3 MB 30th Apr 2015 Newsletter Apr 2015


3 MB 30th Apr 2015 Newsletter Apr 2015
Tring School
Live to Learn Learn to Live
Half Term
Monday 25 May-Friday 29 May
Term Finishes
Friday 17 July
Inset Day
Wednesday 2 September
Term starts for Years 7 & 13
Thursday 3 September
Term starts all school
Friday 4 September
Tring School
Mortimer Hill
HP23 5JD
Tel 01442 822 303
Inset Day
Thursday 1 October
Half Term
Monday 26 October-Friday 30 October
Occasional Day
Friday 27 November
Term Finishes
Friday 18 December
Term Dates
Apr 2015 Issue No. 26
Headteacher’s Redeveloping
Students have been skiing in the USA over the Easter holidays and
whilst there were some eventful aspects, the students had a great
time skiing and everyone returned safely. This week we have our
annual Somme trip for Year 10s. This trip is increasingly harder to
arrange due to the Centenary anniversaries last year and continue
to occur over the next 3 years. Fortunately with such large
numbers the trip companies want to work with us, so hopefully
we can maintain this valuable experience for future year groups.
Year 10s have also had an enhancement day with Theo Paphitis’
company where the students have been using their
entrepreneurial skills. There were many original ideas and great
team work was displayed.
As election fever picks up, we have our own election here in
school where all of the students will experience voting for their
preferred party. We are one of the few schools that takes this
democratic right seriously and we actively promote our students
to make informed decisions.
I’m sure you’re all having
conversations at home about the ‘real’ election and so we hope
that our school version will encourage further debate and respect
for all concerned.
For all our students that are revising and practicing past papers,
keep up the good work and you’ll reap the rewards in August.
Susanna Collings
The Sports Hall
The Neville block
The Sixth Form Centre
The Hobson block
The main school building
It is the last one, the main school building, which creates the most
significant debate. The first four buildings are stand alone and will
be addressed in their entirety. For the main building we identified
the need to redevelop D&T and art, the gym and changing rooms
and the Fells block. However, there is a realistic possibility that
this could be extended to include the science block and possibly
even more. The downside of this is that we feel it would be
completely irresponsible for us to proceed with phase 2 of the
science refurbishment. This is a real shame for both pupils and
staff as phase 1 has been incredibly well received but I’m sure
everyone will understand why we have reached this decision.
Please also note that at this point in time the swimming pool is not
included in the planned redevelopment. The responsibility for this
lies with Dacorum Borough Council and we are actively engaged
with them to determine the best way forward.
We do have a “masterplan” for the whole school site that shows a
series of constructions, demolitions and refurbishments. The
creation of this, in conjunction with an architect, has taken many
months and we hope that the Government will use it when
creating their final programme of works. What is certain is that it is
going to be a huge project over several years and one of the
challenges within this is to make sure that the education and
outcomes for our students isn’t undermined in any way.
We are enormously excited by our success and believe that it is
fantastic news for both the school and the town. I will share
developments and the final plans with you as soon as I can.
Mr R Gibberd
Business Director
The summer term has just started and Year 7s are straight into
exams. Shortly after they finish the Desborough Hall will be filled
with Year 11s, 12s and 13s taking their external exams; we wish
them all the very best. Right now revision sessions are taking
place in lessons as well as additional ones at lunchtime and after
school. Your child is encouraged to attend as many as they can.
When the exams are over we have the May Ball for the Year 13s
and The Prom for Year 11s. Both events are magnificent and I
know the students are already planning outfits! My message right
now is that they focus on their studies and there will have plenty
of time afterwards for shopping and such like!
You will hopefully have seen that the school has been successful
with our application for funding to redevelop a significant number
of our buildings. At the moment we don’t know which of them will
be demolished and rebuilt and which will be refurbished. This will
become known over the summer after the Government’s
surveyors and architects have spent time with us and devised the
best solution. We do know which buildings they have agreed need
to be redeveloped though:
Coming Up….
Summer Concert
of Events
Wed 6 May Year 9 Parents’ Evening, 4.00-7.00pm
Mon 11 May Year 10 Work Experience Week, Ascott/Claydon
Mon 18 May Year 10 Work Experience Week, Halton/Waddesdon
Mon 1 Jun DoE Pre-Expedition Day, School field/classroom
Sat 6 Jun Year 9 World Challenge Camping weekend, Phasels Wood
Mon 8 Jun Second hand Uniform Shop, 3.00-4.00pm
Thurs 25 Jun Year 11 School Prom, Shendish manor, 7.00pm-midnight
Fri 26 Jun World Challenge Training (India & Zambia)
Sat 27 Jun Tring Charter 700 Art Exhibition(all local primaries & Tring)
Wed 1 July District Athletics Championships
Fri 3 July Summer Music Concert & Rehearsals
Mon 6 July World Challenge Zambia Parents’ Evening 6.00-7.30pm
Mon 6 July Second hand Uniform Shop, 3.00-4.00pm
Wed 8 July Sports Awards Evening
Thurs 16 July Sports Day
The school newsletters have been
designed and created by
Michelle Texeira
Marketing & Communications
Free School Meals
To apply go to:
This Newsletter can be viewed on our
Disability Law If you are unable to access this Newsletter or any other correspondence from school, please
contact the main school office so that we can arrange to provide you the information in a more appropriate form.
School Attendance
As a school we regard regular attendance as a priority and so we
would like to share with you the attendance figures for this first half
Our congratulations go to Mrs Baiden and the whole of Halton
House for achieving 94.79% attendance.
The Top Three forms in each house are listed below:
Ascott 5
Ascott 14
Ascott 3
Claydon 15
Claydon 12
Claydon 2
Halton 10
Halton 14
Halton 4
Waddesdon 5
Waddesdon 3
Waddesdon 7
With regular attendance we can make these figures so much higher.
Important reminder
If a student is unwell or has a medical
appointment, please contact the school BEFORE
9am EACH DAY, with the reason why the student
is not in attendance.
Text: 07624 880 120
Telephone: 01442 821 052
Voice mail: 08442 393 472
[email protected]
If a student needs to leave school for a medical
appointment, interview or any personal reasons,
a letter of request is needed to authorise the
absence. This letter should be handed in to the
Attendance Officer when signing out.
The students who have achieved 100% attendance since September
are listed below:
Joseph Atkins
Lizzie Payne
Sebastian Coleman
Samuel Beeson
Emily Price
Joe Cowan
Elly Brown
Mikey Quant
Alex Crombie
Natasha Carroll
Olivia Sober-Nakar
Jade Dalton
Libby Fox
Lilly Vine
Hainzren Dizon
Hannah Isdale
Jasmine Watkins
Finn Euston-Moore
Edward Maisey
Ethan Woods
Polly Hall
Rosie McIntosh
Timothy Baldwin
Theo Harries-Kendall
Alfie McLeman
Samuel Bojarski
Ben Leaver
Joshua Morfee
Victoria Booth
Phoebe Lemonde
Ella Nathan
Luke Cole
Laura Lowe
Issac McGee
Thomas Monks
Reece Watts
Zoe Paske
William Nicholls
Tom Baldwin
Joe Queralt
Georgia Redmond
Harriet Boon
Jack Sears
Ella Scutchings
Connor Breen
Thomas Selwyn
Jake Thompson
Adam Brown
William Stevens
Amy Tuff
Jack Cox
Hannah Williams
Alana Voy
Jack Considine
Emily Bye
James Burkhalter
Sammy Evans
Eloise Byrnes
Miles Burney
Sian Gill
Ryian Cawdell
Matthew Cowan
Thomas Gray
Jack Cranmer
Thomas Dawson
Amy Halliwell
Ben Ferguson
Magda De Melo
Adam Kelly
Ella Fordham
Harry Fox
Philip Marriott
Benjamin Foskett
Emily Leaver
Naveen Mehta
James George
Nathaniel Openshaw
Rebecca Nam
Billy George
Daniel Parker
Connor Osborne
Max Guest
Daniel Smith
Connor Richardson
Emanuel Trimmingham
Matthew Wake
Henry Walsh
Mrs J Stallworthy, Attendance Officer
Achieving 100% attendance
My thanks go to Ms Alder, Ms Monger and Ms Titchmarsh for giving up their
weekends in preparation for the forthcoming World Challenge.
Several Year 11 and 12 challengers attended a pre-expedition weekend in Phasels Wood, Hemel Hempstead.
This is the 3rd weekend away in preparation for this summer’s adventure and the students have always
represented the school superbly. They took part in teamwork activities, planned walks to improve their fitness
and further researched the wonderful India, where we will be going in the summer!
Year 11 Clubs
Science Welcomes
The Science department was very pleased to
welcome Jock Clear – the voice on the radio
during the races behind many Formula 1
champions for over 21 years. He has had the
distinction of performing the key role of race
engineer to many F1 world champions,
including Damon Hill, Jacques Villeneuve,
Jenson Button, Michael Schumacher and most
recently Lewis Hamilton – taking him and
Mercedes to driver and constructor world
champions in 2014.
His role and ability is critical to the success of
the drivers, and race engineers maintain a
unique relationship with their drivers, based
upon mutual trust and respect. As well as
being an exceptionally gifted engineer, Jock
empathy and a tremendous sense of humour
all of which combine to allow him to build
relationships with drivers and teams to ensure
that all are working at their maximum
capacity. He has to make critical and often
split second decisions that are key, take full
responsibility for the ultimate set up of the
car and manage driver’s large egos, with some
tough love as and when necessary.
Jock has arguably enjoyed a successful career
in F1, spanning over 25 years that compares
favourably to any other engineer. In fact his
success and role last year at Mercedes Benz,
leading Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes to both
driver and constructor championships
breaking all previous records, has led to him
being head hunted by Ferrari as Engineering
Director for the entire Ferrari F1 racing team,
one of the most coveted positions in the
During his day at Tring Jock led a series of
presentations/discussions with a range of
students from Year 7 to Sixth Form. He
described to students how engineers use
their skills and knowledge of science to
create ergonomically interesting and useful
items for human use. He shared many
stories from the racetrack and described
how engineers have worked to make racing
cars faster but also safer, with their having
been no deaths on the track since the death
of the racing legend Ayrton Senna.
Jock spent lunchtime in the Sixth Form
Centre, where as well engineering he
discussed with students other roles in F1,
including logistics management (moving an
entire F1 team every 2 weeks during the
season) through to hospitality, marketing
and media.
Jock brought in a number of items from
Mercedes F1 cars and everyone enjoyed
playing with Nico Rosbergs steering wheel
and marvelling at the weight of the wing. As
Jock is moving to Ferrari to run their
engineering team, in the summer – he has
less work to do at Mercedes and described
how he is embarking on another engineering
challenge – to make a copper dress. He has
promised to return to Tring when the dress
is made!
Jock Clear
F1 Race
Read the Book Seen the Film Quiz
C2 fought off tough competition to
be crowned champions of The Fault
in Our Stars Read the Book Seen the
Film Quiz. Two students from each
Tutor Group took part in this
challenging and fun quiz during Tutor
Time. Well done to those from Mr
Wallington’s Tutor Group, who will
receive participation points for taking
part, as well as winning chocolates
for everyone in their Form.
Tring School’s KS3 Creative
Writing Group took on the
challenge to create the world’s
largest digital diary –
Generation Diary. Lauren’s
contribution is below.
For more details of how
you can get involved visit
Dear Diary,
Why do I find it so hard to fit
pretty(ish) and I suppose I’m
clever, just not a geek. Yet
no-one really likes me for
who I am. Whether at home
at school,
I don’t
fit in.
Quiz Winners
for Ascott
Often, I feel so alone that I
want to scream but someone
would hear me and think I
was even stranger than I
actually am. There I go again.
I’m ashamed of the way I act
because I’m not like everyone
else. I ask myself, what would
the world be like if everyone
was the same? It would be
Time Quiz
and the
you know what? I’m GLAD
that I’m different because
that’s who I am and no-one
can change that – not my
mum, not my dad, not the
popular group at school, not
anyone because THIS IS WHO
I AM! You don’t like it, then
you don’t like me.
Tutor TTYL
Time Diary!
Quiz Winners for Waddesdon
Tring School Shadowing Group
We meet on
lunchtimes in the
LRC Reading Snug
to discuss the books
and vote for our
favourite titles.
Comprising of Tring School students
and staff, the Carnegie Shadowing
Group attempt to read as many of
the Shortlisted books as possible
between April and June, when the
winner will be announced.
Watch this space for information
about how we’re getting on.
Borrow any of these
books from the LRC
Mrs S Watkins, Learning Resource Centre, Manager
New members
always welcome
If you would like to be part of
the Shadowing Group,
please ask the LRC staff
for details
Friday 22 May is a big day of celebration for our Year 13
students who will be leaving Tring School after, for most of
them, seven years here. Students will be attending a fabulous
assembly at 12.00 on that day with lots of nominations,
awards, photos and memories. At the end of the assembly
they will leave school to get themselves prepared for the
evening events. At 6pm we hold a Champagne Reception in
the Desborough Hall for the leavers, their parents and staff
with all the students ‘glammed up’ for the May Ball. At
7.30pm the students leave for the May Ball at Hatfield House
Riding School; it promises to be a fabulous event with all sorts
of surprises awaiting the students.
Following half term, students will just be in for their exams
and then results day on 13 August!
The time has flown by!
Year 12 Study Leave begins:
Monday 11th May
Year 13 last teaching day:
Thursday 21st May
Year 13 Leavers
Reception and May Ball:
Friday 22nd May
New Year 13 return to lessons:
Monday 8th June
Year 11 into 12 Induction day:
Wednesday 24th June
Since we returned to school after the Easter holidays, around 40 Year 12
and 13 students have been taking part in ‘Golla Club’. This is an intensive
intervention group to help support students in the last push before the
summer examination season. Some students are required to join the club
but many opt in in order to take advantage of the extra support. Some
students are also well aware that they are likely to get more work done in
school, with a member of the Sixth Form Team keeping tabs on them than
they would at home!
By now, all Golla Club students should be well organised in their revision
with a file for each subject, highlighted specifications, priority revision lists,
all past papers and mark schemes as well as a revision timetable. They will
also have tried out a variety of revision techniques including mind maps,
revision cards and songs! Hopefully, all students will have found at least
one method that works for them.
As well as the revision tips and organisation, we’ve also tried to keep
students motivated with our snack box and occasional games of ‘Killer’ out
on the basketball courts. Hopefully, this year’s members will find, as
pervious students have, that Golla Club is both useful and fun!
Sixth Form Key Dates
Leavers Day
Senior Students
Just before the Easter Holidays, the Heads of House interviewed students for the many House Captaincy positions. There
were some excellent applications and interviews making the decisions that they had to make very difficult. Well done to all
the Students who applied and congratulations to those appointed:
Sports Captains
Arts Captains
Charity Captains
Eco Captains
House Captains
Sports Captains
Arts Captains
Charity Captains
Eco Captains
Beth Ashley Roberts
Archie Brooks
Amy Moxon
Max Murphy
David Doyle
Alexandria Jones
Rosie Balcombe
Ellie Highton
Lottie Lashley
Laura Gascoyne
Joe Mayers
Joe Fitzgerald
Betsy Heasman
Lauren Renshaw
Holly Potton
Jordan Gray
Fiona Elliot
Helena Green
Arts Captains
Eco Captains
Arts Captains
Eco Captains
Jazmin Brooks
Charlotte Simmons
Ben Hogan
Emily Simmons
Lydia Brehm
Luke Parker
Chloe Waight
Olivia Dawson
Ahmed Al-Maadanli
Just a reminder to Year 11 students who have applied to join us in September 2015, and their
parents, that our Sixth Form Induction Day will be held on Wednesday 24 June. The event will
start with a short presentation from the Sixth Form Team at 9.00. This will be followed by taster
classes in the subjects that the students have chosen with the hope that this will give students a
real flavour of Sixth Form life and to ensure that they have chosen the right subjects for the next
two years at Tring School. The Year 11 Leavers’ Assembly will follow the Induction Day after an
early lunch break for the students.
A letter about the Induction Day with the full programme will be sent out via parent mail before
Half Term.
House Captains
Maddie Cox
Cameron McIntosh
Alex Darby
Grace Elliot
Georgia Kirkland
Richard Cross
Emily Neilsen
Natalie Sidney
Charlie Robinson
Form Induction
Year 12 Preparation for Higher Education
Students and parents should be aware that many
universities hold open days from now onwards
and we would recommend that students begin to
research options that are available through the
UCAS website – www.ucas.co.uk. They can then
ensure that they take full advantage of any
relevant university open days.
Unifrog is a tool that the school has purchased to
support all Year 11, 12 and 13 students with
future choices and is an excellent resource to
research university courses and apprenticeships.
We highly recommend that students take
advantage of this tool as part of the research
Berkhamsted School are holding their annual
Higher Education, Gap Year and Careers Fair on
Thursday 30 April from 7pm – 9pm at their Castle
Campus, again we recommend that students
attend the event as there will be organisations
and institutions that the students can talk to
which will help them formulate plans and ideas.
We have been impressed with the number of
students who have already begun to think about
their futures and have attended conferences and
courses. We receive much information from
institutions and ensure it is published on the
university and careers notice boards in the Sixth
Form Centre. Any relevant emails that are sent to
us are also forwarded on to students and put on
our bulletin for students and parents.
Universities had until 31 March to make offers so
most students will have received offers from their chosen
universities by now. However, there may be a few outstanding
offers to be made still (if this is the case the reply date will be
extended). If a student has received all their offers they have
until 6 May to reply with their Firm and Insurance choice
(though we would recommend that they aim for the end of
April, so that they can begin the process of applying for
accommodation). Students should take time to think about their
offers, if needs be they can make another visit to the university
to help them with the decision of their Firm and Insurance
choices. The presentation that was delivered to students on this
process is available on the Post 16 area of the school website.
UCAS Extra: In February, UCAS Extra opened and the
students have received details on how to use this facility but in
essence, if an applicant has used all their five choices and been
unsuccessful at all of them, or declined any offers received,
Extra gives them the opportunity to have an additional choice
through UCAS. Extra operates until the end of June.
Student Finance: All students wishing to go to university must
complete an online application to ensure that they receive the
maximum student grant and loan available. We have delivered
a COOL session on Student Finance to ensure our students
have the information they need to complete their student
finance application.
All Year 13 students who have applied to university for 2015
entry should be aware that the application process for student
finance is open at www. Direct.gov.uk/studentfinance. The
deadline for submitting applications is 31 May 2015—students
do not need a confirmed place at university to apply. To find
out what funding is available to you, use the student finance
calculator at www.direct.gov.uk/ studentfinancecalculator
Bursaries:- Bursaries and grants are available to students.
These do not have to be paid back by students once they have
completed their Higher Education. Again, check individual
university websites to see if you are eligible.
Accommodation: We recommend that as soon as students
have replied to their offers they begin to apply for
accommodation. Details of this are available from the individual
universities and we would advise that you refer to the university
websites. Many institutions run days where students who have
applied are invited back, so if you were unable to see
accommodation on your first visit this is an ideal opportunity for
your son/daughter to see where they may be living.
Mrs N Hubble
UCAS Coordinator
Year 13 University and UCAS
This term has been busy for the Year 12 students
as they have started looking at Higher Education
and other options at the end of Sixth Form. This
was ‘kicked off’ by a Careers Day and followed up
with a trip to the UCAS Higher Education
Convention at Alexandra Palace where over 160
universities, gap year organisations and a large
number of companies and organisations were
exhibiting. The event inspired much discussion
amongst the students who have been inspired by
all the options available to them. The same week
we held an evening presentation for parents and
students detailing the process of university
applications and UCAS along with the support
that the students will receive throughout their
journey from Tring School. This presentation can
be found on the Post 16 area of the school
Just before the Easter holidays, twenty motivated Year 11 students took part in a GCSE French conference in London.
They spent the day at the Rock Tower in Tufnell Park, central London, along with another twenty schools who came
from all around England to boost their French speaking, writing, reading and listening skills before the Summer French
GCSE examinations. The day included phonetic sessions aiming at developing fluency and pronunciation, guidance and
advice from top Senior Examiners and leading French experts, and interactive lectures designed to enhance students’
understanding of key themes and points for the reading and listening final exams. Students all enjoyed themselves as
they took on this extra revision opportunity, which will hopefully increase their confidence and success in May. It must
also be said that all students who took part were incredibly well mannered, and behaved as perfect role models and
ambassadors for Tring School. Very well done to all and "bonne chance" for your GCSE exams!
Mme McKenna & Mrs Davies
Did you want to take part in the German exchange but didn't? Did
you opt for German at GCSE and would like to practise your
German speaking skills? Would you like to host a German student
this summer?
We are looking for a Tring School family to host one of our German student, Simon, 15, from Friday 12th June until Sunday 21s t June.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a host family who would ideally have a boy of a similar age with an interest in the German language
and culture. For more information about this, or for more details on what is expected of a host family, please contact Mrs McKenna:
[email protected], or Mrs Davies: [email protected].
We took part in an enterprise activity in which we designed and
printed some mugs for Mr John Beesley from the Embsay and Bolton
Abbey Steam Railway in Yorkshire. Mr Beesley asked us if we could
print personalised mugs for him to sell in the railway’s gift shop.
We made a few samples to start with to show him what we could do.
Mr Beesley took these to the railway and showed his colleagues who
then placed an order.
We made 36 mugs for Mr John Beesley. We sold each of these for
£2.50 and it cost us £1.25 to make them so we made £1.25 profit. In
total we made £90.00. This project was a very successful and
enjoyable task!
Will Chuanpreecha, Year 11
As part of their course for BTEC Work Skills, pupils are required to
plan and successfully complete an enterprise activity. We were
extremely pleased to be able to manufacture products that would be
sold to the general public. The Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam
Railway is a volunteer-run, preserved Heritage Railway in the
Yorkshire Dales, which attracts a large number of visitors every year.
At the time of writing, the mugs were selling well and we are
currently in talks with Mr Beesley regarding future projects.
Hilary Knight, D&T Teacher
Yet another win for the Year 8 girls netball team this time beating
Berkhamsted in the District cup final 20-17
Year 7 netball team at the District tournament narrowly losing to Hemel
in the semi final
What’s On
Aldbury May Fair is a great day out for all the family, with plenty to see and do.
From the traditional May Pole dancing, crowning of the May Queen and Morris Dancers to the
excitement of the Laser Arena, Climbing Wall, Fairground Rides, there is something for everyone. There
is also a vast array of fabulous stalls, an art exhibition and of course plenty of wonderful food on offer.
So, where else would you rather be this May Bank Holiday Monday? Come and join us from 12 – 5pm
Monday 4th May. For more details visit us on facebook.www.facebook.com/AldburyMayFair
Where: Aldbury Village, Nr Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 5RT
When: Monday 4th May 12 – 5pm
Contact: Claire Kennedy
[email protected]
07872 624 568
In and
Provider Name: The Marmalade Cat Day Nursery, Tring
Post: Nursery Assistant
Hours: 40 hours per week
Duties and Responsibilities
We are looking for a dynamic, motivated and enthusiastic individual whose is able to use their own
initiative working alongside our room leaders. You will be expected to take part in the daily routine
as directed, including preparing snack, setting up and carrying out activities, liaising with parents.
You will be a key worker for a small group of children and will keep up to date learning journals that
reflect the children's progress.
Experience and Skills
Qualifications Required: Unqualified and willing to train
GCSE English grade C or above or Key skills equivalent
Opportunity to work 4 days a week.
Contact Name: Lorna McElroy
Email Address: [email protected]
Contact Number: 01442 822255
Around Tring
Aldbury May Fair
Monday 4th May
12 - 5pm
Christian Union
There are many groups and clubs that meet regularly at Tring School and we are very fortunate to have so many
talented and interesting people, both students and staff. But not all the clubs are about improving or gaining a
new skill.
Choc ‘n Chat
CU meets every Monday lunchtime in B2 and Choc ‘n Chat on Tuesdays in B1, and both are open to (almost)
everyone. CU stands for Christian Union, although every now and then we talk about finding a more exciting
name, shortly afterwards getting distracted by something more interesting. Which is why it is still called CU. It
is open to everyone, and we spend our time talking, telling jokes, playing games, moaning, discussing our
favourite films and music, and above all I hope we provide support for each other. It is run by the Youthworkers
from Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church and the High Street Baptist Church, otherwise known as Dan and
Dave, myself and Mrs Champness.
Choc ‘n Chat meets on a Tuesday and is open to all from Year 9 upwards. Hot chocolate is provided by Adrian,
the Youth worker from Northchurch Baptist church, and Dan, Dave and I attend this as well, and sometimes
there is food as well! Again, it is a relaxed space where students can chat, read or let off steam, and I can be
educated about modern music!
One of the most important things about these groups is that we have no targets, no goals, and they are purely
social and supportive. People can come regularly or drop in as they need to, and this seems vital in the very
pressurised world in which we live.
Feel free to drop in!
Rev Jane Banister