherlands and Germany imply a new spatial
configuration for the areas of Northern West Germany. Therefore, the case study
analyzes various possibilities for upgrading the connectivity of the areas. The spatial
dimension is very large to study at once, then the analysis will be conducted through
proposing the same scenarios for different smaller areas to related focus groups. This
paper shows the study concerning the area of Wesel, in which are involved three main
partners of the "Code24 project": SiTI - Politecnico di Torino (Italy), ETH of Zurich (CH),
University of Duisburg-Essen (D) and Universiteit of Utrecht (NL).
The German Railway Company (DeutcheBahn) requires a low costs intervention in order
to increase the number of train passing along the BetuweLijne. Two scenarios have
been proposed by main actors. The first option suggests just an improvement of
existing rail tracks through the increasing of railway signalling number. Thus, the
amount of train per day can increase without the need of building noise barriers. In
this case task is achieved with low costs. The second option refers to the possibility to
add a third track passing along the existing ones for high speed trains. Since this
solution involves many towns, it implies the elimination of the numerous grade
crossings and the building of noise barriers.
A third scenario has been suggested by a set of academic workshops parallel to Code
24 sessions. This alternative moved the interest of some actors, so it can be assumed
as possible solution. It proposes the use of an existing but unused track that bypasses the BetuweLijne between Wesel and Oberhausen through the countryside. This
deviation would connect the BetuweLijne with the port on Rhine of Wesel, which
constitutes also an important waterline for freight transports towards Rotterdam and
Berlin too.
Then, many possibilities exist for upgrading transportation. Each of these alternative
options has to be studied through the ANP technique in order to obtain a ranking of
solutions. Table 1 illustrates the three alternatives considered in applying ANP.
Tabella 2. Alternatives for improving the rail line in the Ruhr Region
Option 0
Option 1
Option 2
Improvement of existing "Betuwe" rail line: no new railway is
created. Only railway signalling is increased in order to improve the
number of trains.
Addiction of a third track in the German stretch of Betuwe railway
line, which runs through many towns, making necessary the creation
of noise barriers for the passage of high speed and the elimination of
many grade crossings.
Freight transports leave the railway passing by Venlo and use the
Betuwe rail line until Wesel, where an existing but unused by-pass
has to be restored in order to connect Wesel with both its port on
Rhein and Oberhausen through the countryside.
ANP and Geo-visualization tools are here applied to study a German section of
Corridor 24, Genoa-Rotterdam. The German railway system in the Ruhr Region needs
to upgrade the connectivity between the German city of Oberhausen and the Dutch
border. In the framework of Corridor 24 development, the changes in the transport
system across the borders between the Netherlands and Germany imply a new spatial
configuration for the areas of Northwest Germany. Therefore, the case study analyzes
various possibilities for upgrading the connectivity of the areas. The spatial dimension
is very large to study as a whole, so the analysis will be conducted through proposing
the same scenarios for different smaller areas to related focus groups. This paper
shows the study concerning the area of Wesel, in which four partners of the "Code24
project" are involved: SiTI - Politecnico di Torino (Italy), ETH of Zurich (CH), University
of Duisburg-Essen (D) and Universiteit of Utrecht (NL). Three alternatives have been
considered in applying ANP (Table 1).
Tabella 3. Alternatives for improving the rail line in the Ruhr Region
Option 0
Option 1
Option 2
Improvement of existing "Betuwe" railway line: no new railway is created. Only railway signaling is
increased in order to augment the number of trains.
Addition of a third track in the German stretch of Betuwe railway line, which runs through many
towns, making noise barriers for the passage of high speed traffic and the elimination of many
grade crossings.
Freight transport abandons railway passage through Venlo and uses the Betuwe railway line to
Wesel, where an existing but unused by-pass has to be restored in order to connect Wesel with both
its port on the Rhine and Oberhausen through the countryside.
Structure of the BOCR model
According to the literature review (Bottero, Lami, Lombardi, 2008) and to the problem
analysis made by ETH and SiTI in collaboration with the German Public Administration,
the decision problem has been divided into four clusters (environmental aspects,
economic aspects, transport aspects and urban planning aspects) that have been
organized according to the BOCR model (tab. 2). The general goal of the evaluation is
the identification of the best scenario for the transport system of the Ruhr Region.
Tabella 4. Clusters and nodes
Reduction in traffic emissions in urban areas
Improving the economic role of the Region
Creation of employments directly related to the transport
Increase in frequency of connection
Creation of a freight hub, by intersecting rail, road and
river transport, connected to Wesel port
Increase in the capacity of freight transport
Possible creation of new jobs indirectly related to the
improvement of the regional transport system
More trade
Urban planning
Possible river connections to Berlin for freight transport
Increase in the capacity of people transport
Promotion of new forms of settlement along the track
Elimination of grade crossings
Investment costs
Acquisition/expropriation of areas for the insertion of
new track
Noise and vibration impacts
Urban planning
Trains visual impact
Possible creation of big barriers in landscape
Possible extensions of implementation time due to the
conflicts arising with the local population
Decrease in property values
Soil consumption
According to the literature review and problem analysis (Bottero et al, 2008), the
decision problem has been divided into four clusters (environmental aspects, economic
aspects, transport aspects and urban planning aspects) that have been organized
according to the Benefits Opportunities Costs Risks (BOCR) model.
To obtain spatial visualizations of BOCR, a model was built using Grasshopper on the
basis of drawings, databases and GIS data such as infrastructures, built areas and
geographical features. The model creates relationships among all the elements of
drawing in order to reproduce the ANP structure as a “flow chart”. It determinates the
rules of the parametric model and assigns spatial behavior to each node. This passage
presents many questions to be solved, which in turn involves the knowledge of experts
from several fields. In this test case, the main task is not to obtain a fully funtional
model, but to investigate how the merging of ANP with this modeling system can
effectively support participative and collaborative processes. Therefore, even if the
modeling system can make use of complex mathematical formulas, the initial phase of
research will only employ simple rules given by the symbolic representation of
phenomena, as indicated by an internal survey (Table 2).
To simplify this test case, a symbolic map acting on a 50m x 50m grid has been
assigned to each node of ANP framework. Nodes with an identified spatial behaviour
generate an influence depending on distance, while "non-spatial" nodes (such as
economic nodes) produce constant maps which cover the whole area. This test case
makes use of two kinds of maps: a bi-dimensional one in which colour gradient is the
indicator of the weight and importance of each node; and a 3D visualization one based
on the extrusion of symbolic maps. ANP inquiries place the weight of a node’s
importance on a numerical scale. Each map changes according to the weights assigned
to its relation with other nodes, clusters and scenarios. The resulting representation is
a deformation of land, acting in real time, that creates a 3D diagram which expresses
the weights assigned to each node. In order to increase the number of ways for
communicating information, other visualizations that combine 3D models with, for
example, color and buffer areas, are also possible.
Tabella 5. Clusters and nodes and symbolic modes of visualization used in the test
Reduction in traffic emissions in urban areas
Improving the economic role of the Region
New employment due to the improvement of transport
Increase in frequency of connection
Creation of a freight hub, by intersecting rail, road and
river transport, connected to Wesel port
Increase in the capacity of freight transport
Linear buffer along main roads
Constant value
Constant value
Radial buffer on railway stations
Land use
Linear buffer along main roads and
Possible creation of new jobs indirectly related to the Constant value
improvement of the regional transport system
Increase in trade
Constant value
Possible river connections to Berlin for freight Linear buffer along main waterways
and radial buffer centred on port
Increase in the capacity of the transport of people
Radial buffer on railway stations
Promotion of new forms of settlement along the Linear buffer along railways
enhanced track
Elimination of grade crossings
Radial buffer on grade crossings
Investment costs
Constant value
Acquisition/expropriation of areas for the insertion of Linear buffer along railways
new track
Noise and vibration impacts
Linear buffer along railways and main
Visual impact of trains
Linear buffer along railways
Possible creation of large barriers in landscape
Linear buffer along railways
Possible extensions of implementation time due to Constant value
conflicts arising with the local population
Decrease in property values
Soil consumption/Land consumption
Linear buffer along railways
Linear buffer along railways
ANP and Geo-visualization tools are here applied to study a German section of
Corridor 24, Genoa-Rotterdam. The German railway system in the Ruhr Region needs
to be implemented to upgrade the connectivity between the German city of
Oberhausen and the Dutch borders. In the framework of Corridor 24 development, the
changes in the transport system across the borders between Netherlands and Germany
imply a new spatial configuration for the areas of Northern West Germany. Therefore,
the case study analyzes various possibilities for upgrading the connectivity of the
areas. The spatial dimension is very large to study at once, then the analysis will be
conducted through proposing the same scenarios for different smaller areas to related
focus groups. This paper shows the study concerning the area of Wesel, in which are
involved three main partners of the "Code24 project": SiTI - Politecnico di Torino
(Italy), ETH of Zurich (CH), University of Duisburg-Essen (D) and Universiteit of Utrecht
(NL). Three alternatives have been considered in applying ANP (table 1).
Tabella 6. Alternatives for improving the rail line in the Ruhr Region
Option 0
Option 1
Option 2
Improvement of existing "Betuwe" rail line: no new railway is created. Only railway signaling is
increased in order to improve the number of trains.
Addiction of a third track in the German stretch of Betuwe railway line, which runs through many
towns, making necessary the creation of noise barriers for the passage of high speed and the
elimination of many grade crossings.
Freight transports leave the railway passing by Venlo and use the Betuwe rail line until Wesel,
where an existing but unused by-pass has to be restored in order to connect Wesel with both its
port on Rhein and Oberhausen through the countryside.
According to the literature review and problem analysis (Bottero, Lami, Lombardi,
2008), the decision problem has been divided into four clusters (environmental
aspects, economic aspects, transport aspects and urban planning aspects) that have
been organized according to the BOCR model.
To obtain spatial visualizations of BOCR, a model in Grasshopper was built on the basis
of drawings, databases and GIS data as infrastructures, built areas and geographical
features. The model consists in the creation of the relationships among all the
elements of drawing in order to reproduce the ANP structure as a kind of “flow chart”.
It determinates the rules of parametric model and assign a spatial behaviour to each
node. This passage presents many questions to solve, which involves the knowledge of
several expertise. In this test case, the main task is not to obtain a totally working
model but to investigate how the merging of ANP with this modeling system can really
support participative and collaborative processes. Therefore, even if the modeling
system can make use of complex mathematical formulas, this initial phase of research
employs only simple rules given by the symbolic representation of phenomena, as
censed by an internal survey (table 2).
Tabella 7. Clusters and nodes and symbolic modes of visualization used in the test
Environment Reduction in traffic emissions in urban areas
Improving the economic role of the Region
Creation of employments directly related to the transport
Increase in frequency of connection
Creation of a freight hub, by intersecting rail, road and river
transport, connected to Wesel port
Increase in the capacity of freight transport
Linear buffer along main roads
Constant value
Constant value
Radial buffer on railway stations
Land use
Linear buffer along main roads
and railways
Possible creation of new jobs indirectly related to the Constant value
improvement of the regional transport system
More trade
Constant value
Possible river connections to Berlin for freight transport
Linear buffer along main
waterways and radial buffer
centred on port
Increase in the capacity of people transport
Radial buffer on railway stations
Promotion of new forms of settlement along the track Linear buffer along railways
Elimination of grade crossings
Radial buffer on grade crossings
Investment costs
Constant value
Acquisition/expropriation of areas for the insertion of new Linear buffer along railways
Environment Noise and vibration impacts
Linear buffer along railways and
main roads
Trains visual impact
Linear buffer along railways
Possible creation of big barriers in landscape
Linear buffer along railways
Possible extensions of implementation time due to the Constant value
conflicts arising with the local population
Decrease in property values
Linear buffer along railways
Environment Soil consumption
Linear buffer along railways
ANP questions find the weight of nodes' importance on a numerical scale. By default,
the model is set to represent no preference among alternative options. Each map
changes according to the weights assigned to its relation with the other nodes,
clusters and scenarios.
To simplify this test case, a symbolic map acting on a 50m x 50m grid has been
assigned to each node of ANP framework. The nodes with an identified spatial
behaviour generate an influence depending on distance, while "not spatial" nodes (as
the economic ones) produce constant maps which lay on the whole area. This test case
makes use of two kinds of maps: a bi-dimensional one in which colour gradient is the
indicator of each node weight and importance; and a 3D visualization based on the
extrusion of symbolic maps. The resulting representation is a deformation of land,
acting in real time, that create a kind of 3D diagram according with weights assigned
to each node. Other visualizations are possible combining 3d models, colors, buffer
areas and more to increase the number of ways for communicating information.
Development of the spatial model
To obtain a spatial visualizations of the BOCR abovementioned, a model in
Grasshopper was built (fig. 1).
Figura 1.
The spatial model framework, based on ANP structure
Firstly, GIS data of infrastructures, built areas as well as geographical features are
localized on a geo-referred map and set up. Then drawings and databases are
imported into grasshopper model. Next step consists in the creation of the
relationships among all the elements of the drawing in order to reproduce the ANP
structure. This passage presents many questions to solve, which involves the
knowledge of several expertises. In this test case, the main task is not to obtain a
totally working model but to investigate how the merging of ANP with this modelling
system can really support participative and collaborative processes. Therefore, even if
the modelling system can make use of complex mathematical formulas, this initial
phase of research employs only simple rules given by the symbolic representation of
phenomena, as censed by an internal survey (table 3).
Tabella 8. Symbolic modes of visualization used in the test case.
Reduction in traffic emissions in urban areas
Linear buffer along main roads
Improving the economic role of the Region
Creation of employments directly related to the transport
Increase in frequency of connection
Creation of a freight hub, by intersecting rail, road and river
transport, connected to Wesel harbour
Increase in the capacity of the freight transport
Constant value
Constant value
Possible creation of new jobs indirectly related to the
improvement of the regional transport system
Radial buffer on railway stations
Land use
Linear buffer along main roads and
Constant value
More trade
Constant value
Possible river connections to Berlin for freight transport
Linear buffer along main waterways
and radial buffer centred on port
Radial buffer on railway stations
Linear buffer along railways
Increase in the capacity of people transport
Promotion of new forms of settlement along the track
Elimination of grade crossing
Radial buffer on grade crossings
Investment costs
Constant value
Acquisition/expropriation of areas for the insertion of new
Linear buffer along railways
Noise and vibration impacts
Trains visual impact
Linear buffer along railways and
main roads
Linear buffer along railways
Possible creation of big barriers in landscape
Linear buffer along railways
Possible extensions of implementation time due to the
conflicts arising with the local population
Decrease in property values
Constant value
Soil consumption
Linear buffer along railways
Linear buffer along railways
ANP questions find the weight of nodes' importance on a numerical scale. By default,
the model is set to represent no preference among alternative options. Each map
changes according to the weights assigned to its relation with the other nodes,
clusters and scenarios.
To simplify this test case, each node of ANP framework has been assigned to a
symbolic map acting on a 100m x 100m grid. The nodes with an identified spatial
behaviour generate an influence depending on distance, while "not spatial" nodes (for
instance the economic ones) produce constant maps which lay on the whole area.
Spatial model outputs
Once all weights are assigned to each node, cluster and scenario, the model system
can produce different kind of visualization. A first direct output is a bi-dimensional
map which indicates through a colour scale the nodes' importance for each subnet of
each scenario (fig. 2).
Figura 2.
2D maps working on colour scale to show spatial suitability
This kind of map has also a three-dimensional visualization which is based on the
extrusion of suitability values. The consequent representation deforms land and create
a 3D diagram of areas with more suitability. This visualization shows to be effective
when used with slicing planes (fig. 3), which cut away areas with less suitability and
allow users to visually select areas with more potential.
Figura 3.
Visualisation of Benefits by 3D diagrams: scenarios comparison.
Other kinds of visualization are possible but need more complex formulas for
describing the spatial behaviour of each node. Only by well defined rules, the model
can offer more detailed spatial pre-figurations, in which the change of DMs' choices
significantly modify the form of land. However, the aim of this test case was to obtain
visualizations which were simple but coherent with ANP results. Then, at the moment,
the system has been used to produce 2D maps and simple 3D volumes, which
generally provided a positive response on merging ANP with the spatial modelling
For this first application, visualizations have been used to show the ANP results
referring to subnets and scenarios. The displaying of BOCR provided a support for
users in reading the behaviors and tendencies for each scenario. In particular, it proves
to be effective when used with a slicing plane which eliminates the lowest values and
displays output with more potential. The visualization of each subnet describes the
effects on space and highlights the characteristics of each scenario. Figure 1 shows the
Benefits network while Figure 2 shows the
weighted matrix (Table 3).
benefits subnet, corresponding to the
Figura 4.
Benefits Network
Tabella 9. Weighted Supermatrix (Benefits)
Option 0
Option 1
Option 2
Freight hub
Figura 5.
Economic Aspects
Transport Aspects
Visualization of Benefits by 3D diagrams: scenario comparison.
The heavy weight of the economic cluster, represented by constant values, is visible in
the large difference which occurs in the level height among scenarios. Scenario 1 is
more useful in improving people mobility: the maps of stations, which symbolize the
increase in frequency of connection, and maps of the road network, which represent
the reduction of traffic emissions, have been weighted most. On the other hand,
Scenario 2 shows its propensity to trade and economic development due to the
importance of the creation of a logistic hub.
The same tendencies of Benefits maps are visible in the subnet of Opportunities
(Figure 3). The elimination of the grade crossing in Scenario 1 and the river connection
in Scenario 2 confirms that the latter is more indicated for people mobility while the
former is more indicated for economic development.
Figura 6.
The Costs subnet shows that Scenario 1 is more expensive than Scenario 2 (Figure 4).
Scenario 0 has a smaller investment cost but it is hardly characterized by the lack of
noise barriers that determines a sequence of peaks along the railway due to visual and
vibration impact of trains.
Figura 7.
Visualization of Costs by 3D diagrams: scenario comparison.
Also in the Risks subnet (Figure 5), Scenario 0 is strongly influenced by the lack of
barriers. In both Scenarios 1 and 2 the extension of implementation time determines
the increase of risks, but in Scenario 2, the use of an old track and the bypass of the
urban area could reduce the possibility of local conflicts.
Figura 8.
Visualization of Risks by 3D diagrams: scenario comparison.
The modeling system also provides the possibility to compare scenarios using different
combined views of subnets. For instance, the switching on of Benefits and Costs maps
(Figure 6), shows that the lack of barriers in Scenario 0 leaves benefits overcome by
costs. In Scenario 1 the benefits are larger than its costs, but there is a clear conflict
along the rail tracks as a consequence of the weight of the urban planning cluster.
Only in Scenario 2 do benefits completely overcome costs.
Figura 9.
Comparison of the visualization of Benefits and Costs.
For this first application, visualizations have been used to show the ANP results
referring to subnets and scenarios. The displaying of BOCR provided a support for
users in reading the behaviors and tendencies of each scenarios. In particular, it shows
to be effective when used with a slicing plane which cut away areas with lowest heights
and display outputs with more potential.
The visualization of each subnet describes the effects on space and highlights the
specifics of each scenario. As example, here is shown the visualization of benefits
subnet (fig. 1), corresponding to the weighted matrix (tab. 3). The heavy weight of
economic cluster, represented by constant values, is visible in high level difference
between scenarios. Scenario 1 is the more useful to improve people mobility: the maps
of stations, which symbolize the increasing in frequency connection, and road network,
representing the reduction of traffic emission, have more weights than others one. In
the meanwhile, scenario 2 shows his “attitude” to trade and economic development
due to the importance of logistic HUB creation.
Tabella 10. WeightedSupermatrix (Benefits)
Option 0
Option 1
Option 2
Freight hub
Figura 10.
Economic Aspects
Transport Aspects
Visualisation of Benefits by 3D diagrams: scenarios comparison.
The same tendencies of benefits maps are visible in the subnet of opportunities. The
elimination of grade crossing in scenario 1 and the river connection in scenario 2
confirm that first one is more indicated for people mobility while the second one for
economic development. In costs subnet scenario 1 results more expensive than
scenario 2. The scenario 0 has a smaller investment cost but it is hardly characterized
by the lack of noise barriers that determinates in the visualization a sequence of picks
along the railway due to train visual and vibration impacts. Also in the risks subnet,
scenario 0 is strongly influenced by the lack of barriers. In scenarios 1 and 2 the
extension of implementation time determinates the increase of risks, but in the
second, the
use of an old track and the bypass of urban area could reduce the
possibility of local conflicts.
The modeling system provides also the possibility to compare scenarios using different
combined views of subnets. For instance, switching on benefits and costs maps(fig. 2),
it is visible that the lack of barriers in scenario 0 creates an overcoming of benefits by
costs. In scenario 1 the benefits are larger than costs, but there’s a clear conflict along
the rail tracks as consequence of weight of urban planning cluster. Only in scenario 2
benefits completelyovercomecosts.
Figura 11.
Comparison of the visualization of Benefits and Costs
Bellinzona (CH)
La ricerca qui descritta è stata utilizzata nel corso di un workshop sperimentale presso
l’ETH di Zurigo sulle trasformazioni territoriali di un tratto svizzero del Corridoio 24,
Genova-Rotterdam, parte di un Interreg IVB NEW Project, chiamato “Code24”, che
coinvolge 15 partner da 5 diverse nazioni per 4 anni (2010 – 2013).
L’obiettivo dell’applicazione dell’ANP riguarda la classificazione di tre scenari di
sviluppo riguardanti l’area di Bellinzona; in vista dei tre workshop che avranno luogo
nel 2012 con stakeholders effettivamente dotati di un ruolo attivo nel processo
Uno dei casi studio su cui è stata testata questa combinazione fra ANP e il sistema di
modellazione e visualizzazione in Grasshopper riguarda l’area di Bellinzona, Svizzera.
Il workshop sperimentale si è svolto presso l’ETH di Zurigo.
Il caso analizzato è di assoluta attualità poiché il cambiamento delle condizioni di
accessibilità dell’area metropolitana di Bellinzona, garantita dai lavori per il Corridoio
24, può modificare notevolmente il carattere economico e urbanistico dell’area.
La questione è aperta dal momento che sono ancora da definire:
aspetti trasportistici (tracciati ferroviari, ubicazioni di stazioni);
aspetti urbanistici (recupero aree ferroviarie dismesse; creazione di nuove
centralità; realizzazione di nuovi insediamenti residenziali);
aspetti economici (promozione del carattere turistico dell’area, aumento degli
scambi commerciali);
aspetti ambientali (pressioni insediative sull’area di Magadino, un ambito
pianeggiante di collegamento tra Bellinzona e Locarno che rappresenta da
anni il tema di discussione principale della pianificazione ticinese).
Per quanto riguarda in particolare gli aspetti trasportistici, si discute attualmente se
l’attraversamento della città da parte del traffico merci, eliminando quindi gli impatti
acustici nel centro urbano. Il timore è però che questo tunnel ferroviario venga anche
utilizzato per le connessioni passeggeri veloci, con la realizzazione di una nuova
stazione al di fuori di Bellinzona, declassando quindi la città da nodo della rete
europea a nodo regionale.
Struttura del modello BOCR
Per analizzare il problema riguardante l’identificazione della miglior strategia di
intervento per lo sviluppo del polo di Bellinzona, il problema decisionale è stato
strutturato attraverso un modello BOCR, secondo la letteratura (Bottero et al, 2008,
Saaty 2008) e l’analisi effettuata dagli autori in collaborazione con i ricercatori di ETH.
Sono state identificate tre alternative di intervento (tab. 1) che riassumono il dibattito
Tabella 11. Alternative di sviluppo del polo di Bellinzona
Scenario 1
Creazione di un bypass ferroviario per merci e passeggeri (nuovo tunnel ferroviario +
nuova stazione in località Magadino)
Scenario 2
Potenziamento della linea esistente (aumento della capacità di trasporto) +
mitigazione dell’impatto acustico
Scenario 3
Creazione di un bypass ferroviario destinato solo al trasporto merci
I cluster individuati sono stati quattro (trasportistici, urbanistici, ambientali e
economici, tab.2).
Tabella 12. Cluster e nodi
- Aspetti ambientali
- Riduzione delle emissioni acustiche
- Conservazione dell’area protetta in Magadino
- Aspetti economici
- Valorizzazione immobiliare delle aree
Valorizzazione sistema turistico locale
- Aspetti trasportistici
- Aumento dell’accessibilità
- Riduzione dei tempi di percorrenza
- Aumento della capacità di trasporto merci ??
- Aspetti economici
- Opportunità di creazione di nuovi posti di
- Maggiori scambi commerciali
- Aspetti urbanistici
- Aspetti trasportistici
- Potenziamento dell’area ticinese e della sua
- Creazione di nuove centralità urbane (recupero
delle aree industriali dismesse)
- Possibilità di connessioni con la Lombardia
- Aspetti economici
- Costi di investimento
- Aspetti ambientali
- Aspetti trasportistici
- Aspetti economici
- Aspetti urbanistici
- Acquisizione/esproprio delle aree per
l’inserimento di un nuovo binario
- Impatti negativi del cantiere (rumore +
- Congestione del traffico dovuta a lavori di
realizzazione/adeguamento dell’infrastruttura
- Estensione dei tempi di realizzazione dovuti
all’opposizione sociale
- Dispersione insediativa
- Pressione negativa sui siti Unesco
- Aspetti ambientali
- Perdita di biodiversità
- Rischio idrogeologico
- Aspetti trasportistici
- Inefficienza del sistema
Sviluppo del modello di visualizzazione
A ciascun nodo della ANP è stata associata una mappa all’interno del sistema di
modellazione (tab. 3). Dove il dato non è localizzabile in un luogo specifico ma ha
conseguenze diffuse sul territorio, come per molti nodi relativi ad aspetti economici, il
suo effetto è descritto attraverso l’uso di un valore costante distribuito sull’intera area
di studio. Al contrario, i nodi con un effetto specifico su determinate aree hanno
generato rappresentazioni con valori diversificati a seconda della localizzazione. È
questo il caso dei valori relativi alla protezione di aree ambientali, all’inquinamento, o
all’incremento delle capacità trasportistiche così come agli impatti sull’accessibilità dei
Tabella 13. Struttura della ANP e mappe associate a ciascun nodo.
- Economic aspects
- Transport aspects
- Economic aspects
- Urban aspects
- Transport aspects
- Economic aspects
- Environmental
- Transport
- Economic
- Reduction in acoustic emission
- Conservation of protected area
of Magadino
- Valorization of the real estate
- Valorization of touristic local
- Increase in accessibility
- Increase in capacity of freight
- Creation of employments directly
- Development of the Ticino area
and of its attractiveness
- Creation of new urban centrality
- Increase in connections between
Ticino and Lombardy region
- Investments’ costs
- Acquisition/expropriation of
areas for the insertion of the new
railway line
- Negative impact of the building
site (noise + vibrations)
- Traffic congestion due to
realization/according works of the
implementation time due to the
conflicts arising with the local
- Lack of demand in the real estate
- Urban
- Dispersion settlement
- Environmental
- Negative pressures on UNESCO
- Hydro geological risk
- Loss of biodiversity in the park
Protected Area of
Railway Stations Buffer
Railway Stations Buffer
Railway Network
Railway Network
Railway Stations Buffer
Railway Stations
Railway Network
Road Network
Railway Stations Buffer
Protected Area
Protected Area of
I risultati del modello
Una volta che tutti i pesi vengono associati a ciascun nodo, cluster e scenario, il
sistema di modellazione può produrre differenti tipologie di visualizzazione. Un primo
output diretto può essere una mappa bi-dimensionale che indica attraverso una scala
di colori l’importanza dei nodi per ciascuna sottorete di ciascun scenario.
Questa tipologia di mappa può avere anche una visualizzazione tri-dimensionale,
basata sulla estrusione dei punteggi assegnati dai partecipanti al focus group. La
rappresentazione che ne consegue deforma il territorio e crea un diagramma tridimensionale delle mappe simboliche prestabilite. Questa visualizzazione dimostra la
sua efficacia in particolare quando è associata con dei piani di sezione, che “tagliano
via” le aree con i valori più bassi , e quindi nel caso delle sottoreti benefici e
opportunità con preferibilità maggiore, e permettono agli utenti di selezionare
visivamente le aree con maggiore potenziale.
Nella sottorete dei benefici (fig. 1), il sistema ha dato come esito per i tre scenari una
localizzazione molto diversificata delle esternalità positive. Il primo scenario evidenzia
un miglioramento lungo la tratta ferroviaria dovuto alla diminuzione dell’inquinamento
acustico, mentre il secondo scenario li concentra sull’area protetta del Magadino che
rimarebbe non coinvolta dalle opere di trasformazione dell’infrastruttura. Solo il terzo
scenario consente una maggiore diffusione dei benefici, distribuendoli sia lungo le
tratte ferroviare che nell’area protetta del parco, generando di fatto la migliore
soluzione relativa a questa sottorete (fig.2).
Figura 12.
Sottorete Benefici
Figura 13.
Visualizzazione della sottorete Benefici attraverso diagrammi 3D:
confronto fra scenari.
Nella valutazione delle opportunità offerte dai diversi scenari (fig. 3) è stata
preponderante l’importanza attribuita al miglioramento delle connessioni tra Ticino e
Lombardia, elemento rilevante nel primo scenario grazie alla presenza della AV,
insieme alla possibilità di creare nuove opportunità lavorative direttamente legate allo
sviluppo infrastrutturale.
Figura 14.
Visualizzazione della sottorete Opportunità attraverso diagrammi
3D: confronto fra scenari.
Per quanto riguarda l’analisi dei costi è emerso dalla discussione che, mentre gli
scenari due e tre sarebbero fortemente caratterizzati da costi diffusi dovuti al grande
investimento necessario per la realizzazione di un bypass sotterraneo, il secondo
scenario vedrebbe invece i costi concentrati lungo la linea stessa a causa soprattutto
degli espropri. In generale il terzo scenario è quello che risulta più accettabile in
termini di costo (fig. 4).
Figura 15.
Visualizzazione della sottorete Costi attraverso diagrammi 3D:
confronto fra scenari.
Il secondo scenario risulta quello con i rischi più contenuti, dovuti per lo più ad un
possibile contraccolpo del mercato immobiliare per il potenziamento della rete
ferroviaria. Al contrario invece gli scenari uno e tre presentano diverse criticità dovute
ad una possibile estensione dei tempi di realizzazione delle opere, di difficoltà legate
alle questioni idrogeologiche e nel primo scenario anche ad un notevole impatto per
l’area parco di Magadino per la creazione della stazione in aggiunta al tunnel
ferroviario (fig.5).
Figura 16.
Visualizzazione della sottorete Rischi attraverso diagrammi 3D:
confronto fra scenari.
Oltre a quelle evidenziate nelle figure antistanti, sono possibili altre tipologie di
comportamento spaziale di ciascun nodo. Solo attraverso delle regole ben definite il
modello può offrire pre-figurazioni spaziali più dettagliate, nelle quali i cambiamenti
nelle scelte dei decisori modificano significativamente la forma del territorio.
Comunque, l’obiettivo di questo caso studio era quello di ottenere delle visualizzazioni
semplici ma coerenti con i risultati della ANP. Pertanto, al momento, il sistema è stato
utilizzato per produrre delle mappe bidimensionali e dei volumi 3D molto semplici, che
hanno fornito un responso generalmente positivo all’utilizzo combinato fra ANP e
sistema di modellazione spaziale.
Frankfurt am Mein – Mannheim (D)
InViTo has been used as an information framework in different applications. In the
COST Action TU1002 on accessibility tools, it has been used to study the accessibility
to public transports in urban areas . To achieve this task, it has been structured into an
integrated land use and transport model (LUTM) (***). In other applications, InViTo has
been used to reproduce the dynamics of land use simulation (***; ***) in order to asses
a lot of projects for residential purposes. In these cases, InViTo has been organized to
relate spatial elements, as commonly happen in simulation models, but maintaining a
visual and interactive interface as leitmotif in approaching simulation.
In this chapter, another application of InViTo is presented, which focuses on its use not
as single tool working as PSS, as happened in previously cited cases, but as the
visualizer of an assessment multi-criteria analysis technique that is the
Network Process (ANP) (Saaty, 2001; 2005; Saaty and Vargas, 2006).
The ANP is a recent development of the well-known Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (
Saaty, 1980) and it represents a theory of relative measurement on absolute scales of
both tangible and intangible criteria based on both the judgment of experts and on
existing measurements and statistics needed to make a decision. Recent applications
of ANP to urban and territorial problems (*** ., 2012; ***, 2012; ***., 2011, ***, 2010;
***, 2008) show that the theory takes into account the views of different actors, even
with heterogeneous languages and may contribute to the construction and review of
alternatives. In this sense it is important to underline that ANP allows to develop the
theme of participation, due to the focus groups where different actors and DMs
involved can deal directly.
In this version, InViTo has been used in different workshops and focus groups for the
study of a lot of bottlenecks along the trans-European railway axis (TEN-T) 24 GenoaRotterdam, which is part of an European project Interreg IVB NEW Project called
“CoDe24”( CoDe24 project, 2010). Different areas have been analyzed at different
scale, from the urban scale to the trans-national one to assess the economic and
environmental issues (***).
The case study here presented is about a German section of corridor 24 between
Frankfurt am Main and Mannheim. The research aims at identifying strategies and
goals for the area, which has been recognized as one of the most critical for the
development of strategies of the whole corridor Genoa-Rotterdam (Masala, 2012).
In collaboration with the ***of ***, the problem has been structured in three different
scenarios, which has been discussed in a set of workshops and focus groups at the ***
of ***. These events have been organized in order to involve both part of the
partnership of CoDe24 and experts coming from the two cities of Frankfurt and
Mannheim. All the presentations, analysis and evaluations of the problems have been
structured by a research team of *** – ***, following the Analytic Network Process.
The ANP, like other methods, offers as a final result the ranking of alternatives by the
assignment of weights to the elements in which the spatial problem has been
decomposed. In this procedure, InViTo has been used to implement the discussion
during the ANP questionnaire, providing a visual and interactive representation of each
element to be analyzed and at the end of the survey to provide a visual localized
comparison between costs and benefits for each scenario.
ANP questionnaire
With reference to the ANP methodology, the following step of the analysis consists of
pairwise comparisons in order to establish the relative importance of the different
elements, with respect to a certain component of the network. In pairwise
comparisons, a ratio scale of 1-9, namely Saaty’s fundamental scale, is used to
compare any two elements (Saaty, 1980).
The comparison and evaluation phase is divided into two distinct levels: the cluster
one, which is more strategic, and the node (or element) one, which is more specific
and detailed.
At the cluster level, the numerical judgments used to fill the pairwise comparison
matrices normally are derived by a specific focus group made up of Decision Makers
and stakeholders which work together to evaluate the different aspects that
characterized the problem with respect to the overall objective in order to reach a
consensus decision on weights and priorities. The result of this phase is represented
by the so-called cluster matrix.
As an example, considering the aforementioned application, the questions that had to
be solved by the focus group were of the same type of the interrogation reported in
Figure 1.
With reference to the choice of the best alternative development scenario for the
Rhein/Main-Rhine/Neckar area, which one of this two aspects do you think is more
beneficial? And to what extent?
Economic and
Transport Aspects
Environmental and
Social Aspects
Figura 17.
Example of pair comparison between two clusters of elements.
The spatial problem has been structured in questions divided into benefits and costs
for the whole area, with the identification of nine elements shared among four clusters.
To evaluate the problem, 17 set of questions have been posed to participants who
were asked to give their weights to each question. Once all the pairwise comparison
matrices are compiled, all the related vectors together form the unweighted
supermatrix. Finally, according to the ANP theory, the cluster matrix is applied to the
initial supermatrix as a cluster weight. The result is the weighted supermatrix, which is
raised to a limiting power in order to obtain the limit supermatrix, where all columns
are identical and each column gives the global priority vector. In the case of the
considered application, two limit supermatrices were obtained, one for each
subnetwork (Costs and Benefits). Each column of the limit supermatrices obtained from
the two subnetworks provides the final priority vector of all the elements being
considered. Finally, it was necessary to synthesize the raw priorities of the alternatives
obtained from the limit supermatrices by normalizing them by cluster. These priorities
became the input values for the final aggregation and synthesis of the model results.
Visualization of ANP elements
In order to help involved actors in understanding the problem, each question of ANP
has been supported by the visualization of the symbolic localization of expected
externalities all over the area for each element composing the ANP survey, which can
be identified as tasks to be achieved. Therefore, a map of expected effect has been
built for each ANP element (table 1 and 2) on the base of the expertise of a few
amounts of researchers on the fields of transports, economics, environment and
spatial planning.
The wide scale of the case study to tackle has allowed a large approximation for the
building of maps. However, no precise detail is needed because all the workshop were
intended to help the reasoning of experts and stakeholders on defining the key
elements for long term strategies on a very large scale. Therefore, maps should
indicate an idea of effect rather than the real localization of an event.
Tabella 14. Maps used to represent the expected effects of each
element of Benefits.
Economic and Transport Aspects
clusters Elements
Increase in level of Frankfurt and Mannheim
attractiveness due to
the improvement in
transport connections
Increase in level of
attractiveness due to
the improvement in
ty of freight transport
Railway stations along
passenger tracks
Freight transport railway Freight transport railway
Railway stations along
passenger tracks
Freight transport railway
and high capacity tracks
Motorway network
Reduction in pollution
due to the displacement
on railway lines of a
portion of road traffic
Environmental and Urban Planning Aspects
Frankfurt and Mannheim
Brownfield on Mannheim area
Optimization in soil
urbanization is limited)
Frankfurt and Mannheim
Increase in level of
services for the local
Settlements along
passenger tracks
Settlements along
passenger tracks
Tabella 15. Maps used to represent the expected effects of each element of Costs
Economic and Transport Aspects
Costant all over the area
Missing financial resources
reclamation costs)
High speed railway
Existing railways
High capacity railway
Operational cost
Environmental and Urban Planning Aspects
Settlements along highSettlements along freightSettlements along
Negative impact
vibrations and visual impact)
due to the passage of trains
Green areas along highGreen
speed track
freight track
alongGreen areas along high
capacity track
Destruction of protected
areas between Frankfurt
and Mannheim and in the
Mannheim Region.
During the discussion, for each question a set of maps have been displayed to the
participants (figure 2), showing in real time the behavior of maps in the case the given
weight was 1 or 9 for an element rather for the other one. In this way, they have been
guided in understanding where their choice should relapse, so to evaluate step by step
the importance of their response
Figura 18.
Example of maps presented to participants in the evaluation of
each single question of ANP.
InViTo has been used to build all the visualizations used during the ANP assessment
procedure. These visualizations are GIS-based and works by the use of parametric
features which has been set to reproduce the ANP scale of evaluation. They have been
structured on a three-dimensional mesh which changes its height in correspondence
of the expected effect according to the given weight (figure 3).
Figura 19.
Maps showing the total amount of benefits for the three
This means that the mesh changes its shape on the basis of the map related to each
element considered by ANP. In particular, the interactive interface allowed to use maps
to display specific values according to the requests of participants, as well as to
identify the areas with more benefits (coloured in green) or costs (painted in red). To
allow a better understanding of visualizations, the three-dimensional meshes have
been intersected with a slicing plane that works as a cursor running up and down to
visually select the areas included on a specific range of values. This plane (coloured in
light grey) has the same height in all the displayed scenarios so to allow a better
comparison among them.
Once the whole set of questions has been answered, the weights resulting for each
elements are summed up as defined by ANP technique and resumed in two final maps,
one for all the Benefits (figure 4) and one for all the Costs. These two maps are
overlapped each other in order to compare the localization and the amount of effects
due to actors’ choices.
Figura 20.
Overlapping of the total amount of costs and benefits.
The ANP questionnaire provided only a percentage for ranking the scenarios, which
resulted best the second and worst the third one. The reading of maps confirmed the
ANP results but provided a lot of important topics for the following discussion. Maps
highlighted where and how much benefits overcomes costs and vice versa, providing
important elements for building reasoning and increasing awareness in participants.
The localization of effects and their intensity added important contents to the debate
so to make some people change their mind.
Il corridoio Genova – Rotterdam (NL, D, CH, IT)
Workshop a genova e preparazione di quello a Zurigo per gennaio 2013
This chapter proposes a territorial tool for decision support, based on a DSS system
(geo-referenced multi criteria analysis) tested within a Central Europe project called
CircUse (Circular Flow Land Use Management), developed with the contribution of ERDF
- European Regional Development Fund.
Art. 2, comma 3 “The Union (…) shall promote economic, social and territorial
cohesion, and solidarity among Member States.”; Art. 2C, comma 2, lett. C “Shared
competence between the Union and the Member States applies in the following
principal areas: (…) economic, social and territorial cohesion ”. Lisbon Treaty, published
on the EU Official Gazette 2007/C 306/01.
Since 2009, European Union has introduced the “Territorial Cohesion”concept and has
started to invest not only on national policies, strictly confined into the national (or
smaller) boundaries, but also to provide relevance to transnational cooperation
projects, aimed at promoting Community Policies on territorial issues (EU Commission,
Transnational programs are aiming at increasing and strengthening knowledge,
relationships and exchanges between countries in the same macro-region (such as
Central Europe or Mediterranean area), analyzing some common territorial issues,
exchanging practices, and trying to find out shared solutions. Building common
strategies, sharing good practices and deepening knowledge are the main goals of EU
The EU “Central Europe” Programme includes 8 member countries- from some regions
in Northern Italy to Slovak Republic - plus Ukraine as observer member: a very
heterogeneous reality, with more than 1 million squared kilometres and 148 million
inhabitants, speaking 12 different languages.
industrialization, nowadays facing global crisis.
In this framework, CircUse - Circular Flow Land Use Management is a project focused
on promoting sustainable development of brownfields, greyfields and degraded
greenfields in urban and peri-urban areas, proposing a circular management of
dismissed or underused land.
CircUse involves the Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (Poland) as team leader,
and public and private institutions from 6 other countries as partners: City of
PiekarySlaskie (Poland), German Institute of Urban Affairs and Saxon State Office for
the Environment, Agriculture and Geology (Germany), Environment Agency Austria Ltd
and TeleparkBaernbach Corporation Ltd. (Austria), Slovak Univeristy of Technology
Bratislava, SPECTRA Centre of Excellence and City of Trnava (Slovak Republic), SiTI
Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation, City of Asti (Italy), Institute for
sustainable development of settlements and Usti Region (Czech Republic).
Partners are exchanging views and practices to tackle specific problems as:
urban sprawl;
land consumption;
abandonment of dismissed industrial sites.
Tools for managing brownfields have been set and shared between participants, taking
into consideration specificities of each country and trying to outline common suitable
solutions. At the end of the project, partners are also called to define action plans on
sustainable land management to implement local policies and tools; furthermore they
can share realized projects coherent with the core strategy, demonstrating practical
solutions proposed by local and regional stakeholders.
The project aims at promoting a European integrated planning practice, based on
governance and a smarter land use (Ferber et al., 2006).
CircUse will contribute to achieve the general spatial objective of developing
polycentric settlements structures and territorial cooperation(Central Europe, 2007).
This will be addressed by the following project objectives:
support of sustainable land use change;
reduction of land consumption and inner development;
increase of private investment in inner development;
coordination of public interventions and funding (including ERDF);
coordination of investments in greenfield, greyfield and brownfield sites to
ensure cost efficient settlements.
Partners are called to define, during a shared process, tools finalized at increasing
environmental and urban quality, defining strategies to intervene on brownfields.
CircUse main goal is the achievement of good practices for sustainable land
management and planning: every country must test a pilot project, in order to confront
afterwards with other partners and promote transferable practices, processes and
In the CircUse approach built-up area is conceived as a structure with different
subsequent possible uses. According to this approach, materials’ life cycle represents
a model for circular flow management of the territory: that means exploiting existing
built-up sites and reusing abandoned land, avoiding soil consumption. In a practical
way, this kind of strategy implies:
recycling abandoned sites;
higher density in transformation areas;
urban refill;
diversified uses for empty spaces.
The CircUse model is based on the concept that new land consumption should be
avoided as far as possible, and in case it is needed, there should be a balance between
new land used for development and underused land that is rejected and removed form
land cycle.
Figura 21.
CircUse strategy diagram
According to CircUse philosophy, in most cases whole industrial districts should be
transformed and made suitable for new use, without consuming virgin soil. In fewer
cases, when there no suitable use is possible for the area, it should be re-naturalized
to counter balance new land consumption, necessary for new functions.
The goal is to preserve green plugs around the city, minimizing urbanization out of
the built city and capitalizing the unused potential of brownfields for new buildings.
Planning, use, cessation, abandonment, reclaim, are all part of CircUse core strategy.
To avoid the decay of existing structure and infrastructure after the cessation of
original use, the “interim use” is introduced before the definition of a new lasting
Small investments for temporary use could preserve buildings while the community
needs are taking shape before the final project is set, containing expenses for
definitive renovation.
The circular land use management is not responsibility of a single and unique
stakeholder: nevertheless, Public Administration is often called to manage wide
abandoned industrial areas, consistently polluted by private former owners which have
not taken charge of reclamation activities. There is no sustainable intervention without
collaboration between private and public sector, as owners, planners, investors.
Responsibilities and interests of each subject need to be taken into account and
carefully evaluated, so that everybody involved would be called to co-operate in the
definition of a strategic circular flow management.
In the CircUse project, Italy is represented by the City of Asti and SiTI - Polytechnic of
Turin Research Institute -, respectively with political and technical role. In the frame of
Working Package “Action plans and pilot project implementation”, Asti will test
stakeholders involvement on a wider scale, as well as the establishment of structured
dialogue boards: SiTI provides a technical contribution for the development of
supporting tools. This contribution - object of this paper - aims at defining an analytic
method to check the compatibility between brownfields and new land uses.
The pilot project consists in adjusting a SDSS1 tool that will shape and visualize the
potentialities of different brownfield areas in relation to their position. It can be
particularly useful within public debates, in order to evaluate new functions for
underused areas.
Asti (IT)
In a second case study, InViTo has been set to evaluate possible land use for dismissed
brownfields in the city of Asti (IT) as a part of the European project “), a Central Europe
Programme co-financed by the ERDF. The tool has been used for analysing the
suitability to different possible new functions for these former industrial areas on the
basis of reclamation costs, landscape issues, accessibility, localization of green areas,
transport and commercial facilities. As for the Turin case study, the tool has shown to
be useful to evaluate alternative planning options (fig.1b) through map comparison for
different project ideas.
In this two cases, very similar in their structure, the output has been visualized as a
( Through an interactive interface working besides the
Google viewer, actors could set the weights among a series of criteria. Depending on
their evaluations, the maps change their aspect in real time.
Asti is a city of about 75,000 inhabitants located in Piedmont Region in North-West
Italy, about 55 km east from Turin, in the plain of Tanaro River. It is the capital of the
province of Asti and it is deemed to be the modern capital of Montferrat. Despite of its
mediaeval heritage and a big culture of wine, above all Asti has showed to be, in the
last 40 years, an industrial city, and it is now trying to manage, as well as all the
CircUse partner cities, several underused or abandoned areas, varying in dimension
and quality, result of the de-industrialization process.
InViTo, the SDSS tool developed by SiTI and used in the CircUse programme, has been
designed to support urban planning processes. It aims to improve the cognitive
process through an interactive framework, which combines different data in a complex
structure of relations and connections. A specific spatial behaviour can be assigned to
each data. Each behaviour can be described trough a mathematical function, providing
a spatial effect on settlements. For example, a new subway line interacts with the
suitability of residential zones as well as the localization of railway station modifies the
perception of the area (Pensa et al., 2011).
All the mathematical functions can be activated and modified in real time during the
participatory process by the involved actors, who can operate on the following
- Mathematical functions - For instance, if experts do not agree on the
catchment area of a railway station, they can change the values assigned to
the specific element.
- Weights among the spatial elements - Users can define the singular
weights which correlates the different spatial element.
- Planning choices – Users can decide to switch-on or off singular projects in
order to verify their effects.
InViTo has been implemented using Rhinoceros combined with its free plug-in
Grasshopper. The former is a commercial 3D modelling tool developed by McNeel&
Associates, while the latter, Grasshopper, is a plug-in that allows users to create
shapes using generative algorithms that can contain different kind of input including
numeric, textual, audio-visual and so on.
Normally these software are used at the furniture or building scale in industrial design
and in the architectural field, but Rhino and Grasshopper are here used in an
innovative way to study and analysing spatial issues in large area decision processes.
First of all the combined use of these two software creates a generative instrument,
that allows to draw shapes without modelling. Other benefits are related to their
parametric features, which allow to associate to each data one or more mathematical
equations and create relationships among them for defining shapes and their
behaviours. It is dynamic, so that the choices of users modify outputs in real time
according to rules described with algorithms. Furthermore, it is easy to customize
using common scripting languages like C#, Python or VB.
Data collection
The first step has been the realization of a geo-referred database, on a common
structure adopted by each project partner. Within the city of Asti, 23 brownfields were
identified and classified. The database is a simple tool, easily transferable and user
friendly, which collects information on physical characteristics of the area, protection
and planning, as well as photos and cadastral data.
The GIS database then gathers data from the brownfield database, combining them
with several different information on a wider area (in this case the whole municipality
of Asti), regarding existing and planned infrastructures, public green areas, facilities
and so on. It is implementable with all kind of data, including demographic,
environmental, normative ones, as long as they can be associated with geographic
coordinates. This information architecture allows to describe (by data and by maps)
status quo as well as possible future transformations
Figura 22.
Start-up form of the Common Database
Figura 23.
Common Database: Form “Fieldwork and additional data” – Tab
Participation and survey
Through Multi-Criteria Analysis, local dynamics which can affect settlement policies
are taken into exam, and possible redevelopment of the identified brownfield sites are
evaluated. The suitability of a certain activity within an underused plot strongly
depends on the relationship between the plot itself and its context. The success of a
brownfield transformation is considerably influenced by its position. That’s very clear
analyzing the real estate market: the success of some investments is often linked to
their distance from other specific facilities, for example an industry near to a speed
traffic junction is more valuable as it is more easily accessed. The issue then is to
define the behaviour of each area according to its localization and possible future
To define the spatial elements that can attract or reject urban functions, a rating based
professionals indicated by Asti Municipality.
The survey asks the experts to score the influence of given spatial elements and urban
facilities on the localization of different land uses (residential, industrial and tertiary).
The score system works on a scale
from +7 (maximum positive effect) to -7
(maximum negative effect) given for each fixed distance (100 m, 200 m, 500 m etc.);
null score means that the element considered has no influence on the settlement of
the analyzed land use.
Survey results provide information used to simulate local dynamics. In particular,
ratings allow to define mathematical curves that describe the relationship between
spatial elements and land uses.
Figura 24.
Survey: the score system
Visualizing scenarios
After this analytic phase, the SDSS tool is ready to visualize the compatibility maps of
the status quo, i.e. to which extension the proposed use (residential, industrial or
tertiary) fits to each brownfield. Besides of mathematical functions, interviews
conducted for the survey allow to collect also proposals and ideas, so that the model
can be implemented with tailor made scenarios.
Switching on new projects and proposals, function compatibility will change: showing
how some areas could become more attractive and suitable to a certain use if the
administration develops one strategy rather than another.
The system can provide different kinds of output as 3D models, 3D diagrams or 2D
dynamic maps. Results can be displayed in different ways, according to audience and
level of expertise. To simplify the understanding of the output, we chose to work on
bi-dimensional maps which lay on the studied area directly in Google Earth virtual
globe. Each map shows, point by point, the level of compatibility through a colour
gradient (in 2D maps) or trough histograms or volume graphs (in 3D maps).
Figura 25.
Three possible kinds of compatibility visualization for residential
(red) and commercial (yellow) functions
Participation to Central Europe programme represents an opportunity for a small city
like Asti to look differently at its brownfields. The CircUse approach invites to find
softer (related to the durability and environmental/social impact) and firmer solution
(relate to the sharing of choices). Interactive tool for visualizing scenarios increase the
chances of public debates on brownfields future. Interest and participation is getting
more heated, with some first results: the most polluted of the brownfields, a former
chromium plating plant, has been interested by new studies on the sustainability of
environmental reclamation techniques; the choice to re-open the issue, exploring new
technologies allows to re-consider possible interim uses, which was impossible until
now due to exaggerate costs of brownfield clearance.
As a matter of fact, the continual comparison with other towns with similar problems
helps to give up with ordinary mind-set which pulls to solve brownfield areas finding a
Trough CircUse, Asti started to assimilate some good practices: lending an ear to the
requests of stakeholders and defining participation processes: a good practice that can
be transferred to other similar cities in Europe.
The main qualities of the tool InViTo regard its flexibility and interactivity. It is
conceived to overcome the traditional assessment by scenarios, offering the chance to
visualize large numbers of “What-if?” outputs, assuring extreme freedom in switching
on/off the proposed transformations.
Although the test hasn’t come to its conclusion yet, it received positive feedbacks by
the European partners so far, showing good chances of being applied and tested in
several different cases.
COST action TU1002
L’accessibilità ai trasporti pubblici di Torino (IT)
In this cases, InViTo has been set to draw 2D maps in order to visualize most
accessible areas, but other kinds of visualization have been produced, also by 3D
volumes, to highlight specific critical points of the city.
COST action TU0801
Crescita della domanda residenziale in Skopje (MK)
Development of residential areas in Skopje in a period after the 1963 earthquake led to
an emergence of continuous pressure to the physical structure of the city. It’s essential
to analyse, explore and understand the processes that are shaping our city. The study
explores interactive tool that exercise the complex analysis of architectural and urban
structure within the Skopje’s residential areas and proposes a 3D model to investigate
local dynamics and best fitting urban indicators for development. Through series of
analysis of diverse typologies, programs, spatial and functional configurations of the
dwelling within the city, the study presents an effort by use of Interactive Visualization
Tool (InViTo) for modeling of urban development to explicate spatial distribution, the
process of transformation and acknowledge the regularities and suitability of
development of urban form in Skopje’s residential area and, in particular, the
relationship between functions and its localizations.
In the last century and especially in the period of transition from socialism to
capitalism the cities in South-Eastern Europe have experienced heavy transformation.
In the context of a debate that examines these transformations, the continuities and
the discontinuities in urban space, this paper focus on the development of 3D
modelling tool for analysing and building knowledge on the urban change in
residential areas of city of Skopje. It points out the importance of the tools for critical
reading and understanding of city’s past, research and comprehension of the dynamic
city presence and support spatial decision-making and planning for the future urban
development in residential areas.
There has been a profound change in what city represents, a deep restructuring of the
meanings and spatial specificity and conceptual expression in the urban imaginary [1].
The apparent development of the Postmetropolis [2] has raised the notion of the
human systems as systems that are far-from-equilibrium. Moreover, spatial aspect of
human systems has become more complex due to technological change, bigger
mobility and social, cultural and demographic transitions of these globalized
Cities are complex systems constituted of physical elements interrelated in elaborated
spatial relations. Its complexity is enhanced by its constantly changing and evolving
shape and structure. To try to understand the dynamics and processes that are
shaping our cities we have to develop models that are coherent with the dynamic and
complex nature of the cities, but comprehensible and simple enough to be
operationally useful. Hence, any attempt to model the spatial system and dynamics of
the cities should involve this indeterminacy and instability of the cities and theoretical
framework as one of its basic features. In the same time it should be followed with
strong knowledge and data management that should provide necessary coherence with
the nature of the city.
The main aim of this paper is to explore the process of urban transformation in the
city of Skopje, with focus on the residential areas by simulating the development of
residential urban area. The model of urban development is based on the spatial
elements that influence its growth on the basis of distance with quantifiable effect, in
order to be able to gather real data and translate them into geometry. For the model of
urban development we use InViTo-Interactive Visualization Tool. InViTo makes use of
parametric and generative features of Grasshopper for studying large areas and
support their planning through interactive visualizations. It uses input data that can
have different formats and is translated to a mathematical function that defines how it
behaves in the space and determines its influence on each other elements.
First, the paper briefly reviews the basic approaches to the study of urban form and
urban changes and the way that theory elucidates and elaborates the complex
interaction between society and the city which is the core of our approach to modeling
urban development. Our approach to urban modeling resembles a network perspective
of a city as an interconnection of people, urban elements and their dynamic
Second, the morphological background of process of urban transformations is
analyzed in attempt to understand the regularities of the process as an indicator of
existence of dominant paradigm of this urban space and conceptual ground for a
potential research of urban development of this area.
Third, after pointing out the divergence and convergence among all aspects and
actors of urban change, the paper describes the case study of Taftalidze, one of the
Skopje’s residential areas using InViTo- an interactive visualization tool to depict the
potential of urban development based on the functions of measured spatial elements
and relation of functions within the urban area. Each of these spatial elements is
related to a mathematical function in which distance is the variable. The geometrical
result of those functions is an enriched 3D urban model in which the level of
attractiveness of each spatial element varies depending on its distance. These
functions are set on the basis of specific knowledge and performed survey among
residents of Skopje.
Finally, the paper suggests the platform for spatial integration of the urban knowledge
that enables us to understand the rules determining the effects on urban dynamics and
to define which are the acceptable values for new transformations. The outcome of the
model provides a comprehensible overview of the suitability of the residential function
within the Taftalidze area of Skopje and can provide value on urban indexes and
building size in relation to the determined parameters and desired urban form.
Comprehension of the process and tendencies of the urban development in these
areas will provide decision makers and researchers with independent source of
knowledge and relevant information that could be used for understanding the spatial
development of city of Skopje. It is an essential complement for the definition of
strategies of city development. The results of the research will be used to challenge
existing urban policies and in the same time to determine some new policies of future
development of the city of Skopje.
City as a spatial structure
Cities in general can be best recognized through their distinctive shape, complex
organization and density of the build environment that they create. This environment
is created through a construction of architectural objects with different morphology,
functions, materiality and density. Its complexity and vastness of typology comes from
a process of continuous creation of architectural and urban forms not only as physical
objects but also as a process of creation of spatial, social and cultural relations.
Through this spatial configurations system of urban form becomes the spatiotemporal manifestation of the order of the city realised through physical elements and
urban morphology [3].
Process of production of urban space has often been attributed to the existence and
influence of internal forces of the society and the dominant system. Following the
thesis that space is a product of society [4], many theorists have claimed that the role
of the process of production of urban space within the distinctive social order is to
facilitate and further enhance the product of the dominant order while the overall
authority secures the process [5]. In this notion, the dominant social order is a
regulating force of the urban transformation with evident and clear spatial influence
and formal consequences, while there is (almost) no part of urban life that exist
outside the logic and rules of the dominant social order and the world-system [6]. The
theories that see the dominant social order as a basic driving force of urban change
more often limit our understanding of processes that are shaping our cities. The
emphasis on the regularities of the social order with usual focus on economic
parameters of urban change reduces or overlooks the multiplicity of actors,
institutions, networks, structures, as generators of urban change, but most of all
excludes the possibility of influence of urban structure to the overall process [5].
As an opposition to this deterministic notion of the relation of society with production
of urban space is the idea that urban development is structured around a set of spatial
relationships that evolve and emerge through complex interaction of the attractiveness
and repulsion between the major land use and social infrastructure with the spatial
characteristics of the build environment and the inherent urban structure of the cities
[7]. These complex relationships transcend socio-economic conditions in the way that
they operate to a large extent autonomously from shifts in economic and political
policies and regimes [14]. The fact that people use the locality as site and resource for
social activity realized in spatial manner in different ways reinforces the notion of
existence of socio-sphere [8] as a complex social domain with overlapping networks
and fragile balance between spatial behaviour and the urban environment. In order to
determine the nature of this processes and in the course of building our case we can
reflect on the model of spatial constituency of urban form [9], that is based on
differences between the elements of the system. It is a result of a locally determined
process of integration to a complex whole with a respect of the identity of the each
distinctive element. Urban texture is generated through an emerging bottom-up
process of interaction between the constituents and is recognized as a topological,
irregular configuration. This structure is specific of the urban environments that have
developed in spontaneous emergent process of morphogenesis of urban form. The
greatest challenge of this observation of the cities as two distinctive systems-one
social and one material, is to find the tools for exploration of relations and
interdependence between them [4].
In attempt to overcome the deterministic notion of production of urban space as a
result of pre-defined conditions and forces within the society and social order, this
paper will investigate the tools of analysis and visualization as form of knowledge [10]
of the process of urban change in residential area of city of Skopje. These tools are
conceptualized more as a research worked through practice, a sort of open negotiation
among different aspects of urban space and groups who act in accordance with their
believes, motives and interest [5]. We should thus draw our attention to the ways that
actors and institutions emerge and behave in spatial manner through time under
specific conditions, an action that influences the production and change in urban
space. Each of this activity is not an exclusive but rather a simultaneous process of
interaction. Therefore, the process of urban change and resulting shapes cannot be
determined as a static conditions of the urban form fixed in time, but rather a spatial
and morphological result of otherwise dynamic phenomena of the city developed in
process of coexistence and transformation. It is a bottom-up approach starting from
the specific in the urban space, whether it is a building, its shape, a program or a
person – the very elements within the system and goes through process of negotiation,
a sort of dialog, toward the cooperation and cohesion in bigger entities, blocks,
groups, neighbourhoods, trades, parts of the city and institutions, in which the 3D
model should facilitate the interaction through providing a common basis for sharing
the information.
Criteria for evaluation of urban development
Urban form can be generally used to describe the city’s physical elements and
characteristics, or on a broader scale as a spatial configuration of fixed elements [11].
This concept of the urban form is scale sensitive and can be seen as a morphological
attributes distributed along different scales [12] that results in a series of elements
that range from very local and specific, like building materials and elements, through
buildings and street types to the settlement layouts. Following the idea of the cities
being interrelated systems comprised of material and immaterial aspects of the
phenomenon, it is clear that urban form does not simple relate to the physical features
but also encompasses non-physical aspects. Hence, there are non-physical economic,
social and political processes which are physically manifested in the urban structure
and urban elements of the city. Urban form can be generally determined as a number
of physical features and non-physical characteristics including size, shape, scale,
density, land uses, building types, urban block layout and distribution of green space
[13]. These elements are inter-related and claimed to influence sustainability of urban
environment and accordingly they are the basis for the criteria for evaluation of the
urban development.
Most of these elements are complex concepts with number of inter-related
dimensions, but they are also subject to objective, spatially-based measures in a given
area. Although these measures of different aspects of the city are assessed
subjectively, through social interpretation, and accordingly they may differ from a
person to person [14], there are aspects of the city that can be evaluated with great
level of confidence besides their subjective comprehension.
We approach these issues with the notion that at the very substance of the urban
phenomenon is the enduring spatial relationships that create the complex but yet
unified entity of the city. This spatial integration of differences in the urban contexts is
the core in the structuring of the patterns and forces of urban development and
growth [15]. These relationships are defined by the sources of spatial interaction,
inter-dependence, attraction and repulsion existing between the major land use
classes and elements of urban form. While this approach may provide basis for
objective, spatially based analysis of the urban development it is also important to
note that the evaluation indicators that address the dimensions of urban form,
accessibility and spatial context are also coming from a different backgrounds and
represent a very diverse set of evaluation tools with different principles, topics
addressed and the outputs produced.
General urban development evaluation tool structure is based on the use of indicators
grouped into categories to assess the suitability of urban design and development. It
consists of five levels with increasing detail and specificity, from Sustainability
dimension, through Design indicators, to Benchmarks as a reference values that the
indicators need to meet or correspond to demanded quality level [16].
Having the focus of our research positioned on urban development of residential area
in Skopje, being the part of the city clearly defines two of these levels for evaluation of
urban development as most prominent and adequate. First level - Evaluation criteria is the set of aspects of urban environment that need to be assessed in order to verify
the response of the structure or change in the structure to the issue, e.g. access to
public transport, access to local services, access to social infrastructure, schools,
kindergartens and others. Second important level is Design indicators that represent
the variables whose value is indicative of the performance of the design, with a unit
and specific measurement method, e.g. percent of residents within specific walking
distance of bus stop, average distance to the nearest green market, etc [16]. These two
levels represent the critical transition in the process of comprehension and analysis of
urban environment where decisions and assumptions have to be made in order to
translate them from general concepts to more specific concepts and from theoretical
concepts to empirical measures. Measuring the urban context through urban
morphology and its spatial relationships is at the core of our approach in modelling
urban development in residential areas in Skopje.
Modelling urban development
Development of city of Skopje is not a linear evolutionary path but rather a transitional
leaps generating discontinuity and misbalance in planning policies as well as in
realization of urban plans. This situation creates unique image of city of Skopje as a
city-collage or more likely city-patchwork. Skopje’s urban morphology is a result of
discontinuous and unrelated urban concepts, planning policies and construction
processes that were implemented or at least used as theoretical ground for urban
development of the city. Most of these concepts disturbs the continuity of the
development of the urban form and acts toward the urban context as a tabula rasa.
Hence, as a result of this situation distinctive urban fragments are recognizable as
traces of different phases of urban transformations and legacy of processes that are
shaping the city of Skopje.
The most salient feature of the urban transformation and emergence of urban form in
city of Skopje is differentiation on one side and coexistence of differences on the
other. Urban transformations were on one hand path-dependant, as an outcome of
specific historical and geo-political factors, while on the other hand rested on the
actions and emergent forms of interaction between the actors in urban space, local
dynamics and urban concepts. This complex network of relations between different
actors, institutions, rules and restrictions, society and individuals, market and society,
buildings and urban blocks, urban and suburban, city and nature is a very substance of
the process of urban transformations based on negotiations and urban dialog between
the users and elements of urban space. This is its distinctive quality and a basic driving
force behind the emergence of urban form and urban change.
This situation urges for establishing knowledge-based operative approach that will
provide the spatial integration of different aspect of the urban context and will link
these fragments into a liveable whole through the comprehensive tool for the analysis
of urban development.
Models of urban development have been present in the research of urban phenomenon
for more than a half a century. The idea that a complex system such as city can be
translated into a simplified form with high level of abstraction was used in order to
obtain a tool for controlled exploration of the systems associated with cities. The early
models were condemned as “too simple” or “too complex” to successfully grasp with
the complex task of providing useful tool for better understanding the cities. Their
existence has been justified with the notion that the complexity of the studied
phenomenon or system could be matched only through models that are complex
enough and through it to provide the accurate level of details requested by the policymakers. As an opposition to this trend is a tendency and urge to develop city models
that are simpler than the former but that are inherently open toward producing more
complex result based on simple spatial rules and interactions [17].
This model should serve as a spatial integration of distinctive urban knowledge and
the spatiality and formality of the city. It should explore and represent forces and
processes that are beyond materiality of urban form and reveal the hidden aspects of
processes of urban change. It should contain tools for exploration and analysis of the
city form, but in the same time to be able to depict risks and opportunities for future
conditions. This suggests that the observation of the future conditions of the city
gained as a product of the model should be at least ordered and structured as any
observation of the system in the past or present in order to provide a consistent
support to new planning projects.
The model of an urban form that we have developed should map the dynamic
behaviour of the urban form in city of Skopje residential areas. That is, to be able not
only to map the fixed position of elements of the urban form in time, but rather to
have the potential to define the way elements of urban form change in time and their
development is determined by their spatial inter-relations. Only in that case the model
of urban form would not be related to fixed and stable conditions of elements, but
would refer more to the dynamics of development, change and adaptations of the
system. The benefit of this approach is that the elements and the relations of the
model representing the development of the urban form system would emerge
exclusively as locally determined and decentralised process of complex order creation.
It will enable us to comprehend urban development as a continuous process of
changes in policies, normative constraints, citizen needs, spatial, economical and
social relationships.
Urban morphology can be investigated in different ways. Traditional methodologies
provides studies mostly based on professionals’ experience, but the use of computer
analysis presents a wide range of opportunities in defining approaches, methods and
tasks. The research described in this paper focuses on approaching urban morphology
by the use of a three-dimensional model which relates the suitability of places with
their shape, distances from the other functions, infrastructure and facilities, in order to
provide knowledge and awareness on local dynamics.
The chosen approach makes use of an Interactive Visualization Tool (InViTo), which is a
methodological system based on “Grasshopper”, a free plug-in
of McNeel’s
“Rhinoceros” software.
It makes uses also of Microsoft Excel and it can be integrated by scripts in Visual Basic
language. It generates parametric shapes that can change in real time through an
interactive interface, which allows users to modify values and rules of the model. InVito
can use different kind of inputs such as GIS data, databases, raster and vector files
allowing high compatibility with the largest number of software generally used by
technicians involved in planning processes. InViTo organizes these input data in a flow
framework which link the spatial elements with a specific behaviour.
Since each
element generates an attractive or repulsive influence on the behaviour of the other
elements, it provides in real time a visual outcome of relationships among choices and
spatial effects. In this way, planners and, more generally, decision makers can directly
evaluate their large scale choices as effects on small scale areas, improving their
perception and knowledge on urban dynamics.
Thanks to this visual interactive framework, by which users can work in real time with
information, InViTo is well suited to be used during focus groups, workshops,
meetings and public debates. For this purpose, it offers a wide range of visual outputs
which can be previously decided in order to better meet the target of audience and
level of expertise of the actors involved in the debate. The tool outputs can be set as
both 2D and 3D representations, which can have a photo-realistic as well as symbolic
aspect. However, to deal with expert public, InViTo is used with symbolic visualization
to better support the analysis of the concepts behind the spatial design. Then, outputs
as dynamic maps or volumetric diagrams are preferred to show the spatial whole
ensemble as well as highlight the behaviour of single elements or clusters of elements
at both micro and macro scale.
Skopje case study
Development of Taftalidze residential area in Skopje is a product of the process of
reconstruction and renewal of the city of Skopje after the devastating earthquake in
1963 that have left the city with more than 85% of building stock ruined or with high
level of devastation [18]. Urgency in the post disaster management of the city
accompanied with the great demand for housing in a very short time period has
created a situation where new residential areas in city of Skopje were developed.
Taftalidze residential area was part of this process of urbanization of the metropolitan
area of the city beyond the existing, at that time, city limits. At the conceptual level
this residential area is defined by the orthogonal street network and distinctive zoning
of functions within the area.
Detached and semi-detached houses were the favoured types of houses clustered in
the green areas. Street network, parcels and buildings will be positioned within the
area without any reference or relation to the existing topography, existing urban
structure or spatial experience of the city. This conceptual and formal matrix will be a
base for development of this residential area in the next forty years during which the
conceptual and real transformations of the city of Skopje and its expansion and growth
will be evident within the structure and shape of the residential area.
Urban transformation of the urban structure of Taftalidze residential area can be
defined at two main levels. First level is the level of external urban transformations
that are shifting the relationship between the city and the residential urban structure.
Changes in the city, its expansion and growth, urban planning codes, increased
mobility, growing demand for urban services, radical changes of the demographic,
social, economic and cultural structure of the city have generated whole set of external
influences on the transformation of the structure of the city and the specific area. They
relate to the changes in the morphology of the elements of the city in general and to
the changes of the land use, functions and programs of the city. Second level of urban
transformations is situated within the inner structure of the residential area. These
transformations are affecting the structure and spatial relationships within the area.
These transformations are determined as morphological and functional and mostly are
inter-dependant. They are manifested though the changes in a scale ranging from the
discrete building or a parcel to the level of the changes of spatial relationships
between these elements.
Frequent shifts in the social and economic context of the city of Skopje followed by
distinctive changes in population are followed with different level of transformation
within the urban structure and architectural morphology of the residential area. These
differences between external and internal forces have created productive tension that
generates highly vibrant and dynamic urban morphology of the Taftalidze residential
area. InViTo has been used to explore and to define potential as well as the
localization of most suitable areas for future urban transformations and development
within the Taftalidze area for the residential choice.
The indicators
The criteria for establishing indicators of suitability or attractiveness of distinctive
elements of urban form and their spatial inter-relationships within the residential area
have been determined through a research survey. Research has been performed as an
anonymous survey with questionnaire among the general population in Skopje with
target group of population of age between 35-44 years and with representative sample
of 45% male and 55% female out of total of 209 survey participants.
First group of questions (1-4) were targeting the following issues:
- Level of attractiveness of the specific residential areas,
- Importance of the different criteria for evaluation of the residential area
- Importance of the selection of the residential area during the process of
selection of real estate.
Second group of questions (5-10) has been measuring the level of comfort related to
the distance from the place of residence to the urban infrastructure (boulevard, crosssection, bus stop, park, industrial facility, and city centre).
Third group of questions (11-13) has been measuring the level of comfort related to
the distance from the place of residence to the commercial infrastructure (grocery
shop, shopping centre, green market).
Fourth group of questions (14-18) has been measuring the level of comfort related to
(kindergarten, elementary school, medical facility, and pharmacy and sport centre) that
is present in the residential area.
Fifth group of questions is exploring the preferences regarding the following:
Typology of the residential building (house, building with less than 8
apartments, building with more than 8 apartments and residential high rise)
- The size of desired backyard/garden as a part of the parcel where the
residence is located.
- Typology of the program (use) of the building of the residence.
Participants in the survey had been guided to answer all the questions with
values (numbers) ranging from 1 to 5 where 1 is the less appropriate option
and 5 the most appropriate one. They had an opportunity to fill all the options
or just to state the min. (1) and the max (5) without evaluating all the options.
The setting of spatial dynamics
The survey concerns the whole city of Skopje, but the 3D model has been used to
analyse only the Taftalidze area which results, from question n. 1, the most attractive
of the city. For the same reason, not all the elements investigated by the survey have
been used. Considering only the Taftalidze area, the distance to the city centre is
assumed as almost the same in the whole area, while the services as electricity,
heating and waters supply are considered as available. Then, the parameters used in
the model are the following listed in the table below.
Tabella 16. Weights value among the curves.
Weight (β)
Distance to the park / green area
Distance to the kindergarten/school
Distance to the shopping centre
Distance to the sport centre
Good urban traffic infrastructure
Good public transport
The model works on Utility equation that is how much a specific element deals with a
specific location, allowing both positive and negative values.
U = u (x1, x2, x3,x4, x5, x6)
Data gathered by the survey has been used to set the dynamics of the model. The
second, third and fourth set of questions on urban, commercial and social
infrastructure (5-18) defined the level of suitability in relation to the distance (Si),
measured in meters or walking time, from the residential building.
Once each of these parameters has been assigned to its relative spatial elements on a
map, the model needs to weight how much each parameter contributes to define the
suitability. To define the weights (β) of importance among the different spatial
elements, the model uses the outcomes of a specific question (n.3) of the survey in
which people was asked to weight each parameter for choosing their favourite
residential area. The suitability of each point results from the weighted sum of all
considered parameters (i) as follows:
Stot= ∑ βi *Si
S= suitability
β = weight of each parameter (i)
This function combines the effects of all considered parameters, providing a way to
define the most important spatial elements which affect the residential location.
For allowing users to explore the model, all weight indicators (β) can be modified by
actors involved in planning process in order to see and evaluate the effect on spatial
distribution of residential units. Roads, bus stops as well as specific building as shop
centres or schools can be relocated, for instance for simulate a project option, so that
new possible alternatives can be evaluated. The model provides responses in real time,
so users can interact with information and spatial effects obtaining a high degree of
knowledge on questions to be solved.
The results
The outcome of the model generates different maps of suitability for each considered
spatial elements as well as for each combination of elements (Figure 1).
These maps provide localized values of suitability, thus highlighting the areas with
more and less attractiveness. Overlapping all the maps together, it is possible to
delimitate the areas that, whatever indicator is considered, are in any case more or less
Figura 26.
Suitability considering different spatial elements.
This result provides important information, especially for planners in charge of redesign the area. First of all, it is interesting that all maps agree on bordering specific
areas for both highest and lowest values of suitability. This shows a robust attitude of
these areas in relating to the residential function. Secondly, considering the
localization of both more and less suitable areas, it appears evident that people prefers
a residential location in a mono-functional area, with a relative but consistent distance
from urban facilities and infrastructures.
Figura 27.
More suitable (on the left side) and less suitable (on the right
side) zones for the considered spatial elements in Taftalidze area
of Skopje.
Stores, shopping centres, bus stops, boulevards as well as kindergartens, schools and
sport centres are perceived as necessary but disturbing residential activities. This is
particularly evident in the map about less suitable areas, where the middle-central
zone, which includes many urban facilities, results as bad dealing with residential
function. Thirdly, the presence of boulevards largely affects the residential suitability
and this certainly requires a specific reasoning by planners on the use and
attractiveness of city boulevards. Another element that negatively affects residential
functions is the presence of shopping centres, which is highly perceived as a trouble.
The low influence of bus stops as public transport facility shows the importance of
private transport mode and, indirectly, justifies the necessity to have a house or
apartment distant from City Boulevard.
Beyond these results, what is of considerable importance is that InViTo allows users to
interact with all these parameters, providing a framework for organizing the urban
knowledge into a perspective of cooperation among actors coming from different
disciplines and with various expertise. In this sense, the 3D model shows to be more
effective than 2D visualization because is able to generate a pre-figuration of how
quantitative values, as urban indicators give, can be translated in urban form. In
particular, it is very important for allowing users to play with indicators and see their
spatial effect on different project/planning options.
The 3D morphological quest
The outcome of the model provides a map which describes how much is suitable the
residential function in the Taftalidze area of Skopje. This data can be expressed in a
3D map as a volume, which has been divided into several spatial units (Figure 3).
The volume of the newly established 3D shapes has been set depending on suitability
level. The volumes related to the highest value of suitability have been set in order to
cover an area of maximum 20m x20m and to have a height of maximum 21m. In the
meanwhile, the volumes related to the lowest value have as constraint to be high as
just one floor and to cover an area large 10m. Then, volumes have been divided into
single apartments through an add-on of Grasshopper, which allow filling a volume
with pre-defined smaller volumes. In this way the tool has automatically generated
building with hypothetical spatial elements, with variable size from 40 to 150 m2 and
are located in block or houses depending on level of suitability.
This 3D model is not just the visualization of the attributes of fixed urban elements,
but rather an emergent shape resulting from complex interaction of spatial
relationships between social and urban structure of the city. It gives a possibility of
developing a complex interaction between the chosen parameters of the urban
environment that result with production of new and previously untraceable, due to its
complexity, urban knowledge.
Figura 28.
Distribution of suitability in Taftalidze area of Skopje, where
white volumes indicate the most suitable areas.
The development of parametrically dependant model of suitability and attractiveness of
the Taftalidze residential area in Skopje should provide a platform for spatial
integration of urban knowledge. The spatial analysis and visualization of chosen
parameters that we have performed on the data gained from the survey is a powerful
tool that should enable decision makers and citizens to enhance their participation in
the process of planning and development of the city though better understanding and
comprehension of the 3D aspects of the city and spatial consequences of the policies
for development. It is a necessary step toward developing a more elaborated city
model that will introduce spatial interaction of architectural morphology on a more
substantial level and that will bring 3D aspects as an unconditional tool for better
understanding of cities. It could be reached only through a city model that recognizes
and is coherent with the multidimensional nature of the cities.
3D modeling of urban development appears as an effective tool in approaching urban
planning for several reasons. First of all, parametrically determined city models can
provide comprehensive tool for analysing development scenarios and design solution
with a very large number of elements to consider. Secondly, it can quickly provide
localization and spatial emergance of different urban aspects, helping practitioners in
their reasoning and enabling policy makers to promote real time debate with the local
communities securing the citizen participation during the planning process.
The complexity of the result comes from a locally driven set of simple rules that induce
continuous adaptations and changes on local level but with an impact on the overall
condition of the system. It provides us with the tool that can generate complex and
novel shapes and configurations as a result of a dynamic, nonlinear and locally driven
process. These new structures are more than a sum of their parts and are not
predetermined or preconceived by any means. In particular, the use of an interactive
tool such as InViTo allows users to combine different solutions and to receive in real
time a feedback on the localization of the effects of their specific choices.
It enable us to fulfil the imperative of this research project to become the milieu of a
confrontation among the economic, social and spatial aspects involved in the city’s
transformation processes and to provide the public administration, institutions or
private sector companies with a tool for morphologic consultancy service on
operations of greater complexity and relevance concerning the city. It will provide
insight into the process of morphogenesis, better understanding of phenomenon of
cities, and an opportunity for better understanding of potential for sustainable future
development, but above all better understanding of results and consequences of our
actions into the world that we live in.
Comune di Torino
This paper presents the application of InViTo to a pilot case which intends to support
decision-making in the project of re-use of a large metropolitan area of Northern
This area is characterized by an industrial past and needs to find new functions
because of its big impact on the urban balances. This area covers a number of large
industrial plots on which various residential development projects and underground
transport systems are being studied. The area has a big potential due to the high road
and rail infrastructure, but urban patterns are very fragmented and formless. This
peripheral area has now a big opportunity to became a new node in Turin metropolitan
system, with a high quality urban life in terms of mobility and accessibility to services.
In this context,InViTo has to provide a visual support in showing urban dynamics and
identifying critical points, thus offering to decision-makers a common and shared
basis for reasoning and creating awareness.
Torino Nord (IT)
Firstly, the city of Turin (IT) has been used for a pilot application in the field of urban
planning (Pensa, Masala & Marietta, 2011). The effects of new infrastructure projects
on redevelopment areas has been investigated in order to provide guidelines for new
projects on the Northern metropolitan area of the city. The relationships between
urban functions and facilities have been explored for defining how different private
and public transport facilities can influence the localization of new settlements (fig.1a).
On the basis of a lot of new projects for the development of the area, the output of the
simulation generated different maps, highlighting the effects of each project on the
suitability for residential purposes. The setting of the model is based on mathematical
functions, which use, first, the utility function to describe the spatial behaviour of each
element on the basis of the distance and, second, the weight by which each element
influence the other ones. Involved experts have been requested to weight each element
in order to assign the priority in residential localization. This evaluation provided a
map of the most suitable area for residential purpose, highlighting some key points to
be evaluated during planning process.
This method has been used to study an urban area. The research concerns the
planning of brownfields localized on the metropolitan border of Turin (Italy). It involves
the study of many aspects as well as transport system infrastructures and land use.
The relations among data and their spatial behaviour are defined by mathematical
curves. To set these curves, the study here described uses three kinds of input. The
first is normative and defines areas which can not be built, protected zones or, more
generally, the limits and constraints to specific functions. The second input is based on
a survey compiled by different kind of experts: the survey results are compared with
thematic literature and local trends of growth measured on other parts of Turin area
[7,8,9]. Finally, transport simulation provides data on environmental pollution, offering
a map of healthiness. These inputs allow to build in Rhino a general growth model able
to reproduce local behavior and pre-figure different spatial solutions for the area (fig.
Figura 29.
Figures above represent the same area with two different values
on the attractive power of the central main road. In the first
image, the white circle, which represents an underground
station, has more attractive power than in the second picture,
where the central road privileges the car system. Location
choices for both residential (light gray boxes) and commercial
(dark gray boxes) buildings changes with transport system
The attractive or repulsive action of spatial axis (generally represented by the path of
railways, highways, main and local roads, subways and rivers) or points (as subway and
railway stations) on urban functions are used to calculate several issues. For example,
the relations between public transport system and suitability on residential buildings
or their maximum acceptable distance from facilities.
This study focuses on the analysis of compatibility of residential settlements with
respect to specific transformation areas. Thus, a model has been built following four
steps (fig. 1):
Fig. 1 – The tool structure.
Step 1: input into the system of GIS data, databases, CAD drawings and
identification of the key elements of project.
Step 2: through the use of a survey, the specific spatial effect of each
elements are defined as mathematical function.
Step 3: resulting curves are inserted into the model for defining how each
elements has to be related to each other.
Step 4: the tool provides a visual output which can be customized on the basis
of target and audience.
Building the model
On the basis of available data and normative constraints, the first step to build the
model is to identify the elements which mostly affect the different functions on this
area, such as residence, commerce, public services or production. Since these
elements have to describe the area, the most representatives are assumed as
parameter of the model and draft on a geo-referenced map.
For this pilot case, the chosen parameters concern infrastructures and performances.
No environmental elements have been considered, whereas normative aspects has
been considered only for identifying the area with particular building constraints as
buffer zones of rivers, power lines and cemeteries. Qualitative elements which have not
a definable influence area, such as beauty, safety, social disease, have not been
considered: they could enter in the debate as participant’sspecific contribution.
Moreover the model analyzes the compatibility conditions only between the area
projects and residential function. For this reason, parameters are chosen on the basis
of three issues as explained in table 1.
Tabella 17. The choice of parameters
bus stops
subway stops
Accessibility to neighbourhood facilities without the
use of private
and proximity
to public railway stations
transport service.
green areas
public services
Accessibility to fast-flowing ways
motorway exits
main streets
Proximity to sources of noise or air pollution
industrial sites
railway and motorway tracks
These parameters are then used to draw and set up the model through GIS and CAD
data. Besides these parameters, the model input can also be data coming from new
projects on area, thus providing a future overview on the success of specific planning
choices. Data are imported into Grasshopper, where each element is identified in order
to assume a specific spatial effect on residential function.
Defining the effect of elements
Each identified element has an influence on the choice of a residential unit. This
influence can be attractive or repulsive or even both depending on distance. This is
in the sensitivity of the real estate market to factors of proximity
to infrastructure and services (Gruppo Class, 2010).
The model works on Compatibility, that is how much a specific element fits in a
specific place, allowing both positive and negative values.
C= f(d)
This function describes the compatibility point by point of the residential function in
relation to its distance (d) from each element chosen as parameter.
The shape of these curves can be defined through different methods. Planning
literature provides many examples, as well as precise information may be collected
through interviews with experts.
In this application case, to test the interaction among the elements, curves have been
defined through a survey distributed among 50 experts on spatial issues. Respondents
are asked to attribute a score to the distance of home from each parameters, on a
scale between -10 (high inefficiency) and +10 (ideal distance). Where Y coordinate
tends to 0, it results a situation of indifference as well as a point of great disparity
among expressed opinions (fig. 2).
Figura 30.
Example of curves which define the effect of some parameters on
the choice of
residential function: compatibility increases or
decreases depending on distance (x-axis) from the spatial
element chosen as parameter. From left to right: subway
stations, railway stations, motorway and railway infrastructures,
green areas.
The resulting curves are then associated to their relative parameter into the model,
thus providing the dynamics of its influence.
Even if results do not represent a true cross-section of reality, the experience has
been sufficient to carry on the test on applied methodology.
Defining the weight of parameters
Once each element is assigned to a curve which defines its effect on residential choice,
the model needs to weight how much each parameter contributes to define the
compatibility of an area in relation to a specific urban function, the residential one in
this specific case. Considering a spatial map, compatibility of each point results from
the weighted sum of all considered parameters as follows:
C= ∑ βi * fi (d)
C= compatibility
β = weight of each parameter (i)
d = distance
This function combines the effect of all considered parameters, but the definition of
weights is a complex task, for which literature does not provide unique solution. For
this case study, a
first attempt focused
the use of
Conjoint Analysis
(Lancaster, 1971), a statistical technique mainly developed in marketing disciplines
and used to determine which factors and relative combinations most affect individual
demand for goods and services.
Even if Conjoint Analysis well fits with the application on this study, some questions
seemed to be inadequate to the purposes of transparency. Moreover, the use of this
technique showed to be too difficult, it increased both costs and times of analysis and
limited the number
to consider,
further level
Thus, a new method was to try. The actual approach considers the interactive
involvement of experts as the more efficient solution in providing realistic values to
the weights of parameter. This choice respects the nature of this tool which has been
appositely designed for allowing the interaction of actors with the spatial model,
avoiding black box methods.
Before a focus group or meeting, the model is built using default value, so that
displayed data do not represent any preferences or rating: all parameters have the
same importance. Weights are included into the model as a multiplier of compatibility
functions, but their value is set by default as 1. Thus, the discussion among experts
provides the value to be included into the model. The effects of this input is visible in
real time on the display, where spatial representations will change their shapes and
volumes depending on the choices of experts.
Visual outputs
Once curves and weights are inserted, automatically the model works and generate
three-dimensional representations which can be visually evaluated by users. The visual
output is a dynamic map which represents the compatibility of a chosen function
respect the considered parameters.
In this case, the tool allows to intervene on
different factors as:
the mathematical function of the influence curve;
the area of influence;
the relative weight of a function;
different alternative project options.
Maps can be both static and dynamic and can be displayed with different visualization
techniques. Depending on the typology of audience, maps can vary their aspect. In the
pilot case, three kinds of visualization have been proposed (fig. 3).
Figura 31.
Figure 3 – Examples of visualization outputs: 2D colour map, 3D
symbolic mesh and 3D quantitative volumes.
A 2D map which indicates compatibility through differences on colour.
A 3D mesh which indicates higher compatibility through localized symbolic peaks.
A quantitative 3D representation, which meets the real urban morphology for
translating the abstract concept of compatibility in a realistic volume, that considers
elements and constraints of town planning normative. Since this last visualization can
be misunderstood with a design project, it must be cautiously used with particular
attention to the expertise of audience.
To integrate the decisions of actors into the model, visualization can be addicted with
particular slider cursor which allow users to modify the values of weights of each
parameters (fig. 4).
Figures above represent the same area with two different values on influence distance
of the underground line. This change causes a new shape for the 3D mesh, which
increases its volume of influence on project area.
Through these different types of visualization the tool aims to support users in
building their awareness on land dynamics and projects, differentiating the views on
the heterogeneity of audience.
In specific limited situation experts can receive a technological device as smart phone
or a lap top, for directly interacting with the model. Through a set of sliders, each actor
can modify the model defining the weight of each parameter and obtaining a visual
representation of the effects (fig. 5).
Figura 32.
Interface for modifying in real time the weight of each
This first test application of InViTo to a real case study already showed some important
innovations in approaching spatial design. Certainly, the use of Grasshopper on large
scale planning represents the first innovation. Parametric and generative design is
primarily used in designing objects and buildings, while wider scales are generally
studied with tools as land use simulators or GIS spatial analyzers. The introduction in
planning of this uncommon technology produces a lot of new questions to be solved
but seems to improve the opinion of planners in information tools. This kind of model
satisfies the need of transparency providing a realistic support in the creation of
awareness on spatial dynamics. Furthermore, another important innovation consists in
the generation of alternative options. Traditional decision system is generally based on
fixed scenarios to be compared, but the dynamism of parametric modelling system as
the Grasshopper one, allows the overcoming of the traditional concept of scenario. It
can visualize in real time new solution raised during the debate working on a singular
dynamic scenario, which contains every alternative options. In this way, the setting of
each model realized by the experts can reach the optimal solution and provide a guide
line for taking decision during the designing process.
Finally, InViTo has been tested on the pilot case involving a group of researchers
specialized in territorial planning. As a result, InViTo shows to satisfy participatory
process requirements to be used as a support to discussions and decision-making
producing a common basis for sharing information. The tool will be proposed to a real
decision room that is discussing the development of Northern area of Turin.
By now InViTo is going to be used within some European Projects such as “CircUse”
(Circular Flow Land Use Management), a Central Europe Programme co-financed by the
ERDF, and within the COST Action TU1002 on Accessibility Instruments.
In the previous section a brief overview on the application of InViTo to different case
studies has made evident its flexibility to different purposes and capability to be
adapted to various stages of planning and decision-making processes. The provided
opportunities to apply this methodology to different scales as well as the large number
of possible outputs highlight the elastic framework of InViTo in approaching different
spatial problems.
InViTo is based on the interactive visual communication as suggested by geovisual
analytics research agenda (Andrienko et al., 2007), and follows its dictates to better
deal with the practitioners needs. In particular, it focuses on the exploration of data,
providing an interactive tool for allowing users to understand spatial data in the way
that best meet their individual expertise.
Despite these first uses in dissimilar case studies have shown the usability of the
methodology here described, it is evident too that many potentials remain to develop,
as well as many questions are still to be resolved.
First of all, at the moment, the use of the system is not completely user-friendly. This
implies that people must be supported in many parts of their data exploration by a
technician who knows where data can be entered or modified. Now this lack of graphic
guide for users results limiting in discovering and knowing the information included in
the model. Therefore, a new interface should be prepared in order to allow people to
enter the model in an easier way. A first attempt has been done through an Excel
Macro built in Visual Basic language by which a single page interface has been
constructed for allowing users to enter data. Even if this page showed to technically
work and to be useful during the discussions with and among actors, further
implementations are needed. In particular, the way to set an interface for gathering the
most large number of information remains to be investigated in order to build a
graphic path which should be able in leading user to explore the model and getting
aware of its working.
Second, InViTo is a tool that can be applied to different purposes of planning process.
Since it is based on the connection of spatial elements through mathematical
functions, it can reproduce the behaviour of various simulation and assessment
techniques. Thus, its flexibility allows to incorporate and integrate different typologies
of spatial simulators, as well as land use, accessibility, environmental performance
ones. InViTo well fits local features and has an open framework to be set for dealing
with specific requirements, but, in the meanwhile, presents the same difficulties of
calibration and validation of the other simulation models. For this reason, InViTo tries
to overcome this problem by the exploitation of its own structure. Throughout the real
time interaction with users, its model settings can be evaluated and regulated in real
time directly from experts involved in the decisional process, thus providing scientific
validation to the tool. Whereas this should be an important opportunities for collecting
confidence in the use of a technological instrument, not all the decisional processes
have the possibility to assemble a large number of experts in the same room, neither
all the actors have the same level of personal knowledge. Therefore, the collaborative
setting and validation of the model is an innovative approach, but its applicability must
be evaluated case by case.
Concerning the visualization of data, it has been noticed during collaborative meetings
that some maps appeared to be too abstract to be easily understood, thus needing
specific explanations for allowing actors to comprehend visualizations. Although this
misunderstandings with a defined group of users, it has been observed that the
implements the understandability of the illustrations, increasing the number of people
who can enjoy the visual communication. The use of 3D models has been essential in
some cases for communicating the differences among alternative scenarios and
providing terms of comparison among them.
The application of InViTo shows that one main problem is the composition of a
common language, which becomes condicio sine qua non for the effective
collaboration among experts. Therefore, visualization proves to be not just a way for
colouring shapes, but a scientific process that need to be designed and evaluated
before its use as well as other methodology.
This chapter has presented a methodology for managing spatial data which is an
attempt to overcome to complex traditional simulation models and to propose a visual
path to knowledge building.
Decisional processes need principally to share information and build a specific
knowledge in order to create awareness among the involved actors on questions to be
solved. At the same time, literature on geovisualization and geovisual analytics focuses
on these planning and spatial decision requirements, proposing interactive tools,
which try to lead users to explore spatial data,
instead of long calculation time simulation models, which usually preclude the
possibilities to an intuitive knowledge by users. Due to these reasons, developers
should stress the importance of interaction as real opportunity for enhancing the
effectiveness and usability of support systems for spatial decision processes.
In addition to this, interaction should be associated to opportunities in creating and
modifying relationships among the attributes of each elements. Contrary to what often
happened in the past years, when a simplified use of GIS produced cartographic output
directly from input data, creating meaningless maps, now the possibility for users to
create relations among data opens a new road in building knowledge. As shown in this
chapter, the elements composing the complex spatial systems can be analysed both
individually and in their relation with all the other components, allowing actors to
understand the single behaviour and, overall, to intersect specific attributes for
extrapolating further information. Then, a comparison among alternatives solutions
provide a constant basis for verify thoughts and ideas.
This is a knowledge made by relationships, connections and interactions, which allow
users to combine information and receive a meaningful outcome. But this kind of
cognitive process is
made by linear reasoning, composed by single elements that,
interacting each others, generate a spatial effect directly from an input, such as the
actor’s decision or the expert’s evaluation. Therefore, in a process where the
awareness and knowledge of actors is essential for reaching
the objective, a new
question on the real usability of complex simulation models should be posed. The
internal and external uncertainty with which complex model have to deal, as well as
the complexity of inter-relations among the parameters really undermine the
confidence of actors in simulation outcomes. On contrary, more simple and
comprehensible model, even if can not provide forecasts and more accurate
calculations, could result more performing in supporting actors in their reasoning and
easier to apply in real case studies.
Questo articolo presenta un nuovo approccio per l'integrazione del sistema di
modellazione per la visualizzazione spaziale della ANP. La metodologia ANP è in grado
di prendere in considerazione sia criteri materiali che immateriali, considerando
modo sistematico le relazioni fra loro. Ciò è particolarmente importante per la
valutazione dei processi di trasformazione urbana e territoriale, come il caso reale qui
presentato. Il documento cerca di fare un ulteriore passo per facilitare il DM nella
gestione dei dati e l’analisi delle influenze tra i diversi elementi del sistema, così come
viene percepito dallo stesso DM, utilizzando specifiche mappe 2D e 3D create dalla
modellazione del sistema. L'applicazione di questo strumento di valutazione mostra
che non è necessario un nuovo software, ma un modo più creativo di usare quelli
A conclusione di questa che costituisce una delle prime applicazioni all’interno del
progetto europeo Code24, i risultati ottenuti sono sufficientemente promettenti. La
visualizzazione spaziale di un’applicazione simbolica della ANP è coerente con le scelte
di ingresso. Il documento dimostra come le caratteristiche parametriche e generative
del sistema di modellazione per la visualizzazione spaziale ben si adattino all'uso di
pesi proprio della ANP. I pesi assegnati agli elementi definiti nella struttura BOCR sono
stati legati a forme spaziali, e rappresentati attraverso mappe dinamiche. Ciò significa
che il modello tridimensionale cambia forma sulla base di tabelle, matrici o valori di set
di dati, aggiornando costantemente la sua forma e mostrando in questo modo gli
effetti che i pesi assegnati nella ANP hanno sulla forma spaziale. In particolare, la
possibilità di modificare i pesi e le relazioni tra gli elementi BOCR rende questo
strumento un supporto interessante per la generazione di discussioni e confronti tra
esperti nel corso di un workshop. Questa prima applicazione ha mostrato l'efficacia di
questa ricerca in corso nel valutare le differenze tra le aree, a dimostrazione che la
rappresentazione spaziale può davvero fornire una base comune per la condivisione di
informazioni tra DM. Un ulteriore perfezionamento del sistema sarà effettuato sulla
base delle applicazioni nei focus group con stakeholders effettivamente dotati di un
ruolo attivo nel processo decisionale.
This paper presents a new approach to the integration of visualization with the
Analytic Network Process. The ANP methodology is capable of taking both tangible and
intangible criteria into consideration without sacrificing their relationships and it can
deal with all kinds of interdependencies systematically. This is particularly important
for evaluating urban and regional transformation processes, as the real-world case
here presented. The paper tries to take a further step towards facilitating the DM in
handling all of the data collected during the decision process and to analyze the
influences among the different elements of the system as perceived by the same DM,
using specific 2D and 3D maps created by the modeling system. The application of this
evaluation tool shows that no other new software is needed, but rather, a more
creative way to use the existing ones.
This paper presents the possibility to integrate modeling system for spatial
visualization to the Analytic Network Process with a new approach, without new
software, but with a more creative way to use the existing ones. The paper tries to
make a further step to facilitate the DM to handle all the data collected during
territorial transformation processes using specific 2D and 3D maps in order to analyze
the perceived influences among the different elements of the decisional problem.
The results obtained are sufficiently promising, even if many question remain to solve.
The spatial visualization of the ANP application is coherent with input choices;
parametric and generative features of the modeling system for symbolic spatial
visualization well fit with the use of weights in ANP. The weights assigned to the
elements of BOCR analysis were related to spatial forms, represented through dynamic
maps. This means that the spatial model correlates numerical and qualitative values
with their effects on spatial form providing a 3D spatial localization of planning
choices. It constantly updates its form showing in this way the effects that weights
assigned in ANP have on spatial form. In particular, the possibility to change the
weights and relations among BOCR elements makes this tool an interesting support for
generating discussion in multi-actor processes, as the territorial and urban ones.
The results obtained are sufficiently promising, even if many questions remain to be
solved. The spatial visualization of the ANP application is coherent with input choices;
parametric and generative features of the modeling system for symbolic spatial
visualization well comforms with the use of weights in ANP. The weights assigned to
the elements of BOCR analysis were related to spatial forms and represented through
dynamic maps. This means that the spatial model correlates quantitive and qualitative
values with their effects on spatial form, providing a 3D spatial localization of planning
choices. It constantly updates its form reflecting the effects that weights assigned in
ANP have on spatial form. In particular, the possibility to change the weights and
relations among BOCR elements in real time makes this tool an interesting resource for
generating discussion in multi-actor processes, such as territorial and urban contexts.
The application of this modeling system to a real case study provided a lot of positive
responses. Firstly, the tool has been used to evaluate a number of scenarios proposed
by real actors. This first application on a planning issue showed the effectiveness of
this tool, which generated a functional localization very similar to the one proposed by
city’s architects. The comparison between the simulation output and the experts’
design showed an important similarity, proving that the tool can provide a reliable
support to planning, generating urban functions that fit with real requirements. The
tool marked also a lack of infrastructures in the starting plan of analyzed area, thus
providing useful recommendations. This application suggested also a further use at
smaller scales for generating urban shapes, however this remains an opportunity for
future studies.
Finally, this ongoing research has been applied for discussing with few actors some
projects on area. The tool showed its utility in interactively feeding discussions on
planning choices. It allowed to visualize the effects of different choices, calibrate the
model with local behaviour and, in particular, it procured a shared basis for the
agreement among actors.
In front of many opportunities, some questions remain to be solved. Each project
needs to follow specific local dynamics, thus the curves defining the spatial behaviour
of data must be set and calibrated each time. Furthermore, since users have different
knowledge, also the typology of visualization technique must be set to adequately
reach different actors.
This paper presents a new approach to integrate modelling system for spatial
visualisation to the Analytic Network Process. The ANP methodology is capable of
taking into consideration both tangible and intangible criteria without sacrificing their
relationships and it can deal with all kinds of dependencies systematically. This is
particularly important for evaluating urban and regional transformations processes, as
the real-world case here presented. The paper tries to make a further step to facilitate
the DM to handle all the data collected during the decision process and to analyze the
influences among the different elements of the system as perceived by the same DM,
using specific 2D and 3D maps created by the modelling system. The application of
this evaluation tool shows that no other new software are needed, but a more creative
way to use them.
As a conclusion of first application within the European project “CoDe 24” the results
obtained are sufficiently promising, even if many question remain to solve. The spatial
visualization of a symbolic application of ANP is coherent with input choices. The
paper demonstrates how parametric and generative features of the modelling system
for spatial visualisation well fit with the use of weights in ANP. The weights assigned to
the elements of BOCR analysis were related to spatial forms, represented through
dynamic maps. This means that the three-dimensional model changes its shape on the
basis of tables, matrixes or dataset values. It constantly updates its form showing in
this way the effects that weights assigned in ANP have on spatial form, transport,
environment and economic aspects of land. In particular, the possibility to change the
weights and relations among BOCR elements makes this tool an interesting support for
generating discussion among experts during workshops and focus groups. This first
application showed the effectiveness of this ongoing research in evaluating differences
among areas, proving that spatial representations can really provide a common basis
for sharing information among DMs.
Further implementation of the system will be done on the basis of the applications on
real focus group.
Discussioni e risultati
Research agenda
The large number of possible application of InViTo as system for managing spatial
data makes the research agenda an open book which includes not only all those
elements related to spatial simulation models, but all the ideas and visions which
concerns the wider field of data visualization in a cross-disciplinary perspective.
Therefore, a large number of future research directions concerns the exploration of the
use of InViTo
for new purposes which can contain economical, energy, social or
environmental issues. New applications will be soon tried on other scales: at very large
scales, as trans-national one in the transportation field, as well as at the architectural
one in order to study elements concerning the inner functional composition of
At this moment, InViTo is already investigating a new application focused on urban
morphology. The main task of this study is to provide more information on
architectural scale as solar irradiation or the volumetric composition of residential
units (fig.5), maintaining its interactive framework to allow users to consider different
project options.
Figura 33.
Volumetric composition of residential units depending on the
size of the entire volume (gray slider) and the number of possible
typologies of residential units (green slider).
From a technical point of view, there are two other future improvements to carry out.
The former concern the inclusion of the time dimension in the exploration of spatial
data. This is an important issue, recommended also in the literature of geovisual
analytics, which can define critical points in the assessment of specific case studies.
The latter is about the increasing of interaction by the means of individual devices. By
the use of tablet pc, smart phones or laptops, users can interact with the models built
with Grasshopper, but further improvements should be done in setting the interface of
remote controls and in controlling the data coming from each actor.
The tool here described is born as phD research at Politecnico di Torino, and it has
been developed at SiTI (Higher Institute on Territorial Systems for Innovation). In
particular, the authors would like to thank F. Corsico, D. Inaudi, I. Lami, M. Tabasso for
their precious work and suggestions.
ETH Zurich
Visualization; Geovisualization; Grasshopper; SDSS; Interaction; Generative; Workflow;
Data sharing.
Visualization:form of representation addressed to knowledge building.
Geovisualization: visualization of spatial data by the use of interactive tools.
Grasshopper:a free plug-in of McNeel’s Rhinoceros which allow the parametric and
generative production of shapes and volumes.
SDSS:Spatial Decision Support Systems, which can be defined as the tools designed to
facilitate the decision-making in complex spatial environments.
Interaction: the possibilities for the users to modify the setting of indicators or
constraints which define the behavior of a model and to see in real time the effects of
these changes.
Generative: the ability to produce volumes and shapes in an automatic way directly
from datasheets, over-passing the traditional concept of CAD drawing.
Workflow: the sequence of steps which define the generation of volumes and shapes.
Data sharing: is conceived as the distribution of knowledge (verbal or material) among
a group of people involved in a particular process.
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cartographic centre of research institute Science Po of Paris
The mission of the International Cartographic
Association is to promote the discipline and profession of cartography in an international context.,
website on cellular automata
satellite & aerial photos dataset with international road
dataset, the first popular virtual globe along with NASA World Wind. Retrieved May 6, 2012
Marble is open source software. It is a Virtual Globe
and World Atlas that you can use to learn more about Earth. A mouse click on a place label will provide the
respective Wikipedia article. Marble offers different thematic maps: A classroom-style topographic map, a
satellite view, street map, earth at night and temperature and precipitation maps.
Web portal for GeoSpatial Visual Analytics ETH Zurich, computer graphic laboratory
The GVU Center is a multidisciplinary research facility affiliated
with the College of Computing at Georgia Tech Retrieved May 30, 2012
the portal delivering full text access to the world's highest
quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics.
Information Aesthetics: Data visualization & visual communication, a
continuously updated collection of infoviz applications and software
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) is a world leader in
visualization tools and research, such as IN-SPIRE™ and Starlight™
Mappa.Mundi Magazine explores how we see and use the Internet.
The Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Division (MCSD), of Information Technology Laboratory at National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), provides technical leadership in modern analytical and computational methods for solving scientific
problems of interest to American industry.
Open Mind Map Library - Free library of mind maps.
National Visualization and Analytics Center (NVAC) The National
Visualization and Analytics Center is a national and international resource providing strategic leadership and
coordination for visual analytics technology and tools.
New York New Visions is a coalition of 21
architecture, planning, and design organizations
Planning Decision Support System. This Web-based planning and
decision process structuring program has been designed to improve anticipatory and reflective organization
decision making. This Planning Decision Support System (PDSS) is a prototype built using open source web
forum on PPGIS - Participatory Geographic
Information System and Technologies
web mapping Retrieved May 5, 2012
Sketchup by Google
Scientific Visualization Studio (NASA) The mission of the Scientific
Visualization Studio is to facilitate scientific inquiry and outreach within NASA programs through visualization.
Visual Analytics Digital Library: contains materials
useful in Visual Analytics (higher) education.
Websom uses SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) to create maps
NASA World Wind uses topographic maps and
several satellite and aerial image datasets, the first popular virtual globe along with Google Earth. World Wind
is open source software.
ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing
society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession.
Public institution on land management American Society of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T
SIGVIS): Special Interest Group in Visualization Information and Sound. SIGVIS's mission is to promote the
exchange, development, communication, and dissemination of information and research related to visual and
graphic .
Advanced Visual Systems provides industry-leading, interactive data
visualization software, as AVS/Express, and solutions that help business, scientific and engineering users gain
critical insight from all types of data.
Baltimore: Vision 2030 was launched in the summer
of 2001 in an effort to involve residents, businesses and government in reaching consensus on a clear, consistent
and realistic vision for the future of the Baltimore region over the next ten, twenty and thirty years
Information and Business Graphics. This is a free library of business and information visual solutions.
centre for advanced spatial analysis dell’University
College of London (CASA)
Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS)
Chicago Metropolis 2020 has focused on creating collaborations with
other organizations and is developing a new kind of "civic entrepreneurship," in the region.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) integrates
planning for land use and transportation in the seven counties of northeastern Illinois. The new organization
combined the region's two previously separate transportation and land-use planning organizations - Chicago
Area Transportation Study (CATS) and the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC) - into a
single agency
IEEE Computer Society: the world's largest membership organization
for computing professionals.
Portal of the City of Turin
Atlante metropolitano aims to provides the land
images for a better land knowledge
Geoportal on the City of Turin
GTT – Gruppo Torinese Trasporti (Turin Transport
Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture
and Urban Planning
It is the provider of high resolution commercial
imagery. This company operates a constellation of sub-meter commercial imaging satellites.
Open Directory Project
is a multilingual open content
directory of World Wide Web links owned by Netscape that is constructed and maintained by
a community of volunteer editors
Earth3D is a program that visualizes the earth in a realtime 3D view. It
uses data from NASA, USGS, the CIA and the city of Osnabrück. Earth3D is open source software. EarthBrowser is a virtual globe that combines an easy to navigate 3 dimensional globe
with real-time weather conditions and 7 day forecasts for thousands of locations worldwide.
Eurographics European Association for Computer Graphics
Explorer is a free downloadable application that offers an easy way to access online GIS content and
capabilities. With ArcGIS Explorer, you can connect to a variety of free, ready-to-use datasets hosted by ESRI.
Combine these with your own local data or other 2D and 3D Web services to create custom maps and perform
spatial analysis., Retrieved May 2, 2012
Mind the Gap! The Gapminder website helps you
analyse indicators of development
University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geography
“Penn State GeoVISTA Center” conduct and coordinate integrated and innovative
research in GIScience, with strong emphasis on geovisualization. Its goal is to develop powerful humancentered methods and technologies that make it possible for scientists and decision makers to solve scientific,
social, and environmental problems through computer-supported, visually-enabled analysis of the growing
wealth of geospatial data.
Toolkit is an Open Source Toolkit for Geovizualization Retrieved July 1, 2012
GO TO 2040, launched by the Chicago Metropolitan
Agency for Planning (CMAP) is a plan that will guide growth for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake,
McHenry, and Will Counties for the rest of this century. In addition to land use and transportation, GO TO 2040
also addresses the full range of quality-of-life issues, including the natural environment, economic development,
housing, and human services such as education, health care and other social services.
Stanford Computer Graphics Laboratory
sito della University of Utah, contenente risorse per la
Information Visualization Hosts the web sites of the yearly InfoVis scientific conference and the main mailing
list of researchers in the domain.
InstantAtlas is a data Visualization Software for GIS Specialists and
Information Analysts. It enables information analysts and research professionals to create highly-interactive web
solutions that combine statistics and map data to improve data visualization, enhance communication, and
engage people in more informed decision making.
2011Italy is planning to celebrate its 150th anniversary
as a united nation. Turin and Piedmont are preparing a grand international happening.
Dataplot is a free,
public-domain, multi-platform software system for scientific visualization, statistical analysis, and non-linear
modelling, produced by Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST)
the topic of knowledge communication between experts and
decision makers
MacKiev's 3D Weather Globe & Atlas, 3D views based on the Blue
Marble imagery, near-real-time cloud coverage and weather forecast, time zones, day/night views.
Free websit on mapping and its history
Alfred Inselberg and the studies on Parallel
& Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Departments, Tel Aviv University, Israel Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical
Graphics, and Data Visualization An illustrated chronology of innovations, by Michael Friendly and Daniel J.
The Metropolis Plan: Choices for the Chicago Region
is a prescription for healthier regional growth and development. This web sites contains all the information on
the regional plan.
Metro Torino: The underground network of Turin
Microsoft Virtual Earth is a 3D interface for Live Search Maps
( IRIS Explorer is a powerful yet easy-to-use sophisticated
visualisation system and application builder, by Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)
North-eastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC)
NovoSpark Visualizer is an advanced visualization tool that enables
qualitative analysis of multidimensional data on a graphical image.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal
agency created to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare
Object Vision BV is a private enterprise that focuses
on the design, development and implementation of software tools (as Land Use Scanner) for Planning support
systems (PSS), Decision support systems (DSS), Management information systems (MIS), Geographic
information systems (GIS)
Portal for the spreading of knowledge on the urban
transformations in Turin.
visualization tool that represents events in an X,Y,T coordinate space in which the X,Y plane shows geography
and the vertical T axis represents time. Events animate in time vertically through the 3-D space.
Real-estate Centre of the City of Turin
The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
(PBL) is the national institute for strategic policy analysis in the field of environment, nature and spatial
138 Cynthia Brewer, geographer from University of Pennsylvania
Placeways' GIS–based analysis and visualization tools help you make
informed, efficient decisions about land–use planning and resource management.
Hong Kong 2030 Planning vision and strategy
Presagis, a leading provider of COTS modeling and simulation
software solutions
Portal of the Province of Turin
Plan for the urban re-qualification and sustainable development on
Borgaro, Torino and Settimo
desktop peer-to-peer application to use, analyze, and share spatial data. WorldView uses a sophisticated
Digital Earth Reference Model to integrate and display multiple sources of geospatial information on-the-fly. Politecnico di Torino: the new project
The Regional Economics Applications Laboratory
(REAL) of University of Illinois focuses on the development and use of analytical models for urban and regional
forecasting and economic development.
Portal of the County of Turin
Bubble Chart of Report Portal, which is a web client reporting solution that lets you build, publish and view
tfifferent types of reports
Italian Railway Network Society
From the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest
Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques
The Environmental Simulation Center practices
planning and urban design as an independent not-for-profit organization. It is specialized in applying
information technology and decision support systems in real-world planning, design, development,
environmental and visual impact projects
global forums on cities
Mobility, Inc. was established in 2001 as a consulting firm that integrates transportation and land use modeling,
engineering, and planning. SMI has developed a smart transportation strategy for the region, to include a
network of boulevards, parkways and Bus Rapid Transit service, to complement the smart growth land use
scenario developed by Fregonese-Calthorpe Associates.
market map
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill architects
TerraServer has assembled the largest variety of aerial photos, satellite
images and USGS topo maps on the Internet.
Torino 2006 XX Olympic Winter Games
The Torino Internazionale Association was established
to promote the Strategic Plan of Turin
Metropilus (DRAM/EMPAL) simulation model, by S.H. Putman and
Associates, Inc.
Urban Center Metropolitano is a presiding
organisation providing support to the transformation processes in Torino and its metropolitan area, together with
research, promotion and training on issues concerning architecture and the urban debate.
Urban Insight is an experienced, creative, and professional
technology consulting firm. It plans, builds and operates websites using web content management systems
The Charlotte Visualization Center, University of North Carolina,
Visual Complexity: a visual compendium of techniques for
displaying and mapping networks
Netherland Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment
The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) is an open-source,
freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.
Vrije Universitiet di Amsterdam.
Worldmapper is a collection of world maps, where territories are re-sized on
each map according to the subject of interest.,
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forums on software and applications
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Autocad, 3D Max and Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Official website of Bentley, software house that produces
Pro/ENGINEER e Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Communityviz: simulation software by Orton Family Foundation and
Placeways, LLC
Index simulation model by Criterion Planners/Engineers, Inc.
University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design: Curba
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Place3s simulation model by California Energy Commission, State Energy Office in
Oregon, the Washington Dept. of Energy, Parsons Brinckerhoff-McKeever/Morris, Inc.
Official website of software house leader in the production of GIS and mapping
software Theoretical support to CommunityViz
High Quality Laboratory – Territorial Integrated Project of Politecnico di Torino
Metroquest simulation model by Envision Sustainability Tools Inc
The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.® (OGC) is a
non-profit, international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is leading the development of
standards for geospatial and location based services.
Theoretical support to Metropilus (DRAM/EMPAL)
University of Manchester - Public Participation Geographical
Information Systems Research
Official website of Presagis, ex-Multigen Paradigm, software
house that produces Creator, Creator Terrain Studio and Vega Prime.
Rhino 3D nurbs modelling
Theoretical support to
source of interchange data and tools
UrbanSim simulation model by Paul Waddel, Michael Noth, Alan
Borning. UrbanSim is a software-based simulation model for integrated planning and analysis of urban
development, incorporating the interactions between land use, transportation, and public policy
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