Harmony Day Handprint Frame


Harmony Day Handprint Frame
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Harmony Day Handprint Frame
Search terms: Harmony day, diversity,
belonging, impression, plaster.
Everyone has a unique and wonderful handprint.
Harmony day focuses on Australia’s cultural
diversity. It is seen as a strength and is about a
sense of belonging for everyone. Make a
statement with this lovely handprint frame and
show you’re ready to lend a helping hand
towards a more harmonious culture.
Ages: 12+ years, 5-12 years.
Group Size: Large Group (20 children), Small Group
(4-5 children), Individual (1 child).
Idea Features: Messy, Popular.
Materials For an Individual (1 child).
1 x Glitter Shaker - Silver 11124
15g Pack
1 x CleverPatch Fine Glitter - Purple 15151
150g Shaker Tub
1 x 3D Papier Mache Frame 16623
1 x Plaster of Paris 16794
300g Pack
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Yellow 16879
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Pale Purple 16882
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Gold 16888
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Dark Green 16913
1 x CleverPatch PVA Glue Tube - 13ml 16929
Materials For a Small Group (4 children).
1 x Glitter Shaker - Silver 11124
15g Pack
1 x CleverPatch Fine Glitter - Purple 15151
150g Shaker Tub
4 x 3D Papier Mache Frame 16623
4 x Plaster of Paris 16794
300g Pack
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Yellow 16879
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Pale Purple 16882
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Gold 16888
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Dark Green 16913
4 x CleverPatch PVA Glue Tube - 13ml 16929
Materials For a Large Group (20 Children).
1 x CleverPatch Junior PVA Glue 10364
3 x Glitter Shaker - Silver 11124
15g Pack
1 x CleverPatch Junior Artist Paint - Yellow 11992
1 x CleverPatch Junior Artist Paint - Green 11993
1 x Plaster of Paris 12357
1.8kg Pack
1 x CleverPatch Fine Glitter - Purple 15151
150g Shaker Tub
1 x CleverPatch Junior Artist Paint - Purple 15796
20 x 3D Papier Mache Frame 16623
1 x CleverPatch Acrylic Paint Tube - Gold 16888
How to
To mix the plaster, pour some water into a mixing container. The general
ratio for Plaster of Paris is two parts plaster to one part water. This ratio
can vary.
Always add the plaster to the water (not the water to the plaster) and
sprinkle the plaster in to the water a bit at a time. You will know to stop
adding the plaster when the water no longer absorbs the plaster as it
is added.
Gently mix the Plaster of Paris mixture from side to side until it reaches
a uniform and smooth consistency. Tap the side of the container from
time-to-time releasing any air bubbles.
Pour your plaster into the frame and allow to settle, gently tapping the
frame to release any air bubbles.
Do not overfill your frame. Leave 2-3mm at the top to allow the hand to make
an impression without overflowing.
Allow your plaster to thicken and then gently push your hand into the
frame. Once you feel an impression has been made, remove your hand.
Allow plaster to dry for at least 24 hours before decorating.
Paint your impression using bright colours and glitter. Add the words
‘Everyone Belongs’. Allow to dry.
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