let´s expose them to everyone.
let´s expose them to everyone.
FICHA PARA CATÁLOGO PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO PEDAGÓGICA A LÍNGUA INGLESA E SUA LEITURA: uma prática interacionista sociodiscursista Autor MIRIAM ANDRADE DA ROCHA Escola de Atuação COLÉGIO ESTADUAL WANDIR DE ALMEIDA Município da escola CORNÉLIO PROCÓPIO Núcleo Regional de Educação CORNÉLIO PROCÓPIO Orientador ELIANE SEGATI RIOS REGISTRO Instituição de Ensino Superior UENP Disciplina/Área (entrada no PDE) LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA ( INGLÊS) Produção Didático-pedagógica UNIDADE DIDÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA Relação Interdisciplinar FILOSOFIA, SOCILOGIA Público Alvo 3º ANO DO ENSINO MÉDIO Localização COLÉGIO ESTADUAL VANDYR DE ALMEIDA RUA CRISANTEMOS S/N JARDIM PANORAMA Apresentação: Tendo em vista que os problemas sociais estão presentes em nossa vida diária e que os mesmos ultrapassam os limites da linguagem, esta produção didático-pedagógica tem por objetivo sensibilizar os alunos do ensino médio acerca dos problemas sociais utilizando como objeto de ensino o gênero denúncia em língua inglesa. Para tanto, utilizamos os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999/2003/2009) e o desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas (DOLZ; SCHNEUWLY, 2004) para o ensino do gênero em questão. Palavras-chave ( 3 a 5 palavras) LÍNGUA INGLESA , JUSTIÇA SOCIAL,ISD, DENÚNCIA, CIDADANIA. Introdução Esta unidade tem por objetivo elencar os gêneros “foto-denúncia,” “reportagem-denúncia”, “vídeo-denúncia”, “filme-denúncia,” como nosso objeto de ensino e, a partir disso, conscientizar nossos alunos sobre os problemas atuais que estão presentes nas mais diversas esferas sociais, preparando nosso educando para enfrentá-los com mais postura e determinação. Com base na investigação teórico-metodológica do interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART 1999/2003/2009), utilizamos os gêneros denúncia nas suas mais diversas formas de expressão com o intuito de promover a aprendizagem como forma de desenvolvimento humano. Por meio das imagens impactastes propostas, buscamos permitir que o aluno saia dos bancos escolares e caminhe rumo a um mundo mais consciente, exercendo seu papel de promover uma cidadania mais igualitária. De modo a contemplar as atividades de forma eficiente, buscamos, para o desenvolvimento de nossas sequências, os aportes de Dolz e Schneuwly (2004) no que tange à sequência didática. Para tanto, consideramos as capacidades de linguagem como constitutivas das atividades aqui apresentadas. Tais capacidades de linguagem são compostas pelas capacidades de ação, capacidades discursivas e linguístico-discursivas. Na primeira, consideramos todo o entorno social e didático referente ao gênero. Na segunda, observamos o seu layout e estrutura e, por fim, na terceira, privilegiamos os aspectos linguísticos mais predominantes, visando buscar novas formas de desenvolver pedagogicamente os conteúdos sem perder a motivação dos alunos. As capacidades citadas deverão contribuir para o desenvolvimento critico tanto do professor quanto dos alunos, contribuído para a formação de cidadãos críticos e reflexivos. LET´S EXPOSE THEM TO EVERYONE. http://www.unicef.org/violencestudy/childfriendly.html 1) Look at the sentences below. Do you agree with them? a) Drugs and alcohol were the cause of Amy´s death. ( ) YES ( ) NO b) The cutting of trees made the global warming get worse and worse. ( ) YES ( ) NO c) Supermarkets waste the food instead of donating it. ( ) YES ( ) NO d) Some politicians steal public money. ( ) YES ( ) NO e) Newspaper contains a searing expose of corruption. ( ) YES ( ) NO 2) Why would a person write something like that? What for? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3) Look at the speech balloons below. A public report of the facts about a situation, especially one that is shocking or has been kept secret. Do you know what exposé is? Source:http://dictionary.ca mbridge.org/dictionary/br itish/expose_1?q=EXPO S%C3%89 http://www.toonpool.com/user/856/files/boy_and_girl_864665.jpg 4) Do you agree with the above definition? Why? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5) Now, in pairs, create your own definition for this word. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6) Look at the pictures below and fill in with the themes DONORS - RECYCLE - VIOLENCE AGAINST THE CHILD - DRUGS GLOBAL WARMING - ENDANGER ANIMALS – ANOREXIA AND BULIMIA – WARNING - HUNGER - SMOKE A)______________________________ B)_______________________________ C)______________________________ D)_______________________________ E)______________________________ F)_______________________________ G)_____________________________ H)______________________________ I)______________________________ J)_____________________________ 7) What are these exposés showing? ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Global warming will affect us all ) We don’t have enough donors. ) You can lose more than your patience. ) Perfect girl. New! Super skinny. ) There’s no such a thing as an old junkie. Take back your future. ) Stop contaminating your body. ) Would you care more if it happened on your own doorsteps? ) Watch for cars when wearing headphones ) Recycle. ) Don’t buy exotic animals souvenirs 8) Watch the videos and match them with the themes. Video 1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n94-TVhC4Kc Video 2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJ0kowbJvs Video 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_BF8l-tT0g&feature=related 9) Where can you find an exposé? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10) What can be inferred from the titles? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 11) Which kind of information does an exposé present? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12) Write down the organization responsible for the above exposés: 01) _________________________ 06)__________________________ 02) _________________________ 07)__________________________ 03) __________________________ 08)__________________________ 04)__________________________ 09)__________________________ 05)__________________________ 10)__________________________ 13) Answer the questions about the pictures from the newspaper below. Avaliable: <http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=NY_NYT&ref_pge=map &tfp_map=USA> acessado em: 2/08/2011 a) Who wrote the article? b) What is it about? c)Where did the fact happen? http://www.optify.net/wp-content /uploads/2010/07/boy_with_camera.jpg d) To whom is this notice? e) When was this notice written? a)___________________________________________________ b)___________________________________________________ c)___________________________________________________ d)___________________________________________________ e)___________________________________________________ 14) In groups of three, choose a piece of newspaper (attached 1) and answer the same questions in exercise 13. a)_____________________________________________________________ b)_____________________________________________________________ c)_____________________________________________________________ d)_____________________________________________________________ e)_____________________________________________________________ 15) Look at some synonyms for exposé: http://www.visualthesaurus.com/l anding/?ad=cdo&utm_medium=d efault&utm_campaign=VT&utm_s ource=cdo&word=expose acessadp 30/07/2011 16) Match these words with their definition 1) Display 2) Uncover 3) Let out 4) Divulge 5) Unmasking 6) Bring out 7) Endanger 8) Desolate 9) Unwrap 10) Disclose ( ) to make something secret known ( ) to show the bad and previously hidden, truth about someone or something. ( ) to arrange something or a collection of things so that they can be seen by the public. ( ) to tell people information that was secret. ( ) an arrangement of things in a public place to inform, entertain people or advice something for sale. ( ) to discover something secret, hidden or remove something covering something else. ( ) when something that people go to, such as school or a show, lets out, it ends and everyone leaves ( ) to remove the paper or other covering from something. ( ) to put someone or something at risk, in danger of being harmed, damaged or destroyed. ( ) to show the bad, and previously hidden, truth about someone or something. ( ) to make something known publicly, or to show something that was hidden. 17) Choose five synonyms for exposé and make sentences with them. 1)__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2)__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3)__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4)__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5)__________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 18) Search words BRING OUT- ENDANGER - DISCOVER – DISCLOSE - DISPLAY- DIVULGE FOR SAKE – LET OUT- UNMASKING – UNWRAP -UNCOVER – REVEAL U A S E Y F P O T L Y N G J W O K Y V E Z X M U D K K P T T D S U A I S J T E O I T D S S A B M N U S Q A U C K R H D T C E J K L E I Y A F O P H Q O X N N N T V T U W S B G J G U E P O L E O O R E P R E V E A L U Y R L F T D O V E T T P A H W R D Z P J U U T T A A I T Q Y Y H E Y T N V U H O M G R U T H U N C O V E R I E O L W F G A A U N R A G R H Q W H J C R K E A P T S T R V D I S P L A Y A S A G O I N G P H Y S H O A H T E U D A R 19) Some words from the contextual map have affix, prefix and suffix. Do you know what these words mean? Look at the balloons below and fill in the blanks. PREFIX AFFIX SUFFIX http://www.allfreelogo.com/images/vector-thumb/cartoon-school-teacherprev12622909990Alo73.jpg Acessado em 25/07/2011 1) ____________ a letter or group of letters added to the beginning or end of a word to change its meaning. 2) ____________ a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. 3) ____________ a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to make another word. HAPPY UNHAPPY http://dclips.fundraw.com/400dir/azieser_S miley_-_Yellow.gif acessado 27/07/2011 http://www.gettyicons.com/freeicons/112/ must- have/png/256/negative_256.png acessado 27/07/2011 Here are some affix, prefix and suffix important for you to know. Suffix: Less - ful – ness- ing- er Prefix: Un – dis - en – des –re - for Affix you can use both, the prefix and the suffix together. Examples: She was unable to take the pressure and was forced to quit the course. The dog looked dangerous, but in fact it was quite harmless. Many people regard photographers as having an attractive job. He was seriously injured in the crash. 20) Look at the contextual map and complete the chart: Prefix Affix Suffix Meaning Project work 1) Watch the film Erin Broncovitch. Which kind of exposé is showed? 2) What can you do to avoid that? 3) In pairs, surf on the net and look for different kinds of exposé. Visit: Greenpeace www.greepeace.org.com BBC www.bbc.co.uk WWF www.wwf.org CNN www.cnn.com and choose a topic. 4) Attention to the elements you have to keep in mind: a) Analyze the context b) Write some phrases related to the topic. c) Prepare a slogan about your case. Don’t forget to include photos. 5) Share in the classroom and post on the school blog. ATTACHED 1 Source: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=IA_TG&ref_pge=map&tfp _map=USA Sourceshttp://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=AUS_SMH&ref_ pge=map&tfp_map=Oceania Source:http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=NEWZ_DP&ref_ pge=map&tfp_map=Oceania http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=KS_WE&ref_pge=map&tf p_map=NorthAmerica : Source:http://www.ne wseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=TX_TE&ref_pge=map&tfp_map=USA http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=TN_JS&ref_pge=map&tfp _map=USA http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?ref_pge=p_page http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?ref_pge=p_page http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=CA_VTD http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=KS_WE&ref_pge=map&tfp_map =USA Source: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=OH_MT http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=MA_TE&ref_pge=map&tf p_map=USA http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=CO_FCC&ref_pge=map&t fp_map=USA REFERÊNCIAS: BRONCKART, J. P. Atividade de linguagem, textos e discursos: por um sociointeracionismo discursivo. Trad. Anna Raquel Machado e Péricles Cunha. São Paulo: EDUC, 1999/2003/2009. GOVERNO DO ESTADO DO PARANÁ. Diretrizes curriculares de língua estrangeira moderna para a educação básica, Curitiba: SEED, 2007. SCHNEUWLY, B.; DOLZ, J. Os gêneros orais e escritos na escola. São Paulo: Mercado das Letras, 2004. SITES: Disponível http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/flash/ Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=IA_TG&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em12/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=AUS_SMH&ref_p ge=map&tfp_map=Oceania acessado em 12/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpvname=NEWZ_DP&ref_pg e=map&tfp_map=Oceania acessado em12/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=KS_WE&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=NorthAmerica acessado em14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=TX_TE&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 17/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=CA_SBDS&ref_pg e=map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=NEWZ_NZH&ref_ pge=map&tfp_map=Oceania acessado em 14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=KS_WE&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=TN_JS&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=CA_VTD&ref_pge =map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=MA_TE&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=CO_FCC&ref_pge =map&tfp_map=USA acessado em 17/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/pop_up.asp?fpVname=OH_MT&ref_pge= map&tfp_map=USA acessado em14/07/2011 Disponível: http://www.youtube.com/ acessado 20/07/2011 VÍDEOS Disponível: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n94-TVhC4Kc acessado 20/072011 Disponível http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIJ0kowbJvs acessado 20/072011 Disponível http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_BF8l-tT0g&feature=related acessado 20/072011 FILME: ERIN Brockovich. Uma mulher de talento. Produzido por Danny DeVito, Michael Shamberg Stacey Sher. Produtores exclusivos John Hardy, Carla Santos Shamberg. Escrito por Susannah Grant. Dirigido Steven Soderbergh. Julia Robert, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart, Marg Helgenberger .USA , 2000 Jersey Films: Columbia Pictures e Universal Studio. 145min, DVD, NTSC, Dolby Digital, color.