Fluid chemistry and temperatures prior to exploitation at the Las Tres
Fluid chemistry and temperatures prior to exploitation at the Las Tres
Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Fluid chemistry and temperatures prior to exploitation at the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field, Mexico Surendra P. Verma a,b,∗ , Kailasa Pandarinath a , Edgar Santoyo a , Eduardo González-Partida c , Ignacio S. Torres-Alvarado a , Enrique Tello-Hinojosa d a b Centro de Investigación en Energı́a, UNAM, Privada Xochicalco S/N, Col. Centro, Apartado Postal 34, Temixco 62580, Morelos, Mexico Centro de Investigación en Ingenierı́a y Ciencias Aplicadas (CIICAp), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, Av. Universidad No. 1001, Col. Chamilpa, Cuernavaca 62210, Morelos, Mexico c Centro de Geociencias, UNAM, Apartado Postal 1-742, Querétaro 76001, Querétaro, Mexico d Gerencia de Estudios Geotermoeléctricos, Comisión Federal de Electricidad, Alejandro Volta 655, Morelia 58290, Michoacán, Mexico Received 4 April 2005; accepted 9 February 2006 Abstract Generation of electricity at the Las Tres Vı́rgenes (LTV) geothermal field, Mexico, began in 2001. There are currently nine geothermal wells in the field, which has an installed electricity generating capacity of 10 MWe . The chemical and temperature conditions prevailing in the field prior to its exploitation have been estimated, including their central tendency and dispersion parameters. These conditions were computed on the basis of: (i) geochemical data on waters from springs and domestic wells, and on geothermal well fluids (waters and gases); most of the sampling took place between 1995 and 1999; (ii) fluid inclusion studies; (iii) geothermometric data; and (iv) static formation temperatures computed using a modified quadratic regression Horner method. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (in the 100–290 ◦ C range) suggest that there is a hightemperature fluid upflow zone near wells LV3 and LV4 in the southern part of the field. Computed average chemical equilibrium temperatures for the geothermal fluids are ∼260 ◦ C, based on the Na/K and SiO2 geothermometers, and ∼265 ◦ C, based on the H2 /Ar, and CO2 /Ar geothermometers. In general, the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures are consistent with geothermometric data, as well as with static formation temperatures. Some of the observed differences could be related to well interference effects and different fluid production/sampling depths. The deeper geothermal waters show higher concentrations of Cl, Na, K, B, Ba, but lower concentrations of SO4 , Ca, and Mg than the shallower waters. Fluid inclusion ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 55 5622 9745; fax: +52 55 5622 9791. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.P. Verma). 0375-6505/$30.00 © 2006 CNR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2006.02.002 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 157 salinities are also higher in the deeper rocks. The measured Na/Cl ratios of the geothermal well waters are more or less uniform throughout the field and are very similar to that of seawater, strongly suggesting a seawater component in the fluid of the LTV system. The heat stored in the LTV geothermal system was estimated to be at least 9 × 1012 MJ, of which some 4 × 1011 MJ (equivalent to about 148 MWe for 30 years of operation, assuming a conversion efficiency of ∼35%) might be extracted using wells. These results indicate that the installed capacity at LTV could be safely increased from the current 10 MWe . © 2006 CNR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Hydrogeochemistry; Fluid inclusions; Static formation temperatures; Geothermometers; Seawater component; Heat balance; Baja California; Mexico 1. Introduction The Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field (LTV) is located about 33 km northwest of the town of Santa Rosalı́a in the state of Baja California Sur, Mexico (Fig. 1). Geothermal exploration in the area began in 1982. To date, nine geothermal wells have been drilled in the field for production and Fig. 1. Simplified tectonic setting of north-western Mexico showing the location of the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field (LTV). BCS: Baja California Sur; BC: Baja California. The inset corresponds to the LTV and surrounding areas. The numbered circles indicate the location of thermal springs and domestic wells. 1: Agua Caliente; 2: San Alberto; 3: La Palma; 4: Santana; 5: La Reforma; 6: La Palmitas II; 7: El Mezquite; 8: El Álamo; 9: Yaqui; 10: El Palmito; 11: Rancho Vı́rgenes; 12: Rancho Mezquital; 13: Santa Lucı́a; 14: La Cueva; 15: Bonfil; 16: San Regis; 17: San Ignacio. The areas with a similar type of water are bounded by the dotted lines. The square area identified in the insert is shown in further detail in Fig. 2. 158 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 re-injection of geothermal waters (Fig. 2). Two 5-MWe wellhead condensing units came on-line in July 2001 (Gutiérrez-Negrı́n and Quijano-León, 2004; Bertani, 2005), making it the fourth and latest geothermal field to come into operation in Mexico, after Cerro Prieto, Los Azufres, and Los Humeros. The geology of the Las Tres Vı́rgenes volcanic area has been discussed by Garduño-Monroy et al. (1993), López-Hernández (1998), and Capra et al. (1998). Chemical data on the water and gas of the system were presented by Portugal et al. (2000) and González Partida et al. (2001). The LTV geothermal system is located within a Quaternary volcanic complex characterized by three NE-SW aligned volcanoes and a caldera (Fig. 1). The heat source for the system seems to be the magma chambers associated with this volcanic complex. The geothermal fluids are found in fractures and faults of a Cretaceous granodiorite pluton below the Quaternary volcanics (Fig. 2). We present the results of: (i) systematic fluid sampling and analyses in the LTV area, carried out mainly during 1995–1999. The study covered waters from domestic water wells and thermal springs, in addition to waters and gases from geothermal boreholes; (ii) petrographic and fluid inclusion investigations of well cuttings and cores; (iii) application of Na/K, SiO2 , H2 /Ar, and CO2 /Ar geothermometers; and (iv) computation of static formation temperatures based on well log data. From the results obtained, we characterized the pre-exploitation (or natural-state) fluid chemistry and temperature conditions in the LTV geothermal system. The estimated heat stored in the system is also presented. 2. Geological setting The LTV geothermal field is located some 200 km northeast of an extinct ocean trench (see the paleo-subduction trench in Fig. 1), along the western edge of a deformation zone that is probably linked to the dominantly extensional Quaternary fault systems associated with the formation and opening of the Gulf of California (Garduño-Monroy et al., 1993; Capra et al., 1998). The major volcanic features in the LTV area include: (1) the La Reforma caldera, formed about 1.2 Ma; (2) the El Aguajito caldera (0.8 Ma); and (3) the Tres Vı́rgenes complex, consisting of the volcanoes El Viejo (∼0.44 Ma), El Azufre (more recent) and La Virgen (still active; Figs. 1 and 2). The NE-SW alignment and ages indicate migration of volcanic activity to the southwest during the last 0.8 Ma. According to Capra et al. (1998), the last eruptive phase of the La Virgen volcano occurred about 6515 years B.P. and was characterized by both Plinian and Vulcanian eruptive phases. The basement in the LTV area is dominated by a biotite granodiorite emplaced at 81–84 Ma. This pluton does not outcrop in the geothermal area, but has been intersected by all the geothermal wells at a depth of approximately 1000 m (elevation of about −250 m above sea level). The plutonic basement rocks are overlain by a sequence of sediments and pyroclastic rocks. From the bottom up (Figs. 2 and 3), these are: (1) the Comundú Group, consisting of Miocene sandstones, andesitic tuffs, breccias, and basalts; (2) the Santa Lucı́a andesites, which do not outcrop in the area; and (3) the La Gloria Formation, consisting of even younger sandstones. From the structural point of view, the LTV area is part of a NW-SE trending depression known as the Santa Rosalı́a basin, which has persisted since the Late Miocene. The basin is bounded by NW-SE extensional faults (Garduño-Monroy et al., 1993; López-Hernández, 1998) and its tectonic blocks are sheared in a NE direction. A second NNE-SSW and N-S fault system, consisting mainly of strike-slip faults, is related to the northwestward migration of the Baja California peninsula. These faults cut the older extensional system as well as the Aguajito caldera and displace the volcanoes of the Las Tres Vı́rgenes complex. S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 159 Fig. 2. Simplified geological map of the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field (modified after López-Hernández, 1998 and Capra et al., 1998) showing the locations of geothermal wells and major faults. The schematic NW-SE cross-section through wells LV5, LV1, LV8, LV4, LV3, and LV7 is shown in Fig. 3. 160 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Fig. 3. Geologic cross-section drawn through six LTV wells (see Fig. 2 for location). The numbers beside the heavy black dots correspond to average fluid homogenization temperatures (Th ; Table 4). The isotherms were drawn based on these well temperature data. The black arrow indicates the area of hot upwelling fluid near the bottom of wells LV3 and LV4. 3. Methodology Thermal waters from springs and domestic water wells were classified according to the modified Hill–Piper diagram using the computer program MHPT.BAS by Rao (1998). This approach takes into greater account fluid electrical conductivity and the relative proportion of different types of ions than the conventional Piper diagrams. Six LTV geothermal wells were sampled periodically between 1995 and 1999, although a few samples from 1992 and 1994 were also included in our analysis. Diverse fluid chemical parameters, including major anions and cations, along with electrical conductivity, were determined by means of conventional methods. Gases were collected from five geothermal wells and analyzed using gas chromatography and wet-chemistry procedures, as reported by Santoyo et al. (1991). Two liquid (Na/K and SiO2 ; Verma and Santoyo, 1997) and two gas geothermometers (H2 /Ar and CO2 /Ar; Giggenbach, 1991; Verma, 2002) were used to infer subsurface temperatures from fluid samples taken from thermal springs and from domestic and geothermal wells. S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 161 Downhole temperature logs obtained during drilling were also used to compute static formation temperatures (SFT), following the Horner method (Dowdle and Cobb, 1975), but the quadratic regression model recently proposed by Andaverde et al. (2005) was used to correct for the nonlinear behavior of the measured temperature data. Error estimates were also obtained for these quadratic regressions. Petrographic analyses were performed on well cuttings collected in six geothermal wells at 15 m depth intervals. This allowed us to identify the most common hydrothermal minerals in the geothermal system, and to select the most suitable depth intervals for fluid inclusion studies. Microthermometric measurements were made on doubly polished thin sections of well cuttings and core samples that contained veins of hydrothermal minerals. The measurements were performed on a calibrated Chaix-Meca heating–cooling stage. For each fluid inclusion, three parameters were determined: (1) ice-melting temperatures (Tmi ), to estimate fluid salinities (reported as weight percent, wt.%, NaCl equivalent); (2) homogenization temperatures (Th ), to estimate minimum formation temperatures for the minerals being studied; and (3) dissociation temperatures of CO2 clathrate (positive Tmi ) found in some samples. Because of the large number of samples studied, it was decided to report only a synthesis of the final statistical parameters (individual results are available on request from the first author). Two common central-tendency parameters (median and mean) were estimated, along with the conventional dispersion or scale parameter (standard deviation and, when the number of samples in a given group was relatively large (n ≥ 5), the 95% confidence limits for the mean). For a smaller number of samples, this statistical parameter becomes too large to be of much use because of the very high values of Student’s t involved in the calculations (see any standard textbook on Statistics, or Verma, 2005). When the median and mean values are similar, it is said that a fair estimate of the central tendency can be defined by any of the two parameters. For all sets of measurements, we detected outliers with the basic model of normal data, using the SIPVADE computer program (Verma et al., 1998). The remaining data (after outlier elimination) should then become “normal” according to a large number of tests for normality, bringing the median and mean values into close agreement (Barnett and Lewis, 1994; Verma, 2005). We therefore report only the mean values and the associated basic statistical information (i.e., number of samples and standard deviation). The 95% confidence limits have not been included in the final tables, although they can be calculated from the data given in the tables, but have been plotted in some diagrams and are discussed in the text. The final data were rounded off before tabulation using the procedures described by Bevington (1969) and modified by Verma (2005). 4. Results The main results of our study are presented in this section, with their implications in Section 5. 4.1. Composition of waters from thermal springs and domestic wells The chemical compositions of the waters from thermal springs and domestic wells (part of the data from Portugal et al. (2000) and González Partida et al. (2001)) are summarized in Table 1 and shown in Fig. 4. Based on the modified Hill–Piper diagram, the waters (all with a pH close to neutral) are of 11 different types. None of the LTV waters have high salinities with respect to typical geothermal waters; note that this terminology is relative only to the waters described 162 Table 1 Chemical composition of water samples from thermal springs and domestic wells of the Las Tres Vı́rgenes area, Mexico Thermal springs and domestic wells Stat Major anions Cl− All locations: carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low-to-medium sodium water (B2C3S2) (n = 42) x̄ s x̄ s x̄ s x̄ 55 283 25 21 96 370 43 80 43.6 280 1.8 10 14 – Other physical–chemical parameters Geothermometer temperatures K+ Li+ (mg/l) Ca2+ Mg2+ SiO2 (mg/l) B (mg/l) pH T (◦ C) ϕ (S/mm) TA (meq/l) TNa/K (◦ C) TSiO2 (◦ C) 49 12 90 40 70 10 12 3.8 0.5 5.9 2.0 4.90 0.00 14 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 – 50 4 61 19 36.50 0.14 30 28 6 44 19 16.1 3.8 3.2 82.5 3.4 85 18 59.0 (0) 280 0.5 0.6 0.34 0.34 0.24 0.05 0.1 7.72 0.10 7.67 0.32 8.2 0.5 2.9 26.2 2.9 26.6 4.4 28 6 97 63 5 108 37 60.50 0.28 198 4.93 0.23 6.4 1.2 4.96 0.22 – 203 25 189 28 188 10 – 126.8 2.2 128 12 110 (0) 205 SO4 2− Na+ 11 8 24 23 10 10 850 x̄ s x̄ 136 25 120 323 23 220 800 500 28 235 29 120 18.2 2.8 1.6 0.15 0.03 – 185 39 38 93 43 21 130 20 60 1.18 0.27 0.2 7.66 28 0.10 4 7.9 23 250 50 83 5.7 0.5 4.0 200 19 96 154 9 111 x̄ 140 260 280 240 11 0.07 69 22 94 0.33 7.95 35 170 4.6 154 133 s x̄ 100 284 70 275.2 230 600 50 310 6 20.3 0.03 0.16 16 140 7 67 21 102 0.21 1.20 0.40 11 7.68 24.0 34 265 1.3 4.78 32 188 12 138 s x̄ 25 1.2 192.0 250 200 1477 34 513 0.8 10 0.02 0.22 9 230 5 32 5 90 0.35 1.4 0.31 1.4 8 31 35 342 0.01 4.6 5 111 3 134 x̄ s x̄ 460 450 250 240 135.1 330 1000 1200 45 540 270 204 23 6 5.5 0.12 0.06 0.02 70 70 16.2 17 21 1.0 150 90 97 1.8 1.9 0.40 7.0 39 2.8 27 8.39 28 400 120 104.4 9.4 2.0 5.93 145 9 132.0 155 30 135 19 17 11 0.5 0.02 4.2 0.5 8 0.20 0.36 7 1.4 0.16 2.9 5 s 3.8 x̄ 170 320 400 220 11 0.07 80 30 100 0.71 7.6 32 180 5.9 179 137 s 170 130 600 190 8 0.07 60 30 50 0.90 1.3 16 120 1.8 70 21 Stat: statistical parameter; n: number of measurements; x̄: mean; s: standard deviation; T: water temperature as measured at the surface; ϕ: electrical conductivity; TA: total alkalinity; (–) not measured or calculated. Codes for water types (with anion and cation concentrations expressed in meq/l and ϕ in S/cm; note that the unit S/mm is used in this table to be consistent with the international convention) are according to Rao (1998); for more details see caption to Fig. 4. Locations: 1 Cueva and La Cuevita; 2 Bonfil, San Ignacio, El Tule, Regis, and Santa Lucı́a; 3 Rancho Mezquital; 4 Agua Agria; 5 La Palma and San Alberto; 6 Palmito; 7 Agua Caliente, Yaqui, Rancho Vı́rgenes, and Palmitas II; 8 Santa Ana; 9 El Carrizo; 10 Reforma, El Azufre, and Mezquite; 11 Alamo. S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Non-carbonate, low-to-medium salinity, low sodium water (A2C2S1)1 (n = 4) Non-carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low sodium water (A2C3S1)2 (n = 9) Non-carbonate, low-to-medium salinity, low sodium water (A3C2S1)3 (n = 2) Carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low sodium water (B1C3S1)4 (n = 1) Carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, low sodium water (B1C4S1)5 (n = 4) Carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low sodium water (B2C3S1)6 (n = 1) Carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low-to-medium sodium water (B2C3S2)7 (n = 9) Carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, low-to-medium sodium water (B2C4S2)8 (n = 2) Carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, medium-to-high sodium water (B2C4S3)9 (n = 1) Carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, very high sodium water (B2C4S4)10 (n = 6) Carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, medium-to-high sodium water (B3C3S3)11 (n = 3) HCO3 − (mg/l) Major cations S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 163 Fig. 4. Hill–Piper classification diagram of waters from thermal spring and domestic wells in the LTV area, using the computer program by Rao (1998). Water types (e.g., A2C2S1) are given in Table 1. A star indicates the average composition of all samples. The fields are: A1 (Ca & Mg < HCO3 , Ca & Mg > Na & K, Cl & SO4 < HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 negligible, non-carbonate waters); A2 (Ca & Mg > HCO3 , Ca & Mg > Na & K, Cl & SO4 > HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 negligible, non-carbonate waters); A3 (Ca & Mg < HCO3 , Ca & Mg < Na & K, Cl & SO4 > HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 negligible, non-carbonate waters); B1 (Ca & Mg < HCO3 , Ca & Mg > Na & K, Cl & SO4 < HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 present, carbonate waters); B2 (Ca & Mg < HCO3 , Ca & Mg < Na & K, Cl & SO4 < HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 present, carbonate waters); B3 (Ca & Mg < HCO3 , Ca & Mg < Na & K, Cl & SO4 > HCO3 , residual NaHCO3 present, carbonate waters). The C followed by a number represents the specific electrical conductivity values in S/mm; C1 (<2.5 S/mm) is low-salinity water, C2 (2.5–<75 S/mm) is low-to-medium salinity water, C3 (75–<225 S/mm) medium-to-high salinity water, and C4 (225–625 S/mm) is high-to-very high salinity water. The S numbers are the sodium adsorption ratios (SAR; defined as SAR = Na/ (Ca + Mg)/2) such that S1 (<10) is low-sodium water, S2 (10–<18) is low-to-medium sodium water, S3 (18–<26) is medium-to-high sodium water, and S4 (≥26) is very high sodium water. here. The most common types are (Table 1): (i) non-carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low sodium waters (nine samples from five locations); (ii) carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, lowto-medium sodium waters (nine samples from four locations); and (iii) carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, very high sodium waters (six samples from three locations). In most cases, the 164 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 median (not given in Table 1) and mean values of the physical–chemical parameters showed a close agreement, indicating that no outlying observations existed in the initial data set (i.e., the chemical parameters represented a “normal” statistical sample). The overall mean (or median) composition for all the thermal waters (42 samples; Table 1; Fig. 4) corresponds to the carbonate, medium-to-high salinity, low-to-medium sodium water type. 4.2. Composition of geothermal well waters Table 2 presents the final statistical parameters of the chemical data on water samples from six geothermal wells (LV1, LV2, LV3, LV4, LV5, and LV8). Before outlier detection and elimination, there were, in some cases, differences between the median and mean values (data not tabulated), suggesting the presence of outlying observations. These two parameters became indistinguishable after applying the SIPVADE statistical tests. The average compositions of the geothermal waters were also used in their classification, applying the modified Hill–Piper diagram. Fig. 5 shows that Fig. 5. Hill–Piper classification diagram for waters from individual LTV geothermal wells. The stars indicate the average composition of all samples (see Fig. 4 for more details). Note that, because of the very high salinity, all samples fall outside the salinity field in the diagram proposed by Rao (1998). Table 2 Summary of the chemical composition of water samples from geothermal wells in the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field, Mexico Well (wellhead elevation, sampling depth, sampling elevation) Stat ϕ (S/mm) Concentration (mg/l) Anions Cations Other chemical parameters Cl− HCO3 − SO4 2− Na+ K+ n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s 87 7880 340 2 4400 4700 100 7690 700 63 9650 1030 72 8570 330 23 5620 280 64 77 14 2 130 110 98 54 42 61 33 41 68 47 40 23 13 10 89 70 18 2 230 210 100 83 19 41 39 12 70 96 27 23 70 29 86 4435 120 2 2600 2400 100 4400 350 59 5500 360 72 4900 200 23 3260 110 86 700 60 2 400 450 100 740 70 59 1000 230 72 770 50 23 387 9 All wells (1270–2420 m vertical depth; −622 to −1700 m elevation)a n x̄ s 347 8100 1200 316 50 40 325 77 31 342 4620 640 342 760 180 Ca2+ Mg2+ SiO2 B 87 19 8 2 13 14 100 19 7 60 20 7 72 21 7 23 5.7 0.4 89 270 44 2 120 160 100 139 38 62 285 60 72 335 47 23 293 19 88 0.34 0.14 2 0.30 0.14 92 0.17 0.10 57 0.10 0.08 71 0.32 0.20 22 0.08 0.04 89 460 110 1 490 – 81 770 240 44 310 180 63 230 90 23 420 140 89 151 30 2 96 101 100 187 26 60 189 22 72 176 27 23 57 10 88 0.19 0.12 2 0.8 1.0 49 0.25 0.21 18 0.14 0.04 39 0.40 0.28 23 0.40 0.30 344 19 8 348 250 90 332 0.23 0.17 301 470 260 346 167 43 219 0.27 0.23 Fe Geothermometer Mn 56 0.278 0.035 2 0.14 0.11 47 0.17 0.18 18 0.14 0.03 39 0.20 0.14 – – – 162 0.21 0.13 As Ba Rb 47 10.5 1.8 2 4.4 4.4 24 9.6 1.6 10 9.2 4.6 5 9.8 3.2 – – – 58 0.36 0.06 2 0.20 0.26 50 0.87 0.26 17 1.48 0.44 44 0.16 0.10 – – – 21 5.15 0.30 – – – 18 4.50 0.30 34 6.0 0.9 18 5.4 0.8 – – – 91 5.4 0.9 88 171 9.9 0.6 2.5 0.5 TNa/K TSiO2 84 2300 220 1 2200 – 100 2290 210 63 2780 200 72 2650 160 23 1680 80 86 260 6 2 238 36 100 267 7 59 273 17 72 260 6 23 234.2 3.3 89 250 26 1 256 – 81 320 60 44 213 42 63 194 20 23 241 34 351 2390 380 342 262 13 301 250 60 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 LV1 (741 m elevation) (1780 m vertical depth; −1039 m elevation) LV2 (648 m elevation) (1270 m vertical depth; −622 m elevation) LV3 (720 m elevation) (2134 m vertical depth; −1414 m elevation) LV4 (720 m elevation) (2420 m vertical depth; −1700 m elevation) LV5 (739 m elevation) (1815 m vertical depth; −1076 m elevation) LV8 (725 m elevation) (1656 m vertical depth; −931 m elevation) Li+ Temperature (◦ C) The actual drilling length was somewhat greater than the vertical depth reported for each well; the vertical depth is the sampling depth corrected for well inclination; elevations given in meters above sea level (m asl). n: number of measurements; x̄: mean; s: standard deviation. The geothermometers used were (Verma and Santoyo, 1997): TNa/K : temperature estimated from Na/K geothermometer; TSiO2 : temperature estimated from SiO2 geothermometer. a Waters from individual wells were classified using the computer program of Rao (1998). All geothermal well waters are of the type B2C4S4 (carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, very high sodium water). For more details see legend to Table 1. 165 166 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 the waters from the geothermal wells are chemically similar. In fact, all average compositions of their waters are of the carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, very high sodium water type. Note that the well samples fall outside the electrical conductivity–sodium adsorption ratio (C–S) part√of the diagram of Rao (1998); the sodium adsorption ratios (SAR) are defined by SAR = Na/ (Ca + Mg)/2. This fact suggests that the diagram should be modified to include high-to-very high salinity, high-to-very high sodium waters. The results of periodic sampling of the geothermal wells between 1995 and 1999 are shown in Fig. 6, highlighting the changes observed in geothermal water chemistry with time. Significantly higher concentrations than “normal” were observed for Cl in LV4 during 1997 (Fig. 6a), for HCO3 in LV1 and LV4 during 1996 (Fig. 6b), for Na in LV5 during 1998 (Fig. 6d), for K in LV4 during 1997 (Fig. 6e), and for SiO2 in well LV3 during 1998 (Fig. 6f). On the other hand, lower concentrations of HCO3 were noted in LV3 during 1998 and 1999 (Fig. 6b), of SO4 in LV5 during 1998 and 1999 (Fig. 6c), and of K in LV1 during 1998 (Fig. 6e). 4.3. Composition of geothermal gases Gas compositions (Table 3) were determined for samples from five wells (LV1–LV5). The gas phase at the LTV geothermal field represents a relatively small fraction (overall mean value of ∼2 wt.%) of the separated steam phase. This proportion of non-condensable gases is comparable to those at Cerro Prieto and Los Azufres, but much smaller than at Los Humeros (Tello Hinojosa, 2005). Carbon dioxide is dominant in this small gas phase, representing ∼97–99 wt.% of the total gas content in the field (Table 3). No outlier detection and elimination was required for the gas composition data because the median and mean values showed a closer agreement for gas than for the liquid samples. This similarity suggests a relatively homogenous distribution of different gases in the geothermal reservoir, especially for CO2 , the dominant non-condensable gas. 4.4. Hydrothermal alteration Most rocks in the LTV geothermal field show hydrothermal alteration. The degree of alteration is low (on average ∼10% of the total rock; 1–5% near the surface and up to 40% in the deeper parts of the wells), especially if compared to other active geothermal systems in Mexico, such as Cerro Prieto (Schiffman et al., 1984) or Los Azufres (Torres-Alvarado, 2002). Hydrothermal alteration minerals were deposited in fractures and vesicles, and replaced primary minerals. Argillic alteration predominates at the surface where the main minerals are zeolites (mordenite and stilbite), associated with quartz, calcite, chlorite, smectite, and mixed layer illite-smectite. This low-temperature, low-degree alteration zone extends downward to the first appearance of epidote at around 1000 m depth (elevation of ∼−250 m asl) in all wells. A propylitic alteration zone begins at this depth, represented by minerals such as epidote, quartz, calcite, wairakite, sericite, chlorite, mixed layer chlorite-smectite, as well as marcasite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite. Abundant secondary calcite and quartz were observed at the top of the propylitic alteration zone, close to the contact of the Comundú Group with the granodioritic basement (Fig. 3). 4.5. Geothermometry of thermal springs and geothermal wells Subsurface temperatures estimated from two chemical (Na/K and SiO2 ) geothermometers for springs and domestic water wells are also reported in Table 1. These temperatures are significantly S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 167 Fig. 6. Change with time of selected chemical parameters of waters from four LTV geothermal wells. There are not sufficient data on wells LV1 and LV8 to determine any time-related variations. higher than the actual measured temperatures (Table 1). The Na/K geothermometer temperatures for all non-carbonate and some carbonate waters are higher than the corresponding SiO2 temperatures. The subsurface temperatures for geothermal wells estimated from two liquid (Na/K and SiO2 ) and two gas (H2 /Ar and CO2 /Ar) geothermometers are summarized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. These geothermometers reflect the temperatures at the location where the fluids were 168 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Table 3 Summary of the composition of gases from geothermal wells in the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal field, Mexico Well Year of sampling Temperature (◦ C) Stat Concentration (% m/m) Cg CO2 H2 S NH3 H2 Ar N2 CH4 Geothermometer TH2 /Ar TCO2 /Ar LV1 1995 1996 All years (1995–1996) n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s 32 1.4 1.6 20 2.4 2.5 52 1.8 2.0 32 97.9 1.6 20 97.1 0.9 52 97.6 1.4 32 1.2 0.8 20 1.8 0.6 52 1.4 0.8 32 0.13 0.09 20 0.16 0.07 52 0.14 0.08 32 0.049 0.023 19 0.056 0.040 51 0.052 0.030 5 0.49 0.14 5 0.016 0.009 5 0.015 0.014 5 0.22 0.16 6 0.043 0.015 7 0.024 0.012 – LV2 1998 n x̄ s 5 2.2 0.5 5 98.1 0.5 5 1.09 0.20 LV3 1995 n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s n x̄ s 8 6.2 1.0 11 1.30 0.29 23 0.8 0.5 42 1.9 2.2 9 97.1 1.6 16 98.9 0.6 23 99.26 0.41 48 98.7 1.1 9 0.90 0.17 16 1.0 0.6 23 0.67 0.39 48 0.8 0.5 9 9 0.122 0.039 0.036 0.016 11 13 0.054 0.044 0.026 0.040 23 – 0.066 0.024 43 22 0.08 0.042 0.04 0.032 12 0.48 0.34 1996 1998 All years (1995–1998) LV4 1997 n x̄ s 12 1.76 0.39 12 97.9 0.7 12 0.34 0.16 LV5 1997 n x̄ s 9 1.48 0.41 9 97.4 1.5 9 0.5 0.6 126 98.1 1.l 126 1.0 0.7 All Entire period n wells (1995–1998) x̄ s 120 1.8 1.9 9 0.030 0.010 121 0.16 0.18 14 14 22 0.039 1.71 0.015 0.010 0.36 0.005 17 16 20 0.023 0.88 0.08 0.010 0.37 0.07 31 30 42 0.031 1.3 0.04 0.012 0.6 0.06 13 0.033 0.016 8 11 0.0140 0.04 0.0033 0.05 7 0.030 0.008 93 0.042 0.030 5 0.051 0.014 14 265 20 16 290 36 30 278 32 14 253 5 16 266 12 30 260 12 5 0.030 0.017 5 272 30 5 278 30 6 9 2.7 0.052 0.7 0.036 1 10 0.17 0.133 – 0.042 – – 6 263 18 7 274 37 – 6 251 7 7 268 23 – 7 2.3 1.2 13 269 29 13 260 19 8 245 29 8 260 19 3 248 8 3 242.6 2.3 59 270 32 59 261 16 19 0.10 0.06 11 11 1.11 0.047 0.44 0.013 6 2.9 0.9 65 59 0.032 1.4 0.023 0.9 5 0.117 0.033 82 0.06 0.06 Stat: statistical parameter; n: number of measurements; x̄: mean; s: standard deviation. Cg: amount of the gas phase in steam phase, expressed in wt.%. Helium (He) was below the detection limit of the gas chromatography procedures; it could be measured only in well LV2 for 1998 sampling (n = 5, He concentration = 0.0009 ± 0.0004 wt.%; the error is one standard deviation of five measurements). last in chemical equilibrium, probably near the bottom of the wells. The estimated temperatures for the Na/K and SiO2 geothermometers are, respectively: 273 ± 17 and 213 ± 42 ◦ C for LV4; 267 ± 7 and 320 ± 60 ◦ C for LV3; 260 ± 6 and 194 ± 20 ◦ C for LV5; 260 ± 6 and 250 ± 26 ◦ C for LV1; 234 ± 3 and 241 ± 34 ◦ C for LV8; and 238 ± 36 and ∼256 ◦ C (only one measurement) for LV2. Thus, although standard deviations for the SiO2 temperatures are higher than for the Na/K temperatures, partly because of analytical problems (Verma, 2000; Verma et al., 2002), both S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 169 geothermometers give fairly consistent (i.e., statistically similar) results for wells LV1, LV8, and LV2. The Na/K temperatures, on the other hand, are higher than the SiO2 temperatures for wells LV4 and LV5. The gas geothermometers (H2 /Ar and CO2 /Ar; Table 3) also provided generally consistent temperatures: ∼275 ◦ C for LV2, ∼270 ◦ C for LV1, ∼265 ◦ C for LV3, ∼255 ◦ C for LV4, and ∼245 ◦ C for LV5. 4.6. Estimated static formation temperature and homogenization temperatures The static formation temperatures and fluid inclusion results are summarized in Table 4. Fluid inclusions were observed in quartz, calcite, and epidote between 631 and −1647 m asl (Table 4). Only two-phase, liquid-rich inclusions were observed in the samples at room temperatures. All inclusions homogenized to the liquid phase. The size of the inclusions varied between ∼5 and 10 m. Mean salinity values (wt.% NaCl equivalent) estimated from fluid inclusions (all individual data are presented in Table 4) are as follows: ∼9% for LV1, ∼12% for LV3, ∼5% for V4, ∼4% for LV5, ∼3% for LV7, and ∼1% for LV8. Measured homogenization temperatures (Th ) of the fluid inclusions varied from ∼100 to ∼290 ◦ C for elevations from ∼700 to ∼−1700 m asl, respectively (Fig. 3). Homogenization temperature isotherms were drawn for the cross-section through all the geothermal wells for which Th data were available (Fig. 3). Static formation temperatures and homogenization temperatures (Th ) are compared in Fig. 7. In well LV1 (Fig. 7a), the SFT are slightly higher than the Th for shallow depths but lower for greater depths. In well LV4 (Fig. 7c) and, to some extent, in well LV3 (Fig. 7b), the SFT are consistently lower than the Th . For the other wells, LV5 (Fig. 7d) and LV8 (Fig. 7e), the differences are fairly small. Similarly, selected geothermometer temperatures are compared with SFT and Th in Fig. 8. The Na/K temperatures are higher than the corresponding SFT for wells LV1, LV3, LV4, and LV8 (Fig. 8a). These temperatures for wells LV1 and LV8 are significantly higher than the corresponding Th at the bottom of these two wells (Fig. 8c), but lower for well LV4. Temperatures based on the CO2 /Ar geothermometer are higher than the SFT for wells LV1 and LV3 (Fig. 8b) and also higher than the Th for well LV1 (Fig. 8d). These CO2 /Ar temperatures are lower than the SFT for well LV5 (Fig. 8b) and also lower than the Th for wells LV4 and LV5 (Fig. 8d). 5. Discussion 5.1. Chemistry of the thermal manifestations Thermal springs and domestic water wells in the LTV area show compositions ranging from non-carbonate, low-to-medium salinity, low-sodium waters to carbonate, high-to-very high salinity, very high sodium waters (Table 1). Similar types of waters seem to occur in different parts of the study area (see locations enclosed by dotted lines in the inset in Fig. 1). These waters originate at shallower depths than the geothermal fluids sampled in the deep wells, and yield estimated aquifer temperatures ranging from ∼96 to 203 ◦ C (TNa/K ) and ∼110 to 205 ◦ C (TSiO2 ). The geothermometric data indicate that the spring and domestic well waters, whose temperatures at the surface vary from ∼23 to 97 ◦ C (Table 1), are likely to have a significant deep component. 170 Table 4 Static formation and homogenization temperatures and other fluid inclusion parameters in the Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal wells, Mexico Tmi (◦ C) Tmi average (◦ C) (n) Salinity (wt.% NaCl equivalent) Well LV1 (longitude: 112.560388◦ W; latitude: 27.526996◦ N; wellhead elevation: 741 m asl) 110 110 631 131 ± 0.1 Qz 101 110 110 631 – Cc 100 250 250 491 144.9 ± 4.3 Qz 116–126 500 500 241 159.2 ± 1.1 Cc 148–163 600 600 141 160.5 ± 0.1 Cc 162–171 700 700 41 160.1 ± 0.4 Cc 170–188 1100 1057 −316 196.0 ± 1.0 Qz 219–238 1200 1150 −409 203 ± 7 Qz 232–264 1400 1325 −584 213.0 ± 4.0 Qz 219–252 1600 1500 −759 212.1 ± 1.3 Qz 219–252 1750 1633 −892 211.8 ± 1.3 Qz 220–222 1820 1695 −954 212.1 ± 1.3 Ep 213–234 101 (3) 100 (1) 121 (6) 152 (7) 165 (15) 177 (14) 231 (40) 243 (6) 225 (27) 223 (22) 221 (24) 217 (25) – – +4.5 to +6.6a −0.4 −0.4 to −5.7 −1.6 to −15.8 −1.2 to −2.4 −13.0 to −17.7 −4.3 to −12.0 −1.4 to −16.0 −1.4 to −2.2 −5.0 – – +5.1 (5) −0.4 (17) −1.8 (10) −11.7 (14) −1.5 (40) −15.1 (4) −10.1 (27) −6.2 (22) −1.6 (24) −5.0 (25) – – n.c. – 3.0 15.6 2.5 18.6 14.0 9.3 2.7 7.8 Well LV3 (longitude: 112.555591◦ W; latitude: 7.506226◦ N; wellhead elevation: 720 m asl) 570 570 150 102.5 ± 4.2 Cc 580 580 140 – Cc 920 920 −200 160.4 ± 2.5 Qz 1202 1202 −482 189.8 ± 1.9 Qz 1202 1202 −482 – Ep 1647 1647 −927 217.5 ± 0.1 Qz 1830 1830 −1110 218.3 ± 0.1 Qz 1940 1940 −1220 227.3 ± 0.1 Qz 1940 1940 −1220 – Ep 2000 2000 −1280 238.3 ± 0.1 Qz-Cc 2150 2150 −1430 – Qz-Cc 109 (4) 118 (6) 125.5 (4) 230 (23) 241 (25) 232 (27) 261 (18) 247 (9) 243 (10) 262 (21) 261 (12) – +0.4 to +2.2a – −6.0 to −12.3 – −14.9 −13.9 −2.0 −2.0 −15.7 – – +1.0 (6) – −6.8 (23) – −14.9 (27) −13.9 (18) −2.0 (9) −2.0 (10) −15.7 (21) – – n.c. – 10.2 – 18.5 17.7 3.4 3.4 19.2 – 196 (4) 207 (23) 217 (24) 222 (37) 242 (40) 243 (3) 290 (24) −1.2 −5.2 −5.2 −1.7 −1.0 −0.4 −6.5 to −8.7 −1.2 (4) −5.2 (23) −5.2 (24) −1.7 (37) −1.0 (40) −0.4 (3) −8.6 (24) 2.0 8.3 8.3 2.9 1.7 0.7 12.4 Vertical depth (m) Elevation (m asl) SFT (QR) Host mineral Th range (◦ C) 109 114–127 125–126 226–237 227–264 231–235 256–271 242–259 237–259 261–263 261–263 Well LV4 (longitude: 112.555948◦ W; latitude: 27.506421◦ N; wellhead elevation: 720 m asl) 800 800 −80 149.4 ± 2.8 Qz 194–197 900 900 −180 174.9 ± 1.1 Qz 201–210 1101 1085 −365 189.8 ± 1.1 Qz 214–220 1191 1175 −455 183.4 ± 4.0 Qz 217–225 1311 1280 −560 188.1 ± 2.4 Qz 237–244 1588 1540 −820 193 ± 6 Cc 236–249 2452 2367 −1647 250 ± 11 Qz 287–292 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Th average (◦ C) (n) Depth along the well (m) Table 4 (Continued ) Tmi (◦ C) Tmi average (◦ C) (n) Salinity (wt.% NaCl equivalent) Well LV5 (longitude: 112.560800◦ W; latitude: 27.526747◦ N; wellhead elevation: 739 m asl) 405 405 334 – Cc 146–158 498 498 241 110.0 ± 3.8 Qz 164–170 606 606 133 124.1 ± 2.6 Qz 180–187 706 706 33 137.4 ± 4.1 Cc 189–196 906 895 −156 164.5 ± 3.2 Qz 215–217 906 895 −156 – Cc 189–196 1206 1182 −443 195.4 ± 1.2 Qz 231–250 1302 1272 −533 200.0 ± 1.6 Qz 230–250 1797 1745 −1006 219.3 ± 2.2 Qz 265–276 150 (6) 168 (23) 185 (27) 194 (27) 216 (6) 194 (27) 244 (30) 248 (27) 270 (28) −0.6 −0.3 −1.2 −2.8 −0.4 −2.8 −4.6 −3.6 −4.2 −0.6 (6) −0.3 (23) −1.2 (27) −2.8 (27) −0.4 (6) −2.8 (27) −4.6 (30) −3.6 (27) −4.2 (28) 1.0 0.5 1.9 4.6 0.7 4.6 7.3 5.8 6.6 Well LV7 (longitude: 112.533518◦ W; latitude: 27.497852◦ N; wellhead elevation: 523 m asl) 1098 1098 −575 – Qz 213–217 1203 1203 −680 – Qz 223–230 1250 1250 −727 – Qz 207–213 215 (14) 227 (23) 211 (15) −2.5 −1.0 −1.1 −2.5 (14) −1.0 (23) −1.1 (15) 4.2 1.7 1.9 Well LV8 (longitude: 112.543706◦ W; latitude: 27.519266◦ N; wellhead elevation: 725 m asl) 399 399 326 – Cc 155–159 500 500 225 – Cc 154–165 598 598 127 109.6 ± 0.9 Cc 172–185 700 700 25 124.6 ± 2.8 Cc 168–169 900 890 −165 152.4 ± 1.6 Qz 187–195 1000 985 −260 162.3 ± 2.2 Qz 200–212 157 (11) 160 (9) 180 (30) 169 (25) 191 (20) 207 (29) −0.4 +4.5 to +5.0a −0.6 −0.5 −0.5 −1.4 −0.4 (10) +4.6 (9) −0.6 (30) −0.5 (25) −0.5 (20) −1.4 (29) 0.7 n.c. 1.0 0.9 0.9 2.4 Vertical depth (m) Elevation (m asl) SFT (QR) Host mineral Th range (◦ C) Samples from well LV2 (longitude: 112.5634975◦ W; latitude: 27.5299214◦ N; wellhead elevation: 648 m asl) were not included in this study. The depth along the well in meters refers to the actual length (not vertical depth) of well drilled to recover the samples; the vertical depths are slightly smaller depending on the angle of drilling, which in most cases was not in the vertical direction. m asl: meters above sea level; SFT (QR): static formation temperature (quadratic regression); Th : homogenization temperature (◦ C); Tmi : ice-melting temperature (◦ C); n: number of inclusions measured; Qz: quartz; Ep: epidote; Cc: calcite. n.c.: not calculated. a Dissociation temperature of CO clathrate (◦ C). 2 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Th average (◦ C) (n) Depth along the well (m) 171 172 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Fig. 7. Average homogenization temperatures (Th ) vs. static formation temperatures (SFT) for five LTV geothermal wells. Error bars are shown for both variables, representing the range (minimum to maximum value) for Th and mean ± standard deviation values for SFT (Table 4). The diagonal lines indicate the exact correspondence between values of SFT and Th . 5.2. Chemistry of the geothermal well fluids The chemistry of the fluids of individual geothermal wells showed changes during the 1995–1999 period (Fig. 6). The averages for different wells are characterized by relatively large standard deviations (Table 2). The variations in a given well may be a consequence of the fact that water is being drawn into the borehole from different depths, which will depend on the fluid flow regime in the reservoir and the length of the borehole production liner or open interval(s). S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 173 Fig. 8. Comparison of different estimates of subsurface temperatures for five LTV geothermal wells. (a) SFT–Na/K geothermometer temperatures; (b) SFT–CO2 /Ar geothermometer temperatures; (c) Th –Na/K geothermometer temperatures; (d) Th –CO2 /Ar geothermometer temperatures. Equilibrium (Na/K and SiO2 ) geothermometer temperatures for deep geothermal fluids were calculated to be ∼260 ◦ C (±13 ◦ C for TNa/K and ±60 ◦ C for TSiO2 ) on average (Table 2), which are generally consistent with fluid inclusion data (i.e., Th ) for rock samples taken at the bottom of the wells (Table 4). Below ∼−1000 m asl (Fig. 3), isotherms based on Th measurements indicate the presence of a high-temperature fluid upflow zone near the deeper parts of wells LV3 and LV4, which also corresponds to the zone of most intense hydrothermal alteration. Another upflow zone may also exist at the western side of the deeper part of well LV5, but more work is needed to confirm and determine its importance and areal extent. The shallowing of the 150 and 200 ◦ C isotherms to the area immediately NE of well LV4 (Figs. 2 and 3) seems to be a consequence of this upwelling phenomenon, enhanced by the presence of fractures and faults. The lower temperatures observed in the shallower region of well LV3, as compared to the nearby well LV4, may be caused by the presence of an inclined fault (not shown in Fig. 2), affecting well LV3 (Fig. 3). 174 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Wells drilled close to the faults (LV1, LV2, and LV5) show widespread argillic alteration near the drilling pads, suggesting upwelling of hot fluids. The zones of thermal upwelling must be thoroughly investigated and taken into consideration when siting new wells in the field. The LTV geothermal system is liquid-dominated (Portugal et al., 2000; González Partida et al., 2001). The average composition of its geothermal waters is: ∼8100 Cl, ∼4600 Na, ∼60 K, ∼50 HCO3 , ∼80 SO4 , and ∼170 B (all values in mg/l; Table 2). These waters are supersaturated with respect to calcite, explaining its abundance in well cuttings, fractures, and as an alteration product of primary minerals. In the six LTV wells that were studied, most of the fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th ) do not reach the boiling curves (Fig. 9a–f). Since no vapor-rich inclusions were observed, we conclude that boiling has not been an important process in the LTV geothermal system. The low content of non-condensable gases in the fluids produced by most geothermal wells (Table 3) also supports this hypothesis. At shallow depth, well LV3 has relatively lower temperatures than in nearby LV4, whereas, at depth, both wells show similar temperatures (Figs. 3, 9b and c). Well LV1 shows a thermal inversion below −600 m asl (Fig. 9a), thus presenting lower temperatures than in neighboring well LV5 (Fig. 9d). These data suggest that unidentified fractures and faults may exist near wells LV3 and LV1 (Fig. 3). The changes in geothermal well fluid composition (Fig. 6) may reflect the effect of the varying amounts of fluids from different depths and of different composition that were drawn into the wells at the time of sampling. The main chemical components in the geothermal well waters are given in Fig. 10. The deeper waters appear to be richer in Na (Fig. 10e), Cl (Fig. 10a), and K (Fig. 10f) than the shallower waters. The concentration–elevation (or depth) relationships for these elements (ions) obtained from linear regression of all data (see values of n in Fig. 10) are statistically significant at the 99% confidence level (the linear correlation coefficient, r, is greater than the respective critical value of r (see Bevington (1969), Ebdon (1988), or Verma (2005), for the critical values and the significance of this test). Likewise, B (Fig. 10g), Ba (Fig. 10h), Na + K (Fig. 10i), salinity of the fluid inclusions (Fig. 10j), and TNa/K (Fig. 10k), also show a similar statistically significant (at the 99% confidence level) relationship, in this case decreasing concentration with increasing depth, whereas several other chemical parameters (SO4 in Fig. 10b, Ca in Fig. 10c, and Mg in Fig. 10d) show an inverse relationship (i.e., they increase with elevation). The remaining chemical parameters (Table 2) do not show such a systematic behavior. In other words, the deeper geothermal waters show higher concentrations of Cl, Na, K, B, Ba, and Na/K geothermometer temperatures, but lower concentrations of SO4 , Ca, and Mg than the shallower waters. Deep geothermal fluids are generally enriched in the first group of elements (e.g., Cl, Na, K, and B; Nicholson, 1993) and not in the second group (e.g., SO4 , Ca, and Mg); these chemical differences are therefore consistent with upwelling around wells LV3 and LV4. The Na/Cl ratio, however, remains practically unchanged, or statistically “equal” (see overlapping 95% confidence limits and also very small value of r in Fig. 10m) for all the geothermal waters. 5.3. Different temperature estimates Static formation temperatures reflect the present thermal regime in a geothermal field, whereas Th give the temperatures prevailing at the time of secondary mineralization. Any significant differences between SFT and Th could help reveal the temperature history of a S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 175 Fig. 9. Plots of average fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (Th ) vs. elevation for six LTV geothermal wells. The horizontal error bars represent the range (minimum–maximum) for Th values. For comparison, the boiling point vs. depth curves (Haas, 1971) for pure water and saline water (10 wt.% NaCl equivalent) are drawn. given system. In the LTV, significantly higher Th values recorded in some wells (LV1, LV3, and LV4; Fig. 7) indicate that the geothermal field probably had higher temperatures in the past. Geothermometer temperatures correspond to those prevailing at the locations where the respective chemical components of the geothermal fluids were in equilibrium. In the LTV geothermal field, higher geothermometer temperatures than SFT or Th (Fig. 8) may indicate that the fluids 176 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 Fig. 10. Average chemical characteristics of waters from LTV geothermal wells as a function of elevation (see Table 2 for more details). Dotted lines in each diagram are regression lines for the entire data set (n: total number of data regressed; r: linear correlation coefficient). All concentrations are in mg/l; salinities of fluid inclusions in wt.% NaCl equivalent; Na/K geothermometric temperature in ◦ C. In (m), the horizontal bars correspond to the 95% confidence limits of the respective mean values. Included for comparison are the Na/Cl values for seawater from Bearman (1989; letter a); Goldberg (1963; b), Demicco et al. (2005; c); Home (1969; d); Bruton et al. (1997; e), and Prol-Ledesma et al. (2004; f). Also shown on the right is a schematic profile extending from the LTV area to the nearby Gulf of California (note the exaggerated elevation scale). originated from greater depths than the bottom of the wells since there is no evidence that the geothermal system is heating up. 5.4. Evidence for the presence of a seawater component Based on isotopic and hydrochemical data, Portugal et al. (2000) excluded the presence of seawater from the Gulf of California in the deep parts of the reservoir. Instead, they proposed that the geothermal brines in the Las Tres Vı́rgenes system represented a fossil, hence concentrated, “paleofluid” formed during glacial periods at the end of the Late Pleistocene (∼18–11 ka) and Early Holocene (∼11–8.9 ka). One should remember that the average annual rainfall in the region is only around 62 mm. The geothermal reservoir was thus assumed to be essentially a stagnant system under hydrostatic equilibrium conditions. However, we consider that the evidence presented by Portugal et al. (2000) is rather weak. The stable isotope data shown by these authors (their Fig. 11) are consistent with the involvement of seawater because a three-component mixing of meteoric, magmatic, and seawater cannot be ruled out. Similarly, the only chemical data they considered were B and SiO2 concentrations (their Fig. 7), for which a three-component mixing with seawater cannot be ruled out as a viable mechanism. Temperature-dependent water–rock interaction processes and a consequent increase of several elements such as B and SiO2 will further complicate this simple scenario. The general increase in the B concentrations of the deeper geothermal waters (Fig. 10g) may indeed be due to this water–rock interaction under geothermal conditions. S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 177 We propose a different interpretation for the LTV hydrochemical data. Since the Na/Cl ratio in the geothermal well waters (0.57 ± 0.03; n = 341) is practically indistinguishable from that of seawater (∼0.55 from the concentration data reported by Bearman, 1989; ∼0.56 compiled by Bruton et al., 1997; and ∼0.60 given by Prol-Ledesma et al., 2004, for a surface seawater sample close to the study area), a seawater component could quite possibly be present in the deep waters in the LTV area (see Fig. 10a–m for individual well data and seawater Na/Cl compiled from different sources in Fig. 10m; see also the schematic profile in the lower right part of Fig. 10). The Na and Cl concentrations in the geothermal brines are also very high (Table 2), much higher (by at least an order of magnitude) than, for example, at the Los Humeros geothermal field. López Mendiola and Munguı́a Bracamontes (1989) reported 12 geothermal water analyses for wells in that field. The median values for Los Humeros geothermal waters were: Na, ∼150 mg/l; Cl, ∼80 mg/l; and Na/Cl, ∼1.7. On the other hand, the values for the LTV geothermal waters are similar to those for the Tiwi geothermal field, Philippines, located close to the seashore (Bruton et al., 1997). These authors inferred a significant component of seawater in the Tiwi reservoir fluids because the Na/Cl and Cl/Br ratios were similar to those of seawater. For the Cerro Prieto geothermal field, the Na/Cl ratio of the geothermal well waters is ∼0.55 (Angulo et al., 1987), again close to the seawater ratio. At the Los Azufres field, located far from the ocean, although the Na and Cl concentrations in the geothermal well waters are high (González-Partida et al., 2005), the average Na/Cl ratio (∼0.65) is significantly different from that of seawater (∼0.55), suggesting a different fluid source. We should also note that the actual concentrations of any elements such as Li, B, Ba, As, Si, and K that are present at minor-to-ultra-trace levels in seawater (Bearman, 1989) will likely change in a geothermal system because of water–rock interactions. The latter processes, however, will not significantly change the ratio between Na and Cl, two major components in seawater. This ratio can therefore be used as a tracer for seawater in a geothermal system, but not other ratios involving elements that are modified considerably by geothermal processes. Concentrated “seawater-type” fluids may not be the only ones present in the LTV geothermal system, which could also contain meteoric waters (despite the sparse rainfall in the area), paleofluids (as proposed by Portugal et al., 2000), and magmatic fluids (because of the active magmatic system beneath the volcanic complex (Fig. 1). We should stress that the chemistry of the reservoir fluids will reflect the effects of water–rock processes, i.e., the characteristics of the recharging fluids will change as they interact with the rocks in the subsurface. In addition, the geothermal fluids may mix and be diluted by shallow, colder meteoric waters as they rise to the surface, thus forming the low-salinity fluids observed in the fluid inclusions collected at shallower depths, in thermal springs, and in domestic water wells. Identification and quantification of the different components of the reservoir fluid could prove useful when determining the commercial lifespan of the LTV geothermal system. If the “fossil fluid” model (with no marine input) of Portugal et al. (2000) is valid, then a carefully conceived re-injection program will be required to return all geothermal waters to the reservoir, in order to reduce the risk of shortening the lifetime of the field. On the other hand, if we are correct in our hypothesis that a significant amount of seawater from the Gulf of California recharges the geothermal system, then the re-injection program need not be so intensive (environmental considerations permitting), and the lifespan of the field could be longer. However, since no active recharge path of seawater to the geothermal system has yet been identified and the environmental impact of geothermal fluids must be minimized, we strongly recommend re-injection of the geothermal waste water in the LTV field. Further detailed work is needed to better understand this complex geothermal system. 178 S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 5.5. Heat balance of the LTV geothermal field The heat balance of the LTV geothermal system can be estimated using the volumetric reservoir model proposed by Sánchez-Upton (in preparation). Following a conservative approach, since a larger area could have been chosen, we estimated the amount of heat stored in the system to be roughly ∼9 × 1012 MJ. This value was obtained assuming a rock volume of ∼15 km3 (based on the area of the wellfield, ∼15 km2 , and a reservoir thickness of 1 km; see Figs. 2 and 3, respectively), an average temperature of ∼232 ◦ C (Fig. 3), a rock density of 2670 kg m−3 , and a specific heat capacity of 1.0 kJ kg−1 K−1 (Yoshinobu et al., 1998). Of this, roughly 4 × 1011 MJ can be extracted at the surface by assuming certain reservoir parameters (i.e., effective rock porosity of ∼4%, initial pressure of ∼9 MPa, and fluid enthalpy of ∼1000 kJ kg−1 ). The heat that can be extracted (4 × 1011 MJ) for 30 years of operation would correspond to either ∼148 MWe (assuming a conversion efficiency of ∼35%: Koroneos et al., 2003) or ∼55 MWe (for a typical condensing unit with an efficiency of ∼13%: Sánchez-Upton, in preparation). If a larger area is chosen for the geothermal field (for example, geophysical studies indicate that the geothermal system may extend over ∼70 km2 ; Flores-Armenta and Jaimes-Maldonado, 2001), the amount of stored heat in the system would increase proportionally. More reliable estimates could be obtained in the future through detailed modeling of the primary (magmatic) heat source and reservoir studies. These preliminary heat balance estimates and the geochemical evidence do seem to indicate, however, that geothermal electricity generation in this field could be increased from its current installed capacity of 10 MWe in future. 6. Conclusions The liquid-dominated Las Tres Vı́rgenes geothermal system is related to young volcanism (<1 Ma). Hydrothermal alteration has affected most rocks in the field to varying extent. Argillic alteration, calcite deposition, and propylitization are the most prevalent. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperature (Th ) measurements generally agree with equilibrium temperatures estimated on the basis of the chemistry of the produced geothermal fluids, as well as with static formation temperatures computed using a modified quadratic regression Horner method. Homogenization temperatures suggest the presence of a high-temperature upflow zone at depth in the vicinity of wells LV3 and LV4. High salinity inclusions in deeper samples may support the hypothesis of the existence of a fossil “paleofluid” in the geothermal system as proposed by Portugal et al. (2000), but they are also consistent with a possible recharge of the deep geothermal system with seawater from the Gulf of California. The latter hypothesis is corroborated by high concentrations of Cl and Na and the similarities between the Na/Cl ratio of the geothermal fluids and seawater. The highly concentrated deep geothermal fluids may mix with, and be diluted by, shallow groundwater to form the dilute fluid observed in the inclusions found in the shallow portions of the studied boreholes, as well as in the samples collected from thermal springs and domestic water wells. Acknowledgements Three of the authors (K. Pandarinath, E. Santoyo, I.S. Torres-Alvarado) are grateful to DGAPAUNAM (projects IN-104703 and IN-105502-3) for their partial support. Thanks are also extended to J.N. Moore, R. Gunderson, an anonymous reviewer, M.J. Lippmann, and M.H. Dickson for their numerous useful suggestions that helped to improve the manuscript. S.P. Verma et al. / Geothermics 35 (2006) 156–180 179 References Andaverde, J., Verma, S.P., Santoyo, E., 2005. Uncertainty estimates of static formation temperatures in boreholes and evaluation of regression models. Geophys. J. Int. 160 (3), 1112–1122. Angulo, R., Gonzalez, J., Lam, L., 1987. Developments in geothermal energy in Mexico. 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