December 21, 2008 - St. Paul Catholic Community


December 21, 2008 - St. Paul Catholic Community
Come Let us
Rejoice Him
Catholic Community of St. Paul
(June 29, 2008 - June 28, 2009)
For the most up-to-date information go to
December 21, 2008
Fourth Sunday of Advent
First Wednesday of Every Month
Wednesday, January 7, 2008
St. Paul Film Festival
Room 215-217
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Paul the Apostle
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Pilgrim’s Concert
11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon
Kyle Knappenberger, baritone
Stetson University senior voice major.
Pilgrim’s Mass
12 Noon
Weekly Museum Hours
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
First Friday of Every Month
Friday, January 2, 2008
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Hosted by the St. Paul’s
Knights of Columbus
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
2:00 - 3:00pm The Roman Catholic
Sunday Mass
3:00 - 3:30pm Octava Dies / Vatican News
3:30 - 4:00pm Burt Wolf-Travels & Traditions
Christmas in Vienna
4:00 - 4:30pm The First Christmas
5:00pm WLBE-790 AM
Channel 45
Channel 17
Direct/Dish TV Channel 45
Channel 19
INTERNET: Continuous TV & Radio
programming on the internet.
Daily: 8:30 am Monday - Friday
(Rosary after Mass)
Saturday: 4 pm, 5:30 pm
La Misa en Español: 7 pm
Sunday: 7 am, 9 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm
Confessions: Saturday 2:30 - 3:30 pm
(also by appointment)
The Catholic Community of St. Paul
1330 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg, FL 34748
352-787-6354 FAX: 352-787-5971 WEB:
Priests of the Parish
Very Rev. John C. Giel, V.F., Pastor
Rev. Mark R. Wegg, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Gianni Agostinelli, Hispanic Ministry
Deacons: Michael McGinnity, Sam Damiano, George Leonhardt
To Our Visitors...Welcome!
Registration forms
Are available in the vestibule & parish office.
For more information, contact Deanna Saxton at
787-6354 ext. 251.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Children ages 5-10 leave the assembly & return at
the Presentation of Gifts.
Parish School Religion (PSR)
Formation for children ages pre-K through 5th
grade is held Sunday mornings from 10:00am to
11:30am in the Family Enrichment Center.
Children must be registered to attend. Contact
Nancy Prost at 787-6354 ext. 238.
A two-year program beginning with 8th grade, &
includes those students from St. Paul’s School.
Confirmation catechesis information is available
from Deanna Saxton at 787-6354 ext. 251.
Preparation for Reconciliation/Eucharist
Sacraments are immediate & intentional & are in
addition to the religious formation received in
Catholic School or the Parish Religious Education
Program. Contact Nancy Prost at 787-6354 ext.
The process of inquiring about the Catholic faith.
For more information, contact Deanna Saxton at
787-6354 ext. 251.
Please contact one of the Priests for this
Parish Staff
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm
Linda Clark, Business Administrator .................. ext. 234
Angela C. Jones, Administrative Assistant ........ ext. 221
Teresa Bradley, Bookkeeper .............................. ext. 232
Jeffrey Shaw, Music Director ............................. ext. 223
Deanna Saxton, Adult Religious Ed & Baptisms. ext. 251
Nancy Prost, Religious Ed. & Sacramental Prep ext. 238
Elaine St. Cyr, Religious Ed Secretary…………..ext. 239
Rey Hernandez, Marketing & Resources. .......... ext. 225
Randy Lee, Youth Coordinator ........................... ext. 269
Ine Ivey, Co-Coordinator Youth Ministry ............. ext. 270
Fermin Toro, CCTN Director of Operations……. ext. 276
Dcn. Sam Damiano, Ministry to the Sick ............ 728-5652
Beverly Smith, Ministry to Sick Secretary .......... 728-5639
Lynn Greene, School Principal ........................... 787-4657
Rick Murton, Manager, Thrift Shop……………...787-3388
David Lossing, Asst. Manager, Thrift Shop…….787-3388
Community Service & Food Pantry……………….787-3012
Maintenance Staff: Randy Lee, Art Kinsey,
Jim Kertz, Joe Powell
Comunidad Católica
de la Parroquia de San Pablo
Santa Misa en Español: todos los sábados a
las 7:00pm.
Encuentro de oración y Meditación Bíblica:
todos los jueves a las 7:30 pm, en el salón
parroquial (social hall). Todos están invitados a
participar. Para comunicarse con el Padre
Gianni llamar al 352-787-9208.
Name one area of your life where God has
surprised you with love, abilities, or even a
pregnancy. How is God's Spirit upon you in this
dimension of life?
We will not be having donuts or
coffee in our Social Hall the
weekend of Dec. 28th. All are
welcome the following weekend.
Stewardship Expressions 2008
Is being held by the PTO. These
phones will be collected to be used
Monthly Observances
for 911 calls. Please donate your
used cell phones & the battery to December 20 – International Human Solidarity
the school office. The proceeds for the phones Day – International solidarity unites the interests,
sympathies and purposes of people of all nations toward
go to the school.
Located in the Ministry to the Sick Office next to
the Gift Shop, 728-5639. A Diocesen trained
bereavement counselor is on hand.
St. Paul’s Loan Closet
dignity and respect of all. Consider what you are doing
to make a difference.
December 21st – World Peace Day and Winter
Solstice - Care, respect and peace efforts towards others
begins in the heart and home of each individual.
Stewardship projects love through expressions. Reflect
in all actions and words.
December 25th – The Nativity of the Lord –
Celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ as the Prince of
Peace and Shepherd of all.
Located in the Pastoral Care suite of rooms along with the
Ministry to the Sick, and Catholic Charities Office. The
Loan Closet provides physical aids for those who need
crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, and bath
chairs, for as long as necessary, but should be returned
when no longer needed. Please contact the Ministry to the
Sick Office at 728-5652.
The pilgrim statue of our lady of the
Rosary is now available for loan for 1
week intervals for those wanting to have
it in their home. If you are interested,
please call Steven & Elisabeth Gould at 319-9991.
For those of you returning to the area, a reminder to
drop a note in the collection basket or to the office to
have your envelopes restarted. Your 1st set of
envelopes will be starter sets which will include 1st
collection only and then the following month you will
receive both.
Alcoholics Anonymous
There will be no Alcoholics Anonymous meeting on Christmas
Eve, Wed. Dec. 24th or New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31st. We will
resume again on Wed. Jan. 7th at 7:30pm in Room 215 of the
Family Enrichment Center.
It is that time again to schedule
those of you who have not yet signed
up for your appointment for the
Pictorial Directory. The parish would
love to have you in our new directory.
Appointments will be scheduled for
the week of January 5th to the 10th
after the 4:30 Sat. Mass, 7 am, 9 am,
11 am & 12:30 pm Sunday Masses
this weekend.
Remember, there is no obligation to
buy any pictures, & for having your
picture taken, you will receive a free
8 x 10.
Appointments go quickly, so please
sign up.
The Week at a Glance
Sunday, December 21, 2008
4th Sunday of Advent
7:00 am Mass
8:00 am Coffee & Donuts / SH
8:00 am CCW Bake Sale / outside of HFR
9:00 am Mass / RCIA Rite of Welcoming
10:00 am CCW Bake Sale / outside of HFR
10:00 am Coffee & Donuts / SH
10:00 am St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
10:00 am Rel Ed. Christmas Party / SH
11:00 am Mass
12:00 pm CCW Bake Sale / outside of HFR
12:30 pm Mass
1:30 pm CCW Bake Sale / outside of HFR
1:45 pm Life Night / YAC
Monday, December 22, 2008
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
6:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal / CH
7:00 pm Hispanic Novena Columbian / SSH
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
John of Kanty, priest
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
6:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal / CH
Week at a Glance Continued
Saturday, December 27, 2008
John, Apostle, Evangelist
2:30 pm Mass Choir Rehearsal / FEC 224
2:30 pm Confessions / CH
4:00 pm Mass
5:30 pm Mass
6:00 pm Hispanic Ministry Choir Practice / SH
7:00 pm Spanish Mass
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
7:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
10:00 am St. Paul Museum Open / HFR
11:00 am Mass
12:30 pm Mass
1:45 pm Life Night / YAC
CA Cafetorium
HFR Holy Family Room
CH Church
A Administration Bldg
SH Social Hall
NSH North Social Hall
MTS Ministry to Sick
SSH South Social Hall
CS Community Service
SP Sports Pavilion
SPS St Paul’s School
YAC Youth Activity Ctr.
FEC Family Enrichment Ctr.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Vigil of Christmas
St. Paul Museum Closed
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
4:00 pm Mass
5:30 pm Children’s Mass
6:30 pm No EDGE Night
7:00 pm Spanish Mass
9:45 pm Music for Midnight Mass / CH
10:30 pm Midnight Mass
Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
Holy Day of Obligation
7:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
11:00 am Mass
Friday, December 26, 2008
Stephen, First Martyr
St. Paul Museum Closed
8:30 am Mass w/ Rosary after Mass
Knights of Columbus
In Service to One.
In Service to All.
BBQ Chicken Dinner
$7.00 per person
Eat In or Take Out
Sun. Dec. 21st
12:30PM to 4:00PM
K of C Hall
1/2 BBQ Chicken, Hot Baked Beans, Fresh Cole
Slaw, Dinner Roll, Dessert, Coffee, Iced Tea or
2116 Griffin Rd., Leesburg, FL 34748
President: Tony Bennett
Vice President: Elizabeth O’Leary
Judith Latham
Area 1
Cindy Diemer
Area 2
Russ Vance
Area 3
Joseph Ryan
Area 4
Tony Bennett
Area 5
John/Elizabeth O’Leary
Area 6
Carol Spiesz
Area 7
Advent Reconciliation Schedule To Date
Marion County
Blessed Trinity
7:00 PM
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9 am - Noon
December Thrift Shop Specials
Dec-26th – 1/2 all Christmas merchandise
Dec – 31st– all clothing 1/2 off
Volunteers needed Wednesdays-1-4 pm
Contact Rick or David - 787-3388
Call for a furniture pickup
Tax receipts will be given for your donations.
St. Paul’s Thrift Shop
Tuesday - Saturday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Sunday & Monday:
Parishioners in Area 7 are
requested to bring food to the pantry
or drop it off at church next Sunday.
Large paper bags, cereal,
crackers, pasta noodles, canned
vegetables, spaghetti sauce,
canned meats & beef stew,
peanut butter & jelly, bread, & powdered milk.
Thank You for your generosity!
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cammerford
Mr. & Mrs. David Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. George Kelsch
Mrs. Frances M. Linehan
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel López
Mrs. Marguerite W. Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Reyes
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Vaca
Please Pray for the following people who are in need of our prayers…
Frank Aviles, Marlene Beisler, Thomas Borland, Marlene Chrisman, Carlos Collazo, Dr. Michael
Collier, Kay Connelly, Michael Corcoran, Margaret Everson, Walter R. Foraker Jr., Mike Gibson,
Myron Gogolewski, Pat Griffin, Betty Grimm, Maria Hernandez, Donna Beth Horton, Paul Iosue,
Maritza Kavan, Nancy Kertz, Carl Kessler, Helen Kimberly, Dorothy Kranczyk, Raymond Laferriere,
Norma & Joe Lehosky, Gabrielle Littiken, Marty Martini, Denny Master, Joan McGowan, Jacques &
Betty Mergeai, Jennifer Newan, Jo Oliver, Len Panizza, Shyanne Panizza, SPC Joseph W. Paulk
Jr., Karen Plankey, Bernard Proulx, Liz Pybas, Richard Rehm, Mark Richard, Larry Roberts, Doris
Rocha, Ana Schultz, Jeanne Scopino, Mary Stroney, Claire Velocci, Mary Watts, Donna Wayne,
Brenda Whitney, Karin Woodbury.
Rosary Makers,
Will not be meeting
Again until Wed. Jan. 7th
9:30 am, FEC 220
Pray for an increase of Rosary Makers for there
can never be such a thing as too many
rosaries. The Rosary is a simple instrument for
bringing about a deeper knowledge of love
and life of Jesus. For more information call Judy
Severance at 315-4180.
Eucharistic Adoration
“Could you not spend one
hour with me?”
Friday, January 2nd
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
We invite all the parishioners of St. Paul’s
Catholic Community to make this hour a time of
adoration and praise to Christ Jesus, Our Lord.
We will gather before the Blessed Sacrament in
prayer, song and silence, and in profound
Join us, as did Peter, Andrew, and John in the
garden, as we share this time of prayer before
our Lord, who through His death has made all
things new, for us, and for all.
To the shut-ins of St. Paul’s and
whomever wishes to join in the
following prayers each week . This is
to be prayed each day. It will join us in
the sacrifice of the Mass. The
following prayers are for you and your
fellow members of St. Paul’s. We
need all the prayers you can give us.
Fourth Sunday of Advent 12-21-08
We read before the gospel this
Sunday : Behold I am the handmaid of
the Lord. May it be done to me
according to your word. Our Father,
Hail Mary, & Glory be to the Father.
Loss in our Church Family
Date of Death
Patricia Gendreau
Tax Action Memo
Family Life & Pastoral Care
Marriage Moments
For Dec. 22nd
(Winter Solstice) Last night was the longest
night of the year. Dark nights can be cozy
when warmed by love and candlelight. If
this week finds you blessed with pleasant
experiences of darkness, pray for those
who aren’t.
Trinity Catholic High
School Carnival
Winter Festival
Featuring Dreamland
February 19 - 22nd
 On the grounds of Trinity High School.
 Don’t forget to get your “Luck of the Irish”
raffle ticket for a chance to win your choice
of FOUR Band New Vehicles!!!
Half-price ride tickets! Get sheets of 20 for
$10 starting January 23rd. (Tickets will be $1
each after 5 pm Thursday, Feb. 19th)
Thursday and Sunday is armband days! $20
armbands for unlimited rides.
Enjoy 4 family dinner nights! Felix’s, Outback
Steakhouse, Ocala Ale House, & Prontos.
Rides, Games, Food, Family Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
For more information call the carnival
information line at 622-9025 ext 6047 or visit
[email protected], or
The Pension Protection Act of 2006 (Pension Act)
contained a favorable provision that allowed
qualified taxpayers to transfer up to $100,000 per
year of IRA distributions directly to an eligible
charity without first being taxed on the
distributions. This provision expired at the end of
2007. However, the Tax Extenders and AMT
Relief Act of 2008 (passed as part of the Bailout
Bill) that was signed into law on 10/3/08, has
retroactively reinstated this provision for 2008 and
extended it through 2009.
The rules for qualified charitable contributions
were not changed by the Bailout Bill other than
extending the provision through 2009. However,
since up until now, we had no idea if these
contributions would be allowed this year, it’s
important to make sure eligible clients are aware
of this attractive option. This release will cover the
rules for making qualified distributions.
The Basics:
Taxpayers age 70 1/2 and older can make annual
qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) of up to
$100,000 during 2006-2009. QCDs are excluded
from the IRA owner’s AGI, so the taxpayer doesn’t
need to itemize to get a tax benefit from the
contribution. Of course, no Schedule A itemized
deduction is allowed for the QCD, as we’ll discuss
later, tax free treatment is much preferable for
many seniors.
The $100,000 limit is based on a per-IRA-owner
concept. Therefore, when a husband and wife
both have IRAs, each spouse is entitled to a
separate $100,000 limit (combined total of
$200,000) even when a joint return is filed (IRS
Notice 2007-7, Q & A—34). Also, any unused
portion of a year’s $100,000 limitation doesn’t
carry over to the next year. As a result, there’s an
incentive to take advantage of the newly extended
rule before the end of 2008.
1321 Sunshine Avenue, Leesburg, FL 34748
(352) 365-6804
(Located in between the Thrift Shop and the Food Pantry)
Automatic 7% discount; we don’t charge tax!
through Sunday OF THIS WEEK
1st Collection ............................... $ 21,092.00
Retired Religious ........................... $ 5,923.00
Children ...................................... $
Next Week: Building Fund
Our Capital Campaign
SALES THIS WEEK (12/21/08)
 Christmas Cards 50% Off
 All other Christmas Merchandise
60% Off
 Fine Jewelry 70% Off.
 Regular Jewelry 25% Off
(excluding McVan)
 Rhythm® Clocks 30% Off
 All Books 25% Off
 All Swarovski Crystal Crosses and
Framed Crosses 25% Off
Store Hours
Tuesday - Friday 9:30 - 3:00
Sunday 9:00 - 1:00
Use this coupon on
your next purchase.
No other discounts
or sales apply.
Coupon Expires 12/31/08
Is to enlarge the CHURCH by 400 seats and
 2 more reconciliation rooms
 a new larger priest sacristy
 a large working sacristy
 a room for the children’s liturgy of the word
 a choir room to practice
 a library
 a robing room for choir members
 more restrooms and handicap restrooms
 enlarge the CCTN studios
Is to enlarge the SCHOOL and add:
 an all purpose room for assemblies and
 a cafeteria and new kitchen
 a new science lab
 a new media/library center
 a new computer lab
 storage and an elevator
 a fine arts center
Michael & Diane Ahearn
Dottie Alvator
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bagdasarian
Robert Smith & Marie Ahearn
Eugene, Robert & Gene Alvator
Lillian Bagdasarian
Norman Gallant
Norman Gallant, Jr.
William & Vivian Lackie
Ralph H. & Elizabeth Bailey
Ralph E. Bailey
Sophie & Milton Borkowski
Bob La Cava
Nick Barbieri
Ellen Coughlin
Edward Bayl
Charles Beekman
Jack Beekman
Mary Beekman
Thomas O'Donnell
Joseph and Ida Savard
John O. Bennett
Eleanor Papaleo
Members of the Berkman & Macleay Families
Dave & Evelyn Hudson
Poirier Family
Charles Blanchard
Roy McEachern
Braidwood & Smith Families
Jarold Clark
Beatrice Clark
Richard Bringard
Agnes Stoneman
Richard Brunet
Victoria Brunet
Mary Brutko
John R. Burns Sr.
Ralph & Mary Montesano
Stanley Campany
Dolores Tredo
Jerry Canady
Marcy Cooper
Caroline Pologruto
Dominick Pologruto
Dorothy & Oscar Carroll
Florence & Vincent Carroll
Moscatel & Carroll Families
Mr. & Mrs. V. Ascerno & son William
Norman Ceravolo
Annette M. Chalifour
Baby Stellabotte
Bill McDaid
Gene Caranfa
Margaret & Martha Johnson
Margie & Nathan Clark
Maria & Rocco Stellabotte
Mike & Marie Stellabotte
Millie & Lee Martin
The D'Oria Family
The Stellabotte Family
The Clark Family
Our Parents
Our Children
Margaret Gleason
Peter J. Conaboy
Ruth Sunderland
William & Savanah Countryman
Raymond Couture
Renee Couture
Robert Lasee
Katie Krize
Our Daughter - Kim Robey
Jud Davis
Catherine R. Bailey
Angeline Barbieri
Patricia Bayl
Beekman Family
Elwin and Margaret Bell
Julia A. Bennett
Linda Bennett
Jerry & Duane Berkman
Janet Bidwell
Theresa Bitting
Margaret L. Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Braidwood
John & Celeste Bringard
Elizabeth & Phillippe Brunet
Andrew Brutko
John & Fannie Burns
Norma & Susan Campany
Sally A. Canady
Charles & Grayce Capraro
Gerald & Nancy Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. William Casale
Anna Ceravolo
Robert L. Chalifour
Linda & Andy Clark
Shirley Clark
Leo & Betty Coakley
Frank & Margaret Conaboy
Elizabeth Countryman
Dorothy Couture
Lorraine Couture
Robert & Donna Dahl
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Daley
Marjorie Davis
Shirley A. Dougherty
Peggy & John Doyle
Elaine Dunning
Stella DuPuis
Frank E. Dougherty
John Doyle Jr.
Robert F. Dunning
The Biela Family
Patricia Faucher, daughter
Romeo Dupuis, husband
Betty and Andy Pollak
Mary Ann & Anthony Lupo
Edward Ebert
Doug Ellet
Mary Warso
Arthur Elwood
John & Margaret Butcher
Merlin & Betty Griffith
George & Anna Benoit
Norman Fawcett
Dennis Reid
Bartik Family
Fedorchak Family
John E. Frank
Susana Guzman
Maria Fuertes
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Gannone
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gabriel
Sigmund & Helen Kurzana
Harry A. & Faye N. Hawkins
James J. & Mary Elizabeth Garrett
John Francis & Mary B. Garrett
Karl E. & Ella G. Wright
Michael S. & Jane Conroy
John Gilbert
Marion Meldrum
Mary & Zachary Bergmeier
Grieco & Hohe Families
Thomas J. Griffin III
Skarnulis Family
Eugene McChilla Family
Andrew Hicov Family
Randy Hietpas
Olive & Donat Bergeron
Robert Hoffman
Art Holody
Bill Horel
Mitch, Jennie & Frank Kempisty
Benjamin Ireland
Charles & Nancy Jirschele
Russell D. Johnson
daughter, Erica R. Jones
James Robert Kaminski
Cori Kellaher
Arnaldo Jimenez
Monsignor Stephen V. Knapp
Alice Zilke
Elvin Krawczyk
Elvin W. Krawczyk
Krawczyk Family
Ryan Michael and Vincent La Parle
Joseph N. LaFleur
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Thibodeau
Arnold DiLalla
Lucille DiLalla
Raymond LaPierre
My Sister, Patrice C. Moore
Robert E. Leandri
Francis & Helen Lennerth
Frank & Florence Fusco
Kovac & Lesniowski Family
Kathleen Loy
William Shefsky
Daniel Shefsky
And all the deceased of our family
Hal Franklin Green
Margaret C. McCarthy
Beth Eaves
Grace Ebert
Ginger Ellett
Lenore Elwood
Robert & Jean Fajman
Family of
Mrs. Dorothy Fawcett
The Fay Family
Jim & MariAnne Fedorchak
Mary Ellen Frank
Aida & Ramon Fuertes
Rosanne Gabriel
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Galka
Betty & Jim Garrett
Joan Gilbert
Anita & John Glennon
Mr. & Mrs. Mike GoGolewski
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grieco
Helen Griffin
Dorothy Hayes
Michael & Delores Hicov
Owen & Irene Hietpas
Elaine Hill
Carmela Hoffman
Antoinette Holody
Margaret Horel
Ralph & Sandy Hough
Eloise Ireland
Shirley Jirschele
Arlene Johnson
Angela & John Jones
Diane Kaminski
Audrey D. Kellaher
Elizabeth & Dolores Knapp
Earl R. Knop
Dorothy Krawczyk
Gladys Krawczyk
Karen & Lynn Krawczyk
Thomas C. La Parle, Sr.
Norma LaFleur
R & P Laliberte
Ron & Marion LaPierre
Joan C. Laporte
Sei Leandri
Robert R. & Phyllis A. Lennerth
Tom & Terry Lesniowski
Barbara & Charles Loy and Eleanor Skefsky
Mary L. MacKerell
Mr. John J. McCarthy
Mrs. Nancy McCarthy
Benjamin Bennet
Claire Bennett
John & Margaret Butcher
Patrick & Lillian Mockler
Thomas & Cecilia Meehan
Gerald Bishop & Herbert Melvin
Dorothy V. Evans
Alfred E. Meyers
John R. Mich, Sr.
Johnny R. Mich, Jr.
Mulrane & Prano Families
Mary & John Civitello
William Murray
Don C. Newton
Soren Russell Sorensen
Don Nichols
Neville Family
Jim Nielsen
Bertha & Walter Kalinowski
Parents Edward & Astrid Northover
Jeanne Dery O'Brien
Panizza & Schmoll Families
McNair & Paquin Families
Rose Caruso
Zuzanna Pasiak
Laurie Paulk
Dorothy & Martin Pawelski
Julia Cruz Nieto
Emma Odilia Carrasco B.
Leonidas Enrique Morales B.
Harry Peterson
Alfred & Alfreda Socha
Edward Pracukowski
Mr. & Mrs. Desiré Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. James Prins
Helen A. Williams
Harry & Jo Rager
Reyore Family
La Fountain Family
Sciulli Family
Frank DiBerardino
Mom, Dad, Millie, JoAnn & Rose
Hugh Ross
Harrison/Rush Families
Adele & Mike Steinberg
Maude & Tony Sabel
Our Parents
Saxton & Giannettino Families
Bobby Schaible
Joyce LeRoy
George C. Scribner
Ann O’Day
Mike Semanchik
Ed Broussard
Louise Broussard
Mary & John Kalicicki
Sophie Pokrinchak
Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Pacey
Carolyn Gilliland
Eleanore Reese
Judy DeLorto
Frederick J. Sliva
David Joseph Sliva
Gene Smith
Lucille A. Sullivan
Mrs. Rhoda Giovanelli
George “Chip” Henn
William C. Sofsky
Betty Southall
James & Marie Staiger, parents
Lloyd Space, husband
David B. Spiesz
Jackie Lencsak
Roy & Mary Anne Mearns
Patricia & Ken Meehan
David & Shirley Melvin
Deanna Menold
June Meyers
Miriam A. Mich
JoAnn & John Mulrane
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Murray
Mrs. Mildred C. Newton
Eileen Nichols
Bill & Ann Nielsen
Robert Northover
Karen P. O'Brien
Len & Lois Panizza
Teresa Paquin
Anita Pasiak
Charles & Katherine Paulk
Terri & Jim Pawelski
Miguel A. Perez
Thilma E. Perez
Violet Peterson
Bill & Elaine Potuchek
Blanche Pracukowski
Jayne & Bob Prins
Mary Ann Quackenbush
From The Rager, Hand & Sapp Families
Leonard & Ruth Reyore
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Rohm
Lucille Ross
Rita Ross
Barbara & Pete Rush
Milton & Beverly Sabel
Robert & Jacqueline Salus
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Saxton
Marquerite & Robert Schaible
Irene C. Scribner
Michael & Sherrel Semanchik
Barb & John Serke
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Shea
Vincent Siegel
Bernard Siewert
Sisters & Brothers of
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Slemp
Carole Ann Sliva
Lois M. Smith
Dr. Ingeborg Soche
Social Gathering Group
Laura M. Sofsky
Robert Southall
Sally Space
Carol L. Spiesz
George & Martha Spinner
Son - Michael Spinner
Parents Arthur & Julia Durlin
Parents George & Edna Spinner
Robert J. Sprauer Sr.
Paul A. Stephan, Jr.
Bart, Nancy & Elizabeth Lore
Florence & Achilla Testa
Son, Paul W. Thomas
The Romeo Quesnel Family
Patricia St. John & Sal Ventriglio
Bernadine Matthews
Simon Vredevelt
Corwin Wickersham
Cory Wickersham
Richard Wrzalinkski
David John Zdrowak
Mary & Stan Zdrowak
John J. Ziolkowski
Erika & Stephen Sprauer
Paul & Virginia Stephan
Al & Loretta Testa
Ann & Bill Thomas
Al & Sylvia Turner
Rita Ventriglio
Ms. Eleanor Vredevelt
Juanita C. Wickersham
Connie, Judie & Chris Wrzalinkski
Pat & Gene Zdrowak
Geneva Ziolkowski
Catherine R. Bailey
R. J. Bosch
Jeanne Cardinal
Dan & Nancy Fay
Gene & Mary Fehr
William & Lorraine Hickey
Charles & Katherine Paulk
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea
A Blessed Family
Rob Bosch
Our Troops
Fay Family
Ed & Catherine Cox
Norma Hibbard
Rob & Mary Belle Lancaster
Our Parents
Spc. Joseph W. Paulk, Jr., U.S. Army
Margaret Compton
December 2008
Students, parents and
parishioners can see
our Advent Wreath
hanging outside of the
social hall.
The candles shine
brightly reminding us
to wait patiently for
the coming of the
Light of the World.
Due to construction
our Jesse Tree has
been transformed into
a Jesse fence filled
with pictures and
verse teaching about
the history of our
faith from Adam to
Jesus Christ.
4-3-2 -1
Our Chain counts down the days
from the first day of
Advent through
Christmas Day.
Saint Paul’s Catholic School
Panda Press
Leesburg Christmas Parade