Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
Full Copy - Tennessee Genealogical Society
o 0 0. ·0 • • •• .154 YELL COUNTY, ARKANSAS • • • • • • • • • • .MARRIAGES: IN NEWSPAPERS • ., " , : . . . • • .1~5 . " BIBLE RECORD OF· WILLIAM PRICE THOMAS, SUMNER COUNTY,TENN • ABSTRACTS OF WILLS & OTHER INSTRUMENTS,. WILL BK. ·1812-1814, SMITH COUNTY. • .161 PURCHASERS OF ESTATE QF THOMAS GRASTY, RUTHERFORD· COUNTY, TERN. • • .1tli+ MARTIN FLETCHER NORRIS FAMILY BIBLE •.•• ~ • • • .165 .' -, • .166 STONE FAMILY CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE. BOWLING CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENNESSEE •• 0 • • • • .167 0 RALEIGH· PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SESSION MINUTES, 1~6-1859o REVOLUTIONARY WAR 'PENSION APPLICATION OF WILLIAM HARGIS • • .168 0 & OF HI,S.WIOOW • • • • 172 .172 WILL OF WILLIAM HARGIS, WHITE COUNTY, TENNESSEE • • •• • • • PETITION OF HEIRS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, PUTNAM COUNTY, LAW.RENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE, MARRIAGES, 1838-1860 • • • ... . .. . EXCERPTS FROM LETTERS·· OF HOPKINS-RICHARDSON FAMILY • • TENNESSEE~ TENNESSEE~ .. . .. . . . . .179 • • 0184 • .187 .188 .. . .i90 ;OF,FICERSAND STAFF FOR 1973 Presideri t , . ; . ,"; . . ... ..: .•... ,; . i... '. '.' •... , Treasurer., •. .•.. ;.. ColoneIByronC.Hyde Corresponding Secretaf}'~." ••••.•• . • . . . . .. ; Mrs. T~omas Blalock Rec?rding Se~r~tary ....•" .. ; ..... ~.. " Mrs., DanieLW~st DirectorofResearch .. . '.' . .••. . ... ., . Mrs.Sidney Wilr()y Librarian ~ ..........• : Mrs.CharlesR. Gilley rs , Library Committee: Mrs. Rob~rt Louis Qox;M J..a~ren~eB. Gardiner Book Reviews: Mr.Hermanr.. Bogan, Mrs. ChadesAWest Library Staff: Mrs;.' El. '. J.;.• lJarrier, .Mr$.Reeve~Hughes,Mrs .. John w. ~cDonald,Mrs.F. A. Tycer,¥rs. Sidney Wilroy,Mrs. T. Rivers Young . Advisor. Advisor .. . . . .. • .... ; .. " . Mr. Laurence a.Gardiner Mrs, ·ByronG. Hyde . ',' Editor: Associate Editor: Mrs, Augusta H.. Bro\lgh Mrs. William RBlair Subscription Manager. . . . .. ..•. . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. .. .Coloner~yron,G.HYde Query Editor .' ..•.•..... " .. , .. . . . . Miss MyrtleShelt.on Mr. HennanL. B o g a n ¥ r s . T h o m a s Preston Mrs. EdwinM. S t a n d i f e r ¥ r . T . P .Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Herbert Emigh Mrs. DanielWest Mrs. Robert Louis Cox Mrs; Robe.rtRWilson Mrs. Nelson RCastle "Allsearchin'" News the official publicQtl(Jno[The '1'en,!es$eeG(meQlo~cQISociety; Published '. quarterly. - Annual Subscripiiol1$6.00 .' -...,' . , ..... , '. Allsubsc;riptions begin;.vith firstIssue of year AU SUbsc"ibersarerequestedtos~ndqoeriesfor freepuiJlicatiol1. Write for four - quarter advertising rates The Tennessee Genea!ogicdtSociefy, IIANS~t\RCH[N~ liN EWS or .the'Edi(orassumes?o responsibilitYO!0rppinions or, errQrs offact expressed by contributors ()r advertisers. The Tennessee Genealogical SocietY offers the following publications fQrsale: "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS: Volumel-6for 1954-59 Third Bdition Volume 7 for 1960 Second Printing Volume 8 for'1961 Second Printing Volume 9 for 1962 Second Printing Volume 10,for ·1963 Second' Printing Volume II for 1964 SecondPrin~ing Volume 12 for 1965 Volume IJfor 1966 Volume 14 for 1967 Volume 15for 1968. Volume l~f()rJ969 Volume 17 for J970 Volume IBforl971 Vqlll!Vel?forJ 972 YoluOl~ . 20.for< 1973 SHELBY COUNTY. rENNES~EEMARRI,A~E~ECORDS;11J19-185() .<..' ." . '. .. . Second Print!ng INDEX. OF SURNAM~SregisteredbYg\lestspf19?9 ~~mjna[ "ANSEARCHIN' " NEWS co"ers ~stampedjngQld .~. no dates ($10.00) _ ($ 6,00) _ ($ 6.00)_· _ ($ 6.00) _ _- ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) '. ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6:00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 6.00) _ ($ 9.00) _ ($ 1.00).....·. each ($ 0.50) _ _ -151- THE PRESIDENT'S LETTER Dear Members, Tnis is the last time I will be writing this letter, so I want to say how much I have enjoyed working witn all of you. Alter eight years on the board, what I will miss most is the warm contact I have had with so many of you. Now I'm going to try to catch up on my own sadly neglected genealogy and correspondence. It's been so long since I found anew aneestor~ Much appreciation for all the records you have sent in. Keep up the good work. We would especially like to have some Tennessee cemetery records. Please 1ndicate whether or not they are complete. ( I nave been trying to determine how much some of the. shortages we seem to be facing are going to cause proble~s for us genealogists. Certainly we will not be able to make as many field trips in our cars, but on the other hand, if we can't go shopp1ng as often, we can spend more time organizing our material. We already know we're going to have to pay more postage. It seems we can look fqr a shortage of paper. In spi te of Amy Vanderbil t, I'd like to recommend that we start right now to answer correspondents on the bottom of their letter when the answer is short and the letter not something we want to keep in our files. If your paper is heavy enough, use both sides. A brand new year is starting. It's like opening a new notebook with all those inspiring blank pages before you. Make the most of it. Happy Hunting, -152NOTES FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK The time has come for another change in editorship, and to give good wishes to the new editor, Mrs. Daniel E. West --better known to us as "Betsy." She will enjoy her job, I know, as I have enjoyed it, even though difficult to fit into an already crowded schedule. There is no way I can begin to thank the staff, the contributors to AN, and friends who have given me so much help -- and so I will simply say, "HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL: And to our faithful readers, "BEST WISHES FOR JOY AND SUCCESS IN ANCESTOR SEARCHING IN 1974 ~ " NEWS AND NOTES FROM OTHER PUBLICATIONS BULLETIN OF THE STAMFORD GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, P. O. Box 249, Stamford, Conn. 06901. Mrs. Richard S. R. Hubert, Ed. Quarterly. $5.00/year. Sept., 1969, Vol. 12, No.1: Letter from John I. Coddington on Andrew Messenger of Jamaica, N.Y.; Stamford Revolutionary soldiers' records; Newman family of Stamford; Connecticut; articles in genealogical periodicals; "Where Did They Go?", Conn.. Yankees in Ala. BURTON FAMILIES, Antioch, California. Quarterly. $5.00/year. Vol. III, No.1, Jan, 1971: Madison County, Ky., marriages from 1789; index of Revolutionary War pension applications; Cen.dex 1830 Ky. census; grantor-grantee index, Caswell Co., N.C.; guardian book, Vol. C., Caswell Co.; misc. Burton family information. DANIEL-DANIELLS FAMILY NOTES AND NEWS, 213 S. Rolling Rd., Catonsville, Md. 21228. J. Harrison Danield, Ed. Quarterly. $5.00/yeat. \~01. 6, No.2, May, 1972: Newspaper clippings of obituaries and various news items and lineages given. DIGGING FOR DAVIS, 674 N. Clifford Ave., Realton, California 92376. Mrs. Darla M. Jones,publisher. Quarterly. $5.00/year. Vol. 1, No.1, July, 1973: List of members; births, deaths, marriages in Mercer County, Ky.; some Davis biographies~ Davis names in 1820 Illinois census; other family records and lineages. THE FRANKLIN FIREPLACE, 410 Eighth St. Terrace, Warrenburg, Mo. 64093. Betty Harvey Williams (Mrs. Robert), Ed. and publisher. Quarterly. $3.00/year. Nov., 1970, Vol. HI, No.3: John Fra.nklin family of Va. (Ky.-Ala.); Franklins from Md. calendar of wills; N.Y. 1810 and 1820 census; Ind. &, Ohio 1850 census; R.I. and Mass. 1810 census; Arnold Franklin Revolutionary War pension claim; Franklins in Lamar Co., Ga.; Marriage records in Darke Co., o. (1817-1840) & in Miami Co. O. COOK'S CRIER, 410 Eighth St. Terrace, Warrenburg, Mo. 64093. Betty Harvey Williams, Ed. and publisher. Quarterly. $5.00/year. Vol. 1, No.2, June, 1972: Abstract of book by James Cook on Cook-Cooke family of Mass. & Conn., 1665-1882; Mass.1790 census; Tenn. 1830 census; N.Y. 1810 census; 1782-1886 Va. tax lists; Lancaster Co., Pa. Bible record; John Cook, Rockingham Co., Va., will; Orleans Co., N.Y. guardianship records. NORTHLAND NEWSLETTER, Range Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 726, Buhl, Minn. 55713. Quarterly. $6.00/year. Clay Co., Minn., cemetery; Hoff cemetery; Elmwood cemetery; Burnett cemetery; Oak Mound Congregational Church; Ahnentafel of Russell L. Emery; Frazee, Minn., biographies. JOHNSON COUNTY GENEALOGIST, Johnson County Genealogical Society, P. O. Box 8057, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66208. Sheryl L. Burks, Ed. Vol. 1, No.2, June, 1973: Methodist records; Johnson Co. marriages, 1859-62; Brooklyn Cemetery, Linn Co., Kansas (tombstone readings and sexton's records). -153COLORADO GENEALOGIST, 1840 S. Wolcott Court, Denver, Colo. 80219. Mrs. Donna J. Porter, Ed. Vol. XXXIV, No.2, May, 1973: Small El Paso County, Colo., cemeteries; bits of Denver history; basic American research aids; marriage records & Golden cemetery records, Jefferson Co., Colo.; early Colorado marriages. FAMILY TREE TALK, The Muskegon County Genealogical Society, 3301 Highland, Muskegon Heights, Mich. 49444. Roland B. Anderson, Ed. Quarterly. $5.00/year. Vol. I, No.3, June, 1973: Biographical index to History of Manistee, Mason ~ Oceana Counties; early settlers of Sitca, Newaygo Co.; Phillip Schott, Moses McHarness, and Martin Griffin genealogies; Nye (Ny) family, Denmark to England to America. SPECIAL NOTICES *MONTG<I1ERY COUNTY. MARYLAND, plans publication of a county history for its *bicentennial in 1776, and would like to hear from descendants of this county's *families. Copies of original letters and any dld documents are desired for *publication in the book and for preservation in the library. Send such items to: *Richard K. McMaster, Rockville Library, 99 S. Perry St., Rockville, Md. 20850. *THE 1812 TAX LIST OF SURRY COUNTY, N.C., has been published by Mrs. Robert J. *Taylor, Box 687, Cimarron, Kansas 67835, and may be ordered from her. Price $2.50. *THE WEST TENNESSEE HISTORICAL SOCIETY is sponsoring a reproduction of the ( ** * *published STANDARD HISTORY OF MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, in 1912 by H. W. Crew Co. of Knoxville and edited by JUDGE J. Po YOUNG. *The book gives the history of Memphis from its founding up to the period of 1910. *It includes maps and pictures, and is fully indexed. A limited number of copies *1s being printed for delivery early in January, 1974. Price is $16.50. Order *from the Society, Pink Palace Museum, Memphis, Tennessee 38111. TIDBITS FROM READERS Lucie C. Price (Mrs. P. B.), Austin, Texas, sends the follOWing two items. From the list (In the back of the Lawrence County, Tenn., Marrlage Book) of people buried in the Carthage Cemetery: James Berry Moores (lawyer) 3 Nov. 1807 Mrs. J. B. Luster, only child 23 May 1869 Elizabeth B. Moores, consort of J. Bo Moores 14 Oct. 1812 - 11 Nov. 1861 The above information on James Berry Moores, listed as a member of the Tennessee General Assembly from Smith County, Tennessee (Vol. 20, No.2, page 89, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS), is coupled with additional facts. Mrs. Price has a letter, written Jan. 6, 1846, from Carthage by James B. Moores to his brother, William H. Moores, who was in Texas, and a letter written by Elizabeth W. Lane while at Clinton College, Tenn. Her father, David Lane, married Martha Ross Moores, possibly a sister of James B. and Wm. H. Moores. These letters have been published in FAMILY FINDINGS, page 30, Volo II, No. I, January, 1970. Mrs. Price gives additional lnformation on Samuel Erwin, who married Sarah Crisp, 1819, Loose Marriage Bonds, Lawrence Co., Tenn. (Vol. 20, No.1, page 38 "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS): Samuel Erwin was in Texas by 1840, possibly by 1837; he died in Fannin Co., Texas. -154Mary P. Spencer (Mrs. E. E.), Water Valley, Miss., sends correction and additional information on the WALLIS family of Memphis, Alabama. ELIJAH CROCKETT WALLIS and JAMES WILLIAMSON WALLIS should be listed from Memphis, Alal, not from Memphis, Tenn. (see page 61, Vol. 20, No.3, "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS). Following information is from clippings and descendants of JOHN McKNITT ALEXANDER (1733-1817) of N.C., a signer of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. Memphis, Ala., which no longer exists, was founded by a young major, JAMES WILLIAMSON WALLIS, who purchased much land nearby. It was a lively river port on the Tombigbee River, l~ miles east of the Miss. line. The town's founder, his parents, and other members of the WALLIS family are buried in the cemetery. Mrs. Virginia Tew of York, Ala., copied the following from the cemetery: JAMES WILLIAMSON WALLIS January 20, 1816 -- March 14, 1892 Born Mecklenburg County, N.C., of Scotch Presbyterian Ancestry from Ulster Ireland early 17th Century Family, Went to Pennsylvania, later to Charlotte, N.C. Moved to Summerville, Morgan County, Alabama, 1820. In 1841 founded Memphis, Alabama. Son of John McKnitt Alexander Wallis and Margaret MCClanahan Crockett from S.C., niece of Gov. William Richardson Davie of N.C.,· Grandson of John McKnitt Alexander and Jane Bain. Planter, Scientist, Inventor of . Oscillating Cotton PiCker, Scholar, Graduate of University of Alabama 1836. MARGARET McCLANAHAN CROCKETT WALLIS Born Oct. 2, 1787, Lancaster, S.C. Died Sept. 10, 1858 Called Mother of Memphis, Alabama THOMAS FAMILY CEMETERY, YELL CO., ARK. Contributed by Virginia C. Murphy, Mesa, Arizona Cemetery is near Dardanelle, Ark., on farm owned in 1958 by grandson of Benjamin Thomas (Christopher Columbus Grace). JESSE GAMBLIN~l/Dec. 26, 1796/Feb. 27, 1870 MARY GAMBLING /~ec. 20, l800/Nov. 12, 1871 BENJAMIN THOMAS / Born Sumner County, Tenn./Jan. 18, l820/Married SARAH C. GAMBLING/Sept. 9, 184l/Moved to Yell County, Ark. l85l/Married to LUCRETIA A. MATTHEWS/Oct. 1 l878/Died JUNE 22, l887/age 67 yrs 5 mo. 3 daD SARAH C. GAMBLING4/ Born Sumner Co., Tenn/March 20, l824/Married B. THOMAS/ Sept. 9, l841/Moved to Yell Co., Ark. l8S1/Died Dec. 29, 1877/ age 53 yrs 9 Mos. 9 daD JOHN son of B. and S. G. THOMAS/Died Oct. 19, l863/age 6 years 6 mo. 7 days C. S THOMAS/Born April 6, 18S0/Died tpri1 15, 1904 IDA THOMAS/Daughter of C. and M. E. THOMAS/Born Nov. 10, 1872/Died Dec. 2, 1888 WILLIE THOMAS/Son of C. and M. E. THOMAS/Born March 2, 1878/Died Nov. 27, 1881 JOHN A. GRACE 7 /Born Sept. 5, 1843/Died Jan. 7, 1924 ~RX E. GRACE 8 /Born Nov. 23, 1846/Died Feb. 23, 1911 B. Tenn., son of James Gambling & Mary Stalcup 2Mary b. Sumner Co., Tenn., dau. of John Cotton & Jennett Crafford ~son of William Price Thomas & Elfzabeth D. Corney Dau. of Jesse Gambling & Mary Cotton 5Ch. of Benjamin Thomas & Sarah C. Gambling, ~ary Emma Adams, dau. of John George Washington Nance Adams and Sarah 7Jo hn Allen Grace b. Gibson Co., Tenn., son of Jesse Grace & Phoebe Ga-te-l-y-.- -155BOOK REVIEWS Reviewed by Herman L. Bogan THE MIDDLETON FAMILY (INCLUDING MYDDELTON AND MUDDLETON) by Beth Bland Enfle (1972). Hard covers, over 330 pages, indexed. Order from the author, 728 Oglethorpe Ave., St. Simons Island, Ga. 31522. $15.45. The book includes records from Wales, England, Barbados and the Southern United States. Thomas Middleton, who settled in South Carolina in 1732, was the first proven ancestor of the author. Where he came from is unproven. The author has had access to two sources of Middleton information in England: Notes £B ~ Middleton Family £i Denbighshire and London by William Duncombe Pink (1891) and Pedigree of Middleton ~ Muddleton of Chirk Castle Denbigh~ Stanstead MOlntfitchet, Essex, Etc. by Gery-Milner-Gibson-Cullum, F.S.A. (1897). It is generally accepted that the Middletons are of Scottish origin. The author deals primarily with the Middleton family of Denbigh, the ancestral home of most of the Middleton lines which immigrated to the colonies. THE MORRISETTES OF NORTH CAROLINA AND OTHER SOUTHERN STATES by Mrs. Edna Morrisette Shannonhouse (1972). Hard covers, over 186 pages, indexed. Order from the compiler, 402 North Road St., Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909. $10.00. ( From stories handed down from generation to generat1un and told to the writer, the author has compiled the various lines of the North Carolina Morrisettes. Federal local and state documents furnish other sources of information. The work is divided into five parts, one part giving the origins and early history of the Morrisettes and the other four sections dealing with each of the following: descendants of Pater Morrisette, Cason Morrisette, William Morrisette, and Joseph Morrisette. FINCH FAMILIES OF DIXIE, 300 YEARS IN THE SOUTH by Ruby Finch Thompson (1972). Hard covers, over 350 pages, indexed. Order from Finch Families of Dixie, Box 7192, No~th Station, Arlington, Virginia 22207. $12.50 • . The first of this family were Vikings who settled in France and appeared in England along with William the Conqueror. The author lists many of the Finch name who came to the Virginia colony. In the' 1790 U. S. census, there were listed 131 Finch households with 623 members. Eleven of these were in Virginia, eleven in North Carolina, and four in South Carolina. Thomas and Richard Finch families are well documented. Many others are named. Lists of births and marriages, some early court records, deeds, and 180U to 1840 census records are included in the book. CATHY COUSINS compiled by Mrs. William C. Kraft. Soft covers, over 122 pages, indexed. Order from the compiler, 218 West 21st., Covington, Ky. 41014. $6.50. The author traces the Cathy family from Colonsay, Scotland and the Clan MacFie, where the Sept Cathie originated along with Duffie, Fee, McCaffie, McCathie, McCooish, MacCuish, MacDuffie, MacCathie, MacFee, MacGuffie, MacHaffie, MacNicol, MacPhie, MacVee, and MacVie. The Catheys went to Northern Ireland and then to the New World, first to Pennsylvania around Philadelphia and then to the Shenandoah Valley and to North Carolina, where they appeared early. From North Carolina, this family spread south and west. Mrs. Kraft has gathered a tremendous amount of information in this little genealogy. LAND RECORDS OF DINWIDDIE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 1752-1820 compiled and indexed by Thomas P. Hughes, Jr. and Jewel B. Standefer (1973). Soft covers, over 206 pages, indexed. Order from Thomas P. Hughes, Jr., 4140 Chanwil Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 38117. $12.00. -156Dinwiddie County, Virginia, was formed in 1752 from Prince George County. Its early courthouse records were lost during the Civil War, but copies of grants, patents and land tax records were kept by the State of Virginia and are preserved in the Virginia State Library. The book is a compilation of these records. The Regal Gov. Land Grants were as late as 12-7-1774, while the first Commonwealth Land Patent was in 4-10-1780. A list of Commissioners of Revenue for the county for the period 1782-1820 is given. The 1782 land tax for the county is elaborate, and shows the number of acres owned by each tithable. TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS, MARRIAGE RECORDS, 1840-1882 compiled by Lucie Clift Price (1973). Hard covers, over 234 pages, indexed. Order from the compiler, 2527 Harris Blvd., Austin, Texas 78703. $12.50. Texas was a republic in 1840 when Travis County was formed from Bastrop County, Jan. 25th. It was then a much larger county than at any time since. Part or all of the following counties have since been taken from Travis County: Blanco (1858), Brown (1856), Burnet (1852), Callahan (1858), Coleman (1858), Comal (1846), Eastland 1858), Gillespie (1848), Hays (1848), Lampasas (1856), Mills (1858), Runnels (1858), and Taylor (1858). The fact that Tennesseans were very much involved in the first settlements makes this publication of great genealogical interest to Tennesseans, as well as to Texans seeking their origins. The marriage records, with list of officiants and brides' index, are alphabetically arranged. GONE TO ALABAMA, A HISTORIE OF THE DOBBS AND GILBREATH FAMILIES compiled by Edward J. Ladd (1972).' Hard covers, over 671 pages, indexed. Order from the author, Box 29, Fort Payne, Alabama. $20.00. This is part two and Volume one of the Dobbs family and descendants. Volume one is a compilation of the descendants of Lodowick Adams Dobbs. The author believes that the Dobbs line came to the British Isles with the Norman Conquest. Members of the family were largely of the lower nobility, the landed gentry and the yeomanry. A Sir Richard Dobbs was Lord Mayor of London in 1051. John Dobbs, thought to have been a grandson of Sir Richard, established the family in Ireland, where a great grandson was High Sheriff ot County Antrim in 1694. Arthur; his son, was a ~ember of Parliament for Carrick-Fergus. He was appointed Engineer and Surveyor General of Ireland and then Colonial Governor of North Carolina in 1754, where he served about 10 years. Fortune Dobbs was acknowledged as a kinsman of Gov. Arthur Dobbs, and was the father of Lodowick Adams Dobbs, ancestor of all the descendants named in the family history. FEDERAL LAND SERIES, Volume 2 (1799-1835) by Clifford Neal Smith (1973). Hard covers, over 416 pages, indexed. Order from Order Dept., American Library Association, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, Ill. 60611. $20.00. Because it is assignable, a bounty land patent for military service is not necessarily proof of the military service of the person holding the pabent. The author, by an ingenious use of three different governmental registers, has frequently been able to establish the identity of the original veteran or bounty land warrentee and proof of his Revolutionary War service. Identities of the major land speculators and the extent of their holdings may be ascertained from the book. Volume II, as was Volume I, is a basic tool essential for research relating to the bounty land system of the U. S. Government. MY HUSBAND'S FOLKS, THE MANLYS AND GALLOWAYSAND ALLIED FAMILIES by Elizabeth Cate Manly (1972). Soft covers, over 74 pages, indexed. Order from Mrs. Frank T. Manly, 1130 Highland Ave., Cleveland, Tenn. 37311. $4.00. The book devotes one part to the Manly family and one part to the Galloway family. 1.157A knight named Manly came with William the Conqueror to England in 1066 A. D. Professional genealogists affirm that all of the Man1ys of England, Ireland and America are descended in a direct line from this knight. Two brothers came to Maryland with Lord Baltimore. One died; the other became the ancestor of the Man1ys in the South. Daniel Manly of South Carolina and his descendants in Tenn. and other states are the main subjects of the book. The Gal10ways are from Scotland by way of Northern Ireland. From Marshall Galloway, a Revolutionary soldier serving in Maryland and an emigrant to Tenn., the author has a proven line of descendants. Marshall Galloway was a resident in Sullivan County, Tennessee. He died Dec. 17,1827. DESCENDANTS OF JOHN EARLY OF VIRGINIA (1729-1774) by Margaret Woods Hampton (1973). Hard covers, over 405 pages, indexed. Order from Margaret W. Hampton, 72 Pine Brook Drive, Larchmont, N. Y. 10538. $20.00 i This work concerns the forebears of John Early (1729-1774) of St. Thomas Parish, Orange County, Virginia, and of descendants of John Early and wife Theodocia White. He was the eldest son of Jereriah Early and Elizabeth B~ford. Sketches are given of many branches of the Early and allied families ,with a short history of their Irish ancestry. The author had at her disposal a wealth of genealogical and historical sources (which she lists), upon which this genealogy is based. The author has done a masterly piece of work in sorting out and making clear the many relationships cited. THE JULIANS AND ALLIED FAMILIES by Elizabeth Cate Manly (1972). Soft covers, over 130 pages, indexed. Order from Mrs. Frank T. Manly, 1130 Highland Ave., Cleveland, Tenn. 37311. $5.00. ( Rene St. Julian, a Huguenot immigrant, born about 1660 in Vetre, Brittany, came to South Carolina, where he recorded a deed 4-21-1712 in old Berk ley County. The family subsequently moved to Maryland, 1735-1740, and then to the Opequon Settlement (Quaker) in the Shenandoah Valley. The Julians, after Braddock's defeat in 1755 in the French and Indian War, moved to Orange County, North Carolina. This history is concerned mostly with the descendants of George and Rebecca McKenney Julian, who moved from North Carolina about 1815 to Tennessee. Their progeny are found in the south and west. GAINES INDEXED EDITION, A COMPILATION OF GAINES FAMILY DATA WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON THE LINEAGE OF WILLIAM AND ISABELLA (PENDLETON) GAINES by calvin E. Suthers (1969, reprinted 1972). Hard covers, over 430 pages, indexed. Order from the author, 2709 N. W. 52nd Court, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33309. $14.50. The reprint contains revised, additional and corrected data, and an added index of names and places. The author gives a very comprehensive history of the Gaines family in Wales, followed by almost as elaborate a history of the same family in Virginia. The genealogy is of Richard Gaines (1686-1755), Culpeper County, Va., and his descendants, who subsequently spread to all parts of the nation. SEEDLINGS OF WILLIAM FOSTER, New and Revised Edition by Flavius M. Foster (1971). Soft covers, over 346 pages, not indexed. Order from the author, Route 4, Box 776, Poulsbo, Washington 98370. $12.50. The author's branch of the Foster family came from Northumberland County, England, and first settled in Jamestown, Virginia. In 1652 a Thomas Foster, and then in 1654 a John Foster were recorded as being in this county. One William Foster was brought to Jamestown colony in 1663. ThiS man became the forebear ~f the author's family. This excellent genealogy follows the Foster descendants from Virginia through Ind., Ill., Mo., Kan. and on West. -158WOODS-WALLACE COUSIN CLUES compiled by Ruth Petracek (J973). Soft covers, over 220 pages, indexed. Order from Mrs. Edmond Petracek, 15802 Myrtle Ave., Tustin, California 92680. $12.50. This fine book is another of those genealogies whose story parallels that of many Scotch-Irish families that began to arrive at Newcastle or Philadelphia about 1720, and settled in Chester or Lancaster Counties, Pennsylvania, and from there moved south along each side of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia and into North Carolina and Tennessee. Later, descendants fanned out across the south and west into Kentucky, Missouri and the West Coast. The book is well done, and the genealogy interestingly told. MY OWN EDMONSTONS AND A FEW OTHERS by Charles Niniari Edmonston (1971). Soft covers, over 372 pages, not indexed. Order from the author, 527 34th Ave., San Francisco, California 94121. $11.00. The Edmonstons were from Scotland. One version has it that they were Presbyterians by way of Ulster, Ireland, to Maryland. Two other versions state they were Catholics concerned with the troubles of the kings of England and Scotland,and appeared in Maryland about 1670. The author traces the family from Maryland to Pennsylvania, and on through Illinois, Missouri, Montana, and California. This is an interesting family, and it is regretful that such a fine work is not indexed. THE COWANS FROM COUNTY DOWN by John K. Fleming (1971). Hard back, over 440 pages, indexed. Order from the Rev. John Kerr Fleming, P. O. Box 2067, Presbyterian Home, Inc., High Point, N. C. 27261. $10.50. The author traces the origins of the Cowan family from Scotland to Ulster in Northern Ireland, and from there to their first settling in Pennsylvania. One branch went to North Carolina, and other branches spread to all parts of the United States. In addition to the genealogy of the Cowan and collateral families, the author gives sketches of prominent ministers and lay persons of the family. Historical sketches of some of the old Presbyterian churches add flavor to the book. JOHN FLEMING, CAROLINA TO CALIFORNIA, SOME DESCENDANTS AND IN-LAWS, 1734-1972. Researched, compiled and edited by Lee Fleming Reese (1972). Hard back, over 560 pages, three separate indexes. Order from Mrs. Lee Fleming Reese, M. A., 6042 Fenimore Way, San Diego, California 92120. $30.00 This new genealogy is divided into three parts. Part I (James Fleming, son of immigrant John Fleming) traces Flemings, descendants and in-laws, from S.C., Ga., Ala., Texas, to California. Part II (Cal larman , Lightfoot) traces families, descendants and in-laws from Va. and Md. to Ky., Ill., Texas and North Dakota. Part III consists of family records, courthouse records and archive records from· Va. and N.C. The author takes the name, where possible, back to the immigrant, starting from where the compiler became related to that name. GONE TO ALABAMA, A HISTORY OF THE DOBBS AND GILBREATH FAMILIES (Part one and Part Two, Vol. Two), compiled by Edward J. Ladd (1973). Hard back, over 286 pages, indexed. Order from E. J. Ladd,Box 79, Fort Payne, Ala. $20.00 Part One of Vol. II (An Outline History of the Southeastern States) is a unique feature of this genealogy. The author makes a positive statement, "In order to trace one's ancestors, it is necessary to know the history of the country", and he proceeds to give a very useful outline and maps of the southeastern states (Ala., Fla., Ga., Ky., Miss., N.C., S.C., Tenn. and Va.) followed by histories of some Ala. counties. Part Two is a continuation of the genealogy of Vol. I. -159THE COOPER FAMILY OF MARYLAND by F. William Cooper (1972). Hard cover, over 103 pages, indexed. Order from the author, 700 Jerusalem Road, Cohassett, MaSi. 02025. $10.00. This record of the Cooper family, from early Maryland history to the cornfields of Iowa,is also an account of the author's genealogical searches. A delightful book and a nicely done genealogy~ PATILLO, PATTILLO, PATULLO AND PETTILLO FAMILIES compiled by Melba C. Crosse. Hard cover, over 384 pages, indexed. Order from Mrs. Murry L. Crosse, 631 Bryn Mawr Dr., N. E., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106. $19.50. This genealogy had as its predecessors, THE PATILLO FAMILY AND THEIR DESCENDA~S by Mrs. James Logan Jones and PATTILLO FAMILY RECORDS by Alfred Cato Pattillo and Henry Strong Pattillo. This current publication has made use of family outlines in the two books, with corrections and additions. M. J. Miller of Beaumont, Texas, also has a history of the Pattillo family, copies of which are found among southern family members. The Pattillo family is of Scotch origin,but the French spelling is due to service under French arms by members of the family during the wars between Scotland and England. This is an extensive and well done genealogy of a family whose members are located mainly in the Southern states. ( EARLY BEDFORD COUNTY ,TENNESSEE, MARRIAGES REPORTED IN NEWSPAPERS Contributed by Jill ~. Garrett (Continued from last Quarter) Enoch Rushing married in Bedford County to Miss Mary A. Druiggins. (National Banner and Nashville Whig, 31 Oct. 1831) Mrs. Turner married in Bedford County to Col. John Orr. Nashville Advertiser, 6 Oct. 1832) James Johnson married in Bedford to Miss Jane Rolling. Nashville Daily Advertiser, 27 June 1832) (National Banner and (National Banner and William Gilchrist, attorney of Shelbyville, married Miss Martha Jones, eldest daughter of late Col. Fanning Jones. (National Banner and Nashville Daily Advertiser, 18 Oct. 1832) Levi Kimbro married Miss Margaret Anthony in Bedford County. Nashville Advertiser, 9 March 1832) James G. Shaw married in Bedford to Miss Sarah Koonce. Nashville Advertiser, 27 Jan. 1832) (National Banner and (National Banner and Jacob Anthony married Miss Phoebe Landers in Bedford County. and States Gazette, l~ Dec. 1832) (National Register Williams Hoover married Sarah Ann L. Lingo in Bedford County. and Nashville Daily Advertiser, 6 Sept. 1832) (National Banner Dr. Thomas Lipscomb married by George Newton to Miss Rebecca Stevenson in Bedford County. (National Banner and Nashville Daily Advertiser, 31 May 1832) James Lively of Maury County married in Bedford County to Miss Martha Claxton. (National Banner and Nashville Daily Advertiser, 13 Nov. 1832) Samuel H. London married on the 1st by the Rev. Gallaway to Miss Ann C. Esselman in Bedford County. (National Banner and Nashville Daily Advertiser, 23 May 1832) (To be continued) -160BIBLE RECORD OF WILLIAM PRICE THOMAS OF SUMNER CO., TENN. Contributed by Virginia C. Murphy, Mesa, Arizona Copy of the record was made originally by Christopher Columbus Thomas (d. Shelby Co., Tenn., 1912). He wrote, "Copied from my mother's bible now in the hands of W. P. Thomas son of John Thomas. They live in Robertson Co., Tenn. near Springfield." My mother and father brothers and sisters. William Price Thomas! and Elizabeth D. corney2 were married ApI 28th 1814 William Thomas 3 was born July 4, 1815 George M. Thomaz was born June 22, 1817 Benjamin Thomas was born Jan. 18, 1820 John Thomas 5 was born Dec. 31, 1822 James Thomas was born July 26, 1825 Catherine Th~s was born ApI 16, 1827 C. C. Thomas was born Oct. 9, 1829 R. A. Rhomas 7 was born Oct. 9, 1829 Mary A. Thomas 8 was born Jan. 10, 1836 Elizabeth P. Thomas was born Aug. 9, 1840 My mother and father died: Wm. Price Thomas died Feb. 6, 1844 Elizabeth D. Thomas died July 11, 1855 My brothers and sisters died: James Thomas died ApI 14, 1826 catherine Thomas died Oct. 13, 1828 George M. Thomas died June 14, 1873 Mary A. Bowers died Dec. 12, 1892 Elizabeth P. Thomas died Sept. 27, 1849 IB. Sept. 2, 1792, Westmoreland Co., Va., son of Price Thomas & Mary Monroe; came to Sumner Co., 1818; had a school near Douglass Chapel; buried in Grim Graveyard. 2B• 1794 in England; came to this country as orphaned milliner's apprentice. 3M• July 16, 1849, Shelby Co., Tenn., to Virginia, dau. of Anderson B. Carr. ~.• Sumner Co., Sept. 9,1841 to Sarah C. Gambling. SM. Matilda Walton; lived in Robertson Co., Tenn. ~. May 12, 1857, Shelby Co., to Margaret Bateman. 7Ro bert Alexander Thomas ~arried E. Foster Bowers; lived in Nashville, Tenn. Loose paper found in wallet belonging to Columbus Thomas: John CattanI borned February 14 1779 Jennett Cotton horned May the 12th 1784 Jesse Gambling borned December 26th, 1796 Mary Cotton borned December 20, 1800 Jesse Cotton and Mary Gambling married J~ne 3, 1819 John w. Gamb1ing 2 borned May 24, 1821 Sally C. Gamb1ing 2 borned March 20, 1824 tB. in N.C., probably in Bertie Co., son of Capt. Thomas Cotton & Pricilla Knight; he died Sumner Co., 1851. 2Children of Jesse Gambling and Mary Cotton Note: See page 154, Thomas Family Cemetery. -161ABSTRACTS OF WILLS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS SHOWING FAMILY CONNECTIONS, WILL BOOK 1812-1814, SMITH COUNTY, TENN. Abstracted by Betsy West (Mrs. D. E.) (Note: An abstract of the first book, 1805-1807, from Microfilm Roll 104, entitled, SMITH CO. WILL BOOKS, 1805-1833, was published in Vol. 20, No.3 of "ANSEARCHIN'" The second book recorded on the film is for the years 1812-1814. There is apparently a five-year gap of missing records. BW) Pg. 53. JOSEPH W. ALLEN, dec'd. Inventory of property taken by Robert Allen, Adm. "from 6 Dec. 1821 to 16 March 1813 as came to his knowledge." Rec. March, 1813. (See also pg. 68.) Pg. 120. RICHARD BANKS of Wake Co., N.C. Will. s/3 May 1796. Pl". Aug., 1814 by oath of William White, one of the witnesses, who also made oath that Geo. Brasfield was not within the limits of this state. Wife Karenhappuch Banks. "My two children Thomas & Ruth." Son Thos. Banks; dau. Ruth Jones; grandson Garland McAlaster; land "I purchased of Nathl. Jones White plains;" "land I deeded to Willis Jones." Granddaughter Polly Jones. "A debt I am due to Ralph Banks of Georgia." Money at interest for "daughter Sally Burford," executors are not to pay Daniel Burford "except for the said Sally's use." After her death interest to be "divided amongst all her chn. except Garland McAlaster." Execrs.: Samuel Parker, George Brasfield, Willis Jones. Wit.: Geo. Brasfield, W. White, William Carpinter. ( Pg. 75. MATTHIAS BATES, decIde Will. s/ 4 Jan. 1813. Pl". 27 Sept. 1813. Wife Jane Bates; son Benjamin Bates; daus. Nancy Bates, Hannah Bates, Rachel Bates, son Joel Bates. Exrs. wife Jane Bates and "friend" John Hallum. Wits. John W. Mann, Banjamin Andrews, John Bates. Pg. 25. WALTER BELLACK, decld. Inv. & Sale. Samuel Bellack. Rec. Dec., 1812. Dec. 8, 1812. Purchasers include Pg. 88. JAMES BRADFORD, dec 'd. Inv. Administratrix (not named) returned inventory to court Dec., 1813. (Pg. 98. Purchasers include Elizabeth Bradford and Davis Bradford. Rec. Feb., 1814.) Pg. 63. JAMES BRADLEY, decIde Inv. Isaac Bradley, Admr. Rec. March, 1813. Pg. 33. JAMES BREES, decIde Sale of estate, 22 Sept. 1812. Rec. Dec., 1812. Admrs. Rhodes Weeks & Penelope Brees. Purchasers at sale include Penelope Brees, Henry Brees, Polly Brees, and Lavina Brees (Breese). Pg. 96. ABRAM BRITTON, dec'd. Sales on Oct. 29, 1813 and Feb. 5, 1814. Purchasers include Polly Britton, Peggy Britton, Harvey Britton. Admr. Polly Britton. Feb.,1814. Pg. 30. RICHARD BRITTON, decIde Sale, 18 Nov. 1812. Rec. Dec., 1812. Purchasers include Abram Britton, Susanna Britton, Betsey Britt!n, Polly Britt~. (Pg. 140. James Hibetts & Brice Martin ordered by Court /May term, 1814/ to settle with Samuel Anthony,admr. of estate of RICHARD BRITTON. Saml. Britton, John Britton mentioned. Rec. Aug., 1814) Pg. 44. JAMES BROWN, dec' d. Will. s/22 Dec., 1812. Pl". March, 1813. "Two sons Joshua and William Brown;" "the child my wife is now going with;" "my daughters;" wife Sally. Execrs. Nathaniel Farrier and John Allen. Wits. Levi Garrison, James Parker, John Wood. Pg. 104. SARAH CARUTHERS, widow of SAMUEL CARUTHERS. Dower; one year's allowance set up. 9 May 1814. (Pg. 109. SAMUEL CARUTHERS' estate sale; purchasers include -162widow and David L. Caruthers.) Pg. 161. RANDOLPH CASEY, decIde Will. s/8 Aug., 1814. Pro Nov., 1814. Sons, Levi, Isaac,Abraham, Samuel, Randolph, Hiram, Zadockj dau. Rebecca; wife Charity. Exrs. sons Abram P. Casey and Saml. Casey. Wits. Henry McWhorter & Gincy McWhorter. Pg. 58. JOHN CHAPPELL, decIde Division of Estate. Rec. March, 1813. A deed of gift made by the decIde on 20 March 1801 in Halifax Co., Va. Heirs: "Mrs. Ann Chappell is entitled to a third;" 11 legatees: Dukee Chappell, Rachel Walle, Jaurdan Compton, John Chappell, William McCarley, James Brown, Nancy Chappell, Samuel Chappell, Prudence Chappell, Robert Chappell, William Chappell. (Pg. 115. Settlement of estate. John Chappell, admr. and a legatee.) Pg. 77. FRANCIS CHILDS, decIde Division of estate. 28 Sep't. 1812. 1813. To Lamuel Childs, Wilson Childs, & Francis Childs'. Rec. Sept., Pg. 11. LEWIS COBB, dec' d. Settlement with ''William Administrator ()f Lewis Cobb dec'd," July 18, 1812. Settlements made June, 1810, and Dec., 1811. Six legatees. "William Chamberlain, one of legatees; "William Kerby, Administrator of William Cobb." Rec. Sept., 1812. Pg. 129. GEORGE COX, decIde Will. s/23 Aug., 1812.pr. Aug.', 1814. Son Drury Cox, son James Cox, son Absolem Cox, dau. Mary Johnston, dau. Patsy Dameron, dau. Elizabeth Moss, her four chn., to wit. John, Patsy, Rebecka, & Hugh. "Chn. of son John Cox by his wife Polly Cox, who was Polly Murry." Samuel Allen to act as guardililn to said Chn. of son John. Exrs. Mathew nuke & John Harvy. Wit. William Gowen, John Trousdale, George Rison. (Pg. 157. Inv. 25 May 1814.) Pg. 74. JOHN DAVIS, decIde Sale of estate. and Benjamin Davis. Rec. June, 1813. Purchasers include Arthur N. Davis Pg. 107. THOS. DALE JR., dec'd. Division of est., 6 May 1814. Equal parts to heirs: "the house & lot in Liberty where ThomasW. Duncan now lives" to Thomas W. Duncan; land to Thomas M. S. Dale and to WilliamJ. Dale, both sons of Thos. Dale Junr. Pg. 46. MARY DUPEY, dec'd. Inv. of property devised to Lewis Ford's children. Signed by Milton Ford, guardian for Lewis Ford's children. Rec. March, 1813. Pg. 24. AMOS ELLISON, decIde Pg. 135. DAVIS FOSTER, dec'd. Admr. Nancy Foster, widow. Inv. returned by Sar~h Inv. 15 May 1814. Ellison. Dec., 1812. Rec. Aug., 1814. Wm. Foster, Pg. 128. ROBERT FURLONG, decIde Will. s/3 July 1814. Pro Aug., 1814. Bros. & sisters: Hubbard Furlong, John Furlong, James Furlong, Samuel Furlong, Meredith Furlong, Hudson Furlong, Anky(?) Wheeler, & heirs of my sister Elizabeth Emmerson, to wit Any Emmerson, Henry Emmerson, Eliza Emmerson, Mahala Emmerson, & Jesse Emmerson. Brothers Martin Furlong & Samuel Furlong Exrs. Wit. John McGee & Thos. Douglass. Pg. 132. GEORGE GIVANS. dec'd. Inv. of estate as sold by 6 Aug. 1814. Rec. Aug., 1814 term of court. wm. Givans, admr. Pg. 6. WILLIAM GOODALL, decld. Sale. Rec. Sept., 1812. Purchasers include John Goodall and Z. G. Goodall. (Pg. 81. Division of estate, 22 Sept., 1812. Plat shOWing land given to: John Goodall, William, Elizabeth, Nelley, Isaac, Zachray, Lucy, widow's dower. Rec. Sept., 1813, term of court.) Pg.154. JOHN HAYS, dec'd. Will. s/22 Sept. 1814. Rec. Nov., 1814. John Hays & wife Mary have plantation; "it shall remain hers and at her disposal as it was when I Horne, son of danel, married her." Sons Charles and John Hays. Daus. Margaret Davis, Hannah Jenny Shaw, Nancy Hays. Money to Moses Fountain Garrisi.on, to Samuel Hays, Charles. Wit. Daniel Burford & Lewis Allen. Exrs. John Horne and "Doctor if he will accept-" Pg. 124. JAMES HODGES. Will. s/4 Oct. 1813. Pro Aug., 1814. Dau. Sarry Hale; "her husband Hale;" dau. Mary Stricklin; son David Hodges; son Richard Hodges; grandson James Hodges, son of James Hodges deceased, living in No. Car. "My sons & daughters, namely Lyddy Baswell(?), Willis Hodges, Robert Hodges, Mary Stricklin, Elizabeth Howard, Caty Womack;" "my grandson James Hodges, son of Richard Hodges." Exrs. sons David & Richard Hodges. Wit. Richard Rizen, Arthur S. Hogan. (Pg. 156. Sale of estate includes among purchasers John Hodges.) Pg.127. JOHN HUBBARD. Will. s/22 Jan. 1813. Pro Aug.,1814. "As my children come of age;" wife Sally Hubbard, land "bought of Claibourn Right" where I now live. Exers. wife Sally and three sons, Peter, John & Jacob Hubbard. Wit. Jno. Strother, Claborne Wright. (Pg. 158. Inv. includes land in Georgia.) Pg. 93. WILLIAM·· JANES (JONES?), dec' d. Janes. Rec. Dec., 1813, term of court. ( Sale. Purchasers include Polly Janes, John Pg. 48. BENJAMIN JOHNS. Marriage contract, 2 Jan. 1806. Rec. March, 1813. "I have made proposals of marriage to Sally Gayle ••• I believe •• the estate she now possesses ••• shou1d belong to the children of her former husband •••• Josiah Gayle, namely, James, Josiah, and John Gayle, Elizabeth Satley (1), Mary Thomas, and Robert Gayle." Wit. Wilson YandelL Pg.47. JAMES JOHNSON, guardian to Jessee Douglass. Rec. Ma.rch, 1813 • Pg. 134. CHARLES JONES, dec'd. Inv. Rec. Aug., 1814. for Fany Jones, widow of Charles Jones.) Settlement, 23 March 1813. (Pg. 142. Year's allowance Pg. 69. JOHN LANCASTER, dec'd. Sale, 1 June 1813. Rec. June, 1813. Purchasers include William A. Lancaster, William Lancaster, Robert Lancaster, Thomas A. Lancaster, Richard Lancaster, John Lancaster, James Lancaster, Robert A. Lancaster, Mary Ann Lancaster. Robert A. Lawrence, admr. Pg. 87. CHARLES LAWRENCE, dec'd. Will. s/22 July 1813. Rec. Dec., 1813. Wife Charity Lawrence. "Schooling of my chn •••• until they all come of age." Moses Allen & John Phillips, Admrs. Wits. William Dale, Sampson Bethel, Sampson Allen. (Pg. 100. Sale. Purchasers include Charley Lawrence. Rec. Feb., 1814.) Pg. 49. EFFY McDANIEL, dec 'd. Division of estate, 8 Dec. 1812. Rec. March, 1813. Division among Duncan Johnson, "oldest of the heirs"; Alexander Johnson, Daniel Johnson, "next oldest'" Daniel McMillan; John McDaniel. "The testatrix" mentioned. Pg. 70. ANGUS McDUGALD, dec'd. Inv. taken 25 June 1813 by Neal Smith. Rec. June, 1813. (Pg. 91. Sale. Purchasers include: Flory McDugald, Charles McDugald, Archigald McDuga1d, Nancy McDugald, Caty McDugald. Rec. Dec., 1813.) (Pg. 143. Allowance for Floura McDugald, widow of Angus, 8 Aug. 1814.) Pg. 136. CHARLES F. MABEAS, dec'd. Division of est., 25 July 1814. Rec. Aug.,1814. Heirs: Sarah, William, Daniel, Do1sy Mabeas. Wm. McKenny & Jas. Denton, Commissioners. Pg. 61. HENRY ,MOORES , dec'd. Rec. March, 1813. Inv. of property. Isaac Moores, W. H. Moores, Admrs. -164Pg. 133. NIMROD MORRIS, decld. Sale, 4 May 1814. Rec. Aug., 1814. include Israel Morris, John Morris; widow Elizabeth Morris, admr. Purchasers Pg. 136. COLLINSON PAYNE, decld. Inv. of sale taken by David Wallis, admr., 11 Sept. 1814. Rec. Aug., 1814. Purchasers include John Payne, Andrew Payne. Pg.147. LEWIS PIPKIN, decld. Will. s/23 June 1814. Rec. Nov., 1814. Wife Clemency. All land to be cultivated and used for family, except that the land which Samuel Taylor, dec'd., last improved is left for use of Samuel's widow, Sally Taylor,& her family. Son Jessee Pipkin, son Lewis, dau.. Charlotte Pipkin. Exrs. Henry Wakefield & Jessee Pipkin. Wit. Henry McWhorter & Jennet McWhorter. Pg. 26. RHODA POWELL, decld~ Inventory returned by James Powell, admr. Dec.,1812. Pg. 20. WILL SAUNDERS, dec'd. Division of. est~te,. 8 Dec., 1812. Rec. Dec., 1812. "Tract of land whereon said Saunders lived being part of his service wright" to RomulusM. Saunders, Franklin Saunders, Jordan Saunders ••• to Lafnyette Saunders ••• to Ethelbert Saunders. Pg. 12. JOHN SMITH, dec'd. Settlement. 28 May 1812. Rec. Sept., 1812. Henry Smith. Receipt from Thomas Madding, "guardian John Smith, Jr." Exr. Pg. 4. DELELA STALLINGS, dec'd. Will. s/"the 30th, 1812." Pro Sept., 1812. Dau.Delila Stallings; son John Stallings. Wits.Esam (Exum?) Whitley, Wm. Pope. Pg. 101. PLEASANT TALBOT, decld. Inv., 11 Feb. 1814. To pay from the United States at $8 per mo. from 1 Apr. 1813 until 11 Oct. 1813. Thos. Talbot, admr. Rec. Feb., 1814. Pg. 27. PETER TURNEY, dec'd. Settlement of estate, Sept. 12, 1812. Rec. Dec., 1812. "Land conveyed by Thomas Taylor to James, Samuel, Hopkins, Elizabeth, Polly, and Charlotte Turney." Pg. 63. EDWARD WILLIAMS, dec'd. Inv. of property. Williams, admrs. Rec. March, 1813. Nancy Williams & James Pg. 1. MORGAN WILLIAMS, decide Will. s/15 June 1812. Pro Sept., 1812. Freed slave, "Old George." Bro. Silas Mercer Williams, sister Elizabeth Williams, John Baker. Exec. John Baker & Silas Mercer Williams. Wits. Basie Shaw & wm. Stewart Pg. 71. JOHN WOODSON, dec'd. Inv. Obadiah Woodson, Admr. Rec. June, 1813. Pg. 162. WH. WOOTEN, decld. Inv. of estate, 7 Oct. 1814, was taken after the marriage of the widow. David Hodges & Wm. Lains, Exrs. Rec. Nov., 1814. PURCHASERS OF ESTATE OF THOMAS GRASTY, RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE Contributed by Mrs. Tom Bigger, Tullahoma, Tenn. Sale of Jan. 6, 1820 recorded in Rutherford County Will Book, Vol. 4; Thomas Hamilton, Administrator. Elisha Palmer/Thomas Palmer/Benjamin Webb/William Agnutt/William H. Smith/John P. Smith/Henry Freeman/George E. Harris/Rowley Morgan/Frederick Barfield Esq./ Samuel Morgan/Gideon Jarrett/William Holt/Benjamin Plausance/David Owen/William Potts/Alexander McLaughlin/Price Devore/William Locke/Lemuel Rp.ad/David P. Nannis/ Alfred Moore/Overton w. Crockett/Edward Fisher/David H. Hughes/James Sowell/Henry D. Thompson/Thomas Sykes/Capt. Alexander McKim/Richard Woodruff/Jonn Reaves/Thomas Hamilton/John Sykes/Mathew Tucker -165MARTIN FLETCHER NORRIS FAMILY BIBLE Contributed by Mrs. S. Nelson Castle, Memphis, Tennessee WHAT THEREFORE GOD HATH JOINED TOGETHER LET NOT MAN PUT ASUNDER THIS IS TO CERTIFY That and M. F. Norris Mattie M. Lipford WERE UNITED BY ME IN HOLY MATRIMONY At the Residence of H. F. Lipford on the 9th day of October In the year of our Lord 1866 in Presence of Witnesses Signed slAG G. Parrott THEREFORE SHALL A MAN LEAVE HIS FATHER AND HIS MOTHER AND SHALL CLEAVE UNTO HIS WIFE AND THEY SHALL BE ONE FLESH. BIRTHS ( M. F. Norris was born A. D. Oct. 1st 1842 Mattie M. Norris was born A. D. Nov. 4th 1844, Henry Felix Norris was born A. n. Sept" 11th 1867 (Note: in Miss.) Wm. Lucius Norris was born A. D. March 7th 1869 (Note: in Miss.) Rhoda Alice Norris was born A. D. May 29th 1871. John Walter Norris was born A. D. Sept. 27th 1873 (Note:Known as Walter John) Fannie Clementine Norris was born A. D. June 6th 1876 Lucy Della Norris Was born A. D. Oct. 14th 1878 Mattie Leona Norris was born A. D. June 27th 1882 Irene Norris was born A. D. Oct. 19th 1884 MARRIAGES M. F. Norris and M. M. Lipford were married A. D. Oct. 9th 1866. Alice Norris andW. S. Bigelow were married A. D. Sept. 2d 1890. H. F. Norris and M. V. Talbot were married'A. D. Sept. 11th 1890 W. L. Norris and Mollie Whitelow were married A. D. Jan. 26th 1893 w. J. Norris and Rilla Smith were married A. D. Dec. 24th 1896. Della Norris & F. M. Guthrie were married Nov. 22nd 1898. Fannie C. Norris & T. G. Scott were married Sept. 25th 1902. Irene Norris & John Jones were Married Oct. 1904. Martha Leona Norris & Jas. H. Lowry were married Nov. 20th 1907(?) \ DEATHS Mr. M. F. Norris 3 o'clock April 15th 1919 Mrs.M. M. Norris May 15th 1926 w. L. Norris Mar. 9th 1950 Mary Virginia Norris May 11-1953 Walter J. Norris Aug. 19, 1955 Notes from the contributor and from Mrs. Dan E. West, descendants of Martin Fletcher Norris: Martin Fletcher Norris was the son of Felix and Sarah (Morgan?) Norris of Laurens County, S. C., and grandson of Thomas Norris, who willed property to his son, Felix, in 1833. Felix moved his family to a farm near Ashland, Miss. (Tippah County, now Benton County) in 1847. Their children were: Margaret Bathsheba, b. 1835, m. Simpson; Thomas H., b. 1836 (said to have been a doctor in Civil War); Lewis M.:-b. 1839, m-l Sarah C. Cox, m-2 Sally Crook; Martin Fletcher, b. 1842, m. Martha Melvina Lipford; John Zara, b. 1841 (1850 census) or 1840 (1860 census); James, b. 1846, m. Ellz. Cox; Wm. B., b. 1852; Lucy Ann, b. 1854. -166Second wife of Felix Norris was Elizabeth Prescott. Their children are: Theodocia, who m. J. M. Dickerson; Louisa, m. Sidney Crawford; Elena, m. Henry Fincher; Sally, m. James Lowrey; Mollie, m. Walter Wooten; Arthur, m. Effie Moran; Franklin, m. Clara Appling; Eddie, m.• Lockie Douglas; Mertha, m. Ed McCall. Mattie or Martha M. Lipford (wife of M. F. Norris) was the daughter of Henry Francis Lipford and Rhoda Casey Lipford. The Lipford family moved from Clarke County, Ga. to Tippah County, Miss. before 1860. The 1860 census lists the family as: Henry F. Lipford, 37, b. Ga., school teacher; Rhoda Lipford, 43, b. S.C.; Frances, 17, b. Ga.; Martha, 15, b. Ga.; Lucy, 13, b. Ga.; Lucius Eugenius, 10, b. Ga.; Clementine, 7, b. Miss.; and Ophelia, 4, b. Miss. The Martin Fletcher Norris, family came to Shelby County (to what is now the Springdale area) shortly before 1869. STONE FAMILY CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENN. Contributed by Helen Bowling McKnight (Mrs. William B.) Huntsville, Alabama Cemetery is located2~ miles north of Rossville, Tenn., on the farm of Mrs. Harvey A. Borum. The old Stone home was located nearby, but burned in 1916. Headstones were copied by Mrs. McKnight and her motheri Mrs. Tandy Walker Bowling (Nellie Stone), of Rossville. Notes in parentheses are bytbe contributor. BORUM (double stone)/ HARVEY A BORUM/Nov. 22, l873/0ct. 15, 1935 SUSIE M. STONE/ His wife/June 25, 1883 (living in Rossville) INFANT DAUGHTER of/H. Ao and So M. BORUM/Nov. 11, 1911 SHELTON (double stone/LANDON GARLAND/Sept. 26, 1887/Mar. 26, 1965 (His widow, Sallie Lee LSton~ Morris Shelton, lives at Rossville.) INFANT SON of/A. S. and So L. MORRIS/Born/June 18, 1909 ROBERT SIDNEY/Son of A. So and S. L. MORRIS/Dec. 12, 1906/Nov. 28, 1908 ALBERT SIDNEY MORRIS/Born/Oct. 1, l875/Died/Sept. 6, 1909 (1st husband of Sallie (First husband of Sallie Stone) ROBERT C. STONE (Masonic emblem)/Feb. 27, l840/Feb. 6, 1914 (ROBERT CLARK STONE) MARY VIRGINIA (called "Jenny")/wife of/R. C. STONE;/Feb. 2, l8SS/0ct. 20, 1922 (She was dau. of Robert James Morris and first wife, Susan L. Osborn. Marriage license for Jenny and R. C. Stone issued Fayette Co. Nov. 24, 1873. Robert Milton Stone, son of Ro C. Stone and Mary Virginia, is Mrs. McKnight's grandfather, and brother of Mrs. H. A. Borum and Mrs. Landon Shelton.) HARRIET MOSELEY MORRIS/wife of Robert James Morris/Born Buckingham Co. Va./ June 8, l849/Died at/Memphis, Tenn./Jan. 28, 1916 (Harriet Moseley, second wife of Robert James Morris, became will while visiting the Stones, and died in hospital in Memphis. Robert James Morris is buried in the Morris Cemetery near Curdsville, Buckingham Co., Va.) · -167BOWLING CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENN. Contributed by Mrs. William B. McKnight, Huntsville, Alabama Inscriptions were copied by Mrs. McKnight and her mother, Mrs. Nellie S. Bowhng, Rossville, Tenn. Cemetery is southeast of Rossville, on the farm of Mrs. Henry Bowling Turner of Memphis. Helen (pronounced He'len) BOWling's maiden name was Joyner. She and Tandy W. Bowling were married 10 Jan. 1872, Marshall County, Miss. Tandy W. BOWling Born March 21, 1843 Died April 4, 1895 Helen McGhee Bowling Born Jan. 6, 1844 Died Sept. 9, 1912 BOWLING CEMETERY, MARSHALL CO., MISS. -FAYETTE CO., TENN. Contributed by Mrs. William B. McKnight, Huntsville, Alabama Cemetery is just on the The BOWling contributor located southeast of Rossville and northwest of Mt. Pleasant, Miss., Tenn.-Miss. line. George W. Bowling is Mrs. McKnight's great-grandfather. homeplace is now owned by W. J. Frazier of Rossville. Notes by the are in parentheses. G. W. BOWLING/Born March 21, l8l8/Died Jan. 28, 1888 (Masonic emblem) (Large vault) MRS. ELIZABETH C. BOWLING/Daughter of George and Rebecca \>l'al ton/Born August 29, l8l9/Died/Nov. 3, 1856/Aged 37 years/3 months and 5 days (First wife of George W. Bowling; married 25 Oct. 1837, Lawrence Co., Ala.) ( FELICIA O./wife of G. W. BOWLING/Born Feb. 18, l823/Died Nov. 3, 1869 (Second wife. I understand she was the widow Key whose maiden name was Bowers. Married in Marshall Co., Miss., 2 Feb. 1857; 3 daughters.) LAURA/wife of G. W. BOWLING/Born/Aug. 10, l839/Died/J~n. 7, 1880 (Third wife, nee Brooks; married Marshall Co., Miss., 4 June 1871. son, whose descendants live in Memphis.) They had one GEORGE W./Son of G. W. and E. C. BOWLING/born Nov. 16, l852/Died Nov. 23, 1853/ Aged 1 year and 7 days (Broken stone. Apparently child of G. W. & Laura M. BOWLING) Born July 3, 1874/ Died March 7, 1878 (Large vault) ELIZABETH REBECCA/Daughter of G. W. and E. C. BOWLING/Wife of J. T. JOYNER/Born Nov. 23~ 1844/Died April 21, 1875 (Sister of Tandy Bowling; husband was brother of Helen McGhee Joyner Bowling.) (Small vault) LENA REBECCA/Daughter of J. T. and E. R. Joyner/Born Aug. 29, 1874/ Died Aug. 23, 1875 CARRIE C./Wife of F. F. BOYD/Born May 12, l863/Died June 19, 1895 (Daughter of George W. Bowling) OBITUARIES FROM THE NASHVILLE REPUBLICAN BANNER Nashville, Tennessee Contributed by Jill K. Garrett Thompson, W. died in Jefferson County last Saturday, age 110.(23 Nov. 1870) Elliott, George, 74, died near Gallatin; War of 1812 soldier in Capt. John Wallace's Company from Sumner County. (25 March 1871) Cheatham, John A., died in Robertson County on the 11th Inst., age 81. (29 May 1870) -168RALEIGH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SESSION MINUTES -- 1846-1859 Raleigh, Shelby County, Tennessee Contributed by Jean Alexander West (Mrs. Charles A.) (Continued from last Quarter) FolLowing many blank pages in the book, the following was found on the last pages in the Session Minute book: RECEivED DISMISSED Mrs. Dorcas Kerr Miss Mary Ann Carlyle Mrs. Sarah Alexander Trans. to B.C. Mrs. Margaret Alexander Trans. Mrs. Margaret R. Mcknight Dec. 10-19-1852 Mrs. Susannah Henry Miss Almira Henry Mls s Susannah Henry Dis. 2-1-1849 Dead March/55 Miss Mary Henry Mrs. Rachel Shelby Mrs. Margaret Alexander 2 Dis. Aug. 10 Mrs. Sarah J. Shelby2 Trans. to B.C. dead Mrs. Jeny M. Allin2 Mrs. Sarah H. Vaugham Dis. Miss Susannah C. Shelby Miss Mary J. Shelby Mrs. Mary Rudisill ~. 2-1-1849 dead 1-15-1855 Miss Roena (Rowena) B. Crawford Dis. 8-10-1850 ~. 3-20-1850 Miss Margaret Pharr Transferred Sispended Miss Mary R. H. Thomas Miss Margaret Kerr Des. 4-10-(51) Mrs. Cysane C. Allen Des. 3-20/54 Mrs. Dorcas Alexander Dis. Mrs. Jane Alexander Dis. Miss Umeline Mcknight 3 Mrs. Mary E. Alexander W. D. Fly Dis. 6-13-1848 Trans. to B.C. R. N. Allen di~/to Germantown ChI Mrs. Jenny McBride Dis. to 2nd ChI Mfs. Mrs. Sarah M. Thomas Mrs. J. Walsh Mrs. Sarah S. Fly Dis. Dis. Miss V. C. Walsh Miss Mary Mahan Dis. Mrs. A.• F. Shelby Mrs. Caroline Blair Mrs. M. Allen Mrs. Margaret Rudisill Dis. Dis. 6-27-1852 Mrs. E. Anderson Mrs. Susan C. King Mrs. E. King Mrs. Mary J. Parks Mrs. F. Messick James R. McCall Dis. 8-14-1859 Dis. Mrs. N. C. Parks Robert Wallace Dis. Mrs. E. M. Walker Dis. Hennitta V. Wallace Dis. Mrs. M. Parks George W. Roberts Dis. Mrs. N. A. Pharr l Margaret Allen Miss J. A. Anderson Zarskozelo (Zarskojelo, Trans. to B. S. ChI Mrs. C. Plummer Zarskoyolo?), Messick Mrs. Stalira (Stalird?) David C. Wallace Dis. 2nd ChI Mfs •.. Parks Dis. INancy Agness written in pencil beside name. 2"Sisters" written in pencil beside these names. 3"Mother of Moses B. A1exander"written in pencil beside this name. RECEIVED B. Walsh ) J. M. Shelby )Elders T. Anderson) N. W. Copeland) S. M. Allen (deacon) J. R. King T. J. Messick J. C. Rudisill(deacon) W. F. Walsh R. N. Parks D. H. Walker, Deacon E. Thomas M. R. Plummer W. A. Kerr M. A. B. Kerr J. H. Kerr N. F. Plummer W. A. Shelby M. B. Alexander C. F. Shelby N. L. Black J. Al exander R. Alexander E. Pharr A. Allen T. McKnight DISMISSED Dis. to join 2nd ChI Memphis Died 1-23-1852 Dis. 9-25-1846 -169- ( RECEIVED John J. Long Samuel Kenley Darson(?) W. Alexander Margaret Ma(Mc?)Bride Mr. S. Mathews Mrs. Margaret Miller Allen W. Davis Mrs. Minty Davis Mrs. Sarah Scott Miss Susan Hartman Miss Catharine Parks Miss Mary Parks Miss Almira Alexander Miss Sarah Parks Miss Susan King Miss Amanda King Miss Jane Pharr Miss Uegene Walker Miss Elizabeth Messick Miss Mitilda Messick Miss Emeline Parks Miss Mary M. Shelby Mrs. Mary Hawkins Miss Elizabeth Mcroul Miss Mitilda Meroul Cyras A. Parks Henry Scott Henry F. Alin Wm. Rieves William Walker Emanual R. Shelby John Parks James B. Coleman Alexander C. Walker John M. Walker Susan R. Mcknight David Mcknight DISMISSED Dis. Oct. 1848 Dis. Dis. Dis. dead Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis.) Dis.)Feb.20,l850 Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. Dis. to Calif. dead Deceased Oct.2,l852 dead Wm. S. Wills Susan A. Wills Jas.(Jos.?) P. Mians Mrs. M. Mians DISMISSED RECEIVED Diseaseded Thomas Mians Mrs. Mary Mians Mrs. Martha Mcnight Mrs. Jenet McKnight Ruling Elder James P. Mians Mrs. Mians Thomas Mians Dis. Mrs. Mary Mians Miss Elizebeth Warren Miss Suffia Parks Dis. Mrs. Sallie G. Rogers Mrs. A. W. Rogers Dis. John ~aldren Robert Sample Mrs. H. Sample James Sample Mrs. E. A. Henderson Mi~s R. T. Henderson Miss Susan Henderson Miss Elizie Mians Miss HaE.!.et Mians Miss Marthy T. Scott Miss Sarah A. Scott Miss Margret E. Alexander Miss Sarah Gray Miss Caroline Walker George W. Baim (Baine) Samuel B. Alin Adair Muray William Muray Marcus St.!!art Dis. Robert Alin George Alin Alexander C. Walker Dis. Mrs. Coleman Miss E. Gray Miss T. Stewart Charles H. Wills Robert W. Wills Julious Wills Francis Wills MARRIAGES Nathan F. Plummer - Eliza D. Stockingor (Stockinger) Mr. Harris - Mary Carlyle Joseph McCaul - Almira Henry George Willis - Malissa Parks Nov. 5th (No date (No date Dec. 23, 1846 given) given) 1847 BAPTISMS from June 3041' 1846 PARENTS B. Y. S. E. J. James Walsh (T.?) J. & F. Messick M. & M. Allen & S. N. Thomas C. & M. Rudisill & CHILDREN Mary Eveline Lucy Tale (Tate?) Joanna Barker Robert Jetton Jonas Clark (1846) -170- PARENTS J. M. & A. F. Shelby C. F. & S. Shelby M. K. & C. Plummer S. M. & M. Allen D. H. & E. Walker N. L. & S. Black J. & J. Alexander R. & H. V. Wallace H.(?) & M. Rudisill W. D. & S. S. Fly T. E. R. B. A. CHILDREN Nerissa Newbury Richard Covington Wyatt Eliza Unicy Robert Alexander Rowena Cecill1a William Leonidas Emily Cornelia Albert Spender & (not named) John Clark John Dickson James Haney 1847 Mary Gift Helena Arana(?) Jane Sarah Rebecka Tennessee Hugh Robertson Martiat Blan /48 J. & F. Messick & S. N. Thomas N. & M. Parks & J. Walsh & S.(?) Allen Adults fro~ Sep. 16 - 1849 James B. Coleman John Parks Elebeth Mcraw Mi tilda Mcraul John Waldren - Oct. 19th 1852 Oct. 9/53 George W. Baim (Baine) Marcus Stauart Miss Betty Aluss(Alsup?) Aug. IS/57 Miss Bettie Word Miss M. Wills Sep. 20/58 BAPTISMS from March 1858 (Children) (Parents) William Franklin S. M. & M. Alin Columbus Newbury J. & M. Alexander Daniel Gray J. M. & A. F. Shelby Leroy & Ugene W. 1.(1) & J.(1) S. Wills John Bolling J. M. & A. F. Shelby Mary K. J.(1) & S. A. Wills Thomas - Julia J. W. & M. Alexander Betty Mr s. J. Dunwoody David Carranes Mr. R. Kello (Kelly?) Parks J. & S. Coleman Willy Rudisill ) Children of Faney Rudisill ) Mr.-Mag.(?) Rudisill Zenas Rudisill ) William Rawlings Mrs. M. Wills Julian George Apr. 21st 1851 May 2, 1852 April 10th 1853 Aug. 15th/56 Aug. 15th 1857 Sep. 20/58 ***** NOTES FROM THE CONTRIBUTOR: Many of the members of the Raleigh Presbyterian Church were transferred from the Rocky River Presbyterian Church, near Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina. ~ Presbyterian Congregation ~ Rocky River by Thomas Hugh Spencer, Jr. (1954) contains names of ancestors of many Raleigh families. The Reverend Spencer was once in charge of the Presbyterian Historical Foundation, Montreat, N. C. EVAN SHELBY (son of Moses Shelby Sr.) married Susannah Polk Alexander. Issue (per papers of late Cass K. Shelby): Sarah (m. John Alexander 8/15/1798); Isabelle (m. Stephen Alexander); Susanna (m. Daniel Alexander); Dorcas (m. William A. Kerr 2/9/1807); Mary (m. William Taylor Alexander, May, 1812); all marri~d in Mecklenburg, ); Thomas; John Milton (mo Amanda F. Rudisill, County, N.C.; William (m. Rachel 4/1/1833, Shelby County, Tenn.) According to rejected pension papers of Evan Shelby -171- filed by heirs, Evan died in 1827; Sussanna died in 1837. Issue of JOHN M. SHELBY: Emmanuel Rolzy (1835-1864); Mary Melissa (1836-1923), Theophilus (d. 7/3/1839); James Monroe (b. 1840); Margaret Amanda (b. 1844); Nerrissa Newberry (b. 1847); Daniel Gray (b. 1850); John Boling (b. ca 1851); Charles b. 1854). We A. KERR m. Dorcas Shelby. Children (listed in will 12/17/1857, Shelby County): Mary C. Rudisill; Harvey; Milton; Margaret Ware; granddaughter Joanna Kerr; grandsons Rufus Rudisill, William Rudisill; disinherited "unfortunate child" Moses H. Kerr unless he changes his ways. SAMUEL McMURRAY ALLEN (son of Robert Allen and Jane Morrow McMurray) m-l Sarah Caroline Pharr, 11/13/1804, Cabarrus County, N.C. Issue: Henry F., Margaret Jane, and Mary Matilda. M-2 in N.C. Margaret Camilla Duckworth, daughter of his aunt, Eleanor Allen (Mrs. George) Duckworth. Issue: Samuel Bracken, William Franklin, Robert Alexander, Eleanora, George Lawrence, Joannah Barker, Emma Atkinson. . . ~ WILLIAM A. SHELBY (be 1794, N.C.) m. Rachel • His brother, J. M. Shelby, is named executor in his will. Proven children: Mary I. (Shelby)McFarland, Thomas C. Shelby, Sussannah C. Shelby. Believed tb be his children: Vyrus F. Shelby (m. Sarah I. Allen 12/25/1838, Shelby County) and ~ancy Shelby (m. William M. Wilson) • ( M. B. ALEXANDER m. Margaret Allen (sister of Samuel McMurray Allen) 10/25/1837, Shelby County, Tennessee. A Mrs. Sarah Alexander lived in his household in 1850 census, who may be his mother, and who also may be the Sarah Shelby who married John Alexander in North Carolina. Children ,of M. B. and Margaret Allen Alexander, per Bible of Thomas Alburtus Alexander, my grandfather: Robert Allen, John Wilson, Emanda Narcissa, Harriet Anna, James Shelby, Thomas Alburtus, and Edward Green Alexander. N. A. PHARR is Nancy Allen Pharr, widow of Robert Pharr, buried in Raleigh Cemetery. She was sister of Samuel M. Allen; Alexander Allen is believed to be another brother. Alexander Allen was county trustee 4/4/1848. The RUDISILL family is included in Our Kin by Hoffman. The Raleigh Rudisills were the children of Jonas Rudisill (who~father was Jonas Rudisill of Pennsylvania) and Sussanna (Clark) Rudisill of Mecklenburg County, N. c. NEWTON W. COPELAND married Isabella C. Kerr, daughter of Rev. H. M. Kerr, in Fayette County, Tennessee. The Raleigh church is believed to have existed as early as 1833, but proof of its existence in 1841 in shown in Shelby County Court Records on microfilm reel 15. On Feb. 26, 1841, B. H. Hawkins, S. M. Allen, J. C. Rudisill, Elias Pharr, all trustees of the Presbyterian Church of the Old School at Raleigh, applied to pur ch~se ! ~..!l~;~~ Ra1~~8!l~(.)!~ us ~cQy.the..~Church•...Ihi s . . R~titi.Qn.J~.a.s. i.i1ftd..Ap...r.:lL.8.-,.~ __... ~. .. ·1841~~ .. ~. CORRECTION and ADDITIONAL INFO~~TION: In the list of ministers in the footnote on page 110 (July-September, 1973, issue, Vol. 20, No.3), the name of the Rev. J. (T.?) WINFREY should be REV. J. (Jesse) WIMPY. Mrs. M. J. Staudt, 4514 Billy Maher Road, Memphis, Tennessee, sends the correction along with the follOWing obituaries of two of his children. WIMPY - On the fifth of March, of dysentery, at Pittsburg, Camp County, Texas, Dr. J. H. Wimpy. -172- Dr. Wimpy was the son of Rev. Jesse Wimpy, who for several years was the faithful and laborious minister of the Presbyterian Church in Raleigh, Tenn. He received his liter~ry training at Marysville, Tenn., and was graduated in Medicine at the Medical College of Louisviole, Ky •••••••• praeticed his profeSSion for a time, in the country, but finally removed to Texas ••••••••He was a young man of fine promise ••••••J.N.S. Mrs. Mary E. Cook, daughter of Rev. Jesse Wimpy, of the Presbyterian Church, was born June 15, 1836, and died of pneumonia near Marion, Ark., jan. 28, 1880 •••••••• joined the Second Presbyterian Church of Memphis, Tenn. In 1874 she moved her membership to Raleigh, Tenn. She was the oldest of a large family ••••• She married in her thirty-second year, and leaves two sons •••••J. P. Walker./St. Louis Presbyterian~please copy. REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION OF WILLIAM HARGIS I Contributed by Louis Johnson Jr., Cookeville, Tenn. Applied from White County, Tennessee, April 10, 1833 Pensioner is now aged 72, born July 16, 1760 in Fairfax County, Va. He removed to Caswell County, N. C. with his father; lived there about 20 years. He moved to Rutherford County, N.C., then to Knox County, Tenno, then to White County, Tenn., where he has lived 22 years. He has lost his commission papers, signed by Gov. Caswell, but submitted discharge papers received at end of second tour of duty (dated 9th June 1780, signed by Gen. John Butler) and at end of fourth tour (dated 19th Novo 178l,signed by Ephraim Washington, Brigade ~jor by order of Gen. Butler). Volunteered in Caswell Co. under Capt. William White, First Regiment of N. C., Maj. George Moore and Col. James Sanders, serving 5 months to April 10, 1779; served 3 months undar Capt. Adam Sanders to June 9, 1780; served 3 months in 1781 under Capt. Shadrick Hargis, his eldest brother~ volunteered again, served under Capt. Moore, discharged Nov. 19, 1781, and returned to his father's in Caswell County. He gives as character references his neighbors: James T. Holman, Esqr., Samuel Johnson, Lewis Duting, Esqr., James Hudgens, Lewis Bohannon. . REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION OF WIDOW OF WILLIAM HARGISI Contributed by Louis Johnson Jr., Cookeville, Tenn. Applied from White County, Tenn., April 11, 1838. Elizabeth Hargis, aged 72, is resident of White County, widow of Revolutionary War private, who had been placed on pension roll for West Tenn."at the Agency at Nashville." She married William Hargis Sept. 1.2, 1782. He died March 11, 1836. WILL OF WILLIAM HARGIS Contributed by Louis Johnson Jr., Cookeville, Tenn. The will was found by Mary F. Mitchell (Mrs. B. K.) in a loose folder containing the May 2, 1836, Minute Book for White County, Tennessee, in the basement of the Courthouse at Sparta. 'From the Minute Book: Will was produced, May 2, 1836, in Court and proven by Samuel Johnson and ordered recorded; also a codicil was proven and ordered recorded. The codicil was not found by Mrs. Mitchell. The will is possibly handwritten by William Hargis. IAbstracted by editor. -173- ( In the name of God amen, this the seventh day of August and in the year of our Lord one thousand Eigh teen hundred and thirty five. I William Hargis of the County of White and State of Tennessee calling to mind the mortality of my body and that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and publish this my last will and Testament in the manner and form following to write Princibly and first of all I recommend my precious soule and immortal soule unto the home that gave it of aimity God and my body~be buried in a decent Christian burial and as to such worldy estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this world after my just debts are paid and funeral expenses are paid, I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following: 1. Item first first of all I do will and be queath unto ;my beloved wife Elizabeth Hargis all my land and household furniture and one cow and calf and my h6gs during her natural life and as to the Estate comming from James Jay her father', North Carolina, Person County. 2. Item and the land where on she ~ lives and willed to her during her natural life I do will and bequeath unto Washington G. Hargis at his mothe~ death and sd Hargis to have the use of sd farm from this day forward till her death by his keeping her a decent support during her life. Abraham Hargis, James J. Hargis, Solomon C. Hargis, William A. Hargis, WashingtonG. Hargis, Susana Suttle, Jane Hutson, Sary More, Elizabeth Johnson, Polly Johnson. 3. Item I will and bequeath unto Elizabeth Hargis my Wife two hundred dollars out of her fathe~ Estate and the Reft of the Estate comming from her father to be equally divided &monst the above named he,irs. and I do appoint Soloman Hargis my Executor to collect the Estate Comming from James Jay, deceased,North Ca~olina, Person County, the father of Elizabeth Hargis my wife and the afore sd Solomon Hargis to collect and pay over as the law directs to the above named heirs and said Soloman to have fifty dollars extra of his expencis for his services in attending to the buysness. Confirming this to be my last will and testament and publish this to be my last will and testament and in witness where unto i have here unto set my hand and seal in the presence of test Samuel Johnson/Ephraim Sparks s/William Hargis (seal) PETITION OF HEIRS OF SAMUEL JOHNSON, DECID.I Filed in Circuit Court of Putnam County, Tenn. Contributed by Louis Johnson Jr., Cookeville, Tenn. Richard Johnson, Washington G. Hargis, Margaret Hargis, Polly Michel, Joseph Johnson, Samuel Johnson, John Bradly, Nancy Bradly, William C. Johnson, John Johnson, Thomas B. Johnson, Henry Johnson, Albert V. Horn, Jane Horn Heirs at law of Samuel Johnson Deed. Petition to sell land and slaves filed Nov. 15, 1843. Petitioners state that Samuel Johnson died intestate in County of Putnam; John Johnson and John Bradly are the administrators; that land and negroes cannot be divided without being sold and dividing proceeds of sale; the widow, Winie Johnson, has taken a portion of the land for her dower in the same. Court ordered the administrators be appointed special commissions to sell land and negroes and ordered them to advertise"said sale at the White Plains at Sparta Tennessee and at least five other public places in the County of Putnam and Whi~e" etc. Note from contributor: At the time of the petition, the first 3 petitioners were living in Ripley County, Mo.; the Widow, John Johnson, Albert and wife Jane Johnson Horn in Putnam Co.; and the other petitioners in White County. IAbstracted by editor. -174- GRO~ LAWRENCE COUNTY, TENNESSEE MARRIAGES - 1838-1860 Copied from Marriage Record Book "A" 'by John F. Morrison, Jr., Lawrence County Historical Society (Continued from last Quarter) BRIDE DATE OFFICIANT Caldwell, James T. Calhoun, G. W. Callahan, W. T. Calloway, 1.. E. Calloway, Wm. H. Calloway, Jubilee Campbell, Angis ' Campbell, Charles Campbell, Jacob Campbell, John Campbell, Jordan S. Campbell, Richard Campbell, Samuel Campfield, Simeon Campbell, William Campfield, Simeon Caperton, David A. Carpender, Hendley Carr, George Carrell, Asa Carrell, Felix Carrell, Felix Carrell, Felix J. N. Carrell, Newton A. Carrell, Stephen A. Carrell, William Carrigan, William Carroll, John M. Carroll, Wm. Carroll, Wm. Carter, George W. Carter, Jas. H. Carter, John Carter, O. T. D. Carte~ (Workman?) Peter E. Carter, William Cates, Ezra Cates, Tyre R. Cavin, Franklin Chaffin, Elihu M. Chaffin, Robert W. Chaffin, William B. Chambers, Henry C. Chambers, John M. Chambers, J. W. Chambers, W. H. Chapman, Felix G. Chapman, James C. Chapman, James M. Chapman, William F. Chapman, William F. Lucy M. Lynam Roheco Sanders Ellen J. Belew Nancy French Emeline Dal ton Mar gare t Voil s M. Conly Nancy Craig Margaret Belew Catharine Trorbaugh Mary Ann Wise Adalette McCrackin Margaret Kelly Elizabeth Williams Lucy A. MCMackin Elizabeth williams Mary J. Springer Louisa Tomlinson Amanda E.A. Chambers Martha Ann Cates Dicey E. Ball Dicey E. Ball Sarah E. Head Mariah Bailey Mary F. Stribling Elender Jones Adaline Johnson Martha L. Grissom M. M. Strickland Anne Scott Phebe Ann Burnett E. J. Richardson Rebecca Pope A. M. Heffington Margaret Pickard Sarah C. Pollock Martha A. Pickard Hannah MCMasters Susan Watson Lenora P. Wisdom Margaret Ann Hill Susan J. Wells Susan Johnson Mary Jane Rippy A. Nowlin Sarah C. Rippy Mary A. Springer Martha Petty Lucinda Rackley Martha Jane Dame Cordelia T. Holcomb May Nov. Sep. Nov. Sep. Sep. Sep. Apr. Oct. Sep. Apr. Jul. Apr. Sep. Oct. Sep. Nov. Aug. Aug. Aug. .Q££. Dec. Oct. Jan. Feb. Jul. Jui. Jul. Oct. Jun. Dec. Dec. Aug. Feb. Jun. May Nov. Dec. Nov. Aug. Nov. Mar. Jun. Apr. Feb. Apr. Jan. Jun. Mar. Dec. Aug. 5, 26, 24, 28, 15, 1, 29, 18, 28, 22, 19, 21, 4, 9, 24, 9, 26, 6, 12, 20, 15, 2, 19, 28, 4, 24, 9, 22, 14, 11, 16, 6, 1, 13, 1847 1842* 1855* 1859 1847 1859* 1839 1847 1851 1844 1840 1847 1845 1842 1854* 1842 1856 1846 1847 1858 1858 1858* 1854* 1847 1842 1845 1856 1851 1839 1849 1849 1838 1842* 1842 6, 2, 11, 21, 24, 5, 11, 30, 25, 16, 26, 16, 10, 1841 1849 1846 1848 1851 1847 1860 1854 1849 7, 18, 3, 26, 1856 1860 1856 1858 1838 1847 1848 1855* Joseph Miller, M.G. A. Jones, M.G. Joel Kilburn, J.P. J; Wasson, J.P. Chaffin, J.P. James,M. Powell, J.P. C. Parkes, J.P. Jno. A. Hail, J.P. John Bryan, M.G. Daniel Lindsey, J.P. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. WlIl. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. W. C. Blair, J.P. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. F. H. Kennedy, J.P. H. K. Burlison, J.P. Saml. McBride, J.P. Jason W. Boshers, J.P. Joseph Miller, M. G. W. B. Norman, J.P. Sam. M. Wasson, J.P. Saml. McBride, J.P. J. Wasson, J.P. David H. Davis, J.P. Joseph Wisdrnn, J.P. Wm. McCallis~er, J.P. Thomas Archer, M.G. Stephen Carrell, J.P. Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. Joseph Miller, M.G. Wm. MCMasters, J.P. H. F. Appleton, J.P. W. B. Norman, J.P. W. C. Davis, J.P. Noah Parker, M.G. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. C. W. Bowden, J.P. C. W. Bowden, J.P. C~ W. Bowden, J.P. J. H. Evans, J.P. J.' V. Vandiver, M.G. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. B. W. West, J.P. -175- ( BRIDE GROOM Chennault, Isaac Eliz. L. Vandiver Lucy Ann Vandiver Chennault, Robert Chesser, James Eliza Blythe Chesser, Wm. H. Julian Osburn Chilcote, Wm. A. Catharine Moore Chisholm, John Isabella Campbell Choat, John K. Mahala J. Pollock Christian, J. D. L. Blasingam Christian, Nathaniel J. Sarah A. C. Carr Christian, Robert N. Sarah Ann Curtice Candace Pennington Chronister, Arthur R. Churchwell, Ephraim Analiza Floyd Clair (Blair?), John G. Winey Jones E. C. Flippo Clay, A. G. Mary A. Gobbel Clay, Albert G. Clay, Wm. Isabella Gallaher Clayton, Daniel Eliza Bryant Clayton, E. M. Eliza Jane Bradley Elizabeth Crews Clayton, J. B. Rachel Curtis Clayton, J. S. Clayton, Richard Elizabeth Giluspice Mary A. Crews Clayton, Richard Nancy Crews Clayton, Stanford Clayton, William Lucinda V. O. J. McGee Cleek, Bryant W. Elizabeth T.Nowlin Emeline Richardson Clemmons, William Elizabeth A. Neely Clendennon, Joseph A. Drucil1ah Pope Clendennon, Theodore Mary May Clifton, Alfred N. Jane Houser Clifton, J. L. Cornelia Hicks Cochran, Eli Mary L. Morris Cochran, Eli Mary Ann Howell Cochran, F. Martha Ann Pollock Cochran, Robert Melissa Odom Cochran, William Emeline Heffington Cochran, William Elizabeth A. Cochran, Zachariah Pennington Harriet Jane Goff Cockburne, George W. Cockerel, Jackson Sarah Tooten Cockerell, Granville L. Dicey Tooten Martha T. Kana(?)ore Coffman, David E. Rebecca Petty Coffman, William H. Elizabeth Cawhorn . Coker, Jacob Coker, James T. Elizabeth Frances Ray Cole, Washington L. Margaret Ann Thompson Comer, Aaron Tthama1inda Brashears Conway, D. B. M. Nancy Lewis Cook, Charles Emaril1a Boshers Cook, Joseph Mary Ann Moody Cook, Samuel Martha Easley Cook, Stephen Louisa Cook Cook, William Susannah Cook Cooper, Eli P. Martha Prior Cooper, Robert T. L. C. Smith Copelin, Jacob A. Runnels Corcoran, Paterick Emeline Alley _DA~T_E~ __~_ Dec. Mar. Dec. Nov. Nov. Nov. Apr. Jan. Aug. Mar. Jul. Feb. Feb. Dec. Jan. Dec. Jul. Nov. Apr. Jul. Aug. Feb. May Oct. May Nov. Nov. Nov. Oct. Nov. Feb. Nov. Sep. Sep. Aug. 30, 12, 11, 30, 17, 17, 24, 6, 11, 2, 21, 1, 2, 30, 18, 6, 26, 20, 3, 4, 1, J, 26, 3, 24, 28, 4, 20, 19, 19, 15, 14, 20, 28, 18, 14, 1843 1849 1850 1848 1858 1850 1849 1840* 1859 1856 1846 1849 1839 1858 1883 1859 1860 1856 1859 1852 1839 1841 1839 1848 1854* 1841 1854* 1853 1857 1857 1847 1851 1855* 1853 1842 1850 Jul. Sep. Oct. Apr. Nov. Apr. Oet. Nov. Jan. Sep. Jun. Jun. Feb. Dec. Sep. Oct. Mar. Dec. Feb. Apr. 17, 3, 5, 21, 29, 29, 4, 4, 4, 1, 29, 27, 20, 4, 23, 2, 4, 22, 7, 16, 1856 1844 1843 1853 1860 1844 1842 1853 1849 1841 1851 1839 1841* 1860 1840 1840 1851 1853 1843 1853* O~t. OFFICIANT Hardy Clayton, J.P. G. H. Vandiver, M.G. Joseph Wisdom, J.P. B. Williams, J.P. C. B. Davis, M.G. C. B. Porter, M. G. F. H. Kennedy, J.P. W. Carter, J.P. C. W. Bowden, J.P. R. W. McWhirter, J.P. Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. R. Brashears, J.P. C. W. Bowden, J.P. G. W. Blanton, M.G. C. C. Vandiver, M.G. Rev. N. Gower Jonas Crews, J.P. Stanford Clayton, M.G. S. C. Evins, M. G. R. Newton, J. P. Hardy Clayton, J.P. H. Clayton, J.P. Hardy Clayton, J.P. G. W. McLaren, J.P. Leruy Penn~ngtun Samuel Baker, M.G. Jonas Crews, J.P. Jason W. Boshers, J.P. Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. Daniel Buie, J.P. Allen Stewart, J.P. Jacob H. Pennington,J.P. Wm. A. Edmiston, J.P. Daniel Buie, J.P. J. Craig, J.P. Wm. MCMasters, J.P. F. M. Hays, J.P. Daniel McKdouga1, J.P. James M. POwell, J.P. S. C. Dickson, M.G. R. W. Appleton, J.P. Thos. A. Richardson, J.P. Thomas Montgomery, J.P. J. W. Wann, J.P. W. A. Edmiston, J.P. W. T. Jackson, J.P. J. P. Richardson, M.G. Leroy Pennington, M.G. C. Parkes, J.P. -176GROOM Curry, James E. Curry, Jas. N. Curry, Thomas Curry, Thomas G. Curry, Thos. N. Curtice, W. P. Senr. Curtis, H. G. Curtis, Isaac W. Curtis, Thomas Cutbirth BRIDE Elizabeth S. West Eliz. M. Thompson Sarah Strayhorn ~rtha C. West S. Meda A. Letsinger Francis J. Seaton Elizabeth Bradford Martha Williams Nancy Deweast Jane Floyd DATE Oct. Feb. Apr. Dec., Dec. Feb. May Nov. Jul. Mar. Dalton, David Dalton, John L. Dalton, Jonathan Dalton, Joseph M. Dame, James Daniel, Harvey Danley, John Age 25, b.Lawrence Co., Tenn. Daughtry, Thomas O. Davidson, George W. Davidson, Joel Davidson, John Davidson, John D. Davidson, Thomas Davidson, Wm. J. Davis, Branson A. Davis, Charles L. Davis, Daniel Davis, Franklin Davis, George Davis, George A. Davis, G. F. Davis, John Davis, Levi Davi s, Manon Davis, Mathew Davis, Matthew Davis, Micajah Davis, Moses Davis, T. F. Davis, William Davis, William C. Day, H. D. Day, Joshua Deavenport, M. W. Deavenpor t, Thos. D. Defoe, John M. Defoe, Thomas C. Delk, George W. Depriest, Jesse Dever, William S. Dial, Andrew J. Dial, James Dial, Joel Dickey, G. M. Mary Gd sham Nancy P. Riddell Manerva James Eliza Jane Smith Mary Ann Voss Mary A. Clark Rebecca Null Age 13, b.Bedford Co., Tenn. Mary Jane Comer Nancy S. Callahan Mary S. E. Cody Lavina I. Layton Susan M.· Wasson Mary J. Greenhaw Sarah J. C. Grisham Catharine Grissom Sarah J. Lankister Lucinda Davis Francis M. Norman Mary M. Rider Louise Wharton Tennessee Childress Sarah Hughes Lucinda Watson Francis V. Speer Martha Lawson Jane Smith Manerva Jane Holt Vina M. Fugate Virginia E. Anthony Nancy Gwinn Tennessee M. Anthony Marry Counts Nancy Poteet L. Jane Evans Amanda Finch Mary E. Kelly Sarah Ann Norwood Melita J. Albritton Sarah Wasson Jane Price Margaret E. Harder Elizabeth Gilbert Sarah Lancaster Phebe Powel Dec. 20, 1839* Oct. 7, 1841 JohA A. Hall, J.P. David H. Davis, M.G. May 1, 1851 Jun. 30, 1851* H. K. Burlison, J.P. Jan. 1, 1854 Joseph Mi11er,M.G. Oct. 6, 1841 Sep. 20, 1855* (Page .7) (No names or other information given.) Dec. 23, 1860 Robert Newton, J.P. Dec. 2, 1854* Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. feb. 4, 1851 Feb. 14, 1842 Michael Layton, J.P. Jul. 17, 1843 Joseph Miller, M.G. Dec. 29, 1856 B. M. Moore, J.C.C. Jan. 20, 1858 Thomas Archer, M.G. Dec. 12, 1848 T. G.' Rosson, J.P. Thos. Bryant, J.P. Nov. 29, 1860 David H. Davis, M.G. Apr. 14, 1842 Sep. 10, 1850 Thos. G. Rosson, J.P. L. Pennington, M.G. D~c. 15, 1858 Feb. 3, 1846 Elisha Vandiver, M.G. Elder Wm. Dearing Dec. 28, 1857 Jan. 17, 1844 Allen Stewart, J.P. I. D. Pennington, J.P. Aug. 22, 1849 Mar. 16, 1856 C. W. Bowden, J. P • Jul. 4, 1858 J. C. Rickman, M.G. Dec. 31, 1855* Apr. 11, 1847 Allen Stewart, J.P. H. F. Appleton, J.P. Aug. 24, 1853 Jul. 3, 1859 W. B. Gillham, M.G. Dec. 13, 1846 Allen Stewart, J.P. J. N. Bradshaw, M. G. Dec. 30, 1852 Jun. 27, 1839* Jut. 28, 1859 Wm. McMasters Jul. 27, 1848 J. N. Bradshaw, M.G. W. B. Gl1ham, M.G. Aug. 4, 1857 Jul. 18, 1860 W. H. McCrory Jut. 1, 1852 F. E. Harwell, M.G. May 6, 1851 Hardy Crews ,E • of M. Aug. 11, 1841 J. C. Sparkman, M.G. Jul. 12, 1850 W. C. Davis, J.P. Oct. 28, 1847 Jacob Springer, J.P. Mar. 24, 1848 L. Mino Bentley, J.P. Jan. 30, 1842 Hardy Clayton, J.P. Dec. 21, 1840* 29, 4, 14, 5, 21, 14, 15, 28, 15, 25, 1857 1841* 1851 1850 1854* 1856 1858 1848 1849 1849 OFFICIANT Leroy Pennington, M. G.•.. B. W. West, J.P•. J. G. Bartee, M. G. Stanford Clayton, M. G. John H. Boren, J.P. Jesse Higgs, J.P. Allen Stewart, J.P. B. W. West, J.P. -177- ( GROOM Cosby, Wm. A. Cossey, L. Couch, Joseph W. Coul ton, John Council, John R. Counts, John Crabb, Thomas W. Crabb, Wm. P. Craig, David E. Craig, Isaac N. Craig, James Craig, James A. Craig, John N. Craig, William N. Cox, David Cox, Giles H. Cox, Henry Cox, Isaac Cox, Jasper Cox, Moses Cox, Samuel Cox, William Crabb, Fountain R. Crabb, James H. Creasy, Robert Crews, Augustin Crews, Benjamin Crews, Benjamin Crews, Benjamin Cre\Y's, James F. Crews, Jonathan Crews, Jonas Crews, Jonas Crews, Jonathan Crews, Joseph Crews, Sidney Crews, William T. Crews, Z. Crofford, William C. Crook, D. W. Crook, Zerubbabel Cross, C. W. Cross, James F. Cross" John Cross, R. S. Cross, Thomas V. Cross, Vines H. Crossthwait, John N. Crossthwait, Wm. M. Crowder, William J. Cummings, Geo. D. Cummings, John Cunningham, Jesse J. Cunningham, John M. Cunningham, Thomas G. Cunningham, W. B. Curry, Green B. BRIDE J. A. Reams M. Cockran Kiziah E. Hayes Almanza J. Haynes Laura A. Gibbins Lucretia Richards Rachael E. Nutt Elizabeth Horn Mary A. Guinn Rebecca R. Williams Margaret M. Vorhies Martha F. Branch Louisa H. Guinn Rebecca C. Pennington Marinda McC~wen Mary Kelsey E. Crowder Manerva Garrett Martha McCalister Sarah R. McWhirter Nancy C. Hammonds Sarah E. Gable Elizabeth Brashers Dicey Brashers Anna Davis Elizabeth Lindsey Elizabeth Stone Elizabeth Stone Dorcas Lindsey Jane Shipman Frances Morrow Mary V. Hensley Eliza Helton Elizabeth A. Keeling Susannah Clayton Mary Ann Ponds Martha J. Kelly Sarah Voils Rosalinda Tinnon Edney Richardson Mary J. E. McLaren Sarah Ann Hall Eliza C. Goff Sarah Stewart Mary E. Reed Ibby Ferrell Louisa J. Inman Mary E. Saunders Mary E.McBride Mildred A. Carpenter Margaret C. Parot Sarah Price Martha A. Skillern Martha J. Howard Sarah J. McLaren Milly Ann Calloway Margaret Thompson DATE Jan. Aug. Dec. Mar. Nov. Sep. Oct. Dec. Jan. Nov. JuI. Aug. Jan. Aug. Apr. Dec. Oct. Feb. Jan. Nov. Oct. Nov. Jan. Jan. Aug. Mar. Feb. Feb. Apr. Nov. Apr. Sep. Jun. Jun. Dec. Jan. Dec. Oct. Jul. Dec. JuI. Jan. Mar. Jun. Dec. Aug. Oct. Sep. Aug. Mar. Jan. Jan. Jul. Jun. Sep. Jan. Dec. 15, 1, 23, 16, 1, 7, 27, 12, 26, 5, 16, 10, 29, 29, 19, 22, 28, 22, 15, 3, 2, 7, 1, 7, 2, 17, 16, 16, 4, 19, 7, 24, 3, 6, 15, 12, 26, 14, 30, 23., 29, 11, 24, 11, 13, 25, 31, 28, 10, 15, 17, 28, 17, 1, 28, 3, 11, OFFICIANT L. R. Rossboro, M.G. 1857 1840* 1845 James Calhoun, M.G. 1858 J. H. Strayhorn, M.G. 1854* 1839* 1853 William Comer, J.P. 1850 William Comer, J.P. 1860 I. J. Pennington, J.P. 1845 James Calhoun, M.G. 1844* James Calhoun, M.G. 1856 1854 H. P. Walden, J.P. 1860 1847 1850 1858 1847 1859 1850 1849 1860 1844 1847 1848 1849* 1839 1839* 1849 1845 1846 1844 1860 1848 1847* 1847 1858 1856 1844 1855 1847 1841 1850 1849 1855 1853 1850 1854 1854 1855 1856 1860 1855* 1855* 1852 1869 1844 Pleasant Massey, J.P. William Comer, J.P. L. Pennington, M.G. W. T. Jackson, J.P. Wm. McKnight, b.P. J. B. Martin, J.P. G. P. Kelsey, M.G. Wm. Comer, J.P. C. B. Porter, M. G. R. W. Appleton, J.P. Wm. McMasters, J.P ,~. T. G. Rossoh, J.P. Hardy Clayton, J.P. (Different page) Hardy Clayton, J.P. J. A. Nichols, J.P. Hardy Clayton, J.P. Jacob Springer, J.P. P. L. Simms, J.P. Jesse Hutcheson, J.P. J. A. Nichols, J.P. N. Gower, J.P. A. H. Bryan, M.G. John Wrey, M. G. C. J. Herrin, J.P. John C. May, J. P • W. A. Edmiston, J.P. Samuel McBride, J.P. W. T. Jackson, J.P. Wm. Dearing, M.G. Thomas A. Richardson J. P. Richardson, M.G. James Calhoun, M. G. Jas. Calhoun, M.G. C. H. Nicholson, J.P. S. D. McLean, J.P. Jonas Crews, J.P. John W. Stewart, J.P. John H. Boren, J.P. J. C. Sparkman, M.G. -178GROOM Dickey, Robert Dickie, William M. Dickson, John B. Dickson, Spencer C. Dickson, WUliam Dicus, Elij ah Dishonghn, A. Dixon, Columbus F. Dixon, Fountain J. Dixon, James M. Dobbins, A. T. BRIDE Lucy Kirk Nancy Hamlet E. J. Brown Martha A. Uzzell Emilin Bivens Mahala Austin Arenah Busby Sarah Ann Springer ~ebecca Gallaher Elizabeth Tucker Zilpha MCMasters DATE Dec. Jan. Jan. Oct. Nov. Jan. Jul. Nov. Feb. Jul. Mar. Dotson, J. N. Downen, Elij ah Doyal (Dodge?), John Ducker, John L. Dueast, Jasper Duger, R. C. Dugger, Charles J. Duncan, D. S. Duncan, George W. Duncan, John W. Duncan, W. F. Duncan, William L. Duncan, William S. Durby (Darby?), Jno. J. Durham, James F. Martha A~ Neale Susan Chambers Mary J. Daughtry Jane Moody Jane Cochran E. A. Williams Ethelinda L. Bumpass Eliz. Miatt (Mialt?) Louisa Crews Mary A. McAnally N. McAnally Julia Ann Self Eleanor Williams LutitiaA. Lovel C. P. Stulivin (Sullivant?) Virginia A. Daughtry Dec. Dec. Feb. Mar. Mar. Jan. Dec. Apr. 12, 1859 Jun. 30, 1859 J. B. Martin, J.P. Willie G. Davis, M.G. Mary Wood Rebecca J. Forbis Lucinda 8mi th Angeline Ingram Rosannah Rider Mary Baker Elizabeth Thompson Susan Kelly Elvira M. C. Gordon Mitta E.Collins Elizabeth Duncan Elizabeth Halford E. K. Trulove Martha Ellen Calhoun Eleanor Jane Chambers Almira Jane Hendrix Nancy C. Hendrix Nancy Kennedy Mary A. E. Bishop Mary May Martha M. Curtis Martha Comer Nancy Mary Ann Ezell May Apr. Apr. Mar. Dec. Nov. Dec. Jan. Dec. Dec. Jun. Dec. Dec. Jun. Nov. May Apr. Dec. Aug. Sep. Mar. Dec. Aug. R. Hull, Min.Gospel C. C. Vandiver, M.G. Wm. W. Evans, J.P. Joseph Wisdom, J.P. Allen Stewart, J.P. Allen Stewart, J.P. C. J. Herrin, J.P. License not called for. J. N. Bradshaw, M.G. J. H. Evans, J.P. B. Williams, J.P. W. C. Davis, J.P. Sarah Mason EliZa J. Powell MaryA. Williams Oct. 9,1839 E. L. Cook, Clergyman Jun. 26. 1846 Hardy Clayton, J.P. Feb. 1. 1859* Durrett, W. R. Earles, Nathan Earles, Wm. Earwood, Jesse Eaton, James Eaves, Duncan Eaves, John Eaves, Jonathan Eaves, Jonathan M. C. Edmiston, Elihu Ellis, Robert A. Ellison, Franklin Ellison, John Ellison, W. F. Emerson, B. J. Emerson, John S. Escue, Samuel Eskew, James Estes, Henry N. Estes, James D. Ethridge, Thomas Evans, Josiah G. Ezell, Lemuel A. Ezell, William *Licenses issued. Additions to above list: Cook, Chas. Crews. Zaohariah Curtis. J. B. \ MolY Aug. Jan. Dec. Jul. Dec. Feb. 1852 1846 1843 1849 1841 1844 1855* 1852 6, 1851 31, 1851 28, 1841 15, 22, 31, 4, 18, 13, 2, 27, 19, 24, 21, 27, 2, 2. 17, 5, 1858 1857 1856 1851 1851 1859 1840 1844 1860 1843 26, 26, 27, 18if. 9 24, l8~)6 2, 1841 28, 1841 17, 22, 26, 6, 17, 29, 23, 23, 23, 24, 29, 30, 18, 17, 12, 29, 8, 6, 12, 10, 22, 25, 17, 1860 1860 1844 1851 1848 1847 1853 1850* 1850 1859 1848 1859 1854* 1858 1846 1845 1851 1849 1849 1840 1849 1851 1852 OFFICIANT Leroy Pennington. M.G. R. W. McWhirter, J.P. David H. Davis, M.G. A. R. Dickson, L.Elder Allen Kilburn, J.P. A. S. Alexander, J.P. C. J. Herrin, J.P. David H. Davis, M.G. C. J. Herrin, J.P. Thos. D. Harwell, Trav. Deacon of M.E.Church W. C. Davis, J.P. C. H. Nicholson, J.P. W. C. Blair, J.P. Willie G. Richardson, J.P. James M. Powell, J.P. Jonas Crews, J.P. J. C. Sparkman, M.G. A. S. Alexander, J.P. Stanford Clayton, M.G. Joseph Miller, M.G. T. G. Rosson, J.P. Jacob H. Pennington, J.P. W. A. Edmiston, J.P. W. T. Jackson, J.P. J. W. Pennington F. H. Kennedy, J.P. J. C. Sparkman, M.G. Samuel McBride Thos. A. Richardson, J.P. F. H. Kennedy, J.P. Isaac Reeder, M.G. W. T. Jackson, J.P. James M. Powell, J.P. William Comer, J.P. (To be continued) -179EXCERPTS FROM LETTERS OF THE HOPKINS-RICHARDSON FAMILY OF KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE WITH FAMILY NOTES Contributed by Mrs. Hugh E. Webb, Memphis, Tenn. HOPKINS FAMILY DR. ARTHUR HOPKINS (1690-1766), a graduate of the School of Medicine and Surgery, London, came to Virginia circa 1720 with Dr. William Cabell, and settled in Goochland County, Virginia. His wife was ELIZABETH PETTUS, dau. of CAPT. THOMAS PETTUS and wife DABNEY. Children of DR. ARTHUR and ELIZABETH HOPKINS were: (1) J~; (2) SAMUEL, b. circa 1625, m. ISABELLA TAYLOR (dau. of JOHN TAYLOR and wife CATHERINE PENDLETON of Caroline County, Va.);he was Lt. Col. of the 10th Va. Reg. in Revolutionary War and a General in War of 1812; (3) ARTHUR, m. JUDITH JEFFERSON; (4) WILLIAM lived in Albemarle County, Va., m. ELIZABETH MOON; (5) JAMES bec~e a physician, m. ANNE SPARKS MARTIN, was murdered in 1803; his widow m. GUY SMrr:.!!; (6) ELIZABETH, b. circa 1728, m. JOHN SMITH SR.; (7) 1llQX, m. GEORGE ROBINSON; (8) ~' b. 1735, m. JOSEPH CABELL; (9) ISABELLA, m-l PEARTREE SMITH, m-2 J.Q§.EPH TamES; (10) JANE, m. WILLIAM DAVIS; (11) FRANCES, m. JOHN DAVIS; (12) ~LIA. m.-E. »AXTER PAVIS. Children (7) through (12) lived in Mecklenburg County, Va. JOHN HOPKINS, son of DR. ARTHUR, was born 1726; his will was probated 1807. He married MARY MARTIN circa 1760. During the Revolution, he served as a member of the Committee of Safety, Goochland County, Va., in 1775, as Lt. Col. in 1777, as Col. 1780-81. ( Children of JOHN and MARY MARTIN HOPKINS were: (1) ELIZABETH (BETSY) p. (PETTUS); (2) HENRY; (3) GEORGE WASHINGTON, m. MARY FRENCH, and settled at Hickory Creek, Warren County, Tenn.; (4) J~; (5) WILLIAM, m. MARY MASSIE; (6) JUDITH, m. -1VAUGHN, and settled in West Tenn.; (7) MARY, m. ROBERT M.FRENCH, and lived in McMinnville, Tenn.; (8) ANN SPARKS, m. 'ROBERT HORSL!!; (9) JANE,m. CHARLES H. RODES in 1785 in Goochland County, Va.; (10) THOMAS lived in Warren County, Tenn.; (11) JOHN lived in Mississippi. RICHARDSON-HOPKINS FAMILY ELIZABETH (BETSY) p. HOPKINS, dau. of .J.Q!lli and MARY MARTIN HOPKINS, was born in 1782 and died in 1846 in Gibson County, Tenn. She married SAMUEL RICHARDSON on Feb. 19, 1801 in Goochland County, Va. The REV. CHARLES HOPKINS, Episcopal minister, said the ceremony. SAMUEL RICHARDSON was born in Goochland County, Va., Aug. 23, 1777. He went to Rutherford County, Tenn., in 1808, and to Gibson County in 1827, where he died May 24, 1854. He is buried near Gibson Station, about ten miles from Trenton. Children of SAMUEL and ELIZABETH HOPKINS RICHARDSON were: (1) THOMAS H.; (2) MARY, m. B. H, HUBBARD; (3) REBECCA, m. I. B. BREWER; (4) ELIZABETH, m. BANKS M. BURROW; (5) JOSEPH WYNN, married and has descendants living in Trenton; (6) ZACHERIAH (ZOSH); (7) JAMES H.; (8) JOSHUA, and others whose names are unknown. THOMAS a. RICHARDSON, son of SAMUEL and ELIZABETH HOPKINS RICHARDSON, was born July 12, 1818, and died Jan. 18, 1874. He married MARIA LOUISA BRUCE circa 1839 in Brownsville, Tenn. She was the dau. of DR, WILLIAM C. BRUCE (son of ROBERT ~) and ELIZABETH ASHER (dau. of ~ and NANCY ASHER of Lauderdale County, Alabama). MARIA was born June 26, 1825, and died April 9, 1881. Children of THOMAS H. and MARIA BRUCE RICHARDSON were: (1) ELIZABETH ANN, b. Sept. 27, 1840; d. Oct. 18, 1882; m. BAKER WOODRUFF CAMPBELL in 1857; (2) CLARISA ASHER, b. March 6, 1842; m-l DR. JOHN A. PARKER of Lexington, Ky.; m-2 JOSEPH DAVIS of Smithland, Ky.; (3) SAMUEL J., b. Feb. 19, 1848; (4) SUSAN ALICE, b. -180Jan. 16, 1854; d. March 9, 1884; m. BYRON DAVIS of Smithland,Ky. To Thomas H. Richardson Ballard County, Ky. m. C. H. RAY; (5) MARY ELLA, b. July 30, 1855; *** McMinnville, Tennessee, June 20, 1838. Dear Thomas; I have intended for some time to write you, but business etc., heretofore prevented. I suppose I must begin with the most important thing first (namely) this unfortunate, and much abused estate - some of the lands in this part of the state, such as the titles were perfected, to have been divided tho I do not know how many acres, as commissioners have the papers which they will retain until Chancery Court •••••when another bill will be presented (1 suppose). I have been told the portion of land that fell to your papa. This lies mostly in Cannon City on the waters of Stone river. Thompson has done, nor is doing nothing towards distributing the property, though his two years expired about the first of May. He has advertised twenty-five of the negroes for aale the 12th of July, to pay himself and the rogues who have helped him to steal - such as Ridley, March Banks etc. Mason French was about selling the negroes for gold and silver to satisfy the unjust debt that Thompson wished - but James thought it his duty to try and stop such a sacrifice as that, and after great labour and difficulty had the execution enjoined until Chancery Court •••••Uncle William Hopkins and Capt. Horsley (who ought to have come post haste and one of them taken the administrate as their right) have been urg~d for the past 18 months to come and see to their estate but so far, all in vain ••••••• I have said enough about this miserably managed business. I have lately heard that a relative of ours, Miss Mary L. Horsley is to be married in Sept. Suppose you so arrange as to come here, and we will go, where you will be met with open arms and heart, by an affectionate Aunt and family. I have had a most pressing invitation from both •••will be a glorious time and place ••••• to see some of the "gems" of old Virginia ••••• Present me respectfully and affectionately to your ~, papa and Mr. H. (Hubbard) and Cousin Mary and dear little Samuel •••• and all the boys, cousin James and wife etc. I am respectfully your relative and friend S/William H. Rodes To Thomas H. Richardson *** McMinnville, 4th Feby. 1840 Dear Cousin; I received your letter from Brownsville a few days ago. I had written your Father to know if I could get some one of his sons to pay taxes •••••Below is a table showing the taxes paid and receipted for since the death of Mr. Hopkins and enclosed you will find a list of land to be given in the taxation in the name of the persons to whom the same were assigned by the commissioners who partitioned them among the heirs of Mr. Hopkins, on this sheet you will find the quantity and situation of undivided lands to be listed in the names of the "Heirs of Thomas Hopkins." Years for which we hold receipts Quantity of land Counties 1836 and 1837 5000s 574, 500a Obion 1836 and 1837 505 acres Dyer 1836 and 1837 1700 acres Lauderdale 1836 and 1837 1000 a 1080, 500 Shelby 1836 and 1837 500 a Madison 1836 and 1837 on 4000 acres 4065 and 200 Weak..!.I Perry 1836 and 1837 1351 a 1837 Fayette 50.0 a Gibson 5831 a 1836-7-8 -181McNairy Henderson 594 30 1836-37 1836-3'7 The undivided lands to be listed in the names of the "H elI'S of Thomas Hopkins" for the present year are the following: 500 acres in Madison County, 500 acres in Fayette county, and 594 in McNairy ••••••••• 1l0 acres our part of 274 acres on Wolf River in Shelby county granted to Hopkins and Williams, also 13 acres near Memphis (I have written Col. C. D. McLean to ask for taxation), 94 acres near Troy in Obion conveyed by Wert Moon to the heirs of Thos. Hopkins. Mr. A. O. Lotten (or Tollen?) located for us a warrant for 795 acres and one for 95 acres. The 95 a warrant located in Gibson County ••••••••• Your affectionate Cousin S/James H. Rodes. To Thos. H. Richardson Ballard Co. Kentucky ( *** Tretltort, Tenn. June 4, 1854 My dear Brother Owing to my absence from town, I did not get yours of the 13th inst, until a few days since. Two weeks ago, I was sent for to see our dear and venerable father who was very ill. My wife and myself went out and remained with him until he died, which was on the 24th day of May. He had been visiting in the neighborhood on Wed. and soon after his return in the~evening, he was taken with a violent pain in his side from which he was never freed untU his death. He died the next Wednesday, being sick but six days. Dr. Love artd Dr. Brewer were both called in but neither seemed able to afford him any relief. Banks Burrow and Sam Hubbard got there a day or two before he died. Our sisters, Mary and Elizabeth came a few hours before he died, who, with myself were all of the children that were with him. Rebecawas unable to go and James had just returned from Texas sick and did not see him. The Physician thought his disease to be Pleuracy. He diE!'d as he lived, a perfect and an upright man. He talked a great deal of angles and of heaven. He said that death had no terror to him •••••• I send you by William Bruce the Banner, containing a short obituary notice of our departed veteran father. I will write you again more fully some additional particulars of his death. If I do not come over, which I am very anxious to do, but I am so deeply afflicted with rheumatism that its impossible for me to ride on horseback and to pay the extravigant charges for buggy hire that is charged here. It will be better to buy a buggy which I intend to do •••••• I am aware of the importance of investigating the unsettled condition of Uncle Hopkins estate. A great deal of real estate has been sold by Rodes, Thos. Hopkins and the French's, which they had no right to sell and which they have never reported, a great many valuable tracts of land have been lost by negligence on the part of the Rodes and others. All this information, I have from Mr. Isbell, who was appointed by the Chancery Court at MCMinville to sell the undivided lands of the estate about a year and a half ago. Write ••• to me. I shall expect to hear from you by William Bruce. Mr. Bright is still teaching. I shall go to housekeeping in a few weeks and if I can take Qoth the children (Elizabeth & Clasisa) I will do so •••••• Give my love to the children and especially to Maria. Encourage Zach all you can. You are the oldest~ ••• Pleas sends her love to you. Your brother S/Zosh Richardson *** Obituary from the "Weekly Trenton Banner" - Trenton, Tennessee May 30, 1854 DIED - In Gibson Co. on the 24th day of May, 1854, between the hours of seven and eight o'clock P.M. Mr. Samuel Richardson. The demise of such a man as Mr. Richardson, deserves more than a formal or passing notice. In speaking of the character of this venerable man we may not use the pompous show of words with which the! deeds of a warrior or a Statesman -182are chronicled - yet) all that can be said in eulogism of the good man) the benevolent •••••••••••••• can be truly said of him. Mr. Richardson was born in Goochland county, Virginia, August 23rd, 1777 and was consequently 76 years anq 9 months old at the time of his demise. At the age of 24 he was united in marriage to Elizabeth P. Hopkins of Virginia. About the year 1808 he removed to Tennessee and settled in Rutherfore county, where he remained until 1827 when he removed to this county. He professed religion soon after he came to Rutherford county and attached himself to the Methodist Episcopal Church •••••••He was the father of 12 children 8 sons and 4 daughters, of whom are living 4 sons and 3 daughters. In the year 1846 he lost his aged consort ••••••After the 1088 of his wife •••• •••••••• he devoted himself exclusively to religion and God ••••••••••••••• Dr. John Parker Newpor t, Ky. Politeness of Mr. Wm. *** New Orleans Feb. 1st/54 Rich~rdson Dear Pa I have written severa4 times to you, but not one time have I heard from you. KnOWing well your dislike for letter-writing, and the pressing business you have had for some time, I do not think it strange. But will certainly expect an answer to this by return of mail. I have met with a great many old acquaintance from Ky. also many old school-mates, among them Russ Butler, Merriweather, Daniel, and George on their way to Texas. Russ is going out to dispose of his farm and stock.. He offers a very good bargain. I reckon the reason of it his wife will not go there to live. r spent two or three weeks at Uncle James) having had a very pleasant time. He and Aunt Mary came as far as Natchez with me. I was out at Mrsses. Elliotts and Marshall's. They could give me no information of a good 10e;tIon, I mean Uncle or Mr. Elliott, Mr. Marshall not being at home. Uncle James thinks the neighborhood of his plantation not desirable at all. While here waiting for a rise in Red River I met with Dick Curry. He says he is acquainted with everyone in the neighborhood of Harrisonburgh where he lives and practices law, insured me a good practice, and use all assistance and influence, besides his house for a home without cost, until I get well established in practice. That part of the country is rather new and the people rather common. I.8m rather undecided as to this place or Natchitoches. The chest of drawers and medicene and a new set of dental Instruments I wish you would send to the Care of George Connelly, New OrLeans, who will send them to me wherever I am. The list of articles I wish sent you will find in my last letter. When coming down from Port Gibson on the boat I caught a very bad cold and being billious was confined to my bed for several days, am now most well but troubled with a very painful corn, and an inverted nail on my big toe. It being so warm here I had to get some lighter clothing, and my trip to Port Gibson being rather expensive, besides all necessary expenses being so great, I am nearly out of money and wish you would send 2 or 30U $ by the next mail being under the necessity, for want of funds, of remaining here until I get a remission from you. If it is not in your power to do so immediately, I will be compelled to return to Kentucky. Until r hear from you I will continue to spend my time profitably attending the lectures and Hospital and remain Your Affectionate Son S/J. A. Parker P.S. Having a bad pen and standing up besides makes my penmanship rather bad. You will please answer this immediately as I wish to get into business by spring which is the beginning of the sickly season. *** -183Trenton, Tennessee July 15th, 1867 Mr. Thomas H. Richardson My dear Cousin: - I have received your letter dated May 20th mailed June 5th •• •••• It was some time on the way and will now try to answer it ••••• I was truly sorry to hear of the death of your son-in... law Dr. J. A. Parker, and trust that time may heal his widow's bleeding heart ••••• As regards our Uncle s long unsettled affairs, I hardly know what to say ••••• Jolly Island and a tract of land in your State near Louisville are the most important. Spurlock thinks we stand avery good chance to gain the "Jolly Island." •••••••• My wife joins me in love to you I and yours o •••• I remaln your friend and relative Stjohn H. Hopkins PENSION APPLICATION OF ELIZABETH RENEAU, WIDOW OF JOHN WARDEN OF TENN. AND OF CHRISTOPHER MYERS OF KY. Abstracted by Mrs. McAlister, Elliott, St. Louis, Mo. War of 1812, Old War Widow 12533, applied from Clinton County, Ky.; affidavits of July 21, 1856, Sept. 10(7), 1856, aud August 21, 1858 of Elizabeth Myer. ( July 21, 1856. Affiant stated in Clinton County, Kentucky, Court that she is the widow of Christopher Myers, deceased, and was formerly the widow of John Wardin, deceased. She is presently a resident of Clinton County, and lives about 2 miles from William Vann, presiding Judge of the Court, and is a woman of Good Character; her name was formerly Elizabeth Reneau and that she married John Warden, now deceased, on Jan. 17, 1811, in Carter County, Tennessee, by Samuel Watson, a Methodist preacher; that said John Warden served for 3 months under Capt. Jesse Cole and was again drafted and served under Capt. Solomon Hendricks, as she thinks of the 4th Regiment Tennessee Militia in the War of 1812, under Col. Samuel Boles, mustered into service at Knoxville, Tenn., marched to Hiwassa Garrison; there her husba.n.d was taken sick and died; that she was left his widow with three children, to wit: James V. Warden, Manervia Warden, and John Jackson Warden. She remained a widow about 8 years, moved from Carter County, Tenn., to Cumberland County, Ky., not far from the Tennessee (line?), and was there married to Christopher Myers, who was also a soldier in ~he War of 1812, by Squire Samuel Witson (Wilson?), just across the line on the Tenn. side and about 6 miles from where affiant lived. Mentions her sister-in-law Elizabeth Reno, who has a Bible in which is recorded her marriage with Warden; brother-in-law Isaac Little lives about three miles from Affiant and was also in the service; Christopher Myers died on July 18, 1856, in Clinton COunty, Ky •• J. J. Wo~d and Jesse Wood file affidavits in support of Mrs. Myers' affidavit. Sept. 10(?), 1856. Elizabeth Myers, 65 years old, resides about two miles from Albany, Ky., where she has resided for a great many years. William J. Dabney of Albany is her agent. August 21, 1858. Elizabeth Myer, 67 years of age, etc., that she makes this affidavit for renewal of her pension and is still a widow. ABSTRACT OF WILL OF JOHN RENO (RENEAU) OF CARTER CO., TENN. Will is dated June 14, 1806, and names children: William Reno, Benjamin Reno, daughter Sarah Rodgers, John Reno, daughter Mary Calvin, George Reno, Lewis Reno, Francis Reno, Thomas Reno, daughter Margaret Vance, Charles Reno; Charles is executor, and witenesses are John Dunlap, William Lacey, Samuel Tipton (husband of his granddaughter Susannah Reno, dau. of Rev. William Reneau.) ·184· INDEX TO 1850 CENSUS OF MEMPHIS (SHELBY COUNTY), TENNESSEE Transcribed from Hlcrofi1m by T. P. Hughes, Jr. (Continued from last Quarter) Early, James· 1 East, Thomas M•• 114 Ebberts, J •• 70 Echerman, 1m •• 92 Edgar, John T•• 68, 79 Edgar, WIn•• 63 Edgerly, John· 8 Edmond, John· 37 Edmonds,A. N. - 148 Edmondson, Jane - 27 Edwards, Thomas - 111 Edwards, W. L. - 151 Edwards, WIn. H. - 102 Egan, N. - 66 Elam, Elizabeth - 147 E1can, Julius • 136 Elliott, Mr •• 92 Elliott, Jas •• 83 Elliott, John· 33, 58 Elliott, William - 58 Ellis, J. E. - 99 Ellison, G. W. - 59 Ellison, James • 26 Emanuel, Benja. - 62 Emerson, Joseph - 111 Emmons, E. S•• 109 Engley, Wm. N•• 71 English, Chs •• 59 English, Leah - 122 English, Margaret· 153 English, Pat •• 117 English, Wm. - 112 Eno, Amanda O. • 87 Enos, Cath •• 76 Erwin, Renry • 18 ErWin, John - 42 Isom, Jon • 60 Espy, Win•• 41 Etheredge, G. T. - 46 Etly, J. H. - 87 Eugene, Peter· 114 Evans, C. C•• 70 Evans, E. L•• 111 Evans, H. C•• 16 Evans, John· 59 Evans, Owen - 1 Evans, Thomas R. - 89 Evans, W. J. - 69 Everson, A. B. - 57 Everson, John • 93 Everson, Wal ter • 57 Eysick, Geo •• 60 Faba, Ned • 33 Fain, John - 151 Fairfield, Mr. - 151 Fallace, WIn •• 114 Falls, Gilbriath - 119 Falwell, Jas:-· 83 Falwell, Samuel· 74 Falwell, Wm. A•• 68 Fallwood, Wm. - 104 Fanall, Mary· 22 Fans, Davy· 100 Farnsworth, Henry F•• 87 Farrell, John - 51 Farrington, J. F. - 101 Farrington, John C. - 55 Farrington, M. J. - 98 Farrington, WIn. M. Farris, Wm. - 123 Fassett, John - 49 Fauber, Barbara - 66 Faulkner, F. M. E. - 112 Fayle, Wm •• 68 Feelon, Isaac • 39 Feely, Michael • 5 Felton, H. F. - 71 Fendler, Frank - 2 Fenton, John - 136 Ferguson, Henry - 36 Ferguson, A. M. - 144 Ferguson, Arch. -"66 Ferguson, E1iz •• 103 Ferguson, Jas. B. - III Ferguson, Joseph - 125 Fields. Mr •• 65 Fiex, Chas •• 67 Fi1den, Mary - 150 Finesse, Pat· 33 Fink, D. M. - 103 Finley, Geo. W. - 91 Finley, John· 47 Finnie, J. G•• 143 Finny, Kitty - 137 Firth, F. B•• 65 Firth, P. - 35 Fi~her, Edward· 135 Fisher, Geo. W. - 94 Fisher, Thomas A•• 84 Fitzgerald, Henry - 45 Fitzgerald, Sarah - 45 Fitzpatrick, John - 6 Flaherty, Geo •• 95 Flaherty, wm. - 17 Flanegan, Tim • 10 Flanigan, Martin - 5 Flanner, Rebecca - 29 Flavio, P. - 72 Fleming, Anderson· 62 Fleming, C. B•• 108 Fleming, S. A. - 74 Flemming, Nancy • 4 Flemmings, Emily - 27 Flemmings, Lem - 39 Fleshardt, Elizabeth • 144 Fletcher, J. M. - 113 Fletcher, Robert - 141 Fletcher, Susan - 9 Fling, John - 133 Flinn, Rebecca - 52 Florian, E. A•• 108 Flynn, Patrick - 14 Fogarty, Daniel - 14 Fogerty, Mary - 72 Fogg, Mr. - 34 Foley, Daniel - 30 Folger. T. B. - 77 Foot, Chas. H•• 129 Foot, Matilda • 129 Forbes, Martha· 85 Forbus, A. F. - 153 Ford, Thomas - 118 Ford, W. G. - 71 Fordemark, S. - 1 Foster, Mr. - 14 Foster, Thomas J. - 73 Foster, ~ •• 65 Foulk, George - 20 Foulkes, Jeptha - 20 Fowler, John W•• 97 Fowlkes, L. P•• 55 Fowlks, Sterling· 64 Fox, Daniel - 10 Fox, Henry· 16 Fox, John - 19 Fmc, Julia • 17 Foy, J. A. - 108 Fraime, P. P•• 105 Franciala, Felice - 64 Franciala, J. - 62 Francoila, Stephen· 59 Francoile, Job • 59 Frayser, John R. - 96 Frayser, Robert - 97 Frederic, Chas. - 44 Freeman, Ann • 77 Freeman, Z. - 68 Freirson, M. B. - 29 Frey, Chris.- 67 Frick, Henry - 109 Frierson, D. B. - 67 Frierson, G. - 69 Frifagh, George - 8 Frith, John A. - 98 Fritz, George - 29 Fritz, Wm. - 19 Fuqua, Clem· 145 Furlong, William - 20 Gadsden, Thomas A. - 91 Gage, Thomas • 99 Gaines, wm. W•• 133 Gains, Ann - 67 Gains, P. G•• 55 Gair, Isaac - 137 Gairy, Thomas - 22 Gairy, Wm. - 10 Gale, Tom - 97 Gal tman , Isaac· 109 Galtman, Jacob - 109 Gandolfo, G. - 111 Gardner, Robert· 20 Gardner, Wm. - 102 Garnon, James - 35 Garrison, Jas. R. - 71 Garrett, Dr. - 109 Garrett, Benj. G. - 8 Garrett, Henrietta • 125 Garvin, Biddy - 19 Garrison, John A. - 66 Garrison, Sophia - 40 Garvin, Philip - 30 Gaskey, Char10tta • 39 Gay, Alfred - 132 Gayer. C. W. - 77 Gayer, Wm. - 81 Gayle, Peter S•• 99 Gaze, A. H. - 74 Gennett, Janis· 92 George, Mr •• 109 George, Mrs •• 103 Getman, Mary - 69 Gholson, Thomas - 88 Gibbs, A. F. - 88 Gibbs, Elizabeth· 136 Gibson, A. D•• 33 -185- ( Gibson, Isaac Y. - 74 Gibson, L. B. - 67 Gibson, N. - 41 Gibson, Napolean - 134 Gift, Robert - 26 Gift, Volney - 130 Giles, Robert - 92, 132 Gill, Ann A. - 93 Gill, George M. - 71 Gill, Netty - 45 Gillis, Angus - 23 Gillis, John - 137 Gillorn, James - 21 Gilman, Jas. - 112 Gilmour, Wm. D. - 63 Gimmer, John - III Ginan, John - 31 Ginnings, Samuel - 37 Glancy, Martin - 5 Glass, James - 3 Glidden, J. H. - 68 Glidwell, John - 87 Glincamp, Mr. - 57 Glindkamp, Wade - 124 Gniger, Martin - 93 Godsay, Emmons - 34 Gooch, Wm. C. - 54 Goodlett, Job H. - 57 Goodman, Geo. E. - 83 Goodman, Martha - 67 Goodwin, W. A. - 95 Gookins, Jane - 26 Gordall, John D. - 68 Gorman, Dennis - 31 Gorman, John - 37 Gorman, Patrick - 16, 31 Gossitt, Rachel - 77 Gotard, Fred - 77 Gotz, Christian - 89 Grave, Eliz. - 8 Grace, Jertia - 70 Grace, Thomas - 74 Grade, Robert - 53 Grady, Denruis - 3 Grady, Mary - 50 Graham, Barnet - 97 Graham, James - 25 Graham, Jas. S. - 116 Graham, John - 116 Graham, Mary - 116 Graham, Thomas - 97 Gralter, Jones - 17 Granger, Geo. - 95 Granger, George - 81 Grant, G. R. - 54 Grantman, Henry - 139 Graves, John - 41 Graves, L. C. - 92 Gray, Geo. W. - 81 Gray, Hester - 37 Gray, John H. - 142 Gray,. Ned - 50 Gray, Richd - 144 Gray, Thomas - 43 Gray, Wm. - 92 Green, Ellen - 32, 153 Green, Geo. W. - 143 Green, John - 33, 151 Green, Lev. - 87 Green, Paul - 133 Green, Sarah - 39 Greene, L. S. - 96 Greenlaw, W. B. - 154 Grice, Allice - 25 Gridley, M. - 73 Griffen, Dennis - 12 Griffen, John - 22 Griffen, Michael - 12 Griffen, Pat ~ 33 Griffen, Patrick - 14, 32 Griffin, Elizabeth - 147 Griffin, Geo. - 120 Griffin, J. C. - 71 Griffin, Jas. B. - 66 Griffith, Hiram - 121 Grim, Charles - 25 Gritt, John - 109 Grosvenor, N. M. - 47 Gruber, Jacob - 123 Grursk, Conrad - 36 Gryant, Elizabeth - 18 Gryant, George - 19 Guff, Jas. D. - 83 Guilfay, Mr. - 78 Guion, H. S. - 78 Gullet, Edmond - 85 Gunnon, Ed. - 35 Hackney, Jas. - 131 Hadaway, Eliza - 76 Hadaway, Jacob - 76 Hagerty, John - 108 Hale, Wm. F. - 83 Haley, Elizabeth - 93 Baley, Mich - 46 Haley, Wli - 50 Halk, Isaac - 104 Hall, Franklin M. - 94 Hall, Unice - 38 Hall, William - 34 Halstead, Jackson - 128 HamneT, Const. - 79 Hancock, Mary J. - 70 Hand, Benja. - 57 Hand, Eman - 57 Handworker, Bon - 75 Haney, Jas. H.' - 104 Hanigan, Thomas - 35 Rannah, Robert - 77 Hannon, J. R. - 74 Hansil, - 14 Hapton, Abn;r - 141 Harbin, Geo. C. - 107 Hardin, Edith - 123 Hardin, Martha - 136 Harper, Cha. - 62 Harper, L. B. - 55 Harrell, Henry R. - 150 Harrell, Joseph - 8.2 Harris, A. O. - 80 Harris, Harriet - 74 Harris, Isaac W. - 83 Harris, Jessie - 71 Harris, Lucinda - 67 Harris, West - 80 Harrison, Jeptha - 61 Harrison, M. Judd - 146 Harrison, Pheoby - 42 Harrison, Rachal - 2 Hart, John - 34 Hart, Rodah - 95 Hart, Wm. - 35 Hartlege, Fred - 35 Hartwig, Henry - 59 Harver, G. W. - 88 Harvey,.Eliza - 69 Harvey, J. - 81 Haskins, Polly - 112 Hastings, Robert - 152 Hatch, Mary E. - 87 Hatch, Paret W. - 83 Hatch, Susan C. - 87 Hatcher, Julia - 1 Hathaway, John - 109 Haver, Sarah O. - 53 Haward, Wardlow - 131 Hawkins, Ransom - 19 Hawkins, Sarah - 142 Hawkins, T. Y. - 77 Hawks, Math. - 83 Hawley, Alfred - 115 Hawthorn, John W. - 98 Hawthorne, Agnes - 105 Hay, Preston - 57 Haydon, William - 58 Hays, Lydia - 149 Hazel, John - 52 Hearn, Pat - 46 Heath, J. P. - 62 Heidle, Chas. - 49 Heistan, A. B. - 1 Heistan, Jane B. - 76 Heiston, John - 76 HenacFe, John - 7 Henket, A. D. - 66 Henkle, E. S. - 69 Henkle, J. N. - 66 Henkle, Maria - 78 Henne'ssee, Mary - 15 Hennessis, Ed. - 32 Hennessy, Jno. - 11 Henderson, Allen - 43 Henderson, Anderson - 95 Henderson, Andrew - 66 Henderson, Littleton - 18 Henderson, S. J. - 42 Henry, Amanda - 120 Henry, John - 107 Henry, Mary - 16 Henseley, Brad. - 63 Herbers, John - 21 Herbert, Geo. - 75 Herndon, Wm. R. - 100 Herron, A. R. - 91 Hester, John B. - 154 Hewitt, Ez. - 102 HeWitt, Mich&el - 127 Hickey, Demsey Hickman, Edward - 87 Hickman, J. H. - 72 Hicks, Frank - 102 Higgins, Elizabeth - 17 Higgins, I. - 7 Higgins, Tim - 5 Higgins, Wesley - 7 Hightower, Daniel - 10 Hilfer, Antoni - 141 Hill, Ann - 77 Hill, Bird - 63 Hill, Hanna - 48 Hill, J. M. - 19 Hill, James L. - 154 Hill, John - 20 Hill, John B. - 92 Hill, John C. - 151 Hill, Julia - 4 Hill, Montgomery - 13 Hill, Wm. - 2, 44, 86 Hillman, Lewis - 7 -186Hills, H. T•• 155 Hills, Thomas E. - 23 Hillsmans, William - 39 Hines, Ambrose - 100 Hines, Dines - 17 Hines, Hannah - 12 Hines, Peter - 11 Hipple, Isaac - 40 Hirsch, Samuel - 63 Hirsh, Aaron - 63 Hita, Lorinzo de - 69 Hittacre, Dicy • 74 Hobbs, John R•• 88 Hogler, Albert· 8 Hogrife, Aug •• 107 Holcomb, Nevit • 146 Holden, Louisa - 9 Holder, Henry - 117 Holly, Henry - 102 Holmes, Eliza - 57 Holmes, Esberenah - 13 Holmes, Wm. - 115 Holst, C. K. - 113 Holster, John - 23 Holt, N. B. - 50 Hoofman, Amelia - 68 Hope, Mary - 50 Hopton, John - 125 Horah, H. - 66 Horsley, R. M. - 104 Hotoway, Emilner - 113 Houghton, H. N. - 120 Houston, Wm. - 134 Howard, James M. - 70 Howard, Romanzo - 128 Howard, Thomas - 107 Howcott, N. - 51 Hudson, Hall - 83 Hudson, Henry - 6 Hueur, Fred - 35 Huff, Alex - 120, 147 Huffman, John - 89 Hufman, Christian - 27 Hufman, Henrietta - 62 Hufscutz1er, Emily - 61 Hughes, James - 17 Hulbert, M. T. - 52 Hulbert, Nat. - 51 Hull, John E. - 82 Hull, L. H. - 88 Hu1 ton, Mary • 34 Hume, G. B. - 146 Humphreys, Geo. - 7 Humphreys, Parry W. - 61 Hundley, Thomas W. - 135 Hunt, Anthony· 35 Hunt, Harriett - 100 Hunt, Marg. - 100 Hunt, T. W. - 97 Runt, William H. - 80 Hurley, Daniel - 15 Hustan, Peter - 75 Hutchens, Ross - 63 Hutchison, John - 122 Hutton, Samuel - 122 Hyatt, Mary - 76 Hyde, John - 38 Hyer, Wm. - 67 Iddins, Paris - 70 Imes, William - 40 Ind, Francis - 14 Ingle, James - 136 Ingling, Frank - 109 Irvin, George - 13 Irvin, J. F. - 102 Irvin, T. W. - 98 Ishmal, Henry - 26 Ives, John - 146 Jack, Wm. - 107 Jackson, E•• 92 Jackson, Eliza - 28, 77 Jackson, Martha - 143 Jackson, Mary - 16 Jackson, William - 143 Jacobs, H. - 124 James, Geo. - 72 James, Joshua - 148 James, Joshu F. - 72 James, Matilda - 139 James, Thomas Sr. - 8 James, Thomas Jr. - 8 Jameson, C. R. - 98 Jamieson, W. E. - 103 Jamison, John B. - 68 Jarnigan, Spencer - 132 Jean, John - 62 Jeannin, A. - 88 Jeggetts, F. W. - 100 Jenkins, Eliza - 49 Jenkins, Geo. - 76 Jenkins. Green P. - 72 Jenkins, Jas. - 104 Jenkins, Mary - 49 Jennings, Robert - 25 Jenny, J. J. - 144 Jerry, Martha - 42 Jeter, Corneilus - 12 Jewell, Absalam - 149 Jewett, Sarah - 135 Jight, Samuel - 10 John, Little - 19 Johnson, Mr. - 55 Johnson, Ann - 139 Johnson, Benj. W. - 143 Johnson, Cyrus - 37 Johnson, David T. - 91 Johnson, G.D. - 42 Johnson, Henry - 4 Johnson, J. F. - 146 Johnson, James - 6 Johnson, Jo. - 88 Johnson, John - 81 Johnson, Martha - 123 Johnson, Mary - 37 Johnson, William - 38 Johnston, Samuel B. - 148 Joiner, Anna - 37 Joiner, Rufus - 94 Jones, Agnes - 13 Jones, Daniel - 84 Jones, Edward - 12 Jones, Geo. F. - 119 Jones, Geo. W. - 73 Jones, Isaac - 147 Jones, Jas. C. - 47 Jones, John - 41 Jones, Joseph - 76 Jones, M. - 128 Jones, O. C. - 147 Jones, Panama - 141 Jones, Riley - 102 Jones, S. R. - 109 Jones, Shad. - 100 Jones, Wm. - 70 Jones, Wm. A. - 67 Jones, Wm. M. - 104 Kaerper, Fred - 72 Kaltmann, E•• 55 Kaner, Mr. - 89 Karr, Andrew H. - 80 Karr, J. M. S. - 66 Kattman, Henry - 126 Kauffman, D. - 98 Kay, R. L. - 67 Kay, Robert N. - 34 Kearney, Jno. - 22 Keaton, Cath. - 5 Keeling, David H. - 71 Keeling, Edward A. - 96 Keever, Mary - 133 Keho, John - 16 Keif, O•• 35 Keisacker, Fisher T. Keller, Jos. - 107 Kelly, Daniel - 22 Kelly, Michael - 14 Kelton, Jenks - 20 Kemberly, Jas. - 103 Kennedy, Jacob L. - 107 Kennedy, James - 22 Kennedy, John· 23 Kennedy, Mary • 9, 112 Kennedy" Pat· 44 Kenrledy, . Thomas - 102 Kennet, Mrs. - 20 Kennet, F. G•• 20 Kerns, Patrick - 7 Keroth, Stephen - 137 Kidd, Wm •• 117 Kierolf, As. ·'65 Kimble, James· 97 Kimble, John - 38 Kinchelow, Wing W•• 86 Kindel, Julia - 132 King, Charles • 43 King, David - 74 King, John - 69, 141 Kingston, Jas. - 85 Kingwe11, John - 91 Kinner, Jas. - 103 Kirby, Dennis - 115 Kirk, John - 71 Kirk, Thomas - 51 Kirtland, Henry • 77 Kirtland, J. B•• 130 Kirtley, Frank - 120 Kirwan, J. W. - 41 Kiser, Jo. P•• 1 Kitchet, John - 3 Kittson, Andy - 8 Klinck, J. G•• 48 Knapp, A. G. - 1 Knapp, Elizabeth - 2 Knapp, Nancy -10 Knight, Richd - 120 Knox, Robert - 83 Knox, WIll •• 107 Kraff, L. - 36 Krafft, James - 23 Krafft, John H•• 84 Kroger, John H. - 127 Kroh, H. T. - 87 Krumer, Mary • 141 Kusack, Edward - 60 Labender, Loice - 113 -187- ( Labon, Sarah - 100 Lackett, Jas. M. - 123 Ladd, Wm. - 104 Laird, Luther - 101 Lamb, A. H. - 77 Lamb, James - 88 Lamberson, Thomas - 100 Lampheir, William - 23 Lambert, Litus - 30 Lamphier, Anna - 23 Lamphier, E. L. - 51 Lamphier, J. S. - 64 Lamphier, John - 50 Lamphier, Thomas - 50 Lancet, Bridget - 14 Land, Paul - 140 Land, Philip - 9 Land, Wm. T. - 8 Lane, D. J. - 125 Lane, Ezra C. - 6 Lane, John T. - 6 Lane, Fletcher - 107 Lane, Pat - 141 Lane, Sampson - 126 Langston, Robert - 25 Lanier, J. C. - 55 Lanisque, C. - 141 Lapsley, Robert - 67 Lapsley, Samuel - 67 Larimer, John - 50 Larkin, Michael - 32 Larkin, John - 32 Latham, F. S. - 118 Latham, Geo. - 106 Latham, Hardy - 37 Latham, Henry J. - 84 Lather, Cath - 37 Lathrop, Mr. - 20 Lauderdale, Jas. F. - 137 Laugh tin , Hiram O. - 34 Lavellette, Albert - 96 Law, George - 81 Law, Sarah - 114 Lawless, John - 140 Lawson, Smith - 103 Lawton, John - 13 Lawrence, Davy - 121 Addition: J. B. Hicks- 82 Lawrence, Eliza - 95 Lawrence, Maria - 28 Lawrence, N. S. - 71 Lay, John - 59 Leach, Gid. - 43 Leach, Thomas - 107 Leaf, Frank -'62 Lear, Chas. - 111 Leary, Daniel - 5 Leavitt, Jas. S. - 138 Lecoq, John - 105 Lectire, Felix - 103 Lecture, Jude - 88 Ledbetter, Mr. - 106, 1!! Lee, Sarah - 123 Lee, Thomas - 101 Lehman, J. A. - 65 Leinhardt, Chas. - 90 Leive1len, P. A. - 29 Lemon, H. T. - 82 Lenow, James - 39 Leonard, Fayette - 120 Leonard, John - 7 Leonard, Thomas - 149 Leone, Chas. - 68 Leroy, Fenton - 93 Lesehes, A. P. - 51 Leverett, Thomas F. - 85 Leverett, William - 59 Levi, Emanuel - 51 Levi, N. - 60 Levy, A. S. - 84 Levy, M. A. - 84 Lewelling, S. W. - 144 Lewis, Fred - 59 Lewis, Geo. G. - 98 Lewis, Martba - 130 Lewis, Mary - 47 Lewis, Robert - 88 Lewis, Spinan - 151 Lewis, W. P. - 140 Liles, John - 32 Lincb, Matin - 111 Linch, Mary - 37 Linch, Sarah - 40 Lincb, Walter - 35 Linck, James - 38 Linde, Albert - 73 Line, Fred - 63 Linebardt, Frits - 89 Linhbauer, Jacob - 117 Linhbauer, Jobn - 91 Liston, Edward Liston, Michael - 31 Little, Eliza - 108 Little, wm. - 13 Littlefield, Mary Ann - 94 Locke, G. B. - 97 Lockett, A. L. - 90 Lockett, Frank LodWick, Drady - 27 Lofland, William - 18 Loftin, Catb. - 119 Logan, Ann - 50 Long, Michael - 21 Long, R. N. - 43 Lonsdale, E. W. - 49 Looney, David - 90 Lortell, Benja. - 38 Loughlin, John - 5 Lounds, J. H. A. - 57 Love, wm. D. - 62 Loving, John - 116 Lowder, wm. - 103 Lowary, Jack - 37 Luby, William - 35 Lucas, Nath - 8 Lucas, wm. D. - 99 L'Jchey, Michael - 7 Luckey, James - 6 Luddy, James - 25 Lumpkin, J. W. - 121 Lune, William - 35 Luster, Frances A. - 92 Lutes, Jacob - 76 Lyde, O. N. - 48 Lyle, St. Anna - 7 Lyles, Susan E. - 7 Lyncb, Edward - 153 Lynch, Michael .. 6 Lyone, L. H. - 64 Lyons, El10n - 31 Lyons, John - 12, 15 Lyons, Ruth - 115 (To be continued) ISBjn.L CEMETERY, FAYETTE COUNTY, TENN. Contributed by Krs. Helen BoWling MCKnigbt, Huntsville, Ala. The cemetery is located behind the Stone Cemetery, north of Rossville, Tennessee. Headstones were copied by Mrs. McKnight and her mother, Mrs. Nellie Stone Bowling. ROSCOE C. H. Son of N. H. & Eliza Born Jan. 17, Died June 20, Aged 3 yrs. 4 NICHOLAS H. ISBELL Son of Born Feb. 25, 1809 N. H. & E. J. ISBELL Died July 17, 1879 Born Mar. 24, 1817(7) (18477) Died Sept. 1, 1875 Aged 28 yrs. 5 ms. & 8 ds. ADLIA O. J. ISBELL 1849 1852 ms. 3 ds. ELIZA J. Wife of Nicholas H. ISBELL Born Jan. 20, 1813 Died Jan. 28, 1889 LOUISA V. wife of J. M. Warr Born April 8th 1844 Died Oct. 30, 1865 JOSEPH R. WARR (or J.M.7) Born Feb. 2nd 1837 Died May 30, 1862 MARTHA R. Wife of W. S. WARR Born Nov. 28, 1850 Died Feb. 11, 1873 W. SCOTT WARR MURDERED Oct. 10, 1883 Born Aug. 31, 1848 LIm.E MARTHA & JAMES ISBELL Infant children of S. & M. will .. 188TENNESSEE MARRIAGES REPORTED IN THE MEMPHIS, ARKANSAS AND QUACHITA CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE -- 1853-1861 Abstracted by James Logan Morgan Arkansas Records Association, Newport, Arkansas ANGLEMYRES, Isaac, to Miss A. E., daughter of Levi LOWRANCE, formerly of Memphis, Apr. 28, 1859, at the Gayoso by Rev. Samuel Watson.(5-5-1859) BAUGH, John V., of Memphis, to Miss Anna M. HARGROVE, of Brownsville, Oct. 20, 1858, by Rev. A. H. Thomas ~t Fortune House, Brownsville, Tenn. (11-4-1858) BOLTON, John, to Miss Parthenia ROBINSON, both of Hardin Co., Tenn., Apr. 24, 1859, near White Sulphur Springs, by D. A. Roberts. (5-5-1859) CASEY, T. B., of Madison Co., Tenn., to Miss E. R. BENSON, of Mason's Grove, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1858, by Rev. E. Jacksqn. (10-28-1858) CLAXTON, Dr. James R., to Miss Marietta BRADEN, both of Fayette Co., Tenn., Apr. 13, 1859, "at Esq. Braden's," near Concordia, Fayette Co., by Rev. A. Davis (5-26-1859) COE, Col. Jesse, of Florida, to Miss Alice E. COE, Feb. 16, 1859, at residence of the bride's mother near Memphis, by Rev. Mr. Thomas. (2-24-1859) COLLIER, Mr. ---, to Miss Sallie ELLIOTT, in Memphis, by Rev. J. W. Knott. (2-24-1859) CUNNINGHAM, Dr. R. B., to Miss Emily J. YOUNG, Feb. 3, 1859, Henderson Co., Tenn., by Rev. Jas. W. Kirk. (2-24-1859) DYER, Mat. B., to Miss Duana E. SMITH, both of Fayette Co., Tenn., Apr. 8, 1859, at residence of bride's father by Rev. J. S. Pickens. (5-5-1859) GLOVER, Samuel, of Arkansas, to Miss Miriam ANDERSON, of Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 9, 1858, by Rev. E. Jackson. (10-28-1858) HARRISON, N. F., to Miss Eliza J. NUBYj reported with L. PAINE to Miss Hannah A. NUBY. HOLLAND, Dr. J. C., of the firm of Locke and Holland, to Mrs. S. A. Humphries, Oct. 22, 1858, at residence of Mrs. Humphries, Market Street, by Rev. J. W. Knott. (10-28~1858) INGRAM, J. B., to Miss Caroline J., second daughter of the late Malcolm McPHERSON, of the Memphis Conference, Mar. 26, 1859, at residence of Wm. Wall. (4-27-1859) ISBEL, L. M., to Miss Henrietta GOSS, reported with W. V. ROBERTS to Miss Elizabeth PALMER. JONES, Dr. Wm. F., of Cotton Grove, Tenn., to Miss Eliza A. RICKETTS, of Madison Co., Tenn., Sept. 15, 1858, by Rev. E. Jackson. (10-28-1858) McDANIEL, William, to Mrs. Mary A. GILKEY, Oct. 29, 1856, by Rev. J. H. Brooks. (11-13-1856) MILLER, W. N., of Fayette Co., Tenn., to Miss L. A. WHITMORE, of Shelby, Feb. 8, 1859, at residence of C. H. Whitmore, 4 miles from Memphis, by Rev. J. W. Knott. (2-24-1859) PAINE, L., to Miss Hannah A. NUBY, and N. F. HARRISON to Miss Eliza J. NUBY, all of Shelby Co., Feb. 16, 1859, at residence of Moses Nuby, by Rev. R. R. Evans. (2-24-1859) ROBERTS, W. V., to Miss Elizabeth PALMER, and L. M. ISBEL to Miss Henrietta GOSS, Jan. 15, 1859, at residence of H. L. Palmer, Shelby Co., Tenn., by Rev. W. B. Owen. (2-24-1859) SIKES, Henry 0., to Miss Nancy COOPER, both of Hardeman Co., Tenn., July 4, 1861, by Rev. Thomas Taylor. (7-11-1861) TAYLOR, W. A., to Miss T. V. COLLINS, both of Madison Co., Tenn., July 29, 1858, by Rev. E. Jackson. (10-28-1858) "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS needs BIBLE RECORDS with early dates CEMETERY RECORDS with early dates CHURCH RECORDS Our readers will appreciate your sharing your records with them THROUGH "ANSEARCHIN"'. -189JOHN RENSHAW BIBLE Contributed by Grace Parke Renshaw (Mrs. A. N.), Memphis, Tenn. PHILADELPHIA H. C. Carey & I. Lea -- Chestnut Street 1822 FAMILY RECORD Marriages John Renshaw was born on February the 6th 1809 and was married August the 14th 1827 Martha Renshaw was born October the 12th 1808 Jane Eme1y Renshaw was born May the 7th 1828 Ann M Renshaw was born March 10th 1834 John Renshaw Snr. and Esther Renshaw was married May the 24th 1842 Lafayette Hart Snr. and Rebeckah Renshaw was married Dec. the 29th 1859 Jarrett S. Renshaw and Susan E. Smith were married Oct. 12th 1871 Jarrett S. Renshaw and Belle Nee1yLwere married Nov. 9th 1887 ( Births John Renshaw was born August the 16th 1785 John Renshaw Jun was born in the year of our Lord February the 6th 1809 Rebeckah Miram Renshaw Daughter of John and Esther Renshaw was born March 14th 1843 Jarret Smith Renshaw was born May the 23d 1848 Richard Neely was born the 13th of January 1802 Esther Renshaw was born April the 15th 1805 Mary Walker Hart was born May 12th 1861 Daughter of R. M. Hart Anderson Caldwell Renshaw son of John and Esther Renshaw was born May 2nd 1845 Elisabeth Brawley was born the 7th of December 1820 James S. Brawley was bora October 1th 1822 Rebecca Caroline was born December 11 tb . ~.825 Deaths Anderson Caldwell Renshaw Son of John and Easter Renshaw died October 30th 1863 Rebecca Miram Hart, Daughter of John Renshaw and Easter his wife died March 24 th 1864 Revd John Renshaw departed this life on the 25th day of September 1864 in the 80th year of his age Esther Renshaw departed this life on the 1st day of October 1864 in the 57th year of her age Rebekah Renshaw departed this life January the 25th 1841 Martha Renshaw departed this life the 5th of September 1829 Ann M. Renshaw departed this life May 26th 1834 Note from Contributor: The Renshaw family was in Maryland by 1632. Part of the family migrated to North Carolina, where John Sr. was born (in Rowan County) in 1785. John Renshaw and his descendants have lived in Henderson, Madison, Shelby, and neighboring counties since 1827. lSee the THOMAS JEFFERSON NEELY FAMILY BIBLE, page 190. -190THOMAS JEFFERSON NEELY FAMILY BIBLE Contributed by Grace Parke Renshaw (Mrs. Anderson Neely)~ The family record was copied in 1940 by the late Paul Renshaw, stepson of Belle Neely Renshaw. Eleanor Phillips, born Feb. 10 1782. James Neely, Apr. 27, 1797 Married to Thomas Jefferson Neely, son of James and Eleanor Neely, born Dec. 23, 1803. to Sarah Richard Putney, born Apr. 26, 1812. Dr. Richard James, son of T. J. and S. R. Neely, born Aug. 14, 1829 Allie Murphy Collins, born Feb. 13, 1804 Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of T. J. and A. M. Neely, born Nov.'15, 1831 Thos. Jonathan Burford, son of T. J. and A. M. Neely, born Mar. 10, 1833 Eleanor Griffin, dau. of T. J. and A. M. Neely, born Apr. 8, 1836 Allie Murphy Collins, dau. of T. J. and A. M. Neely, born Apr. 8, 1839 Charity Springfield, born Apr. 13, 1818 2 Philip Joseph, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Mar. 11, 1841 Susan Ann Mary, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Nov. 23, 1842 Temperance Alice, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Feb. 19, 1844 Jefferson Andrew Soule, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Aug~ 18, 1846 Robert Blount, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Aug. 18, 1846 (twins) Dr. William Summerfield, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Oct. 2, 1849 Lettitia Catherine, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born May 10, 1851 Franklin Boswell, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Oct. 11, 1852 Fannie Taylor, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Aug. 25, 1854 Amanda Belle, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born Feb. 21, 1856 Jennie Helen, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born May 9, 1858 Terressa Polk, dau. of T. J. and Charity Neely, born July 25, 1859 Frederick Cross, son of T. J. and Charity Neely, born May 29, 1861 Marriages Thos. J. Neely and Sarah R. Putney, married October 23, 1828 Thos. J. Neely and Allie M. Collins, married Jan. 27, 1831 Thos. J. Neely and Charity Springfield, married Jan. 30, 1840 Deaths Sarah R., wife of T. J. Neely, died July 27, 1830 Richard James, son of T. J. and S. Ro Neely, died in Civil War Allie M., wife of T. J. Neely, died Apr. 8, 18390 Her funeral was preached by Rev. Benj. Watson from Zech. 9:11, 12 Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of To J. and Ao Mo Neely, died Aug. 1, 1832 Eleanor Griffin, dau o of To J. and Ao Mo Neely, died Apr. 17, 1838 Allie Murphy Collins died June 23, 1839 Robert Blount, son of To J. and Charity Neely, died June 18, 1848 William Summerfield, son of To J. and Charity Neely, died Dec. 21, 1878 Fannie Taylor, dau. of To J. and Charity Neely, died Oct. 9, 1855 Terressa Polk, dau. of T. Jo and Charity Neely, died Aug. 8, 1859 lCORRECTION: Page 131, July-September, 1973, issue (Vol. 20, No.3): Mrs. Arthur Neely Renshaw should be MRS o ANDERSON NEELY RENSHAW. 2See the Thomas Springfield Bible record, page 131, July-September, 1973, issue (Vol. 20, No. 3)0 -191Notes from the contributor: I.. The contributor has written statements dictated by T. J. Neely about his family, in which he states that his great-grandfather, JAMES NEELY, came from Ireland, and settled in Botetourt County, Va. II. The emigrant's four sons were: (1) JOHN, who moved to North or South Carolina; (2) JAMES, who settled in Tennessee, and then became Indian agent in Alabama, where he died; (3) ROBERT, who settled in Maury County, Tenn., where he died near Mt. Pleasant; and (4) WILLIAM (grandfather of T. J. Neely), who was married to Mary Friend (of Welsh descent from Md.), moved to Davidson County, Tenn., in 1796, and then to Williamson County, Tenn., where he died and was buried near Franklin. III. JAMES NEELY, son of WILLIAM NEILLY and his wife MARY FRIEND, died in Henderson County, Tenn. He married Eleanor Phillips in Davidson County. IV. The children of JAMES NEELY and ELEANOR PHILLIPS NEELY were: (1) BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, (2) ROBERT, (3) THOMAS JEFFERSON, b. Williamson County, 1803, (4) WM., (5) the REV. PHILIP PHILLIPS NEELY, (6) MARY, (7) NANCY, and (8) SUSAN, who died in childhood. The five sons have descendants in the counties adjacent to Henderson. ( T. J. Neely stated: "I was baptised by Reverend George Newton (Old Presbyterian) and professed religion in the 5th of August, 1820; commenced preaching 1822; was a traveling preacher for sixteen years. First appointment Nashville circuit and the same year, owing to alteration, appointed to Lebanon; (2) Sandy circuit; (3) located and went to school; (4) to Wayne circuit; (5) Forked Deer, embracing seven Counties, 31 appointments in 28 days; (6) Wolf River circuit, and in the fall married Miss Sarah Richard Putney, 1827. By her had one son. Then located 1839, Hatchie circuit; 1840, Trenton circuit; 1841, 42, the LaGrange Mission; 1844, 45 Hollysprings circuit; (located for twenty years); 1866 LaGrange Mission; 1867 Saulsbury circuit." The Scotch-Irish Neely family were "dancing" Presbyterians, and when T. J. became a Methodist, his father refused to see him, although they were later reconciled. The T. J. Neely plantation, to which he gave his time during the twenty years of "location" and rearing a large family, is near Whiteville, Hardeman County, Tennessee. The house burned long ago, and the family graveyard is inaccessible. DEATHS REPORTED IN BANNER OF PEACE, NASHVILLE, TENN. JULY 25, 1861 Contributed by Betty Given Moore (Mrs. Henry N.) Dr. A. B. Gibbons, 20 April 1861. B. 16 April 1807, Jefferson Co., E. Tenn.; m. Margaret Churchman, 4 April 1833. To Henderson Co., W. Tenn. in 1836. To Carroll Co., 1846. 9 sons, 4 daus. Died: 31 June, 1861, of typhoid, in Itawamba Co. (Miss.), Columbus Lee, son of Finey E. and Elizabeth Stephenson. B. Pontotoc Co., Miss., 26 Oct. 1849. ~: May 8, William A. Galey, only son of J. V. and Sally M. Galey. B. 6 Aug.1849. Died: At Camp Trauslae, June 29, of pneumonia, Thomas Russell of Capt. Matthew's Co., Col. Newman's Reg.; age 27. ~: June 18, of fever, John Lewis Rolston, age 23. ~: -192INDEX TO BLEDSOE COUNTY, TENNESSEE DEEDS VOL. I - 1797-1838 Transcribed from Microfilm by Ami Preston (Mrs. Thomas) (Continued from last Quarter) GRANTOR Direct Love & Watson Love, John Love, John Love, John Looney, Peter (Shiff) Looney, Peter (Shiff) Love, John Love, John Lea, William Laster, Burrill Love, Richard H. Lamb, Adam Love, Richard H. Love, Richard H. Love, Charles Love, John & Joseph Lee, Elizabeth Love, Richard H. Love, Richard H. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, John Looney, Peter Love & Watson Looney, Peter Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Laird, Samuel Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Lee, William Lamb, Adam Love, Henry J. GRANTEE Indirect Love, John Watson, Josiah, Love, Samuel Love, John Watson, Josiah Love, Samuel GRANTEE DESCRIPTION John Love 26 Tracts, 27,950A Greene, Bledsoe, Overton & Anderson Counties 5000A, Lot 1 5000A, Lot 8 5000A, Lot 2 50A, Daddy's Cr. Negro woman & boy !!§.!.~ BK/PG 1795 1798 1798 1798 1811 1811 A-252 A-344 A-347 A-351 A-372 A-376 1798 1798 1812 1807 1811 1812 1813 1815 1814 1814 1814 1818 1818 1816 1816 1816 A-398 A-399 A-407 A-4l2 B-39 B-50 B-90 B-93 B-98 B-203 B-206 B-245 B-247 C-5 C-8 C-63 Charles J. Love Samuel Love Samuel Love William Lea Samuel Smith Robt. Patton & Chas. Scott, Wm.T.Hall Agreement A John B. Armstead 1500A, Lot 12,13,14 Eli Thurman 1500A, Lot 8 Grant #3317 100A, Seq. R. Gr Thomas N. Clark 5000A, Lot 7 Ashel Rawlings Lot 61, Madison Charles Jv Love 4000A, #7 Charles J. Love 25,000A, Lot 2 John McIver Lot 7, 8 Joseph McReynolds 625A; Lot 8 Joseph McReynolds 562~ Thomas N. Clark 1000A, Lot #7 Thomas N. Clark 1000A, Seq. R. Samuel Smith 30A, S.E. Seq. Cr. Isaac Stephens 27A, Lot #7 Camm. of Pikeville 30A, Lot #8 William Hodgson & 600 A Obeys R. Hall 5000A, Seq. R. Stephen Bishop Release, 282A John Love Joseph Hoge & 5000A, Seq. R. Others 98A, S.E. Seq. R. Robert Vernon 102A, Lot in Odiah C. Vernon Alexander Thomas 90A, Lot in & 8 3l2A, Lots #7 & 8 John Thomas PA Power of Att. Isaac Stephens Power of Att. PA James Tremble George W. Campbell 2500A, Seq. R. 8A Pleasant Dawson lOA, Cumberland Mt. David Grayham Samuel Worthington 530A, Seq. R. I 1800 C-79 1795 C-112 1795 C-126 1795 1818 1818 1819 1819 1819 1812 1817 1821 1820 1823 C-134 C-157 C-163 C-180 C-186 C-205 D-2 D-4 D-30 D-58 D-68 !!§.!.~ n/PG GRANTOR DESCRIPTION Stokely Donelson 5000A, Seq. Cr. 1795 A-4 Stokely Donelson Marten Armstrong 5000A, Seq. R. 1795 A-19 -193GRANTOR Direct Love, George J. Love, Charles J. Love, Henry J. Love, Charles J. Love, Henry J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Low, Andrew R. Love, Charles J. Lo~, Andrew R. L~, Andrew R. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. Lea, William Laird, Samuel ( GRANTEE Indirect Love, John " Love, Charles J. Long, Tobias Lasater, Burrill GRANTOR Direct Love, Charles J. Langley, N. GRANTEE Indirect Love, Samuel Love, Samuel Love, Charles J. Love, Richard H. Love, Samuel Love, Samuel Love, John Love, John Love, Charles J. Lamb, Alexander Love, John Armstead, John .!BE..!?!'f! BK/PG GRANTEE DESCRIPTION Eli Thurman Philip Thurman Reuben Brown !p'hraim Thurman John Hankins Ruben Brown James Robinson Elisha Kirklen John Kemmer John Alcorn Moses Low Rebecca Lowe John C. Wade Stephen ·Thurman Rubin Brown Rubin Brown Rubin Brown Thomas Swafford John Worthington Samuel Worthington Samuel Worthington James McKinney Isaac Stephens 326A, Seq. Cr. 163A 24A, Seq. R. 86A, Seq. Cr. Prt. of SOOOA, Lot 2 1140A, Seq. Cr. 1140A, Lot 1F2 168A 40A, Seq. Valley 154A, Seq. Cr. 25A 40A 96A, Lot 117 GRANTOR DESCRIPTION Samuel Love Josiah Watson John Love John McCullan Grant 113317 5000A, Seq. R. 200A, Seq. Valley 1000A, Seq. R. Gr GRANTEE DESCRIPTION !li[£.Qill MS/PG Thomas N. Clark Hugh Boyd 85A, N.W. Seq. Cr. N. W. Seq. Cr. GRANTOR DESCRIPTION 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1824 1822 1822 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1824 1822 D-74 D-7S 0-79 0-80 Dos.85 D-97 D-99 D-I07 D-122 D-127 D-134 0-137 D-149 D-159 D-159 D-160 D-16l D-162 D-166 D-190 D-19l D-214 0-242 INST.DATE BK/PG 1795 1798 1807 1807 A-21 A-30 A-182 A-4l2 96~A 164A, Lot 1F2 87A, Lot 1F2 24A l54A, Lot 1F2. 87A, Lot 1F2 l41A, Lot 1F2 125A, Crow Cr. 50A, Seq. Valley 169A, N.W. Seq. Cr. 5000A, Lot 1F2 Love, John 5000A, Lot 118 Love, John 5000A, Lot 1F7(1) Love, John Charles J. Love 5000A, Lot 1F2 John Love Harriet Love Nancy Love 5000A, Seq. R. John C. Love Richard H. Love Hemoy (1) Jones Love Samuel Love Josiah Watson Samuel Love 26 tracts, 27,950A Josiah Watson 2000A, Lot 1F18 James C. Scott 285A John McIver Robert Patton Charles R. Scott 18,000A William Hall 1820 F-14 1825 F-425 .!!i[!..DATE BK/PG ----- -- W 1809 A-202 1795 A-252 1809 A-305 1813 B-178 1803 B-19 -194" GRANTEE Love, Charles J. Love, Charles J. GRANTOR Thomas Sims & Wife Thomas Sims & Others John Tollett Sr. DESCRIPTION 2000A,Lot 118 1000A, Crow Cr. l60A, Crow Cr. 1816 B-209 1816 B-136 Stokely Donelson John Tollett George Taylor George W. Clmpbel1 George W. Campbell Comm. of PikeviLLe William Hutchison John McIver 5000A, Lot 1/10 100A, Seq. R. 50A, Seq. Valley 50A, Lot 119 200A, Lot 119 Lot 114 l63A, Seq. Cr. 1795 C-124 1816 C-231 1817 C-216 1821 D-43 1822 D-66 18lUD-93 1823 D-1l8 1823 D-105 GRANTOR Direct GRANTEE DESCRIPTION McCl~llan, John McIver, John Samuel Worthington 200A, Seq. R. James Parks 40, OOOA, Cumberland Mt. Isham Hall 45A, Seq. Cr. John Goolston 300A, Seq. Cr. Tobias Long 200A, Seq. Valley Ben G. Orr 5000A, Lot 113 Thomas Brown 20,000A, Lots 16, 45, 6 James Childress 52A, Seq. R. Robert Patten Jr. 3500A, Seq. R. Love, Samuel Love, John Watson, Josiah Love, Samuel Low, Andrew Lee, Frances Loyd, James Loyd, James & Wife Lowry, William Lea, BurrelL Lasater, Burrill McClellan, John McClellan, John McClellan, John McIver, John (Atty) McIver, John McClellan, John McIver, John MCMeans, Isaac & Underwood, Abner MCMeans, Isaac S. MCMeans, Isaac S. GRANTEE Indirect McReynolds, Samuel McIver, John McMeans, Isaac S. McDaniel, Randolph McClelland, John McReynolds, Samuel McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McReynolds, John & James McReynolds, John & James McIver, John & Wm. Parker Aquilla Johnson John BillingsLey Samuel Billingsley 115A, Seq. Cr. l46A, S.E. Seq. R. 120A, S.E. Seq. R. GRANTOR DESCRIPTION John Dowthet Assbel Rawlings William Hillard John Roberson Rubin Brown Israel William Standefer Samuel Smith John Tolhtt John Tollett James Standefer Israel Standefer Thomas Sales Alexander Lamb Alexander Lamb 199A, S.E. Seq. R. 20,000A, Seq. Cr. 172A, S.E. Seq. R. $550 Negro boy 100A, Seq. Valley Negro 182.A, 404A, 300A, 923A, 432A, 190A, 285A 285A David McGee $325 Negro girl Jessee G. Ramey Agreement Thompson & Ghentworth 5000A, Lot #4-16 INST.DATE BK/PG -T8i3 i=95 !!i§!.M!! ~/PG 1807 A-45 1807 1807 1808 1807 l8d9 A-149 A-l78 A-179 A-182 A-275 1799 A-288 1808 A-313 1810 A-364 1810 A-384 1812 B-12 1812 B-14 !!§I.M!! BK/PG BS woman Lot 117 S.E. Seq. R. Lot III Lot 1114 N.W. Seq. Cr. Seq. Cr. (As in record) 1812 B-16 1811 B-56 1812 B-59 L812 B-6L 1812 B-80 1812 1814 1814 1814 1816 1816 1815 1813 1813 B-10l B-107 B-l12 B-122 B-164 B-l71 B-174 B-178 B-178 BS 1815 B-183 A 1811 B-184 1813 B-l92 -195GRANTEE McReynolds, Samuel Sr. McIver, John McReynolds, Samuel Sr. Loyd, James ( GRANTOR Direct McIver, John McIver, John McReynolds, Joseph McIver, John McReynolds, Joseph McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McClendon, Willis McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McReynolds, Samuel McIver, John McWilliam, Aaron Keith, NichodemuB McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McIver, John McGuire, Margaret Moyers, Jacob McIver, John Moyers, Jacob Maitland, Robert Maitland, Robert Maitland, Robert YJaitland, Robert Moon, Jacob Moon, Jacob Manl-fee, John Maitland, Robert Moon, Richard Moyers, Jacob GRANTOR Samuel McReynolds Jr. Samuel Smith Samuel McReynolds S"amue1 Terry John Bridgman DESCRIPTION INSI·M1], BK/PG $300, Negro boy 120A, Lot 117 $300 Negro boy BS BS 1815 1817 1816 B-213 B-229 C-3 $650 Negro boy BS 1821 0-26 GRANTEE DESCRIPTION .!!2!.DATE BK/PG 1816 1817 1818 1818 1817 1817 1819 1819 1815 1819 1819 1820 1819 1819 1819 1821 1820 1820 1819 1823 1823 1823 1823 1823 1820 1824 C-13 C-54 C-I07 C-120 C-122 C-149 C-173 C-176 C-192 C-309 C-315 C-334 C-337 C-344 C-361 0-6 0-9 0-12 0-72 D-87 D-105 D-111 D-1l3 D-1l5 D-126 D-144 408A John Menifee Richard Walker 150A, Seq. Cr. lS0A, Lot 1;4 John Hall 5000A, Lot 4H2 Benjamin Cannon David Rainey 4l6A, Seq. Cr. Thomas Jones 108A, Lot 1;4 Nathaniel Langh1ey 282A, N.W. Seq. Cr. Samuel Oxsheer 315A, Seq. Cr. Thomas Sales 190A, Lot 1;4 John Raine 769A, Seq. Cr. John Green 4A George Walker 250A, Seq. Cr. James Diver(?) 190A, N.W. Seq. Cr. Adam Lamb. 234A, Lot 1il William Hutcheson 163A, Seq. Cr. Charles Clark 85A, S.E. Seq. Cr. Jesse Walker 184A, N.W. Seq. R. Robert Worthington 190A, S.E. Seq. Cr. Timothy Hixson 400A, Lot #13 & 14 175A, Lot #1 Richard Hale Robert Lea 1l0A, S.E. Seq. Cr. 129A, Seq. Cr. William Stone 300A, Seq. Cr. Burrell Laster Israel Standefer· 432A, Seq. Cr. 625A Kelly & Standifer James Moore 259A, Seq. R. William Burden William Walker Joseph Hixson Alexander Carter Alexander Coulter Euphramen Hixson Euphramen Hixson McGuire, J. Timothy John Moyers Jesse Walker Anna & Eliz. Moyers John McIver Samuel Billingsley John Billingsley Samuel Billingsley Richard Moon Richard Moon Joseph Peters Thomas Worthington Pleasant Davis John Moyers 0-176 1825 0-184 1824 0-185 Seq. Cr. 1825 D-207 Seq. R. 1825 0-208 1825 0-219 Seq. Cr. 1824 0-236 1821 D-260 FA 1813 B-76 DG Lot 4H2 1821 F-317 1813 B-77 DG 1815 B-147 LA U8A, S.E. Seq. Cr. 1816 C-16 600A, Seq. Cr. 1817 C-20 1817 C-27 250A, Seq. Cr. 200A 1814 C-40 1814 C-42 64A 124A, Seq. Cr. 1817 C-48 1817 C-59 148A 1818 C-66 3~, Gr. 1;3247 1813 B-76 Boy OG (To be continued) 348A, 250A 204A, l50A, 315A, 231A __ Boy 152A, __ Seq. Cr. -196QUERIES Prepared for publication by Myrtle L. Shelton IMPORTANT~ In submitting a query for publication in "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS, please be sure to write your game and address on sheet with the query. An envelope with name and address often becomes separated from the query. Will the readers who sent in queries OD. the followi,ng names please send us your names and addresses: 1) ERWIN-DUNC~~ and 2) MIDKIFF-MANUEL. These will appear in 1974. 73-155 ANDREWS: Need inf.:(l) Drury Andrews, d. 12-29-1796, 30uthampton or Isle of Wight Co., Va.; bros. John, Wm., Thos. (2) Drury Andrews, 1830 Smith Co., Tenn. census (40-50 yrs.), sons, John, Wm., Thos. (3) Drury Andrews, Stewart Co., Tenn. census (30-40). Bob L. Andrews, 601 N. Graycroft, Madison, Tenn. 37115 73-156 TINNIN-TURBERVILLE: Will exch. info on Wm. Turberville, living Robertson Co., Tenn., 1830. Also, Wm. Tinnin, live Sumner or Robertson Co., 1812. Mrs. Alex R. Nisbet Jr., 414 S. Monroe St., San Ange10 3 Texas 76901 73-157 MATTHEWS-STEWART: Need info Sam'l. B. Stewart, b. 1816, Tenn.; m•. Eliz. Matthews, b. 1822; lived Ark. 1836-54, then Williamson Co., Tex. Also, info on bros. or cousins: Benjamin,b. 1808, Tenn., wife Sarah; John, b. 1811, wife Margaret, liVe Lawrence Co., Ark. 1849-54, then Texas. Katherine Kraus, 7624 Spring Ave., N.E., Albuquerque, N. M. 87110 73-158 JONES-WILLIAMS: Need pts. of Daniel Jones Williams, Tenn., d. Calhoun Co., Ark. 1906. Pts. b. N.C. (Where?), d. sis. Abigail m. Jas. Hartsfield; in 1850 Tipton Co. census. and Washington in Ark. prior 1854. Their mother was a Jones Mrs. Mollie Grant, P. O. Box 4, Hampton, Ark. 71744 b. 1830, Tipton Co., Tipton Co., Tenn. His Dan'l. had bros. Wm. from N. C. 73-159 MASENGALE-MASSINGILL: Need info on Albert Massingill (Masenga1e), b. 2-10-1836, Tenn., m. Mary Ellen Evans in Iowa, 6-16-1862, d. Atchison Co., Mo.,19l3. Marilyn Campbell Bressler, 105 Daisy, Lake Jackson, Texas 77566 73-160 BLANTON-HICKS-KIRBY-WILSON: Need pts. of Archibald Hicks (War of 1812), b. ca 1780; d. 1862, Cannon Co., Tenn.; m. Ruth Blanton, dau. of Wm. Blanton (Rev. War). Need pts. of Wm. Wilson & Wife Emaline Kirby, both age 31, Warren Co., Tenn. 1850 census. Mrs. Bonita Bratcher Mangrum, Route #7, McMinnville, Tenn. 37110 Cox, m-2 73-161 COX-ELLIS-JONES: Need pts. & info Asa Carroll Ellis, m-l Cornelia Eugenia Jones, dau. of Allen Jones. Resided in Miss. (poSS1bly Corinth), Shiloh, Tenn., then Sw. Ark. ca 1876. Edwin Swafford, 714 Delchester Lane, Kirkwood, Missouri 63122 73-162 BELT-GIBSON: Desire corr. with desc. of Belt who live Bedford, Rutherford, & Wilson Cos., Tenn. & also in Crittenden, Ky. & Hardin Co., Ill. Was Benj. Belt, son of Rev. Sold. Thos. Belt of Md. & Iredel Co., N.C., same one who lived Bedford & Rutherford Cos. from 1804 until death? Had large fam. Was he father of Middleton, killed in Battle of New Orleans, 1815? He m. Rebecca Gibson; she later m. Wm.Baskins. Fae Sutton, 867 N. Lincoln St., Orange. Calif. 92667 -19773-163 MCLESKEY-OSBURN: Wm. MeLeskey, Rev. Sold., Abbeville, S.C., moved to Weakley Co., Tenn. Was he the father of John & L. MeLeskey, liv. Weakley Co. l850? John m. Eliz. Osburn, dau. of John Osburn (need name of his wife). Dese. later moved to Clay Co., Ark. Larry N. Jennings. 6647 N. DeWolf Ave •• Clovis. Calif. 93612 73-164 EVERETT-HICKS-JOHNSON-MASON: Will exeh. info with dese. of Noah Johnson, b. ea 1819 (where?); d. 1905 Ray Co., Mo.; m-l Celia Hicks, Grainger Co., Tenn. Ch.: George, John, Lucrecia. M-2 Rebecca Jane Mason, 7-2-1859. Ch.: Mary Ann (m. Jefferson Everett, 8-28-1883, wnere?) and Magg1e. Vaughn R. Bradley, 7801 E. 52nd St •• Kansas City, Mo. 64129 73-165 JUSTISS-PRESTON: Need names of wife & ch. of Wm. Preston, b. 1778-82, Bedford Co., Va., son of Joel & Esther (Howard) Preston. Need all info on Wm. Cannon Justiss, b. 1818, Tenn.,; m. Marth q Mankin, liv. Wilson, Rutherford Cos., Tenn. Mrs. Lawrence A. Klingaman. 851 N.E. l28th St., N. Miami. Fla. 33161 73-166 STALCUP: Desire info on ch. of Wm. & Mary Sta1cup,liv. Smith Co., Tenn. 1790 to 1850's. Nancy b. 7-29-1799; Lidia b. 7-20-1804; Mary b. 11-20-1810; Sam'l. b. 7-7-1815. Earl E. Jones. 232 Old Hickory Blvd •• Madison, Tenn. 37115 ( 73-167 KING-BROTHERTON-STILES-REED: Need info on bros.: Wm. (b. 1818), John (b. 1826), & James (b. 1831) Brotherton, who left Greene Co., Tenn. 1837, settled Fannin Co., Texas. Also need info on WID. & John, sons of WID. & Hetty (Vinson) Stiles. John b. 1797, Barren or Christian Co., Ky.; m. Sarah, b. 1806, dau. of Jos. & Mary (King) Reed; settled Texas-Okla. border area, early 1800's. Sue Hollis. Box 1832. Kansas City. Mo. 64141 73-168 GOWER-ROUTH-RUTH: Need name of wife of Wm. Ruth (Routh), son of Jas. & Rebecca (Gower) Ruth. Wm. b. Tenn. (prob. Knox Co.) ca 1800. Wife b. 1800-1810. Moved to Floyd Co., Ind. prior to l83u. Tom Turpin. 612 Capitol Ave •• Jefferson City. Mo. 65101 73-169 GILBERT: Need pts. of Lovicy Gilbert, b. 1807 (widow in 1840 Montgomery Co., Tenn. census); m. Wm. Searcy (Searcy's Ferry) 1845. Daus.: Eveline Gilbert (m. Jas. Manning, 1852), Emily (m. John King, 1855), & Lucy Searcy (m. G. W. Armstrong ca 1864). Was first husband Thos. Gilbert (1830 census)? Mrs. John D. Barth. 5711 E. Fifth Pl •• Tulsa. Okla. 74112 73-170 CRAWFORD-HALL: Would like to contact desc. of David Hall, b. 1808, d. 1872, m. 1828 to Lydia Robertson, b. 1805-6, d. 1887; liv. Limestone, Tenn. Also deBe. of John Richard Crawford, b. 1808, d. 1893, m. Eliz. English, b. 1~10, d. 1872, liv. Greene Co., Tenn. Mrs. Ralph Bogart, Gypsum, Kansas 67448 Need pts. of Eliz. Gayle, m. Patrick Peck, son of Adam 73-171 FRY GAYLE PECK: Peck, b. 1795, d. 12-30-1814, Battle of N.O. Need pts. of Henry H. Fry, b. 1-1-1805, pass. N.C., m. E1iz. Sharkey Peck, 11-2-1826, d. 9-9-1886, Jefferson City, Tenn. Mrs. Bernice White, 506 Glendale. Houma. La. 70360 73-172 TABOR-THOMPSON: Need info on pts., bros., sis, ch. of WID. Thompson (17601811) and Mary Taboe (1768-1860). Ch. b. Rutherford Co., N.C. & Anderson Co., Tenn. between 1784-1811: David, John, Eliz., Wm. Jehoidah, E1enor, Polly, Peggy, Jas. Caswell, Jonathan, Almon. Jehoidah went to Ga.; Jas. & Almon to Ill, Jonathan & Peggy in Tenn. Where did others go? Mrs. Ken Freeman. 6642 Mossman Place, N.E •• Albuquerque. N. M. 87110 -19873-173 LOTTA-THROGMORTON; Wm. Scarlett Lotta, b. 1825, Orange Co., N.C., moved to Henry Co., Tenn. ca 1827. Need bros. & sis. Were his pts. John H. & Sarah Scarlett Lotta1 Need name of husband & ch. of Rosanna Throgmorton, b. Va. ca 1785, 1iv. Henry Co., Tenn. in 1850. Mrs. L. H. Heildbreder, 896 S. Houston, Piggott, Ark. 72454 73-174 HUDSON-MAYS: Need info Jos. A. Hudson, b. ca 1800, N.C., & 1st wife who d. prior Sept., 1845, Madison Co., Tenn. Ch.: Thos. D., Wm. H., Jane P., Mary A.E., & Sarah F. M-2 Sarah -1-. Fam. live Madison Co. 1850, gone by 1860. What was relationship between Hudson & Mays fam.? Will exch. Hudson data. Mrs. J. L. Dell. Box U. Fajardo, Puerto Rico 00648 73-175 BOLES-BOWLES: Searching 1870 census, East Tenn. & S.W. Va. for Florence Boles (Bowles) age 7-9; probe liVe with relatives, possibly Hitch-Kichen; m. 1877 in Anderson Co., Tenn. to Reuben M. Lamar, b. 1862, Lee Co., Va. (no record there). Mrs. Edmund Petracek, 15802 Myrtle Ave., Tustin. Calif. 92680 73-176 COBB: Need pts. & gpts. Louisa J. Cobb, b.ca 1840 near Jones Sta., Haywood Co., Tenn.; d. 1-12-1907, Crockett Co., Tenn.; m. Jas. Monroe Todd, 3-6-1856. Ch.: Nancy Ca1donia, Mary Eliz., Wm. Etheridge, Benj. F., Susan, Henry Edw., G. W., Jesse Thos., Mattie Sue, Har~y, Dorsey, Betty. Miss Judy G. Alpha, 120 W. Mason St., Jackson, Tenn. 38301 73-177 COPPECK-COPPOCK: Need pts. of Aaron Coppock (Coppeck), b. ca 1802, Tenn. (what co.?), m. OIly (Olive) -1- ca 1830, b. ca 1809, Tenn. In 1850 MCMinn Co., Tenn., census; 8 ch. In Saline Co., Ark. 1860 census. Need date & pl. of mar. of oldest son, Alfred, b. ca 1832, Tenn., m. Mary Shaw, b. ca 1835; 1st child Aaron Fluker, b. 1854, Tenn. Mrs. Elizabeth Gregory. 807 W. 10th, Stuttgart, Ark. 72160 73-178 COBLE-DENSON-RIDENS: Need pts. of W. J. (or W. G.) Ridens, b. 6-25-1832, live Perry Co., Tenn.; m. Eliz. Ann Coble, b. 9-27-1836, d. Oct., 1880. Also, n~ed pts. of Wm. Denson of Denson's Landing, Tenn. River, b. 1823 & of Eliz. Ann Coble, b.1823. Mrs. S. Haskins Ridens. 202 W. Main St •• Newbern. Tenn. 38059 73-179 HUDSON: Need bpI., name of wife, pts., ch. of Obediah Hudson I, b. ca 1766. 1782 Henry Co., Va. tax list. In Randolph Co., N. C., 1790. Settled before 1820 Jackson Co., Tenn. Have data on desc. Will exchange. Mrs. Noah Raugh. Route 4, Mountain Home. Ark. 72653 On 73-180 RIGGS: Need d. dates of Amos Riggs (twin), b. 8-5-1880, & of Abner Riggs, b. 1-18-1884, Campbell Co., Tenn. Were 2 of 11 ch. of Edmund & Eliza S. Riggs. (Her maiden name was Riggs.) Mrs. Richard Riggs. 407 S. Glenn Dr •• Yakima. Wash. 98902 73-181 GAUTNEY-HALL-WILLIAMSON: Need info & pts. of Alfred Hall, b. 8-30-1819, N. C.; to Dyer, Tenn.; m-l ca 1843, Eliza Jane Gautney, b. 6-10-1822, d. 10-21-1851; m-2 ca 1852, Mary Ann Williamson, b. 1822, dau. of John Fleming Williamson & Mary (Polly) Cowan, recently arrived from Rowan Co., N.C. Alfred d. 11-27-1876, bur. Center Methodist Cem. near Yorkville, Tenn. Mrs. Theodore Hall, 1320 Jamestown Dr •• Tahlequah. Okla. 74464 73-182 HAMILTON: Need pts. & bpl. of David Hamilton; m. Mary Henderson Havens ca 1810, Greene Co., Tenn., dau. of Jas. Havins (b. 1770, Va.) & Sarah Miller, b. 1772, Pa. Moved to Lawrence Co., Ala. ca 1818. He d. 11-9-1844, Pulaski or Texas Co., Mo. Ch.: Sarah, Geo., Jas., Nancy, Thos., David, Lemuel, Valient, Denton & Mary Amanda (twins), John, Henry, Harvey. Will exchange. Mrs. Lou Allie Heath. 446-42nd St •• Richmond. Calif. 94805 -19973-183 BOGART-HAMMER: Samuel Bogart m. Rachel Hammer, 5-19-1818, Washington Co., Tenn. Need pts. of both. Ch.: Jane m. Clement, Eliza Ann m. Bryan, Margaret Ellen m. J. H. Harberger. Mrs. L. A. Martin. 2114 Cobb1ecreek. Spring. Texas 77373 73~184 MCCLELLAND: John S. McClelland, b. 1818, Ala.; m. 1839 in Lawrence Co •• Ala., Nancy Hughes, b. 1816, Tenn. Was John McClelland who sold land 1n 1812 1n Bledsoe Co., Tenn. the father of John S.? Need Nancy's pts. Mrs. Clifton McLellan, 90 Carter Road, Santa Cruz. Calif. 95060 73-185 BRADLEY-KINCAID-SANDERS-SAUNDERS: Need pts. of Edw. E. Saunders, b. Tenn., d. 1837-38, Tenn. or Texas; m. Sina Stubblefield (dau. of Woodruff & Nancy Johnston Stubblefield), 6-16-1830, Sumner Co., Tenn. Ch.: Louisa b. 1831, Valerius Pa1tine b. 1833, Thos. Woodruff b. 1835. Was Edw. the bro. of Dan'i. L. Saunders who m. Cooza Charlotte Bradley, Shelby Co., Tenn., l83l? Was Polly Bradley (m. David G. Kincaid, Dec., 1829, Shelby Co.) related to the others? Edna S. Miller. 2529 S. Lamar. Austin. Texas 78704 73-186 CUNNINGHAM: Need pts. & ch. of John Washington Campbell Cunningham (18121855), Bedford Co., Tenn.; wife Mary Buchanan (1820-1889); 1 child known, Sumner Archibald. Monte Hugh Knight, %Pigg & Parsons. Maury County Shopping Center, Columbia. Tenn. 38401 ( 73-187 CARLTON-GROOMS: Need info on W. (Wade?) Carlton, b. ca 1807, Tenn.; m. ca 1830, Sarah , b. ca 1814. Wish corr. desc. of Stephen Grooms, b. 1794-1800, Ga.; d. 1833; m. ca 1817, Winifred Winders. Son Major, b. 1818, poss. Ky., m. Mary (Pollye) Pope. Their son, Jordan or Jurden, b. 1839, m. 1863, Martha Spears, b. 1846, Ky. Both fam. said to be early settlers in Weakley Co., Tenn. Mrs. John A. Burgess, 2720 Sandy Lane. Fort Worth, Texas 76112 73-188 ASBELL-PRYOR: Need pts. & 'info about Martha Asbell, b. ca 1800; m. Nathan Job, 2-27-1821, Lawrence Co., Tenn.; d. 1854 (where?). His pts. Daniel Job, b. 1760, Tenn.; m. __ Pryor, b. 1765. Need date on Miss Pryor. Mrs. Lois J. Cunningham, 2526 W. Brooklyn. Dallas. Texas 75211 73-189 HOWELL-~\RTINDALE: Desire info & carr. with desc. of David Howell who had land grants in Lincoln, Bedford Co., Tenn, 1812-15-16. Was he father of Bert, Pickney, Polly, Jos. Benj. & another dau.? Polly m. Martindale near Essary Springs, Tenn. Jos. Benj. b. 1808, Va.; d. 1854 Hardin Co., Tenn.; m. 5-10-1832, Mary Raney, b. 11-13-1813, Orange Co., N. c. ERROR 73-151: Davis Raney should be David Raney. Mrs. Vivian P. Harrison, 1572 Overton Park, Apt. 11. Memphis, Tenn. 38112 73-190 BARTON: Wm. Barton, son of David & Hannah (Hill), b. Va., 3-18-1792, m. Eliz. Need her maiden name. Wm. 1iv. Rutherford Co., Tenn. from early 1800's to early 1830's. Mrs. Elvin Tripp. Cherry St., Hector, Ark. 72843 73-191 COWAN-MCCARTY-VANDIVER-WISDOM: Need data Wm. Sergeant Wisdom & Nancy Elvira Vandiver of N.C. Who were bros., sis. of Pollard Wisdom, b. 2-14-1780, N.C.; m-l Eliz. , m-2 Charity Jane Washburn; to Lawrence Co., Tenn. 1812-15. Jas. McCarty & Andrew Cowan Wisdom were 2 of his 10 ch. Is there a connection between Jas. McCarty, Pollard W. McCarty & Andrew Cowan Wisdom, live Tenn. same time. Mrs. Jack Powell. Box 657. Quanah, Texas 79252 73-192 ARNOLD-HALE; Need pts. & pl. of orLg~n in Tenn. of Wm. (Buck) Arnold (b. 1825, Tenn.), m. Eliz. Hale (b. 1828, Tenn.) ca 1844 in Tenn. or Ark.; 1845 liv. Franklin Co., Ark.; then Carroll & Crawford Cos., Ark. Mrs. Gene Harris, 1404 Borger St •• Plainview, Texas 79072 -20073-193 HOOVER: Will pay for documented info fame of Jacob Hoover, b. ca 1788; wife, Cassandra ,b. 1784, s.c. Several their ch. b. Ky. & Tenn. ca 1812-1828. In Clark Co., Ar~1830 census; later in Pulaski & Saline Co., where he d. 1839. Wife & younger ch. mOVe to Hempstead Co., Ark., Where she appeared HH 1850 census. Jacob M. Carter Jr •• 1907 N. Third St •• Monroe. La. 71201 73-194 DOWELL-MOBLEY: Need pts. of Sally Mobley (b. Tenn.; father b. N.C.), m. John Dowell, 12-26-1846, Stewart Co., Tenn. Where did they die? Mov. from Tenn. to Chester, Ill. ca 1857, then to William Co., Ill. Mary M. Potthoff. 311 Innisfai1 Dr •• Webster Groves. Mo. 63119 73-195 BAILEY-BLACKWELL: Wm. Timothy Bailey, b. 11-22-1831, Tenn. (where?), d. 3-23-1895; m. 7-8-1862, Columbia Ann Blackwell, b. 12-20-1845 near Mo. tlboothee1" (where?), d. 1-19-1909, bur. Green Forest, Ark. Need name pts. Ch.: Bud R., Mary Louise, Geo. W., Rich'd.~Wm. H., Dixie Ann, Martha, Jas. H., Dan'l C., Timothy, Theodocia & Monroe. Mrs. C1eman L. Sawyer. 2113 Salina. Wichita. Kansas 67203 73-196 DICKASON-DICKERSON-LAMBERT-MYERS-WAINSCOTT: Need b. & d .• date of Henry Price Lambert, m. 7-4-1823, Sumner Co., Tenn., E1iza/E1iz. Dickason (Dickerson), b. 3-18-18uO. Need pts., bros. & sis. of both. Need info sons, John & Obie, their wives & fame Dau. Sarah m. Dan. Myers. "Puss" m. EWing Wainscott. Need d. date 0 of son Henry. Beatrice Lambert,Rt. 3. Box 38. Scottsville. Ky. 42164 73-197 HOOVER: Need-pts. Chas. L. Hoover. b. 1820, Tenn. (where?). Wife, Jemina Marr, b. 1830, Tenn. (where?) Pts. Nathaniel Marr (b. ca 1795, N.C.) & wife Alice (b. 1807; want maiden name). Chas. mov. to Caldwell Co., Ky. ca 1853; had sis. Pira1ie Hoover Groomer & half bro. Wm. Hoover. Mrs. Thomas Neumayer Jr •• 2743 Benrus Blvd. San Antonio. Texas 78228 73-198: REAMS-SMITH: Need info Lee Herman Smith, b. Tenn., & 1st wife Kate Reams, m. ca 1870-74; 1iv. Marion Co., Tenn., JaCKson Co., Ala. & Dade Co., Ga. Son Herman Jinks Smith b. 1875. Mrs. George H. Ausec. 17615 Loring Lane, Houston. Texas 77073 73-199 RIDINGER: Michael & Catherine Ridinger, b. Va.; in 1850 1iv. in Coffee Co., Tenn.; 6 ch. Were they m. Va. or Tenn.? Son Joseph m. Eliz. , 1iv. Cannon Co. Tenn., 1870; need pl. of m. German Lutherans. Need help on all Ridingers anywhere. Mrs. Kenneth L. Hubbard, 1400 Laurel Dr •• Arlington. Texas 76012 73-200 MCALISTER: Need info Jas. Alexander McAlister, m. Sallie Carter, Jan.,1874, Henry Co., Tenn. Taught school (Lauderdale Academy?) near Double Bridge, Lauderdale Co., Tenn., 1874. In Dyersburg area in 1878. Where did he d. & where bur.? Guardianship adm. taken for his son Jas. Lanier McAlister in Henry Co. & assets rec'd. from N. L. Avery, 1890. Mrs. McAlister Elliott, 8323 Sunbury Dr •• St. Louis. Mo. 63136 73-201 DAWS: Seeking desc. of Starkey Daws & E1iz. (Fairless) Daws, Hertford Co., N.C., 1820, Madison Co., Tenn. 1830; Haywood Co., Tenn. 1850; 6 sons who 1iv. to adulthood. Mrs. Charles A. West. 3133 Chisca Ave •• Memphis, Tenn. 38111 73-202 BIGHAM: Andrew Bigham, b. Ireland, Rev. Soldier, Mecklenburg Co., N.C.; live Greene, Smith, McMinn Cos., Tenn. after 1783. Liv. McMinn.Co. last 12-14 yrs.; d. there 1834. What relation was he to Malinda, Polly, "Veey", David, Tilda, Lucy, "Livey" Bigham? Alice Bigham Inveen, 7902 - 35 W••Tacoma. Wash. 98466 -201- SURNAME INDEX "ANSEARCHIN'" NEWS - VOLUME 20 FOR 1973 - A- ( Abernathy 59, 79, 80, 105, 118, 137 Abbot 118 Abet 118 Abrier 118 Abstin 11 Abston 59 Acer 82 Acklen 60 Acklin 14 Acock 139 Acre 15 Acree 82 Acre 137 Acres 105 Acton 98 Acuff 41, 42, 43, 44 Adair 82, 118 Adams 10, 35, 59, 70, 82, 87, 105, 118, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 154 Adamson 11, 26, 127 Aday 38 Adkins 41, 42, 102 lOS, 140 Adkinson 82, 137, 138, 139 Adkison 74, 82, 107 Adkisson 105 Adnis 118 Agee 42, 59 Ager 123 Agers 11 Agness 168 Agnutt 164 Ahreds 118 Ahunlan 118 Aikan 12 Aiken 50, 59, 114, 118 Akin 105 Alaobrook 118 Albert 6, 17, 118 Albright 15 Albritton 105 Alburtus 171 Alcorn 193 Alderson 35, 53, 92 Alderdier 137 Aldrich 17 Aldredge 145 Aldridge 17, 118 Alen 113 Alexander 10, II, 21, 27, 29, 35, 38, 52, 82, lOS, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 118, 131, 139, 140, 147, 149, 154, 168, 169, 170, 171, 178 Alford 35, 37, 39, 74, 105 Alin 110, 112, 113, 114, 169, 170 Allan 118 Allbritton 14, 176 Al1com 42 Archer (con't) 109, Aydolett 82 Ayers 59 Allen II, 12, 13, 118, 174, 176 Aynaud 118 15,25,26,27, Ares 32 31, 37, 39, 41, Argyle 78 42, 46, 59, 65, Arington 138 - B70, 75, 82, 87, ArIel 118 91, 92, 105, 110, Arlington 150 Bacon 59 Ill, 114, 118, Armis tead 24 "Bacon's Cas tle" 75 121, 127, 129, Armour 118 Badchel1 39 140, 161, 163, Armstead 192, 193 Baggett 106 168, 169, 170, Armstrong 39, 41, 49,Bailess 118 171 59, 65, 66, 67, 71,Bailey 16, 22, 35, Alley 102, lOS, 175 82, 91, 118, 122, 36, 37, 59, 69, Allin 168 128, 192, 197 72, 82, 93, 106, Allison 15. 35, 87, Arnett 145 118, 127. 137, 174, 200 89, 91, 118 Arnold la, IS, 35, Allman 31, 32 69, 70, 74, 82, Baily 82 Allsup 35. 73, 74, 96, 105, 118, 136, aim 169, 170 105 199 Bain 31. 118, 154 Alpha 198 Arp 35 Baine 113, 169, 170 Alsey 36 Arrianixr 118 Bains 87 Alsobrook 118 Arrington 59, 107 Baird 88 Alsup 70. lOS, 113, Arthur 179 Baitman 35 170 Asbell 69, 199 Baker 12. 14, 21, Alston 118, 150 Ash II, 41. 66, 22, 26, 35. 39. Altum 69, 70, 105 82, 122 43, 63, 69, 71, Aluss 170 Ashbrook 82, 149 72, 82, 106. 114, Alvin 35 Ashe 13, 16 118, 129, 138. Alvis 35, 37 Asher 179 140, 141, 164. Ashford 118 175. 178 Ambler 47 Amis 87, 88 Ashley 138 Balch 50. 107 Amos 13 Ash1y 80 Balcom 45 Anders 82 Ashmore 35, 37. 38, Balder 118 Anderson 5, 13, 15. 73, 74, 105 Baldridge 82, 106, 22, 23. 32, 35, Ashworth 87 109, 139 37, 41. 42, 50, Askew 30, 32, 33, Baldwin 118 55. 59, 64, 65, 71, 92. 121 Ball IS, 24, 27. 82, 91, 105, 107, As~ins 105 35, 57. 59. 96, 110, Ill, 118, Aston 118 106, 108, 114. 153, 168, 188,190 Atkerson 81, 105 136, 174 Andigier 118 Atkin 118 Ba11antree 106 Ballard 10, 55, 82, Andrews 14, 20, 59, Atkins 11, 35, 41, 82, 106, 107, 118, 65, 80, 81, 105, 93, 106, 118 137, 161. 196 114 Ballenger 87 Andrus 25 Atkinson 81, 118, Ballou 59, 68 Angel 105 121 Bane 118 Ang1emyers 188 Atkison 105, 118, Banets 118 Anglin 105 171 Banks 23, 27, 59, Anthony IS, 35, 39, Atnip 137 60, 91, 93, 118, 59, 69, 71, lOS, Atwell 35, 105 127, 130, 161. 107, 118, 159, Atwood 100 180 176 Aubry 118 Bann 11 Antrvine 118 Auld 41. 42, 65 Bannon 20 Apens 118 Auraras 118 .. BanL 53 App 118 Ausec 200 Baptist 64 Apperson 59, 118 Aust 87, 88 Barbank 118 Apple 87 Austin 9, 10. 12, Barbe 118 Appleton 35, 105, 16, 41, 59, 79, Barbee 39, 98, 100 106, 108, 174, 82, 105, 178 Barber 11. 12, 15. 175, 176, 177 Avent 92 35, 106, 118 Appling 166 Avers 82 Barbiere 118 Arbuckle 23 Avery 118, 148, 200 Barcroft 97 Archibald 199 Aviry 118 Barefoot 35 Archards 118 Awaumb 59 Barfield 164 Archer 35, 36, 37, Axum 139 Barger 118, 146 38, 59, 105, 107, Aydlett 118 Bargo 82, 139 -202Baringer 93 Barinum 139 Bark 118 Barker 26, 60, 118, 169, 171 Barkley 12, 118, 129 Barlow 106 Barnard 82 Barner 106 Barnel 42, 60, 106, 118 Barnet 82, 142 Barnett 35, 36, 82, 97, 106, 118 Barnhill 118, 129 Barns 82, 138 Barnwell 60 Barr 22, 35, 38, 106, 118 Barrett 60, 87, 109 Barrow 118 Barrond 82 Barrow 21, 60, 97 Barry 27, 93, 118 Bartee 176 Bartels 60 Barth 197 Bartholomew 137 Bartin 127 Bartlett 118 Barton 24, 26, 27, 60, 127, 130, 199 Basby 136 Bascha 118 Baskett 148 Baskins 196 Bass 10, 12, 14, 16, 60, 104, 139 Bassett 24 Bassham 35, 36, 39, 69, 71. 72, lOS, 106 Bastian 59 Baswell 163 Batchelor 11 Bate 61 Bateman 21, 82, 106, 118, 160 Bates 8, 27, 60, 161 Bathsheba 165 Batman 82 Batt 106 Battle 60 Batts 82 Baucum 106 Bauer 24 Baugh 11, 118, 188 Baulch 106 Baum 118 Baumgartreer 118 Bauning 118 Bauswe11 106 Baxter 13, 15, 77, 118 Bay 12 Bayley 10, 82, 140 Bayliss 82, 118 Bay10n 118 Bayly 11, 13 Beadle 81 Beadles 80, 82 Beake 118 Beal 150 Bean 37 Beard 16, 17, 91, Berrycraft 12 Blackne1 138, 141 106, 108, 114, Berryhill 34 B1ackshires 13 128 Bersante 118 Blackwell 13, 14, Beasley 42, 60, 74, Berton 107 15, 34, 60, 107, 97 Bertrand 118 118, 200 Beason 43 Berwin 118 Blair 9, 25, 35, 44, Beat 118 Beshears 148 48, 59, 64, 82, Beatha 118 Best 45, 107 102, 107, 122, Beaths 106 Bestwick 118 168, 174, 175, 178 Beats 82 Bethel 26, 81, 82, Blaisdell 60 Beattie 21 127, 141, 163 Blake 107, 139 Beatty 60, 72, 118, Bethell 141 Blakely 82 145 Bethune 107 Blakeman 118 Beatwick 118 Bett 118 Blakemon 137 Beaty 43, 118 Bettis 14 Blakemore 82 Betts 82, 136 Blan 170 Beauchamp 9 Beavers 106 Betty 91, 93 Blanchard 47 Bevan 26 Bland 34, 113 Beck 35, 118 Beckman 118 Bevers 107 Blane 118 Becktel 20, 21 Bias 118, 144 Blankenship 91, 118, Beckum 144 Bibb 96 140 Beckwith 31, 32 Bickdolt 118 Blankinship 118 Becton 13 Bickford 60, 118 Blankly 20 Bedgood 55 Biddolf 118 Blanton 107, 140, Bedsole 12 Bidleman 45 175, 196 Beedle 38 Biers 118 B1asingam 175 Beedles 82 Bigelow 165 Blasingame 39, 107 Bee1 150 Bigger 164 Blassingam 38 Beeler 70, 72, 105 Biggs 11, 138 Blassingame 60 Beh1 102 Bigham 82, 200 Bledsoe 13, 64, 82, Bejach 79 Bilbo 93 118, 138 Belcher 60 Bilbrey 33 Blevins 95 Be1der 118 Bilbro 15 Block 93 Belew 35, 39, 73, Biles 10, 55 Blockett 118 74, 91, 106, 107, Billinger 118 Bloodworth 11 127, 174 Billingsley 41, 42, Blount 82, 118, 190 Beley 60 43, 44, 45, 63, Blue 36, 107 Bell 14, 35, 36, 65, 70, 108, 123, Blume 118 37, 43, 44, 45, 125, 136, 137, Blunt 82 46, 48, 61, 63, 140, 143, 194,195 Blythe 37, 39, 72, 70, 72, 73, 82, Bills 118 79, 80, 107, 107, 112, 118 Binford 60 118, 175 Bel1ack 27, 161 Bingham 11, 105 Boals 15 Bellamy 46 Binnitt 118 Boardman 118 Be110te 82 Binns 78 Boar1and 128 Bellows 118 Binum 137, 141 Boaz 144 Bells 82 Birch 107 Boaze 107 Be10at 82 Birchett 91, 118 Bobe 118 Belote 68 Bird 13, 35, 36,71, Bock 21 Belt 57, 196 107, 128 Bodenbur 119 Belts 141 Birdsons 39 Bodine 60 Bender 118, 121 Birdwell 26 Bogan 4, 54, 102, Benedict 45 Birtle 118 155 Benegra 118 Birum 37 Bogart 119, 197, Benham 27 Bisco 22 199 Benn 107 Bishop 26, 35, 44, Boggeano 119 Bennet 6, 10, 13, 107, 109, 178, 192 Boggs 23 18, 82, 118 Bitticks 107 Bogy 60 Bennett 16, 60, 107,Bivens 178 Bohannon 141, 172 118, 139, 148 Bivin 13 Boiseau 119 Benson 188 Bivins 55 Boles 183, 198 Bentha1 32 Blacher 118 Boley 119 Bentinck 96 Black 10,17,45, 47,Bo1in 107,137 Bentley 5, 13, 35, 60,100, 107, 111, Boling 14, IS, 171 36, 69, 107, 176 112, l18~ 142, Bolinger 2 Bently 13, 16 146, 170 Bolling 23, 170 Benton 42, 44 Blackard 73 Bolton 60, 186 Bernard 107, 118 Blackburn 11, 35 Bomen 119 Berndt 148 B1ackfan 43, 45 Bond 11, 13, 14, Bernet 82 Blackford 118 16, 17, 19, 60, Berry 23, 24, 48, Blackley 141 119, 147 82, 107, 118, 140 Blackman 115, 118 Bondgman 145 -203- ( Bonds 119 Bradford (can't) 43,Bride 108 Browning 60, 96 Bondurant 79, 82, 136, 55, 91, 93, 119, Bridgeman 41 Brownlow 36 137, 139 161, 176 Bridger 15, 75 Bruce 12, 13, 20, Bradley 26, 27, 32, Bridges 26, 141 60, 102, 108, Bone 119 Bonvard 119 60, 71, 73, 108, Bridgewater 89 109, 119 Bridgman 42, 43,44, Bruer 119 Booke 12 127, 161, 175, Booker 119 197, 199 Lf5, 63, 64,; 124, BrullUlker 119 Bookout 82, 141 Bradly 32, 108, 173 125, 1~5 Brumberry 119 Boon 119 Bradshaw 74, 81, Bridman 44 Brumley 36, 38, 73, 82, 105, 107, Brien 31, 87, 89, 1~9 Boone 47, 57, 60 Booth 18 138, 139, 141, 119 Bruner 119 143, 176, 178 Briggins 136 Brunham 119 Boothe 12, 14 Boman 31 Bradwell 82 Bright 12, 13, 93, Brunson 137 Bomar 47 Brady 108, 119 143, 181 Bruse 119 Boren 35, 36, lOS, Bragg 50, 119, 148 Briley 106, 119 Brush 119 107, 108, 176, 177 Brame 60, 82 Brim IS, 82, 91, Bruster 46 Bork 5 Bramlet 108 93, 138 Bruton 48 Borner 119 Bramlett 72 Brinaugh 14 Bryan 36, 60, 106, Boro 119 Bran 82 Bringle 148 109, 119, 174, Borum 166 Branch 14, 55, 107, Brinish 119 171, 199 Boshers 107, 108, 174, 108, 109, 114, Brink 119 Bryant 14, 36, 70, 119, 177 Brinkley 60, 116, 82, lOS, 109, 175 Boshiers 35 Brandon 117 119 119, 175, 176 Boss 16, 147 Branett 139 Brinson 13 Buchamp 82 Bossweath 82 Brann 81 Brister 60 Buchanan 22, 35, 36, Bostick 60, 91, 119 Brannon 43, 45, 119 Brinston 10 60, 71, 73, 82, Boswell 20, 22, 38, Brantley 11 Bristol 56 lOS, 106, 109, 119 69, 108, 109, 190 Brantly 11 Britt 13, 19 Buck 12, 14, 45, 60, Bosworth 60 Brasfield 161 Brittan 26, 27, 28, 119 Botto 119 Brashears 35, 36, 93, 161 Buckhanan 141, 199 Bourland 82 38, 39, 69, 70, Britten 27, 119, 161 Buckannen 82 Bourne 60 71, 72, 73, 106, Brittingham 119 Buckhann 141 Bouden 106 107, 108, 175 Brittle 87 Buckingham 50, 60, Brashers 177 Britton 14, IS, 26, 119 Boudin 108 Boulton 139 Brassfeet 141 27, 91, 108, 161 Buckley 119, 140 Bouren 108 Brassfield 15, 82 Britter 119 Buckleys 79 Bourlin 138 Brasures 108 Broadstreet 108 Buck1y 82 Bowden 36, 37, 69, Bratcher 196 Broadwell 82 Bucy 8r, 82 106, 108, 139, 148, Bratton 43, 44, 47, Brock 108, 109, 119, Bud1er 137 174, 175, 176 65, 87, 126 139 Bugg 119 Bowdry 36, 70 Braun 140 Brockman 119 Buh1 119 Bowen 21, 87, 88, 93, Bravard 26, 27 Brockwell 109 Buie 35, 36, 37, 39, 119, 139 Brawley 82, 108,189 Brode 60 74, 106, 108, 109, Bower 119 Brawner 81, 82, 136 Brodnax 60 175 Bowers 10, 12, 13, IS, Braxton 60 Brogdon 11 Bu1and 46 82, 86, 119, 127, 138,Brazea1 44, 64, 125 Bromley 109 Bu11idge 37 140, 160, 167 Brazelton 24 Brooks 24, 37, 55, Bullington 24 Bowie 105 Brazier 35, 108 60, 69, 73, 93,114,Bul1ock 27, 136, 140 Bowing 137 Brazi136 119, 121, 139, 140,Bumpass 6, 36, 37, Bowland 82 Brazile 10, 43 167, 188 39, 42, 71, 73, Bowles 57, 190 Breckinridge 108 Brookshine 119 94, 109, 123, 178 Bowlin 139 Breece 27 Brookshire 148 Bumpess 21 Bowling 108, 119, 166, Brees 161 Brotbeck 21 Bunch 82 167, 187 Breese 27, 161 Brotherlin 119 Bundrant 108, 109 Bowls 119 Brehean 82 Brotherton 197 Bunefer 119 Bowman 26, 45, 91, 96 Brem 82 Bruce 179, 181 Bunting 78 Boxwell 119 Bremer 3 Brough 20, 34, 110 Bunton 82, 140 Boyce 60 Brenish 119 Broughton 14, 147 Burchett 91 Boyd 12, 13, 15, 16, Brennan 60, 119 Browden 82 Burchitt 141 28, 43, 45, 60, Brenner 119 Browder 55 Burden 44, 45, 63, 63, 80, 82, 119, Brent 22, 60 Brown 11, 13, 21, 22, 195 137, 145, 167, 193 Bressler 196 23, 24, 27, 36, 37,Burford 18, 26, 37, Boykin 116 Brevard 91 39,40,42,43,44, 87, 88, 91, 93, Boyle 22, 66, 114 Brewer 36, 108, 145, 45, 47, 49, 50, 60, 98, 127, 157, 161, Boze 140 179, 181 63, 65, 70, 71, 72, 163, 190 Bracken 82, 171 Brewington 108 73, 74, 82, 87, 88,Burgess 48, 82, 109, Bracket 93 Brewster 46, 116 91, 93, 99, 100, 138, 199 Bradberpy 139 Brewton 48 107, 109, 110, 115,Burgin 82 Bradbury 14 Brian 138 119, 121, 123, 129,Burk 82, 119, 140 Braddock 157 Briant 82, 108 139, 148, 156, 161,Burke 70 Braden 188 Brice 91 178, 193, 194 Burkes 109 Bradford 13, 16, 27, Brickley 119 Browne 20, 60, 119 Burket 37, 69, 72 -204Burkett 72, 109 Burks 15, 36, 91, 109, 119, 152 Burleson 109 Burlison 36, 106, 107, 174, 176 Burliston 73 Burlow 109 Burman 71 Burnet 14, 69, 93,156 Burnett 14, 77, 93, 152, 174 Burney 109 Burns 14, 36, 71, 72, 73, 109, 114, 119, 143 Burnsides 119 Burr 119 Burrage 49 Burress 44 Burris 35, 36, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 109, 129 Burriss 44 Burrow 82, 119, 130, 179, 181 Burrows 2 Burrus 82 Bursby 82 Burton 13, 18, 27, 32, 119,127,136,149, 152 Busby 23, 28, 69, 71, 82, 106, 109, 119, 178 Bush 81, 93 Bushcamp 119 Bussell 137 Bussey 50 Busy 83 Butler 36, 83, 119, 136, 143, 172, 182 Butterton 12 Buttler 109 Butts 16, 83, 136, 139 Byar 138, 139 Byars 16, 83, 97 Byas 140 Byers 61 Bynum 13, 14, 109, 138 Byrd 21, 35, 36, 83, 109, 147 Byrket 69 Byrne 119 Byrnes 22 Byrum 16, 83 - C - Cabe 36, 140 Cabell 179 Cacy 119 Caffie1d 83 Cage 65, 83, 128 Cagle 98, 125, 137 Caldwell 16, 23, 64, 65, 83, 119, 126, 136, 137, 174 Calhoon 136 Calhoun 10, 16, 71, 93, lOS, 107, 108, 174, 177 Callaghan 119 Callahan 36,83, Carr (con't) 174, Chaffin 36,37,73, 156, 174, 176 175 74, lOS, 109, 174 Ca11icote 32 Carranes 170 Chamberlain 111 Calloway 105, 174, Carraway 4, 93 Chamberlin 119 177 Carrell 39, 69, 70, Chambers 37, 64, 65, Cally 140 74, 119, 174 69, 80, 91, 93, Calvert 83 Carre110 119 119, 138, 145, Calvin 183 Carrick 156 174, 178 Ca1we11 10, II, 15 Carrick-Fergus 156 Chambless 100 Cameron 10, 11, 119 Carrigan 10, 174 Chambliss 22 Camice1 83 Carri11 11 Champ 119 Camp 22, 65, 119, Carroll 24, 50, 78, Chandler 13, 16, 18, 124, 136 100, 108, 119, 91, 119, 131 Campbell 10, 11, 15, 137, 174 Chaplin 141 22, 24, 26, 36, Carson 14, 83, 119 Chapman 26, 31, 36, 42, 47, 55, 63, Carswell 36 38, 73, 119, 174 64, 72, 73, 74, Carter II, 26, 29, Chappell 27, 162 81, 83, 88, 98, 36, 37,45, 49, Char1es·119 100, 110, 119, 63, 64, 65, 69, Charlton 83, 137 124, 126, 148, 72, 83, 96, 104, Chase 119 174, 175, 179, 119, 126, 130, Cheairs 77 192, 194 139, 146, 150, Cheatham 55, 167 Campfield 107, 174 174, 175, 195,200 Cheek 26, 47, 91, Canada 107 Cartwright 12, 47,83, 120 Canaday 69 97, 102, 114 Chelf 57 Canady 12, 83 Caruthers 21, 23, 26,Chennault 175 Canae1a 119 27, 91, 119, 161, Cherry 10, 15, 26, Candy 128 162 36, 83 Cane 119, 139 Carver 24 Chery 83 Case 27 Che!sser 108, 175 Canedy 11, 140 Canida 144 Casey 26, 27, 36, Chester 83, 120, Cank1e 119 140, 162, 188 136, 144 Canniva 119 Cash 105, 119 Chilcote 175 Cannon 11 ,35, 119, Cashen 83 Childers 83 195 Cashion 81, 83, 137 Childress 18, 14, Canon 35, 36, 114 Cashman 119 16, 65, 73, 105, Canovum 119 Cashon 83 107, 120, 130, Canry 119 Cass1eman 139 176, 194 Canter. 26 Cass1er 139 Childs 27, 162 Cantley 26, 127 Casswel1 119 Chi1ert 12 Cant1y 127 Casta110w 12 Chiles 50, 120 Cantrell 80, 83,141 Casteel 98 Chilton 12, 56 Capell 13 Caste1aw 19 Chiperoshi 120 Capers 15 Caste~low 12 Chipman 64, 65 Caperton 174 Castle 144, 165 Chippman 45 Caple 10 Castleman 119 Chisholm 39, 175 Caplinger 26, 127 Caswell 172 Chism 39, 120 Choat 35, 37, 39, Capps 21, 139, 141 Cates 14, 72, 107, Caps 140 119, 140, 148, 72, 73, 109, 175 Carder 91 174 Cho1dress 37 Cardinal 119 Cathey 26 Chrismas 83 Carew 119 Cathie 155 Christian 11, 12, Carland 83 Cathon 91 18, 24, 65, 71, Carlin 119, 138 Cathy 155 72, 74, 109, 120, Carlon 119 Catron 39 175 Carlton 13, 15, 50, Cattard 15 Christie 18 83, 140 Caughlin 119 Christy 120 Carlyle 169 Cauley 10 Chronister 35, 37, Cardwell 31 Causey 119 39, 69, 71, 74, Carey 189 Cavet 83 175 Carlton 199 Cavin 174 Chronoster 69 Caryle 168 Cavitt 79, 80, 83, Chrystal 120 Carmack 64 137 Chun 140 Carmi cheal 83, 119 Cavot 83 Church 120 Carmicle 83 Cawhorn 175 Churchman 191 Carney 81, 102, 119,Cayce 36, 70, 71, Churchwell 175 138 73, 93, 119 Chute 120 Carouvan 26 Cedwise 119 Cia 102 Carpender 174 Centee 71 Cica11a 120 Carpenter 177 Cerat 36 Cica110 120 Carpinter 161 Cezey 65 Ci1abrew 144 Carr 83, 119, 160, Chadderton 119 Cinningham 35 -205- ( Cipress 83 Civiman 120 Claiborn 12 Clair 175 Clairborne 86 Clancy 120 Clapp 23 Clark 11. 12. 13. 41. 43. 44. 45, 63. 64. 65. 70. 80. 83. 86. 114. 120. 136. 137. 139. 140. 146. 148. 169. 170. 171. 176. 192. 193. 195 C1aster 120 C1aulin (1) 10 Claxton 159. 188 Clay 14. 55. 136. 175 Clayborne 136 Claybrook 14 Clayton 37. 107. 108. 140. 175. 176. 177. 178 Cleary 120 Cleaves 120 Cleek 175 Clemens 80 Clements 16. 120. 137. 139. 140 Clemmons 37. 175 Clendennon 175 Clifford 120 Clift 156 Clifton 35. 37. 71. 72. 74. 175 Cline 120 Clinkum 120 Clopton 25 Close 43. 65 Cloud 96 Clouston 120 Clow 102 Clower 55 C10yce'120 Coa1ter 73 Coats 20 Cob 26 Cobb 11. 12. 13. 19. 26, 27. 114, 120. 127. 162. 198 Coble 37. 198 Cobler 27 Cochern 143 Cocherns 30 Cochran 83. 93. 97, 120, 127. 136. 141, 178 Cock 120 Cockburne 175 Clckerel 175 Cockerell 175 Cockerill 120 Cocknell 120 Cockran 83, 96. 120, 138. 175, 177 Cockrell 120 Coddington 152 Cody 120. 176 Coe 120. 188 Coffee 23. 24. 93.120 Coffeth 65 Coonse 48 Coffman 175 Coonts 48 Coontz 48 Coggins 137 Coggshall 15 Coop 120 Cohorn 72 Cooper 10. 24. 26. Coker 70. 175 37. 38. 70. 120, Colbert 102 127, 129. 136. Coldwell 83 159. 175. 188 Cope 120 \ Cole 4. 22. 23, 37. 71,83. 127. Copdand 11, 33. 37. 138. 139. 141. 46. 110. 120. 168. 175. 183 171 Coleman 12. 13. 15. Copelin 175 16, 18. 37, 83, Cop1aq 46 89. 97, 112, 113. Coppage 10 Coppeck 198 114, 120, 140, 156. 169. 170 Coppock 198 Corbet 120 Coley 144 Colier 83, 108. 139 Corcoran 149. 175 Colley 52. 140 Corder 129. 130 Collier 11. 138. Core 10 145, 188 Coridine 26 Collin 11 Corley 86 Collins 13, 37, 114,Corne1ius 115 116, 120. 140, Corney 154. 160 178, 188. 190 Cornwall 13 Collum 114 Cornwell 120 Colt 22 Corrie II, 12 Colton 83 Corson 7 Colville 40, 91.120 Cortis 12 Colwell 83 Cosby 140. 177 Coma1 156 Cosky 141 Combs 13, 37 Cossey 177 Comer 35. 73, 105, Cossitt 120 Costello 120 106. 107, 175, 176, 177, 178 Cotes 120 Compton 83. 162 Cothcan 120 Comstock 120 Cothen 71 Conant 120 Cothran 55. 106 Conaway 20 Cotrel 26 Condry 120 Cotre11 27 Cone 149 Cotter 12 Cone11 107 Cotton 83. 120, Conger 26. 127 154, 160 Conlan 120 Cottrell 35. 37 Conlay 120 Couch 177 Conley 27. 37 Cou1der 65 Conly 174 Coulter 41. 44, 63, Conn 2. 21 64. 65. 91, 123, Conne1 10 195 Coulton 177 Connell 120, 141 Connelly 182 Counce 74 Conner 15, 22, 83, Council 177 120, 137 Counts 35, 37, 70, Connor 65, 120 176. 177 Courtney 37. 38, 70 Connors 20 Connyers 14 Cover1iski 120 Conrad 21 Covey 128 Conway 120, 175 Cowan 37. 98, 158 Cook 10. 23. 35, 198, 199 37. 41, 47, 65, Cowden 120 Cowdon 21 70, 72, 79, 83, 98, 105, 120. 137,Cowen 73 139, 140. 141, Cowers 37 144, 152. 172, Cowin 73 175, 178 Cowley 120 Cooke 59, 105 Cox 27. 37, 46. 61, 72, 83, 120, 136, Cooksey 93 Coo1y 136 141. 162, 165, Coonce 48 177, 196 Coonrod 31 Coxe II, 12 Coons 48, 113. 120 Coyle 5 Crabb 60, 65, 67, 177 Crabtree 83, 141 Craddock 76 Craft 120 Cragon 96 Craig 37, 69. 73, 83. 97, 105. 107, 109. 115. 149, 174. 175, 177 Craigan 96 Craighead 128 Craightner 120 Crane 116, 120 Cnnford 37 Cr-anfford 154 Cranius 120 Craven 46, 146 Cravens 140. 141, 143 Cravins 83, 120 Crawford 6, 110, 120. 140, 146, 166, 168, 197 Creagan 96 Creasy 177 Creek 8.3 Creighton 120 Crenshaw 113, 120, 127 Crew 140 Crews 37, 81, 105, 107, 108, 109, 120, '175, 176, 177. 178 Crider 83. Ill, 120 Crlllingdon 139 Crim 120 Crisp 14. 38. 39. 69, 152 Cristy 11 Crockett 36, 55. 83. 97, 136. 139, 154, 164 Crofford 37 • 177 Cromwell 13. 37, 120 Cronan 120 Crook 165. 177 Croom 14 Croone 13 Crosen 120 Cross 37. 83, 97, 120, 131, 136. 177, 190 Crosse 159 Crosser 138 Crossland 120 Crosson 22 Crossthwait 177 Crosthwaite 37 Crother 14 Crow 37, 74, 83. 136 Crowbar 120 Crowder 12. 14. 75, 78, 177 Crowdis 60 Crowe1 12 Crowner 46 Cruice 136 Crum 83 Crump 3, 20. 99, 120, 135 -206· Crutcher 120 Cubbins 120 Culbert 120 Culbreth 10, 11, 37, 71 Cu1brith 11 Cullins 120 Cullom 88 Cumberland 83 Cumby 24 CUDDl1ins 21, 110 CUDDl1ings 83, 110, 177 Cunningan 137 Cunningham 16, 20, 35, 37, 38, 70, 72, 73, 97, 120, 177, 188, 199 Cunnyngham 148 Curnutt 2 Currey 55, 115 Currie 136 Currin 120 Curry 14, 37, 57, 139, 176, 177, 182 Curtice 175, 176 Curtis 3, 37, 120, 175, 176, 178 Cusick 11 Cussans 55 Custer 57 Cutbirth 176 Cuthbert 16· Cutler 83, 120, 136 - DDabney 179 Dacy 120 Daily 120 Dale 27, 32, 91, 93, 120, 127, 162, 163 Daley 120 DaHon 11 Da1Hs 120 Dalton 37, 39, 72, 73, 91, 93, 103, 145, 174, 176 Dame 174, 176 Damerin 141 Dameron 162 Damon 11 Damron 81, 83, 90 Danberry 120 Danbury 21 Dancy 10 Danforth 66, 67, 125 Daniel 11, 37, 120, 139, 148, 176 Danie1d 152 Daniels 120 Daniells 152 Danley 37, 176 Darbes 57 Darby 23 Darden 48 Dardis 120 Darling 139 Darmon 11, 136 Darnold 140 Darragh 24 Dashiell 120 Dashiett 120 Daugherty 49 Daughtry 176, 178 Dermont 121 Daulton 69 Deshazen 139 Davenport 37, 120, Deshee 27 Detherage 65 136 David 120 Devasure 107 Davidson 20,37, 40,Devau1t 7 47, 67, 74, 98, Dever 67, 122, 176 120, 124, 138,176 Deveraux 83 Davie 154 Devine 100 Davis 12, 13, 15, Devore 164 22, 27, 31, 36, Devorixs 83 37,38,45,47, Dew 14 67, 69, 70, 72, Dews 14 74, 79, 83, 93, Dewson 57 99, 105, 106, Deweast 176 108, 109, 112, Dial 23, 36, 38, 114, 116, 120, 39, 69, 176 122~ 127, 128, Dibbere11 83 136, 137, 138, Dibere11 83 140, 146, 147, Dice 26 149, 150, 152, Dick 141 Dickason 200 162, 163, 169, 174, 175, 176, Dickens 121 177, 178, 179, Dickenson 42, 166 180, 188, 195 Dickerson 11, 83, Davison 65, 85 105, 200 Davus 120 Dickey 11, 176, 178 Dary 13, 32, 83 Dickie 178 Daws 200 Dickinson 41, 115 Dawson 45, 67, 75, Dickson 37, 38, 39, 78, 83, 120, 122, 55, 72, 74, 81, 139,192 83, 107, 121, Dawsons 30 170. 175, 178 Dicus 178 Day 35, 36, 38, 39, 69, 71, 74, Dicky 83 102, 106, 107, Diggs 62, 114 120, 128, 176 Di1ahunt 83 Dayton 120 Dill 91,93, 121 Deadrick 24 Dillahunty 62 Dean 14 Dillard 121 Dearing 176, 177 Di11iard 11, 26 Deason 36 Dillion 83 Deaton 10 Dillon 91, 121 Deavenport 37, 176 Di110ns 83 Defoe 176 Dimpsy 121 Deck 83 Dinning 83 Dega1ia 120 Dishonghn 178 Dehart 120 Dinsmore 99 Delaney 83 Dismal 14 Delany 83 Dismukes 13 Delap 12 Ditto 91, 93 De1k 176 Diver 195 Dell 198 Divine 100 De11afie1d 120 Diviney 121 Deloach 83, 120 Dixon 11, 20, 21, 83, 87, 89, 91, Demaha 120 Demperwo1y 120 93, 121, 178 Dempsy 143 Dobbins 37, 106, 178 Demris 120 Dobbs 65, 66, 91, Denbigh 155 156, 158 Dobbins 178 Denew 120 Denneha 121 Dobyns 13, 20 Dennevant 57 Dodd 15, 83, 121, Denning 81, 83, 136 136, 137 Denny 30, 31, 121, Dodds 83 136 Dodson 83, 137, 143, Densford 121 145 Denson 198 Doeb1ar 121 Doherty 83, 138 Dent 20, 121, 142 Denton 23, 35, 163 Do1ahite 84 Depriest 176 Do1bear 121 DePriest 38 Do11a1ite 143 Donaho 121, 127 Donahoo 37 Donaldson 96, 121 Donelson 17, 22,41, 65, 66, 67, 84, 122, 123, 192, 194 Donnel 91 Donoho 26, 93, 121 Dooley 121 Dooly 121 Dooms 137 Doran 16 Dorch 136 Dorion 23 Doshier 96 Dosier 121 Doss 64, 67, 150 Dotson 38, 84, 178 Doud 13, 140 Dougans 145 Dougherty 84, 121, 129 Dough1as 127 Douglas 84, 90, 91, 93, 166 Douglass 26, 38, 48, 88, 105, 115, 121, ~28, 130, 145, 162, 163 Doclthet 64 Dow 121 Dowd 84 Dowdy 121 Dowel 31 Dowell 98, 100, 200 Dowen 178 Dowdy 10, 13 Down 35 Downing 13 Downs 38, 70 Dowthet 194 Doyal 72, 178 Doyle 121 Drake II, 16, 150 Drechsler 8 Drennen 13 Drennon 16, 17 Drew 80, 83, 121, 137 Drewery 143 Drewry 81, 83, 141, 143 Driver 121 Drivmi11er 121 Drobb1ebres 81 Drollinger 136 Druiggins 159 DrUDDl10nd 121 Ducane 141 Duck 9 Ducker 178 Du~kworth 11, 12, 71, 171 Dudley 3, 57, 84, 136, 140 Dud1y 84 Dueast 178 Duffell 139 Duffie 155 Duffield 36 Duffy 121 Duger 178 -207- ( " Duggan 121 Dugger 178 Duke 27, 84, 140 Dukemenier 48 Dulaney 84 Dulany 84 Dumrel 121 Dunahoo 39 Dunavant 23 Dunaway 141 Duncan 35, 38, 70, 71,91,106,107, 121, 127, 145, 146, 162, 178, 196 Dungan 99 Dunham 67, 84 Dunlap 15, 16, 38, 66, 67, 69, 73, 121, 141, 183 Dunlop 66 Dunn 48, 78, 84, 121 Dunning 84, 140, 141 Dunscomb 23 Dupey 162 Dupont 121 Dupre 61 Dupree 12, 121 Dupy 27 Durbin 35, 38, 84,. 108 ·Durby 178 Durham 10, 50, 146, lSD, 178 During 172 Durrett 178 Duvall 22, 121 Dyer 21, 26, 27, 88, 128, 130, 188 Dyson 121 - EEagle 84, 137 Earles 178 Earls 84 .Ear1y 141, 157, 184 Earwood 39, 178 Easley 175 Eas1y 13 Eason 14 Easor 96 East 184 Eastland 156 Eastman 55 Eaton 38, 178 Eaves 84, 138, 178 Ebberts 184 Eblin 84 Echerman 184 Ecker1y 22 Ecko1d 127 Eddings 13 Eddington 91 Eddins 34, 35 Edgar 184 Edgerly 184 Ed1eman 71, 73 Edmandson 80 Edmiston 35, 38, 70, 72, 74, lOS, 108, 109, 174, 175, 177, 178 Ethridge 37, 38, 70, Ferald 84 Edmond 184 178 Ferebee 26, 76 Edmonds 184 Fergus 156 Edmondson 136, 184 Etly 184 Ferguson 26, 27, Edmonson 15, 40, 84 Eugene 184 Evans 14, 15, 38, 45, 184 Edmonston 84, 158 57, 91, 105, lOb, Ferrell 26, 49, Edmundson 38, 139 108, 141, 174, 176, 177 Edney 14 178, 184, 188, 196 Ferris 89 Edwards 13, 14, 16, Evens 141 Few 91 24, 34, 35, 38, 70, 84, 136, 137, Everett 76, 84, 137, Field 10 138, 197 Fielder 84, 138 138, 184 Everson 184 Fields 84, 138, Eelbeck 76 Evett 122 184 Egan 184 Evins 175 Fiex 184 Eggleston 15 EWing 17, 93, 96 Fifeny 38 Egnew 84 Exum 75 Filden 184 E1am 26, 50, 55, Eysick 184 Finch 84, 138, 141, 184 Ezell 36, 38, 74, 140, 141, 155, E1bom 43, 63 136, 138, 140, 176 E1can 11, 184 178 Fincher 166 Elder 11, 136, 178 Findlay 122 Eldridge 23, 24, 84 Ezzell 84 Findley 37 Eliott 141 Finesse 184 Elledge 100 - F Finison 84 Elleson 84 Fink 184 Elliott 10, 11, 12, Fagg 150 Finley 106, 184 15, 84, 182, 183, Faha 184 Fain 184 Finney 38 184, 188, ioo Finnie 22, 184 Ellis 26, 44, 100, Fairbush 84 Fairfield 184 Finny 184 107,108,122, Fairless 200 Firches 6 136, 139, 178, Falkner 14 Firrell 84 184, 196 Fall 23, 84 Firth 184 Ellsberry 56 Fisacker1y 15 Ellison 27, 69, 71, Fa1lace 184 Fisher 38, 39, 70, 93, 162, 178, 184 Falls 24, 184 107, 164, 185 Falwell 184 E1mon 15 Fallwood 184 Fite 31, 88 Elmore 15, 114 Fanall 184 Fitzgen1d 109, 184 Elrod 10 Fanning 38 Fitzpatrick 184 Elston 91, 127 Fans 184 Flack 20, 84 Elton 73 Flaherty 115, 184 Fare 84 Ely 136 Fargason 24, 91 Flake 38 Emanuel 184 Flakes 38 Farless 136 Emerson 178, 184 F1anegan 184 Farmer 38, 39, 70, Emery 152 Flanigan 184 72, 73, 74, 79, Emmerson 162 80, 84, 137, 138, F1anner 184 EJIIoons 184 F1avio 184 139, 143 Emns 38 Fleming 22, 23, 78, Farmers 84 Enfle 155 128, 184 England 87, 114,145 Farnsworth 184 Flemming 84, 136, Farre 84 Eng1ey 184 158, 184 English 38, 184,197 Farrell 184 Flemmings 184 Farrier 161 Ennis 20, 22 F1eshardt 184 Farrington 13, 18, Eno 184 Fletcher 140, 141, 184 Enos 184 165, 184 Farris 12, 184 Ensley 23 Fling 184 Fassett 184 Epps 130 Flinn 184 Fathy 10 Erb 25 Flippen 87, 88 Fauber 184 Erls 84 Flippo 175 Erwin 38, 153, 184, Faulkner 184 Flood 71, 73 Fawbush 84 196 Florian 184 Fawcett 122, 124 Escue 178 Flournoy 38, 70 Fay1e 184 Eskew 108, 178 Flowers 13, 93 Fee 155 Eskridge 57 Floyd 14, 38, 49, Fee10n 184 Eslinger 148 105, 107, 175, Feely 184 Esom 184 176 Fellabeas 26, 27 Esselman 159 Fluker 198 Felton 184 Estes 15, 18, 23, Fly 141, 168, 170 38, 39, 141, 178 Fel ts 14, 136 Flynn 139, 184 Fendler 184 Espy 184 Fogarty 184 Fenix 139 Estill 86 Fogerty 184 Fennell 94 Etheredge 184 Fogg 150, 184 Etheridge 10, 80,84,Fenton 184 Fo1denburg 38 Fentress 2 139, 141 -:.108- Foley i84 Freeman (con 't) 144,Gardner (con't) 124, Folger 184 136, 137, 139, 164, 184, 197 Foljambe 76 Freiby 122 140, 142, 184 Folk 84 Garison 84 Freily 43 Folks 140 Freirson 184 Garnon 184 Folly 84 Garland 166 French 174, 179, Fondren 38, 70, 72 Garlington 98 180, 181 Fontaine 23, 24 Garner 37, 38, 57, Frey 184 Fonville 38, 136 Frick 184 71, 74, 84, 99, Foot 184 Friddle 102 107, 108, 141 Fooutch 31 Garnett 136 Frield 137 Forbes 38, 71, 184 Frields 84 Garret 11, 14, 15, Forbis 178 Friend 13, 191 25, 33, 70 Forbus 184 Garrett 33, 50, 94, Frierson 61, 184 Ford 16, 27, 55, 84, Frifagh 184 159, 167, 177, 184 91, 93, 129, 162, Frith 184 Garrison 84, 91, 93, 184 Fritz 148, 184 161, 163, 184 Fordemark 184 Gartner 84 Frizell 139 Fore 84, 93, 139, Garvin 184 Frizzell 139, 140 Gary 76 Froeman 129 141 Foree 84 Frost 22, 98 Gaskey 184 Forest 70, 142 Gaskins 11, 84, 136 Fry 197 Forester 40, 88 Gaston 24, 26, 128 Fudge 141 Gate 26 Forgey 35 Fugate 38, 176 Forman 130 Fu1ghaln 96 Gately 154 Forrester 40, 91 Fulghum 75, 76, 77, Gates 26, 93 78 Gatewood 38, 139 Forrist 11 Forster 84 , 139, 140 Fuller 107, 141, 143Gatlin 38 Fort 10 Furchaee 6 Gatti 1 Gauge 38 Furches 6 Fortiner 13 Furguson 106 Gautney 198 Fortner 18 Furlong 27, 139, Gay 81, 139, 184 Foster 4, 27, 32, 38, 162, 184 Gayer 184 43, 44, 45, 73, 91, Fuqua 184 Gayle 16, 33, 163, 116, 122, 145, 148, Fussell 22 184, 197 157, 162, 184 Gaze 184 Futcher6 Fotts 15 Gee 38 Futrel 38 Foucher 6 Geers 97 Futrell 70 Foulquier 6 GeUaspie 84 Foulk 184 Gellispie 99 Foulkes 184 - GGenett 184 Foushee 57 Gentry 138 Gabel 38 Foust 38, 105 George 10, 36, 38, Fowler 26, 77, 81, 84. Gable 177 Gadsden 184 84, 184 86, 137, 140, 141, German 16 Gage 184 184 Gertner 84 Gaily 84 Fowlkes 142, 184 Getman 184 Gaines 5, 55, 73, Fow1ks 184 157, 184 Geton 39 Fox 57, 184 Gains 139, 184 r.hentworth 194 Foy 184 Gaint 106 Gholson 184 Fraime 184 Gibb 12 Gdr 184 Fraine 146, 150 Gibbins 177 Gairy 184 Framk 73 Gaither 36, 38 Gibbons 191 France 33 Gale 26, 27, 128, Gibbs 13, 84, 87, Francia1a 184 138, 184 Francis 22, 138 184 Gales 140 Gibert 84 Francoila 184 Galey 84, 141, 191 Gibson 10, 13, 38, Francoile 184 Gallagher 21 39, 46, 48, 71, Frank 23 Franklin 11, 31, 84, Gallaher 175, 178 73, 84, 136, 184, 152, 170, 171 Gallaway 22, 159 185, 196 Franks 38, 70, 73, 109 Galloway 22, 24, 25,Giden 84 Fraser 61 38, 156, 157 Gideon 39 Franciola 21 Galoway 84, 139 Gift 185 Ga1tman 184 Frayser 24, 184 Gilbert 38, 47, 72, Gambling 154, 160 Frazer 22, 57 74, 81, 84, 97, Ganbrell 38 Frazer 88 106, 108, 136, Frazier 9, 167 Gandolfo 184 141, 147, 176, 197 Ganes 84 Frazies 57 Gilbreath 156, 158 Frederic 184 Gann 13, 15 Gilchrist 159 Gardins 84 Frederick 33 Giles 185 Freeman 12, 13, 14, 21, Gardner 12, 55, 64, Gilham 176 26, 84, 137, 139, 140, 79, 81, 84, 123, Gilkey 188 Gill 38, 93, 138, 185 Gillaspie 84 Gillenwaters 99 Gillespie 115, 156 Gilley 1, 96 Gilliam 75, 89 Gillis 185 Gillorn 185 Gillium 139 Gillum 78, 115, 140, 143 GilLman 185 Gilmore 49, 105 Gilmour 185 Giluspice 175 Gimmer 185 Giuan 185 Ginnings 185 Gist 36,37,38, 69, 74 Givans 162 Given 84, 93 Givens 27 Gladney 100 Glancy 185 Glascock 84 Glasgow 80, 84, 138 Glass 80, 84, 136, 139, 185 Gleason 137 Gleeson 84, 142 Glen 6 Glenn 136, 140 G1entwood 63, 123 G1entworth 42, 63, 123 Glidden 185 Glidwell 185 Glincamp 185 Glindkamp 185 G1obbe1 175 Glover 11, 31, 38, 39, 91, 93, 114, 115, 188 Gniger 184 Goddard 148 Godon 30 Godsay 185 Goff 175, 177 Goforth 69 Goldsby 84 Go1sby 84 Gospel 178 Goss 188 Gooch 185 Good 136 Goodall 27, 88; 91, 93, 162, 185 Goodbar 21 Goodbread 100 Goodlett 185 Goodman 107, 185 Goodner 31 Goodrich 55 Goodrow 94 Goodwin 21, 22, 129, 185 Gookins 185 Goolsby 136, 141 Goolston 123, 194 Gorden 26, 84, 107 -209- ( i \ Gordon 11, 12, 16, 19, 27, 30, 31, 32, 38, 39,84, 88, 91, 106, 107, 108, 178 Gorman 185 Gosnell 38 Goss 16 Gossitt 185 Gosllby 84 Gosseby 84 Gotard 185 Gott 67 Gotz 185 Gowen 34, 162 Gower 37, 38, 108, 175, 177, 197 Grace 154, 185 Grade 185 Grady 185 Graff 84 Gragson 12 Graham 16, 22, 141. 185 Gra1ter 185 Grammer 16 Granade 26, 91 Granger 185 Grant 185. 196 Grantman 185 Grasty 164 Grave 185 Graves 13, 48, 75, 76. 115. 185 Gray 10, 11. 35. 38, 39. 84, 107, 110. 113, 115, 138, 169, 170. 171. 185 Grayham 123, 192 Green 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 27, 35, 37. 38, 39, 41, 45, 73, 84, 108, 141. 185, 195 Greene 185 Greenhau 39 Greenhaw 38. 108. 176 Gx-een1aw 185 Greenwood 38 Greer 27, 84, 85, 87, 91, 93. 121. 123, 149 Gregory 11, 31, 49, 91, 198 Grenade 27 Grenaway 36 Gresham 38. 39. 71, 73, 74 Grice 185 Gridley 10, 185 Grifen 129 Griffen 185 Griffin 10, 14, 21, 36, 73, 106, 141, 152. 185, 190 Griffith 42, 85. 88. 123, 137, 185 Grigg 85 Griggs 85 Grim 185 Grimes 37, 39, 56, 99, 122 Grinders 85 Grisham 109, 176 Grissom 106, 174,176Ha11 (con't) 88, 93, 122, 123, 124, Grisson 11 125, 137, 138, Grisaum 39 177, 185, 192, Gritt 185 193, 194, 195, Groff 58, 85 197, 198 Grogan 93 Halliburton 15 Groomer 200 Grooms 85, 141, 199 Halliday 93 Hallman 93 Grosvenor 22, 185 Ha110dy 93 Grove 16 Hallum 89, 93, 161 Grubbs 103 Halstead 185 Gruber 185 Ham 107, 109 Grundy 113 Hamback 139 Grurst 185 Hamblen 142 Gryant 185 Hamblins 85 Guest 11, 38 Hambrick 71 Guff 185 Hamel 13 Guilbert 32 Hamets 15 Guilfay 185 Hamil 12, 14, 15 Guin" 85 Hamilton 39, 41, 71, Guinn 108, 177 81, 84. 115, 130, Guion 185 141, 164. 198 Gullet 185 Hamlet 178 Gunnon 185 Hamlin 85, 137 Gunter 85, 136 Hamling 85 Gunt1ach 16, 17 Hammer 145, 199 Guthery 105 Hammers1y 96 Guthrie 11, 165 Hammond 36 Guttherz 21 Hammonds 39, 73,105, Guygen 13 145. 177 Gwen 85 Hammons 10, 17, 38, Gwin 26 69 Gwinn 26, 108, 109, Hamner 13, 185 176 Gwyn 38, 115. 116, Hams1ey 37 Hampton 39, 167 117 Hancock 12, 185 Gwynn 22 Hand 185 Gyst 39 Handcock 33 Handmon 139 - H Handworker 185 Hackney 185 Haney 170, 185 Hacksma 48 Hanigan 185 Hadaway 185 Hankins 10, 65. 124, Hafford 12, 114 193 Hanks 70, 74, 84 Hagan 35 Hagans 39 Hanna 81, 136 Hagent 85 Hannah 107, 185 Hager 138 Hanner 105 Hagerty 185 Hannon 185 Haggard 85, 136 Hansbrough 48 Haggins 36 Hansil 185 Haggot 85 Hapton 185 Hail 36, 37, 39, 69,Hara1son 18 70, 71, 72, 73,74,Harberger 199 106, 108, 109, Harbert 20 176 Harbin 185 Haines 22 Hardeman 78 Hainline 85 Harden 26, 176 Ha1b 145 Hardin 49, 81, 116, Hale 23.43, 57, 64, 141, 185 67, 124, 125, 127,Harding 23, 57 163, 185, 195, 199Hardwick 31, 84 Haley 20, 43, 124, Hardy 11 125, 185 Hare 69 Halford 35, 36, 37, Harget 14 38, 39, 71, 73, Hargis 128, 172,173 74, 87, 178 Hargrave 13 Halk 185 Hargrove 96, 188 Hall 10, 12, 13, 20,Har1ey 124 22, 38, 42, 43, Harlow 39. 72 58, 64, 67, 85, Harman 138, 139, 141 Harmil 12 Harmon 10, 84, 136, 141 Harper 11, 12, 13, 26,30, 31, 32, 128, 129, 185 Harpool 85 Harrel IS, 85 Harrell 14, 185 Harrelson 13, 25, 39, 74 Harrill 10, 12 Harris, 11, 12, 15, 22, 23, 24, 39, 48,59,63,73, 85, 97, 99, 103, 128, 136, 137, 141, 149, 164, 185, 199 Harrison 3, 4, 14, 23, 32, 38, 72, 150, 185, 188, 199 Harry 24 Harsh 23 Harston 11 Hartford 25 Hart 12, 18, 39, 85, 93, 140, 144, 185, 189 Hart1edge 185 Hartman 50, 112, 169 HartsfIeld 196 Hartwell 38. 178 Hartwick 39, 72 Hartwig 185 Harver 185 Harvey 10. 85, 91, 185 Harvy 162 Hartwick 36 Harwell 74, 107, 176 Haskell 115 Haskins 14, 16, 17, 68, 185 Hasting/! 185 Hatch 185 Hatcher 185 Hathaway 185 Hatler 85. 139, 141 Hatlers 85 Havens 198 Haver 185 Havins 198 Haward 185 Hawk 85 Hawkins 15, 39. 87, 112, 140, 169, 171, 185 Hawks 85, 138, 144, 185 Hawley 185 Hawthorn 185 Hawthorne 185 Hawood 12 Hay 10, 12, 185 Haydon 185 Hayes 2, 39, 61, 93, 103, 109, 177 Hayley 49, 97, 146 -210Haynes 13, 39,47, 62, 85, 88, 89, lOS, 177 Haynie 26. 32, 89, 91, 127 Haywood 13 Hays 27,39, 84, 91, 93, 139, 140, 141, 156, 163, 175, 185 Hazel 185 Hazell 85 Hazelwood 139 Hazen 27 Hazle 85 Hazlerig 144 Head 85, 140, 174 Heard 123, 124 Hearn 185 Heath 3, 14, 85, 185, 198 Heathcock 10, 15, 16 Hedspeth 144 Heffington 4, 107, 174, 175 Hegnight 85 Hdd1e 185 Helldbreder 198 Heiskell 22, 23 Heistan 185 He1dridge 69 He1monto1er 3D, 91 Helton 72, 95, lOS, 177 Hemon 39 Hemphill 10, 69 Henacre 185 Hencely 69 Henderson 22, 39, 74, 85, 113, 140, 169, 185 Hendrick 144 Hendricks 55, 115 Hendrickson 57 Hendrix 55, 71, 85, 138, 139, 178 Henegar 148 Henket 185 Henkle 185 Henley 14, 15 Hennessee 185 Hennessis 185 Hennessy 185 Henny 14 Henry 15, 36, 37, 39. 46, 71, 85, 128, 136, 168, 169, 185 Hense1ey 185 Hensley 39, 70, 177 Henson 39, 64 Herald 85 Hera1dson 39 Hera1son 37. 39 Heralston 36 Herbers 185 Herbert 21, 78, 185 Herd 85, 141 Herin 143 Hern 138, 140 Herndon 185 Herrald 141 Herra1ston 70 Herrin 39, 69, 70, 105, 106, 108, Herrin (can't) 177, Hodges 28, 163, 164 Hoss 143 178 Hodgin 124 Hotchkiss 43, 64, 124 Herring 12. 74 Hodgson 42, 67, 124, Hotoway 186 Herrod 32 126, 192 Herron 185 Hoff 152 Houghton 186 ··House 10, 85, 140, Hertzler 63 Hoffman 171 144 Hester 108. 140,185 Hogan 88, 91, 127, Houston 114, 149, Hetamer 74 163 186 Hewes 85 Hoge 38, 39, 44, Houser 55, 175 Hewitt 23. 85, 185 64, 124, 126, Hews 57,85 192 Houstons 85 Howard 11, 15, 39, Hibbets 128 Hogg 36, 72 69. 70, 72, 85, Hibetts 161 Hogler 186 87, 89, 139, 140, Hibbits 93 Hogrife 186 Hickenbottom 124 Holbrook 16 163, 177, 186, 197 Hickey 185 Holcomb 174, 186 Howcott 186 Hickinbottom 123 Holden 186 Hickman 185 Holder 186 Howe 25 Hicks 38, 39. 64, Holeman 63, 124 Howe1 128. 129, 136 69, 139, 175, Holladay 91, 97, 99 Howell 12, 13, 16, ]85, 196, 197 Hol1ady 91 45. 175, 199 Hide 72, 85 Holland 13, 26, 39, Howerton 150 Howorton 85 Higbee 20, 21. 22, 70, 72, i'3, 128, 23 188 Hubard 85 Higgini 85,. 185 Hollingsworth 2 Hubbard 13, 28, 53, Higgs 39, 109, 140, Hollis 38, 39. 197 85, 89, 115, 136. 163, 179, 180, 176 Holland 12, 36 High 91, 93 Holloway 13, 39, 181. 200 Hubert 152 Highsaw 85 70, 108 Huchins 139 Hight 71 Holly 85, 186' Huchinson 137 Hightower 10, 71, Holman 172 185 Holmes 9, 24, 186 Huchison 138, 139 Huckabee 12 Hildreth lOS, 107 Ho1ms 91 Hilfer 185 Ho10way 124 Huckaby 107 Hudgens 55. 172 Hill 10, 15, 16, lS,Ho1st 186 22, 23, 35, 39, Holster 186 Hudgins 104 72, 73, 74, 85, Holt 3, 13, 22, 39, Hudson 61, 100, 106, 186, 198 lOS, 106, 136, 85, 124, 164, Hudspeth 147 138, 139, 140, 176, 186 Hueur 186 174, 185 Ho1tsford 109 Huez 85 Hillhouse 35, 69, Honeycut 139 70, 72 Honeyman 13 Huff 186 Huffman 186 Hilliard 115, 124, Hood 13, 15, 74, Hufman 186 194 85. 137 Hillis 81, 141 Hoodenpy1e 64, 65, Hufscutz1er 186 Huggins 80, 85. Hills 186 124, 125 Hi11smans 186 Hoofman 186 107. 140 Himby 85 Hooker 26, 148 Hughes 10. 16, 18, Hinds 39, 52 Hooks 93 25. 55, 74, 85, Hinds1ey 73. 105 Hooper 12 89, 90. 96. 98. 144, 147, ISO, Hines 10. 186 Hoover 85, 159. 200 Hines1y 10 Hooves 41 155. 164. 176, Hink1en 145 Hope 76, 186 184, 186, 199 Hinsley 37. 39, 106 Hopkins 16, 85, 141, Hughlett 85 Hughs 11, 12, 14, Hinson 125 178, 180, 181, 32. 36, 39, 105 Hinton 14, 91 182, 183 Hipple 186 Hopper 11. 139. 143 Hulbert 186 Hull 24, 131, 186 Hird 85 Hopton 186 Hirsch 186 Horah 186 Hulton 186 Hirsh 186 Hord 91 Hume 186 Humphreys 15, 55, 186 Hisaw 141 Horn 12, 39, 173, Humphries 35, 188 Hiso 100 177 Hundley 186 Hita 186 Hornback 141 Hitch 198 Hornbeak 81, 85, 143 Hungerford 136, 139 Hunley 147 Hite 21 Horne 163 Hitt 108 Horn1ey 136 Hunt 1, 60, 74, 85. Hittacre 186 Horsley 179, 180, 186 186 Hunter 11, 12, 21, Hixon 122. 123, 124,Horsly 138 125 Horton 69, 80, 85, 37. 109, 115, lIS, 138, 139, 144 125, 141 Hixson 195 Huntsman 140 Hoard 91 Hosha11 23 Hurley 97, 186 Hobbs 186 Hoskins 4 -211Hurst 39, 107 Huson 125 Hustan 186 Hutchens 186 Hutchenson 39, 124 Hutcherson 39 Hutcheson 11, 36, 64, 70, 72, lOS, 108, 109, 124, 125, 174, 175, 176, 177, 195 Hutchison II, 15, 186, 194 Hutson 4, 100, 173 Hutton 76, 186 Hyatt 186 Hyde 186 Hyer 186 Hynds 140 - I - ( Iddins 186 Imes 186 Ind 186 Inge 31 Ingle 186 Ingles 57 Ingling 186 Ingram 70, 88, 108, 178, 188 Inman 37, 70, 74, 85, 177 Inson 99 Irby 72, 85 Irvin 139, 186 Irvine 35, 85 Isaacs 35 Isbe1 188 Isbell 47, 181, 187 Ishma1 186 Israel 85 Ives 186 Ivey 61 Ivy 12, 13, 15 - J - Jack 99, 186 Jackson 4, II, 13, 16, 22, 26, 33, 34, 36, 38, 46, 63, 69, 85, 91, 93, 106, 115, 124, 139, 140, 148, 175, 177, 178, 186, 188 Jacobs 11, 48, 186 James 35, 69, 89, 91, 176, 186 Jameson 186 Jamieson 186 Jamison 26, 85, 88, 186 Jane 37 Janes (Jones?) 163 Janney 3 Jarnigan 186 Jarratt 75 Jarret 13, 55 Jarrett 164 Jay 173 Jean 186 Jeannin 186 Jefferson 54, 179 Jourden 86 Jeffreys 13, 93 Joy 21 Jeggetts 186 Joyce 69 Jenkins 13, 26, 29, Joyner 12, 13, 80, 81, 91, 121, 16, 167 129, 136, 139, Julian 67, 86, 140, 141, 143, 125, 157 186 Ju1ich 3 Jennings 85, 99,136,Ju1in 136, 141,144 149, 186, 197 Jurdon 10, 15 Jenny 186 Justiss 197 Jeno 37 Jerinto 3 - KJerry 186 Jesse 2 Kacy 86 Jeter 10, 140, 186 Kaerper 186 Jeton 85 Kaffman 186 Jetton 85, 169 Kail 14 Jewell 186 Ka1tmann 186 Jewett 186 Kanaday 39 Jight 186 Kana(?)ore 175 Jimison 140 Kane 37 Jinings 85 Kaner 186 Jinkins IS, 85, 141 Karr 14, 21, 22, Job 199 26, 186 Jobe 69 Kasky 32 John 186 Kavanaugh 29, 92 Johns 27, 28, 39, Kattman 186 163 Kay 186 Johnson 7, 10, 13, Kearney 186 14, IS, 16, 18, Keath 97 21, 22, 23, 24, Keat1y 16 26, 28, 35, 37, Keaton 186 39,46, 49, 57, Kechmon 141 57, 60, 65, 66, Keck 102 Keedy 126 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81, 85, Kee1am (Ke110n) 69 91, 97, lOS, 106, Kee1en 69 124, 128, 137, Keeley 16 Keeling 177, 186 138, 140, 141, 143, 148, 159, Keen 86 163, 172, 173, Keese 71, 74 174, 186, 194, Keeton 69 197 ' Keever 186 Johnston 71, 88,162.Keho 186 Keif 186 186 Joiner 186 Keisacker 186 Jolly 26, 85, 138 Keith 44, 46, 63, Jones 9, 10, 11, 12, 97, 195 13, 14, IS, 16, Keller 186 18, 19, 21, 22, Kelley 56, 73 23, 24, 25, 28, Kellough 86 29, 30, 31, 38, Kelly 11, 20, 34, 39, 43, 46, 61, 39, 69, 73, 96, 69, 72, 74, 80, 99, 106, 107, 125, 139, 140, 85, 86, 90, 91, 93, 106, 107, 174, 176, 177, ii4, 116, 117, 178, 186 121, 125, 127, Kelsey 177 130, 136, 137, Kelso 10, 29 138, 139, 140, Keltner 70 141, 144, 148, Kelton 146, 150, 186 152, 159, 161, Kember1y 186 163, 165, 174, Kemmer 193 175, 186, 188, Kemp 81, 86, 141 196, 197 Kendall 16 Jonikin(?) 10 Kendrick 69 Joplin 86, 140 Kenedy 14, 37, 86, Jordan 12, 57, 69, 128, 139 122 Kenley 11, 169 Jorden 86 Kenman 136 Joslin 100 Kenneday 23 Kennedy 81, 106, 174, 175, 178, 186 Kennet 186 Kent 99 Kentucky 86 Kenny 10 Kerby 28, 127, 162 Kereby 26 Kerley 126 Kerns 186 Keroth 186 Kerr 110, 130, 143, 168, 170, 171 Kersey 125 Kershaw 32 Kershner 3 Kert1y 12 Ketchum 126 Key 76, 93, 94, 161 Kichen 198 Kidd 186 Kierolf 186 Kiker (Kyker) 50 Kilburn 37, 39, 71, 108, 109, 174, 178 Kllebrew 139 Kilgore 138, 139 Kllgores 79 Klloagh 138 Killhreath 86 Ki11ebrews 79, 86 Kll11t (1) 12 Killough 86 Kimb1.e 186 Kimbrell 69 Kimbro 121, 159 Kimmer 125, 126 Kimpel 52 Kimzey 56 Kincaid 199 Kincannon 149 Kinche10w 186 Kindall 86 Kindel 186 Kindred 86, 139, 142 King 14, 22, 26, R6, 112, 129, 137, 141, 147, 168, 169, 186, 197 Kinny 17 Kingston 186 Kingwell 186 Kinner 186 Kinsmer 64 Kirbey 15 Kirby 11, 50, 186, 196 Kirk 38, 69, 106, 178, 186, 188 Kirkland 29, 186 Kirklen 145, 193 Kirtley 186 Kirklin 64, 126 Kirkney 12 Kirkpatrick 86 Kirksey 69 Kirwan 186 Kirkwood 86 Kiser 186 -212~ Kiskler 64 Kitchen 92 Kitchet 186 Kittner 15 Kitton 137 Kittson 186 Klein 20 Klice 16 Klinck 186 Klingaman 197 Klutts 86 Klyce 13, 14, 105 Knapp 21, 186 Knight 99, 140, 145, 146, 150, 160, 186, 199 Knott 188 Knotts 93 Knowls 92 Knox 22, 137, 186 Kolle 100 Koonce 12, 14, 159 Koone 14 Kosure 38 Kraft 155, 186 Krafft 186 Kraus 196 Krin1and (1) 15 Kroger 186 Kroh 186 Kunkle 20 Kusack 186 Kutch 69 Kuykendoll 26 Kyle 30, 31, 32, 86 - L Labcas 140 Labender 186 Labon 187 Lacewell 86, 138 Lacey 129, 183 Lack 32 Lackett 186 Lackey 10, 99, 108 LaCroix 69 Lacy 26 Lacey 49 Ladd 156, 158, 186 Ladyman 136 Lafawn 144 Lafon 140 Laird 186, 192, 193 Lake 92, 93, 114, 128 Lakey 39, 48, 86, 98 Laky 86 Lamar 198 Lamb 41, 61, 90, 122, 123, 144, 187, 192, 193, 194, 195 . Lambert 114, 187, 200 Lamberson 187 Lambeth 102 Lamphier 187 Lampkin 6 Lampley 99 Lancaster 26, 28, 29, 39, 69, 70, 93, 130, 163, 176 Lancet 187 Land 69, 187 Landers 18, 148,159 Lectire 187 Lively 159 Lecture 187 Livelys 8 Landmart 138 Landrum 86, 137, Ledbetter 69, 187 Livistcr 138 138, 139 Ledgerwood 96 Lloyd 121 Lee 10, 16, 69, Loag 69 Lane 15, 16, 86, 136, 153, 186 70, 86, 100, Lockard 69 140, 166, 187, Lockart 69 Laneham 13 191, 194 Locke 37, 69, 115, Langh1ey 195 Langley 86, 193 Leftes 128 164, 187, 188 Lang1y 63, 86 Lehman 187 Lockett 187 Langston 93, 131, Leigh 47, 57, 69, LodWick 187 149, 187 115, 137, 150 Lofland 187 Lanier 13, 15, 69, Leinhardt 187 Loftin 16, 75, 187 70, 102, 187 Leive11en 187 Logan 16, 17, 187 Lanisque 187 LeMay 69, 72 London 159 Lankford 15, 139 Lemon 187 Long 10, 21, 23, Lankister 176 Lemmon 15 57, 69, 86, Ill, Lapsley 187 Lemmons 69, 136 139, 140, 169, Lardner 143, 144 Lemoyne 13 187, 193, 194 Larimer 187 Lenow 187 Lonsdale 187 Larkin 29, 187 Lenox 138 Lontz 3 Leonard 13, 187 Looe1ady 86 Larwood 49 Lasater 193, 194 Leone 187 Looney 86, 124, Lash1y 137 Leonidas 170 126, 187, 192 Lasiwell 86 Leroy 141, 187 Loony 136, 141 Lassiters 129 Lesehes 187 Looter 71 Lassitur 86 Lesster 128 Lorance 86, 130 Lasswell 80 Letsinger 176 Lorte11 187 Laster 86, 192, 195 Leverett 187 Lotta 198 Latham 81, 86, 138, Levi 187 Lotten 181 187 Levish 141 Loughlin 187 Lather 187 Levister 86 Lounds 187 Lathrop 187 Levy 187 Love, 26, 41, 42, Laton 11 Lewelling 187 46, 63, 64, 96, Latta 16 Lewis 6, 10, 13, 65, 66, 67, 86, Latting 23 14, 37, 38,43, 93, 124, 125, 126, Lauderdale 187 46, 55, 57, 69, 140, 147, 181, Laughtin 187 74, 86, 96, 106, 187, 192, 193, Lave11ette 187 107, 109, 126, 194 Law 187 140, 175, 187 Love1 178 Lawhorn 136 Lovelace 140 Lawler 86, 137 Lew1in 16 Lovelady 86, 93 Lawless 187 Ley 57 Lovell 48 Lawrence 12, 28, 29,Lidd1e 81, 136,141 Loving 11, IS, 187 86, 92, 136, 141, Liggitt 13 Lovve 70 148, 163, 171, Lightman 140 Low 125, 193, 194 Lightner 86 Lowary 187 187 Lawry 64 Liles 98, 187 Lowder 23, 187 Linam 36, 37, 69 Lowe 75, 126, 193 Laws 12, 138, 139 Lawson 26, 176, 187 Lince 35, 69 Lowery 15, 86, 138 Lawton 187 Linch 187 Lowrance 23 Lawyer 138 Lincoln 67 Lowrey 166 Laxon 128 Linde 187 Lowry 144, 165, 194 Lay (Gay?) 144 Lindsey 35, 36, 37, Loyd (Boyd?) 64,65, Lay 10, 47, 105, 38, 69, 73, 86, 86, 99, 124, 147, 187 lOS, 109, 174, 177' 194, 195 Layton 36, 38, 39, Line 187 Luby 187 69, 70, 71, 106, Linehardt 187 Lucas 15, 36, 37, 109, 176 Lingo 159 39, 70, 72, 187 Luchey 187 Lea 11, 14, IS, 122,Linhhauer 187 192, 193, 194, Link 13 LuCUS 37, 38, 70, 195 Linsey 10 106 Leach 187 Linsy 141 Luddy 187 Leadbetter 86 Lintz 69 Lumbrick's 81 Leaf 187 Linum 37 . Lumming 136 Leak 92 Linzee 145 Lumpkin 137, 187 Leamons 69 Lipford 165, 166 Lumpkins 38, 39, Lear 187 Lipscomb 159 70, 108 Leary 187 Liston 187 Lundee 24 Leathers 12 Little 183, 187 Lune 187 Leavitt 187 Littlefield 187 Lunsford 136 Lecoq 187 Littrell 145 Lurnany 36 -213Lus ter 153, 187 Luter 48 Lutes 187 Ly 57 Lygon 55 Lyle 187 Lyles 46, 187 Lynam 174 Lynch 103, 115, 187 Lynes 70 Lynn 86 Lyone 187 Lyon 20, 26, 32, 35, 92, 93 Lyons 37, 70, 72, 187 Lys1e 36 Lytle 10 ( Marion 40, 88 Meadow 102 Markham 12, 36, 70, Meadows 132 72, 108 Measels 12, 15 Markwell 3 Meek 21 Marlin 136, 142 Medford 31 Marliny 12 Medlin 9 Marnard 132 Meek 125 Marr 11, 13, 61, 81,Melish 54 102, 132, 142, Melton 36, 70, 72, 200 139, 148 Merchant 70 Marrow 29 Meredith 54 Mars 132 Marshal 132 Meridith 132 Marshall 18, 96, Meriwether 6, 115 116, 132, 139, Merrill 132 142, 182 Merriwether 115 Martin 10, 11, 16, Messenger 152 21, 23, 29, 70, Messick 112, 113, - M79, 89,92, 93, 114,141, 169, 100, lOS, 106, 170 107, 108, 121, Metcalf 23 Mabeas 28, 163 Maberry 140 127, 128, 129, Mewborn 24 Mabias 129 132, 138, 148, Meux 11 150,161, 177, Mians (Means) 110, Mabry 106, 108, 109 Mack 72 178, 179, 199 113, 114, 169 Martindale 199 Miatt 178 Mackey 109 Macy 132 Maryman 38 Michael 27, 76 Maclin 13, 14 Masengale 196 Michel 132 Madison 45, 132 Massingill 196 Michie 71, 73 Madden 29 Mason 10, 36, 38, Michler 97, 149 Madding 92, 164 69, 70, 72, 73, Micke 35 Madd1e 132 75, 107, 115, Middleton 57, 70, Maddox 100 178, 197 109, 155 Magee 132 Masses 13 Midgett 14 Massey 29, 36, 69, Milam 3 Mahan 132, 168 Mahaly 69 70, 73, 92, 132, Miles 11, 70, 132 Mahon 14 137, 177 Miliner 139 Massie 179 Miller 10, 11, 15, Mahony 78 Mainard 11, 12 Massier 12 16, 21, 23, 35, Maitland 41, 42, 63, 67,Massy 132 37, 39,46, 69, 124, 125, 195 Masterson 147 70, 71, 72, 73, Major 132 Mathena 107 74, 76, 105, 106, Majors 73, 80, 132 Matheny 138 107, LP9, 111, Mallory 22, 23, 78 Mathew 107, 191 132, 136, 147, Ma10an 138 Mathews 12, 14, 35, 159, 169, 174, Malone 21, 24, 32, 138 36, 37, 52, 69, 176, 178, 188, Malson 136 70, 71, 74, 109, 19,8, 199 Man 129 111, 132, 144, Mill't.ard 12 Manas 70 154, 169, 195 Millin 69 Mathis 132, 136,139 Mills 10, 40 Mandan 2 Manefee 78 Matlock 27, 70, 89 Milner 87 Manes-Maness-Manis 50 Mau1des 74 Milton 29, 170 Maness 9, 50 Mauldin 11 Milum 138 Manford 122 Maury 23, 147 Mi11stead 72 Minick 12 Mangrum 90, 99, 144,196 Maxey 10, 70, 74, Manier (Manire) 13, 55 138 Minor 10, 13 Manifee 41, 124, 195 Maxwell 12, 25, 132,Minton 137 Manifer 122 139 Mires 109 May 21, 36, 55, 70, Missic 111 Mankin 197 72, 107, 175, Mitchell ~, 14, 22, Manly (1) 11, 147, 156 Mann 13,15,16,117, 177,178 23,24,70,74, 161 Maye 10 96, 98, 99, 132, Manning 14, 132, 138,197Mayham 14 136, 138, 139, Mant10 146 Mayhan 140 141, 172 Mayo 14, 132, 139, Mizell 79, 132, 140, Manuel 35, 70, 73 Malison 11 141 141 Marable 75 Mays 10, 11, 77, Mobley 74, 98, 129, Marane 143 198 132, 140, 200 Marchas 132 Maysey 145 Mobly 141 Marchbanks 40 Meacham 22, 23 Mock 149 Mead 123 Moffatt 57 Marcum 35, 70, 106 Marcus 132, 141 Meador 29, 102 Molin 139 Moltrom 57 Monday 70 Money 132 Mongrum 138 Monroe 160, 171 Montgomery 10, 38, 46, 71, 106, 132, 175 Moody 14, 35, 37, 3'9, 69, 70, 72, 107, 132, 175, 178 Moon 64, 67, 122, 132, 179, 181, 195 Mooney 80, 13 2 Moony 138 Moor 132 Moore-Prestridge 55 Moor'e 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 39, 48, 49, 51, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81, 89, 92, 97, 99, 101, 105, 107, 126, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 140, 141, 148, 151, 164, 172, 175, 176, 191, 195 Moores 89, 90, 153, 165 Moran 132, 136, 166 More 132, 173 Morelane 19 Morgan 11, 14, 21, 22, 24, 61, 70, 81, 114, 132, 138, 144, 164, 188 Morow 74 Morris 10, IS, 22, 28, 29, 39, 69, 70, 71, 93, 99, 127, 138, 139, 141, 163, 166, 175 Morrisettes 155 Morrison 12, 35, 69, 174 Morrow 29, 36, 48, 70, 71, 72, 73, 93, 109, 177 Morse 3 ~ortiny (1) 12 Morton 72 Moseley 136, 141, 166 Mosely 81, 132, 141 Moses 16, 27, 132 Mosley 11, 143 Moss 15, 29, 77, 92, 132, 137, 138, 162, 136 Mottrom 56 Moulton 4 -214McLaurin 93 McCalister (con't) McFally 40 McLean 20, 38, 71, 70, 71, 74, 108, MacFarland 10 73, 109, 132, 177 McFarlain 40 McCall 137, 138, 177, 181 McFarland 14, IS, 166, 168 McLeans 81 16, 26, 171 McCallister 174 McLehattan 132 McFerrin 11 McCallum 22 McLemore 16, 71, McGee 71, 92, 93, McCann 70, 72, 73 136, 162, 175, 132 McCanna11y 70 M'Leod 10, 13 194 McCarcken 71 McGehee 23, 136 McLeroy 132 McCareby 36 McGinnis 22, 23 McLeskey 197 McCarley 162 McGhee 90 McLimore 132 McCarty 199 McGill 8 McLune 137 McCathie 155 M'Gowan 11, 79 McLure 138 McCay 8 McGrath 20 McLuskeys 81 McCewen 177 McGraw 147 McLusky 136 McClain 38, 89, 132 McGregor 98 McMackin 37, 107, MCClanahan 123 McGuire 195 174 McClane 143 McMahan 40, 115 M'Guire 121 McClaren 70 McGuyre 47, 100 McMahon 20 McClary 88 McMann 48 McHarness 153 McMaster 62, 100, McClellan 65, 92, McHughs 71 123, 194, 199 McIlhattan 132 153 McMasters 71, 74, McC11e11and 44, 67, McIntire 70, 73 194 105, 106, 108, McIntosh 11, 16, McClendon 35, 37, 141 109, 174, 175, 70, 72, 73, 74, McInturff 102 176, 177, 178 123, 195 McIntyre 35, 36, 71, McMeans 44, 124, McClung 46 72 125, 194 McClure 26, 132 McIver 15, 44, 64, McMillan 15, 36, 65, 122, 124, 125, McClusky 132 57, 146, 150, 132, 192, 193, 163 McConnel 137 194, 195 McConnell 70 McMillin 69 McKay 12, 146 McMorris 137 McCooish 155 McKdougal 175 McMorrison 79 M'Coo1 11 - Mc McMullen 60 McCorkle 114, 132, McKee 31, 52 MacCathie 155 McKeen 13 2, 13 7 McMullin 94 135 MacCuish 155 McCormack 13 McKeever 132 McMurray 171 McCormich 70 McMurry 93, 128, MacDuffie 155 McKellar 11 McKenney 157 130 McCormick 18 MacFee 155 McCoy 8, 12, 70 McNaill 93 MacGuffie 155 McKenny 163 McNabbs 132 McCrackin 70, 174 McKenzie 146, 150 MacHaffie 155 McKeu 39 McNary 132 McCrory 11, 15, Maclimore 132 McNeal 29 McKew 72 176 MacNico1 155 M'Crory 11 McNeely 92, 113, McKey 71 MacPhie 155 McCuiston 29 McKim 164 132, 137, 140, MacVee 155 147 McKindry 13 McCullan 193 MacVie 155 McCullock 13, 132 McKinley 98, 147 McA1aster 161, McNeil 23, 92 McDamon 13 McKinney 15, 25, McNeill 11 McAlester 127 90, 193 M'Murry 11 McAlister 127, 183, 200 M'Daniel 11, 12, McMurry 12 M'Kinnon 11 132, 141 McAll (McA1t?) 29 McPherson 132, 188 McKinnon 12 McDaniel 28, 137, McAllester 57 McQuary 76 138, 163, 188, McKinley 48 McAllister 26 MtQuigg 37 McKinsay 132 McAnally 36, 37, 38, 194 McDaniels 40, 57 70, 107, 108, 109, Mcraw 170 McKinsey 132 McDavit ts 23 178 McK~nze 132 McReynolds 64, -67, 122, 123, 124, McAuley 110 McDonald 16, 36, 38,McKinzie 50, 100 M'Bride 11 69, 70, 72, 73 192, 194, 195 McKinzy 136 McDougal 28, 36, 38,McKissick 60 McRory 35 McBride 16, 54, 106, McKnight 35, 71, 105,MCroul 112, 169 107, 108, 112, 141, 70, 109 168, 169, 174, 177, McDough 126 112, 113, 166, 167,McWherter 10, 132, 1 8, 169, 177, 187 144 178 McDowel 128 McBroom 99 McKorcle 132 McWhirter 71, 74, McDowell 132 McDugald 163 McBryde 150 McLain 71, 132 105, 175, 177, McCabe 70 McEachern 92, 93 178 McLaine 132 McLane 132, 137, 138,McWhorter 140, 162, McElhattan 132 McCadden 127 McCafferty 36, 70 140 McElroy 81, 97,132, 164 McCaffie 155 McLaren 35, 36, 37, McWilliams 59, 63, 149 McElyeo 71 McCain 13, 70, 79, 195 38" 49, 70, 71, 97, 148, 149 McEwin 108 72,74,107, - NMcCalanahan 154 McFall 69 175, 177 McCalister 35, 36, 69, McFalls 37, 70 McLaughlin 164 Nail 71, 73, 124 Moundy 132 Mount 21 Mowdy 136 Moyers 195 Mullin 12 Mu1ho11on 12, 16 Mu1hens 132 Mulherin 27, 28 Mullin 16 Mullins 22, 96 Mundene 128 Mungle 28, 29 Munns 11 Muray 169 Murfree 132 Murfrey 32 Murphee 98 Murphree 121 Murphy 9, 12, 24, 30, 31. 32, 36, 55, 70, 71, 74, 93, 132, 137, 138, 144, ISO, 154, 160 Murray 113 Murrell 132, 137 Murrey 132 Murrill 10 Murry 14, 162 Musgrave 11, 70 Myers 10, 24, 27, 56, 70, 115, 138, 183, 200 MYrick 132, 140, 141 -215- ( Nailing 79, 132, 136, 138 Nails 99 Nance 147 Nannis 164 Napier 39, 69 Nash 129,.130 Naville 98 Neal 18, 32, 81 Neale 178 Nease 46 Neblett 55 Needham 71 Nee1 139 Nee11y 191 Neely 12, 20, 102, 131, 175, 189, 190, 191 Neeseman 100 Neet 147 Neilson 64 Nelson 13, 22, 70, 74, 106, 129, 132 Netherland 61 Nettles 132 Neumayer 98, 200 Nevels 25 Nevelles 132 Nevil 133 Nevin 133 Newbe1 30 Newbell 31 Newbern 12, 115 Newberry 136, 139, 170, 171 Newburn 11, 71 Newbury 110, 111, 170 Newell 11, 12, 16 Newfield 52 Newgent 105 Newman 27, 133, 139, 152, 191 Newsom 10 Newton 35, 38, 69, 71, 73, 74, 105, 106, 107, 133, 137. 159, 175, 176, 191 Nib1et 10 Niblett 102 Nichodemus 195 Nichol 61, 90, 139 Nichols 27. 71, 129. 150, 177 Nicholson 10, 11, 105, 109, 121, 147, 177, 178 Nickson 35 Nilles 133 Nipper 71 Nisbet 196 Nix 139 Nixon 12, 13, 15, 18. 136 Noblitt 47, 72 Noe 115 Noell 14 Nolan 10, 11 Nolen 138 Nooe 60 Nooner 139 Norman 39, 71, 105, 107, 133, 139, 174, 176 Paty 29 Paul 129 Pace 50, 71, 72, Paulk 10 100, 107, 147,150 Payne 10, 14, 26, 27. 28, 29, 30, Page 15 Pain 137 67, 71, 78, 92, Paine 21, 69, 71, 94. 121, 129, 74, 188 150, 164 Palliser 58 Pay ten 27 Palmer 94, 133, Pearce 35, 71, 72, 164, 188 76, 77, 99 Palmore 71 Pearses 133 Palmquist 148 Pearson 43, 99 Pa1tine 199 Peck 133, 136, 197 Parchman 71 Peel 13 Parementer 18 Peebles 18 Parham 44, 79, 133, Peeples 15, 81, 137, 138, 139 116, 139, 140 Parish 133, 136, 138,Peery 133, 139 139, 140, 157 Peete 13, 17 Park 133 Pemberton 133 - 0 Parke 189 Pender 13, 15 Parker 11, 13, 14, Pendleton 4, 179 Oakes 61 15, 27, 29, 32, Penick 22, 61 Oakley 31, 32, 121 35, 37, 38, 43, Pennington 10, 24, Odds 140 49, 50, 71, 93, 36, 38, 69, 71, Obenchain 17 94, 107, 108, 129, 75, 105, 106, Obrian 140 133, 136, 137, 107, 108, 109, Odam 73 175, 176, 177, 139, 140, 141, Odil 48 161, 174, 179, 178 Odom 36, 37, 74, 182 Penny 31 175 Parkerson 16 Pennycuff 73, 74 Odum 92 Parkes 71, 105, 174, Pentecost 129, 133, Oeald 143 175 141 Oens 133 Parks 14, 15, 71, Peoples 39, 71 Oglesvy 49 72, 74, 112, 113, Peoteet 71 O'Hara 21 124, 133, 140, Peppin 133 Old 11, 14 141, 168, 169, Percy 61 Oldham IS, 16, 39, 170, 194 Perkins 12, 13, 19, 133 Parmer 133, 140 22, 35, 60, 61, 01dhan 11 71, 73, 77, 78, Oliver 92, 94, 123, Parnel171 Parot 177 92, 116 133, 137, 139 Parrett 71, 72 Perremore 36 011iver 92 Parrish 3, 10, 60, Perrimon 70 Oneal 14, 133 80 Perry 5. 10, 14, Orange 29 Parrott 10, 50, 165 114, 133, 136, Ordway 7 Parson 94 138, 141, 143, Ore 137,141 Parsons 133, 141, 149 Orr 107, 194 146, 150, 199 Perrymore 71 Osbenchain 16 Partee 29 Perse11 117 Osborn 109, 166 Partin 115, 143 Person 75, 133, 149 Osborne 18, 81 Pertle 133 Osburn 73, 109, 136,Parton 100 Pascal 29 Pery 133 137, 175, 197 Pascenger 29 Peters 24, 41, 67, Osley 16 Paschal 92, 126, 137 125, 195 Osment 16 Paschall 80, 103,133 Petersman 53 Osteen 139 Paske1 133 Petracek 158, 198 Outhouse 133, 140 Pate 71. 73. 133, Petti110 159 Oughton 97 136, 143 Pettis 16 Outlaw 11 Patillo 11, 159 Pettit 21 Overall 31 Paton 133 Pettus 13, 16, 179 Overby 137 Petty 13, 71, 174, Overton 12, 23, 90, Patrom 14 Patterson 21, 23, 36, 175 102, 128, 141 37, 55, 81, 97, Pevyhouse 12 Owen 13, 14, 15, 107, 108, 133, 141,Pewitt 10, 15, 18 16, 27, 30, 88, 142, 146 Peyton 71 99, 133, 138, 164 Pharr 110, 112, 113, Owens 80, 129, 133, Pattillo 159 Patton 16, 20, 41, 168, 169, 171 138, 139, 140 50, 63, 65, 125. Philips 140 Oxley 14 133, 136, 141, Phi11imore 58 Oxsheer 195 192, 193, 194 Phillips 22, 38, 96, Patu110 159 106, 116, 139, Normines 71 Norris 146, 164 Norton 109, 127 Northcraft 88 Norva11 138 Norwood 49, 55, 176 Notgrass 10 Nowell 12 Nowlin 107, 108, 174, 175 Norville 14 Nube1 138 Nuby 188 Null 35, 36, 38, 39, 70, 71, 73, 74, 176 Nunn 14, 71 Nutt 177 Nye (Ny) 153 - P - ·211)· Powell (con't) 178, Rainey (con't) 122, Phillips (con't) 163, 199 125, 150, 195 190, 191 Powers 11, 19, 133, Rains 63, 133, 144 Philops 138 136, 137, 139, Ralls 139, 140 Philpot 138 Ralston 55, 133, 139 140 Phipps 76 Prichard 96 Rambaut 24, 25 Pickard 35, 71, 72, Prate 133 Rambeau 13 1.06, 137, 174 Ramer 49 Pickens 10, 71, 148, 188Prater 129, 133 Prather 56 Ramey 107, 194 Pickett 15, 89 Ramsey 7, 8, 71, 72, Pierce 11, 71, 94, 108, Pratt 57, 72 Prescot 14 124, 150 141, 143 Prescott 40, 116, Rand 21 Pigg 146, 150, 199 166 Randall 70, 72 Pillow 32 Pressly 16 Randell 72 Pine 8, 54 Presson 148 Randle 87 Piner 137 Preston 122, 197 Randol 133 Pines 68 Prestridge 55 Randolph 23, 29 Pink 155 Prevon 133 Raney 150, 199 Pinkston 94 Prevore 141 Rankin 44, .97, 103 Pinson 11, 133 Prewett 114 Rano1ds 69 Pipen 71 Presitt 72 Ratliff 11, 72, 74 Piper 20, 92, 94 Pipkin 27, 28, 29, 92, Price 11, 15, 23,35,Raugh 48, 100, 198 38, 40, 61, 69, Raulston 92 141, 164 71, 72, 138, 140, Rawe1s 133 Pippins 37, 71 141, 153, 154, Rawlings 42, 64, 66, Pirtole 127 156, 176, 177 124, 146, 170, Pittman 146 Prichett 1~3, 138 192, 194 Pitts 27, 128, 149 Pridy 147 Ray 27, 35, 74, 106, Plaster 133 Priest 143 133, 136, 141, Plausance 164 Prier 106 175, 180 Pleasant 9, 122 Rayner 15, 16 Prim 11 Pleitz 16, 17· Primus 28 Rea 35 Plummer 24, 168, 169, Prince 72 Reace 133 170 Prior 175 Read 15, 21, 105, Pogue 147 Proudfit 13 133, 164 Poindexter 133 Reader 106 Pruden 34 Polk 60, 170, 190 Pruet 29 Reams 4,177,200 Pollard 141 Pruitt 2 Reasinover 30 Pollock 38, 71, 105, Pryer 138 Reaves 164 108, 109, 174, 175 Pryor 20, 36, '72, Reavis 79, 133 Ponds 177 199 Rece 133 Pool 71, 105, 133 Puckett 55, 92 Redd 13 pooser 61 Pugh 21 Reddick 14, 140, 141 Pope 29, 32, 39, 41, Pu1asky 5 Redding 121 56, 71, 133, 140, Pullen 72, 109 Reddy 73 141, 164, 174, 175, Pullin 36 Redick 133 199 Pu11y 10 Redman 40 Poplin 105, 106 Reed 13, 14, 15,37, Purdy 47 Porch 133, 138 Purtle 139, 140 72, 98, 128, Porches 133 177, 197 Porter 13, 15, 18, 23, Purvis 13, 14, 15 Pury 47 Reeder 22, 72, 74, 38, 43, 71, 74, 79, Pusse1 133 106, 178 94, 109, 115, 133, Putnam 5 Reems 138 141, 143, 153, 175, Putney 190, 191 Reese 158 177 Reeves 17, 72 Porterfield 149 • Q• Reid 116, 150 Poston 14 Reneau 183 Poteet 38, 39, 70, Renfro 55, 72, 97, Quackenbush 21 71, 72, 176 106 Quik 28 Poter 133 Renfroe 72 Quillen 38, 70 Potteet 35, ·37 Renfrow 107 Potter 12, 78 Reno 183 Potthoff 98, 200 - RRenshaw 130, 131, Potts 146, 164 Rackley 35, 38, 69, 189 Pound 137 Reude1huber 20 72, 106, 174 Pounds 133 Revel 15 Radford 69, 72 Powel 26, 73, 92, Revell 25, 105 Radman 29 140, 176 Powell 10, 13, 14, 15, Ragland 90, 92, 131 Revis 133 Reynick 16 Ragsdale 18, 97 21, 38, 49, 61, 68, Reynolds 72, 92, Raine 195 71, 72, 79, 89, 94, 103, 133 Raines 49 105, 106, 107, 133, Rainey 64, 71, 72, Rhea 42, 47, 54 142, 164, 174, 175, Rhoads 129 Rhodaz 149 Rhode 115, 149 Rhodes 13, 14, 27, 67,72,92,133 Rhodiz 149 Rhoney 92 Rice 10, 12, 22, 46, 53, 98, 139 Richard 156, 191 Richards 45, 74, 109, 177 Richardson 3, 10, 12, 15, 21, 23, 36, 72, 74, 105, 107, 108, 109, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183 Richerson 14 Richey 105, 133 Richie 37, 133, 136, 140, 141 Richison 73 Richmond 13, 23, 29, 133 Richu(?) 140 Ricketts 188 Rickets 29, 92 Rickman 18, 109, 176 Ri.£gs 133 Riddell 176 Riddle 64, 107 Riddles 133 Ridens 198 Rider 176, 178 Ridge 138 Ridgeway 133, 140, 144 Ridgeways 79 Ridinger 200 Ridley 133 Riggs 140, 198 Right 70, 72, 74 Riley 16, 30, 48, 96, 139 Ring 15 Rippeta 43 Rippeto 65, 122 Rippy 174 Rison 162 Ritchie 102, 133 Rivers 16, 25 Rives 137 Rizen 163 Roach 67, 105 Roads 72 Roady 149 Roa1and 71 Roary 136 Robbert 133 Robbinson 30, 47 Roberds 32, 144 Roberson 13, 14, 36, 39, 45, 47, 63, 64, 65, 72, 122, 125, 126, 194 Robert 133 Roberts 14, 27,36, 37, 44, 72, 73, 79, 92, 94, 97, -217- ( Roberts (conlt) 111, 112, 123, 129, 133, 137, 138, 140, 141, 168, 188 Robertson 17,20,37, 39, 47, 56, 70, 72, 102, 106, 126, 138, 141, 144, 170, 197 Robins 4, 14 Robinson 12, 13, 18, 47, 72, 92, 94, 133, 179, 188, 193 Robison 15, 47 Robyns 4 Rochards 37 Roche11 14, 133 Rockcastle 5 Rickhold 48 Rockholt 47 Rodda 149 Rodden 141 Roddy 149 Rode 149 Rodes 70, 133, 179, 180, 181 Rodgers 36, 133, 183 Roff 133 Rogers 10, 1~, 13, 14, 15, 17, 25, 29, 38, 57,70,72,73,79, 80, 81, 92, 113, 123, 126, 133, 136, 138, 140, 169 Rogerson 21 Rojers 133 Roland 14, 69, 72, 129 Ro1hac 133 Ro11es 133 Rollin 89 Rolling 159 Rolls 133, 172 Rolston 191 Rolzy 171 Romines 72 Rooks 11, 12, 133 Roolhoe 136 Roper 106, 141 Rose 11, 14, 72 Roseberry 100 Roseborough 117 Roseburg 15 Rosemond 110 Ross 14, 52, 72, 81, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139 Rossboro 177 Rosses 134 Rossom 108 Rosson 37, 74, 109, 176, 177, 178 Rothrock 7, 54 Roulhac 134 Roulstone 89 Rountree 72, 105 Routh 150, 197 Rowan 5, 72 Rowe 20 . Rowland 27, 38, 129 Rowzee 77 Rozell 59 Rubin 134 Rucker 13, 14, 121 Rudd 10 Rudisill 110, 168, 169, 170, 171 Rudolph 102 Ruffin 142 Ruleman 92, 94 Rumley 137 Runnels 156, 175 Rush 134, 140, 149 Rushing 159 Russ 134 Russel 12, 13, 134 Russell 15, 17, 32, 48, 61, 97, 134, 136, 140, 141, 191 Rust 79, 134, 137, 141 Ruth 10, 150, 197 Rutherford 13 Rutledge 10, 71,146 Ryburn 10 Schoolfield (con't) Shepherd 28, 129, 64, 65,67, 124, 134 125 Sheppard 106 Schools 108 Shepperd 15 Schott 153 Sherman 17~ 134 Schramm 102 Sherrell 42, 123 Schwalmeyer 23 Sherrill 11 Schwartzenburg 21 Sherwin 136 Scott 5, 9, 16, 20, Sherwood 75, 94, 55, 72, 108, 112, 134, 150 113, 130, 134, Shields 59, 72 136, 137, 139, Ship 134, 139 141, 165, 168, Shipman 177 169, 174, 193 Shirley 12, 24, 73 Scruggs 146 Shivers 148 Scudder 32 Shockley 11, 13, 72 Searcy 197 Shoemake 31, 44, Sears 56, 125 124, 136 Seaton 72, 98, 176 Short 78, 92, 94 Seats 141 Shroom 134 Seay 15 Shule 28 Sebastian 55 Shultz 134 Se9wick 141 Shumake 134 Se:Eton 102 Shumaker 102 Seebach 49 Shumate 14 - S Segrave 134 Sigman 102 Segraves 141 Signan 73 Sage 45 Selden 23 Sikes 94 Sailoers 74 Self 178 Siler 98 St. John 134 Selig 16 Simmons 10, 11, 12, Sales 194, 195 Selton 94 15, 46, 74, 134, Salmons 65 Sellars 134 137, 138, 146, Salsbury 59 Selvege 29 149, 150 Samford 107 Semmes 22 Simms 108, 177 Sample 113, 169 Simons 134, 136 Sampson 29, 32, 86, Senter 70 Serratt 130 Simonton 36, 37, 70, 92 Sessums 36, 72, 73, 73, 109 Samuel 127 74 Simpson 5, 11, 14, Sanderlin 12, 14 37, 70, 94, 108, Sanders 10, 12, 13, Seudder 121 Sevagerty 67 116, 143, 144 17, 23, 43, 69, Sims 23, 36, 73, 70, 72, 92, 108, Sevier 13, 16, 17 Sexton 138 117, 134, 137, 172, 174, 199 Shackelford 37, 71, 194 Sanderson 92 106 Singleton 14, 36, sandy 72, 108 Shalr 29 109 Sanford 74 Shanklin 139 Sison 144 Sangamon 102 Sivly 59 Sangster 12, 13, 16 Shanks 59 Shannon 4, 14 Sivor 134 Sappington 70 Shannonhouse 4, 155 Sizemore 73 Sassaman 99 Shapard 11 Skelley 3 Saterfield 128 Sharp 35, 36, 37, 38,Skil1ern 41, 43, 44, Satley 163 39, 70, 72, 74, 45, 106, 122, Satterlee 57 134, 121, 148 123, 126, 177 Satterley 57 Sharpe 116 Skipper 12 Satterly 57 Shaver 99 Slack 13 Sauceman 99 Shaw 11, 12, 13, 15, Slagle 106 Sauls 49 Slaughter 137 Saunders 22, 28, 35, 27, 29, 53, 81, 92, 94, 129, 139, Slemmens 134 164, 177, 199 159, 198 Slimons 134 Sawyer 11, 12, 200 Shearman 116, 134 Sloan 10, 14 Scaife 23 Shelby 5, 22, 110, Slocum 54 Scags 72 111, 112, 113, 168,Slunston 137 Scales 71, 72 169, 170, 171 Smal1y 96 Scarberry 137 Shell 148 Smart 73, 134, 138, Scarboro 12 Shelly 22 139, 140 Scarborough 134 Shelton 38, 39, 46, Smartt 40 Scates 141, 142 50, 72, 74, 100, Smedwick 138 Scears 136 105, 127, 134, Smiddy 11 Schaff 58 137, 146, 166 Smith 5, 10, 12, 14, Scavefate (1) 145 Shemake 32 15, 16, 17, 18, Scheyer 49 Shepard 10 20, 22, 24, 27, Schneider 55 28, 36, 37, 38, School field 43, 63, Shephard 136, 139 -218Taggart 11 Stone 2, 11, 79, Smith (con't) 40, 41, Sta11ians 130 Taker 134 128, 134, 137, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, Stallings 28, 92, Talbot 16, 28, 166,177,187, 55, 60, 61, 64, 68, 94, 164 195 164, 165 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, Stal1ins 130 Storm 24 Tale (1) 169 81, 92, 94, 97, 102, Stallions 140 Taliaferro 10, 12, Stout 39, 73, 141 107, 108, 109, H7, Stamp 26 Stovall 10, 22, 137 14. 16 124, 126, 129, 134, Stamps 116 Tally 116 136, 137, 138, 139, Standefer I, 2, 18, Stow 138 Talors 134 140,145,146,147, 44,63,124,125, Strange 94 Tancel 139 Stratton 22 156, 163, 164, 175, 145, 155, 194, Strayhorn 12, 105, Tancell 134 176, 178. 179, 188, 195 Tanner 15, 73 107, 136, 176, 189, 192, 194, 195, Standford 134 200 Standifer 43, 136, 177 Tanney 134 Street 50, 67 Tansel 134 Smithson 134 195 Stribling 37, 39, Tansell 134 Standley 134 Smithwick 14, 114 71, 72, 73, 108, Standridge 36, 28 Tansil 80, 134 Smitson 138 109, 174 Tansy 94 Smoot 148 Stanley 11, 81, 138 Strickland 73, 174 Tarkington 107, 134 Smothers 15, 18, 114 Stan1eys 80 'Stricklin 148, 163 Tarver 30 Sneed 77, 78, 94, 136 Stanly 11 Strother 13, 163 Tate 12, 116, 169 Sne11ens 105 Stanton 11, 23 Stroud 97, 134 Tatom 12 Snider 137 Stark 134 Stuart 76, 170 Tatum 71 Snodgrass 35, 71, 72 Starks 17, 136 Stubblefield 199 Taylor 5, 10, 11, Snow 138 Starling 147 Stuck1ey 13 12, 13, 14, IS, Snowden 22 Statens 134 Stuggehs 134 16, 17, 21, 22, Somerville 115 Station 14 Stuns ton 134 24,26,27,32, Sossaman 99 Staudt 171 Sturdevant 17 41, 46, 48, 52, Sossamon 99 Staughn 57 55, 69, 90, 94, Styles 106 Soter1e 57, 58 Stawart 169 129, 130, 134, Sueter 134 Sousaman 7 Stayton 57 137,138,139, Sulivan 11, 35, 129, Southall 13 Stedman 110 134 148, 153, 156, Sowell164 Steel 12, 134, 137, 164, 179, 188, Sulivant 73 Span 137, 138 140 190, 194 Sullivan 40, 73, 92, Spann 134 Steelman 96 94,130,134,136 Tays 71 Sparkman 11, 106, 107, Steen 39 Sullivant 36;. 38, Teas 74 108, 109, 176, 177, Steiner 56 Tedwell 151 39, 73, 178 178 Stelling 2 Summers 134, 137, Temmes 134 Sparks 10, 134, 179, Step 73 Temple 12, 144 173 Stephens 14, 29, 64, 139, 141 Sumner 11 Templeman 61 Spate 136 124, 125, 192 Templeton 69, 139 Spearman 148 Stephenson 12, 29, Surratt 116, 128 Suter 134 Tennessee 170 Spears 38, 69, 70, 72, 94, 191, 193 Sutherland 5, 10, 11 Tennisson 73 73, 140, 143, 145, 1995tepherson 92 Suthers 157 Tennuson 73 Speer 107, 109, 176 Stevens 141 Tennyson 72 Speght 16 Stevenson 79, 147, Suttle 173 Sutton 13, 129, 134, Terell 134 Speight 134 159 Terrel 134 149, 196 Steverson 27, 29 Spence 134, 137, 138, Swafford 44, 45, 124,Terrell 11, 12, 72, 144 Steward 134, 138 134, 136 147, 193, 196 Spencer 27, 35, 36, 37, Stewart 4, II, 12, Swaggerty 122 Terrey 33 69, 76, 95, 107, 108, 24, 35, 37, 38, Swaim 134 Terrill 79. 138 149, 154, 170 39, 60, 70, 72, Swain 35, 74 Territt 138 Spender 170 73, lOS, 106, Swan 104, 126, 129 Terry 2, 32, 73, Spicer 22 108, 109, 113, Swayne 22 94, 125, 195 Spraggs 140 134, 138, 149, Sweaney 73 Teters 123 Spivy 13, 14 164, 169, 175, Swepston 20, 22 Tew 154 Spotts 58 176, 177, 178, Swi ft 22, 115, 134, Thacker 139 Spradlin 96 196 140 Thackston 87 Springfield 130, 131,190Stewert 10, 116 SWigart 10 Tharp 134 Springe 73 Stiles 197 Swinney 73 Theim 104 Springer 35, 38, 70, 73,Sti11we11 103 Swofford 42 Theirm 104 74, 106, 108, 109,148,Stinson 50, 55 Swope 90 Thermon 13 176, 177, 178 Stith 14, 15 Swor(?) 134 Springs 64 Stockard 70, 139 Thomas 12, 13, IS, Syc1esworth 73 Sprout 80, 137, 140 Stockinger 169 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 30, 31, 36, Spurgeon 50 Stockton 36, 71, 73,Sykes 164 Sylar 98 44, 45, 55, 64, Staccard 140 74 Syler 98 71, 73, 81, 110, Stacy 139 Stoddard 3 Ill, 112, 113, Stafford 128 Stokard 134 134, 136, 137, Staggs 73, 108 Stokely 11, 122 - T 139, 141, 144, Stags 36 Stoker 134, 140 147,154,160, Stalcup 92, 148, 154, Stokes 14, 29, 92, Taboe 197 Tabor 197 163, 168, 169, 197 94 Tadlock 12 170, 188, 192 Stalion 134 Stokird 134 -219- ( Thomason 73 Thompkins 136 Thompson 2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 35, 42, 49, 50, 57, 63, 73, 81, 92, 114, 123, 130, 134, 136, 138, 143, 155, 164, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 194, 197 Thornton 23, 27, 29, 38, 70, 73, 92, 94, 105, 117, 144 Throgmorton 198 Thurman 64, 124, 126, 193 Thweatt 14, 92, 116 Tidwell 73, 78 Tiller 22 Tilman 124 Tilton 96 Timmons 10, 15, 137 Timothy 64, 195 Tinnin 196 Tinnon 177 Tinsley 15 Tippett 57 Tipton 183 Tittle 94 Tobey 59 Todd 5, 73, 134, 138, 140, 144 Tolbert 40 Tollett 65, 124, 126, 194 Tollitt 64 Tomblin 35 Tomlin 16 Tomlinson 13, 139, 174 Toncray 48 Tong 52 Tooley 127 Too1y 129 Tooten 49, 175 Topp 20, 24 Torbett 29 Tosste1e(?) 130 Towles 94 Townes 179 Townsend 6 Townsley 16 Tracet 70 Tracy 49, 71, 72, 73 Trantham 46, 134, 141 Tranthram 141 Travilion 137 Travis 86, 134, 137, 141 Traylor 11 Treadway 73 Treadwell 22, 23 Tredaway 73 Tredayay 32 Tremble 192 Trent 139 Trexler 8 Trezevant 24 Trida1 134 Trigg 5, 48, 129 Trimble 18 Trip 72, 73 Trip1ette 60 Walter 4, 58 Walton 15, 26, 29, 74, 88, 90, 92, 128, 139, 160, 167 Wann 175 Ward 12, 21, 29, 37, 90, 94, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141 Warde 135 Warden 183 Ware 10, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 171 Warens 135 Warfield 97 Waring 56 Warinner 24 Warmach 129 Warner 121, 135, 137 Warr 187 Warrell 52 Warren 8, 12, 14, 29, 37, 71, 73, - W135, B8,169 Warrenel: 113 Waddell 21, 47 Warrington 16 Waddill 12, 25 Wash 135., 140 Waddle 34, 47 Washburn 137, 199 Wade 74, 90, 97, Washington 55, 56, 122, 123, 129, 57, 172, 199 135, 193 Wadkins 10 Wasson 35, 37, 39, 70, 71, 73, 74, Waggoner 47, 72, 74, 105,107,108, 136, 139, 149 140, 174, 176 Wagner 149 Waterfield 135 Wagoner 135, 149 Waterfrirs 139 Wagster 141 Waterhouse 126 Wainscot 139, 200 Waters 70, 74 Wair 55, 124 Wakefield 56, 124, Watkins" 11, 13, 94 Watson 14, 57, 66, 164 67, 69, 74, 99, Wakkins 27 126, 135, 174, Walden 74, 105, 108, - U176, 183, 188, 177 190, 193 Waldran 23 Ubbery 73 Watterage 12 Waldren 113, 169, Ulinstead 138 Watters 73 170 Uliss 121 Watts 11, 15 Waldrip 70 U1se 141 Waugh 29 Walke 71 Underwood 23, 75, Weakley 21 Walker 11, 15, 16, 125, 136, 138 Weatherford 25, 27, 17,32,36,39, Unicy 170 48, 130 61, 63, 69, 70, Upchurch 128 Weatherly 48 71, 74, 89, 90, Upshaw 49 Weatherred86 94, 105, 108, Ury 135, 141 Weaver 12, 13, 16, 109, 112, 113, Ussery 77, 78 131, 135, 136, 39, 69, 74, 108 Utley 15 Webb 15, 20, 46, 138, 139, 141, Uzzell 178 166, 168, 169, 69, 74, 79, 80, 170, 172, 195 135, 136, 140, - VWalkley 21 164, 179 Webster 29, 32, 38, Wall 12, 97, 107, Va11entine 8, 14, 99, 110 109 136 Wallace 21, 26, 35, Weddle 11 Van Buren 60 Weeks 74 36, 46, 48, 69, Vance 55 74, 90, Ill, 135, Weir 37 Vandedice 40 Welborn 15 136, 147, 158, Vanderness 38 167, 168, 170 Welch 35, 36, 37, Vandeusen 57 Wallis 36, 37, 61, 38, 49, 45, 71, Vandike 14 73, 74, 106, Vandiver 37, 69, 72, 74, 154, 164 Walsh 20, 110, 168, 135, 137 74, 106, 108, 169, 170 Welcher 27, 29, 92 109, 174, 175, Tripp 105 Trorbaugh 174 Trotman 12 Trousdale 89, 92, 162 Truet 29, 92 Trulove 178 Tubb 31, 32 Tubbs 73 Tuck 138 Tucker 15, 36, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 140, 164, 178 Tuggle 15 Tugwell 12, 15, 18 Tull 116 Tullis 52 Tullop 145 Turberville 196 Turbivil1e 48 Turley 25 Turnbull 27 Turner 12, 16, 27, 28, 36, 72, 73, 74, 98, 103, 109, 130, 134, 139, 140, 159 Turney 27, 28, 89, 92, 94, 164 Turnham 135 Turpin 128, 150 Tuten 49 Tutt 69, 71 Tuttle 8, 54, 104 Tutts 71 Twidwell 31 Tyler 60 Tyre 94, 100 Tyree 32 Tyres 15 Tyson 11, 150 Tyus (Tyres?) 15 Vandiver (co.,' t) 176 178, 199 Vann 11, 15, 183 Varner 94 Varick 53 Vatters 72 Vaughan 2, 49, 168 Vaugham 168 vaughn 14, 138, 144 Venable 37, 70 Vermillion 141 Vernon 123, 125, 192 Vick 109 Vinc.ent 37, 73, 74, 79, 115, 135, 136, 137,139,140, 142 Vinson 197 Voils 174, 177 Voorheis 21, 74, 177 Voss 35, 37, 71, 72, 73, 74, 106, 176 Votters 72 -220Welden 135 Weldon 141 Wells 10, 12, 14, 15. 81, 108, 135, 137, 148, 174 Welsh 13 Wenzel 2 Wescoat 140 Wesson 34, 68 West 15, 17, 27, 46, 103, 106, 107. 110, 121. 127, 129, 143. 152, 165, 174, 176, 200 Westbrook 16. 90 Wester 71, 74, 80 Westmoreland 61 Westwood 25 Wetzel 50, 100 Whaley 19, 31 Whaling 22 Wharton 38, 49, 74, 98, 176 Wheaton 50 Wheeler 108, 137, 143, 162 Whillisey 138 Whitaker 14, 50, 146, 150 White 11,12.13,14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 29, 36, 38, 40, 49, 55, 63, 69, 74, 92, 94, 105. 121, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 161, 174, 197 Whitefield 74 Whitehead 12, 34 Whitehurst 12, 13 Whitelaw 11. 15. 16 Whitley 138 Whitelow 165 Whitemon 136 Whiter 146 Whites 29 Whi tesell 135 Whiteside 44, 135 Whitfield 76 Whitley 5, 141, 164 Whitlock 116 Whitly 135 Whitmore 188 Whitney 13, 121, 130 Whittaker 150 Whitsell 138 Whitten 74 Whitton 105 Whitworth 135, 141 Whorton 135 Wiator 135 Wick1e 56 Wiggs 36, 74 Wilbanks 138, 139 Wilburn 74 Wilder 102 Wiles 3, 78, 139 Wiley 45 Wilhite 100 Wilie 39, 70 Wilkerson 25, 48. 56 Wilkes 46 Wilkins 135. 138,143Witherspoon 61 Wilkinson 7, 10, 12,Witson 183 Willbanks 135 Witten 126 Willburn 74 Wolf 49, 102 Williams 3, 10, 11, Wolfe 5, 23, 150 12, 14, 15, 16, Womack 10, 70, 18, 22, 23, 27, 98, 163 28, 29, 30, 31, Womble 12, 140, 32, 36. 39, 42, 141 68. 72, 73. 74, Wood 13, 16, 18. 77, 79, 80, 92, 34. 37, 52. 60. 92, 94. 106, 108, 74. 94, 104, 135. 109, 114. 116, 137, 138, 140. 130. 131, 135. 141, 161. 178 136, 137, 138. Woodard 38, 69 139, 140. 141. Woodcock 29, 92 143. 152, 164, Woodfin 149 174. 175. 176, Woodruff 74, 164,199 177,178,181, Woods 12,16,18, 196 37, 52, 74, 158 Williamson 13, 22. Woodson 28, 32, 164 36, 49, 61, 75. Woodward 9. 22, 55, 76, 136, 198 70, 77, 78 Willingham 135, 136.Wooldridge 76 141 Wooten 29. 94. 108, Willis 16, 36,47. 109, 135, 164, 135, 146. 150 166 Willoby 140 Wooton 28, 92 Willoughby 10, 74, Word 34. 74, 114, 135 170 Wills 15, 16, 112. Workman 137 113, 114, 136, World 12 168. 169, 170 Wormley 21 Willson 29, 135 Wortham 15. 74 Wi1mon 127 Worthington 43, 63, Wilson 10. 11, 12, 192. 193. 194, 13, 14. 15, 21, 195 23, 24. 29, 30, Wray 106. 135 74. 79, 80, 92, Wren 130 94, 98, 108, 110. Wrey 106, 107. 177 123, 124, 135, Wright 11. 14. 15, 137. 138. 171, 16. 20. 21, 24, 183, 196 29. 37, 55. 56, 74, 86, 94, 96, Wimberly 92 Wimpy 72. 171, 172 98, 140, 163 Winburn 14 Write 137 Winchel 74 Wyatt 10, 170 Winchester 13, 135 Wyndham 23 Winders 199 Wynn 34, 179 Windham 61 Wynne 12, 15 Winfield 13. 87 Wyrick 36, 39, 109 Wythe 112, 113 Winford 14 Winfrey 110, 171 Wingow 74 - Y Winn 135, 141 Yancey 74, 109 Winningham 13, 15 Yancy 13, 14, 46, Winstead 81, 135, 47 136, 137, 138, Yandell 128 140, 143 Yandle 27, 89, 163 Winston 12, 16, Yarberry 55 135, 137 Yarbrough 38, 74 Winters 37, 74 Yardley 3 Wirt 135 Yarne1 12 Wiscom 107 Wisdom 36. 37, 69, Yates 24, 38, 50, 74, 121, 146, 135 70, 72, 74, 135, Yeager 23 174, 175, 178, Yeargan 55 199 Yearwood 74 Wise 14, 15. 174 Yell 47, 100 Wisecox 14 Yendel 135 Wiseman 149 Wishon 96 Yomans 69 York 37, 107, 109, 147 Young 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 39, 43, 63, 74, 89, 94, 96, 115, 137. 138, 139, 140, 143,147.153, 188 - Z Zachery 92 Zickefoose 46 ZarskoyoloZarskoje1oZarskogo10 168. 111 Genealogical Society offers the following publications for sale: . ( . The Tennessee GeneaJ,:ogical Maga~'ine, "ANSEARCHIN'" NE\is' (sold only by complete volume): Volume 1...;.6 for. 1954-59 $10.00 Volume 19 for 1972 $10 •00 -,---'----,-- - - - Volume Volume 7 for 1960 10.00 for 1973 10.00 - - - - Volume 20 Volume8 for 1961 10.00 21.for.1974 10.00 Volume 9 for 1962 10.00 . - - - - Volume 22' for 1975 10.00 V'o'lu'trie 10 foot 19'6J 10-:.00 ..~-~---:V:olume 2,') -fo'r 19.:76 10.00 - - - Volu!11e 11 for 1964 10.00 - - - - Volume 24 for 1977 10.00 _ 10.00 25·for 1978 Volume 12 for 1965' 10.00 - -_- Volume 10.00 --.,..-Volume13 for 1966 10.00 c-• Volume 26 for 1979 10.00 _ Volume 14 for196710.00 Volume 27 for 1980 10.00 Volume 15 for 1968. 10.00 Volume 28 for 1981 Voltfme 16 for 1969 10.00 ----'--- Volwne 29 for 19a2 10.00 - - - 10.00 "_ 10.00 Volume 30 for 1983 Volume 17 for 1970 Volume ·18 for 1971 10.00 -,...---,-- . Volume 31 for.1984 10.00 [10% discount on orders of five (5) or more volumes •.. 'table of Contents for the above volumes available on~equest with p~ynient Qf $1.00.] 1819-1850 12.00 Virginia,. 1752-1820 ---- Marriage Bonds, Consents and Ministers' Virginia, Hlistings Court Marriage Bonds - Marriage and Ministers' Returns, 1784-1854 lO~OO.........= . . . . . . . 15.00 _ 12 . 50=,-----' _ Hinds County, Mississippi - Volume I, Marriage Records, 1823-1848, and Volume II, Will Book I 1822~1859 (Abstracts) 16.0o_' _ Tishomingo County, Mississippi, Marria~eBonds and Ministers' Returns, 1842-1861 15.00 _ GOochland County, Virginia, Returns, ;I816-l854 Pittsylvani~ County, Virginia, Cemetery Records Edward County, Virginia -'-,-'-~- ~ ~ - - - - ~"- - _.- - '- -,.~-, - ~ -'- THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, P.O. aox 12124, Memphis, Tennessee 38182-0124 1tem(s) checked above. 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