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01RM BasicLyceum Contents:01RM BasicLyceum Contents 11-02-06 16:28 Page 1 01RM BasicLyceum Contents:01RM BasicLyceum Contents 11-02-06 16:28 Page 2 01RM BasicLyceum Contents:01RM BasicLyceum Contents 11-02-06 16:28 Page 3 CONTENTS Module 1 People ....................................................................................................................... p. Module 2 Houses & Homes ...................................................................................................... p. 18 Culture I ................................................................................................................................... p. 32 Module 3 School ....................................................................................................................... p. 34 Module 4 Work ......................................................................................................................... p. 48 Module 5 Family & Social Life .................................................................................................. p. 62 Culture II ................................................................................................................................... p. 76 Module 6 Food .......................................................................................................................... p. 78 Module 7 Shops & Services ...................................................................................................... p. 92 Module 8 Travelling & Tourism ................................................................................................. p. 106 Culture III ................................................................................................................................... p. 120 Module 9 Culture ...................................................................................................................... p. 122 Module 10 Sports ....................................................................................................................... p. 136 Module 11 Health ....................................................................................................................... p. 150 Culture IV ................................................................................................................................... p. 164 Module 12 Science & Technology ............................................................................................... p. 166 Module 13 Natural World ........................................................................................................... p. 180 Module 14 State & Society ......................................................................................................... p. 194 Culture V ................................................................................................................................... p. 208 4 Grammar Section Speaking Bank Writing Bank 3 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 4 MODULE 1 People Vocabulary Personal identification Clothes 1 4 Ask your partner questions and fill in the form below with information about him/her. Personal Details 2) ................................................ 1) ................................................ SURNAME FIRST NAME 4) ................................................ Female 3) Male DATE OF BIRTH GENDER C 6) ................................................ 5) ................................................ ADDRESS NATIONALITY A 8) ................................................ 7) ................................................ B EMAIL TELEPHONE NUMBER 10) ................................................ Single 9) Married a) Match the words in the list to the clothes and accessories in the pictures. OCCUPATION MARITAL STATUS .. ........................................................................ 11) ........................................ PERSONAL INTERESTS G D E F Appearance 2 Write the words under the correct headings in your notebooks. Then write sentences describing yourself and your classmates. H ñ short ñ glasses ñ fair ñ mid-thirties ñ well-built ñ ugly ñ green ñ dark ñ expressive ñ late/early teens ñ freckles ñ fat ñ of medium height ñ curly ñ slim ñ blue ñ wrinkles ñ tall ñ good-looking ñ bald ñ middle-aged ñ teenager ñ plump ñ shoulder-length ñ completely white ñ handsome ñ elegant ñ skinny ñ beard ñ straight ñ moustache ñ of medium build K M Age Height mid-thirties short Hair Eyes Special Features General well-built fair green glasses ugly Build J I L N O I am in my early teens. I’m tall and slim. I’ve got straight, dark hair and green eyes. I’ve got glasses and my friends say I’m quite elegant. Mark is ... . He’s got ... . /Jennifer is ... . She’s got ... . 3 Listen to a person reporting a burglary to the police. Which of the people in the pictures matches the description? John Jasper James 4 Jack 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 hat jeans sunglasses skirt shirt tie belt suit 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 shoes dress jacket scarf coat gloves jumper b) Now choose a classmate and describe him/her to your class. Jane is tall and thin. He’s got dark hair and brown eyes. He’s wearing blue jeans, a white shirt and a red jacket. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 5 1 ñ Collocations 5 a) Look at the pictures. Fill in: denim, cotton, woollen, tailored, dark, thick, patterned. This man is wearing formal clothes. He’s wearing a black, 1) ................................ suit, a blue, 2) .............................. shirt and a red and white 3) ......................... tie. This couple are wearing casual sportswear. They are both wearing 4) ............... jeans. The man is wearing a bright-coloured, 5) ...................... jumper while the woman is wearing a blue one. They’ve both got 6) ....................... sunglasses to protect their eyes and 7) ...................... gloves on their hands. b) Find a picture from a magazine and describe the person’s/people’s clothes. Personality 6 c) Fill in the gaps with and, but, nevertheless, not only ... but also, however. a) Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B. B A impatient dishonest talkative optimistic modest hard-working gentle disorganised mean rude organised patient arrogant pessimistic generous polite quiet honest lazy 1 Terry is .......................................... hard-working, ............................... well-organised. 2 Emma is patient with her friends. ..............................., she can get impatient with her little brother. 3 He is a talkative boy, ...................... he can be quiet at times. 4 Sam is usually polite to other people. He was, ............................, rude to me yesterday. 5 Sue is both honest ......................... generous. 6 He is ......................... a gentle boy, ........................ a very modest one. 7 a) Put the adjectives in the right column. ñ easygoing ñ bad-tempered ñ enthusiastic ñ caring ñ spoilt ñ friendly ñ loving ñ energetic ñ popular ñ selfish ñ helpful ñ calm ñ indifferent ñ creative ñ bossy ñ outgoing ñ ambitious ñ responsible ñ cheerful ñ chatty ñ immature ñ reserved Positive Negative easygoing bad-tempered aggressive b) Now choose words from Ex. 6a to fill in the gaps. 1 ................................ people always see the bright side of things. 2 ........................................ people think they are more important or more talented than others. 3 ........................................ people always tell the truth. 4 ........................................ people like to chat a lot. 5 ........................................ people always want to start fights. 6 ........................................ people have very good manners. 7 ........................................ people don’t mind waiting for things. 8 ........................................ people can’t keep things in order. 9 ........................................ people don’t like to work. 10 .................... people don’t like talking about their achievements. b) In pairs describe members of your family using adjectives from Exs. 6a and 7a and the following words: and, but, however, not only ... but also, nevertheless. A: My mum is honest and loving but she can be a bit pessimistic at times. B: My elder brother is not only spoilt but he’s also bossy. However, he is caring when he sees me sad. See Vocabulary Bank on p. 16 5 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 6 Study Skills 1 Przeczytaj polecenie, aby zapoznać się z zadaniem. Następnie przeczytaj nagłówki i podkreśl w nich słowa kluczowe, a potem przeczytaj tekst pobieżnie, aby poznać jego ogólną myśl. Na koniec przeczytaj uważnie każdy akapit i podkreśl w nim synonimy słów kluczowych. Pamiętaj, że jeden akapit nie pasuje do żadnego nagłówka. Czytanie Dobieranie 1 Read the rubric. What is the text about? Przeczytaj tekst składający się z krótkich profilów internetowych. Do każdej części tekstu (1–8) dopasuj zdanie, podsumowujące jej treść (A–I). Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie odnosi się do żadnej części tekstu. 2 Underline the key words/phrases in the headings. In pairs, think of synonymous or related words/phrases. Heading A: action: energetic, active, on the go etc A READY FOR ACTION B INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIPS WANTED C BUSINESS CONTACTS NEEDED D SIMPLE PLEASURES E BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER F HUNGRY FOR BRITISH CULTURE G LOOKING FOR A TASTE OF HOME H LONELY IN THE BIG CITY I LOGGING ON TO LEARN 4 Abbey I’m a Scottish 17-year-old who has relocated to London for work. I haven’t made any friends here yet, so I’d love to chat with some Londoners and maybe do some socialising because I have nobody to go out with. 5 Silvio I’m an energetic Italian looking for adventure in England. I’m 18 and I’ll be spending my gap year in the UK. I love the outdoors, so if you’re a cyclist, a mountain climber or a hiker, please get in touch. 1 Cathy I’m a 16-year-old from New York and I’m new in London. I’d love to chat with other Americans to share experiences and tips for good places to eat here. Has anyone found anywhere that serves a good Americanstyle steak?! 6 Maria I’m a 17-year-old from Barcelona who is looking for work in London. Does anyone know of an office looking for a Spanish-speaking secretary? I would also consider waitress jobs, if anyone can help. 2 Michael I’m a 19-year-old Brit who’s interested in talking to people from other countries to broaden my social circle. I enjoy nights out at the theatre and the cinema. 7 George I’m a 19-year-old Dutchman looking for a flat to share in London. I live quietly and enjoy the small things in life – home-cooked food, a good book and walks in the park. I’ll be in London from September. Please drop me a line if you have a room. 3 Abdul I’m 18, I’m from Turkey and I came to Britain to study English. Is there anyone else out there who can help me practise my written English? I find Web chats are a great way to improve. 3 6 Read Silvio’s website profile which matches heading A. Look at the underlined words. They are synonymous phrases to the key words in heading A. 4 8 Anastasia I’m 18 and I’ve been studying in London since my family moved here from Moscow three years ago. I’m planning to set up a friendship group for young Russian expats and I wondered if there were any on this site. a) Now do the reading task. Underline words/phrases synonymous/similar to the words you underlined in the headings in Ex. 2. Check your answers with your partner. b) Explain the words in bold. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 7 1 Pisanie 1 List prywatny Read the rubric and answer the questions. Przeprowadziłeś/łaś się do nowego miasta i zawarłeś/ łaś nowe przyjaźnie. W liście do kolegi/koleżanki z Irlandii (120–150 słów) napisz: ñ jak nazywa się Twój nowy przyjaciel/Twoja nowa przyjaciółka i gdzie się poznaliście. ñ ile ma lat i jak wygląda. ñ jaką jest osobą i podaj przykład. ñ dlaczego ta osoba jest dla Ciebie kimś wyjątkowym i jakie budzi w Tobie odczucia. 1 What are you going to write? 2 Who is going to read it? 3 Which of the following should your email include: a the person’s appearance? b the person’s family details? c how you met? d where the person lives? e what the person is like, with an example? f what languages the person speaks? g reason you like this person? h how your pen-friend can meet this person? 2 Read the email and match the paragraphs to the headings. Dear Jean, 1 Hi from Poland! How’s life with you? Good, I hope. I wanted to drop you a line to tell you about a friend I’ve made in my new town. 2 I met Petra at the school running club. She’s in her early 20s and is very fit and athletic-looking – tall and slim, with a nice tan. Petra’s a great person too. She’s very energetic and she’s always on the go. She’s chatty and has a great sense of humour. She always cheers me up when I feel down. 3 Petra is very special and we get on so well. She makes me feel like I’ve known her for a long time. It’s a pleasure to be with her and I’m sure we’ll always be friends. 4 Got to go now. I’m going out with Petra. Email me with all your news soon! Take care, Helena 4 Mark the sentences O (opening remarks), C (closing remarks). 1 2 3 4 5 That’s all my news. Write back. How are you doing? I’d better go and do some work! Hi! How are you? Sorry I didn’t write earlier but I ... Study Skills: Brainstorming Zanim zaczniesz pisać, stwórz szkic informacji, które chcesz zawrzeć w swojej wypowiedzi. To pomoże Ci zrealizować zadanie. 5 Read the rubric and think of the person you are going to write about. Brainstorm for ideas. List them under headings. Przebywasz na wymianie studenckiej w USA. Mieszkasz na kampusie i dzielisz pokój z Polką/Polakiem. W liście do kolegi/koleżanki ze Szkocji (120–150 słów) napisz: ñ gdzie przebywasz i jak długo potrwa Twój pobyt. ñ co studiujesz i gdzie mieszkasz. ñ jak wygląda Twój współlokator/Twoja współlokatorka i jaką jest osobą. ñ dlaczego on/ona jest dla Ciebie kimś wyjątkowym i jakie budzi w Tobie odczucia. Appearance: thin, tall, in his early twenties ... Character: easygoing, energetic, patient ... A the person’s appearance & character B opening remarks/reason for writing C closing remarks D feelings towards the person 3 6 Have to go now. Mum wants me to help her with the cooking. 7 Hi from London. 8 Got to go now. Dear ..............., (Para 1) opening remarks, where you are & for how long (Para 2) what you’re doing there & where you are staying (Para 3) the person’s appearance & character, how the person has helped, feelings towards the person (Para 4) closing remarks Yours, Find examples of informal style in the email. 6 Use your ideas to write your email. Follow the plan. 7 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 8 1 ñ Useful phrases Vocabulary Parts of the body 1 3 Label the body parts: head, cheek, leg, nose, arm, knee, teeth, waist, shoulder, chest, stomach, ear, hand, finger, chin, foot, elbow, neck, forehead, eyebrow, eye, lip. a) Read the messages posted on an international e-pal agency’s website. Fill in: span, attention, humour, fanatic, personality, vitality, confidence. 1) head 2) ................ 3) ................ 5) ................ 4) ................ 6) ................ 7) ................ 8) ................ 9) ................ Hi! I’m Artur! I’m looking for an e-pal from England, so I can improve my English. I’m 17 years old and I’m from Warsaw, Poland. People say I’ve got a great sense of 1) ................................. . I always make my friends laugh. To be honest, I love being the centre of 2) .............................. . Artur, 17, Warsaw. 11) ................ 10) ................ 12) ................ 13) ................ 14) ................ 15) ................ 16) ................ 17) ................ Hello! I’m Peter from Belgium! I’d like an English e-pal. I’m a really spor ty person and I’m a fitness 3) ................. . I admire people who share my energy and 4) ................................. . I’m not really interested in reading books or watching films. – It’s only sports for me! Peter, 16, Brussels. 18) ................ 19) ................ 21) ................ Personality 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 20) ................ 22) ................ a) Match the adjectives to the people they describe. adventurous conservative hard-working punctual sporty sociable self-confident indecisive a someone who likes playing sports b someone who can’t make up their mind easily c someone who doesn’t like changes or new ideas d someone who is always on time e someone who works a lot f someone who loves taking risks and having new experiences g someone who is friendly and enjoys making new friends h someone who feels sure about their abilities. b) Think of people you know and describe their personality. Justify your opinion with an example. My brother is adventurous. He loves extreme sports and isn’t scared of taking risks. 8 ne Hey! This is Monica from Italy! Is anyo got I’ve ? e-pal interested in becoming my gh a strong 5) ...................................... , thou ........ ......... ......... I can suffer from a lack of 6) at times. I’m a good listener – I have , a fantastic attention 7) ................................ day. all le peop which means I can listen to of I’m definitely a reliable friend and most the time I’m good fun, too. Monica, 16, Milan. b) Write your own message to find an e-pal. Describe yourself and your personality. 4 Tell your partner about your best friend. Mention positive and negative personality traits. Justify your opinion. A: My friend Jessica is really polite. She never interrupts me when I’m talking. She’s also really punctual as she is always on time. Nevertheless, she can be a bit indecisive as it takes her hours to make up her mind. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 9 1 Feelings 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a) How do the people feel? Read the sentences and match them to the adjectives below. I couldn’t believe it when he a angry b guilty won the best actor award. I feel terrible for being so c homesick d excited rude to Linda earlier. I’m sure we’re going to win the e surprised f nervous game tomorrow. g determined I really miss my family back in h confident Australia. I won’t give up on passing my driving test. I can’t wait for John’s birthday party next week. My sister’s always borrowing my things – it’s so annoying! I can’t relax as I’ve got a big exam tomorrow. b) Have you ever felt like the people in Ex. 5a? When? Tell the class. I was very nervous the night before my maths exam and I didn’t sleep well at all. 6 Choose the correct adjectives in each pair of sentences. Present participles describe what sth is like. e.g. a terrifying film Past participles describe how sb feels. e.g. a terrified woman 1 a I couldn’t sleep last night, I was really horrified/ horrifying by that film. b The night of the car crash was the most horrifying/horrified experience of my life. 2 a I went completely red; I have never been quite so embarrassed/embarrassing in all my life. b I tripped and fell straight in the swimming pool. How embarrassing/embarrassed! 3 a Going bungee jumping was the most scared/ scary experience in my life. b Linda feels so scared/scary when she’s at home alone late at night. 4 a It was pretty disappointing/disappointed to fail my exam again. b My parents were not angry with me, but they were disappointed/disappointing by my behaviour. ñ Prepositions 7 Circle the correct preposition. 1 A good teacher has to be in control of / from their class at all times. 2 I used to be jealous of / about my brother for being so good at sports. 3 The children are really excited with / about going to the zoo. 4 I felt really sorry of / for Jane when she injured her knee. 5 Ned is interested in / at nature and loves wildlife documentaries. 6 James couldn’t sleep as he was nervous with / about the test. 7 I am keen on / off meeting Sophie again soon. 8 Ellen is mad about / of romantic comedies. 9 I like comfortable clothes – I don’t care of / about designer labels. 10 You shouldn’t take advantage of / with her generosity. 8 a) Read the following post from a student forum and fill in: relieved, delighted, kind, stressful, satisfactory, proud, angry, worried. Student Forum Exams Discussion Board Log in/Register Hi everyone! I finally sat my maths exam today. The last two weeks of studying were really 1) ........................... for me. I’m just 2) .................................. that it’s over now. I hope that all my hard work pays off and that my grade will be 3) ....................................... . Lynn, London. Lynn! You should be 4) ................................. of yourself. No matter what grade you get, you’ve done your best. That’s all anyone can ask for! Anyway, you shouldn’t be too 5) ............................... about the grades. You’ve got the right attitude. Dariusz, Poznan. Thanks, Dariusz! It’s so 6) ........................................ of you to say that. To be honest, I’d be 7) ................................... with any pass mark for this exam. Maths isn’t my strongest subject, so I don’t expect to get As easily. However, I’ll get 8) ..................................... with myself if I fail after all that studying. Lynn, London. b) Post your comment on the forum. See Vocabulary Bank on p. 16 9 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 10 1 Słuchanie Prawda/fałsz Study Skills Zawsze czytaj uważnie polecenie i podkreślaj w treści zadania słowa kluczowe. Na ich podstawie możesz przewidzieć, czego będzie dotyczyć nagranie. 1 a) Read the rubric and the statements and underline the key words. Answer the questions. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę między kobietą i mężczyzną, która odbywa się podczas zjazdu szkolnego. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z jego treścią (True), a które – nie (False). Wstaw znak X w odpowiedniej rubryce w tabeli. 1 How many people are you going to listen to? 2 What is their conversation about? True False 1 Max says he isn’t interested in fashion. 2 Only one of the people wears glasses. 3 Julia has lost weight since she was a schoolgirl. 4 Max goes to the gym three times a week. 5 Julia is going to Max’s house for lunch next Sunday. A He always sees the bright side of things. B What makes him special is his sense of humour. C I really enjoy his company. D He treats everyone with respect. E He’s always ready to help someone in trouble. F He can keep his temper even in the most difficult situations. b) Study Skills Upewnij się, że rozumiesz, do czego odnosi się pytanie. Pomyśl, jakie słowa kojarzą Ci się z tematem pytania i jakich struktur gramatycznych należy użyć, aby na nie odpowiedzieć. Staraj się, aby Twoja odpowiedź brzmiała naturalnie i dotyczyła tematu pytania. 3 2 10 a) Read the rubric and the sentences. Underline the key words. How can you rephrase them? Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi pięciu osób na temat ludzi, których najbardziej podziwiają. Przyporządkuj im zdania, które najlepiej podsumowują ich wypowiedzi, wpisując odpowiednie litery (A–F) w kratki (1–5). Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. Read the questions. What vocabulary areas/grammar structures do you need to answer them? Question 1 – vocabulary describing character – superlatives 1 2 3 4 What are your best and worst qualities? Who do you admire and why? What makes a good friend? How would you describe your appearance? Is there anything you would like to change? If yes, what is it and why? 4 Think of vocabulary related to each question and write it down. Compare with your partner. Study Skills Przeczytaj polecenie, a następnie zdania A–F, i podkreśl w nich słowa kluczowe. Zastanów się nad synonimami podkreślonych słów. To ułatwi Ci rozwiązanie zadania. Do the task. Mówienie Rozmowa wstępna b) Now do the task. Compare answers with your partner. Słuchanie Dobieranie Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 Question 1 Good character qualities: helpful, patient, easygoing, kind, etc Bad character qualities: arrogant, selfish, lazy, indifferent, etc 5 Listen to two people answering question 1. Who uses: Peter 1 2 3 4 6 Stella correct pronunciation? vocabulary related to the topic? appropriate intonation? grammatically correct sentences? Answer questions 1-4 in Ex. 3. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 11 1 Pisanie Wiadomość 4 (Writing Bank: wiadomość) 1 Read the rubric. Who are you writing to? What is the purpose of your message? Nie możesz odebrać brata z dworca. Napisz wiadomość do przyjaciela/przyjaciółki z Oksfordu. ñ Wyjaśnij sytuację. ñ Poproś go/ją o odebranie brata. ñ Poinformuj, o której godzinie przyjeżdża pociąg. ñ Poproś o kontakt w razie problemów. 2 Read the model answer below and find examples of: Dear Claudia , I’m having a fancy dress party for m birthday. I ho y pe you can co me. You mus wear a costum t e! The them e is the 1980 therefore plea s; se wear som ething from th era. Could yo at u bring som e CDs as w The party will ell? be next Saturd ay at my flat at 9:00 pm. C an you plea se call me confirm? I will to talk to you so on! Joan Dear Kevin, around The dog groomer is coming at 0 pm. 3:00 pm. I won’t be home until 4:0 en? Could you please let her into the gard she’s The groomer is named Leslie Harris; hair. fair a tall woman who has got long Max’s Could you please ask her to cut you hair as well as clip his nails? Can the put e please pay her £40? I hav lf. money in the blue jar on the bookshe I will see you later. Chloe ñ informal greetings/endings ñ omitted personal pronouns ñ omitted articles ñ omitted auxiliaries ñ imperatives ñ participles ñ informal linkers ñ abbreviations John, Got phone call from work. Going to the office as sb in office went home sick. Must finis h project before deadline. Won’t be home until 7. Dan ’s arriving today from Gatwick. Please pick him up from Victoria Station. Train arrives 5:30. Call me if you have problems. Thanks! Jenny 5 3 Read sentences 1-8 and make them shorter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Can you meet me at 10:00 am? Meet me at 10 am. I will see you soon. John is not here; he has gone to the cinema. I am coming to the party. However, I’ll be arriving late. We haven’t got any eggs. Can you please buy some? Will somebody please walk the dog? Could you pick up the children from school on your way back home? Can you help Jack with his homework? Will you wash the dishes, in addition to taking out the rubbish? Why don’t you call Ryan back on his mobile? Could you please wake Sandy up at 8:00 am? The alarm clock is broken. I have been working all day; therefore I am very tired. 8 9 10 11 12 Read the messages below and make them shorter. Read the rubric. Then write your message. Make sure it is short and accurate. Przyjeżdża do Ciebie w odwiedziny kuzyn, ale nie możesz go odebrać z lotniska. Napisz wiadomość do przyjaciela/przyjaciółki z Londynu. ñ Wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie możesz pojechać na lotnisko. ñ Poproś go/ją o podwiezienie kuzyna do domu. ñ Opisz pokrótce wygląd kuzyna. ñ Poproś o kontakt telefoniczny w razie problemów. 11 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 12 1 b) Now read the first statement and the three options then read the extract from the tapescript. Which is the correct answer? Why aren’t the other two correct? Słuchanie Wybór wielokrotny Study Skills Przeczytaj polecenie, a następnie treść zadania, i podkreśl w nim słowa kluczowe, które pomogą Ci przewidzieć, czego będzie dotyczyć nagranie. Pamiętaj, że wszystkie opcje A–C zawarte w zadaniu pojawiają się w nagraniu, ale tylko jedna z nich jest prawdziwa. 1 a) Read the rubric, the statements and the options. Underline the key words in the statements and options. What is the script about? RH: Good afternoon, Listeners. Today we have Italian opera singer James Cariaggio in the studio. Welcome to London, James. J: Thank you. It’s wonderful to be here. RH: James, this isn’t your first time in London, is it? If my memory’s correct, you’ve performed here before. J: Yes. Five years ago, I gave the first big concert of my career in London. I remember being extremely nervous! I also remember falling in love with London on that trip so I’m thrilled to be back. For me, there’s no city in the world like London. I’m the biggest fan of all things British. c) Do the listening task. Compare your answers with your partner. Mówienie Opis ilustracji Study Skills Usłyszysz wywiad z piosenkarzem. Z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C. 1 James is happy because A he’s never been to London before. B his biggest fans are British. C London is his favourite city. 2 James’s new CD A was recorded in various countries. B is a mixture of musical styles. C has songs in different languages. 3 When James is on stage, he feels A nervous. B excited. C relaxed. 4 When James damaged his voice, he A knew it would get better. B couldn’t understand how it had happened. C was scared his career was over. 5 The bad point about his lifestyle is that he A gets homesick for Italy. B is constantly tired. C feels sorry he’s away from his family. 12 Opisując zdjęcie, rób to tak, jakbyś opisywał je komuś, kto nie może go zobaczyć. Użyj jak najwięcej szczegółów. Opisz miejsce, porę roku, pogodę, ludzi i ich czynności, ich ubrania i nastrój, a także inne elementy zdjęcia. 2 Look at the photograph and make notes under the headings in the Study Skills box. place: college, university time of year: spring or summer weather: sunny, etc 3 Look at the photograph and complete the description. Listen and check. The photograph shows two 1) .................... outside a 2) ................... . It’s a sunny spring day. I think they are reading a text message or looking at a photograph on one girl’s mobile phone. The teenager on the left has got shoulder-length dark 3) .................. hair. She’s wearing a long-sleeved striped 4) ................. and she’s holding some 5) ................... . The other girl has got long straight 6) .................... hair. She’s wearing a white 7) .................... and a pair of white 8) .................. . She’s holding her 9) ................ and a book. There’s a black 10) ..................... on her shoulder. They both look very happy. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 13 1 Czytanie Wybór wielokrotny 1 Describe the people in the picture. 2 Look at question 1 and the underlined words in the text. Which is the correct answer? Study Skills Przeczytaj polecenie i tekst, koncentrując się na jego ogólnym znaczeniu. Przeczytaj zdania i opcje A–D, a następnie podkreśl w nich słowa kluczowe. Znajdź w tekście zdania, które odnoszą się do treści zadania, pamiętając o tym, że to samo znaczenie można wyrazić na wiele sposobów. 3 Read the rubric and do the rest of the reading task. Justify your answers. Explain the words in bold. Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. 4 Which of these adjectives best describe Laurie, Jo & Amy: unhappy, helpful, calm, caring, selfish (only thinking about yourself), tired, afraid. Find evidence in the text. 5 Imagine you are Laurie, and write your diary entry for the day of the incident in the extract. Write: where you were, who with, what you were doing, what happened, how you felt. Read your entry to the class. As Laurie turned the corner, he shouted back. “Keep near the shore. It’s not safe in the middle.” Jo heard, but Amy was struggling to her feet and didn’t hear a word. Jo looked over her shoulder and a voice in her head said … “Whether she heard or not, she can take care of herself.” Laurie skated round the corner, and Jo was just about to follow him. Amy was far behind and going towards the smoother ice in the middle of the river. For a minute Jo stood still with a strange feeling in her heart. She decided to go on, but something stopped her and turned her round. She was just in time to see Amy throw up her hands and go down, with a sudden crash of ice. There was a splash of water, and a cry that made Jo’s heart stand still with fear. She tried to call Laurie, but she had no voice. She tried to go forward, but she felt she had no strength in her feet. For a second, she stood still and was staring with a scared face at the little blue hood above the black water. Something went past her quickly, and Laurie’s voice cried out … “Bring a rail. Quick, quick!” She didn’t know how she did it, but for the next few minutes she worked with Laurie, who was lying flat on the ice. He held Amy up with his arm and a hockey stick until Jo got a rail from the fence. Laurie and Jo got the child out. Amy was frightened but not really hurt. “Now then, we must walk her home as fast as we can. Cover her with our things, while I take off my skates,” said Laurie. He put his coat around Amy as he was pulling hard at his laces. Amy was shivering, dripping wet, and crying, as they took her home. After such an exciting time, she fell asleep, covered in blankets in front of a hot fire. 1 After she heard Laurie ’s advice, Jo decided A to repeat it to Amy. C Amy didn’t need help. B to turn back. D to take good care of Amy. 2 When Laurie reached the corner, he was A at the front of the gro up. C at the back of the group. B in the middle of the gro up. D watching the gro up from the riverside. 3 Jo reacted to Amy’s fal l A slowly. C heartlessly. B quickly. D loudly. 4 Jo and Laurie freed Am y with the help of a A tree branch. C coat. B pair of laces. D piece of fence. 5 Amy went home A covered in a blanket. C on skates. B on foot. D carried by the others. 13 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:52 Page 14 Matura Exam Czytanie Wybór wielokrotny 1 Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. Body language is the way people reveal their thoughts and emotions simply by moving their body in certain ways. More often than not, they don’t even realise they are doing it. It could be the gestures a person makes with their hands, the way they move their head or even how they use their eyes or mouth. In other words, people can give unspoken signals which communicate meaning just as much as words do. Psychologist Dr Kevin Lacey stresses the importance of body language. “In order to make a good impression, just saying the right thing isn’t enough,” he says. “How we say it, and the body language we use, can be just as important.” So what does Dr Lacey suggest we do to improve the sort of message our body language is sending? “Firstly, when you sit opposite someone, don’t cross your arms or legs,” he advises, “and if you are wearing a jacket, open it. Otherwise, your position looks ‘closed’ and people may easily think you have something to hide. An open posture, on the other hand, makes people think that you are being honest. If you want to show you are interested in what someone is saying, you should lean forward with your head slightly to one side. This suggests that you are paying attention to them. Making direct eye contact is usually a good idea too, although in some cultures, such as in some parts of Asia, it can be a sign of disrespect.” But it’s not just a question of giving out the right signals ourselves. It can also be very useful to understand someone else’s body language. If, for example, you want to know whether someone is telling the truth or not, there are a number of simple signs to look out for. “If someone’s eyes keep moving quickly around the room and they keep on touching their face,” Dr Lacey explains, “there is a good chance the person is not being completely honest.” So the next time you meet someone new, why not follow Dr Lacey’s advice? Hopefully, body language will help you to trust and be trusted! 14 1 Body language can show people’s A movements. B looks. C feelings. D understanding. 4 Looking someone straight in the eyes A should not be done everywhere. B will gain you people’s respect. C is only acceptable in Asia. D shows that you are highly cultured. 2 Dr Lacey thinks that body language is A of hardly any importance. B more important than speech. C an important way of communicating. D less important than speech. 5 A sign that someone is lying is when they A keep walking round the room. B don’t look at one thing for long. C keep looking at your face. D try to leave the room quickly. 3 Crossing your arms or legs suggests you A are angry. B are not easily annoyed. C feel uncomfortable. D are lying. 6 Dr Lacey believes that body language A shows how others feel. B is tricky. C helps us communicate better. D cannot be trusted. 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:53 Page 15 1 Słuchanie Dobieranie 2 A B C D E F Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi pięciu osób na temat wyglądu. Przyporządkuj im zdania, wpisując odpowiednie litery (A–F) w kratki. Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. Which speaker thinks age plays a role in how we choose to look? wants to create a tidy Speaker 1 impression? Speaker 2 says their mood influences Speaker 3 their appearance? Speaker 4 admits they always follow Speaker 5 fashion? sometimes starts their day feeling unattractive? says their appearance affects their social life? 1 2 3 4 5 Mówienie Rozmowa wstępna Opis ilustracji Odpowiedzi na pytania 3 Odpowiedz na pytania. 1 2 3 4 5 How important to you is it to follow fashion? Do you think your clothes reflect your character? What does your best friend look like? How would you describe their personality? What sort of things make you feel angry? 4 Opisz zdjęcia. Następnie odpowiedz na pytania. Do you hang out with friends? What kind of friends do you look for? What do you like most about your best friend? What behaviour of others hurts you most? What do you think are your good and bad qualities? Pisanie Wiadomość/List prywatny 5 Obiecałeś/łaś sąsiadowi, że zaopiekujesz się jego dzieckiem, ale nie możesz wywiązać się z obietnicy. Napisz wiadomość do współlokatorki z Anglii. ñ Wytłumacz, dlaczego nie możesz zająć się dzieckiem. ñ Poproś współlokatorkę, żeby Cię zastąpiła. ñ Opisz pokrótce zainteresowania dziecka. ñ Poinformuj, że zastąpisz ją o godzinie 20. 6 Uczęszczasz na kurs języka angielskiego w Wielkiej Brytanii. Zredaguj list do przyjaciela/przyjaciółki (120–150 słów). ñ Napisz, gdzie przebywasz i w jakim celu. ñ Opisz pokrótce uczestników kursu i miejsce zakwaterowania. ñ Wspomnij o dwóch rzeczach, za którymi najbardziej tęsknisz. ñ Podaj termin powrotu do kraju i zapytaj, kiedy zamierza Cię odwiedzić. 15 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:53 Page 16 1 Vocabulary Bank – People Personal Identification Hair mouth usta, buzia Adjectives (clothes) date of birth data urodzenia curly kręcony nose nos bright-coloured divorced rozwiedziony dark ciemny teeth zęby first name imię fair jasny gender płeć ponytail koński ogon casual nieformalny, codzienny Body cotton bawełna, bawełniany arm ramię, ręka denim dżinsowy chest klatka piersiowa floral w kwiaty straight prosty elbow łokieć formal formalny, oficjalny wavy falujący, kręcony finger palec leather skórzany knee kolano patterned we wzorki nationality narodowość Eyes leg noga thick gruby occupation zawód deep-coloured o wyrazistej neck szyja tailored uszyty na miarę shoulder ramię, bark woollen wełniany home town rodzinne miasto male/female tu: mężczyzna/ kobieta marital status stan cywilny shoulder-length tu: do ramion married żonaty/zamężna personal interests zainteresowania barwie expressive pełen wyrazu physical appearance wygląd single stanu wolnego Special features surname nazwisko bald łysy beard broda Appearance/Age early/late teens (w wieku) 11-15 lat/(w wieku) 16-19 lat mid-thirties (w wieku) ok. 35 lat teenager nastolatek, nastolatka middle-aged w średnim wieku elderly starszy Height of medium height średniego wzrostu short niski tall wysoki Build of medium build średniej budowy ciała overweight z nadwagą plump pulchny skinny chudy, wychudzony slim szczupły well-built dobrze zbudowany stomach brzuch toe palec u nogi Verbs waist talia fit pasować, dobrze leżeć Clothes & Accessories match pasować (np. kolorem) suit pasować, być (komuś freckles piegi belt pas scar blizna blouse bluzka put on ubrać, założyć wrinkles zmarszczki boots buty, trzewiki, kozaczki take off zdjąć moustache wąsy cardigan sweter rozpinany pale/tanned complexion coat płaszcz blada/opalona cera gloves rękawiczki handbag torebka Adjectives (people) high heels wysokie obcasy elegant elegancki jacket kurtka good-looking przystojny jumper sweter gorgeous śliczny pyjamas pidżama handsome przystojny purse portmonetka pretty ładny sandals sandały scruffy niechlujny scarf szalik ugly brzydki shoes buty skirt spódnica Face sock skarpetka cheek/cheekbone sportswear odzież sportowa policzek/kość policzkowa chin podbródek suit garnitur sunglasses okulary eyebrow brew przeciwsłoneczne forehead czoło swimsuit strój kąpielowy head głowa tie krawat jaw/jawline szczęka/zarys tracksuit dres sportowy podbródka lips wargi, usta 16 o jaskrawych barwach trainers adidasy underwear bielizna w czymś) do twarzy Personality adventurous żądny przygód aggressive agresywny ambitious ambitny arrogant arogancki bad-tempered wybuchowy bossy apodyktyczny boring nudny caring opiekuńczy chatty rozmowny cheerful radosny creative kreatywny dishonest nieuczciwy disorganised niezorganizowany easy-going beztroski energetic energiczny enthusiastic entuzjastyczny generous wielkoduszny gentle delikatny, wrażliwy hard-working pracowity helpful uczynny 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:53 Page 17 Vocabulary Bank – People honest uczciwy, determined zdeterminowany be interested in sth/doing disappointed rozczarowany być zainteresowanym immature niedojrzały embarrassed zażenowany czymś/ zrobieniem impatient niecierpliwy excited (about) podniecony, (czegoś) prawdomówny indecisive niezdecydowany podekscytowany (czymś) indifferent obojętny guilty winny kind miły, życzliwy horrified/horrifying lazy leniwy przerażony/przerażający loving kochający, czuły jealous (of) zazdrosny (o) loyal lojalny mad about mający bzika na mean podły, nikczemny; skąpy modest skromny punkcie nervous (about) denerwujący się (czymś) be keen on interesować się (czymś), lubić (coś) be kind to others być życzliwym wobec innych be on time przybyć punktualnie be sorry for odczuwać żal z powodu be the centre of attention 1 look after sb opiekować się kimś, troszczyć się o kogoś look for sth/sb szukać czegoś/kogoś lose one’s temper stracić panowanie nad sobą make sb laugh rozśmieszyć kogoś make up one’s mind podjąć decyzję prefer sth over sth else woleć coś od czegoś start a fight wdać się w bójkę optimistic optymistyczny proud dumny być w centrum stay calm zachować spokój organised zorganizowany relieved odczuwający ulgę zinteresowania suffer from sth cierpieć na outgoing otwarty, towarzyski satisfied/satisfying patient cierpliwy usatysfakcjonowany/ pessimistic pesymistyczny satysfakcjonujący polite grzeczny, uprzejmy popular popularny punctual punktualny relaxed zrelaksowany scared/scary przestraszony/straszny shocking/shocked szokujący/zszokowany change your mind zmienić zdanie complain about sth narzekać na coś do your best zrobić responsible odpowiedzialny surprised zaskoczony (komuś) przysługę/być rude niegrzeczny thrilled podekscytowany (komuś) winnym przysługę self-confident pewny siebie tired/tiring sensitive wrażliwy worried zmartwiony shy nieśmiały sociable towarzyski spoilt zepsuty be a (fitness) fanatic mieć talkative rozmowny, gadatliwy trustworthy/untrustworthy godny zaufania/niegodny zaufania bzika na punkcie (fitnesu) be a bit of a moaner być nieco zrzędliwym be afraid of bać się (czegoś) be fed up with sth mieć czegoś dość be fond of lubić (coś) Feelings angry with zły na (coś/kogoś) anxious zaniepokojony bored znudzony confident pewny siebie delighted zachwycony tell the truth powiedzieć prawdę do/owe sb a favour zrobić enjoy sb’s company dobrze się czuć w czyimś towarzystwie get in touch with Useful Phrases sporty wysportowany wykorzystać (coś/kogoś) mocy stressful stresujący zmęczony/męczący take advantage of wszystko co w (czyjejś) reserved powściągliwy selfish samolubny, egoistyczny coś be in a good/bad mood mieć dobry/zły nastrój skontaktować się z get involved in zaangażować się w have a good attention span być zdolnym do długiej koncentracji have a sense of humour mieć poczucie humoru have a strong personality mieć mocną osobowość help someone in trouble be in control of mieć pomóc komuś kontrolę (nad) w tarapatach keep one’s temper panować nad sobą 17 02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1:02RM BasicLyceum Mod 1 11-02-06 16:53 Page 18 1 ñ Collocations ñ Prepositions 1 4 Fill in: fashion, appearance, expressions, sense, interests, attitude, personality, body, status, friendly. Then use the collocations to fill in the sentences. 1 ................. language 2 facial .................... 3 .................... of humour 4 .................... face 5 right .................... marital .................... personal .................. physical ................... .................... -conscious 10 strong .................... 6 7 8 9 1 You can often tell how people are feeling by reading their .............................. . 2 Ricky has a great ..............................; his jokes always make us laugh. 3 Kate is very ..............................; she often reads magazines to find out the latest trends. 4 What is his ......................; is he married or single? 2 Find the odd word out. 1 2 3 4 5 6 narrow – pretty – small - energetic nose thin – full – generous - gorgeous lips bushy – high – thin - thick eyebrows large – thin – small - friendly mouth clear – clean – pale- tanned complexion curly – plump – fair - wavy hair ñ Useful phrases 3 Fill in: makes, sees, shares, broaden, changes, does, loses, takes, stays, pay. 1 Lisa always .................. a good impression on people she meets. 2 Phil’s very impatient and often .................. his temper when we are late. 3 John’s an optimistic man who always .................. the bright side of things. 4 Claire’s friends always ................ her compliments about the stylish clothes she wears. 5 Tim’s a bit indecisive; he often .................. his mind about things. 6 Helen always .................. calm when there is an emergency. 7 Lisa ..................... her best at school. 8 Bill’s grandfather sometimes .................. his experiences of life during the war. 9 Helen tried to .................. her social circle by joining some afterschool clubs. 10 Gloria is very adventurous. She .................. lots of risks and has tried many extreme sports. 18 Choose the correct preposition Katy is fond of/in wearing scarves in the winter. Paul is very energetic; he’s always at/on the go! Sarah is afraid for/of spiders. Students should treat their teachers with/in respect. Fiona is a friendly person, she’s kind to/in everyone. Peter always complains about/of his problems. Anna always finds time to get in/on touch with her friends. 8 Mary gets angry of/with people who lie to her. 9 Sarah is really interested in/on fashion. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ñ Words often confused 5 Fill in: fit, match, suit, put on, take off. 1 That skirt and blouse .................... . They have a similar colour. 2 You should .................... your jacket. It’s cold outside. 3 Those jeans really .................... you – you look really stylish in them! 4 Why don’t you .................... your coat, Brian? It’s very warm today. 5 This jumper doesn’t .................... me; it’s too small. 6 Look at the photograph and complete the description with: sportswear, ponytail, wavy, slim, pale, sleeveless, married, energetic, baggy, height. This photograph shows two adults jogging in a park. They might be friends or they could be a(n) 1) .............................. couple. The man is of medium 2) ....................... and has got 3) ............................... hair and a(n) 4) ............................... complexion. He is wearing a pair of 5) ............................... tracksuit bottoms and a T-shirt under a 6) ........................... blue top. The woman is also wearing 7) ......................... including a red top and a black pair of tracksuit bottoms. She is quite 8) ............................... and has got long dark hair in a 9) ............................... . I think they are very 10) ............................... and sporty people who exercise a lot. 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:06 Page 19 Matura Repetytorium Grammar Section Contents 1 Present Tenses (present simple, present continuous, stative verbs, adverbs of frequency, present perfect, present perfect continuous) 2 Past Tenses (past simple, used to/would, past continuous, stative verbs, past perfect, past perfect continuous) 3 Future Tenses (future simple, be going to, future continuous, present continuous/present simple, adverbs of frequency, future perfect, future perfect continuous, will/won’t – shall) 4 Infinitive/-ing form/Participle (to-infinitive/bare infinitive, -ing form, tenses of the infinitive/-ing form, verbs taking the to-infinitive or the -ing form with a change in meaning, too – enough, participles) 5 Modals (can/could – may/might – shall – will/would – should/ought to – must/have to – need/needn’t/didn’t need to/needn’t have done – mustn’t/can’t, continuous and simple forms with modals) 6 Adjectives (adjectives/compound adjectives/adjectives with the definite article/order of adjectives) – Adverbs (adverbs/formation/order of adverbs/adverbs with two forms and differences in meaning) – Comparisons (comparisons/types of comparisons) 7 Clauses (clauses of time, clauses of purpose, clauses of result, clauses of reason, clauses of contrast, clauses of place, exclamations, relative clauses, clauses of manner) – Linking Words (conjunctions, positive addition, contrast, alternative, cause/reason, manner, condition, purpose, effect/result, time, place, relative) 8 Passive voice (present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, future simple, present perfect, past perfect, modals, infinitive, -ing form – personal/impersonal constructions) 9 Causative form (get sth done, have sb do sth, get sb to do sth) 10 Reported speech (statements, questions (if/whether), introductory verbs, Yes/No short answers/question tags, subjunctive) 11 Conditionals (types 0, 1, 2, 3 – will/would after if – omission of if – mixed conditionals) 12 Wishes (present, past future) – had better/would rather/prefer – Unreal Past (I’d rather/sooner, suppose/supposing, It’s (about/high) time) 13 Nouns (the plural of nouns, compound nouns, regular/irregular plurals, countable/uncountable nouns, plural nouns, nouns used in singular and plural with a different meaning) 14 Articles (a/an, the) 15 Emphasis/Inversion 16 Pronouns/Quantifiers/Demonstratives (personal pronouns, possessive adjectives/pronouns, possessive case, reflexive/emphatic pronouns, there/it, This/These – That/Those, some/any/no/every + compounds, both/all, neither/nor, either, every/each, whole, one/ones, both … and, Neither … nor/Either … or, much/many/a lot of, other and its forms) 17 Prepositions (place, movement, time) 18 Questions/Short answers (Yes/No questions, question words, subject/object questions, indirect questions, question tags, short answers, so – Neither/nor) Phrasal verbs Prepositions used with verbs and nouns 201 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:06 Page 20 1 Czasy teraźniejsze Czas present simple i present continuous Czasu present continuous używamy, mówiąc o: ñ czynnościach odbywających się w chwili obecnej. Sylvia is doing her homework at the moment. ñ czynnościach tymczasowych. We are decorating our house this week. ñ planach na najbliższą przyszłość. I’m going out with Peter tonight. ñ stanach podlegających zmianie. My daughter is doing better and better at school. ñ rzeczach, które nas irytują lub denerwują. He is always playing loud music late at night. Czasu present simple używamy, mówiąc o: ñ faktach i stanach trwałych. Jane works as a dentist. ñ prawdach uniwersalnych i prawach przyrody. The sun rises in the east. ñ codziennych czynnościach. She usually goes to work by bus. ñ czynnościach odbywających się zgodnie z harmonogramem. His train leaves at eight o’clock tomorrow. ñ przebiegu meczu. John Terry wins the ball, passes to Lampard and scores for Chelsea. ñ uczuciach i emocjach. I love Chopin. His music is wonderful. W czasie present continuous często pojawiają się następujące określenia czasu: now, at the moment, at present, these days, nowadays, still, today, tonight itd. W czasie present simple często pojawiają się przysłówki częstotliwości oraz następujące określenia czasu: usually, often, always, every day/week/month/year itd., in the morning/ afternoon/evening, at night/the weekend, on Fridays itd. Czasowniki nie posiadające formy continuous ñ czasowniki opisujące wrażenia odbierane za pomocą zmysłów (see, hear, smell, taste, feel, look, sound, seem, appear itd.). Your perfume smells great. ñ czasowniki opisujące postrzeganie umysłowe i procesy myślowe (know, believe, understand, realise, remember, forget itd.). Who knows the answer? ñ czasowniki wyrażające upodobania (like, love, hate, enjoy, prefer, detest, desire, want itd.). Jim enjoys rock music. ñ inne czasowniki (be, contain, include, belong, fit, need, matter, cost, own, want, owe, weigh, wish, have, keep itd.). This car belongs to my dad. Niektórych z powyższych czasowników można użyć w czasie present continuous, ale powoduje to zmianę znaczenia. Present Simple THINK Present Continuous I think he is a very good actor. (= uważać) They are thinking of visiting Japan. (= rozważać) HAVE I am having a fantastic time. (= doświadczać) She is having a shower. (= brać) They are having lunch. (= jeść) She has a beautiful house. (= posiadać, mieć) SEE I can see the sea from my balcony. (= widzieć) I see what you mean. (= rozumieć) TASTE The cake tastes delicious. (= smakować, mieć smak) SMELL The roses smell lovely. (= pachnieć) APPEAR He appears to be nervous. (= zdawać się) FIT This shirt fits you perfectly. (= pasować [rozmiarem]) LOOK Derek looks really tired. (= wyglądać) I’m seeing my lawyer tomorrow morning. (= mieć spotkanie z) Jenny is tasting the soup to see if it needs more pepper. (= próbować) She is smelling the flowers. (= wąchać) He is appearing in a film with Jennifer Lopez. (= występować) My dad is fitting a new lock on the door. (= zakładać, montować) Diana is looking at some magazines. (= patrzeć) er! Rememb ñ Czasownika enjoy można użyć zarówno w czasie present simple, jak i continuous. My sister really enjoys playing volleyball. (ogólne upodobanie) ALE They’re enjoying the match very much. (chwilowy stan). ñ Czasownika feel (= czuć) i hurt można użyć zarówno w czasie present simple, jak i continuous bez zmiany znaczenia. I feel very happy. = I am feeling very happy. Czasowniki listen, look i watch wyrażają celowe działanie i można ich użyć w czasie present continuous. They are looking at the box. 202 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:06 Page 21 Czasy teraźniejsze 1 alw ay s 10 us 0% ua lly 75 of te % n 50 so % m et i m ra es re 20 ly/ se % ne l d ve om r0 10 % % Zastosowanie Przysłówki częstotliwości Przysłówki częstotliwości określają, jak często dana czynność się odbywa. Przysłówki odpowiadają na pytanie How often ...? Przysłówków częstotliwości używa się zazwyczaj w czasie present simple. “How often does Tina go to the cinema?” “She rarely goes to the cinema.” Przysłówków częstotliwości używa się: ñ przed czasownikiem głównym. Nathan often goes out with his friends. ñ po czasownikach posiłkowych (be, have, do) i modalnych (can, will, must itd.). Laura doesn’t usually go to bed late. Sophie is never late for school. We must always brush our teeth before we go to bed. Uwaga: Przysłówki rarely, seldom i never mają znaczenie negatywne i nigdy nie są używane z partykułą not. Claire never leaves work before 5 pm. (NIE: Claire doesn’t never leave ...) Robert seldom goes to fast food restaurants. (NIE: Robert doesn’t seldom go ...) Czas present perfect Czas present perfect continuous Czasu present perfect (have + imiesłów str. biernej) używamy: ñ opisując czynności które miały miejsce w bliżej nieokreślonym momencie w przeszłości. Dokładny czas nie został sprecyzowany, ponieważ nie jest to ważne. Istotniejszy jest sam fakt, że dana czynność się wydarzyła, a także jej związek z teraźniejszością. I have ironed the clothes. Cathy has been to Bangkok once. ñ opisując stany lub czynności, które rozpoczęły się w przeszłości i trwają w teraźniejszości (często z użyciem czasowników: be, have, like, know itd.). I have known Harry for two years. ñ opisując czynności, które zakończyły się niedawno, a których skutki widzimy obecnie. I have just washed the car. ñ odnosząc się do doświadczenia lub życiowych zmian. She has acted in a film with Julia Roberts. ñ z określeniami today, this morning/evening/week/ month itd., jeśli w momencie mówienia przedział czasowy, o którym mowa, trwa nadal. We have watched three films this week. (= Tydzień się jeszcze nie skończył i możliwe, że obejrzymy więcej filmów.) Czasu present perfect continuous (have + been + czasownik z końcówką -ing) używamy, opisując czynności, które: ñ rozpoczęły się w przeszłości i trwają nadal w chwili, gdy o nich mówimy. We have been painting the living room all morning. ñ skończyły się niedawno a ich skutki, często niezamierzone i odnoszące się do wykonawcy czynności, obserwujemy w chwili obecnej. His hands are dirty because he has been fixing his motorbike all morning. ñ powodują naszą złość lub podirytowanie. He has been taking my laptop without my telling me. W czasie present perfect często pojawiają się następujące określenia czasu: for, since, already, always, just, ever, never, so far, today, this week/month itd., how long, lately, recently, still (w przeczeniach), yet, by now itd. W czasie present perfect continuous często pojawiają się następujące określenia czasu: for, since, how long, all day/morning/month itd., lately, recently. . er! Rememb Czasowników live, work, teach i feel można używać zarówno w czasie present perfect, jak i present perfect continuous bez zmiany znaczenia. He has worked/has been working as a teacher for the last ten years er! Rememb She has gone to the bank. (Zmierza do banku lub już tam jest. Jeszcze stamtąd nie wróciła.) She has been to Los Angeles. (Przebywała w Los Angeles. Już stamtąd wróciła.) She has been in Milan. (Mieszka w Mediolanie.) 203 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:06 Page 22 1 Present Tenses 1 ★ Identify the tenses, then match them to their correct descriptions. 1 D 2 3 4 5 6 The Earth revolves around the Sun. Is she visiting the zoo tomorrow? He is staying at a hotel until his house is ready. The bus to Glasgow leaves at 7 pm. They don’t eat breakfast every morning. Ann’s driving is improving every week. 2 ★ Put the verbs in brackets into the present 3 ★ Underline the correct item. 204 1 Alan visits/is visiting his grandparents every weekend. 2 These days, it becomes/is becoming more expensive to go abroad on holiday. 3 Helen and her friends go/are going to a rock concert this evening. 4 Angelia Jolie successfully plays/is playing the part of Christine Collins in Changeling. 5 Brian paints/is painting the kitchen walls at the moment. 6 Do the leaves fall/Are the leaves falling from the trees in autumn? a fixed arrangement in the near future a habit/routine a temporary situation a general truth/law of nature a changing/developing situation a timetable/programme 4 ★ Underline the correct time expression. simple or the present continuous. 1 A: I see (see) the circus is here again. Would you like to come tonight? B: Sorry, but I ......................................... (see) my grandmother tonight. 2 A: ............................................... (Mary/enjoy) her visit to Paris. B: Yes, she ..................................... (enjoy) visiting the museums there and going sightseeing. 3 A: I ............................... (think) of selling my car. B: I ............................ (think) that’s a great idea. 4 A: Ann Smith .................................... (appear) in a new TV show tonight. B: Yes, she ................................. (appear) to feel better after her leg injury. 5 A: Why ............................................. (you/taste) the soup? B: To see if it ............................. (taste) too salty. 6 A: Is Ben OK? He ....................... (not/look) well. B: Yes, I know. I ........................................ (look) for the doctor’s phone number now. 7 A: ................................................. (the oven/fit) next to the fridge? B: Yes, the electrician ................................... (fit) it in right now. 8 A: She ...................................................... (have) a great reputation as a TV presenter. B: That’s true, but she ............................. (have) problems with her career at the moment. A B C D E F 1 Helen is listening to music at the moment/in the afternoon. 2 Peter is having a party on Fridays/tomorrow. 3 He catches the bus to school every morning/ tonight. 4 The ferry leaves the port at 8 am tomorrow morning/ at the moment. 5 Lisa’s mum does the laundry on Sundays/now. 6 Paul is meeting his girlfriend this evening/every week. 5 ★ Read the texts and fill in the gaps with the present simple or the present continuous of the verbs in brackets. A The MOOMBA festival 1) takes (take) place in Melbourne, Australia every March. The word Moomba 2) ....................... (come) from an Aboriginal word meaning ‘let’s get together and have fun’. The festival 3) ............................... (last) for several days and 4) .................................... (include) many competitions, music and parades. The activities on the waterfront 5) ........................... (attract) thousands of visitors. At the moment, I 6) ......................................... (watch) the ‘Birdman’ competition. People 7) ............................ (try) to fly their homemade flying machines and it’s very funny! The wind 8) .......................................... (blow) hard and the teams 9) ........................................ (have) a difficult time. 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:06 Page 23 Present Tenses B 1) ............................. Every year huge crowds of people .................... (be) a ....... 2) It (gather) at the Glastonbury festival. .................. (unite) ....... ....... celebration of art and music that 3) y year in June. ever days fans from all over the world for a few rmances and perfo live y There 4) ........................... (be) man t now, we Righ . acts s circu theatricals by famous artists and even for Kylie ing wait s gras the 5) ........................................ (lie) on in two in) (beg ...... ....... ....... Minogue. Her show 6) ..................... ve) to (arri ....... ....... ....... ....... hours but people 7) ............................ eve) I /beli (not . ....... ....... ....... get good spots. I 8) ............................ urite favo my see to ing wait 9) .......................................... (sit) here pop star! 6 ★ Complete the advert with the verbs in brackets. Use the present simple or the present continuous. is giving away prizes this month! Dear Readers, to thank you for your support. Our teen magazine 1) wants (want) 2) ........................... people young more and More e days. As you thes e azin .............................. (read) our mag fashion ideas our of t 3) ......................... (know), mos ts. So, we stree the teens on 4) ........................... (come) from th called mon this a contest 5) ....................................... (have) ‘New Trendsetters’. ers to send us pictures of We 6) ........................... (ask) our read .... (think) is stylish or trendy what they 7) ................................... . (you/ believe) you or your today. 8) .......................................... us a photo and see what friends are fashion trendsetters? Send 9) ........................................ we think. Make sure you someone’s photo! (not/forget) to get permission to take y): We 10) ........................... (give awa ñ 20 Nick Jonas CDs ñ 50 iPhone cases ñ 100 Beauty surprise bags!!! 7 ★ Circle the correct item. C a shorth p r ize s w £ 5,000 1 A: My mum …… the taste of curry at all. A likes C like B doesn’t like D don’t like 2 A: …… how late we are? B: Yes. And we are only half way there. A Are you realising C Do you realise B You realise D You are realising 3 A: Summers …… longer and longer. B: A lot warmer, too! A get C gets B is getting D are getting 1 4 A: Jim is …… late for class. B: Yes, he’s on time for most things. A usually C always B never D often 5 A: It rains quite …… in London. B: Mmm, at least three times a week. A often C always B usually D rarely 6 Water …… at 100° C. A boil B boils C is boiling D boiling 7 A: Sue …… of moving to Rome to study Art. B: Sounds exciting! A thinks C is thinking B think D thinking 8 A: What time ……? B: At 3 o’clock. We need to hurry. A the plane leave C is the plane leaving B does the plane leave D do the plane leave 9 A: I just …… spring showers! B: So do I. They are so refreshing. A loving C am loving B love D loves 10 A: Do you like the party, Steven? B: It’s a bit boring. I …… myself much. A don’t enjoy C enjoys B am not enjoying D enjoy 11 Ronaldo …… the penalty and Real Madrid lose 1-0. A miss C don’t miss B is missing D misses 12 A: Laura …… comes to the gym on Thursdays. Where is she? B: Home sick with a cold. A rarely C never B usually D seldom 13 Dad …… his dentist tonight. He has a toothache. A is seeing B sees C seeing D see 14 A: …… a test today? B: No, tomorrow morning. A You writing D You write B Do you write C Are you writing 15 Most people have mobile phones …… . A still C nowadays B at the moment D tonight 16 A: It …… to me like no one is home. B: You’re right. There are no lights anywhere in the house. A is seeming C are seeming B seems D seem 205 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:07 Page 24 1 Present Tenses 8 ★ Identify the tenses in bold and then match the sentences (1-7) with the correct tense descriptions (A-G). 1 E 2 3 4 5 6 7 Frank has read three comic books this morning. present perfect Anthea has just made some cakes. ................................................ Have you been eating my dinner again? ................................................ He has been fixing been fixing his car since 11 o’clock this morning. ................................................ She has been busy all week. ................................................ Sam’s parents have bought a new TV. ................................................ Rita is very tired. She has been studying all afternoon. ................................................ 9 ★ Fill in the gaps with have/has been to/in or have/has gone to. 1 A: Have you ever been to the Eiffel Tower? B: Yes, and the view from there is wonderful. 2 A: I ......................... not .......................... the new Italian restaurant in Bent Street. Would you like to go? B: Yes, I ........................................ already ............................... there and it’s really great. 3 A: Is Jo coming to the cinema tonight? B: No, he ........................................... his grandparents’ house for the weekend. 4 A: How long ...................................... Greg .................................. New York? B: Two years, but he is coming home soon. 5 A: Can we watch a film at your house this weekend? B: Yes, my parents ................................. Madrid. 6 A: I need some information about the tropics. Can you help me? B: Why don’t you ask Janet? She .............. ..................... Kenya and Nigeria several times. 206 A to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present. B to express anger, irritation or annoyance. C to describe an action which happened at an unstated time in the past. D to describe an action which started in the past and lasted for some time. The action may still be continuing or may have already finished, but has a visible result in the present. E to describe an action which happened within a specific period of time which is not over at the moment of speaking. F to express an action that has recently finished and whose result is visible in the present. G to talk about a state that started in the past and continues up to the present. 10 ★ For each situation, use the words in brackets to ask a question or to make a statement, as in the example. 1 You see your friend’s house is a different colour. You ask: (paint/house?) Have you painted your house? 2 Your friend takes you to a shop you have never been to. You ask: (be here/before?) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 3 You can see your friend has got a lot better at playing his guitar. You ask: (practise/a lot?) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 4 Your friend asks you about your mum’s job. You say: (work/ teacher/for 20 years) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 5 Your parents want you to take back the DVDs you borrowed. You say: (not/finish/watch them/yet) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 6 You see your friend queuing at the bank. You ask: (wait/long?) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1:03RM BasicLyceum GramSec 1 11-02-06 17:07 Page 25 Present Tenses 11 ★ Complete the exchanges using the present 12 ★ Ask and answer questions as in the perfect or the present perfect continuous. A: 1) Have you heard (you/hear) the weather forecast yet? B: No, but I 2) ..................................... (watch) the news for the last hour and all they 3) ..... .......................... (talk) about are the floods. A: Oh dear! Those poor people. It 4) ................ ..................... (be) an awful week so far with all those storms. B: Yes, especially in the north where it 5) ......... ........................... (not/stop) raining for over a week now. A: Tom, it’s already five o’clock. 1) .................... ....................... (you/finish) with the report? B: Not yet. I 2) .......................................... (go) over the numbers all afternoon and something seems wrong. A: 3) .................................. (Mary/check) that? B: I 4) ............................... (leave) several notes on her desk so far, but I think she 5) ............ .............. (not/return) from her meeting yet. A: 1) ........................................ (you/see) Jane? She looks great. 2) ....................................... .......................................... (she/diet) lately? B: No. She 3) .................................................... (work) out at the gym for the last six months. A: It seems that it 4) ......................................... (do) wonders. She 5) .................................... .............................. (never/look) so healthy! B: Well, you and I 6) ......................................... (talk) about joining a gym for ages. How about going for it? A: I think you 7) ................................................ (just/read) my mind! A: I 1) ...................................... (not/see) Laura for a while. 2) ............................................... (you/speak) to her lately? B: No, I 3) ..................................... (be) be busy with my exams but I think she helps her mum with chores every day after school. A: 4) .......................................... (her mum/be) ill lately? B: Not exactly. She 5) .......................................... (have) two surgeries on her knee so far and she 6) .................................................................... (not/be able) to walk yet. 1 example. 1 2 3 4 5 Your bag looks heavy. Your clothes are dirty. You are wet. You look happy. You look upset. A: Your bag looks heavy. B: I’ve just been to the library. 13 ★ Complete the text with the present perfect or the present perfect continuous of the verbs in brackets. Who 1) hasn’t heard (not/hear) of Jamie Oliver? The famous chef’s hands-on style and love for healthy food 2) .......................................... (inspire) many to go back into the kitchen. Jamie became famous with his first television show The Naked Chef back in 1997. Since then, he 3) .......................................... (come) out with series after series which 4) .......................................... (have) high ratings and most 5) ........................... ............... (lead) to best selling books. Jamie also launched a campaign for healthier school meals which 6) .......................................... (result) in the award-winning series Jamie’s School Dinners. Recently, he 7) .......................................... (work) together with a major supermarket to improve the quality of goods available to customers. His talented hands 8) .......................................... (cook) for Prime Minister, Tony Blair, and other world leaders. He 9) .................. ............... (receive) many awards and special recognition for his battle against poor eating habits. Jamie 10) ............................... (live) on his farmhouse in Essex with his wife and their four children for over ten years, growing their own fruit and vegetables. 207 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 26 Speaking Bank Asking for and giving personal information Talking about experiences Asking for personal information ñ ñ ñ ñ Have you got any brothers or sisters? Where do you live? Do you work or are you still at school? What do you do in your spare time? Giving personal information ñ ñ ñ ñ Yes, I’ve got ... bothers/sisters. / No, I’m an only child. I live in a house/flat in the suburbs/on the outskirts/near the city centre/in a small town etc Actually, I’m a Year ... school student. / I finished school … years ago and now I ... . When I have some time off, I usually ... ./ In my spare time I really like to ... . Asking about experiences ñ ñ ñ Have you ever (been to) ...? How long have you ...? When did you last ...? What was it like? How was? ñ Yes, I have. I ... . / No, I’ve never ... . I’ve been ... since/for ... . The last time I ... was ... . It was great/fun/ disappointing etc. Responding ñ ñ ñ Actually, I’ve never been to ..., but I hope I will, some day. / Yes, I have. I went ... and it was fantastic/boring etc. Criticising and apologising Asking about and expressing likes and dislikes Asking about likes & dislikes ñ What do you think of ...? ñ ñ Criticising ñ Are you interested in ..., at all? Do you enjoy/like ... (-ing)? Expressing dislikes ñ ñ I just hate/can’t ñ stand ... ñ To be honest, it’s not really my thing. ñ It’s not my cup of tea. I find ... really boring/ awful etc. I don’t like ... at all. I think it’s amazing/ ñ fantastic/really cool! ñ I really like/ love ... (-ing) I’m crazy about it. Being neutral ñ ñ It’s OK, I suppose. I don't mind. ñ ñ ñ ñ Why didn’t you tell me ...? I wish you would/wouldn’t ... . Couldn’t you have ...? I can’t stand it when you ... . I’m so/really/ terribly sorry. Oh, no! I feel awful/ terrible. Making excuses ñ ñ ñ I completely forgot that ... . I simply didn’t realise that ... . I just didn’t have the time to ... . Accepting an apology ñ ñ I’m not too sure. Well, I don't know, really. Talking about others ñ ñ ñ ñ Apologising Expressing likes ñ You should have told me you’d be (late/have to leave earlier/about the cost) etc Never mind. What’s ñ done is done. ñ I suppose it wasn’t ñ really your fault. Don't worry about it. Never mind. It doesn’t matter. Oh, OK/alright. Let’s forget about it. Giving and reacting to news Giving good news Asking about someone ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ Who’s your best friend? What’s your brother/ sister/best friend etc like? Tell me about your brother/sister/best friend etc. What sort of person is ...? How well do you get on with ...? ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ SB1 My best friend is ... . We’ve grown up together./We’ve been friends forever! We’ve known each other for/since ... . He/She is really great/cool/amazing etc. We get on very well together. He/She is really great, but can be a bit difficult/mean/ grumpy/stubborn etc at times. Not very well/at all. Reacting to good news ñ ñ ñ ñ Giving bad news Responding ñ Guess what! I’ve (passed my driving test) etc. I’ve got some great news. You won’t believe this! I ... . ñ ñ ñ I’m afraid I’ve got some ñ bad news. I’ve (been robbed.) etc. ñ Something terrible has happened. I ... . ñ It’s bad news, I’m afraid. ñ That’s fantastic/great! Well done! Wow! Really? Wow! That’s brilliant! Congratulations! I’m really happy for you! Reacting to bad news Oh, no! How awful/ terrible/sad! Oh dear! How did it happen? That’s a shame/a pity/ too bad. Poor you! I can’t believe it! 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 27 Speaking Bank 1 Choose the correct response. 2 Replace what Speaker B says with a phrase that expresses the same idea. 1 A: Where do you live? B: a I don’t like the city at all. b In a flat in the suburbs. 1 A: Guess what! I’ve been elected class president! B: That’s fantastic! Well done! 2 A: How do you feel about Lady GaGa’s new CD? B: a Its OK, I suppose. b I’m sorry, I feel terrible. 2 A: Are you interested in travelling, at all? B: I’m crazy about visiting new places. 3 A: It’s bad news, I’m afraid. I failed my driving test, again. B: a Wow! That’s brilliant! b Poor you! That’s too bad! 3 A: How do you feel about pop music? B: I just hate it. 4 A: What do you do in your spare time? B: a Actually, I’m a Year 10 school student. b When I have some time off, I like to go skateboarding. 5 A: You should have told me you’d have to leave earlier. B: a I completely forgot that I had to go. b Why didn’t you tell me that you didn’t want to come? 6 A: I don't like waiting in queues at all. B: a Poor you! b I don’t mind. 7 A: Guess what! I won a bike race last weekend! B: a Wow! Really? b I’m really into cycling. 8 A: Who’s your best friend? B: a That would be Tony. I’ve known him since I was 5. b He’s really great, but can be a bit annoying at times. 9 A: Have you ever been on holiday to Thailand? B: a The last time I went on holiday was this June. It was amazing! b No, I’ve never been to Asia. I’m hoping I will someday. 10 A: How long have you been playing the guitar? B: a I’ve always wanted to learn to play. b I’ve been playing since I was 10 years old. 11 A: Do you work or are you still at school? B: a I finished school 2 years ago and now I’m at university. b I really like working for this company. 12 A: How well do you get on with Martin? B: a I don’t mind. b Not very well. 4 A: Something terrible has happened. George’s lost his job. B: That’s a pity. 5 A: Tell me about your best friend. B: My best friend is Sue. I’ve known her since we were little children. 6 A: I know I should have called you, but I didn’t have any phone credit. B: Don’t worry about it. 7 A: I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news. Angelina’s new bike got stolen. B: Oh no, how terrible! 8 A: I wish you had told me the tickets would be so expensive. B: I can’t tell you how sorry I am. 9 A: What do you think of wearing a uniform to school? B: I don’t mind. 10 A: Have you heard the good news? I got the job at the music shop! B: Congratulations! 11 A: You should have reminded me about today’s meeting. B: I completely forgot that it was today. 12 A: Do you enjoy windsurfing? B: I think it’s awesome! 13 A: I just didn’t have the time to finish the project. B: Why didn’t you tell me last week? 14 A: Tell me about your friend Stephen. B: I’ve known him for a long, long time. 15 A: What do you think of the new school rule? B: I’m not too sure about it. SB2 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 28 Writing Bank List prywatny List prywatny piszemy do osoby, którą dobrze znamy. Zazwyczaj rozpoczyna się go od słowa Dear i imienia adresata. W pierwszym akapicie pozdrawiamy adresata (np. Hi! How are you?) i podajemy powód napisania listu. W kolejnych akapitach rozwijamy list, a w ostatnim go kończymy, żegnamy się i podpisujemy (np. Have to go now. Yours, Rebecca). W liście prywatnym używamy stylu nieoficjalnego: ñ słownictwa stosowanego w życiu codziennym. (I’m having a great time.) ñ potocznych wyrażeń/idiomów. (Drop me a line.) ñ krótkich spójników. (so, and itd.) ñ ściągniętych form czasowników. (I can’t, I’ll be ...) PRZYDATNE ZWROTY Przeprowadziłeś/łaś się do innego miasta, aby studiować prawo. Napisz list do swojego przyjaciela/ przyjaciółki z Anglii (120–150 słów). Napisz: ñ w jakim mieście mieszkasz i jakie masz zakwaterowanie, ñ co studiujesz i czy podoba Ci się ten kierunek studiów, ñ kim są Twoi nowi przyjaciele i co zazwyczaj razem robicie, ñ jakie jest miasto, w którym teraz mieszkasz i czym różni się od miasta, z którego pochodzisz. zwroty rozpoczynające ściągnięte formy czasowników Zwrot rozpoczynający ñ Dear Mum/Dad, Dear Aunt Claire, ñ Dear Grandpa, Dear Tom/Lucy itd. Rozpoczynanie listu ñ Hope you’re OK. ñ How are you doing? ñ Hi from Moscow/Rome/Cracow itd. ñ Thanks for your email. ñ Sorry I didn’t write earlier, but I ... ñ Sorry for not writing for so long. ñ Hi! How are you? ñ It was good to hear from you. ñ I haven’t heard from you for a while. Powód napisania listu ñ I wanted to drop you a line to tell you my news/to tell you about ... ñ I just wanted to ask/remind/thank itd. you ... ñ Just a quick email to tell you ... ñ I wondered if you’d like to ... ñ This is just to let you know ... ñ I’m sorry to hear about ... ñ I was a bit worried and wanted to see if you’re OK. Prośba o utrzymanie kontaktu ñ Drop me a line sometime. ñ I hope to hear from you soon. ñ Give me a call later. ñ Let me know if you can make it or not. ñ I was glad to hear about ... ñ Let me know as soon as possible. Kończenie listu ñ Email me soon. ñ I’d better get going./Bye for now. ñ I must go now./Got to go now. Zwrot kończący Yours/Best wishes/Love/Take care itd. + your first name WB1 wyrażenia potoczne Dear Peter, słownictwo potoczne zakończenie listu zwrot kończący Hope you’re OK. I wanted to drop you a line to tell you my news. I’m in Rome studying law at university. I’m staying on the campus. My room’s very nice. Lessons here are very interesting. I have classes every morning then I spend some afternoons in the library. I’ve made some new friends here. Rosa and Maria are from Spain and are studying medicine. Petra’s from Poland and she’s studying law. We are in the uni football club. They’re all very nice to me and showed me around when I first arrived here. Rome is so different from my hometown. It’s full of life. There are huge department stores and the streets are crowded. People are very friendly but I do miss my town. Still, I’m sure I’ll get used to krótkie spójniki the new way of life. Have to go now. Petra’s promised to take me to the art gallery. I can’t wait. I hope to hear from you soon. Yours, Anna wyrażenia potoczne Practice 1 Napisz na nowo pierwszy akapit, używając wyrażeń z listy obok. 2 Przeformułuj zakończenie listu. 3 Zaproponuj użycie innego zwrotu kończącego. 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 29 Writing Bank Wiadomość Wiadomość to krótki tekst, którego celem jest udzielenie adresatowi informacji, poproszenie go o przysługę, zaplanowanie spotkania itd. Wiadomość cechuje udzielenie wszystkich istotnych informacji bez użycia zbędnych słów. Pisząc wiadomość, przeważnie pomijamy takie kategorie słów jak zaimki osobowe (I, you, itd.), przedimki (a/an, the), czasowniki posiłkowe (am, have, itd.) oraz zwroty powitalne i pożegnalne (Dear, Yours, itd.). Można natomiast używać trybu rozkazującego, spójników typowych dla stylu nieformalnego, imiesłowów i ściągniętych form czasowników, na ogół nieużywanych w języku pisanym. Wiadomość zazwyczaj nie jest podzielona na akapity. Musisz wyjść. Napisz wiadomość adresowaną do Twojej współlokatorki z Walii, w której: ñ poinformujesz, że czekałeś/łaś na przyjście kolegi, który jednak się spóźni – napisz, dlaczego. ñ poprosisz o odebranie prania z pralni i podasz powód. ñ wyjaśnisz, gdzie poszedłeś/poszłaś i kiedy wrócisz. ñ poinformujesz współlokatorkę, gdzie jest jedzenie i że w razie potrzeby może do Ciebie zadzwonić. pominięcie zaimka osobowego (I) Przydatne zwroty Początek wiadomości (person’s first name) Tony/Mark, ściągnięte formy czasowników Powód napisania wiadomości ñ Need to work late. ñ Had to go shopping. ñ Got phone call from Peter. ñ Paul just called and ... ñ Couldn’t wait for you. ñ Had to go to the (supermarket). Planowane działania ñ Be back in ... (an hour) ñ I won’t be late. ñ Call you later. ñ See you at (the cinema) ñ Call me if you have any problems. Sugestie ñ How about ...? ñ We could (meet) ... Prośba o przysługę ñ Can/Could you ...? ñ Please, (... take it to ...) Zakończenie wiadomości ñ Thanks. ñ Cheers. ñ See you. Anna, cie przedimka Sandra. pominię Got phone call from e) (th s so has She’ll be late. Missed bu krótkie spójniki Can you to wait for the 7:05. wasn’t pick the laundry? Shop to the open when I went. Going imiesłowy at 8:00. supermarket. Be back ll me if Dinner’s in the oven. Ca you need anything. See you. Sandy tryb rozkazujący Practice 1 Przeczytaj przykładową wiadomość poniżej. Dlaczego nie jest ona dobrze napisana? Zastanów się nad: ñ układem graficznym, ñ zwięzłością , ñ rozpoczęciem i zakończeniem, ñ pominięciem zaimków, przedimków i czasowników posiłkowych. Dear Anna, that She wanted to tell us Sandra called earlier. She se she missed her bus. she would be late becau the 7:05 bus. said she had to wait for the the laundry? I went to Can you please pick up it k closed so I couldn’t pic shop earlier but it was buy ermarket as I need to up. I’m going to the sup at 8. some things. I’ll be back elf if the oven so help yours I cooked pasta. It’s in . need anything, call me you are hungry. If you See you soon. Yours, Sandy WB2 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 30 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 31 04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ:04RM BasicLyceum Speak&Writ 11-02-06 17:18 Page 32 Matura Repetytorium. Poziom podstawowy to najnowsza propozycja dla uczniów przygotowujących się do egzaminu maturalnego na poziomie podstawowym, a także innych egzaminów na tym samym poziomie. Prezentuje zintegrowane podejście do rozwoju wszystkich sprawności językowych u uczniów na poziomach od podstawowego do średniozaawansowanego. Zalety kursu: ■ zgodność tematów oraz materiału leksykalno-gramatycznego ze standardami wymagań egzaminacyjnych ■ różnorodne teksty o ciekawej tematyce ■ systematyczny rozwój poszczególnych sprawności: słuchania, czytania, mówienia i pisania ■ sekcja Grammar Bank z obszernymi wyjaśnieniami zagadnień gramatycznych i bogatym materiałem ćwiczeniowym ■ wskazówki zwiększające niezależność uczniów ■ sekcje międzykulturowe ■ sekcja Vocabulary Bank pozwalająca na poszerzenie słownictwa ■ starannie opracowane zadania zgodne z nową formułą egzaminu maturalnego ■ sekcja Speaking Bank, umożliwiająca powtórkę funkcji językowych ■ sekcja Writing Bank, zawierająca omówienie form pisemnych, przykładowe wypowiedzi i listy zwrotów przydatnych przy tworzeniu wypowiedzi pisemnych, stanowi unikalny przewodnik ułatwiający opanowanie umiejętności tworzenia wypowiedzi pisemnych zgodnie z wymaganiami egzaminu maturalnego