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May 29, 2015 In This Issue MESSENGER Serving the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky since 1926 Special Section: Graduates page 11-14 2 World Meeting of Families Little time left to reserve a room 2 DPAA makes a difference 3 Jubilarian Father Robert Henderson 3 Memorial Day Mass 6 Blessing of the Vines in Camp Springs 7 St. Henry District High School Latin teacher retiring 7 St. Henry Parish Benedictine luncheon Pentecost and the good news of God’s love Bishop’s Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Commentary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Saint for the Week . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 People and Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Shopper’s Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 News Briefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 On the Solemnity of Pentecost, May 24, Bishop Roger Foys celebrated Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, and conferred the sacrament of confirmation on 24 candidates. Pentecost is popularly known as the birthday of the Church. It commemorates the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles and filled them with the courage to begin their public ministry of preaching and teaching the Gospel. In his homily Bishop Foys reflected on the apostles and the events leading up to the passion and death of Jesus. “We’ve heard from the Gospel reading of John the story of the first Easter. You recall that after the Last Supper when Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane all of the apostles ran away. …When Jesus made his way to Golgatha to die a hideous death all of his apostles, but one, were hiding. Jesus’ heart was broken when he looked down from the cross to see only one there. …They were hiding because they were afraid, and they put their own safety, their own well-being, Cooley photo before their love of Jesus. “It might come as a surprise to us then that on that first Easter morning, after having been betrayed, denied and abandoned, that Jesus appears before them and says, ‘peace be with you.’ What in the world would prompt anyone to forgive such conduct? The answer is love. Jesus loved his apostles and love can bear anything, love can forgive anything. “That’s the good news, that God loves us. We don’t have to do anything to earn that love, we can’t buy God’s love — he loves us for who we are, just because we are. And even better, we can’t lose God’s love — we can walk away from it through sin but God goes on loving us anyway and always welcomes us back with open arms and an open heart, no questions asked. “So we celebrate today this solemnity that brings us great joy and great comfort, great security in God’s love for his people, for each one of us and for all of us as his Church.” 10 years of crossing the ‘Purple People Bridge’ for life David Cooley Assistant Editor This year marks the 10th anniversary for Cross the Bridge for Life. More than 4,000 tri-state residents are expected to gather at Newport’s Riverfront Row festival area, June 7, in a joyful show of support for the sanctity of human life at every age. The festivities will begin at 1 p.m. and will include live music, face painting, balloon artists, a free picnic and more. Celebrating 10 years! Cross the Bridge for Life Sunday, June 7, 2015 Newport’s Riverfront Row festival area Festivities begin at 1 p.m. Walk begins after a brief program at 2 p.m. Visit The walk will begin after a brief program at 2 p.m. featuring Bishop Roger Foys, Diocese of Covington; Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, Archdiocese of Cincinnati; and Pastor Eric Petree, CityGate Church, West Chester, Ohio. This year’s honored Defender of Life is Brian Patrick, executive producer, EWTN News Nightly. Mr. Patrick also served for many years as Cross the Bridge for Life’s honorary chairman. Because of the increase in size, the event has been moved to the new location of Newport’s Riverfront Row. (Continued on page 6 ) Messenger archive photo 2014 Cross The Bridge For Life. 2 May 29, 2015 Messenger A‘no’ to what’s popular is really a ‘yes’ to God’s plan Christopher Roberts Archdiocese of Philadelphia In preparation for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September 2015 and the visit from Pope Francis, a catechism on family life titled “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive” has been prepared. Each month presents a reflection on one of the 10 chapters of the catechism. Here is part seven of the series. Chapter 7: Light in a dark world Pope Francis observed that the Church is popular with the world when Catholics work for social justice. But, the pope continued, with respect to “the cultural crisis” facing the family, “we find it difficult to make people see that when we raise other questions less palatable to public opinion, we are doing so out of fidelity to precisely the same convictions about human dignity and the common good.” This chapter carefully examines subjects such as pornography, contraception and so-called same-sex marriage. These are topics where Catholic teaching tends to be at odds with current worldly opinion. Reading this chapter in its entirety is an opportunity to consider the reasons for the Church’s teaching. Each one of these issues deserves more space than this summary paragraph can offer. But as we said at the start of World Meeting of Families Join Bishop Roger Foys and members of the Diocese of this catechesis, all Church teachings about marriage, the family and sexuality flow from Jesus. Catholic moral theology builds upon basic Christian convictions about God’s creation and covenant, humanity’s fall, and Christ’s incarnation, life, crucifixion and resurrection. These teachings involve costs and suffering for all who would be Jesus’ disciples, but they also open up new opportunities for beauty and human flourishing. This chapter is your chance to explore how it all fits together, even when it might mean taking unpopular stances in our culture. This chapter explains how every time the Church says “no” to something which secular society accepts, it is for the sake of enabling a deeper “yes” to God and his plan for our lives. Christopher Roberts is editor of “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive” catechesis for the 2015 World Meeting of Families. Covington on a pilgrimage to the World Meeting of Families, Sept. 22–27, Philadelphia, Penn. Did you know … Cost: $1595 Package includes round-trip airfare, hotel for five nights, breakfast daily, two dinners, motor coach Over 30 people from the Diocese of Covington will be traveling to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families on a trip organized through the diocesan Office of Catechesis transportation, assistance by a tour and Formation? Only 20 more rooms are available. These rooms will be released to other representative and sightseeing. dioceses on June 15. Not included is the conference fee for the World Meeting of Do not delay in making your reservation to join Bishop Roger Foys and other members of Families. the Diocese of Covington on this historic pilgrimage. Call Canterbury Pilgrimages and Call Canterbury Pilgrimages & Tours at 1-800-653-0017. Tours at 1-800-653-0017. Making a difference in people’s lives Bishop’s Schedule May 29 Mass, St. Benedict Parish, Covington, 8 a.m. Meeting with deacon candidates, 10 a.m. May 29-30 Monthly day of recollection, St. Gertrude Priory, Madeira May 30 Mass, St. Benedict Parish, 4:30 p.m. May 31 Mass, followed by baptisms, Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Covington, 10 a.m. Welcome address, National Safe Environment Conference, Embassy Suites, Covington, 6 p.m. June 1 Individual meeting, 10 a.m. National Safe Environment Conference Mass, Cathedral Laura Keener Editor Basilica, 5 p.m. June 2 Visit to Holy Spirit Outreach Center, Newport, 10 a.m. Covington Latin School Board meeting, 4 p.m. National Safe Environment Conference banquet, Embassy Suites, 6:30 p.m. June 4 Thomas More College Board of Trustees retreat June 5 Individual meeting, 8:30 a.m. Passionist Nuns meeting, 10 a.m. Priests meeting, noon June 7 Mass, Cathedral Basilica, 10 a.m. Cross the Bridge For Life walk, Newport, 2 p.m. “We have been given wonderful gifts by God and it’s our obligation to give our gifts back in the form of time, talent and treasure. The Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal (DPAA) is a great example of an appeal that can make a profound difference to those in need and those who are struggling, so it is right in line of what we promote — this concept of stewardship,” said Mike Murray, diocesan director for the Office of Stewardship and Mission Services. The annual DPAA is a collective effort to fund the missions and ministries of the Diocese of Covington. The last update shows that the 2015 DPAA is on par with last year’s record-breaking campaign. Last year the DPAA raised $3.15 million, well over the $2.4 million goal with 50 parishes exceeding goal. This year’s goal is again $2.4 million and pledges to date are near $2.9 million with 39 parishes over goal. Recognizing that all monies collected over a parish’s individual goal are returned to that parish in the form a rebate, Pam Ruschman, database manager, said, “We are never over goal until all parishes have met goal.” As the DPAA enters its fourth phase — the follow-up phase — 13,000 letters will be sent to parishioners who have not yet contributed to this year’s DPAA. Letters should be delivered to mailboxes this week. Mr. Murray said that last year only two parishes did not meet goal. This year he is striving for every parish — 100 percent — to reach or exceed their goal. Mr. Murray said that DPAA chairs Tim Rawe and Pauline Baumann have been taking a look at the leadership gift givers and those who haven’t responded yet. “Having dynamic chairs has been a blessing here as we promote the appeal in the community. They are really helping us to focus on bringing those who haven’t contributed yet back into the fold,” said Mr. Murray. “We are hoping between their efforts and the follow-up letter that is going out that we will eclipse last year’s record-breaking number and have 100 percent of parishes over goal. That’s never happened before but we are hoping that we will achieve that this year,” he said. Mr. Murray said that when it comes to stewardship participation is more important than dollars. “We try to live that concept of stewardship and for that family member out there the amount they give is not as important as their choosing to participate, to give back and to help their fellow human beings. There are ministries here that depend on a successful DPAA so they can conduct their ministry in the community and to make a difference in people’s lives,” he said. May 29, 2015 3 Messenger Gentle priest and chaplain celebrates 50 years of dedicated ministry David Cooley Assistant Editor Ordained on June 6, 1965, Father Robert Henderson is celebrating his golden jubilee this year. A native of Newport, Father Henderson went to St. Francis De Sales Elementary School and Newport Catholic High school (now Newport Central Catholic High School). After high school Father Henderson attended Villa Madonna College (now Thomas More College) and Mount St. Mary College in Lebanon, Ky. He continued his college preparation at St. Paul Seminary, Minn., and then transferred to the new St. Pius X Seminary, Erlanger. In 1961 he was among the first to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from the new seminary. He continued his studies for the priesthood at Mount St. Mary Seminary, Cincinnati (1961-65), and earned a master’s degree in philosophy. He attended Xavier University (1969–1972) and earned a master’s degree in psychology. “I’m not really sure how my vocation came about — there was always just the feeling inside that I had to try (the priesthood),” he said. Father Henderson said that the people that he has gotten to know were always the highlight of his ministry. “People are just wonderful,” he said. “I have had a lot of assignments and been in a number of parishes, and people in all the parishes were just really great. I admire them very much. I found it very rewarding to minister to them and with them.” Father Henderson was pastor at St. Joseph Parish, Cold Spring, from 1993 until 2007 when he retired. Before that, for six years, he was pastor of St. Benedict Parish, Covington. He served in five parishes as associate pastor and also taught at Covington Latin School for Father Robert Henderson three years in the late 1960s. Father Henderson said there were many surprises throughout the years. For example, at his very first assignment he took on a role that he had not expected. “My first assignment was to be an associate pastor at Corpus Christi, Newport, and I was there a couple of days and all of a sudden a group of high schools students came in and said, ‘We understand that you are going to be running our youth club.’ I had no idea what I was going to do with a youth club!” Father Henderson was quick to add that it all worked out very well and, in fact, when Father Henderson moved on to St. Stephen Parish in Newport they had heard about his successful youth club at Corpus Christi and asked him to continue that ministry at his new assignment. “I was the personnel director for the priests at one time — the first that we had,” said Father Henderson. “At that point no one knew what I was supposed to be doing, including me! However, I found ministering to the priests for seven years a very positive and rewarding experience. The highlights were always the people in the parishes as well as the priests in the parishes.” Father Henderson often reflects on a simple message he was given when he first became a pastor of a parish. “When I first became pastor at St. Benedict’s, a classmate of mine, who has since died, said that being a pastor was easy — he said all you have to do is love the people and the rest takes care of itself. I think that was good advice. With loving the people you also respect them and respect their experience, their knowledge and their skills.” Father Henderson said that one of the perks of the priesthood is seeing people you know everywhere you go. “I hardly ever go through a day where I am not running into someone whom I have known from somewhere along the way. That is always a positive experience,” he said. “I’m at the hospital (St. Elizabeth, Edgewood) three days a week and it is very rewarding. In some ways it is the easiest job I’ve had in my life — there is no administrative work; I just go in and do what I am supposed to do.” “Father Robert Henderson, known for his gentle care of people, his ability to listen, and his warm pastoral presence has labored for the Lord and those entrusted to his care for five decades,” said Bishop Roger Foys. “Even now, though officially retired from administrative duties, he makes his presence known to the sick and suffering as a chaplain in our hospital. His concern for their well-being and their spiritual needs is evident in his dedication to this vital ministry. As he observes 50 years of dedicated ministry I wish him many more years of fruitful and faithful priestly ministry.” Father Henderson is looking forward to celebrating his anniversary with his fellow jubilarian priests on June 9. Keener photos Memorial Mass “It’s a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead,” said Bishop Roger Foys in his homily, May 25, at a memorial Mass at St. Stephen Cemetery, Ft. Thomas. Over 100 people, including many diocesan priests and seminarians, attended the Memorial Day celebration. “We pray for our loved ones and the repose of their souls but we also pray in the hope that one day someone will pray for us,” said Bishop Foys. Bishop Foys acknowledged that the death of a loved one is oftentimes a traumatic, life-altering event. “But all is not lost. … Those who believe in Jesus Christ know that we shall see our loved ones again. Death is not the end. Our lives are changed not ended. That’s our hope.” 4 May 29, 2015 Messenger COMMENTARY Artificial light What’s the use of an old-fashioned, hand-held lantern? Well, its light can be quite useful when it’s pitch-dark, but it becomes superfluous and unnoticeable in the noonday sun. Still, this doesn’t mean its light is bad, only that it’s weak. If we hold that image in our minds, we will see IN EXILE both a huge irony and a profound lesson in the Gospels when they describe the arrest of Jesus. The Gospel of John, for example, describes his arrest this way, “Judas brought the cohort to this place together with guards sent by the chief priests and Pharisees, all carrying lanterns and torches.” Father Ron Rolheiser John wants us to see the irony in this, that is, the forces of this world have come to arrest and put on trial, Jesus, the Light of the world, carrying weak, artificial light, a lantern in the face of the Light of the world, puny light in the full face of the noonday sun. As well, in naming this irony, the Gospels are offering a second lesson — when we no longer walk in the light of Christ, we will invariably turn to artificial light. This image, I believe, can serve as a penetrating metaphor for how the criticism that the Enlightenment has made of our Christian belief in God stands before what it is criticizing. That criticism has two prongs. The first prong is this: The Enlightenment (modernist thought) submits that the God that is generally presented by our Christian churches has no credibility because that God is simply a projection of human desire, a god made in our own image and likeness and a god that we can forever manipulate to serve selfinterest. Belief in such a god, they say, is adolescent in that it is predicated on a certain naiveté, on an intellectual blindness that can be flushed out and remedied by a hard look at reality. An enlightened mind, it is asserted, sees belief in God as self-interest and as intellectual blindness. There is much to be said, positively, for this criticism, given that much, much of atheism is a parasite off of bad theism. Atheism feeds off bad religion and, no doubt, many of the things we do in the name of religion are done out of self-interest and intellectual blindness. How many times, for instance, has politics used religion for its own ends? The first prong of the criticism that the Enlightenment makes of Christian belief is a healthy challenge to us as believers. But it’s the second prong of this criticism that, I believe, stands like a lantern, a weak light, dwarfed in the noonday sun. Central to the Enlightenment’s criticism of belief in God is their assertion (perhaps better called prejudice) that faith is a naiveté, something like belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, that we outgrow as we mature and open our minds more and more to knowledge and what’s empirically evident in the world. What we see through science and honest observation, they believe, eventually puts to death our belief in God, exposing it as a naiveté. In essence, the assertion is that if you face up to the hard empirical facts of reality without blinking, with honesty and courage, you will cease to believe in God. Indeed, the very phrase “the Enlightenment” implies this. It’s only the unenlightened, pre-modernist mind that still can believe in God. Moving beyond belief in God is enlightenment. Sadly, Christianity has often internalized this prejudice and expressed it (and continues to express it) in the many forms of fear and anti-intellectualism within our churches. Too often we unwittingly agree with our critics that faith is a naiveté. We do it by believing the very thing our critics assert, namely, that if we studied and looked at things hard enough we would eventually lose our faith. We betray this in our fear of the intellectual academy, in our paranoia about secular wisdom, in some of our fears about scientific knowledge and by forever warning people to protect themselves against certain inconvenient truths within scientific and secular knowledge. In doing this, we, in fact, concede that the criticism made against us is true and, worse still, we betray that fact that we do not think that the truth of Christ will stand up to the world. But, given the penetrating metaphor highlighted in Jesus’ arrest, there’s another way of seeing this — after we have conceded the truth of the legitimate findings of science and secular wisdom and affirmed that they need to be embraced and not defended against, then, in the light of John’s metaphor (worldly forces, carrying lanterns and torches, as they arrest the Light of world to put it on trial), we should also see how dim are the lights of our world, not least, the criticism of the Enlightenment. Lanterns and torches are helpful when the sun is down, but they’re utterly eclipsed by the light of the sun. Worldly knowledge too is helpful in its own way, but it is more than dwarfed by the light of the Son. Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. ‘Dress Right, Dress!’ Somewhere along the way, it was my privilege and pleasure to take part in a special event honoring local veterans and families with service men and women on active duty, including one of our sons who has served in the U.S. Army, and later in the U.S. Air Force, for more ALONG THE WAY than 25 years combined. A few days ago, our parish’s chapter of the Knights of Columbus orchestrated the event in our parish undercroft to commemorate Armed Services Week. It was a special day, with special recognitions and a very special speaker, a highly decorated local surgeon, once named “Top Doctor” in our area. Ray Smith His modesty and demeanor as he spoke made it very clear to me that he was not there for admiration, accolades or praise, but to pay tribute to veterans and to our brave and loyal men and women in the military who help keep us free and safe. If he said it once, he said it many times … we all are on a journey. Then he said that the national anthem we all sang together and the ceremonial “Taps” that a member of our parish played flawlessly were the most beauti- VOL. 85 MESSENGER NO. 20 Official newspaper of the Diocese of Covington 1125 Madison Ave. • Covington, Ky. 41011-3115 Telephone: (859) 392-1500 E-mail: [email protected] ful he had ever heard. Then he brought to mind my eight years in the U.S. Naval Reserve when he asked if any of us recalled “Dress Right, Dress!” Suddenly, I was back in the main hall, lining up for inspection and snapping sharply to that command at the former U.S. Naval Training Center Unit 5-29 in Covington, Ky. He allowed that it goes all the way back to Sparta and the infamous Spartan warriors who, before going into battle, would stand in a straight line, facing front and, upon that command, would reach out their right arm and touch the left shoulder of their “comrade in arms” as a sign of their togetherness … and as a reminder that their fellow fighter was ever at their side and never more than an arm’s length away. Then, on the brink of battle, the Spartans would move forward, shoulder to shoulder, with their shields in their left hands. At that point, one of our fellow veterans, a regular patient at the VA hospital, raised his hand, stood up from his wheelchair to say that it’s that way these days at his VA hospital … one for all and all for one … wounded veterans helping each other cope and get well. “A-Hoo-Ah!” was heard throughout the undercroft. Then, our renowned speaker recounted his first day of duty in a ward where he was in charge and responsible for overseeing the care of the recently wounded soldiers, some of them very seriously — physically and mentally. Before going off duty, his superior officer instructed him to immediately transfer any patient from a private room to the ward with other recovering soldiers if that (UPS-403-650) Published by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Covington, Ky.; 44 issues a year (weekly except from June 1 to mid-August, when published every other week; not published the week after Easter and two weeks at Christmas/New Year’s). Subscription rate: $19 per year; $40 foreign. Periodical Postage paid at Covington, KY 41012 and additional mailing office Cincinnati, Ohio 45203. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MESSENGER, 1125 Madison Ave., Covington, KY 41011-3115. Advertising deadline: Wednesday noon, 9 days prior to publication date. Editorial deadline: Friday noon, 7 days prior to date. Subscriptions, address changes: Contact Circulation Dept. at above address. patient was experiencing serious symptoms from their injuries and/or profound mental stress. The reason was clear — his fellow patients would look after him. “Dress Right, Dress!” Once at 3 a.m., one of the patients in the ward knocked on the doctor’s door to tell him that a fellow patient who had been transferred to the ward earlier was not doing very well. The doctor got up immediately and went to his aid. Finally, our distinguished speaker shared a lesson from Winston Churchill — when you’re going through hell, keep going! The celebration ended when families with sons or daughters on active duty came forward to accept a flag of the United States, traditionally folded, along with a citation honoring them and their family member and a certification that the flag had been flown above the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Earlier, each veteran was asked to stand at his place and was greeted there by an Army honor guard so he could give his name and branch of service. He was then presented with a special veteran’s cap for his service to commemorate the special day. I dare say that everyone left the undercroft that day with a keen, new understanding and appreciation of the meaning of “Dress Right, Dress!” Ray Smith is a commissioned Lay Pastoral Minister for the Diocese of Covington. Bishop Roger J. Foys................................................................................ Publisher Rev. Ronald M. Ketteler ..............................................................Episcopal Liaison Laura Keener ................................................................. Editor, General Manager David Cooley ..................................................................................Assistant Editor Monica Yeamans........................................................................Editorial Assistant Michael Ifcic.................................................................Advertising Sales Manager Laura Gillespie .......................................................................Production Designer May 29, 2015 5 Messenger COMMENTARY Proclaiming the Trinity — giving flesh and bones to our baptism The readings for Trinity Sunday — Cycle B are: Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Romans 8:14-17; and Matthew 28:16-20. An American is one who is either native by birth or a naturalized citizen. If I am neither, I am not an American no matter how many other American principles of govEIGHTH DAY ernment or ways of living I may espouse. Similarly, a Christian is one who, by definition, believes in the triune God. If I don’t believe in the Trinity, I’m not Christian. It’s that simple. Considered from that point of view, today’s solemnity of the Trinity is a statement of the obvious. The mere fact that we gather as Christians on this or Father Daniel Vogelpohl any Sunday is itself a commemoration of our faith that is in a triune God. The understanding of the Church has always been that every Sunday, indeed every Christian celebration, is a celebration of the Trinity. For that reason, the Church effectively resisted for over 13 centuries any moves to establish a special feast honoring the Trinity. As late as 1073 Pope Alexander II refused to establish a feast in honor of the Trinity. He contended that every Sunday paid sufficient honor to the Trinity and that no special feasts were required. (Recall that until the reforms of Vatican II we used the preface of the Trinity nearly every Sunday.) But finally in 1334, Pope John XXII accepted the feast of the Holy Trinity and decreed that it be observed in all churches. There appear to be two reasons for his acceptance of the feast. First, it was extremely popular with the religious orders that were exerting a lot of pressure on the Holy Father to officially sanction the feast. Secondly, the number of saints’ days was then proliferating at a rapid rate. At that time the feast of any saint supplanted the usual Sunday celebration. The feasts of saints were becoming so numerous that the liturgy of Sunday, with its commemoration of the Trinity, was almost never celebrated. By establishing a feast in honor of the Trinity, John XXII guaranteed that the doctrine of God’s triune nature would be remembered at least once a year. But we remember the Trinity every Sunday. Week after week we profess that belief: “I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty... I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ... I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life...” So we too, like Pope Alexander II, must ask what is so significant about this Sunday’s commemoration of the Trinity that is different from what we do every Sunday? I believe the difference is this. Week after week we profess our Trinitarian belief with our lips. Today’s celebration challenges us to proclaim it, not with our words, but with our lives. The alternative opening prayer addresses itself to God saying, “You reveal yourself in the depths of our being, drawing us to share in your life and your love.” So the question is: Do our lives demonstrate that they are a sharing in the life of the Trinity? Today’s readings give us some hints about what that sharing in the life of the Trinity would look like. In the reading from Deuteronomy, Moses proclaims how favored God’s chosen people are. God has manifested his love for his people (us) in every way possible. We for our part must “fix in [our] heart that the Lord is God in the heavens above and on earth below, and that there is no other.” We manifest the Trinitarian life of God within us when we “keep his statutes and commandments.” Paul reminds us in the second reading that Christians who share in the life of the Trinity and so proclaim it are those who “have received a spirit of adoption” and are heirs with Christ so that “if only we suffer with him,” we will “be glorified with him.” The Gospel reminds us of our baptism “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” In short, to proclaim the Trinity with our lives means to live fully the baptism that began our life in the Trinity. Father Daniel Vogelpohl is pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Ft. Mitchell. Dear graduates This column is adapted from Mo Woltering’s Covington Latin School graduation address. Graduation is over and the celebrations have just begun. As headmaster of Covington Latin School and one of nine Catholic high school principals in the Diocese of Covington, I congratulate you and I give you a challenge. I want to tell you a story about a boy who grew up in Poland. This boy was born on May 18, 1920, in a small Polish town called Wadowice. To his family and friends he was known as Lolek. Lolek began secondary schooling at age 10. It was here that he began his studies in Latin and DOMESTIC CHURCH Ancient Greek. This path was not too out of the ordinary for children in Poland at that time, but Lolek’s embrace of early responsibility also included extra hardship and sorrow. Lolek’s mother died when he was 9 and his brother died when he was 12. Lolek’s father worked hard to put his son through school and Lolek carried out his obligaMo Woltering tions with diligence and grace. Lolek’s early embrace of responsibility also meant that at an early age he set out on a course of goodness, discipline and knowledge. It was easy to see the virtue of goodness in Lolek. Wadowice was a town of about 8,000 Catholics and 2,000 Jews. One of Lolek’s best friends, Jerry Kluger, was Jewish. Jerry recalls a part of their childhood that speaks volumes about the goodness of Lolek. In his book Jerry remembers that there was always a disparity between soccer teams when the kids would form teams for pick-up play after school. Lolek always volunteered to play on the Jewish team to make up for their numbers. At an early age, Lolek recognized the seeds of anti-Semitism and he was willing to risk himself to correct that injustice. In giving something to take with you as you leave high school, I want to continue the story of Lolek. However, at this point in his life he was no longer known by the diminutive name Lolek. Instead, he now was known by his Christian name Karol. Karol’s university career was interrupted by the Nazi invasion of Poland. During this very tense and dangerous time, we can see the virtue of discipline in Karol’s life and actions. The discipline Karol displayed was not simply working hard and fulfilling his obligations. The Nazi occupation demanded a kind of discipline that involved not lashing out in response to atrocities when it would have done no good, courage in offering peaceful and symbolic resistance to Poland’s oppressors and correct judgment in knowing when one should risk his life in order to save another person. From 1939 to 1945, the Germans murdered 5.5 million Poles. Three million were Polish Jews. The Germans killed thousands of priests and nuns, as well as teachers and professors. It took intense prudential discipline to live and to live according to conscience. During this time period, Karol was forced to work in a stone quarry for four years. By night, he participated in several different clandestine activities. One of the activities was a secret theater group where he and fellow thespians wrote and performed plays to remember and celebrate Polish independence. It was their way of inspiring hope in one another. He also decided to begin secret seminary studies to become a priest despite the danger. There was also a moment when he had to decide to risk his life to save another. Towards the end of the Nazi occupation, Karol came across a 14-year-old Jewish girl who had managed to escape from a labor camp. She had absolutely no strength left. Karol got food for her and somehow he managed to get her on a train and took her to Krakow, where he left her with friends who would help. Her name was Edith Zierer and the next time she heard about Karol was when he became pope. So my challenge to you as you go forward is to learn more about Karol Wojtyle, St. John Paul II, and follow his example. You have already started a similar path of goodness, discipline and knowledge. You have already embraced early responsibility like young Lolek. It’s time to follow his example as an young adult. To conclude, let us briefly consider what St. John Paul II said about knowledge. This is a passage from his encyclical “Veritatis Splendor,” the “Splendor of Truth.” “In the depths of everyone’s heart there always remains a yearning for absolute truth and a thirst to attain full knowledge of it. This is eloquently proved by man’s tireless search for knowledge in all fields. It is proved even more by his search for the meaning of life. The development of science and technology, this splendid testimony of the human capacity for understanding and for perseverance, does not free humanity from the obligation to ask the ultimate religious questions. Rather, it spurs us on to face the most painful and decisive of struggles, those of the heart and of the moral conscience.” Knowledge is more than information. Knowledge is the judgment of ideas because ideas have consequences. Karol Wojtyle knew intimately about the ideas that were behind Nazi fascism and Soviet communism. These ideas justified the slaughter of millions of innocent people. There are ideas today in our society that justify the killing of innocent people. Graduates, as future leaders, it is up to you to continue to cultivate your knowledge so you can rightly judge the ideas that compete for rule in our society. Most importantly, knowledge should be inspired by the light of God. And so dear graduates I leave you with the words of St. John Paul II given at World Youth Day in Toronto 2002. You should consider this as John Paul II speaking to you. This is what he says. “People are made for happiness. Rightly, then, you thirst for happiness. Christ has the answer to this desire of yours. But he asks you to trust him. True joy is a victory, something which cannot be obtained without a long and difficult struggle. Christ holds the secret of this victory.” (World Youth Day 2002 Toronto, Canada, Welcoming Address, 2) Dear graduates, may God bless you and keep you always. Mo Woltering is the headmaster of Covington Latin School. He and his wife are parents of five children. 6 May 29, 2015 Messenger Cross the Bridge for Life (Continued from page 1) Karen Riegler, former director of the diocesan Pro-Life Office, is in charge of development for the Cross the Bridge for Life. She said that the change in location is an exciting one for this anniversary year. “This event has really grown leaps and bounds,” Mrs. Riegler said. “We might have started with somewhere between 900 and 1,000 people at the most the first year — we didn’t know if anybody would show up — and it has grown more and more every year.” Mrs. Riegler said that this has become an event that families return to year after year. “I think people come back because it is a very positive experience — it is a very family-oriented and friendly event where people meet up with so many other people from across the tri-state who are all there for the same reason,” she said. “Our goal each year is to fill the Purple People Bridge with the joy of life. It is a very joy-filled event for all ages.” As in years past, bagpipers from the Ancient Order of Hibernians will lead walkers across the Purple People Bridge. Since the walk is no longer beginning at the World Peace Bell, which would ring to begin the march, a purple balloon launch will start the walkers on their journey. Cross the Bridge for Life began 10 years ago when directors of two different pregnancy centers — one in Northern Kentucky and one in Cincinnati — got together and came up with the idea of bringing the tri-state together to stand up for life. “Their idea just worked. I can’t believe it has been 10 years,” said Mrs. Riegler. “When I started I was the prolife director for the diocese and so I would go to the meetings as a representative from the Diocese of Covington — next thing you know (she laughs), I am in charge of the event.” Cross the Bridge for Life is both an ecumenical event as well as a multi- organization event. “We are reaching out to a lot of different churches and different organizations,” Mrs. Riegler said. “We have a couple of new organizations that wanted to partner with us for the coalition. We now have about 20 organizations involved with the coalition.” Faye Roch, director of the Pro-Life Office of the Diocese of Covington, said that if the secular media mentions the Cross the Bridge for Life at all they would usually refer to it as a “demonstration” or a “protest.” “This is so far from the truth,” Mrs. Roch said. “Cross the Bridge is a very positive witness to the beautiful gift of life, all life from conception to natural death. “This event is not about abortion; it is about celebrating life. One of the beautiful sights every year is seeing life at all stages — pregnant women, young families, those who are ill and disabled, and the elderly. “This life celebration is very uplifting every year and we are so very blessed to have so many people in our community come out to witness to others the beauty of every day,” she said. “I believe if more people realized the impact that events like this could have on others in appreciating and valuing life at all stages we could have at least a few changes of heart.” Mrs. Riegler expressed that there is something about this event that just has to be experienced. “It is the camaraderie and the fellowship of being with so many people who are there for the sanctity of all life,” she said. “We are all there for the same reason — to build the culture of life in our community.” All are invited to participate in the Cross the Bridge for Life. Be sure to visit the newly redesigned CrossTheBridge website. SUNDAY JUNE 14TH FROM 1PM TO 5PM. SUE FROMMEYER ESTATE SALE, 6559 EAST ALEXANDRIA PIKE, COLD SPRING, KY 41076. THE HOME IS CLEAN AND WELL KEPT FROM TOP TO BOTTOM! ITEMS INCLUDE FURNITURE, GLASSWARE, COLLECTIBLES, HOLIDAY ITEMS, LINENS, BARN EQUIPMENT, AND SO MUCH MORE!!! PLAN TO ATTEND THIS WONDERFUL SALE!! JEFF & CHERYL SISKA AUCTIONEER — APPRAISALS — ESTATE SALE AGENT 2121 HARTLAND BLVD., INDEPENDENCE, KY 41051 859-816-7910 Cleves and Lonnemann 319 Fairfield Avenue Bellevue, Kentucky 41073 (859) 261‐3636 Specializing in used Rolex, Patek Philippe, Omega, Vacheron & Constantine and vintage wrist & pocket watches. Specializing in Estate and Antique Jewelry Keener photos Blessing of the Vines Msgr. William Neuhaus, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Camp Springs, blessed the vines, May 24, at Camp Springs Winery. Linus Enzweiler (left), a parishioner at St. Joseph Parish, is proprietor of the local winery. The blessing of vines is a centuries-old European tradition, giving praise and thanksgiving to God and asking his blessing on his people, especially the poor and hungry. May 29, 2015 7 Messenger ‘Felix secessu’ After 30 years in the classroom St. Henry District High School Latin teacher, Victoria Kyle, is retiring. Several of her current and former students, current and former co-workers, family, friends and the former principal came together, May 13, at an open house to laugh, share memories and to wish her all the best in her post-SHDHS life. Pictured from left are: Ron Albrink, former principal, Vicki Kyle, and Dave Otte, current principal. 125th anniversary Benedictine luncheon Over the past year, St. Henry Parish has celebrated its 125th anniversary in a multitude of ways. A very important reminder of its history was celebrated May 13 with the visit of the Sisters of St. Benedict of St. Walburg Monastery for lunch and a tour of the parish grounds and school. Many of the sisters in attendance had at one time taught and/or lived at St. Henry Parish. They shared wonderful stories about their time at St. Henry church and school. The sisters also commented on how pleased they were to see St. Henry Parish alive and well. (left) Susan Greis, current principal at St. Henry School, met with Benedictine Sister Victoria Eisenman, principal 1948-58. THINKING ABOUT SELLING YOUR HOME? Now is a great time to sell because there’s a shortage of homes. Many of my clients would like to live in the Villa Hills/Crescent Springs area. If you live in Villa Hills or Crescent Springs and have thought about selling, please let me know. Even If You Are Just In The Thinking Stage, I will be happy to show you what your home is worth in today’s market. Call me @ (859) 801-9762 or e-mail @ [email protected] for your free, no-obligation analysis. 4432 Dixie Hwy., Erlanger, Ky 342-6060 “WHERE SERVICE HAS BEEN A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1941” Office (859) 371-8122 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Paving / Patching / Sealcoating With every home I sell, a contribution is made to the Children’s Miracle Network “helping local kids”. Please call Marie Wieder of RE/MAX Affiliates at (859) 801-9762 MARIE WIEDER, ABR, SFR, e-PRO Parishioner St. Joseph, Crescent Springs The Marquise • The Gardens • The Grand • The Pinnacle Preferred Caterer at Drees Pavilion Museum Center at Union Terminal Freedom Center • The Florentine The Center on Fountain Square New Riff Distillery in Newport Over 60 Years in Business! 8 May 29, 2015 Messenger Dublin archbishop: Church needs ‘reality check’ after marriage vote Michael Kelly Catholic News Service DUBLIN — Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin has said the Church needs a “reality check” after Irish voters overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage. Ireland was the first country in the world to put same-sex marriage to a popular vote and the May 22 poll was backed by 62 percent of the population. Same-sex marriage is now a constitutional right in Ireland. “I think really that the Church needs to do a reality check, a reality check right across the board, to look at the things it’s doing well, to look at the areas where we really have to start and say, ‘Look, have we drifted away completely from young people?’” he told state broadcaster RTE as the result became clear. He said the referendum result was “an overwhelming vote in one direction,” and he appreciated how gay men and lesbians felt after the endorsement of same-sex marriage — “that they feel this is something which is enriching the way they live,” he said. Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, said the referendum’s outcome represented not only “a defeat for Christian principles, but a defeat for humanity.” “I was very saddened by this result. The Church must take into account this situation but in the sense of strengthening its efforts in evangelization,” he said in Rome May 26 in response to reporters’ questions. German Cardinal Walter Kasper said the referendum is “emblematic” of today’s postmodern belief that “everything is equal,” which is in contrast to Church doctrine. “We cannot accept putting (such unions) on the same level with marriage,” he told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera May 27. The Church needs to find new ways and a “new language” to express its fundamental teachings about love, marriage, sexuality and the equal dignity and reciprocal “diversity of man and woman in the order of creation,” he said. “It’s necessary to be careful about not using expressions that can sound offensive without, however, hiding the truth,” Cardinal Kasper said. But marriage between a man and a woman is “the fundamental cell of society, the source of life for the future,” and other forms of unions and surrogate pregnancies risk having CNS photo/Cathal McNaughton, Reuters People in Dublin react as Ireland voted in favor of allowing same-sex marriage May 23. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said the Church needs a “reality check” after Irish voters overwhelmingly supported same-sex marriage. “enormous consequences,” especially on children, he said. Regarding the fact that many Catholics in Ireland voted in favor of the same-sex marriage law, the cardinal said it shows the Church has been “too quiet on these issues. Now is the time to discuss them.” The Gospel and Church teaching are clear, he said, “but traditional expressions” and explanations “evidently no longer reach people’s hearts and minds.” Archbishop Martin described the result as a “social revolution.” “It’s a social revolution that didn’t begin today,” he said. “It’s a social revolution that’s been going on, and perhaps in the Church people have not been as clear in understanding what that involved. “It’s very clear that if this referendum is an affirmation of the views of young people, then the Church has a huge task in front of it to find the language to be able to talk to and to get its message across to young people, not just on this issue, but in general.” Archbishop Martin said it was important that the Church must not move into denial of the realities. “We won’t begin again with a sense of renewal by simply denying,” he said. Referring to the high turnout of younger voters, the archbishop said “most of these young people who voted ‘yes’ are products of our Catholic schools for 12 years ... there’s a big challenge there to see how we get across the message of the Church. ... We need to sit down and say ‘Are we reaching out at all to young people?’... We’re becoming a church of the likeminded, and a sort of a safe space for the like-minded,” he warned. However, he insisted, “that doesn’t mean that we renounce our teaching on fundamental values on marriage and the family. Nor does it mean that we dig into the trenches. “We need to find ... a new language which is fundamentally ours, that speaks to, is understood and becomes appreciated by others,” the archbishop said. Bishop Kevin Doran of Elphin, who had been a leading voice in the “no” campaign, described the outcome as “clear and decisive.” “While I am personally disappointed by the result, I very much welcome the fact that so many people voted,” Bishop Doran said. “It seems that many people voted ‘yes’ as a way of showing their acceptance and their love for friends and family members who are gay. Large numbers obviously believed that they could vote ‘yes’ without in any way undermining marriage. While I do not share their belief, I understand their reason for celebrating, and I do respect their spirit of solidarity,” Bishop Doran said. He also paid tribute to the “no” campaign. “I want to acknowledge the generosity of so many people who worked so hard to ensure that the minority point of view was heard,” he said. “They have every reason to be proud of what they achieved with such limited resources.” David Quinn, who as director of the pro-marriage thinktank the Iona Institute was the de facto leader of the “no” campaign, pointed to the fact that one in three citizens decided to vote “no” despite the fact that all political parties were calling for a “yes” vote. Turnout was significantly higher than previous referendums, and most commentators highlight the large number of young voters as a key reason why the referendum passed. The government plans to have legislation prepared by this summer, with the first same-sex marriages expected to take place in September. May 29, 2015 9 Messenger Calls to end immigrant family detention gain momentum Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — At least two major newspapers’ editorial boards and a dozen members of Congress have joined the chorus calling for an end to jailing families whose immigration cases are pending as well as other reforms of immigrant detention. The editorial boards of The New York Times and The Seattle Times May 15 and May 19, respectively, cited a May 11 report by Migration and Refugee Services of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Center for Migration Studies, a Catholic migration policy think tank, in calling for the federal government to stop holding families in the detention centers and employ other means of ensuring people with pending immigration hearings make their court appearances. The report drew on international law, analyses of who is detained, how the mostly for-profit prison industry manages detention and bishops’ personal experiences with people in detention. It called for more supervised release, better case management and community support programs to ensure that people show up for court appearances or deportation orders. A similar report last October by the Women’s Refugee Commission concluded that, “there is no humane way to detain families.” It recommended closing two family detention centers — one of which was closed shortly thereafter, though a new one opened in Texas. It also called on the government to use less costly alternatives to detention. The two reports were echoed by the editorials. “Detention is intended to help enforce the law, but, in practice, the system breeds cruelty and harm, and squanders taxpayer money,” wrote The New York Times editorial board. “It denies its victims due process of law, punishing them far beyond the scale of any offense. It shatters families and traumatizes children. As a system of mass incarceration — particularly of women and children fleeing persecution in Central America — it is immoral.” The New York paper cited the Catholic organizations’ report in saying that “the detention system has become an enormous funnel for the crushingly overburdened, underfunded immigration courts, which receive a meager $300 million from Congress each year, one-sixtieth of what ICE and Customs and Border Protection get. By the end of March, nearly 442,000 cases were pending before immigration judges, with an average case waiting 599 days to be heard, and delays in some courts of more than two years. This is not efficiency or due process.” The New York Times continued: “Ending mass detention would not mean allowing unauthorized immigrants to disappear. Supervised or conditional release, ankle bracelets and other monitoring technologies, plus community-based support with intensive case management, can work together to make the system more humane. But neither Congress nor the Homeland Security Department has embraced these approaches, which would be far cheaper than locking people up.” The Seattle Times encouraged lawmakers to support a bill introduced by Washington Democratic Rep. Adam Smith — the Accountability in Immigration Detention Act — which calls for new oversight and standards, including limits on solitary confinement and requirements for adequate nutrition and prompt medical attention. MARK METZNER HEATING AIR CONDITIONING & ELECTRICAL or Call us f a Spring Tune-up Residential Specialist for 25 Years (859) 394-5600 HVAC License # M03482 Electrical License # ME 18116 “Such a law should not be necessary in America in 2015,” wrote The Seattle Times board. “But the immigration system is distorted by partisanship, xenophobia, conflicted guidance and pressure from companies that are paid a fortune to run detention centers, including the one in Tacoma, (Washington).” It cited the preamble to the U.S. Constitution, about the nation’s commitment “to securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. “Our posterity means future generations of Americans, many of whom will be immigrants,” it continued. “Lawmakers who have thwarted efforts to ensure decent and humane treatment of people imprisoned by our immigration bureaucracy should keep that pledge in mind,” the Seattle Times said. On May 21, Walsh was among about a dozen Democratic House members who called on the Department of Homeland Security to end family detention. Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California said many of the women and children put into detention are fleeing violence and abuse in their home countries and “are not breaking the law — they’re seeking asylum in the United States.” She said the conditions of detention, often with inadequate medical treatment, poor living conditions “and in some cases outright neglect and abuse ... is not only unconscionable, but it’s unAmerican.” Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois said studies have shown the long-term repercussions for children held in custody. “We know how detention reduces the chances of ever talking to a lawyer so that the truth of your circumstances come out. We all need to remember that these are our children and families. They could be our nieces and nephews and our neighbors’ kids and we should not be in the business of jailing children.” At the lawmakers’ news conference, Maria Rosa Lopez told of fleeing violence and abuse in Honduras to find herself and her son spending six months at the Karnes County (Texas) Residential Center. There, she said they found undrinkable water, poor living conditions, degrading behavior and lack of access to an attorney. She organized a hunger strike with other women to protest the conditions. On May 13, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, announced oversight and accountability measures for what it calls “family residential centers.” The ICE press release cited director Sarah R. Saldana explaining that additional locations for families were opened after last summer’s massive surge of unaccompanied minors and families crossing the Mexico border. By the end of the 2014 fiscal year, Sept. 30, 36,280 unaccompanied minors and 26,340 families with children had been apprehended at the border, most from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. Among steps Saldana said were being taken after an assessment of the family residential centers, were: — The creation of an advisory committee of experts in the fields of detention management, public health, children and family services and mental health; — The designation of a senior ICE employee to coordinate and review policies for the facilities; —A series of engagements” with stakeholders to consider concerns about the centers; — ICE “will explore ways to further enhance” conditions at the centers, particularly the availability of play rooms, social workers, educational services, medical care and access to legal counsel. This will include “language access issues for speakers of indigenous languages” and making space available for attorneys to work. A group of faith leaders met May 21 with White House staff to call for the end to family detention, delivering a letter signed by nearly 1,500 faith leaders from around the country. “These leaders join calls by a growing number of congressional members, civil society groups, and advocates to end this inhumane practice once and for all,” said a May 26 statement about the meeting. Congratulations eighth graders and seniors of the Class of 2015 Blessed Sacrament School, Ft. Mitchell St. Pius X School, Edgewood Holy Cross School, Covington St. Therese School, Southgate Holy Family School, Covington St. Thomas School, Ft. Thomas Holy Trinity School, Bellevue and Newport Villa Madonna Academy, Villa Hills Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Burlington Mary, Queen of Heaven School, Erlanger Bishop Brossart High School, Alexandria Prince of Peace School, Covington Covington Catholic High School, Covington St. Agnes School, Ft. Wright Covington Latin School, Covington St. Augustine School, Augusta St. Augustine School, Covington St. Catherine of Siena School, Ft. Thomas St. Cecilia School, Independence St. Henry School, Erlanger St. Joseph School, Camp Springs St. Joseph School, Cold Spring St. Joseph School, Crescent Springs St. Joseph Academy, Walton St. Mary School, Alexandria St. Patrick School, Maysville St. Paul School, Florence Sts. Peter & Paul School, California St. Philip School, Melbourne I commend the graduates for the commitment and hard work that their diplomas represent, and I thank them for all they have contributed to our Catholic schools. I also express my gratitude to the parents who have sacrificed to make Catholic education a priority for their children. I extend my appreciation to the administrations, faculties and staffs for their devotion and dedication. God’s blessing always. — Michael Clines, Superintendent of Schools For information about Catholic schools in the Diocese of Covington, call 859.392.1500 or visit “There are alternatives to a Catholic school education, but there is no substitute.” — Bishop Roger Foys Holy Cross District High School, Covington Newport Central Catholic High School, Newport Notre Dame Academy, Covington St. Henry District High School, Erlanger St. Patrick High School, Maysville Villa Madonna Academy, Villa Hills May 29, 2015 11 Messenger GRADUATION 2015 Families, schools, Bishop Foys honor graduates Clancy, Cooley and Keener photos Bishop Roger Foys, accompanied by Michael Clines, superintendent of schools, attended each of the nine high school graduations in the diocese the week of May 18. This is a pictorial salute to the class of 2015. God bless, grads! St. Patrick High School Covington Catholic High School Covington Latin School St. Henry District High School Villa Madonna Academy Notre Dame Academy Newport Central Catholic High School Holy Cross District High School Bishop Brossart High School 12 May 29, 2015 Messenger GRADUATION 2015 2015 Graduates “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I in you. Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal myself to him.” (John 15:20-21) Bishop Brossart High School Allison Elizabeth Zembrodt Valedictorian Jade Elizabeth Rauen Salutatorian Garrett Joseph Ahlbrand Abby Rose Anderson Michelle Anne Beck Evan Daniel Berkemeyer Madison Alexis Bertram Kristina Danielle Bezold Rachel Elizabeth Blank Jordyn Nicole Boesch Zachary Taylor Born Elizabeth Mae Buckingham Taylor Lynn Burkhardt Nicholas Matthew Dierig Joseph Raymond Donnelly Seth Anthony Feinauer Morgan Alexandra Frey Jacob Richard Frommeyer Nicole Hannah Goderwis Mark William Goller Caroline Marie Haas Spencer Carl Hackworth Chase James Hauke Justin Timothy Heil Jamie Helen Henley Jonathan Michael Henn Wesley Joseph Holden Elizabeth Marie Hull Brianna Keith Hurd Rachel Elizabeth Johnson Kelsey Marie Kahmann Ross Patrick Klocke Kyle William Koblitz Clay Thomas Kramer Lauren Elizabeth Kramer Megan Anne Kramer Jacqueline Ann Kremer Jerry Bernard Kremer Olivia Ann Kremer Charles Aloysius Krift III Dalton Thomas Linebach Christopher Michael Loos Ana Sofia Lopez Jarred Clarence Martin Matteo Michael Morrison Monica Dawn Murray Elizabeth Grace Patterson Jeffrey Michael Paulin Chase William Pflum Madison Ann Prodoehl Noah Allen Prodoehl Jade Elizabeth Rauen Catherine Jo Reinhart Cylee Louise Reinhart Gabe Lawrence Roberts Aaron Nathanial Ruschman Blake Richard Saunders Andrew Joseph Schack Justin Michael Schack Logan Michael Schaufler Briana Marie Schnieders Nicholas Paul Schuler Daniel Edward Seibert Olivia Marie Seiter Lauren Elizabeth Sendelbach Karlie Anna Shackelford Rachel Lee Sherry Elizabeth Marlene Siry Dylan Mark Smith Jordan Thomas Smith Matthew James Smith Ronald Anthony Smith MacKenzie Alan South Jenelle Nichole Spoonamore Michelle Ann Stover Carrie Elizabeth Todd Andrew Colton Toll Robert Thomas Twehues Katelyn Marie Verst Daniel Carl Vogel Sean Kee Wagner Jessica Mae Waters Alexis Kathlene Webb Erin Nicole Wells Nathaniel Joseph Weyman Emily Nicole Whittle Elyse Marie Wilson Kelsey Ann Wolfzorn Allison Elizabeth Zembrodt Jonathan Nathaniel Zink Covington Catholic High School Adrian Edward Neff Valedictorian Mark Daniel Ryan Salutatorian Ryan Michael Arlinghaus Brady John Baeten Joe Nathaniel Bailey Patrick Quincy Ballow Alexander Emmanuel Beckes Andrew Joseph Beiersdorfer Anthony Edward Bessler Trevor Christopher Bowman Chandler Rohmann Brooks Jacob Thomas Brueggeman Aaron Patrick Buckley Sean Michael Buckley Joseph Emmett Cahill Wiley Nelson Carr III Jared Brian Clark Kyle Lee Cosby Justin Edward Coyle Michael Clay Crowe Andrew Michael DeMarsh James Andrew Dietz David Ronald Dinn Bowen Hunt Dressman Jacob Michael Erpenbeck Steven Henn Faris Benjamin Michael Fathman Drake Thomas Ficke Dylan James Ficke Robert Stuart Fields Jared Morgan Flood Lucas Michael Foertsch Daniel Noel-David Foster Noah James Galvin Anthony Robert Gillespie Stuart Michael Green Grant Kenneth Guenther Brian Stephen Haughey Nicholas Alan Heeb Noah Matthew Helbling Patrick Xavier Hennies Christopher Michael Holthaus James Paul Huber James Lee Hummeldorf III Louis Joseph Hunt Austin Tyler Hussey Samuel Michael Kathman Tyler Joseph Kathmann Joshua Michael Kemp Joshua Patrick Kennedy Parker John Kenney Benjamin Romes Kindt Benjamin Michael Knochelmann Skyler Lee Koch Matthew Thomas LaFontaine Joseph Patrick Ledonne Daniel Patrick Lee Cullen Sterling Lewis Robert Francis Lilly Douglas Anthony Lonneman Matthias Leo Jude Mando Joseph Anthony Marino III Timothy Andrew Martin William Lee McClure Logan Patrick McDowell William Frederick McFarland Craig James McGhee Walter Gabriel Menke Seth Michael Metz Zachary Maile Meyers Tyler Jakob Micek Noah David Middendorf Sam Harold Murrer Adrian Edward Neff Robert Lawrence Newman IV James Bennett Ott Nicolas Michael Pangallo Austin Louis Picone Joseph Simon Pieper Wyatt Bradley Plummer Benjamin Robert Pohlabeln Kyle Thomas Quigley Mitchell Thomas Rensing Samuel Harrison Ritter Miso Rokvic Grant Robert Romes Jacob Thomas Roth Adam Joseph Ruwe Mark Daniel Ryan Benjamin Alexander Schmidt Karl Jared Schmitter Jack Thomas Schrage Bo Michael Schuh Joseph Daniel Schuh Noah Jacob Schuler Erik Michael Schutzman Nicholas Tyler Shea David Alfred Shearer III Todd Alan Sheets, Jr. Matthew James Shumate Bens Edward Smain Parker Gregory Sommerkamp Kevin William Sommers II Anthony Phillip Spiritoso Kurtis Michael Stegman Zachary Jude Stetter Caleb Andrew Summe Michael Charles Summe Cooper George Theobald Nathan Alexander Urban Robert Anthony Urbina Christian Andrew VanDusen Michael Stephen Venard Charles Jefferson Voorhees Adam Christopher Wagner Alexander Paul Wagner Noah Gregory Weber Mason Joseph Webster Tyler Joseph Wehrman Andrew Payne Whitehead Grant Matthew Woodcock Anthony Jerome Zang Brett Norman Ziegler Benjamin Philip Zumdick Covington Latin School Maria Pope Valedictorian James Rahner Salutatorian Emily Banks Melissa Becker Braden Benzinger Aniruddha Bettedpur Grace Bradtmueller Sam Braun Tristan Britt Katarina Chan Nathan Clendenen Devin Davis Caroline Duchette Amy Enzweiler Gabrielle Erickson Will Foster Emma Fulmer Jason Grout Michael Haas Deanna Halenkamp Samantha Hamilton Bryar Herald Isabella Hobbs Kaleigh Howland Kara Kanter Jared Kerth Alexis Krumpelman Caitlin Lancaster Sara Lee Madison Light James Macke Phoebe Mairose Abby McQueen Brett Mockbee Connie Obermeyer Maria Pope James Rahner Nick Readnour Alex Schlake Katie Schroeder Matthew Shaw Elliott Sipple Kendall Smith Emma Snyder Peyton Steinau Noah Tanamachi Danielle Thaxton Victor Villacis Devon White Katherine Wiedeman Elizabeth Zalla Rachel Zalla Holy Cross District High School Joseph David Hock Valedictorian Nicholas James Scheper Valedictorian Michael Nicholas Groeschen Salutatorian Emily Patricia Arlinghaus Tyler Michael Arlinghaus Emily Rose Armbrecht Emily Elizabeth Bakes Kelsey Renee Ballman Audrey Joan Barth Elliott Reed Brazell Abigail Rose Buechel Victoria Kaitlyn Bunton Dalton Jerry Burger Carlie Christina Callery Kristen Marie Carl Morgan Nicole Carl Andrew Jordan Chaffin Alison Marie Clements Austin Bailey Cornett Sarah Katelyn Cox Kaitlyn Hanna Cross Aireanna La’Tre Curtis Brenna Lee D’Amico Grayson Nathaniel Dazier Andrew Porter DiPuccio Anthony Porter DiPuccio Brittany Nicole Domaschko Joseph Steven Donahue Thomas James Ebenschweiger Allison R. Engelman Rebecca Nicole Faeth Donovan Lee Finan Braxton Taichi Giuliani Foote Justin Paul Gangwish Anthony Ray Garcia Timothy Michael Garcia Michael John Gerrein Dylan Moore Graff Susan Marie Gripshover Michael Nicholas Groeschen Jamee Alene Groneck Mary Abigail Hassert John Austin Henderson Jacob Allen Hensley Mason J. Hester Kaelynn Rochelle Hisle Joseph David Hock Leila Ann Jaafari Natalie Maria Jehn Bailey Gabrielle Keith Konner James Knauf David Edward Lampke Kyla Jordan Mains Haley Elizabeth Mastin Alexandra Danielle Mayhaus Francesca Nicole Mayhaus Kyra Nicole McClendon James Patrick McSwiney Daniel Glenn Moeller Hannah Kathleen Morehead Daniel Henry Morrison Kevin Michael Munyon Lauren Ashley Newton Annie Montgomery O’Hara Tyler James Owens Molly Catherine Pulsfort Nizza Maria Rodriguez Kylie Nicole Schaefer Mark Aaron Schaffer Blake Edward Schawe Nicholas James Scheper Joseph David Schmitz Emma Louise Schroeder Gregory Maxwell Schwalbach Jared Michael Seibert Olivia Marie Shockey Marella Marie Soldano Samantha Jo Studer Kate Jacquelin Taylor Zachary Allen Trenkamp Deja Marie Turner Jacob Anthony Volpenhein Kadeem Riyahd Walker Jacob Reno Weldon Jeffrey Noah Whittaker Ryan Thomas Wilkerson Jacob Andrew Williams Kirstin Zia’re Williams Kenneth James Wilshire Jacob David Wright Nicolas Chase Wright Richard Daniel Zion May 29, 2015 13 Messenger GRADUATION 2015 Newport Central Catholic High School John Paul Broering Valedictorian Paul Anthony Grosser Salutatorian Erin Marie Ackerson Bailey Corinne Allen Kenneth Richard Ballard Benjamin Michael Barbara Clint Andrew Bartels Leo Kenneth Barth Joshua Thomas Boyle Laura Elizabeth Brannon Jeremy Robert Bricking John Paul Broering Noah Timothy Connolly Deven Chase Cox Brian Robert Cox, Jr. Gregory John Crawford Hannah Michele Daunt Spencer James Deaton Derek Anthony Dew Nathanael Jack Enslen Kyle Patrick Floyd Seth Aron Freppon Matthew Thomas Frey Jacob Clifford Froendhoff Brandon Philip Gray Graham Elliot Grome Paul Anthony Grosser Maria Danielle Grote Ashley Marie Hall Colin James Paul Hartman Maurice Paul Hehman IV Madelyn Eileen Henschen Jacob Bradley Hensley Kilee Nicole Hoffstedder Colin Kristopher Hoover Dylan Jacob Jamell Jeffrey Alexander Jones Parker Ray Jordan Jacob Paul Keating Casey Lynn Kohls John Edward Kremer John Thomas Lampe William Thomas Lampe Keyaira Marie Lankheit Jamie Marie Lohr Jeanna Marie Long Patrick Fitzgerald Louis Morgan Lennon Martini Andrew Thomas McDonald Maxwell Martin McHugh Grant Jacob Moeves Brent Davis Moore Mitchell Kody Murphy Sarah Elizabeth Neace Logan Collier Neff Rachel Bailey O’Day Olivia Marie Owens Thomas Allen Owens Zachary Michael Pangallo Jacob Dalton Raleigh Ryan Murphy Randle Kyle Edward Sampson Olivia Ann Schadler Robert Grant Schilling Kristen Marie Schreiber Grant David Schwarber MiKayla Lucille Seibert Rachel Marie Simons Matthew Thomas Striegel Maria Elizabeth Tackett Michael Sean Terry, Jr. Elizabeth Catherine Twehues Brandon Michael Vieth Collin Wade Walker Taylor Anne Walz Michaela Colleen Ware Jacob Edward Wieland Loren Catherine Zimmerman Notre Dame Academy Hannah Jo Ellen Katherine Ziegelmeyer Kendall Salutatorian Valedictorian Nora Khalid Alabri Nicole Marie Allender Clare Elizabeth Armbruster Jahnasia Monique Arnold Amanda Marie Arnzen Brooke Olivia Barker Michela Mae Barnes Shannon Christine Baute Sara Diane Beirl Natalie Nicole Bellamy Taylor Lyn Berling Michelle Kathrine Bleser Brooke Olivia Brueggemann Josephine Ann Brunsman Elizabeth Renee Buring Claire Marie Cerimele Mary Margret Chalk Cassandra Lauren Collins Kelsey Elaine Collins Jessica Nicole Colvin Samantha Mae Conradi Caroline Rose Cooney Claire Sylvia Cooney Karly Marie Crail Samantha Regina Darpel Julia Shea Davis Alexandra Marie Deaton Hannah Marie Deters Carissa May Dyer Anna Caroline Eckerle Judith Lynn Ellis Gina Nicole Erardi Lauren Christine Finn Christian Victoria Fister Sarah Irvina Frisch Olivia Lynne Gamel Grace Michelle Gettelfinger Hannah Lynn Good Margaret Ann Graue Katie Lynn Grefer Alisha Rose Grosser Victoria Lin Grothaus Allison Rebecca Guess Josie Alyse Hammon Courtney Elizabeth Hansel Isabella Monique Hansen Hillary Anne Hellmann Jamie Marie Henn Anne Elizabeth Herrmann Megan Alicia Heuker Ashley Marie Hicks Paige Nicole Hignite Heidi Lee Hinken Emma Monica Hughes Erin Theresa Hunt Kylie Amanda Kanter Megan Marie Kathman Elizabeth Anna Kauza Ellen Katherine Kendall Abigail Katherine Kennedy Katherine Anne Kloska Rachel Neff Knue Anne Marie Kramer Jennifer Katherine Krebs Emily Nicole Kreutzjans Rachel Elizabeth Kreutzjans Addison Jade Lawler Kathryn Ellen Lonneman Caleigh Frances Lyons Alison Joan Maier Caroline Louise Maile Abbey Rose Marciano Madeline Renee Marita Shylah Marie Markesbery Allie Kay McGlade Maryann Ruth Meadows Riley Paige Meyerratken Samantha Elizabeth Meyrose Meleia Renee Michels Lillian Marie Morgan Morgan Nicole Mueller Lisa Marie Mullins Ellen Kathryn Neltner Kylie Michelle Nienaber Laura Marie Noll Mykel Shannon Northcutt Maria Leigh Novak Rachel Elizabeth Peavler Erin Hamilton Peck Jessica Davis Peck Sarah June Penney Rosemary Madeline Plunkett Isabella Danielle Ramicone Rachel Hannah Reid Carly Nicole Rodgers Rachel Marie Rosenthal Cassidy Marie Ryan Sabrina May Sanborn Abigail Elizabeth Sauer Hailee Marie Scheper Abby Kathleen Schieman Caitlyn Barbara Schroder Sarah Marie Schuler Rachel Sheridan Schutzman Megan Elizabeth Schwartz Maria Scott Shelton Grace Caroline Shields Josephine Michele Shriver Alexandra Morgan Smith Haylee Ann Smith Sydney Alexa Stallman Lauren Taylor Stansberry Annalise Nicole Stegman Micaela Ann Stephenson Anna Leigh Stutler Marie Claire Suetholz Abby Marie Thelen Anjelica Hope Thelen Hayley Michelle Thompson Maria Elizabeth Topmiller Savannah Grace Tucker Madelyn Elise Vinson Alicia Marie Von Handorf Marley Ann Wallace Jillian Elizabeth Walsburger Avery McKenna Warner Brittney Faustina White Shannon Marie Wilson Caroline Elizabeth Winstel Sarah Gabrielle Winter Carly Josephine Wolnitzek Savanna Rose Woods Claire Elizabeth Wulfeck Hannah Jo Ziegelmeyer Morgan Elizabeth Zumbiel Wiles photo Graduating pontifical servers honored Bishop Roger Foys with Covington Latin School graduates that have served as his pontifical servers: (front row, from left) Bella Hobbs; Father Daniel Schomaker, vicar general; Bishop Foys; Abby McQueen, Elizabeth Zalla; (middle row) Madison Light; Carrie Duchette; Maria Pope; (back row) Melissa Becker; Nick Readnour; Jason Grout; and Alex Schlake. St. Henry District High School Kendyll Marie Kraus Valedictorian Nicholas Anthony Croyle Salutatorian Elizabeth Claire Anneken Emily Nicole Baeten Jonathan Todd Baeten Kirsten Maria Bartlett Paul Michael Beatrice Morgan Elizabeth Berling Michael Alexander Binkowski Robert Scott Bishop Molly Elizabeth Blaut Hannah Denise Bohmer Stephanie Maria Bolin Andrew Arthur Bowen Ashley Marie Brockman Robert Dale Brockman Tyler John Cahill Danika Eve Clark Ashleigh Patricia Cleary Kelsey Ann Cline Jessica Erin Coburn Brandon Mark Creekmore Kara Kathleen Crowe Nicholas Anthony Croyle Logan Ival Dehner Molly Elizabeth Dietz Logan Christopher Eddy Bryan Joseph Ehlman Noah Anderson Enzweiler Jennifer Elois Evancic Nicholas Robert Fedders John Paul Ferraro Brian Joseph Fiedler Lana Makenzie Floyd Mallory Ann Foley Nathaniel Joseph Freihofer Jenna Sue Fugate Samuel James Fugate Kathleen Ann Geiger Joseph Michael Gillcrist McKenzie Blake Girlinghouse Grace Marie Reinhold Goddard Dakota Austin Graue Joseph Lawrence Gray Alexander Maurer Green Natalie Marie Gurren Nicholas James Hall Clare Elaine Henning Samantha Lee Hentz Kylie Nichole Heupel Connor James Hext Elizabeth Meghan Holten Jonathan Parker Hungler Ogechi Elizabeth Iloegbunam Lauren Grace Johnson Kelsie Lynn Jones Jaeyeon Jung Edward Robert Justice Sarah Beth Kahmann Jenna Marie Kappes Logan Nicholas Kenney Hunter Alexander Kent Jacob Thomas Kleisinger Benjamin Bryson Klocke Zachary Paul Koenig Tanner Christian Koking Jordan Michelle Kramer Kendyll Marie Kraus Ryan Michael Kroth Sarah Nicole Krugel Connor Carl Kunstek Austin Paul Langen Joshua Mitchell Lanning Adam Stephen Lannon Karly Rose Lehmkuhl Devon Augustine Loos Evan Patrick Lyons Angela Maria Mangine Gail Ann Marcos Andrew Joseph Mardis Taylor Madison Matsko Emily Jenna Mauntel Katherine Elizabeth Maxwell Liam Christopher McBreen Connor Marie McGinnis Thomas Joseph McGrath II Abigail Marie McLaughlin 14 May 29, 2015 Messenger GRADUATION 2015 Maria Kathleen McMahon Rebecca Ann McNay Lars Edward Meiman Abigail Jane Messmer Jordan Elizabeth Miller Jonathan Lawrence Mollman William Geoffrey Murphy Lauren Marie Murray Megan Louise Murray Nathaniel Lewis Myers Jessica Leigh Neace Savannah Marie Neace McKenzie Charles Nelson Calvin Matthew Neltner Ashleigh Nicole Noble Casey Marie Nolan Eric Michael Nortmann Molly Ann Rice Sara Jacqueline Rieger Carlie Lucile Roark Emma Rose Robinson Emily Marie Rose Anna Frances Rowland Shelbi Rebecca Ryan Samuel John Schroeder William Ryan Seibt Victoria Allison Silvati Andrew Jacob Smith Taylor Marie Spiering Nicholas Grattan Staub Lauren Marie Stegman Dylan Thomas Strasburger Leah Rachel Tepe Samuel David Thorburn Lucas Daniel Tobergte Nicholas Michael Tobler Claire Michelle Tuemler Rebekah Elise Ubelhor Victoria Dawn Voss William Richard Voss, Jr. Martin Alexander Walker Natalie Ann Weber Bailey Rae Weller Jacob Thomas Wells Josh Daniel Wendling Karlan Earl Wesdorp Emily Ann Westerbeck Bradley Scott Whittle Aaron Louis Wildt Scott Gabriel Wilson Sara Eileen Wolfer Emily Renee Youngwirth St. Patrick High School Catherine Emma Katelyn Josephine Kern Frye Valedictorian Valedictorian Anna Margaret Ford Salutatorian Anna Margaret Ford Emma Katelyn Frye Adrian Hernandez Garcia Maria Cruz Hernandez Garcia Bailey Samuel Jodrey Caleb Louis Jones Calista Serena Jones Catherine Josephine Kern Douglas Allen Redden, Jr. Kiersten Amanda Scales Anna Bonfield Schumacher Andrew Jacob Sticklen Samuel Tucker VonDerHaar Aubrey Jackson Walters Villa Madonna Academy Nicholas David Boucher Valedictorian Eric Matthew Baugh Salutatorian Grant Martin Giesbrecht Salutatorian Amanda Marie Schleper Salutatorian Monica Lynn Spritzky Salutatorian Abigail Kaitlyn Austin Alexander Joseph Barton Eric Matthew Baugh Nicholas David Boucher David Andrew Breidenich Yeonji Byun Elizabeth Shirley Califf Grace Marie Clabough Calvin Royce Espich Jiamin Fan Megan Grace Fridenmaker Chang Delphine Gao Grant Martin Giesbrecht Raven Elizabeth Heil Charissa Ellen Junker Kayla Rebecca Kuris Lincoln James Lutz II Madeline Rose McGraw Miki Alysa McIntyre Kyle David Millsap Paulette Ann Moser Kylee Cathleen Newman John Charles Nybo John Ross Oldfield Tyler Lee Ransdell Claire Michelle Rodenkirchen Amanda Marie Schleper Kylie Marian Sharp Monica Lynn Spritzky Madison Rose Trenkamp Ashley Alexandra Vogler Jiaying Wang Amanda Nicole Werner Thomas More College Masters Kyle Bailey Lisa Marie Baumann Randy L. Behymer Carolyn J. Beitman William Lee Bolling, Jr. Paige Bowling Kathryn L. Brant Kara Decker Bridges Christopher J. Bryson Megan A. Cahill Michael Wayne Clark Ryan Ashley David Cobb Roth H. Coleman Michael R. Dalton Kimberly Hamilton DeWalt Joshua Ryan Edwards Kyle Richard Egan Anne Louise Ell Andrew Etheridge Nicole Dawn Faye Thomas M. Feld Christopher John Fryer Richard Michael Giordano Donald Wayne Hall, Jr. Dawna Corner Haupt Michelle Hedrick Timothy Henninger Paul S. Holiday III April M. Humphreys Ann Marie Jansen Evan M. Jordan Kelsey Marie Knox Jessica Marie Kolbinsky Jacob C. Lane Katie L Laupola David Wayne Luce, Jr. Patrick William Luken Joseph Timothy Maloney Matthew J. McManus Matthew Meier Mark Anthony Messingschlager Elizabeth A. Mohr Anna Leigh Moore-Aube Cassondra Lee Murphy Jason E. Payne James Edward Payne, Jr. Billy T. Peed, Jr. Richard Peterson Kristen Anne Phillips Amy S. Rave Janet L. Ritchie Laura Elizabeth Stricker Anthony J. Suwinski Jason Bobby Tate Paul Anthony Thompson Laura E. Upchurch Charles Ray Vallandingham, Jr. Robert Ellis Whelan, III Matthew A. Woodson Bachelors Danielle Allison Adams Melisa Yvette AlJamal Jeremy Michael Anderson Jessica Lee Anderson Simon A. Andrews Sierra Nicole Arens Steven Douglas Baker Deborah Faye Baumer David Michael Gilday Beck Taylor MacKenzie Bernard Johnpaul N. Billi Lydia Lynne Black Christopher Stephen Blaut Kelsey M. Blaze Tara Ellen Blessing Michael Lee Blewett Daniel Stuart Block Megan Lynn Bohman Brian A. Bova Christopher Kenneth Bowman Jeremy Scott Bragg Robert Andrew Bramer Jennifer Bravo Felicity Ahr Britt Melissa A. Brown James R. Bundy Tyler Wayne Calhoun Evan Douglas Canfield Joseph C. Carpenter Amber Tamara Carter Tatiana M. Carter Kelsey Marie Castiglioni Leah Katherine Childers Amanda Clark Irene Marie Clark Haleigh Elisabeth Clements Vincent David Cline Nicholas Michael Connor Margaret Lorain Cooper Heather D. Coulter Lauren Rohrer Cox Ashton Kristin Crawford Hannah Elizabeth Curtis Bernadette Falice Dailey Kyle Gregory Daniels Jody Leigh Davidson Roslyn Gwen Day Alexander Joseph Dean Charles Harlan DeMoss Evan Jacob Denny Victoria Britney Dever Jeffrey Alan Dietrich Chelsea Ann Dietz Michael Samuel Donohoe Nation Gil Dorsey JoAna Dozier Kimberly A. Dunn-McGrath Exodus Johne Edmerson Travis Shane Eilers Brittany Lynn Elliott Brent Joseph Emerson Michael Emmons Kirby E. Famble Alexis Paige Fangman Katrina Marie Felty Amanda Marie Fibbe Jacob David Fishburn Benjamin Harrison Flamm William Oliver Freibert Michelle Lynn Fritsch Cher Orlanda Gaines Joseph Francisco Gil Rebecca Jean Giuliano Sarah Alise Gleick David M. Godfrey Lance Grimes Joseph P. Hageman Michelle R. Hall Sherry L. Hamlin Kara Ann Harden Darlene Hauck Domonique William Hayden Sarah Danielle Healey Justin Helton Stephen C. Hertsenberg Eileen Hillman Kristopher Cody Hinkel Kelsey Delaney Hinken Rodney Antonio Holder, II Katryce Kogon Hollon Valynn Mercedes Hon Darrell Shae Hornback James Hornsby Brandon Lamar Housley Melissa K. Hudson Tamra Kristen Hunley April Dawn Husak Corey Alexander Hutchens Kathryn Lynn Huyge Craig James Hyson Brittney Anne Ingram Carmel Lawson Jackson Patrick Algot Jacobson Meghan L. Jones-Dick Hilda Marie Kahmann Justin D. Kaiser Michael Blake Kalfas Joseph Nathaniel Kathman Matthew Jordan Kees Steven Lee Kelley Nicole Marian Kettler Phillip L. Kiley Emily Elizabeth King Leslie Lorayne Kingsbury Bobbi J. Klaserner Nicholas John Kohrs Stephanie Nicole Krusling Zachary Thomas Kurtz Jacquelynn Lalley Emilie Cristine Lanter Morgan Lee Larison Max Staubach Laupola Robert Joseph Leonard Ashley Renee Lewis Aubrey Glen Lewis Colette Celeste Lewis Connor Scott Lewis Hollie Renee Lippmeier Caleb Garvey Lloyd Krista Kayleigh Lorenz Catherine Hope Luck William K. Lutts Cory Bernard Lynch, II Tyler James Mairose Michael Sean Marcagi James Scott Massey Kristina Mayes Jacob Paul McBee Matthew M. McGuire Meghan Maria McMahon Andrew Joseph Merrill Nicholas Alfred Merritt Michelle Helen Mersman Travis Gregory Miller Michael Mobley Christian Andrew Mock Daniel Joseph Mohs Dexter Lee Asher Morgan Michael Reese Morris Ginny Elizabeth Morrison Andrew Thomas Mumford Katelin MacKenzie Myers Lucas William Nare Kyle Louis Neltner Christina Dani NewportBrackett Ashley Marie Norris Jordan Christopher Norris Michael Jeffries O’Connell Ian I-sung O’Donnell Carroll B. Ober Michael Matthew Orr, II Daniel Joseph Ott Anthony James Otten Georgeann Helena Pearson Nathan Joseph Lee Perry Jerelea R. Pemberton Bridgette Lee Phelon Elizabeth C. Phillips Eliot Brumfield Pipes Thomas Ploetz Jacob Xavier Plummer Bradley Wayne Popham Richard Edward Prince Laura N. Prue Jacqueline Renee Raabe Elivia Michelle Rabe David Alexander Reed Audrey Romayne Restle Christopher Jermile Richard Deborah Hopkins Riley Jonah Nicholas Ritter Andrea Marie Robben Brittany Nicole Rohrkasse Kelle E. Ross Erin Catherine Rowekamp Danita Sauerwein Michael William Schmalle Gregory L. Scholz Connie Sue Schulte Christopher Andreas Segovia Tyler Michael Seidt Kristen Leigh Seminara Matthew Dennis Shamp Kenneth Delbert Sheffield Carla D. Sherman Lacey Merrill Silvers Kevin R. Slaughter, II Tyler Joseph Smith Victoria Lauren Smith Angela Snow Aries L. Sorritelli-Powell Megan Nichole Sparks Ada Gail Spegal Guy Adam William Sprecker Michael Reza Stephens Rebecca Claire Stirnkorb Jennifer Irene Stockelman Jennifer L. Stowe Virginia Leigh Strange Petina Rachelle Strickley Linda M. Sweet Darlene Dorton Taulbee Alyssa Jaleen Timm Maura Tipton Jeri A. Tolliver Jessica Nicole Torbeck Thac N. Tran Emily Nicole Vail Alexander Lee Valentine Sarah Jean Vittorio Maria Katherine Vogel Ryan William Vogel Sydni Christin WainscottTurner Margaret Elizabeth Waller Rene Ann Walters Anna E. Ward Ian Mckinley Ward Jaia A. Washington Jenna Lynn Waymeyer Jamie L. Wichmann Scott A. Wiley Damien Lamont Williams Andrew Glenn Wilmes Ryan Patrick Winkler Rachel Vivian Womack Samantha Pearl Work Evan Michael Wray Anthony Quinn Wright, Jr. Joseph Martin Wulfeck Kimberly Jayne Yocom Associates Gerald E. Arens Kimberly Audas Jennifer Bastin Brian R. Beavin Krystal A. Evans Nicholas Allen Fritz Jennifer L. Kidd Brittney Nicole Long Carlos Lamar Matthews Crystal Michelle Morrison Sandra Jean Smith Kathy Marie Voorhees 16 May 29, 2015 Messenger PEOPLE AND EVENTS Saint for the Week St.Charles Lwanga Feast day: June 3 Newsworthy Happy birthday to Father Robert Urlage, retired, June 13; and Father Charles Rooks, retired, June 14. Bishop Brossart High School announced the recipients of the following scholarships: Lindsey Sendelbach Memorial Scholarship: Hunter Young, Lauren Kramer and Monica Murray. Dorothy Muehlenkamp Memorial Scholarship: Lindsey Bezold, Joseph Curtsinger, Lauren Franzen, Justin Kiefer, Bryce Kramer, Paul Kruse, Tyler McDonald, Adam Orth, Leah Rinehard. Bryan J. Kraus Memorial Scholarship: Bryan Duffy and Elizabeth Ampfer. Al Keller III Tuition Assistance Scholarship: Elizabeth Hull, Bryce Herbst and Ashley Beck. Mitchell Orth Memorial Scholarship: Kaleigh Callahan, Carly Kramer, Riley Orth, Maggie Verst and Andrew Wehmeyer. Covington Catholic High School student Josh Hildreth was selected for the Kentucky Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) program as a Visual Art student; and George Ghazala and Joe Niehaus, also from Covington Catholic, were selected for the Kentucky Governor’s School for Entrepreneurs (GSE) program. Newport Central Catholic High School senior Trevor Rawe is one of 40 students selected from around the country to participate in The Henry Clay Center for Statesmanship Student Congress. Julia Gerwe, a junior at Notre Dame Academy, has been honored for her exemplary volunteer service with the President’s Volunteer Service Award. Madonna Manor recently earned Tier III status from the American Health Care Association for meeting three quality initiative benchmarks. The weekly TV Mass from the Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption will be broadcast on Sunday, 5–6 p.m. on station Me TV WLWT, on channels: over the air 5-2; Time Warner Cable 188 in Kentucky and Cincinnati Bell 23 or 291. Have something to list in “People and Events”? The deadline for event notices is nine days prior to the desired publication date. E-mail [email protected] no later than the Wednesday before the week you would like the information to appear. Field trip ■ 19th-century Ugandan who served as a page in the king’s court. ■ The king ordered the massacre of all Christians in his kingdom. ■ Charles then sought baptism and was soon martyred. “It is as if you are pouring water on me. Please repent and become a Christian like me.” To learn more visit Notre Dame Urban Education Center (NDUEC) is seeking volunteers to provide educational support services to young children in Covington. Tutors as well as PE monitors are greatly needed for the summer session. NDUEC will be open mornings, Monday through Thursday starting June 8. Call or e-mail Mary Gray at 261-4487 or [email protected]. Lindsey Sendelbach Memorial Softball Tournament, June 6, at Kenton Lakes Sports Complex. Call 240-2246 for information. Proceeds benefit the Lindsey Sendelbach Scholarship Fund at Bishop Brossart High School. Indoor flea market, St Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs, June 5 and 6, 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Donations needed. Drop off times: May 30, 9 a.m.–3 p.m.; June 1–4, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. No mattresses or adult clothing. Call 341-6609. Newport Central Catholic High School volleyball 2015 grade school skills clinics for all third- through eighth-grade students (’15-’16 school year), June 7, 4:30–6 p.m. and/or June 14, 4:30–6 p.m. $15 per session or $25 for both sessions. E-mail [email protected]. Father Jo Joy will celebrate Mass followed by an inner healing prayer service, June 8, 7 p.m., at St. Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs. Holy Cross District High School summer sports camps: girls’ basketball, June 11–12, 2:30–4 p.m., for girls entering grades 4–8; boys’ basketball, June 15–18, 8:30–11:30 a.m., for boys entering grades 3–8; girls’ volleyball, June 15–18, noon–3 p.m., for girls entering grades 3–8; and youth football camp, June 16–17, 6–8:30 p.m., for boys and girls ages 7–14. Visit or call 431-1335. Bishop Brossart High School summer camps include: boys’ basketball camp, June 15–18, 8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m.; girls’ basketball camp, June 8–11, 8:30 a.m.–11:30 a.m; football camp, June Kindergarten through second-grade students from Holy Trinity Elementary School, Bellevue, recently visited the Newport Aquarium. –St. Charles Lwanga to his executioner 8–11, 6 p.m.–7:30 p.m. Call athletic director at 635-2108, ext. 1080. Bishop Roger Foys will celebrate a regional pro-life Mass at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Carrollton, June 16, 7 p.m. All are welcome. There will be a reception following Mass. Learn the art and theology of iconography in the Russian egg tempera technique from true masters of iconography — Vladislav Andrejev, Tatiana Berestova and Dimitrii Berestov. All materials and tools are provided; no experience necessary for beginners to complete their own icon of the Archangel Michael. June 22-27, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., at Christ the Savior Holy Spirit Orthodox Church, Norwood, $625 tuition. Registration deadline May 29. Call (513) 271-1756 or e-mail [email protected]. DCCH Music Fest, two stages — 12 bands, May 29 and 30, 6– 11:30 p.m. each night, at DCCH Center for Children and Families, Ft. Mitchell, $5 per person, per night. Visit or 331-2040, ext. 8534 or ext. 8555. The Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg are hosting a retreat for women, “Encountering Christ in the Psalms,” May 29– May 31. The presenters are Sisters Dorothy Schuette and Rosemary McCormack. The retreat will take place at St. Walburg Monastery in the Guest House with private rooms. Registration is limited. Contact Sister Dorothy at 291-2288 or [email protected]. The St. Henry’s Primetime Seniors trip to Jenny Wiley State Resort Park, Prestonsburg, bus, room, food and entertainment included with cost. Call 727-8959 or e-mail [email protected]. Interested in Carmelite spirituality? Meet at St. Joseph Parish, Crescent Springs, following 9 a.m. Mass every second Saturday. E-mail [email protected] for more details. Latin School service project Members of Covington Latin School’s St. Maria Goretti House knitted hats for the NICU at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital for their annual house service project. May 29, 2015 17 Messenger PEOPLE AND EVENTS Festivals St. Anthony Parish, Taylor Mill, May 29–30 St. Joseph Parish, Camp Springs, June 13 St. Augustine Parish, Covington, June 19–20 St. Philip Parish, Melbourne, June 20 Mary, Queen of Heaven Parish, Erlanger, June 26–28 Immaculate Heart of Mary, Burlington, July 10–12 St. Paul Parish, Florence, July 17–19 St. Thomas Parish, Ft. Thomas, July 24–25 A special gift Penguin report Father Michael Norton, parochial vicar, presented the third-grade class at Immaculate Heart of Mary School, Burlington, with scapulars during a ceremony following Mass May 12. Third-grade students from Saint Agnes School, Ft. Wright, proudly show off their penguin reports. Newport Central Catholic Hoops grade school basketball camp, boys — June 1-4; girls — June 15-18. For registration information, visit Serra Club for Vocations, Northern Kentucky is currently selling $10 tickets to the June 3 Florence Freedom game. Call 392-1500 or e-mail [email protected]. The four U.S. Sisters of Notre Dame provinces will host a Social Justice Pilgrimage in Los Angeles, Cal., June 3–9. Women ages of 20-40 years old are invited to explore the call to live and act with justice. E-mail Notre Dame Sister Mary Ruth Lubbers, [email protected]. Cross the Bridge for Life will celebrate its 10th anniversary, June 7. Festivities begin at 1:00 p.m. on the festival grounds at Newport on the Levee. Free picnic lunch following the 2 p.m. bridge walk. Visit Artwork by Elizabeth Runyon will be on display at the Eva G. Farris Art Gallery at Thomas More College, June 1–June 19; hours are 8:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday-Thursday; 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Twisted Traditions: Sculptural Baskets opens with a reception, June 1, 4-7 p.m. Visit Natural Family Planning, taught by the Couple to Couple League at Ruah Woods, Cincinnati, Sundays, 3–5 p.m., June 7, July 12 and Aug. 2. Call (513) 407-8672. Bishop Brossart High School ladies’ golf outing, June 11, 9 a.m. and men’s golf outing, June 19, 8 a.m.–1 p.m. Get your foursomes together. Both outings will be held at AJ Jolly Golf Course. Call 635-2108. Proceeds benefit BBHS sports programs. St. Edward Parish, Cynthiana, annual ice cream social, June 14, 11 a.m.–5 p.m., featuring hand-cranked ice cream, pulled pork and hamburger dinners, activities and games. The Cathedral Parish is arranging a one-day bus trip to Frankfort, June 27, The bus leaves from the Covington Latin School parking lot at 8:30 a.m., and returns by 6:30 p.m. To make a reservation, call Sister Barbara at 431-2060. Single women, 18–40, are invited to join the Sisters of Notre Dame for a week of service and fellowship in New Orleans, July 5–11. Participants will have the opportunity to serve at the Rebuild Center, a day shelter for people who are homeless. Downtime will include reflection, fellowship and chances to explore the city. Contact Sister Ruth Lubbers by June 19, 392-8118 or [email protected]. Newport Central Catholic drama program, summer drama camps for children in two distinct programs. Pony Players, for children in kindergarten–fourth grade, July 6-17, Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–noon, with public performance at NCC, July 17, 7 p.m. And Super Troupers, for fifth–eighth grade, June 8–25, Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–2 p.m., with public performances at NCC June 26, 7 p.m., and June 27, 2 p.m. Call 292-0001. Cardboard boat races Fifth- through seventh-grade students at St. Patrick School, Maysville, took part in a cardboard boat race as a culmination to their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) studies this year. The Students created boats by using only duct tape and cardboard. Whether you are artistic, musical, athletic, dramatic or you are just looking for something fun to do this summer, Notre Dame Academy has all sorts of opportunities for you. NDA offers camps in music, art, theater and athletic camps in basketball, volleyball, archery, soccer and lacrosse. Check out all of the amazing opportunities available this summer at: “Introduction to Theology of the Body” class at Ruah Woods, Cincinnati, Thursdays, June 18–Aug. 13, 7–9 p.m. (513) 407-8672. High school-age youth from parishes and Catholic high schools are invited to the National Catholic Youth Conference – 2015, Nov. 19–21, Indianapolis, at Lucas Oil Stadium and the Indiana Convention Center. Trip coordinated by Diocese of Covington, the Department of Catechesis and Formation. Call 392-1500, ext. 1529 or e-mail [email protected]. The Sisters of Notre Dame are in need of new and gently used items for their 4th of July festival. Items needed include: purses, artwork, antiques and collectibles, jewelry, gift certificates and more. Call 392-8229 or e-mail [email protected]. PrimeWise at St. Elizabeth Healthcare offers adults, age 50 and over, a free network of valuable services especially suited to their needs and interests. It’s not a club and there are no membership dues or meetings, just lots of benefits, information, programs and special discounts. PrimeWise can provide information on topics like advance directives and living wills, Medicare and many health-related concerns. Call 301-5999 or visit [email protected]. Haircuts Students — past, present and future, — parents and faculty of Mary, Queen of Heaven School, Erlanger, recently cut their hair to donate to Pantene’s Beautiful Lengths to help women fighting cancer receive real hair wigs. H St pr — ul of Er cu do Be he ca ha 18 May 29, 2015 Messenger Pope, in interview, talks about his daily habits, hopes, concerns Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said he wants to be remembered as “a good person who tried to do good. I cannot ask for anything more than that.” The statement, as well as comments about his life as pope and situations that move him to tears, were part of an interview he gave in late May to “La Voz del Pueblo,” a newspaper from Tres Arroyos, Argentina. The Vatican newspaper printed a translation of the interview May 25. Pope Francis insisted he never dreamed of being pope, “nor of being president of the republic or general of an army. Some people have those dreams. I didn’t.” Still, he said, he is able to sleep well. “I sleep six hours. Normally, I go to bed at 9 and read until about 10,” when he falls asleep. He wakes at 4 a.m. without an alarm. “But then I need a siesta. I have to sleep 40 minutes to an hour; I take off my shoes and lie down.” When he skips the nap, he said, “I feel it.” The only newspaper Pope Francis said he reads is the Italian daily “La Repubblica,” which he described as a newspaper for “the middle class.” “I haven’t watched television since 1990,” he said. “It was a promise I made to Our Lady of Carmel on July 15, 1990.” The reporter asked how he keeps up with soccer, his favorite sport, if he doesn’t watch television. “Every week one of the Swiss Guards brings me the results and the rankings,” the pope responded. Pope Francis has spoken several times about “the gift of tears,” and Juan Berretta, who conducted the interview, asked him what makes him cry. Dramatic human situations, the pope replied. “Like the other day when I saw what is happening to the Rohingya people (from Myanmar),” who have piled on to boats seeking asylum. “When they get close to shore, they are given something to eat, some water, then pushed back out to sea.” Thousands of them have been on the seas for weeks. Sick children also bring the pope to tears, he said, especially those suffering from diseases “provoked by inattention to the environment. This breaks my heart. When I see those creatures I say to the Lord, ‘Why them and not me?’” Visiting juvenile detention centers and prisons also is emotional, he said. Talking to the prisoners he always thinks, “‘I could be here.’ In other words, none of us can be certain that we would never commit a crime, something for which we’d be imprisoned.” While the pope said such things make him “weep inside,” he said, “I don’t cry publicly. Twice it has happened that I was on the brink of crying, but I was able to stop myself. I was too moved and a tear or two escaped, but I pretended nothing was happening and after a minute I wiped my face with my hand.” The journalist asked the pope why he didn’t want to be seen crying. He responded, “I don’t know, it just seemed like I had to keep going.” Asked if he was afraid of anything, Pope Francis said: “I am fairly fearless; I act without thinking about the consequences. Sometimes this creates headaches because I’ll say more than I should.” As far as his physical safety, the pope repeated what he has said in the past. He has placed himself in God’s hands, but has prayed that if he is attacked, the physical pain won’t be too great. “I am a coward when it comes to physical pain.” Saying the media reported he came in second in the 2005 conclave to succeed St. John Paul II, Pope Francis said that at the time, “it was clear that it had to be Benedict, who was voted for almost unanimously, and I was very pleased.” Asked about his popularity, the pope said: “At first I didn’t understand why it was happening. Some of the cardinals told me it was because the people say, ‘We understand him.’” “I try to be concrete and what you call magnetism some cardinals have told me has to do with the fact that people understand me,” Pope Francis said. Living in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, which is a Vatican guesthouse, spending hours with people at his weekly general audience and inviting a small group for morning Mass four times a week “is good for me,” he said. The people “give me positive energy.” “I became a priest to be with people,” the pope said. “I give thanks to God that this is still true.” CNS file photo/Paul Haring SHOPPER’S GUIDE CHIMNEYS ROOFING CUSTOM DECKS GUTTERS and Elegant Fireplaces Built and Repaired Caregivers with character! Reliable caregivers provide up to 24 hour non-medical care in your home. Hygiene assistance, meals, light housework, companionship. Affordable rates. Top Background Checks. Cindy Sesher —Director 7209 U.S. Hwy. 42, Florence, KY • (859) 647-6770 5643 Cheviot Rd., Ste. 6c, Cincinnati, OH • (513) 598-6770 Built, Repaired, Pressure Washed and Stained PAVERS Beautifully Designed Slate, Flat Roofs, Shingles Cleaned and Repaired New Gutters Installed PATIO DOORS CARPENTRY EXCELLENCY CEMENT Driveways and Steps DRYWALL Repair and New Replaced, French and Sliders JIVOIN & FAMILY CONSTRUCTION Call John, Jason or Johnny (859) 586-6946 Thank you for our 76th year! Member N.Ky. Chamber of Commerce, BBB and HBA AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING, INC. 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Since 1953 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS • HEATING SYSTEMS • AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS • New installations • Repair all makes and models • Clean & Service • Humidifiers • Oil or Propane • Radiant or Gas Heat • Electronic Air Cleaner • Hot Water Heat Systems 441-7161 2489 DIXIE HWY. FT. MITCHELL 341-1520 Bibles • Books • Gifts Licensed Master HVAC Contractor M02125 Call Mike at the Messenger to place your ad in the SHOPPER’S GUIDE. (859) 392-1500 (859) 261-8269 Visit our website for online coupons BBB Member - A+ Rating Master HVAC #M04784 Complete Line of Lumber and Building Materials Latonia Ave. at 35th St. • Covington KY • 581-0400 May 29, 2015 19 Messenger ENTERTAINMENT “Pitch Perfect 2” (Universal) The trials and tribulations of a college a cappella group continue in this sequel to the 2012 film, directed and co-produced by Elizabeth Banks, who also reprises her role of a snarky pageant official. When the group is banned from national competition by virtue of a scandal by one of its singers, its leaders seek redemption by going after the world title with the help of a new recruit. That Movie means facing off Capsule against a German ensemble led by a menacing dominatrix. The film works best when showcasing the catchy tunes and not the dialogue, which is shockingly tone deaf. The attempt at humor by belittling women, foreigners and even religion is out of tune with what should be a wholesome anthem for self-improvement and achievement. Implied nonmarital relationships, adult themes and innuendo, occasional crude language, and an obscene gesture. CNS: A-III; MPAA: PG-13. “Tomorrowland” (Disney) Borrowing the name but little else from the futuristic-themed section of Disneyland and other Disney parks, this delightful science-fiction film is great fun for the entire family, directed and co-written by Brad Bird. A young woman is recruited by a mysterious robot for a mission to save both Earth and the eponymous utopia that exists in another dimension. They join forces with a former inventor to wrest control of the future from a coldhearted bureaucrat. Cartoonish but bloodless action sequences and a few mild oaths. CNS: A-II; MPAA: PG. South Sudan’s church leaders: Much of country without governance of Gallipoli during World War I in this fictional drama inspired by true events. He journeys to Turkey, where a former enemy official, in a gesture of reconciliation, decides to help him locate the remains of his sons. Along the way he befriends a hotel owner and her son with grief issues of their own. Directed by Crowe with stunning cinematography, the film offers a timely reminder of the ghastly personal cost of war and its lingering impact upon future generations. Bloody war violence and disturbing images of death, and an unflattering portrayal of a Catholic priest. CNS: A-III; MPAA: R. JUBA, South Sudan — Human rights in South Sudan are abused “on the battlefield and in peaceful areas,” and much of the country is without effective governance, church leaders said. “People are being killed, raped and tortured,” the South Sudan Council of Churches said in a May 26 statement signed by eight church leaders, including Archbishop Paulino Lukudu Loro of Juba. “Children are being recruited into armed groups” and “looting is endemic,” the statement said, noting that many individuals, groups and even government organs are taking the law into their own hands, “with disastrous consequences for everybody.” According to the United Nations, fighting in South Sudan has “worsened considerably” in recent weeks. About 119,000 people are taking shelter in its compounds across the country, the U.N. said May 24, noting that rights monitors have been denied access to sites where they sought to verify reports of killings, rapes, abductions and the burning and destruction of towns and villages. The world’s newest state, which gained independence from Sudan in 2011, was plunged into conflict in December 2013 between forces loyal to President Salva Kiir and rebels allied with his former deputy, Riek Machar. As many as 10,000 people have been killed and more than 1 million displaced in the months since. Peace talks, mediated by regional governments, have been held in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, but the few agreements reached there have been consistently ignored on the ground. “There is no moral justification for the killing to continue,” the church leaders said, noting that “it is unacceptable for negotiations about power and positions to take place in luxury hotels while people are still killing and being killed.” For full reviews of each of these films — go to, visit the Messenger page and click on or call 1-800-311-4CCC. Catholic News Service (CNS) classifications are: • A-I — general patronage; • A-II — adults and adolescents; • A-III — adults; • L — limited adult audience (films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling); • O — morally offensive. “The Water Diviner” (Warner Bros.) An Australian father copes with the loss of his three sons at the Battle NORTH —SOUTH — EAST — WEST Northern Kentucky’s Premiere Banquet and Conference Center Serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati Call for availability (859) 746-2700 1379 Donaldson Road Erlanger, KY 41018 20 May 29, 2015 Messenger CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS VACATION PROPERTY RENTAL Destin, FL — Condos with gulf view. 2 pools, hot tub, tennis, exercise room, close to golf courses. Includes beach umbrella. Call for rates. Mention Messenger for discount. (859) 816-7838 or GERDES CONCRETE & MASONRY CONCRETE — Driveways, sidewalks, steps, patios, stamped concrete. MASONRY — Cultured stone, retaining walls, brick pavers, foundation, fireplace, brick & chimney repairs. MISC. — Mini‐excavator, Bob Cat & drainage work. Quality work & ref. Call Bill, (859) 331-4733. Messenger advertiser since 1993. PROPERTY CLEAN-UP HEDGE-SHRUB TRIMMING Lawns Cut With Push Mower. 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Must be over 25 years of age with knowledge of Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Applicant must pass a criminal, DMV and drug test. Apply at 1810 Monmouth Street, Newport, KY Marco Island, FL 3-min. walk to beach. 1st floor fully furnished 2BR, 2 bath condo. Contact [email protected] or (859) 801-8691 for pricing, pictures & availability. #335487 HOUSE CLEANING Isn’t it time you come clean? We don’t cut corners, we clean them. Insured and bonded. Discount for senior citizens and first-time clients. Call (859) 331-2640. An energetic individual is needed to recover upholstery at customer’s locations. BUYING STAMP / COIN / POST CARD COLLECTIONS Private collectors wanting to buy single items or collections from individuals. Highest prices paid in cash. No Dealers. Call Glenn at (859) 586-5229. No obligation, and all transactions are confidential. 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Applicant must pass a criminal, DMV and drug test. Apply at 1810 Monmouth Street, Newport, KY Call Mike at the Messenger for information on placing your ad in the Classified Advertisements. (859) 392-1500 -Drainage systems - Light excavation (513) 346-0691 * CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED * FREE ESTIMATES* WAREHOUSE/OFFICE SPACE 2500 Square feet. Edgewood and Florence. (859) 342-7772 or (859) 341-7755 Apartment For Rent Beautiful, extremely quiet, unfurnished, 2nd floor 1BR apt. in Erlanger. On busline; off-street parking. Equipped kitchen. A/C, WD, heat/water furnished. Deposit/ref. $600. Seniors, non-smokers. Call (859) 342-5959 or (859) 512-4200. NOVENA NOVENA TO THE SACRED HEART. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the 8th day your prayer will be answered. Say it for 9 days. Thank you St. Jude. D.A.D. NOVENA NOVENA TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN. Oh, most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me here you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity (make your request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, Pray for us who have recourse to Thee, (three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands. (three times). B.M.S. May 29, 2015 21 Messenger With Pan Am Games coming groups push to limit trafficking Michael Swan Catholic News Service TORONTO — As Toronto gets set to host the Pan Am Games, rights campaigners are putting their best efforts into ensuring that the city does not become a playground for human traffickers while the multi-sport, billion-dollar event takes place. Led by Catholic religious sisters, a broad coalition is getting ready for the July 10-26 Pan Am Games and the Aug. 7-15 Parapan Am Games by ramping up public education campaigns about human trafficking and the sex trade. The Toronto Counter Human Trafficking Network, headquartered at the FCJ Hamilton House Refugee Project and backed by the Faithful Companions of Jesus, is working on a “unified response model” that includes a hotline that can link victims to police, social workers, shelters, health care and more, said Varka Kalaydzhieva, the project coordinator. “Human sex trafficking goes with national and international sporting events,” the Rev. Karen A. Hamilton, an Anglican and general secretary of the Canadian Council of Churches, warned in Ottawa earlier this year. “And it will be coming to my city, because Toronto is hosting the Pan Am Games this summer.” With athletes from 41 countries participating, the Pan Am Games will be the largest multi-sport event held on Canadian soil. The most visible anti-trafficking campaign will likely be the GIFT Box, a 10-foot-high structure at the Anglican Cathedral Church of St. James in downtown Toronto that will look like a present on the outside and tell the tale of enslavement and exploitation on the inside. The GIFT Box project, backed by the U.N. Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking, was launched during the 2012 Olympics in London. The idea is to show people just how victims are caught up in human trafficking, Kalaydzhieva said. “It signifies or symbolizes the way they lure you into trafficking. Once you go into the box, once you are tempted, you open the gift and go inside,” she said. “There it explains to you how human trafficking happens, what are the signs, some stories of survivors and how they were taken into trafficking.” While the GIFT Box tries to reach a public that may never have considered the issues around human trafficking, the aim is also to alert potential victims or those who may know victims and provide help. But is there really a link between the kind of sport the Pan Am Games represent and the sex trade? Sister Nancy Brown, a Sister of Charity of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has no doubt about the link between sports and increased trafficking in boys, girls and women. She works with vulnerable youth at Covenant House in Vancouver, British Columbia, and was part of the Buying understood. Sex is Not a Sport campaign during the Vancouver Winter “The reality is that both labor trafficking and sex trafOlympics in 2010, ficking happen every day in Canada,” she wrote in an e“Yes, of course it increases,” Sister Nancy said in an email. mail, noting that “sport draws more males.” “I prefer that people get that message, rather than focusBut it is “impossible to get numbers because of the hiding on big-event stories. We need to raise consciousness of den nature of the crime,” she said. the everyday types of exploitation that go on,” she said. Not all campaigners against human trafficking are so While women’s religious congregations have worked on convinced. the issue for decades and the Canadian Religious “I’ve never been one to push the idea of links between Conference, representing Catholic religious orders and sporting events and sex trafficking,” said Sister Sue institutes, has made it a priority since 2004, they have Wilson, director of the office of systemic justice at the recently had a boost from Pope Francis. Canadian Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of The Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace and the Canada. International Union of Superiors General put a spotlight “Any evidence of increased numbers at events such as on the global human trafficking crisis by declaring the first the Olympics or Pan Am Games is anecdotal at best,” International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Sister Sue said. Human Trafficking. It took place Feb. 8, the feast of St. Whether there’s a specific link with sports or not Josephine Bakhita, a Sudanese slave who eventually was doesn’t much matter to Kelly Colwell, GIFT Box coordinafreed and became a Canossian nun. tor for the Faith Alliance to End Human Trafficking. Pope Francis has called human trafficking “a crime “It’s mostly that it seems like an opportune moment against humanity.” Meeting trafficking survivors, reliwhen there’s a lot of pedestrians, a lot of foot traffic in the gious sisters caring for victims and dozens of senior police city, people out and enjoying the summer and likely to stop officials in April 2014, he called human trafficking “an by and learn a little bit about trafficking,” she said. “It’s an open wound on the body of contemporary society, a opportunity to educate people about a phenomenon that’s scourge upon the body of Christ.” happening all the time.” Michael Swan is associate editor of The Catholic Colwell said she is just as interested in fighting traffickRegister, based in Toronto. ing among construction workers, cleaning staff, personal care workers and other forms of anonymous, contracted-out labor. A 2010 Royal Canadian Mounted Police report on human trafficking estimated that 90 percent of the human trafficking in Canada is for prostitution, and most of the victims are girls and women between the ages of 14 and 25. There has been a specifWeather damage and burglary are ic law on human traffickpotential threats. Some common-sense planning before you leave ing in Canada since 2005, and about 50 cases have will ensure that your home and personal belongings will be safe made it to court. while you’re gone. Here are a few tips: Anti-trafficking campaigners call this the tip of 1) Notify the police department that you will be away. Periodic the iceberg. checks by a patrolman could avert trouble. Sister Sue said all forms of human traffick2) Since most thieves strike when no one is home, give the impresing need to be better An Independent View On The Purchase Of Insurance By Frank Gross, President Gross Insurance Agency, LLC Going On Vacation? LIVE BAND Kait & the California Kings 7:30-11:30pm sion that you are — arrange for the lawn to be mowed, garbage cans placed at the street, a neighbor’s car in the driveway, lights turned on by timers. 3) Have mail and newspapers picked up. Don’t discontinue delivery unless it’s an extended vacation, and you can’t impose upon trusted neighbors. (The fewer people who know you are away, the better.) 4) Give a key to a neighbor and ask for periodic checks inside. Leave a phone number where you can be reached. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 5) Turn the heat down or off in the cooler months, but be careful. Freezing water pipes are a hazard, and water damage is costly and difficult to repair. You should use antifreeze solutions in your water system; the cost is minimal. 6) Is your home insurance plan effective when you’re on an extended vacation? Check with an insurance professional. RAFFLE BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND Win a Pig then have it Roasted or Wrapped for your freezer Gross Insurance Agency, LLC Patti Rolf • Frank Gross • David Gross Ft. Thomas, KY 781-0434 22 May 29, 2015 Messenger Pope urges engaged couples to take time, be open to God’s surprises Pope Francis greets the crowd as he arrives to lead Peter’s Square at the Vatican May 27. Laura Ieraci Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Couples who are seeking to marry, even those who have lived together, should value their engagement period as a time to grow in mature love and in profound knowledge of each other, said Pope Francis. The pope urged couples not to rush into marriage. Maturation in love before marriage is a slow process, in which none of the steps should be skipped, Pope Francis told people at his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square. “The covenant of love between a man and a woman, a covenant for life, cannot be improvised; it cannot be done from one day to the next,” he said. There is no such thing as “an express marCNS photo/Paul Haring riage,” he added. his general audience in St. While it is “beautiful” that people today can choose whom to marry, the “freedom of this bond” cannot be based simply on physical attraction or feelings, he said. Engagement allows a couple to do the profound and “beautiful work of love” — work that involves a profound “learning” of the other. “Love requires” this work, he said. “The love between a man and a woman is learned and is refined,” he said, adding that married love must be understood more as something couples need to work on. “Turning two lives into one is also almost a miracle, a miracle of the freedom of the heart, given in faith,” he said. Citing the Book of Jeremiah, the pope noted that God speaks of his covenant with his people in terms of an engagement. Then, after a long road, God “marries his people in Jesus Christ,” he said. He said the Church has preserved the distinction between being engaged and being married. “They are not the same,” he said, adding that this teaching has been verified in the “experience of conjugal love happily lived.” In an oblique reference to the physical intimacy some couples share before marriage, the pope said the “powerful symbols of the body hold the keys to the soul.” “We cannot treat the bonds of the flesh lightly, without opening some lasting wound in the spirit,” he said, noting the current culture is indifferent to this teaching in Scripture. In a later summary of his catechesis in Spanish, the pope said the current “consumer culture” tries to turn love into an “object of consumption.” Instead, an engagement “allows a man and a woman to mature in a responsible decision regarding something so big that it cannot be bought or sold.” The distinction the Church maintains between engagement and marriage is precisely to protect the profound meaning of the sacrament of marriage, he said. It is important to revalue engagement as “an initiation to the surprise of the spiritual gifts with which God blesses and enriches families,” he said. The Church, he said, offers marriage preparation courses as an expression of its care for couples. In his Italian catechesis, the pope noted that many couples come to marriage preparation courses reluctantly. But they are grateful afterward for the opportunity to reflect on their relationship in profound ways because while many have been together for a long time, and even live together, “they really do not know each other,” he said. Engagement is also a time for couples to rediscover together the Bible, prayer — both personal and liturgical — confession, Communion and fellowship with the poor, he said. Growing in these areas “leads to a beautiful marriage celebration,” not one that is worldly but one that is Christian, he added. The pope also gave engaged couples a reading assignment; Alessandro Manzoni’s classic novel “The Betrothed,” which is the story of a couple who remains faithful to each other throughout their engagement despite much hardship. May 29, 2015 23 Messenger NEWS BRIEFS National/World Defend the right to life, defend it from attacks on dignity, pope says VATICAN CITY — The Catholic defense of human life from conception to natural death includes doing everything possible to defend each person from the violence and injustice that are attacks on human dignity, Pope Francis said. “When we defend the right to life, we do so in order that each life — from conception to its natural end — may be a dignified life, one free from the scourge of hunger and poverty, of violence and persecution,” the pope wrote in a message to a conference of Catholic women’s groups. Representatives of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations and the World Women’s Alliance for Life and Family met in Rome May 22-24 to strategize on their input for the drafting of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals, which should be finalized by member states in September. In his message, Pope Francis said it was important for the United Nations to hear the contributions of “so many women and men committed to the defense and promotion of life and to the struggle against the poverty, slavery and injustices” that, unfortunately, afflict too many people in the world, particularly women. In the West, he said, women face discrimination at work, often are forced to choose between family and work obligations, and too often face violence in “their lives as fiancées, wives, mothers, sisters and grandmothers.” Vatican bank posts large profit, continues review of account holders VATICAN CITY — The Institute for the Works of Religion, commonly known as the Vatican bank, showed a large jump in profits in 2014 as it continued to winnow its accounts. The institute reported a net profit of 69.3 million euros ($75.5 million) in 2014 compared to a 2013 net profit of 2.9 million euros. The bulk of the profit, 55 million euros, was given to the Holy See for its operating costs. Releasing its annual report May 25, the institute said the increase “was mainly due to an increase in the net trading income from securities and to a decline in extraordinary operating expenses,” which included the costs of outside consultants. The consultants were hired to help the institute reform practices and procedures in line with new Vatican regulations and international standards, including those that aim to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Msgr. Battista Ricca, the institute’s prelate, wrote in an introduction to the report that the bank’s purpose “is not to pursue the accumulation of wealth. Rather, it is to honestly and faithfully serve the universal mission of the Church by supporting those who work in the vineyards of the Lord — often thanklessly and under dangerous circumstances — to feed, to educate, to heal and to permit the Gospel to be known.” Pope, council discuss synod document; hold study day in Rome VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis and members of the council of the Synod of Bishops met May 25-26 to review input from around the world for October’s synod on the family and made their final suggestions for the synod’s working document. The office of the synod’s general secretary will incorporate the suggestions and have the document translated, said a statement issued after the meeting. “The publication will take place in a few weeks,” it said. As the council was meeting with the pope, the presidents of the bishops’ conferences of Germany, France and Switzerland organized a study day in Rome. According to a press release from the German bishops’ conference, the meeting May 25 brought together about 50 bishops, theologians, Curia officials and a few journalists to discuss issues likely to be raised at the synod. Pope Francis has convoked the Synod of Bishops on the family for Oct. 4-25; it is to be the conclusion of a process that included a discussion within the College of Cardinals and an extraordinary Synod of Bishops last October. Much of the media attention focused on the issue of outreach to divorced Catholics, including discussion about the possibility of readmitting to Communion those who have married civilly without obtaining an annulment. The needs of poor families, the impact of migration on families, marriage preparation courses and outreach to gay Catholics were also topics at the extraordinary synod in 2014. Nebraska Legislature passes repeal of death penalty LINCOLN, Neb. — The Nebraska Legislature May 20 passed a measure to repeal the death penalty with enough votes to override Republican Gov. Pete Ricketts’ promised veto. Members of the unicameral body gave final approval to the bill with a 32-15 vote. At a news conference a week earlier, Archbishop George J. Lucas of Omaha joined about 15 religious leaders, priests and women religious in calling for an end to the death penalty in the state. Noting that all life is sacred, Archbishop Lucas said he was pleased and privileged “to join friends from other faith communities at this important moment.” The archbishop also noted he was representing the Nebraska Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the state’s three Catholic bishops. There are currently 11 prisoners on death row in Nebraska. According to a posting on the Catholic conference’s website, a total of 37 people have been executed in Nebraska since it became a state in 1867. Thirtyfour took place before 1972, the year the U.S. Supreme Court put a moratorium on use of the death penalty. After the high court restored the death penalty in 1976, the state executed three men: Harold Otey in 1994, John Joubert in 1996 and Robert Williams in 1997. Nebraska lawmakers voted in 1979 to prohibit capital punishment, but then-Gov. Charlie Thone vetoed the measure and the Legislature did not have enough votes to override it. Unity in Church, families is a grace to request from God, pope says VATICAN CITY — Sowing division in the Church and in families is one of the devil’s favorite things and it goes directly against Jesus’ will for all his followers, Pope Francis said. Jesus prays “for the unity of his people,” but he knows that “the spirit of the world” is a “spirit of division, war, envy, jealousy, including in families, in religious communities and in dioceses and the whole Church; it’s a great temptation,” the pope said May 21 during his early morning Mass. In his homily at the Mass in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, Pope Francis said the devil’s main weapons for sowing division are gossiping and labeling others. “Each person is how he or she is, but try to live in unity,” the pope said. “Has Jesus forgiven you? Forgive all others.” The Gospel for the day, John 17:20-26, contains Jesus’ farewell prayer for his disciples, including his prayer that his followers would be one. There is no such thing as a church held together with “glue,” the pope said. Rather, unity is “a grace from God” and the result of a “struggle” on earth. “We must give the Spirit space to transform us into one, like the Father and the Son are one.” This is a challenge for all Christians: to not allow room for division among us, to not let the spirit of division, the father of lies, enter into us,” he said. “Always seek unity.” Court denies archdiocese, co-plaintiffs a rehearing in HHS lawsuit WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court in a 6-3 ruling May 20 denied a petition for rehearing filed by the Washington Archdiocese and its co-plaintiffs in their ongoing legal challenge to the Health and Human Services contraceptive mandate. Filed in late December 2014, the petition asked the full U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to reconsider “the deeply flawed decision” issued earlier by a three-judge panel that conflicted with judicial precedent in ruling that the mandate does not violate the rights of religious objectors. The petition cited last year’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, in which the high court said the chain of arts and crafts stores need not comply with a federal mandate to include a full range of contraceptives in employee health insurance. The archdiocese and its co-plaintiffs, including Priests for Life, cited asked for relief from the mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA. A May 21 statement from the archdiocesan officials said the archdiocese and its co-plaintiffs planned to petition the Supreme Court to review “the D.C. Circuit’s erroneous decision, and we remain hopeful that final disposition of this case will vindicate religious freedom and rights of conscience. The archdiocese and its affiliates remain committed and determined to serve others freely in accordance with the Catholic faith,” it said. “It is precisely because of this faith that local Catholic entities are the largest nongovernmental provider of social services in this region.” Under the federal Affordable Care Act, most employers, including religious ones, are required to cover employees’ artificial birth control, sterilization and abortion-causing drugs, even if employers are morally opposed to such coverage. With Vatican II, world became ‘horizon for the Church’ WASHINGTON — The Second Vatican Council opened the Church to the world in ways essential to the faith community’s self-understanding today, said speakers at a May 21-24 international, ecumenical and interreligious conference in Washington. The Church is a mystery and a communion, but it is not “self-centered,” Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, told the conference. He said, “The Church focused on itself will lose its identity.” When Pope Francis underscores the importance of witnessing to Christ in the world and recognizing the dignity “of human beings who have been forgotten,” he is not expressing “a new idea” but is reminding people of Vatican II, said Cardinal Tagle. The Church’s opening to the world is neither “a strategy” nor “a fad,” the cardinal stated. It involves “the identity of the Church.” The cardinal spoke May 22 at Jesuit-run Georgetown University to the ninth conference of Ecclesiological Investigations, an international network of scholars that fosters dialogue among people of differing churches and religions, and with others of goodwill. The Washington conference was a collaborative initiative of Ecclesiological Investigations, Georgetown University, Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia, and Washington National Cathedral, the cathedral of the Episcopal Church in the U.S. capital. NORTHERN KENTUCKY MONUMENT 3701 Winston Avenue • Covington, KY (Ritte’s Corner in Latonia) Customized/Personalized Service • Cemetery Lettering, Vases •Bronze and Granite Markers www. (859) 291-6657 Evening Appointments Available 24 May 29, 2015 Messenger Blessed Romero ‘another brilliant star’ belonging to church of Americas cles are needed for sainthood — one for beatification and the second for canonization. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — Some thought this Father Turcios said by studying Blessed Romero’s day would never arrive. Others hoped and some always life, others will discover all the Gospel truths that led knew it would. him to defend life, the poor and the Church, and do On May 23, the Catholic Church beatified away with untruths surrounding his legacy. Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdamez of El During the country’s civil war that lasted from 1979 Salvador, who was assassinated in 1980 while celebratuntil 1992, some Salvadorans hid, buried and someing Mass, just a day after pleading and ordering soldiers times burned photos they had taken with or of to stop killing innocent civilians. Archbishop Romero, because it could mean others “Blessed Romero is another brilliant star that would call them communists or rebel sympathizers and put their lives in danger. Though he still has some detractors, Father Turcios said, the beatification can help others understand the reality and truth that others have known all along: Archbishop Romero “was loyal to God’s will, was loyal to and loved his people and was loyal to and loved the Church,” he said. One of the offertory gifts during the Mass May 23 was the book “De la locura a la esperanza” or “From Madness to Hope.” A document generated during the peace accords that ended the country’s 12-year war. It chronicles some of the greatest human rights atrocities committed in El Salvador during the conflict, including the killing and rape of four women religious from the U.S., the killing of priests, catechists, as well as massacres of unarmed civilians — more than 70,000 died in all. Priests, bishops and cardinals wore some form of a red vestment, signifying martyrdom. Their stoles were emblazoned with Archbishop Romero’s episcopal motto: “Sentir con la iglesia,” or “feel with the Church,” also translated as “to think with the Church.” The ceremony culminated a week in San Salvador that saw pilgrims, mainly from Latin America, but also from as far away as Singapore and many from the United States, who wanted to celebrate the occasion. Flowers, music, tears and happiness flowed at San Salvador’s Metropolitan Cathedral of the Holy Savior, where the archbishop is buried. He is officially Blessed Romero, but to others he already is and has been “San Romero,” or St. CNS photo/Oscar Rivera, EPA Romero of the Americas. Pilgrims gather for Archbishop Oscar Romero’s beatification Mass in the Divine Savior of the World square in Father Juan J. Navarro of Maracaibo, San Salvador May 23. Venezuela, said he visited the archbishop’s burial place to voice the many needs of his country. belongs to the sanctity of the church of the Americas,” of Havana; Jose Maestrojuan of David, Panama; Roger Food and freedom of expression are lacking, he said, said Cardinal Angelo Amato, head of the Vatican’s Mahony of Los Angeles; and Italian Cardinal Amato. and it’s a place with a similar situation to the one that Congregation for Saints’ Causes, during the ceremony Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, postulator of led to war in Archbishop Romero’s time. in San Salvador. “And thanks be to God, there are Archbishop Romero’s cause, also attended. “I asked for (Archbishop Romero) to intercede for many.” Their excitement couldn’t have been greater than our rights, to continue to inspire in us the will to go forWhile those who persecuted him have died or are in that of those like Father Estefan Turcios, pastor of El ward when the reality of life is serious,” he said. obscurity, “the memory of Romero continues to live in Salvador’s St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in For 81-year-old Salvadoran Gregoria Martinez de the poor and the marginalized,” Cardinal Amato said. Soyapango and national director of the Pontifical Jimenez, the beatification marked the official recogniHis homilies often pleaded for better conditions for Mission Societies in El Salvador. Before El Salvador’s tion of something she has known all along: “We finally the poor, for a stop to the escalating violence in the conflict, Father Turcios was imprisoned for defending have a saint who is one of ours,” she said as tears country and for brotherhood among those whose divithe rights of the poor. Archbishop Romero helped free flowed. sions ultimately led to a 12-year conflict. him. “He was a duplicate of Jesus,” added her daughter He’s not a symbol of division but one of peace, “There have been people inspired by Romero for 35 Maria Elena Jimenez Martinez, 44. Both women attendCardinal Amato said. years. How do you think they feel right now?” asked ed Archbishop Romero’s funeral, where smoke bombs In a message sent for the beatification, Pope Francis Father Turcios. went off and shots were fired. More than elation, they said Archbishop Romero “built the peace with the But just as he has devotees, Archbishop Romero has showed happiness mixed with sorrow that remains power of love, gave testimony of the faith with his life.” had detractors. from a painful time. Proof of that is the shirt he died in, soaked in blood, After his death, the Vatican received mounds of letJesuit Father Miguel Angel Vasquez Hernandez of after an assassin’s single bullet took his life. Eight deaters against Archbishop Romero, Archbishop Paglia Arcatao said the archbishop would probably have felt a cons and priests carried the blood-stained shirt, now a has said. And that affected his path toward sainthood, little taken aback with such a ceremony, which is relic, to the altar in a glass case. Others decorated it which includes beatification. But three decades after expected to cost about $1 million and was attended by with flowers and candles during the Saturday ceremohis assassination, Pope Benedict XVI cleared the archhundreds of thousands. ny. Several priests reached out to touch the case and bishop’s sainthood cause. The best way to honor him, he said, is to work for later made the sign of the cross. In February Pope Francis signed the decree recogpeace and justice in El Salvador and in other parts of In a time of difficulty in El Salvador, Archbishop nizing Archbishop Romero as a martyr, a person killed the world afflicted by poverty, war, violence, oppression Romero knew “how to guide, defend and protect his “in hatred of the faith,” which meant there is no need to and economic injustice. flock, remaining faithful to the Gospel and in communprove a miracle for beatification. In general two miraRhina Guidos Catholic News Service ion with the whole Church,” the pope said in his message. “His ministry was distinguished by a particular attention to the poor and marginalized. And at the time of his death, while celebrating the holy sacrifice, love and reconciliation, he received the grace to be fully identified with the one who gave his life for his sheep.” The event, at the square of the Divine Savior of the World, saw the attendance of four Latin American presidents and six cardinals including: Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga of Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Leopoldo Brenes of Managua, Nicaragua; Jaime Ortega