E-Blast 10-15-15 - Central School District 301
E-Blast 10-15-15 - Central School District 301
Engage the mind, empower the learner, inspire excellence, influence the world Prairie View Coyote-E-Blast October 15, 2015 Annual Coyote Crawl Walk-a-thon was a Victory ! Thank you for all of the generous donations !! We earned $8000! The Coyote Crawl was a success with all students taking part in a one mile walk, minute-to-win it games, and a tug of war competition! All students also singed the 2015 Coyote Crawl banner to be hung in our gym! Thank you our PTO and parents for making this years Crawl a wonderful success! Halloween Parade & Classroom Parties– October 30, 2015 Our Halloween celebration will begin at school with our all school costume parade starting promptly at 1:50 pm. For the safety and well being of our students, we ask you follow the school rules & guidelines. Please see page 2 for additional important information. OCTOBER Oct. 19 Oct. 23 Oct. 30 Board of Ed Meeting @ CHS End of 1st Qtr. Halloween Parade Halloween Classroom Parties 6:00 pm. 1:50-2:15 pm. 2:15-3:00 pm. NOVEMBER Nov. 2 Nov. 5 Nov. 6 Nov. 7 Nov. 7 Report Cards Home Early Release—Teacher Institute NO SCHOOL– Teacher Institute PTO Dad/Son Event (offsite) Trivia Schmivia at the Q Center 12:10 pm 11:30 & 1:30 6:00pm. SECURITY PRECAUTIONS For the safety of the students and staff in the building, all visitors, including parents and volunteers, are required to enter through the office and sign in. To be buzzed into the office you will need to push the buzzer located on the wall to the right of the office door corridor. Please do not knock on the main doors to get students attention. We teach the students not to let anyone in. HALL WEEN In preparation for the Halloween activities at Prairie View, the following information has been provided for you and your child to have a safe, fun day of celebration: COSTUME PARADE: 1:50pm Costume Parade will begin promptly at 1:50 pm. Parents who are ONLY attending the parade and are not previously signed up on the room team list must enter the south doors closest to the cafeteria/ gymnasium. Parking is available in the lot and along the route from Nesler. CLASSROOM PARTIES: After the Parade—2:15-3:00 Classroom Parties will begin once students return to their rooms from the parade. All activities must be completed by 2:45 pm. to ensure that our parking lot and bus loop are clear for dismissal. If you are interested in attending the classroom party, your name must be registered with your room team captain. Your final opportunity to commit will be one week before the date of the party. The maximum number of parent volunteers in a given classroom will be limited to 6. ** Due to the nature of the days activities and the safety of our students, we are asking that parents do not sign their child out after the parties. If your child needs an early release, please send a note or e-mail the teacher and the office staff no later than Oct. 29th. COSTUME INFORMATION AND RULES: The following items must be adhered to in order for us to have a safe, fun day: Students do not wear their costume to school (including Kindergarten). They should bring the costume to school and change into it before the parade (Teachers and room parents will help students get ready). Items representing weapons are not allowed. Any thing even resembling a weapon will be confiscated and parents will need to pick up the item after school. Costumes depicting blood or promoting gore are not allowed. (If in doubt, check with your child’s teacher or the school office). Any hair preparations need to be completed at home. Students will not be allowed to color their own hair at school. No face cover (e.g. paint, masks, bandanas, etc) can be worn while in school to ensure the property identification of all students, staff, and guests. Important Reminders from the Health Office Please remember the 3 C’s in preventing spread of Clean your hands Cover your nose and mouth Contain your germ Be sure your children dress for the weather, get plenty of rest, & eat a healthy diet. When reporting your child absent, please include their symptoms. This will help us accurately complete the required Kane County Health Department report : Fever over 100 with a cough OR Fever over 100 with a sore throat Remember to contact your child’s physician to make an appointment for the flu shot !! Prepare for Chilly Days The chilly weather is approaching and the students are outside daily for lunch recess. Please make sure your child has the appropriate fall/winter clothing. NOTIFICATION : REGARDING SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION Public Act 94-994, requires a principal or teacher to notify parents during school registration or parent teacher conferences that information about sex offenders is available to the public. The Illinois Sex Offender Information website is http://www.isp.state.il.us/sor.If you have any questions, please contact your building principal. SAVE THE DATE Veteran’s Day– Wednesday, November 11 at 9:00 am. Teaching citizenship is part of the educational process at Prairie View. As citizens of this great country, we join together on Wednesday, November 11th to honor those who have served and those who currently serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is out of great respect and humility that the Prairie View family will honor all veterans in a special assembly. More information will be coming home soon. Prairie View Coyote-E-Blast Father and Son Bowling Evening Prairie View PTO invites you to enjoy some “Guy Time” Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015 Location: St. Charles Bowl 2520 W Main St, St Charles, IL 60175 Bowling: $11.00/person 1.5 hours of bowling, shoes, hot dog, chips, drinks and desserts. PTO MEETING — NOVEMBER 10 @ 7pm. in the Library Please come — We would love to see you ! FALL BINGO NIGHT, CAKE WALK & BOOK FAIR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 6pm – 8pm Central District #301 Invites You to a Community Focus Group We Need You! Central District #301 invites you to a Community Focus Group "District 301 Facing the Enrollment Challenge" Two Nights to Choose From: Tuesday, October 27th or Tuesday, November 3rd Central High School 6:00 - 8:30 pm in the Library Media Center 6:00 – 6:15 pm – Cookies and Coffee 6:15 – 6:30 pm – Presentation 6:30 – 7:30 pm – Breakout Sessions 7:30 – 8:15 pm – Group Feedback All Central 301 Community Members are invited to participate in a focus group presentation related to: *Central 301 enrollment trend data *Classroom availability *Capital improvement needs *Facility expansion options *Bond and interest debt and our current referendum debt limit The community focus group presentation will be held in the Central High School Library Media Center followed by small group breakout sessions. The goal is to gather information for the Board of Education and district administration on community member perspectives related to facility solutions (mobile classrooms, building additions, new construction) to accommodate the district’s increasing enrollment. Feedback obtained from these focus groups will be posted on the district website and shared at a future Board meeting. Your participation is vital in helping the Board of Education and Administration gain the communities’ input regarding this challenging topic. This information is beneficial while we plan planning future additions or new school construction. RedOctober Ribbon Week 26th-30th Monday: Put Drugs to Rest Wear Your Pajamas Tuesday: Sock it to Drugs Wear Crazy Socks Wednesday: Put a Lid on Drugs Wear a Hat Thursday: Team Up Against Drugs Wear Your Team Gear Friday: Scare Away Drugs Happy Halloween! Red Ribbon Week will take place October 26th-30th. This week long celebration will promote making safe and healthy choices and encourage students to make a personal commitment to stay drug-free. 20’S CELEBRATE 30’S DECADES 40’S 50’S 60’S 70’S 80’S 90’S Trivia with a 1920 ’s the www.301Foundation.org TEAMS OF 8 • BEST TABLE THEME WINS! (you determine winner!) 196 0’s 1940’s Twist 19 7 0’s NEW! 3 ROUNDS Digi ta l A g e GENERAL QUESTIONS +SNAPCHAT SILENT MUSIC November 7, 2015 Q CENTER, ST CHARLES 6pm Doors Open • Games begin at 7pm 6:15–9:15 Beer & Wine Open Bar • 6:30–8:30 Appetizers Register beginning September 15th • www.301foundation.org Page 1 of 5 PTO Newsletter Prairie View PTO October 15, 2015 PTO MEETING Tuesday, November 10th @ 7pm in the PV Library. Upcoming PTO Dates Annual Coyote Crawl Walk‐A‐Thon Thank you to all the Prairie View Students and Families for your time and hard work collecting pledges for our Annual Walk‐A‐Thon! Our school working together led us to EXCEED our $5000 goal!!! Students, Staff and Volunteers all worked hard on the day of the Walk‐A‐ Thon to earn all the pledges! Awesome, Awesome Job Prairie View! Thank You again to the students, parents, donators, staff, volunteers, committee members, and our committee chairs for putting together this great Event! Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels The first turn in date for labels is Friday, October 16th! Please see flyer on Page 3 of this Newsletter for more details. Remember to trim around the edges! October 16th Box Tops/Labels Turn In Day October 19th Father/Son T-Shirt Orders Due October 29th Father/Son Registration Due November 9th -13th Fall Book Fair November 10th PTO Meeting @ 7pm November 11th Veteran’s Day Assembly @ 9:15 in PV Gym November 13th Fall Bingo Night Cake Walk Family Book Fair Night Father Son Bowling Event Attention Fathers and Sons: Please join us for a fun afternoon of bowling! We will be holding a school‐wide event at St. Charles Bowl on Saturday November 7th in the afternoon. See page 4 for the t‐shirt order & registration flyer. “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/pvpto Visit our PTO Website http://prairieviewpto.weebly.com Page 2 of 5 2015‐2016 PTO Board Members FALL BINGO NIGHT, CAKE WALK & BOOK FAIR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th 6pm – 8pm SEE PAGE 5 of this NEWSLETTER for more details Nikki DiMaggio, Co‐President [email protected] 630‐292‐3696 Christie Share, Co‐President [email protected] 773‐960‐7914 Jean Decker, Vice President [email protected] 319‐551‐1256 Melissa Pedrigi, Treasurer [email protected] 630‐408‐5817 Chrissy Johnson, Secretary [email protected] 630 ‐776‐8590 “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/pvpto Visit our PTO Website http://prairieviewpto.weebly.com Page 3 of 5 Turn in Your Labels and Box Tops! Collection date is Friday October 16th! Prairie View Elementary is actively involved in the Box Tops for Education program. For every Box Top turned in, our school receives 10 cents! To help our school earn money, you simply have to look for the Box Top logo on participating products, cut it out and send it to school with your child. Each classroom will have a designated bin to collect the box tops. The classroom with the highest amount turned in will win a treat so keep on clipping! Please turn them in to your child’s teacher by Friday October 16th, as we will be counting them for our first submission. Please trim around the box tops before sending them in. Thank you! For more than 30 years, Labels for Education has been awarding free educational equipment to schools in exchange for proofs of purchase from the Campbell family of brands. It’s a fun, easy program where students, families and members of the community work together for a common goal. Prairie View Elementary is participating in the LFE program, and you can help! Just clip the UPC label, or save the cap from participating brands, and turn them into your child’s teacher. The classroom with the highest amount turned in will win a treat so keep on clipping. Please turn them in to your child’s teacher by Friday October 16th, as we will be counting them for our first submission. Please trim around the labels before sending them in. Thank you! Thank you for your support! If you have any questions you can contact: [email protected] “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/pvpto Visit our PTO Website http://prairieviewpto.weebly.com Page 4 of 5 Last chance for t-shirts: Father and Son Bowling Prairie View PTO invites you to enjoy some “Guy Time” bonding and bowling. Date: Saturday, November 7, 2015 Location: St. Charles Bowl 2520 W Main St, St Charles, IL 60175 Bowling: $11.00/person 1.5 hours of bowling, shoes, hot dog, chips, drinks and desserts. Group 1 – Kinder, 1st and 2nd grades: 11:30 AM – 1 PM Group 2 – 3rd, 4th and 5th grades: 1:30 PM – 3 PM Bowling orders due Thursday October 29 (no late registration accepted). Tshirts: $8 per t‐shirt Grey with royal blue logo (the logo on the top of this flier). T‐shirt order is due Monday October 19 (no late orders accepted) If you have any questions, please contact: Kim Kowall at [email protected] or Amber Ficarra at [email protected] ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Father and Son Bowling Event Kindly return this portion of flyer and payment in an envelope marked “PTO” to your student’s teacher (Tshirt due Monday October 19 and bowling by Thursday October 29). Checks can be made out to Prairie View PTO (please comment “Father and Son Event”). Total number attending (including adults): __________ Parent’s name: _______________________________________________ Student’s name: ______________________________________________ Grade / teacher: _______________________________________________ Please check one: ___ Group 1 (K, 1st, 2nd,) ___ Group 2 (3rd, 4th, 5th) If you have more than one child in different groups, kindly select ONE group to bowl with. #of shirts _____ Circle the size(s) would like to order below: (Write down sizes for your records) Men’s: S M Youth: S (6/8) L XL XXL M (10/12) XXXL (add $2.00 for XXXL) L (14/16) Amount enclosed ($11.00/person for event and $8.00/tshirt): Check $____________ or Cash $_____________ ** No refunds for events, NSF fee of $25 will be assessed on all returned checks. ** “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/pvpto Visit our PTO Website http://prairieviewpto.weebly.com Page 5 of 5 Fall Family BINGO Baked Goods and Sweet Treats Needed for the CAKE WALK! Please contact Colleen Grigg at [email protected] if you can donate. When: Friday, November 13, 2015 Time: 6:00-6:30 Concessions/Cake Walk/Raffles/Book Fair 6:30-8:00 BINGO/Concessions/Cake Walk/Raffles/Book Fair Cost: Bingo cards $1 each or six cards for $5. Pre-order Bingo cards by November 6th to avoid waiting in cash line the night of the event. Food: It is a Friday night so leave the cooking to us! There will be plenty of snacks and hot dogs to purchase. Prizes: Do you have any new items that you want to donate for Bingo prizes and the Raffles? If so, we are accepting donations to be used as prizes for both kids and adults. No prize is too big or too small! We cannot accept donations at school so please contact Jean Decker at [email protected] or 319551-1256 to make drop-off arrangements. Thank You! Bingo Card Pre-Orders th (Pre-Orders due by November 6 ) Student Name:________ Teacher Name: $1 for 1 card or $5 for 6 cards #1 cards___x$1 each = $ total #6 cards___x$5 each = $ ______ total Total Amount Paid: $ Please pay by cash or make check payable to Prairie View PTO and note “Bingo” in the memo. $25 NSF fee for returned checks. For PTO Use Only Cash or Check # Total Amount $ Date Received Volunteers!!!! Every fun event needs great volunteers to make it a success. If you can donate a hour or so of your time to help us out, please fill out this form and return it to school as soon as possible, no later than November 6th or contact Christie Share at [email protected] or 773960-7914. Volunteer Name: ___________________ Telephone #: _______ Email: _ Please check below the times you are available to help. If you can only help a portion of that time, just let us know. Set up crew #1 2:30pm-4:30pm Set up crew #2 4:30pm-6:00pm Event crew 6:00pm-7:15pm (Prize table, food sales, check bingo cards, etc.) Event crew 7:15pm-8:30pm (Prize table, food sales, check bingo cards, etc.) Clean up crew 8:30pm-9:30pm “Like” our Facebook page www.facebook.com/pvpto Visit our PTO Website http://prairieviewpto.weebly.com FALL/WINTER MEET SCHEDULE 2015/2016 10/10 10/24/15 11/7/15 11/14 11/21 12/12-12/13 1/10 1/30-1/31 2/7 2/13 SAGE Y FOX VALLEY Y OTTAWA Y BUEHLER Y THANKSGIVING CLASSIC BARB WIRE CLASSIC DAVID WOLF INVITE BLUE MARLINS INVITE JACK FROST TRI MEET FOX VALLEY Y AWAY AWAY HOME AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY AWAY HOME AWAY 2/28 DISTRICT AWAY 3/19-3/20 STATE AWAY PAYMENT OPTIONS: 1. Full payment on registration day. 2. By Bank draft throughout the season (1st payment due registration day. Monthly payments made Nov 1st Dec 1st, Jan 1st and Feb 1st). FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR HEALTHY LIVING FOR SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Swim Team ELGIN YMCA PELICANS SWIM TEAM Taylor Branch YMCA Fall/Winter 2015/2016 Sept 28th- March 16th SWIM TEAM GENERAL INFO: All swimmers are welcome to join the Elgin Pelicans Swim Team, however, please keep in mind the following: • All swim team members must be members of the Taylor Family YMCA. This is a YMCA of the USA Competitive sports rule. • All swimmers must be able to swim one length of the pool freestyle and one length of the pool backstroke and have a positive team attitude. • The Elgin Pelicans compete in both YMCA and ISI/USA Swimming meets. Participation in ISI/USA Swimming is optional. There is an additional fee for ISI/USA Swimming registration and meet entries. • To be eligible for the Short Course YMCA Championship meet, you must swim in 3 closed YMCA meets. High School swimmers must swim 2 YMCA meets. • All swimmers are expected to participate in swim meets with the team. • Swimmers will be placed in practice groups and lanes depending on their skill level. Coaches have the final decision on where swimmers will be placed based on ability and attitude. • Swimmers must purchase a team suit to be worn at swim meets only. Female swimmers must wear one-piece suits during practice. Male swimmers participating in Pre Senior/Senior practice groups are encouraged to wear drag suits. Head Coach: Brigitta Kempken [email protected] or [email protected] phone: 847-888-7410 x 224 Payment Option Information: Swim team payments can be made in full at registration or monthly payments throughout the season. Families with three or more children will receive a 20% discount off the swim team fee for the youngest child. Additional meet fees may be incurred throughout the season. REGISTRATION ON GOING Please note: New swimmers must be evaluated by the head coach to determine the practice group that will best fit their abilities and provide a challenge. If you are not able to attend the registration dates you must make arrangements with the head coach for evaluation. Registration forms can be found on our website and can be completed at registration. These forms must be returned to the swim team, not the front desk, for proper processing. www.elginpelicans.org PRACTICE GROUPS Yellow Practice 1 hr. 3 x per week For beginner to intermediate swimmers. Must be able to swim one length of the pool freestyle and one length backstroke without hesitation. Home meets are required. Green Practice 1.25 hr. 4 x per week For intermediate swimmers who know how to swim all four competitive strokes. Focus is on learning rules of the sport, developing strong techniques and building endurance. Swimmers are expected to attend all home meets and all championship meets. Junior Practice 1.50 hrs. 5 x per week (3 practices/week are recommended) For intermediate to advanced swimmers. Swimmers must have competitive swimming experience in all four strokes. Swimmers must have the ability to do pace work and interval training. All are expected to attend both dry land and pool training. Swimmers are expected to attend all home meets and all championship meets. Pre-Senior/Senior Practice 2 hrs. 5 x per week (4 practices/week are recommended, some Sat morning practices available) For advanced swimmers. Swimmers must have competitive experience, be able to swim all four competitive strokes efficiently, and have the ability to do pace work and interval training using a pace clock. Must also be able to commit to a rigorous workout program including dry land and pool training. Swimmers are required to attend all home meets and all championship meets. Order Due Date: November 20, 2015 Save Big Money with Marcus Just in time for the Holidays! Order your Marcus Movie Theatre gift cards/certificates now and help support Central School District 301 Music. Fill out the attached order form and return back to your school with payment by November 20, 2015. (Make checks payable to the order of: Central Music Boosters) Please indicate on order form YOUR CHILDS SCHOOL. Orders will be available for pick up at your child’s school on December 2, 2015. See the attached order form and flyer. If you should have any questions, please contact Missy Totzke at 847/814-0984 or via email [email protected] Click here for Order form: http://marcustheatres.com/media/sales/fundraising/platinumtallysheet.pdf Click here for Info Flyer: http://marcustheatres.com/media/sales/fundraising/platinum-salessheetcolor.pdf Thank you for supporting District 301 Music Boosters. Stay informed: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Central-Music-Boosters/236988517425 Booster Blog Spot: http://centralmusicboosters.blogspot.com/