How the Game is played
How the Game is played
How the Game is played How the Game is played Part One - Background There are many technical Game books out there. Chances are you’ve arrived at my book after a long search that has left your hard drive stuffed with downloaded DVD instructional guides and your Kindle choked with scrappy PDFs on “online game”, “dance floor game”, “becoming an alpha male” and so on. Every man and his dog has a product and the harsh reality is that most of these products are junk. Sure, there’s a kernel of truth in most products-an idea or two worth taking on board- but it is mostly dross The advice you are reading is just plain wrong. You probably already know it, feeling it in your gut. “I’m not going to wear a fluffy hat and black nail polish” “When I go to a night club I don’t want to be high-fiving the bouncer, talking to all the bartenders and then making conversation with every group in the room to build social value” “You mean I have to go out and get fifty girls’ numbers, invite them to a sleazy club, herd them to a VIP table and then sit in the middle of my entourage playing them all off against each other?” Fortunately, no, you don’t. Meeting and seducing girls is not about convoluted strategies, and you shouldn’t have to talk to and befriend a bunch of people you have no interest in just to set up talking to the girls that do interest you. Fundamentally, picking up a girl is just about you and her. You are not manipulating her with social dynamics 14 The Context nor are you building a mountain of value (e.g. an ecosystem, which is a small social circle designed to make you look good) that you stand atop. When I seduce girls, I do it alone and without a complex plan.. I approach her and strike a conversation, and that’s all I need. That’s what I’m going to show you. I am willing to bet that something more than idle speculation compelled you to buy this product. You want to become more attractive to women. And not just any woman, but the type of woman that will attract and inspire you. She will have the kind of look, energy and character you love. First, let me give you a few harsh truths. I’m not going to hold your hand and tell you that I have found a simple solution for picking up women or getting the girl of your dreams to fall in love with you; this book embraces reality in every approach presented. It’s a jungle out there, a raw Darwinistic battleground of every man for himself , so you need to accept that and apply your best efforts. . You want that girl? - So does every other guy. She’s a hot, young girl with a sweet smile and tight ass so of course she’s in high demand, and she’s not going to sleep with just anyone. Getting a beautiful young woman to engage with you, sleep with you, and stick around in your life is a major achievement that is beyond most men. Here’s the reality: High value women sleep with high value men. You can’t get every girl; if you think you can, you will be disappointed. There is no foolproof system or magical incantation to guarantee getting that smoking hot girl into your bed. She’s going to assess her options and pick the best man for her based on what she likes and what she wants at this point in her life. But what you can do is maximise your chances that she wants you. More specifically, you can maximise your chances that girls like her will want you. Then, you can maximsie your chances that once you are talking to her you can move it along without fucking up. It is all part of a process. Over the last 20 years, I have been on a long journey of self-improvement, and I have found that if you want to attract high quality women, you first need to become high quality yourself. Strategies matter but they are not the be-all-and-end-all. They are not even the most important thing. Most of what attracts women is determined before you even walk up and talk to her. Fortunately, for you, becoming a high quality man is a process. It is not a state determined at birth nor fixed in stone upon university graduation. There’s a clear path to becoming high quality, and that’s the path I outline in this book. I became successful with women in my twenties, but I have friends who did it in their mid-thirties and even later. It is never too late to walk the path. There is a lot for you to work on. You can get some of the basics handled quickly (see my thirty day action plan) but if you’re an ambitious man with designs on pulling prime tottie you better commit yourself to the long haul. I am talking about four to five years of focused, self-disciplined hard graft. This is what you’ll be working on: 15 Primal seduction ·· ·· ·· · Mindset Belief system Fashion Aesthetics Tactics and techniques Social skills Calibration to your environment There’s no magic bullet in there. No magic pill or secret system. It is a holistic approach to a completely redesign yourself as a man. This book teaches you how to improve in all of these critical areas, in a practical way. Men reading this book will be at all stages in their life, at all levels of the sexual market totem pole (the ranking of men from highly desirable to completely unattractive). To use a car analogy, if you drive your rusty old Ford Cortina into this garage it’ll drive out again as a flashy Audi TT. If you’re lucky enough to be coming to me with a street legal Porsche 911 I’ll have you driving out in a Red Bull F-1 car! Follow the steps and strategies outlined in this book, and make the decision that you are going to get “women” sorted no matter what. After that, I promise you that you can be in a very different place with women than you are right now. Guaranteed. 16 The Context Why is this book different from what’s already available? What is it that Steve’s doing which the other guys aren’t doing, which can be successful? The main thing we’re going to see from this book is that it’s an expression of Sigma Game. Whereas most pick up theory is telling you to be the alpha male, Primal Seduction is telling you what to do if you’re the sigma male. Let’s first explain the difference between sigma and alpha. There is a male hierarchy, where men stratify themselves on a totem pole, and the higher up the totem pole you are the more rewards of life, social and sexual, accrue to you. That’s why everybody wants to be the king, the chief executive, or the rock star. It’s common to split the typology that originally came from zoologist’s studies of primates, which is you have an alpha, you have a beta and you have an omega. The alpha is the king, the leader of the troop, the head lion and everybody else follows him. He lays down the law and the females naturally gravitate towards him because as the leader he is sexually attractive. He is best able of all the males to impose himself onto the world both in accruing scarce resources and in determining how the troop will live. The woman who successfully aligns with the king gets to live like a queen. The mass of the population below that are the beta males. They are the followers, they are the cubical drones, they are the normal guys and they follow the alpha. They’re fighting over the women that the alpha doesn’t want, the left-overs. The alpha gets first pick and the betas get the rest. There are not many alphas and each one can only deal with so many women, so there will be some hot girls in the left-over pile. Nonetheless, there’s basically a surfeit of males relative to the small population of younger-hotter-tighter females and that’s why most men, being beta, experience women as something that has to be chased, as something you have to qualify to and as getting lucky when you get one. In contrast the alpha lives in abundance with the women chasing him. Then at the very bottom of the pile you have the omega male. They are the socially invisible, the losers, the dregs, the guys living in their mum’s basement playing World of Warcraft. These men experience women primarily through internet porn and escort agencies. That’s how the pick up sphere naturally characterizes men. What naturally flows from this typology is: if you want to be better with women, you need to become “more alpha.” Most books are designed to either mimic the behaviours of an alpha male or to transform yourself to actually become him. Now, the problem here is that with a lot of men, 17 Primal seduction this personality doesn’t fit. A lot of men don’t want to be the alpha male, because being the alpha male basically requires you to be extroverted. It requires you to go into social situations and dominate them. It requires you to achieve dominance over men, which means you have to deal with other men. It requires you to have a static social circle which feeds you. For example, doing lifestyle game or being the head hippy in a commune, the rock star in a band or CEO of a company, or the VIP table host in the Vegas club. What these all have in common is they are static social environments that you insert yourself into and then dominate until you become the leader. So that has a couple of limitations for some men. Some men don’t want to stay in one place. They like to travel and feel more nomadic. The trouble with these static social constructions is if you leave them, they’re gone; you no longer harness their power as the resident alpha and you have to build a new one. Another problem is what if you’re introverted and just don’t want to hang around all these people all of the time? What happens then is you can’t do an extrovert’s game, because you just can’t be bothered. I personally really can’t hang with men for an extended period. When you actually look at the weekly schedules of the guys who harness this extraverted game, they frequently go out four times a week and have a particular club on lock-down or a particular social scene on lock-down. For me personally I just can’t be bothered. I’ve got other things to do; I want to read my books. I want to play video games. I want to travel. I don’t want to work all week earning the money necessary to fund the financial extravagance of a party weekend – I’d rather have free time all week and pull women for the price of a coffee. So this creates a natural problem in game - if you’re a sigma male and everybody is telling you that the way to be good with women is to be alpha there’s an incongruence there. You’re immediately putting on an act that doesn’t fit and wearing clothes that don’t suit. What is a sigma male? He is a man who lives outside the hierarchy. He does his own thing and dances to his own beat. The best examples are in movies. Think of Clint Eastwood’s character in A Fistful of Dollars. He rolls up to town on his horse where there are established alphas, the two Mexican gangs, and then he goes in and plays them off against each other. He leaves with the gold and the woman. Think of Wolverine in X-Men. He’s the drifter living in a cabin in the woods, coming into the mining town sporadically to make money and drink whisky. There are many, many characters of this type and they are all super cool. Tyler Durden’s first character in the beginning of Fight Club is a maverick living in an industrial-zone dilapidated house and selling soap from fat stolen from the toxic waste of liposuction clinics. The sense is that he’s outside of the hierarchy, he doesn’t play by the social rules, he doesn’t try and construct lifestyle ecosystem. 18 The Context He just does his thing. Steve has lived a nomadic life in many countries and many cities around the world. When he goes out to nightclubs to pick up girls, he often goes to a club where nobody knows him from Adam and then builds it all himself on that night to get the girl. When he does daygame he wanders around, the bar, the café, the shops, the street, and he just goes and picks up the girl with nothing more than the shirt on his back. For the sigma male, everything he needs is carried within him. It’s very, very portable. Now, that creates its own set of challenges and opportunities. You can hop on a flight to Bulgaria, spend one week in Sofia and fuck some girls. That’s the upside. The downside is that everything has to come from you. You can’t get a system funneling value to you. You can’t get a bunch of monkeys to run around town casting young girls to be models for your agency then arrange “casting” sessions. You can’t sit as a big man in your VIP club with your Ferrari outside and expect the girls to come. Whereas the alpha can patiently construct a mountain of value to sit atop, the sigma does everything fast, by himself. That’s demanding. 19
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