demographic informations
demographic informations
BASIC INFORMATIONS Investor and developer: Owner: Architect: Planned opening: Total area: Leasable area: Number of units: Anchor tenant: Offices: Number of parking spaces: LORDSHIP a.s. Holešovický Trojúhelník a.s. SIAL architekti a inženýři spol. s r.o. Liberec Autumn 2014 50.000 m2 15.000 m2 more than 55 in three floors Supermarket TESCO on 3.500 m2 6.400 m2 with 500 employees 500 (inside) DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATIONS Czech Republic Prague Area: 78 867 km2 Population: 10 542 080 Average monthly salary: 23 984 CZK Area: 496 km2 Population: 1 260 469 Average monthly salary: 30 340 CZK Unemployment rate: Unemployment rate: (960 EUR) 8,00 % (1.214 EUR) 4,01 % The project is located in Prague 7 between Veletržní, Strojnická and Dukelských Hrdinů street.The location benefits from excellent visibility and access. VÝSTAVIŠTĚ PRAHA-HOLEŠOVICE NÁDRAŽÍ HOLEŠOVICE Park Stromovka unel MČ A 7 H PR A Park Letná Tram: Tram and bus stops (lines 1, 5, 12, 17, 24, 25, 26 and 156) are located within 2 minutes walking distance. Train stations: Nádraží Holešovice and Hlavní nádraží are within reach in less than 5 minutes. The city centre is reachable within 5 minutes by car or within 10 minutes by public transport. á y Hor ákové ský t AIRPORT Milad Bubensk Mil n Lete vé oráko ady H VLTAVSKÁ e roš t. Ja n . Kp ábř Hlávkův most ní VELETRŽNÍ PALÁC Vele ov ač Dukelských hrdinů Ko ru n tržní Bubenská St ro jn i ck á KH PAR L OTE Metro stations: Vltavská and Nádraží Holešovice line C. CITY CENTRE New Tunnel Blanka ring road provides connection with the north part of Prague and Prague 6. The completion is planed to year 2014. Access to the city ring road and the motorway D1 is less than 1 km. New fast railway connection between the city centre and the airport with a station at Výstaviště within approx. 2–3 minutes walking distance. Airport can be reached within 15 minutes by car. LOCATION The Palác Stromovka project is a commercial-administrative multifunctional object with three underground (parking) and eight ground (TESCO, two commercial and five administrative) floors. Due to its location close to one of the biggest and most popular Prague‘s park and for better orientation of the future customers, we have chosen the name Palác Stromovka for this project. Project is oriented to wide range of customer’s needs, mostly for local families with children and young sporty customers. Big emphasis is given to fulfill needs and expectations, mostly in food, services, sport, fashion and relaxation. All necessary lands are rented by the investor for long term and he is trying to buy it. Planning permit for the project has been issued. PROJECT CATCHMENT AREA CATCHMENT AREA 10 min: 20 min: 30 min: Celkem: 449 000 inhabitants 212 000 inhabitants 762 000 inhabitants 1 423 000 inhabitants NUMBER OF INHABITANTS IN THE CITY PART CONTIGNOUSLY Prague 1 Prague 6 Prague 7 Prague 8 30 000 101 574 42 200 103 508 188 000 inhabitants R7 EXISTING LOCATION OF RETAIL CHAINS Fashion Móda Shoes and leatherwear Obuv a kožená móda Sport Sport Elektro Electro Knihy a hračky Books and toys R6 D5 D8 Shopping centre interior VIZUALIZATIO View towards Výstaviště ON CONTACT LORDSHIP a.s. V Jámě 1 110 00 Prague 1 Czech Republic Tel: +420 257 530 071 Fax: +420 257 520 072 [email protected]