Kriteria Kepentingan Umum dalam Peraturan Pengadaan Tanah
Kriteria Kepentingan Umum dalam Peraturan Pengadaan Tanah
Jurnal Ilmu Hukum REFLEKSI HUKUM Edisi April 2012 KRITERIA KEPENTINGAN UMUM DALAM PERATURAN PENGADAAN TANAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN PEMBANGUNAN DI INDONESIA Christiana Tri Budhayati Abstract Regulation relating to land procurement in Indonesia, do not give a definition of common interests. It just gives criteria or type of activities which are included within the scope of public interest. As expressed by Gunanegara, that it is very difficult to give a definition of public interest, because it is very abstract. Therefore, in the implementation phase, the criteria of public interest can be an overarching land procurement activities. Regulation of the land acquisition using a mixtureof general guide and list of public interest provision. Keywords : 1. Pengadaan Tanah 2. Kepentingan Umum 3. Kriteria Kepentingan Umum 39