Summer 2015
Summer 2015
Summer 2015 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER Mission Statement No. 42 The intention is to project a positive image of Hedingham, provide news and information to all residents without editorializing or taking sides Hedingham Has a New Manager Dan Quartermane has retired from our Community and we all wish him well in his endeavors. Lena Deptolla has stepped up to the role of Community Manager after 3 years as the Hedingham Community Assistant Manager. Lena is looking forward to continuing to support the community and has been thankful to be able to continue to use her knowledge of the community and work with Hedingham residents. Santa Claus is Coming to Hedingham We just got word from the North Pole that Santa Claus will be in Hedingham on Saturday, December 5th from 12 PM to 4 PM. Santa will have a treat for all the girls and boys so come out and enjoy a fun day. Doorstep Produce Farmer's Market will be onsite taking orders for Christmas boxes. Welcome Hedingham’s New Assistant Manager Please extend a warm welcome to Carlie Cobbett, Assistant Community Manager for Hedingham Community Association. Carlie has worked in Homeowners Association Management for the past 5 years in the triangle area as well as in Fort Collins, CO. She has a broad knowledge base and has managed townhomes, single family homes, mixed use, and condos. Carlie has earned both the CMCA and AMS designations from CAI. In her spare time Carlie can be found attending concerts, relaxing at the beach, or getting muddy on her fourwheeler! So the next time you are at the Athletic Center, please be sure to stop by and say hello. Attention All Townhome Residents Townhome residents- please make sure no items are left on your lawn on the day mowing takes place. Please do not keep any items in the grass so that you may avoid potential damage. If you fail to remove all items, the crews will not be able to mow. Neighborhood Committee Member Elections If you own a home in Districts 1,3,5,7,9,11 There are 11 neighborhoods in Hedingham. Each of these neighborhoods is to elect a three member Neighborhood Committee to represent their districts homeowners on all things requiring a vote. The Neighborhood Committees are the voice of the homeowners in their District and are vital in making sure that those voices are heard. Each Neighborhood Committee appoints a Voting Member who will cast a single vote for Board Member Elections. They may also be involved in changing the Covenants and Bylaws, the borrowing of money and other matters requiring voting as outlined in the Covenants. If interested, please download a Neighborhood Committee Nomination Form on the Forms and Documents Page on or go to the Athletic Club and get a copy from the front desk. Help to do your part in making Hedingham one of the best communities to live in. This will need to be completed ASAP and is on the Agenda for the November Board Meeting. Official Hedingham Discussion Board The Official Hedingham Residents’ Discussion Group at is the place where you can stay informed, add your ideas, meet new people and get involved with your community. The Board is implementing a requirement that Discussion board participants use their real names. By doing so the goal is to have a friendly neighbor-toneighbor exchange of information and concerns. The use of one’s real name will encourage everyone to think about the content they are about to share with their fellow residents. Current members will have to update the Name field in their user profile to reflect their real name. Accounts with alias names will be deleted. Hedingham Hi-Milers 55+ Social Group Hi Milers meet once a month on the second Tuesday at 10 AM at the Willow Oak Clubhouse. We have guest speakers, take trips, lunch/dinner, museum, wine tour, parties, etc. Life is good! Come join us. We just toured Sylvan Heights Bird Park in Scotland Neck, a wonderful place to see exotic birds. On November 10th we’re taking a wine tasting tour and lunch at Cloer Family Vineyards in Apex; and on December 11th, we’re having our Holiday Party at the Willow Oak Clubhouse. For information, please contact [email protected]. Page 2 Board Member Elections Elections for two open Community Association Board positions are being scheduled for a two year term beginning January 2016. Board meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month. Most other Board business is conducted via email. If you are interested, please contact Lena Deptolla, Community Manager at 919-231-9050, ext. 24 or by email at [email protected]. Visit our website to get the Board Member Nomination Form located in the “Forms and Documents” section. Submit the form ASAP to be considered during the next board meeting on November 18, 2015. Let your Neighborhood Representative know which candidates you support for these important positions. Each Neighborhood Voting Representative will cast a ballot on behalf of their district and the results will be announced on the website. Golf Committee The Golf Committee is pleased to announce the recipients of eight scholarship to deserving Hedingham residents. They are: Elijah Baker, Brianna Bulgarino, Marisa Buonpane, Morgan Buonpane, Olivia Gilleland, Lindsey Robertson, Justin Smith, and Joshua Williams. To date, this committee has awarded over $12,000 in scholarships through The Memorial Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Thank you to all who participated and donated. H E D I NG H A M C O M M U N I TY NE WS LE T TE R —S U M M E R 20 1 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank NO . 4 2 Page 3 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID RALEIGH NC PERMIT #1854 HEDINGHAM COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER 2551 Southall Road Raleigh, N.C. 27604 HCA Office: 919-231-9050 YORK Security: 919-828-7677 Important Contacts Fall Festival Community Manager (Lena Deptolla ) 919-231-9050, ext. 24 [email protected] Assistant Community Manager (Carlie Cobbett) 919-231-9050, ext. 23 Athletic Center (Front Desk) 919-231-9050, ext. 22 Officer Harrelson (Community Officer) 919-278-6342 [email protected] YORK Security 919-828-7677 [email protected] Golf Club 919-250-3030 Police (non-emergency) 919-831-6311 Duke Energy (power outage) 919-508-5400 Duke Energy (street light outage) 1-800-419-6356 PSNC Energy (gas) 1-877-776-2427 NC One Call Center (mark utility lines) 1-800-632-4949 Solid Waste Services 919-996-6890 (trash, recycling, bulk pickups)
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