2013.0423 D - Planning Department
2013.0423 D - Planning Department
Discretionary Review Abbreviated Analysis HEARING DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2014 Date: Case No.: Project Address: Permit Application: Zoning: Block/Lot: Project Sponsor: Staff Contact: Recommendation: October 30, 2014 2013.0423DV 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 2013.04.11.4257 RH-1(D) [Residential House, One-Family (Detached)] 40-X Height and Bulk District 1308/013 Craig Doty Whiteside Management 2 Henry Adams Street, Suite M-3 San Francisco, CA 94103 Glenn Cabreros, 415-558-6169 [email protected] Do not take DR and approve as proposed PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes to lift the existing single-family residence two feet to create habitable space at the existing basement level and to create an additional level below the basement to include a three-car garage. The project includes a rear horizontal addition and façade alterations. The existing driveway entry along El Camino del Mar is proposed to be closed, and vehicular access to the proposed garage would be provided via the shared driveway easement at the rear of the subject building. A request for side and rear yard variances for the project (Case No. 2013.0423V) was heard by the Zoning Administrator on May, 27, 2014. A variance decision is pending. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PRESENT USE The project is located on the north side of El Camino del Mar, between Sea Cliff Avenue and 27th Avenue. The project site contains a two-story-over-basement, detached, single-family residence constructed in 1926 in the Sea Cliff neighborhood. SURROUNDING PROPERTIES AND NEIGHBORHOOD Both adjacent properties are two-story, single-family residences. Unlike the subject property, which has vehicular access from El Camino del Mar, the two adjacent properties have vehicular access to their garages via a private driveway easement that bisects the midblock open space of the subject block. www.sfplanning.org Discretionary Review – Abbreviated Analysis Hearing Date: November 6, 2014 CASE NO. 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar BUILDING PERMIT NOTIFICATION TYPE 311 Notice REQUIRED NOTIFICATION PERIOD DATES 30 days June 9, 2014 – July 9, 2014 DR FILE DATE DR HEARING DATE FILING TO HEARING TIME July 9, 2014 November 6, 2014 121 days HEARING NOTIFICATION TYPE Posted Notice Mailed Notice REQUIRED PERIOD 10 days 10 days REQUIRED NOTICE DATE ACTUAL NOTICE DATE October 27, 2014 October 27, 2014 October 27, 2014 October 27, 2014 ACTUAL PERIOD 10 days 10 days PUBLIC COMMENT Adjacent neighbor(s) Other neighbors on the block or directly across the street Neighborhood groups SUPPORT OPPOSED NO POSITION -- 1 (DR requestor) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- DR REQUESTOR Maria Canizales, owner of 530 El Camino del Mar, located adjacent and west of the project. DR REQUESTOR’S CONCERNS AND PROPOSED ALTERNATIVES See attached Discretionary Review Application, dated July 9, 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW On March 25, 2014 and per Case No. 2013.0423E, the Department has determined that the proposed project is exempt/excluded from environmental review, pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15301 (Class One - Minor Alteration of Existing Facility, (e) Additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet). RESIDENTIAL DESIGN TEAM REVIEW (RDT) The RDT did not find the DR requestor’s concerns or the project to be extraordinary or exceptional. The DR requestor’s issue regarding the depth of the proposed deck extension at the basement/ground floor level was found to be appropriate as the proposed deck extends minimally beyond the rear wall of the DR requestor’s residence and the deck provides side setbacks. 2 Discretionary Review – Abbreviated Analysis Hearing Date: November 6, 2014 CASE NO. 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Under the Commission’s pending DR Reform Legislation, this project would not be referred to the Commission as this project does not contain or create any exceptional or extraordinary circumstances. RECOMMENDATION: Do not take DR and approve project as proposed Attachments: Parcel Map Sanborn Map Zoning Map Aerial Photographs Section 311 Notice DR Application Reduced Plans GC: G:\Documents\2013\DR\2013.0423D - 520 El Camino del Mar\2013.0423D - 520 El Camino del Mar - Abbreviated Analysis.doc 3 Parcel Map REQUESTOR’S PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY Discretionary Review Hearing Case Number 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Hearing date: November 6, 2014 Sanborn Map* REQUESTOR’S PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY *The Sanborn Maps in San Francisco have not been updated since 1998, and this map may not accurately reflect existing conditions. Discretionary Review Hearing Case Number 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Hearing date: November 6, 2014 Zoning Map SUBJECT PROPERTY Discretionary Review Hearing Case Number 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Hearing date: November 6, 2014 Aerial Photo 1 – Block Face REQUESTOR’S PROPERTY SUBJECT PROPERTY Discretionary Review Hearing Case Number 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Hearing date: November 6, 2014 Aerial Photo 2 – Rear Facades SUBJECT PROPERTY REQUESTOR’S PROPERTY Discretionary Review Hearing Case Number 2013.0423D 520 El Camino del Mar Hearing date: November 6, 2014 1650 Mis s ion Str eet Suite 400 San Fr anc is c o, CA 94103 NOTICE OF BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (SECTION 311/312) On April 11, 2013, the Applicant named below filed Building Permit Application No. 2013.04.11.4257 with the City and County of San Francisco. PROPERTY INFORMATION Project Address: Cross Street(s): Block/Lot No.: Zoning District(s): APPLICANT INFORMATION 520 El Camino del Mar th 28 Avenue / Sea Cliff Avenue 1308/013 RH-1(D) / 40-X Applicant: Address: City, State: Telephone: Craig Doty, Whiteside Managment 2 Henry Adams Street, Suite M3 San Francisco, CA 94103 (415) 450-8131 You are receiving this notice as a property owner or resident within 150 feet of the proposed project. You are not required to take any action. For more information about the proposed project, or to express concerns about the project, please contact the Applicant listed above or the Planner named below as soon as possible. If you believe that there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances associated with the project, you may request the Planning Commission to use its discretionary powers to review this application at a public hearing. Applications requesting a Discretionary Review hearing must be filed during the 30-day review period, prior to the close of business on the Expiration Date shown below, or the next business day if that date is on a week-end or a legal holiday. If no Requests for Discretionary Review are filed, this project will be approved by the Planning Department after the Expiration Date. Members of the public are not required to provide personal identifying information when they communicate with the Commission or the Department. All written or oral communications, including submitted personal contact information, may be made available to the public for inspection and copying upon request and may appear on the Department’s website or in other public documents. PROJECT SCOPE Demolition New Construction Alteration Change of Use Façade Alteration(s) Front Addition Rear Addition Side Addition Vertical Addition PROJECT FEATURES EXISTING PROPOSED Building Use Front Setback Side Setbacks Building Depth Rear Yard Building Height Number of Stories Number of Dwelling Units Number of Parking Spaces Single-Family Residence 10 feet 4 ft. @ west / 10 ft. @ east 69 feet 62 feet 32 feet to roof 2 over garage 1 1 No Change No Change No Change 118 feet 15 feet 34 feet 3 over garage No Change 3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposal is to lift the existing single-family residence 2 feet to create habitable space at the existing basement level and to create an additional level below the basement to include a 3-car garage. The project also includes a rear horizontal addition and façade alterations at all façades. The existing driveway entry along El Camino del Mar is proposed to be closed, and vehicular access to the proposed garage would be accessed via the shared driveway easement at the rear of the subject building. The issuance of the building permit by the Department of Building Inspection or the Planning Commission project approval at a discretionary review hearing would constitute as the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to Section 31.04(h) of the San Francisco Administrative Code. For more information, please contact Planning Department staff: Planner: Glenn Cabreros Telephone: (415) 558-6169 E-mail: [email protected] Notice Date: 6/09/2014 Expiration Date: 7/09/2014 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT PROCEDURES Reduced copies of the proposed project plans have been included in this mailing for your information. If you have questions about the plans, please contact the project Applicant listed on the front of this notice. You may wish to discuss the plans with your neighbors or neighborhood association, as they may already be aware of the project. If you have general questions about the Planning Department’s review process, please contact the Planning Information Center at 1660 Mission Street, 1st Floor (415/ 558-6377) between 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday-Friday. If you have specific questions about the proposed project, you should contact the planner listed on the front of this notice. If you believe that the impact on you from the proposed project is significant and you wish to seek to change the project, there are several procedures you may use. We strongly urge that steps 1 and 2 be taken. 1. 2. 3. Request a meeting with the project Applicant to get more information and to explain the project's impact on you. Contact the nonprofit organization Community Boards at (415) 920-3820, or online at www.communityboards.org for a facilitated discussion in a safe and collaborative environment. Community Boards acts as a neutral third party and has, on many occasions, helped reach mutually agreeable solutions. Where you have attempted, through the use of the above steps or other means, to address potential problems without success, please contact the planner listed on the front of this notice to discuss your concerns. If, after exhausting the procedures outlined above, you still believe that exceptional and extraordinary circumstances exist, you have the option to request that the Planning Commission exercise its discretionary powers to review the project. These powers are reserved for use in exceptional and extraordinary circumstances for projects which generally conflict with the City's General Plan and the Priority Policies of the Planning Code; therefore the Commission exercises its discretion with utmost restraint. This procedure is called Discretionary Review. If you believe the project warrants Discretionary Review by the Planning Commission, you must file a Discretionary Review application prior to the Expiration Date shown on the front of this notice. Discretionary Review applications are available at the Planning Information Center (PIC), 1660 Mission Street, 1st Floor, or online at www.sfplanning.org). You must submit the application in person at the Planning Information Center (PIC) between 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday-Friday, with all required materials and a check payable to the Planning Department. To determine the fee for a Discretionary Review, please refer to the Planning Department Fee Schedule available at www.sfplanning.org. If the project includes multiple building permits, i.e. demolition and new construction, a separate request for Discretionary Review must be submitted, with all required materials and fee, for each permit that you feel will have an impact on you. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. If no Discretionary Review Applications have been filed within the Notification Period, the Planning Department will approve the application and forward it to the Department of Building Inspection for its review. BOARD OF APPEALS An appeal of the Planning Commission’s decision on a Discretionary Review case may be made to the Board of Appeals within 15 calendar days after the building permit is issued (or denied) by the Department of Building Inspection. Appeals must be submitted in person at the Board's office at 1650 Mission Street, 3rd Floor, Room 304. For further information about appeals to the Board of Appeals, including current fees, contact the Board of Appeals at (415) 575-6880. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW This project has undergone preliminary review pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). If, as part of this process, the Department’s Environmental Review Officer has deemed this project to be exempt from further environmental review, an exemption determination has been prepared and can be obtained through the Exemption Map, on-line, at www.sfplanning.org. An appeal of the decision to exempt the proposed project from CEQA may be made to the Board of Supervisors within 30 calendar days after the project approval action identified on the determination. The procedures for filing an appeal of an exemption determination are available from the Clerk of the Board at City Hall, Room 244, or by calling (415) 554-5184. Under CEQA, in a later court challenge, a litigant may be limited to raising only those issues previously raised at a hearing on the project or in written correspondence delivered to the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Planning Department or other City board, commission or department at, or prior to, such hearing, or as part of the appeal hearing process on the CEQA decision. CASE M.IatR r I .L ) APPLICATION FOR Discretionary Review rri S I! DR APPUCANT’S ADDRESS ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE 530 El 94121 ( 510 ) 594-9322 I Del Mar PRQPERTY OWNER WHO IS DOING THE PROJECT ON WHICH YOU ARE REQUESTING DISCRETIONARY REVIEW NAME: Waither Lovato ZIP CODE. 0Camino Del Mar TELEPHONE 94121 CONTACT FOR DR APPUCATION. Law Office ol Tracy Boxer Zill Same as Above A.SLd Suite Three ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE: 94109 (415) 6018401 EMPDRESS trzi gma.com OC 35 CThOfl ZIP CODE: STREET ADDRESS OF PROJECT. 520 El Camino Del Mar 94121 Je/ Sea Cliff Avenue ASSESSORS BLOCK/LOT: 1308 LOT AREA (SQ Fl): TIMr i013 zj 1cjpCT T13ULX DISTRICT 144 LieSiH;)hOfl Please check all that apply Change of Use Change of Hours Additions to Building. Elar : New Construction Front Height bingle Family Residence Alterations C Demolition Other Side Yard Present or Previous Use: Single FiillTRØidence Proposed Use: _ 201304. 11 Building Permit Application No. April 11, 2013 Date Filed: I 13. j If you have discussed the project with the applicant, planning staff or gone through mediation, please summarize the result, including any changes there were made to the proposed project. We have met with the Lovatos several times, and they are willing to modify the Project to accommodate td ress our concerns. cE &R Discretionary Review Request 1342: In the space below and on separate paper, if necessary, please present facts sufficient to answer each question. What are the reasons for requesting Discretionary Review? The project meets the minimum standards of the Planning Code. What are the exceptional and extraordinary circumstances that justify Discretionary Review of the project? How does the project conflict with the City’s General Plan or the Planning Code’s Priority Policies or Residential Design Guidelines? Please be specific and site specific sections of the Residential Design Guidelines. The Project is currently under consideration for a Variance, which would encroach into the side yard ŁThaTPijTwUWJhnecessarlly ºŒMth roUWdl[O iºfª1VªfThe deck ab 2. The Residential Design Guidelines assume some impacts to be reasonable and expected as part of construction. Please explain how this project would cause unreasonable impacts. If you believe your property, the property of others or the neighborhood would be adversely affected, please state who would be affected, and how: 1. The sheer size of the Project is out of context with the houses surrounding it and the block pattern. 2. What alternatives or changes to the proposed project, beyond the changes (if any) already made would respond to the exceptional and extraordinary circumstances and reduce the adverse effects noted above in question #1? We want to stress that we have no problemwith the below grade extension into the rear yard and the d ØTtffe1 3-14 foot I I’ve with it -thLs-extenson-were-modifmd-taafign-witli-tt-ieileck-aboyp-(i e pulled back)- 13. 0427’ Applicant’s Affidavit Under penalty of perjury the following declarations are made: a: The undersigned is the owner or authorized agent of the owner of this property. b: The information presented is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. c The other information or applications may be required. Signature: / C" I/ Print name, and indicate whether owner, or authorized agent: Tracy Boxer Zill Esq. OwneoAgeN(crCIe one) Date: 13 fl42D July 8, 2014 City Planning Department City and County of San Francisco 1650 Mission Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94103-2414 Re: Property Address: Owner: Subject: 530 El Camino Del Mar Maria Canizales Applications and Processing Dear Sir or Madam: On behalf of Maria Canizales, this letter authorizes the Law Offices of Tracy Boxer Zill and its constituent attorneys to take all necessary action, including but not limited to the filing of a Request for Discretionary Review of a Project at 520 El Camino Del Mar. Naturally, this authorization is revocable at the sole discretion of Maria Canizales Very truly yours, Mara Cainzales LEGEND EXISTING NEIGHBORING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE RENOVATED EXISTING DECK S 83 32 00 W 50.073' EXISTING GARAGE OUTBUILDING 62'-0" VARIES 47.30' 37'-0" EXISTING OUTBUILDING ALLEY 35'-8" 87.79' N 03 23 00 W 143.82' SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 5'-0" 10'-10" 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 5'-0" 3.2' 3'-9" 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 68'-11" S 03 23 00 E 140.689' 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 6'-0" EXISTING DECK 19'-0" VARIES CONCRETE DRIVEWAY REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 14.15' LOVATO RESIDENCE 10'-3" 12.71' 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 12.21' 13.21' FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE 50.04' R = 375' REED A. MORRISON Architect 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 EL CAMINO DEL MAR SITE PLAN EXISTING Date: 1 SITE PLAN / EXISTING Scale: 9 / 24 / 14 NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 001.00 1 SITE PLAN / PROPOSED 12.21' 10'-3" 12.71' 13.21' 5'-0" 3.2' 3'-9" STORAGE G06 PO W D ER ROOM G07 S TA I R 1 35'-8" 5'-0" 10'-10" N 03 23 00 W 143.82' SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE PROPOSED GARDEN STORAGE G04 HALL 1 GO2 BICYCLES G09 W I N E CELLAR G03 87.79' PROPOSED BASEMENT EXTENSION 14'-4" 31'-8" 62'-0" VARIES 37'-0" EXISTING GARAGE OUTBUILDING EXISTING OUTBUILDING 22'-0" PROPOSED GARDEN WITH UNDERGROUND PARKING GARAGE G01 10'-8" VARIES LINE OF GARAGE DOOR BELOW 14.15' 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE MECHANICAL G05 UP M E D I A ROOM G08 SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TO BE RENOVATED 68'-11" S 03 23 00 E 140.689' 117'-6" 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EXISTING 2 STORY PLUS BASEMENT SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 47.30' 15'-0" LEGEND EXISTING NEIGHBORING CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE RENOVATED EXISTING DECK S 83 32 00 W 50.073' ALLEY REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 5'-8" LOVATO RESIDENCE FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE PROPOSED GARDEN 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 50.04' R = 375' REED A. MORRISON Architect NOTE: (3) 24" BOX TREES 3 ARE REQUIRED 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 EL CAMINO DEL MAR SITE PLAN EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 9 / 24 / 14 NTS 0 2 4 Scale: C FT 8 16 A - 002.00 LEGEND 5'-0" SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 37'-0" A STORAGE G07 STAIR 1 WINE CELLAR G09 POWDER ROOM G11 UP MECHANICAL G05 STORAGE G06 MAKE SUCH EXPLORATIONS AND PROBES AS ARE NECESSARY TO ASCERTAIN ANY PROTECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL. LOCATE AND IDENTIFY EXISTING UTILITIES AND SERVICES WITHIN CONTRACT LIMITS. ARRANGE FOR DISCONNECTION, DISCONNECT AND SEAL OR CAP ALL UTILITIES AND SERVICES DESIGNATED TO BE OR RELOCATED BEFORE START OF WORK. GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO SHORING AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS SO AS TO PREVENT ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION WHEN DEMOLITION IS COMPLETE, EXTERMINATE FOR RODENTS AND INSECTS AS REQUIRED. HALL 1 G10 STORAGE G04 DN B GARAGE G02 ALLEY 35'-8" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE 50.04' R = 375' MEDIA ROOM G08 NOT EXCAVATED NOTES 30'-0" 3'-9" 62'-0" LINE OF EXISTING HOUSE 68'-11" 12.71' REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 10'-3" EXISTING CONSTRUCTION - TO REMAIN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED BICYCLE STORAGE G03 2 SIDEYARD SETBACK LINE 5'-0" 10'-10" SHOP G01 NEW SUB-BASEMENT LEVEL GARAGE FLOOR PLAN / PROPOSED LOVATO RESIDENCE NOT EXCAVATED 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 REED A. MORRISON Architect 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 FLOOR PLANS EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 SUB-BASEMENT LEVEL NOT EXCAVATED / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 003.00 WET BAR B12 SAUNA B05 35'-8" SOLARIUM B13 STAIR 1 10'-10" LAUNDRY B04 MUD ROOM B02 HALL 1 B01 PANTRY STORAGE B17 BATH GUEST BEDROOM B16 B15 NOTES A WC B06 OFFICE B04 2 DN UP HALL 2 B10 STAIR 2 MAKE SUCH EXPLORATIONS AND PROBES AS ARE NECESSARY TO ASCERTAIN ANY PROTECTIVE MEASURES REQUIRED BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL. LOCATE AND IDENTIFY EXISTING UTILITIES AND SERVICES WITHIN CONTRACT LIMITS. ARRANGE FOR DISCONNECTION, DISCONNECT AND SEAL OR CAP ALL UTILITIES AND SERVICES DESIGNATED TO BE OR RELOCATED BEFORE START OF WORK. GIVE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO SHORING AND BRACING REQUIREMENTS SO AS TO PREVENT ANY DAMAGE TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION WHEN DEMOLITION IS COMPLETE, EXTERMINATE FOR RODENTS AND INSECTS AS REQUIRED. B SITTING ROOM B14 SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 5'-0" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE PROPOSED GARDEN BATH B07 37'-0" PROPOSED GARDEN DEN B11 FAMILY ROOM B09 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION - TO REMAIN EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO BE REMOVED 62'-0" REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 3'-9" 5'-0" SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE STORAGE B08 14'-4" LINE OF NEIGHBORING BUILDING 68'-11" 12.71' LINE OF EXISTING DECK ABOVE 10'-3" LINE OF EXISTING HOUSE LEGEND PROPOSED GARDEN BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN / PROPOSED 68'-11" 10'-3" 62'-0" 3'-9" 37'-0" 5'-0" 12.71' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY STAIR LAUNDRY D W STORAGE BATH 1 REAR YARD SETBACK LINE GARAGE FAMILY ROOM MECHANICAL ROOM 35'-8" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE LOVATO RESIDENCE 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 BEDROOM 1 REED A. MORRISON 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 SIDEYARD SETBACK LINE 5'-0" 10'-10" Architect CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 FLOOR PLANS EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 004.00 10'-3" 62'-0" 68'-11" 12.71' DN UP STAIR 2 TERRACE LIVING ROOM 109 FOYER 101 SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 5'-0" 10'-10" DINING ROOM 102 SITTING AREA 108 LIBRARY 107 PROPOSED GARDEN BELOW HALL 105 KITCHEN 104 35'-8" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE PROPOSED GARDEN PANTRY 103 POWDER ROOM 106 REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 3'-9" 5'-0" 3'-6" SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 2 37'-0" 14'-4" PROPOSED GARDEN FIRST FLOOR PLAN / PROPOSED 10'-3" 62'-0" 68'-11" 3'-9" 37'-0" 5'-0" 12.71' SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE POWDER ROOM PANTRY INFORMAL DINING STAIR DINING ROOM FOYER DECK LIVING ROOM REAR YARD SETBACK LINE 35'-8" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE KITCHEN CONCRETE DRIVEWAY BELOW STUDY LOVATO RESIDENCE 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 REED A. MORRISON Architect 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE 5'-0" 10'-10" FACE OF EXISTING DECK CONCRETE DRIVEWAY 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 FLOOR PLANS EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 FIRST FLOOR PLAN / EXISTING Scale: NTS 9 / 24 / 14 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 005.00 BEDROOM 3 210 BEDROOM 4 212 BATH 3 211 MASTER BATH MASTER DRESSING 1 213 214 MASTER BEDROOM 215 HALL 6 209 DN BATH 2 207 STAIR 2 DECK HALL 7 218 HALL 5 208 STAIR HALL 219 HALL 4 204 2 BATH 1 205 BEDROOM 1 202 HALL 1 201 MASTER DRESSING 2 217 SITTING ROOM 216 W/D 27X38.75 X29.75 BEDROOM 2 206 HALL 2 203 SECOND FLOOR PLAN / PROPOSED BATH 1 BEDR OOM 3 BEDR OOM 2 BEDR OOM 1 MAS TER BED ROO M LOVATO RESIDENCE STAIR BATH 2 DECK HA LL 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 BEDR OOM 4 BATH 3 BEDR OOM 5 CL OS ET MAS TER BAT H REED A. MORRISON Architect 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 FLOOR PLANS EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN / EXISTING Scale: NTS 9 / 24 / 14 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 006.00 NOTES EA EXISTING SPANISH TILE ROOF EXISTING STUCCO EXISTING WOOD WINDOW CASEMENT EXISTING WOOD WINDOW DOUBLE HUNG EXISTING WOOD WINDOW FIXED EXISTING WOOD WINDOW HOPPER EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD SLIDING GLASS DOORS EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD ENTRY DOOR EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD GARAGE DOOR EXISTING STEEL AND GLASS DOORS EXISTING PAINTED METAL DOWNSPOUT EXISTING GLASS RAILING EXISTING CHIMNEY EXISTING CHIMNEY TO BE RELOCATED EXISTING BALCONY EB EC 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE A (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") NOTE K PROPERTY LINE EF EG EH EI NOTE D EJ NOTE H NOTE B EK T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR - NEW EL EM EN 35.0' 33.96' NOTE I ED EE T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE - NEW NOTE EN PROPERTY LINE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 33.96' 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EO NOTE C A NOTE H SPANISH TILE ROOF TO BE REPAIRED AND MODIFIED NEW STUCCO FINISH PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW CASEMENT PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW HOPPER PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW FIXED PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS DOOR PROPOSED STEEL GARAGE DOOR CAST STONE SILL PROPOSED COPPER DOWNSPOUT PROPOSED GLASS RAILING CHIMNEY LIGHT WELL PROPOSED BASEMENT LEVEL ADDITION EXISTING BALCONY RESTORED T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR - NEW B C CL T. O. GRADE 0' - 0" (EL 115.60) T. O. CURB T.O. CURB D E NOTE L 14.2' T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 5'-0" SIDE YARD 3.2' 3'-9" F 5'-0" SIDE YARD 35'-8" 10'-10" G 14.15' H I (EL 101.00') ALLEY NOTE: ELEVATION 115.60' AT FRONT PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION 101.08' AT REAR PROPERTY LINE J K L M BASEMENT N SOUTH ELEVATION / PROPOSED 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR PROPERTY LINE NOTE EN NOTE EA (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") NOTE EM T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE 35.0' NOTE EB 31.71' NOTE ED NOTE EK 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 31.71' 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR PROPERTY LINE 2 LOVATO RESIDENCE T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR NOTE ED 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR T. O. GRADE CL T. O. CURB 0' - 0" (EL 115.60) REED A. MORRISON Architect T.O. CURB 14.2' T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 5'-0" SIDE YARD 3.2' 3'-9" 35'-8" 5'-0" SIDE YARD 10'-10" 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 14.15' 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 NOTE: ELEVATION 115.60' AT FRONT PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION 101.08' AT REAR PROPERTY LINE ALLEY ELEVATIONS - EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 SOUTH ELEVATION / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 007.00 NOTES LINE OF FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EA EXISTING SPANISH TILE ROOF EXISTING STUCCO EXISTING WOOD WINDOW CASEMENT EXISTING WOOD WINDOW DOUBLE HUNG EXISTING WOOD WINDOW FIXED EXISTING WOOD WINDOW HOPPER EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD SLIDING GLASS DOORS EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD ENTRY DOOR EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD GARAGE DOOR EXISTING STEEL AND GLASS DOORS EXISTING PAINTED METAL DOWNSPOUT EXISTING GLASS RAILING EXISTING CHIMNEY EXISTING CHIMNEY TO BE RELOCATED EXISTING BALCONY 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE A 45 NOTE D NOTE K 8'-11" 6" 33.96' NOTE D NOTE H NOTE D NOTE H NOTE B EG EH EI LINE OF FENCE 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR EJ EK GLASS RAILING PROPOSED 10'-0" NOTE F NOTE C NOTE J NOTE 0 EL EM EN LINE OF FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE C 11' - 4.25" T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR - NEW EF T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE NOTE B 35.0' T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR - NEW EE (EL 150.28') 35'-0" / T.O. CURB (115.28") LINE OF 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE J ED HEIGHT LIMIT - PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 22' - 8 5/8" FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE NOTE K 2'-2.25" (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE NEW REAR YARD SETBACK LINE EB EC NOTE 0 EO A SPANISH TILE ROOF TO BE REPAIRED AND MODIFIED NEW STUCCO FINISH PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW CASEMENT PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW HOPPER PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW FIXED PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS DOOR PROPOSED STEEL GARAGE DOOR CAST STONE SILL PROPOSED COPPER DOWNSPOUT PROPOSED GLASS RAILING CHIMNEY LIGHT WELL PROPOSED BASEMENT LEVEL ADDITION EXISTING BALCONY RESTORED B C NOTE M 10'-0" 0' - 0"(EL 115.60) T.O. CURB D E 0' - 0" (EL 110.55') 3'-6" T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR F 14'-4" 12.71' 10'-3" H I J K L M 2'-3" -9' - 6" (EL 101.00') G 62'-0" 10'-0" 68'-11" 37'-0" ALLEY BASEMENT N 2 EAST ELEVATION / PROPOSED 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE EA NOTE EM NOTE EC NOTE ED 8'-11" NOTE ED NOTE EH HEIGHT LIMIT (EL 150.28') 35'-0" / T.O. CURB (115.28") T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE LINE OF 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR LINE OF FENCE 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR LOVATO RESIDENCE NOTE EL NOTE B T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR NOTE B LINE OF FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE EJ NOTE EC NOTE ED 10'-0" GLASS RAILING EXISTING NOTE ED PROPERTY LINE FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE NOTE EN 45 35.0' PROPERTY LINE 31.71' 2'-8.5" (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE REAR YARD SETBACK LINE LINE OF FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 NOTE EL T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR NOTE EN NOTE ED REED A. MORRISON 7'-9.75" 0' - 0" (EL 115.60) T.O. CURB Architect T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 12.71' 10'-3" 37'-0" 68'-11" 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 62'-0" 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 ALLEY ELEVATIONS - EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 EAST ELEVATION / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 008.00 NOTES EA EXISTING SPANISH TILE ROOF EXISTING STUCCO EXISTING WOOD WINDOW CASEMENT EXISTING WOOD WINDOW DOUBLE HUNG EXISTING WOOD WINDOW FIXED EXISTING WOOD WINDOW HOPPER EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD SLIDING GLASS DOORS EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD ENTRY DOOR EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD GARAGE DOOR EXISTING STEEL AND GLASS DOORS EXISTING PAINTED METAL DOWNSPOUT EXISTING GLASS RAILING EXISTING CHIMNEY EXISTING CHIMNEY TO BE RELOCATED EXISTING BALCONY EB EC (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE A PROPERTY LINE 33.96' 37' - 4 3/4" T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE - NEW NOTE K 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE B NOTE D ED EE NOTE EN EF PROPERTY LINE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE F EG EH EI EJ NOTE J EK T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR - NEW 33.96' 35.0' EL EM EN NOTE D NOTE F EO NOTE J A SPANISH TILE ROOF TO BE REPAIRED AND MODIFIED NEW STUCCO FINISH PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW CASEMENT PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW HOPPER PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW FIXED PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS DOOR PROPOSED STEEL GARAGE DOOR CAST STONE SILL PROPOSED COPPER DOWNSPOUT PROPOSED GLASS RAILING CHIMNEY LIGHT WELL PROPOSED BASEMENT LEVEL ADDITION EXISTING BALCONY RESTORED T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR - NEW NOTE D B C NOTE F 0' - 0"(EL 115.60) D T.O. CURB GARDEN RETAINING WALL 14.15' 10'-10" E 14.2' T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 5'-0" SIDE YARD 15'-0" WOOD FRAME OUT BUILDING 8'-0" WOOD FRAME GARAGE F 5'-0" SIDE YARD 35'-8" 3'-9" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 3.2' J K L M 30'-0" BASEMENT 50.04' NOTE: ELEVATION 115.60' AT FRONT PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION 101.08' AT REAR PROPERTY LINE N NORTH ELEVATION / PROPOSED 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE EA NOTE EM NOTE EN PROPERTY LINE 31.71' T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE NOTE EE NOTE EB 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR PROPERTY LINE 2 G H I DRIVEWAY ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR NOTE EG LOVATO RESIDENCE NOTE EF 31.71' 35.0' NOTE EL T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR NOTE ED NOTE EE NOTE EG 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 NOTE EL T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR 0' - 0"(EL 115.60) REED A. MORRISON Architect NOTE EI NOTE ED WOOD FRAME OUT BUILDING WOOD FENCE T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 5'-0" SIDE YARD 10'-10" 14.2' WOOD FRAME GARAGE NOTE EH NOTE EB T.O. CURB 35'-8" 5'-0" SIDE YARD 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 3'-9" 3.2' DRIVEWAY 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL ALLEY NOTE: ELEVATION 115.60' AT FRONT PROPERTY LINE ELEVATION 101.08' AT REAR PROPERTY LINE ELEVATIONS - EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 NORTH ELEVATION / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 009.00 NOTES EA EXISTING SPANISH TILE ROOF EXISTING STUCCO EXISTING WOOD WINDOW CASEMENT EXISTING WOOD WINDOW DOUBLE HUNG EXISTING WOOD WINDOW FIXED EXISTING WOOD WINDOW HOPPER EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD SLIDING GLASS DOORS EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD ENTRY DOOR EXISTING WOOD AND ALUMINUM CLAD GARAGE DOOR EXISTING STEEL AND GLASS DOORS EXISTING PAINTED METAL DOWNSPOUT EXISTING GLASS RAILING EXISTING CHIMNEY EXISTING CHIMNEY TO BE RELOCATED EXISTING BALCONY EB EC HEIGHT LIMIT (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") (EL 150.28') 35'-0" / T.O. CURB (115.28") 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE A ED EE NOTE K 45 EG PROPERTY LINE FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE 6" LINE OF 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 8'-11" NOTE D NOTE J NOTE H NOTE C 10'-0" GLASS RAILING PROPOSED NOTE F EI EJ EL EM EN EO NOTE D NOTE J 11' - 4.25" EH EK 35.0' NOTE B 30.0' LINE OF OUT FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR - NEW REAR YARD SETBACK LINE EF LINE OF OUT BUILDING 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 33.96' PROPERTY LINE 37' - 4 3/4" T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE NEW 22' - 8 5/8" NOTE K T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE A SPANISH TILE ROOF TO BE REPAIRED AND MODIFIED NEW STUCCO FINISH PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW CASEMENT PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW HOPPER PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS WINDOW FIXED PROPOSED STEEL AND GLASS DOOR PROPOSED STEEL GARAGE DOOR CAST STONE SILL PROPOSED COPPER DOWNSPOUT PROPOSED GLASS RAILING CHIMNEY LIGHT WELL PROPOSED BASEMENT LEVEL ADDITION EXISTING BALCONY RESTORED NOTE H NOTE O T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR - NEW B C NOTE M (EL 115.60) 10'-0" 0' - 0"(EL 115.60) T.O. CURB T.O. CURB D E 0' - 0" (EL 110.55') 3'-6" T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR F 14'-4" 37'-0" 12.71' H I J K L M 2'-3" -9' - 6" (EL 101.00') G 10'-3" 68'-11" 10'-0" 62'-0" ALLEY BASEMENT N WEST ELEVATION / PROPOSED 2 HEIGHT LIMIT (EL 150.28') MAXIMUM HEIGHT PERMISSABLE (EL 115.28' T.O. CURB + 35'0") 520 EL CAMINO DEL MAR (EL 150.28') 35'-0" / T.O. CURB (115.28") T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE NOTE EA NOTE EN 45 NOTE EB T.O. FIN SECOND FLOOR 10'-0" GLASS RAILING EXISTING NOTE EH NOTE ED PROPERTY LINE LOVATO RESIDENCE 35.0' NOTE ED NOTE EL 30.0' NOTE EE FRONT YARD SETBACK LINE 2'-8.5" LINE OF 530 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 8'-11" LINE OF OUT FENCE 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR 31.71' PROPERTY LINE LINE OF OUT BUILDING 510 EL CAMINO DEL MAR NOTE EM T.O. FIN ROOF RIDGE 520 El Camino Del Mar San Francisco, California 94123 NOTE EL T.O. FIN FIRST FLOOR FACE OF EXISTING DECK NOTE EE (EL 115.60) REED A. MORRISON 7'-9.75" 0' - 0" (EL 115.60) T.O. CURB T.O. CURB Architect T.O. FIN GARDEN FLOOR 37'-0" 12.71' 62'-0" 68'-11" 1 Sheridan Square New York, New York 10014 10'-3" 113 Pond Street Osterville, Massachusetts 02655 508 428-8379 ALLEY ELEVATIONS - EXISTING / PROPOSED Date: 1 WEST ELEVATION / EXISTING 9 / 24 / 14 Scale: NTS 0 2 4 8 16 C FT A - 010.00 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D