Mobile Terminal Emulator (TE)


Mobile Terminal Emulator (TE)
Mobile Terminal
Emulator (TE)
Green Screen
Access System z (TN3270) or IBM i
(TN5250) systems from any device,
including iPad, iPhone, Android,
and Blackberry
No software component to
download or install
Easily integrates with your web
server's security features for
encryption and authentication
Configuration is handled through
a single, centralized server
Eliminates the need to deal with
consumer-oriented app stores
Customize your terminal emulator
session interface using standard
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Only pay for simultaneous
users—not per installation
anytime. anywhere.
Do you have a need to take terminal emulation to
mobile devices regardless of device? With Rocket®
Mobile Terminal Emulator (TE), you can access
System z (TN3270) or IBM i (TN5250) systems from
any device, including iPad, iPhone, Android, and
Blackberry—anytime, anywhere.
one server, infinite possibilities.
Our clientless host access solution easily integrates
with your web server's security features for
encryption and authentication. You can be up and
running in minutes, securely connecting the user's
devices to your IBM systems.
easy on your admin.
Rocket Mobile TE takes the fear out of BYOD for
terminal emulation. With Mobile TE, there is no
software to install or component to download.
Configuration and security are handled through a
single, centralized server, eliminating the need to
deal with consumer-oriented app stores, and the
license is easily expanded with a simple license key.
Rocket Mobile TE's connectionless HTTPS protocol
also means it is more resilient to network issues that
are common with cellular and satellite internet
services than connection oriented telnet-based
easy on the eyes.
With Mobile TE, you can easily customize your
terminal emulator session interface using standard
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
easy money.
Rocket Mobile TE is licensed concurrently, which
means you only pay for simultaneous users, instead
of paying per installation—saving you money!
not just for mobile.
Because Rocket Mobile TE is clientless and
configuration is controlled through a single,
centralized server, the same interface works equally
well on ANY device with a browser, including ALL
smart phones, tablets, eReaders, and standard
computer browsers.
TN3270E /
Mobile TE Server
IBM Host
(zSeries, IBM i)
Step 1: Device of choice accesses the Rocket Mobile TE Server
Step 2: The Rocket Mobile TE Server starts a secure host session
Step 3: Host sends screen to Rocket Mobile TE Server or directly to an
emulation client
Step 4: Rocket Mobile TE Server transmits HTML to any browser, iPad,
Android, Blackberry or ANY device that supports a browser
* All communications capable of 256-encryption
live demo.
what you get.
View our live installation of Rocket Mobile
TE from any device
with a browser.
Rocket Mobile TE provides:
 The ability to quickly access System z (TN3270) or IBM i(TN5250) systems from any web enabled device, including
 iPad, iPhone, Android, and Blackberry, or standard computer
A true three-tier, clientless solution
Concurrent licensing—only pay for simultaneous session and not per device
Additional levels of authentication including LDAP/AD integration
The ability to customize your terminal emulator session look and feel using standard HTML and CSS
 The ability to customize your terminal emulator session keyboard behavior using JavaScript
see it in action
system requirements.
Rocket Mobile TE must have the following system requirements:
supported hosts
 IBM System z
 IBM i
client requirements
 Internet connection
 ANY web browser, including Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome
 ANY operating system—Rocket Mobile TE works independently from the OS
server requirements
 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or later with .NET Framework 2.0 or later
 Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and ASP.NET
 Minimum of 128 MB memory
 TCP/IP connection to TN3270, TN5250 server
The number of active sessions is limited by the amount of memory and resources available on your server.
© 2012 Rocket Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Rocket and the Rocket Software logos are registered trademarks of Rocket Software, Inc. Other product and
service names might be trademarks of Rocket Software or of other companies. 111107DSBZTESV1
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