• Celebration Service • Recent Sermons • Collide Student Ministry
• Celebration Service • Recent Sermons • Collide Student Ministry
Making a real difference, impacting our culture one person at a time. Connecting people to God, connecting people to people, and empowering people to serve. Worship Community Spiritual Growth Service Evangelism Attend weekend celebration Be active in a small group Serve in a specific ministry Bryan Champ, pastor Nathan Tate, pastor (7th - 12th) Celebration Service Sundays, 10:15 AM Recent Sermons On-Line Cell Groups Bible Studies Collide Student Ministry Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Kingdom Kids Kids in Christ Kids on Fire for Christ Education Partnering with Christian Families Page 2… Who Are We Antioch is a community of believers in Jesus, who are trying to follow God by letting His Spirit lead in every area of our lives. We don’t claim to be the only church, but we join together with all who are Christ-followers to live out our faith together. We encourage non-Christ followers to come as you are and seek God with us as well. Our dress is casual (if you prefer)… our music is contemporary with a few familiar favorites blended in occasionally… our messages attempt to take the Bible and apply it to our every day lives giving practical help for living out our journey of faith. We begin each Sunday at 10:15 AM. We also encourage you to get involved in a small group so that you can find community with others and learn more about God through Bible study. If you have any questions, e-mail any of the pastors or go to the website to find out more about Antioch. before I ever was willing to give up my own identity and let Him be my Lord and Savior. Do You Know Who Jesus Is? By Nathan Tate A couple of years ago, I read a book called, “They Like Jesus, But Not The Church” by Dan Kimball. It was a very eye-opening book about how many people in the world are drawn to Jesus (like he predicted they would be), but the church has turned them off. Even though the book was meant to be a “wake-up” call for the church, Kimball admitted that people who like Jesus, but not his bride sometimes have a skewed view of who Jesus really is. Do you know who Jesus really is? If you asked a Jewish person who they thought Jesus was, you would get one response. If you asked a Muslim, you might get another answer. If you ask a Christian, you might get the right answer and then again, you might not! Jesus is a very polarizing figure, and who he really is can be very offensive to many if not all. In fact, I had to be offended by the Gospel (Jesus) In April, we will be going through John 10, and we will let Jesus speak for Himself. He reveals who he really is in these 42 verses. He tells us that he is the gate, the good Shepherd, the guardian and God. Once you find out who Jesus really is, the next question is, “what will you do with Jesus?” Acknowledging that he is who he is doesn’t change your life. You must let him transform and renew you (Romans 12:1-2). Will you let Jesus take over your life? I pray you will. Don’t miss this Sunday, April 4, as we begin this series and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If you regularly attend Antioch, please come early and sit towards the front and middle of the rows so that our guests can easily find a place to sit. Coffee is served at 9:45 AM, so come and enjoy a cup and help us welcome our guests. Nathan Announcements Online Sermons If you have an activity or event that you need us to promote in the monthly newsletter or the weekly bulletin, please call the church office or send an email to [email protected]. On our website, www.antiochokc.org, you can hear our sermons at your computer. Click on the “Ministries” pages and select the sermon you would like to listen to by pressing the mp3 link. Pastors Bryan Champ [email protected] Nathan Tate, pastor [email protected] Elders Phil Horne [email protected] Robert Miller [email protected] Scott Overstreet [email protected] Nathan Tate [email protected] Phone - 405.691.2115 Fax - 405.691-2697 Website… www.antiochokc.org Office Hours Monday - Thursday (8:30 AM- 4:30 PM) Friday (10:00 AM– 12:00 PM) Page 3… In April join us for this new series. Come find out who Jesus claims to be. Join us each Sunday at Antioch! Invite someone to church!. Do you have any questions about God or how he works? Are there things about him that are confusing? If you were standing before God, are there any questions you’d like to ask him. Please write down your question(s) and put it in the black boxes in the back or in the buckets passed in Celebration Services. These will be used for a series in the Fall 2010! Interested in becoming a follower of Jesus? Sign up on the cards offered in the Celebration Service, or call the church office. Saturday, April 10, 10:00 AM 2 classes offered Child/Teen Class & Adult Class Join us for one hour here at the church and find out what you need to do to become a follower of Jesus, and what a life with Jesus is really about. If you are seeking and want answers, this class is for you. Sign up Sunday, April 4th, or call the church office by Wednesday, April 7th. Page 4… The PURPOSE for the ministry: To prepare a week’s supply of food for families who call the church office and state their need. These supplies have been prepared and given out by appointment on Wednesdays. The NEED: Please consider helping by bringing any of the items on the following list to the church as often as you are able. (Highlighted items are particularly needed at this time.) Cans of vegetables and fruits Cans of meats - chicken, ham, spam, tuna Cans of chili, beans Canned or powdered milk Boxed dinners and baked goods Macaroni & cheese mixes Packages of spaghetti and pastas Cans of chili, beans, and spaghetti sauce Boxes of rice and potatoes Breakfast cereals Baby food, diapers, and wipes The CHALLENGE: The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:34-40 Monday, May 3, 2010 Antioch 3616 SW 119th Street OKC Cookout - 6:00 to 7:00 PM Program - 7:15 PM Guest Speaker - Mark Christian Senior Minister Christ Church of Oronogo, MO 405.691.2115 Mark Christian was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. He graduated from Great Lakes Christian College in Lansing, Michigan and Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, MI. He served a 22 year ministry with the First Church of Christ in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. He has taught at Great Lakes Christian College for the past 17 years. In July of 2009, he joined the Christ’s Church of Oronogo in Oronogo, MO as Senior Minister.Mark is a great communicator who has spoken at CIY conferences. He will challenge you and move you into a deeper relationship with Jesus! Page 5… “Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers;” 3 John 1:5 Antioch is building a team of volunteers for a rebuilding work project in May. If you would like to join us, please contact Bruce Kidwell, [email protected]. Twenty skilled (OR five skilled and fifteen “not so skilled’) workers is our goal! Check out the website for more detailed information, including the type of work that will be done. This includes clean-up, painting, repairs, and installations. The recipient of this effort will be an elderly homeowner who is no longer able to do, both physically and financially, on his/her own. Besides the joy of serving another, the homeowner’s life is often ‘rebuilt’ in this relational experience. Our Antioch library is sorted, shelved, and catalogued, waiting for more people to use the interesting things it has to offer. Bible study, reading for enjoyment, testimony, teaching, reference...come check it out! Literally, come check it out! When you select the material from the library shelves, pull the card out, sign your name, and leave the card in the box on the table in the church office. When you return the material, please leave it on the same office table. Thank you, and enjoy! Page 6… Registration, Hospitality Room, M-Veta‟s Christian Bookstore Guest Speaker Cindy Dagnan Author of Who Got Peanut Butter on My Daily Planner? Contributor to Focus on the Family and Today‟s Christian Woman Magazines Her Messages: „The Chocolate Side of Life” and “Chocolate Comfort” Lunch, Music, and Fun Celebrate the 25th year of Ladies Days with us! Come share the memories! Were you at the very first PCC Ladies Day in 1986? Registration Information: Cost $12 , Antioch Contact - Connie Overstreet Women of Antioch, a group will be attending the event at a host church: Southpark Baptist, at SW 119th and May Ave. The live simulcast begins at [NEW TIMES!!] 8:30 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. We will meet at Antioch at 8 AM. Purchase your ticket at Southpark for $25. Lunch and snacks are provided. JOIN WITH WOMEN ACROSS THE NATION A Beth Moore Simulcast Event Saturday, April 24th Kiss your insecurities good-bye and discover the joy of living with confidence! Ozark Christian College‟s Annual Women‟s Conference “Balance, Resetting the Scales of Life” April 23-24, www.OCC.edu/WomensConference, 417.626.1234x2104. Cost: Love Offering Page 7… BE EMPOWERED! EMPOWER THE KINGDOM! Check out the Empower card at the Connection Corner in the auditorium to get involved in service at Antioch. Watch for other opportunities in the future or create your own opportunities to serve. Please consider coming to Primetimers. Newcomers are welcome! We share good conversation and lunch. We normally meet the second Wednesday of each month at NOON. Sometimes we meet at the Golden Corral, so call ahead! Plan to join us in the future. Check the date by calling the church office. You are invited for… April 16-18 Friday & Saturday at 7 PM Sunday at 10:30 AM & 6:00 PM Parkview Christian Church 2828 S. 9th, Chickasha Music Worship Leader Tom Graham Speaker Doug Marks, Minister & Potter www.parviewcc.com Prayer Requests Please lift up those listed below for prayers of hope, healing, comfort, encouragement, peace, and praise. Specific requests will not be shared in this document. If you are interested in participating in the prayer chain, e-mail [email protected]. (It is an important mission to pray for these requests. Detailed lists may be picked up at the church office. The list is updated monthly based on information received. If you know of someone to place on or remove from this list, please contact the church office 691-2115.) The Antioch Church Family The Antioch Academy & Preschool Our nation and leaders All military personnel Anita Babbitt Linda Baker Susan Edge-Bliss Joan Bronstad Vickie Buchanan Cheryl Ciere Lorna Crosswhite Kay Cunningham Krenita Cunningham Rick Curry Emily Dunne The Ellis Family Hank Gold Mike Gold Scott Gold Pennie Gregg Chris Hartman Sonya Hearn Laura Koehler Tom Kordic Brad Kosir Kent Lindholm Lesa Manuel Lyn Manuel Kevin McClain Glenn Nixon Ellen Patterson Gene Patterson Lillie Patterson Lois Platt E.W. Pribble LuAnn Sailor Charles Saner Myrna Schneider Carolyn Simmons Wynona Sorrells Debbie Staats Debbi Trail Harold Winchester Randy Wright Joy Wyman A young Husband & Father Page 8… Page 9… Psalm 127:3 “Children are a from the Lord.” Kingdom Kids Family Get-togethers Our Children’s Ministry strives to provide a loving, caring environment and curriculum to encourage children to grow up knowing and loving the Lord, and having faith in God. Little River Zoo Saturday, April 24th Ways you can help make our ministry effective: Pray for and with your child Pray for your child’s teachers and encourage them Be consistent in your attendance so your child can fully benefit from their class Volunteer to serve...God can use all sorts of people to minister to children Bring the whole family and join us for a day at the zoo, with a personal guided tour and a chance to pet many of the animals! There are great areas for picnics or there is a concession stand. We will meet at the entrance at 10 AM. The zoo is located near Norman. This was the event originally scheduled for March, when we ended up with a snow day. Sign up or re-sign up at the Kingdom Kids Registration Table. Please partner with us to grow these precious young people. “Whoever welcomes a little child in my name, welcomes me.” Mark 9:37 Kingdom Kids (Infants(Infants-Kindergarten) What a treasure are these little children! If you would like to help for a two week period every few months, please join our team. Contact any one of the following women to get ‘plugged in’: Alicia Benton, Sam Schasteen, and Angela Cole. COORDINATOR NEEDED: We are currently seeking a person who loves our children to be a coordinator for our two-year-old group - to schedule workers and help us quarterly (at most) to put together curriculum. Please contact us! CURRICULUM PREPARATION: Saturday, March 6th, 11 AM. Please come and help us put together the next session’s curriculum. Kids in Christ (1st— (1st—6th Grades) Kids in Christ Join us by signing in at the Kids in Christ desk in the west hallway. CO-LEADERS NEEDED: Kids in Christ is looking for coleaders. Please pray about this ministry opportunity. Class leaders are also needed to work in two- week periods. Contact Kara Kordic 799.7025 or Bryan Champ 691.2115. www.littleriverzoo.com Page 10… To submit teen pictures, send to [email protected]. COMING VERY SOON! Junior and Senior High Thursday, April 15th, Cost $10 Invite your friends! For details contact Bryan Champ Also contact Bryan by April 14th to go with a group. Our regular youth meetings are every Wednesday! Invite a friend and join us each Wednesday, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm in the NEW Student Center. And don’t forget - keep livin’ it! Our goal has been to self and our world. Keep being bold! with God in a direct impact to Page 10… SUMMER CAMP CHILDREN AND YOUTH, 2ND-12TH GRADES www.sunsetbiblecamp.org (Use the link pictured.) EARLY BIRD DEADLINES RECEIVE A DISCOUNT, SO CHECK OUT THE INFO ON-LINE SO YOU DON’T MISS OUT! 2010 Summer Camp Dates & Deans 2nd Grade June 5 9:30am - 4:00pm Dean Stony Capehart 3rd - 4th June 28 - 30 10:00am - 11:00am Deans Dawn Moss Josh Adsit 5th - 6th June 21 - 25 10:00am - 11:00am Deans Dawn Moss Josh Adsit 7th - 8th June 13 - 18 3:00pm - 11:00am Deans Kyle Rodell Lane Moss 9th - 12th June 6 - 11 3:00pm - 11:00am Deans Bryan Champ Jimmy Foreman Come on! e! You gotta com It’ll be fun! & Serious! t (Ya know wha I mean,) LOL Page 12… “I am once again reminded of how fortunate our Academy is to be a part of the lives of families who, themselves and their children, bless us each and every day. I really feel that together in partnership we are raising a generation who will bring the light of God’s hope to a world in need of His love. I believe with the leading of the Holy Spirit, ACA can help our children be positive “Christ-like” contributors to God’s very own creation.” Annette Schrag, Principal “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6 “...let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Hebrews 12:1b Our Mission To Support - ACA provides quality Christian education as an independent ministry of Antioch Christian Church. We believe that the education and training of children is a God-given parental responsibility. Our purpose is to support parents in this task. We serve as an extension of the home, existing to strengthen the parent-child bond. We work together with parents by guiding, loving and disciplining their children. To Equip - We will strive to equip your child academically by teaching all the core subjects in an effective manner, but we also want to equip your child morally. The best text book for this task is the Bible. Our philosophy of education is based upon the authority, authenticity, and reliability of the Bible as the complete and final revelation of God. We view Christian Education as the process of learning truth through the Bible, and communicating this truth in all that is studied. OPEN ENROLLMENT - ON-GOING - For all families Academy Office: 691-8012 Webpage: www.antiochokc.org (select the tab “SCHOOL”) Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 Our Mission Antioch Christian Preschool is a mission of Antioch Christian Church. Our goal is to assist parents with the responsibility of guiding, teaching, loving, disciplining and directing children to love and serve God. It is our desire to aid your child in becoming more Christ-like and to grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," as stated in Luke 2:52. OPEN ENROLLMENT - ON-GOING - For all families Preschool Office: 692-1288 Webpage: www.antiochokc.org (select the tab “SCHOOL”) Page 13 FAN FAVORITES: OU: Sam Bradford Autographed Football Jersey Sooners 2009 Autographed Team Picture Barry Switzer Autographed OU Football Ball Caps OSU: Game Tickets - for Sep. 11 - Box Seats on the 45 yd line Ball Caps OKC THUNDER: Fan Package Game Tickets - for Apr. 14 OKC YARD DAWGZ: Game tickets PARTY CENTRAL or FAMILY ACTIVITIES: Moon Bounce Rental Custom Cake Andy Alligator’s Fun Park Family Fun Pack HeyDay Entertainment Laser Tag/Golf Incredible Pizza TG Farms Pumpkin Patch Family Pass KIDS’ FAVORITES: Science Museum Passes A New American Doll - Emily & 3 outfits Tumbling/Cheer Sessions at Twisters Gym Star Gymnastics Soccer Package Martial Arts Packages FOR ADULTS: Afternoon for 6 at Remington Park racetrack Full Car Detail Parent Survival Night at The Little Gym Spa & Salon Services Gym/Fitness Package Home Décor Gift Sets Golf package Jewelry Spring Plants Coffee Products Special Services and Offers Restaurant Certificates Colcord Hotel Stay Gourmet Items Box of 16 Ribeye Steaks Autographed Framed Pictures Event Passes AND MORE……….. Everything benefits our Academy and children! Please bring them to ACA by April 7th, or notify Loraine at [email protected]. Page 14 1 2 3 1 pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10am Chickasha 9am-3pm 6:-7:30 PM 10:15 AM 11 6:45 PM 12 13 14 10:15 AM 15 16 17 22 23 24 6:-7:30 PM 6:45 PM 18 19 20 21 10am 10:15 AM 8am-3pm 6:-7:30 PM All Day 25 26 27 28 10:15 AM SUNDAY Everyone Welcome 1st & 3rd Sundays - 9 AM On Campus Robert Miller (691.1097) Everyone Welcome Sunday - Noon Off Campus Marty & Lorri Czarneski (759.2313) Young Adults/Families Sunday - 5 PM Off Campus Kyle & Sam Schasteen(237.9966) Everyone Welcome Sunday - 5:30 PM Off Campus Eddie & Donna Vickers (799.6535) Everyone Welcome Sunday - 6 PM Off Campus David & Debbie Emberson (314.5885) Tom & Kara Kordic (799.7025) 29 30 6:-7:30 PM MONDAY Men Monday - 6:45 PM On Campus Scott Overstreet (392.3955) TUESDAY Women Tuesday - Noon Off Campus Terrie DeShazo (794.1426) Everyone Welcome Tuesday - 6:30 PM Off Campus Nathan & Sharla Tate (392.2224) WEDNESDAY Senior Adults Monthly - Noon On Campus Church Office (691.2115) Women Wednesday - 6:30 pm On Campus Jennifer Stier (692.5303) SATURDAY Everyone Welcome 2nd & 4th Sundays - 5:30 PM Off Campus John & Staci Jorgenson (790.0841) Please consider getting connected and help others get connected in a small group, whether it is one of those listed above, one just beginning, or one you initiate. This is how we get to know and encourage one another, and learn and serve together. Even make a temporary commitment to try one out! Statistically, people who do not get connected will not remain within a church family. Try us out! We’re all just a group of sinners, loved and cherished by our King.