CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC. VETTE GAZETTE OCTOBER 2015 Sponsored by CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT, INC. P.O. Box 120236 East Haven, CT 06512 CONGRATULATIONS RICK! In the April 2013 issue of the Vette Gazette, there was an article in the Member News about Rick Wasserback’s purchase of a 2003 40th Anniversary Corvette. Rick has now achieved NCRS Top Flight status with 98.6 points out of 100. 2015 CLUB CORVETTE OF CONNECTICUT CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT Jack Stacey VICE PRESIDENT Stan Griskewicz VICE PRESIDENT Les Browne TREASURER Rick Wasserback SECRETARY Don Truitt DIRECTOR Mary Griskewicz DIRECTOR Steve Widger CAR SHOW Ed Karedes CAR SHOW Mike D’Avino EVENTS Linda Stevens WEBSITE Les Browne GOOD & WELFARE Ann Krajewski VETERANS’ AFFAIRS Dennis Krajewski NEWSLETTER Roy Master Les Browne MEMBERSHIP Mary & Stan Griskewicz TECH ADVISOR Bob Wadyka NCM AMBASSADOR Kurt Rider CLASSIFIEDS John Giorgio CLUB CLOTHING Rich & Rhonda Forristall Mike & Renee Dansereau PUBLICITY & Advertising George Macary FACEBOOK Mike Dansereau YAHOO GROUP Mike Dansereau [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] AGENDA – NOVEMBER 3, 2015 at 7:00 PM Burrata’s Restaurant (formerly SBC) 850 W. Main Street (Rt. #1) Branford, CT 203/481-2739 PLEASE BRING A NON-PERISHABLE FOOD ITEM FOR THE CONNECTICUT FOOD BANK TO THE MEETING PLEASE TURN OFF CELL PHONES PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE WELCOME NEW MEMBERS OCTOBER MINUTES TREASURER’S REPORT CORRESPONDENCE OLD BUSINESS SPONSORS ELECTION 2015 RECENT EVENTS A) Vettes in the Village B) Columbus Day Parade C) Sponsor Appreciation Day D) Branford Community Dining Room CORVETTE MUSEUM CAR SHOW FACEBOOK/YAHOO GROUP VETTE GAZETTE CLUB CLOTHING NEW BUSINESS NOVEMBER EVENTS OTHER NEW BUSINESS/EVENTS OTHER BUSINESS 50/50 RAFFLE MOTION TO ADJOURN NOTE: Agenda is subject to change without notice ALL STAN & MARY JACK RICK JACK TBA DON TRUITT DENNIS/MEMBERS JACK & GEORGE MEMEBERS DENNIS KURT ED & MIKE MIKE ROY RICH & RHONDA/ MIKE & RENEE LES LES ALL RUSS & CLAIRE MEMBERS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Bob Dylan told us in the 60’s that “The times they are a-changing.” Of course, Dylan was talking about the socio-political times but I recently had an encounter which led me to believe that the times are a-changing, and not necessarily for the good. I teach a class titled “The 60’s” and in that class we talk a lot about that crazy decade, but I also often talk about that time period in my other classes. I once remarked that I was born in the 40’s, learned the basics in the 50’s, but will always be a child of the 60’s! I believe that many of us in the Corvette world can say pretty much the same thing. OK, maybe not being born in the 40’s but early to mid-1950’s is pretty similar. It was a simpler time and people respected authority and tried to live their lives right. We knew right from wrong and we did what was right. On a recent Saturday night I was volunteering at East Haven’s annual Fall Festival on the Green. As happens when large crowds are gathered in small places, an altercation involving two adult couples broke out right in front of me. What got my attention was that there was a baby carrier on the ground right between the combatants. Since I knew one of the individuals I got involved and had a hand in breaking up the fight before the police got involved. With that I looked at my wife, also a volunteer, and said, “Well, that’s enough excitement for one night. Let’s get out of here!” We had come with separate cars which were parked in the nearby parking lot of our local Stop N Shop. My wife’s car was parked a considerable distance from mine so I walked her to her car to make sure she was safe. She offered to drive me back to my truck but I told her I’d walk. It was drizzling but I had an umbrella. I unlocked my truck, got in, and was in the process of closing the umbrella when suddenly there was an arm against the inside of my door and someone saying, “Give me your money, motherf******.” I thought it was a joke at first and turned to see who was playing around only to have a gun placed against my forehead. Still not realizing what was going on, I looked at the individual for some type of recognition. He was a young man wearing very distinct glasses and a hoodie. Long story short, I gave him all the cash I had - it was only $19.00. He demanded my wallet, which I refused to hand over though I did show him it was empty. At this point he threw me my keys (which he had earlier snatched from my hand) at me and said, “Here’s your keys b****!” and was gone. I started my truck and put it in drive when I suddenly put it back into park and said to myself, “What did he just call me?” I turned and saw him heading back toward the Green and got out and followed him. He ran to a waiting pickup truck as I yelled to two police officers, “He’s got a gun!” The individual made his escape, but with a good description of the vehicle, the thieves were apprehended a short time later entering New Haven. As I write this I’m awaiting a court date and the return of my $19.00! Back to the beginning - I remember a time when you could leave your keys in your car, your windows open, and your doors unlocked. I have learned I need to be more aware of my surroundings, even if I think I’m somewhere safe. I learned the times they are a-changing! Peace, Jack Stacey MEMBER NEWS CLUB CORVETTE WELCOMES THE FOLLOWING NEW MEMBER: David Beale of Brookfield doesn’t have a Corvette presently but is looking for a 1965 – 1967. He has retired from construction management and wants to add Corvettes to his other hobbies of golf, house renovation, and history. We will add David to our Armed Forces Honor Roll. OTHER MEMBER NEWS The Forristalls are looking for a new home for their Crystal Red 09. It was recently replaced by this 2016, Long Beach Red Z51. Unlike George Sipprell, the ride home from New Hampshire was uneventful - just a few sprinkles to make it interesting. There was no need to turn on the windshield wipers, which was a good thing as Rich wasn’t sure where they were. Rhonda says, “Now it’s time for a matching wardrobe.” Lam and Ria Viores won a 1st place trophy in the C6 category at the Sikorsky show. This is very special to them because it’s the first time they won a trophy with their 2012 Grand Sport. Congratulations Lam and Ria! Ralph and Anne Corolla have a new baby. They recently sold their 1980 Corvette and now replaced it with a 1987. NCRS TOP FLIGHT JUDGING – by Rick Wasserback This was my first endeavor to have a Corvette judged by the NCRS for potential Top Flight status. I was fortunate enough to have Ron Goldberg to advise me on how best to prepare, and some tips from Don Byrne who had his car judged a few years ago. Judging manuals are available through the NCRS website for the model and year car that will be judged. The manual for the 1993 Corvette is 212 pages long and literally covers every nut, bolt, screw, washer, knob, wire, etc. from the front license plate all the way through to the rear license plate. There are three teams of judges, with two judges on each team, who dissect the interior, exterior, engine and under-carriage of the car. The judging lasts between four and five hours from start to finish. I reviewed every page and line-item of the judging manual and felt quite prepared for the judgment day. I consider myself somewhat of a veteran at car shows, having entered many over the past 25 years. I went to the NCRS judging site armed with only a bottle of detail spray and several microfiber towels. What else could I possible need? Upon arrival the owner of the car next to me, Ken Nelson, was dropping down the spare tire rack on his 1990 ZR1 and pulling out his perfectly detailed spare tire. Panic set in when he told me it is part of the judging process to check the rack and the numbers on the space saver spare and the wheel to be certain that they are the original GM issue for a Corvette. I had not brought a socket set with me so Ken proceeded to crawl under my car with me and helped drop down my spare tire to clean out the 22 years of dirt that had accumulated around my spare. It was impressive how all of the contestants helped each other throughout the day. The judging is very critical, but totally fair. While only a relatively small percentage of the cars judged that day were awarded top flight status, the judging sheets enable those achieving 2nd Flight to identify where they need to concentrate their efforts in hopes of attaining Top Flight status at the next NCRS judging. The good news is that I achieved 98.6 points out of 100 and now have Top Flight status! The judging manual was crucial to the 98.6 score that I received. The 1.4 point deductions were for items that I can correct but would be costly with little benefit, since I already achieved Top Flight status. The two most easily corrected deductions were for not having an original Delco Series 75 battery - obtainable through Restoration Battery in Chicago but quite expensive with the shipping, and for not having a Delco PF51 black oil filter on the car. I scoured the internet for one of these with no success and also spoke to scores of vendors at Carlisle in an attempt to find one. The best I could do was PF51 blue - not black, from Rock Auto who deals in hard-to-find replacement auto parts. Clark Okawa 11/01 Anne Corolla 11/16 Sandy Hague 11/03 Linda Stevens 11/16 Barb Uliano 11/03 Keith Edmonds 11/16 Betty Crouch 11/04 Kathy Ann Lupoli 11/19 Anthony Delano 11/04 Lisa Chickos 11/20 Fran Argo 11/04 Frank Lombardo 11/21 Sally Dowling 11/06 Edward Karedes 11/21 Ivan Chasnoff 11/07 Ken Molgard 11/22 Carol Truitt 11/07 Daniel Maldonado 11/22 Mike D’Avino 11/08 Frank Maltese 11/23 Lester Browne 11/09 Martin Merola 11/24 Nick Konon 11/09 Michael Chicos 11/25 Richard Stirlen 11/09 Joan Widger 11/27 Lisa Lancia 11/09 Debra Breski 11/28 Ann Marie Wagner 11/12 Richard Forristall 11/29 Darlene Guidetti 11/14 Peter Parisi 11/29 LAKE GEORGE – by Rhonda Forristall Ten Club members made their annual trek to Lake George for the Adirondack Nationals Hot Rod Show and Adirondack Corvette Show on Sept. 10. This is the 5th year I’ve taken this trip and the benefits are still the same. The Lake is beautiful, the ride up there is relatively short (just under 3 hours), and the event is just plain fun. There were some new cars and some old favorites but it is the creativity and workmanship that really impresses car guys. Bill Bretski sniffed so much burning rubber and high octane fuel that he just went a little crazy. He slipped into the parade on Canada Street (which is against the rules) and did a few burnouts himself. Of course, so did John Giorgio but one would expect no less of John. Between his sneakers and his low riding chair, Pat McPherson kept us all laughing. Laughter was the best medicine for hearts that were feeling the absence of John Vanderhoff who was the first member of our Club to discover this event and brought us all along. LIMEROCK PARK – SUNDAY IN THE PARK – by Roy Master After we met at Heavenly Donuts we cruised to the diner in Torrington for breakfast. Then we continued on to Limerock where we met up with a few more members of CCC (including Mike Dansereau and Erwin and Ellen Dressel who aren’t in this picture.) Oh, there’s Mike. He wanted to beat the old timers to the facilities after the long ride. Sterling Moss was on hand for autographs. Steve McQueen’s 1941 Chevy truck For me, the highlight of the day was a movie (in an air conditioned tent) about the history and the future of the Momo Mirage. In 1968 Peter Kalikow, a wealthy construction executive in New York, worked with several U.S. and European designers and manufacturers (including Alfred Momo of New York) to perfect his idea of the ideal luxury car. The power plant was a fuel injected Chevy 350 cubic inch engine and the body was built by Stanguellini. Three years later his Momo Mirage was on the cover of Road and Track magazine and was very successful at The New York International Auto Show. Four of his cars were on display at Limerock. According to the internet, he may have built five or six cars. Due to Italian labor unrest, European manufacturers raising his costs, and a downturn in the U.S. economy, Peter pulled out of the project. He didn’t want to pursue an unprofitable venture. The movie showed a wooden body buck at Automotive Restorations of Stratford, CT, which, according to the commentator after the movie, is being used to reverse-engineer the Momo Mirage and production is expected to begin again. Here’s a photo of the body buck with three Mirages in the background. RELAY FOR LIFE AT BRANFORD HIGH SCHOOL – by Roy Master Twelve CCC Vettes gathered at Burrata’s Restaurant on the morning of September 19. Then we took a short cruise past the Branford green to participate in the Relay For Life car show at Branford High School. Members Judith and Thomas Mautte met us at the School, since they live in Branford. This was the first year for this event and the organizers welcomed our suggestions about how to have a bigger show next year. Of course, we were glad to oblige. They were surprisingly organized, considering their decision to have a show on short notice. With the thirteen Corvettes from our Club and another three Corvettes arriving independently, about 25% of the show was Vettes. Jeff Petriccione won the 50/50 raffle. He deserved to win, with the large number of tickets that he bought to support the charity. There were some other interesting cars at Branford High School. This pickup truck had the engine in the rear and a Budweiser keg under the hood. The blue covers on the exhaust are Bud beer cans. I heard this Morgan arrive and I loved the sound of the engine. Under the hood was a Rover V8. According to CCC member Erwin Dressel, “That engine was designed and built by Buick during the 1960's. They had numerous development problems since it was an all-aluminum block engine. They sold the engine to Range Rover in 1965, who then engineered and corrected the trouble spots. Because it was a very light engine for its time, Morgan developed their Plus 8 around that engine.” This 1938 Chevy was converted to a 2-seater with right-hand drive. Note the long hood. The front half of the car was closed off and the front seats were placed in the rear. CRUISE, BLUES, & BREWS EVENT – by Kurt Ryder It was a beautiful Saturday morning on September 26 when ten members of Club Corvette of CT gathered at our monthly meeting location, Burrata’s in Branford. The occasion was the first annual Cruise, Blues, & Brews Car show at the Chester Fairgrounds, Chester, CT. The purpose of this show was to raise money by gathering together some of the antique and unique cars of the area to benefit the At-Risk Boys Fund. A car had to be 25+ years old or unique in its own right to enter the show. George Macary headed up this cruise so he checked and found out that our Corvette members could enter their cars even if they were not 25+ years old because “Corvettes are unique in their own right.” Nice! Therefore, we all entered our cars in the show, and what a show it was! When the time came to leave Burrata’s we had eight Corvettes and ten members. George decided to take a scenic route through the country roads of Connecticut. We travelled a very short distance on I-95 before exiting to our scenic route. We stayed on CT Rt. 80 most of the way, taking us to the Chester Fairgrounds. There were a fair number of cars when we arrived but as the day progressed the fairgrounds began to fill up. There were cars of all sorts, including antiques, hot rods, Corvettes, and trucks. Within each category were some very unusual vehicles. In my opinion, one of the most unusual vehicles was a Peterbuilt tractor with an extended frame. When it entered the fairgrounds virtually everyone stopped what they were doing to watch this very unusual vehicle. It was definitely devilish in appearance and a showstopper! Pat McPherson and Judy Townsend, members of Club Corvette, own another vehicle that attracted many people including Wayne Carini who helped sponsor the show. This was the first showing of their fully restored 1959 silver grey Corvette with Ramjet Fuel Injection. What a beaut! Judy had her picture taken with Wayne by the Corvette. The black Corvette with the Gullwing doors belongs to Jeff Trombetta. George drove his 1982 special edition. Other Club members who attended the show included Bob and Noreen Manzella, Harry Hart, Carl Lupoli, Rick Cross, and yours truly, Kurt Ryder. THE PURPLE PEOPLE EATER – by Roy Master The racing Corvette known as The Purple People Eater is of special interest to some Club Corvette members because they saw it in 2008 when we were invited to tour Lance Miller’s Corvette collection at his home in Carlisle, PA. Below are a few pictures that I took during that fantastic tour. If my memory is correct, he had 23 Corvettes (that we saw), a Porsche, a Cobra, and a Ferrari in his three garages. Lance Miller =========================================================================== “Purple People Eater” ‘59 Corvette Heads To Auction Posted By Chris Demorro On September 30, 2015 (8:34 am) In News Reprinted in the Vette Gazette with permission from the Editor of The first automotive race probably started as soon as the second car was ever sold, and since the earliest days of the automobile companies of every kind have sought to advertise their wares and services via racing sponsorships. But how do you stand out in a sea of similar looking and sounding race cars? For Nickey Chevrolet and its 1958 Corvette race car, the answer was a bright purple paint job that earned the racing Vettes the nickname “Purple People Eater” after the Sheb Wooley song of the same name. The fuel-injected 283 ci V8 was rated at 290 hp. Hemmings Auto Blog reports that the last of these, the 1959 Corvette named the Purple People Eater Mk. III, will head to the Barrett-Jackson auction block in Scottsdale, Arizona next January. As the story goes, Nickey Chevrolet was looking to get the most out of its advertising dollars, and so they graced this ‘59 fuel-injected Corvette with an unmistakable purple hue, helping it stand out amidst the many silver, white, and blue Corvettes that seemed unbearably popular. Outfitted with all the go-fast-goodies of the era including posi-traction and a heater delete, the car was campaigned until 1961, winning every single race except the last with driver Jim Jeffords at the wheel. After Jeffords retired from racing, the Purple People Eater Mk. III continued to race until 1971, when a young Chip Miller bought it at his first-ever swap meet for just $800. Today, the Purple People Eater Mk III. is immortalized in posters, magazine pages, and even diecast car models. Since being rediscovered the famous Vette has been restored, and it should easily command six figures when it crosses the auction block next January. It hits all the key points collectors look for in cars; it’s classic, rare, with a unique pedigree and a verifiable history. We expect big things from this Purple Corvette. Article taken from Corvette Online - URL to article: __,_ CLUB CORVETTE OCTOBER 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Oct 6th Club Corvette monthly meeting – 7:00 PM – Burrata’s Restaurant, Branford – formerly known as SBC Oct 11th Vettes in the Village – A Corvette Gathering at the Olde Mistick Village – Meet at Branford Rest Area I-95 North at 7:00 AM and leave at 7:30 AM – Drive-by pickup at the Madison Rest Area 7:45 – Dennis will lead this cruise. If you did not sign-up at the last meeting let Dennis know that you are attending. [email protected] Oct 11th Columbus Day Parade in East Haven – Meet at Jack Stacey’s house 11:30 AM – Will cruise from there to the marshalling area. If you need directions to Jack’s house contact him at: [email protected] Oct 17th Sponsor’s Appreciation Day at Dave McDermott’s Chevrolet – Come and support and thank our sponsors for all that they do for our Club. Arrival 9:00 AM – Lunch will be provided – People’s Choice trophies will be awarded by popular vote. Oct 25th Oct 27th Branford Dining Room – any questions contact Dennis at: [email protected] For directions and times refer to the attached flyer. E-Board Meeting 6:30 PM – Burrata’s UPCOMING EVENTS Nov 3rd Club Corvette monthly meeting – 7:00 PM – Burrata’s Restaurant, Branford – formerly known as SBC Nov 24th E-Board meeting 6:30 PM – Burrata’s Nov 22nd Branford Dining Room – any questions contact Dennis at [email protected] For directions and times refer to the attached flyer. Nov 26th Save these Dates Dec 6th Dec 12th Korvettes-for-Kids – Annual Toy Drive – Rain/snow date Dec 13th - Meet at McDermott’s 10:00 AM – Leave at 11:00 AM and cruise to the Bridgeport State Police Barracks 2015 Holiday Party at the Clinton Country Club – with live music 7:00 PM – Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres 8:00 PM – Station Buffet Dinner Cash Bar, DJ and Dancing all night Cost is $45.00 per person or $90.00 per couple – checks must be made out to Club Corvette of CT. They can be brought to either the November or December meetings or they can be mailed to: Rick Wasserback 140 White Sail Drive Southington, Ct. 06489 All reservations must be paid for not later than the December 1 meeting. For additional details refer to attached flyer. CORVETTE CRUISE NIGHT Allegra’s Restaurant – Dinner and conversation every Thursday evening starting at approximately 6:00 PM – join us!!!! 2015 FUTURE EVENTS If you have an idea for an event or cruise for the 2015/2016 seasons, contact Les Browne at: [email protected] to discuss your idea. For anyone who organizes an event, please either prepare a write-up for the newsletter after the event or ask someone in your group to do it. You don’t have to be concerned with the spelling or grammar - I’ll take care of that. That’s my job as editor. Send the article directly to my email. Do not send it through the Yahoo group. Thank you. Roy Master – [email protected] COORDINATOR: Dennis Krajewski - Telephone: 203-481-9439 Many members of the club volunteer to support this great need on the fourth Sunday of the month. We cook, serve, and clean up at the Branford Community Dining Room. This is a great community service so please consider helping out. The scheduled dates are as follows: (4th Sunday of every month except December when we will serve on the 3rd Sunday) October 25th November 22nd December 20th January 24th February 28th March TBD DIRECTIONS: Take 1-95 to Exit 54 (Cedar Street). At the bottom of ramp, turn right. Go to bottom of hill, you will be at a stop light with a mobile gas station on your left. Go straight through the light and you will pass St Mary’s School on your right. Continue straight until you cannot go any more. You have arrived at Main Street. Take a left on to Main and go to your 2nd left. This is Harrison Avenue. Take a left on Harrison. The Branford Community Dining Room is the 2nd parking lot on your left. Enter through the side door. Club Corvette of Connecticut 17th Annual Korvettes for Kids Cruise When: Sunday December 6th Rain Date: Sunday December 13th Meeting: 10:00 AM McDermott Chevrolet Leaving: 11:00 AM SHARP!!! ‘Have Unwrapped Toys, will Travel’ Again this year we will be led by Santa and a State Police escort down I-95 to Troop ‘G’ in Bridgeport. Last year the Club made many children happy during the holidays. We filled 50 Corvettes with toys which were delivered by the State Police throughout the area during the holiday season. This year let’s try to break that record with more than 50 Vettes. Non-Club Corvette owners are welcome to bring their Corvette with unwrapped toys and join our caravan. All we ask is that you e-mail us at: [email protected] to tell us that you are coming Come join the holiday fun!!!! After we have made our delivery we will adjourn to Rich and Claudia’s place across the street for Coffee an’ If you have any questions call George for details at 203.315.8661 Club Corvette of Connecticut Cordially invites all Club members to our Annual Holiday Party Saturday, December 12th 2015 Clinton Country Club Route 145, Old Westbrook Road Clinton, CT 06413 Phone: 860 669-6006 7:00 p.m. Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres 8:00 p.m. Stationed Buffet Dinner Carving Station - Prime Rib & Turkey Breast Pasta Station – Gemelli or Penne w/Vodka, Alfredo or Marinara Sauce with Broccoli, Chicken & Sausage Soup, Salad, and Vegetable Stations Desserts Served – Apple Crisp w/Ice Cream Coffee, Tea, and Soda included Cash Bar – DJ and Dancing all night Cost: $45.00 per person; $90.00 per couple Make your checks payable to: Club Corvette of CT Reservations & payment are due no later than the Dec1st meeting Returning this year by popular demand – a $15.00 grab bag!!! Bring 1 per person or bring 1 per couple Directions to the Clinton Country Club: From the New Haven Area Interstate 95 North - to Exit 64, turn right at the end of the ramp, go 100 yards to the traffic signal. Turn right onto Rt. 145. Travel 0.8 miles. Clinton Country Club will be on your left. From the New London Area Interstate 95 South - to Exit 64, Horse Hill Rd, turn left at the end of the ramp, go 100 yards to the traffic signal. Turn right onto Rt. 145. Travel 0.8 miles. Clinton Country Club will be on your left. Dress: Business/Business Casual (No Jeans) A CLUB CORVETTE OF CT SPONSOR Racing News: The Action Express Race Team of Christian Fittipaldi, Joao Barbosa, and Sebastien Bourdais won another championship in the Daytona Prototype Championship. To accomplish that win they had to beat their Whelen teammates. The Whelen Race Team had an incredible year with two wins, ten top 5 finishes and so close to a championship near the end. The Whelen Team was only 2 points out of first place and leading for much of the race when wet conditions caused an unexpected early end to the race, leaving the Whelen #31 car in third place on the podium. “A bittersweet day,” said Eric Curran as his teammates in the Action Express #5 car won another championship. “Huge thanks to Sonny Whelen, my awesome teammates Dane Cameron, Max Pappis and all the Action Express guys who put so much hard work into this program. Watch out Imsa, Dane and I are coming for a championship in 2016!” Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R Team Partners with Whelen Engineering - Eric Curran and Boris Said to Pilot Callaway Competition Racer Old Lyme, Connecticut — October 8, 2015 — Callaway is proud to announce that Whelen Engineering Inc. will be the primary sponsor for the first of the new Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R's. Beginning in 2016, the Callaway Competition-built racer will compete with the world's fastest GT cars in a variety of racing series worldwide. Founded in 1952, Whelen Engineering designs and manufactures premium quality audio and visual warning equipment for the Automotive, Aviation, and Mass Notification industries. With facilities in Connecticut and New Hampshire, Whelen products are designed, manufactured, and assembled in the USA. Sonny Whelen elaborates on the Callaway-Whelen association: "I'm very excited about working with the Callaway team in Europe next year. They have produced an amazing Corvette that will be a perfect way to promote the Whelen brand. Our objective is to penetrate deeper into European markets with our all-American made emergency lighting and siren products. We believe that Callaway's presence in motorsports along with their commitment to quality and success will be an excellent fit and help us to expand our sales efforts in the European marketplace." Distinguished racers Eric Curran and Boris Said are set to pilot the first Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R. Boris has driven for the Callaway team since the 1990's, and Eric is a prominent racer with an impressive winning record. Among their other achievements, Boris has captured pole position at Le Mans in a Callaway Corvette and Eric recently celebrated major victories at Detroit and Road America in the IMSA Tudor Prototype Series in a Whelen Corvette. Curran looks forward to 2016: "It's really exciting to be entering into yet another program with Whelen Engineering. Sonny Whelen has been a close friend, sponsor, and teammate of mine for nine years, so to be venturing into a new program combined with Callaway Cars is a really big deal. All the guys at Callaway have been good friends for over 15 years and I've done a lot of work with the Callaway Car Company. Boris and I have been teammates for many years in the Whelen Engineering GT Corvette. It's exciting to be teammates with Boris again and to combine all these things made in America." Boris adds, "I'm excited to be back in a Corvette with Whelen and Eric. We had many great years together in the past and to do it all over again with my good friends at Callaway is the perfect fit. I've always said that Corvette teams should all have American drivers and an American sponsor. This is how it should be. This Whelen Callaway GT3 Corvette is the coolest looking race car I've ever seen and we get to drive it!" The Callaway Corvette C7 GT3-R was unveiled on October 3 at a packed presentation during the ADAC GT Masters Season Finale at the legendary Hockenheimring in Germany. The new car replaces Callaway's Z06.R GT3, one of the most successful cars in the history of ADAC GT Masters with 23 victories. Reeves Callaway stated, "We look forward to fielding this worthy effort: A quintessential American Brand. With American Drivers. Fueled by an American Company's sponsorship. In a premier European series and settings... we could not be more proud." Callaway Cars Incorporated is an automotive engineering and manufacturing corporation specializing in high performance applications. Founded in 1976, the corporation's four core business units include Callaway Cars, Callaway Carbon, Callaway Engineering and Callaway Competition with facilities in California, Connecticut and Germany. The organization produces specialty vehicles, engineering services, and performance products that showcase technological sophistication, artistry in design, and beauty in craftsmanship. Join us for a visit to the City of Lights June 11-21, 2016 and see the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Versailles, Normandy and so much more before spending three days at Le Circuit de la Sarthe for the 24 Hours of Le Mans race. This trip will be one to remember, hitting all the highlights of France while cheering on Corvette Racing. Your tour fee of $4,995 per person for double occupancy ($6,295 for single occupancy) covers hotel, ground transportation, tour tickets, all breakfasts, three dinners, Le Mans race tickets and corral tickets. Space is very limited. View the complete agenda on line. ====================================================== The Kentucky Nonprofit Network has announced the winners of its 2015 Nonprofit Awards, to be presented October 28. Receiving the Distinguished Nonprofit Leadership Award is Wendell Strode, Executive Director of the National Corvette Museum. The Distinguished Nonprofit Leadership Award recognizes outstanding leadership among Kentucky nonprofit chief executives. The award recognizes achievement in the areas of strategic leadership, community building, ethical integrity, innovation and commitment to strengthening the nonprofit sector. Wendell Strode has served as executive director of the National Corvette Museum since 1996 and is noted for growing Museum membership and increasing visitors to Bowling Green and Kentucky, resulting in an economic impact in excess of $35 million to the local and state economy. He is also recognized for his exceptional leadership during the sinkhole incident that occurred at the Museum in February 2014, using the disaster as an opportunity to gain world-wide media attention and experience record Museum attendance during repairs. Congrats, Wendell! CLUB CORVETTE OF CT CUSTOMIZED THROW BLANKET This is a customized throw blanket produced by KTCustom Throws for our Club. It is the Club's logo stitched in Black & Red threads on a cream colored background and measures 4' X 6' in size. If this is something you would like to have to display our Club logo in your home or Corvette, please fill out the order form below and send it with a check made out to Club Corvette of CT in the amount of $42.00, which includes shipment directly to your home. ($35.00 throw + $7.00 shipping cost) Send check to: Ronald Goldberg 400 Taulman Road Orange, CT 06477 (203) 795-9823 ORDER FORM Club Corvette of CT Custom Throw Blanket Ship to this address NAME ___________________________________________ ADDRESS________________________________________(NO P.O .Box) CITY___________________________STATE___ZIP__________ TELEPHONE NO.______________________________ Please order @ $42.00 each______total Cost _______check #______ For all your mortgage and refinancing needs nationwide, please call Rick Kross at 203-415-1231. I am a Senior Loan Officer for NEAlliance Mortgage in Old Saybrook, CT. I would be happy to guide you through the application process in finding the best competitive interest rates and programs that fit your needs. Call me today and let me help you achieve your dream. ___________________________________________________________________________________ To place an ad, please contact John Giorgio via e-mail: [email protected] or call 203-272-7336 fax 203-272-6417. Note: Your ad must be in by the 10th of each month. Six months free for Club members. =============================================== PARTS FOR SALE Don Truitt @ 203-925-1334 Stock Wheels with Goodyear tires from 1987 Corvette 16" diameter X 9.5" wide Tires have 1-2 seasons of tread left on them Wheels have some curb rash but not real bad Asking $150 or best offer =============================================== PARTS FOR SALE Marty Merola [email protected] I have a oem top surround never opened in the orig box,all the nose panels with tags on most of them all oem,the l&r side panels r 63-64 they r white,have a dated 64 hard top nice shape,date 64 rear 3:36 gears,c-1 big block motor mount,holly carb think is from a 66 vette, metallic lined brakes, hardware,may have other misc brake parts for c-2 (The above list of parts for sale was sent to me by Marty Merola. I have no idea what he has for sale but I asked him twice to put it in English. His last e-mail reply was, “this is corvette talk an its very understandable to anyone who knows what they r looking for” – Roy Master) =============================================== 1989-1996 CORVETTE C4 FIBERGLASS TARGA TOP LT4 LT1 $400 OBO John Giorgio 203-430-6549 Credit card welcome Black fiberglass targa top in good condition. From a 1996 with only 69K miles. The fiberglass is in good condition with no damage but the paint has some light scratches here and there. The headliner fabric has been pinned up. The fabric looks good but needs to be glued back up. The weather strips are in good condition and soft. =============================================== =============================================== C3 PARTS FOR SALE Tom Gormley 203-405-1893 A nice set of complete doors. Will fit up to ‘82 - $350 firm for pair. Very nice ‘76 meatball AC compressor - This is either new or a nicely rebuilt - hard to find-$125 Radiator $100 Front pair of upper control arms - nice - $75 Fan housing - goes between fan and radiator - very nice - $150 Other miscellaneous I would like to sell as a package but other offers welcome. =============================================== PARTS WANTED Tom Gormley 203-405-1893 or [email protected] I am looking for the following parts to finish off my 76: Top of the distributor and spare tire. 1971 C3 LT-1 COUPE Matt Winkler (860)333-7962 <[email protected] $29,900 Great LT-1, of only 1,949 1971 LT-1's built 44 years ago. Always garaged, never driven in winter, never in an accident, and no rust. 350 CID, 330 HP (code CGZ), Duntov cam with solid lifters 4-Speed, Close Ratio, Muncie M-21 Transmission Posi-Traction with 3.70 gears All Matching Numbers T-Top Coupe (with original T- One Top storage bags) Mulsanne Blue (#976) outside (one repaint) with same color interior 93,000 original miles Electronic Tuned Port Fuel Injection with Digital Control (no cranky carbs) Mallory Electronic Ignition with Electronic Point Distributor Hooker Four Tube, Equal Length, Aluminized Headers with Turbo Mufflers Crower Roller Rocker Arms (high lift, 1.6:1 ratio) Chrome Bumpers on Front and Rear Custom Steering Wheel Fiberglass Mono-Leaf Rear Spring Nitrogen Filled Shocks New Master Cylinder New Vette Brake Calipers (with SST inserts & optional O-Rings) New Vette Brake Pads Oversized Front Sway Bar (with Polyurethane Bushings) Optional "454" Rear Sway Bar (with Polyurethane Bushings) Original Rally Wheels, with Trim Rings, Turbine Center Caps, & Michelins Electric Radiator Fan (with automatic temperature control) Fiber Optic Instrumentation and Indicator Lights Mobil 1 Synthetic Oil in the engine Mobil Delsyn Synthetic Oil in 4 speed Transmission All original components will go with the car sale. A great running, nice "LT-1", which will thrill the right driver Shirt Committee Rich Forristall and Renee Dansereau have formed a committee to discuss Club shirts because our members and Galli have a raised a number of issues with the collared shirts this summer. This is a Club issue and input from all members will be considered. If anyone has comments or suggestions to make, email Rich or Renee or talk to a member of the committee. Further updates will be discussed at the Club’s regular meetings. Committee members are Joyce Baiardi, Judy Townsend, Dennis Krajewski, Steve Widger, Rich, and Renee. Rich’s email [email protected] or 860-790-0061 Renee’s email [email protected] Dave McDermott Chevrolet Corvette Inventory Pre-Owned Corvette's MSRP: Club Price: 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 with 3LZ, Velocity Yellow Tintcoat, Manual, 456 miles $92,900.00 $88,000.00 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Z51 with 3LZ Arctic White, Manual 2,585 miles $69,995.00 $67,500.00 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 2LT Night Race Blue, Automatic, 5,280 miles $56,900.00 $55,900.00 2013 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 3LZ, Cyber Gray Metallic, Manual, 5,863 miles $48,900.00 $43,900.00 2008 Chevrolet Corvette Black, Manual, 15,517 miles $36,900.00 $34,500.00 2004 Chevrolet Corvette Medium Spiral Gray Metallic, Paddle shift 17,377 miles $24,900.00 $22,900.00 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Electron Blue Metallic, Manual, 17,352 miles $24,995.00 $22,900.00 New Corvette's 2014/2015/2016 MSRP: Club Price: 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible 2LT, Crystal Red Metallic Paddle Shift $74,525.00 $67,490.00 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 2LT Coupe, Blade Silver Metallic $65,530.00 $61,890.00 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe, 2LT Shark Gray Metallic $70,470.00 $67,790.00 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe, 2LT $73,335.00 Laguna Blue Tintcoat $70,980.00 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe, 1LT Jet Black $61,000.00 $63,500.00 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06, 2LZwith Z07 package, Torch Red $103,925.00 $103,925.00 For More Information Please Contact: Kevin Syombathy Bill Sam John Zito Luis Junquera Stephen Cote Phone: Toll Free: Email: General Manger General Sales Manager Sales Manger Pre-Owned Manager Internet Sales Director 203-466-1000 800-228-1282 [email protected] PATCHES ARE BACK This is the same patch design that we had for the Club several years ago. They are 3 ½” in diameter. They have an iron-on backing or they can be sewn on for a more permanent application. The cost is $3.00 each. See Roy Master at a meeting or an event if you would like to purchase these patches.